HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-12-06, Page 4' �191rlcnitacat:a`w" •. BREEDING HORSES. We publish the following Report from tho Venuont State Agriculturist, on breed ing horses, which will serve as an excellent model fir such of our Societies as are des, - roue o f promoting improvements in Canadi- an Agriculture: - Your committee are of opinion that there is no branch of dock -raising more profita- ble than the rearing of the bust of home, - and they consider there 1s no Irouhl•- In se- compll.hing the., provided unne but the Telly heel stallions are bred to and none are tired from, but excellent horses, Which by the way, are vera ararre enJ laird Iu he .'hit- ed, and for the fullest Iva reernns :-OwtrF to the high price good •'horse fiueh" wilt ever con -m .1, the mnj irhy of onr best mares, as soon as they c to maturity. find the a ay to onr ni"Are and city mat- kete, and are never h'lo*ed to hree•!, ease a. few 'hat may be returned to the country af- ter becoming tecta ld in liu:b, nr having their constitution brckrn i .dean I.y amid usage veil old age; and many Slat remain among the formers are valued an highly, fat their labor end fine appearance that they are never pe rutittedttn breed until they ate in a similar condition to those returned from our city markets. Tho coneet"rm•o ie, that nearly the whole of our home are produced from the moat ordinary mare., lir enemas, one/ An unsnnni nee, of the hobo may *not impair the taloa of a breeding ntare,hu ► ►"a 0ETrmai TYn1en seaa.- •• How 4, you seeomplab So much to N chert • Vane! - Slate yea any particular plan?" "1 isms. Whim 1 have say par Ocular thing to do, 1 go and du it." The word "dant• owe. its origin to Joe Datta, an English wbo lived is the remit of Hero), All. Hut was so atttdioue that his wife was •rbhted to deny him from books, to eat his meals, %Vit is hniahwnnd, jedgmeit lake the so- lid timber. Ose mike,, the brighter dame, the other gives Ibe most dentate heat. Close thine car to those who open their umuthe against others. • Re vera plow to believe yourself wiser than all others. THE SUULIMI:. " Rey, rw.rerst Fear', woo! 1'.t thou smile Upon the bean ,f he adored thee 1 II • pain and Gond despair l..pik. ' if to wet he her orp'need .hue 1'• "I reckon. if he had the tie." A GOOSES REASON. A ecce. my gmn'am;ro. •!av mmi,l, )}.'Mena' • hors. pep. II.: e n del. b -sol. 1 Moto•!tsar Ikon 'hr e,u.e In.h• re, Phe anw.red she drrli11et the leek ; Foran MPiva • some wnvid ark What roue est -opt • g•o s. eoe'J !view. Ktti,r tan 'trey tmr-'e- r Tae wer'.1 hihoe (emir r very 'wiaa en 1 very et.: rt.). t•ea- erthe le.a,"aril a ne.-I', I.•tr at a f,.Mnsa Me emir", "whet wrists 't• loge and mete alias: a -" What are me•anhyies?" iequir•.5 a ?'•••euro tweedy. •' Petah- I ran- nnt tee ..-• iaht ib. A -rt. • '" MatHona Hone. awa !'' •elision..I •m efhler Pe.`eh i.dv, "1';I at t C 1 ,Shoot it. • Tea fools .Mrprne s tewethe• : he Pre partes of flu Ht RAI. D, s Werklt, Newspaper, As publication o/ weid to $e tel tsaomeated iaosaeJietely ra fk1 7esos •( B,estfurd. Ojics os Culborws !$t., over td. old Post gffice. r11HE rapid a',ance of Brantford and this porno° of the -Province to population, wealth and importance -the pre.etng de- mands of the intelligent Inhabitants for full and cornet tnfo.mation-'he solettatlon of Numerous (needs, and the impression that a Newep.tper enrdocte,f on liberal and just principles, will receive the hearty support of the hbe,aI and the just. -influence the eadersiynwd to undertake the establishment of a ►eepert•bte Journal in hiscplace, feelit'g aswred that front his know, ledge of Cana - dons ant Canadian affairs, gained by • re.i• deoee in the colony of nearly twenty year., Ise will be ehle to render bis paper worthy of the palrooage of Camadises generally. and especially of, those amongst. whom he has re-i.leI ilii tho Inns fine or rix year.. - Thu Herald will ad►rcnte British commie ion, the respnnnbihty of rulers to those by whom they are employed sod paid -the richt of the people to manage their mita atT.ir,-'he ratios of Ilherty civil ant reit• gime, and in.lee•J, everything Hist may tend to Inelitwamothe eoeditton ot Canadians'. To dila,' all that rho Herald wt II support or °memo, weel.l for exceed the Imola of the. adrertieem'•ut; 1t maw, therefore, s.•trtee to state, That fal-eh.. t and ribaldry wall trot, to its retuning, be permitted to moor, the piece of truth ani sound arra- meal, and that the groatert care will he franc en,nr.ly new Sett of Matrixes, with t*ken, by the exclurinn of immoral and' Jar el til lel, and warranted deo bo unsur- ,al.wlemi. and the selection of chaste and Palma by any, be cold at prices to suit the useful reeding mattes, to render the IleroIi tepee. All the type furnished by us is • ,a'unble FAr;LY RAewa, ares at the sante ., han,i chat." ti.ee from arran�'ein-nu which have been .11 she has a weakened eonstiG.liun, it must, that's' 1 •toss d'.a ken what be th . more er !e.*, impair the•surent;it•, upset, a'.? s oke" iSu& r.•.e/.s: sad bosblNeape. kee endurance of tl:e olTeptii•g, although they ,'ton, b^w w'. -t he means hiiso^It. 7%ifs 1""1"1'.4P'"`• r' may have lino forms. "Your cotrtitiltre bet WAN ow briof aakel if he bad ever tern the " Brid(-, of tt.ohs," replied, " Yor rt• been tratrefrns o. 1* ever since 1 wait matIieL"• lieve it wquht be far more prnfilablc In pat: chase and hreed from mares worth 4050,' than front those, whose average -tattle for the last ten ?rare, in a sound stair, has been nominees Dleaconr.-A new intuit am more than lit 10, (and this we believe, is 'atovp, toe ib. epveasiosee of tralrel{ers, the clans of a amajority ,oour breeding,anthie '1111 1st beewiiLrn•rd. 1' ss plte0J ceder mares-)' From mare of this stamp, and to iiia feet, an•l a mower,$ pbdi tapes .rho 51 finr years cot , would raise colt, h gher, baa. draws Abs belt threeglr tb. •bold et fuer Jear+.til t, would hate sold, higher ..",tern.than fifty dollars to seventy-five dollars- ..",tern. whereas, from the first clans of marcs, and A REASON RM ?MT Cana•. -.t Pentte- W the same stallions, we could with equal. nun pereelning thea'owssame aer of fl.tel unemployed, iaqvired the res.on. •• i can't certainty mire colts that would cor¢tmaod, cue earl I,e, •, w-dEy, o my wife u double these price•, ind oceastopalty one jndt •dead." may command foist times as mirth. • of Another thing that has a greet tendency ?riles MeacwaaT.-A ,afire born dew n to multiply the number error hersrm E wbo a now amt a els, r,nl div ft.: eltertlseo kis rinek of pools arfot- that fanners too often estimate the profit of :-" Th.l,rgrst °nil most cite*d,e raising toles by the first cost of getting meek ••f F►eeeh. Koglish sod Americas ever them -bestowing their patrnnngo where greet of 3a-tw,k'ee. •To lave time tede.eri- thep can be insured with a fav! for the least blot' thio Seat.Seek d Matti we'll joist cal tbe story short by giving you the dimes - money, and fremiently to a Ilona of oldie - toy as menenred by our cisil esiRiaerr : try gnalities ; when, by the addition of a few rnmreee ing 01 the rontbeit c const( erd dollsre, they might ICCUTC the services of a pile or prints rttnatnp deo north 21 feet ; horse whose vertices would afford then! a profit similar to that spoken of with the beat cls -s of breeding mares. it should be to; marked, however, that the stallions are of a much higher quality than tho breath g mares. Take these as a whole, there has been a great improvement in them within e few ?care. And although we mty have only a few but are valuable horses. yet there is a great difference between them -and even among those of a very high order.. inde- pendent of the pecuniary advantage ofbree- ding from none but tho very bast of horses and Firer, one may enjoy, according to the fancy of the owner, from five dollars to t190 worth of satisfaction, in producing a superi- or animal. Allow your Committee to throw out a few hints in relation to brooding colts - docking, nicking, framing. • Colts should al - " LOST!! BELONGI"IGto the subscriber, Uterus hu Ston and the Division Court Of fice, on Friday Inst, 13th ustant, Two PROMISSORY NOTES, Viz.: Ooe JOINT NOTE against Joun F:DoAa au I (%waa1.i DUaHRaTt•, f••r £3 I8s drawn payable to James Phelan er bearer, a DJ cndorset by Jetties Phelan, past due, -Also, one attempt blicu..RL STuacory Black South, for £3 12, 6,1„-Jrawo paha• ble to Chriitisn Selmer, or bearer, written in German, ilio past due. This it 10 cau- tion any person arum purrhasicg the same, Air the above parties paying the Nuts* to any person but the subscriber, -and any person 6olin*' the above Notes will much obit:robesubscriber by returning them to him. THOS. M. DA LY. kltntfurd, July 18th, 1819. 2v-n30rf TO PRINTERS. TYPE. FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS r`RNISIIING WARE HOUSE. INE Subscribers have .opened a New MBE Foundry in the City of New YurY, where they are ready to supply orders to soy extent, fur auv loud of Job Fancy 'type, Ink. Paper, Chases, Galleys, Brass Ruler, Steel. Column Itulei;, Ciutposing `3tirkr, Cetea, end .every article necessary fora Printing Office. The Type, which are castin new menials, mac foe soetlrtni the most ilnamA•tot and varied ta•el)igeoce from every part of the woe.), it will be found t. pos.esp hit-ih Ostend for support opva till *Lowe- is the ✓ :,w,mwwity. As neither trouble not ex - i nse will be spared to mrikeshe Shrub! » .Isotac;gior of much infurmatioNadd as it is rt.-tr,h'e ghat •uc8 infortpafin5 be as. wiJ.!y d IT it'd as tu.sible, the pries of .the Hera?J w 11 he PO IOW as to bring it within the reach "f a•1; and whilst every effort will he y.ed to make it reek as one of theft, It will afro be, on. of the cheapest papers «f. he .ise In Canada !Wast. The' Herald will be penned on a Inge Imperial sheet. With eminent new material., and will he psihI.rhed every aletatrJav Morning, for *142 a yea*. it pard in sdvanre: i*.!4 a year. of pap within six n,nothe;. sod S3 -a year, if Dot so maid; in 1111 cases exrtoaive of postage. - From Sire extensive circulation which it will have, the Herold will :be o desirable uoe- diorn for Advertisement°', which will be in- serted at the usual rates. - Alt communion lions to the Editor, tbroetb the Post O15ce, must be pre -paid. W. JOii'NSTONE, Editor -and Proprietor. Brantford, Aug: 16,14-19.' v2n30 • Prospector of the second volume of the Jovr- nal o/Edoeution for riper Canada,- Edited by the Rey. Ar. l: yerson, AIL C.kiraf Srperinteedrnl or' -drool{; assisted J. George Hodgins. • II&CM:doctors of ibeJour.al of Education thence at right seem, 4 feet ; thence ',too 1 purpose m continue its publication for the 24 'art ; an.hthence north 4 feet to the place year 1r49. Is form will be quarto instead of of bes.wntng-teine'3 cord, more or less- octavo, in order to secure to the subscribers to it bring understood that s. ti pile of print. it the advantage of newspaper deo the place of pamphlet poetize. p is 4 feat high." to the Fuel Volume the Conductors have had ebietly a fourfold object in view. 1. An expod- TAltIe CARR or No. 1.-A tsegfe JINN,- dna et :.`,'.principles, and provisioM and objects ing,purchared a hal was nbsebte'd to tale it oft :,temoi Cnmmue School: in -Upper Can - Item hoe head on the fill of , shower of rem ad.. 2. The q i,'.'frari"nv o9lisanona and and mnr:;elt a neefera',;e anatvt,' to pre- ,„uta'.t r.e(Alio::a a;uf Julie! .. cru::-0,el. !'arabin serve it from :tie .i el. On betag remnnatra add nehool Teachers. 3, The am:fortancr of strafed with tor Ls suppose{ etopi,ity in Normal &boot lnetruction tar the elevate n of thug leaving hu heat exro.ed be wittily. Common Schools of the reentry. 4. The im- obserred, flat belong to me=bpd belong entente sod utvans of a th o*g h. o masa." Christian, mmtageedntohe several elapses of our industrials popetetio°i= 1 Dart x ,r EJECT .-A blind darkey with While the subjects which have give•-chirsctet an exiffioni.h.-d candle to • dark cellar, look- to the First Volume of this Joornat wig cot tie tag for a black eat that wasn't there, lost right of, another leading Anna 'It die Se- I,nt se Wrr.-A leery to told an of fedi- coed Volume will he SCHOOL. ARCHITEC- TORE; for the.elaeidatioaofandimprovemeot an who complained to a la..dlnrd that lar of which theCoolucton have :already procured price of iq,tor was too h*t.' Tbe landlord several Engravings, and have taken steps to pro - attempted tnpr.tify his charge by saying! cure other,: and in the course of the year, they that It was as expensive to keep a hngsbead purpose to give enersmines of all the best and of rum ire a motet raw, "May be he drink most suitable PLANS OF SCHOOL -HOUSES, (with accompanying explanations,) wh:ch have been recommended by school authorities in the neighbouring Stales: and also, if possible, En- gravings of the series of plans of Common School. houses which have been adopted and recom- mended by rho FAocational Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council in England. The En- graving,, will exceed is number the months of the years, and will themselves be worth the sub- acriptioo price of the volume. Another object of the Second Volume will be, to explain any modifications which may be made in the School law in connexion with its presedt proei.inn.. A third and prominent object of the Second Volume will be, the exposition of the means necessary for carrying into effect provisions w:tich will doubtless ,herlly be mode be the Legislature hu the eet,hflahment of COMMON SCHOOL LIBRARIES; and on the section ot books for that purpose by the Board of Educa- tion, shori rrve•ws •nd characteristic notices of them will be given in the Journal, together with the heat and cheapest modes of procuring them, We hope also to Lind room in the Second Volume for some accounts and notices of the systems of public instruction and educational movements of other cauotrie., both Europese and American, as well as for some srtistes of miwell.neoue literature, such as will be specially entertaining and instructive to young persons. - Rut the educational wants of Upper caned* will first command attention, and determine the character of the Journal oI Education. The Conductors respectfully and earnestly solicit the continued and active en-nperation of Dome Soperinten4enta, Clergymen, and other School officers and friends of Education ee prof faring and forwarding suhscriptinn.. No part of the •wberript,nnt will he applied to remune- rate the labour of editing the Journal; but the whets will he expended in defraying expeoaes inertto ennnrl.a with its pshl eatino. T 1. va-Flus shilling, per annum, in ad- se4 and no subscription will he taken for .e0. rhaone ?!ear. District Council* ordering nee cop he the Touters of each Scheel Rees flee i11 hen Ilii* art, or any camber, not le thew filo, will be applied ar lhrce shJhnp wad nine pence per toner for the ?rsr. OT All eommnniratinns to be addressed to Mr. Holten*. Ldeeatem OTs.., Termite.; sad ail letters eat emotional, remittances, mist be post-pad. i Corijplete scent. the Pint Volume well be furnished tb parties wid isg bo obtun it, at Five Smiling• per eery. EDVr&Ttos ()mi. P,intlog Presses furnished, and and also, Slearu Engines of the most approved pat- tern.. t Composition Rollers cast for printers. 07` Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times asam'ch type as their bills amount to, may give the a -bore six-montl s' insertion in their_ payers, and send tbeit papers containing it to the Sub.crihers. • . COCKCROFT k OVFREND No 78 flan St rest e\ aro York. Dcei'utber 7th 1847. - kith THE ,OLLOWIIFo 61 ,1) '1. G. ARE PREPAKt.0 k Suil> 8T J. HEW- LETT, 95, YONGE STREET; TORONTO dad by Agents tArrrgk ilia Provisoes. Hewlett's Restorative Balsa n, Pro. 1 s . 3d par Bottle. Thu Medicine is a safe and cmcarioos mire for Muttons, Dysentery, Bloody Flax, Relaxation, and That disordcrvd state of the Bowels, so prevalent during the hot weath- er, known as Slap Sumner (plaint ; alai, fur the Chelan Morbus. llewlett'y Embrocation, Pews ls. 3d. p Bottle. For the Cure of Rheumatism, BURNS, Scalds, Brusee, Sprains, Swellinge, Cramp, Chilblairs, Cels, Crean Wounds, Stiffness :n the Joints and N ck. Nembnese, Paler, Brrupt'ons in the Skin, ken kr, Hewlett's Stomachic 'Tincture ; Olt, S'TRENGTHE'NING BITTERS. Eric, Is. 1044. per Mottle. For the cure of N cok Digestion, Bilious Disease,, Pains in the Stomach. Loss ot Appetite, General Debility, Palpitation of the Heart. Conromption, Ilii. Etc. ( This Medicine is one of the beat and cheapest in circ..latien. CANADIAN FRIEND; OR Hewlett's Universal Oir.tment. eROSPEC•TUS ,Or TUE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. 11 R. AND )IRS. MOODIE, Euryotrs. � ,Hi:. E-fitors of the Vic -reale M/oAwNi wilt devote all •their talents to produce, a gleeful entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for the Cote- au,. people ; which may afford amusement to te,ih old and young. Sketches and Tales, in verse and prose. Moral F.s.ny, Statistics of the Colony, Scrape of there! Information, Reviews of new Works,•and Well selected articles from the most popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the Magazine. The Editorefeeleoofidentthat the independent and riaimg country, to whose service 'bey tie rood to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully as much eater," replied the sachem, alluding wayd be kept in good condition, not extrav- to al,lierxtsnn, " but certainly he not oat .gently fed, yet they should have something more than dry food rho first two win'ers.- The starving of colts will not only impede their growth, but will bring on a contrac- tion of the ribs, cards, end muscle., special- ly about the chest., and *boulder*, that will more or les, impair their power, action, *peed, and endurance, after coming to ma- turity. It is the opinion of your committee that a horse will have Sha most perfect strength and action with a salami tail, yet, for ap- pearance, they would reeommend a mnder- esmnch hay." V, ATsaraour Patw.-A patent hu been obtained torr Waterprowof paper, which 1e mid to render the paper, to completely irnpervi- out, that ell may be immersed for days .10 water without any apparent effect being produced on its.texture. A meeting of the Committee of the Paris and Avr Riad Cnm?any was held in B rrne- rcli'e'raven; in •Paris, on the 12th into. - Dr. M •Cosh in the char. and Mr. Gen. Den - hem, Secrc'ary- The Chairman explained the objects of the meeting,liehich were to form a plank, -ravel, or macadamized ro.l ate clocking, which Fhnnld be governed by hetwren Park and Ayr.. 11e stared to the the build of the animal and the character of Meeting that it was pr./Mind th►t the team the tail ; bait we should very seldom leave a dock of less than 12 inches; and the dock ing should be perfirtncd when the calfs arc one or two years old, (one year old is pref •table.) Colts may be docked at these ages with less injury to them than when they are nearly grown up ; they will have more of n bush to the tail, with longer hour, and will be inclined to carry it is a more elevated position. Nicking should be looked upno ar • cruel and useless practice. which uo.:oubt edly impairs the strength and action of the hone, and may "metopes seriously injure the constitution. Great rare should be need, in brosk'ne eolts, to have them kind ; and there is but little dtffi••ulty in thio, provided they have • proper and gentle treatment. They very seldom nerd hot little if any '5l pp'ng.- They shred.' be learned to do their work in an essay and handeoinstmanner, and withnn' fretting. A horse that to Vatted to chat' and dance in the harness, or under the sad elle, may do airy wpq fur ripe and horse- jorkeye, bet It Is not What a wnstb;e mai- want. arwant. in a horse der g: ed for service, as 11 is a %mete of .t-ength and action, without accnmpl ehing any useful pnrpnee.. And to forming an opinion of a restless* horse it will he well to rnn.idrr w'.hether the arf•en r eslernl or whether it se Iron+ht event It trainiae. and the fear of the brs*I. All of which se r..perifilly submitted. - Illi behalf n/the committee. Ep.BRIDGE, Chairmen. Pries is, 3d. p Soull- For Coring Corrupt ions of every dvscrip- PALPITATION I L aO. f Ms IS&40T. PAINTER'S GMOL , lion, Ulcerated Sun Legs, Roils, Scales. � oared i, rapi of w nate mambos b the .e If them Lilo Chilhlainr, kr. n.'r'ee. aloin.. - - PAS e. 1M head. We Ma, Mdse. vents sad eraser I., d, 1111111O11111111IIh FI&I/T 1111 RIlIP. M0FPAT'S VESETAILEM LIFE PILLS AD PHCENIX BITTERS TM alas and meld ssla►rny eiheM Mar pia-.mlo•M ai.drl.se 1.. .isw.ad ler urs l...n.bt • iii i►� aM Mows whish .My piulos to ears, rr1 ed the .,d1 of prams wt .sly .mauwery, w - lay t*..- They me Mows N their bees; their Goad e a.*. sway fie LWT, ..d they thine pmt by the (soli of w .e«mteew MC .AIL 411 JS OM =OMB (y AiTMNA. ACUTE ..d CN1O'IC £M1VMA rem APIXCTIUNS d a4 3L40500 wed KIDNsrd. IRLIOUS FLVARS en LIVET o01471.A111Ta.- ✓ Ow south sod what. More these Moues prowl, Owl .Ia be Real ■capers. nests.. soma, sal was°, who 14ees w e rare tewifdse• well sew Amr.rari be wawa tksao SWUM" 010/110. owl e*3UYa Lw....., BUSS. COSTIVENESS, COLDS L COUGHS. CNOL'C. coalmine -nose third with wet .teem. Me ,sense CuOaurr 500054. DIur8IZI, n=OPErOIA. No pence .a the drn.e0s rhe h aw nhrU the..110,11[6.45 dewy 14.41, . ..rocs rased&47. ERUPTIONS of 10 Saar, LoostrsLes, 71ATu tsvc r. FICVltR aged AOUi. los iWworm ites wet wry wait/ Rase e drive+ will he found a .ah:• weedy. 3rd aortae. womb MR. audios lease I..r.u.r ..1 ..t tw Went of the Aw.ao.-a 7010 hr rune s.l.cr.ao r I l .asom•- TRY TURN, SR .515.UUUD, AND SE CUI(LD.- rtiULNEss n/ COMPLEXION. GENERAL 1DEEILIT=. 0.107 (IDOINESS. 05411 XL. HLDAc17E5, dwas era. INWARD1NYLAMMATUIY 0h CO04 MALIMPut* BLOOD. JAUNDICE. 1.053 ar APPS. rrrL LITE! OO1EPLAINTO, LEPROSY. LfN)4LVE.'11. MIC It l.' H1.s L DISEASES. - Never 0.w De mamas en.iel, all tM elk,. of Maw's/ N NW .rias thee NA wee 50.0••1 ,.r,an1hs d d ..s.e*4 . NIGHT *WLrr, 5E1ruur n5SILIT Y. ASS ruIS errs td r0 004. URU4]IC 4rr5i r10%., llewlett's Apperient Family Pills • FOR BOTH 8EXF.S. ,A remedy for Coiliveneer, Pains and Gd- dine.s in the dead, Disorders of the Liver, Stomach. and Bowels; oleo, lndigestiue.- Price9d. Per Box. hIEWLETT'S Apperient Family Powders. FOR BOTS SEXES. A remedy for Costiveness, Pains and Gid- dimes' in the Stead. Disorders of the Liver. Stomach, anJ Bowes; also 1i Ilgeation. CrTo the many persons'm'e ho object to the taking of Pill., these Powders, are ree- omrnendal, and for Children are preferable. -Price ls. 3d. per Balite. Hewlett's Antibiliotls Pills. Pries 1s. 3d. p Bottle. An excellent remedy for Bilious Complaints and Costiveness. They remove all odetrue- tinns on the Stomach, at the same time Strengthen the Digestive0roane, Extricate those Pains attendant anon Disorders of the Stomach, act as a Tunic Upon Relaxed Constitutions. and poultice Vigor lit tlealth• liewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pill Price ls. 3J. per Box. For the --cure of Coughs, and Asthma.- lend its uppers to encourage their arduous and These admirable Pills are must beneficial to which the rid.raking. Tbe tow puce at the speedy removal of Coughs, relieve difft- every the Periodical is placed, is is order that culty in breathing, so trying to Asthmatic eveq person within the Colony who can orad, subjects, and procure the ref:eshiog COm- aud.fans;ous for moral and mental oeproyrmee, 1 ▪ become a subscriber and patron 01 the work. 'fbe VICTORIA MAaazrar. will COataln twenty- four pages, in each Dumber printed on new type; forts of rest and sleep. h ewlett's Dinner Pills. and upon good pap PRICE l s, 3d. per Bos. r; end will form at the For removing Ohstrueti ins on the Chest, of the year •Beat Volumae, of 259 pas20- ha, to - felt after soling, .particularly after Diener, gather with Title Page and Index. It will be issued Monthly, commencing on the canoed by great Weakness and Debility in First of September, from the office of JOSEPH. the Digestive Organs. WILSON. Front -street, Belleville -the Pub- Hewlett's Infant's Soothing tither and isle Proprietor, to whom all orders for CORDIAL. the Magaaiae, and letters to. dm Editors, meat be addressed. (port -paid.) The terms of sob- IMPORTANT TL1 MOTHERS k Nurses. scription-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM- For easing Pains in the Bowels and Ste- feetrurblp to be paid is sideeeca. - mach, so general with Iofants,'eatpalling the. Foderlch, Jlnrcb3, 18131. 5 Wine, and procuring rofreshing etoepp GODA ERICH, CNADA WEST. 'Tire)•. 3r1.'Prr 11411" 8th November, 1849. # 5•.ti t by Ii, PARSONS, Goderich :ties-ra. P. R. Clark 14 Co. 1'or t Nanta. d T11B M.iBSC1l1BERS Mr. Wm. Jones Sydenham, Owen Sound ^E in Receipt of, by recent arrivals at ^",Gndericb, 20th August, 1840. 2v -n29 3 A`Muntr:al, fetiM Englsd,. H i0 v 01 A T 1 a al. Those .taetet .da Nee Merida Renee. ria be .uw of lobe It, Ow life 0wiseio•e XVIII .r BLOOD to like tl ISAD, scuxrY. 14L1*NSt?a, aIVELLI\'"a. .CR(RP(rLA, es ZING'■ ETIL, e.r . wet tome. u L C 0 R e. af ewers d eretpt ew W O Rffi1a, des hallus are .neatmelle.•tolled b U..e atericio 5 7.7"5'0 eon .l. wen •o. I n ,..r thew • Acne ewer tow e0 Toro w.ayrri1. Relief will. erne.. THE LIVE PIT INS Pu(Enc BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD. And thus remuve all disease from the system. trial ff N I K b I IT I F E R S a y..1u. ,sePILLS r mid H►m.p.- ti.to..0.11.0 011i.euu0 01 5,.ry p.u..t. Tho seomii. of these meduime, ere ww per up .n white trapper" ..d l.beh, together tit* 0apt-art. .02Nd •• > t.,, toad Smm.rlt.n." containing 1* o aHeanOm.. a.. ea which. R. a dn.i.g of aroademy fns Wall Avert be one • (Na7e, y ehi.L Are•yers .Mites .Iw e,ry ear .cry .as Aad .r. The wr ppen aid S..ann. ewe e„ pynghte , .herefore thew wk. p.Kurm .he. with whiter saa Sur termed 0*a1 the, .n trade.. t0 eeref.l, Ard do hoe bey More with orao.o trapper.; bot If yam do, he .ir4J dot tht7 .u4115 dir<et bow u., oe 4..t tush tal meek of the Company .hwltld be £2,000, I vid.•d torn £5 shares, mccor:ling to the pro.,.inn. of the statute. The Ayr Com- mittee reported 150 skives, subscribed in tar nod the no.ghho'trhood ; and the Paris comm:t•re reperled 2Js; shares taken up In the village of Par,.. -Reporter. '1'FLrt.Raro.-"lite cost of a trlegrephie !;.o• :n England Is one b•,ndre t and fifty pounds per tittle : ie Prisma and the Uni- ted Su'c.. it IA '•.• than ire many dollars. E. 1TMa 'Tali asarn.-1'he British Etat I',dis t'••mpaoy ,s.tersd to adopt the under• gruusd telegra,h fir the 10.000 miles of ;ins they -are preparing to lay down Is that country. Wet; els rosavis Rn ecaa.-Tbe New York Von metre t'.atshe government ball et Milanese, o'i the loth m.o., the anniver• ..ry ct the both day to ins Spittoon Queen, A es entirely nnarendp4, .are Ay one lady end the Preeolent of the evening. Give nor Ts itch seise*, upon five ring Cnb,. ana,wbum he had fixed upon a being mow ere j. tl a pr'occ.Jrng, and .catur of them to the dnngena.e slid after th t bemoaned them to Spain, wob. of snowier them to see their families. A severe penalty for ...fusing to dents *0 the Quee•'s muatc,- Hwsfsw t•a.rtier. TIIF. NEW RICEEYI:RGENF.RAL. 11 • F.ae.11 ncy the Goversee' General has :era pl.3eed ti, eppotet the Hon. E. P. filch..'Re, rterr (Vetere! of ttbn Province of C .n o' 1, le -"hut of the Ilve. 1.. M. Vlger, resolved. 'rhe hos. Geollletnan war sworn rn ata Cab'.et Council held on Tumidity. - Globe. STRATFORD A LARGE AND •i 1RIED assortment o IRON FOUNDRY DRY • GOODS,moiso • "particularly selected in Mancheaterr z: NOYB MANUFACTURE. their Retail Trade." TUE Subscribers in returning thanks to Their Stock of BAR IRON, "pith* bent their Cuetosners for the liberal sup: Crown Brand," and SHELF HARDWARE, Pott they bars received mince commencing have received considerable'addition!, both business, beg to intimate, that they have of English and United States Manufacture. for sale al low flit". From New York. they have received their Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, supplies of GROCERIES, consisting of also Ploughs of eight descriptions, and eon- • CHESTS TEA, of various Qualities. misting of the most improved Moulds. Self - BOXES TOBACCO, do do acting Mill Dogs, and various other ca.- ' BOXES LOAF SUGAR, kc. kc. Sic. tinge. Having engnecd an experienced All of which will be dieposed of for MONEY Machinist, the subecnbere can cnnfidently or PRODUCE. at Low Rates. recommend their THRASHING MA - M. B: SEYJIOUR k Co. 2v -n40 -6t. Tomato, December, 1848. 42 .iTRAYRD from the HURON HOTEL.t on Saturday evening, *011, October, - A YOKE OF OXEN, one Black and one Red -Large Strong• animals. The Black one ha a white !pot on the rant of the tail -the rod one has very large wide horns - and walks wide in the hind loge. Goderieb. Nov. 12, 1849. 9r-lU If TRAY STEER % --Came coon the reclines h) of the S,hacriber shout three months 010, A RED S'T'EER, with the tip of hie tail white, rising four years old. The owner can prove property aud pay expenses. - LOUISA DUNLOP. Colborne, Noy. 29, 1849. ,2-e43 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. TI1E CANADA COMPANY have for diepoeal, about 1500,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout moat of the Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500,- 000 acres are situated in the Duro* Tract, well known as one of the meet fertile parts of the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion in five years, and now contain' up- wards of '20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS are offered by way of L K .4 ' F. , for Ten Years, or for Nair, C .4 N H D O W N -Ilse plan onr art -fifth Cash, and the balance is Instal - meats being dost verve wins. The Itentis payable 1st February each year, are about the interest at Six Per Cent.npon the price of the Land. Upon most nftbe Lots, when LEANED, NO MONEY iS REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, according to locality, one, two, or three year. R.t, must be paid in admire, -bnt throe pa moots will free the Settler from farther cads until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea of his term of Leap.. The right to PURCHASE, the FREE- HOLD during the term, is .ecnr.d to the Lemmas at a fixed sem named in i.ears, and en allowans* els made according to antici- pated payment. Lists of Lard., and any fa8;er informa- tion can Is obtained, (by applkatinn, if by letter post -pard) at the COMPANY'S°Orelle, Toronto and Dederick ; of R. Ili RONA I. I, F.sq., 4spkndel, Colborne District ; Dr. Atatto, Onslpb, 01 J. C. W. DALT, Esq., Strafford, Heron District. Osdeneb, March 17,1w. 7 CHINES of the newest design, both sta. tionary and, moveable, and would solicit a call from intending 1'urchasers before buy- ing elsewhere: All or c1* pun•tually at- tended to and executed with neatness and despatch. ORR k WILSON. Stratford, 13th An;. 1849. v2-nt81f. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants. of the District of Huron, and the nei hborinR Districts, that be bee Established himself in Stratford, and is prepard to give Plans and Specifica- tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dams, ke. kc. kc., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, on the most reasonable terms. Iis thorough knowledge of his profession and his pracucc as Builder, qualifies him for any uodertakieg In the line. Address poet paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kc. kc. Stratfordi C. W. Stratford, March 18th, 1849. 2v-n7tf rr Prepared ..d old by DR. WILLIAM 13. 3ROrrAT. 13.1 Broad•ey• tomer of RAI..., street, N tier Yost. For nolo by BENJ. PARSONS, Sete Agent. Godeitch, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 TWO GOOD 'FARMS FOR SALE. E within 2 miles, and the nether with- ' 10 about 3 miles of Godericlf Town Plot. The first is L':T 10 in 1st Cooter Moo, Township of Goderich, CONTAINING 164. ACRES, is bowas;ed at the one erd byLake Huron , end a! the other by i Pube - Road, -hod the intend it LOT 8 in 8th Concession, Colborne, W . Dietitian, - • . CONTAiNINQ 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub- lic Reade. - For Particulars 'rely to JNO. McDONALD, Esq. Goderieb, 124h June, 1849. 1119-tf S'1'RATFORD HOTEL. (LITT. ear', ) THE Sub-er,ber informs his friends and the Traveliing Public• that be has leased the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East end 01 Stratford, (new tho county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. l.aac May, -where he will be ready at all times to afford the natal comfort and stipples' and promote the personal convenience of 'his gu•ets. WINES and LiQUORS of the beet de- renption. A steady Hostler always in attendance. ALBERT G. HATCH. Stratford, lith July, 1849. 9.-att6i1 Isil von ffllll! THE Subscribers will pa the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for Good. Merchantable Wheat. JAMES PORTER & Co. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. td187 NOTICE.. r1tHE Subsenber having RENTED tee WAREHOUSE aid WHARF belong- ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of this piaci, has established himself ss a TORWARDEa AND C000Oe101 autatrtAOT. .Any orders or commission from the Mer chants of Goderieb, will receive prompt attention. . JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. tv-7ntf. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH N returning thanks to his lrienda and ne- wcrous Customers for the Liberal Pat- ronage which he has received during the past year, begs to intimate that he has Jut received an extensive Assortment C? =CB Ir./mamma 5•Clita 410, and is ready to Execute all Ordersgiven to hitt with caro and punctuality as formerly Goderich, April, 12th, 1849. 2w-n10tt Lipper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receire' General's grace. Montreal, 12th March, 1849. DUBLU(' NOTICE is hereby given, that Claiments for Rebellion Lessee in Canada West, who have not applied to, and received payment of their Claims from the respective Agents of the -Bank of Montreal, in the several districts asheretofore notified will from and after the first day of Jon* next. be necessitated to apply for payment of the same, either personally or by duly appointed Attornies, to the Parent Bank in this city. (Signed,) 5. M. ViGER, H. M. R. G. 0-12 attic Duron Signal, 1e P0110T50 aha ►e1LIwr1D TN0OW a BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, ID1Toa ACD ►tO►R,0Tna. .. OPTICS MASROT SQOARR, eonlamCH. •,• Book •ed Job Printing. executed with .esteem and despatch. T, en. or rue Hanna Srewar--T ll SHiL- 1.INGS per annum if paid strictly j4 &deuce, or Twrr.yx •.D 815 Pz.ca with the expiration of the year. No parer discontinued aatil arrears • paid op, ashes the publisher thinks it his ad-, - ie to de so. y indnideal i Ole errantry becoming ni- mble for •ix bseribere, shall retries • aev nth espy gratis. ELT All letters •ddreesed to the Editor mat be pest paid, or they will lot be itken est of the pent office Hasa n. AnTtayt.RE5. Six lines and under, first insertion,.... L0 9 f Foch rohsegneet ieeertios 0 (1 Ta Tee lines and meter, fret issertioe,8 J 4 Fsrh seheegweot Sonnies 0 0 10 Our ten li..s. first Monde., per lite, e 0 4 F4sh wbrg est laesrtian, • f 1 rr A fiMral dinesne meta ss Arno dice eivvitiele be tbe peer. 110