HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-12-20, Page 3foe the impatiAes e( dosli(retrsfeod seedy ,*og Mw keim “Imp. erJlrle boat hueta*y Ml sot too *Iowa, fir the Wal- i sena holism • era j V tie Mttl P• we are ia the pews, five 0 with Obi* assess• of a, be 1t eo, what ton I Dat ))wily charged weld Lower Cenedu• isemen be, but Lon.,Orta fI they, .s the otbej krri,� for our dtsssssnNes* 1 The lessroi 1t teethes wog b gb-( post+ ' tloe0te fare of the emus ty. deyt l kava yonuiJ, and l� eM But It is said. here baw.bstrs the snit• erf Misr i Levier Came l% of Vowelise, end saeweed in .achasee .se al.ewad theca A•edre4 sad third taros 1n the tuwaships of Pualaach, *.asst, and Esea- The Rev. B..Jasu Creels •urre.dered fear acres of Jud, oa which was • hou,w WW1 sheds, sad received u. exchange ens U.esamL cigar kuadeed and Nas(•p-the acres -1396 ares of abrcll Ming to the townshio of Lin fore, the rest in Nusourt. The Rev. ?resent Evans surrendered fifty acres of Clergy Reserves, and fifty acres in Woodhouse, and received in ea• change eight Iterated acres in Walpole. The Rev. Philip Marerhoffrr surrendered the rear part of a 1,1 in Markham, contain- ing seventy scree, and reecived to exchange two hundred acres in the same township. Near Adtntral Van•tttsrt, father of the notolion■ Vanstttart of Oxford celebrity beat! all the clergymen to pieces in the targe amount he receives. it appears that he sdtrendered two lots of land. two acres, and a hoose. in Burford, and twenty-six scree in Oxford east, for which he received in exchange the enurmuue number of parte tkoeaand sir hundred .rad ninety acres of valuable land, in the towushap of Baxley, in the Newcastle district. Verity, Mr. Van - sit tart, son of the Rear Admiral, thy grati- tude is espec.ally due ro the members t.f the family compact, fur so han.lsomo an estate. But did corruption end here( Ala, so, for though the people year r after year peti- tioned against ate Clergy endowment of a state Church, and although His Majesty had solemnly declared, that be would leave the settlement of the Clergy Reserves with the House of Assembly, no lea than fifty-seven rectories were,estab- lished and endowed out of the Clergy Re - street, for the mere purpose of giving the Church of Enelsnd "spiritual dad ecelesias tical jurisdiction and authority" in the Pro- vince, thus laying the foundation fur years of further struggling end dissatisfaction among the people of Casale, fur witch they have Sir .1. Colborne to thank. In &der that our readers may be enabled to form a more correct idea, of the extent of the wrong and injustice thus perpetuated, we submit the following hat of patents for lands given as Rectory endowments of the Church of England: - Acres. 500 200 205 400 400 400 490 409 400 100 400 430 400 105 W. Macaotly. Pacton, 400 W. Blakely, Prerentt, . 450 W. Gentofte, Elizabeth Town, 400 T. Meek, WeltingtonaSquare,- 400 J. Co'hlan. Port Hope, 436 acted ensue+, to their pro ono' Is important is ehuwtag that "union s suet a marmot u to show diet, for the aka po of ewer, they wield wbsart every prises- slrengtb.,, Pie of free (overssa*t--ed of all geeter0- We premia a great country, gnat re moat, 1 .hall M aoqutlled it lila charge. sources. tad a people capable of developing And as regards this B II there is nae thee these resoureea. Our great leading inter remarkable, ,bat England, having give* us esti are one, and entire, i` we could but see Responsible Oevernme'It, did nut withhold it mo. Since the gnvermneolits been bas- her..octios to it, although Du doubt It was ed upon that of England, there is now no distasteful to her. She did, ee she hes always great political question about which to con- done, preferred gond faith to every other teed, but the ban• of the country as the cusm,d.ratius, mod thereby nave um another rancour with which its ;tetanal parties se - Weasels gaarsalee that she mese( to lot us sail each other. Rasher tbs. forego this, manage our own affairs. But a.umiag that they would ruin the Province. The feeling it was lbe,most nefarious Bill which could commas tohnth, is, that each only can do be introdecsd,--the gniut working of Res- the eight thing in the right way. My coo• ponsible Government, and the onconatitu- stat min has been 1., soften doors this bit - Lion court of the ultra-C.iosorvativcs, may terness, but for this 1 have been designated well be illustrated by this very Bill. And ns wasting in political principle. 1 hive first, all free givernmeels suppose that the always looked upon outrage and violence will of the majority is to govern, end that ase sraJde movements ts in our a freesocial ctpro- the minority. will submit. If, therefore, the p► u I 1 have on all aef fie and spoken majority to the dowse chyme 10 pass the bill, ed pn �ueh conduct, eo sad ocagiolamented its ke- thk ungodly was bound to submit to t1. op -against ration *hes it became law. If it were r ireOCe.political1changes always been and hope neveret meo sud- wrong, au appeal to the goal sense of the country would have set it right, or displaced 10 see bood■ of law and order shaken. 1 those who were rub moue) to do what the have always looked upon the British Cos- cosett►y disapproved• Secondly, of to carry stitution asthe , and peer crf onnexion soldel of tbgon d that out any measure, or to carry on the Go- govern a as invaluable inheritance. 1 Tenement without jar, it became necetury y as a to change the msjority of the Lsgtalativi have always sacred to stood edorloyalty o aid to the sea d. Council, it 0 lert to An so ;snd this is, tenonce of ou good dal rights. I will not, virtually, o o make that House s5 far else- e of ally art whose acts sub Go, as not to thwart the free action of the therefore, con.tlutioP and sap that loyalty. Ministry ttaest. But for this change the Ministare answerable to the Country- whose on more there fT.arfr *onueiac,among and who ou responsible for carrying out the Govern- p' meet, and for the means by which it is of. think disorder and violence are things to fasted : and if in any ieapect they baro be encouraged ; with such, to wbateter been corrupt, the /est elections would hive party they belong I wish to er, bold have ng the thing set all right. Thirdly, in palming this bill, to do. the R•nre•entative of the 3iivreign did no ions which 1 have candidly expressed, and more than by tie Co..liletioe, he had a acting as I have dune, 1 rosy misrepresent right to do, and ie my bumble J lgmcnt, this corrmomty, 1 have resigned any seat, what he was bolts., to de, en onlyt as the which your honor and mine, alike, require /lead of the Government, bot as an act of that 1 shout.) not held, with any imputation. fair dealing with his Min:.ery. But, instead of a reasonable appeal to the Genes of the peoplr, instead of the majority being in op- poaitioe, what they would have wished, be - lag in power -we have teen that, immedi- ately on the pairing of the bill, the Gower n•r Gaeral was assaulted. not by the m •b, but by persons of edeeatton and' 'tamaeg, who have been applauded ri•r the act.- Just ct—Just billowing this, the Parliament Build - Ingo, Library, and Records, were destroyed, by a mob, of cower., but a respectable one ! Tbii eagreat vet was palliated, its perpetra- tors screened, and all attempts to bring then to jnatice, thwarted, disapproved, and resealed. lo the sante spirit and with the sante impish,, Ike Governor was after- wards barbarously atiackeJ n the atreite and missiles, ant as be6,•e? merely ealcula- tedto insult, but to endanger, ,f not to de- prive bis of lite life, were hurled at him. vent, a aeleet committee was appointed on an occenon when other re.atanre or c.,mpm"ed of the following persons: Messrs.. retaliationwas out of the question : bot Peter Perry, T. D. Morrison, Jeahn P. Rehlin, Hiram Norton, and Charles Duns- cotehP. The particular function of this commit- tee Wan to take into cone:'eration the an- swer of that .cion of the irresponable sys- tr-nt, Str Francis Head, the.then Lieutenant G verve., to an &dares. of the A•snwbly relative to • ReepnnsibleExecutive Courted. While engaged in the dscharge of the duties aesigeed them, variooe matters of in- terest to the country same under their notice, not the TpiTimportant of which was the Clergy Reserves and the establish= anent of .Ito J,ffy'screa Rertoriee, against -the often expressed wishes of the people, I place myself before y•u again as a can 1 - date for your soffrate.. If consistently with my views and opinions I can represent The B shop of Toronto, veil, i shall esteem it an honor to be again Rev. C. Matthews, fork, elected, but if I cannot, Isbell nevertheless T. Philips, Etobicnke, be content to retire with the conviction., - A. N. Bethune, Cobourg, that t have done nothing and said nothing W. Harris, Perth, as your repreaettative which can cast ay -R. F. Grout, Grimsby, reflecting upon 7011. - R..01er, Peterborough, 1 have the bonnr to be, R. F. Evans, Woodhouse, Your obt. sent. John Anderson, Waterloo, JOHN WILSON. W. Bettrilge, Woodstock, London, 12th Dee. 1849. John Miller. Ancester, _ 11. Patton, Ketnptville, From t5. Brockeilk Recorder. S. Armour, Cavan, CLERGY RESERVES AND RECTO • G Mortimer, Thornbill, RIES. In the year 1836. when the Ilonse of An - trembly in Upper Canada were s:rnggltng for the principle of Responsible Govern- New York, Doc. $l,SP.M• Up to 0 P. M•, aotlti g have Mos rewefv- ed from Washsgtoa. 'Ma repo n le le Ira ,Qat oa the first Ballot Mathes, re• calved 104 votes : au choice. The lues south are not working well. Smote is saw felleg, but melte oa its first r.sehisg the • ubtenary sphere - It is stated that a conspires, bee bees discovered le ansseinate the Pepe. The French Governor had given orders to exam- ine closely all passports of pectose (wag through France to Italy. Lettere from Athen•state that the Rosman Gwereoest had sent • strongly worded, ted eves threat - meg letter, to that of Greene, cnmplateeg of the roeeption give,' to political refugees On the 1511, sltimo, the Lord High Com- miseioner of the Ionia, Isles prorogued the ...ileo of Parliament until the 4th lenient. Mr, D•lency, Commissioner to the Ameri- can Moetar at Setriaa, a about to return t•. New York and will be replaced by Mr. Mason. Fifty•tbree of the Garman rp1,geei at Zuroh, have receive' orders to quit the ter- ritory of the Confederation. The Caotoe. of Berne has also expelled several of them. The steamship Hoene, dues at this port has several distinguished rofagees on board -among whom are Uahesy, his two 8005 and daughters. It as Mad he has letters to President Taylor and Mr. Pancroft. He as accompanied by six or seven Hungarian offs - cera of rank. Among others on board is Madam Shagella who was present to seve- ral egga7ements between the Hungarian" and Austrians. A large number of refmgees were preparing to leave Breemen for New - York isle he American packet. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY *vet these seta were not condemn* d by the sltra-Conservatives. F.ng•isti a' ate. - men of all shades of opinion, in the msec time, pronounced unfavourably of the.e prne.edinga. Annexation to tt:o United State., wllb aha mockery., `of. " peace- ful attached to it, was next mnnted ; chiefly by those, ton, whose feelings had j•sat been so grievioutly w• anted be rotsarding. it was said, those who had a (e1 yens before prepoumded the same scheme as a cure for their gnevances! 1, annexation was high crime, and Me right 'o dispense with alio gi.oce dertei in 1837, what has ma le Va.. crime lees enormous and how can allegian.e be thrown off in 18491 If it he no crime now, it were surely so erifhe thea. Bat if thehigheet penalties were jelly awarded then, would they be unjustly awarded now 1 If to *obvert the Government now, be patri- otic, it was so then. To allege woundoi feelings with ono breath, and annexation with the next, is truly- aben•d : aBut this and against the expreeMid dectar halon of has Majesty. Became we mod it stated to the report of the select committee, that even previous to 1831 the pe tyle had veer after rear petita'ned for the appropriation of the Clergy Reserves to some useful public par- 1 nose. In that year also, the 1Vcs!eyanl tfethndiet Conference represented the case scheme. not really meant for what it pro- to has Majesty in term' an strong, that Sir feted, was ton glaring even to entrap tae John Colborne returned to that body an unwary, fur whom it was intended, an I it offensive reply. which was the cause of welch spread little beyond the plaint from which 11 excitement and Aiesatsfactien at the tone. emanated. Next followed a Convention, In the year following, petitions" wera i a democratid assembly, which they who sat transmitted 10 England ennteining equally in it two years before would have denoun- strong represent$tines against the Clorgy1 ced as republican, and subversive of every Reserver, signed by upwards of 18.000 of thing British. In this assembly were dabs- the people, and in the same year, 1832. Sir tad propouuoossubversive of what C"neer- John Colborne informed the House of As- vatus sought to conserve ; and the con- 'Nimbly, in a me•ssee dated the 25th Janus - eluding gsestioa left open to the country ry, that he had his Majesty's cnmmands to with its sanction, was a demand of the 92 the subject in Resolutions, uncoocedeJ, namely, an Elec- tive Legislative Council. -Aad to crown all, an influential branch of the party hath recently, aid while professing the most exalted loyalty, resolved that not the two, but the three branches of the Legislature shall be elective ! True Censervstus is to preserve our English institutions, this is totally to subvert them, i have all along deprecated lie eat -tomes into alach parties is this Province run, but 1 was not prepared to And that the two wareses of ultra elam- oros loyalty -ad ultra -clamorous radical- ism would meet is the same radical point ; nay, that she extremely loyal would an'Noms degree outstrip the extremely radical. -- The extreme radical of 1831 who did not disavow loyalty altogether, sought only the redress of griWeaacs to the extent to which Snglad has granted them, excepting an elective Legislative Council, but that part of the party referred 10, then, now and always boasting of loyalty, seek than and ether radical changes -an elective Go• msor and other elective functionaries not thee thought of. i wee toot ie (.rear def the intrndsetioo of Reepossibho Oov.rament at the time it was rented to es, bootee 1 was afrttld' we could set, es a people appreciate its advan- tages and dvan-tagesand carry it eel, i confess my fears is flirt re.pset rested upon the party et the men who have been the first to try to subvert It. 1f this fotm of government wee geed (or abs ultra part of the Conserve- Ilea onserve- Ileasray when in power, it should be gond for it when oat of power : it did riot brie*, that put of the party to show, that Mise poser they were Cosesrvative•, her. be- ast.1 pewee they were Radicals end atrocity's ; and that the di.treetlon, ie vet, between the site mad the other was having• or not bowleg the rarer. Respoe•tble Government arse a step In •fir social progress, and a obs political po- sites, mads, as 1 homily thought, in ad- vises of our wart and Mesta to appreci- ate 11, bet itemsg been made. it could not be reeall.d . All tial remained was furl) to work it est, sad i do believe. tbat if we would bot do this, It possesses the q.Iet. safe mid mortars m.sos of redeems( every altik tette a gmmemsssesl coo redress- If ld be en Imp Die. -sat ,sky W0' WMO1foWIarled teateisetwer 7 Naked make • enmmenication on Ili. lands belonging to the people -these which cnmmnmcatioa we find the following: R R "1t has, therefore, been with peeuliar endowments amounting to nearly Twenty satisfaction, that in the re+nit of his ingni I G,reelhosseed acres of the most valuable rte. into this subject, His Majesty has found, land in the Province. - Really the sooner that the change. sought for by se Targe a proportion of the inhabitants 4f this Pro- vince may be earned into effect without saerdie:ne the jest claims of the establish- ed ehnrcbes of Ragland and Scotland." • • • • • "His Majesty, therefore invites the House of Assembly of Upper Canada to Mesd.y last. At 13 the offerings weetd he alleadaM. het Meiese ass eery relec taut to /tithe lees. At M. Lela en the 10th Inst. 0 eel. el 100 bed was made (to be dshr•red/ at 0, t! a 11+1,10, *Main on 100 peeeda- The Lewtelssg, Vlrgra(a, Chreatele, J the Ilio met. says :-It to /Apposed that sot tees than 16,000 hogs from Kateeky aid Obio, averaging ever 900 Ns. met, weed through this place ductal" th0 last two weeks." B. Cr tnyo, London, 781 might be expected from w handsome s per_ V. hlayerhuffer, Markham, 41E inn --and the sounds of the Hungarian lan- Archibald D. Stuart, Kingston, 400 gunge siw'ays powerful and energetic - 'Themes Green, Niagara, seemed fnnn lin lips, I miebi almost ate. 1. Coehrence, BPHrv111e, OF KENT, Ggi TLRIA't,-1 have rosigoef Commis.- yseat in the Cabinet, and the Office sioner of Public Work,, with an 6e from om his Exellenev of increased emolument honor. This will satisfy yo•r that there must be motives of public policy stronger than self interest. which 1 wilt explain, when I visit von at sn early day. Yours Pa' it folly. M ALCO1.NI CAMERON. Toronto December 4, 1849, KomiTu.-The following description o.` the great Hungarian patriot is from the gra- phic pen of Kuhl, the well known German traveller :-I looked with much interest at the man on whom the eyes of all ilungary may be aaiJ to be fixed. He is of a middle lase, and very agreeable exterior : his fea- tures are regular and decidedly handsome, but strong;, marked and manly. Ile is in the prime of life, with rather redundant hair and whiskers, but a meld and modest ex- pression of countenance. 11e was rather pate when I saw hon and his features wore an air of earnestness, slightly tinged with melancholy, 'though lighted up by his fine flashing eyes. llo spoke for full half an hour witboet a moment', hesitation, and his mode of delivery appeared to me to be extremely norecable. Ilia voice is. fine, as ams Oe Monday the 17th aeration, the wife of Mr. Adam Camels*, .(a assents. _ NOTICE.-A Tomer Na...(fiord moral character, who h-.1Js ■ certifaus of quali- fication, of me, of the era class. is distant* of obtaiotne s Coronae Scheel. Ha bas some knowledge of Lelia, and will be ready to resell a few of the first elententary books is that ',issue. Apply. if by Letter, post-paid, to this office, or to Mr- D. McMillan, Teacher of School Section So. 4, Tiekerrreitb, Leedoa Road. CHARLES FLETCHER, Supt. C. 8. lluroa Insure'. Edue■tlo.Offce, Heron District, Goderich, Itaeh Dec. 1849. ( 2v-o46-tf STRAY ED from the subsenber.a or about the it of Dee, rust. • Black MARE COLT one year sad a half old. with a sur in the fore- IwaJ, long main and tail. Aoy p.rsnn faring in- formant:ea of said Colt, will be wafted for their irouhle. WM. 8-rOTHERS. Colborne . Dee. 15, 1849. 46 CASH for WHEAT AT aha Gndarich M'lls-and t; sh fir Chtrr Sams lags •t G r G. Arlhbnld, Cornwall, J. Redcliffe, Warwick. S. Givens. Napinee, D. E. Mike. AdnleiJe, 8. Clarke. 8t• Catherine*, J. Short, Beek%ith, R. Rolph, Amheratburgh, J. Deacon, Adoiphustowo, W. Leeming, Chippewa, A. Palmer, Guelph, , Thorold, L''nth, 1't e•Iencksb.rg, 418 410 warlike, although they came hard and harsh 400 rom the mouth of an uncu:tivatcd speaker. 400 The Ely"n .' Fayre .'-(bnvn, bravo,) - 400 frequently interrupted him and the (tayuek: -(hear,)-was scarcely t.ttered once, for 40e0 bier, one was tl•et and attentive of his 400 lore accord, 1641 - - 400 412 400 300 250 uderich and Rayfield Mills, by WILLIAM PIPER. Galeria Mille. Stt December, 1849 46-t1 Huron District. Building Society. ,Markets. THE EIGHTEENTH LOIN MEETING OF the Society will take plaice at the British.Hote , on Saturday the 2901 Dee. at 7 u clack. P. M. By Order. THOMAS KYDD, Secy. Goderieh, Dec. 30, 1849 2v -n46 GEORGE WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Etes.itor uf. CAmmcerf, iTRCewsAs lM i"'D+ D104 -MI. MR. L. 11. MARLTON wrll be laser, tea - gawp Pupils dew saw /set et liesery stat he lear..dee be either of the Ml wast bsasetee el Edecatle.-Elesatios, Detainee, Freateg, Deitlie& and Dasety. Terms $1 per quarter ie Muses& 41 Tempe sees Home, 10.11 Dee. 1,348 PItOSI'ECTUS Or THE VIC'PtlRIA MAGAZINE. 11 R. AND MRS. MOODIE:. EpTuta - THL 1 Juora of aha Victual* Msuaalaa will Jreuts all their tap Pertndic•I, for the Cala- thee wad cheap People ; a hicb may afford amusement to both old and young. Sketches and Tales. to verse ad prase, Moral F.wsy, Statistics of the Colony. Straps of Useful Information. Rtriews of sew Weeks, sad well selectedtchfs frm ees the most pui.eler authors older day, will pages of the Magazine. The EJrtots(eelcoa6Jentthat theiodepeodtst and noise enuotry to whom service they to proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lead its .rapport to encontase their arduous and honourable undertaking- The low price at which the Periodical is pieced, is in order that sorry person within the Colony who eau read. and daz.ous for moral and mesal rmproserrteat may becente a subscriber and mires unite work. The Vteroaua Maaasiss will matzos' twenty- four pages number printed on en- ofd eygood pand willfmat the - uf the year a neat Velment., of 218 page', to- gether with Title Page tad Iodex- lt will be issued Monthly, commencing no the First of September, from the office of JOSEP11 WILSON, Front -.treat, Belleville -the Pub - latter and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the Magazine, 'and letters to the Editors, mut be addressed. (post-paid.) The terms of sub- scription -ONE D()LLAR PER ANNUM - Goawarr al, Dec- 19. 1849. L. s: • d. £ s.- d. Flour per barrel; (ia bbl) 3 17 6 a 0 l8 0 , Bath, 400 Fleet per 100 Ib, (fanners) 8 9 a 0 9 0 Williamsburg, 400 Fall Wheat per bailie!, 0 3 0 . • 0 3 1 - Riehmind, 400 Spring Wheat per bush. 0 2 6. 0 0 0 Clarke, - -, }/arUsgton, --. Teem of Birth, J. G. Geddes, Hamilton, L. Grier. Amehasbirg, J. Liedaay, Williamsburg, E. B Atwell, Carlton Place, M. Burnham, 8t. Thomas, A. Borwell, Brtowo, J . McGrath. Toronto, " J. Padfield, March, C. Lugger. Brantford, R. Hood, Delaware, W. Johnson, Sandwich, 400 Pariah church, Chatham, 400 What • gross robbery was here commit- ted. Fifty -oaten Rectories endowned t'vith LIST OF LETTERS RE51AINING in the Port Office a1 Stratford Arbogust John Kuldor Arolul T Anderson James Kennedy David Allen Rev D Linton J J F. Bohm Maurice Lynch John Brows Rah 1, wleu Edwd Ballantine Robt. Moore Allen Bremner Theod Jeer Milne Robt Barton Denote Bighorn Robert Collins Robt Curtis Wm Cuekey Jas Calhaoe The Crerer Peter Carrot Wm Duggan Anarnee Dick Johe Erlw•rds Jr ho Etch Vatitine • Grottoes And Gots John Gilmour Allen Henry R&"t Mrs Herbert Roht Helmsley Thai (fay Donsly Horgan John 2 Heats George Jones W Jour' Jas A. F. MICKLE, Postmaster. Stratford, Dec. 7th, 1849. 415 °ata, per hushed, 0 0 9 4 t prose, Per bushel, 0 1 9 -a 0 1 101 4Ooo0 o Ilay, per ten, 1 10 0 a 1 13 0 400 Butter (fresh) per lb. 0 0 6 a 0 0 7 400 Butter ia the keg, per Ib. 0 0 5 a 0 0 6 601 New York, Dec. 14th 6 P. M. 400 Asugs.-Pots $6, 62 a 6, 68 : pestle, $6, 400 81. 400 • FLOUR.—There is fair home demand for 400 flour, and a limited enquiry for the I:pt - 400 anti good Genesee are a shade better. Tee 400 common grades are firm ; Canadian is in 435 fair demand, at previous prices ;gales of the die reach 8000 Ins. et S4, 6 a 4. 37 for fine ; 11. 25 a 4, 50 Inc sour : $4, 50a 4, 56 Inc ordtnary state ; $4, 62 a 4, 75 for eom- m.,n and straight sale end Canadian $4, '75 a 4, 82 Inc mixed Western ; 84. 94 a 4, 95 fol straight Micbtgan $5, a 5, 19 for favo- rite Western ; $5, 12 a 5. 55 for fancy Michirean ; 15, 18 a 5, 81 for pure Genesee ; 11t5, 37 a 5, 50 fur fancy Genesee ; other grades aa before- \Vitimenr-A firm market ; sales, 300 bis. Ohio and prison at 27)c. GRAM—For wheat dull ; the sales aro too trifling to particularise. Rye heavy, sales 1000 bush. at 50c. cash delivered Corn very quiet, and.rather easier ; sales 45.500 hush- at 54c ; New Jorge* yellow, 58ac a 59c : for Weetere mixed OOc a 61c ; for flat and rotted yellow and white on pri- vate terms. Oats quiet, at 4tc a 45c for northren 38c a 40c for Jersey. Peovroroes.-The improved movement in pork continued -and prices have rapidly advanced, influenced by the demand for California, present and prespectivs sales of 1000 bis at 8, 60 a 8, 75 for prime ; 12 for mess, and 13 for clear. Beef dull and hea- ve at 6, for prime ; 8,50 a 8.75 for meas ; country prime mass dull at 13. herd *res- dy, sales 340 brim ■t 6} i 6l- Boater firm, and in better demand ; 6a1• 10 for Ohio ; 10 a 18 for state. Chemins in demand a 111); good dairies are much wanted. Tait Hoe Team' or Ton Wein -The Cmeisnati Gazette, of the 16th inst. says up to 7th December, 1849. the Globs sets about giving a history of the thing the better, as finch a nefarious trans- action cannot be ton much exposed. Meantime we have done some little to keep the matter before the people, add we need eemrce ). say that all who wish an end put to the system• of saddling the country with a church establishment ought to exert consider how the powers elven to the Pro themselves in getting petitions ready for anneal Legislature by the Constitutional the next meeting of Parliamoot. Act, to vary or repeal that part of its pro visions, can be called into exercise most ad- vantageously for the spiritual and temporal interests of His Majesty's faithful subject" in this Province." It will be seen by thele extracts that hie late Majesty believed that the changes sought might be carried into effect without sacrificing the jtlst claims of the established churches of England and Scotland. it will also be seen that His Majesty invited the (louse of Assembly to consider how such a change could be eS'ecled for the interest of the inhabitants. While it had also been admitted by Lord Glenelg, that the British Parliament cool/ not constitutionally legislate en affairs of Camelia *trek/rawly eternal, we find that an imperial act was passed without tether the comment or knowledge of the enlon(ots, wIotisint lbs sale of a fourth part of the Ctergy Rennes, hens withdrawing from the Canadian Lwglslatues the pewee of ap- plyi.g the funds to their oris 011 object - taro eappnrt of edeestiee. The Nene Art of the ireporlal Parliament also authorised the CaseMaa Gnvereattowt to asleep' le en- amors for any pet of the CNr&y Rs.rs.., from ay pitons. any land. of Arr i wales. by which nave of 1M gr utret robberies of 14 ptlbloe Lewin was efM.tod that it is pos. bilis to conned els le the Art ng se01i4ages male will verify. For isiiiie lir.-The Rey. James Cmyta tlhrne4ore4 tkiefp Or more of load in the township of Hop, o* a. which was a homes, ad o Noway reewired I tit me Assailed ed myymil and the towoehips .f Hop. Cavan, yo Se toot+. Rev, IIM/IMf eueried•red t A new leas of meeey�.esa slate. sternal" .bsmdri(g11al all) p $O tine tawa►mb Us I -bad Men emelt maed. 'alt" Moser T G McTavish John McNaughton D McMelse John McDonald Wm N•Its Wm O'Brien Wm Parker I W H Porde, Goo 2 Powel Jae Print Mrs Ryan Wm Reynolds '.tars Smith Wm Behnaiter Bebe Stewart Donald Seddle,Johu Steohroke Mrs Tanner Thom Teabam Wm Wiliam John Williams Thos ra Jr, ar ri aNv 11-Pwid i• 04.1"e•ee. g f-odrnch. March 3, 1848. CHAM8ER8' MISCELLANY. a,arei van a.TaKTAI"i•U aeUWLltnaa, Fdt•dby ROSn$T Cuaassaw, author of Cyclo- ia N Esgliah Literature : With Elegant .Mietlsedve Engravings- Price 25 cents per No. • -/^COULD, KINDALL do LiNCOLN are 1.35 hippy to announce that they have comple- ted arraogemeets with Meters. Chambers, of Edinburgh, for the re-pablictioo, to semi- monthly Lumbers, of CHAOS/LS MisciLLA5T. The design of the MlsczLLAsr is to supply the incr,•asiog demand for useful, Insirucbivt,aud estrrtaiaiog leading, sod to bring all the aids of literature to bear on the cultivation of the feel- ings of the people -to impress correct views o0 important moral and social questions-supprew every species of strife and savagery --cheer the lagging and desponding, by the relation of tales drawn from the imaginations of popular writers -rouse the fancy by descriptions of interesting foreign acenee-give a zest to every -day occapa- tioes by ballad and lyrical poetry -is short. to famish an unobtrusive (need .pod guide, a lively fireside' companion, as far as that object ca be attained through the insuomenality of books. Thr union -telly acknowldged merits of the CicLoPxDIA or 1.sot6H Lrreiharcwx, by the same author. connected with its rapid sale, and the unbounded commendation bestowed by the press, give the publishers full confideoce is the . real value and entire sincere if the present work. and The publication has already commenced. Each am will be eoatiaaed semi-monthly will form a complete work, and every third am- ber will be furnished with a tide perreend table of contents, thus framing a beautifully of a .wad ara ted volume of over 500 page eltaujgioicg reading, 'adapted to every class of ROMs. The whole to be completed in TsuTt seaaaw, forming Ten elegant Volumes. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. We are glad to gee an American issue of this oil ttpeeially in so neat and coca" - I'v CH meet • form It is an admirable compilation, distinguished by the good taste whish bas been CRSU-\NT to a Decree pf the Croom of r'hown in all the publications of the Messrs. PChanter made in the cause of Erskine, Chambers, It unites the useful and the enter- . • 'We hope its circu.aunn here will he tarsus Campbell -the creditoraof the late hews Drummond Erskine, formerly s {of Goderich, ri,stow,, ch, in the Huron Di t•het and of the s' rod extent. th• namby-pambynamby=paby and imitoral works which hare Western large enough to 'implant, to • so long been too widely etremlated. who died :nor about the yet 1837, sr, forth- Er This work Can be sent by mail teeny pert with to cane in'and prove their debt before me, 1 of the country. A direct •retniltanee a the he Master of the said Court, at my chambers in I publishers of Silt Dollars will p+for the entire work. This liberal discount for advance pay will nearly cover the cost of postage on the work. Those wishing for one or more sample numbers can remit them accordingly. Booksellers and Agents supplied on the mat liberal terms. GOULD, KENDALL & LiNCOLN, Publishers. Bostow• Osgonde Hall. in the Cay of Toronto, on or be- fore the fourth day of January next. or in default thereof. they will be excluded the benefit of the said Decree- (Signed( 1. G. BPRAGGE• Toroata. 30th November, -1849• 3v_045 -4t ARRIVAL Or THE EUROPA. New York, Dere. 10. The Europa reached Boston yesterday morning. In the Liverpool Cotton Market there was a dull feeling, and prices had declined a farthing with sales during the week of bet 2,000 bales. Bread -tuffs were dull. Owing to large arrivals at London, Western Canal Flour was gnoted at 200 a 23s, and Philadelphia and Baltimore 23e 6d a 14s. Meal 13. 64 a its 64 ; White Corn, 27s a 99s; Yellow, 361 a 17e ; White end Red Americao Wheat, 59 4d a 7e 2d. Wool improving. --Iron, do. American Stocks in active demand at ad- vanced rates. Consols, 941 i 914)- The rumour of tar between Turkey and Roamwere feet fling away at Constanu- noel*. The Englieh ships of war wife as- ehored within the Dardawhlee• The Frsneh t was sear Retires Nothing further transpired relative to the decision of t Emperor of Resets, respecting the Tor - bei effete. There ie noshing new from France and iiaglead. at»Yalu. An nffer has bees made to Prowls to form a T.•olverien, Whirling Austria and the Bdr- iln Cabinet. The latter retreat* from lbs proposal , LOST on Farley. 'the 30th November. be- tween Goderich and Taekersmith, ■ NOTE•:OF HAND. £17 10... coming due on the 18tH day of April nett. I hereby caution any person or persons buying dr sealing the said note. The subscriber will gine a reward of one pound to any one that will find and leave it at the Canada Company's Office, or with the subscriber. JOHN HORNER. Tackersmith, 3 Con., Lot No. 5, Dec•13, 1849. ,3 -n44 -3t JUST RECEIVED PER SCHOONER ANNEXATION. AND for ale by the Subscriber. Cheap for Cash or Produce. 3.5 Chests Teas. Muscovado k other Sugars Boxes Tobacco, Do Soap. 35 bbl. Joshes Befit old Ohio Whiskey. 40 bbls McLeod. double rect. Whiskey. 1 Hodgshead of Cognac Brandy. ` 1 Pipe Highwines 50 over proof. Engllah iron Best Brands assorted. 300 bbl* fine Salt. Wooteu Shawls, Do Piaids,PCncRk . • Goderich Dec. 12th, 1849. a45-v2if. HURON DISTRICT, NOTICE is hereby To wit r . 1 N given, that the Court of General Quarter Session of the Peace, and that of the District Const, will he ho:,l,n in and for this Dut,tct, on TUESDAY the Firm 10111. The Pope wee expected on the 91st iast- -There were comparatively few hogs slaughtered or cut to day. The only sales heard of were p1 head (sold yesterday) ay. wt. 196 lbs. at $2,60 and a premium, ma- king it equal to near $2,60 ; 500 head heavy Kentucky at $2,75, with some conditions attached, and 391 ; ay. wt. 183 Ib.. at $2 57c per 100 lbs. nett. At Lesievilll•os the 15th, sales of 8001 head were made at $t,60 nett, with several large droves, in the pal ready for slaugh- tering. The Maysville Iserald, of the 13th, nays : --Owing to thi warmth of the weatbsr,but little has Mee demi in tate way of 'laugh terleg. TM pries le et111 enwsttl*d• We hear of sales at 11,78 a K the latter bev- ies/ keen Reid for a let of heavy kegs 0s PROSPECT US of " the Missionary and Sabbath School Record." Volume 7. ri•HF "RECORD" is publishedort In l at One Shrilling per annum, payable advance, and may h' @net, se any ether newspaper, to all parts of the country, and charged no more ..than the mutat rete ni those papers. It is made up in a very con- venient form for binding and being illustra- ted with two Wood -cuts in each Dumber, makes a nest volume at the end of the year. The profits of the above publication, go to the funds of the Canada Sunday School L pm,n. This pr peett • is sent to the friends of the Sabbath School Cense. in the hope that they will lend their td in promoting the circulation of the above periodical. We shall be happy to place on our hat of Agents. additional name". to whom the " Record -' will be sent gratis. All' Orders and Carnmenieatioos to be sent to JOHN C. BECKET. Printer 4• Publisher Montreal. T()PRI\TERS. TYPE FOUNDRY ' AND PRINTERS t'!'RN1SHtNG WARE HOUSE. TIIF: Subscribers have opened a Now •Type I''uun,lry in the City of New day of Jemmy next, at the Cion Haase ' l York, where they ars ready to supply orders Town tt eh, at the hoar of 10 o'clock, A. 1 to ss Patent, for Inc kind of Job Fancy M. at whichtame and place. alt Justices of the l y Peace, Coroners. Keepers of Ganda- and llnu.rs i Type, Ink, raper. Chuen, Gallate, Bra.. o(Correeties, High Constable". Bailiffs. sod all 1 Ranee, Steel. Column Rules, Composing others e.neerned. are bereby requital to atmod. 1 Stick". Cases, and every article necessary to do and perform those things which to %keit re- spectate e-•fur •Panting (ace. The appensin. 'rhe Typo. which are eget in new monlde, J. McDONALD, Sheriff, Huron District. from enitrely new sell of. Matrixes, with Sheriff's Office. Goderieh, i at dcepcoanter+, .'td warranted to be unsur- 4th Decemher. 1749. 1 passed by any, be Isola at pricer to tot tb• times- All the type furnished by use •' hand cast." (e th MASONIC 1E113! r^i111E ANNUAL MASONIC RALE. of the 1 *Weetch Utoa•l.ndge. No. 710, veal take place at the Barra* Iterate on Tboreday, the 97th iataot •irJW 16>fl0. Br. 1'. M. Jest, A. F. Motto's C wrnpaw. D. W also". II T 8. Woenirrr. R. Kars+• Be. A P. Mouses, Mater of the Crenneeles Tteksts 10a each, to be had of any of the Stewards. Daseisg to e.mtai•see at i P 81 to appear in fall Mamma costume. ay seder of t►. M. M- D WATSON. See F.anesl cOiltettlet Osaeieh. I It► Megabit, 1847 All Maass Pnnung remotes forni.hed, sad and also, Steam Eugises of the most approved pat terns. Compnsiunn Rollers cast for printers. Elitors of Newspapers who will bey three times as notch type as their hills amount to, may ore the above six -months' ineeruon In their papers, and tread their papers containing it to the Subscribers.. COCKCItOFT k OVEREND No 78,4.a Street,Not YorLL. December 7th 1847. {OB PRINTiNG of .yenes dervette•, made .l aJ pvmseptly •eeemted t this saes. Deeembet 118. IOM