Huron Signal, 1850-01-03, Page 1•
I P •nvA Nati. S
41 ■a ■i.Ira
CA N consulted e1 alt hour., at
.Mer, Was. F. Gooding''., fitssal-Se.
0 deneh, Sept. 1318. 18 te. 39-
Proei ncial Lan d Surveyor,
ftlia 43
'LL attend BALER/1r spypert of the
District, on mammals Term.. Ap-
ply a .the British Hetet.
Guderich, March 9th 1849. lw.1s
BAIIRI$TER, SOLlcl'rqu, &c.,
June, 184. OODF.RICH.
G�,derich, April 12, 1819. 2v -n l ntf
General Agent & Conveyancer,
Oct. 1, 1849. 2-n23
71raa doors East of (1, Canada Co's. (lfire,
W I s r-89'rH EFT,
Auruat 471h, 1841. 2,-n30
WEST - 8 j 1 F I .T,
March 8, 184n. 2v -5n
e ti ■ L I L•,
QJmrnissioncr Queen's Bench,
March, 29, 1849. tr2-.8
Dt}. JQ 1RYDE,
farm mhos.]
30110 � A�
July 31, 1849. " • 2y-nsG
Oct. 25, 1849. 2vn38
V.I3NTOR tC- 6£11Z3g11, 41 Light -House Street.
Ortebet, 95, 1849. 2vn38
DIXIE WATSON of Ooderie4,
DARRISTF.R .4T LA IV. Qct. Ac. and
[7 GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Ertr•(%nd,
late of the firm of Elector, Weller sad Williams,
Barristers, tie. Toronto. having this day entered
intoco-partner'nip, in the Practice. and Prefer.
mosn( I.Aw•. ('HA.cray and C . .ace.
will in future keep their Office. at G.derieh.ed.
Stratford. respectively, ander the same, style
stad firm d WATwre sad WILLIAaa.
Dixie W •Tees, Ga4rich,
Crosti WILLIAMS. Stratford,
24th December, 1849. 2v-o47t(
LT QUMMONSEB required by the N.w Di'.
QT ►7 trite Court Act, modal! other BLANK
FORMS used in the District and D,viai.n.
Cowie, on Sale at the Sieved Office Also, all
kind' of JOR PRINTING executed on the
shiniest notice, ■nil on moderate terms. •
Ooderieh, July 19, 1849.
j AT Tug IND tag Ha ream,
i''AIl14ER'S INN - R.\TFORD. tlee ty and precision, until 'k:tobrr Nolo* warm. guailins every ten rntoutes ( d d h
MRS. DOROTHY ,L. widow,
a 1u i
from a k• fibs de into t • es s, bounded cos
e.Iaively to the joist, tied at the ,esta.tteat
h• wrung bimaslt boas the sow, the whole
troop plueg.J s.sdly is, gn•sLgg their
teeth, sad 8•ntie lee Nomad, ria.neg bias
self secure, and tee.ver.str hoe coespo°ere,
he slid al ire the Lsar0 and closed the deo,.
h'u imprrmnning the whole gs.,. 11e then
braced Lto.•rif op, unify g the Addle. and
began to ply, in hope' of being heard, and
to keep himself awake. Juba, like meet of
hie drew•v rare, was apt Ie seep, tend i r
avoid it,,ratlied or hie pg. till dayligh'.-
Tbe . ffeet of the mune in 11 e coir, • was
singular. They leaped tiptaea..anlly, foam.
ing at t!.e mouth, stepping at iamb other,
howling htd•uusly, eel to Of appesranee
rat,ng ir.•.1. J"h• was woo retired-tb•
no:nsiera shot and ar'.lp.J. The eompen,
repaired hick to the lades, rnaeertt.) the
+,•pper tut i a brio:C4ot, had s rear,rg es-
r..i .., mid the rien• of lb. ' bursted how°'
are will to IIlr'$en ea lb* watera of leaf
of .tho late 'l'iromas Douglas, of the '
Farrner'e Inn, Stratford, Lear to return hor
thank. to the Inhabitants of Slratlord, and
the public eenorsI y, tmir the very liberall
support which they ►t'c.,ted during the
whorl time they have been mt Stratford.
Mre. Dauglas its t r hhl:n'ate that she
intends carrying . lithe bonne.e as hereto-
fore at the Old Stand, in her own nen..., and
hopes by strict attention to the comfort of
her gassy, and n, lm'rate charger', to merit a
share of the public patronage.
Stratford, Slat Aoguet, 1849. 2r-ne9tf
STILASLIlttG, 1\'•'rt:hiao,
18th February, 1h49.
/VIM Sebsenber hereby Intimates to Li.
A friend"' and the 'Travelling Pohl' t gene-
rally, that he her removed from New Aber
deen to Ile Village id S.taaburgh, and w ill
now be (weed in that well•known house for •
merly oec'rpied by Mr. June•, -where he
will bo ready ao.l able to conduce to the
comfort of there who may honor him with
their patronage. An& while ho returne
thanks for past favors, he hoped, by etrtcr
attention to the wants and wishes of hie
customers, still to merit a continuance of
their patronage.
N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive
Grooms. v 2-n 4 t f
A N excellent Perm, being Lot No. 12.
Hartland Concession, Township of
Goderich, containing 100 acres -30 d which
le cleared. The land is of a superior quali-
ty, and well watered. It is rousted exact-
ly nine mires from 1h., town of Gn.iciich op
the Huron Road, and at Thr, junction of gix
different reads; a• d as it is in the center of
a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex-
cellently adapted for a Tavern stand or a
Store. This farm is well entitled to the
attention of persons desirous of an eligible
situation for business, and will be sold on
very reasonable terms. For particulars
apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper,
Godertch, or to the proprietor
Village of Harpurhey.
Jane 15. 1849. v2n19tf
T11E Suberiber havin- g been appointed
Agent of the
is prepared to receive propnealn for Assu-
rance, and will be happy to afford to any
person the neceosary informatagn, as to die
principles of the Inetitnttnn.
f7 ,de• ilii 13,4 io..'- 1444• e2"19ff
.r. GODF.RI¢H.
TAMES GENTLES, wen!! respectfully 1.-
'Comb the inhabltante of O.derich, and in ri
inity. 11111 he will consunily •
Keel) H'•rsec and C'arriazt•s
FOR HIRE. for whir', heirapectful;y riolieitr
he patrowge of the public.
I41h Sept. 1849. 52..33-11
THAT handsome two•cnry boas, impolite
the Steamboat Tavern, belonging to John
Wil•oe.4th, and presently occupied by Mr. Bea-
man. iI is large and well adapted to the sae el'
a respectable family -haying •.lige pedes and'
°related well hooked with excellent fruit :r of
nrio••deseriptioes. 1u proximity to the her -
boor ofGnJerich enhances the value rat the .ites-
Lien and es the prnprteter is delimit. that it .head
°•stinum' to be occupied, it will be let on re.. -
.sable terms, either for nne or erne- years. a may
be agreed upon. For (archer particulars apply 111
Goderieb, 2nd Febrnry, 1849..• a
serih•r. J. F. BRITTAIN.
Gederich. Oct. 10, 1'x49. 1v-03441
Blank Deeds and Memorial., a
ND all kind,, of DIVISION COURT
SOItY NOTES, for sale at the Signal
Office. Every diecriptfon of BOOK and
JOB Printing executed with neltoess and.
dispatch. •
To the Clerks and Ihilill"s of
the T)iv islon Gwrts.
►r11E increased demand fnr Suuwnsesa
and outer BLANK WRITS, to con-
nection with Stalemates of the several Di
visimt Cnnrts in the District, has warranted
es in printing them in tatter' larger gianti-
rteethan heretofore, and ennsegaently ena-
bles es to sell them mach eheaper-there-
fore we Intimate to the several Meer" re-
quiring three Blank Form, that from thin
date, Snmmon,es and all other Write be-
lontring to the Division Court, will be Sold
et he Signed Office at the reduced Wee of
Two PwILLtPea AND atxpitc. PRA
H v.nnsn.
Signal ce, Ooderieb,
4th itepteaiber 11111. S
= wA_ 4E6
01 w sheet the (iNA kbi }OC[lET
MAP (T•trim ell ■eget, Used le
Blob Reim, rev,,. (Beeby° A 1lslfasr), hm-
Inc.,,c is the D,,triet Serveyree 11. D. Asy
quer Waft It sad mediae it to this OB•, or t.
nn be paid fee tbsit freebie.
. Get. !3. ?849 sial{-tr
TIIF Cali-rriher having been appointed Agent
by intimates, that he ie prepared to receive Fob.
ocription• for Stoma in the Proprietary Breach,
mod ■, phcatinna for lanrenee. In the Mutual
Branch• and to give such 1ot-urination on the
subject as may be required.
Goderieh. 9113. Sept, 1849.•
New Church in Stratford.
SEALED TENDERS will be received by
tie rttbperb'r on behalf of the Presby
deme Church Building Committee, Strat-
ford, tmIl noon of t8. 31st December next,
f tr providing maternal, vie , Brick', i.imn.
Store, Sand, Scanned Lemher, aril \t'ork,
for the Erection of a BRICK CHURCH.
oronnsed to be built at Stratford. Tenders
may be made either for the whole or for
any particular part of the material', acd
according in Speeifications an proposed by
Mr. Peter Fergue.nn, Architect, Stratford.
J. J. E. 1INTON, Acting. Seer.
Stratford, 301h JOY 11149. 1c-rttOtf
ins; than 11.ay were led nine yowls per day
abuut out! moalh, thee retied to twelve un•
NI the 7th of December, when they were
LutchegcJ; they thea weighed 1198 pounds.
They were fed on grow 349 dais, they
drank reloae pl'k of two cows, aid had a
few weeds Hoes the garden. They Ono
,used in lire weight three aril a hall
nousda a day. The grata was ground fine,
a cold weat.,er it was realJ, 4 and fed waren.
in warm weather foil dry and tm'k poured en
,t ma the t'o"gh; troao war ever male tato
a swill aid ferule' led."
The ret,oeate of his practice stems to be,
Featly to give • stffictent quantity of the
meet eutr.t•oue fwd, to keep them In • grow
ing, contented cnndt:ion, that they ersy Le
Jour. and rest, and wt work of their Penh,
or line what they already have. FfItto tRy,
'o gees them et all limes dry, c!ean and
eornf-•rtable, never letting them to the.
ground to feed and wander about, or to
wallow in dirt. Ti-.. seems to :row the
dapn'iron of • hag, but these were quite
eee'ent. Ile thinks such feed contracts
'ls maw and rakes it iscapble of eating
large quantities, like bor. that are rum -
veered on coarse fnn.l.--Culfitrufor.
• Fenn- the (tearer el Uater.
Young Genus walked cu- t by the moastaiw sed
Entranced by the power of his ow• pleasant
'Till the silent, the wayward, the wooden@
Found • plume char had fdl'e tam a peseiag
bird's wing.
Faulting and prowl. like ■ boy atbtspisy,
He bore the sew prize in hi. dwelling away:
11e gaged for • wlule on ii. heaoiiea, and then
He cut it, and shaped it, and evened it • Pas.
Rut lei �nealeel use hedueovered net yet,
'Till he dipped its white lips in • (minutia of jet :
And. oh ! what a glorious .hire it beanie.
For it 'poke to 'he world in a lasgea•e.41hese:
\fhile Visa master wrote nn. likes berg inspired.
'Till the heart. of the million were meted sad
It came n a boon and • bleesing to men.
.7 he Peaceful. the Pure, the Conquering Pea.
Young Geoiia went forth w his rambles twee
The vas, awnless resent efearth re 'refer,:
He searched the rade rock, sod with rapine be
A sohataoee unknown which he brought from
the ground; t
He lased it is fire. red reerieed ie the ehaare,
A's he moulded the tie into characters 'triage:
'Till hi. thoughts aad his efforu were ernwoed
frith as'reew.
For an Eagiae epeeist, arid h. called it a Pass.
The Pen and the Prem, relent alli•see, e•w,bi•Od
To soften the heart sad eaiigbte the wind:
For that, to the treasure of knwbelea, care bank,
And this nest them forth to the pods of the este.
Their battles her troth were ,ri•mphsnt iwMrd,
For the rod (Atha tyrant was snapped like a r.ed:
They were made to exalt as, to teach sod to
Thee invincible
Bethera, the Pas •ed ibe
AMe*ICAN Futilities.- Many thousand
'farmers in New England rear large families,
pay all their debts and taxes promptly, live
independently, well clothed and comforta-
huge bump -shouldered, them -necked, fuur-
sided bottle, several of which might be amen
on a stump before the dour ; wS:le a score
of ma•rons in whitecaps tied aprons, by the
blaze of light -wood torches, were bust:lei
about the ,upper table in.ati seieintng house
At length the girls began toyawa. The
it pretty bride herself grew drowsy. A sera
ping of fret was hear8 et the gallery, and
one or two impatient young bucks coin -
metered •sheeting,' cracking their 1,rele to-
gether, and cutting the ' pigeon wi°g.'-
•Still sofiddler rime. flour after hoer roll
ed by-e.tpe•r .an deferred -the dank.
manic faster and stronger, the vawmn, more
frequent among the ladies : the talkmi( he -
cattle Touter among the gentlemen around
the stump -and yet 'Old John' was nut
' (urehco,iing. As the night wore on, and
the seven stars were high in the heaven..
the impatience of the company became tit-
bound••d, and it was suggested that he
slioeld be sent for. A wedding without a
fiddler was wet considered lawful, end the
old Sq.'ire swore that there should be en
'greasy doing'. or chicken fitters' till old
Jahn came. The idea fiael.ed across them
that perhaps he had been beset b th
Rtes --nye ranks next to wheat as ■
bread cern; it a used for that purpose in the
entire dorthera part of the continent of
Europe, and very extensively is the north-
ern Slates of Amenia. particularly in New
England, where it to generally combined
with corn meal in the fabrication of bread.
In holland. and in some of the German
° village tavern, where .at Mr. B., the laird -
[kW UPcL, BOLL "DID " •`
There lived some years 'mee n a thneing
Cenaerneot river wiliest of New /lamp -
spire, a Reedy little old mac of city years,
whn was f,mt!rarly called "Uncle *11."
11e was poor, feed of dnek, sad wbaa
short of chuff*. always ready with som•
running expedient to fencers oee.
One hot s,'m:ner's Jy the old NMI esm•
puffing and sweating into the porch of the
wolves No sooner was this th ,u htof
' g , lord whom he thus addressed:-
than half a dozen young fellows mounted, 'Like to lost everything ill yon garden
and galloped down the path that led to the landlord; jest se 1 came along 1 see ball a
forest. About four miles diatanl stood a dozen cows in 'here, but 1 drove'em out be-
forewasts house, and as they approached it an they done mneb damage.'
Mo,b nbliped to yo, for year 1r ubl.,'
infernal howling was heard, and now and raid Mr. 8., ' won't you take a drink 1
then, amid the din, the squeaking of a 6d- ' lnn't care if 1 do take • cooler; made
le. u me rather warm rttnein aper the tercel
d The Id place had Ion b t d s
g been
repo' e
to be ' baneted.' 0 cotter'..'
Hates, rye bread is fed alike to homes and
their driver.. It is considered wholes,me,
and the husk possesses an aromatic and d
slightly acidulous flavor, which renders it t
agreeable to the palate. The bran should
not, therefore, be entirely separated from
istened with surprise. The hos 1 of a Bin-
gle wolf had no terrors for them ; but the
iabolical serenade of a dozen, and the
staging of the catgut in that dark house !
Davy Crocket himself could'Dt have stood
t ; so they ' turned tail' and ' cut dirt ' for
The old man to..k 111. 1:goor, and after
loading his abort pipe, sat down to take s
Ile puffed sway in clines for a long time
c}.nc%tine occasicnally with a sell satie5d
air -probably at the fussy forme s•eumed
be lee 'melte wreaths.
i Getting ;in at last to Rn, he cud, ' didn't
bly housed, and provided for, on farms of - the hour• the place they came from, and reported that tell you feedlord,' hoed' ilea cows got late
Sal. -Tho soils designated by Von _ -.,armee.'
the Devil had nabbed old John, and was thea , No,' es.d Mr. B., .bo, was a 1'
Thaw as suitable for rye, and because, per- at the haunted house dancing a breakdown, • Why, 1 took doves the bare, tied drove
haps, that they are illy adapted to other with a gang of she wolves for his partners. 'em in myself.'
crop, contain from 18 to 43 per cent of And the old hilnw stnmped or. 'savior
So wonderful a story, supported by sundry
clay, from 75 to 80 of .and, little or no car- the nettled Mr. B. to the laugh. of the by-
emplistic oaths, threw everything into eon- r,taaderr.
bosate of lime, and but one and a half per fusion. The young ladies did'ot quite go -
cent of humnn or vegetable mould. They into 'duel fits; but They exchanged myitp• CoP'goz•no. roe Poreat r.-Tbe 11om
are considered. the lowest rate of sandy 'ions' look., and- gathered round 1 withered Journal gyres utterance to some tree philo-
fifty acres. The plea i, that these people
labor severely. This to a great mistake. -
They have much becauee they waste no
time. With them there u " a place for
every thing and every thing is m its place."
Their hones, cattle, toads iced implement,
are attended to with eloek-like regu!arity.
Nothing is pet of t'I1 to -morrow that can
bet done to -day. Economy is wealth, and ! h., aad in rho comparative estimate of i
system 'Fordo weft. 'Aege mea are ed.l value, es worth only one-fifth of the first
dem in a horny, exeept in beeves" native. --i Mass of wrong what lands. A large body
And in long wises .rrws4w*a, er neve..,+f tis tar'dfe{o the northern and middle,
States err, therefore, proper lands for this
Weather, which forbid, employment oar' of
done, one mikes corn brooms, another grain. In truth, it is generally sown upon
ehnets..a third is a carpenter. eneper, oiled- .sel'e that premise little return in better
Inr: and nom. wet"an r; r', a''tti,rr „e,“„.. • crop., and is too often left to shift for i•self.
and a third plats " Lm.horo bonnets." -1 Yet. it nevertheless, will repay �o i.l treat.
And the .families thus neanpied are emnng' mens, as well as more -favored crops. it is
the most healthy and eberrful in the world. the only .greiq that, will grow upon soils
1t to easy for them to reduco 18e0 wi.hee containing more than R5 per cent of sand.
to their mean, if eonventent or prudent, Cslarofion.-Farm, that will not pro.
and to extend their means, to their wishes. duce good wheat, may be made to produce
.Maine Celt. geed rye; yet to render it profitable, it,
shouIJ not be roads to follow io conseeutiye
F• f umT.L.-Freon a eonrwni- years, as et often is, in the some field.-
tattoo by Mr. Durand, we tasks the follow- Sown with wheat, in the proportion of one.
Ing extracts:- to thirty. rye is affirmed to he beneficial to
" I think it correct to ay, that a liberal the product of the wheat. affording shade
expenditure of capital to farming, will ulti- and shelter,- and, protecting the latter
mately pay better than when laid out in from mildew, much tmprorieg the simple
ether hominess. The difference betweenof the grain. and, neon light soils often
capital laid nut in fermi -e, .n4 that lard; giving an increase of two bnahels per acre
set to inaaufactunng, t, that all which is; in the product. This (act winch we take
exp o4ed an tie latter Myoid the actual • from No. 6, vol. 1i., of British husbandry,
pro6u of the goods manei'aesured, is dead may afford u•efyl suggestion to those who
Inas, while that which is laid coot on the raise wheat only, for their household ceD-
rrm, under gond mae.gement, causes it to 'gumption. Rye will not thrive upon a wet
improve and imer...s from year to year.- eel. 11. general treatment nearly reeem-
10 mano(aetunng, the interest on the espy- hire that or wheat.
cal may he receive.' a ith:n rx month• or 2 The Bred is generally sown early in Sep -
year. in farming it may not be so, but it tembcr, sometimes in Augnet, and some -
will be sure to give its retie° in a renes of 'time, in an emergency, in November. It
year•. Another item which hue been much ?fetters more covering than wheat.
estegkrted by farmer, is that ofepurehaelnr Whew sown e.rly, rye is often dep•etnrcd
good icplreresta to earry 0" their "rola_ in autumn, by cakes, sheep, and even cows,
operate -me. in this country, where manual without prejudicing the crop, and even to
labor is high, • former should obtain •• pa advantage, It is often sown as a soil -
many labor-saving implements as can be ing crop, to be ant in spring and fed to
used In advantage. ,\Ithongh there im- stock. The quality of the flour is improved
elementn may cost more at 6•st than cam by the grain being cut before it has become
mon ones do, they will End their remount perfectly hard.
in it at last. Get the best implements t•. -..
be had, even if you have to go out of the
LOST •e Friday, the 30tb November, be-
tween asd, a
NOTE OF HAND £17 10s., coating dee ea
the 18th day of April wet 1 hereby naris
say peewee, or pewees beyieg er telling the
said sate. Th• vemeir4b.r will give a Deward m/
we postal to any eve eclat 1.011 8s4aa4 leve it
• t the Camels Cempany'. OMee, er with ribs
wb•rober. ,
Tsebercwi4. 1 Cee..
Let No. 3, .,1, 1849. .f.°44-411
STRAYED freer the sebsetibev es .s seer
the middle e< September, Three STICKS,
her years old. rising Ove-e.m revelled red and
white, Nowa ipod In the ee ver,-e,e til
wase sport of the tail, sod trapped is the et stet.
sod the others darts red, looped le ea et gear.
e nd viral roans get one horn beaches. Ay pm
goo isfemati•a of the odd 8..... will be
satiated for their eras le.
DONALD M.LAT, Mill lead,
Derember 4th, 14�.
Fronde New Orleans Delta.
State for them, and Toa trill thus be able TTIE WALTZ OF THE WOLVES.
to perform more work in • better manner, -
loes,dea saving much laher, and preventing \\ elves abound in the waste and desolate
a great deal of 'fretting' end 111 temper.-
woods along Leaf Ricer, Louisiana. A
Try it and .es-"-CLlriswfer, year or two since, a wedding being about to
"come elf" there, it was neceesaty th send
Pies Paoyrta.Lv Farreraoo. GRAIN.- about twelve miles for an old nigger fiddler,
it in • mooted gsecsnon, whether three de- who was indiapeesable at every frolic, gnil-
vourers esu be and fattened oe 'rain ting, or hose -rasing, for forty miles rotted.
fee marke, some to leave a small profit to A weld, billy, unsettled country lay be-
lle ►mea►. tween. is the meantime the company ga-
Tb. [lay. Mr. Watson, pester. of tee thereat, and the Squire performed the cm...-
oreL.etheran church at Coblerkitl, his furnish- mony ; the groom had taken half a dozen
ed is with an experiment to the poi.- "horse" with bar particular friends, and
'rt.1.y. v10601611 DI a shrewd scone art, the feat. et be espesse had all beet perpe.
said &sea not t►uk it boea'h him to pay trated and la.ghed at. The bride and the
atteetioe le the small eoncersa young ladies est ranted round the room,
like so marry statues pinned to the wall. -
Re wyeh, 01 punkasad ewe pig, Deems- Tbe bashful gallant' stood outside, aboet
bey l/, fist sakse; they teetered 114 I8e.; tie doors and windows, motions to be in,
they bad bow drept Deme tiers in the pea. bet releetasl to approach, sad argiag oath
ceding April; they were immediately pot is ether to ' break (be ice.'
1,a warm ped sad fed a rye or teen meal, The Noire and • knot of old 'ss, were
INT parts a day 1s three Iti.d., with. ego- lathing polities, and 11 the evening was
old woman. whose voice sank into a whir,- trophy when, apeak,ng of riche, it says :
per as .he }elated strange tales of that de- "Aggrandise as we may, the limits of nor
serted dwellirg. The Squire, the oracle senses check miserably every moment.-
nf the eettlement, discredited the story. -1 You can voerself'proprietor 7 House and
t1e took a big drink, ind'insi°oated that the pictures 6111141ve yos, sad alter taking your
boy. had tipped the bottle once loo.often Lwdl of then for a short time, yoo aro car -
before they eel out. and roundly swore the. red out of your owe door, feet feremoot,
he w•oul.l face SII the w„lyea on Leaf R r r.•v.r win to eoter tt. T -17- eine:3ou
er, and all the devils in h-, .f the, se -e, perhaps of estates an! caetl' •, of
would back him !' farms and moosteie. ; but tow you own
A born all round was then taken on the nothing but a hole in the greeted, six feet
strength of this speech, and in a few nein- by two. Tbb artist who 'tette your galle-
ntos the men were all en route for the ry while you live aad own it°ajoy. It more,
scene of action, They rod« on in great than yon. You ere nett enough to d'no
glee for a modem two, but gralaally lapsed twenty-four times a day, but you must eat
into..tlenee, aid at length the wolf chores sparingly to enjoy sires eating Dome. Your
eame floating on the breeze, end then the caller i. fo!I of exgnisile wine, but year can
sharp notes of a fiddle were distinctly heard. et -11y drink ore bottle yourself, and to help
The horsemen dismounted, ,and crrpt os you use your store, you ars obliged to tall
cautiously, concealed by the bushes, towa4 armed your friends, relative, as
•the haunted cabin. At that moment the little world wort live open your substance,
moon buret forth, and within tl.e bot'ding and who instead of gratitude, ere likelier to
might be seen the old tiddler, poised to the make you a return in envy. You Aare
air, playing a Virginia reel, with • crowd of thirty hones in your utile you call mount
wolves or demons, who wire leaping, ban• but one, nr rd° after two or four. To he
ding, and howling to the music ! A couecil truly rich, one •bottzd have stomachs is pre -
wee called. The company, satisfied that portion to the number of deniers h° cam al-
it really was the devil, voted an immediate ford ; stases extended, secczdieg to stock
retreat, but the Squire jerked out him prayer to t!e bank ; sextuple vigor sad wnatbility
book, and swore he ' would run his nose le costeatrat• and Warn ell this love be
through the chink, if (testy man 'cringed could propitiate with gifts. At the ploy*
from hint.' Ho started forward with book orbit, Ilk the rich mai hoe hardly spent more
in hand, while two other, Leif afraid sod upon his own enjoyment than the poor man.
half ashamed, dropped into line. The new He has eaten teem a day, slept In bed
rer he got, the fonder and mors devraitly he alone. or with onto wife,' aed.the poor man
spoke. The howling became terrific ; the cite do as much and the proprietor scarcely
fiddling grew sharper, and rnddenly the din more."
and yell rose to such a tremendous key,that an y
human nature could not stand it. The line --
poured, then broke in every direction, and An lac:Deer re Tao Labe or Tw. Duce
the Squire shouting 'third lake the hind- or WOLLIOGTos.-1■ the neighborhood of'
mote!' mounted his 'singe cat,' and was hi. fuMr's re ,den:e, .n the county Meath,
the first to carry the word to the ladies.- the future Doke, thee a laid,• was owe of a
There was no slcep•ng tbnt night. Fhe party which, which after the manner of the
rose -leaf on the brides cheek paled away ; times, lied indulged in free potations until a
the jessamine dropped on her eaten lock., late period of the night. Mr. Wellesley,
or, as the name then wa., Wce'ey, mana-
ged to ..raps from his companions, and. to-
iring to heel, fell fool sleep. Ilia ebonies
was ohaerved, and his retreat detected. It
was determined that he 'hoold return. -
he of the party. monitor here drunken than
he rent, snapped tip a loaded pistol, and
ean(.11y draw,ng the ball with which it
was loaded, proceeded to the hedstde to dis-
eharge the powder at th • heed of the sle.p-
•r. ile 11,17;1.0,1,Mr. Westley was of counter
'.wok fo
reed to get np, dream
hrine.!t, lull�tras brnoght back is triumph
to the per at. In 1 e morning, however, it
was f..and th t the ramrod of the pieinl had
paned Ihrnngh th n•Ilow, close by where
ted head nl the (art re rnngeernr of Napole-
on most h toe been. With all the warm
hu sentient d rn dthe ball,that he
had IPI,, into 1.
rapistew ihenm-
rod : on -1 bar that the same peonies' that
rnefu-e l Me p.reepiions unsteadied his
Wee when he pointed the pistol al the
tootle Sleeper's head. that might hey* ted-
sd the ► of the flow. Arthur W..ley.
-Mobile U.o,ersity Magazine. '
' Cot my straps and IN me tottery,' as
OwJr.ereleiseed wires took hie brat fun
though nourished by the sigh that carne ev-
er and anon from her gentio bo•nm. The
groom sat by, clasping her velvet has', t
and gazing with long, ford looks into her
lustrous eyes.
At length day came, an 1 a more ha.gar,l, (
dt.appntnted set was neser'nen. It wan i
determined once more to repair to the fetal
.pot. There was a clear sky and • spank -
ling breeze. They rode bn1.11y lore/aril -
There stood the hooey.. The tumult wag
se loud as ever. A dozen twelve. leaped up
and down panting for breath, their eyes red
and fiery, their tails switching furiously ;-
and there, on the Jose, was parched -not
the devil -but old John himself!
The stun a roan ezp;aroe 1. i1e had ret
out rather late on the preceding evening or
the wedding. Night ovrioek hon am g
' the lei's, end he soon rd the raven. to
creator,' os his track. carer sed sea er
, they cease -fader led faster he fed, but
still they gained on bum. He ernppgd lar,
hat -that detained them an in.'ant.' ile
' threw down his coat -'hey stopped in
scent it, hat the nett merriest on rh.y
tame, is fall view. Almost desperate, he
tete of his shirt -but they merely plumed
to togs It is the air. Their prey was reel
►e4..e teem. and es they noshed. The Tu .