HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-12-13, Page 3By Hod Majesty's Nraa (( as eaacrtur. Name of the John Mrl),,nalJ, Daniel Doo°ghee, 1V;iliam Buchanan, A. G. Van Egmont!, Robert Graham, Willi to Iiaaell, J. B, Giles, Ridpath Falconer, Jame s Davie, William Kelton, William Oughton, George Young, Jul•n Batty, • Walton Morrison, August Van Egmund, Thoma. \Vatkinc, Duncan McMartin, Lewis Holman, Jame+ Scott, -Benjamin Hudgins, David 3lrConnell, Edward Hawkins, James Virley, L. $houldice, John Fry, Patrick Mooney, James Robinson, George Carry,. Catherine Time, Mary Kearney, \Vtlhun Morton, Julie A. McCarthy Frederic k June. Fry, John Merry field, Join 1lamitton, Thomas ingcreoll, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherladd; Robert Beirch, _John lhnstn,r,•, Janes 11. Jacks.,r, Daniel 'McPherson, William McDonald, W. 'F. McCult'ch, Peter Dancer, Ilenry Melee, ,V tll,an, She t n, \I'iil.am McLaggan, John Quick, Dazed Smith, George Seng Miller, William Hamel!, Peter Nolan, A. Van Egmuud and bis wife, John Long wurtb, James Sherritt, John Howatt, ' Joseph Armrtruog, \\alum Armstrong, George Page, John Archer, Thomas Earls, John Fuwier, \ell lam Hamel!, Catlett Lovett, tamer Whiteford, \Yilliatn Friend, John Oke, \Lary Dagg, Henry Morgan, Joseph Case, William B.,cd, Robert Boyd, Edward 11cDonalJ, George lludgine, John Kennedy, George Carte?, Jr., Thomas Grant, Richard Seale, Robert Scale, Assault, Henry Irvine, Assault, Bridget 'Drake, Assault, Peter, tante.. D.,nald and Trowing stones at the premises, Duncan Ii,v. Jr., Frederick Fisher, Interference w th his duty se Bailiff, SCHEDULE OF CONVICTIONS Justices of the Peace within the Huron District, from the July to the Nova sf the Charge. IWaring to perform Statute Labor, For Wsgee, Dirturbing the Prosecutor's family, Violent conduct, Assault and Battery, Selling Spirituous Liquors w.thout License, Assault and Battery, Injury to property, Assault, Felony- Injury to cattle, Folony-Injury to cattle, Assault, Neglecting to do Statute Labor, Misdemeanor, Assault, Asea, ilio Stopping up a public highway, Assault and Battery, Assault and Battery, Assault, threats, Taking a Tree, Trespa's, Trespae., Assault, Assault and Battery, Assault, Assault and Battery, Aasault, Amu Junes, John Vanrtune, William Alttherall, Jonathan Qriipp, Richard M. Lucas, John Dart, Jae Woods of Downie, l'eter R. Jarvis, Anthony Deepen, Samuel. Coleriek, Levi Levi', Mathew Lewis, T. Tracey, • d ,hiss y Franc;'. R.rhar. and Witham \\'ucch, \Villtam Irvin, John Fitzgerald, Patrick Woods, flenry Trace, ' . Alexander Mitchell, Joseph Wei,' r, Joseph Weer*, Henry Knocky, Joan R,lertaon, Daniel Fennell, Riot and Forcible entry, Assault and Battery, Aggravated assault, Assault, Accessory to Felony, Felony, Unnatural Crime, Unnatural Crime. Assault, Aseautt, Nun y:erformanco of Statute Labor, Taking away a Door, Aae tats Assault, A•sau 1, Dogging Sheep, se ('uaswtae 1649. 1 B. Perrone, Esq• Robert G,bbolts, Evi- 1 R. Moderwell, Esq. l:ubcrt Gibbous, Esq. 'June 26, Vuty 4, August 3, Septeotber 10, (September 18, September 10, June 14, August 17, September 1, June 14, July 4, July 17, August 3, August 20, September 16, October 5, October 4. September 27, September 17, my 9, August 9, November 10, ctober 31, November 13, September 8, September 28, tuber 20, November 3, August 16; August 16, August 12, August 51, October 15, November S, August 7, Aug'at 6, August .R August 6, ,August . O, 1k -tuber ' , une 1;t, toe 30, June 20, October 30, October 30, November 5, , November 6, - Nasse Cew'odrag Jioitacas. R. Moderwell, Esq. 1. McMahon, Esq. Bober' (1ibbons, Esq. R. Moder+veII, Eeq. •(R. Moderweil, Esq. G. Brown, Jr., Esq. It. Gibbons, Esq. J. Longworth, Esq. .1. McMahon, Esq. A. Miami, Esq. G. Brown, Jr., Esq. R. Moderwell, Esq. B. Parsons, Esq. t J. McMahon, Esq. 1). 11. Ritchie, Esq. D .11. Ritchie, Esq. 5 lames Gordon, Esq. Peter Grant, Esq. 5.1 Imes Gordon, Eeq. Peter Gran;, Escl. )James Gordon, beg. Peter Grant, Esq. James Gordon, Eeq. Peter Grant, Esq• James Gordon, Eeq. Peter Grant, Esq. James Gotdon, Esq. Peter Grant, Esq. James Girdss, Esq 5 John McIntosh, Esq. James Gordon, Esq. iRobert Bell, Eeq. R. Moderwell. Esq. 5 Robert Bell, Esq. It. Moderwol!, Esq. !cites Murray, Eeq. • James Stoney, Esq. S James Murray, Eeq. Castor Willis, Esq. SJames Barber, Esq. Daniel Shoff, Esq. James Barber, Esq. Daniel Shoff', Erq. James Barber, Esq. 1)o. Ij Do. Do. Daniel Shoff, Esq. J. C. W. Daly, Esq. I Do. I' . Y°' 1)0. Do. (JCC. W. Daly, Esq. Thome. Chri. re, E q. Do. Do. Do: Do. Do. 110. Thomas Daly, Esq. 11 Nomas Daly, Esq. ( Thomas Daly, Eeq. t Daniel McPheraoo, Esq. Tnumas Daly, Eeq. Thomas Daly, Esq. Thomas Daly, Eaq. 'Thomas Daly, Esq. CERTIFIED TOBE A TRUE COPY OF THE RECORDS FILED IN OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF "THE PEACE, • eeODER1CH, 5th December, 1849. i{tn,ckct5. GOD[RICA, Dee. 12. 1849. £• s. d. £ s. d. Floor per barrel, (i,rbbl) 3 17 6 • 0 18 0. Floor per 100 Ib. (farmers) 8 9 a 0 9 0 Fall Wheat per bushel, 0 3 0. 0 3 1 Spr,•g Wheat perbeah. 0 2 6 a 0 2 94 Oyu. per bushel, 0 0 9. 0 0 10 Pestle, per bushel, 0 1 9 a 0 1 101 Hay, per ton, 1 10 0 a 1 15 0 Better (fresh) per Ib. 0 0 6 a 0 0 7 Butter to the keg, per Ib. 0 0 5 e 0 0 6 .tswaAi.t/?audits. brae. or Bomags. Fine 16s. and Costs. L'S to give Recognizance to keep the Peace. I'o give R cognisance to keep the Peace. Is. and costs 5s. 5a fine and costs. Ss. fine and costa. 12s. 6d. and coats. 5s. t.ue and costs. 10s. fine and costs. 10.. fine and costa. 1. , 5e. and costs. £1 4a. 7d. Costs lis. 9d. Ir. Damages. Costa 11s. 3d. le. 3d. is. 3d. 1 s. cl. Is. fist. rates peed or or paid to Jaetvee November Sessions, 1849. tOtb July, 26th July. Fut thwitb,. Fun hwtth, Forthwith, 16 .lug. lth September, JJ November, CI 5e. LI. 5=. Costs paid. Coate paid. Each party pay their share of coats. Dismissed with costs. th October, Forthwith, Forthwith, 9th August, 10th August, Furthwlth, One week, fine week, Forthwith, One week, 1st Januaty,1t50, 13 daye, 12 days, 12 days, 5a. D efendant to pay costs.. 5e. ic. Iva. and costa. t;+. lid. costs. iia. 1 id. coats. 10s. fine. Costs LI 7s, tad. 5s. fine, costs 18s. 6d To pay costs 25,:. Remitted, Forthwith, iia ono week, EFortbwitb, to two dash in two daye, J'a wAres pool user RE dRXd. measurer, treasurer, Not paid, Prosecutor, Treasurer, Treaeurer, Treasurer, Treasurer, treasurer, Treasurcr,n Prosecntor, Prosecutor, Treasurer,. i'reasurer, Treasurer, Treasurer, Treasurer, 1 Treakurer,' Treasurer, Paid. Committed. Committed. ''aid. Complaint dismued. Coat. ordered to be paid by the Inspector of Licenses. Recognised to appear at next Assizes in Goderich. Penalty remitted at request of Prosecutor. ;ere dieu i -set -Prosecutor to pay cotta. t'i enter into Recogntzanzo to appear at the Quarter Scsrions of the Peaces. 'tecogo.z• d to appear at Quarter Sessions. Pa:J. Left the Province. Bound to keep the peace for one year. Bound to keep the peace for one year. Bound to keep the peace fur one year. Not paid. Not paid. Not paid. Entered into Recognizance. Frivolous. Being a foreigner was not aware of the consequeocea. Coder Recoguizance to appear at the Sessions. From statement* of respectable parties who came from foreard after the case was closed, 1 deemed it due to Defendant to remit the fine. Defendant absconded -no particular place of abode. Bound to appear at Seesiuns. Committed for trial at Quarter Sessions. Escaped from arrest. Bound to appear at Gest Huron :iodizes. Fine ren,itte! Fine remitted. Dismissed. And to perform the labor, 2 days. And tolperform the labor, 2 days. Dismissed,Complaioaot to pay costs. Sound to keep the peace for cue year. 7ienliesed-Informant to pay coats. THIS OFFICE, . D'AN. LIZAR.S CLERK OF THE PEACE, HURON blST'RICT. EXTRAORDINARY DrsCOVRar fro CaLiroR NIA. -The following Is ro extract from a letter written to his wife by a New Yorker now working in the Mines of California. - 'the lerters bear dale August 28 1849. " There was a gold mine discovered (what is called Murphy's Diggings) on, week to -day ; it is evidently the work °t fnctent times -910 feet, deep; ettuated or the summit of a very high mountain. It hag made great excitement here, as it war several days before preparations could b. made to descend to the bottom. There we. found in it the bones of a human being, also an alter for worship, and some other eviden- ces of human labor. From present Indica bone it is doubtful whether it will pay to be worked, as itis mostly all rock, and will require a great outlay for tools and macbi nery to work it. This discovery, If proper ly punned by competent observers, may prove of the highest historical importance D. will establish th fact that the mineral wealth of that region has bees known t,• preceding generations, and the relics which have survived, may enlighten ne ae in thr nationality of the people who first pierced this mountain two hundred and ten feet. and will doubtless suggest an inquiry tato the reason'for abandoning the pursuit of gold in a `country in which it seems V abound, and where its discoverers had foum • encouragement to make such extensive ex- eavocatinn in former times. -1Y. Y. Even ink Post. New York Dec. 61h, 1849. Ashes -Market easy for Pots at $6, 62c. Flour Market -for Western heavy and in some instances lower prices are accepted. - Sales reach 14,000 bbl.., at $4, 60 a $4, 56c for ordinary State ; $4, 61, a $4, 75 for Coe,mmon State and Mixed Ohio and Cana- dian ; $5, 121, a $5, 16 for pure Genesee and fancy Michigan. Grain -moderate de- meod for Canadian Wheat for export, and the market in favor of the buyer ; Domestic quiet. Prime firm. Sale, 2000 Genesee, part good at $1, 20, and the re due of prime on terms not made publ• 1400 bushel good Canadian free of store at *1, 15 oleo 2000 bushels in bond on private terms. Rye, heavy and dull, sales 4500 bus at 58c. Oats dull and heavyet 47c a 47i for North - ren ; 40 a 42 for ersey. Corn very fire and in good demand for the east, and rather better, Rales 2000 bus., at isee for inferior Southern white and mixed ; 55i a 58i for Western mixed ; 50 a 59i for flat and round yellow. Buffalo, Dee. 4, 1149. Since oar last the only pales we beth worthy of note are 6500 huahels Soethport wheat in store at 67c, and 120 bbls Michi- gan Anne at $4, 17; The market for g•sod Michigan ranges from $4, IN to $t, Blaek Rork flour. to the extent of 1400 bbl., east be obtained at $4, 121. Bales Timo thy seed at $I 87i a $2 and clover at' $3. 7d. An invoice 0'50 casks bighwines sold to go to Rochester at 23c. ID b, Is Ib. Teweship of Celbsr•s, ea the 4t► iest. Mra. Sarah SNlews. sena 36 year. Mrs. S. was a suites of Wiltshire. Woad. She gas IA a hesbaleti and else ahak en ea t1MMtIt1 M na , . 4ss- L,orroor+.-Tho population of London, 'TAR "[RIM OF COCRAOR IN ADVERSITY.— now, is about 2,550,000 sono ! There are To see diaster and wreck in the present 100,000 people in the metropolis alone, un-ffand no light in the future: but only storms Provided means of religious worship- There lurid by the contrast of past prosperity, an. are about 108.000 female servants to Lon -growing darker a. they advance; to wear : don. Of this number, from 14,000 to 16, -,constant expectation of woe like a girdle 000 are daily changing places. Upwardeito see want at the door, imperiously knock of 50,000 persons are now inmatre of theing, while there is nn strength to repel, o London work houses ; 60.000 are recetcmg;coura•re to bear its tyranny; Indeed, this i outdoor relief, and 1,000 to ''3,000 nightly}dreadful-if the man is wrecked with hi .halter themselves in rr,e refugees for thrifortune. Can anything be more posgnan houseless. in ddition to thts number,iin anticipation, span one's own self, unnery there are tnds who lite by beg -ed, cowed down and slackened to utte ging, and thousands more -who live bylplianc,, and helplessly drifting and driver criminal practices. tdown the troubled *ea of lire ? Of all thing 00 earth, next to his God, a broken me' Srocw or Fiona IN New Y)RR.-The'should cling to a coerageoos industry. 1 Skipping lilt says the receipts of flour con- it brings nothint back, and othing. tinoes large, and estimates the stock now ,it will rate him. To be pressed down ba '':tore at from 550,000 to 400,000 bar- race; but it 1, ddiignccef nothingto lie down and a it like a aop pie dog. indeed,. to stand composed!, it ge and wildest de Goon Pao.L..-Chicago boasts of 2341„, .10,„ amtdet its ra churches, viz : font Melbodiete, five Pres :notations; to let it beat over yeti, and roe ',ytenan, two B.otist, four Catholic, threetarousd you, and pass by you, and leave ycu Episcopal, one U.itanan, one Umversalist,lundismayed-this is to be a ram. Advent one Evangelical, one Bethel, one Sweden. ay is the mint in which God stamps upo borgian. Ne,,. us his image and sorpercriptron. in this A MoDRan 5OLoleoN.-The Ctncrnnttt manner 'nen may tears of insects. Th' ant will repair his dwelling as long as th. Cawwercietl, of the 19th inst., cos Ihcim hievoos foot crushes it: the spider wit following strange decision in thea court oi'ez Boone kentncky. Two parsons named htest life itself, be"' he will live with °tot a web: the bee can be decoyed (rein hi. Robinson and floeee, esch hada horseeet labor neither b, ninety ‚Inc scarcely. 1 The two looked exactly alike - perfactkrommer be abiindant it t•rils none the leas matches. Robtq on's was lost, stolen, or If it he pa►nmontuns of sewer., the Un' R,tvaeRNee roe Taurn.-Tbe virtue of the ancient Athenians is very besarkable in the ewes of F.onpides. Thin great tragic poet, though famous for the morality of hie plays, had introduced a moos who, being reminded of an oath he hal taken, replied. "I swore with ray mouth, but not with any beast. The impiety of 'hie sentiment set the sadistic' to as uproar, weds Socrates (though 10 intimate friend of the peat) go out of the theatre with indignation, and gave so great offence, F.urlpdee publicly •eeosed, sad brought upon his tn•l, es one who hid suggested tis evasion of what they thonght the forqsst holy tad indissoluble bond of bomanteiety. Rn j.tloos were these MAIM* beatbooa of eves the asealleet jjgI that I t ops the way to perjury. - strayed, and he, or the first time, seeing IToe•e's animal, brought snit for recovery. Numerous wit eiees worn brought on the @teeth some of whbmdestified that the ent- mal was Robinson's and othere that it was House's. Th. parties agreed to submit the ease to the judge, who decided that the animal should be sold, and the money b' equally divided; end if an other animal un - distinguishable from the one in question should be found, and• he claimed by either or both of the petters, such animal snail be day soma „maim, t be hellman msdn th, sold and the proceeds be divided as in this fotlewin, proclamation O yeti 10 vee CUL *borer sweeps a wider cl-cls, and by in o3s.try repairs the frugality of the octant. - Man 'horrid be 'shamed to be rebutted it vote by the spider, the ant, apt the ben. '" Serest thou a man dol gent f in his bust nue, he shall stand before l Ings, he shal tont stand before meta men." - H. N' Beecher. tJ1311 MAIM MAW. ANNUAL MASONIC BALL of the Goderich Union Lodge, No. 720, will take place at the BmITISR HUTCL, on Tiureda;t, the -27th instant. 1:1737741.11.120. Br. T. M. Donee. A. F. Moaoaa C. Wii ran, D. \Varso.. T B. Woonstrr. R. F.Lcn. Br. A. F. Monose, darter of the Ceremonies. Tickets 1Cs. each, to be had of any of the Stewards. Dancing to commence at 8 1'. M. Alt Minima to appear in roll Masonic costume. By order of the W. M. D. WATSON, See. Festival Committee. Goderich, lith December, 1849. ie a certain district to the highland., on. "The Pre.-Tt pr -presets truth -re prow*, ens° -i e-preesee knowledge and sone " \ We thought Nb tooood to be step prow* and thetiAre psb ieh it. PROSPECTUS OI' THE ViCTORIA MAGAZINE. II R. AND MRS. MOODIE; Emeoes. The- Temperance House, Goderich. MR: HENRY MARLTON informs the cern- enmity that he ha Leased the Premises koown as the Steamboat Hotel, sod will open them as •' The Temderance House," oo Monday Evening, the 31s4 inst. with a BALL and SUP- PER, to which all parties are re.pectfoLy invited. Tickets $1, admitting a Gentlemen and the Ladies of his family. The Temperance ilowse, 10th Dee. 1849. 45 M R. F.. H. MARLTON will be happy rs- mve Pupils after the fist el J•oear eat r instruction in either of the following beeches of Education -Elocution. Drawing, Fencing, Drilling. ..d Dancing. Terms $2 per quarter in classes. Temperance honer, 10th Dee. 1849. 45 HURON DISTRICT, 2 NOTICE ie hereby To wit : 1.1 given, that the Court of General Quarter Session of the Pete. and th.t of the District Court, will be holden is. and for this District, on TUESDAY the First day of January nest, st the Coort 'lows in the Town cEGodeneh, at the hos r'of 10 o'clock, A. M. at which time and place, ell Justice, of the r11111: Editors of the VscNnata Maosatae will Pellet*,('orneere. Eeeeere of Gaels end Maws 1 devote all their talents to produce a useful n(('orrectinn. High Cnmuhlee, P.ilif.. tad 611 rotertaiuing. and cheap Periodical, for the Cana_ others enneereed, .re her, by required to aimed, digin People ; whish may afford amveement to in do and pert••rm thou things which to t►eu re - both old and young. Sketches end Tales, syeet,ve ,.pec. apper,ein. to vent end prose, Moral Fetes-, Statistics of the ! J. MenON' 1.1). Sher.ff, Hares District. Colony, Scrip. of Useful Infnrtnetem, Rc,tew. Sher;??'.Office. Ooderich, of new Works, end well srlertrd articles (rem 4th IheemI5s•er, lwl9. ) t1,4 mo.t popular authors of the day, will form the W of the Magnums. • The ,the feel confident that the independent end riaise cottony to whose ..nice they arc pto•d'tai dedic.te their talents, will cheerfully O yes ! and that's three ltmeh yowl l le ick' Notice, that there'll be see Lord's -day here sett ISuaday, as the tetra's :wife wil has a t•nekle washing, and she wants the kirk to dry the ciao' is." J('ST RE('IavED PER sol(H)NTA ANNEXA.TiON, ND for sale by the Sit ecrtbsr. Cheap 1•n t d t* enppntt to -..stair.- their ardanns and fair ('ash or Prndt.re. hnvnvr.hlc vndcrt.king. Tl_ Mw l'y're al 35 Sheets Tc.11. Mewer silo k ni her Bogart which the Periodical is placed, is in) nyder that, Bnxca Tnh r., D.,'M•,nn. very Dr*sss within th. ('ninny whop can read, 125 bbl° Jos: re Rear n;d Woo Whi.key . and of aialees for natal Ind mantel i prnvement 40 bhls Mc °stype dwt'•N Hct. Whiskey . may beenme a sabaevibee end tweet m the were. I nod wheal of C nae 'band►" The g'sr I +°tater will ennta.n twee, `1 Pi !itchwtweri AAO over prnnf. four eon of each e ; andr printed na newt (Ny, Ir.,, Cost Brands assorted. and aeon gond papyri end will form •t" the std, ef the year a vest Vols,-', of lei paces, In. SOA ►htrflne Silt, (ether with Title Priv earl leder. Woolen t$hawl., Do Plaids, Primo.. ke. ke. 11 will he isv,d Monthly, cerrimeneine en the, C. ('RABA. F,rnt ni September. from the of5ee of JOS VI II n„,1,,,-.0,tlre. 121h, 1819. 045-v21f. ;Vil,SON, Fr..nt-,t►eet, Belleville -the Puh- _ piste Maid Bete Pad letters to whom eft orders for (iI OR(iI'. /i-"LL3AMS, the M•psia• •..l letters to the Editors, rmvt be —.-d'( i.ped.) Th• Irmt• ni sae. ATTORNEY AT LAW, siwisHs fa la pend Ira R Ibdsiieh, Marsh 3. 11W. a Dee. 17, 1849.-s4S STAATMRD. Solicitor in Chants'', Co„eeyonre•r, Fe. iw adeewes °.riposte -ONE DOLL. R PER ANNUM-'