Huron Signal, 1850-01-17, Page 44 • -ow MAMA t 1 LOT/. THEE 1 Old Albya, 1. lows deer ! the =isss d thy lel* 11,111 Teho Tee 'wee of thy'cre, the flew .t thy slier Aad mT he•tt bae.deah high, from the browser Dune. vie, T. auk down e'er sky g •.deer, old Alya..ty home ! Thy heights so teniae shot mad yowler sky 1 Ince. wish ire rime that anon. the at lie - They're the cradles e( freedom .w ..leer sod worth; O blew thee, poetic land, light s( she north Where days or (noel. virtu toJ messier truth Choosy to speed, •yon paibetie, the levee of their LVOIT4TjO OR 1*4. JAMS PORTER & 00., MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH, ] AVE art received roti the EURoP1:AN ...d A MERICAN MARKETS, me of the Cheep. I1 rem a•.d hilted' 'SPLENDID AIt8ORTMENT.f 3711171n I.1 D TAN CZY IDIRY GOmID2a (TREY ('U'1" 1ON cIIIR (111(:3• NTI.AM LOOMS. COTTON RIIIRTINGS. Prio•ed ('.ands. Poe tett Mwdlaa, I).L.tae shed Cashmeres, Balmier/um, Rarrgna.d Crepe. Seamy end Orlet.a. Ch.t!a. Alpacas m all mhos, of haat te' .Iy les. yeah 1 14,11.s. there., end Mann Turks.Worked Cap.. Cullers ittssuful Linea Laces auJ Lace le it not h„id thy green vales, old AL.y., hey. 1.,+r. Lawn. cod Hen 'kerc hies, and Ceff . Gond. a vanery. h Ina Li•.en a'smtuserend IlsrMerehle(s, ladSham !Arlie* 11...hand ShaGlares •adkluetery, SV here the spirits of concord and unity roar.? Swim, Ikea, ■nd linnet Minibus, Dr's. IlJklr. and Scars, Artificial Flowage. Ribbons. Every green tree end f,,.ovia, tech munnh•n E...r A Splendid Assortment of Shawls. and I.ke wild bud MEhauuta tb'ur, 1 lay. 144, Shy AD IP 411,404r Tliu lOLLOWINO PI t I/ ]f 1P111 1 L 1 1I• MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LiFE FILLS LOST!! BELONGING to the .wb.erih.r, between his Bowe sod the Division Court Of - e, on Friday last, 13th umlaut, two PROMISSORY NOTES, Vpa.: One JOINT NOTE against Jam - EuaAa •nd Cl DoeUKRTY, filo £3 18a 91., drawn payable to James Phelan or bearer, and endorsed by Jam.. Parton, past due, -Alto, one against NICs A RL STu.Co►r 114..ek 13nttth. for £3 41s 6J., -drawn para lite to Caution Sauget, or bearer, written in German, ►leu past due. This a to eau tern any person trout purchanr.g the seine, or the Move partied paying the Note. to any person but the subscriber, -and ant pe r.on finding the above Noted will mach oblige the au scriber be la -Writing thrill to lino, 'I'I DOS. M. 1):\ I.Y. Sirrlf•n! Jell Ifth. 1519. 4,-n3n'f t STYLES. '4SI41U N.\I E. YLL c3or•r. e 1.. RI r to 'FAB Where ABLE. t. AND UUIt I r smite, [ i A. t.e 'E FIR h. FFI . n .o r O u sh- it Cheapness. Fa ire h for (. 'ae all D will oar that P i piled, Rea t lel and Fut Colones, and at prices bn Pn / Pate : cairn s Y 1 My tears o•er Ste nm.yr, esuGl• Inc ray cl.iJ. u.,abtcT w mag. Do. ' ' _. Chomp and Lamb. Wont Drawers and Shirts. N I 1 yonder ler yew in the ehurchy• d, • Shy m.ny en ruuuuu tomo, • u.g.rl STOCKS, Fearbaad lldktt lriak Lison. Buekaltin Mits. Glover. English, Fritsch t.d ,11OLESKIN . SA TINETTS AND T JVEEDS, .t ea.. tn' J and my 11A1)i•' 1 P t OATtH vff4T$ AND TiioW'EH$. )lou Far 'm•oth Ste d..,u shadow its hoaonr recline AMERICAN CAPS. Imbrue -mice true MDI .d thine. C ti i r NW ts Acid •r r' Th. Galles Gal Imbrue A l t thou not Jrbtsr, ell Aitty m, a , For tit' mnu.nce Illy 0.101 t.•$ u'-,i•t°td ..ver my Tabic , Llgens, Tnwelliugs, Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Counter- heArt 1 panes, b1:tr •1ai11eR 'Quilts, Damask Flannels and Blankets. To the thought that the light of this bosom of mine. 50 SPLE.'DID BUIF'I4'ALO ROBES!! ;Par icer erre. BAL'r, all of which will be wit ai very reduced Prices art of Gle welter's a d.ughier n(dlil,e T for The pr nod 5110 BAGS bap r L p Old Alby, I bee ghee ! 'boar all mote on evlh, CASII of M.rkeinbl. Farm Produce. 2v od3tf tVhat ..t..v ion elaewhirre, to the I. 14 elm! Goderich, 29th November: 1849. _... births •-_--- _ ..--.._.-_.-.-_--w To the lend of my toes, which confines my ymome ` ..•I! r7 desist', nia lisle IL GOOD EMPiRTIrE • And oris, nutlet its blue boll. the cages of my r. te' HOPES BiRRELL & CO. ('1)11I('AI.ITIF: . SWEETENI?e.-• Mint.,, how do you sell your atie•r to d,v r 'Univ twenty cents a pound, ter ' ('un t g to it. 1'll dei, k toy coffee without Putter and lies my wife for sweetening -Good day, sir.'. 'Good- _ day, air. When you get tired of that kind of sweetening. please call •ga n.' • 1 will.' •1Ie called next daY• • Lon - A Goon O.R.-Soon after the war of • 1912, an American Ye.. 1 with . a crew of green Yankee**, moored at St, ('atherine'r SILKS COTTONS. LINENS I t Merinos. Prints, Shawls IMPORTERS, I Small %% Hosiery. J Woollens of every • Tt1E Subscriber beset° inform the inhsbilanie of G<rlerIch and iia nctnity, d,ar hr h.o rr- teivnla Lore. Srnply of die LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, AND PARLOUR which he offers for RA REDUCED PRICES F The Sober -titter also keepe n at h.. OLD STAND, a LAE perinr ..•oriment Pat TINWARE of every d The sub -critter takes this appal ning hos einecre thanks to the Puha; liber.) patronage he has received o been its bue;oese in Goderich, and he attention to business. •nd in d.ra,e confiner to receives .lade of the public N. R. -GRAINING. PAiNTIV AlER and 11 II. IIANGING BOX, STOVES, LE at very • OK CASII. heed. as uouol. E slid very Su- 111111111111111111 ARE PREPARED rR BOLD ■T J. HEW. •MD LETT, •g, TONOE STREET, TORONTO . PH( NIX BI rTER A.1 Op Agana /b'wgd tho Praeiac s. - The high ma ..ted mammy *MA Ilex p"-sat•we Modems. hose aeawest it thaw Inannalde lead, en .fl Hewlett'' Restorative Balsam, dha diss.e.atladab heel t'••+•a ye". `""`odeLs ed Prks 1s. 3r. per Betas. thy M NW taay tarh• M y aae.t 1 Thi. Medicine a a pate and r (Be arioee; a.•le waft rime for Diarrhea, Dysonters, Bloody Flux, i _ himi am. eD ttten> Relaxation, and that disordered .tate Gal for (5 UTMMA, 4CUTE.ad CIIRDUC RU1U.I TWA Bowels. an prevalent during the hot wrath- A►rccrlwsJ rat MLADeER •.d asuN►Y. newt pssalree of roan eM'slit n.. any, lot aww• • tea linty .m We ►y rMu fww: theta eseription. mita of retar• for Ilio very ince he hos . Ly .tiiet pec•., 10 p.irnnage G, GLA - carried RY. of u lar, known sr the (jammer Complaint ; aloe, UIUOU$ rev ms M we fur the Chelt•►a Murals. 1. Sand {...moth,. Plata. Iowa, and rhwe. wG ism Hewlett's Embrocation N. e•'•• N.J.....W *MOW .*a t.i4.. anima an Embrocation, BILIOUS CHOLIC. and IYAUWI Le•.w.r. BILLS Win 1s. 3d. per Souls. CltersYea sea. COLDS •O1) VeN$, claw's For the Cure of RMunwupnt, BURNS, CONatMV ll.N. Uatd with renown.. 1. dr&au& Sralde, Hrasses, (inosine, Sw'elliog., Cramp, l'hilblamP, Cute, Green Wounds, Staines. n the Jeri* and' N ell, Numbness, Piles, }:-up,loos in the Shin, lilt. file. llewlett's Stomachic Tincture ; Olt, STRENGTHENING BITTERS. I'rice ls. IODd. per Bolts. For the etre of IVeak Digestion, Bilious Diseame, Pains in the Stomach. Loss of Anpente, General Debility. Palpitation of the Ileert. Cons,mption, kc. kc. 07- This Medicine is one of the beat and cheapest in circulation. CANADIAN FRIEND; OR Hewlett's Universal (lit.tment. Pried is. 3d. )..r Bettis. ' Fo)f'nring Corruptions of every descrip- tion. Ulcerated Sure Lege, Boer, Scalds, Chilblain., Le. Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills FOR BOTH SCKI'S. A remedy for(•o.tivrnelt., Paine and Gal - au m. LACES, ZING.1 Description and I oo as hen ofnrr. WILLIAM STO 1'o. 19, DUNDAS-ST., Sewed Goals, etc. quality. Godetich, 6th Sept. 11i19. 20-n3 LONDONi C. W. New Tailoring Establishn IN GODERICH. MERCHANTS SUPPLIED ON THE LOWEST WHOLESALE TERNS. r v11F. Subscriber bog• to •nnnunte to the don, C. W., 28th November; 1849. - v2 -n43- 1 ent in - lain.„ is of G,derteh, and ire eieinitY. II he hs• commenced bu.ipP•. in thin otos.. lin in the Ronm a,enning I1. HORTON'S Sad dle Shop. Market Square. where he w.11 be pre- pared to execute all order' in hie line on the dock in London. One of the Yankees pitch- p" ehorteet notice. and at moderate chorg.n. ed into a large i•a-elieuse, and the proprio- HOPE, BIKHELL 4, CO. , N. B. -Cutting done on the .hon. -t nnnce tor, presenting trent ie appearance t ya . JUtIV ADAMS. ret GROCERY DEPARTMENT. f 1 t he was a green oi,e,,aceosted h.m. Grocers, T ' ne Merchants, Fruiterers, , Godeieh. Oct. 47, 1849. ' }'r-fr n-rtenJ, ca -can you t -'-telt m- A eD OIL lIE.\; m' here his stuttering athpped hu (tNDAS STREET LONDON, C W r2n37 CHILD DESERTED. speech end eta book-keeper advanced to ) D - _ ' ON THE NIGHT or WILDNESDAY, THE. 14th init. his a4.wancr, PaT40 ao (lit early on the fnitowrnq morning, some ' !le was gt ing to ask you_ if you koew u D. & Co. respectfully •elicit the •Iteration of their numerous customers and the Public, to i I,r,rtlrse mother abandoned'her Pati g, to the why D,!aam's arts spoke.' 1 11 • their present I1ree and carefully aelrcred retch of Black and Green TEA. Nluseo.adn, Refit - , 1 Boson I du; repfsed: Jonathan. Ord, and gCreshed SUGARS. a and IG° evernmeot, Java, •od Lsguyra COFFEES. New FRUIT, inclemency of the weather, and the world's char- ' i Geese B1laern was a stuttering man .' I growth 1849. V Their Sark of \t INES is alto very rannplete-enn•ietnq of S.\NDE.\l:\N & Co GRAHAM eould'nt speak, so hie as. ',poke for tum.' #& C,., it[TNT'S Superior Old Port. DUFF GORDON br Co., and DE%SI'STER'S Pale, Gni;!- A French gentleman who heard runt I en. and Brown Shernee. BLACKBURN'S end WOOD & Co'. Madeira, Chempwiga, Claret, called spirit, went Into one of aur hotel a I witch willlbe found ni the hest gnat iirrown Cozens', Jai -mien 'P, and .oldter •sepaln1 or,eodr. ,rate aces. nd Edinburgh Alt. All of few evening.. .Inc.', and called fur a krlaae DLT -ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO." . of patch, regaee ing at the,sanie time that it should be mule with ' Ghosts from the IT Vest Indies.' -1 ARDWARE DEPARTMENT A lady about to marry a man who was TIOPI: BIR° BELL & CO. small In etature was told that ho ace. a bad fellow. • Well,' paid she • If he its No. 21, Den4.s Street, yery ua a ow. e , bad, there's one comfort -there's very 6ttlo ZROLu M ® out 11 7T®'J of hon.' AND 1.r.1 ,.... ...•,L,.OP . SENDING, AN UMBRELLA 'OT T4 LRORATn. Sheffield, RirmineLatn, Wolverhampton, and New 'England ci for hie pnlitene0P and humor than Sir. Ayr' Iron, Steel, Copper, T'n, I Lee& 1Zine, Spelter, es. Not.the lonq since, an old lady from thel A,,.tla, 1 Vices, I Nails, I Wrt, Glom, Cordage, I Saddlery. h I f B hlmt n on the or - on e r .ray gentlemanly ..-• H ARD W A RE. • on the Erie railroad, Panne is bettor known nctghhor nn, n n_ " AID ward train Gat cars, %%hen they had pa.setl Canada Plates, far. 4-e. it.r. for sale. ,end PJires i'ree ,ll,,,lrealy. Cnrhertnn, and were upstart' of a hundred miles from Pier•l.nnt, .iddrnly misted her Q ALT. -The Sabato-bee. offer for Sale 1.000 Barrels Eine Onandago Salt, lust landed, ex •'Os- umberrlle. ' There'!' She. exclaimed. 11J conte.•' a Oswego. Also 711 Ilids St (1be•Se.. well adapted for Packing para..ea. Sfi yin. Fine 1.i►rrponl salt, in tontine o tin of in a Yuire that attracted the at- s tentiun n( all in the rare, ' 'l'ttero ' 1 de• bags of 120 Ibr. each. 2ti0 BAS. Fine Davy Salt, weigh 14 lbs. each 11UPE,Prices BIRItE'I Irdt Co. clay, I've left my ',inherent -1. aboard the - 2.-:33 London. 29th November, 1849. .„ o teamh-.et ,town to Pienn,.nl,' and routine their Customers f•tr the ed bens lag her great Tose until Ayre. ANTED -5,00:1 Bushels TISIOTiII- S..ED, lar which the the Hielieet Price in CASH ont' lfth C*Ink, and the balance in instal earl they hate rccngceJ since HOPE. BIRRELI. d Ca'• mewls bring done array with. y entered. She repeated the grievance and it 1.e. {,Alt. 2x13 Produce Nlrrchamai The Kant' .n. rile 1St February each business, beg to intimate, tha sorrow to het, LI y year, are shunt clic Interest at Six Per CORRUPT HUMORS. DROPRIES. ysPJIPIE A. N0 wee. arab ibr tar artw w ee..lanal Slay want Sha..n..Wi.. tll.n.dalalr. ERUPT DUN. of 1•s Maw. ERY.Ir*LAB. PLAY, LEVO Y. FILVRR tad AOVB. Ta this snonus Jam wan ter. 0004.1 Urea 0.0400n..el W Loyd a S4& 0er1V. Gad w rt•rn .0.04. .1M ,.antra'. Mw W .oaten wlq..t at. row. of taw dl.e.w.-■ law to She.e wt.i.cn is r temineaaa- TRY T IIEll, OE P••1'1.►TED, AND BE CURCD. poULNSH. if CUM4LEXIIIN, OENLIRAL DLHILIT=. on/T. UIDDINE4.. (RAI'A•L,- 1IEIDAr'IiEd. trawl. tint. INWARD S'EVE'R. 1NPLAVMAIURY RI/RVVA MM. IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE. LUSS W APP. T1TE-. LIVER OOMPLAIN?B, LEPROSY. Loi»'t.\El:S, 1t KIIC l' MAL DISSA$R11.- N a.ea Co*. to ,.4...i. seals all rh. •IT..t..,1 Men'wr Weir thou the a0.i P..t.hl ,.e,an...,.a !hn.t+w,ila NRI/l t' .Ir EITR. NER YOUR DEBILITY. NRR i' -11 CD.UPLAtm.s or ati 1.1.. UR,:A\Il: M►TECrIu]A. PALPITA'TIoN rtfiV HEART, PAINTER'. GHULIC, PIL£B• Th.... ooi InA•101...4110.1Inea..nr wife nerd ,a rile. J M years .tadl.ts ala jb. us. 01 Oar Las. M.hc,twa Own. PAINS 1 the howl, •:la. back. limb.. r,,.....J atom. R II I1 ll 7I A T I w M. Thr amet.l ..th tV turd& & eao ..el be sore of nee( by M. Lae Woolrn.n. IIUOII 0101.11)1) t. the IIILAD, bt,cxrY. dines. in the Head, Dteordc re of the Liver,, sltrertet/u eu'ELL INax, IL ZING'S was a.m., ULI: ERS. of odors trecriytua stompr4, and Boucle; also, Indigeslion.-, Rt•.nuYa 'A, w 13'B EVIL, ..iw /'rice 9d. per Box. W 0 It ffi B . 11 au erne. n• 44,414117 °014 .1 by thea. Mauch„ay Psorous .,II ,k, .ell lo.,b,,.•. .' OK n. A Wr .•h ora'•Mona, w ouaererad. R.I.1 will h. c.11au 11EWLFTT'S Apperient Family Powders. TUE LIFE PILLS AND PlIO!IIi BITTERS FOR nirrll l EYF:S. PURIFY THE 81000, A remedy 6,r Cushceneas, Pains and Gid- And thus remove all disease from the system. mese in the Head, Disorder. of the Liver. t Pal a u.. LIFE PILLS and Ston•nr•h, and Bowe e ; ebb indigestion. A Ste Ina • c• } P5 R N I X B I T T E R S w).n.s'1.e ...e1 of sear• 0, Ti, the many IN trona w ho .ohd<•ct to lilies, in the rnimwua 41 e..ry pari'. the tattier. of T'all., thi'.e Powder., are rpm- Th. Sea xe of then n.drt0e, ar0.u. pot Gar is .t.n. umtnrmlyd, and (or Chitdren are preferable. rr'+'14 0 and libel,, t.reli.v w,u. • mpb••r ..soul ,l usLa'e G.ad a.,,,•nLu, c..manw,l t r J,rc<tiw.., a•, --Prig, Is. 3d.. per Bottle. to .1,446 14 a tr•.m1 .4' Broad'•) If.... N all anal co V ur IIR,c•, by .I.ieh /grown .l.,.n .0.0111411 saus., el .11y Hewlett's Antihilious Pills. a.d to. 'rh..rel'iw'• ••J ntio.tfi Ihn.1.1. thy...hu lar• u • glom r uf. .hue wr•1 ars eau Pries In. 3d. per, Beide. se *,oared tint they or sesame 114 a•r•ful, awl ,4 art An excellent remedy for Befell- Camp'aint. boy Ikon. .11h yrg„w wolprrt but if you du. In ..grad and Coati Vette... Thov remove all od.trnc-. last n,er sow. th.et G..m u•, or L..01 Woe,. 1a... "ns ^ >DR. WILLIAM H. sitorrATa 1 renolhen the jhCP.Uve OrgRnP, Extricate i)a Droadway, aurwr of Audi..). street, New Tet& ore Pains attendant upon 1h.orders of the It„ s.1. by mach, act es s Tonic Upon Relaxed - BENJ. PARSONS, etiruttone, and produce Vig,'r k Health- ole Agent. svlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills - Goderich, 7a'!. 23. 1848. 1 Pries Is. 3d pts Dor, • TWO GOOD FARMS the earn of ('nigh+, aLd .Atthma.- dmirable Pills -are most beneficial to FOR SALE. dy removal of Cough., rel eve dd1 - N } within 2 mitre, and the other with - breathing, so try n_ 'o Anth'nat:c O in about 3 miles of Goderich T. wo and procure the reflc.t r.g corn- Plut. T e first is 1.-.T 10 ro 1st Cunces- st and sleep. eon, To ahle of Godcrich, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, RICE Is. 3d. per Bee. 1s bounced at the one end by Lake Huron, ng Obstructions nn the Chest, and at the uther by a Publ c Road, -„sod g• particularly after D.nner,• the secund is LOT 8 in 8th ConcessIOD, t 1Vraknere and Debility in Colborne, \V.Divuion, rant. 'CONTAINING 100 ACRES, LT 1'r pved sal rN by n the Sim -web at the rime t MP S th St Cen HFor Sty, by leaving it in my sheep pen. The child - The!' o was then .ppai.nily shout four days old, and in a the spPI• thriving, healthy condition. Any person who catty in will give such information es w,11 !pad to the srthjecte, (.rte of re conviction of the unnetur,! mother, will receive •4 Reward of Ten Pintails. f'irreney. JOSHUA CALLOWAY. Bayfield, 27th November. 1849. 2v-n43tf 1,500;000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE iN CANADA W -EST. rT•1IE CANADA COMPANY have: for 1. disposal, ■boat 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND derprr. ea throughout most of the Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500, - 000 .\errs are situated in the 11nra,1 Trutt, well known na one of the stoat fort le parte Godertclr, 20th Aerie. of the Provence -it has treb.ed its popula , STI(ATF( tion to five year', and naw contains up- ,; R.O N F O U wards of 30,000 inhabitants. The LANDS are offered by way of - HONE A1.iVCFAC I. E.'1 ,S E , fur Ter Years, ' or Jnr 4 t 11 1) f) 1I' V-t.4r pian , f rI`HE Si'!'+criberd in return Hes For remora felt after eati raueed by area the D',estive ( 'lett's Dinner Pill.. Ilewlett's C iMPORTANT T Fos easing Pain mach, so general no Wind, and procuring Prire is. 3d. per Sold by B. PARSO Itleurrl. P. B. Clark Mr. Win. J ,ars Srd Infant's Soothing ORDI-t l.. O BOTHERS k Nut sea. in the Bowels ard Sin- th Infante, expelling the , r.. t-ahing s!cer. Beffle. NS Gor4Prich : , kr Co. Port Sarnia. 1 °ham. Owen Sound , 1T40. 2Y -n34 3 1R D NDRY. TURE. Ing thanks to liberal sup_ commencing t they have e.. a modem.' London. 2 ill November. IPL s far talc at low rate'. W ald he, in that all ? We can put you T as right Ina minute. Send for n by tele- WAN i r.u: !-S,uuu kis U!' 1VtlU1. Arvly „' Cenl.niwen the price et 11 0 Land. IJpon most Cooling. Br)s & Parlour T HOPE, BIRRELL & Cu. Pr greet, madam,' and Pit paying he reach, d 13 I ootid' .N.rckashu. of t be Loa,. whe.n LEANED, N u MONEY also Ploughs of eight descript:onP, London, '!?Ili tiorymhrr, I849. `v ° up his hand to the bellrniuP that passer IS REQUIRED DOW V -wits upon the stetter of the meal improved, \lou'd others, aecnr ling to locality, one, two, or oiling hill Dogs, and various or through atttltecnrs, jerked it once or 1wir e', three yeti. Kent, mast be paid in advance, tine. Havin;l rngngcd an cape and then went ill mother car, where by a wise arraneemrnt, all erticlen etekeil neon -but there payments pill fore the Settler Machinist, the eubsenhrra can coal the hoot are carried Meng with the train. from furthei'ealls until 2nd, 3rd or 414. yen reenmmen, their TIII1AS11ING of hie term of Leas^. (411NES of :he newest deo.gn, both The right to PURCHASE the FRED;- tinnary and moveable, and would anile' 1104.1) during the term, is encored to the • call from tntendine Purchasers before bu Les*Pe at a fixed ..m mimed in Leave, and ing eleowhere. All ardor. pun •anally a an .11 .wear to made according to antiei- te..del to and executed with neatness an mem, payment. despatch. Lint. of Lamle, and Any farther informa- tioncan bo obtained, (br ap,lfcati"n, If by Stratford, 121h-AnP. 4449. v2-n 9t(. *Purr poet p.old) a1 clic CoMP..NT mOTrlCRO, Toronto and Goderieh ; of R. RIRDSALL, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Sto\-CS. and eon- er vas- r.rorPd entry %I:V- sta. t a v- t - J DI VISION COURTS. and is retorted at the Junction of two Puh- .le Road.. For Particular. apply to , JNO. McDONALD, Esq. Go,ierieh, 12th June, 1849. n10 -t( -!11U'1'ICL. Ile optioned A moment afterward. with the umbfrlle, . Lurdarn•Psy 4' cxclartued the el3 lady In a fervor of del gill and aeton'•h carat, • 1 lnrw'd they sent letters and newspapers by tel, 1, ph, but le the fi'.' Game 1 ever beard of pending an umbcrel ler "-Jou. nal .f Cornmerce. TIIE PHTmICIAN PllrsicRpn.-Some tier e lien an etnin.•nt Scot i.h Phva•ctan, reques- ted an 'gently eminent .Ireton to accom- pany him to Pre • diettngmahrd but •Iippe re patient, which be readily Acceded to. - Th• patient w'aa rxeredtfIIV p..1111.6 both the meiic.l gentlemen, shaking hands wrli them, and bowing [hem out of the room to nn Saterday P'Pning, 2r/01 Octobers the moat affable planner, Sano after Shu A 1'OKF. OF OXEN. one B'nrk intim,. profee.iunal yeti', the name. phyncun rolled r r r } 1 KA L N OKll l3 again on tha.nr0eon, r another him to as. Re,I-Large Slrun., shnimn!s. Tho Illark OOP has a white Pont nn the root of the tail their way him to ire another patent. On -the era was her tern I e r wide the bet"- thrir way ihuher thr.nrQenn oh•erved-' 4 T In. he PROVINCIAL N11711A1 AND 3 ( 1 d t I • co•o mart R.npnlly far hope Stu• eat tent 0'tl behave more liberally GENERAL INSURANCE ..r,..o. vv ►-.._, . liberal _. ._.. received (her- by .._ and walk• wide In the hind THE nest Diviaion Courts for the lowinge- Teisien. Hare of Fnhl;:g Court. In. Court house •t Ct.alrrich. 2,1. Do,,k.n'• T.tern Hewn Ro.d 31. \Coal•, Tavern, Stratlbtd 4•h. Quirks' Tavern London Road. S1h. Ratienbury•. Tavern Clinton. 6th. S,-hw,l house Si. Mary'•. The Stomp of the Several Courts Huron Dottie will be held at the times sod place* fol - Deft. Clerks acme. Red Febou•ry, A. F. Alnrgne, Esq., Clerk. 9ih l.nury. Robert Cane, Fa•q , Clerk. Fill January. George 5Vi;liame. Eeq.. Clerk. 16th January. Genrce Carter r:iq.• Clerk. . 45,,. January. demes Cnrdno, Ern.. Clerk. 28th December. James Colmar, Esq., Clerk. will commence punctually at 11 o'clock. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. D. C. v2044 GoJerich, Dar. 6, 1549. 'ST TF BREWERY. No I(,I'.. E -q., asphodel, Calhurne 1)l-Irict : Dr. AI.Lrsio, G.elpk, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq., Stratford, Huron Nettie% . Grwlerich. !March 17, 1318. 7 STRAYED -Iran -6C Iramihe IIURON HOTEL, IIF $ih•eriher in returning hes tante.. HE Suh•rrther ho'ins been appointed A,."7; •cknowh•dgemenn to the inhabitants orf int„r,, an. n .I .cription. for Steck In the Proprietery Branch; iintinotte ih•t ete improved arrengements which iind said,estion• for Inheraece" In ll"' Mel""l•have recently been made in his estattliehment. Branch. end to aim tech information on the,erill enable him in meke • euperior quality .1 minket a• may be required. , MEER, and le fornish tt en ,,,,ch yeriyys b. rpm', JOHN C1',,,ARt; ihini to • continuant -et of the besieges which t -t Ow middle of September, 71,ree RTEERS.i Notice to Creditors. D 'did he nnt give you a fee!' `Not a shil ling,' wee the reply. ' Indeed 1' mid our tireatish G den, with • toss of the heed ;- • why he borrowed two guineas of mo to In the fiahle belly 'I' was the rpie.twe pot to seaman lit • ale, k (relief • •Dan't knew,' mpliel Jack, "Ito eliould think net. Ril there . was plenty of blubber we hout hien.' Ie.., yeas eld, toning five -one freckled re a e ▪ nd when voting gni glop 1,4 . broken. Aas pee.Oriet, writ requested to hand them to the enn 'meg information of the raid Steers will beffSubscrther tor Examinetton and Adjuotment DONALD MeR A T. M,11 Road, Toekeremith. For tt,r gelato of .1 .reph ViirpIllat. December atli. 1849. 2s-114311. Hamburg, 27th Sept. 1849. 2vne'lif Loathevertr.-There 010 thing the rivet, ot nature nivel ap• pears 11) 1111111.4111,1hle a• the male of I..n• wornal• tend. to tile strong* that longevetv hears no relation to (strength, ogee, cootploxit• ..f orgasm -Item, nr : do.ot nasally hve only from fourteen twenty years ; but the Eon., ae,i hese • teed • cent ery. evidently • lower rank in emetion than either, are longer hved this bird' ; it has been said of some specie*, • nd Of eft11.11111 snakes elan, that they grow se long as they Itm ; and. as far as we know, lore till mem acorient outs an end to their indellnee term uf Ide. And the toad It menet, t "Weed, he rod teat oil tea live. ; but inane of them ani- mate who were tested nit at Ito general de log% ore kW, to live toll they aro baked in their Nue et tbs vowel eosiegraths.- THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the -a- Inhabitants of the Diatrict of Huron, and the netehhorine Merton, thet he has Established himself in Stratford. lege. and in prepard to give Plane and Seer -thee - twos of Plialic et- Private Buil,9nge, Brulg• ea, 111:11 Damn. Lc. kr. Lc., and will rake the nuperintendence of such 'Erections, on the most reanonable terms. N 0 T I C E . 2,-nsittl ;na lyd , undertaking in the line. Address post PETER FERGUSON. Goderich, Nov. 12. 1849. and as practice as Redder, qualifier, him for Biulder. kr. kr. Stratford, C. W. A LL those indebted to the Subeeribet,1 I-1 either by NOTE or Illek acceunt, are I Stratford, Morel. 160. 1819. 2o-n7t,f reciter/wed tn call and settle their aceounte I on or before the firet day of Febreary next, STIt A'r FORD HOTEL. a. all Recounts unsettled at thnt date will be, without Reserve. put net fnr callect ion. THE StIbIlerl5Pr InlOrIti. his friends and THOMAS WATKINS. -a the Travelling Puhlie. that he hen %tatted C"'4"lrleb• 11"r• 26. 1949- 2v -a4711( - the larre BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (note the county town ot CANA1)A LIFE ASSURANCE. Perth.) lately ocetipted by hl r. Intute May, -arheret lie will be reedy et ell times to afford the usual comfort •nd 'erode's and Agent of the euents. IIE Stiberther having been appointed "CANADA I.IFF, ASSURANCE CO.," WINES and LIQUORS of the bent &- peat, w ith • SPECKLED "nth" 'TIN: ""i" Inf"rnallun' 58 1° th: 411;;;Iaalt;orred.. 18thAllu. day of August last, a RED IIF,IFER. FARMER'S INN ST ATFORD. ,i MRS. DOROTHY DOUG!: al, modes '-'4* Y^" "Id "-el of the late Thrones Doti lea, s information et the Signal Dike will be v-; ,t,..4•01. 1.41•1 10,0. 1.1,1. . 7 • Ott t Lill 1011101 i 1 I Fernier'. Inn, Stretford, begot to return her HURON HuTEL, the 'titbit" renerallb l'or 00 'ref, JOHN SAVAGE, 1st Con. Goderich. •troprot which OW' reeliIiII241 tb. Nov. 21, 1849. short IIIIIII I hey here been In Streifnerl. I L !NEB GE.NTLES. ersteld reepecifslly in- - fore et the Old Stand, in her own name, serf DF.i.i V Eli, Y, Keep Horses and Carriages HIGHEST MARKET RICE hop,' hy strict attention to the comfort ok L'IOR 0001) CLEAN HARLEY, at the FOR HIRE. Inv *loch he peepectfalir whew for Good Merchantable Wheat. hisr ineete, and moderate eharren to event. r MAITLA.VD BREWERY, litho Seb• the ministate of the public Mee. Dangles begs t a intimate tryst she owe A testy_ ?AID owe. form the trituthitante of Goderich, sad It. •i - intend• causing, on the bneinesa as hereto. seillaMielhfslial vls11 thrit he will enemantly 'I'll F. Subscribers williray the JAMES PORTER & Co. share of the public patreeege. /emitter. r. sat am JAMES GENTLES. 1044, rIMIF. Subscriber havier RENTED the a WAREHOUSE and wiimir belong - :ng to the Me.ore. Dateriport, of lbw place has established himself as a FORWARDER AND COMMISSION IMERCII•Nri Any orders or commtasion from the Mer- chants cf Goderich, moll receive prompt Windsor, March, 1749. 2Y-7ntf. TAILORING • A. NASMYTH IN returning thanks to hie friends and nit- Iner01144 Cuetomers for the Liberal Pat- ronage which he has received during ths past year, begs to intimate that he.has jast received an extensive Assortment and ts ready to Execute ail Ordern givm to him with care and punctuality as ("utterly Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receiver General's Dice. Montreal, 12th March, 1849. UBLIC NOTICE IP hereby gime, that Clemente for Rem:lion Leases in ada Wept, who have not applied to, end ved ment of their Claims from th• tore Agentn of the Bank of Montreal, I thetricts as heretofore notified m and after the first day of June neceesiated to apply for payment me, either personally or by dnly Attornies, to the Parent Bask in Can recei teepee in the will fro next, he of the sa appointed this city. Zhe IS PROVISO ARID S. VIGER, 1-12 mon Signal, BY THOM AS MACQUEEN, EDITOR MI apothem and dispatch. TYROS of TI4P Fleam or TWILI.VP •PD SIX Plum of the yea. Pin parer dile...aimed paid np, unless the publisher tare tad. so. Aay iedivideal ie the coo spnevohle for me sulteeribers. emeeth copy gratis. ET All lettere addressed to 11 peat mut, or they sot be 1 poet office Prinimg, executed with d strictly in advasert, with des eapiratese 'petit sneers sire Wake it blameless. try becomier shall receive a Editor mast be ekes eat at the Teo Imes and wade,. first marmots, •. 0.." tee here. Stet itessetian. Per Ilse. Er A Sherd Alarms made so IMO adeeellee Yr dee Is* -