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Huron Signal, 1849-11-29, Page 1
T.EI4 SHILLING'S to ♦eranCa. z -- VOLUME II. _._� 't TTIMGREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATKEZ POSSIBLE SAIIB,>JiJI., :a S TWELVE AND SIX PENCIL ? •T THK END or TU8 Yawl. GODERICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1849. t MUER XL}II. !Lark• Dn. P. A. McDOUGALL,. CA N be consulted at all hours, at Nes. Wet. F. Gooding s, Frost -SL Godericle Sept. 13th, 111411. 33- AL$XANDER WILKINSON, Provincial Land Surveyor, OrriCE AT GODF.RIC(1. HURON DISTRICT. Neve 24. 9. 43 J. K. GOODING., AUCTIONEER, �j 'LL attired S.tLES is soy part of the District, on reasnesbls Terms. Ap- ply a .tbe British Hefdd. Goderiub, Mama 9th 1&49. se-fle I. LEWIS, HAiIR11 TEIi, HOUCITOR, loci, Jas., late. Gour.RICu. A. N.ARMYTH, FAR!4 R'$ INN STRATwoIW. 1mi NS. DO,ROTIIY DOUGLAS, - widow of the late Titoism Duu1tas, et the Farmer's Inn, Stratford, begs to return ben thanks to the Inhabitants of Stratford, sad the puWtc eenerally, for the very liberal support which they received during the abort time they bare been in Stratford. Mn.. Douglas begs to intonate that she inteods t:arryi.g oat ors busiecu as bereto- fore at the Oid Steed,* her own 'name, and hopes by strict attention to the comfort of bey guaets, and moderate charges, to merit a •bate of the public patronage. Stratford, 21st August. 1849. 2r-n49t f. TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, NA:A nat.00, t 28th February, 1849. S trioE Subscriber hereby intimates to his 1 friend,: 'end the Travelling Public gene- rally, that !le has removed (ruin New Aber- deen to the Village of Straenurgh, and will now be found in tbat well known house for- merly occupied by Mr. Junta, -where he will be ready and able to conduce to the comfort of Those who may honor him with their patronage. And while be retires FASHIONABLE TAILOR: thanks for pelt favors, he hopes, by atrict 777. attenttun to the wants and wishes of hes QIIIIRRICR. customer., still to merit a continuance of Ged.rieh,Apetl 11, 1649. 2v-at9tl. their patronage. JOIN ABEL. ALFRI:I) W, OTTER, N. B. -Gera STABLES and attentive General Agent & Grnvevancer; Groom.. v2-n4tf- COLLECTOB OFACCOUNTA, 4e. 4s. CODE -RICH. Oct. 1, 1844. 8-,W TO BE SOLI), A N excellrot Farm, being Lot No. 12. L' kla tlanl Cunece i n, Township of And few would weep. is the beautiful world, ��s� Goderieh, con'alning 100 acres -30 of which I For the famel.,s one that had left it : DANIEL -GORDON, is cleared. The and h of a superior quant- Few would remember the form eat off, tt, sal well watt red. It is satiated exit- I is And moms the stroke that cleft it : CABINET M A K E R s d sine miles from the town of Goderich on Many may keep my tame on their lin, I Ple••ed wilt:. Oaf name deeradiag : Tires doors f:.ut al- r- Canada Wire. t Huron Road, and at the junction -n of six Mo follies and sena alone wool' live, - %V: S f-S3TRC1 T, dify•rent roads; at d as it is in tbe center of ' A theme lox sbe,rrat old ap�adtag. GODERIICH. ' a populous and prnrperoue locality, it is ex- fit, : what a ehaege ie nay •part's dream • ertleatly adapted fur a Tavern s'aod or a hf.y there be, ere the .shyer nn sett shell beau. poctrg. 116UJMMIIWS FAREWELL. • et Batas coot. WWItt wed is that! 'Ti. salemer'e farewell 1a the breath of the algin winds sighing ; The cud! breeze cotne• The • sorrow ful dirge 7 hat well, o'er the dead and the dy tog. The sapless I are eddying nand. On the petit where they lately shaded, - The risk of the forest a loping it. rube. The i ewers have fallen and faded. All that 1 look on saddens my beat. To thiol that the lovely so *eon ahould depart. Yet wily should 1 sight Other summers will come, lay eke the past one bingise : Again will the eine bear its nl.•hisg fruit, Again will the bird+ be singing: Thr (wets will pat forth its "honours" again, The roes be as sweet ia.its bre g. - Tb. woodbine will climb mead the •tau pan. As' wild and as ceh ie its wrr.itaog. The hives will bate honey, the bees will hem, Other flowers will spring, other smnmet, will Came. They wit!, they will; bot ah ! who can tell Whether 1 may live en till th�+eir c^a'Ing t Tien spirit may deep too •ooally them To wake with the warbling or humming. Thi. cheek, cow pale, !tray he paler far, When the •nmmereon neat is glowing, - The cherishing ray mar gild with the light The grass se my grave -turf growing: Ttie earth may be' gltd, hot the worme .ad g! ,nm May dwell with stn i■ the silent tomb August t71h, 1349. 2v -n30 Stokes, CiiE.WIST and DRUGGIST, W EST,BTRF.ET. GODERICH. Marsh 8, 1949. fiv-Sts JOHN J. E. LINTON,. PC aaIC, G.JnI )MBS4oner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER. S'PRATFORD. THE Suberiber haring becn appointed parties ef Caitfernians, who intend remain• l believed to be irevitalAe. Agent of theing at 8a!t Lake for the want. r, 4 ALEXANDER MITCHELL, "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," A train of a ty or eighty pack moles, i The Hungarian officials are .ending in • A U (% T 1 el N B E II, ie prepared to receive proposals for Am- (from St. Louie. 1 bciieve,) under the com- 1 their reeignatiow in maws. ranee, and will' be happy to afford 4u an mand of -- Smith, arrived hero on. the A circular of Kooseth'e ie circulating in BELLS CORNERS, person the teceseary informant*, as to the itOUTlf Sl8THOPE. principles of the Institution. •h t They left t' fa 1llaroi, 19. 1849, v2 -r8 JAMES WATSON. Stone. Thu farm is well entitled to the attention of persons deterous of an Eligible situation for business, and will be sold on very reasonable terms. For particulars app1y to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper, Gederieb, or to the proprietor JONAS COPP, Village of Harpurbey. June 15. 1649. v2nt9tf CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE C 0.11 1' .1 .Y 1" . FROM THE PLAINS. We extract the followioq items of news Their victim'', who bare been strangled from a letter of a correspondent of the 8t. Loos Reoubbeen, dated "Fort Laramie, taPeeth• or shot, are all men of mark : and when it is stated teat the wretch Ilaynau has becn appointed Civil- and, Military Go- veruor of hungary the thought of�rimes at which humanity shedders,•at Dees rise 'be- fore the hied. If ibis wholesale system is coutinued, another crisis in that country is Property at the city of /*rancfaeo is at an of the Merge wen. need. The rent for the enormous price, in the bandy of epr-culatens. • week we/ stated to he upwi:J. of £29. who, with the gamblers, are making a for• i Another J tri wock in /teleh's, an 1 to tune, truly. They say that twenty wedtons few York'+till 1 .wcr rates have bees tali o are now in notes of hand ,a the peke?' of the people here, for lots, fannies, shaetie., fie. lu my opinion things cannot last long melee way, sol there moat be an awful envie sooner or later, among tl;e "gulled." 1t ie a great place, however, and s int st im- onrtant acquisition to our gloriou. "Old Thirteen." '!'here ars about 2:10 vessels in hs,bnnr, many of them large ships, and meetly &hen- doned and going to ruin. 1t is a most woful pity to look upon the @haweful waste end ruin of so much valuable properly. The owners and nnderwrttere of New York and the other elope of the Union onkht to peri lion the President for a me -of -war, whey' .peeul duty it should be to tae care of the •bandooed vessels, by taking down some of the,rsyarJ. and •pan, and mooring them safely, ao as to prevent them vine on shore, or dragging against each other -- Such s the position of these vemee's, crow- ded together, that if the windward one were to catch fire, the wh, le fleet would be burn- ed, without the poesib+lity of saying any of them. It is an immense fleet, cadeeJ, but atll They come -their fu t mast• re- tnind:ug me of Shakspears's forest of Boom wood rdrning to Dunyinane. I advise you to let the merchants know this. • • If. F. VOORHEES. Richard Voorhees,. Esq. f'aonsellnr-,t-Law, New Vork. Europeau. but to) other nothrrn ports they see be' 1. , supported, owing to thy scarcity of to Ips.- raaseugers, no clootoo. NEWS }'1 I3M INDIA. Titter dales bare been received from Bombay act: Calcutta ; Trout the former 10 October 3, and from to latter t! septe•n- ber:0. The at raly weather during ninrsonn had i..tern,pted bovines.; to an unusual de tree : but the arnvsts of goods haying hirer. light, prices were fairly maintained. NEWS BY THE CAMBRi.1. The f,1:.pwinen is the most important piece f I....hies! intelligence :,y the Cam- bria. It was reported in Pare that therench ambassador at St. Petersburg had fowarded de.patcbes to his government, intimating a ehsnge in the hostile detenuinattons of Rueloa in its disserrentent with Turkey. upon the suhject of,the extradition. So (,r from forcing matter of extremities, Russia expressed itself anxious to settle the diffe- rences quietly, provided no warlike interfe- rence was threatened on the part of Eng- land. The sane rumour was prevalent at - - Vienna'on the 21st ult. The meet important item of commercial nedr, is anther advance in the price of •' cotton. V1'e learn that Sir llenry Lytton Bulwer. the new accredited minister to the Untied AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. Stat s, accompanied by the Hon. Ledy The fiends who are nicknamed rulers in Bulwer, left Landon on the 23th ult.. for Liverpool, there to embark Ger New York, Austria, not satisfied with the human gore to enter on his diplematieduties at Wash they have shed, still continue :heir sanguin- moon. Mr, Letter. ilulaer eon of the ary career. Several additional murders celebratedlovel,$t. would also depart with have been added to the already fearfpl list. isle uncle, having bete appointed Gtfarhe to the llritisb Leoation. e• M. debloreou, Envoy Extraordinary of Paragoay, has been received by M. de Toc- quec l:e, MInist11ebt Foreign Affairs, with whom lie had • long conference. The in- torvtew, without doubt, had reference to the recent offer of Paragoay, which propo- ses to join with France in bringing to res son "the dictator" of Buenos Ayres. The Queen Dowager of Ensleed is sick. itis said that her disorder is tbo. chicken pox. Tho Ilungarian patriot Dem 1. coming out erring at Widden ie 'the character of "Amnreth, Pasha of three tails." AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. The Vienna papers of the 19th ult., .'inert that is thelntenton of the Austrian govern- ment to repudiate the Hungarian notes issued by M. Kossuth. This resolution, .1En's By 7'11E AMERIC.1. August 27, 1 ten." "Ail Ibis emigrant waggon trains have passed, that ie to say, all tbst h ivy any hope ef reaching the gold' regions `the present year.- Every ear' Every few days trains of Mormons, dee- tined for Selt Lake. are passing ; eine small DR. JOIiN,HYDE, ILAU nom tarsi.,) HURON H O T E L. , LI �t 2 110 A iL ' lJ:.lo:l�j GODERICH. STRATFORD• TAMES GENTLES. would respectfully ie.. Joie 31, 1849. t-n?r, .1 form the inhabitants of Godeticb, arid its rt - tinny. that he will consoently WM. REED, Ji©URE AND SIGN PAINTER. 4-c., LIGHT -HOUSE BT. GODERICH. Oct. 25, 1649. 2v38 Goderieh, 13th June, 1649. v2o191f EDWARD CA$IIYLL. p 13N(IttU SrQE2ZJ10II, Comer N Light-HtUMStreet, GODERICH. Oesas,, 25,1849- 2eo38 Wil.os 4th. and presently occupied by Mr. Bea- the coming winter. the eye of the ^law;' of all citizens in all the latest intelligence from Ptetb. Hay- _-- ono. It is large and well adapted to the eve of The neighbnnng Indians continuo -very I Nein c. longer allowed to playthe art of • rdpeetsble (.mil Miele a la rden and matters c(duty and impost. The Austrian K P QJ' UMMOti3E8 required by the New Din y- 9 gag• quiet, recanonally paying zee a visit. About Alba in Hungary. The Europeon err of aJ S tris. Coats Act, andall'ether BI..4NA orchard well stocked with etc.lkst fait :r e• of one hundred and fifty Camancheea bate pet `government has issued triotus to all the •horror at the atrocities he has committed Schen- FOR/2 toed is the 4istriet sod Deese"' tanoosdearriptiona. Its Proaimtt7 to 'the fair- left us ; they came to pledge their friend-' Kenan puhlinhere, prohibiting the publics- hal reached the royal palace at Schon- Couru, on Sale at the Signet Office Also, allbe boor aJ a. the propriety the sloe of the sites - ship shi towards Ds, and ave us a daces., ■nd, I tion of anybook wi' hout having first sub- I benne, and startled tare voop Emperor D kiwis of JOB PRINTING executed ea the tion and u the propnoty isdesirous that it should P g g ft Pc P sbi'rtret notice, and on moderate terms. continue to be occupied, it will be let on reqs• Goderich, July 19, 184,. Keep Horses and Carriages rOR HIRE. for which be tespectfally solicits tot - the patronage of the public two or three feet from the Iaramie, and as fortficatrons of Buda. Inc contracts for Batthyani has been forced to eo:est as a pri- JAMFB GENTLES. cold u ice wafer.• masonry are state) to amount to 264,000 vats hoasar in an Aastrian regiment. 18th Sept. 1640. r2a33-If Game is beginnmz to be abundant-bnf- I florins. a Silence -the silence of the tomb -pre- ----- -' halo. antelope, elk, deer, mountain sheep and ♦ails at Pesch. The gibbets have been re- An ort.inance of the Emperor bas been TO LEI'. prarie chickens; fish'ue also very abundant. moved, blood has ceased to flow, Harnau THAT handsome two-story house, opposite We ars veru much occupied building our pnbliehed, which has for its object to apply has left -men breathe more freely in tbe the Steamboat Tayero, belearing to John spatters and stables, and getting in bay for to Hungary five principles of equality in capital of Hungary. Suet is, in few words, 2611., twenty days from independence. Ire- Pesth, in which that patriot wares bis ry gond timet ..e far. pet a yesterday y with full hopes of crossing the Sierra Neva- i countryman that be has removed the crews da this fall., of St. Steven solely for the purpose of ren - Near all the parties remain here • few I dering the coronation of a Ilapebergir im- days to re -•et wagon tires. ex:chaniee and I nible. it is said, s calculated to ruin one-half of had been di'iminsed by General Taylor, ° the land -owners, merchants, and peasants when hi r. Hyatt immediately declined to purchase cattle, mail letters for the States, I N and replenish their sat pitta of n..„, ,,t The various nationalities of hungary of Milligan.:and its action eaonot fail to act. The French Charged'Affsirs vest to frim the comou •. who ,a pen ,t�ee tie have reci,mmenced their old` oleo:glee for rna•.e i elf reit beye:nd the frentiereof flue - faction on the 21st lost., unless full satis- faction were given by the emperor, who by the most recent lettere, refused to givt't up a Moorish courier to the Preach. This courier the emperor had confined in conse- quence of hie haying been discovered to be tbti„ carer of letters from Abd-el-Kadei, to hi tenant, Boo Hemeedi, • State pri- soner at Pei. . it a I".n h'w to proceed. blcantise, Const Moltke hoe been stool on a special tome* by the Dan&.-( king to the Emperor 'f Huesca, and bee arrived at tit. Psters- aurg. he PAIN. kla.'rd journais to the 19tb ult.,: bate arrive'i. The CGrwor Peblico snnourees that:in the eenatng•ot Ilse Init. General Narvaes and the whole of the Blowers gore to their rneen:,l:,.es. e hr h were are. pled by the (I, en alter a huh sate went to hear a new �.pera,the p•,furersase..1 which had been delayed till Wt. -peat eleven ..'clock, watt- 'ne her arnval. Aeeoed,eg to the Clamor Publico, and kriyte lett.-rl', the Qulb ha•I, at the first majer,Doisio to inl.sna bar Min store that then meet bis a change, 'es the K n', '• her dear husltasd," did not sR• ntove of Nirm. and to confre e'se t'9 Ibis intonation. General Narvaen, a ter • Corte- cil of �tite.tcre, went to the pawl la id tendered the re.agnatieb of the ent(rdltibe- net. Tltc union in.tantly char, ed C!eonar(' t. ith the formah(.n of a new Cabinet, and , n -the 19th it Wee anno'rneed that it bnd leen futmed as follcwsy-Pr'.i- dent of the Council anJ Minister of War, General 1:lennard; interior, General Bleat Finance , M. Armests, Justice, Al. Ma re- zi; }'orf-. n Ar.trr, the Count de C••Isw.Gi: M. Bust. f o•; Commerce and Public Wore, to be united with the Ioyr�nr. A letter of the '21st i limo, by expose, states that this new Cabinet h.J already ceased to exist, and Sat Gereral testees .nd hit former cnlleeeues had rammed Hist direction of public affairs. . A telegraphic despatch received in Paris, announces. that the Narrow: Ministry. which itad been misled to !Ace o° the elst, bad been again dutniesed. The Spaniels Five Per Cent'', de the 1911; were at 29. ITALY. We read in a lever, from Rome of the 14th ult., quoted by the Krggs, of Turin, that the late deputies of the Coestitueot Assembly aro to be divided into three classier, the first, consisting of those who voted against the R=pubbe, Is to be recall- ed; lbw second, consisting of the:mnderate Republicans, is to be also recalled, but kept ander surveillance; but third class is neither to be recalled nor amnestied. Pte- gnaie di Rossi is the only et -deputy who -a' at present remains unmolested at Rome. INTERESTING FROA, MOROCCO. it instated that the E°perm. of Noroc. Minster of Foreign Mitre had pro- posed MMayn�ebmlt the difficulties entailer to the tnemMion and decision of Mr. Hart Ily.it, Consul G.nerel of the United States in Morocco but bit the French were Dot them prepared to refer the matter to arbitra- tion. Su'.segnenttc, intelligence arrived that the French Minister at Washington 'sett 10 those atuallyin want.a,cendeery. partico.er.y the Slow.ahc-Itu- Tbei health of that post in excellent. theles. Plain fare, pure sir, and as fine water as 1 � ©. ever drank, wb,ch a obtained by digging The government intends to renew the No further executions have taken place in Uuogary, but arrests are the order of the day. A nephew of the unfortunate Count I31an1: Deeds and Memorials, �ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT BLANKS, and. BLANK pR0MI2- SOR1' NOTES, for sale at Oce Signal Office. Every drasrtpuon of 'BOOK and JOB Printing executed with nasttasse and dispatch. tttNOTICE To the Clerks and Bailiff's of 0A.0 $ ?.LI o rT tate Division Courts. DELIVERY, THE*creamed demand for SUMMONSES and other BLANK WRITS, in con- nection with the business of the several Dt- yts,on C'urts ,n the District, has warranted es 10 printing them in much larger quanti- ties than heretofore, and consequently ena- bles es to sell them much cheaper -there - (ore we intimate to the several Officers re- quiring these Bleak Forms, that from this dale, Summonses and all other Writs be- longing to the Division Court. will be Sold at the 4egaul QQce at the reduced price of TwoSIMLunu •ns 8tirsscs PRA • unnaen. Signal ., Oodcrich, 6th September 1849. S enable terms, either for one or more years. ea may be agreed upon. For farther particulars apply to JACOB WILSON. Goderieh, Red February, 1849. 59 F U RNITUR.I' GIVEN in exchange for any quantity of CHERRY and PINE LUMBER by DANIEL GORDON. Ooderich, Sept. 13, 1849. ,t-n32-tf TAKE NOTICE 1 FOR GOOD CLEAN BARLEY, at the MAITLAND BREWERY, by the Sub- scriber. J. F. BRITTAIN. Goderieh, Oct. 10, 1549. 2v-o36tt NOTICE. TE Subscriber baying ba appoisted Agent Hfor the PROVINCIALoMUTUAL AND GENERAL !INSURANCE COMPANY, here- by tatisates, that he is prepared to receive Reb- seriptions for Stock in the Proprietary Breach. end applications for lanranee" in the Mama/ Breech, aid to give steels information es the subject as may be metered. JOHN CLARK. Gederieh, 19th Sept. 1849. 2r -..341f. - New Church in Stratford. �EALED TENDERS will be received by the snb"eriher on behalf of the Presby• PUS,,TurBLY THE LAST CALL!!! Cerise Church Bioldieg Committee, Strat- AhI, those INDEBTED to ROBERT ford, till secs of the 31st December next, 14ilii.{., er to the Lose rim prodding materials, via., Betake, Lime, .1T14lI $. Co., toe herby Stone, Sand, Reasoned iwmber, and Week, r•gneetai is it ICIDIATEL1f sed br the Erection ef o BRICK CHURCH, SETTLE thei►� propaed to b. Wilt at Stratford. Tenders Without Reserve..Mir be midst either fie the whets et fht any bsSo pert of the materials, ewd OR EZUP.PTION, e.e.i g to tIy»eiseatiene os Immovable by ALL IJop•id Accounts sty Notes of Hard Mr. freer Ferges.nn, Awbheet, 8tratke , past des, will Immedstely be handed ower a1e , LINTON,4ihet+rg fte-ere to u Atter-airy for Collection. �f•tferd, tINL July iM. lite-mfit/ ROBEgRT MODF.RWELL. STRAY HORMES. Godericb,let November, 1649. 2vet9tf (1/11118 bole the modem* of the subocri her se orbs 41111 int., A BAY MARE; Aloe, a Yemeni ?ILLY and a this year'. COLT, beth Meek. TL• ewe*, esti obtain them by payfeg etpswese and proving prep - ' Did you gee the balloon Patrick 1' 'Yes, honey, I watched it half an hour after it was out of sight " 'There's mors in that fellow's head,Sarti, than you think,' said Dick of a sleepy look- ing fellow standing by. 'Tbat may be,' after r.eeiving three days' proor4er s from milled the manuscript to the inspection of on hie throne. Adjutant General Count „plied obs other gravely, but l always aw- the government sappliee, by order of the Greene has been soot to Peach to put a stop commanding officer, left us. They are a I a military government' to any further executions. IIayosa is „• petted he 4 " " e " . ^ flee looking set of men, and many of them I TURKEY. ported to have grpwled at this inteference ' What are you staring at, sir, may 1 talo i were handsomely decorated. with his full powers, and to have sent in said as imparted, moustached 'blood,' to m Th• agents of the American Far Comps= The only allusion in the papers at hand, his resignation. Ile is at present at Gratz.P• t ny, at this place, a„ about moving to their to the difficulty between Turkey and Rus- I Oiher changes are titmice° of in the high .'"""-i' on a Mirosiesippi steamiest, who 1 neer post,Scott'e Bluffs, fifty miles East on the Platte. As yet we have no returning emigrant" ; some who were left here too unwell to pro- ceed have returned to the States." Uri .4 sheet 1 hoc. MAP id Abe District et Sera. tweed L a k Leather Cease, jBwsbts A Belfeer), be- toneis to lbs ttlistem fselsy.t A. D. Aar Laity•Iwo JAM}l8 P. STOt1EHOtytll� 110 tftfbw, Itlwlr be ie4 tyueMa st r BayEeld Cale (Werra. QsMsteb. Get. y, 1849 I•sg9-d New. 11, I*42 l► -tail( From the New York Herald. INTERESTING LETTER FROM CALIFORNIA. Import/1st to Skip Owners. -We aro in• deb'ed to Richard Voorhees, Fee; . of this city, for the use of a private letter from his brother, Com. Voorhees. 1,. ennten•e are important to the owners of the shipping now ie the harbor ef San Francteco, and de- seree particular attention. Tbo value of vessels now at Francisco and in the interior barbnrs of Califerrit, u immense. probably e•4pa1 to $3,000,000 or a tin°gary. $4,000,000, and before the winter mouths set tn. there *111 probably be four or five Ths Porte hap declared the Island of I s- tondnd vessels, worth perhaps =8,00(1,000, mos in a state of blockade, owing to the is the waters of California, unprotected, and continuance of di.tur(ance. at the beery of the wind and wave.. Ac• cording to Com. Voorhees, a fire or • gale weevil destroy nearly Hui whole of them. - Annexed is the Commodore's !ester : U. S. Snip Savannah, San Francisco, August 31, 1849• 1 arrived bete, all well, at 4 p m. on the 2911*. The Ohio, which j ou know i was ordered to take to China, hes been ordered to return home, in con.ergncnce of her men's tier* being too near out to go on the long roots bots, originally designed by the Ds partmeat. Besidee,ohe u very short of bet eottlpliment, sod i take the Si. Mary's, s ion el f=wer, to carry me to my smiles la the Chime Bek. But i do not (as the 8R Mary's is bet Isere at prescnt,t expect W leave thle peft maul the middle of Oclohlik and may sot be at Canton until abort 1.1 of Jatsasry. The ps*sesrhe yesu a piety secants se- eeust 01 th tale of things here, an for M 1 operations ; beta* M oustsei*, I re is mattes( said of the failure*, dilftENts ana the Deaths -bot ward. 1 woo tot whin a forted to come out Nn. neve are already too many here. ala, is given in a single paragraph under the I poste of that Adelman administration.- had been watching him as a cat wale es a bead of " firmer measures have been taken `Count Gyulai will, it is Bard, receive a high mouse, ter some fifteen minutes. ' I tbu t by the porte, for the location of the Polish I appointment to Italy. and be succeeded as p� exclaimed Inc Hroeier, the moment the Minister of War by fount Dahien. Gena !others 'poke ; 'I Bald nu'd t a rsnutb, and and Hungarian refugees." The former had ('" y go til Rchilick is spoken of as Civil and Milt- i base conveyed to Shomba, while the latter tar, Governer of Hungary; General d'Aspre I wu only waive' 10 be •eerie &boot it, to were Icdgged in good quarters at Silaalega as Military Governor of Grnz; Baron Ku -cask you to 'illicit.' Stranger, what'll yuu and Rubebick.,,, Kosaeth and the other lea- beck •rd Schonh•!z a„ spoken of as the 1 drink 1 or bed yo't rather fight ? I dost de„ were to remain for a while at Wlddee, representatives of Austra, ,ambers of the can which myself.' .rhe oddlyarntebed Commission of the Interim Control Power. until measuree are taken for their removal pair were left touching glasses st a crowded • and ultimate liberation. No lees than 300 of the Hungarian refugees had become con- verts to Islamism, and many of their friends ate about in follow their example. Sir Stratford Canning has sent pessports to Gen. Goon, the Iris!! officer, and the British subjects who had been in the service 8PAiN. it appears that Name: has take, ample veageanee on all the partes who were in- strumental is tripping hie heel.. Ile hal dienniued the Ring from bi. post of keeper of the Palace, and impri•bned • priest and s mask, eke uatrumcnts of the King's poli- cy. - ALTERCATION BETWEEN LOL:\ MONTES AND SIR. 111:ALD HER NEW HUSBAND-TIIE LATTER STABBED BY LOLA. The Arewbfre Nationale of Oc'ober 23, publt.hed the f'llohmg paragraph: - A private lerteetrnu, Totters mlcente ns thattLola Monter had had a very sreye al- tercation with her busbassd which elided in the lady gluing Loin a stab with • poteerd. Mr. ilcald, whotclt but.l ttlesetc.i d wet% this mark of e"nj'gal teneernes., absedo.• ed i.nla Monte., who was thus left with witho'it r•.onrer st a lintel at Tortoise. and enmt•el'rd in apply (w ori,tatee to the English Cogent. IRELAND. It hi (rumored that a new morning jour. eat is being projeetcd in Dublin, to damp- en the repeal earns. The .deice is pay ro poor rete has been earned not in Kilkenny. Large numbers of troops have been sent to the north. 10 order to pr'seree the peer. ah eld say display oldie ie Orangemen take pMOe em 60 N4 of November. Thr /earth dike rsis.sd teeetiege of tie Rapid Aseeeieties wee bead so ilfeeda, at whieh letters of sdbeeion frmrl several HOLLAND. The ministerial trate in lir IMo t ren - tonic., no fresh cabimet baring Leen terese.t ,tlhOupA u s now mow Daae a lanai stets the ministers tendered thew reeignaiioa.. Greet te'eninhment ie expresser' at this elate of tAingi, se unusual to ronalit it;,td hived erne. MORS M1'RDERS IN 11 -‘DEN. bar. Lawrai n \Ven. -A late English lawyer reecising a eLent who was intimate with Mm, ,n hes library, the gentkmaa taprosesd his .tw;ai.e at seeing themtumber .f wigs that were imaging op. ' Yes, there are 'several,' replied thrhiw- ysr, 'that, pointing is a is Me enmities heroine's wig : Thar, my ehetteeev wig, that, my hone* of lords wig, and th ,gay e.erl aIC! ' And pray, air, retie*, is year ttenemt men's wily t' ' Ott,' replied the lawyer, 'thef'r nn' ; ro- ftestonal: Three 14"+'9�h est -mittens of persona cugag• ed ,n thel'tae Baden insurrection, have tato en place at Rascal. het it.l hole that Cortices lite Sete the Iopt of those painful exhibitions of velgessee. SCH LEST W IG -110 EE; N. Great excitement still ere'. Is on the duchy of Schteewig. The clergy hire de- cidedly refused either to recognize the government commsston, .r to puhbsb the era ,t• f the King ,ef Denmark. Which appoint• the doelty to be aJnunioter.d 1s low Home- Brawls neem delle. at Flea* berg, between tits partitaes of I1a.Mh and German role, and the authorities are n.t.'n ARRIVAL. OT 111E 00V. GILN*RAL; On Tuesdaya.• f:ern.n Ilia Eesd aleeey '4e Governor neral, aer.•mparried, I:e- It Elgin. CM. sad Mrs. $rnee, Ma} *Cass . ptal1, sod Mr. (3r tot, a'rv.•'I et lhsSent of Governneenl m the Cherokee. Ills ISt1rel- limey's arrival was not rejected so euly. at:J only a fecal per.on• were et IM 1a ,n', %Vben Ile C'&erukh rime stele wharf a e,rnsidr'ta'tlat n'.mhee of roaeelert, ayiti e: the parts ehre, ar, ,s were gtern f' t the Q.'hTsulf rati agree fest Ludt 13 gin. 'Phe nee ?C•degee r1 tbetinvinnr Gene- ral not being yft m e .,.4r15 order, Mis Fzrrt'onry trouble at rdlaMB Hotel eetm Moeday err, when it t, expr-etre; etttlrr trod :e'nopt will Ls..Spleted. Tlfe fi.r.k.r „+.,:..d yr.ter*J to RIei- at,n t'r t►. •toter. -W14.'.