Huron Signal, 1850-01-03, Page 4m• coMTrA LI rt i . , Swann.. Htw.-A young easdtdete lately pessented laineej before a certain tr.d(eal society for •zarnutetioo, and if ac csplted Rae to is.•ctlre • degree from the •oeIety - The censors west on w'tit the esaminatio. N far is to And Lim grails ignorant. II,S iabarrseement• sod ,uort,A cation had thrown him Into a rioted aorta. In this pickle, one of the censors stied him what course hs would take with • pause% afflicted with the rh•omaliun. Hr repllal. " I would •writ hi..." " Wall,' .aid the n*"or, tied what method would v" i s.ke to sweat him r' The poor follow, who b.• gas to be a Ltt le angry on the occuton, replied, 1 won'J betel him herr, I •rear lis he examined !•' A RIPA•T.R.-The best lick we have lately seen at °Meta! dignity, come* hue iter picayune. Tile incidrrt eranrpueal some years awe in the I:violaters of l.00isiane : Sir " earl s member froth Assumption, I a t. here, tho pr'"d rkpre..rlla/eve tram m, tonatitucnte : I am mere, from the pa- rish of Aseutni4ion, and while i shod epee this floor. I and Aeon:• fit '011 aro of a piece." • Yes," *Aid an b••oonble member site ;'• and you are the greatest niers of assumption that ever w•ea heard M.t' •, Mas. DissNsuay.-los Ah. m. !" said obi Mrs. 1) .enbury. "iehooling-ie a rest thine -I've often fell the seed of it. Why Mr. RowsicIe, wo111d, yolligtelu..ve it, 1 ant nisi sixty Ave Years old OK don't know the names of but three mom's lis .V,e,ear- arid them'r aping, fall. led autumn. I 1 • trot `ern whet. 1 was a little -tit of :AL - Ilene Il.-t•y. hetet use pip•." "Micas. " amid a little bow el've (•..1 s had headache anJ • gnat threat tis..; 'Wi II you shalI have 'now medicine; .mid the mother. • I've gul'om-bud they dost hurt eft." A Tonne man tieing aired as rearti.l piedehetir.n, by bereg present in a skirmish, it watraid of him that he had an arch for uullrart'die inetinn, bt.l the lm,.fl of sin ph' r cued lt. A replete edi'nr 'peaking td the renes blc appearar.ce'if a rinoip "-ator. Bard. that ' ho stood "p like one of 'ern " with he* bald heal and ha' -d. to las breeches' pock- c t The latest wap to pep the question is to ark the fair lady ' if yon shell have the pleasure of seeing her at the minister'..' Farre W,THoVT Waage.-' P4, dear child,' said a pi, us old maid in New Harnp- shire to p little ragged village " waif" whom she had picked rip, end who had come to her to say his chatechiem"-' who made the heavens r' ' God, ma'am.' r Yes : and when yon Inok in, what do you see!' The little urchin; glnwinq with the ' wire Mom'`eta juvenile "Hamby," glanee4up at the dark and dingy ceihleg, and replied, '1 don't eel notbin' but cobwebs, Ma'am !'- Not a bad exposition of , the dutite plighted e s welt a 'dude,, performed. The good lady would int neglect the one and she should not have neglected the rather. • Ri*snr-roa Ritmo ELRLY.-A traveller domiciled In an American hotel, exclaimed MN morning to the waiter, what are you about, yon black rascal ! you have roofed one twice from my sleep, by telling me breakfast ready, and now yen are trying to 'trip off the bed clothe.'. What do you mean T' 'Why; replied Pompey, ' of you isn't gain' to get Op, i meet bah de sheet any how, 'cause dey'r wiiting.for the table clof." Why is Tytitrn like mare:gc-! Ticcaare It lies fast -for life. Why its a leeky barrel like a eowartl ?- Because it runs. Why is a nobler like .a parson T„ Be- cause hJ mends the sole. In great storm at Rea, when all the Ships crew' expected to be wet away, they went to prayers, ; ,and just as they were at p , a boy falls out a laughing heartily : the captain hiked him the reason of it, especially at that dangerous time 1 Why truly, air, said he, 1 laugh at that man's fie- ry nose there, to think what a hienng it will make by and by, when it comes into the water. A boy was reading, the debit was a law. ycr from the heginning, instead of a Iyer from the beginning. Innthea ELoq,rgorca =At the recent pre- -aestarinn of a flag from the ladies of Cass county, Ic Isana, to the Democrats of Pulas- ki, the erator of the ocrarion is reported to have made a speech, of which the following is a part :-Fellow-Crhaens,y-Not alone in our district i. Democracy with Its head and errs erect like a geese, "sot the world is on fire with L"cofucoi.m, which is eight and a half per cent, worse than Msllerum. In France, where the eery bricks of the hu- man side -walk were down -trodden and her- ✓ ing -boned by the rooming . f %Vhlggery, they now glory mo being tree ! France - glorious France, whore celestial soaps arc distilled from discarded boot melee, and the epigrastum to titivated by the fragrancy of frogs stuffed with garlic. is now a free peo- ple ! Mr. G. fanned himself) Germany feels the shock to the bottom of her beer - this ; and the cry of freedom, roused the coiled up sausages of Bologna, encomea•.rd Italy with 'he !irks of liberty ! 'rhe time n( deep"ts is risme ! The dinner hell el ty- ranny has rung the oppresenra to their Ina local ! 1leneelnrth and (erever our Recce tore snatched Ore burning brand "f regent.. ration from the heed, cf timid posterity, sod planted it deep in the bowels of the (utn,e het it grow. B9t ere end to not yet, (the end of hta speech.) The Sirnecn t 1 a mon- ied desn!ati"n sheds Its crocodile tears offer the infuriated'nehmeln of teme..le.a wretch - aloes, throughout all England. and the cry among her Monty and mildewed million', to for "gin ! gin ! and no work !" Teta Is the watchword that, even while 1 speak to yen, ring. in the ("att. of Q iron Victoria, an 1 cnusss bee to falter In her ft"iiliil career The despot of Prussia turns 1'ruutan blue at bis fair, a, d Aitter.a ga;wa re* dismay at th• bowLUrat toll, of the approubiag knife that is r>tie.d to wrench her attars at tbo hinges. Arid is there no room for reform in tree .lmrricr ? Can all do se they IA, ? May some of us do r "thing r Have we any liberty ofcone( moce ? Fel!nw Crrteens !- 1 hope the sews Prem Puiaskt, will sweep the vagrant act and other black 1...s ftune Indiana -I do. Gentlemen take !his flag Pair bends *meet it, sed bold hands car - rose it 1 CbeMda 11 in your heart of hearts said should 1 e'er die, my prow sot wish would be to he ietertd in the messeet ped- dle In Pulaski' FilL IIPORTLTIONS F66ti 1 F6699. MIMES PORTER & 00., MARKET SQUARE, OOD):NICH, f J A V E jet reel sed Neer Ike tutor*: t N ...d AMERICAN MARKETS, est .f the Cheep - El est end MOST YPLEJIDJD A8$ORTMENT 111-1 11': a /1.1 1113 W 1A liD R 1L ALT! D ®:1:! S GREY curs ON BHIRTINGS. STEAM LOOMS. COTTON SHIRTINGB. PriaieJ Calicoes, Printed Meshes, MLitt.* sod Cashmeres, B•Iaoreeas, Buesnarad Coops Solvay sod (Mesas Cloth. Alpacas of all cobra, of -beautiful stiles, Blas. Neons, and testi. Tark., Wurk.d Cap., Collets BeawLaeifel Lissa Lae.. and Ie Liao Lawns shad Haa•ikerebie6, sad Gras, Goods it Marty. Lion Cambria ard IL•dbrrcht.tu. Ladles Beets Mid 8b•... Gloves and Hosiery, Swiss, Boot, sod Jaloset Msshus, Drre Hagla. mrd Scants. Artificial Flowers, RibLeaa • or Fust. FIMkf. AND DURABLE FABRI('kS, OF' FAt1I11ON.tt:.: STYLES. Beatniks; sad Yost Co4rw and .r e•• t►.1 will surprise all patetismo. fur Cheapness. w. lash. iu•ablo •rrow.eriese. 1)o. Vntiss* Coarse sad I..m►s Wurl Dawes" and flhiru MOLESKINS. SATI ET?S ANA TWEEDS, stAnl: 1'P-( OA'r$, VF$TN AND TIIOW•1 Ili. • STOCKS, Peaaf.aad MM.. Irish j.issp►►n, Ssekrkia Mita. Gloves. Ea•8ab, French an AMERICAN ('APS. C Mei - ' a =1411•T ='J Table Linens, Towelling*, Linen and C.'utton ,Sheeting, Witter • panes. Marwttilles Quilt., la mask Flannels and Blankets. '50 SPLENDID BUPFALO RI}BES! ! A Splendid Assortment of Shawls. FAIRD:BZUELEISESOMBEENEE LOST!! BELONGINU to the subscriber, between hie Store and the Dietsion evert Ol- lie*, es Pride, last, JAM tamest, Two PROMISSORY NOTE, Via.: One JOINT NOTE igara•t Joss F.wa■ hod Csaaw Do..1ary, fir, i3 18. 9d.. drawn payable to James Phalan or bearer, and eadorscd by Jaws Pietas, peat due,-AIso, one &guise Mrcusii STuscore Blick Smith, for t3 12s ed., -drawn paya- ble to Christian Saeger, or hearer, written to German, also past Ow. This is to clot- hes anOns any prr•oe iruro purcbastsg the ssme, or the abume part's* payieg the Nutss to any pnu'a but the subsersler,-and say person finding the above Notes will moth oblige the subeenber by reuniter thea, to THOS. N. DALY. Btratf.rd, dole 16th, Ie 111. 2v-n301f d TIDE Subscriber ben N Safes the iobbabit••u o(Go.kneh 'kJ eta nicteity, that he kis re- e.i,o l • Larva Swirly et the LATEST 1.21 - PROVED PATTERNS of 1,1 Sid) ea Ge Naperinr Liverpool SALT. t Arill or Marketal.le Farm Precise,. Gadtrich, 2trah November. 1849. DRY GOODS alt of which will he sold at very r.daemd Prices fo !1-5431( DEPARTMENT HOPE, BIRRELL & CO. • COOKING, 13 O X , AND PARLOUR STOVES, .' which he .gets ler BALE at very f REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Suberib.r aIle keels cis bawd, as .eel. at his OLD STAND, a LARGE and very Sa- wn.sego/Iowa of TIN WARE ofevery description. sb • The s.etiber takes Ibis opport•nrav of retar• ning Sue sincere Ibu.k, to the Public for the very liberal paunuags be has received since been iu bide., in Goderich, and hopes toy .incl he hes toroth's to bareness, ud moderate prices, to BIERS, COTTONY, LINENS I1IPO11TERS , Marina.. Prints, Shawls coniine► to receive a share of the public wooed, aLd Woolly*" at every ' Small Wares, Hosiery, N. B. -GRAINING, PAINTING, GLA - Description andLACES, " ZING. PAPER aid BELL HANGING serried quality. .Vs: i9,. DUNDAS-SP., I Sewed Good., dr,F., . of as herntofere. WILLIAM STORY. • dodertch, 6th Sept. 1859: 9v-s31nf_ LOA DO S, C. w. 4 New Tailoring Establishment iN GODERICH. MERCHANTS SUPPLIED ON THE LOWEST WHOLESALE TERMS. Louden, C. W., 28th November, INK THF Subscriber pegs to announce to the in. v2 -i43- habitant. of G..!erich, and its vicinity.that he his commenced business in the shrive line. in the Room g'joinine II. iHORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square, where he will be pre- pared to ereeute all order. in his line on the shortest notice, and at moderate charge.. N. H. -Cutting done on the shorten notice JOHN ADAMS.. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. ,2037 GROCER Y DEPARTMENT.. HOPE, BIRUELL Ig- CO. Grocers, Wine Merchants, Fruiterers, AND OIL.IPE.Y 17 DUNDAS STREET. LONDON, C.'W. CHiLD DESERTED. ON TiIE NIGHT or WaDN.aDAT. TIM 14th inst. I1 B. & Co. re.peetfully solicit the .mention of their nomeroos cest•se.n end 'impolitic, to !1R early on the following morning, some I . their pretest lariat and carefully selected mock of Bleck and Greta TEA. Maaeovdn, Rrli. l I heartless "rothrr abandoned her infant to the sed, and ('wished 8170A RS, Old Gowrnmeot, J,ays, and Laguyn COFFEES. New FRUI , iadlemeicy of 1ha weather, shod the world', char• growth 1949. Fresh Spires and Groceries• rty, by leaving it in my sheep pen. The chill Their Sleek of WINES is also very emmniete-eonaisling of SANDE3IAN & Co GRAHAM was thea apparently about four days old, and to a & Co. HUNT'S Superior Old Port. D(:FF GORIk)N & Co., and DEMPSTER'S Pak. Geld- thriving, healthy condhico. Any person whn es, and irown Sherries. HLA('KRUltv'8 and tt000 do Co's Madeira, 1hampies,Chi%, *nisi,. lila information as will !rad to the Pale, and Swim Comic, Jamaica Rum, Schiedam. ',melon Porter. ..d Edieb.rgh Ale. All 0l copvictiob of the unnatum! mother-, will receive which will be found of the hest qunlirie.. end .old at esered,ae&T moderate pries. .1 Reward ofTen Po ,cols. r u,•rrnry. Mr "ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO." „at JOSHUA GALLOWAY. Bayield, 27-th November, 1849. 20-n43tf • • GODERiCH CANADA WEST, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT • HOPE, BIRRELL & CO. No. 21, Donde* Strut, ZR O LST TIM BM RC 11E -111...11L..1111.7 Mill AND IMPORTERS' OF Sheffield, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and New England HARDWARE. IroraSteel, Copper, Tin, I Lead, Zine, Speiser, Ano ', -I Tice., -, 1 Nails, n 1 Wire, 1 Glass, 'Cordage, 'Saddlery. AND Canada Plates, ✓See. 4'e. 4.e. for 'Mk, and Prkes f'ery Moderate. SALT. -The 8•bseriblrs offer for Bale 1,000 Barrels Fioe Owadago Salt, jest landed, ex "Or tents," a Oswego. Also 70 Bbl.. St. UbesSdt, well adapted for Packing purposes. 50Bags Fine Liverpool Salt, is bags of220 1b.. each. .200 Bags Fie. Datry,8aIt, weigh 21 lbs. each Price co Lorefot Corsi. London, 2Qdn Novemtmer, 1849. MOPE, BIRRELL di 2vw4 A VTF:U.-5.000 BssheM TIMOTHY Sk ED, for which the the fill/beat Price is CAME. W will be paid. HOPE. BIRRELL lc Co. - - Lo.dos. 2dnh November, 1849. 2v-43 Predate Mereheats. WAN 'l'tu::-5,uw.t'Ut:'MIS 01' WtOOL. Apply to HOPE, BIRRELL & Co. Produce 3/ere/tants. Loaders, 2Pth November, 184.9. 2v -n43 DI VISION COURTS. TF:Hnext Division Comm for the 1 lowing:- Dirision. Place el holding Court. lar. ('curt house at G..lerich. 2d. Doekin's Tavern Baron Road 34. Wn0.1•11 Tavern, Stratford 4th. Qnicks' Tavern Loudon Road.. 5th. Rattenbory's Tavern Clinton. 60h. School house Sr. Mary's. The Sittings of the Several Courts w luron Dienict will be held at the times and places fol- , Dote. Clerks name. 2nd February, A. F. Morena. E•q., Clerk. 9,11 January. Robert Cana, Esq., Cierk. 6th January. George Witham*, Esq., Clerk. 16th January. George Carter, Esq., Clerk. 150i January. James Gordon, Esq., Clerk. 29ih December. James Coleman, E.q., Clerk. ill comments punctually at 11 o'clock, A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J.D.C. Godericb, Dee. 8, 1849. v2n44 • s B Y A L' T N O R I T Y. 'I'RA'rFOZRD. BREWER Y. IDIE Snh.cuber ,n feminine his mace e acknowledgements to the rsh.bnssu rf • • dtrathod, and to hes eoatron.r, generally, for the bbpatronageis l patronage which he breceived Sheriff 8 Sale of Lands,• dol- ing the time he h.a heen to hu.inese; wishto HURON Ins•r.nic T, 1 ON Moeda, the Intimate that m'ie improved arrangements which To wtr : October nett, Mill be Sold at the Cuoa, 41.11,;"1hl. him 'n make w sops rior gndily rid at the Gatsd of the Verne Diol reet, ir. HF, and to furnish it nn snob ural n enrirle the Town of Goderich, at the liner of 'welt' tum to w roonooannn 01 'mho Luise. which deed: no .n, the undermentioned LANDS:he kis hitherto enjoyed. Flipp Day of hove reeernly been made In Ins .nahl,shment, with the 'I'enrmente and appartenanec•' g1etferJ, Nnv. 2A, 1849. J. P. VIt'IAN. ih.•retie h.loegtnp. by virtue of four Writ.' _ - s2 -n43 I nrLlioni F rpu..us,'saod `' out of the Court M TRAY STEER, -8‘"7"/ %ism lh. sub - u) Qu..'en'. Bench, and to me directed, ita eh seeker sonut the fust of Ocr.r last, ■ the rr.t'cctive Plata 00 Rees Robertson. DARK RIO STEER. (head nearly Mark). Rubr►t Moderwell, John Streeter)Creat. hve yep old. Any perean gi, . imG"nw,,ns, Streeter), oa.(tbe Mid steer will he satia(Inl ler Ih.. rrnaA1.. one. hie., a0d Jam.'. (,looting, Platntifr.,- JOSEPH Mi:iNTYRE. alma by elrtne of tin 11 Ila of I ndsbeni 9th eon. I.et No. 2. Reporas t•su.d out of Her Majn.ty'. Huron Colborne. P(ov.12, 1849. r2 -o43 District (' - , . ort, and to mo directed, at the eapeetr.e suite of Robert Park and Josh*" Catlnwav, Plaintiff., re. Jolla Ann Kipple and Ameilus W. Ktppen, 1)efendan'sr t wit., a part and portion of Block G. In the Townehup 06 Colborne, Western Utvmir.n, Herne District, containing Two Hundred Acro. of Lead m••re or lees. JNO. 1l'elix)NAf.D, SheriflJl,roo Distriet. Simmers °elects Goderich, Lith July, 1849. Notice to Creditors.^ - A1L Persona having Clairol agaeast30- „ 11E111 1'CRPILLAT. of the Town ship of North Edo hope In the limon Die - evict, ere requested to hand them to the 8ubwnber for Easmmnai in and Aderstment WIi.I.IAM SCOTT, Assignee Fir the Esters of Joseph Vnrpillst. !Limburg, 27th Sept. lath. 9,,,37i, 8v-alt5 Th. abase 8.1. is Puslponed to Ja•ssry lets 850. 8th November, 1849. THE. SUBSCRIBERS ARE in Receipt of, by recent arrivals at Montreal, from England, • A LARGE AND. VARIED, essartf .st of DRY GOODS, 1 04.4.4r Nut INE11111111111111 ARE PRk1'ARlU & SOLD BY J. HEW LETT, 96, TENUE STREET, TORONTO Anil (y 4iw1• sitosega aka Paltalatale. Hewlett'. Restorative Balsam, Aran Is. 31. pee Setae. This Modicum is a safe and ,Mee.'ious cure for JrarfItma, Dvwnterv, Bloody Flux, Relaxation, sod that disordered state of the Bowel.. so prevalent during the hot weath- er, known ss the Mummer Complaint ; oleo, for the Chclera Mahar. Ilewlett's Embrocation, Price 1s. lid. per 9.a1.. For '1141 Cara of Rheumatism, BURNS, Realdr, Sru1..s, Sprains, Swellings, Cramp, Chilblains, Cute, Greta Wounds, Stariese to the Joints and N ek, Numbness, Piles, Eruption* in the Skin, kc. kc. Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture ; OR, STRENGTHENING BITTERS. Price Is. 100. per Bode. For the cure of Weak Digestion, Bilious Diseases, Pains in the Stomach. Loss of Appetite, General Debility, Palpitation of the Ileert. Consumption, kc. kc. . Q/ This Medicine is one of the best and cheapest in circulation. CANADIA NFRIEND: OR Hewlett's Universal Oiiatment. Pries 1s. 3d. per Dane. For Curing Corruptions of every dtscrip- tine, Ulcerated Sure Legs, Bone, Scalds, Chilblain.. ke. Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills FOR ROTH SEXES. A remedy for ('ns'ivenees, Pains and Gid- diness in the Head, Disorders of the Liver, Stomach. and Bowels ; .in, indigestion.- I'rice 9d. per I10r. h EWLETT'S Apperient Fapiily Powders. FOR BOTH SEXES. A remedy fur Costiveness, Paine and Gid- diness in the (lead, Disorders of the User, Stomach, and Bowels ; also Indigestion. P7" To the many persons echo object to the taking of Pills, these Powders, are rec- ommended, and for Children are preferable. -Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. Hewlett's Antibilinus Pills. Pries Is. 34. per Bottle. An excellent remedy for 6111011e Cnmp'ainte and Coativeneee. They remove all odetr11c- - trona on the Stomach, et the eame time Strengthen the Digestive Organ's Extricate those Paine attendant upon [headers of the Stomach, act as a Tonic Upon Relaxed Constitution., and produce Vigor k Health Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills Price i s. 3d. per Boz. Fur the cure of Cough., and Asthma. - These admirable Pills are most beneficial to the speedy removal of.Cnughe, relieve d,ffi coley in breathing, so try,n¢ to Aathruahc snbjecta, and procure the ref-eshing coin, forte .ot rest and sleep. Hewlett'* Dinner Pills. I' R I C F. Is. 3d. per Bor. . For removing Munroe hone on the Chest, felt after eating, particularly after Dinner, caused by great Weaknese and Debility in the Digestive Organa. Hewlett's Infant's Soothing - CORDIAL. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS k Nurses. Per sawing Pains in the Rowels and Sto_ meek w general with Infants, expelling the Wied, and procuring refreshing sleep. Prick. 3d. per Bottle. Sotdby B. PARSONS, Goderich Messrs. P. B. Clark k Co. Port Sar.tlf. Mr. Wm. June. Sydenhant, Owen Sowed Goderich, 20th August, I'40. 2•-.29 3 STR 1TFORD IitoN FOUNDRY "particularly seleettrd in bitaeebester, toe Siete Retail Trade." Their Stock of BAR IRON.'"ef ties beet Crown Brand." and SHELF HARDWARE, have received considerable addlttoer, both of English and United Stales Manufacture. From New York. they have received their umppli:•* of GROCERIES, consisting of • CHESTS TF.:(, of various Qualities. BOXES TOBACCO, do do BOXES LOAF SUGAR, Lc. kc. Ilse. w, m son dmisrule o/ for ONEY All of loch 7l be Y or PROAUCE. at Lnw Rate.. AI• B, SEYMOUR L CA. 9v -1010-6t 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. IN CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for disposal, about 1,500.000 ACRES OF LAN 1) dm.per.ed tbroughoet most of the Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500,- 000 /tees are situated In the Huron Tract, well known as one of the most fertile parts of the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion in Are year.. and now contains up- wards of 20,000 inhabitants. The i,ANDS ere offered by way of LEASE, for Tr. Years, er for Nt!,, CASH DOM' .%-the plait , ! one fifth Cash, and the balance ie Inslut- wists bring done estray with. The Rents payable let February earth year, are shoot the Interest at Six Per Cent.npon the price of the Land. Upon most vat the Lae, when I. EASED, NO MONEY 1S REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, according to locality, nee, two, or three years Rrnt, must be paid in advance, -but there payments will free the Settler from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea of hie term of Lease, The right to PURCHASE the FREE- 110LD during the term, is secured to the Leasee at a fixed sem named in Lease, and an allowance is made according to antici- pated payment. • Lists of Lands, end any further informa- tion can be obtained, (by application, it by letter post-paid) at the Cote 's Ornate. Toronto and OoderirA ; of R. Biomes cc, P•sq., Asphodel, Colborne District; Dr. ALuao, Grefeb, or J. C. W. DALY, Esq.,' Stratford, Huron Diotrtre. (inalerieb, March 17, 1848. 7 SrRAYED from the HURON 11OTE1., wn nn Sehirday evening, !0th Oclnber.- A TOK1 OF OXEN, one Black and nn. Red -Large Strong animals. The Black me ha. a white .pot on the root of ih tail -the red non ben very IArgs wide hoe Oe- nd walks wide in the hind legs. II Goderich, Nnv. 19, 1849. 2v4411 f STRAYED from the Nubseriher the tat NOTICE. day of August tut, a RED HEIFER, ALL those irye ►oil to the Subscriber war old pan, with a NPE('KLED A either h NIPi'R or rine F A F and white belly ...A - Noe* of y Bonk sermons are the left ear taken off 1011 N Me!N1NAD, In(•rmetios at the . s. atthat date .111 Sherif, Harte District. saticfled for their trouble, .nerve. t eel or &inaction. ' • aoderieb, Dee. 18, 11149. f.-e47tif • •Any person leaving on'nr before the first da of Pebreary goer, •Si aI ( to will be a• all accounts usesttkd SeuieraOnrcr. JOHN NAVAGR, 1a Cos. Gedoriah, b witllsa R ppo f O.dwre►, 8epf.IH, I•M. l , f Tii0YA9 WA7:LIN8 '1•r'd Noy 91 1849 HOME MA%t'FJCTFRE. rl`HE S,'ocnhcn 10 returs,ei 11.11111115 Ole their Cnstomere 1.•r the iAaer OW - port they have reamed Neer - "` - buv'nees, beg In eareeete, that lbw ma. for sale at low rates. Cooking. Box & Parlour Stover. also Pronto. of eight deser.otwa sod eoe test log e( the meet u.e03',4 Mteadre. Itdt acting .tiN! Der& sod verses Nin ear tieg•. Haying .wed as Ruhrs:st. the .,beer ben to ceefiieeteh recommend thew THRAIMING MA- CHINES ei the reset dee-Sw bah eta Honer' and ma.esbie, end wuult) s.t.c t IA call from rote....= Pureh.«n been. tiny Ong elsewhere. AB seders pis. trolly .t tended to and ems etsd wet!' *vetoes. ad Je.patch. i ' ()RR k W1LlaON(. Stratford, iib Aug. 1149. v1... t1-. PLASS AND S►Dc1FICaTR S THE Sob.enber hog. leave to oviform tile Inhabitant• of the Marto of Hares, and the ne,ghbonne Dist ricers that be boa Established himself in Stratford. and os pr.perd thieve Plane sed Sperrlea hens of Public er Private Buildings, Bnd - es, ;toll Dams. kc. lie. Ste • , and will take the superintendence of tench Erectors*, on the moat reasonable terms. Ma thorough knowledge of hts prof.atns and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for any undertaking in the tine. Address pawl DPW, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 16111, 1849. 2e-nitr' STRATFORD HOTEL. (Lan say's.) 'JMIE. Subecnber inform• bis friends an, the Travelling Petite, that be has leased the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. Isaac May, -when he will be ready at all times to afftvrd the usual comfit and supplies and promote the personal convenience of his guest.,N.. 1%'IES and LIQUORS of the best de- .cnp'Inn. A steady Homier always in attendance. ALBERT (3. HATCH. •Stratford, lath July, 1849. 2v-nt5tt CIIIIP 1 'I I'f! THF, Subscribers win pay the HIGHEST MARKET RiCE for Good Merchantable Wheat. JAMES PORTER & C. Ondcrrich, Oet. 17, 1IlitlD i 7 i tr/111/T 111 11111. MOFFAT'S V(SITABLEi LME PILLS • PHcENIX BI B. • a1se.$ ' The blml .d ...k4 ..l.lria, wish than fmr.ss.ewlawr. Madatiear hese ..galosd kr Oslo Yv..l.w.Sews, le .a to aHnums .hie toy prafw t. ere. W wNer.d ems . awe /r.Miw .1 poem rot .ale a•.wr,. shin sweat sayf low. They w knees to Iib Mier i me r it snobs tor .1.. M, , sed dRein M by dr r d the stredabsob ixee .els.= -':- t7 wasmi>szam• tV Sasaki. ACtrri ere 0111WKJ0 aislydtwlb u►SCTJUNi e( No 11•40014.4 aWN1TL BILIOUS TWINES t WW1 00110141.1111. - lb sae ora W welt. whose taws diem. wool. tote cell be loot bs.saubbb Therm Immo sod obww Ws owe we ease Mihir.. wet wow signori b. Miami tasw SILJUU$ (moue. we a110am L.ama.w. Raft Coarfrszei s. GOLDS ♦ cOUYNL. cmoL,c. coN.OMr1111 . Used MO cwt anise 6 as .Waaa. CORRere• iuMoaI. enure:se. B'l IFIKPS IL. 16 se.m with talo ems*. a. silo..a.rbl Yr mos Mass oadiboustmoattosts. NAurr/uta d ON ill. &ara.P a&.a, ID•ry LZ..0 T. ?XV UK and AMUS. Tel Ws Kewatilt WOW ssn wear tine .rd+dow wit be Med a mai, wdr. and heir .sei 1 sow ea r, .wt.i....a .log. .. s. Mia 1 tis /f. .--a s as than awikrw m sg.amel- TiY THSE. es saTagen. AND Mt CURED. rOULNaa. d CONOLIXION. •BM'BB*AL 1I3SILITIN/ encs. WOWN'S& 0L4 VgL. Nt4 DiCIIIa, demon sod. INWARD rayls. INYL/MMlrurtY RN1UM4 rum. JNPUJu SLOW,. JLUNDWS. LOSS of it'll. ors. LITIIIR OOMPLAIIgTY, LZPRU* V. LUOSN. SRM, PIS*CIISIAL nhsTi.AsVs.- Nmew 5166.. ..anti ewers .a loo iamb J )lg w,r ,. o wl. meow Owe aim ..r remodel weer u.. of Menepanua NUM' SWLITM. NtiYOL'R DEIILIT Y. Ni*rOua COMersisrS d .0 Dade, U*UASIC ArriCTIONR, PALr(rAT1(N 01641 1111.4111% PAINTaa•. CNOLJC. P I L B Y. T6...0.al weed/1w .f abr.. was .a...d or Pile. et rt teen w.Ae M thew .f taw Ise. W ain.. akar. PAINS im nM hied, mob, bask, Oohs, Seraat a.4 ovum RHEUMATISM. 'rhos Whoa web 1111, Enide dies.. will b. wars or relief by us. lab Moliar.w. ' NUSH .f II.00D to the HSAD, SCUgr Y. .ACTINIUM. itrut-tNo*. RCILOrtILA. w Y:Isrg'R EVIL, las wont fur*. U L C I R 8. d neves S.eNprba W O B: BI 8 ..r all toe.. an .4r•uali, .WW/Id be Owe bk.bn.nn. P.rwle will well to att.1..t= tiara whop ow tMr 1,15 ,0. r .a.mcm.d etelo( will V tion SUE LIPS PILLS 111) PMENII BITTERS PURIFY 7641 BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. • A .1 1. trial will w.. 11.0 LIFE PILLS Mai PH(7IIX BITERS b.y.0 O. mo% at.e.p. thin i. the .Pi.ati•a of curry Irli.nt. The gte.l.e of thew asdiciues son sits pal up 1s white wnppen oes1 labia, Ingather .ab . rachises ..ud r iaolltes O...1 8.m.ritme," coatairiug the *rnct..,t., 6*, n which 1. • drama or Broadway line Wall area. to Our Irate, by which Prancers ri.hiag the city r•s req aunty lied so. Tb. wrapp" ..1 8a.aan.a. 1111 c.pyr.ehwd, th.r•ioro llama who procure Wee with whit. enppavo a.. M aiar.4 that airy are gamine. He careful. wail do rat bay those with pallor wrappers; but if yea do, be .oadd Mei they coma direct few, w. or gloat torah 0r.. IIT Prepared .yd meld y DU. WILLIA>!R'. BIOPPAT, LID Bread..y..orur of Lrh..y4. et. New Yoh. To 8.l. by BENJ. PARSONS, Sold Agent. Goderich, Jae. 28 1848. TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ONE within 2 miles, and the other with• Is about 3 mule• of Goderich T. wit Plot. The first is I.' T 10 in 1st Concea- eoa,.Towsehip of Gudench, CON'1AINI'NG J64 ACRES, 1. bounced at the ole end by Sake Huron* and at the Other by a Pub. e Road, -and-•• the .ecosd es LOT 8 in 80. Conceesioo, Colber•s., 'V . Dreieion, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and le situated at the Junction of two Pub - 1 Rwd.. For Particulars apply to JNO. McDONALD, Esq. (iodate+, 12th Joae, 1649. n1^ -t( NOTICE. Fru& Serbeeriber having RENTED t',. WAREHOUSE asd R'HARF belong- ing to the Messrs. Devecport, of the. placo bee established bonnet, as a .trawaabla AND 5.o. sire, exaew*NT. Any nldrn er from the Mcr- eitrb of Geste" nett, wilt Welt* pro;:rpt Oasstsse• JOHN McEWAN. Wlebo Yarrh, 1849. ev-7nti. TAILORING EST AB L ISHMENT. A... NABMYTH eter.ts.g ticks to hos 'needs shed e slow... C..wr.n for the Liberal Pat r'esag. which. M bas 'reecrrd du, ing ;t.. peel yes., begot* setrmate that h• has jest reesseed se evte.w,, Aaeortment CZ" TIE PAa TZa'7,3 2cAatioar aid re reedy to Execute all Orders given hem with care sod psecteehey es formerly General, Apnt, lstb, 1119. 1V-0 IOU Upper Canada Rebellion Images. Rnea er Gserere Oise, Yestreel, Illi March, 1819. PUBLI( NOTICE to hereby gwei, that ` Clarwu der Rebeaioa i.e•ee, is Cads West, who have spot applied to, sae received payment of thee: Claims from lbs evpecites Ageism ',the Bask of Montreal. re the several dietrlet.as heretofore notified well frees and after the Int day of Jose seat. be nreeerated to apply for payouts' of thews.*. either p.v.oaally or by d.ly appwsted Attorare., to the Parent Bask in this etty. V IGER, H. M.R.0. 8-11 the 4nron Eiignal, vat .amici ala ►eas...ID Suet r..amat HV THOMAfi 111ACQUIEN, acorea •o, eamw iioa. ernes UAl WT -.QUASI, e5 taloa. •.• Book and Job Peeling, .sewed wilt neatness and dispatch. Traria er ria Hese" Rrsrlt.-TEN 1/111111L - LINOS per annum if paid melody i• ails...., or Twat.' AND 811 Pisco with tb .spiraii e of the year. No paper diaeonrineed ..til aurin ars paid ep. *Mese the peblisber Wake it hie edvu- trre to do tee. Any individ•al is the e.etry 1 epn•ahi• for six a.brerlb.,., shell teen a seveatk copy gratis. ET All lettere addressed to the Utter be past paid, or they will Met b• take. set of she post (Ace TRIM, ow ADra•rteee. Sid 'lave sad seder, first i•wtise..... j• 8 • Rah sirhwgeaas iwrtbsA • • T+ Ten Iowa sod ender, firms iuserti1 8 4 rah mbeere net isarrties • • N Oxer 'ea liner, Stet Mowers, par 111.1001 4 Eseb wbsq•set taawli•e g •1 mem by floe1- tgda a *OA "l'•