HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-12-06, Page 1TpEN SHILLINGS 4111/40cs. VOLUME II. iQarb. DR. P. A. McDOUG.f,LL, CA N be consulted at all hove, at .w•s. Wes. F• Gooding's, Front -.Yl. Gudoriuh, Sept. 13th, 1818. 33- -ALEXANDER WILKINSON, I'ruriucial Land Surveyor, OFFICE AT OODERICII. HURON DISTRICT• Nov. 94, 9. 43 J. K.' GOODING, AUCTIONEER, W'LI. attend SALES in an/ part of the thieve, on reasonable 1 erme. Ap- ply a .the British Hotel. Goderich, March 9th 1849. ftv-in ,I. LEWIS, II3ARRIl3TER, SOLICITott, etc?, J.ae, 1846. GODF.RICH. --r 1 TWELVE AND SIX PENCE TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE• NVMBKL aT Twit sae or Thisstmt. u TIM GREATEST POStWILe GOOD ---+ .. .......•--w--------- NUaiDRR XLIV. GODKRICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 18-19 FARMER'S INN STRATFORD. 14 RS. DOROTHY IM)UGLAS, widow • of the tato Thomas Doug's, of the Farmer's los, Stratford, begs to return her thank* to the lahabitaate of Stratford, end the public generally, for the very liberal • pporl whieh they received during ore "hurt time they have bees in Stratford' u 81r,. Dough' begs tr intimate that she initials carrying to the business u hereto- fore at the 01d Stand, in her own name, and hopes by strict attentive to the comfort ul her guava, and moderate charges, to merit a abate of the public patrunage. Stratford, 21.1 August, 1849. 2.-nt9tf A. NASMYTH1 FASHIONABLE TAILOR: 'N11Bi•1gNtlia'll's Otll)ERICH. Goilerieb, April 12, 1849. 2v-tlott ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent Sr.. Conveyancer, COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS, 4.e. 4.e. GODERICH. - R -n25 Oct. 1, 1849." • DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Throe doers Fast of as C.,aada Co's. Office, ser:far-STur i.'1', GODERICIi. August 87th, 1849. _ 2v -n30 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, Weenie/0o, t 28th February. 1849. S 'VHE Subscriber hereby iutimates to Its A (needs and the Travelling Publi- gene- rally, that be has removed Irons New Aber- deen to the Village of Sirasburgh, and will now be found ie that well•krwwo home for- merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where by will be ready and Able to .conduce to the comfort of those who may honor him with their patronage. Aad while be returns thanks for past favors, be hopes, by strict attention to the wants and wishes of l,. customer', still to merit a continuance of their patrooagee JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good : RTABI"ES and atlestive Grooms. , v2 -o411 .stokes, CITE IST and DRUGGIST, iv EST -8T 3,rr GODERICII. March 8, 1349. - 2v-50 JOHN J. E. LINTON, ° n o TA t Y r u■ L r e, Ointnii*sioner Quern's Bench, . AI L) CONVEYANCER. STRATFI)RI). ALEXANDER MtTCHF4#.L, A 1! f' T'l .1 'N i. r; It , BELL'S CORNERS, SOUTH EASTHt'I'E. March, 29, 18-19. v2 -n8' • TO BE SOLD, AN excellent Farm, being Lot No. 12. Maitland Cuncesann, Township of G•,derich, cooteining 100aeres-30 of which is cleared. The land is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. 1t is situated exact- ly nine ntiles from rho town tit t oderich oe the Iluron Road, sod at the junction of six different roads; sed as it fr in the centei of a populous and prosperous locality, it is.ex- cellently adapted for a Tavern Mand -or a Store. This farm is well entitled to the t attention of persona desirous of an eligible situation for business, and will be sold on very reasonable terms. For particulars 'apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -peeper, Goder,cb, or to the proprietor • COPP. Village of Harpurhey. vRot9tf June 15. 1849. to serve seder biseulur►, and that he would P o t t Y ti . embrace legalism ; that es quitting Due ---- vary hie resulution was alr•.•rJ taken, t THE POOR MAR. that, if he had sot made hie profe.sioe th God gt the poet tsar eeasteet bsdth. Tufffil for dilly bread : He has so earthly wssith, Aed meet be clothed sod fed. rte mood .f plate wm11 grief his We. The hard withheld hie Itiee- Great Pareet ! heed his pities. ere. And gardblseettsg' Ire. Thee career for the little birds That owe so earthly feed - Thou cunt for the flecks sod herd• That crop the 9owet, swstd- Hea.'at the yon.' ravens whes they esp. Hee i'st the yang hoe'. ser, Aad wilt re.atd the poor se's sigh. And meek petitios more. Then grams the p5.' ora wastes health. And streagth for early toil. wealth With sweet contra., true 'mem Of weary mortal Mil. AU swat him purer es rale his nod, Terms dkrous's sway. And sense the charities deslgeed To smooth kis pilgrim way. The pleat whose Sup Is crushed at beset. t May Mill groom ice pewees r fair AM than who beer a blokes brew., • 33,yemelt asifthey hoer Nene. And yet the ilewen mist fade ewer, Wisee.ser the stern st boort w brake: The broke+ heart wows some decay. Nut long a smile its gearless civil'. CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE •COm PANY. THE Subsriber having been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO., is predared to receive proposals for Auto. ranee, and win be happy to aff.rd to any person the necessary information, as to the pnoeigles of the in J AMF.S WATSON. Gode►ieh, 13th June, 11349. • van19t( faith sower, it eras because he did not we. to have the appearsoce of yi.'Wieg to fear. ole added /hat M dad eat ask my owe t. follow be example. Nerenhelees, Geer. Kesel: and lilacs soil about ate wearer: world tut separate (ruse him, and they bate made the name declarative in favor of 111.- mism. Koese'h who Inas greatly irritated against Beet, west immediately to the Ilan tartan Camp and mforeed the men that the Parte resisted the demands of Russia an -i Austria, sad that Eoeland awl Frame ap peered decided to a4sei.t the P .rte, and that he supplicated them not. to imprint a state no the flag of Christian Ilungary. which they had alwsys •served with honor Korn. words from Kossuth hating give!, rise to the minim that Bern sand his cone Maims had yielded to the promi*es of the Porte, a great agtutios showed itself in the Hungenan camp, sod it was at one time feared that • distsrhuance would .oke place. Dembeerki hos acted d:ffterenlly. Ile ba. stat become a Muesulmas, but be has open- ly acknowledged that the Porte has nothing wbataesver to do with the abjuration of Bent sod his eumpssioss, and he has even written lettere to the -Grand Vizier and the Streakier. is which be eapreauu his (rati- o/0e. Rem ea sow called Mural Paecba•- All the re .gees without di'nnetios, are treated with kindness and hnmanty. The Governor .f Wddcn. 'lie Paha, has dutri• bated oboes end other ise wearies to then Of witch they had much geeJ. io the trea- ties betimes the Porro lea the Christian poacv, the articles with respect to extra diliesi..veeen with respect to the exchange • try souse nine years. The ritaoas of St. to throw the weight of dispos.Lie forces o Cabinetry, without Exeeotiu0. Jopims 111 nip imp re rets the ,eases. Wiest% inter - sad iiecorresce nter--adoeeurresce whieh hoe Jui.nved thorn uf timed in Hungary, to virtue of the tutu. t worthy and %ogre member t.f e. co tv.- i.cusrerratire lurdie pis which wide me re rhe mintier of Mr. Rus4 will be t,11+11 hard it u a duly to offer 14 your Majesty. 'ruin the NO Cati.itiaoa 11.wa t0-ui -riute 1 :oat year, armed eieriateace to re-establish nornir,g at tett o'clock. fur tatura,.i.t at `your authority. °pely,brceided en the Da- !)rummuedville.-St. Catharine, J i. I sutra, prieorpalituoe. where a faetios tilt- terre 1 theutoelreo 14 be able to •aecomptieb tt.e.r eueversive plot•, autil the general ,ie.,.'.uoo wit eh at that period mandoeted it..•11 .n •Ccry part of i':"r.•pe• II,/..e 1tTnv•,!tia .' h':. bi^errd toy effort,. Be) -ori the Divide:. a. is the {Alamo of tbo Theo.,. Reset has f161l.•d with abnegation Ler sti..foo of r.gwir. Her armies made the ace;.+rare.• in those ru-uttru•s to ensure Il,elr.:ui; b of crJer ud letiiiiuzcr. 1 rl.a,cu Gci.araLP,lsre de Ra.'zivil, whit will hire the hello! 1, prereot .h1. ('Her It. your 31 .jr.ty, to Worm you of all tits' deta,le of the lite tient,' in Megrim ., i eorgra.uhte ereeU the more on the happy i -..ie of thin au, a-. the rr-establishment of meter in Howard will have • salutary it fl•isnee , is the wuryl .l aeifir•tion of that O, l'11.%11 previrees of the ilanmbe, whieh costa re to nosy reroluliosary almost., in the pit carious pastime in which they have teals lett by retest troubles. The more I courtier the gravity of this initiation the more the 1 appreciate the wise, Soo aid eorrect atlilsce of the delegates of 11.e aublitne Porte. at the -tine the armed inranioe altrsiyted by Sem ii Moldavia, the *rowel ubj• ci of which pas to provoke to Meurer lion. It will be the object of steps which I charge my representative to take with the Sublime Porte relative toeorttin Polish itsa Nome, who after haitng rendered them- selves guilty of high treason' towara ety gote.on:en►, harm more recently taken ate criminal • part in the events which hale de.olaed Hungary.. With the sincere Jeairs that -no eland may arise between too two empires, I at- . tech a high price to the satisfactory solu- tion of 1111. affair. Counting of the favorable reception which the representations of M. de Tito(' to the Government of your Majority may meet with, I beg you to receive the assu- rance of the sentiments of high eosefd.rs- tlun and inviolable attachment with which I sin. Fee., • V'CHHOLAS. '- Warsaw, Warsaw, 14th [26th] Aug.. 1849. . What erne! Mod woald pluck the aow'r And Meme its besotiee rhes is foie? Who, for the p!remere of i1.e Mar. • Wald creak the peat that God Ms emir t Then who woatd break the a eotasl beers, of ori+onMe, carefully ro.erye That only huts for teem.I ee : lave embraced I.lam'Prn. They become Ob. who toes void the reset dart. That makes the lower weep urnd rufous t cwt jeers of the Suttee sad cannot be elanir AUGI.'STUS. . gd under any pretext whateoev'er. Thus Brantford. Nee. 7111, 1e49 =Hera'L I Mutt%! Parise mid his coruoaniunr are cum- i.'.etely covered by the treaties. This rese- t wttoe on tore part id Gcoeral Rem has crc- 1[UCOpttltt. ARIRIVAI. or Tut OVERLAND MAIL. The Overland Mast bas er•it-.l.. w ith ad- vice from Calcutta to the 8th, sad from Madrid to the 1511, Sept. The iulelhgeucc from China it to the 2U1h of August. The .enteece opus Moulr.j had been cr.mmuk'd Goa d.vlII 1.. tracspuvatioe, sad the court, by which he was tried had pub li-hed a very able etaiewent of the ground. upon which they had arrived at the conclu- sion r•f hie guilt. Tho only exception to the geoeral Irao- gnility uf Indra has occopie.l in the Medlar Pre.idency, °really so pacific. It "Mete that a frsoatieal case, called Muplrhe, atter committing several ihepredatinne, upon be• ing put -vied by the police took post in • vtrungly fortified temple, whence the police unable to diel.dge thein. Application was nude for military a-sistaac•, and a detach- ment of the 43rd Native Infantry, under Capt. Waite, was sent to disperse them. hut, from some unknown reason, the sepuyN, though bravely led by their of5cer",;to.'k -to ft eh', after oneeffoctuat discharge, leav- ing Ensign Wire and rune few men who stood by him at the mercy of t -e enemy. - They were a 1. slier a gallant re.istanee. cut to piecer, and the Moplahs returned to their stronghold. Their triumph was, houeter, of' short duration; a req i oitios was mime diately .int to Cannanore, and a portio=, of the Regiment was protnp'ly sent against them. , The Mopla!io were completely route', will' the Ines of 64 of their number, • the 97th teams only 3 "1"1*Tue Futa vvL tVtrrnt* teL•-The Yui• std a groat"ae010tioo at Constantinople.Tho Cholera had broken out at Bombay, lowing incident is related by the j ,ersalist •and was continuing its ravages in other Expedites, and shows Cosrusameteo THE ArosTLts.-A ma- parts of India. of the atfee fExplorol Fdenn 130ofi i to the neat' paneb. A terrible loss of. life had occurred at t fe rfnl soddenness mos sometime, I "ort s tete R What ta•k ace `ia with wow { ewutd her urcbiw.. PI Trichinopoly. At an idnls'rous resolve! " high rock, ninth ass pan unexpectedly trent use to Rerstq. exactly a follows :-" Say the same. eat E heW at the tope( the g, attended by so iwmense concourse of peo- ple. a 'Judaea peek occurred. tad the mut- titude from above peeving upon thoo'e be- lotl; upw ode of 400 were suffocated err trodden to death. The Portuguese Governor General, Sig - porde Amaral, has been brutally ins- determincd to pas Vie portage on foot, ! tester, 1 *eked the good woman what made ted at Maecao, by eight Chinamen, who her choose !itch .a name. Her answer vur- dragged hen kayo jiffs horse, sed hacked off Mr. Ogden was deceit/ling the Colombia rise, is tae of the company's boats, with ten Casadiaa voyagerr, ill weUelr►er.seed in tbcir duties. Ott arnvesg at the DaUe . they deemed it praetieabte to lea thaw in I, with my finger in the water :-'t Acte, sir,' said she. " Acta," said 1 what do you mean 1" Thinks I to thyself I will ax the clerk to spell it. lie did, Acu-ee Acts ser the babe, said will be while in this life, mod wad be doubly, trebly en registered, if it warner or dies. Afterwards, in the a state R, severtbel•'M the neer was n each t herini —" Nhy sir, we be religion' peopte ; , his head in the most.ehocktng maaner.- astate that it esu quite cafe for +ha boat ce rel four on 'em already and they• Ile I IL. aid-de-camp had also bees attacked, to pass dews Ile was aexordir_ly leaded, i called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, end but contrived to effect lits -*cape. The a. t6nnaht hu'J compliment Portuguese soldiers impatient to avenge and amendedtherocks, frees'which he bed 00 m1 6usban_ - - the apostles a bit." The idea of oomph e ? a tall view el the water bsae.itt and alb. eotisg the npotwith ibis little dab of boat in the passage- At first she sed li rs ortar e as too much ; evert I could (Lara ram crass,] boat H V RON HOTEL , 1in,knnornthewst005th1t0i sot help larghieg• re the death of the Governor, had taken pos- ae.eios of the barrier -gate. and beyond the hag gate had destroyed a small fort, the fire 1 have no doubt they Da. JOHN11Y DE, I from which molested them. in effecting tea go on to Revelations, they bc;nir par 1 tliie, '7 Portugwcee soldier' were wooaded, titularly religious people.-Bluthwroods and, a ie raid, 73 Clnntee kilted. .M.Faaice. The latest dates tecrtted el Bong -Kong 1 GODERICU. a hied ; hut 0.0011 p.YrTITed her stop • "STRATFORD. TAMES GFVTLES, weld.' respectfully in the struggle of 1M oarsmen together with tu!J leen that they had enc untie' J t!,r SICT,*T.-OesteB„,„1„,,,1 ' W NI. REED, : g y Keep Horse:: and Carriages g 1 i. be from P130 t" ••i150 Thecummercial intelligence P r:..! -rich. and Ito form u.t ehi'-..t.. July 31 1,0• the '1' tits% .h ,eat of 1'.^ !. `a --moa, anon einity. that he w 'l e- , 1s.,.•: N ARRIVAL OF THE CALEDONIA. - Oae Week Later feom Europe. LivsarooL, Nov. 10. • The British Parliament is prorogued td the 16th of next January. • The (Limon bu issued Proctamatioos for • day of reseal thanksgiving, on tae dirt Mount, on account of the abatement of the Cholera in Great Britian and Ireland. CAN ADA. -It ia stated that Sir II. Ba- wer', first buaises., • on his infect in the Uaited State., is to know what encourage - Men+, if any, is gives to the attempted e fr rn Landon, . 'Soh JUne; C' h nn% eithJraw al cf the Canada. from British to the hi_'t wA P the' 1-th 7 r; re 90.1 Ja!t to thu+m rrhtn• *^r- It , Jule- stn •atom, Uth A•t,uei. :u.e. It iP ua.'.erst.i: J that he has full poti- HOUSE AND SIG.V P-41.rTF.R. Q•e•,! FOR IIIRF., let which he respectfully solicits LIGHT 110E SF ST GODERICII. the patronage of the public. Oct. 45, 1849 v°38 JAMES GENTLES 17a3NfT Eti & Q3C.123en, To' LET, 1816 Sept. 1849. eaaol tf 10%V ARO CASH ELI., - Cartier of Light-1louss Street, /T1fiAT handsome tw•a-etnrT, house, oppoltte GODFRICH. Rem3d 1 October, 25, 1849. QT QQ U•\131(N:SES required br the New Dis- itT ►71 trot Court Act, tonsil other BLANK FORMS s-•4 in the Dirtriet and Divis.n,i Courts, on !tale a the Rigaal Office Also, all kknde .f JOB- PRINTING tweeted ea the shortest entice, and on moderate terms. Goderieh, Jsly 19, 1849. • Blank Deeds and Memorials, A VI) all kinds if DIVISION COURT BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at the Fognal Office. Every discription of BOOK and JOB Printing executed with oe-toess and dispatch. whirl. Strongly they plied their ova, and •.amen are. reeeiv-in bythe. re -ors to resist eaererteallr all attempt' at deep anxiety, if sot fear, was expre. e4 in vier in this pert, ing j per month, compared with the wages paid . sent •arrive' is enceorskiobr. iolerlerence on the part of the United $tales their. moventegte. They begat to move i to ordinary e•esmen in the navel ureter, the I An ezpreei, in anttc.pation of the second it Niearogua affairs. cut forrani but wHbthe whirl, -r•• ndthey 'greater J.fli shy h •s been experienced, and i .nail leeched 'Landon on the 3101 tilt. The Tbe ,hi under the eommaod of Sir J. sweep with Omuta' velocity still Prng- `the strictest surveillance been required on I dates received are B.imbav October 3, and I p. ging 10 avoid the e„,„e.ident fate that! the part rd .tie ef5.cers, to retain ',sufficient Calcutta September o-0. Tile mio.ing 11 m Ross had arrived off Scarborough. Capt. number to navigate the ship' attached to bay mail .•f September 17 ie also at hand. -I Ross says it is his euofident opinion, that awaited them: A few more tuns, each iM squadron on thir..tation. On Thurs. Thi.,, a. RA be remembered, was too late I nether sir J. Frauklie nor toy of hi. eom- the Steamboat presently upped ing ti John W then 4th, and prwndy occupied by Mr. Bea- morerapidrapid than e last, the boat with • ill day corning last a bold attempt was made in iat Adefomentedler be fomented at t to vhe man. It .s large and well adaptedthe uof k kit Ore disappeared. Se .Immo had been 1 by the boat. erew of the. United Stater Immo ttce won as Calcutta and Madras mails We faintly -having a lase garden and r I th t it was withd.!Beetle that l Pebuoo'•r Laing. to rffi•ct their escdpe.-. I last rece.ved." The delay had been caused Soon fl •r leavingthe deck, at about 11 o chard '. the elms e, a - orcharJ well stocked with rurltent frart:r ea of' fig variousdeeeriptioes. in proximity 10 the hat- 4 Mr. Ogden could realise that all had perfek- hnar of Gnderich enhances the value attic urns- I ed Only one belly out of the i was al - tion and as the proprio. -r is desirous that it sbe+td i T continue to be occupied, it will be le; oa wow- ! tdrwarda found at the bottom o the Dallas, • torn and mantle) by the strie it had gone *sable terms, either for one or more yeah. ss may he agreed apse. For farther WIrLSON w Goderieh, Zed February. 1849. M FURNITURE GIVEN in exchange fir pny quantity of CHERRY and PiNE LUMBER by DANIEL GORDON., Godericb, Sept. 13, 1849. v! -o32-0 t'NOTICF. To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. THE increa,ed demand for SCMsoeses and other BLANK WRITS, to coo - newton with the Moine', of theseveral noted vision Courts ip the District, ne in rioting herrn in womb larger gouti- tree them heretofore, and ooesequeitly sa- ble, ns to .ell them touch cheaper-thore- fere we intimate to the several Officers re- quiring theei Blank Forma, that from this date, Summnfl es and all other Writs ll M Sbl- loeging to the Mention Court, at tNe Signal Oles at the redtseed price .f 7 Two SHILLS/10e As1 B,irwtos rsa H r+naso. Signal Dike, Gober; ie , t- . TAKE NCTICE ! ! Cis +H PAI DELIVER FOR GOOD CLEAN BA yAITLAND BREWER scriber. J. F. Gaderieb, Oct. 10, 1349. RLEY, at the Y. by the Sob- BRITTAIN. Ir -4360 POHITiVELY TIM LAST CALL!!! ALL them INDEBTED to (ROBERT MOD:EWELL, ate Webs Late Firm of THOS. WLMOUR St Co., an hereby req •*Po_red to eall 1MM1DlATIfhY aid 8pi.r'I.P. their •etoenth • • NOTICE. THE Sebeeriber haslet bees appointed Agent for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, here- by errby intimates, 101 he is prepared to receive 8.b- eeripttens far Stock in the Proprietary BrMeh, and applleatioss for faaanseee la ibe Metaal Heaseh, sad to give oath leformatioa ea the onbjeet as may M required. JOSE CLARK. Goderieb, 916th Sept. 1949. !e -a3441. by .the exiraor•!intry force of the monied°, which is sv. to have been e panions aro eastward of any inhabitable point in rho Arctic .regions. Sir James 00o a t traversed at least 230 milesin the ice, the o'clock , in charge of Lieut. Gibson, on his h ba th urn t yr, eat bergs of which Were frightful-dtueb.1ore d i 1 Th t f in fallen m a. a urea t heir officer. • to a nor , , was aware of their intention, or Lad power i through tut India have been moat destnie- gee before. Sir James and his party peae- th Fit rerun 10 the venal, the men en- r cit y for man, yearn. a amount o r• than any he experisoed in his Arctic voya- 1 t6 and before he' I t be'onl precedent sol thefloods Fury -- to repel this attack, seised and threw him uvea in one instance the ramp and the flood trated as far'as the wreckofe ry- overboard, making their escape to the shore. have, by their united operation, produced a ` where' he found the oil teats ataadisg. 11. Although taken wholly by surprise, the mo=t unexpected effect- be renowned tun jl s ahs most highly of all those who have gallant young officer dragged it to the water of Moolt.tn, with all its blurb -proof depme- Pe with him two of his heartless 41'1dantso dienciee, which had so long held out against been connected and assoeikted with Itise.- Here a struggle 'netted, and 'tingle hand- ed be contended with the two, aided by their three companinni in villany who had possession of the boat, till, •.finding his strength exhausted and himself in danger of sinking from the weight of his clothes, he gave up the unequal contest. It was now with the greatest difficult that he kept his face above water. although a nlrong swimmer. His cr1S9 for assistance were heard front the .bore, -happily a boat happened to be pawing, and a.Pietasee was rendered in time barely 'efficient to save the life of the officer. He was taken to the U. S. lintel, puleelese and apparently life less, where. by the prompt, efficient and most jndieinns treatment of that skilful surgeon, Dr. Bowie of the navy, respire - time was established, and the eircnlatiow of the blood gradually restored. Dr. Colt was subsequently called in consultaion, and it was sot till the expiration of .nine hours Hist the gentleman could with pru- dence be left br his medical attendants. tbrough.-X. Y. Advertiser. A Gttawa+ Awaxos.-The regent is bol- ding a great review, aid 1 oppose the last roe, of troops stationed, here. on the lisle, adjoining the sew splendid railway bridge over the river M.ys. is spite of the early hour, • great many of the Freskf,et dandies are going to ride ad dnvs thither, in order to see, not the miserable archduke but • youthful Figlia d,1 Reggineeete, who ac- companies the regiment of Mackfinbe►g dragoon, sow in movies at Frankfort. It appear, that this intereeuag creature is the orphan of an olieer, awl was left by hist heir to at Nest • very incest and twe- eted family sante. Front love of 'Attes- ters, she aecompiaid the squadron of wbiclii her father lid bees tbe commaader uo ice way hese Meeklesbsrgh to Ibis place. Roomette stories we told sheet this Pras- leis Vos T. : aeoag others, that all the Accra of the regiment are booed by their wed to b, wrier all cireswtemees, her peewees, aid the de/eiders .f her honor sari oases. By jp.cia! order of the mgt. meet, she is permitted to wear a meet de - gust std tadefsl endorn, ad to ride with the drag..e wbsever she pleases. Rho her 1...oms is ridieg, as! bas appeared at parade is Frontier' and bees stared at Me the swot weederf l sported* cruse wee by ear camas-Free/fere ..r 4retie11t h Me Flaw. Without Reserve 6 OR EXCEPTION, ALL Doped Ateente end Notes of ;Hand to dee, will terse pf*mediate, i It ti a ha ores} ROBERT IiODERWELL. p.iere% let Neresbei 1845. 7vtntf New Church in Stratford. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the oub.eriber os behalf of the Presby• torics Chsreh Bedding Committee, Meat - ford, till eerie of the 11st December se*t. for presidieg .sterid,, vita, Bubb, Lime, Stet., Seed, Sasses,/ Lowther, sod Work. for the Emotes of s BRiCK CHURCH, proposed to be beat at Stratford. Teodoro may be m•& either for the whole or for any , psetieolsr 'ousels/ the ateri•, std s.sseYwg to Bp,slims11see.0. so premised0 Me. Pee4r Femme.Archei, Des J. i Z. LINTON, Aseise. 8ee',. Stredlied, Seth Jet, 1849. fa'oelltf LOMI ellr T I m du* As 11M t MAP .f the Dewhe A Norse. booed ie a Meek Goethe .Sea, (Bs*lefa Balfe ir), be - tweet t. the Denim B.rv,yeet H. O. M, ens. *adios 1t ad s.sdieg It to Ole 011ie. et 1• t dpill Me tor thekr 'tl alisY.Osl. W STRAY BTEE,i.-fitraydfisse the soh - scriber abet the est el Jul Mab ---A DARK RID YELLOW STEER, with a white few, welted herr. feet lea►, old comingans five. Hu had bew..04 u Mk.Ashy nforsmtiea mermen base only as thaelifelly ' *A1&T itha l IA. gelletelbfp q.,. . 41 all 'undo of aesailante, has melted away be- fore the j trot attacks of the monsoon tor- rent and the (food of the Cheoaub. On the 13th of August the rain began --building after building fell in rapid aucceseion, and on the 23d the ricer had covered the whole country. The floods gradually ascended the course of the rivers, at the rate, it is said, of about 70 miles a day, and had every where dune much temporary damage. Licht. G. a though 111111 sufferieg great difficulty and pain in respiration, es ere happy to leen, to considered out of danger, aN will Moon be aide to resume bis buttes. -.Ills California, Rept. St. LE1IDER nos 71111 EMPEROR NICHO- LAS TO THE PORTE. it ie finite amusing to notice bow mild Ntebolas has become toward. Turkey, when he saw the pet it n takes by Englend aid France. Ilow different (won the three lases to whieh be threatened Turkey a few days ago ! LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT. it is err painful duty to record the death of tier highly respected townsman, Mr. Geo. Rees, Merchant. Os Monday efterioon, b sad Mr. Chiehelr, of 8t. Cathari.P., were drieieg a spirited animal isti tows, whoa the reins broke, aid the horse feliog no coattail, galloped off at ft e Mr. Chisholm leaped out, sad ere with roma trilling injury. My Roes al leaped out, bet .wits to the rapid rate of the vehid., Ino. he wait throws es hie heed. is s fee m.masle be wee brought fete town•by Mr. Mills, who had already takes Mr. Chehalis into his carriage. Os egamisatios, it was friend that Mr. Roes hal sustained a atonal isisr .f die brake. Hs lay uneenecions till Widie.aky eternise, vibes he departed .uth- Mai, Mr. Ross wee a native of 44 S INI, N bet NW ill thisthiseeee- 1>Clf 1800118 Y MAN. The Patio 1sbate,p Cosetestiespie, awed a letter hse e N►. •whieh ► sig soau b was iara: Deft weed Vibe arm dstemieeties of tbe agsto men the demands of Ruda, %.ri Aaeteia, said to refire the extradite*, ft_ elates that hie ceuetry was his Mat retiree, that w Sulum bode( tfhe easel meow seethe ,rete lies& se it, he wee lsMrMM- d le hews. a ,ablest eh the 8aisrr, sod The intelligence which tad reached New York on the 20th ult,wate, by the bark .MeCfelfea front Davie Strait", has been in a great degree coagrmed by a communica- tion from KirkalJy, dated Nov. 7th. TURKEY. -No oowmusicatios hid bees received from lite Emperor a. Reese rela- tive to the wpm) of the Porte. • RUSSIA was in a very disturbed state. The Colonial Cutins stater, that there are many symptom* tending to the.uppositios, that war will be renewed with Denmark. LATEST FROM PARIS. -Mr. Rives was received by the Presidcat, on Thursday the tatter rcinarking that, if he ha/ coos from a wonarelitcat Government, he woOW not Lave been roaeired. All quiet. The Pope ie said to have expressed a de. sire to retuta to Rnme, and the Freud Government had ordered a strew frigate proceed to Portion, to be placed at tl.a Pon tiff'. dupoeal. . At -counts from Italy state Clot t'.e P was taw cted at Doenorente shout tie 301 of l)e t ober. • IMPORTANT FROM MOROCCO. y •mete from fitl.rultne, there spy w ,... o be a likelthood of tear between the Fmoc and th Emperor or Muroteb: The Frene corral bad left 'snider., sod Mere been reports of Fteoch eine' of war, set ing for the toast of Murome, to .s1 the demands made by the Republic. 'RUSSiA AND 11CNGARY.-+-Itappe that Ruse dive ds of the Suites of T key, that the llentgar:,n Refugees shall located ins the 10(1,1ot of Candle, Of - ptaes Morio'ent fair tweet; a strict veillaece over titer tido%•. Any of i Refugees wile etoees may gs to Fria Illegtantl. • We have re sweeties that if Most Illustrious and most Powerful Sove- reign, and Podiackuh of f • • Onomose: Aware of the sedimenta of peer Majes- ty, 1 cannot J•,nht of the part•cipatioa you have takes in ilio happy t' res;nation of Otte attentive war which has so load devastated Hungary. 1 hasten to announce to you thie great event, in which my troops took 60 •clivg a pert.. it will terve, 1 trust, to inangnnte a wow era -to pit an sod to the calamitme wMcb a revolutionarycotes bas created m the ,neial and point I world. All IV*. anar- chical cumuli a e•+ gretutinetele pm/0k.d, have steals t "ted so tnawy remit, have created se much mieerie and eeffswee, that the people, woes earare sow opened, mamma, to Metrereturn of order, cosIdeece and ,tearer. The Magyar imperfection did sot only meow* Om eti.tetiee of the empire of Aus- tin,,.tthe integrity of w ch cerotitute 00 eat ial a eat in the political MI re, bet by itecoein"xies with the di/eren re volutionary coatroom of tie coati tit, especially with the Polish propagated,, the formidable ineorreelioo timed at rho very root of social order, where tae ooly and last reroutes was es sprat to same. Free tole meement 1' ee'M ret • besittt.