HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-12-06, Page 2•uth had arrived in Eagles& Th. Klee of Naples hos cemented to recognise the Mexicaa Republic. It d. (bought that tb. !longtime leaden, who have escaped, me ditate exciting a now Rsvululius at so di. - tat period. LIVERPOOL. MARKETS, Nur. 10th -Cotton: further advance of jJ to id. - Flour heavy, and in some instasecs63 low. er. Indian Corn lower. Beet America,. ;slow, 57.. American Protislons to nnoe'eras demand. Gond q e•lsll(s Prime Mess teatt 1, Lard, 25e a 2'i. tor : o..d Sweet in hared,. !'rime lots of Cheese /sell freely. Lnn'on Money 1larket uolroved. U. 8. 8:xe• 1-6 1, 1or',y. CAPE OF GOOD [RIPE. Advice' from Cape Town are to the'!9th Atyu•t. The excitement on the cult in question wasatill veer torr t. (he thee3w1 a meeting had been ho!.!, et W. it w•ow Inanvnonete r•ar)Iwd..-•' That the Cnretti town-hon.e he t,•11e.1, half minute tome, u Bunn as the arrival of the Neptune ton. ''ICI elle. .0 3•(ertaleteJ ; enJ that tl: r ward n;aat.r.,,he rev/wird ;inn e,1;a' e' : t . coin. •nun,rsle the ahnvt to tl'' ren 'ma h,.n.e• holden in their rrsr .'ive words. in nrler Neat they may be drily prepared le earns aloe Iv situ t.•rce the coot:lei"n• int Iht• ptede e," Martin Re..'. t? q.. G irerner of Curr Nreah, ha. jest died. Ile is succeeded b} Lieut. C .I. B•y.. T*R Me'nv1, 01 CITY IN Tilt? Sa1.7 I.ARIi VALLry.-Thu following tette-, from the Sall Lake V.JI... lately appease I t:e the Perryville (In liana) Eergre:- .Thu city is a tuxlyd in' be'otl(u! t Ileo. 18eni!ee nn width. 'Thee hem -.r nr. prinei pally built rel snf•drend br rk, are •rea11, more of them barmy one room. 'l'he',.tvn is laid out 10 egoar.te cf ten acres., 'These ,quare. are IatJ of in one erre and a mune ler Int.. making ceche lite in .rep a ;•,are. There Tote ens' the Poreet rug and the iP- Fors,u.g. w!,sch Is el,l.i. The .trettn are eery aide-Ihr r;ty is ahn.,t th1re mile., 'gnome. I hare eon arrr the sa'k•y for 12 or IS miles -a more d•hghtfel place t never saw, and a more prnetIctive not' 1 supe so c,nnr,t he found for wheat. they have a Loge field belonging' to the town n( two +hon.nnd acre& leech is all tr. ore field -in rnn.rg,tnce of the rrarCi'y of t,nher, each man putting up en ninny nests entitles hit. In eo"many acme in the lie'.I. They water their Ernie hy means of 'pruners. d whir"h gosh nit of the mountain seeleolmost w:thrut number; the heads of the spring= being so h'gh they can conduct them to any part of the vailey, scarcely a pence whom it eosld reach w.. prepared foe it. The int tumefies teaey of there had et Ire for ats.ed dagger wee dgriv.d from watching., w►n, to the thoughtful discharge of their duty, 'roused those whose residences w.. Mown to them. Others were Speedily seat for; and before 5 o'clock hundreds of persons wero busily engeped In removing flour, grain, dupes salt, Ito. to the lofts of the buildings flooded or 1I reiIc -t J. hfuty theorised barrel. of flour must be damaged. Various other descriptions of nierchan.lue are mors or leu injures,- A Il.'tequant ty of hooter hen been carried our,, and a d:•zen or more canal boat., tome of them laden. hate been swept from titter iboor,neo, and carnet' .Owes the •treane, h wag ba. Mow Mated the stfwq ed pones it tis deed, the s idestry of she showy, wad ins dames. of pea..osr 1t is probable that they did sot belie•• res pergaavy est a the d.et,sew sfbsrw/aseatraarw- We ely it rs likely that they dtweeted from mem of thee. portents of the •ulpr futb; bet w• have widest.* that these J.J set ceostimer the common grimed ufd.ssenl, became. tb, •' lienee fir As Dowd," sad •• Cem- srMtuasiati II" of the Lathenas and the present Er/flesh (hutch, compared with i1,•.tews of the Calvinist• oo these potuls, skew decisively that Ms Reformers were not agreed epos them. - Besides the contending, or fighting, or dieing a nppo..tt. o to these dogmas proved nimbimg, estabt:.hed •ottiees, beyond the mere fret, that 1 is impo..'hle to make env estimate of the iodeuduale were sincere in their opposition. chant aeon reach of the flood has .u(. Truth •td error hats frequently tete opposed the aliment of loos. Nearly every atter- ' weed mire or ler,, but no one aeriou.ly The Lelia wh.ch have gore Cif with the flood aid drwbtlea bong up safely in the netehbortiond of Ibutton. The tech writer peer.nta boats front be- ing locked down from 'hit canal, either two tab lash, here nr the over a1 'Tor. Thi. oi:lcam.. considerable inconvenience and with equal ural and equal since fiq. A mere speculative doctrine u neither room true nor mor. sacred because Inc. have fought and died for it. •But the great pr'.neiple of the Protestant Ref.rmaVon was not • dogma of speculative theology -it was ■ principle -a fact in mature who., esrstenee i• felt by every can• human he - Wee, foe there i. a Jfreet deal of mere ham- ing; •o'1 the denial of it by • church, or by • d.te w siting 10 be ,hi, to I meet, thoova I churches, cannot make it Ices tree nr 11'c le aro the! lite Muh.rak a rnuning Ices le t. The Ref rmere did not contend for ever, sad toe pree.ere of wirier i• Merrill.- any pertiru!er set of dort•ines-thy had not It pours due n era.. the I I•,J.00 with great (,armed mar agreed upne arty peeuh.r formula or fore. Ti;* Ft. on �eonl.-R'e I' n from the creed -they manmade.] mot for • fuith but fora the `:hry,rrd !►•espy. t!;at the ijerw/uon-rhe ford o/ thought -the liberty of br.lyes over IL* prin,y al ■Brun. in lhel conreienee. They dJ not mild wady deride ebur nee!' eerie,eo. of Colekil!, •re '•!1 carr:edl thede0•triue of teastnberont ,;,a was tole rnr ' t.,v• N.. otaae•b 1.14 arrJrrj between that i was false ; bat• they argued boldly that t1'e I, t . i w ni1eiI an 1 Soler/lay mtin.ing. fr. tr. 1). 1. •air•moinsm._ r):�srny ,9f!us, __ .w BMW. . Ws bete Wei b.sa sppasd to the erved-Iniih pr,ecipk, cad we are perwtdd that If ih...!tilted. would girds ewe mad befiwe kss, 'My would escape • whole hoes of bitter dtesp- poi•lwwte. if the temple rad easeepe ling of the people of Canada, before Jumping meek ■n•1 heel into ibis flowery eIysnum tel "peaceable auaeaauoe," would prat take erne a •• eaamae the Adages," and enquire whence it came, we feel confident that the •umber or A ;moots would be but comparatively few. There is ■m old l'coieb saying. Ilang them that has sae shift, and hang them 'bat haeuwre many ." and if the went .sof Cana1.'s weal are to be hanged at •!I, they de.erve to be hanged for hoeing owes many stifle Since last general election, the one great object of the ton party has been to put ort the present Administration ; and the means resorted to for that purpose have been of the most barbarous and disgraceful `eraeter - The c000•ry was first furiously excited and A"estei,eJ to be convulsed will " Ia'lignatrou Meetings" -next carne the Gmbism of the Met 'teal mob -house burning and hostess out- nue-aesmilrs and common b:ackguard.m of- fered 10 the Queen'. Representative—tinpu lent and reurrilou. petitions for him recall, and even threats ass, insin•ationa of murdering him ! The lohah!I.nu of the Province emphaticolly dennun• red and pot • nip to these savage proceedings and the next '• she(!'' was the great con.titutien- asking Leasee, whose menthess uoejllsel with everything. and •¢reed npon nothing, •rd got ihemeelvea heartily Iaighed at for their pure ridiculousness. And Iasi, but not Iran, in the train of •• sh fes" cern, the ' • 1'eaceah!e A ChM tem Mate iso kr dries at, tats- hee- ssI nil thew needful redeems be (htaiem' without eaaeaatres to the Vatted Ststow 1 Ws aerwcr ow ! All Refern..rs well aa - awe, yet ! 1f, thee. the ties scheme enrhraee there, and tf a fur) testy of the League go for the.., ohmic is the d:licultyl None whetcr.r. Let, than the ministry, who are pledged to the greater port int thew reforms de their duty. Never had they • better opporwnt Iv. England to determseed to allow us lin guerre ourselves. 'J'he Governor General is determined to carry out that policy. - The majnrlty of the (louses of Lehielaluri are *efficient to bark the miu,+.try, and the will only is required of the latter to clear the way, and u.leer 11 open tie as glorious a period a ever dawned upon the i favored country in the world Let the peo- ple "he up and du ng.;" reiterate the bent' meets of the Sharon meeting; u.nJ 1 , finally. • inure w.nn!esale male •of retVleving our fallen co,diiion he neces.ary, the fanit wit not lie at the Reformer.' d•oor.- Deed as if',rdrf•. STA'CL OF TUE 'TIMES. lu these dull times, when netting kap pens which a person can by any lngennin' twist into an " incident" and when the Gov eminent t.,lfunerindell of what puh}Ivitery rrqutte. moat resolutely bangs back int affording any neca.:oo Jur egnabb'Iri;, and when the 1'd tors of cnnnrry journals with r•ut+tons eves au,l reads •ctoSore, gloat over their rxehanf.e, forced ro err all is bar ren,' what can an unfortunate creature de who's weekly compwlhed to make an ofTo'• ing to the public arpetit., which. he can in the Catholic w hither true nr fr'se, no. man should be compelled P � - I +tarcely exsect to tepee with the same sur either to 1..!:•ive er diabeheve beyond the dictates lien" bubble. which, in point of absurdity, not Ciel. that NapnIPnti . Cook protutec- to Lie of Lir own cm:relencr. 1n short, it was cot do -e even the hurting of the Provineirl Libre. ma.ler, in dressing the same .na'enal 1hr'ee acsitiet dee doctrines of Pe hundred and suee t-fi..'h e dies snrcr,airr!s, Popery. lit atatr.a the nes. They Led ton little courage and torr lir; ' - iot der 'ism of it Mat the vel as d alt t ugh to her are. aware t eati+(.tr- r' y "peps• -+ted." And frith in t1,, own influence to come out boldly Linn, and although we are, aware that mann }j. thio poo,oe:r, whit n el.ros.d, for tie. Not, like rent Revolutionists, and say, '• Ann,Jetenn o.,J thin_• era: •well Lrnr re .ehtinn ae11 these w.,- ., rant the tight res d' nr ,ey cur not aced I ! 11 I H t S 1 tt .1 r .Ic an equal rieu Government of oppreevu,n or tyranny tower:M I I -ie. the rola wilt 'not to i:k wit! re aird to a - - lato Liras just as mesh as he' pleased. And when •Ite eelenn-but they c.:rw oat .._ , _sly for new"owfw'► arhictt regnnee to I .. to rifinJ J: t ees.or room the t'n�mas of rh or They Oared the II r,nnnt I;are inn much of them res proalt N. t Chnrrh, ■(!nerd TaI'R:::.11 I in thea reireeet, will not be rep ar f.rn.o,II Awoeia'ioes, A!:iaarea• Secret Socie• end an efferoon:e attachment, and sialine to . p ett other - 1 • we bear rel men. falling t.ern.ehe. Protestants, p•ace.b!e.nn•a.rmn "' avowing!are loydty, I !hat the Piddle hunger a!th•,,ie'h vnraciuua ', DECEMBER G tga9 Ti1E PItINt IPLES OF TIIF. PROTES- TANT Itf-Fif LMIATION, • THLI L was a time when the thing Balled Free- dom hod oo abode among the children of teen - �Iankled teem to Love entered into • sort of rentonl understanding that t';ry would live it hr•Idum. T!te.mind 0l here few was slaviahly roauateJ to i}. any -saris, proverbs, dogmas and .orale: of •n igoorent, sup.rrtitiues ard pre umptuous generation that 1 1 gone before -and, f il.-• mine night be supposed to pensees mend, t was grovelingly subject to the arrogant intole- aoce of the few. There was no freedom of se - ion -no freedom of speech, and even no free- om of thought. Men's boJeee were mere chat - le property, and their Fouls were only a kind of nr• to amuse a grossly ignorant "sed deprived rie.Mrard. All human hope was centered in idle tnteke'3 and tin.elryp and all human fear, ere found -d on bole -bong and raw -beads -and - tacitly -tones. Righteousness consisted in the .vote observance of little chilJteh formalities, us, the avowed belief in little improbable tales 1 ghosts, Moles and miracles; cod iniquity eant the exercise of thought, the reluctance to ori to despotism, and the neglect of the 'Melly and wages of the priesthood. In short, en had forgotten that they were made io the mage of the Eternal, and the Devine fire of in- Ilrci lay smoulieriog in the rubbish of mystery- .neki•g ignura:rcr. GaLtLao, s native of Pipa, w whin the •a I saw is my wake. wheal Drat the set- -t!ere say will yield So buehele. to the acre". d belist•e if any w1 eat will de it this well. it is about the height ref• a man's head, and as thick as it ran stand. In this flesh there in 5000 acres of wheat, 1000 acres of corn, the balence is not cu'ti6ateJ- 1 naw' pare• p where a man cnu!•1 cradle four miles ee through wheat an high as les I rad, with- b net turning to the right nr left. They have more wheat than they will cut, fir the d farmers cannot cut it, There is a lot of a men about the ramps who wend ] rather o skin end tr,fficl round, than work for fit.S in SU •u m Der day. They are now in the nutlet of Asarco, 1 a a. offered five dollars (in gold duan) per day, to cradle, which poen cur- rent here. There is a settlement 50 miles from this rirv, of men owning negrors, carrying on farming trigs/5. There are warm Perinea here, which the inh:b tanta say are very healthy to bathe in; for a per- son rot lured to it,' it to nhn-i't too ty•trm: On the 94th of the nmt'h they have a greet relehration, it be.ng the monl'i on wlie!i the 'nen arnved Who rut the road. The population of this Valley is 6000. LIBERIA -The rrpuhlic of Liberia, at with the opinions of the church, sad for his re present, seems to he in a flourishing condi- pre Ie Ihnn by • great vane'', of &mime; ties, hr., ter the p..t•nv of cra•hn¢ Popery. I'raee dee nnetnry sf their avowal I.y ehakint �ygrh .!s:ntiea It almost hnthera'•s.ln-lay A�•• we, at one.. emu -role. that they are still in Nee off the connexion ! And now, in nrJer in gin. („re one res.lers, and this i• a gre't aJmie- o gall of biti.rn•ee and in the hood of ioignity'r Ulansibitity to their ineensi•terciee. somebody sten, if the public well not offer,' us tiny en.' +het th^ir i-endnrtis jn,t ■, pnpi.h .5 the Popery Its+ writ'en mmeebin¢ in the Tiiner neem � cbknte we can nn: n .g itlhe ffeeni i rrnturr, and tont the light of Ibe em'oxlv'ng • dark l:int that Ilrinin will rnna.nt 'Imre. and the mean whelp, attnbnlc the Pmus:ar+ R-f'rmu res !tri nm Jnwaed nn them. 'n Ptuvah!- •nnrxatioo ! it ie the Inc. 'e shift” Coneral gntientncss l . '•everybody-rr+indjnp II mat, 1,. ,aid ilat the sr. of -ond if the ori. I. will only hear in mind that tar r own ht.stnesa " in eur men I:melee yrreur:nn 'r P y t'sper, y horse / mete 56rrte new past -ever► man 1. chewed to believe and wnr,hip a• he plen•es. It 1. tine that the tntel- Ii mer. of the .c;!,0• dee' led that men elute nor be allowed to make hnntre5 of each other nn Rectum, of t!. , p.rnlar religion. nntioei.. Be, them are other kinde of p•owettlionm which are still. net enly int. -rated, hest pus tive!y enf,rced by th. ter. of the land. And the Protestant that wnnld debar hie felines man front the rnmmee civil privileges of his country. 1,.aa.e he hop. pened be Le a Catholic, or et ha •e -old rom:'el him 10 pay nn, penny (der :he punporr of a ('hurch whom. doctrines h' could ret be''.tr, is reno- rant i•f the Pr'ne+plee of the Prntertanl Reforma- tion. is, in reality• libel nn Prn.'n'ani sm and in endeavoring in er•ahlieh that rime de.petiem over.mind and conpeience, which the Protestant Reformer r'.ae ep to destroy, 1 WHO OWNS TIIE JACKDAW t WELL, afire a11. man is ■ strange, excentrie. ad mvp'erim,• kind of a noodesrrryi. The Natsr•list describes him a an "erect animll,"a i' reav,niwg animal .'• a " conking animal," and many other kinds of an •nimnl, but pertness t a I n t ie ho .prong (rum d:e "hes of the Parliament t ono ti einem wiereearhot any '•f huild,ng•-shat it in part and parcel of the Mon- t ' l tglereeto� items of ii I.r the he 1..h aa1 +,lures other j,wirrsls under the head. of treed polis}, and that the nae olyct is siiil to "Street Roses, jl'trglory, &e." and for the pest nut the Minetry and put in the tnrir1, it will .mnralt'v of this p11Ce, :t0 nem mention perish like the •' Fhrfts" that have gone Wore that we nerrr had a " P.Dre Bopnrt," il. The Leaden of the Toiy party will keep worth mentioning, and air c+l•unne have clear of it -they vivid .ppm.. it -it is intended nerrr to our knee I,. l20. starred l rctd•r. for the aralking•botsa of next general e!eetioo- with any thine w nese n blah could! he railed mu a kind of sea t se than an Aesauil and Datteey, amt pe -goat for the dislnyelty of the very few of them, good old tory Saxons who burned the I'rovinciil It is porhape better far at! parties that Librnirc-a new platform f ; .torn -out !orally: marten remain as the, nrq the town •eeme hot happily it hoe rune ono .nor., and in (opse• to be rngaCi'J to more, profitehte business, g 000ee u• very fl . lens. nese. must evaJrrnteinto and theonty w•ay in which we ht,e ocra- of thio a'r" bdorsa-at general elertion. `Ion to sieve o: nor fell..v crus.:s 13 with pleasure to seetne,the mart est thein Lundy. employed, and we hers profitably to them - Eli Ir will be observed by, se Advertisement which has been in our columns for some weeks I ,circ.. The I:npa•tarietna of mods to the past, that, iii the present wick. •large Amato merchantth's stores hive leen great during of pectic work a sandsome manner in be given out by the District Inca hicpakt art:clweeeak, anared dethe1>'ahvs es, in the d1tTe- Surveyo. The Commissioners of theCaa!a rent cs'ahlubmrnt., indea,tes an improve. Company have agreed to expeo i, under the went to the taste of p'trcl.aa'r• to well as manageme•t of the District Cowed, nearly three in the wealth w hie)) indurea the mode n: thee1.n.d pounds,. as •nether ion.lment of the 0nn•ulitng their phrens. There are q innti baliacce of the Public improvement money, stilt lice n( g.. -19,. un ,2 htthlm, an 1 nitro•lth. remaiuiag in their hands. This large sum, a .landing, Ihr• nttn and Hord decay" of the will be ecce Ly the 5Jrertisemeot, is so is laid aloatreal Alerchintr, we observe some new ce,aice.hmeee,, which ecnn to attract a oat in improving the roads in ddr•rent puts of spirit of, living - ihn i;ht (ret.: descendent in an r' er.ilnlnn. 4".."1" • . 1 •' .90 ern its of his pr',.,, r• extra degree, nbnerved, aul thought, and reo.om 1 r'1 perm ae' -a es^ r n•i�e• .; -•ince we rnn'd ed ti 11 he arrived at the coco:uerun that the a;.; v to him. Ila• r ere of cunnus meehnn- ••m, and ceiit renr .his &etieris.r ahilitlee are the ate tatth was a ghee. revolving rolled the nun -but iof be h■d thought oat of the bestru•path. Ile Midi most eerrno. perrinn of his rompn.nten. On thought teeth, and this truth was at variance' hemp pnrrict4r penes there ore men n[ nenmr an eytegiems wLck cam oNelac* them that It 's say advestage to pay N per mot more for eN litxertae *bleb limy uta than they eould bay thews IMO fes oe the ether ewe of the laws. Very reosul he persua- ded that aw it acv way improved, because II cotter more than throng , ur neighbors. - They wilt con' inne to compare the txpen- rte of bring gusereed on eha and on thu other este, cten (hough dual should mutt liburell, be throe/nig their eyes. We seo but use nay in which the Annexation move - ,ieut can bat plelely paralysed, and that is, by minoring every real cause of cram- ; hint. 'Plc i eeip'c of Clint:a arc mot un- reuuuabiu. 's hu► Oi• out given to Ilse clanee. 'l'hev 1-1pc liriluh tnaiIuttiuLr, ars, it ay nem en attached to Englandd, for all theta e t., cow., if a pro,..' rumree he pursued. That to rue dura int ' ri,j*t In demand!) g !rota theni i sacrflce cf substantial inter - eels it the .:)runt of leyolty. Only let the r (mete' ted interests be made one, and we pledge ours: lees *het Et eland hot!, 110 ce - loay more attached thin CaLtJo,-Sf. (',Ifaa(ines Jrcral, Penn, the Exultance 1',PY ANN !...KATION. ,1f :r a", ,:c 1,'ie to that the period of antexa';.n, '1 it be really to e.tme some t,tur, t. ,rletant in the nater. 'f'i'at event ran never take pare nil a clear mpj mty of the pccplc of this Province are decidedly in fey or01 the measure, end then their wishes mm.t be t Intently rxlreseed either through 'he L.,irlature or L"n ugh a pniteery con - ,cute„,, calk't for are epeeist purpose, by the ytes of I'M whole popu!attua, :he wishes of the people Le rip .:Feed in Ther mailecr, Fengiarol Carnot entertain the nne,tior, tatsch 1 •sslrel(aae Ilec euheay from 't. elfeeleber'. It a ill mut be pretended that the Prrsv:rctal Legislature aim. cone tame eve r runts half dance aerexatiere•t•, and by the metre! of to legal demise in January 11,5!, it 11 not likely That :t will cont:in more than ah.•ut a dozen mut of 82 menrtrn. The. general ell ctron, df 1862, eel doub Ins. brine the aerex.'lionra'a tome further accessions to their number,: bit to what est: at they well M: aeoceireful it ie im,,waiba to wcjw'tore •t tinea tome-- Phwtthey 4111 he an'.• to obtain a naj,rtty 111 the Lea..elriure, the moist eai g, one ad- roealce of the awaeute, we pretunee cart h:.rdiy r x,•ecrt . Muc,', hoa•,:rer, will' de- e/earl mein what is :1 e • tie eatafv the rea- +enable ex;,•ctatbins of Cie Cnum►r'. in the int••rau, 1; in Sat ba oh 1 that ill the h a :era ,t t.oi• Tory tarty. !are k.J l clear .1 the movement. They have not even gi neao Ile extent of c,m nrbeg. thc:.l- •.-Ives fa Vic measurer elf ti,e I.eaoue - Ind t!wueh that body ha. talked a good deal about liberal rneasnree, while voting ae.t net thorn: set aithough•lhe Conven- t:.,n has reaoteed. In favor of "financial re- form," 01 one'd the !eaten of the -Tory party has committed himself to the' resale - tion. M►. Gowan hie, to be sure, talked - very granprloemenh!y to favor of retrench- ment; but it is well known.ihat the Tortes have seer. r rntrir-ted bens with sty (rader- phrp, or any 1 r•intcr•nt positr"o toile Coun- cils of the party. Ile stemma to be regarded 03 a very good'oaa tei d r the drudgery of the party; he has been permitted to Je!en t the T .,v intni,atry when 1 was taeapOde..f defending it.elfe..And if the.'1'ortes ►bnu1J again come into po'n.r, they would, m:•k•cg hint A erlpegoal, throw the whole reapen- 'er:,rhty e f the I.Pa.•ne egtta'ron for " finest-. matreturn" on Cur shoulder,, declare that '!icy never favoured such '• repobt'ran " srhen;r•, and Iaegh in the face of 'ILy'one who should be fool enough to expect there to carry any..steastiro of.rerreocbinenrr w•h le trey nre•jJ.l nvrr Ian ( and air .11re .f the bestnm.•- (5'r 'irte' tr amcr; e Dretrirt, and o 1 have a gond effect out fel:y here 1 t tr:h.,t ! • e f• tvnnld deenht- •rt S1•rl;ns, rep et frn�t:C Lt: �. est t`:r a L..i the mads, i•.tt eon om the purses of some el lay w 1 t the f. ' c .r Inn .res-ce h 1 anises' :ct.!'as, at; hearts,/ if r•babnanu- t will he paid, Oot in little hits Metric! Drbeuturep, but im good hard caste- d will be of more real value to the District than ell the vulgar dreams of annexation and California. We .wish the Canada Company would este it into their heads to makes hundred !titled of good gravel mads throughout the Dis- trict, even though they should put • Toll gate on every six miles. We regret to think that while every other District is laying hold of the late vats. hie Act for the formation of Road and Bridge Companies, Huron isnot making a tingle move in the atter, and surely we can boast of J em bed ro•,Wcan be found in any other District ,n the Ptorince. - , Nein, considering that it IP peopled altruist entirely by slaves liberated in the Southern State.. it hen a liberal ronalitntriih, wholupome !awe, two n.w,pepers, rhn'rhe- of venous denominations, good rom111r6,d echnrl.. The soil Ia pr•4dn0.110 of all the grain., vegetables and (Moe common to trophirel climate., yielding of some two and three crops in the year. it is capable of prode•cing more coffee and rice than any °thee eounlry('nor to it more unhealthy for the negroea than .wee mer own country for the whites when it,firot!trifle t. President Roberta wan re-elected. Of Vice -Pres. - dent there wan nn election by the people, an the choice devolves unnn congress. It was probable that Mr. !Varner, the present .crctary of State, world he chosen. The tepubhc has a anng man-of-war pehm'ner. Carrying a neat little battery, with the word "Liberia" on each gun, a precept from the British Government Was was nn .regio. with General Lew ie, the Seeretlry of thetaTr.aairv, whit was stetting t!:o na. tional trotting estohlishmenla along the Iberian shore. Their commerce is begin. mgto he worth looking after: nor did rent Britain send their pnpitiar Pret :lent d Purse home in • magnificent mans -.f_ ar for nothing. In proof of which i en lo.e you the enpy of a recently concluded reale between t:io p'rL.., showing that hili "rhe Queen, God biome her," hag one her bright eye. on the .npprep•inn of stave trade, .he hal the other fisted on palm oil, ivory and gold that. But i wdly nappet that•wn tun .hell have a ger in that pee: for 1 under,tsnd that the .v. R. R. Gurley, the. champion of colnni ion, had arrived at Monioria, ag An agent em mer Government, and that he we. f•vnnhly rseptved.-Cur. N. York nal of Cramer -et. RE.1T FLOOD IN THE HUDSON. The heavy ram. of the poet few doss tee retyped an uno.nelty Po Iden flood in Mohawk and Ilnd.ne 05•1.5. The WA reale rapidly derin,y Thnrrlse mese and ttnttetl to rise Ihrnogh, Friday: Met up 9 o'clock las' overtime 1t hail not reached e,rfmce of the pier, and very little op. noon, were rptereained re regard to future peneemps. trader those t.psee. ea •t of the o,.rvhan'e eat the prey dock clouted their sties.* early is the int. in cnnd-Ipwl.eemeity. 1 shit water controvert to nee rapidly 9 o'elor k, end bef•eee 13 e5 rrrae me toe and v1.11 rimer. The toilers of Mery ei Doan Street tsetse to 611, eat none. clerk vaet q'ranHlsee of gnus sod beevv hand'se were rmh.eteed, nes tree pier do the e.41are .f the .tune Weer itt. mead I. tbw streets adpeee i t.eeete. madden good beteg ssaepaeiad, gumption, or rather bat wickedness, he wa doomed, by an ignorant secular priesthood, t rot in a dungeon ,•n id the crating of his own chains A Wisairrv, an the cutj.x, • /fess and • Jxanwe, werr•Ily tlJn't0ht, sol boldly puhlishedtheir theuzht, that aay one man had just as mucic right to thin;; as stay other man - they denied the right of any generation to think for t1,, generations that were tU come after it - in fine, they declared that freedom of thought was the cane!, natural right of every generation 'and of every individual of every generation. But this declgntion wan at vari•ince with the enab- Iiahed order or thinking, and for their temerity aodalledgnl impiety, the Mirth darkened their inellrctnal !Iii inrn•t ons by the flames of the faggot -Gley seers burned at the stake From this long night of inrnlerant onpereti. lien end intellertnnl darkner., the Protestant Reformation sprung up, and constituted • new era in the J.i.toI), of humanity -a. bright halo shone upeen the peralyseu carcass of society - light mime roto the world -the celestial 6re was breathed upon the dry bones, and mean again hp• came • living, thiofdng anus. The psi les contended Inr by Ore Prot -stunt Rrformrip ere principle. of light, Ilea leve and reason. The my.teries and tnummeiees of the Oracles were exploded, end men, instead of bowing in worship) to relies and rituals, tone op in the might of theirl whole mal•, and asserted :he dignity and diviei• I ty n( mind, In fart, all truly intelligent men, whether they he Protestants nr ('.holies, moss admit that the Prof.eaat Reformation wan the! moat important human a, ble...mem recorded is i the hitter! of ear ,p -cies -the progress of the, utsanti peience,- -the nisch of intellect-the study of mews nature, and the improvement of society, generally. may all her legrtemately dated fmm that event -and were the principle, thea tali down and rnntewded fur, filly and generally neidersta"d and erred on, we feel persnaied that l the emeiriiy of the evil. which Abet society! ifeftt, and men of brord faith, but there is, in .l Nen man, a kind of general faith, which ip of equal to any task, and it is frequently • well tried; and though the proposition ens as big as a Moorish,. 5114 n. herd •n rut nail.. • molting -1e would hes wiaine to 6011... sad .willow. Snm.- won't he speedily .red eIect•ally caret. when we • r►r ones Lally tt end Luasriag 01 i the glory end nere,sneea of tit Protestant Refer. msu.e, sed, at the ears. 'ime, we them mai- ,e .rvely net i• ewer hostility to the p,inrfetes co*. seeded fee by the Reformers, we beech for the l b isconetetraey, awl willingly relabel, it to trio- I b mete awl error of op,siii, ether than to an a- 'eetto.s is set Iieheeeetly. it s • sed error, atdj b see which s •ste.eiwly-prevalent, ha imposer Mee the R.brw'pn ewte•ded and fought end ta deed fes •,star, pretense th-elegies' Dngtnse.- Peekapa deity dol set "1'... in the theorise eft tee sdsaiests, P •rdr ,•none of the pneathiwwl to p iP.giye sins 1. hey steered the bowleg l dM se toe p, add h ■g to .assts ata nerds 1 eb •berly hag written eemethtng in the "Timee i'newepaper amounting to • pnesr4f, conjecture, Ithat the British I,ioo will quietly bow his ,.ne- ruble head to the great advent of " PeeceaLte tine," if the mejeriiy of we Cnndr,n lovahes 5 e1! res decide 1 and some .other nome- 1 body ban aewrted that the Times newspaper i• the mon;hpiece of the British Gnvernment.- And upon these somebodies and soutethingr. daring the last two or three days. a bin• 1, hhe• ral faith hen eprung rep, erphraring an immediate and a joyful nominee with the Sratea-a rich dowry in the 'hope of Pnat Office emolomens- a fair appnrtionm nt of innnihnnto pnhlic Lands. end • large importation of Yankee Railroads int. Canada a:y,feee! In short, we are all tube happy end rich. Pole'? throoeh Jonathan's enter 1 prime and exerlinns ! What a lucky people w are ! Only think...oder, of our teauti(vl coup try teeming with the sources of wealth whit have hitherto lain omelette and prefrless, in con sequence ofnur helple000enp, all at once brnogh; Mtn (111 Action by the genemna and unmerited aid rt nor neighbors! Henceforth and forever we anal1 (sed upon Johnny rakes, and keep title. reentry Pont Offices during the pleasure of the Whirl and Democrats •Iteraately. What an honorable hnrgain we are abeot In make. We norwlf mune he • migmatite port of a creed tore, we cannot share in the plater, of thew dream, orf t•.meeg greateeo.-we are one of ;he narrow f•etb men. We se peeporal on • greet many mil Jrets, and of MI this manesatinn hubbub we believe nothing, pave that romeboi'y wmte romerhiog in the Tunes newspaper. Yes, yen• ly, we have smell faith w • great many roman - lie sahjeets, and, on the tnhjeel of Brown gn,erir• patting with her pnressrnes, we admit that we h.p, no fork et an. We remember, some fuer yens ago. that Britain not only thought. hot •ctulhly spoke of fighting Jen•th•s •hi,ut the peeweeof ■ levy signore mile' of • wrhic:move alled Oregnn. lying sem. where no the esarere shore of the Paeefie; and rtmernhering this s a 1ptnrie•1 flit.;, the man whe would wah .s in ,hi..e that a same Britain has, in the short spare rd fuer years, •hoots, sup, m far got rid of er fighneg propene:tica, a t0 abm't quietly to dee lass of her meet populous sad moat 'mere- st colony, most &ippon as rot,. With envisions sod sang'une in an unen+ymnn dere, ! We do Irene in the pmgre.• n rh. " Pewee pnne,- ten," but ant •n enihe"asrieatly a. 10 'appose t they have already endowed gosh a decided •egg ne the warlike -glary create .1 duet • e ORDINATION. On. the 300 u!r •nn, the Rev, Joey Lome was 0-d0rned o, the office of the Holy 'fernery, .pd the 1'a•enral chug• of the I7oited Presbyterian Ceneregation at Stenley, by the United Prnhy- tery of London. The Rev. Chide. Fletcher Preached from Nelms !evil 1, and offered no the Ordenaiion Prayer, and the Re•. Alesender aleKenxie delivered apornpriate addressee to the ening minister, andthepeople of his charge. \Ir. Lore has entered on • very large and important field of labour, with every prospect of auccea. NEEDED REFORMS. h The evils enumerated on all hands, em- braee the following: tet. The Rectories -the endowment of which has been the prolific sourer. of (acon- tent in the province, and ever will be, till t"tally ahilahed. 2ml. -The Clergy Reserves -the alloca- tion 01 which, fora few pampered chore hes, to to their ministers "a snare," while to the ramie. at large they are a curse, and worse, they are an "1 Ing curse'" 3r1. Erfrarogaat Gorernme•t.--00 this p„mt there exu.tg perfnct h•rriih1y of opt. ntnn, so far as the pmhhc organ• may be taken as • guide, and N becomes Mr. Bald- win to see that he is not behind the age, when thin subject comes before parliament, next session. dee The Relrefine o/ Useless We want ' law reform," not 50 npn in the last aesarnn, bycreating unnbeosvr R 1 enJ intrudecing unnec.aory and ex- twn,,, forms, but by simphflcatton of fnr,n , and by redneiine of inns. R•,des cheep, then are a number of other Important matters which reg•nre attention •'•!1'!��e_ -•urh as the Enlargement of the Reprseen. We are sorry to Pee the tourser still per totem, F.ctensloe of Electoral Fnnehu.'t� .nerd by some of our contemporaries, on the Amendment of Aas.e.ment Iowa, $nb•ti I atrer avow of Annexstaon. We ran Rita en- twine of a Direct aM therefore ■ light thine by denying a single advantage poss- Tax, for an indirect and conaegiently an Peed over us, by the people of the United •apenrev.ly collected one. The mod. of Stales. Our true corms. ie, freely and fut. nume revenues by duties i' little better 1y to point out, sad remoye,everydisadva,- than a pr,.eext for b.'rjhting the ennntry tag* enter whech, as eolomete, we still with a horde of efMce-heldlers. it opens labor. This will do no more to disarm th. rep, Itk.w,.., a mine to the rapacity of un- tries strive' to teamster this emmntry, than unnr,plpd pfierara, w!In not only plooder, all the sedum. and cawii•try of the Prose but •m ped wMle pinndortng• cawpo..tbly offset. Then is no loreTo thee. we might .astly .dd a niiaW , which ea. persuade thee** that 10 per ofothe a but snflleient has been rem for met duty aeumt theme, t. the ...rest tsar - oar Wrpnos. • het, t• not a disedva,tags. Thom are so urrethtng to sell, the produce of their had res 1e ..rad then' in putting 1pmcelf fur- oemothind puttingto, . the of the old "their ward, leading on the simpletons by his sell - deniers" in mind; that a great chance has '•-the-wisp phaetons of retrenchment, and taken place in the few care since the time by this cor.tr.rance putting the forms int. they hunted dyer and other game over the the secure posseaeirin of power. i1-eong C' secured their object, the sect -useful Troy scene of the present traffic; and we may leaders maid go so far as to throw their nJJ that these frame old settlers Ronk for- man Friday, G 'wan, a hone in the shag,• of ment in tothcewing ,corm'spontnngAimp eve-.ete i a canal commierinnersh'p, or something of to the contrary notwithstanding. stent that kind. 'retrenchment"Rite that they would then carry Advertiser. out the retrenchment" for which he is crying so lustily, let no man 'be pie;Teton enough to rxpect,pr believe any such ab • - surdity. These Tory proteseiuno about re- trechritent are the rankest humbug; and the bust proof of this is, that the leaders of that party are foxes enough to keep clear of committing themselves on any ref geese got -tip tnoi i.. Wllh regard to ■nn,'xa- i on, the Turves would play a nimrlar game, if they hail a chance. The leaders of the Party 0:11 krep clear of that movement. - They w'::1 nay nothing about it, during the next two sections of the present Parliament, for the question. well never come up in such a shape as to require them to commit thcm- eelsc, eine way or the other. Ilavtng dodged the question for two year', they will be all things to all men at the next general election. in addition to, their own party, who will sustain them as a matter of coelr,e, the financial eco:eomint, and the annexartomat may possibly be weak enough to hope something from the adient of the tortes to power. Some of the small try of the Parl .mentananp amongst the tortes may go so far as to advocate annexa- tion, to suit themselves to the tone of cer- tain conPtemenciea, as they now chime in with the popular sentiment by shouting for "• financial reform," or they may even be sincere in .*brae professions; but how will they act in Parliament 1 Follow their leaden, of course. Annexation will not clime at once, and it re ji.t potable that In 1`159, we may wrin,se the phenomenon of a tory ministry testatned by the broken fr•gments of the old cat metal tone. -if lheee curiosities have not been placed in • suitable museum by that Lme-aad a few half-grown annexaiinn,.tr, who true to their instincts and their political antece- dents, will be practical term., for the nonce, while the great question se • bey - once. This a ra'be r a (orttiou• road to power, to he sen; still we see '.meth Ing very like of blazed tree., through the vista of the future, in the direction we have todi- cated. We hey. an donht that Jobe Hill - yard Cameron sed Henry Sherwood could ewe It too, by the aid of a gond eyeglass.0•. Well, we intend to keep a strict look -cut, and tell a few tree., and roll a few logs across the thet,flit be necessary, !)INNER TO MR. PRiCE. The eosetitu..0 of the Hoe. James Mary my Prier., will mn•errsin him at dine, en Thormtsy, eke tato Direember, at Powell's Hotel, Yonge Street. We nederetaed that the member,, oh' Gnvernnee.t have boss in- vited and that a "etsmadawN•" demagolws- tisnieae d.-Iwair. A generuos .upport is demanded, and very properly Po, by the present Govern- ment, from the Returner, of Canada. That support has been given, and will late! be given : but generomty, like all other vir- tecs, has its proper bound.. There is an old proverb which raps, " we flight to be ilii before we are generous," The Re- formers of Canaela are perfectly wilhne to extend s generous clpaort to the Mints'ry, but they Inok, in retirn, for the prompt accomplishment nfevery prnmiic made them when their support wav solicited. This i• not a time et trifle with the expectation!, nxrited by many of the leaders of the Re- form party, now directing the government of the 'country- When Annexation agi• tate, the country from Gaspe to Sandwich -when wlsnle constituencies and their members declare in- fovor of dismember- ment, tnfliog difficulties in carrying 0,1 great measurer, long advocated by the Re form party, meet not he extegerated bolt, mninta:na. The dignified silence maintain- ed by the Reform party in Canada, on the vexed (peahen of At' mention, mutt not be InterprotieJ into indifference. 'Mit silence will continue till we see a well defined pi• !icy submitted, calculated In make Canaria what she ought to be. But should the Re forefeet be rleappointed res the, further si- lence would be a enilty aequten.ence to the rnntineed degradation of the cnnntry. The limen are ominous. England looks on with a calm dignity, and from the new■ hy the America evidently lenses Cenada to bo the arbiter of her own fate. Never Wail • wi. Ser policy adopted lq reference to this coun- try. Orr action w,1 be that of con!. cal- culating deliberation ; not that of excite- ment nr anger. Our. will not be the course of the petulant neIf•w,lled boy, whose gettnn. being interfered with, •tubhnrnl• determines to here his own war, right or wrung. -.yl. Catekariee, Joareal.