HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-22, Page 4z 2 . ii&f•>,ff0I. 11111BaT A Papal& et.ewL .a. --A hrs- et ah..N be well l.etreeied 1. ch.e►ru1 pelrnlfjr, more pestie.larly se applied to aftie.ltes.l be 'Wield b. well vested In IatiMralsgy, geology, botany, awl in the pkyefelogy of ids, plants, trees, and au - mole. welding the species biases : he should Man geometry, meesura'ion, ke.; h. sba.W *tidy political eco•om► se far as to beee a clear eo.ewptio' of the sources of wealth Led prosperity. In ver reeehluu Gores/neat be sbeuld h. teetree'ed I. his constitutional right., and 'aught to vindicate t hem by • gene 'ed eoorkrawd *Iacono',. It will be a happy .reef for our country when our farmer., •o educated, /ball hare the ascendency in our halls of legislation, and thereby pit s stop "hi 111110110 It(hs !Mr eMilialli S• kits* mallet ei gnsot ielt'pnw•we le the hneeir- AgeiwWh/ Area. FEEDING CATTLE. Mr. [eedall says, 'irises hundred poised. of bar 'aloe lacrefma the live weight of an "x. (which I apprehend is the tome as in- creasing hie beef,) erz pounds, o• three thousand pawed' will thirties' it one hun- dred and eighty pomade, which will add use hundred ..d twenty posods to the armored dead weight, ,Ir rex hundred sod eighty• yearn pol,.de;" meaning, as i snppoae, that the Aar, or as he has it, the hay value, will mak* nue hundred and twenty pounds of beef. Now 1 think were he to kill his heel, after feeding three ihoneand pounds of hay *loot, he would find that he had not made a p.'und of beef, for it is • fart well 1. the fallacious special pleading of deme• known to those who have been to the habit 'figure., who hate alrea'v reduced our of killing cattle, that the so.nshomet de- eosntry, poeticising all the meant of prof rived from hay alone, may indeed have kept op the (ntnde appearance of the cattle, or in other word., kept the cattle a here they left the pastor., tut the inside of the soi- ree! wou'd .how that the animal had used up its tallow, and that the beef would be loose or spongy. I do not believe that thee ever w.. a pound of bee/made on hay -tune. I1'ow se to feeding cattle -fires' 1'r the kind most peofiteb'e for ouy 1- mere to feed. i would say Mal moat ':epend upon the market for winch they are desijsed. If for the Now York meet, where they weigh oclp the lee!, ;nr as the butchers then would .ay, four q'iarter•) fuer or fire lean old "toes would be the meet profitable, for Out "all of doe," as far a it eau learn, the reason that you gain tonne in ;Teeth, "bad loaned out well." thI and their (natters will weigh heavier, and (We have colligated the Mediterranean ,14 ^ b•de and tallow 1'ght•r, conoegnentlt Whet for the past three year*, (ti m Mee-I'ha feeder will M Letter paid than by feed - tion where the word and iisecl destroyed gal our wheat ll a previous two year.) with e steems beyond our ezpectationa. From the earlier ripening, we not only escaped diet, but the weave' and insect, and always had • good crop. -Edi. North Wa(rrn dsbocate. 10*T oa M,Lp.w IN WtaaT.-Thte most destreclive dwarfs prevail,, to • certain ex- tent, in most countries ; produced., we be- lieve, by fate sewmng-wast of proper drai- •uge-low pitastions-a long continued damp .tmo.phere, when tbe,crop is in the moat lust/oast slate of its growth -and when gran and weeds are allowed to grow with the crop. All these cattier induce the deme of rust and mildew. his wppaaed, also, that certain ingredients in tbe,ro,l, that may be rendered hamlets. by the ap- plieatiob of lime, produce mildew end rust. Ileavy manuring, we know, hes the same effect. Several causes of the disuse are in the firmer'i prawn to correct. indeed, all of them except that -produced by • damp at m.epbere, et the critical period of the erop'• growth. Drilling in the seed at nine in twelve inches spirt, and h•ed g the trop. will bat. 'erne effect in preventing the ef- feeta of a damp atmosphere. in Fianders, llwy do not caw gran seeds with wheat, in order to give it a better chance to escape from rust end mildew, as they 'impose the young plant, of eloyer and other gr beep the lower portion of the etre*, of the crop wet and damp for a Imager time after rain, heavy dew, or ("go, than if there was se closer of other grafi* plasty glowing with it. In England, when a good system of husbandry is carried nut, all their grain, excepting oats, is sown in drilla, and they seldom bate to cotnplain of rust or mildew effecting the crop. Where sea weed is sp- illed as manure to the crop previous to wheat, rnel is never known to inyire the crop. The application of malt here would, perbapo, bare the same beneficial affect. - Rest and mildew produce tinniness loss to Canada, but we are not aware that the far- mers hate ever adopted any means %halev- er that would be likely to prevent it, with the exception, probably, of mss in forty tbooeand rhe may have applied hnie neer siotially. in the old coesirIei they would lot attempt /n carry on arable culture with• out •pplytsg lime. Our own experience of raft and mildew is, that after rnMinusd rains sod warm end misty weathy, either at the latter teed of July or at the beginning of Aege.t, the dimes* propagates very rapid- ly, p•rtteulerly in low situation* and in shel- tered places. Too great a supply of mois- ture, coder theca circutnalancee, appear. to 11e imbibed by the esme of the plants, and with this excess of moisture it is said that the pleats take in the .porotuu of a certain Nettie that are so light and minute as to be wafted by the winds, and then ram upas the Mare aad 'tem a mildew. Ano- ther opinion if, that large doses of manure, or motet warm w her, ranee* 01 over- lerxa►Samce of the c •p, and stipples as ex- cess of nutriment led mestere, that clogs the pores of the plants, stops the eircnls- /fon of the sr; and thug produces the disease of mil'lew. W*mtave *seemed the strew affected by mildew %a -jib a poterful eiugltfytng glees, end could dt•liacily per. cid,' Haat all circulation of !he sap or wfri nest must Leve been 'sapped: aad this will account for the erop or the grate rook- ie( we I.pruve.tenl after the strew is et WOW by root or mildew. 1t is one of the attest ..dues end inj-'r,eni di/essee 10 width gratis crepe tie liable, but we en.- meiw that Om fanner baa it in his power le reeWy or cheek it to a enn.Nevabi. !Merl. IllItrly ..w$4. lied, et wank wheat, ob- leil/fg that variety 'Olt le the most hardy sad facet {liable ie rust. will le pettiest go.- emitM.. We tape thew .Memeeiees may pie» fieri dimpelrf pert Ms le a•.sed.r porgy in a pre-eminent degree. to a most pitiable coadatten, by their miserable legis latioo.-NorGI American Farmer. M EDITEt* . Wlli/T.-A corteepon- det ofthe Winchester (V..) Republican, state Ibat in that put of Virginia the Med- Iterraseen wheat o caped rust better then say other variety. The wheat crop of Washington county, Pennsylvania, it ie sold, was not more than half an enrage yield this year, in enn.rqur neo of root. A fwd duel of the Mediterranean was sown the pest season. In that county, and, not- witfutading the damage done to the other vedettes, the Weabieglo. Reporter Seer me old cattle. If the cattle are designed for the Boston market, where all is weighed, (or as the butcinrs say. fire quarters.) thee by all means feed lull gown oxen, for they give a greater per cent. of tal'ow, and a greater quantity of good pieces, than younger cat- tle. If our farmer. derive to nhtsin the largest return for their feed let them be careful in the selection of their cattle. Never fed oxen for profit that are vier pewee year. old, and always reject such as have been broken d•'wn by hard work, however well they may appear in the ra.ture; for when they are fed, some old lameness will appear. and ten to one, when your cattle are ready for market, such will have to be I.0 in the rard to en k the beat market they may find at home. Be careful, Ilan, that the nz to what the Connecticut river feeders call fine. that in, of emelt bone, straight and 'well formed, and light in the fore giarier, wish a tight clean head and neck, and if yon with in make an extra ht ex, be careful that be have thin b'de. 1 have often ob d the an or with e 'hick roarer hide, will not take on fat like one with a thin, even hid•, nor will a think hided, costive limbed ox, ever co ,nand the t,-gheri price in the market. even if hi* ap• pearanre tndteatee equal Meese. Thig may appear strange to the inexperienced, hot the butchery will alway. make a dollar memo fees aad M *Week fit eMtl. 401 teat w•wt say /sad ha the middy of -the 4i , they are the. *4.ylm the benefit o. the gra, Jigeeu.g their ..ftleg ked. My pretties ha always lime, (sod 1 /bleb 1 have aged, come as hl onto as were ever drives from this cnoalry In Brtghtn. Market) to be careful that norrs bate their mealy at refuter timer, rumor varying mon than half •0 hang. 1 aIle.!. viatica! mt rattle at eine o'clock in the evening, 10 vee that all was right i• the stables, and to give them a little hay. After alt, owe greet item in the profit' of .1.11 feedug tattle, is ,n the quanta, and value of the manure, 11 being wnrth, in my estimation, more than double that of any other manure. 1 bar. oaten heard Connecticut river riders re- mark, when they hare met wish a poor market for their rattle, that the feed give - to the cattle, would hate sold foe'""ra than the advance on the cell. out they could not raise their cr without the manure, and that it t--"' Miler 80 Iowa th' Profits op the tied, than not bare the mature or .cell lard. minty or Wool Geow."..-It is sod by *rime agrtealtural writers, that It takes one acre of land to mown five shrep durirg summer aad We. hwver, w vete er, o e t I caleolate nee acre to three sheep. The land which would do this, we calculate at S7 the acre, if fenced in !sage lots. The price of ',beep immediately after shearing, •veragea, ser, $t, and Iambs 75 came• The average Mere/ire of lambs, a said to be a0 per c'•nt. Tt.e profit and lo.. account with 100 sheer, would be thug, interest being 10 per eel. Site.p Aerosol, Debtor. One hundred .beep, to interest, of purehaa money', $10,00 Interest of Iblrty-tbre acres of land at $7, • 93.10 To rurmg and Mowing hay on 9 erre' [bora, 6,115 To expense of shoring, 3,00 To loss by death, 2 per cant, over pulled wool, 9.00 Labor of foddering diming winter, soy, 5.00 Salt, tar, and summer car., 400 Int. oo winter sbe'ter; worth, say 130 $55,85 Credit. BT 300 Ibr. wool 95 costs (Is 34) *75 0' Dy eighty lamb', 75 cents, 60.00 .135,no Cost as above, 83,83 Balance, $79,15 Giving a profit of over 79 rents a bead, or 80 per cent. on the investment for a 100 •heap. Nov, if we are wring in these cadent' tinny, we ,b- tI be hooey to correct them if our agr•cultnral reader., wilt point them nut, We give them, in the hope of ehe•t- mg remarks from other', whose enn'mnnt cttu'no It will Alf .rd as p'•*•nre to ley be- 1,500,000 AUlt ESL O1" LAND I _pp ■•, p ns4,7 w llh t tint', ex w1'nng the l\''o,r rd r"-roi•n' r •(r..h,rg deep. Price 1 e- 54. pie Solt by 11. PARSONS, Gmlerich M'o•r•. P. 13. Clark k Co. Port /tarsi*. Mr. Wm. 3 o,.s S,deohem, Owen N•o,nd G derirh, 90th Aomori, 1.40. 9,-n30 3 Pregratoa of She HiR4LD. r retell. Nrwppr. kb p.hdk.line s/ which it to he e...uareJ isaaod... tele re tie Iowa .1' erwelf..J. 011e, eaCetberas •Jt•. *err ih odd Pe.i Of sr. rfP ..M adseeee of Brantford sod rid. portion .4 ibe Precise 1. pnpulaI ... wealth a.4 impeetanee-ihe peeseiag de 'n•nde of IM tet•Iligeat l..h.b.1*sle for reit end cotreet is1..'aul oo_i he eo1'rt atm. 01 ...morel)/ friends, sad the im.ree..ion that a New piper condor -led no GMrnl and .nraiples, will receive the hearty .U.,'rt'' of the Ilbrnl aid she jus,,-infiyyrr✓✓r• the nn•Iersirned to uader'ike the nerhljmr•aeni of a re.pertabl' Jonraal in ,l,: Place, fr+lmg *soured that from hoe kir"oedttly Cana - limo and Canadian d►to• rain. d by a rni• lenge in the+ a ,;u-' d nesrts Iweet1 yearn, le wili b• it•I,''' rrnd•r hie paper wnrth. of the•.•nares of C.nodwne reoerallr• and Valle of those smnwgst wham b. 3;iiiled for the lad gee nr six ter•. h(ie Herald will advocate Bri'Irh cool ez ton, the re.pnnsihtlity of role,. 10 thn.e , whom they are employed and pa•d-•h• right of the people to manse* their osp- atTiir,-thn cantos of bherty twat awl terd genus. and indeed. everything 'bet nes to m.lInrat. the torditinn nt nifty: S. T.. detail all that the Heroic/ • Ill snponr' nr nnpnae, would fir carred a Lmi"i vat 'hi• adve,II..meni. h may• thrrrfnre, outfie• to stare. that 1.'ehmd and rtbatdrr n•t'I int, in nim eol'mnh, b. psi n led 4. mitre the plare r' truth *cul sound argu- ment, and they the greatest ran will he taken, by as exclusion of immoral aad eilueler. and the .rleetion of chaste an•' ,s.fnt reeding matter, to render the Herald valuable FAMILY PAP/MM. and at the rain, ime from arr•nrenenu which hove been nark. for 'eearing the most important and flirted maieltmgeon firm every pari of the .nrt.& tt will he found to p,reaeso high •himg for support Mean all rla•ee• in the .'.mmnnity. As neither trent-hie nor etM1 ...nee will he spared in make the l/rraiid a h*eeminanr of much i0fornnatinn, and as to s de.m,ahle that such inf•'rmution be at• n•le'v .1 R .rd a pt'e.ible, rho price of the Herald in be en low a In bring it w.thin the mulch of a'I: and whilst every effort will e need to make i1 rank ao one of the beet, t soli sten be one of the rheape•t paters .•1 he •,ice In Caaeda Wert. The Herold vma be onnted on a lore Imperial /thee* rrth entirely new material., and will he ,uht chid rye•] N•tnrday Morning. for `J -ear, it pad in adv:nee: l'; 1 year. if p*id within six month.; am! $3 a year. if mot io void; ,n all ca.ee excln.lse of po.tage.- Pr an the ei'ennse'-mreulstmo„ wh'rh 1' veil' have, the Herald will be s desmrolde rive. hum for Advertisement•, wbieh will be in• .erted at the initial rare. Alt communien- 1u,1,1 to the Editor, through the Post Office, must be pr•-p*id. W. JOJINSTONF.. Fd%tor nod Propriefst• Brantford, Aug. 16. i8J9. ,9x30 .RR PREPARria t SOLD B► J. HEW- LETT. M. YONOR STREET. 700ONTO ad b etgeM. Iheag4 U. Praiser. Hewlett's Restorative Ilalsatn, !Nice I. k res /teat. 11 1,1 112 of a� MOFFj /Ell ETAin t •I'` ,d. 6r tet�� tr a•Tinrrlsa4 %li '"' 'no wet mat �� . �TawM w ins ,w tot ar. TLy w Mss• N ••'w •'e•Kelimmair prigs sot goal moor •i Ylrpae ri eve area. m4 ver urns eM y e. Ooh d Y.r.de,w Til, M• Ai• tee . ale aryl t lficr1..,. =Ir. ALL i]411krt�1�t11• ••tire f••r Otani'..., Draentrr,, Bjomly PS r�AyTwwa, /t.YT* sM CNW IC V Rela*aiue, and that dtroofered rlaart+'I- Reweli, en preyiwiI during Ihs,lbi ;elan, sr, known as 11'. Summer C. e Clm k,a Murbua, s.c'aUOf, Hewlett's r Beta& Priv a( 1.eumausu., BURNS, For the C1. ern., Swelling'. Crump. 4raldr, B,••eee, ren N'nund•, Ntiflher. (•fitlt►IMaem. COt�d N ek, N••inboeer, Prue, 'n the Jote� the Rain, ke. lie. F•rupiinn- ett s Stomachic Tincture ; 1fSt,•STREN(.TIWFNING HITTERS. trite Is. l p;1. . Beflb. For the core of 88 yak Ihce.tine, Biliror• ihaeares. Paine in the Stomach. Ines nI A,.pr"tte, Gereral Debility. Palpitation of ,he Ile -rt. Con.nmpilon, kr. k.. 7" Th i. Medicine to one of the best and cbeapeet In emrr'rlatlnn. CANAPIA.V FRIEND; OR Hewlett's Universal Oil.tmeht Prim le. 34 pr B.01.. For (nriog Cnrrepn..n. mf. very d•eerlp tion, Ulcerated !lure Lite, Bui'r, ReaW. Ch'Ihlaina, kr. Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills FOR ROTH SEX'':S. A remedy for (n.' nrnrre, Paine and Gid- tliners in the Heed, Disorder* of the Livrv, Rtom•rh, end lb•• eh, ; alert, lsdigeatloa.- Price 9d. per Hos. HEWI ETT'S Apperient Fancily Powders. ►'t)R Baru SEXES. A remedy for ('cer'Teee.., Pa'.r ata Giol- .tneer in the (lead, Doeo%trr• of the Liver. Sh•r,erh, and Rowe.: es' indtge.r,on. • «7"To the many p•. rsnr■ •lin ohjeet t• - the 'akin[ of P 11., them. Powders, are err- mmn'endrd, and for Ch,ldres are preferable. -Price 1t Sd. per B•rtrlr. Hewlett's Antibtlinu• Polls. Price 1s 3d. per B&We. .%n exeeltenm remedy fur 15I ,nu Cornet/011u and Cii.t•ven.s•, The! repine all rol.tr,n tl 0. on the St"n,.rh, at the rime tem' Wmngihen the 1'iremtiv'O,var., Feltrir i. th,..e P•in. attendant none I)'•oette ett1he Stomach, act as a Tomo- Upon Relay..t Crtmiitotinnr. and prod' ce Vit. r le Nautili CAME into U e enrlo.ure ul the bole" rcri'er on the fi-at day of Septette 4-1 a RE') 4 E ft, kb, to throe v'a s. d•!, w th e I ill' white ov the belly. T .s o. nee can tome and take him away by proving property an.1 pvyr,i ^xp•o•.•. WM. GREEN'. Colborne, Oat-. 21. 1419. ., ane r/Tits AnwrrWw.s ♦ eve suosst and SLIMS ft .11,100. vivo= • We= 00Wtf.ttlr - te mw ewe awe w Ir do�f .Irama dimes a••••*, �•e vest ii 6m./ t...I- ' - Phriew `e aid Wm. •ma• or dorm • ••••e oilawi s hi %Mo se lbei NLNOa t;OOLIC. mod 'tat0Y* L•'so•w. grmmo, oumrrrssgwt oulWt 1 auV0M*.�i�1,(� co..J$rnu.. used ..h awes mew is 1*si •111,11114111PSZA. M. sews Mil nab d. -rhe ...owed drat moo iaaers•+w»arat••ur• 111111011710141 ¥ Oe ease, ti lair*L/*, NATI ImY�R asst *ova. rw0. ar....4wwse ..are. vert r 0.4 a .i. etm•s. aad sora..' 0 • Woo a.dem.r !woo 'be not-. Wirt. e ,.,r• J ,b. /•...o. -e ... o ,ire renew.. ■ T.Y TniM. as iATtd/1MD. a%0 a t;.5 e0. ruULNsse d Cu»PLP*IOJL OTaNak*L Da1•!LI'rT leen% rrr.OlNtssl. Orr nal NR/DAt'llea fmeg • 4. INWARD este*. 11,01.1 V114111R0 111811M14. 7101. i»ru*a PLu4D. J/W,OJC*. Lutes W Aryl me. LITZ* oosarL•vair!. Lsl'zwr. I ou.tvsOM. matYat'1t1A8. D1Im*sta8... Nome ata 5 ••ave• .oaakr s. the .sib 1 Nst.rr re. *oh swam dos ,r ewes •••••••••1••••••••....f etworor.ew "me I0*/7% NtUOW.. et✓ Y. use roue rrate:ra tureis W WIT. res / Tieri arm tagemSgc rOLJO.- rILss. Tao.•'w.•trwvow Jdm%.tobto i. �•• mood 1 M. of w il.wa wallet' la tat w aeons lar a1 sari.. shin PUN. mile w+. mYw tea. soils. retie sod rim. sI so u V II 8 T t V IC Thaw ird .Ra 1Y. •aiy dY...d .i r mew 1.4J M tr bre _leas.• $V.L .g a.aa. H0*D, 1tuarl, 4• LTaw1OM, glee ll22. •0h10018*. + IRg310's aV!L, ow m a•. o.r 0 L. I le e. of rswp r..r.M.ma woiN.0. 0 . eet Wes. ..ii . tri r i ..aw+.•• .suet• t a.. w maw sue•.•-...mr'.t er•r..N tett•.. Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills Price Is. 3d pa Bax For the rut.. of Cough., r•d A•tl'm•.- Theae admirable P111. are mord 1•enefirtal to the needy ',nines( of Cough., 1,1'.n, ddfi entity in breathing, so ire ng t A.thnuUr eihj- rt.. and prneurft the'ref-esbl.g tom forts ni rest and 'Irene Hewlett's Dinner Pills. PRICE Is. 3d. per D.a. For removing llbaruritm•a •'n the Chest. frit sfior runny, pariinttarly after rhymer. c*at.e.t by /rest Weaken.. ane Debility to the il•t..nve Organ.. Hewlett's Infant's Roothing CORDIAL. 1"PORTANT'l'O M,,'I'IiFRQ k Niteroi. For ra,'ng Paine In the B'wet• sod f re the far -errs of the country. F*JK SAIF: IN Dtt,Taortee i,rrcr..-Then are '.neem• reeeipto for the deetmrti n the'aph.d••' which .re ,warming in esu' gardens. The effcary n(.eaeh receipt is vonehed by its ad- vocate., and, we doubt not, in all ca... 'roll. Tobacco water,toh•ern du.*, soap per hundred difference in the price, which .„dm, and las water all have their admirers. nn s el o1 la'elre budred weight, will If 55.e patronise .mellmg yah.. We doubt nal, however, that complaint. may and will come of the inability of all these eppl'eationa. • People fancy it pis ennngh to throw or trundle the fluid over the infected bushel., once for al', sod tie eking Is done. They forget that no aptai. ebtion whatever can reach the inerete that loth in 1uld0 of the leaves ; that otters will he mtge.(' even on the rurface ; and that these ' creatures multiply at a rate sum.. what greater than even the population of London Thousands and tar of thousand.* may be destroyed to -night, and to-m8rrnw others fall late the ranks, and recruit the legions. One or two applications of any sort cm be productive of little relief. They most be frequently repeated, and skilfully, by .here and quick expulsions from a fine -nosed gy- ring.. if that to done, we guarantee the riddance of the poet by 'new of earbona•e of ammonia, (smelling salts.) which it is once take of $12 on a bullock, (nn .moll item in the price of feeding) and bee;dee the expense of making the bee(of the coarse oz. is a• great an *that of the fine one. I hare -travelled many ,vile*, when 1 wIm in the habit of (..dune cattle, and since. with experienced ca'tle-listen from Con- necticut river, to examine rattle, that were reenmmended a. jn•t right for fe.dinr. when neither my friends nor myself would have driven them to Connecticut, with a view to ptitrtrg them into a 'tall for feed- ing could they have been purchased for Irlf price. And now • few more wards in regard to feeding. The beat feed without qne*tion, te ten patio corn and ono part oil -meal: but as oil -meal cannot now be nbttuned with- out rung to New York or B"etnn far it, aad paying a great price, corn and oats in the above proportion is next beet, but ari oats now demand generally a high price compared in talcrt to corn, it would proba- bly be more profitable to ■ill them, and feed entirely with corn ground in the soy. The Connecticut river feeders tire cors and broom -seed, corn in the eat is the most profitable for us. Some porion. think then is no veloe in cobs; be that as it may, feeders know the cattle will bear heaver feed, by using corn ground in the ear, thea 1f the cora i. shel- led. Alto the quantity and tints of feedies, the q antity should be as great as the ux will eat up clean sad not scene. Eight quarte of cob meat is the Douai quantity for an ea of one thousand pounds dead weight, bot if an nx will bear more meal, give it to him, for It is a mirtaken Idea That it you ford heavy, you wit he • loser, for it is en .1J but true adage, that if you cheat an ox te his feed, he will, when kit -ed, *jibe, cheat foe nr the drover. Re earehd •fin, wives there is a warm charge in the res Ow, to legman his feed ler a few meals, or he oil get clogged, and you may lose a week's feed before his comes to h* appetite agate. Prod yew, bey a little et a time twice or than slur kis meal, for be mai amt miry little hay 11 M is all tie bra ai once -let your cattle i.te jear Iyrd for wormy betimes aloe all tee1'eloek. sad send se ems -es peemsbim thelleding Menet 001s1 ye. Put tjfesl f1/M Illy Weft me? Se- e • CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have fo• d'.po.al, sb••nt 1,500 1100 AC1818 OF NAND di.ferre1 thr•,ughout m...' of th• )'nwnd,ipr eat Lipper Gonads -nearly :WO. - 100 Acres are .'mated in the Harrow Tract. roll known aso one of tate mo -t tarsale part.. .1 the Province -It has 'rob ed its poputa• Imo in fin, roars, and now contains up- ward* of 50,000 Inhabitant.. The LANDS ore raved by way .•f L RASE. foe Ten Years, or Jnr 'inlr. C .9 S 11 D 0 /1'N -the play • i' n.rflfth Cosh, nod the balance i* laslul- .11111 bring done away will. The Rent• payable la February each rear, are shout the Interest at Sty Per Ceticupon the price .'1 the Land. Upon most •lihet ,',,when 1,EASED,NI)MONEY 18 REQUIRED -DOWN -whilst upon the others, actor ting lu locality, one, two, or three yeari. jtent, mart be pool in advance, -hut thew vm•nte will free the Settler from flintier.calls until 2ud, 3rd or 4th yea of hik term of Lease. The -richt to PUKCIIASE the FREE - GOLD during the term, is •'cored to the Lessee at a fixed sum named In Lea -e, ad an allowance mi made according to antici- pated payment. Lists of Lando, and any further ieforma- lton can fin obtained, (by applicati.tn, I( by triter pod -paid) at the Cearaiv's Omens, Toronto and Roderick ; of R. B1aMai.y R•q., Aspkedrl, Colborne Di.(rkt ; Dr. Atitwa,-Cue/pi, or J. C. W. Dater, Edq., Stratford, Huron Dirt net Golerich, March 17, 1840. 7 expedient to nes, that depends upon its quality. 1f honght fresh of the wh'deaale chomi•t, half an entire to , q'nrt of water u enough. Dot it ig often mach weaker, when the proportion of gilts must be larger. it hag the great merit of being dean and eff•ctnal ; besides which, 11 Improve. the health of the foliage very much. All the other wakes, although they mar Mae powerful. an dirty, and therefore obj•etion- able to bower gardens. Yin's .-Neither rung, •rtik,al nagleta nor all the resources of the toilet, can re- tard the re1nlI's program of that ramble foe to beauty, Time. Bot every one most have ',aimed how lightly ►r band roof, upon some, bow Manly apoq othw.,.- W hes►s.r you wee in an ed person a .mnoih ,mwriakled fo►she..b •,clear eye, aad • pleasing cheerful expression, be sun hes life ba. bees passed le the comparative t ranq,ubl y of mrd, deb rsao•d Ira apse Mttw..d ,,clean tyles than larersal price el novel. A good monotones* a the fineta•t prestervative of beauty . Whenever yes bevy pin'hwd-up feler.%, foil of ham and this curling hp% you may j.idei ufp.tty pmai.•• easy, ad •m►itanw, *Web bees sure art their ewswr. 1hg , ad amble thoughts Isa,e babied them soak old bes•t,ful tra- ces ; meaenees of Meech* ell .e18-A..es of /either kerma with time N own, ors ane uglt.e.s together. Fresh en, mom .5.440 food. aad eserete+, mental ad bnd,1,, with am elevated •rnb•tr*•, writ see Oar me the griaanoo we • enredi . be.evv, ,a iamb yeti i. de4a.st. Then as many mot, ad orl.m.o,et.isty, anger 10 apitssra.ee awl reaeItietier thee at WV. --Oaf CHOLERA! CHOLERA! PREVENTION IS BE ,TER THAN CURE. HEWLETT'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, roe ren even Or Di.0rA .. Dye"ti.rp. llasdy Pisa. Rehieeilsa, BUMMER COMPLAINT AND CHOLERA MORBUS. Price 1s. 3d. per Bottle. ( ' 1t has beim attested by eIp.rt nes.. acrd 1 ....4 oe the feet, that as attack of the Cholera is gaaerally preeeded by Pro- motiitory 8ympt.wmo, principally Di -order. of sloe towel.. This premonitory R• Para- noia and Mark**, hang wt'110,41t Pain, and mol twee o*g mach with health, to rower • ally vent w.lieed, anal tt is followed web deeded Cholera ! The nine to /repeat the theme.e„r t0 bats /ee'y,r••, on its fir., app.anfte. to Iletelrtla Rnleretire R.1 sae& whack will prove &Seaetow is *tansy ire pregres, and prw..n'tag the Cholera. - lb mass of decided Cholera, the above Me- nem* will he of ,amror service. No reedy ehn•ild he withers* a B•wMot tete Saloom ow bawd. Prepared *sly by .1 Gm/lett, 93, Terk SIret, Tomato. Sold by 1. PARSONR Generic► Miter,. P. B. Clerk k Co. Port Semis. Nr. Ws. Joss.11ydenhem, Ow.. eased ..di.rlt/y lark A.g.at t sea, oa•.M. TIM LIFE FILLS III ?Neill $ITTU3 PURIFY TNE B100D. Ail thus resat/ye all deems from is •rm•0. a ..��.i.. ,rf.t will prrr.e. the 11 F E PULS end PII(1NIR BITTERSie'ma eke w.'Ji. ter t. ,N •••row 1 ...ry p•.rat. Th. reel.. 1,►... 4....• •n mere y a• ober tra�►.n 1.5.00 •M • i. *I.t. 511.4 -...00. Owed 0.4S0." .01a -4 i• rW.t.a• a► whrh p • d.•h,g 1 a.mad..r 1,.. w.. somas to w „ee., h .t.ior rrwrgwn .L.i g .M .17 e.• .•y !Way a.! r. 71. .'erre •e/ 11••••••%••••r. ••►y'r the ei. a .Mo• eM r•••'• 01.11.1i wish stab •w�rw egopop 4..ew..d that th• w sew'•• i e•nlhl •J • w ,h„• .•h serer.•; ►r . re dew M teeid . ibt.Otra are si I e es. N dear l.iai J•.. g,7 rr.r•r.d aur sold ha MM. � w•dw WILLIAM «wr .r Lat►•et moo,! j Tern r., S.. y BENJ. PARSONS, Sole AgIlsf. Goderieb, Jan. 28 1848. 3 $Tit ATFL IRI) IRON FOUNDRY. HOME MANUFACTURE. ,f,THE out"ender. in rel'i•ning thanks to their Cupiom'-n In the liberal .•'p part they hese ire'•"a1 once r,m,nrnetnr hus'neo., beg to intimal., that they have lbr .ale .1 low wee Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves. also Ploughs of eight descrini'o1,., •••d e n- .t•ting of the m'a't improved Mnulrla. Self. noting ,11111 Dolts, •r'd various o'her ea. - ting•. Having unvoiced sen experienced Machinist. the .uh.cni..n can c•'nfidenila recommend their 1'HR.ARIIING MA- CHtNES of :be newest design, hot, rta- tinnsry and m' '.able, and would solicit a call from inlwndin, Porch hew* boy ing elsewhere. All orders pun •tually at- te''ded to and executed with neatness and despatch. ORR k WILSON. Strafford, 13th Ang. 1819. v9-nt8tf. TWO GOOD FARMS FOR BALE. ONE within f Bailee, aad the -tuber with - to about 3 mite. o1 Goderieh 1' we P .t, The fiat is I.'.T 10 a let Coreee- .11,0, Township of G'derich, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, I. buuo. ed at the oils end by Lake Heron. and .1 the other by a Pub. a Rood,-f0J ,he .erond I. LOT 4 in iib Cuaeesatee, Culb.•ra., W -13,v►.mon, CONTAINING tet ACRES, and is rituated at the Juliet's& e3 now Nib. is Ronda. For P.rtieu'ar• apply to JNO. MIDONALD, Kee. . Goderich, 17th Ione, 1849. 1.19 -if PLANS AND SPECIFiCATIONiS. THE SuMrriber begs leave to Inform the Inhab0tlms of the Memel of Huron, and the weghhorint D,itric'.. that be ham Established himself in Stratford, and le prevent to etre Plana sad Sperrfrcl- 1,nns of Poblte r, Private Balding., Badg- es, Mill Dame. ke. kr. kr., sad will 'eke the superintendence of such Erections, an the moot reasonable terms. i1,. thorough knowledge of his profession and bi. practice ea Redder, qualifies him for any us/oruktal 10 the line. Address post Patti. PETER FERGUSON, Bni:der, ke. kr. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March lath, 1819. 11v -s711 STRATFORD HOTEL. (Lata sag''. ) THE Rubde seriter informs his fries.ad the Trot ening Pithlir• that be has Wetted the large BRICK TAVERN, et the East end of Stretford, (now the county town of Perth.) hasty ocespt.d M Mr. Iroise May, where M will be ready at all time to •fwd the usual comfort and imppltes and pmrnel• the personal eo.vesieaee of hie g0 -N*. WINES aad LiQUORS of the boat de- eeriptton. A steed, Horde► always in suondawce. ALBERT G. IIATC3I. Stratford, 1611. J'ely, 1849. fv-ettfltf NOTICE'. THE c•mhoe,iher basing RENTED the SVAREIIOUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the \levan. Davenport, ul th • place has eetabli.h. d him•el/ es a roawaeena *00 Corrt..wn OIaWaMT. Any orders or enmml•ion from the Mer- chants of Gulerick, w•11 recry precept anert,on. JOHN McEWAN- W,,.d.or, March, 1849. is-7atf, TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH IN retnrntnr thanks to hr !node and ne• ...erotic Customer. fur the Liberal Fat - rimers which be bac received during the pan year, reef. to mntemale that he Isito jest rrr.ivrd ■ti extensor. A..ortment 07 701111 7LBR8018 WOrl19011. and a ready to Execute all Olden girlie to bit,. with can and punctuality en formerly Goderlch, April, 19th, IBW. 11,-.10t1 Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receiver Centrals OP*. Montreol, 19tb March, 1849. PUBLIC NOTICE es hereby gives, that Claiment• for Reim:line Lessee in Canada Wept, who have not applied to, aid received payment of thole Claims from the respective Agents of Milks! of Mnairesl, is the several di.trwtsas heretofore notified will from and after the Ent day of June seat; be sreemested In apply for psytnent of theme', either peresally or by duly appointed Attor.iee, to the Parent Bask is that city. (Sige.d, ) S, M. ViG H. M. R. CI. 9-12 ht tia1ron Signal, 111 raatTO AA !MOUSER. tyl.T TwewmAl BV THOMAS ROAequsMN, MFM *0• reara11105. once poaaa, •0e6a0s&. •.• Bok sed Job Pri0uag, ete.asd with eater sad deepsts0 Ta,ae a ram H.sss neem... -TIN MIL - LINOS per s•s.ee if paid Ip tlty*sMue. or TwainM OD ilia Pee. ria l tb 'epi ssiee .( the relit. Nie pew di.eeifeerd *mil tuners eve paid sp. elves the Feb rebel Woks it We edges- 1bgs foie es. Asy h h" w e Mme.., I S0 Ml leg o - Mesh* �eirm�tb e�1py pati.. ii. fQ AR Meter.Yremd es 59 YM/fmMe/b p�.•t Pat! et lbw will .a M .19 Ohl d tb. _ IOIIhiT! Tare M aNM0111111111., 7'H J . Subscribers will the Mn hese "'d sake. kw immersion let t J cob..Mree.et 111 HIGH RST MARKRT PRICE TMline.e04"dm gree• (m......t r for Good Merchant -Able Wheat .... IM•.... l i JAMES PORTER & Co. Oki iIIYIf�, Ooder+ah Oats 17. l ka i aompa � -• • se 1