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Huron Signal, 1849-12-27, Page 4
n • tOMLt 4U TUX DtToss • The Dulefi.iaa I' b bis Dort sad stog.tb: " t)t 1 vane, and u► ! vans' Hash tee t, elle togg y guns? Oh 1',aee, gad o► ! 1he Can ter ra.besl tog be gone 1 11e• gone unto ter Dyed. - Dee it goes 1Utt him, 1 fear. 110 w•y pe ton leg •:0•.a^$0- M111e tog -tit:, leu ! ub, 'ear 1 "Hi. bark las full ov nut•iek- It 'nes jut lake ling u rg ; His ears were, cut ..Q..hurt, Flea tail wa• c,.t off I..' g. Ile urh'd to trine ter stied,. n0, And ray to 1, in, • I'oe-wow !' Bel he'.h gone unto In Ju k, ne- Vy ! here cow . 1, terra: pi r.ow ! "Ot ! rale, an•i t h ! Pato Ilia!) ter good-0•:u-n,.Liu' lien 1 1 ! 0•n., ole ..ares Oh t..•0•, Can ter retest leggy ;reel 1 link ler .b )Itch boon Lontn.,t- 1 I.nk t 0•'.t emit (.•1 keine. 'Calms 4.1.U.11. ti.,'hlti e'er !,l ,h greet fur • Under tee stars wit tent ne. "C..nte here, tau a a o`oro• ! V. re you peen, eh 1 t) mi.•e no•he! red emelt. vette. hate von sc::..Lk.. 1 ti .1 you nl:w a ,t ter proem, 1or. Laving to d" hail so pet ;IC. LEW u•h el:hunk.t II y, u rues ewe), ago. 1 pert yore 10 t0• r pepus, 11 .,1 you 1eh ,u recd for ever."-elle;c,a Paper. . " Arrsh, Pat, and achy did i marry ye 1 just tel u.n tha,-f.., its n,v.r'r ti,..'. had to ruaintaio )e ever •:nett rather la' Flanagan .en1 too home tt, ,er horlw.'r ' •• Swa'e jewel,' reideo! l'ar, not reli.b. Mg the charge, •' and rye my.eli that homes • to lige to pee .thn day when ye'te, a wisTi.w 'veining ovet the cowl,' wed that eoverree me, then, by Ht. Path, k. I'll err how yt.0 get along without rues honey drar." w flt[1IPOftUiJO\ FOR 1819. JAMES PORTER & CO., MARKET SQUARE, GODEKICIl, IIj (VEtu.t sewind from rho EUROPEAN mud AMERICAN MARKETS. use of the Cheep - est and MOHl'grLI:NDID A61t)RTMENT et 3T LX 1t END IP' ►11 It DIFSZY (C©D IDS. GREY COTTON s111RTI(Gd. @TEAM LOt)M8. CO'1'TOY SIIIR7ING8. Priest C.henes, Ported 1luhu., DLaray...l Ca..hmeree, Dalameens. Rer.pe.•ad Crepe, 0,emir soil Arleen. (loft A'pars• ,.1 alt enlw., of beautiful .ly kr, tola•, S+ri..., and o'auw Teike. N orksdi ('also. Cullom R. •etiful Linea Leer• tied Lace Lir en (ern. •red Dat keret. ref.. mid l'db, Goodie' variety, Linen I Orsil rye. sad Uan.kerchra.'t, L.Aie. Dern. anal IN,ees, Glos.. and Ilo.i.ry. Salsa, 'Soak, sad Jaie•o•' Mu•I.us, Urr..11 Ale. red Searle, Arr.6e.al Flowers, R•bhoow :1l Splendid Assortment of `,hawls. LOST!! By! 1.OV(JlNOto the rubser,her, between hie Wore and the Dtvl.to. Count Of - nee. en Friday last, 13th melee., Two PROMISSORY NOTES, Vis,: One If11NT NOTE a1un.t Join Eosins and Cuestors DeeunsTT, I..r £Y3 18• YI., drawn voy•hle 1e James Phelan • r treader, and eadoreed by Jamie. 11;telan, part ! Ane, -Abu, one ayain.1 MitMait. STo.Cote Mt ek Smith, for £3 12. 6 I., -drawn pat a- i14e 10 Chrhrtlan Singer, or bearer, written in German, *leo pent due. Thus in to cau• tion any Person Iro411 pod, teasing the salve, •.r the shove parties ,paying the Nuler to env pevenn beet the .uherriber,-and any eereen finding the. above Notes will meek obfire the subscriber by ',tumuli thein to THE I'OLLOWINO 4M.ELL"I.'C41.jN ARE PREPARED k SOLD IIY J. SEW. LETi, 93. YOa\UK STREET, 'TORONTO /stet tee /goats damage i . Rwpress. Hewlett's Restorative Balsam,- Prtre 1e. 3d per Rale. This M.•drrinn is a safe and rmcorlour core CroD arrhQt, Dysentery, Shealy Flus, Itelsaation, and that door. Bred @tare of the Bowels. an prevalent durto the hot weath- er, known as the Summer Complaint : etre, for the Chelate !ilorhue. . Hewlett's Embrocation, Pries1s. 3d. ler 1.aL.. Fcr'he Cure of Rhru111ttlrnr,.BURNS, Frnl,!e, Bru res, elpreias, 13.elling., Cramp. THOS. M DALY Chilblains. Cuts, Greet' Wounds, Stillhe.e an u. to the Joints and N cis, Numbness, Piles, ROMEITIEEITOF3113 4 11Cifie h ratf.rd, J. le tette, i841. h• -n30' F:r h se. fee fee upfront, Int e. In, . u0•' FINE. FIRM, AND 1)U11.t11:.F. rAIDUCK,l, OF rasin )N-tliE 1TYLLB. Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture ; 1 t til.\I (: R h ■ t ,e ..0•r+ Gtr ('h Pala• l0• \ Yr 1 L R.•■n,iful •••d Fr.t Col•mra, sad et prices Mot will wren -e perete,,,,,,,, OR, 5 1 RE1 I B ionbeeTrnw.eriwr.. Dn. rattrap. C.n,nn sad Lamle* Wool nra,..re an,1 Rhino. !'rice 1s. 10Id. per Motile. lOLL'SA'L'4' . SAT!.'1'F.TTS AN 1) TN'liGDS, ! For the cure of '1% eek Digeriron.Bilious MA111: t P 1 ()ATM, VI sTS .A Nit TifIlW ERI+. Dleen.es, Pains in /he Ptnmarh. Loss of ST'OC ES, seaters sed Mids. Iri.b Ln.". H rk.kin Mits. G!utee. English, French sod A:mettle, General 5)et,llity. Palpitation of AM11:t111'.3 ('.1P2. ) Ek ler ire byes f. 1 Inhabitants the Meer,. Consnrnplinn, fee, ate. meg y ( Thie Medicine is one of the beet and 1(. ! Qt11 . R" 11'iw-d. = t cbeapest In circulation. '1';lll1 Llllen•t, ¶'(i%%'ei{If)ws. LIIil'll and '4rtt si Sheeting, Counter- CANADIAN FRIEND; OR • I o •r r to Inform the n itants r•( oderieh Ned tee eieiuit that he h.. re- ceived • Laren Seg 'y of the LATEST 111 - PRO': ED PATTI: N8 of COOKING, BOX, panes, 1111*-tnil1c4. Guelph i)'iw t -k awl Blankets. Hewlett's Universal Ointment. 50 SPLE \Di D BUFFALO ROBES!! AND PARLOUR STOVES, erhieb be Aero kw SALE at eery Price Is. 3d per Both. For Coning Corruptions. of every demerit) Ldeno RAGat :cep ►'nr Lisarpnnl SALT, all of Mach will be sold at %cry reduced Prices fur lion, Ulcerated Sure Lege, Boit., Scalds. CASH 0••r Merkeabb Far,u P►odurChilblain@. leu. G"Je:icb. N.:ve, her, 14:99 . REDUCED PRICES POR CASH. The Seh.eriber also keeper r es bast. as weal. 2.-n43tf at h••01.1) STAND, a LARGE and very Su- p. nor ai..uarva .4 .--w -a, rlre 7 T Hear the mt'pnringsofanhene.t been in regret 1'r, the dulepadaird condition of he, ut'mcntionahh Farewell ! farewell ! old trenserlonn• ! Long tine we're ruck tugrther- Variety of .eenwe gone through And braved ail snits of weather ! " Mot Brown 1 have been to 'cern how to tell J.rtune e," t•ald • young fellow to a brisk brunette. Joel Act nee hive your bunt if w u please. " Ile ! Mr. 1Vh:te how midden yon are! Welt, gee and ask my father." I say, landlord inquired a loafer, what are you gone to charge to keep me all the winter for nothing ! " My Brethren," said A nr?Artier de.ean- Ling on the d'flicultlere of the sinner, a it is a very easy task to row a .klff over N,aga- u '0•a Falls, ant a trcmcodcue job to row it back again." " Jim, Fe a couttin a woman." •• The duce you en' -is she peony 1'' • Don't know -1 hav'nt hcen Able to err her free@ yet, for the paints nn i'. Sha hides ilio A pulverized brickbat.' ' Jemmy, what is a mernber of Perlia ment 1' • A tnrmher of i'ar'iamenl . is a rommnn eubstagtuve, eereetng it nth melt in- terrnt and tri governed by four dolor, a day, understnod.' A ncgr.'p ilea of Inv., asegiven by Pel ham one of the Ettunptnn .ernaderr nigger ! 1 Idt as if I war 0;i 1n the clouds between/two hot buckwheat cakes, mod all de little on.'e'• were p uirin' down Isaacs Oil fro.' The following nrd"rt, tvcre recently gid_ en by the rantein of a•western inform/mat when about to oogegn.in a rico with anoth- er boat :-' Roretn cp there, ard tell the engu,eer to shut down the settee valve !- ▪ Give. her goer ! Gentlemen !t ho bevel! stepped up to the ntftae and settled will please retire to the I•,dles cabin till we pass that boat. ' Fire up !' Id is considered a fuoliah experiment to graft hog's falls neon pear trees to make them bear roasting pigs. ' Y0(i ars the scum of reciety,' e..i,l a fop to a poor laborer. ' And you dee the sell meat,' sou the answer. F''9, I'1'I \ Wr.l ItE of every dell ription. ►' a The sob c:ilwr take. Ibis opportunity of deter - hire his sincere thanks to the Public for dee very Wrist patronage he has received since he has been to huerners in Ooderich, and hopes Ly strict attenders to ha..ne•s, arid moderate prices, to Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills • A remedy for Coativenes., P•.ins and Gid - diners In the Head, Deno/ere of the Liver, 1 Stomach, and Bowels; also, Indige.tion.- Price 9d. per Bor. 0•()x ►fOTt! sEX r .--T 7-)_ FS. • E YiE t•+. jag •.1 FI'3?E Bi9MAEL!_ 88, CO. e II.K9. COTTONS. 11XDid I 1\lI'QRTFRS I M.n.b, w.• PriaShawls. commie. se receiven.Lars- of the pehlicpaunneer and VI"elle.,•o: every ' Hamill woo... Hosiery, N. H. -DRAINING. i'AINTIN(:. GLA- De•cripuoe and -- LACES, ZING. PAPER sad HILL IFANGING carried g,r.lity I ab. 19, (. ( AIL/ s' -s1 I ' Sewed Goods, J e. oAGoJrr i hrGth Sept. 1gt9LLlAAg8TRY. i3 .LONDON, C. 11.. VI:lCIIA\TS SUPPLIED ON 77,E LOWEST WHOLESALE TERNS. Lon ton, C. W., 2S,h November, 18-19. v2 -n43 -y New Taih►rin, Establishment IN GODERICH. THE Subscriber her -.to nnnnu:,ee to the in- k■!,beans .f C•alrrlch, and its vicinity, 111.1 lie her comment -d bn.ine.s in the at.ove line. in the Rain. a j riming 11. iHORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square. where he wilt be pre- parell to execute a4 orders in h,. line on the t!urte,l onticr, and at moderate charger. N. B. -Cursing dun un the •:,or:e-t r.ntife JOI1N ADtM1t4. Gmlerich, Oet. 17,_1849_ '2.137 • G RO C E R Y DEPARTMENT. HOPE,, BIRRELL <S' CO. Grocers, Wine Merehtants, .Fruiterers, Y)IL HEX.' 17 DUNDAS STREET. LONDON. C .'W. Ij R & Ce. re•peeduUv ✓.licit the arm -otos of their numerous untnm.rs and lbs Public, 1n 1 • th.'r prevent la.pr endears .rleceil .10.1 "f Bls,k and Grreo TE:A. Ma.eova.tn, I: -I . ne :, .•:.1 ('rn.h.d SUGARS, OI l G.v•nmeah Java, and L.guyra COFFEES. IAew FRUIT, crow •h 1049. Fr, -ti Spires and Groceries - Th •.r Stork •.1 WINE.`(i• ishei Vory rmmPlete-Conn:-tin t of 3.ANDE"I.AN & Co GRAHAM S (' .. PUNT'S Ruperior Old Poi'. Dl: FF GORDON & Co., and leE'IPSTER'S Pale, Golf. en, Rod shown Shaman. BLACKBURN'S and WOOD & Co'. M■dens, ('hampaign, Cbmre1, pale, end !!rnwn Cn±nae. Jarna'+•Jtnm, S.:I,ied•m."L.ndon Porter. and Edinburgh Ale. Ail of which will be feria bIT(thORDI:RS,ies. CM soldCAREFUL Y ATTENDEDsTTU An Engli.h gentleman travelling in the ronnty of K:Ikenny• carte to a for:L and hired a boat to take Inns arrest,. The sea ter being rather more senate(/' than 1 as agreeable to bum,• he asked the boatman it any Tiernan Wee ever Inaf in the p'IemOgc.- e Never,' replied the boatman, • my brother was drowned here last week, but we lobed hire next day.' •• Were you C0(1 91 lir mesmeric reale. said • believer in the pornr.' to a Bal. Dont Homer. " 1 never was Atranc'•r,' 041,1 the Hosier. ' 1 came from the stale of Indian - ay, myself, but I've lived in the Iowa ter- ritory.' " I've josh leaked in, to erre if you are do. ung well." as the en,k pawl to the leb.ter when she lifted up tho sem-open lel. The Barger Advertimcr tells a gond story of a yankee, who was refused a Limner, at one of the sorer.•, • d"wn emit; unlll he had shown the landlord his pewter. Beer - face then did his beet, and at the petite' ref the bell, in walked the Y'nk'•e, and" t.k• ing n general servo, of aha tat be, turned to his host and said, Miner you've ee,'d my money, and I've seed )our dinner -good bye.' Why is a ynnng lady 'Ike a b Il of ex- change 1 B•eaneo she ought to be settled u sono a she cornea to tra•enty. 'Do you think raw clams la bsaJlh)r Bob r ' V.s, 1 do.' 'Renee fork. Ray bey Isn't.' ' 1 don't este whet memo mike 'bay, but 1 never knew a TA At clan, 16 c"wpiain being out 0l Armlalr.' An old lady rye. in Vermont wort one. a•k ed by a ynnng clergymen to ohm rel•gio"e drnommenea ehw bdgnyeel. ' 1 do..'t mire anything sheet y dor nom,nn'tnn•-for rnr part i hold on to the old meeting honor.' • That's all in my eye,' a the herring said when he got strong. ' John, J,d yon tear. Mfr. Jones's nmher- ell• at dame T teed • f ,.d mitten veete*day to her 11,4 horn. • Nn me; sale i-,hn.- And why.1.,f yon not my eon 1 Didn't 1 tell you In 1' .Std 1M rnnteer. ' Vet,, me drd, sea,' said !ohs ; ' but dtd'nt ymr slew, tap sll.rla keep something for • rainy el rev. and ore it 1•ek■ a 0•f tn•mM►ew would be 'set, what better Jbing Awn 1 hems than se (eabrdia 1 Tse • sea' sodden at Jtea'e ple.naH uapltcly. Soma Rae cella the time of &entwine! lhd g:rh1'hands the Wm, 0.111041 ertfR. HARDWARE DEIN ARTMENT. HOPE, BfRRELL & CO. N.. 21, Lt,nsda,, Street. itRiit)1. 11133 9111.C.--1 WAIL AIL -1W ' AND' IMPORTERS CF Sheffield, Birn1i11gllain. Wolt•'erliaulptun, and New Engin ill HARDWARE. Iron, Zteel, Copper,- Tin, I Le•d, I Z.or, Speltet,O A u.tle, I Y,ees, I Na,l., . I R'ire, Glass, Cnr.lage, SJdd!efy. a'D Canada Plates, &r. a('c. 44. for ,',r!0•. and P, irrs {'Trp .lJodtintt. C+ALT.-Thr S,Menber•'o8'rr for Sale 1;000 Barrels Tem O: ustil igo Ras, jut lauded, ix "O.. 1i reola." a 0rw.•go. Alen - 711 Rble. St. l'bes S•1,, well '•lapsed for Pat•kine Iturrnse.: 58 Rs?. Fin• Liver.-, -' Sal,, in bags of 220 On. each. 200 Hag. Fine Dour Salt, weigh 2.1 .1. each Prices Low for C.rsk. IIOI'E. CIRRELI. S Cn. London. 23'h Novrn her, 1849.- •'•-'I'(3 _ AN'1'1.1).-5,(100Buehel.TIMOTiHY S..ED. ter which the the. Hllihes' Price in CAS! \ V will it)' 1•oi.1. 111)Pb.. RIRRELL & Co. I.ordno, 2rirh N,rv"mh^r: 1t)-19. 12@-13 Perdue -Merchants. erchants. 1) AN 1 a.0 ::-5,uuu 1 u. NUS 01' W U01.. A. ply V "IiOPE, 81HRELL & Co. Produre' Mendez/MY. 2.11, No.rmbrr, 1049. 20-033 London, DI VISION COURT'S. Tn}: next Disi.ion Courts for the I..winR:- lhrisinn. I•hrre of holding Cn;:rt. 1st. Court Louse at Gaderich. 2d. Dunkin's Tavert. (iur.-n Road 31. Aro. l'• Tavern, Stratford 4.h. Quiche' Tat ern London Road. 5'h. Itattenb,ry'a Tavern Crmote 6',h. S, Ip.o' low, Sr. ;Vary'@. The Siui::ga of the Several Cevrte G.,dc•ich, Dee. (1, 1949. Huron D,tint .Ell be Leh] at the times end places fol - Dole. Class name. 2nd Frb:onrp, A. F. Morgan. 1'q., Clerk. 9,1, January. R. bort Cane, L,; , Clerk. FII Joau•ry. Gorge R'Jhan,m, 1:.q., Clerk. 16th January. G.'•rtt Carter. E•q. Clerk. IS i' deanery . James Gordon, UR.,.Clerk. 28th December. James Coleman, Feel., Clerk. will commence punctually .t 11 r•c!utk. A. M. ARTHUR ACL.- ND, J. D. C. v2044 II )- A L' T Il 0 !: 1 f F.-sa'P,1Y1•;n from the S . .,•'lh:•r the let Jac of Any;ust I...',' 11111) HEIFER, 'ore yr•,r old parr, with a n hue (:tee, with a ,::I'F:('KLED F A C E, and white belly, SherilT• Side of T. nds. /end a pitta of the lett car taken utf. Any rr.n .atfrg in(urotati•n. at the Signal i1UROV DISTRICT, I ON Men•!ay the, osiee e..11 be m., .ft••d for te,ei, ur.vhle. '1'o Nur: ' j Pewee 1)-,y "I. JOHN SAVAGE, 1.t Con, f;oderich. (k•to',rr nevi, to el be Meld at the Covert S -.e. 21, IR49. Roots at 111.• G4,1 of the tendon D•nriet, it lc- n•49tf th•,Townof(iederich,etthe h,uraltwely, I' RRAA'I'FOHI)• B1(1:1E'.ltY. u @:leek• arson, the un 1. rmrnti.,n-d LAN DS r1'115 8, heer'ber 1* eetsrnie. his eine@ e wdh the i.e..„ ,t. and app nrtena' ee I reeknowledaemeats to the ,nhabiteme 7f element.) beleugieg, by swim tit (-err Wier- N'i"'f"rd• and In kis e.et"rners S'•ne►ally, Ir" •tae bherml p.trnca(. wl.ieh he h., received d*r- F'fm.'Jifwei £opo..ns.l 51,11 on' .f Ihr, (,num, ma 'hP tiara he hes Leon i" r": e0•: wi•►er see 01 (j.te•1•a'• N..,. b seen In me •l meeted. Al intimate tLu the imynne(Iunnpruxera w►ie► the rnr"rrtivr rut•@ of antra Roheiit•nn. have recentl► Men ,n.'.9n his e.tablishment. 1L bort 71..d.rwrli. John StMrhee, ( Ant...itl .nahle him in make • soother quality d ..n", (fee., and J mea ClmtHng, P!e•roiife,- BEER, and in htnish it en such terms u pathlle .1.,. by -'rtes. o Iwo tV 1t. 0f reereetini, him to a em'nnua'inn of the b leets whiek Expels?* termed ret of Iler Naj••et)'e hirer he Ma hitherto e.jn)Pd. Dietnet CAT t, 110 me dnreet•d, 1 the. r J. VIVIAN. •esl,pr.ttte sM . ui R,rb.',! Pa'k a',d 4rehua. H'relferd, Nov. 24, i949. vd1•.41 ceeeway, Pia•, 148., es. J ..,'' Ann IK'pperVj `';'PRAT StElt11.-Rented gotta s ie sa►- and .'tipre!i.rs W. K'por n. i efemisa'e, t,' - .enh., *won IM tint n( Oer.W, kwt, • wit, a pert •n11 pnr1,"n of Ivo. k 0. In the; DARK RFD STEER. (heed ...arty Meek), T•.wnahlp of C.db'rne, Wr.fl Ali Mvirlon,'p ' ye 'r n1A. Anv Mrw n n•ins ringw/baAo. Huron lint-; t, c mtammq Two Iltiadredi.110,...4.1117 w'll hP s.lisfi -.I i.,,h. r'o'be.. .Acres of Lana mere we Mr.. !1 JO.YI:PtI MrINTYRE. 91h cos. Lot Xis. 2. JNO. M.DONALD, ' Catheter, Nov. 99, 1849. v2 -a43 Sheriff; llnron Dislrlet. - --- FRr.Rr►t a ()mew, Notre to Creditor*. 0.rd• rich, f3tlt Jely, 1819. 9a'-iIi• A.J.I. Pensee. having Claims against JO- SEPH Vtmm P11.LAT. of the Town Po•rr' I`f F.AtENT. shinof North ga•Ihn m the Huron Dip - The 1850 above S.1. it P..tpoa.J t• JasMq 114 ,0•r i, are eaq*ated 10 hand them 10 the 30-11 X Mr•DONAA k !1ob@Eriber fn► RR•m'naHnn and Adjustment d flame t. WIL til1JC(YI'T, A.sigti#s dn►,pp•, crew Tit$ For 41A tkti of Joseph ♦eirplllut, 1lpdoravb, 00p• ! aM `' ,tilMI1 I 'Hamburg, l th "I. 1149. iv.37tf e CHILD DESERTED. HEWLETT'S Apperient Family Powders. }'OR BOTii 1Nt iEB, A remedy for Coat'eenes., Pains •,red Gid- d;re.A irr the Head, Dls,rdera of 1hn Liner, liton•ieh, and Bowe:@; also Indigestion. (7 To the many perenne who object to the 'eking of Pulte, three Pnwdere, are rec- ommended, and for Children are prefcnble. -Price is. 3d. per Bottle. Hewlett's Antibilious •Pills. Pries Is. 3d. per B,adle. An etrellen, remedy for L'1 tau- C•unp'aint. and Co.ttenncu. They remove a'fod.trnc- u,ns on the Stomach, at the .aroe hoe Stren9'hen the. 1)irertireOrean•, F.xiricete those Pains attendant upon Done -dere of the Stomach, act a. a Tnnie Upon Relaxed Constitution.. and prodece Vigor It. Health• r,flrT TIII 119$9. MOFFAT'S VESETABLE LIFE PILLS A H D PHCENIX BITTERS 'Ti.. 1110 w .@.led ..1. Lo., .arc► thew yrs c0Nw 1.r e•.. ae,awd Mr tag Wrui.wy .A0wy 1..0 Me a somal Mar! ray P.m.'. .on, sae "mamma to lest yewtw .I grew •y e_.1S f, bat .01110, Ib, sf Ire. Try a.@ atrww ►ye: Mei ' geed .►. ski ,d ...S. wily M tare. and vary f ,r wearer, Z MO M a0• -><'-. i2 ANL I♦ >® IMMI 40• AOTM$A. ACUTE out CNRONIC EH1vear/AIL Arrterross r gas IILADNRR sod KIDNEY& =I JOUs T7v1ae a LIVED ODDIPLAINIff.- M tore err► ad err. wars tsar team.@ twat. Hwy .H M trent invali.a0M Mayors. atareaw. ad err.. .he now w 100•0 31wbSt1 e• wit runt Yd. le *Wawa ore BILIOUS CHOLIC. ars IS VB Lawman*" BILES, COETI►ENEert. COLDS i COVOILU. CHuL'C, CONSUME LION. Voir rob prat »e.0•.. lar tasas•w cUaRUPT HUMORS. DOVPSI►S. DYU AIT•24►r Mo eras rob teat .IM•a.•ir dr .e0•..►.0•W Aria weer Io., aeotw .r. aoraedia0r SEEP (UNE re 04 SCM, ERTalPCL4S. FLIru LENCV. FR V TS R wwd A D V I. Fir tau winos. Ad l0• are Yrs.r.eto tape. etrliM IO wan M Mad •0.00.0 evenly..aa . .J tithe loam t0• s• ortar w.Ree Odor t•riw, stmt t- M eked masa. r 1.le.ea•• 1 'II JN. aw-ll tan 'MM. N)1 u'e1E/taD, AMID q cUnCD. FOULNESS a0• COMPLEXION. OmND*AL Da*ZLZTT. ODUT. UIODINESS, RA I'EL HLADICHtn, Vows Had, INWARD ,'Rv;r, INPL/MMATURY R1/5Utl4 rL,11, metrics BLOOD. JAUNDICE, LUSS sr /PPI• Tiro. LZVA= OODIPLAINT•• LEPROSY. LOIMEV►.i$, M t.:I1C l' nala.L DI.CA11 :a. - Never ra.r 1.. waaww entirely anter Sia. ..r Memo, ..51 My err tae 1O. riper .n.raa(I tr,vratr,a.4 Iarwrn,;.. NAIIIT SWEATS. NkRiuL'e D►RII.ITY. NikI-UU1 CO..PLAINTS .( sit Y.4.. ORHANIC AI•FSCTIUA4, rar.PITATION nJ IN HEART. Pat TER'$ CHOLIC. P Z L 1! TM original ,rete ie•.r .f 00•0..tern... w.. hood .d Par .f w aeon rondos N 1L. 0•ra et tarn taco metre..+ .hau:. PAINS ,...a 0or.'. Ylw bawl. hear. yonh ed ..p• o R IT E U M A T 10•r 3I . Th... ■rllrot.l w.a this tangle armee w,R 1. .ur.f relief by the Ido anther* ItV)thI .4331,1)01) torr. IIY,AD, ac1Rr Y. s4LrluEUM. SII'OLIa,US. tdnnrt'LA. ea ZING'S MOVIL, robot .owl 1..ta. ULCERS. 0' eras d.eerrN•ow W O R sR tt, .4 all book, .0•r .0.r•M/I, ewslMd M ter. 71..l . 0•.-r , rarruO rdl J„ r ell w adonm.tm thew tart .tar t4.•' @,,.tante r a.riaaa,.l Rel.( W.11 10 nnaa TIE LIFE PILLS AID PHIE!IIX BITTEI S PURIFY THE 8100D. 'And thus remove all disease from the system. sirsP H $ 1' I X atad e I Ill T T sleet R S b, r. IJI(Ee r, `t l E.wyr 10.1.. la the .Min:al..-.. of Vier, patie..l. - TIe genuine of W.0• meJ,einet are rat I+tt •p la Oldie wrapper. J 1.Le1., 1.•gen,er .rel, .lhi,t. called •' Ales t', Good Samaritan." eonuwh.g the J.rtetiw., at, re water it • Paring of Broadway furs Wall Street a our °Hee. by •i:ich rraogera •i.i'i.g the .iia am my awl)) fled n, 11* anpp..e 004 Samaritans a top, ighrel, therei,r. thew .ho yroeen them .0th .I,Yte wrap dno e.'a.t r toured tat they an oruoite . It. 0.11101• a NALII ►uy Ow. grafi yeaor wrapper.; but if ).web, be w flat they core direct from w, or dont ono, Pain. Err PreptceJ .d sold by DE. WILLIAM D. mOFTAT, 333 BrwJ.•y. earner .f Joanny newt, Sew balk. Fur ►.1t, by BENJ. ,PARSONS, @Vele 4ge1M. • G,tderah, Jan. 29 1848.' I ON THE Ninny or NS'Lnh:.DAT,Tee 1411. Inst. H 1 tt' P t l C' gh Pills R early on the following... morning, Dame C11 ,e S t ( flea e0• 013 • Price I s. 3d. per !Jos..; hr.:rtlrsru'e,het abrndeee.l her 1,110' invite For the cure of Cough). atul'Asthme.- i.elem•ncy of dee another, and the wor0's char. ..y, l:y leaving it in soy .l,erp p. n. The child These -Ji' rable Pills are Moet h, l pot' 1 to wss then apparently o . ut tour days old. and to • rhe specdv removal n0 CI dtnhm, rr1 eve J ffi • Ihriviuq, healthy condition. Ant• oernon who roily in breathtoF, so @trine to Asthmatic „cum- conviction ' e t 1 procure theeL- or i cu 11h' c. a0• e a w' t eh w,ll ire'eoc I treformtrin rya will .end to e r the J P g te conviction of the unnatural u,rrl,•r. *111 recede .1 Reword of Tea Pounds, ' ereeeee,f. JOSHUA CALLOW AY. Bayfield, 27th November, 1819. 2v -u434 MOOR 1a. 3d'. RC! Bus., . GQDES11ClJ. CANADA VEST. FelFl*ofrlrertno@wviing,(p))bar.ttriwucaLa,rlynanttethe 1C)inht',- 8:1, November, 1849. cannel by great Weakness and Debt!ity in Tjlr SLSUBSCRIBE*,.rthe Digertivo Organs. RI: in Receipt of. by•recent, arrival* at :Montreal. from England, Hewlett's I111Allnt s tllln ,Q A LARGE AND -VARIED ao.nrtmcnt of i11PORTANTTO SMUTiiERS k `bruits. For easing Patna in the Bowes and Seto-' mach, an ernerel with Infanta, expelling the Wind. and procuring r.freahing Bice)•,' Prier Is. 3d. per Donk. Sold by R. PARSONS, God•:ric I ' . Itlen.rs. P. C. I:lark b: C", Port S a-nia. have reeeiced cnnrtder.tble attaint. hath Mr: Wm. 'evert Sydenham, Owen Sonnd .r E -' 1. arc!Uni•MI Stat.•. ManuGcture. Gmlerich, 20th A•teii,t, P40. 2r -n29 3 Frr, cry,"t' York..tt,rr have receivcl their s,,p,,I:.0 e-GR•)I•ERIES, c.nsi-t,ny of BTRATPORD - ( i170 ! A. of carr' us Q•tat tics• • I R O N FOUNDRY. forts of rest and sleep. Hewlett's Dinner Pills. COR DIAL. DRY GOODS, "particularly, ceir•rted in :Manchester, for their Retail Trade." Their Siock of BAR IRON, "of the beet Crown Brand':" ant SHF:1.1,` 11.711I)WARE, BOXES TOBA. ('f!, 0•!n do 11()\Fi L0.11'' SUGAR. k.'. k^. k•-. All of whir!, will be,liepo,:•e' of for MONEY or PRODUCE. at Leet Ranee. M. 13. SEYMOUR 1:. C... 2• -n40 -6t 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. '1111E CANADA COMPANY have for 1 dlepo.Al, about 1,300,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed threughunt blast of the Puvtnahtpa in Upper Grenada -nearly 100.- 000 Acres are situated in the Huron Trawl, well known as olw of the 10Mt fertile parts of the Province -it has trebled itp popela• lion en five veer., and now contains up- ward. of 20.000 inhabitants. The 1. A NDS ere. offered by way '•f f. i' .1 S !: , for Ten Years, or for .flair, C .1 N 11 D O 10' .V -the plan . f one f,f)A f ;rs4, aed lhr balance in Inslal- Tents brine,' done ,,w.sy with. The Rents payable let February each rear, urn 'haat t he Inte'i'.t at Six Per Cont,onno the prier •d the Lend. Upon mist of the Lem, when 1.h:.ASEn. NOMONEY 18 REQUIRED DO1VN-whilst upon the other., acenr•tiny to loe•lity, one, two, or three scar. (tent. tenet he ivied ire advance, -hut there elements' will free the Settler from further eill. until 2nd, 3rd or 416 yea •of hie term of Leu.. The right to PURCHASE the FREE - 1101.1) dnrume the term, 1..r'en►crl to -the Leaner 01 a Out earn named in Lee e, and an allowance is made ace.rrding to amici• pared pevment. Lime. ,'1 Land., end any fertile,. informa- tion tan bo ehtwnned, (bv epplienti••n, .f hr I. lip, poet -pail) at the COMP .• T'S Orncna, Toronto *ad Goderimk ; ref R. RIR DIA L1., F,•q., Asphodel, Colb,Fns Di'tnct ; Dr. At.LIRo, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq., . 1rerford, Ilnrnt' Pietrfrr. Grwllcrich, March 17, 1848. 7 nAY Born the IIGRON intro os Saturday evening, 9011, October,_ A YOKE OF OXEN, one Blank and one Red -Large Strong eremite. The Black one baa • *Li', mot rya( the root of the tail -the red one has very I -rye wide borne - and walk. wile to the hired lege. °relench, Nov. 12, 1849. Ilv-o41 d The i{'rnp.!ranrr Jbillee,--axiM•ich. M48 FIF.NRY MARLTON informs 'heNM; muly that he has I.e..md the Premie►, knows as th. a..timMwt (Istel, sad 1111 ere then% as •• The T.mdereeee Moo..." rya Wed , Cveal.g, •M 31.0• liar, with a RA T.I. aNd ST/P- p alt„ so whirr ser parties sr req'eetr.Ily i• ntsd. Tickets $ I. adenine • 6,.d.,.,. sed ire Ladies .f ate (sail►. The Temperas.. Moo.. 10th Doe. 11844 4i --'t - I10VE M.1 \OF'ACTURE. '1,11E Soh -crib rs nn returning thanks to •g their Customers for the' liberal sop ;tort they hate received . i' ce r,minrrcisg businrs., he to intimate, the& they- hay-' for •a:' at lore rate,. 1 Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves., also P'Dughs of ci1ht dracripti•,n,; and e'en - Melina of t;:e most improved Moulds. ;Me acting 11111 Dots. and variore orher cas- tirg•. Having encsned en experienced Machinist, the ea/tenni, r, can c.nfndcnlle rrcommeed their THRASHING MA- CHINES of fete neatest doa:gn, holly ala tionary anrh moveable, an(e:oell solicit a call from intending Purchasere before buy- ing elo-where. All orders pun :Dully at - ter ded to and executed with neatness and de.patch. ORR k WILSON. Stratford, 13th Aug. 1849. n2-n2Rt(. PLANS AND SPECtF1C.tTIoN;. THE Subscriber begs leave loinform the Inhabitants of the Deduct of Huron, ahi1TAr neighboring District,, that Let.as Established himself in Stratford, and to prepard to Pic.- Plan, Red Spreifica• tions of Public er Privates Rull.liege, Bride. (es, Mill Dents. 1i.c, &Le. kr., and will take thee superintendence of rnch Erections, on the most reasonable terms. 11.. thorough knowledge of hi, profe,.ien and his practice as Bolder, qualifies hum for any undertakene in the line, Addr'RR post paid, PETER FERGUSON, • Builder, kr. kc. Stratford, C. W. ! Stratford, 81-rcb 18111, 1849, 2r-n7tf S'I'ItA'I'IO1tD HOTEL. (LATE ■AT'S.) rr11E Suhacria'r informs his friend. and E the Trevelliuz Puhlir, that be has Ica•cd IM large BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth,) lately °erupted by Mr. lege May. -where he will he reedy at all times Io afford the natal eomf•,rt and m.pplies end promote the personal convenience of his gu mete. WINES and LiQUORS of the beat tit•- Icription. A steady ilostler •!wave in •ttnndaece. ALBERT 0, HATCIL Stratford, 18th July, 1849. 2v -nate (iI DII ffIIUT! THE $uh.eriher, will pay the HIGHEST MARKE'fPRICE kw (food Merchantable Wheat. JAMBS PORTER & Co` odPrich, 0•k t '17, 1g40 mat i\ TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SAI:E. OR w.un 2 miler, end the other x •Vu in about 3 nuke. of Goderich'1' son rut. The 8••t i. L' T 10 in; 1.1 Conc.a- pt00, Tnw•n•9•p u( Gal.'ric5, CONTAINING 16-1 ACRES, is bounced at the one erd by tenter Huron. and at the ether by . A Pub, c Road, --aa 1 the second i. LO► 8 in 8th Cuoccsrion, C..lb,•rnr,-1l',th o;ur, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, aid is.ittia'cdet tb,t Juncticn of two Fab- ic Ritede. For !'articular• apply to JNO, McDONALD, F,rq• C,!.'rir, . 121', Jere, 1849. n19-„ X0'1'1C1:. 1111E Subscrihrr hav r.g RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- ing 10 Ile fife+ors. IR,vcnport, of ibis place teas cetab:i.hcd tineelf as a - FORWAnpra AND I:UM14Ia.1O5t MERCHANT. try orders er comm a -ben from the Mer- chants of Godrnch, 'MI receive prompt attention. JOHN MCEWAN. W rndenr. March, 10349. Yt•--7nlf. TAILORING (ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH • IN returning thanks to Lis friends and et: - mercers Customer., fur the Liberal Pa4- ronage which he has rrccnvcd during the past year, begs to intimate that he has jut received an exteoslve Assortment AL3 at i .7A\ a:itrz•-.Ia ::91IIIl231:, and a ready to Execute all OrJcr. gen t s him with rare and pnncinaltty a formerly Godertch. Aprill, 12th, 1819. 2i -n1011 Upper Canada Rebellion Losses- Receiver General's OJtee, Montreal, 1'2;h MRch, 1849.. PUBLIC' NOTICE' is hereby given, that Claimcrts ler Rclrt•.iion Le.ecs In Canada 1Vc't, who tato not applied to, and received payment of their Calms from the rerpccttve Agents of the Bank of Montreal, in the setcral distnctsas heretofore notified w,11 from and after the fir.t hay of June next, be nrceosialed to aj.ply fur paylrent of t!.e same. either personally or by duly appoireed Atiornie., to the Parent Beok in this city. (Signed,) 8. L. FRIER, Ii. M. R. G. 1-12 OLIN *trod Signal, 1f FEINTED ARM PORufHIn 117R? TWORSDAT RV. THOMAS 111ACQUEMN, iao,TOB ARD rnerwrtTOa. or11da MARKET RtltnAaR, s0Dnare1. •,• Ronk end Job Pritfiag, executed with newr'rem end deepuch. 7'►Ran rye TMs Heaps Nt*•t. -TEN 8AlL• !ANON per seism if peed weedy is etheeee. or Tws1.•a Aso S1s Pact with the erpintio• of the year. No paper discos, ineed seta arrears pro paid op, Baku lbs publisher thighs it bloodstai- ned!, toe* m. A. i.dleidmtwenty, in the entry b.eemieg re- spn.a4ble fq six n'Malltheertbers, all receive •• wv.wth cepa Lnti.. 17 AIf let rem addressed to the Editnmrstbe Pm) pard, sof they will Bet bt takes see of Sripmt .lit.. Tamar M asveartara Rix line•..dor, 11,w iervtlsar.•••1 d 9 Fwe► bre.eatimem ies•Peen.- 0n le T.. I'D.. rad •adv;, Arlt iasevtlea.• • .. 0 3 4 Emelt ausequnt tespr. tier,.••• - • 0 0 le Onrciest liase,.lirsl iaagetcMaI7 per Ws.A 0 11! l t rllN M ` dvePMa ley Rtes yI . •