Huron Signal, 1850-01-03, Page 2NEVi'S 111"111C (iliW.L NLA. 4AA)'Irlri'r ::4;11re. lislet o ty. neo acct •carer beard lisle etnttaenm, accounted fur. - W bggS Sarni is 7- N'mf..i.gt.a t'4ickr•. -g.._ 1..•..S 11 ►i,it_____.erl, woe Wed et the Yost Pipe Office },etcoley--est une hour RL hs'f. A rignmiltee of naval iJ,tas has Leen 1140710 44°44 T;j 10' Admiralty, to e„•otdee the moot advio•hie moa.. far serct"tn 'g Ube fate of Sir /oho Pron.:4 n. It t• reA•eted the repro* .r the , Mr.! re applllat• .d will be wale .ren M oder, PAW, Fridays N iv. '0. -Tae Fiercl. .1se7sairaawt hen seat •niers s. R.."e IA Saba L. MC th.t r•. rt.:'n wf the cllirve tomer) array Lor w'.:' 11 n 1.... Iron r)t•n.saib;r t4. 11.114 ba. lar^., and a to. IOW Tat Totinsegt•ei"ut.Jnr•,• That M. do 10dInns Utah tut to pr d to It•A'a nn t et'ec..1 IMetb.D. 1' w Nat:rent( mentor'. •. fa p••.l. Omit the Pr•.i .4, 11 tet the siyolde will grant e gene? atone -0s to i trya:: the re1''" al.- .t:,:re on 164 11]' h n( I1n• er,tor, 1w'Wet urn f..•Wilofthe athisst,4.tt.n MON SIGNAL. TUDISIDAY. AWARE E. TUE POLITICAL MYSTERY. Sotoap. Psis,"*hate rte Ohre! th.op• which vow tee head for one, r•e,(oer which 1 rennet uo- aa•d." And. west nice admit that the thlsts which.. ~sot Irod.'erst.d are an nemrrnes ghat w. cannot Viten case' them. Nevertheless we are very fat from 'opposing that this sales • Atte Igear.nce ;e • c..lamilr, because we know t• then are rhuue5ude of 'hinge whisk ere base M daht to understood. sod *:'.,•ands mere th.t the oei .e'r'r,'•, rel t:.e Raw' b . eel"- whleh are wit worth the trnehle of eud.rsrandine. Off nil"mb d un' It '" 1'411 r'y. Thu M,ntee. Still the, ars p• many things, Ce,-i.Ily in po!ites, q•mys, •n.! •r.J n n: Welt nn a wip:.:e►M 11001"•!• *nal *'o tn' shi: an'/ .'oi' g"4 Lr w,..y^ k'1F are ,.e Lad (r as. and which we tee •a - with th•.r 14.4erty- 7,.nne1• ana.00s to understand. For instance, Ties a• ej+- i f r 1L4 ...i n: !he. crown, w. do not knnw, and we seek seriously to k.ow, jewcla "•j•• led. Too oty-'hri w w„m'•"r whet n,•aneth this onnreeedented preeemp.,on ,(►s'•t-..-W w' lit Vrtr-1 on %1,rdne.,1ty: fl'• „( r..RT • Ryeasya is ref•rene! to the new tocn'a[q') ,mrd : fl. wfl•rna ron•!ro,rirJ ('' Fchrw' AL: ! and whet meanest' the popular. peri•elI$.4 (i,i'Asu4wtn1nal oaceeiltag two lfet,*i1, e Government by enuoteoaacing and )r.•'.• enA.r.ii* rho tar'"•e.dented pepmptino:- 'rh t rr tt t:. 't ,1„ ra•s'1. tar La f; • IB r.l I'i7 jot o't'm to .tasty'' earns.) I(ke i,r This is the p"I''ic.l mystery of the ear, and one for Ptt•a!drr•}, to roar tr.; r'. r'. - in Is Lich every man, women end child is ('an.• Tbn referee of the Busk of 1'nnee "hew de :F in•.•resvJ. A few of tie r,.armes'nf the iu,prusen,nuls th 1)...r...04 .of Bill. of ?j (vr. Se. -.o.. of Parlament were of ■ remark•hly 1114%0119 tn. e•r2.1:Cn.Cni iron• of ,•.rep pol.ernr rhanc?.r - they were bard it. the ie5'itd--7shtle .r•'9" Cwt. t' e:cifed. 1'aq hroel pt i riple of polities! j.. t -e -then were is 1{uurec r.reh 81151 Threci!, Sa QJ, 1140m00, with tl•e prngressire *esdrecies of the GJycrntncet lo,, ivaurterd DCna.atk y!age. nein were e4eerfully a•erpted by the pen.ple eurte.pr.atctleo too • t be co'o'ed Inlu veil}, an a p'e.n'anvihl. sckoowk):emear of their is. t lie g,y,•'rrtlr•nt-o{ (rnl-rein, or the htussian d:spotshle ri_!+t to m"nsee their own afara- tronps nil:l be w1tb.!rart•M 0I!d neenlierinns Of this a.p.rip•:on sere the Menir pal Law, she for race on part of'rrn•sle Inn k• n n8; fear, 1)-.'*.. Lica, Jbe l'ni.er-.'y A II -the School ink D':nmat!: to settli.tlte mutter herae!t• Bill 'oath. expected A•se..meni and It.piesen- A:ecn and Son4erbi:rg tic to be pt.t on btiea Lows PrrMps there may Le hulls in * (oot,o,T.' wat. Qwattcra.f.•r 10.600 men . i inure, kin 511, car'hies eleme".---:i `a was le Lev* bean beatnkcn. Tac Liuc N'a+ all,' •1 inspanabfe• rt Ilamr'tr.. . t:.e:17th No- he eap'eto4, fled we leheye has been ban►11 .1..!) •I . env:te l -4A eo,*r,,,e fora few :he:Ilse till th.,. were of the ',phi east ted were - coaw• a hailed are the first legi'o'n r .i Ips and tate markl.te .rC died: Au cue co is or he may er my not tie guilty of '.kiss a pros it:dee• • fessinnel of an o ieiel tner of Upper Canada en under'hair nap'mm'dtau etelMl. h u pan 'h• e•• of I..t'eenerel eketion, with the hidden Taodivie,.n of t!t_i('* . ,•for lien eau ' i +nki. las and parcel of the rest riser 4 tn'ent.nn of d.mat•n^ the Refona in'nrar.,- m rrN•rC .t ,n't* hes ;Zt-( . ft P ' P political free. Rot wh.th•r e'lit'e 0r innocent of 0117 or all of (o:a!:'• i •-'r:'.c.l Cie -to -a . Teehock. in dons, and differs only;. from the ether Asrstree- • these cltneees, hr should not h. allowed to sneer - The l:aucss;•, after bntphanl: i It fes stye- monied, in the deeper importance of lastjeee. The Leeson' Aet was jet/educed es s Poser•• reds the Ari of the I,egi.'erure hi his s.rw. and 074.ien.. It iv obvious that if • sinal. indiviel- MI is allowed to wet .side ter delay the leritim"'r 'operation of as Act. of Paoli"men*, Pmvierisl Lesi.Mtiee to a hien fief*. , Dr. RT►.wwer •00- tosrm the prom-Mts. el Iel.yiog sad ultimately wifkdreveiog the New School Act, ..d tJ Bettie- .da1 sn4'rnsntenaneed by tb. Government'. sselber ia!liyi.led, may .mgr sb..propri.ty ••( wi,hdrowtn,t the new M.nieiMl. Aet-a third lasso/id'.4'j.etiees in the Medal law, and efu'•%nr, f: ,r:t the nccumni:1ti. of ten t Rtld admitted Ireeen then who most •!mire so., wangle a.d sonsauy seamed the eperatiea TUI LAST MEETING OP THE of th• and Act of P.rt saeesl 7. tail holiest' is- LEAGUE dl,,dual'uert•ta, they, the gI.ter tag gem .gar err prw'.ite (:dvsrwraa•t,' .ho.ld Is.' be Ova readers have already beta infwmed N.wa uul ass bobble. It la full Ibat an '.rrrf ear/t(4 " Ine/tteg of lh. time (kw this girt IM0. /yst•m ren throw■ "Great League♦(' of Goderich, was held ti .4.4.- e•ea ta l;aseda--tbne rt( a w ae n.eet the Hail of the British Motel on Saturday. tot 11• saceeesfal 0.4.0 is the ..assay. The the !maid ults.o, tad we premised is Po) people mill nut be (.ctoled nor delimited with our comp(iwenta W the loyal enthusiasm, specious phases, such as •• Respsa.,hl. Guyon- maoife•ted by our ono League patriots on meet' -they care sot oboist the pbraewlogy- the occaaroo. But, nutn,th.tanding tl., they took to the Mimi root' -the whey --tad vast asaaaoblate of la•caly-tiro persons 'obi, cane be to the npwati.a of tis. to00 ar •1101 woe present, we bava uoly been ablo t, Ministry the w':1 attempt to charm rub Ow learn lbat at was whatJoea'ban would call shadow whik'hr sub•taoce is withered. •' a very (oral westing." Whether It wile When the University g.enry sof soder du - cession last Spring. Bishop /feast isin pre.►ated uraittn".ly re.uh'ed "that the League a -Memorial, oma ates'(eete, tie a ase ening rs had actuallyeriscd to death of its owo the Legiatature, p!.ctsr Ara era viers e*J pillion fess, or had been pounded into dust wishes is direct opposition is the views and and ashes by its own heresy ut Annexation wishes a1 vers lags meyx•tref the Letialuorr, --whether it was resulted to time a "New ant of the inhabitants of the Prentice, sad ware- Constitution " Oat of t::e fragments of the int and b.t..ching the Parliament to " Miry Clergy Reserve., or to surround the Recto- prortediags" in the caw of the U•i.etaity !- tare with a w all of mud and flummery, our fawkwit-this i• theft policy. • ssprasest the •reit M mese/rote's prwWr, le order to tore vales sad Imp•wtacee le 'brit stew basalt,. Asst wordiest,. we beer of taw resent •p - meting hen, then sad everywhere -sad eves 11 car remember correctly, the ('oL.aiso, t., giving IION. id. CAMEltON't1 LETTER 01' he proreetirega of the Toronto Consortia*, re- ECP1..1NAfR'N. - oorted i1,. Sirsokas, of G.dericlt, u statist that he stood there to testify to the excitement and 1111 ter feeling which the warsativa question was casting is the west." or words 10 dui effect. - New, we vasot believe that Mr fdtnrh.o 'poke tn7 such 0ooa.•nse-bec5.re Mr. Srr.ehan knows 7b the Editor of Inc Examiner : full well that be could not pnisi to t,ru two is •Ae Di.Irict of Huron who will cone forward openly and declare io favor d sn0eaatio"-and we Jo Ont believe that, st this moment, the Dis- trict contains half a doles iod,viduals who are giriee themselves either truth's.. Ihoefht, m anxiety on lb. subject. Bo mach for annexa- tion sad Lengee Lovslty: and in oar neat we will examine the merits ciel "Elective Logi". lalit• Cooped." // Province. In Testimony Wber•of, kg. By Cuwusead, J. LERMA& -. Gine ie. , sae, eft, y The fullowingin the Ileo. If r. Cameron's reply to a letter addressed in him by M,. Lindsey, assistant Ed'ror of 7'4e Ezeeaiasr, un the 'subject of Mr. C.'s, reigeation :- Tosotero, Dee. 14, 1849. D.- BTueras's Masifest. wt(• iwked0* as •' informant earth not. Ilui having the utmost Q}'° A TEACHER WANTRD. niece of •.gwLfied presumption, (needed w r1• confidence In the sterling loyalty of our - cIe.ive se'fi.hness ; sod although the reiectios •Ibwnamen, we vital) take it for granted that %% It are requested to intimate that offers of it led to • rulrn attempt at rebellion and tree- the first Lu,i. eta of the "ocerf useiaK" or applications for Teaching Scheel Sec - see. we lire not aware tbu it was ever hon0,1J tine No. 6, in the Township of Gnderich was to annihilate the very idea of Annexe - with an answer. Dot the prespmptin. (Amato', will be received by the Trustee. in the urn, -and having a personal knowledge of `;TRaarv. dwindles into inuenifir•ance compared ,,, Union Hchool llpu.o between the Second with the presumption of Dr. Ar,Rson. The there nxtrcme'Iove of 'liberal institution'. Y•ivenity qne-tion was still ander dismission or we will presume that the next buainres of deliberation, Ib. Legislators may be supposed to the meeting was to re,olnc that the Legis hart bees collecting freta •,1 tern aeu. to lative Couectl .bould, heocefurth and forev- gvid, it to • propos deviates. Bishop FT.•4B4• er, be elective ! And upon these two im• had a serf -et right*. bring Ria view• rate this portant topirl, we &hail take the liberty of collectioe of faces ted 'moments, and his moi- offering a few salutary observations. We (este was sddr.ss•d to the very parties sho held lately wrote so arucle under the foolish ti- the pewee of deriding. Bat Dr. Rruw. allow- tie "Who wane the Jackdaw ?" the Lni.o t rd the Rehm' Bill (0 k di•eue•ed *Id "monde'' of which was to impress upon the mind of -In heroine en Act efParl;ameot,.ndto remain our reader., the important fact that this •ix months Wort the poblic se • lesson which risme "British American League," and thin 'key were bonnet to leen, and • law to which same .inti Bri'ish ,Annexation League had thee, were required to yield obedience. And then, es ff the Lea. of the Legislate', were • the came conimon origin, that is, that these • mere seminal mehnvity, his ipso brit comes with a fell swnnp to blot the new School Art from' the $ $5I0*• Book ! Mr Rrtay. mn! er rimy not h..• hero '!,e m►rr.Mry .mingist 0t Sir t-r%RI n Msvcarsa's nn ee.itatia0el poli• ria}'?, the navigation may he stet d ate traits of reepeneible ey. Ihr mss err mer eon b.re breath• h -mrd ul- closcd. I;aeiness at Hamburg • CUsa varier, .f the Ismer Ihtnwta Administration, Government. Among these liberal measeres ; be Commie School Art octaves . prrm;aen* tar Jt i; 3si:1, position, as etKing .bedrest interest w( the people sal .1e-,1'.. Ton 'Inti'. ; nn.0ar' Rslti 1., haves ln•t r;,':: f't7 tiro w'ail's the In'.' of their enemy t+ .reported to tree!, 3,000 (;hied' sad wegn-1e.1• '••- I II' \G.tiLV. •r!. A 1.'t'is gi:vor'noen* i 7 pnrsaing the mens• Jnea:ete and retried, by o.e of the termed mii.e.. ee that ever eustained a pros iseial Admit- isrmtion-the pe.-p'e were •axiom to nuke themwtres acquaio:.J with ilia proti,ions and s eJlity o; +^'::ani •;! :`.:a n:ti•,nality of !Inn- erre preprint to pest It into npenliw, lhMsaad• gtr A t:.•'r:.a•.. i'lr.7.n' eb with a nalire of reed.* of it hail been printed •t thtpoblie ex: ra:ta c:licit, has been (mooed.-. Pease, end were di.t•ih,otal and real with evidi- Nut of'14., Kan ::ce • is to cnnsi.•'t of ;the ty and a few dale bad este to ellipse till it he- eame'the taw, of the land whet le! even at the twelfth hoer. it was discovered that, "The new Aet seam, to he the -creation of in.xpericrred tbeoriem, and the co'Iec- bnntt of I'"n:'.r,. yr net • f other IlonganaL_ l in to, weer which. 01,4410 -or 411 iVJee spa rear tri rte grunted to toe teat tem) an Avs- (rion general v. .11 pre 9'L) itihabitan'R ,f Hungary appa:r t'. 7 ':c!t nnheyit 1 by . the neve rigorous ex^rc'-0 wt rho (tarsale * tion of 1 cat&" s and porta of Sertinna fram- e( ti.n newly crgsniac.l nnlrce, w'he keep a ...renal School Act. and Bill*, with* env sloe!, watch leo :n ail menifest:,tions of clear perception n7 their retatioe the one to patriotic, fro. ling Ly m s loe' of dies. . An the other, or their wnrk'i*f ss a whole. order for t110 mere rigiJ u'.Isertance cf the Soonest the more sbj^etiOnobln provisintas 1 than in for voter and rm9rete /loch I rg. reducunnin h.aawn dr Mabheth afro is mit trce:eed «1.74 Tacna in a were not in the printed cope of the BiIt,Fut I Charrh o, Vhirer•ny n.ainn, ar is opinion hes close•and dr rade) condition, anytrot. ` Moment ;null ronntey *7 ,ore enn•14•ia4l9 frec4ein of se. wefts intendneed when this Art of fnt*v•nine i q P g credit on the dilioeree end aern►nry of the 'Lt fir" paragraph m the Cf.be of Oaturday i ehnp STaaeg4e d'elates that the University Bill willb•cnme a Oodles* hotbel e( infidelity! two Leagues were manufactured and brought to market by the same identical yersues-that they hsd both cpru^g from the ashen cf the Parliament Buildings and the Provincial Libraries, and sero the last of • relied of'niverable'1 shifts" adopted by the "great Consereatice party " in the ab• surd hop. origin "shifting" the said par- ty into power ! IVe aro perfectly aware that perhnp=fully three-fourths of the ciertl- hers of both Leagues are mere r1111w-that is, they are simple, unthinking men, alio are totally ignurent and innocent of the real ..resign of their leaders, and tberefott, they 'are more the objects c f pity than of ridicule. Every man who is familiar with the rffairy of Canada, for the last mine u,)nlhs, must be aware that the Tory party has fallen nod Third Conception" of Coderich, en Tuesday the eth inst. This is one of the best country S.hnola in the District, -and has a good dwelling -house and an acre of excellent land, cleared and well fenced, at- tached to it, and offers an eligible situation to a married man. .A handsome salary will be Risen to a competent Teacher -and as the time has certainly gone by when the office of edueatirg nor children could be 'put up to suction and knocked down to Cie man who would offer to ao it cheapest, 00 per• pon meed apply, eserpt such es can reed and teach the English language eoorec*l;. One of the greatest errors of out -father" (a:, it testy rad Mr. C.meros put say to I::r•, is not wholly rooted out yeti was the of a Dir- Pnre yea ate .pe"d:bg 14000 lob mueb." 'rhe {act was there ass no qu.e- birtne cheap School blasters. Th. writer Goo of retrenchment involved In ills. Cam - of theme pentences received the clement* tai aeon's ren=nation : It was a trete gne0'ion hie very limited education from a meta ofutlree;It was nLeLer S(r. Prot:", Poor wboec accent and pronunciation were bath Rt1est asd repn•eer.tatrs, shou(d' Me tutsei out and Nr. Cameron pat in hu place." shockingly ,joie,* ; in fact, he w0. an t0- 1 feel inyvelfhoUad hyaenas. of duty le tally ignorant of the English tongue that 'sbe . country, sad in jos/tics to myself, to he could not pronounce many of the tom. give Om above statement a positive eetstrs- mon monosyllables corrre'ly-fur instance. ,dtetioa i* Cry p*t&*dlic asd to espre.. n'*t sauutihmrnly tftat Mope.. E'.Idwta and the word Back was pronounced brei; -Cha- l'nco eboeld bare r.etA'osi allot, whoa reefer was pronriunced corn-ee-ter-One, shay well k.rw *bat title was a. `tome e was called •ran, and iii the words ,'alk. •uiistcpreacetativa as could possibly Lein. talk, should, would, and such like, the f ,vas ;been made. .1 never desired the reel patio. ronounced full ..d mai hstiel We' oyt of ., b Pelee ;but ii th. room,. would ad pre, 10 P P y ! y 1 b'i'n, by every srgnm.nt 1 .oulJ adluea, to minim to add, that forty yews bate scarce-; remain in ofliee • sed futthermnre.esepley.d ly been sufficient to unlearn (4*..rrois .07100 mite. which bores/ ingpbnity could which were learned in twelve warmth.,such sag tat, to bring *tOueoce to Lear upon bim. o iia. -I bate to acknowledge yoereof Ins 1914 Instant, with a paper Consonants ere port of the. apee•cl.es Jrltrercd a the dinner given to Mr. Price. In the Brat place, I must condemn the court" you are reported to bevs taken no that oeea,twy in replies° ung, to any way, that you had year Infer 'nation (rot.' n.e ; at that .p•nud 1 hod never seen you that 1 know of, nor lief 1 ins, written to you, but bad refused to giro In. formation far your paper to a friend of mine oho called upon ante, Nererthete.•, the elatemcet• wale gene- rally correct ; air I said to many and that yu'l may bare had them from friend' of wine, oho knew my View• awl pow 1(00 be- fore 1 left the Mowry, sod Cote, 1 du nut Juubt. Your rep,.rl of the speeches, I believe, is correct, as 1 have sp-•kcn with many (needs of *be •pa'krr.. Ti'o ,ffn,ent nets of .peechea and the leader of the Wed. of 8.• turday in the reply to the Brantford iferaid are, perbapa, but:via::1:ng enough 1.1 the parties. 'Pits following extract from Mr. Hinck.' speech, .ppearrd in the Examiner of the 19:h in.t.,ut " He would appeal to the common ee"ae of this nud,ence, lilt was likely air. C.mer on had re -ivied beaause h• tri -hid to abol• i•h the A.t. Cumw,.•iun•vsh'p ' f Public %Yorks. \that was the I:u,e ter !dr. t'ea'• eron to say that one Cemonsu.-ter of vas ii. Works was .ufli•Ient 1 %Vhy ,!nJ he n.•t sly so, three 1u1tiul or ix tsuntbs alter ward. ! No, ;tis lit::s,:t:.: j•:.t mei when he is going out. Why if tu' honorsils friend Dir. Price use paying £3000 teck- newer again to -rise -and have Ly their owl, f r lhia purpose, a's Yr. Privea ba.ad- base conduct forfeited - everyclaim lo public is the tenacity of the mind f"r Ara! bap( mitred sane• lir. Hutck.. opeech, nd the hese conduct or re aiopaf la short, no meta show ecer be' etidraee of sr&id 1 Astra, iw .lye. Hitarita' even topublic consideration, permitted to teach, unless he to a cremation men head welling- to a letter written to alp and cannot reasonably hope ever to be tee- ' ewe my resignation. ognized ns a political party. The word I f thought the Editor of the (Reba did "• . oyal(y m the language which ba tercha. ` ,posting u " which in formcne'aye had form-, know that there w•eru souses fur 1V. have received a espy of Scriber the last twelveNtontnn, which teede me de- •Eerh of these individuals hes the lamp enema d 'too marrow and tit. m•esttry u( their and Bsl(out's Canadian Almanac, for IBM. -.oro Id !save the go7ernmet•L ; that 1 tender- 'efoFjeetina, tad the some stele 'ebe hrerl es'•puw'et 7774 pone-, Las-heegspureed end I It is, es usual, full of interesting statistical ed my resignation, and suggested that my or.ReenenR. *,.h. ite.eaanee.r .. Prometa', trampled on, zed their future breathings of atad,m.cellan..oa isfeeme . indeed, it_ 1B..e eshould u the a e ebolubed, three tea awl ltwewledee at tta working{a of Moo eirrrbh 'St could only produce loathing, and shudder. 1 le faller in Ile he'ar's and nsoe ntenstin gp entitles his (,inion t0 as much weight Ie the • ins, of (Lagos' on the public mind. in this ' 8 Me, 'Bricks keuwi'kat I au¢Qested a of Dr. SYS ono. on the School --ashen. An o lion ries th,t 1.41 h.t.ttrly'rtn er-natlt'd-!eernvn peer% wad prose*? threigh the ire-' c n p. s res 1 ., o now a nC . . - ! .' ,' .i ,c- f hour, at the *'} in.t "drop'.• nod. 507.0¢ . ti i-• pnncip:p• .. urtunIt (nese -w:ng t(rrm a a:n'to htcafhr. u'rl' 4 a thein, rrnc.e...,•0 "."1"17""" +r;;('::,1717 and r.. ,r,7e A••rn:►,ly in a arca e r we w'ri1 a . t 'ti intirad of r n_ Ihr d••• P g the tlii'peot and otott uscfuj pubiicatuns that was the q':r>t:,n .f hnriafi hoe Com- , •• .. '- ;••'•Ir airy hit, 1 of 0,...,C.,-si;,n. af,nr mn,r of the I P' 'l^*'' the 'ottoman l,oyulty %soh any show of test ,c,„,„, tell t ; :rr a Iulir. Ir•,) on. tt t yenilmr: copies of 11 .• pent^A draft of Ihr +ring' of "' 9•apon•ihle Gaveromneet." be Within platuibjGt was deemed a glorious dieci,ve: fo the Prasiocw mirro7.07. .A cacamey baring .comped, 1 riming *Lr Ill, `'. •tr' hnr:ny I'M' . repaired. I Itill brio born dcetrored by fire, and 'when, 1' Roder a ntiety of little. petty, iai,vidnal de,rynt• I t y. R - -,.- could pest, without eomproruinn¢ my pledge Tho• rarriton of Perp Orly be increaprd to l pethan•. not fire per,nn. omelet (oris the i iama, • thousand fold cant• thio Family t nm- ry And for this purpose the great League ! Tna p^roon (Gemlleman tar Ladr)- to the peopc, bo a putt' to 614ag a tap ; 16,01)0 men! and it is st+d an addition will lea't Mia "file runt.nl*, and al a Morning ipaefi.m. It i. with the deepest. who -tante end (hgtreat, was u>hered into csistclicc. List 1 aha hoe ecnt p. a If!Ite book lar.ly pnbhph and on this sttt,jeet I that! sora the fbtfow- be diode ai50 1) Iltn foie,•., imi-if:not. I ahem the only Member of the Assembly t> - '1111 ass immedistc! diacoyereJ to be use- ! „ u detail', r nr•rthe we eendemn the pnwrdinernf rhe. Y rd in *introit, end entitled The l wln- 1 came to Toronto. fully prepared to re- . ,.1Rivob--,1. - aha teat a Member of the Board pr Lbw*. P t I •I'mown* GMernnrnt-ht rertaink these "re nor , less -u had no Geld of action -the attempt ny against the Catholic Cherch in'referenee main in the governMent-1171 next seeable, 'I'!,' :r 1p:a T dec:,h'••.4 have burn 411-' •tion, amt whn nrderrata,. the new practical• the,,aI rne.4&nf the MtnnitrT. whn ntl•mpd is: to get tap a mock rebellion in Montreal had to Gdilr•o,.exnoecd,'r will ncctwe our ex- and with the tinden*and' ism mind that volved, and a re,' s!lee"" n1 member., hes 1 Iv ten well se by rowel's, ex+iminstion, and my Leen ordered. The King, who appears who bad.xnrepned his p, -parade,'*" and in. jna(iy er►tnepos whieh public epinien riw.en Proved abortive -arid there beim,! no Ilea- ;planation lust'' week. a particular individual wee to atretaed Dir. enxi-tut to nares*•':y, the' 0oa•titntinn, has tentibe to otf•r *o¢¢e"'ion0 and nn►em1• in rnedemnwlinn- Are conned Cry • " peace ! , sr.n nor sedition among the pewpte, conte- --= ll ;which was in me votively 'saris ah- :pubh.hc4 a pluclaTn *trot,, in a Lids he calls mento, wan • known to be absent from his P.nre ! when there i* no peace" ei 4 berme we i queenly the contemplated bunt of Loyally' We eekwnwlerlg' the Yeeeirt • ref the 1... d of no tory. I heard ,*o ochehange le arrangements - agem or decept:o- that could a6yrd an op-' ti e,•rret••-, ,ere watt bill nee gne.Uon enn -comp: , rr• It 1 ['I^I t t• 'mss o .,.n 1!.e pen, a to t urn rel t0.rn'attrer place in the Irate.." Rite our humble hot honest rnnviwtion Ow 'hit . *1,' wilt at'•n.1 to the interests of the nil• could not come forth ' . if there were no tion, and ¢iyr N tit.,. nablo rnpbnrt to 11*And by whom was this aitoniehing discovery tampering with Eot*To• Ryeasos• end "'Pi darku0 ., the opine of light ennld not be government: , Tile Melly/kir of the 1-•lerier, mode? i' n, rrrrai„y by the popular Admit ra• School 9.11 will not adeenr. the Admini..tre• ' IAr !properly anprcciatea Pod if there tree no 1. (;ai7ango, ),'l 14.... a e -':r.1 n circular lion who framed the wawa alone lion in the mind. of *hirkine and isolir eM 1 revolt not sedition, she.plendour of Tory to t!.e in:e -da"ta ,-f proynee v; ter. nommen., responsible for i*, prnvieinas ant Certainly by the Ref rmer•-.tad obis is termini., sent»q . Loyalty would forever eplen tnetpiblc !- tng them t,, r sterns t, ,pr.•p^r Ftrperyi.i0n doge mejnriry of the liberal tad esrtifit•ned Re- [root *fwl. - it Is . drendr e'oer,.4 and '• over all inferior fencti.gnarlo., In prevent p•eg.nre:ive of the people, who voted for it? - believed by MndnA, that Rt,esnsY 'meek 3editinn mesal he ctylted. tat the ptntaRcm -them /aklu, Lal in ',lectern, against gree- lfns it Aruthe at! of II nbk OoyenmMt wrier' the 544(0nl il;ll wag nod. ;mht•d;.,.. I of elle greet Conservative Loeser m i.( fall to the erne.', -l. !Vier are n! -n .-j'irc-i r.. pre• • I"'n , 1 ground 1 Bet the le refoee to heron). and bie,nl 10eiimtisast No. it was hey le PP rh• n.igesriM of r 1. Ffnne.h r' people vent intim' nation at c ce.tiona, and in every J ledit.on.-,hey pee no censefor i, --_the lark 'ro ernegnn0R 0* Toe swan* sweat., t' ee,'5,11,:r •n sv (n expl• in Om du%i^" ,f LciraTon Rtehwa ! The '' Leonides" of Sir Mercer.* enifI.ee, in herder to de metre the , tleetor•,nrd the pnssib,trly of a gradull un- Cniteces Mercator" and ahw!u'e despotism ! ts{eetadiol• of 'het [•n'kmaa. We do nm M- wont en otT and :he*. fore the letalera resort t.. \i ithin the lap' few stay* a gehlletal.n preeelMnt i. the law's and institutions of NOR we w1..' 41 10 le distinctly understand fives Shia, be'...r, in itfe first place, the whple !the miarnnk txpedlrel of (•uorisyg setas Is'yr roaident ie Ih. town hoe horn Ind'atrtiiush the.coantry poly by ret,'r•rtinl and ;making 'hest we hare en perao..l or tee -tartan antipathy C•hidi.t moot n...•'.rily paniopa*e in the , among thus bees ! The Ica in4.eat)al belt rf informing- the pnblie. that • he will give hi. *hs moat c( ;kr !'•'l int Mi'a'iPttlnn. Ji d' 9th:,sew hen *Niched to the the '• gr.at L'aeue" gel tap •• gnat little clamor vnl ! to no nna to as Town Councillor to A Rrcnwa-ca the e0o•nrr, we have rnm which ter. l) f,1:.AN(l, taboo' Annrxauon ,e order that the other half fretaenrly.pe es In high terms of commend'. School Aet-and in the Fecund pleat, we do not ahn mill not led r hiq,.elf In pap rt Mr. The thou% r'rernmcat have reeeharrHn P M Po [ ,. may have an opportunity or becoming holster - bon of his intents and quo ification• •II Rnpenn• below• Oda. a•vernon, harasser the lending men Rich as Mayor.'" Thin gentleman being on 'ISlta•. Mann of the i•- ,r:,b triflers of g1oL on.ly local in dennnnrin the treasonable rose land.4nii 1•) ,,;,cf.,at 3no:1, 1 a Sr 0 the f:a•t tend^' of t:duration. • ;‘,Te have even declared of the Ntim•iry, ere.,:hone!, they were willing s ^ r 7 of their nein manaferinrin 4 Th.ey harp made the Aseeee et Roll fur one row only ha and west Snl•.r. Ti, tr^ritV nT na,f,+a SW` en lone iota a Clint9dg.riatend.nt was re- in ;^jure Mr. ('terata. ,n thin m.nner, to per- R nn sole. `Thr, word. of Om Aet are altar lion het worn ilellne! and Pe.. -•!l will. .x• *stied, it would be di0i^olt to fend n men better truly swore that they lack the power Tn d0 p. whet the ControrRriah'tp fall "a mon of sow*" ;,, p pier nn 141 J..mlary next, bet rte pint -triune qun:ifteri to ditrherge the du,i.e of that Office- Mr. C*.va,v to known In mon Electors in mer,•I.'h.,t't o, "1"T ecg1irew We or the rd- and .xpreap, only three eon vole orb* efts- conversation we kid purr pinta he ''as been w c; ho h. i.. I upon nn',l ••n',thnr, Iree1S' f• and 'hese sen'inhui we pu)h•h'd at a lime Upper Confide, in respee(ed by more con,iii.en• ""g d'wy in knocking him down 4 If tberc is Vet "whn shall ho,, been rated on the in office that h. had inn Mao, clerk's la his 1.14*-.'! WI 4.01 w: elm' notice "1 aitereti,.n „i,rn 'Le k*ding Reform a vine's of the Pen cies end weo4l here 1 -pa difficulty in obtaining *er'hieg in these dap of dullest iaripidity that Aveesame.t Roll of the said town tar village I)epanarent, and urged him .trongly en dte- Ir gte • n. once were dennuneisr ,11 r. It.re*ios in the most a sent in the Legislature, ihen perhaps any mon rte correctly be celled agensiag, it is the feet of tie hnnpahnldere of free beI.len'." Thip, charge them Mimick .red ant le{ others Alf EX"P.9(rfm Tri \Fltll•A bare the edit f which b Mr. Richard. It,n•Mriesn treo,•Itr•r, In e-rei,}l•'tine, tire t,*set• and rn.catebru in rhe firet windier et a eery teat eetablw little; tell 1 mot my c°IIeaR,ma here. and pater Published in Belleville. under the title ver•attnn :n Mr. B.dJyla's library 1 watt 10- nf thn "Flan of Tempennee.t' ft reit eft.„]. formed that Mr. Tacbe wee to he. Receiver beginning, and are trust that it will meet' General.' A,:cw Ixogramme was aubmitt• ed. them who, h 1 diaaented, for public tea- with that eneomaprment and snereea which sena thea clearly mated ; and 1 prMtively the importance tf its object d•pervee. . refnsedin concur in the arrahgearem. -- - --- 1 stated.dir.ctt7,lhat 1'bought lb. Preet- 1r1lRQt T.t LKrN(i - eery of the Council should be abolished, end likewise the oflce of Aasiatart Com- mi.siou.r of -friable Works, rod 1 thought lir. Merril ►hould be t. that Department. All this, however, woe opposed. 1 also stated at thte m.eti.g that If Mr. Price WAS 1u resign, 1 w'.nld take the Crown Lands Department with pever*l clerks lees. This eeenred when a party was named u his Forestaoar. agarrtgt whom 1 protested. Mr. Hoicks now a•k. if 1 thonght so why d.4 1 n',t tell Nr. Prtee ! I nose appeal to Mr. Pre'', if ' ave not alw.ya 1.,14 bim ia.vaq vow -sawed 411'4 tern.. as o .b,'ie.l hart. uia-sn in the Cation.. Aad we rr st «Ln, we hove " I..$tJve, meeting denouncing Annea.uns- Mr. Editor, io. nod i, 4 creche n a r0 Ogemzldton w 'c g was ready to rtl•cc. i put ,hes to hire as • \\'e nK• tnf••t .hrd Ih•'t goverhthent t. de. I q M kicking their own Wow moo, and canine lustily C ptanee of far efalk• t• . rtntll t•, .R nl eR'^tn-,4 a.A.twero to esrony *oto door and to Camino -the mercrea formerly said an this subject, ria., that his no -a y iwg, an'! almost ego•le the new Cosatito• a toa.CIpnuo"A man, a. 1 hoe. •ver found ry hark of power, awl in ghee, as everythire pslanty will sot be duninished by his !ate msg. , on the Reformer to come and "seat them !- tion for Canada. hip• to he, end w'h•1e appealing to hire 1 that wagd..n erne* said and intim nation. Now the, plain meaning ,(ell this nnneen.eit AN ONLOOKER. g F would ask Nur:her, 1f 1 did not ter • him to ton -greet /tester• of 7nhare, 1.0 •dor, end the wide, and even demanding his di•ti,wal. Our It is also averted, sal we d.. par helieytd .motet; to generate a new repaa'ioo of.porinae 't retain his office, on the ground, that If any .:( Il'•nen and the 'r•htd. We spini01)0 arc snch.nged •n Olio ssthret-we h ,amber. Thu 'he rem: meentne of this affair IOyeliy, for the purpoars of the e.at general else- ----- terms political reason or q'cation aloe* me whwti hdrrgran I rho it o t!I I. thiel 0f 1!r dnhe. r '• tion. And honer, we warn err PUBLIC'THANKSGIViNG, hr' wnnld bays to o not, $.f 4e Aweas f of \f•. Riche I. -n to, h 1^::,'tar toll 's • the f.r'r admit the ability and met of lest. Ryan- between the Administration and Dr. Itygne e, n honest moo to g yty g I ,ism prelude No •gerund sir n n used back mud ny We are Imre the following annonecomeof droeld qo aciJA him, as Ae ee.ff at go f.. reNfa wad otter... "( the Iwtrri.er of Atmira em i. •••••111511°1 ie p m into effect a era- P I rawnil s' Lot- W eke not of thee° Tor!" I , , .ell M. tammws.eho•I edae*,inn. Bat Uut oar triune. H•ye so dealing and no sympathies with will be roti• pnnded to throughout the Pro. thrr on any of the queatinna adlndtri to than Into rr Inn,• •.•7 7' Kw -err cad :amara with r rot's --the " pen of "II work," it is said, will apie ;lace with cheerful alacrity ' 1 would. Mlle be an honest man he will Ibis renetry. Me troth:,'d* in is •r•.,twed I ,46,41 eh.tald (haw such a deplorable picture o1 cense forth ,n defence of is oheaioue. „Awaited these specie's deeeedas of the wrest Converse• y' - to endorsee t', -,t n •n-'•tnnt'v'-f tmprn•unr a Mieieterid nre•ore, of which i.e wee reset live Isla, When tbp oars• Rnpwrr this p.r omally, and not indirectly td* (re sed unpopular llinisur ! We do not relieve y • you to lo.n A PROCLAMATION. tbrongfh IS newspaper organ. wenn ,,aha res'• "1 tk'• w.np4•RIIWmens 0f rn.rfy p.rmitted in oke management, and. thio -Meas.. weaincmrelr h.b.rp the the mem- them for Anneumti.n, laugh heartily -sed whet, Ro.RRT R,Lnwrv. i Know YR, that Matifirti After the con..natioar ,n Mr. Baldwin'• Africa eh t' ! nifty,. .'• rmmcitrrr t• prefers tar r'n, ..a ." y*AW fin 'wait. Mr. $1cS'nl.r•n "f h. *rr.enpsn•n'l by Dn. Wort'. "n•111 sir r• Q, Pe'to'ten .writ.... whn Rt. rherge-d br .g•'r•r,teent lo draw ill 1 • t4611 he ► r• t Tyr-. will renter the 11 04, Nr ennp.i"ro. 'tad rho 'n'.m•fo 04 wi / Ilea will kw •q•I !IP 0.4,00,0.4 wri4 those ',fen/emerve 144 nhr'r.t►11rnph•, A (tanw:Tr -The,. fe * toiler/el man telinsilt to the convoy,. now *,ode..', we believe en'b'm^d • tit Alois Wiesen lbw cf y *114 1MIRat1!ipb s. Who is is color book whiteout' Meek. Its N 00.0104,tnh white '.pots (as *Mee a* Vie Rime*. white '.aa) -Mem the stae e/ a dialler to several m^he►, end even feet M lea N and ()rootlet, There is a wh,'e Stair i n•eh of hr. ever, and also white round h• Nath, one hall of hie passed by *large mag 'riff .1,hs people'. Rep.• arms le . h te. iiI* Nmdoninate eulor is a.■I".IveI, dn.f rl 'ht M.sian aM Wowed awed Week, only shoot a I4ltl ►en¢ white. iii, to wrens* the pr.en'Rpiine of that hettedeel mother Is Rimed Stewart, sod Itsee • few Iy serho,iel.g 4ttn r pw7 eon "errs ale war bendsume petrify t., is nn. nph, nn, as insult Offer-, biped' the present Government will never n• they invite yon to pin thrill in dennenrtng An-. Airy. Grit I. into oar moot sermon i hbrery, to which I pres,ouefy alluded, ed to the (1 nprnm•m the employs Lim :asd rhe''. i'. en a o 'st between Mem and an insulted 7`...'t;.°, lamb m.e. h.ndy, ►at is neither enn•id.r"tion the fo.lisp•nseh duty which I heard no more of the chsagcs to the Celeste' i q P^' r eM&r oar ered.ht d our loving 'objects of this re Provincenf' for some time, and 1 thereforo was under the Admiait•n:ion in acknowledging the accuracy e. people. Aes;d., rhe Mmiatry are peTreedr y r o M imp•ari on by , (•' d Mr. 8T.0101'.description 0f the School Rill, end aware the( a defence written by Entero• Ryan - if ■.thnri,o( him virtually to threw it stile ler a env wood have no metm weitht with the Cesa- wa•nn,tillthe enmin¢Ce*tinnofParliament, .heli -die, pablir •7.* if 11 wen writ, es by Tom gin. th•m at, epy,.r:nnuy of remodehng;(so a Thsmk' His tem 7.(•ne. nl asit.eg with them. And in refereaee ear a own- ing election, let sot Me emotion of Lien be ones named -let -it neither voter into the plat form, nor be once autred on the hustings. There no meat 41'n v.en,, harp conferred an hence and fell powerless sod harmless before the nadir's- 1e no hasty 1° this c000*ty who here the ides of nil ar.ber.iy on bird which ought hV siren tins of the ntrlLgrot Element, and 111. mooed Looe serioasfy at heart -and, even el- hewn Maly tutted, whish Morriss have es- far me the office of Chief Comane .. of , ser men !sod much less to Mr. not b• (ie.? 'he.gh 1hut section 04 th. gree Lemgoe, wbieh tahlinh d and confirmed in 17. the Arrest Public Works. 1 replied Oat 1 wee sorry woeld meet • similar et a worse fete air. Re- TMat A Confidence in ilia Protection red for that, . he was aware that 1 eoaW .ot i. .)lost the tion a wht, whuevrr may he hi metro or gnal.(ra- seine sy be if prep.d to adduce evidence 1■ Mrtr, case 'incur 'n linnet nvlArnee. WR Havx TnncoaT ecer t It. as 7 would not remaN wjtb asatb- rinea, has eertnely no claim on the &smoothies ...ppm, ..f the este.., as ..hies be be_ __L_ i.4 7OM'OHM0. ;t It( M p,alitirely intigni6rant Prt. by he advice of Our Eye -elitist Council er Comm'eeienere that I was ',woe e. or ad•<tiow of those who sty the friend. •r ei.11 holed ags.nn the Dear BeAnol Aet ; test i• Cor that the ehnroer woeld'e.reely prodeeean who. for Our said prnvtnee,to neon. 'hie Our Ronal manage the Department with my peva.' in • be r "est we "bell adduce evidence to thew 'bat every Ana- tion wiii Ica the great ataleiegherse Proclamation, hereby appointing ramrods, salary bot objected either to weep leo d al dib•p'dated I."' at I the A f ..nil a, owe 10 Almighty God, for the men -pylon that 1 was to manage the de - 'manifold and one"timahlo Ble".inge, which partment alone. as Assistant C they have received at Elis hands, .tad Cope- of Public Works, arco►dug to my props • .tally for Ills great Merry, in having remov• pal. Best on Thursday the tails day of No - ed from Them the Greviele 1h.ga.r, with "ember, 1 was sent for by Air, Lafontaine. which many places go- the Province hay. who intimated that he woe authorised to ef- and rehg t, N r y to (.nada. N a single ta d,•idual can be allowed to come forward with' wholewle condemnation of on Aet of P.rllsmeat. Coe of les sbjeeuens ars either nivelesa .r foie.. sex' a «ties, Dot tae Bar n Januaay next, to be °beery- hoe of Chief C « gpmaa d new the e7ctses will minter* n at inw.l solar, ted t too"hoot (li, Mid Province, as a day - &anther vasa appointed, 1i" bmt 1 The Naw York Atbroo, Of 111a pith asp till: as the last frmgmwmt" of the sir paling 1/'y- of GNPS' 4L Tw4.seelnv. to ALw oi'yy had better think over 1( ask b ..s' . 1 elrr. A aorta'. char 0f the Ica• ( . fns fMet Hie Mercies_ Arima We do wrote to hi.., 1 twsdia/.ly, tkmt roes tk. that the Island of Tigre is a valuable begu verysasiel s' here it behaved that h 5010 F.rnaetly Exhort, that the easel' Pollee Day circwmetanoaa 1 aoeli sot se.Al- intoe to ley *s,.i Pnre?. It ts wail weed•I of Thanksgiving be reverted and devoutlyWe met on (;.000 se Hktb► •kiln 1 el sad watered. ties Wei o cal to gnadiog like weas ild-aro e les Iebservad by all .tae Levier Sby" nete le thwas ..bed ?Mond tkebekt 1(111/ !wMg►•-.