HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-01-24, Page 1• TEN BUIL LING I w a n r a n C a. - VOLUME II. tl.11L0. Da. P. A. DIcUOUG.‘LL, CA N b. convoked at all hours, at Ales. W. it'. (i,(Asles. F,ont-Ni. G wench, Sept. 13th, 1818. 33– ALENANDER WFt KI\SON, I'ronin'tlrt Land Suverr, OFFICE AT GODERICII, IIURON DISTRICT• No:v. 21. V. 13 J. K. GOODING, �) AUCTIONEER, W'LL attend SALES an am pari of W'e Di -trier, on reasonable Terms. Ap• ply a the British Marl. Go,lerictt, March 9th I. 1.EWIS, B.iURISTBR, SOI,ICI'F01t, &C., Jane, 1b119. GODERICII. A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: anpnRSCH. G eludeh, Anrit 12, 1R1A. 2v.-nIOtf ALFRED W, -OTTER, General Agent 8 Conveyancer, COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS. 4c. fisc- GODERICII. Oet. 1. 1111111. ,24,4095 DAN 1'h:L GORDON, ii -5n CABINET MAKER: Tures doors East of tits Cnweda Ca's. (lfcs, WLS r-STI'E; 'l'. • QOD'ERICH• A ,; eat teak, 1849. .• -h3o Stokes, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, wEst_sTRF:1'P CODE1tMCl1. March 8, 1849. . 2ves2n JOLIN J. F. LT:NT— N, • r r 0 L r C. ennanieev)ner Q,v n'ii Bench, Ant) CCYVFYANCCR, • MTR tTP(rtt la - AI .EXA N 1)Elt MITCHELL. AUCT1i11I. 1:111 1, CORNERS, I:S, • SOL'Tti-E'1tiTilt)Jt{';-- March. 29, 1849 v2-08 a ST POiSIBLE GOOD 'TO TILE GREtTEST PO IS LC NUMBER. _..__..., ._. I, "rue cltEtrE (.ODERICII, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1850. poettll. Fronds. New York Tribune. A LESSON. ■T ataiir o- . qurore. Gal ye heartless - thnauaia, A lowly lesson l•eru ; A;I ,e who think temptation Your feet shoal I never nrrn All re who shout nut "Guilty," 17p„e this Helen's bead, AlI ham aor , Soon so ti,e word is said : Come. pause abide moment. F -•e y": ye shoal again— Think not alone of human gods, Rut think of human pain Fur. stay. those wicked feelings, That to eau, Winne horn, And even frem a lowly sung, A tufty lesson learn. Learn that the euiliv convict Wee nnre a lanae eh,IJ, Who -Cooed has only h.ppin.Ps Whene•er hi. e,e'her smiled; 1ware Mat his intent oraut Might have • gentle tone - Ah. gentle in tit. eh,! n-n's Ye fondly tall your own. L.nrn, Ion. how noon she stripling, Of parent was t»reft, Crew a .oanye and ravage ahore- A lit it* n.nru, left And. wonder ani if aaili, owes Soo a meade hi. f.otateps roam - 0. ! rnah-r w..ul i she wonder be I' ahoy land eta veal it home. Then. w;,,:e se h•nr h•s semeace Ofh.nl-hn.e.,t for veil... Foam home nl.kr and h,nnan kind, Scorn net tura t.i•ly tears ; tram 1h. hn!, Iee.on, E'en w L.i0 cane law. avenge, The end ..f bnq'nn r.m:.hmrnt— Rrj.,rm nn•l n^t Rrrtags ! lit, g - - The ma's land down Ms knife, a.i " Rather. ! Don't he ao-pnsitice, grandpa.' Anil as a ennheam had peddenly'came into the room the Angel of the Leaves ! I have lost it, Ad l: �ICULTL L E. .tar a few Il.,were, meek Them to the (.nee, I she rat'td this li'tle "wenn, an a lint' -a - it woe poor old g►nndfethrr, who care and my glory twvanished my beenty has . _ ___.s_.: thrungh the pxnnel'r of which rho half ea', playful cure, she -laid her hand a-nnrg the tho, Ane -,i, to that poor tittle b.•f. Did gate disappeared : my anminer honor" have pass- AGRICUL'1'UIttL REPORT FOR Iuokfne. and handed them to him,wytngas thin gray locks on the old man'" head and hear what he said? -he would divide his .rd away. My Bright and comely garment, DECEMBER. he did sit .mothrd them caressingly. ' You know Net morsel.' otalas ! it is rent into a thousand pens. Who 'Dere.' a pito little, bnneh for gnu.' that i most not he iallidle.'The.d man moved about the room with. will weave me such another ! Piece by The winter may be said to base sem- 1 A !dish - went neer the ch,1Js face is hil"" r Wait child affil your .,. ,,..k referee.' pteee has it been atiipped from me. Scarce- . earce- r.a t. rather nettle. We had n.d. .eery a, were fly, but in hie large eve.. art he lifrd them ! the girl said ?pie, her fate t,eeam^ sober.- arae, sn nverjnyed at theprospectof relief er wandered riff' on air. The sweet wound frr.al, tar stitch sant, preti a to the night to Ilan Ince .of 1'10 man, wan exereerion of I The old nrar'• eves a.'In inn to the flnnr; far his rfiitd, that 4e was nearly beside him-. nfmueic ofieera Inc nn more. Tbq birds of the :J" t; bit !•o .. that Clay to On 30th, -tyankfut•es., to Le.read as pian a word• ' and a hcavp sigh elute forth from bis bo- lilt.' But ihrre yet lingi reel some embers that Fant: id nr bosom mere dismayed at e Iarne tlunntty of .rima toll. and the thrr ' „ r. hook. Font. t my disolation-they bave flown away with meltwater went dime en 1'J J••g. below z n. T!,. nct en -the part of the naso was Me.; 60•401i will he very careful and not overwork I of pride {n hie hears, and from these the thck range. sn u.e nig'•t of the 251h,with a high wind of npoiitaneuu< kin Ineere and "carcely Ih,, t myrolf a; am; 'resi,,n d Ellen, after a muse, ashes were Woo n away arid they become " 1 stood in n.y pride. The son brighten. anddrN. We teem elan to sew the I.irl' of pram ; but by the ebltJ, it as. peter for .� s meet nut Rn '. -'at-,' F,1 i the o;d • bright and glossing. The thm,ght of nek' ed my robe with hi+ .mile ; the zephyrs or of the pn,sperity of her populato.an, will 1r prn.epo.•I11.10, without very utt5 '.rut gr mond• f .r doing Po. We adroral' rho nap r i5e Ifni of our aviculture, a -'d w. maintain there is nnlh,n,t in 0,41 climate or Roil to prevent its profit onproveu.eo; Lwree crups of wheat, may, In so'ue In •ranee., be produced In other couotrte. - front gall sowInJ on fertile soil; but we fee, dismal cerlatu, that even a beat. by careful mat0eelnent, and a selection of the mo.t .meal l' vrrieties, we could rale in Lower Canada, 18 Iart!e an average a They gene- rally Jo in the United Stater.; and of other grain. roots, and hay, our averages here prat be mach larger than to that country. It may answer a good purpose, that we rhbuld, ,a1 the close of the past, year, that has 110- iIoobtedly been a favorable one• furprnductug crops, submit our proposition, that this co.,ntry is not inferior to any other fur .oeri- culture, unless we make it so by out want of aki!I, neglect, 01 want of capital to im- prove ire natural advantages to the utter- most. it would be foolish or ueeleaa to propose or suggest improvements that it would be irnppoasible to Int matinee In ennse• ge'eoce of inferior or unsuitable soil, unfar t orable seasons, summers that were ton warm, long winters, excessively severe frost, and very deep Pnow•. Concluded aryl week. UNPADING FLOWERS. NT 7. 6. A*Ttlllt. Thirty years ago, a.mall, barefooted boy, passed to admire the flowers is a well eel. tivated garden. The child was an orphan, and had already felt how hard an nrphao'e lot. The owner of the gardeft, who Kali triennia a border, noticed the lad and spoke kindly to bin. ' Do you lore flowers r seal he. The boy lei lied. • 0h yes. We nerd to hate such beautiful flowers to mer traraMo.' were peeling w ►I' ro,u0 wad I of a� ct ur. I viten, to ec.lter into nothing ahr.e dear oiagea of the lonely hey, came the ah tip •"nnnan.l of a matt'••, an I n, ol.e,li••nce we tart•d forth to perforin some 'teed." err ! ICP. Our way was by the garden of which •e have eps.ken ; rad 11 w.r on this oc, in, and whale the suddenly dn.i;,aae,I uu I •• of our 111 ?h"r among the flnwru was re-forming itself ,0 our young imagination that Inc 1rridelt to which we have alluded or. urrr,I. We can never furgrl the grate- ful perforce of there flowers nor the strength and comfort which the kind words and man- ner of the giver i.,.pa•ted to our faint, Paint. We took them homo, kopt thou fresh ae Irani. as water would preserve Iheit file and branny : and when they faded, and the I.•avpe (ell, Pal" anal w^ihered, upon the ground, we gr.ereJ for their loss as if a real ! friend had been taken awns. It is a long. Ions. tunic, Pince that incident i occurred ; but rho flowers a Melt there Pnr"ne rip in aur bosom, arc fresh and bean- I tint? Gill. They have neither tided nor withered -they cannot, for they are Cefa- din• Flo,rn•s. We- never looked upon the roan that gave them t0 us that our heart did pot warm toward him. Twenty yearn ago lost sight of him ; but, if still among 11.e dwellers of the earth, and in need of a friend. we should divide with him our last moriwI' An old man, with hair whitened by the snow" or tunny winters, wan sitting in a ronm that was poorly Punished with furni- torc, his head bowed down', and gaze cat dreamily unon tho fluor. A pale young eirl came in whale he eat theft muting. Lilting his eye., to her face, he said, while he tried to look ehecifil, ' Ellen, de..r, you must not go ont tor. day. I fee' a great des! bet'cr, grandpa,' re- filled the girl forcing a smile. ' 1 am able to go to work again.' ' No, child you are not,' Fait the old man firmly ; and you meet out think of Sueh a thine.' TWELVE AND SIX PENCE air TIM the Or Tua ria. heteless, On the next morning Ellen was het ter. - She onnl,I .•' rip 5ith•.ut (.cling d•rev, lb.,' her hr..? meati .inked. and the freer ),. I •hyhtly abate4. Bot the nil man would not !wriest her 10 leave Ih•• h.'J. 1bom,h sin 'wetted him r-trne•tl♦ In let her do •n. The boodle of wo•k that &leo I a i br:,'t home, was weanned in a rrw.patwr, and this her grand'ather took up to read rote• time dart" g 'he day. ''this is Mr. T—'a newel neer,' -.id be .. I:e nper.c,! It, and Paw the 4.?'... • 4 knew 'r— when be ea• a p'.nr or. ban b •a.- ilut of co tree 1 e don't reniciiiher ate. Ile'. n, n.'l. rid w•.•nderfn tlt•_ And time, hie ryes went nlnno tl•t' cal mine of tar paper, ar:d he real 5).,o11 1., E11^', n"rh Thing. am he Ih.'nrrhl would in- terest her, genome n,here earn rename rence by the el tar -the name that wehnve pint Riven. The old man's voice fal!errd a• he read. Thr lane incident, sn fe.li, pia aleecrbdJ, had long eines been hidden in his memory under the gathering dust of time. Bat now 'hellion was swept belle. and he sew his awn bean'if.I ;•ardcn. 11r w.. in ,t and among the dowers ; and wi.hfelly Innking through the fenrssfood'beorphaw. hoe, 11.' remembered haling fell pity for him, and he remrml'.red a. if it wore but veeterda", though thirty years had inrrv.- oral, Vie lieht that went over the child', I fare a he harried him a few flowers that I were to lade and wither in a day. t -e,, the n1.1 nian', voice faltered while he , 1 UMBER LI. II Clark:and. r 1 Leve hand., they would net be idle, Ihnegh it is not esuch that they can :reompl.sh.' ' D. not troubled on that account, my ricnd,' #as kindly saswere•d, ' I will And .nn,elhieg for yon to do. Bat Ant tell me JI shout vnur,eil.' Thu" . necnragre, the old man 4.441 lku -tory. It was the crinoline story of the Top. f prone, tv : 1 I t. tends, and t'.P .pnrnach of want stUh d', r..g yei-n. T—.aw that •rale and q..1111• r-d.r-cndrnee was 'till =lrong in 31.rkl n t'e bs-uu., ferrite ea he was'. at J really eeniale to rah . upon any •ernII ci .p'rn"rnf ijerard i. s fire' u0peer- .ion was to 6500 hi• feelings at the sane time that he ex'c,..led to horn entire and preteen's' relief. Thos hr (min,? no ddlin'Ity .n doing, and the o'd n.ra was Poon after ;,laced; in a situation. toI.,i i,t I,IC0 ap..u. caIl,:n was nrressarr, « Idle the income 11. aa all-.il'kie nl for 11 e rumpurlabl. support of hit:t,wit-and grans'-ch'11. The Mower, „iii red with purely a Ionian* feeling, proved to be fadelens flowers ; and their beauty and perfume came back to the I@este of the giver, where all other Bowers 1 weft dandier dv no on hie dark and dreary 1 way, • read : and when lin came to the last van- i_ toner, the neper dropped noon the flonr, and ela.ping his handa tntrether he lifted 'hi. TUE ANGEL OFTl1E LEAVES. dim eyes upward, while his lips moved in ■l' lila HANNA!! V. 00,'00. wbip•'ervd words of thankfulness. ' What bile yon, grandt'a?' a.ked Ellen " Alas ! ala" !" said the.orrowing Trees in sirpriae. Bit the old man did not seem " my beautiful robe in gone ; it bas been to hoar her voice.. . torn from me! lis tailed pieces whirl upon ' Dear grandpa,' repeated the girl, "' why the wind ; they rustle beneath the squirrel's do roil leek Pet .tranmele ?' Shn' had risen (not as he scorches fur his nut ; they float in ked, and Was bending. toward hfm. - upon the pasting PI ream and on the frie- r rin ' F.Ilen, my rhdJ.'. "aid the: I Ill man, s tering lake. Woe IP MC T far my dear, Hein.hrcak'ng over Inc connt.mancr, as to.: green verdure is gone, t wee the gift of mewed anon, be lot of December 1 hnogh took the flowers. Dodo' not rake any re-! r O,ir want"'will not,wnit grandpa,' :1s his nnsteady Ptep., talking Ina wandering ly dial 1 "Ugh for the lobs of one, ere anotb. eotored &telt' walla r•nnw bei .ts we bad .,...rtes. . I item an•Ming himself, ' ft is murder.-' tag n favor as a re'orn fir that bilk, act, , breathed softly through its glossy folds : rtmels sewer friser• a• wee think 11 is alwacs Year. *rent br, and thruneh toil, prim " %Vale at idiot mild tri -morrow. You sill ' the cloture strewed pearls among theme.- brae flirts', in a Cana.hn0 a inti r, to have rbc' 4,, n and *Armbeth in body end iniad: i .fn,neer ekes'- which ares til hint. at the Time, a pleheure, I his ahadow was wiJo anon earth ;my bead }a. Cine -e,+ paysimlarly rielnvwswe'Eties-..44te-br..v-- pww-..p to uainlsood. Fr0..6 write 'If 1 d•tn't go bark 1 may lose my place. , camo with a feeling of relectance. Bet 1 was lifted high, and my forehead was fair Marie. The Cana''tan winter. far fr .w he -fit. Lia.-lLta .curnc forth mit Moist elactivc4 Vol. know 1 have been home 1.r three when •he tanked at the pale yonn Rir1 who !fro the heayros• Bot naw, how changed 5 hay la rune• 4.4 a±v,eltlt ora, 1•, reel tt•ernn men. If k• t frim *101 i n aPenciste/ the' a ' • j" 'D ' e,.a, In with her etre rinsed and her face hall" Sadness its npnn me ;-my head la +horn ; Dn. JOH' I IIYDE, tenor, ben Arial: where tar, taa4• err I re- ' 1.4 of f«eter- end -menial aetiviIv hoc itnP. ( ' WW0, ..'41 1n. v. -it. Ta- 1Te, time 1 y . I my e'en,' are stripped ; 1 cannot throw e h ' jLarc remit t:u/ental lasted i rotrrrly mthe .1'111 by draowng awl . •esb•uwi•, and rf'+rs hi variety above the era• kept away by siekne.v, a coi•tnmrr war' benerd the in pillow, he murmured t mors'G o. im- i slrwdnw upon the ground Beauty hoe de• JJ3D I ( A tj, }('+1 J,3"_ ef4rt, andther civ. Ifrote 00 enol road. to 1h1► at 01* sir. tie Dail Ina rmarlvaura= 1 ,•telae about t, rip his statI I,. went tottering into the n•.gn The bland kat re: reed (rem my heart and J rho. fore.• le .1i',r re I:a••_tr.' - , ..t;.' 1 tl r ul .•al•'^all . rill .110,1 a" w, rte afforded 1 STR.fTFOt U. ,A^ nth r •tire canto heavily from the oW 'conk into the Porta. 1 am lhrs t I sin a _,_,;y; 1 ,or err. wit a e.,[11 b.. t „ u. li ' npireneJ that his. I,;nr,'s !mart. air. p ' i J..'. 31. l_i..r;rLl, illy naked Irnbs mover. in the chilly t.ariris if tare hetet n,.t t•, c ,nve,am.. • t.•i. a l 1 In a rinlle•r idno,:' :led the. . l Th'r, r hior Hari eating in win ofrtcr, an- _ ._ p _ 1 a, g.•' .ri.1 tone g,r 'crhap11 It;cc :-air; the keen blast •coatis piffling 'mono I,rneeheel wilhint labor or cael to 'them.- room! cnn11,14 ter soon became' Were -led wHl ` Ice ,no tefffor n ,lav i.ngrr. If s••, 1 ting• when lite r1 Ihr dune npnn, sed turn- i them. The winter Is coming, E sin dos - AV NI. IZF'CD, ' Every c try porser.11 advantages the an M. work• Ile did n•'1 001 tit*lvnre as a '11C( 'E .rt.l'U RIGA' PAINTER. 4'e .. Ment Pn.fahlr in, its satiation and view) mere mer•hanie. bet, s, rat beyond the dnUr• pl incum' back, for I moat not lose the trig, Ile !gal br.L•re him an nIJ man -With bent `titutr.' Sorrow is my portion ; m0orning t shiners, and aur'ersete %sitters are not the of her callin enaerm2 into the idea.. to p • t lean and 'nosey head. 5nmetl.ine in the moat weer me assay. How shall 1 account UG IT-IIOCSt: ST. GODEAtI:fI. d• Nn{arth.r resistance was made M tAc'to the. ,hirci, who cl.• ?ted me, for the loss Oct °:. Ittag, :veaQ. least of noir a•ltantages. We require of whirls hr was going verbal •xpreaaton, and • old tan, In a little while hr was alone.- 'victor's conntcnancr Ftreek hem n" familiar, ,t this beautiful gent " rneroe 1.. provide gond sit;eater enol .L..'r.' nu iktng than M. owe. At twr-nit-,ene h.• She hail gone t'. work. Der en.pl.yelr , but be did not reeoeniae him as one whour The Angel had been listening. In Booth. Elm 1 K11 1 .tilt 1.1.. newel for rule animals and for mer -.for•: hot wear a ymIn; m11) of mlire then or4man• would not :et her go assay, feeble as she ' belied seen -before, ng "errors ler nnbeerli the lamentations . when tots Is Orly intended to, our winter* 'tutellierrcr and force of character. At was, wahine a forret use 01 her place, vis tiro ? in 1 inspired the old NIT beloved 'free.^ ani i he, " be com- �3 i>`' I1 ` 0E3_13 11, ,rill riot bis tr an• ria In ns. Ant tl.rcontrerc, th'e'y -fly. t n was the rondortnr of xaril• - '' •. JAbout mid -ler, finding that Ellen did not ,hir'ed . lam by the sal!, though every nh.,rgh.ng• elm frost end P...,w 113,.4.1 a gleet : c w,nt•'n level. So it pros«, tei,tite case n(' •h"ap.wrinted: and there was a good deal of eel. 'It is for you -for you?' And laking sorted ; pladtress in gone out of my bosom. V. would not think it Moor ble then the 4,cm-elated an.! fltable'news aper, and ,•, imaa. Coroeg of L•rbt•llosx Soret. J M" p ate hark, the old man, after t..1 •, rannm ' My . sur is T—' re Ited the rditnr, leaf hue forsaten thee. The voice of glad- GODERiCU. should commence nn the Ir.t of November., an a man. respected and esteemed by all',f„rill went ono. The premiere of seventy D ' n. 39.10 hu•hedhimong the boughs ; but let 0:letter, 25, 1949. a !vies end con'im,e to the let of Mar; hu' cola- why knew him. ` wtokero way tip,en hon. and his steps were ' ' You 1' T:,cre was a Flight expression • my whisper console the. Thy Pnrrow ie ---- ,, s..'.einR, a+ Iho apart al,oul Il, lot ..f D•- I)•. tag tho cernest strn..gl^ that all tarn sow and carefully taken.bat for a ecaaon. Trost in me, Keep my • seethe-. and emttnning. (40 wie hope,.) only' enter into who err anbttliuis to ti -e In the ' 1 t eet something to do. 1 can 1 of ftu ilii -e in the old mann voice. nation in tit heard, Be client and fort WATSON & WILLI.%M”, 'to the tat of A,.rd mem we shell harp nn- world, -the Ihonghta du not often ro bock work .til," he muttered eo hirrrel, as h Yes, 1 am it my friend, was kind_I P*9 P j1 ATSON .f G werick, ! Pewru. complain of a long witeee:' 1t i" A114-11101.mcri'lati-rlr, upon the earlier inn0 inrived anise the -•trete ' Tho roar ct t11 ' lar said. I of hope. Let •the word' 1 leave with ghee ARRIRTOI AT 1...4 III. Aa'*'e. sad ht d h tit tl h tit IP GEORGE WILLIAMS. e/`•itMossfw[. lit. of dos firm .1 Drew, Weller sed Williams. Barristersde.Tnronon. having oh,. is, intend into erepa,anen,.ip, mike P,aciie.. and Prof....' try tom the st oo the 71h of April. an. d the far off pa -t mn•t vivid reeolleettoe. nl (,.red. and whose heed was no lene_er . tea- ''he old man suns into if, his countenance , But these will be light arid peeving afBlc- sioa r1 1,,w. Cues ay end Co.y,Ta.c..e. the Peel ie prnpr•rly,plm.gb.d, and.atfieirci. incidents and i'u;Meswn• that were painful ; del In vain het made. application for ern. I and manner betrayed hi,, emotion.will i ,tion-. The ice will weigh heay.ly on thy wit i i 401010 keep .' p. eh. r Oettic.sit (' name, e red • ole ty grained In the f.'1, rowing may renorally i er nit'eeorahla at the time, and which are i pj,.vm.nt. Younger and more vigorous .1 have come,' and hie voice was nn,f,a ' thins.." arm" ; bot It -Ball soon dissolve to rid Arm of Worse' lelie,d under moles connnence earl, to April, awl the neap- lows 110.•1 to hey. as inAnence, more er men tilled all the place. and ho ala• pushed , , tear. It shall pas into the ground and Iv, to do what i could not do for mvee.f a de en c eco ee ilea, c coming ,11otwif fss•gwentv,ceu,rlenco that the walrtt'r rat life. 8'.t niter emcee.* Ins crowned cash IP ktlting herself and all far are' Can I do anything fur you ? Take,thia 1 Winter. Then welt I return sad clothe eomhuotes anrr rho art ..1 Aprt!, or corn• . sell -tweeted effort, and the gaining of a' But what ("mild hP dot Who wanted chair.., urI Ther anew. n• N moth before the let of D• reoibrr. desired longer remains a .rib the tervrce. an ol of d man like him, whose "The storm will drive rudely over Thee ; We hen fregimalty sown grain in ahi.emrn-' ject of doubt, the mind often bring. u p from mind had loot it, clearness, e-t.n•e Wentnl- ate i tT red Prat was 3000ptcd ; xad as the .mow will milt among thy naked limbs. Data Warmer. GeOprieh. i inns to this rile will set bra of (rcglieral oc- ' lens dr'enledt np.n our whole after life. In wide. Diren•raged and dr. ,pin, in sidrlts, he drunk n by thy route. Then will It Gc0roe. Wwa_ttas, Stratford, f eurrence. It may 'over doubtful to prime, the stair. of reflection eat one day the men he went back 10 his home, there to await alone. But i cannot ice my poor, sick rrerp up, In .egret, beneath the roots. - 21,11 December. 16.49. 2,.actf partteP: but we are l.ersu'ded that a ektllol whom we have here intrndnred. Arier 1hr fa'I of rvrnin., whirl, wan In bring the grandchild wear oat and die und"r the I Then will it creep up, In 'erre', beneath • and 'indeed t,iun farmer, poreessed of Pub I musing a long tone deeply ahatracied he return 04 *henni, h trig Irk nn rarib to I.'vc weight of hardens that Ore too heavy to he. thy bail, and rprcad Into the branches it (tT SUMMOl119ESregnireelbr the Now Di.- stent capital, will have It in hie pnwer,hv) took up hie pen and wrote brottly -- and hint. Al nightfall Ell.•n came in. Ilerfa'e has npprePPed, rind help to adorn tbem.- (Lf Met Coort Aet, asdsll ethse BLANK 1 'Moons management, to lengthen the these were 11..e Pentence" he traced upon so t borne. Por herr fake I have eungnere! my 1 shall be herr. to use it ! I pale in the morning, *poi now illi •ht's i'Olt.V$ area in .he District and Division summer* and shorten the winter", en far the naper that lay before ban :- i flmsliee; and her eyes were brighter thio nw•n pride.' I " Thy blood ha• now retire.? for nfety. Coots, on Rab pa IN. Risen( Mee Alen, all a it would b. whanlageows for ham tad' ' Dow indelibly Joe. a little act of Lind- when she trent mit. The grandfather was ' There was- a native. I The host would chill and destroy it. It kinds t JOB PRINTING .stented on the •o. it is Ibe unskilful and ne,•rctfnl far .nest, prrforr8e.l at the rght monoen , hu not deceived by this ; he knew it t.. be a 'Go nn,' said T—, who woo looking, Ta" gene into Ihy mther's bosom, for bet ehnnrat nelie.. sad en m•olrrne terms. trier that eotuplains most of infavnrahle and' preset iteral• upon the mind. We meet. a• sign of daease.. Ile took Icer hand -it was In keep t warn. Earth well not rob her G,derich. July 19, I849. •hart summer", and long winters; because 1 wP ria- throne. the warlike(' mach of rode h,,t : -and when he etooprd to kiss her el o. at the nl.l man rarnePtlr, and endcarorina ,.ffepring, She i" a careful parrot, she his land is not ploughed properly, or drain sel4'hne.P, that we guard ourse!yee agamot tle lice, he found thein burning with fever. to fix hu mdenti'y in I. mind. • knows ail the wants of her children, and Blank Deeds and Memorials, ed n fllcIently, to adroit of his ',mein, In it, am) scarcely (eel ,t• effeetr- Bit Penn- ' Ellen, my child, whyI,d yon o 10 work ' Von don't know me T ' g forgets not to prn:Ile for the least of them, t,• -,lar ? I knew it would make you sick,' ' Your face is not entirely strange,' said The sap that has for a whsle gone down will the old man Pah( in a arrive of anguish. T 'll most hove been a long time make thy emote strike deeper, and spread Ellen tra.d lo smith and aro apnrat en are wider ; and renewed and strengthened, it ry Ili : but nature wa. tan mach 0ppres.01. "ince we met . •hall return to nourish thy heart. Then, if 'I hive brought home mime work, and ' Lnn_n t Oh„ gee ! 11 is a Inng, long thou shalt have remembered ant( frosted in will riot go nut t.' -marrow,' rn0 remarked. time. You were .a boy, and f nnhent by my promise. 1 will fulfil it. Bids .I !I ' I think the walk (stirred me- more then "41,9(14 firth .n every bough. i will enfold anything el... i "hell be better In the mor- age- another robe far thee, 1 w 11 color sed Ft matt, after a good night's glee ' Markland 1” exclaimed T—, with end R p tin every part. It shall be a comely rat. .very the girl's hopes faded In this. Thr d.•n rnergt, springing to his fret as the meet. Thou shalt forget the present sor- ntorn+ng toned her no we'k that she coil) truth bodied upon him. ' SAY, is this nu. raw. Redeem; shall bre swail,wed up of Moe e from her hod ; and when her grad e0 T jay. Now, belied tier, fare the well father came into her roost to learn how ahs G,l a aceaon Cm' y minted the night h. (o•'nd her weeping nn ' My name ie Markla',.1.' \ 'rhe Angel was erne. Tl," ..!d. m�t- her pillow. `Sian had endeavored to get ftp, ' And do we meet -gain thus 1' reed 'I'-, tering winfr,r drew nrar. The w IJ bis. t hot her head, which was aching terribly, with emotion, as he krr•pod the mar's eha.l4)d far the sit.rm. The alarm cane grew ditty, and ahs fell hark under a de. hand. and haw 1••d the Ihr trio, B tt thn wont pairing coneeiouseew t bat her strength of tete Angel was nad,lct rat Ler heart. It wai goo.. ' Ah, oar, F hay. nrar' f.rRnrt••n t -an.- •nothrd b,.r anud ihr II,rPerntn,s of Iho The day passed, bat Ellin did nM grow When a sad hrnrtr,l briar, In•a rpnkr tonic ernprat. Thr ire r.ke. rattled en hit heater. The fryer .101 kept her, Mwiy p,',. kindly, and thn wor'ls cnm4,rlyd inc when Mehr, and Monied and we -R' ed 1h••o1 down. trate. Once ^►twice, wAen her Rrantlfather 1 had no other ron,l'ort 1 he hnnrh of " bit rlrn.ler bnnrher,"rami sloe, "I.1 was out of the room, she took up the work n•ot ti t. hunMtn nse►e o vo0. Rrr.k not she had brought Monne, and tried to du Borne fl"were yeti Rave me-ydn, remember it, fir M•neath the hetvy sal r'r.n-beak not l of Int while sitting up .n the Med. Bin ere a doubt -are .til) fresh in my hcert. Nut a h,,, hend, tel )en ran "pang bark to rout MD all Randa of DIVISION COURT time, or harvest's, in w.s1 season. Thu.l tanrowe ss k.ndnene comes so rbc Iv, Chit e A 611.01. BLANKS, and BLANK PROWS inantigement hu the elft rt of forcing the are r irpreie.l when it appears, and delighted SOKY NOTES, for agile at the Signal wink of ono s•as011 Into another, sadnot and rrfreohed as by the perfrme of flowers 0,15..m. Eery discriptioa of BOOK and affording time sir the incl favorable nppor in the dreary winter. When we erre a J011 Printing executed with 'ultimate and sooty for executing any work, or giving smell briar, an orphan• and with the mem0rt dispatch. Macron. a fair chance of the growing sea- to( • borne forever lost ton vivid in nor ten. In our climate. it certainly does r , young heart, a man tete whose hesnt.fnl l N O T I C E 4- genre that work sho.ld be executed, if pnesi• garden we stood Luting, polled • taw dew - hie, to the day; and In.. i• gr•neretly the re ere, and handed theta through the fence, To the Clerks and Bailiff's of suit when thio esnnot be aecomplt•hml.- ',peaking a kind word as he did so. Ug did the ;)tvision Courts. The objeetof this reasoning to 'o c;nvtecn not know, and perhaps never will know, MOO,inereaed demand for Nussoaaas ferment that ung climate le no renessale how dePoly we were touched by his act.- and other BLANK WRiTS, t■ con- •acuw r0T bad fanning end inferrer •repo; From it little hoar we !need Anwer", and ere nee' ion with the hilliness 0f the several De and ep far as we aro capable of jm lging, we .that heevieet afll•ctton a child ever knows - Maim) C tura in the District, has waceola d would not exchange our country, our end, Ion of pareses -fell neon I.P. We *linnet us in printing them in mucn largse'eam,- or our clime's., foe that of ahy nib., State lived among them. But dra'h..eparaled this than heretofore, and c0oeegnently sea- on this continent, notwithstanding all that bettem nus and all thoselereder tas0cutinne ►1.e ns to *Pal them much cheaper -there- is ntgwd'agatnet our short matinees anal and .flection that to the hearts of children fore wftntimote to the several Officers re- Inng'ewer° wilder,. We may m t be Gbh. are like dew to the tender grant., we enter - aiming thein Blank Forms, that frees lbws to produce sugar ease, ria., or 001100, er eel the dwelling of the etrangsr, and were dat., Nummlena.' aid all other Write his many other tropical productions; but ws treated thenceforth as if we had or nought to imaging to the D,a vie,. Court, wall he Rnld aro persuaded 'bat this country can product, have, nn Inlinge, nn hnpe•, n, weekneeses. at the Sized' Often at tie r.dnrel prose al epos ee aseregs, as heavy crop. of wheal, The harsh command came daily and simnel! Kamen. Ra,LLip.a sea fiutesecs rna teeter. onto, rye, buckwheat, peed io.as, .r,arlJ to neresn a.d aOl even far work �j 1 hfut sorstc•, wen we ovleaan. .mho ecru, palate'., toenails, carrot., par• w.li dose, or fNt 8igeat f r. fnderieb nips. MOW* td w+s+sel, hay, the gran@. tt4 t and h do r es Om costrismo. • a tee y woe of toe, mannte had pastoral eie become fain', while leaf has faded• They are an brit/Ili ht and lace. lot not a tui of , nn he loot ! 11• 6th September ISO. . Northerany n Ones to Ca f lion..om .-. One day-ws were not more than eleven all grew dark ironed bei. She wart In bet- We green, and full of pert m. ay when I R -a• mint erne yon "p le • whole. end 'be AM- M years old- somethieg tamed our thnuyhta ter when night mune. If her mind codJ g,•I a ill ,rw,r•l yon for patient -P. You "pit _������ We cam also hayednmestis aaisaa11 *levee; pp. hid them there ; and there they will bloon, !� �� - y Mek upon the earlier and ha ter time have rested -if able bind been free from ant carp in a softer air. Grace shall M *gam �T w abase ,h. iSuh Aetpa, . TOCi�T verve lilt aa useful and.pmflta►Is, of sot all -.whim we hada time home, and was loved enna and diet thot hta mature would forever -rho nnfading flower. of grat'tndr. In your m"t'nn, and a ren ewed breuty Karg f MAT d theA`@triet M HMroa. br,amy le a ref largo,) ae 1h'.Pn of am other toiletry t. and eared Mr. We were ;nee more in the have had power tri .'e-aai but a of waa,the 1 am glad you have coir, though grieved Rawl, ria w rhe si el •arv►ywt0, D r), M this Amman, �MsU eenertin.' but we. .1... •ds or isn51,4 swat wnn"g tM *wool M aranm•, a• prea.nre was inn great, Rho could not Inc that your declining years are made beerier The ecnwhng face of Wlnt•r began le Aar of elft and hb. m ;i i..s.,as se t Its" Mi I l features The einem gnu tM they • "'feel' so much is a nen It. ea ures. h e raging no `ding is owl seediwa It w dill Ogee, Pi N @timely, I s a win On.min- lied sle t, sat under else. grape arbor user dollar bll, and that herr nM ratedfather wai by misfortune. 1 bave enough mid to faint, and breathed its Iasi. The restless the non w' 1 M pid lw their unable_ try. a Rl the meet wnhl end,' of Me sub- we ailed her la teeth Ao g Then feeble R elowde fret ted themselves, to fntmeMa ; �/ these nattered en the sky, sad were beech• Bejall.b' st , 1Nt gymNeef JIM; amici less. as Mss Mead et P wawa. was Ito er Is f work. Upon bee rested s all aPa I �M�w smith of ton on 45., foes, and bei lips else hordes of their support and @A. was trove ' E have not cones for eb.nuy,' returned