HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-12-06, Page 3To iii Editor VIM Jfur•eal and rerpIsss.
Woomaiha., Nev. 2S, 1849.
Hla-1 nbeerre is your paper of shelled
an extract from the Corewan rrsabsl/er,
w hos. opinion you approve and Gator..
The extract Ie an aelisadiersloa 0a the
(?lobe, fur a remark made by that pater, In
reference to the situation of Wattles of the
Provincial Penitentiary.
I have had wetly good 'weenie) to koow
soy opportunities to coneide►the duties of
that officer, and 1 loot no besttenoo in ea
roboradng the opinion Of the Globe, and I
believe, moreover, that 1 may any as much
(or the other conunlrn•,oera of eogeiry. 1
am eonfl lent, that tie sufficiently informed
and unprejudiced man will differ to (tp:'uon.
I think you will gtie me c:edil for a.
hearty an ehhorrence of downing street
importance'. as any man in Canada, and of
a firm re-olutinn to Cuedeu,o and ••ppese
there, but the utl'ice in question 15 on0 of
/tenet deeply morel and vital importance to
the Province, and of the moist interesting
nature, to the eternal and temporal wellare
of the wretched inmates of th,t it shtnuun.
It is no ortenery peesen, tier, wbu is es-
pehle of •*charging the duties of Pah a0
office. Ile must needs be a man sof gene -
vit. Ile mutt proem', an innate, a beeven-
born anxiety to reclaim the convicts, to
soothe Irritated tewfcre, to internee to
tram, to encourage and reward, as wee; as
to maintain strict discipline and order.
Stich a nate 1 believe, is nut to he fonnl
in (1.nada, nor is it et all likely that he
should. It IS nulup.nsahle 10 :auk out fors
man, who, en Redeem to all other needful
requiettee, has etyeyeJ the advantages of
employment and lntmng in the very highly
imprnncd rchuols of Modern Prison, Disci-
• The appoinhnent is ono, not to be trade
rashly, still lee. from pchnen or party mo -
tires. 1 feel confident that the most anx-
eels and honest endeavors will be wade by
1 he Executive to fill Mr, South's matinee.,
(sbquld he be finally dt.mtseed)wirh the best
nun that assiduooe orw•erryl can dixcuver.
I remelt., your °Decent ...van',
• Chairman of the P. C. of Enquiry.
Asa poop's become intelligent, in the ra•
lin inereaece the dew. to hays a hand in
the man.gemcut et their own • aff.lrr. The
eseetrienre of the la.t fes years shows
tLat every conre.sinn In the hue of rel( go-
rernm••r.t it Iraneht w•ei the Inn -t bene6••:-
al resole. The Government t.egts I,, sec
Mist the '•ole permanent fut.nd,u .n for gond
.government is an eene•al gent wi'I. As a
pe•t;)!e are ee;labl« of nielding their oars
.1t.inier, t1 ii M•hlic to Iran"(i'r them into
their Mine... Nothing eau ceettnbete mere
to eneral sitlrracti•,n than the ark•muledg
ed competence of comminute.. to manage
litter men 1 teal alfdrs. Y.ehlieg to the
pooplethe nett of electing their fecal 0e6.
fern, we eoneelve to be a eanee of preening
neces ivy. IC wooed effeettaally prevent
the blendrerne ineetupetency of of^era, s.
wee a. relieve then-, with whoin rete the-
ories s(rero:nntend:ne to the government,
from a• very unenviable teteatl,.n. Under
the present eyelet') aupe•'nlmeiee are toe
;ten t .e tee aril of polet:eel psi ia.neetp,
hence the r:ect.on of l .cal eft •r,s wooly lM
cheraer.nzeJ by peeity an•I Genie lence.-
The whulc"trobe of expectant. 0.1011, un-
der the pireent arrangement, have to Gun•
centrale thea energire to s more Iaudaule
n' j••c', thin se 'mein • their way into pre
;erme•nt n. AO evenyalent for services ren
derered G single Individual. In mak.r•g
these sngg.Ftona we have nn derive to etre
'teetotal ran roatvitlnne. it atnils ,taellnne_
e r .\ --nn or E 1 -h. - B 1 the
.• ..o . II es. i.rr 11 'sptrd t., the
neeea.futa •`i (:ioala 1 We believe the
Tete.serf is menrporalett in her very exle-
tenre. In'ref• rrtng to the enn•titutron of
the Slate elf sew York, we find than She -
rel+. Clarke of Ceunt•e•, Rege.irare Coro-
ner., District Aherne,. 6t-•., are cho-en•by
the electors .¢ the neetecti.e 000ntic.•.-
The piinr•eple work• well to the Untied
$:••e., w (here the su1Fr ge is on more cx
tennve Fetk', sad hence more likely to be
elitist -el Vint in ('uo•da. 11 Is not the aJ•-p
t:nn ofRer:rbhcan prone le, that will asset
the baton e of ear con -tion)°, but It is the
peri•e'netion of 1.nete,!n ev,la that can ac-
complish. ft. We cannot for oar part pee
with what propriety wen •rax allowed to
elect their representatives for counties,
while et the earn« tote debarred from etrc-
hng,Il,eir own local officer. , There teete.
to u• an absurdity in the very (ice of
Anv person who is capable of exercising
the (rancho., Is at least es capable of
elating a Coroner oe Clerk of the Peace
as ns Ire 1e to elect a fir and proper perann
- for a Rpresentative In Parliament. Thr
present sv-'eu, is a'gtons anomaly. 1t is,
becoming nneeemingly both to the people
and the prate and we are sere thet the,
barrier will be removed. The operation el
the Menteipal Act demonstrates that the
exten.Ion of a system, of which it was eke
prelude, will entail • great amount of real
good, and give general sanrfaction. For
One man to assume to know who is compe-
tent, and recommend them to the attention
of the Government, le aaammng • right
which shnnld never have been his: Belittle,
it placee him to an awkward postiOn, both
between himself and his ennslnnents, end
himaslf and the government. The present
system instead of giving popularity and
strength to government is sapping its foun-
dation. -Saw.
beamed a t►s4bsy an with wombs hada•
tags s• orrery alder they areeempletely bld-
deo frost rlew Geld are by se MOMS exlen-
e►re r•wgk,• The P• at Ogee is is a bud.
dreg admirably adapted for thm bamesass, but
not exactly convenient to the .habitaols
at large ; in a few years It w:11 probably
find its way to Modes Street. Several
large, ban,,'some private residences meet the
eye In Gray dueaaten ; and though Zest,
yet Gil Iran, we have num. roue cottager,
more like suburban villas than town rw1-
To the nett&of the town the Garrison
occupies a 1•errf prominent .>lure t and to
it nu doubt, I.nndoe ower much of its pro.-
pertty : the grounds attached ere tery ex -
tenet. e. and comuund ao excellent view ut
the town and country, far miler round. -
We were anu:h pleased ooh • sight of ■n
art nein lake con.lrucled by the soldiery,
and to which they have given the name of
" Lake Ilan." The Ilattahon stationed
here hi. been considerably lessened ey the
removal cf three coeipanies to Kingston,
but it is to b^ hni el that an Increase 1.111
take place next taring.
The '' repel ruin and decay" men of Mon
trent a euld not pOssedy hove known of ouch
a place as London when they sent forth to
the world their r,tcndacieur, seJicioue
Manifesto. Had they but thought of the;
rising toe n, we do not think they world
have Fad en (notch about " non an4 decay."
London has suffered severely from the de-
etroymg element of fire, widen late years;
but, thanks to the energy and perseverance
of its enterprising n,habitantt, it its ►set rr•-
ing into important•e,-brcuming wealthy
and preepernur, and rivall'ng other parrs
ev •Ih fewer dtead,antage+ to content)
against. It is becoming mere and more
renowneel for ate public improvements, and
everything tending to make It the great
emporium of the western country. With-
in the lent year, relelal tars.: and slthstan
nal brick bulltenge hare been erected on
the sites where the recent fires made suet
havoc in the business part of the town. A
aplend:d block of bhnldinge, perham unsur-
pasec.l in t':o Province, hive lately
been put u;, un Din•las Str.•et ; all
of which, w,'hlhe exception of tarn or three
n al yet fioisltcd aro recopied, i rincipally as
dry gm els stores and grocery e.t,bl,.11
menta. Although business is .omewhal
dull at present, on account of the bay s ate
of the road-, hew town, 0.,n compare with
Landon ether to wealth,'yroeperliy, ..r
'malty of I„eatnv ; and we doubt much if
11, inhabitenet. take them on lice whole, are
rq,ulle I r0 any other portion of the Pro-
'erraefar industry Sod enterprise. -Loi.
des Tierra.
We need not tell the travelling portion
of our readers, that much u( their comfort
domande on tee management k convenience
of the hotel- they ,nty chnore as t _ear tem-
porary residence, when enamel from their
own demcs.ic circle. Neither do wo re -
mitre tatty. that the. peereeolnn of good
e-tetrlt.liu•en'e, fur the eni,for'ehle enter
tsinment of travellers, auda emelt to Ile
characler of the towns where shoe honer"
tansy helocatrd, and vow tha''Mr. %Villain'.
n ew Mee! Brockville may boast
or i. b;nd.ntnee well turmoil .1, and comfor-
table an .•table-Lmcnt a• any in Catuda.
In iepree m•ie of .\lr. %V,llr•on w !Hold, we
do not in the smallest degree, WIF!, to de-
tract from the character of ether ct.t,ablish
n,.nt•, ettee dice d►n•and•, that puhl c en-
01.111141w; rewarded, awl we ern
rarely tn,.t that Mr. \Vllloon will reap that
harvest of support to witch be Is so well
eater -rt. in -heelers forntebed an extensive
field. They were both orpbas ebildres, sad
they resided with a Mr. Rosso is the
Tuwaal Ip of Early. Thr boy represented
that • bear bay carried off the clitIJ, but •be
was subsequently found carefully buried at
the lout of an upturned tree. Oa sight of
the boy he confessed he had killed the girl
by repeated blows with a hue. He was
committed fur wilful murder. -Niagara
Weare Burry to learn that the new Post
Office arrangements cannot be trade so
early as was anlicipalyd, uwirg to the New
Bruuswlck Leglalature vat having yet pass-
ed a law for the regulation of their Poet Of -
fire. We trust that thus delay well be very
brief, as the New Brunswick Legtelature
mol meet early in the tear and Cunene--
dtoners from Oat Protease have alreat'y
given In their adhesion to tbo scheme of uni-
ILrr.. rale of 3d. currency fora single letter.
1\'e (eel maimed that there hill he no delay
nn the part of the Cnmdlan Government In
ass*(ning the rnanegelnet of the Pon Office
department in tine , roe ncc on the terms
agree) upon. -Glebe. .
Catalal'00. Flare rT KI,roaToe•-.11 fear-
ful fire broke out vesterday (Sunda.) after-
noon, shortly biter three o'clock. In the
wooden 1 tit:ding rtecnrut . by Mr. Orme, as
a Grain stere, in 13rk vireo, a fe • doors
from t'.e Brite -h Whim. elfice. The fire
eornmunicated steel( to Mr. Chewed de:eL
Zing house, at the corner of Bacot and
Brirek street., and also to Mr. F..1 Geer -
yes in Bigot s?ref 1., and to Fevers' shed.
In the rear of than builienes. Tho stone
hnusen wc•c partially gntice, and the woo-
den buil l ngs wholly deetroye.l.
The Parisi.rreepnn•lent of the Tribune
eat. that we may expect Kocs•tth, leen,
AVE: jest received front the EUROPE 1N and AMERICAN MARKETS, one of the Cheap -
Printed Caliente, Nutted Muebea,
Saxony nud Orleans Clothe.
&Ike, Setons, and Sara, Turk+,
'eau Lawns aid Ilandkervh ole.
Liuen•('ambrie"and Ilaodkerchiela,
Swiss, Book, and Monet Models,
D.-Latue riff Csalieneres,
Alpaca *(ail eel....
%Vurkrd Cap. ('opera
and Cuffs,
Lights Ilmtaased Shoes,
Drew Hdktr. auJ Searle,
*rens, NW* 1011 ►aid Crap..
et heautiful stoles.
Ilrseu•ful linen Limes and Lace
O nal• •a vueety,
Gloves a•i Hoa ry.
Aveiro.' E'luwera, Ribeone.
A Splendid Assortment of'=t1aw!s.•
ieteuir.ul rad Fast Culoan, riff at prices that will surprise all purchasing fur Cheapness. Fa_h-
tun .b'r'll•.w.rrngs. IM. Ventage C•,ttns and [aloha %%ool Demerit inrl Shirt.
J1OLBasKLVS. SATIRE7'7S AXI') 7'11"E1 D,t,
!11.AI)1•: 1 P t °ATI+, Vt-t'iTri AND TI(41 ' ret 4.
STOCKS, Scarfs and Mikis. Irish I.iaea. Backskirl 1111,. Geer.. Eu`Iieh, Fucch stud
'raw,. Linens, '1Cu\t'ellingr. Linen and Cotton SItt•ctiiii. Counter_
panes. tI:ir,:Eilh's. Guelph U:rnla•k Flannels and Blankets.
and 500 BAG% Sap.r;nr Liverpool SALT, all of which will be o!,i at very •reduced I'ricos f
CASII a \lukrnhle Farm Produce. ,• .
Goderielt, 2eth November. Ie49. • ' 2r_n43:1
e a i:.a ansa
re -se tar a ...... ail e
Dnii b•nekt. and pr•.bably &Lizette, in New HOPE, BIRRELL & CO.
Yo•k M the middle of November Pcopfe s
a . SILKS. COTTONS, LINENS I IIP. fl'I'I'It4, I Wester. Penis, Shawls,
Detroit, Saturday-, Nue. 17.
The train of cars Irmo the West this
mnrmng ramie in collision with the freight
traits at Ypsilanti, hurrtbty rnanCheg Mr.
Ferao-.o», the 'teepee master, sod alight-
'•' lee rine meter■! +,vhtrs.
Liverpcol, 17t11 Nov.
Cen•onin fitrremand welt ad.ar.ce of
m.elrlhng to fur Amerfeen. Sales of Ihe week-
5(f,97J os!es. Gesn more quirt. To...sections
in peeler. Iimi•.'I. ('ern quoted 2':• bl : Wes.
tern cai.l fl••ir 'J'v ,.. 21.:24- 61 and 2t. Ohio.
IMPORTANT "'inlet Itt'talA.
The I.. don Tire's of tis tom. ineuai ha. •
Inter from Vienna. ..f whirl. the fiernwlng ie an
eztraet:-•' Ay letter .if tee 21.1 (keeper cern-
swnieaed tee is•porlaot tntellmenee . teat the
Emperor of Res.is lied consented to w.tldraw
his eye no ter the es:'aduten o h.e sul.)erts who
were t ,.pheaeed in the Iluneariwn reeelhon. I
sm et present enablel be intern Teo that ihe *ut-
tor is m -fin... y cnnte.lyd.,lhe Porte hemez pled-
ged'htrn.eIf to keep in sate ca.ueiy it. one nt
more of the Turkish (.ntrrn.r. ail 11o.e relueees
weave names sea be n.e-utonee by the Ru -can
•ee Aasnisn G••orrn,nente and onmediae.ly to
hanieh the other-probehly with the eaceptten
ei *leer who m::)• in the rneantnme have einem.
red the Mahomedan teletext -leen the Turkish
terrilune.. 01 enure thea pertecily authentic
n.w.corn'vletely coolie . XII the ridiculous re-
p -m. amnne Item, shut •nd rem- of hu
rollea tee. an. aire.dv on the way to )ni• M' 31.
Po:•,4and'1'rl•kr in England. •Iron. Qt.rl,•
act Woollens of every Small Wane Hosiery,
Deseri(hti m any .Vo. 1), /) C.1'D.IS-:i i , I LACES,
qusLty, Sewed GuuJ+, dee.
LONDON, C. •te'
Loudon, C, W. 29th November, 1649. v2 -c43 -
11OP1:. 111 RR ELL eg• (.0.
Grocers, Wine Merchants, Fruiterers,
H •
R. & Co. rerpeetfully solicit the attenton of their mime:one eaetnmera ad the Puttee, • ie
• their pre5'Ilihrge and carefully a.tee'ed stork of Brick and Green TEA. 3lurrnveer, fts6.
ned,.an.t Crirhed SITG.tRS. Old Government, Jaen, and Leeuvra COFFEES. New FRUIT,
grnwth 11.4'1. Freeh Spice. and Groceri"t
Their:t•o.k of \\ INE:Si. e'en vest ee,neebte-ennai.nngof SANDEMAN At Co (RAiIA%l
& Co. IICN'r'3 Superior Old Pat. UfIFF GORDON Sr Co.. and DEMPSTER'S Pell. Oriel -
en. and Brews Sleortr.. BLACKBURN'S and WOOD e. Co's 31•drna,a'hnlnpeizn, Claret,
P.I.eatel Mown Cneowe, Jentwe. !tum. St -he -Iain. Laudon Porter, and Edinburgh Ale. Ml pl
which eel be foun:e.t the beer genteel.. And Fold at rare.ilinely mnderte preen.
No. 21. Dawdsy Street,
1<Z/LO Nig M1 NU: l $ C f __AUL Pei'1't 9
She6eld, Birminer ianl. Vol\-erhaniptloi, and New EuglatliI
WILL be receteed es behalf of the Mob
` Commit foe the Dbuict of Heves,
William Chalk, Esq , Wsrdra, sad Messrs. VG:
Frn,und, 11ayt, Ritchie. Lamb, Mie11, ('arlieg.
t .i•er, said fledging, Dseoict Cuseeiltote, er
the :-uhs.•nlwr, lair the Pn(ormanee d rhe k thew
lee W o,ks, Ilse &moue% of stitch will be paid ins:
l'+•' , oe the foil con plana of the sum..
'leaders will be opeurd at the liedlurd At.w,
Ilariitrbey, Tuckerswl h, uu Tee•:al, 4'b De-
cember nest, at 12 o'clock, noon, lar tits fullow-
i let. Lioeof Rued between Mullett sod Me-
Ki0•d•, Jnr npemeg and Croaewaying.
Sec. 1o. 1. C lug al the Huron R..ad
and ea tending terra aad tines f arth 1811.1
to the rear of ib. 6.6 Coutr..ion.
. c. N .. Y 1 j'•ndtng lir,' and frw-rrhlis4A
nail's to the rest 1.1 the 11th Conceee,on.
Sec. No. 3. Lz:eedingtwo melee w the northers
Buw•dast til InctToau.h'p.
2nd. Line of R. ad between Tockerami h sad
'libber:. F.en.n, aad Tuderremith to L-udoo
l e: e.
5• c. No 1. Comm. -I. -leg at the Iteren Woad
red exrenJ ,-g Atte tied three 1.wrtklwafes
to the rear of I lir lith Cur.crs.,r.o
Pre. NO. 2. I ir•nling 1. ,. rad three forut.
mile, to tee rear n' rhe 12th ('nncrsrion.
see N••. 3. 'are, dirdVfner :etas iso InctEooih
air ankle ,! T.rker-mi-h. 1 thrnea
1,.iwreu 'l'orke.sruih and U,betoe to
Ln, .duo Rose.
TF.NDI:RS w',l! br tri Govt ar \lis. Jareh %%il-
.nd'a T*nn n•. I.':: I..:. Ku L IIaT, ••n G••a'ars-
day the 5:h-U••c:•u,h.r next, 11 it tece-ek, nous,,
tot .1.• Iieles .r. e. v4 •
3 d. Thar•ne Road 'I'broete, 1' berm. sae Feller -
ton to M:t:hrll Rusd`ini opening and cres.way-
tee. Nn. 1. G•n:met:ring tat ti:. Lonien Road
reef 'xteed to there sad lieu Joerri. ml'ss
, t. der Gear ni the Gib e'urceesioo, betwe.0
L• ti l(isod 11.
Sea Nu. 3. Het.,-1ij i rime aid taw-ragriag4
mill :0 tee rear of ::.e le o eCnteastue.
between Lot, 30 toed 21.
See. No. 3 Estewr ieg rale sad rse.harrtl wiles
bI the'r.'. r'% ,:.'r of L : 31 ir• Fe"antro.
See. NO, 4. Ez'er:n r three wad taw -eightieth
miler to Ike II:tele-11 read it. Fullerton. •
40.. Lire., (Rood het ween Stanley and 11.1.
See. No. 1. C•• n.m.neing .1 x1.0, Lnnd.•n Road
one extending tis end threeje.ra lager
: e t' t weeterlY- rte.. el Lot d.
Sec. Free F.x:^*•tic;; oo.e ssdfortspe r-ei Atg-
erh gale in lir w•e•lei y eit!e of 1.nt 13.
See. No. 3. Ex,.etd.rg ••ss and rreatg-Baa
eig.litaRh lode to;he w•nirr:y ride it Lot ,-
Sec. Nn. 4. Estendine one sod xa.wty-dae-
ughtveth neiis to the wr.:.sly side et Lot 23.
Sec. No. 5. E.sir,nnl g fro .ad Bitty -ire.
ei_(f,eit milts to Lake Ilu:oo, weeltriy
Inuit of the Town+hips.
5th. Lir.e'of Rne.i between flay and Stepeen.
Sec. N. 1. About 7 or 8 miles of Uodeibrosb-
in g.
maabh-fnner!t, h .n raelo elek.• to epee.. t " (' TI., Speyer.
pprr, ` Lead. 1.2're, p
aid the trait of mi h,Ch he 'r 1 1"1'''''•c i - AoviI., I Vace., I Nails, I Wire, Ga+., 1 C2rdage, I Saddlery. •
ettizer•. .\ y •n^e endo l:nm R, -inn baa'c.--; I au of -
For the mforrnati.'n -ef onr frieeds at a
(li tterer, we may state that the cite. of the
new Motel Ins at the corner of the easttt-ard,
market rq•:arc, t 'Mention extremely ten•
eentent to part •rs arriving or departing by-
steamboat or stage.
The house i. eu••etentially built of stone,
lee in the tirinir of Brockville, end re.
fleet@ m ch ere -Lt nn the 'milder., Meagre.
J. sed T. Hhepperd. The Jollier were
dor. equal credit to Nr, Isaac Shipman,
and Mr. Enation s*iisk to rho pa nh n_ de-
parltuent, add. more than a fete her to hie
cap. The bntdhng Is sarin hinted w•Iih a
cut"la of •t,hned glans@, make more band
o ernethan the "invertn,i" ail•cle which 1
•' naps the. climax" of the Montreal Bank.
and re formed 10 such a manner as to be
reedy converted loin an observatory. whirl,'
Mr. WIll.rn at one tette had some thought
of erecting, end which Intention we truer,
f •r the benefit o1" the ecicntific, Mr. Willson
may tet see fit to carry Into • feet.
'elle hoose conteiu. ab.w,t fifty room.,
many of them being leo eon-tr*cted as to
accomodate familia.- The dining hell is
r nr' . n
a o n( • e t 0 • s from
ca I a i 15 petering., and m
pn i, p
top to bottom, every room is hand.omely
Tho outbuildings have been erected en
the same scale of convenience, and the
stables will tlwaye he able to furnish •'good
*ccomnludatiov" as well u excellent Iavery
horses. a
Mr. Wllsnn in well known to the inhabi-
tants if the rennet, and anything we can
.iy will add but little to the eocem in
which he is held by all classes, and we are
elect to hear, that the firm. public aeknow-
hedgement of Mr. Wilson's zeal, cnnnected
with les new hotel, 1s to be accorded him
under the aarpteters of " St. Andrew" to-
mnrrnw evening the 30th instant. We
therefore hope the attendance, nn that oc•
costo, will be numerone,so that the worthy
pr.prtetor may have the Pattdaction or
knowing, that hie efforts are tppreehatod
A• his fellow Ctesens.-Brockville Recor-
We have been in highly delighted with
the appeeranee and bureau' prospects of
London, that we cannot refrain from making
a few observations on what haw reodere.l
it attractive to un since our srrival here. -
The first object that •treat• the •tlenti••n
of strangers, we entering Landon by the
Hamtlloa road. to the sew building re-
cently completed, •nth intended fee a public
eehonl, in heti n( those e.t•blfeh.d in each
Ward. The building ie bf white brick.
with a eepola nn the siimmit ; and, true it.
prominent pnaltl00, pre.enta • handsome
and imposing appearance. Next comes the
beauthfol strustare, Si. fait'• Church, the
admired of all admirer., built to • etyle
which reflects the Mgheett credit on the ar-
chitect, W. Thoma., Frq , of Tnrnntn.-
Tbe grennda around it are being lad no.
wish ettrellent lase. The Court House and
Gael form a con.psenoas feature ;and along
ode a the Mechanics' institute, which,
aitheeeh not perimeterly attractive, to tie
r.rlt,Nee• a gond seibetaatial building, ant'
decide4ly the best plane in town for public,
concert. and other rational entertainment.:
the speciosa lawn in front •dos meth to its
epees The sew Market and Town
Hall are te ow mow n a bad location ; the
portiere is perhaps the sweet Smallest bit
elan •
f r of 84'10 permnnih to set as book-keeper is a Canada Plates, Inc. aye. 4.e. fur rate, and Prices Very .)foderatc.
mercantile hoose is Sas Francisco. - -
- ---- -- SALT. -The Subscribers offer for Sale 1,000 Barrels F,ae Ow indage) Salt, just landed, ex "Us -
Placa, Syecifinurns and Forms of Tenders,
cenla." • Oey►e(n. Alco may be seen at rite office of the Sobecnher, to
70 Bele St. ChesSolt, well adapted for Peeking purpme.. 50 Rae!.. Fine'everpn•4 aa!t, in G eiericb, ria days I More lire dao it of let ing.-
Per•lere trust specie• the number of rectum
leo,lrred her. Forme of tenders to be had of the
rut•ernbor. -
The time for .finishing the faregoire work is
to the let day ofOienher, 1e50.
The entire number of rectinne ism which each
work mar he divi'ed most be finished before Ibe
ry sent teeny reclean Inn hr pin'
DAVID SMITH, District Surveyor, i1.D.
Sureetnr'r Office,
•Goderich, 5'h Nov. 1549. 2r -n40 -4i
Notice t0 Creditors.
`t 1..1. 1'. IFose hating Claim. against .10 -
SETH VUR1'11.1.AT, of the Town
ship of North Eeelhepe In the iiuroa Dir-
tnet, are tegnenel to herd them. to the
Subscriber for Examination and Adjustment.
• ror ti e E.tate . f Jo•eph %-urpillat.
Ilamburg, 97th Sept. 1349. 2vr37t(
TENDERS will he reeled at !ter. Patrick
Flennean'r Tavern, London Read, McGillivray.
on ThuIeday. the 6'h December next, at 12
O'.:Iock, noon. 6,r the folio.in1', viz.:
Gth. Lire of Road hetweew Lots 15 and 16 to
'1.e tear of flee 16 1) Conc^rtrn, thence roeth.er-
alenc that ('encecsinn. to the northerly end of
rue Nth conversion, there' westerly •Inng that
:line of Read to the line of Road be:ween lots 20
and 21, thence towhees' between that 1..t to the
Town leer between McGillrvny and Wiiiiems.
Sec. No. 1. Commencing at the 1,000o0 'toad
between Iota 16 ted 16, extending three
end tArcr-"orrt4 Gears to the rear cf the
tete Com reeler.
Sec. No. 2. Lunde g gra and t rce f ural
mil.! to the rear of t4. 16th c'neeseen.
Sec. No 3. Eatwding three and a !huff maks to
the ...:,ole eideef lot 5-eih enneeesion.
t2. No. 4 Extending three nod darn frena.
• mala to the westerly tide of lot 20 -Bib
• concession.
See. No.5 1.x'rndire two find a half main
enutherly b.'.'.. la's'.'O nod 21, to the
• Towel line between 31eGillicray sod
W tlltams.
{ lnrket.
Gore awn. Nov. 29. -1849.
£ s. d. £ S. d.
Eiear pn barrel, (it bb'1 3 17 6' • 0 18 0
Fleur for 10016, (Firmer.) 8 9 a 0 9 0
Fail wises. per boatel, 0 3 0. 0 3 1
Spring Wheel per bush. le 2 G• 0 2 9e
Oars, per babel. 0 0 9 • 11 0 10
Pear. per bushel, 0 1 9. 0 1 In}
flay, per tong 1 10 0 a 1 15* 0
Rioter ((reel.) per lb. 0 0 6 a 0 0 '7
Ratter to the keg, per Ib. 0 0 5. 0 0 6
Toronto, 201h Nov.
Flour-Saenl lots hale chanced hand.. at
19. 6.1 a IP. Ski to superfine to rime ; n:ilbrs'
.nm•rfine in bac. 19.• 20a: Lemon in bagaend
bbl. lea 6.1 it iata
Wlleor-Very little coming to market -price
paid 3+9J • 4e. -Globe.
Meotreal, Nev. 30-7 P.M.
Flair -Sleek it the market light-enperfnr,
20. 9th and 21s: extra ear -wed for at 21.
GI : emir hes been enl' to day et 18s • les fee -
hot holden leek ler higher price..
Wheat -A (.w riles 1t. C. mired. 4s 34
Ashe•-Bnyers of Port at 3'1. f 1 ; an offer of
33. reported yesterday 'bat declined ; )'earls, 30s
• 31, 6th.
Dc'oae 1.. Soctsry.-The se-
cond meeting of the 8•raety was held on
lender evening last, whirs the rpm -abort.
Should the existing property q tal.6cation
*s regards the franchise be ahele bed in
Canada 1" was co/teetered, and, after • mut
nameted debate, decided by the aud..aew In
the stalemates. The next stseetfng of the
Society will take place this eventag, at the
L'dge Room of the 1. O. 0. F.. M. U., at
hal.-past seven o'clock. Tba q.teennn f •r
dtsenaton-" Would Answzatl•'s to the U
Suttee promote the prosperity of Commie 1"
-w111 be tales •p neither for party perpo
.es nor Io a petty spent, best with a temple
view to elicit truth. Emeance to the I.ndgr
Room firer deer west of the Werde,
.f%,,. King Street. Opea to the whim. -
About the end of last month a boy nen.
.d George Green, beavers 10 seed 11 year.
f ag., kilted • hittig gel by Om name et
*rearm O'Coaeor, of the ug. of 6 yea»,
by strlktag bet witb a boo is tM potato.
New -York, Nnv, 26, G P. M.
Aeons -S6 7ec for pots, pearls $o 25c a
46 31c.
Fl•oua-Sales 500 hbt., get 60e a tit.
figee for o'dinary nate. 04, 62e a el, 75r
forcnmm'•n pate mixed and straight 'Michi-
gan. 1g5, ■ 05, 12c fur favorite Michigan.
Gaatm-Fair demand for wheat for mil -
CAME into the irelnsere of the Suh.,-,•tier
"horst the fire "(October, A YEAR OLD
HEIFER. brindled, wilh'white face and belly,
and white at the tail end. The owner is r.-
nee.red to prove property, pay expense. awe take
her sway,
0.dench. Dee. 6. 1848.
Lea N•_ 19. 2.d res. \ slam14-3l
bags of 220 Ibe. each. 20e Bags Fine Dairy Salt, weige 24 lbs. each pares Lnrf.r t', h.
11O1E:. BIRKELL & Co.
London, 29th Netrmher, 1049. 2t -u43
1.7fTANTED.-5,0011 Bushels TIMOTHY S:.ED, f.., which thrAtFiligliest Price io CASII
%V will be paid. HOPE. BIRBELi. dI. Co. •
London, 28th Neveelber, 1949: 2e-43 • Prndeee Merchants,
ON TIIE Nrosr Or \1'al,etaPAT, TRW 1401 Inst
( 1R 'alien the following morning, some
heartless mother abandoned her infant to the
inelegancy of the weather, sad the world's char-
ity, by leaving It ,s my Sheep pen. The child
was then apparently about four der. old, sad Is s
Memel,. healthy condnition. Anis person who
will goo each information an well !earl to thm
conviction of rhe unnatural mother, will receive
.4 Reward of Ten round.. 1 rrrreey.
B.yfwM, 2713i Neeemher. 1849. 2v -.43t(
LUST e. Friday, the 30th N.ccmher. M.
(weer, (intbrish aad Twele wnih, •
NOTE OF HAND. £17 10.., saeninedes w
Ie. 10th daptef April seal 1 hereby eetleen
au pontos de persons ►trying Of Whitt the
.aid Sete. Th. subscriber will give a reward of
one plaid to soy nee that will find and leave it
at the Canada Cessp•sy's 01See, or with the
tmiih. 3 C...,
Let Ne• S, Dee., 1,..
{1TANTED! 1-5,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. Apply to
VV IIOFE, BIIIRELL & Co. Predate Merchants.
London, 28:h Noeemhn, 1849. 2v -a43
THE next Division Courts for the
lowing: -
Derision. Place of holding Covet.
IF', Court emu.. at Goderieh.
2d. Dnnkin's Tavern iluron Road
31 Wood's Tavern, Stratford
4,h. Quickie Ta■ondon Road.
.ieh. Rattenbury'a Tavern Clinton.
Gth. School house St. Mary's. "
The Sittings of the Several Courts
Goderich, Dcc. G, 1849.
Huron D•en:ct will be Le!J at tee limes ted places fel-
Dau. Clerks name.
2nd Februaty, A. F. Morgan. Eeq., Clerk. ,
9th January. Robert Cane, Esq., Clerk.
8th Janusry. George \Vilinm", Erq.. Clerk.
16th January. Geerg a Carter, F.•q , Clerk..
1511. January. . JamesGnrdon, E'q., Clerk.
28th December. James Coleman, Erq., Clerk.
will commence punctually st 11 o'clock. A. 31.
• J. D. C.
Huron District BuiltIini Wmiety.
'ir the Soca ty 011' tato: '1 lace at the
v Brush hotel, en Saturday the let
Sherif s Sale of I ands. ;Dec, at 7 o'clock. P. M.
HURON DISTRICT, t ON Monday thea By Order.
To SVti : S Float Day Oft TIIOMAH K1'Dll, Src'y.
Ortober next, will be Sold at the Corsi Godcrirh, Nov. _2, 1849 to -n42
Roots at the Gaol of the Iluron District, in#
Ihe Town of Oodench, at the lour est tw,,eneS``1TAY}:D free, the St,`s.clreer lie 1-1
.i i•b,ck noun, the undermentioned LAN Dill
der of Ao;;nst leo, a RED IIEIFEat,
with the Tenements and opportune! ce °M year til i p.i-t, with w white face, w dh a
thrrennto blnnging, by ovine til fnor W mIn''ew ►e.1 rpn?' nn eke taro, ao'l wh Ie Dopy.
t''enditioaf rf. i, tss1 eJ nut of the Cour. end a pier. of Ih•• bait rte taken oft. Ant
til Qneen'a oRenrh, end r0 me dnern'nl, al:jPr'^n Irio rg tn(.mo.Uon si the RiKwwl
the reetw'ctive .into of Rosa Robot son.'(.5;re w I1 1".•.srh'1 (or 'Sear 1toeh1..
Robert Muderwell, 'looting,
Slraehan, Get(.,, ell" e' SAVAGE, IsICos. G.'Ii.t!teh•
game, Leo a1.d James looting, Plan'itT,--1 letro4lt{
al.n by virtue of two \V - Its of I`ewd$iesr.S'I'It.1'1" 't)PI) Bltlbll'{'.1C7 .
Espouse linseed oast of Her Meld -sty's Iler.n•
District Court, awl to me directed, at the
r.speetlsret wall. of Robert ''ark and inches
Calloway, Plamtrf -, rt. Jnlia Ann Ktpp'•r
and Asseiine W. Ksppen, ileren.fan•s, to
'retro: Rnrhrr in rntutn.ne bis et etre
l artier.* egem•nr. to the tn!,n.i•en'v est
tatrath•rd, *n to his enetnmer• viewer,. en
the hlwrl f.a,rnn.i'-whish he hee receive! dor.
mg the time he be. been in hieeness: wishes 1••
w •t., a part and portion of Block G. In the ultimate that the improved arrogrn.rwt. whirl
TnwMhip of Colborn., Western Divinon, Mee recently bees m*:e in his entabluhment.
HarmsD,.tricl, containing Two Ilundred'0Ell enable him re make a .aperww WHIMS et
Acres of Land more or le... BEER. and to fortieth it ,e• seek t.r•as *a .matte
JNO. MrDONAi.D, him to a rnnrinerinn of the Msiness which
Sheriff, Il11roo lhol►itl• he has hitherto 'reels.).
an,satrim OrcrtJ. f VIVIAN.
Orrice., 1 Stratford, !boy. 2q, 1949. • v2en 13
Godencb, 2511: Jo1y, 1e 19. tis -x116
STRAY I•TEER,-!tragal from the sun -
POSTPONEMENT w' amber manse tM ir.t of (kreher Iasi, e
The *bout Rab s P.wrpnnod to Jaaary 10, DARK RED STEER. (bead n..r'v black).
1850. bye year, old. Ally person (Hing ',eternise.°
3013 N McDONAD, of the said steer will be eiti-fi••,i Gare r r eentee.
Elbert!: Hone District. JOSEPH McINTTRE.
Reaats►'sAntes, O.h eon. Let :Co. 2.
Illederiei. Sege. 2D, 1042 1 vtalttil Cwlbovet, Noy. 29, 1619. •2-n4.t
rj 11F. Sub=ese'er 1'.:r to ,•.form the in t:detente
1 of Godericii end n+ .trinity, that he has re.
iv•e.i • Largo Sai.plr of the LATEST IM-
whir!, he offer" for SA1.E at very
The Ku'neerile•r ileo keep,. nn hand, a usual.
at Iii.OI.1) STAND, • LARGE and very St•
eerier a•eor,rneut r,f
'1'1 N WAR 1'e of evf'rr description.
The .,.',•weber take. IhI. epl..rtu •11r n( r.nr-
niag k.. nnr.r' than%,• t„ the Pelee. fm rte eerie
hbersl patron• e he bee rrrrirr•I pinto be has
been in busine.. in G.ct.riee, any h p.• 1-y .trim
eltrnco•w w !.e«ons, en.l moderate pees, to
ron••re. to rreetwe a •tared IM p•.hlie palrong*
ZING. PAVER and Bi -1.1. GANGING carried
nn as beret/Ante. 5%hII.IAM STORY.
G.aleiirh, flit Se, r. 1419. 2.-n31:f
big 111.51 t' 1'EEIt.-C'q.nc Into the reek...
n stire of the Fuls.t•r,lwr, on the 20th' of
n, .oh, r leer-.\ teal s• d w' .te freckled
Serer. shoot tits y a • •.,d. TIte en ref ef
the above Steer r .r. co .'. and mato him away
by pr..t log proper'..01 1,1: tot' efttrgee.
G ierriree, Lth N, v. 1115,
New 'I'.ttl 'rill 1~rt it>i.Tnlcnt
E Fahsrrr b: ge to •neva re to the fo-
babireet• of G -.I. r.3 and 1,. vicinity, that
he b.. rommenr•d he -ire'. Is ID. "Anse hese.
Ins the Rnem'•teenier 11. MORTON'S 8.J -
41e Shop, Market Perim, where he will be pre -
Med to 51.rny.'1 order. in has line as the
ahorteet notice. and at mrd-raie dowry.
N. B.-Cain.g elwne ore the sho'o't eel**
.tO111 AiDAMS.
Gietrieh, Get 17, 11144 .20117