HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-29, Page 3ea
Lam eruas at'a nig Lamous."•aw °f I SEIZURE OF ' E CNIEFJI,STIC1,
the Lea upuem. et She late eetghsata
speecb is *Mal bea MIS
pideeibe Peet 1.0,t.Ms
tutting. ieoed it setr4'l to quote from
Mature, iiia u same Ms
autn.Mq,MboM• sod Meted that
is 'easthe drew'eastthe celebrated
American Hwtee(s., $&bereft ; whireupue
the Leaguers let upsets, law, how, haw!
bar, ?lest. Isar !
Now, d anythms had been wanted,
prove 'bat the leagurs are a pack of wool -
(trod arses, It oswhlteweehrd bullfrogs,
Hite exhibition of unmitigated iguorseee.
sou low Can when vulgrrity, would suffice
to sump them of the very prime brand. -
Nu man, (deny hterarr' pretensions, in the
_weevil day, in either Europe or Amer+e.,
could be found ignorant of tiredistin-u+ebed
reputation of Bancroft, either as so impar-
tial and reliable historian. or in elegant
clese'c English writer. -Mirror.
St. Loth, Nov. 16-P. M.
The steamer Constitule a, which arrived
here this morning, from New Orleans, bid
upwards of thirty cues of cholera nn board
seventeen of which proved fatal belie the
steamer tote red the landing.
The steamer Janata Hemet hes also ani
veal, with a sumer of,caties of cholera on
board. She has been prohibited from lead •
tog by the pub!ic authorities., and is now
lyrog oo the opposite bile of the riser.
The arrival of vessels to -lay with the
cholera on board, has pro.:uced c tnnderable
excitement in the city, and every precaution
ta.being made to keep It without Its hoots.
The mayor has also ordered all boats arriv-
ing from below, to Smoot in the stream, un-
til they can be examined by the proper o614
-.- From -the Globe,
intelligence has bees received by Govern-
ment from Capt: Anderson, Indian Agent,
that some disturbatrco 1*.. accosted in the
mining disricts on lake Superior. The
dtlIic 11, has arisen from a claim made by
the Indians to the land granted, by License
of the Provincial Government. to the nois-
ing eompantee. Mr. Allen McDoneII, for-
nserlc Sherrif of the Gore District, has been
re -t ling for rime rears in tblt country
am i,P the Indians. end has bees elected a
Caul. Tits Featlomae aa1 his brother,
ens a 4r. Metcalfe as far as we ran learn,'
else continued a steadfast member through l.e.-
It v,: been at the hca 1 of t''c Indio move- LShe also experienced ibe blended of ►necutiea-
ment, la cnnldndieg for the n_•ht to the 11 ion. the p..vaes+ton of wb:ch she serer lost, but
mining land° -int it is -a •!, we hope mc,r. retained • •ince of Gid's great power eten toiler
Int moment.
1n 1o11, the Lord eat" fit to remove her com-
panies from her,. sad being left weir sox small
children, the stroke wasa severe one; but being
surrounded by kind friends, mrd coloring the
grace promised by the Gre.tJler d of the Church,
ah. bore it with becoiw,nly forti:ale. During
this year I became acgaainted web her ■nd in
truth add, she was admired by her acquaintances,
es:ecmed by ber cosnectiona, sod now being re-
moved, sincerely regretted by her bereaved chil-
dren and afflicted companion. Asa wee. she
was truly affectionate : as a mother, loving and
kind ; as • stepmother, onserpaseed ; and as a
chrisriao, of undoubted eineerile. Her Meow
wasenuured with a great deal of patience. Fully
prepared -fur her change, she often expressed •• a
desire to depart and be with Christ :" and when
the eateral kelup of he husband prompted an
expressions of desire for her continued companion -
Whip in this vale of tears, she w, old reply, •• Lei
me go : if 1 stsy 1 may woo be as well prepared
as 1 an. sow ;" then, wiping the tears nom the
( h efng c .pan on would say
Ws ar R s that am bloomer
Chief Justice Robinson is PON devised by
(Is attest Slates Autltoriti•s. The cause
of bee misers forbids the thought of her
long dilatation. An Americo geotlrrnso
purchases for ire own use six gallons of
ketch wbiske-, and some wise and brandy
in bottle., at one of t, e store• in 'Toronto,
and commits them 4o the care of one of the
odic.re of the Chief Justice ; the latter
gives tofu the bandit of ouo of the Custom-
buuae *(Been a correct statem°ut "1 this
part aloe cargo, aldeetIlf no cuticeal anent,
and eotertaimug no fear. This surely was
o case not calling r the severe rheas .-
adopted. 1t o !yht have been neces1ry to
forbid the leading of these good+, and to re-
mind the parties of the ru.tenr a of taus
arab !Wan the int roduetioa of these artaclee
in stub email quantities ; but the eeuure of
the veseel dues seam an extreme measure.
We shall be happy to a0sounce the rprciy
release of the vessef.-Glelc.
RoeAL i:Foin:ass.- L•:ut. Cu:. Strent-
6.1 has ashes fur Canada, to assume the
etIonian..1 the department at K ngeton, 1D
c..necqueoce of the death by cholera, of
I.reut. Col. Fcnwtck.
11 T The B.veot4estb• Lena blotting of the
Huron District B•lldtug Society, will take place
on Saturday, the I. Dee.
Mr Editor Sir l send you the !o lowing rr• eery
coated from the Guardian hopeieg you wait give
It a place in year u,elull sed widely extended
Popper -The reaona for my wishing • publicacy
of the some is fur • report in some perm of Code -
riche and it. vicinitey that 1 left living wife in
the west in dwoing you will Coferr a grate
favour on an unworthy friend
From the Christian Guardian.
Departed this life, on the Sib February, 1847,
after a bogeriag and painful illness, EVE, wife
of John S. Cox.
Mrs. Cox was the fourth daughter of George
and Catharine Reynolds, who were early settlers on° the Thames Circuit. Their daughter Eve was
faun Feb. IGih, lout/ and, in the 19th year of
her ■gr, was united in marriage to Mr. J. Col-
lins. Herself and partner experienced the par-
don of their sins two years .utaegnent to their
union, soder the labors of the Rev. Thomas Har-
mon. Haring attached herself to the Church,
rec'Iv. that w th about 100 armed Indiana
aod half breed+, they left Sault St. Marie
'on the 9th Inst., for Mica Bay, aid that
they *ere 'boot W attack the elation of the
tlitehec alining company and drive otT the
re •dere.
No definite it,fnrm*tion has as yet been
te•eierd,hut w ha• v e have stated Is undo ibt•
elly c•rrrec'. No conflict has oeeured.-
Mr. Charles Thompson of this city happen-
ed to be at the .cane of disturbance at the
time, and prem•, with Captain Anderson
aod Captain Fraser, to have acted with
great promptitude. The steamer Cure was
immediately taken either route and dispatch•
rd with the information to Government ,and
e+on after the news reached town a body of
troop+ were under ..arch for Sturgeon Kay,
w here the Gore awaits their arrival. Es
citing rumours hire been circulated as to
the force of the Indians sand the 'malaise
ad b It we
pi6 I IiITI0Ot 184'
H=AVE jet received from the EUROPEAN end AMERICAN MARKETS, •se ii the Chasp-
s rAI'L AND TAB y 7 ID 111 = D O S u
Printed Calicoes, Printed dlsshs., Dcl.eiue ties Cashmeres, B•Izi yeas, B.rege.sad Cnf•e.
*luny anal Orleans ('loibi. Alpaca" of all colon, of beautiful styes.
Milks, Sono., aid dans 'Faroe, Worked Cap., Collars Beast,iul Lison Lem* god Lace
Linen Las is and H.dker hies. and Cuff., Goode to .u:ety,
Linen Cambric* end Ilandkerehiet°, I adios Booth
d Shoes. G loo til d Hosie,yR iaboas. .
Seise, Book, e'rd towner Muslles, Duce
_1 Splendid Ass.ortrnent of Shawr-Is.
i -t
OF l'lNF', FIRM. AND DC/CO-OLE : aL'ItIC'Aq, OF F'Abalt)\AUI, ., rYl,l:d.
Beautiful and Fast Colours, and at primes that will imprint all purchaser. for Cheapness. Faso•
ivaable'rrowaeri°ga. Do. %.soup Cotton mid L.uiS. Wool Drawers and Shirts
1P (OAF . VI'lsT$ AM) TK1)VV-1E104.
STOCKS, Fcarfilod Ildkfa, Irish Ides./s•
Ilse CAPS i! ' Flare°. Eugli.:., f'teo,L sod
4111C17. C - l 11Lm' BE Ni t '
Table Linens, Towellites, Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Coyntcr-
panes, 111arsailies, Guelph Damask Flannels and Blankets.
and 500 RAGS Roper.or Liverpool SALT, all oiwhieh will be sold at very redec•d Prices for
CASH or Marketable Farm Produce. Yr-e43tf
Goderich, 24th November. 1019.
and Woollens of every Small Warne, Hosiery,
Description nod I LACES,
quality. .Vo. 19, DUND.IS-ST., 1 Sewed Good+, &C.
Londos, C. W. 28th November, 1849 vI- -
Grocers, T'i'ne Merchants, Fruiterers,
AND f)11. II EN,
B. & Co. rr.pectfully solicit the attention of their numerous customers sad the Public. to
H. their present large and care ully selected of Sleek and Green TEA. Mu eoi iF. [sh-
oed, and Crashed SEGA RS, 011 Government, Jars, mad Lag•yrs COFFEES.
growth 1849. Fresh Spices 1103 Groceries
Their Stock of WINES is also very complete-cnn.tetin: •,f SANDEMAN & Co OM-t11ASl
& C.+. HUNT'S Soffer. rid Port. DUFF GORDON & Co., and DEMPSTER'3 Pile. Gold-
en. and Beown Sherrie.:. BLACKBURN'S and WOOD do Co's Madeira,°Champaign, Claret,
Pak, sed Brown Cognac, Jarsaica Ram, Schiedam. London Porter. and Edinburgh Ale. All of
whieb will be found of the b'.t qualities, and sold at exceedingly moderate prices
I.19T OV Lei -ruts
t.NAIAlttlaalw dm Peet ufrte. at Stashed
$p tr 7t: November, 1841.
beret Truett Meelgnmery Wm
1re May b1ie1.e1
Dakar rat. 9 JI.ehan 1) tt'I
▪ am/ Alex Malloy %l..,
aartbel John Molls Andrew
S eebio, Jobe MrGree•'► Alex
Dartbrel Val McL•ta Chea
Cashier! 1Vu. t NIKuller Ib,rrati
Cary James M' Tsv!a't .1!. x
Mak: ea.! i'igy
Keels..,. Matb•:w
Curiae Henry
Cerro! %frit
Corti. (1 ad 1 )gleby Ruht
('o.11er Sand I'atlafeon rite,
Chowea 'I'!,oruas Pattern Jahn
Chow es John . 1'lir:►n 11.Lu' [
Collin Jai.. . 9 Park .lndrew
Can error %1 to I'h'•!a' J ha
Clidrr4 D Pl.el'n imam
Dooau'we Sand Purdy Gra
Dell :bo.tgh Madams Bebe'{,us J wres
Dhkwon Geo Ni y P:drte I
F.n'Jlcob1 Thus l.,rdger 1Vtu
1•'M1ur, Corti': heed rein
1'dap.ttick Mtchacl Reed -304
Lira . stns 1 din Itnaebi air. .
t:nrtrc.e Geo t--,..; c'n•i. C. ,
I learrnir (:eo F:t ,:,''ll
S •ort It •+ eau
1I:Lbert T
hour;,bury F Stock .fuhn
Ilewrt Arthur
l lay D
Ilays John
Juhnern Wm
Kenny Cornelius
K•rtbner loin
Kenny Thus
Kerr Nor.
Kaotner Peter
Kerry Vat
Lehman Chris
A. F
Stratford, Nov
Stuck J• ecu b
Sm :h 5''d[t,m
S'•I el Minot
14'; wart Peter
hauLo Michel
Stream Donald
S zcland 11'I Ilam
Teak^rn 1VII:iain
Turner Jeme. e
Whelan Peter
. MICKLE, I us!mas:er.
. 7th, 1'49.
W11.L he reeueed 00 behalf of the Downs
C.ueeit for the Dt.uica •( Home, by
Witham hush,, Esq , Wanks, and lora-tai \ w
Egmont, flay., Ritchie, Lamb, Bit. Ca•ltag.
Carta, acd H.dgin•, District Cm..'..Iles., '•r
the Subscriber, los he Perlwmeeteebbe Yiiew-
,, 1\ urk., the amo'ot of which will le paid ra
('..I,, ,•i, .M tail cen:pletiva of the same.
7 neves will be opeerd et else Bedford Arnie,
Harperbcy, T..kmauuk, ea Tuesday, 4th lk
comber sett, at b4 o'cl ick, too°, ion *be loa..w-
n g. 0:z :
Line of Ron.' between Houk t sed Me-
Ki1Mp, for of rang ar d r •roewaylayl'.
6rc. \u• 1_ 1'o, .., eg .. .Ls ilurna 11 .nal
ant .1 .01 est t i.e aid :Sed f erth..sa1tJ
to Me nor r.f the 6•h Coto, osier.
See. N.•. 2 I attending !Ares end ie -e g*aiik
rules In the rear .,f the 11th ('est rets. oe.
Sec. No. 3_ Eve, ding has mites so the northern
Boundary of we Tewnelsies.
2n1. Line of Rood Wooer, Teckeremitb and
I llbin r', L'rboror and 1'Itckrrein:'h to Loathes
St c N 1. Cowie/go-leg nt the Huron Road
a . extend ria rl.'.e .red th,er f mi i:me/es
,,. he per e1 ibe6h Callen.,...
+tr• N. Y. riVelidit4gt:ir,. sadth.re Juana
,n•'.. in ,l.. reale .o the 12.1 l;nnrwton.
• \ , Y. F.s .'..:,ne l+sr mitis an the l•cth
es.. a:.4:•' '•1 Toe:L•n-so, u, teems elves•°
between T..t it-trl..4e °ad L'aberne a
Lt..d... Road.
TENDERS n ,i1 lie "*.sled of Mr. Jacob Wil-
son's Tavern, London Road, Hay. n
ridgy rte Atli Decemh•r next, a1 It.'
tee •1re/,•I:nw•nr• v'x :
- Td. Tana...* Itoad Th csgh Cid-erne
ton is blitchrll Road for •petting ens
Sec. Nn. L 1'. , neseiag •t the 1..'i
s ,d , *irn1 u firs sal 1A•esf
to ell. ,e r e( r;ie Erb CO*Crseln
L•I• ivand I1.
Sec No Eatr:.d'trg (4101 .tad i
b..w.en 1.o'e20°edYl
frt.. No. 3 Farend ngMres eel awe
m. the .•net.rly aide of Lot air ,n
Sre."Nti, 4. F.xen, n i (Ares rid t
taikc w 'he Mitchell read a ]!'.
4th. Line of Road betwee• Stanley
Sec. No. 1. Cnn.meo.iog ai tl'e lion
and extending tae, and threefite+•A
to the westerly ehk of Lot o
See. Fo. 2 Extending nye aadforty-
era wife in the westerly side .•f 1
Sec. Nn. 3. Emending awe and
ei2Ftirds veile to the we..rly ride 0
1 Sec. Nn. 4. I:xt tiding pus awl
eightieth .tile to the w„Nerly Bide n
Sec. No. 5 Extending ems .sad a
f eightieth milt to L.kr Huron,
lord* of the Towavh;pa.
5th. Liue of R a.! --between Hay end
Sec. No. i About 7 or 5 ni.!. of Cad
'semi. Wil-
' n'.ds•'•
.Mick, °rat,
ereer y.
STRAY STEER. -Strayed from the sub -
1^ -7 about thea last of July last, -A
a while face, enek'd horn,, four veer old
en:niCJ fire. Ile had been worked a little.
Any information re■pr.iIflg him will le
thankfully received. rod chargee paid.
ROBERT KARR, 5th Con. l'et Line
Township Goderich, Nov. 12, 1849. 41
- TRAIT!) trot. +ire HURON HOTEL.
nn Saturday evening, SOrlt Oc'tober,-
A YOKE OF OXEN, one Black end one
Red -Large Strong. anunsls. The Black
one has a white spot on the rout of the tai
-the red one hos bevy 1'roe wide borne-
-end walk+wide in the hind Iega. •
Godeneh, Nes,. 12, 1349.. 9c -n41'
8th Not (niter, 1912.
ARC in Receipt' of, by revert arrivals
Montreal, Iron, En1land,
arra miles
and 11ay
d • R. ail
.oi 13.
t Lot :7.
fLot 23.
at '
TENDF,RS will be opened et 111r.
f Flanagan', Te.vern, London (toad. Me(:
.art Theisen-, .1,e 6th December ne
o'clock. noon, for of a following, .12.:
G:h. Liu til Road between 1.... 15 an
a', et 12
'1 particularly ,elected in Manchester, for the rear of the 16th Concneinn, thence
their Ret.:l Trade,.", ly •long !Int ('onceasioo to the norilerl
Their Sock of $-1R iRON, "of the hest 1"'tlth enneee•lOf, thence westerly °l.
Crown Brand." and 'SHELF HARDWARE', a °{ 21'Rif aencu.he line
rlyt1 Road flu+ le
have received cit taideyable addition,, both T„win Incibetuere b1c(liilie sin Wil
d 16 to
7 end n(
sg that
torr 20
I to the
o (toad
g !Arra
of the
of English and United - States Manufacture. Sec No. 1. L'ummenrog,at the Lomido
Frt.m New Yolk. they ha.e receive) their between lots 15 and 16. extendin
snook -or 1t1ES,eonu'ietinc of .redthrrs•J'or.rthmites to the ria
('VESTS TEA, of. various' Qualities.. 10th Concneren.
No. 21, Dandies Street. BOXES TOB:t O, ' do do Sec. No. 2. Extending three .1.d three
11E RAC" LST i 1E3 l.I\kTT® I LOXES L SUG'OR face lac bis
a.m .
ik{ t
2u -8th
to (fes
y and
mita In the rear of the 161h enn+•ee.
eyes o her sorru i u. - mita to the westerly side of let
•• D.. not pray fir my 'eout.nu HARDWARE 2r -n40 -6t
eonrreeino -
whole flambee
world 'oar reparation will not set
. ) - Sec 1u. 3. F.:tendin three .ad • Arll es
AID IMPORTERS OF All of which will be dia'po•ed ,•1 for MONEY g
or PRODUCE. at Low Rates. the westerly ti sot lot 5 -8th con
Sheffield, Birmingham, Wolverhampton. and New England , bee. No. A Eareedin (Art .red tire
: -
Sheffield, 91.B..EYiuLR c..
pec, via, w i they have made, but , he
believe, w+tbnnt any Gsendallon. The
ber of ;reboot tit= in that part of the
i , - n "'"""t s •+i o. Shortly Leto
C)lgtry dues I. +; err 1110102, 000 to Z.
snit •hr rep rt '1 has:^,r been r k" n ,ol.,r. b- , " o ,h a clear and Jlaio 1 + ,,, •
i `III. Subscriber ie r' torn;. t I is mot sincere t1'illiams.
from the 11 lo .n Il.c Cent any's establish. C 1 P` I 'lir ale 4-r for rale, wed Priers 1 ,•ry .11fider rlr: ` ,• {. noire. for I -
edstaymthm 1V
loon -we iron; 11 Tio, t ...t 71n'. 9pelttr, r v 177 i I See. No 5sou. Extending two and a hnI,
re herald„ulu- feel. ('opPer' I FAS • • 1'iJ S • 1 1
A°eilr, V'rar, Nail., I Wire, G!ase, f Cordage, 3add!rty. I • • L • • • s' u.berly between luta 20 and 21,
Town Gree between \teGillivra
it ✓
men', is we believe, ioenrrect.
The origin of Ibis aiimr Is e.)tre:v traca-
ab:e to th • ecandalou+ meaner to which the
late 0,vernmcnt, during the reign of So
Charles Me'ealfe, mismsnatel the mineral
lands of Like Soperwr. To please C'Yl.
John Prinee, and other of their needy.erip-
porters-without any Inquiry se to then
rights to the lands -without any knowledge
ollherr extent or valve-wtthotit any at-
tempt to settle with the In Ilan eJaiman's-
w:thoo! ex rein! any yeti led terms of (wee-
pattoe-these valuable regions were dt.idel
out tdfla' !thole of re...cadre miles' and ce-
ded to textile individuals with the exelu.i,e
right of mining ! The lands might have
tuned o at to bo worth rnllllona5but watb-
out a thought they were lavished on politi-
cal f; lends and :he foe simplo was absolute-
ly surrendered afterward. for four shillings
per aere.
The favenred license•holders banded to-
gether and'formed mining compeniee. The
agents of these companies took po.arsaion
n immediately
.nn. and of their 1 meat +, 7
the Indians -,lured up, no doubt, by the
whites among them -lard claim to the lands,
when the present Go,ernmeat came Into
office, they found there cleima before them,
aod;'ictrng on the high and proper feeling
wli ch has ever intneneed the British Gov-
ern:went in thetr t Ilona with the tribes
they felt every disposition 10 meet all rea-
sonable claims winch could be preferred In
their favour. On enquiring into the
poetises of the matter, N • was feuod that
their prodeee°°ors, the late Conservative
Government. hod investigated these very
Indian claims, and in a long report to the
Head of the Government, had gives their
opinuoa that they rested on an just founda-
tion, and ought not to be entertained. The
present Administration were to a measure
fettered by this decision but being pressed
by the agents of the Cleimeete sed feeling
that !Mere was some fore. in their argimente
they appointed a eemremmem, coset.atng of
Cap. Andersen and Mr, 'Alexander Vidal.
to inquire unto the justice of the claims aod
engem. some amicable mode of settlement.
The Comie'miosers have been engaged In
this work ter NOM rime, aod have sugges
ted term'. of compronrime-aceept*bfe, it
would appear, to a portion of the Indians.
bot not to olbre. The tweak at tete
Swill, At. Marie is no doubt got up by eke
imitate to cures • Ntllement ; and, Ib sgh
every tare should, and esdeebtedly will be
taken, to maintain the pewee, we do not ea.
Octave* soy mama dtlurbiuoe°.
We ebaorve en 'rhea in yesterday's As
triol on this ',Opel, which la edtated* to
• have a most iejetiope tendency on the a t.
tlemeot of this affair. Tbis is a ¢meat
which all parties ,boold desire to see
quickly and amtcabIy settled, and out of
which pnlitieel capital cannot fairly be for-
eed. Whether OM charge of " proersetine•
non and Wavle., esedid," preferred by
the Pearled agaais4 eke present Govern
stent ie the settee, e.eld eat math a thou•
seed times mu* jostles be implied te the
PateisVr heads, the 009100e0e11 von have
now gives will abusdaMet7 New.
o .hr res tial e•toru,. • %%heir .hall n t Agit.
-a thing that die has iso: beta able t • du lura -_. ,
year before. Calling me to her bedside, she ria- ' ALT. -The Subscriber. offer Inc Sale I,00*) Barret Fiee Oeetadago Belt, jail loaded, ex ' Os
iced peer sevent of nor coo fried to regaeumg me
to ret; Item not w give up a praying life, sod to ► enols." a, 0ewrgn. Also
met: her !a Heaven. 70 Bhls. Si. ['bee Salt, well & fapted for Paekiny'porpne... 511 Rego Fine Livrpoel Salt, in
O. the night of the 4111• her cough crated a hags of 2.20 lie. each. 200 Bags Floe Derry Salt, weigh 94 Us. eachi. friers
IRKS L irk.
rattling •nine -1, and D••n!h vieib!y ad•.nced in
bis work of des:ruction. At tine time the ema-
ciated arms of :he dying Christian were nprai.ed,
the kends clasped, and the voice proclaimed-
" Glory, glory to Jesus'." several times. " On
two imbuement orcasioneL the enemy of souls
fiercely ao'a.ilie.l. but WOK 'triumphed: and as
the •aqui,hed r,ewrrired, the victor gratelully ex-
claimed, " Thawbe to Got who g•ne'h as the
victory." Witt, co,np...ore the greed was
named by het where •be wished to be butted, u
well as the person whom she desired to preach
her funeral sermon. To leer two eldest duch-
ies" she committed her family: aod lingerie(
until the f.J.:wing morning. the exp;red on the
5'h, sorrnuedrdby weeping relatives and friends.
Her remains were interred on Sabbath, the 7th,
on the east book of the beaoifal St. Clair. -
The Rev. Mr. Cogehall, as Americas Metho-
dist Minister, officiated, preaching from Cor.
xv. 96-" The Int enemy that shall be destroyed
" Thou, bright Religion, cans* alone
O'er Death's assaults prevail :
Caught on thy radiant shield of faith,
1 saw his arrows fail.
Sweet cherub ! thou. o'er pallid grief,
Can't comfort's balm diffuse :
And from the tomb, where virtoe sleeps,
To Heaven exalt our views
Upheld by thee. my Eve hu cioe'd
Serene ber spotless life :
Pied the fond husband, to her God,
Aegiped his angel -wile.
Religions hope dispels the *ears.
By grief to memory given ;
The love that virtue rear'd oa'earth,
is perfected is !leaves."
John S Cox.
Wallace -burgh. March 12th, 1847
London, 28:1. November, ie49.
WANTED. -5,000 Buelwle'T1310THY B..ED, for which the the Highest Price in C.1S11
will be paid HOPE: BIRRELL & Co.
Ludes, 28th November, 12.19. 2v-43 Prod°ee Merchants.
11 TANTEDJ !-5,000 POUNDS OF WOOF. Apply. to '
II V HOPE, 81R1(ELL & Co. Prolyre Merchants.
Lopdve, 28th November, 1949. 2v -n43
Q'iebee papers of yeslsrdey report the lora
of the .9gnrss 4' Ann on the island of Anti
cwt i, on the 90th ult., during a snow storm
-master and crew waved, the, cargo, coo
matting of timber, sad wreck were sold at
Moatresl, Bird Nov. -.7 P. M.
FLone.--Sale° daring the week chiefly
for ennrumptiee. Some small shipment'
in the United State.. Good brand sopor•
fine In demand at 90e fad. a 90. 9d ; extra
Wwas'r.-But little demand unless for
geed samples.
Peas Se 81 a 2.4.1.
' £.ss... -Pearl. steady at 34. Ada Bits
lig. Pots» demand et 110e 4id.
? ar o stn, Nov. 28r4 1849.
Ft.oea Ate changed hands freely this week
at 18e 91 a 111 for gond mperose in store ;
mow naev8es tees M. Miner.' eeperfne
to bag} i9. a 20e, dere ori' ie bogs tied
Or fid a 16. 9d.
Wwasr.-T7a only N falling at
price paid 8. *4 ade1
Firemen a.-.PasMeaber to )(mistime, 9d;
Montreal, le 41 per bel. for floor.
1 their mosilih'* t patrnua_r. bre+ leeve to in -
form them shat he hes jaws 1 t11'ORTED • choice
Litt of TEAS, &c., which he offers for Sale Inc
C.%'411. BUTTER, W 0 0 L. TIMOTHY
SEED. WHEAT. . or env tither kind of Produce,
tower than evere8'
rredhere before.
FTIHE next Divisive Cetus for the Iiuecn Duerict will he held at the times mod placetefo1-
1 lowing:-
Dfrin..w. Placeof isi4reg Covet. , tote. Clerks Hume.
1st. Court ho ao Goderich. i"t Dec., A. F. 211nrgeo, Erb., Clerk.
2d. Donkis'e TolerHeron Road 31st October. Rcbert Cann, Esq., Clerk.
1st November. George William.,
Clerk. Rrxd'• T Stratford
Ith. Quiets' Toyer* Lewd** Road. 8th November. George Carter, E,q., Clerk.
5th. Ratter.bury's Tanen, Chat, o. 711* November. James Gordon, Esq., Clerk.
6th. School house S. Mary's. 16th October. tamer Coleman, Esq., Clerk.
The Stump of the Several Comte wit: comrmefee panetull, at 11 o'clock. A. M.
J. n. C.
Goderich, 19th Sept, 1849.•
t tM
STRAY STEER.- into the r°rle.orc;Hunm District Building Society..
of the 9.heeriber about threr month. ages„THE SEVENTE:F,.VTJH LOAN MEETING
A RED STEER, with the tip raids tail white,EOF the Society' wall take place at the
Poise had ol
rse fo.r ad. The owner ea. preys Bnti.h hotel, on Situidey the 1't
property asd pay elusion LOUISA DUNLOP. Dec. at 7 o'clock, P. It.
Colborne, Nov. •14, 1819. v2 -n43 I By7HOrdl)a1r.ra,
S i;1•DD,
---------_-' I Goderich, Nov.22, 1849 teen":
%STAYED from the Snhneriber the 1.1
ekry of August bait, a RED iHE1FF,R,
Oooaascrt, Nee. 29, 1649- des year old past, with a white face, w•dh a
£. • d. £ e d.!few red emits on the face, and whtte belly,
Flour per herr'''. (i• bW) 8 17 6 a 0 16 0 land • piece of the left car tskeu off. Any
riflemen 1001b, (farmer") 8 9 a 0 9 0 person leering information at the Signal
Felt Wheat per bushel, O 3 0 • 0 3 1 !person well hr Pali.fled for their troahlo.
Spring Whet perbe'h. 0 2 6 • 0 4 pi JO11N '4 VAGI tet Con. Godecieh.
Oma, pit M.hel, 0 A 9 • 0 0 •10 w, 91. iB49. tt-n42tf
roue, per Washed, 0 1 9° 0 1 101
H°'' per 10., 1 to 0 • 1 o 07 IS' STRATFORD BREWERY.
Boater (kasha pre
Better is the keg, per lb. 0 0 5 a 0 0 6 1T •ek owle'dib nm .sh remtni°tIlia
anr•n sincere
Moslroal. Yid Nov. 1849. #Stratford, mei m
in his eusloera generally. for
Egmont -No sales worth reporting. ih. I.benl p•Irnaige whiehi he hu received dur-
Aahss-Pols in good demand and reareeli.g ibe brae pother:
kas bore M Aaw•esa: wirlrrr en
at 1B• ltd a 36. MI
Perla 32. fid and.ioiiwrN that the improved •rraageeea which
scarce. ] T' _ bare recently been mak io Me establwhmeai.tn
CAt L 1) 1) E S' E if, -ii- u iBC111 retable him to make • snprnor quality of
F.R, seal tirnistwill sun aver 'n• a• entitle
Oli THE Menu or Wow oar, res 14th lea A411bis w halite erto n•iraeajnyesarien lid eksa e booi•ewdek
e d.
(AR e•M oa the following morning, J. P Vivi Ali.
A. F M+nle°° mohaadn
ther seoed her infest th• 10.4.01, Nee, 28, 180. e'3 -n43
ieektnowey of t[M wwnbrt, oed the .eotld'a ebar.
ily. by I.eetag Ft us tit, sleep pen The .hist Ct TRAY STEM -I. -Strayed from *1w nb-
was tam eppmestly sheet her day° old, and to a 101 seethe, saner Hoe Rest of Oetebee leo, a
ihrivieg. healthy eead,tiee. Aay Pellet .MIDARK RCD STEER. (heed nrady Meek),
will give soak w !.
laferirmniea will •d to libellee yew:, old. A. penes ``iv,•g imhreratioa
ceea►ie,l°n e(,I*' „„,,,,,„0 sn•ih.r, will «oeiIt+ef Ilse said steer will Iw aail•Ae.[ Inc their'rnnhle.
4 Reward of Tea retied" I's►r.att. JOSEPH MelNTTRE.
JO«BUA CALLOWAT Mb w. fat 1e.. 8,
B•yfveid, 97th Riv.saher, 1114.9 t. -•elf CeAees., Nee. 18, 1016, •2-n4.1
And FIN:: SALT for Sale. rbeap for Cash.
OmIrreh, May 10th 1249. 2t -n18
B1T; /INGiNG!n the sohocrii,er. between
his Store and. the Diyteion Court Of.
:ice, on Friday last; 13th instant,
\'iz.: One JOiNT NOTE agalnat Juin
E00 is and CHARLES DtIoiuiRTV, for ..1:3-18.
9.1„ drawn eat.hk to J once Phelan i r
hearer, and endorsed by James •':+clan, part
! .,,car►
.via,-A.,o, one wg*titre \IicnARL ST
Bi'ck Smith, Inc £3 12. Gd„ -drawn tia'a
ble to Christu*o Satter, or bearer, written
in German, alio past due. 'Phis is to cau-
tion any person from purchasing the sante,
or the above parties pacing the Notes to
ane person brit the suhreriber,-and any
person finding the above Notes will much
oblige thesubecribcr by returning them to
hem. THOS. M. 11.1LY.
RtrotfftJ, ],.:y Ic:), 1819. 2v-;i30tf
13 )' A (-T1/nR l 7'.Y.
Plane, Specifications and F,rm, of Tende••,
may he seen at tett office of the Subeeri!,rr, n
('.aderich. rix days before the dace of letting.
Tinders mu..t specify the ,unib.r of Kerion
it -littered fir. F,.rn,a of teod_rs w be had of tha
.ahem bar.
The time for finishing the foregoing week r
to the lit day of October. 11•59.
The entire number of section, into which each
work n:ay be divi•'ed meet Ire finished before oh. .
amount of any union ego he paid.
11,'i%ID SMITII, District S'uneyor. 1
furvevnr's Mice,
Goderieh. Sib Nov. 1849. 2.-0413.4
Notice to • Crediton.
a 1,1. Perron• howler Claims gismo SIIPII VIJRPILLAT. of too T
ship of North Ea•thope in the Iloroo
tract, a:0 requested to hand them to
Subscriber for Examination end Ad .t+tit.
W1L1.1.111 SCOTT. A•,igse
Fur the L.tate of Joseph Vtarpil
ilan,burg, 27th Sept. 1649. Sana
heriff s Sale of i.autl
iIUlt N DISTRICT, ( CIN M•+nday the
'Co \1'it : j Fest Day of
ticteh.er nett, will fee Sols It else C. tits
Rome at tete i;anl of the ••nr •,r 1e •vire. it,
t hit 'Town ':f Gnter.eb, at Coe hour ,t to elv•
o el'R 1; noon, the onJerrw.'nl,oaed LANDS
tl':ltt toe ' l'rowel:are anti aD;)utl•'nal'C0•
th••rrnnt„1„•:•'t,giiK,hy 41.11I0 1.1 ("111.
1'endt(i.*i ?:Amass, IoeucJ not attic Court
set Qu. 'en's Dench. and In me directed, s1
the reetveetiva elute of Ito .s Robe, teem.
R•+brrt Motherwell. Jo:.s i,:,:octan, hent..
on••. htc., a'nl lames (Tel te,mi I'it.tit
11' 1 by t•'8iii •,f two LY els nl' 3're ril;oai
F.rpniens sheer] not of Dor M.je-t.,'r 11 ,edit
Ihetrict C,nirt, and to rare dr'eele,l, et tn.
te.petuvo scats til Roller% Park aha 4..p1'.:.
Calloway, Plater era, es. Julia Ann K,ppes
and Amclioe 5V. Aipi'en, i3.f:nih n 0, t•
wit., a part soil portion et R'rxk (D fn oh.
Township of C di,o-sun• W,•etern irn.t•vi
Iluron lit+true', ct ntammg 1'wn 11.mdre,
Acre• of Land more or Ir.-.
]NO. Illrt)*)NAI.D,
Sheri.. ' 1.•, 'n
Situ .nor o (hared,
(3 iderich, ISO Int,. 1819. $ 9' -n20
POST PON F. h17. \ T.
Th. above Sale as Posipmwl to Jae.ary 1st.
12 1011 N M••D:)`I.\Iry
Sheriff, Ilam* Diatrict.
heaerves Orrwe. 1
Onder.h, Sept. 90, ISO y ,8a331d
1. lit
J(1 -
Dir -
THE Subscriber bees to iatornt the
of Goderich and its vicinity, they he has
crime' • Lire 8°pp'y of the LATE!.T F
which he offer. Inc SALE at re'v
aruccr..O PRICES rote CASH.
The Subscriber dsa keep. on bead, as eats
et bis OLD STAND. a LARGE sad ae.y Ila
per;or aroorinwnt of
N IV RE of eve'ry tleicripf int
Th. ash.rriler rube* eh;.'grroorenit% •f vane
wog Le r•nern tl.auk, res the Public h., ,he ter
Itberrl patreuazr be he= tee. lied eine. he •
been (n buwinee. in G,w1-rleh, and hope -'by s.::,
attention to Irwin• -a, sal mid' •at, p e••e, if
res'.Glu• t„ Irre,te a stat. 01 the p•'Mfr women
N It. -Gil LINING, I,t IYTINf;. (.1.A -
ZING, PAPE:R a91 G1 1.1. It t • r:i\r: a tri.
ea a+ herr/ohne. WILLIAM WI 4 IKY
G..Mi,•h, fah Sept 1019. 21-n34.1
hia FRAY tl'1'El1t,-('.me 10n'nn out• -
a 1 r+• of Ilio :,1!.r. rb• : on . he 20th at
• 1.•Wlter Ie.1-.1 'r 1 aod . ' to (es LOA
Sltlr, *hunt fire te.,r. out Toe ....set of
tM ab.iv* Steer cart c••me and take him as.*
!7 Iwo.img yr pier. end wt roe a *rv.11
G.olettrll t.h N••a. 1vrn.
3 4 Con. 1. t N,.. 11
\,•w Tail"ring 1:rt.lhlist-roc*it
911111. 9,Mrr tor 1• e- to snitenrive to the i
` imbue oe it4 6..1..r'.h. owl 111 •ie-wity.
he ran r.•mnt-nr,d bm i,.,a iw IM. dwwe trite.
Ie O!.• R rem » 1 nasal I1. 110RTON'8 Sot -
/Ile !hop. \Saket Pruett. *1 ere he will he pb
mired to *serum all warm 1e hie lice se the
striates. emir.. amid M seders,. ebereee.
N. R.-i'.'tieg Jewt oo the .Nevi -t rneire
10/111 ADAM'
G elenrb On al, 104'1 •Sit•