Huron Signal, 1849-12-13, Page 2W ELANCMOLY OCCU$ICa. e(Os wer w\t
_ Mohlimp them ti ew►jsl-
The Charier lig November
«. has Ibe A etrthiag isataaca o/ the torn which •
folio eilsn lute;.•incipleacquires white tt hbees adopted
. NlaeNa PALLS, Noe. 27. Inhas
the people ,a earrin the laratosc.'Reel
Our alai. was thte m.rsteg throws la- ed by Mechanics' htetitetes. They are do -
to deep gloom by a report that a young ,ng more to educal.and elevate the penplr
lady had probably commnteJ •tecide here, thus .oem Universities liberally endowed
dunes some lime last w«ht, whisb u us• NW penesied ever by leaned men. Colle-
doubteJfy toe true. The circumet.nces gasalt re, till of late, been Mike bands of
aro es follows
The train sf cars yesterdaymorning a partyesc ►seri d denhem for improv. g toe iuflueser raveled by them imprny-
brought hither a young woman .4 line per- log the cond(tiuo of the towns w here they
motel npp.4reree, and about thirty-five were keeled has been an noun e• hardly to
yearil of age, baying with 1..r two bright be perceptible. flew dil%r.nt the state of
looking boys, ( tar and rex )cars u!J, Af• 4 people vibe Lave tu.ulled to edreete
ter taking room. at the Eagle Plot. I, she t1omerhes'
called for wrong materiels anJ nothing
more wa. known of her until IM .. Ding.
Between rev, n and eight u'eloe k, the bell
of the room the had eel -ti :r•I ass rung by
the Rutin bays. 'I Le' sieve ng :inns fur
their a.u'her bcorfit on their f.Ilow-citixcos and their
Upon the table were found three letters- 1 f: hi hes.-Free Press.
nue Jai cloil in .11..j •r Idiller, 11 rt. A. and _ - -_
n ie to IL•;t. J tr e N .n', I1, Detroit, Mirh., mow•
and :roe to 1h•. proof ,tor of the E*{:le Igo
Irl, (a eras? ,.I wh r!. 1 Pend your*'•.. Ih,• k
ringlets •t nun .t4,• . t 1•e -J. her tutu
As our bores tut the election of suitable
Trustees t ef. rd on the geed nes so and
intelligence of the people themselves, we
iv erld implore them net to reglect, or be
cheated out of an "pp.,' unlit corferrng
base attedered it ttepediut to die ,neo with • pes-
porny tenliica(tee, ..4b...., the wept* meat be
glided by their ewsisPwhdge 1 the IMPS whom
they elect. Md the awe whip .boeld he elsend
aadntrusted with the management of • taws•
eh;p'e aterest•, are men who ban .hewn that
they hare nut only as .trent io the impruvenerat
of the town.hip, bat oleo the ability to propose
sed carry out the improvement. is short tbey
•hou!J be meo of energy •n. .kill who have sl•
tend,' to t1etr own business with as a•..d,tity
sad a muddies that recommend them as tit per-
sons to be enirusted with the business 4.1 others.
Every elector is egrided to vote for five Coen -
calms and as few townships have yet bees divi-
ded iuto warts, can Mould be taken to elect
five redoing iu localitee in order
that the whole township may, as far as practica-
ble, be fairly rep:emoted.
We are g'ad to uudera- tasd that the iuhabi-
taut. of GoJerich are taking notes interest iu
the coming Corpnntien. We have, hitherto, ab-
goateed.aIeh, 1•1/11 trunks '.1 ri.uhsn{r, a nit purse 41-
'. : ;: •>8 from noticing the subject, merely became
(sunnier:.sorsa gold. to l ether coin.'.n.1 ween desirous that no political feeling should
wvl•Lne fin ( iufiueccc Mt choice of our first town Couocil-
'I'I.e chi1,11,n-ats!e dirt l'o•,r norther had ' II 1 R " tN SIGNAL. lure. But now, that the matter has been dis-
bid (sten? a••oi:-bye an k oar.1 I:rere, ofr. ' ..-_ . _ .. o ceased seer nut over sena: and the inhabitants
they hall gone to te..1-this they had la -t 1I1:.4(s;f.1v. DECEl1BF:R 13. *843. have party ,'rc.Jrd on the men who should be
estoe from* Woo -heater, 'h r : s.. an 1 that i" - - - - ' ` " elected for the several Wards, we shall offer a hope or a shadow of an apology they will try to
lie.' fs:'.er it 44 to Fitt' de. Su tote., reit 1 • i'fIi: 5It'NSCI1'.U. ELECTIONS'. few renurke bywa. of tom boreal, lull to con- justify their own ez'raeagsneea, and, tile• Jamas
ho eve-gnc i 1..i the art. the asp. tared per + - n 1. p .titan's "maid so, mid preacher," they will
f,-ctly ra".'nal Ihr, net 1 er•strrd,e. oral Orf )l..r..!ar, the seventh day of J4mu.ry, the wince our Ir.,aw townsmen that we are notio-
not the heel syn' t.., d.fferrnt to theiriuioveinents. We're sort that „ alit•& to tAs tett."
n m of• inemeov one New W.,. real Act swill come ,oto ran:Scat op.
} y The silly watchword shoal receding Loao
',closed. Nothing foe yet been 1• urd to etitimu. Tar Householders rod Freeholder. of there is* manifest di.porition on the part of mine y B
throw the least hthi 'trim Ihr mo t'-.• ' '.each Tuwr.•hup iI.rougI, lit i-1 r Pro' (nee will 'o•h.i.l stl. to Throw d,fftedtirs in th. way of in• Elms maned its day, and like all other silly tub -
1'. $.--V9 "; I'4 . A. 1L t here-io perform the important duty of electing Iroducing :his measure to practice, by rept meat- J-cts sunk down in the disgrace of its own io-
Enough has been font to war a +t the t-vr Cnenrtilen to mgns.e the affairs of their ing the Act an atnl.iguout in reference to the .ignilrence. The Queen and her Ministry de-
be!ir(Id.rt the unto -tenets rhinal.' 14dy leered tress uaLficatioo of those who ere ellGlared in the most emphatic manner that they
the brd,c 14,01 1, nd.. 10 (iA.1 1.1., J and '1'..w..01.ip-,I,at ie, 10 4(tuthe the power of As -
eligible to serve u
was swept user the Felt. 'Upon the , ..•,n4 seri"e and ..ti.•etieg the Timm, anJ of exoereel- (-uunallnrs. Nuw in s, far a the Town of `erre fully sstisfied with the satin eoodoet of
('er was found her bonnet, eweh-hadLeen ine the freer, i:. eve;. iaiprnrrmrnl. •s they .hail Godac•(
rh is center,,.., the Act, so far from be- ' 1 n Of Governor General, end s proof
trodden upon. Ilcr 1.144k e•a"r .ha•.v! was deem meg advantageous 'o the inhabitants -cc the ingan.'nguou., is just as plain as language could of their sincerity heaped hectors on his Lordship
found lied to the fades)) of the brf!_e,'I.' TetW110t,;1, generally. And a- ti. vr. still seem• pussiLly make to (fere a'c the word?, . -they refused to recall hie -and the unanimous
let Ler down upon the pier v t:ie!t 1e a„n,uand enthusiastic voice of eine-tenths of the pee-
, aux feel t elvw the roiling. She un !iodate!. to he 'eerie m,son.J'•';;, nr, Furse d;fferenre 44.1nd the persons entitled to tote or he p!. of ('antis, proclaim him the most coostitu-
Iy did Pito to in.'icotn -to ,hoar w' a -limn of op.nioe in refereocer t•, diose who are e,,titl,' efrcicJ at the llunteipa! elections 01 ever- mon y
,Jose! oral monpuler Governor thst has •uitrd
I rok for her, It'll her mind 'tail m ode u•' to e!rcr ILAbe .I. r•r., it may he necessary to t.,wn and S Iilaoe sof iaro•-p:,eofrd AS afore the colony, sed declared thst he should not be re -
for the fearful leap info -the yswnirg chaeni nate that the role intr:•tioo of the Art was to tab1, before the u'ta•ing of th,. Act, shill
• hetes,. give peoplebe the re.t,ent male inhabitants, being e,.th. tolled. In tact, the preposterous proposition wee
lige an tu.ksire control of shelf own er freehnol,ers 'or householders of such so universally ridiculed and laughed at, that we
iter father Las Sion telrlrAehed, and the Local n -.len-fo prevent this clip -s or that cess town ostillage, e, , f the a of 21 )etre or suppose' the authors were y
children 'hav'e been kindly taken ctcar_ro of fn:rn ni.king the puL!ic well-subun.eut to theil r C Kperfect' ashamed of
by the lien. Auenstus S. Putter. W. upwards, Li log eobj.'cts of her llajenly by it, an,l were anxious that it Ahoald be speedily
[The (ollowihte IP a 'copy of t' a looter
oven intrrce!s-in ebur, the Act it iii tend- birth er natural zattvr, nod who shall have forgeveo. And nose that we see it again drag-
. ad,r,•sred by Mr.. tidier to lir. White, of cif to stare the management of our Ire.! nutters resided on 41C'l town lir rill 'go for six cal- Bred forth from oblivion by the Transcript, we
the F:ae.le Ilot.•l:] on the most liberal viol ino:tpnpo'ar basis. FA•r- erdnr'ulonlhs nett previous to the* holding feel that ?ort of strange, faraway bewildered
To the Proprietor of;hr.F:ug(e Urfa, ry man when. rime isenter-d on t:,' :1s.r..ment of the eel.' election, and who shall have
y prolate' by the
been soiled On the areen,mert nett of the sensation that is common!
!11y mind tserne,.e op. I have na wi.h In Roil, to entitled to n •our, or, is eligibti to he 'i- recollection of a longforgotten Jrcam.
eiiil town or village se householders and B Oli
ficehoiders fur the year previous to rueti Lord Elgin is a man of the present age -his
election." views, andnpint.p.,and syt pathiesare with the
Certainly no man of ordinary intellect ran progress of society, -his notions, respecting the
lioncstly misuodrrstand the meaning of these
improvement of his own swiss, areas superior
rentencee. Any man of twenty-ooe years of to the creed of Toryism or conservatism es rea-
son tssuperior to superstition, and his intercourse
Set -a free-born or nelunlierd sut.jeet of her
Majesyywho shall have vended io the town o , and infllrnce, ase member of society, are as sal•
liable s0 an iotellectoal point of view, as his coe-
Godeneh for viz months, and whose name has
is aitutiaoel government i4 beneficial to political
been metered on the last Assereme,t Roll,
eligible to serve as a mrmlrr of the Tew• progrraw - But, espposing him to be 4s ignorant
Council of Goderieh. Be he rich or poet -a as a Hoteotot, and as illiberal as a Took, the man
Gentleman or a tradesman, If he conies under who would allow his energies or enterprise to be
the foregoing descrptioo, and can obtain the paralysed by the residence of ouch a Governor in
Suffrages of his frllnw-towoemen, he will be it the Colony, is altogether unworthy of sympathy
town Councillor. Thi. point being settled is or consideration. Ne may be as object of cent -
remains for the people to exercise 'their judge- mon pity, but beim eettainly not 5o .Meet of es-
ment is the selection of shrewd intelligent mea teem. We are not aware that the uocooatita-
known for their prudence, honesty and actin ttooel eondwt of the late Sir Charles Metcalfe
business halos. They ehosld be educated men had the effect of paralyzing the energies, or di-
-that it, men oho can read and write, and whc minishing the exertions of a single Refortner is
.have by potence -1 ez ergasia gathered a knows Proinre. The people were cooseioas oCrhe
ledge omen anJ- Things who' enable them to righteousness of their own cause -They believe)
calculate the consequences o ,er proceedings. in the ultima!e supremacy of truth over error -
When we speak of education, we do not mean they acted in unison with this belief, and their
that kind of refined parrotry or jack-dawises, faith and perseverance were crowned with soe-
nhich generally produces nothing but a genteel eess• The weal or woe of a people enjoyioga
and fli;i pent idleness, and which oog ht to be re- representative form of goveromenr, is bat slight-
gerded as a very serious nuisance and a burthen ly affected'by the conduct or opinions of one man
on industry. There ere certainly a few of what -whatever title or position he may occupy -
are called educated wen, who are not only credit- their condition in determined by the amoaot 0(10-
but truly useful- three however are few telligeoce, morality and industry -existing among
aeon themselves. It is not the mind of a Governor,but
and their superior intelligence •Iways keeps
in their own place. But what we do -mean by the mind ofa people, that sways the destiny of
education is that strong, practical commonsense a free country. In short, this staff shoat the re -
which is ever useful. and always in its place, call of Lard FIRin being necessary to the true -
and which constitutes the reality -the hioing quilily and prosperity of the country, ie • port of
tool and sinews of society. The gentlemen
an insult offered to the manhood n( the inhabi-
who hese been decided, on as the "fit and proper tants-is •,aching a much gieater importance
persons" to represent the several Wards of the to Itis Excellency than even we are willing to
town of- Goderich are the following, viz: -For accord to any ooe human being -sod i5, in reali•
:he St. George's Ward, Mens, James Watson, ty: not entitled to a higher compliment than the
Benjamin Parsons, ins William Smith r for the undignified ■ppellative of common dap -trap.
St. Patrick's Ward, Mee•re. Martin \IcLennao, -- - - -
Hora•e Horton, and James Btseetis for the St. THE HONORABLE MALCOLI{ CAME -
Andrew's Ward, Melons. William Wallace, RON'S RESIGNATION.
Robert Mrxltrwell, and James Gentles; and for ' --
the St. David's War!, lasers. John Lancaster, iT will be seen by extracts from eetenl of our
Robert Gibbons, and John McDonald. These cotemporaries, given in to-dry's paper, that the
are all good Practical into. Men who has Honorable Malcolm Cameron has rsetgned the
some interest to the improvement and prosperity office of Assistant Commissioner of Public
of the town, and who have glen sufficient prm,f. Works. The reasons for this step on the part of
that they can bosh think and act with energy Mr. Cameron have been various, and are as vari-
and perseverance. tVe have not one word or suety supposed sod represented by different mem•
one iasinuation to offer against any one of the ben of the Press, according to their owe whims
twelve, and should be quite minified to entrust and prejudices. The F:zaminer' supposes that
sur own inte('u in the cnrporation to such men. Mr. Cameron disagreed with hi. colleagues on
They will have a difficult, diesgree0hle and the subject of economy is the management of the
thankless task to perform ; and although we're public business -the Mirror supposes that he is
ever ready to advocate public imprnvemenl• at too liberal in sentiment, and ettcoot chime in
the public ewes.. yet as the corporation pnnci- with the arrow nest and bigotry of some of the
pl. is new is, and as the Councillors Ministry. and alledges the Annexation move -
will necessarily by unpreeticed is the nuttier, meet as the real cans* of the resignation -and
we wnuid, for then oro rakes, the Culoaul-the Patriot, the Spectator, and
to avoid, as much as pn.s.ble, everything that the smaller organs of the Tory party, very char -
may be deemed unnecemary or premature itn- qty suppose that Mr. Cameron resiped in a
prom/mete Anil me it is much easier to es,ah- huf, because the spoils deifies were not more
lath economy at first, than it is to °login retrench- equally divided. Now, we have strong reasons
mens afterwards, wee would suggest the proprte- fcr believing that the sspposninn of the Fuaiaa
ty of dealing gently with the public foods. is correct. Mr. Cameron is an teowowi f -he is
- -�-- - - a man 1 business, and understands the wants.
G �l?is R.1CW:1RD8 ! wishes, and opi*io5Sof the great mass of the peo-
ple of Cuada, es well as any oche- living man.
" Until LorJ Elgin leaver. Canada, (writes His sympashi.ezte.d eves to the eiretmstanees
a friend to net the right arm of iuyalty to of the pitmen bush settler is the Province. W.
palsied, and feel added to smriuldering urea „peak from expertise., when sat my that then is
eon." We wish HIS Lordship could be
made aware of this het, and low murk hie so stmber of nhu Ce*aduw lwgislatere moref.l-
presence lireaglben• the are, of the dishy. IF gaal+6td to r.presret the great team e(th.
al. It is s strange fatality whrch binds he* pepfe, aad *owe more universally popular with
Excellency to a country where he has made the peasantry from one end of the Province to the
himself en unenppler, and where Me pre ether, thew Malcolm Cameron ; sod we (eel sat-
sence is the signal for 'emelt end passion. is6ee that his pspelolty will not be diminished
We hays *liege spoken of iewd Elr,n by hi. permet redgnauns. He is a favorite, not
" more ,. sorrow Than ,n ander," but still with se* or two emerits.eries, but with twenty,
we wish him gone," being fully convinced
that hie Osmoses, is nee.ssary to et,fle efyre- aad hes SD.ned r influent.. at geaenl decline.
Nally the ember. of disalieetios witch his equal la That 1 say ether vote re 1b. Cslosy.-
Ile hes dove meth Inc rhe Reform, Sed 1.
asei�l--ia lbs orb* era easy slip baeddle-dee
1• artiste that apposed Wanly is the Losdus
jwdag (bassets, sad is a wretchedly tar bs-
hited mss spirit 1 tlsa Ulm 04' 11 recalls 40 our
rseellectwo lavtaa's hs..... little focusses of
"Rip Ilan Winkle"oethe mu who slept twen-
ty years ea the meeuab ! That ahs Nero"(
('Aresale, is its present garb, sbosld dabble
among the opiaisss of let citatory does not at
all estoui,h us, because it is avowedly the sdvo-
cote of • ?ulicy leg gum pet -it 1. the organ
of the rack•aad-thomb•senew gen%oatenn. Bot
we meet admit that seeing the Transcript a each
company, bllodly groping his way backwards.
Joe, surprise se saSre rhes • /isle.
Our sympathies for the emu of the &failuesl
Tory Preen carry a out of nor curs. ■., ooly
furlongs gut. lessees Their insanities loosened
the reetraioa of law aad social order --engender-
ed a species of demosissn that disgraced their
city, and the day of retribution eerue and that
demonism was puuished by competitive ruin. -
The city feels the degradation lid desertion that
has come upon her, and the Editors feel the con-
cretion that they are responsible for the whole
arnouct. coder these circumstances it is not
unreaeooable to sapprre that they will con'inue
to writhe and twist for a long time. Men gene-
rally. feel a strong reluctance to acknowledge
their error*. So long as there is eves • ray, of
I1vr nny log ger. I ?hall go where my body
will never be rceoocred. •No ore shill
gaze on my mangled remains. Please take
care of int two 1:111e bovs't 11 they can be
elected for a (lounei!(ur, if his fellow, tax•pal•ers
think proper to vote for him. Whatever may be
made the qualification of 11, Councillor in future,
it is evident that, y
in the ear 1930, the Statute
sent to De'roo o hero their grand rhesus
rends. 'Choy are the .nny of Maj r Mi ler requires no property qualifieltiou, other than that
of tl.e afore, now in F9 ego's, and Cnndsnne ofa common tax -payer. Ilrre are the words of
of lien. Jahn Norco:l, IArirn,t. 1Lehi'•an.
Please forward my letters and i:ro'rct my
children till e'.me of their relatives con ccme
for therm.
It .s reported here that a lady. answering.
to the dreerip•iun of Mrs. Miller, loft this
city for the east in the Express train yes-
terday morning, nml that there are c:rcuin-
,tince: leaderg to the belief that the apps -
rent evIdencos of ore only appa-
rent. (Inc friends volt uttd,mble,ll_y I14re-tt-
tote the matter. Anil unlit They aeceit in
. omethino which they to he commu-
nicated to the piblie, nit shall do, as we'
n I
w u J hate others (o it we were rimilnrly
pleated, say nothing on'Ihe sohjec:.-
J: uffalo .11rertitrr.
the Act •
.i That nit provisions in the forcgning en-
aetmcnts of this Act uhich requires Mat
any person be possessed of nny properly
gao/ifieafion. or be 'assessed for any par-
trcul"r amount, 1e* order to his having a
right to vi.'.-, lir to be elected at say elec-
tion to he held under the authority of Poe
Ari, shalt Aare any force or (flue:, unless or
until some Act- be paned by the parliament
.1 the,, province in the present or some fu-
ture 54.401011 thereof, to pre -vide for the ee-
gulatinn of asersemonts, and the levying
and enllecting of local tare. in Upper Cana-
da a CI to repeal the general provisions Ions of
the Acts heretofore is force for that per -
pee, hut all s'ich person as hare hereto-
r-.rc hhd the right 1+, vole or be elected at
Ih^ annaat election, of parish an 1 Iow•nohip
Fine. -Or, Sunday night about 8 o'clock, ollieere, for the several Townships in Upper
Canada, shall Aare the right rf rptinr and
being rlec('d for the Township and Village
Councillors to be elected under this Act."
Thu., in so for as the qualification of Council-
lors for the t,ncnskips are concerned, there is,
certainly, no ambiguity in the Act -the thing
it a. plain as language can make it -and thoee
who contend that rite present property qualifies -
high at the tonne she pa -mil. T`.n frcritical .
tires ucca.tuord by the* class of boats, ver -•I tion, of three hundred poundal is still intended
tainly call for special Irgtelarive action, in I to exist till the introduction of a new Assess -
order In Secure the properly of in•Inidnats, mrnt Law, must surprise that the Legislature.
trout deP'rectlun.-.ltnihersrb:trgk Courier. in priming the new Municipal Act, intended to
- - in.olt the poverty of the country. The Hon.
EDUCATION. Rattly!' BAruwrv, Who asrumes the renpgasibie
lily of framing and carrying this measure, is per-
-Wo ate sorry to be obliged In say` that Getty-a'warc that in Upper Canada there are
rho two ^teat pullrral parties into which many townships which do not contain enc resi-
the popL..tion of the country is divided dent three -hundred -pound Rate -payer ; and that
hoc, ate.t,rJ z"by different ID -11440i in re'•
Ks(u to e.lusation. In elattr.g th;s ditT•r- these township., under the raining law, are re-
ru'•a n a general way, we ice warranted to dated to Ihr disagreeable necessity of choosing
lost the 'Tory ctn.', baro (tone little
theirCeenrillors from other older and wealth-
ea.,'nr education. They have nuscr taken any ler townships; and certainly it wool.] be unjust
and ■ngenerone to demand fire wealthy men from
a township which Jit not enr.laio one. Such
eatravegart nonsense would not be the work of
say man of ordinary intellig3oee, and much less
ofthe Hon. Roars Bii.owrv, whoa.etperience
and cautions dearrimination, in such matters,
are tickerwledge.l, even l..y hie enemies. And
to prevent any, misunderstanding on the point in
q inion -the emote which rewires the three
hu,ore,l pounds quabfiesrion, vie: the 10th of
the fourth and lijtA Victoria, is by the 209th
elate of the new Act totally repealed on the
f,sr of J..nrary, IPSO, that is six days before
rhe election of the Councillors takes place. -
Thu, the property qualification of the original
act is thrown out n( existence entirely, and the
property guahfiretion required by the sew Aet,
is declared not to come into existence till after
■ new t'en•sn,ent lee shall have been primed -
ft n, therefore* the Jaty of the people to select
Inc of the moor active, iotelligent and enter-pos.
pnbjefl, v a., that intcl!or, nee no e,p,ntial ing men i■ their townshijs, and pat them to se
to the exvlence til I'm Besets) port-: it i. Councillors. 'There are snort •rove menof all
n'•t r•+scn,lal 1" lbrvinm. The Inve•cs can creeds amt parties, and we think it would be
he motet rattily mana,,r+l w hen Ign''ranl, better, twilit -Wetly in townsht s,
end to keep them ri n4►rnl ural i',erefure
'r p to aline the
ie peru,isn firs of erred .red pa•ly to Ile firgon•n.
on object with ihu•e nhu wi•h to keep
Them to sel,jer lion, or w"irh le the PamP, and in raters path men es have given derided
1e* k'•ep among Ihenselt ea all toi,114ee, and proofs of Ihri4 *dist', and seal in the interest of
ell emoln.nrnte, enol ail h -.note, ory,•n, the township. We are no freed to property
l.e:'rogs to a parry -Reform In a pastel?.- qushtir.nnne as I•st•eor'e to offiret, rrgairisg
The one 10 a•neentrstive, the* other J Ifs tafedt.54 imegrii, .1 slily beenue the po,..t.
rive. The fnr,s,'r 041414 1e* els most per- .1'., o(po,prrry io no promo( any guslity raist-
feet elate when all mental energy amongst
I ing is the p lssesaor-it does r.oi even prn0, !hat
the prnpl. 111 pet As'eep. the Inter, when
the people are n -e 1 to think -when thee M Ms the gentry of making nr msnsgmg proper -
know t'erir rights and assert Them. In a ,it-fr in • targe prnporrien 01 rases the proper-
wn•J, the ,•ne q stem to for slave., the other tr, er the pree of it, has to es gives on the pro -
(.r 'mem -n. pewee". nod is not the (reit of 'heir owe ittdostry
%Yr have erten ohm leeeS how any of the red .e^reey tune we has, nevrrrhelesa.
yeepie emit.' belong l0 1l. Tun• snot 1 engin that thole ho are empowered to ter
stove and fight to upboi ! i1- The enadoel properly shnnt,l poen.. some themselves, mere -
01 'ic' ,e mel ennalur• I. It a an affect -
me .•et4esse, nl the Alighting n,tl conte
which the spites) he* had on their mind..
Il hoe *Mee the wenn, pnoeiple out of their
eoule, god made th.nt voluntary supporters
a fire broke out in the wool yard of Mr.
Archer. rel Ilia village; but It wan soon ex•
vtr'uiahcd, by the prompt and effici;nt el-
! 'rt. of the Firo Companies. befurn any
.eonvid.rable 'lunacy. el been d ,nc. Two
engines from the Fort were on the groan]
nod did much senir.•. It s e •ppn.ed that
the fire orlginatei front rparks from the
Propeller I„Jiono; the v. :nil bring very
measures fur the fond tom of the
pe ,pie. 'Prue, in4ceil, they herr done
something, bet that enmethmg has had for
its object the eubhrdinating of education to
▪ ref:'.len. denomination. It has bees
r,s •J by them as an engine for the aggrao•
digjgnnient and cunsuhdetton til their poiuoeal
vitttenre. Their cernhiet in regard to
Dung's College, and flair etlnts to have a
Peperate set of school. fur one cherch, when
they found that they ruuld 110' have the
cnnlrol of the whole, rimy he referred to in
ormolu( the assertion. The propnsul too,
.muds by some of tho party In London, ler
.pproprne part of the money voted for the
building of the nett general ach..i,l house,
'o emitter purpose, is a hitt of the same
It is only eini'e the 'Reform party, which
is the party of the people. have gut the as-
cendancy, that tho elurating of the whole
people, without dictutct:,,o .1 sect, has
been set also it In earnest. 'i'here is an im-
portant fact whseh •pe,ks vnlPIns on thin
ala 11111 amen, that the eller
of tN Ch' Conniseissiesoldp el Pah% Wachs,
and refused it .imply u the greead Mai the .1 -
ties ie a wits qf W mddjy meq, said timid
siolisbd W. an also some that he would ac•
ceps, er, sl Iver, would have accepted al the
Crow• Lends Odisso.epsly ea the...1u... ties
the become of the Department should N ntaoa-
gad with eight or tee clerks fewer than havehith-
erto been employed. We believe that Mr.
Cameron also regards the office of President of
Vhe Council u a useless atoesee, aad would vote
for its total 'hoboes -in short we believe him to
be theadvyate of retrenchment sod economy Io
every department of the public business. And
althoegh w. !ugh •t the absurdity of the twirl
clamouring about cheap government !-yes when
we bear s man, who, like the Honorable Mal.
color Cameron, has been the steed! and untiring
advocate of rho rights of industry. declaring for
a reduction of the public expenditure, we readily
gore him credit for his siseerity, end are disposed
to hope fur his success. And while we regret a
division or munnderstsoding between the mem-
bers of the Reform Cabinet, we are proud to
leo iw that Mr Cameron has resigned and cones
oufon a proiciple on which he will be cordially
supported by every honest, industrious, and Intel-
ligent man in the Colony. Retrenchment and
economy will be the platform of next general
elecuoo-will, i0 fact, ha the question which
will determine the fats of the Reform party and
the political destiny of the country.
unfortueste •sent to the Rebellion Ri'I
ly so a goo -sure that they will deal tuslly with first kindled. Why will he slay th.n,
their mightier', from regal 10 self-utarest, if when he must feel that his presooc• se
from se higher moos. Is the pretreat 144.4. use, fraught with meeting sad danger 1
however, the peeafiar creametances n( the case Tim fstagotsg is (rem eh. Montreal Trn-
nutkd to, and we believe nessissses the
1 every mss 1 the party. The Tory One hes
sverabet dm mark in reprsaating Mr. Cameros',
rewgseums as the fault *reveries s. sslfieb•
QT Ws are truly sorry to uudentand that the
great good which we last week promised to the
District from the expenditure of three thousand
Pounds of the improvement fund, hu unfurtuate-
ly been prevented from coming into exls'ence a
present, partly through the charger...rune /table
mus of oar worthy District Surveyor, and partly
from a total' misunderstanding between the
Warden of the District and the Commissioner of
the Canada Company. Eyerybodv-even the
Warden himself -knows that we very seldom
and very reluctantly interfere with these kir.' of
personal matters. and therefore, (althodgh we
feel sadly disappointed in tbiakiog that the 3000
pounds will sot be expended seat yen) we shalt
abstain Irom entering more (ul!y into the subject
this week, in hopes that Dr. Chalk and the othe
Couocilllors will ea.leavor to understand and et
plain to those interested 1 to wit, the whole Die
trict) the reasons why the obstacles did not be
come risible till the twelfth hoar.
A SVRT large number of oar Subscriber@ in
Huron were either unable or unwilling, or too
buy, or too lazy to pay their ■eeouots at the
Signal Office on the commencement of the pre-
sent year; and as the crops of 1949 were gene•
rah) very small, and as our sympathy is, at all
URIC!, very large, we forbore getting out of
humor, and importuning our readers for pampa.
We will, therefore, venture ,he hope then these
Suhsetr hers will. assn act of common dreency,•
call and settle their Iter yew's accounts some-
time neat week, or at lent some time before
New Yearsdty. -
N. R. -All kinds of merchantable farm pro -
does will be received to payment at market
lid` There was to be a meeting of the
`fiends o^Iuyersal Peace held lir the city
of Montreal on. the ' 7th ult., to orgahize a
Peace Society in that city.
-C7h There has been a new Steamier
hunched in Quebec called .tho ('o,taopho-
lite. -
Mr. Cameron has tendered his resigoa-
tion of the Assistant Commisaienership of
Public %York?. Yesterday Mr. Cameron
had an interview with the Governor, and
whether his resignation was accepted, had
not transpired last eight. We believe that
Mr. Cameron's resingnation is the eff•ct of
recent changes in the ministry, rather than
of a difference with his colleagues on goes -
tions of policy.
After Mr. Price had announced hie inten-
tion to retire, he publicly slated that the
removal of the Seat of Government would
not influence his determination. It was,
therefore, believed that the office he held
would be vacant, after November, the time
at which a public journal, doubtless on pro
per authority, state( his retirement would
take place. It was understood that Mr
Cameron would take the Commiesiooer.hip
of Crown Lands. In the meantime Mr
Viger resigns the Receiver Generalship ;-
and Col. Tachy, Chief Commissioner of
Public Works, fills the vacancy. Although
Mr. Cameron might have accepted the
Crown Land Department, it is understood
thzt he refused to take the Chief Commis
sionersh.p of Public Works. Mr. Cameron
is said to be of opinion that two Commis
s:o0ershtps of Public Works are usoecessa
ry; and it is not improbable that he might
have consented to take t•he entire manage
ment of that department provisionally, es-
pecially aa Mr. Price might before long,
carry out hue expressed determination to
reetgn the Crown Lands. The remaining
mornhers of the cabinet, however, are under-
stood to base refused to sanction the aboli-
tion of one of the Commtaicner.hipa of
Public Works. Nor is it certain that Mr.
Cameron was prepared to accept the Crowe
Lands Department unconditionally. The
reduction of the number of clerks in that
Department, by ten, would probably have
been insisted o. by Mr. Cameron as • sine
qua non. Whether. his colleague* would
be willing to this sweeping and much nee-
ded reform, by which £,,000 a year would
be saved, is problematical. Reasons may
yet appear for eommending the principle on
which Mr. Cameron resigned. We believe
that he will give hie late colleagues ■ gee.
oral support is the Home.-. Fra,niner.
C..w Or TR* Bele Mla*,.e e1CUD Ur Al'
Ss•. -.Boston, Dee. s, 1849. The Bfig
Caroline, just arrived from San Juan de Cu-
b., November 92.d, reports having picked
op, On her outward passage, io lat. 99, long.
TS, the officers and erew of the brig Nairn,
of Philadelphia, reported from Boston for
Rio de denture. The Solea i. .a,d to have
been burnt at sea. but Captain Pratt refused
to give soy of the particulars d the disas-
TRR CtrTOY Hoes.. -The custom hone
inveetigstles at this port. bee closed ; and
the meek is the diems I of Mr. Rtantos,
O('oll•etor ; Roy Rerveyer ; e.d
Gowan, on. .l the c Mr. Mendell has
left fir Breckvfik, and it is to
prepare for a.eusl.g the Collectorship of
this pert -F.rhninee.
The prevent Ministry really deserve
peat cr.dit for souse o1 the id. passed by
teem Juries the last oolay and eetraordtoary
session of the Provincial Parham.nt.-
A g these, wo roams the !Moult+pal and
School bills. The former extends the prin-
ciple of.eff-guv.r.snent, the latter protide*
lbs machiocry for improving the intellect
of the cc/entry sod thereby enabling men
to manage their own affair.. It is to be
regretted, that the property qualification of
of voters shunt' be •o high, and we hope
very ewe 10 ace this Weuuh w an slites-
wise good bill reformed, sot iud.fl'erently,
but wittily. The Tories, to be sure, Fat-
ed a great outcry against this bill, and made
many objections to it: but 1h. Country will
very sono be able to judge on what slender
grounds thdr hostility rested. We believe
this will be hailed as a great ezteneiou
of liberal prrociple.
The School bra on'y requires to Le
known, in order to be appreciated. The
country 1s n WI indebted to the Hon. M.
Cameron, a ho took charge of this bill, and
everything considered it is one reflecting
credit OD . h:ta.
It is matter ufgre•t importaece, that the
new School act throws into the hands of
the people, through the Trustees selected
y themselves, the entire management of
their schools. Thie id u it should be. -
They are the parties moat interested, and
conacenently should have tho management
always in their own kande. It will become
more necessary that they should be particu-
lar to the ?election of Trustees.
We lock un this as a most important mat-
ter, and hope the penile will be alive to
their own ierere,ls. There are few school
sections perfectly destitute of proper per-
sons. A Trustee should be a person who
kpows the value of education, and one who
will take an interest t:1 promoting the edu•
cation of the children in his section. We
do not hold with those who think that a
Trustee beet- discharges his duty in saving
a few dollar, a year by making a bard bar-
gain with Trc:ttht,. We think that much
is lost i.. pa,e,.te and ciiStlren by selecting
soil, inert as '('luster.. Thorn is no mora
important office tilled i:1 eonimunttt, tb•o
that of a Teacher of our Common Schools.
Men competent to fill this office cannot be
had at the miserable salary that /wino men
thunk a competence. Whtlo the Teacher
toils and labor. to improve the charge com-
mitted to Lid care, his mind should be per-
fectly free horn anxiety as to his income.
Ile should be secured horn all misgivings
and doubts as to whether hu income will
meet his moderate demands, and those of •
his family. How can that man entirely de
vote his attention lo the mental and mural
culture of h:or pupils, wben be knows that
his miserable income will fall short of meet-
ing bit most economical outlay 1 The
thing is impossible. It a all very well to
.. Delightful task w rear the reader mind.
And teach the young idea how to shoot."
Bret n is quite acothcr thing to do so. We
are decidedly of npiutoo, that owing to the
miserable boggling of incompetent Trus-
tees, hiribg men at the lowest salaries they
1 can obtain their services at, that irreparshle
injury is being done to the rising genera-
tion. There are tomo economical Trus-
tee., who would not hire a man to work at
any common job r 1 their own, without as-
certatnitg and being made sure as the work
proceeded, that he watt competent and dot
ht. taek well. e Tr
wtee. bare • very greet
responsibt!iry attaching to them, and ,ace; t
the duty s faiti,lullj performed, • great
deal of the esee::ent provision@ of the !.,t
School boil are and a:ways wi11 Inc usele...
We storongly advise the Teacherrio every
district to form an association among them-
selves, and thereby promote their own in
terests, mid doing so they will serve ell
other sections of the community. -St.
Catharines Journal.
Po,T•t. Raro.Y 1R Evaorx.-By the
new postage law in Prussia, a single lett..
under fifty ie taken for about fig cents ; be-
tween fifty and two hundred sod fifty, el :
and for ill greater distances 7 cents. This
is decidedly a step in advance, takea t o
conceliete the people. Put with this tho
liberal law of France, charging four sone ms
all single letters, and that of Spain, just
promulgated, charging 24 mars,edie on sin-
gle, and 48 on double lettere, (a maravedi is
about the sixth part ofa cent,) that of Be:-
gtom charging four sous on dingle lettere,
that of Austria about as liberal se the Prus-
sian, and you bave the best laws (matted
Europe for a half centuary, and all flying
directly from the revolution of 1848. he.
laws all abolish the rraekiing privilege.
A ship of aboot 800 loos was lately de
.patched from London, by the Hot'aco s
Bay Company, to Vancouver's Island -
She carries about 70 emigrants chiefly ag-
ricultural labourers.
The number of emigrants arrived is New
Cork for the month of November was only
8,000, compared with about 21,000 during
the same period of last year.
The Philadelphia Ledger has the follow-
ing:-" It is understood that the construc-
tion of the ship canal through Nicaragua
will be recommended to the favorable notice
of the Congress."
Up to the 23rd ultimo, there were of the
persons known to be on board the loriaia-
no, 73 dead and missing, sod 62 w000d.d,
making a total of killed, musing and
wounded of 126.
Borrel), Dec. 22nd, 1849.
Further discoveries have been Dade tend-
ing to fasten the murder sf Dr. Parkman
upon Profennr Webster. The head, feet
and arms had been found. The inquest
will commence on Wednesday. The Police
wept that they have further information.
There is no doubt now but that it was the
body of Dr. Perlman.
A rotary engine has been invented in
England,at 1e maid, on so small a scale, that
oee of hundred hor4e power occupied a
space of only 4 feet by t.
P•nro DINTS. -Ove of nor religious
exchanges has the following *trout remarks
on the .object. They drive the wall into
the head and eliech it :
Hen rosy sophiecate as they please, th.
can never take it right, and all the bank -
run t laws in the universe cannot moan it
right, for them not to pay their debts. -
There is sin is this seglut se °Isar mad as
deeming church dieei 1p ice, u 1. steelier
or false sweetie:. He who violates his
premie* to pay, or withholds Mkt parasol
ofa debt, whoa it 1. ie his power to roe
his, seebt te be seds to feel
that is the eight of all hewed .see he is a
swiedier. Religion may be a very ons_
fortable sleek ..dor w\Y\ to hide ( lel N
religleo dees sot make a made ed jeep,'"
Itis tot worth having.