HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-01-17, Page 3weePi tie ern 5s4 it milky geeniely, w•
tehsasaYlp em melt ades see ebligadise r de-
lJ wiry est es nese et rich meant. Awl we
Ilisisisd thee As tees* of their reseal pity
will gr. firtber'ie leg Mew penial ewers i•
s. tetas•tlss if elisksir rete, thee theegb heti.
ib. Obis sed the Signal ,obould note til
dee arday, for the purpose of cones/wag the pub
le that thea errors we perfeeU.ea
ELECTED 1.t JAN., 1850.
..y airy.
Mr J. M•N..sbi.S, 47
P = • 411
r. Q fissjrs43
•• E. McDseal/, 24
•• J. MvQ•tse, 22
Th. meetlag ended witbeet the kat dsar-
1 h•.ee, aid 1 heilieve to the seismal satiaieuue of
•1l preaeat. There is. • public meeting held slit
- day •t the wheal house, .:ties N. 3, G.
porno.. of eenbli.hing •n Agricultural Society
when 1 bad the pleasure of recording Ow n•ur.
'of 'J6 of our repecrahle inh.b'tat'u on oursuh
scription lite, and 1 here no doubt but we shed
muster three or lio., limen that number, but no
'cerium sit venue til the leading parties being
celled away, we hid to ',return our meeting un-
til Monday Rist out., at BMy6rW, when souther
public meeting will bt held to ap;,uint a Presi-
dent, Vire Provides', Directors, etc. By giving
the •bore i email nook is your valuable p.per,
will U.Iy oldie., Your otsl't.'r.'t.
•' order, and the Prn.mce so far Bankrupt that the Town.ht of o.r wu.y, onthe situate, is
P MtG'Ihrrsy, on the Big
try km* ill«». 1 tib"reform, porpv. sow A VALUABLE PROPERTY
to supply a few of the chief time is the ae.
count which stands to the creel 1 of the pre-
sent FOR Lt • SA *. J !
! Goverament. a'
11 e. generally understood that on their
accession to office, every Department of 1 n
1IIE 'barriber oder• for SALE hie
Government Governent was to state of great die i GRIST and 8
I there was out •ufBeisot (node in the Tres- Sable, *train three miles of Flanagan',
• wry to carry on the ordinary expenses of Corner. The Mills are now in'nperaton,and
• the Guncrement, fogey nothing of mcetl.g newly bnui. The Privilege is the beet un
the liabilities incurred on account of public the River, and ettuaied in the best Town-
•htp in the County of Huron -well sett
and Rnada opened in all direction. to (ay
it. The Machinery and materials are
the very beet quality, and put up by the
ry best Machinists. For l'art.culara
quire of James Crumble, E.q., Galt, or
ply to the ouh.erther.
McGdityray, 15th Januar', 1850. 2v
t// The G.It I(eperter will insert
abuve until turbid.
Township of Downie, 1. Sluiteith, W. E.
Dyros, Wm. Smith, Win. llualol•, Wm.
Clyne. Ellice, John 8ebrine, Alex. Gour-
ley, Andrew Subach, Jacob Brunner, Rebt.
Henry. South Euathops, 8,•baetian Fri'•
foils, Andrew Helmer, Peter Wood*, Al-
bion Sebring, Win. Coeacv. North Eitel-
hope, Alex. lleruiate°, James Paticreon,
Peter McIntosh, T. M. Daly, Jan. Rankin.
Tuckersmith, %Vm. Chalk, C. L. Van Eg.
mond, Francis Fowler, John Mrintosh,
James Murray, Jr. ilsy, Robert Doig,
Robert Boll, Caster %VIIli., James Wilkie,
Wm. Elder. Colborne, John Ann\, J, Jr.,
Wm. Young, John Morrie, Jr., Benjamin
Miller, llugh Fisher.
We uWlerotand that thronghnut the
whole Province the Tories have turned the
Municipal Election• into a political contest.
and we are glad to annnunce that even in
Conservative Ilwron," the Reformers have
s respectable tnaj trey of 1'°wnehip Conn.
tillers, '.Ve trust they will make the moist
of their privilege, and that the Councillors
of each'l'ownehip will elect a good s lunch
Intelligent Radical as their Town Reeve,
se that the New 1Varden r nil County Coun-
cil may be men of the right stamp. Much
of the •urcees of the Reform elope depend.
on the texture of the Manic'pa'authontins.
And as the Tories have Inng indulged in
this kind of war ere, it is best to brat them
well with their own weapons,
communications. E./
-Guosaicn, 14!11 Jan. 1850.
To TRI IDIT)R Or Tile, Hefted sunray -
your permiinien,
lnrat..yourpermiui..n,1 world. eireugh
your eolamns, pall munition to what I conceive
to be ant act of grope injustice Josie to an little
nduel (and that individual • woman) by the
public, at the Senora Meering bell here on
Tueedey last; in the hope that it nnly requires In
be made known to be r.mrdi,J. 1 allude to the
palary which was voted to Mr.. Res. as Teacher
of the female School, via:, £40 in lieu of all
free, District and Government &emirate. arc.
A report was on the table .ieneJ byte Trus-
tees, *hewing the avenge nnml,er of 'scholars
attending Slrs. R 's eehonl during last year to
be 35, but I have good resins to believe that chie
was actually under the eeernee. number. NOW.
supposing Mrs. Rees had 40 *chola. at the low,
nee of St per quarter, here . at ranee the am.unl
without either Government or D:..riot allow-
ance, but now she is to here nothing but that
sum -and that loo, eart•iw/y sit within a year-. 4"
end he obliged to tike all that may offer them- an
eeires a whalers. re
I cannot, Sir. help th-.aiieg that Mr.. s 1 h1
ee.e a peeuLa,'y hard and diwrrarteoine. L7ery
one known the tedious •n i pwt epee -trying nature
of a teacher'. duti.,, end that they earn their pit-
tance hardly enough. but Mrs. Ross has, (in ad-
dition In chi.) with mach ineenvenience to herself
and fam;ly, furnished • school loem for two
years in her dwelling house; and now et the very he
moment that her ,on has eompleted a' comforts- rob
ble school rnnm at his ewo center.* ter her. ib
ender the impression that by the new Seine! 10
Act she would be remunerated in proportion to eta
the nimbus of scholars she might her., and u,
with a eeiernunarhon on her part to exert her-
self to the utmost to increase her income, ■t
chi• very time T say, does • public meeting of.
her neiehheurs v,nually declare that she has been
Inc wail paid of Tate, and that now eke must be
content with berely two th!rJs of whet .he fur•
merit' received •hhoagh her scholars may be
increased tads -finitely. This •.rely must have,
bees the rrwlt of haste or want of consideration
in the meetdg, and 1 sincerely trust That •eme
means will yet be devised to de Mrs. Re..justice.
i have heard it argued that the G',enm.nt
ha.mg made no provision '» the Shatste for the
Teacher", there was no help for it but in'•ct in
thin way ; end alio that 1110 school taxes is
quite as mach as the Town ran pry. 1 think
neither of three • gond reason for what warden*
If the Government did omit to make the neera-
eery provision for the school". see sppro•eh'ng
session of the Legislature will afford en opportu-
nity. which 1 pre.ume will not be Inst, to provide
the remedy. And to say That, beeaax the pub•
lie may grumble In pay £110 echoed is.. Sirs.
Rosa must rest satisfied with a reduced ;n enure
or else some other ;oltriduel may be glad to
take it. is. to say the least of it. nn ungeoeroos
return fir the exertions of a faithful's-reset ;
which she has pureed hereel( to be, i( we may
believe the report el much parties as have been in
the habit of attending her examination; or that
of the School Sepenoteodenu.
On Tuesday the 8th instant, Mrs. Robert
EILcr, of a sun.
• lllarritb,
On the 71b iser., at the rr.ulense'.f 1b- bride's
father: Mr. Gaosua BDrCnaKT til a.uileen, .n
11;.s SARAH hex One, deaghser of Mr. ['Nivel
Orr of the •1'nwn.hlp et Msl.hide, Lnad.tt Lis'/
The nnrn:nation of a member to repre-
sent tbiu. Town in the Provincial Parliament
neon ,Into on 1Ve.lno.'lay last. By IJ
i•'cleek, a large number of the inhah,tanr,•
had assembled on the Court Were Sgnere,
vett shortly after a commencement wan
vole. Mr. Ilenry Ilam It ere read ng the
Writ. T. C. ()son. E•q., was then pro
ported by L. Lowrasnn, eernnded by 11. C
It Beecher. 1. Sward Matthew, 11,n pro.
pored John Wilson, E -q., which win se-
conded by Dr. Andernnn.
The She,iffthen c,lle! fur a divieinn; the
0m -potter. of Mr. 1Vtl•en ,gong to hi-
ngM,-and'hone of Mr. Disnn to the left,
when there npf•e-, - l at leapt two to one it
ns ore- of Mr. WOrrin. Mr. D-xon then
d rnamled a poll, which the Slyer lir annouu-
i.ed would take place on the 18th.
Mr. lawra,nn then op:rolre;l and spoke
fora! half -ver -hour, shower:mg out ebu.
.ire epithets rush as turncoat, reeeende,
k^., on Mr. 1Vilnon.•• In the course of his
r•'n'Immontadr he repeated thn lis of the
llam,lton Speclntoe, *hat Mr. Mitten'.
re-tunatinn woe a bargain be. ween Mr. W.
and the min,.try, se his resignaru,n uses
km.w•n to Montreal and publ:.hed in the
filo( long before it wan knot n in Loudon. •
ir. I.. wee here interrupted with cries of
" But you .1u1 your peat to street Witham
Draper." 1Ir. Law rasnn roan need to work
him•eif into a tnwer'ne passion. 11•• c"uld
e -C no occ.n tn for•Mr. 1Vd.on', resigning
him seat, kr. kc. Slr. L. had nothing
new to offer. and the as.emhly manifemUne
same impatience he soon retired. and was
followed by
works, which were then to an incomplete
state, and providing for their future prose.
cution, and the accretng interest nn the
public debt. The several ruble. Depart-
ments have been placed r• ant f icient con-
duct -public narks have been prosecuted
with gr at energy, and tho previoda Ilab'li-
ties on that account arranged, the ordinary
expenses of the G.'vernmeot have been pro-
vided for, th,'to'erest on the public debte
lila been punctually paid, and rho cied t of
the Province retried to par.
%Vith respect to their Legislative conduct
i will mention the Unvver.i*y Act, *Lich
relieved that noble endowment from all
.ectarian influence, and may he taken as a
fair sample of the liberality of the Similar]
in rellgt•res 'natter...
The Municipal Act *hick confers on the
nenp'e the right of managtiig their local af-
Ton Joint Stork Company no: for mak-
ing. Road., kc., u hick is now so extensively
stimulating pnva'c enterprise in those must
ns -fail work.,
Tire 'taken', A=atetanee Act which gaits
*hn er•dit of the Province to Tame funds for'
• ,e costo ma ing a Rpd-
1p -
Colonel Morgan !
sieve on neena.
3 TON OF HEAVY POLL delle,,./
It the [cable Mille, fur whi.•h the
FUR est Coati Pro a rill beputtII ole.*•redgoon,
also wanted a heavy span w horse. f.r
FI I Cub, Apply to
6 B t) tidJ.
W ITII the Rise or k'aII of the Montreal Bahl* Mills, Dec. 29th 1b49. Wil -s2.
Market., guaranteed *ken sold, 1* CAME into the ireb sure of the Subeeri.
required. C. CRABB.
GuJerch, Jan, 9, 1850. her about the first of Novewhs
The highest price in CASI1 PAID fir
IIF.REAS my wife Elen Malnugh.
hnIda R NOTE of HAND from me for
One Potted Five Shillings, Currency, Due
nn the 37th inst. I hereby caution all and
every person against accepthtg or perches.
E ing the paid Note, ae 1 will not pay rhe
same, never booing received any value for
it. And I hurler intimate to the poblie,
that twill not h^ In spensible for s•ry dr ht«
which the paid EI'en Maletigh n at ewiarari
after the date r( this notice.
Ashfield, 5th Jan, 1850. 2v -n49-3,
we'll Cc TAY COW. -Com* int* *lar Eaenseere of
on i' Ili. Sete/critters,.beet the :et Dee. I ,l9, s
RED COW. • The oeetr le reenmeed to prose
prep-ty, pay charges: and ,hake ter away.
Alen. 1•nsr a small red STEER ('•I[ marked.
N. Any information ',erecting 1t, wi.l be thsenfn!!y
receival and rhersew raid. J. art M.
N. Lot 4 1, tet C.n,. Gederi -h. Jan. 9. 49-1
N -
(t 1 Sit: in;n the ('le•trnIg 0r the e•ahecriher
on ane 2.1th December last, 2 rows,
one Black, the other Brown, with a 8.:11.-
TLe owner i5 requceted to pr vc nrnn.rty,
par exren.rs, k . 1VSi. S lITII.
Cth Con. L -•t !0, 1Vkwannsh, J0:1. 8, 43
For the berefit of A. JOHNSON,
'eke place at the Shakeepc.re Hotel,
Tbureday Evening, the 21.n of January.
rltoclta 311 E.
Cavalry, Broad Sword Exerri.eem,
the nor half ,f tl ( It Infantry, A, JI)iINFO
woo, not less than seventy five miles" in Slanuarl,.loon, !Musket ex•re, rpt
'•net h, so soon as the first half shall be „'
"neral Fingal, S A. JOHNS()
enmel-tett, French Foel, Ell I. SIA III,TU
1 -The hmi'cd Par'nerehip Act, which nn A. JOHNSON.
tomtit will he extensively brought into nee, After which SCENES from Shakespeare's
Olen it. provr«iuns shall become more Pl'y of / % R
a!e l*e rye het/wit 111 ,\J1!—TiT
The rest ,roetty with the United Stater 1j,J` 1 j j
1st, pr'n'ntime fir the entry free of Maty of
Grain, Breed ,ruff., l.nouher, and meet kind.
-.f agricultural ermin-e of the Crenate, en
anon an the United State. will permit the
name to enter into that Country on the
"tame terries.
The Post Offc. Bill, by which it is pro-
vided that the Letter P,•tane in British
North Americo, shall he of the uniform rate
of 31. enrh, fur any distance, mu goon as
he Pn-t OO - c, should be transferred to the
severe! Province..
The Amnesty Bill,
- The improvement in the Election Lair,
and several others less 'mine tent,
1le..des which they are entitled to the
reedit vet intrx;uctn00 an Assessment Bill
nhtrh had it passed into low wortld have
provided for a more jest and egintable mode
of a.pee.ment than now exists.
The increased Representation 1311, which
the Coeslttut,on r' quires should not be.
rimea !ow unless it received a owe of two
birds vel the (louse, was Inst by one vote,
nil had i*' pureed greater power wnel l have
been conferred upon the people, and that of
he Governme, t len.ened.
Alan] 01 the • f,re_oIng meapuree are
•cessari!v of greet Ienzth, and regntrod
rest ability end industry to frame them
meetly. When brought into Parliament
hey received an opposite -on as factious and
etermtned are ever erste(' in any counter.
and were legislated upon after the burning
of the Parliament Billings, under the pro-
tretinn of an armed force.
I do not intend to make further remarks
on the foregoing as every man who can
read, may'saWdy himself by his own re-
.rarche+ in the Starnte Book of l est session.
Nor to the foregoing ti.tended, as defence
of the mtniairy. but merely an account of
ennui of the most prominent items which
thry are entitled to have placed to their
credit with the Canadian public,
• 1.ED(.ER.
Drug, Chemicals, Patent Medi-
cines. Perfumery, Brushes,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Dye Stuffs. &c.. &c.
'VHHF,subset-doer. beg to inform the inhib-
n- c'ant's of STRATFORD aml the sur-
rounding Town.hip., aa well as the public
n general, that they have opened the above
eetabhahment in this Town, where they
Will also keep constantly on hand a choice
selection of
When they hope by keep by keeping a good _
.leek at low prices to receive a same of THE De'ota due by the late firm of
public patronage, 1 STRACHAN k I,tZARS. as Barri.-
Pht'stcia' s pre5crip:inns and family re• ter and Atornies at Law•, will be 1 aid by
c:pes dt.penscd with the greatest accuracy John Strachan --,0d Dtntel •IL•me 1.'eora, at
and pronlutnnde, their reepectne offices to Gndench and
13. -Crawford k imloch'• Mustard Stratfnr I : And'th. debt, dee to them err
wholesale and retail. requested In bs1'f.orthweh paid. Thn.e dee
R. WIL LIAMS k Co. the nfee at tsafer,ch, to the raid John
Strn*Wfnrd, l4ih Jammer 1850. tvn50 Strachan, at Gniiench, a.fnre.aid, and chose
Z`AM E veno the enTlusure et the sutler,, "Oe ter office at' tratfurd, to the raid Dan.
her in December Inst a Black S"*EER• lel home L•s1rs, t Rtr+'lf,4, aforesaid,
canting three yearn old, with a w rte fare. JOHN .'TRAM HOMY. LI
«tag' horn., a black ring round both r es. 11,4KIF,T e r. LIZARS. •
the tip oh, tett white, and some white on (''d•nch, t d Jfnnsrv. 1850. tr_n49
lea belly. 1'he owner t5 regnr.ted to prove
property, pay ••ha•gen, and take hon away.
3-,.. Is lain - -- 1 L.g1V,
Solicits, in Cbnncery, Conveyancer,
- Hae his office in Weat Street, Coderich.
Goderieh, 9ted January, 1830. 2v -n49
Mr. Beecher, who finding himeelf succors- e
(el in a small joke, repeated it over and t
over again till the ao,embly got tired of a
him, lie soon Cencloded wit', expressing
tau dcterminat'nn to oppneo Mr. 1V'l.on to
the 'trainer. Tho audience did not seam to
regard chia lost as a very original item, of
utfermation. They did not expect any- 2
thin! erne Ile wan, however, fo l ,.sed br r.
Edward Uatrhew., F. -q., who, stated that II
he wa, a ('cnnervalive, and that Ire would d
.app -'rt Mr. Wilson, a,.ho considered hem
be a tree ('on•erva'ive.
Mr, Wilson then commenced opeakine,
d ennttnul•d for nearly three hoer., with
rgoent interruption* (-mu the as.cmbly on
e Lett. 11e referred the Electors to his
published addre.n, end mal,, .rime vore
happy lifts at the " Faso Kings of London,"
who feel been so vexed ■t his re1ignstien
having taken place without their being con-
.nited, One of the five, a ehnrt time ago,
when told that Mr, Wilenn Karl resigned
lid not believe it. `Non -said he. ' tt cannot
true, Mr. 1Vileon never convulsed me
out u:' Mr, 1 ilson then explained how
e fact of hie resignation became known
Montreal before 1t w•s.-made pnh!ic here,
tng,that his re.ignetinn had been sen'
wn to the Speaker of the Houton attested
roper form, as required by the rule* of
the House, at least two weeks b^forc his
address was pnhlis trti.
Mr. Dome then followed in a., grand re-
boot) of hti speech at the Rebellion Losses
meeting, nn the seine moot, nine months ago,
ranching very ('glair .ab, -it the Lea -tae,
and committing himself a. rade ae he poem -
lily coup. ile was evidently .nfrering urn
der h,. recent defeat, and gemmed to feel
that the tide was agamat hint, lie again
denied having Invited the Governor to Lon-
don !--and endeavoured to Imnre.s upon
thane pre.ent the enmewhet nrieinal idea
that he oppe.ed the erection of the archer,
hot after they were erected. diel all ho could
to prevent their being polled down"
A third nerunn, a recent imnnrtartnn, atyl-
i•tg Imre-elf a Prote000r, we. then nominated
for the purple of delivering a telling
eraeech In favour cf M r. D xinn, but,
(.*range tncon5;etency' coming Ir -nch
a (vcrier) h pr•ved to be a trnveniteof Cur-
rau, s celebrate,, speech on Emancipation, -
The shade. of Peening cotton:: on, found
/hie °riffle .telt beet' at bus recnatnne,
which he gave in most maj••stc ptyle to the
half -losers that remained around. -Free
117 Wt will attend 10 this subject in our next.
arid in the rareatene, we solicit the honest con-
sodernnn of IIs inhabitants, to the p',vanee
complained veli. And wnold earnestly prof est
tritest the reduction o* Mr. Ross's solar'', on -
low some mere soMlsseal reason eau 1.e given
for 11 than the here wppositinn ilia, the earn
school monies for the petwont year will holt& la
be rased by IsIeo.men*. We he., the fattest
residence that the Legislative Grant will Le
girds s..tlable as 'seal. Eo. 11. 8.
8e Jsn. :th, 1250.
Me. EDITS. 8lse-Our '1'ownah'p meeting
was held y,ererday at lbs some piste, where u
was let year. wiles the follewi.g g o kmen
were proposed mad seee.d,d, and at the clow
th• psi1 seed as b.Iew:
D. H. R'elehw, Fp., 121►
Dr. Cels, 114
1/'.0 Balsa, 63
" Tamer, 111
Marl iff,
Sey ion, k
Ductus, )
rt AMATL''U'A8.
Ticket* 1x.31, thil'lreo half price.
Pcrlorntonne to commence prect'ely al 7
u'cloek. ,Minkel M,r.re, kr. ke.
A. John5,.n was ;aught the Military Ex-
ercises at the Royal Artillery Gymnasium
Room at 1Voo;w, -h,. and to an rxaencced
'frill N. C. Olacer-he was selected one of
boor N.C. O. to exercise at play before 811
R. 1I. Vivi .n an,; his staff, in Jima- 1846.
N. B. -Mr. Johnson will instruct rn all
Jhlitary Exerctees emery Saturday evening
der:ng the Winter, at Ute Shakespeare Ho-
Jan. 15, 1850. 2v -n50
CAME into the enclosure of the sub.cri-
r nn or ahem the
1h of N
last, a a Black iIEIFERwet" a e wet"ember white
epnt.- Aldo, a Red COW, with a white
race. The owner is reque,ted to prove pro-
perty, pay ex tense,., and take them awn y.
4th Con. 22nd Lot, McKillop,
January 1304, 1850. 2r -n50
A GENERAL MEF,TING of the Share-
hIder■ of the Heron Dintnct Building
Society, will be held at the, Brutish, lintel
Coderich, nn Saturday, the 28 h tnetan', at
6 o'clock, P. M., for the Election of a Ne
Director, to the room and place.of Sfr. Galt,
Resigned. Be Or•ler,
THOMAS KYDD, Secretary.
Goderich, 7th tan. 1850, 2-n49
rri'E PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist-
ing between JOHN STRACIFAN of
Gnder'ch, E.gatre and DANIEL HOMELiZ NRS, of Stratford, Ermine, as Deme-
ter an 1 Attorntea at law, Snhcetors in
Chancery, Notary Public and Conveyan-
cers, a this day dissolved by Mutual con-
nesp-A. W. SmearingGuderica, 20J January, 1840. 2t -n49
1)tMMA1NINC in the Pam Office et Stratford
jam, up to 7th January, 1n50.
Albert Tho er John John. Snell
Arm' 1, A. Jnrd•n Mr
hlrxander John Ketone, Jscq'tcs
Baker C Keppan Alex
BohmM Melonv Sieh'/
(tartly Win DJar.11 David
Brown Robt May M:rh'I 2
Bucky John hl'pt'n Philip
Barker %Vii ital Mo.. Win
Bannon Peek SIadJefnrd John
Brennen Jas Martin B1yam
Byers 1V E Murry John
Bickmever August ?diary Ilenry
Brown Sides Morrison Bard] .Y y
Cory Monro . Makin, John
Carmichael Jahn McTavish Jon
Coogrif John McWilliams las
Clark Thus McLennon Duncan
Gimbel( James ?McFarlane 'Andrew
Cline John 5i•ieod Arche'd
Casten John !McKenzie Slordock
Chewers Thos 2 Nornlen Patrick
Capbiae Wm O'Donnald Pedalo, t
Coulter Messrs R k SPnngle Geo
Cert. God Phelan Sichl
Carney Wm Russel Leonard
Donn Janes Rankine James
Menem1'ohn Scott Peter
Utiewee Christo Simpson Wm
Davison Will Scott Capt
Ekereweiler Jae Straldee Jilin
F'eher Dun:an
REI) HEIFER about three year man with
• white .put up the tare, and the rip of the
!eft hourn of; web a white' bel;y, a'.J spot
ted while and red hied leg.. with the (ower
part sit the tale w1, tee 1'l . own, r is ,e=
'jimmied to prove property pay expenses sad'
take her away.
Go.'erch.;1)'r. 31a 1i• -*9. 9v -r
t 44
1 I'I(AYes, .1) brow the SunM•
h•er on the
lot of tone leer, • YOKE OF BLACK nine year', old; one of them had a•
IA II on when he left. the whet has a red
atretk on 'back. Any p'rson leas ',+ in•
1.o:illation at the //neon ,Sign'a1 ('l8iee of
the said Oaro mull be ea i•6e.1 for their
K•neardire. Dee. 20. 1r19, v2-t2
TRAYEf) from the reheerit.er nn sr-
" •bunt tl.e 1•t e1 Nut,-,', r I\•1, One
Y. be t f Moil OXEN, brewn streak en the
back., pix vebrs ulJ. Also three COWS,
nue blark,rpaneled with whuennote. Os.
!arg;. acrd Cow u•th a white Fare. One,
lined back br•ntlle Ceti., end one Two
years old iced Heifer. Any person leavirg
u,Frn:ation of the above citric at the S'g•
net Office or with Sir. John Allan, Tavern
Keret r, Coderich, will be uatisfed for theft.
l►entae: J`AM( F. Mr('OSKIERY,
Kireatd;ne, 24th Dee. 11-19. 2v-4'7
A T the Golerich Mills -end C •ah for Cheerr
hi Saw Legs at Goderich and Rayfield Mills,
C .j.rich Stine, Srl, December, 1849 4n•If
A Nil for gale by the Subscriber- Cheap
nnh for Carp or Produce.
4.5 Chests 'Nits. Miscovacok o'her SownBoxes Tobacco, Do Soap,
25 Wm Jesline Beat old Ohio Whiskey.
40 hills McLends double rect. Whiskey,
1 Hodgehead of Cognac Brandy.
I Pip- Ilighwince 50 over proof.
English Iron Brat Brands Besotted. -
500 bbls fine Salt.
Woolen Shawls, Do Piaide,Printr, ke. ken.
Goderich Dec.121h,'1fl19. r45-v2tf.
the residence of the subscriber, in the ted
Co* cession of the Township of Goderich, about
he end of November last, • Promissory NOTE
ma le by one Jacob Winton in favor of John Cal-
IId er or bearer, for 1:11 15e. and due nn the 8th
No ember 1949. witnessed by Robin Elliott and
John Healy. This is therefore to mitten any
per •00, finding or receiving the paid Note, that
the tame is still the properly of the pubscrlber,
ant, that he has not 'priened the same to say
rev , and that the frame msy he delivered in Dixie
1V risen Esq. Barneter, Greferich, or In the sub-
eeliber• JOAN GALLAGHER.2nd Con. Tuwnah,p jeGrodericb.
4tb December, 1849. 2v-n45-tf
OTICE.-A Young Man, of good moral
1,\ character, who hold. • certificate of quah-
6eation, of me. ofthe first clue, is desirous of
obtaining a Common Sehonl. 11e has some
nowl-die of Latin, and will he ready to •teach
few of the fire' elemenrny hnoke in that tonne.Apply, if by Letter, post -raid, to this offer, or
n Mr. D. MCydlan, Teacher of School Settees
No. 4, Tucker.mirh, Lendnn Road.
Supt. C. S. Iluron Disiriet,
ducatton Office, Heron District, t{
G'derich, /'8th Dec. 1849. 1 2r-n46•tf
N excellent Farm, being Lot No. 12.
Martlend Concession, Township of
Coderich, containing 100 arree-.30 of whic►
is cleared. The land is of a impeder- (matte
tv, and well watered. it is sated exact.
Iv nine miles from tho town of Goderich on
the Huron Rnad, and at the jenctinn .of six
different road.; a, d am it ie In the center of
a popitinue and prnpperous leen);ty, it is ex-
cellently adapted for a Tavern trend or a
Store. Th'•, farm is well entitled to the
attenrinn of per.nns desirous cf an eligible
situalten for business, and will be sold on
very rrasonah!e terms,. For particulars
apply to Themes Dark, Tavern-lieeperr
Guderich, or to the propnetnr
JUN,Is cors.
Village of liarpurhey.
June 15. 1649. v:u191t
Stev'nvnn Wm
Funck Alex Shray Denial
Ilendertiop John Stewart Dunkin
Nen Hay John Taylor'WM
Hamilton Hugh Verner Ilroore
Broughton Joseth 1Vallace Thomas
iltene) Wm %Vont' Geergo
'teepee James Writ Prath k
Hamilton James
A. F. STICKLE, Postmaster.
Stratford, Jalr. 7th, 1150.
OFFICE, 1st January, 1y50.
From the Pro.,ncial;st.
So much has hien raid vet the abort corn
ing of the A.Imint+leat'nn, that 1 wish to
draw public ■ttentnn to the other pude of the
picture. I e feet the fault-Snding which
he. for seme tome poet prevailed like an
etadrnoc am.'ng.t Reform newspapers,
'night induce a-leangnr to close there with
the opposition Press. All men are entitled
to fair elev. and to no one *s'ht. more jn.1
thee to a Ministry. Invested with great
rower and renp•rn-ebtlity, the pvbhe natu-
rally ink to therm for the retire.. of all their
•nope -,ed or real gn.vsne... Perhspa there
in no country in which these demand. pre
mail*, more impatiently than In Conedo._
'rhe Ferrate hating poor, hopeful, energetre
+ni'n'elllgenl, and long lanenistting tinder
*bad system of G •yernn.ent wh•ch seemed
to be Mrsnliehed ehw8, fur the internee of
melting Upon the aprila of Ate. Instead of
'levioinlf r,••r•e, todeglnp• the vast natural
renonreea of the enentry, it is *raresly to
he wondered sr, that the advent of ante
R.nponnble G on/enigma. and Renters ltm-
' •-y, chinMIhawe awakened hopes of redrew.
es the lehnet time that the pre.eet .d-
minietratrht have been In power, has as yet
treated than, from gratifying. I am not
Maples...l with this nota of ., thinr
well of it. Let the o ondau-
pe pts continuo
to ewggmet and demand gmn.l meastipr.w,
led In time they will succeed But
40 not let es be enjo.t to theme
is power. L.t tN always while demanding
new remiss, Iraq Ie imbed what tie Mian
w ■
I tv
1'...I (las his office Re ("innerly. in Stratford,
i , Stratford, 2nd January, 1850. !.-n49
1,.., N. B. -Mr. Strachan, of the Into firth u1
Strachan k L stria, continue. to act a.
C Agent and Cosine,' for Mr. ear') in all
T •nacrrs referred to hem from Strati ford.
1 3; s's i o nF1:RGC,S.
Z j w v•7 •i _ r
R e•
:14 Mt
t '''' 2 OChSe>
C iIi•1 s
).t i 4 . V e F
t7 • 1 1 • P
t i
7 ,
s><. t' g f
and Conveyancer, :Solicitor is Ctaneery,
¢d •,
l l Or11R as jnet received a Entree
1fE 'd t'n'npleteauhuertbrrbA.sorlment of DRY
GOO S. GROCERIES, Hardware, Crock-
`....0ory, tne,, Sterna, kc. kc., which he of.
(erg at low remnneretrng price" for Cesh or
Fut Reodv I'ar. Ah I.,rge Stnek of ter? bVe
+ rtnr Canadian 1VIIISKF,Y, for Sde 1n ,any
q„eetite. Alen, 1 gond semortment 01
!STOVES, (cone.stingtof Box. Coek,ng and
Parlor.) Pi"neful. Miser Kctlle., B•ks
Ovens, and ilellied Pot.,
The highest primp Hid in CASIi for *07
quantity of Good Merebantabie WHEAT,
Pork, and Tim •thy 8 .4
A41 *wed" of ('ountry Predose taken is
e:e'1rag. for Store Good..
1.. W. WATSON.
Ferree It1i11 Storm, Jen- 1, illi.. lie-n41t/
Alexander William Lar:n Dominick
Anderson William Ley. James
Andr,wa James Lovett Charles "
A^land A Esq Morris Thomas
Britten Mr 3 . Manery Jatner,
Btrreks Mr Magee John
1111 John Miller Thomas
Brook Jame, . Mersin E
iioehanan 1Vt11ilm Miller Jacob
Winson Ilenry Marin Madam
Booth Robert 111 bi',cll••Samoel
Preto Hubert McCo•kery Samuel
Botchart George Marl) tngall Mem
Busy Robert McCulloch William
Weenie J J McGrattan John
Blatef,rd'John M -lire George
Cobb C MeMahen Junes
Colbeck John McKinnon John
Carey William McDonald John S
Churchill John McF'aul F..Inuh
Camer.'n Alex 2 McGoire.Sichael
Cox Margt A n McDonald James
Cook Joseph McIntosh' D
Clark Joys Mchihen Win
conk William McLean 1)
Don b E -q Otter A W E•q
Don Jaws r)'N:el Mr E J
Donohue M:chael O'Connell I)' net,
Dnnehne Jahn Porter Janice E.q
Dentin B l'eck limn tied E•q 2
i)onovan Simnel Natsntel Pierce
Dark Thomas Patel Wiliam
Deno Andrew Penebacker Ilenry
Deamnw,l Cornelius 2Reaeh J thn
Dowell 1 Reece Alreire
Decagon George Rnesel Wiliam
Dillars Johanna RobreeLnn Ilenry
Donitvan Hithar•I Roes Alex
Elliot Jaynes 1 10..4 %VOltam
Emerton Mr Savage Mrs Wm
Felt k t;n M Swftaer Jame. M
Flenoog Patrick SStntbeta Stephen
''riteley Ric!) Sot hero WI.is.io
Fi.her Sliciriel Stewart Rrhert
Fergn.,on John Starev J ,.nes
Fry James Stanley George
Finn Jnnn Stewart eta ellen
Fi.her Joseph Seni n t% M
Grant Jn nes Stewart limes
(;ihsdn Jame* Sin':zee 1 a•eoh 7
Gellatly Jame, $te.enenn Robert 2
Griffen John D Sarong Gabriel
IInRillAne B Semi Welham
Nealy Petrick Stiles Mtrnnn
1 trete Jonathan 8otherle,d W on
Johns John Taylor Robert
Jeffery William Veneto*, lamu•l
Jordan Thelma Varney E Iw'd
J donates James ,V1 It Prom Daniel.
Koff( Comedies Wm.., M'ehavd
Karcher George War.nn J,r,-u
K..ty Therm Wallis Caroline
Ko.nptnn Thomas Wheaten John
Kemp Thoma, Yonne11
L i minas Sant Yawn"
C Jan
GidwrieS, Jan. 1, 1640, H -vele
T() 1, F'1',
TiTAT hend.nme tw•a-stnry house., opposite
the Steamboat Tavern, helot -ening to Jobe
Wilson Ith, and pre.enrly nrenpied by Mr. Bea-
man. 1t is hirer end well adapted to the nse.f
a respertehle family -homing a lege garden sad
orchard well stocked with excellent foot ones of
v5rtonad.reepton.. It. proximity to the har-
bour nfGndench enhances the ealee of the "inn -
lion and as the prnprioI.r is deeirnue that it ahoeld
rennin:. to be occupied, it will be let on ryas•
enable Terme, either for one or mere . as may
be agreed open. For farther parr;entire npnly to
JACOn wit,SON.
2nd Fehrnery, :249. 52
81'RAslunti(., 11'mIoRLon,
26th Fehrenrv, 1•49,
'pm;; Seh•rnher he re*:r tat m.tr. to hip
f• ends and the 1 ravelling t',hl*' genie
rally, that he he removed from Now Aber
deem 10 the Village r.) en,re-bough, and serif
n w be f.wed in that well *noun honor fro.
rlv ree.pled by Mr. Jwcc,o-where he
ew• :I he 0..•145 awl elite to cnrdnre 1* tin
enmfort of 'new who mat' hnrm him with
their ptrnesge. - And while be refutes
thanks for wt fh.n,.. he here,, by rtnet
en *tine an Me went* and wt•heo veli hie
s, *n•i1
*nil to m,a emotion/arcs of
the r pstron•ge.
N. 11.-GieJ STABLES a*d sttent;rn
Gennm*, - v2-n/tl
Huron District Sl,ciety.
O;' the `l.ciety will take place at the
British itntel, nn Saturday the t6tI.
. at 7 o'cleek, P. M.
A Order,
tNOMAH KYflD, 1Ss.i" .
G•der,eh, Jen. 17, 1850 to -t30