HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-22, Page 3raceme - res • <'4 _ - A• the Adternipieate WintsM. .MM Meeks emanate,. the r fytrw j gym, ad leer rlr••rtlre-traM. .1' wtil,ba pert tip' the Mottotpy • Sept •ot •a►a'IMSJ themselves 1.. their selrcttbt 10 rentlwnen of their non parte. but have elevated 1.. Ilse bench their i•mhtteal ..pp sentv...•4If,.4e. et .ala Elgin settlement To Tela 11.,.t aaa j oINI; et tlW sIWM y • lee to bb yev view. 00 a suojeet that a...n, meserss oar dell r:g1►t.. Yu.,r Wear re. &twesim the Wester. part or the Provie.p, where 'vet Opp, agnate pre PetIJ••d, rakes yes well acquainted with our condll.uri and Hos Many dt..Jva.teges wader which we lab.wr, ie .e.e.q..nce of an repast prep, dime, which deprives our chlldrtn, t.. great +mean, of the use of the C mon School., 11102 iseclasele• us from temir-mating is the N ightie and pnt•t!eger guaranteed to n. by •I.w. Tbn prejudice bis hetet.), a..uuee, • both• form, to a■ Adder.' published et Ctstbase, in August Inst, the °, jert t(w h eh ID to prevent we fr. m settling where we pia., sad if ranted tali, effect, would ea . Sally drive us horn the Prowl tee. A, toe sdgeeeset the County where Ihe) 11,n A. 'moieties have purchased land ('r Coloured settlers, they stab to know if you are to faro+. of oar settling there, or aey tuber . else* that we as, melee' rp the Prow,rce, ad H you will aid tae in n%t•tning all the eights sad powdery to which we aro ep titled by law. An anew.r at your nate.* elneewledea will oblige the Committee. W. R. ABBOTT, DAVID HOLLIN, ADOLPHUS JUDAH. MR. CAMERON'S REPLY. Toao,To, Noe. 2nt, 1849. Onervunswrr,-la reply to your le ter et ei el 1'444 LATEST NEWS. •LIVAL OP TiIE CAMRRIA. Lett.ihilew York, Nov. 10-61 P. M• Carrier lad lVetlIe. .tat. that • Room Renee that 0,,,(7.211 there with the feted •xtndulos of t►• plu4t !d not press for t A ministerial rrt ,n reh•pee•• Rist, w eml•aerial err► had vie• » to Apar ,!eked ee Ike Ea Coast daring the bre rgtr tial Retest, tended with the Ion of life. • The Q..et•n Dowager Adelaide.. ill s net expected to recover. A memnrial to Lord Palmerston. erg he ?melee Secretary to nee every me n lila power to put a mop to the barber' .1Ilaynau, and to roatore to Hunger Cnranttrt'onal Got !rnment, ties bees po Ireul.1inn. Lola Mentes has stabbed bar near h sed, wbo barn left her. FRANCE. The Cameril of mim.tere, which was h n Wednesday., and at which the Presid 1 the Repn4'ic was present, was one onta„eraole importance. The letter n( +Ileo: was dieruesei, and the mmiatry reed that tt a:.00nied to ins re. •natio LIVERPOOL M11RKET8. That C.•rn trace throughout the emir very qnt It,iwers only operating est smenedta•. want,. Ho;deri bare bee n oble to keep rap the gardation. of I eek, and pries generally have .till a loony ten Irrey. Indian, Corn.,••Is •1:1! b irk Armni.., but the •sore are eery Ion In t e Pr.:,,.unn market, bnrinesa h ran steady. and pricer fi-m : in the re rt of tut week faro. mole. or baron we Ale at an .duan,, of 1 a.2 Mr rent. RRIVAL Ot~ the AME1HC es lir n el al- 0d ane s.." w t t 111 ua- el.► 001 of M. e b 0 e gar,. OSNele are seamhog is resiglialisite w re ase..-llte veriest Mitioitellste barb rat: outit•ic.d thee old rtragglee for a.ecede. c,. The Polish ltd other retugseu bare h, en conveyed part to Shusi!a, and part ase ledged in `nod gaarlers at 8cb.rlds. Ko.•uth and ear oche• Modem were to re- rrain for the n bile at `1riJJen, until.nean- ur,s era lateen for Hata removal and velli• mem liberation. R 0 M E . The h•eauinstions of French soldier. rmn.inue d4Ni-it is now wasidered that the Pope will ee••eeturn, SPAIN. Narvaes haw ,!i.roir"ed •-. King from hi, Poet of Keeper of the Paler. The new America, Minister at this Court ..,pally prepen'e.l bimetal •n, dtremitted in the n.r of the President the doings of the party who proposed to *e.t.a neon Cuba, ENGLAND. "lila l.ondoo es in streaking of the "` Vries of Copland to the *00.xa- 1 0 of sada to the Unite,' $tate°. Saye ' Yet the rot.met of tl,e people will be di - reared by motive• -.f prudence and 1.1.reel .loom: if they think they can do without Canada, then and then ahe1e will the, lice her up -but i. aorreadertng Cii.ada thee will take care not to .urrynder°•nae jot land, the po inn of a' ieh, really an'1 •irec•i•ely cc nicety. the rrar:time and com- mercial importance of Great Briton -then will nut surrender Nova Scott : they wilt not cede -Britain will not eede the sea board and have neighbors who must ev r'.n,mand the mouth of th, St. Lawrence and proree/ the trude of the Atlantic." this day 1 beg leave to nay, that the evil pn you complain of ro•lative to your emotion in our Common eebonI., war full, rrovi- E dad for in the New School bill, obeeh 1 Wad the honour to eond•,et throne Parham..a last alanine and which comes ottooperatiou ,, pe January nest. ' I regretted eery notch the tone and septi m moots of the r,solurtona and address to 11 width toe alio& as hating been p ••ed a' Chatham in August last, and I teal q•ute more, that die, aro not the sentiments o' the great mann of the County of Kent.- w For it. own put I have ever advoested the perfect egr.al.ty of ell mankind, and th. right of all to •very rteil and relignme privilege without regard to creed ear col,•rr. And tinder.theenn.tontton we new enjoy all men are really °free and equal" and Dose cast den, in the African any tht.g vetoed to the :icsiehman. the Irl -bean or the Siena; they gave the ,igh' In pnreh•se where ty► :+lea•. and Kettle in grout • or singly a• they liter, an : wh••r••ver they are, tar they will And m. ready to def•id and mato- tarn the principle* of crvil and roloo,,nr f....- dom to alt, as the p•inciplo 1 hill tenet dear of to mylelf and rent .seed to my country. I have the honour t•. he Your obedient servant, MAI.COLSI CAMERON. To We tante R: Asnort-, DAYID flotLyit. AUOLreUs JcDAH. Cowrtitter.-61,4•. a- n try t• art de - old rt- es d h r•r m A William Ly •s b'ar'k -raz'e's opinion of the Independent and ,I. Elliot, which re quire• iso comtn.et :- " 1 hat...Hit read . nnmher of the new.• paper published Let Tur.d.y by If. B. Wil coo, at Toronto, the object of which i. 4• ad,or•te • .ep,'ration of Vie reit of America from Broom a friend!! revolution, a peace lot rehellroa, the making taakee. of every Canadian, Dmm..rracr ,rep.bl.eanum, late'' stye Inoolott.one, a bar_ttniog t•, enter TA. Union for no mach snorter to he. I•ut out in de 'rat:toads b -, Can such a un -lc. - 'ht h• Wooed sent weekly and moat i or banes.-, J'• ed, and those in who-. dwellings i ha;.pen to be, while intrrfenng with no human Wong either personally orpo:it-ca'Ic 1 The faint ly commies, kc., hire the nlhe., anal a. the • ha armofj•notico.s wielded at liner• ill I have no redress for any arose. Mr. Wdmn'. 1 10 father, and Sir Allyn NeNeb, moved In 1831 lb to expel me from the frgueletore for no rel other rel.on than that 1 had printed and dieter/toted 200 cope. of the jotters!. of the 'n Assembly extra, at my own eepe'•ne and fir D ent them through Ihn enuntry that the hlv electors might s.e b'•w member', had entad ! ! Ti i sent no comment. with them, and vet .tri for •r two voter* would have expelled the !,•:- 0:d _ O!d Mr. Morrie .aid i had tent him three ceple., free to Perth. and bait pall the ra•- rtare and be alae voted in repel me fa• it Mr. \VilI.o.'• hither and Sir Allan MeNab mowtrf to expel me and .treeeed•d •,x times and pot the country to a Creat ride..•. and trouble because i had written an article in • paper ezpre•sing opinions favourable to the coed** ser.eed by L•rnnt,ine, Liebe, .Vigor, DeWitt and the French Irhenle now bus son joins this same D.R'tti, Lc.. In &campaign, for sweeping Brttieb power off this continent, and would cnnptder him- th Ye du An Ar re A. --nom New York. Not. 11".-10 A. M. The America arrived at 'labia: on Set - day morning, A fete hu•'nrn in Cotton, at one eigh 0 penny dee tine. Flour Anll ; Canal granted at 23. a 24s. e market is irregular. Indian Corn held firmly, 27s. a 29a. for 'low and lahoe. What n. t quoted, InPr:•vip:nn• steady EueIne.• doing. at II prow ; Beef heavy and rather doll :- Irk nail,, and !raw erodes more wanted hrne'market, common and ordinary, fair alit'•s wonld bring .ery butt priers. Stirrup. lively demand ; market hen• ant. imm. u,ae'rve, bat without ranch aware. Wool market more attire, and pr,c"e very m. Money market •••y. In th• manu(arturingal:vtnct. only ■ mo. rare t-o•u,.os doing. Prices •tr•adv. Tte accounts from th manu/•actuno tracts are generally farnrable. FRANCE The French M:nis're hare retained or in been drum/teed. The cause is ',toted hare been their du.tnol,natinn to 'untrue th Markets. Guu,RIc,.. Noy. 21. !R49. £ • el. £ •. 4 Finn, per hon.,. (in 1,1.1 t 7 17 6 • 0 20 0 Floor net 1011h. (farmer -1 8 9 a 0 111 0 F'll Wh-•• per. !melte,. 0 3, 0 • 0 3 14 Serine Wheat perbueb. 0 2 6. 0 2 9 Otte, per hn.hel, 0 0 9. 0 0 10 P-.,., per bu.hel, 0 1 9. 0 1 1114 Ifee. per inn, 1 in ft a 1 15 0 R..•... f(. -h, netlh. 0 0 6. 0 0 7 Boner in the keg. err Ib. 0 0 5. 0 0 6 Montreal. ;Coy, 14-7 P. tM., ;Vellum. in brea.I-tiff. In report. A•h••.- 1'.,M, 34. 6J • 31. 91: arrival. rnnod-rattly; Peals, 32s 61, with downward ten.'ency, MoNT.I:AL N 2.46. • Nothing of importance in fi,ur dn.ng.- 20.31ai0a6fextra, nominal 20191a21 3.1. wheat -Amount of t,n.inee, trill n2. - Sale. lieper ('anada.r.rt 3. 9.1. 00 wore f midday, meshy white, 4.444. Pea. •al•ahl• at 2., Provetnn._-in R-ef nothing doing ' in•' mal.. n1 Pork 65: a 67. Rd for maim, 32. 6,1 for prime mew.. •ad Sao 91 a 404 Inc prim.. Roller roe... !i'rat'e. Iran•.rt•n} 7i I a 714 for Isle. 641 for god, and Sid for Sed. A•he.-Po'• .nnght afi•r tin and •t••111, 32- 61. Exr-11•.vi-Rank on London 60 days 12, pnrale 104 a 111. ye TRAY MTKRR--limped hem *Mwb- aer•be 'bent tee b 4 at . laity feet. --A 1)AkK RED YELLOW Id2'EEJI,.with . white fare, e•.. .d horns, four prate old cootie( dee. 110 the bees worked a Mae. Any Iwfurwaio0 re-peoueg how will be I baukfully ;reel%ed, and cbargrs pad. ROBERT KARR, 5th Cue. Cut Line Township Gudsnch, Nov. 12, 1849. 41 Nmae Ditttrtct Building 4ncietY PHI ORVE1►TLENT71 coat► MLCh2Ic Uv `S P the Society tail Nam O .1 neIke British Hotel. en 8awrday the 30th lost. at 7 u'eleek, p, M. B Order. THOMAS KYDD, 8ee'y. Godertch, Nov. 29, 1849 MMovena le 5E ir STRAYEDnorm'be 11URON MOTEL. i aI s ' on Saturday erenlng, 20th Oclnber,- A 'YOKE OF OXEN. one Black and one Reit-I.ug• Strung 'oimals. The Black our has a *bola rpt on the root el the tail -the red ono bee eery 1 rife stir horn. - and walk.. wide an the lural legs. G.der•ch, ?Vv. 12, 1849. 2v-neltf LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING iu the Post Office a Stratford up to 7th November, 11949. Arrol Thomas Montgomery Wm AOen James Mulholland Rich 'booklet' Mrs May Michel as • Christ. 4 Machan David Bre.'n. AIre Malloy ?clary Bethel Jrr• Mills Andrew B.,ekl.y John Me&egor Alex Berthrel Val tyelaam Chas Carbine Wo' 8 liw„11er Donald Cary lames McTao. Alex Curse Henry McDugai 4.,, Carrel Win Neilson Mathew Corti• Gad OfIeby Rnbt rootier Ferri Patterson rioter Chowan Thomas Patern John Chosen John Phelan Michel ''atbn James f Nib Andrew Cameron Wm Ph.l•n Jnhn ::filed D Phelan James Dunamore Sawtl Prrdy Geo IMlta'inugh Madame Robertson Janes Ihckrnn Gro Ri'w Patrick Engleeby Thor Rodger Wm Flinn Course Reed Geo Fitzpatrick Middle! Reed R•ibt ( .vie John Roach Mr. :iodise,. Geo ' St'rchop Geo He.remp Geo Stonehnp 111bbert T Scott Duncan Humphrey F Stock John' llewi, Art hue - Steck Joseph 'fay D Smith Welham Hays John Sebe' William J•.1 neon .1Vm Siewert Peter teeny Cornelius h•nl.e \Brite! Ka.Ihner Jobe Slrw.rr Dnnaid Kenot Th••. S'z-Ia,ud \V: l.►rn Kerr Nor. 7'..hain Kammer P. ter Ti rn-r James Korey Yat Whelan Peter Lehman.Cbn. A. F. SUCKLE, Postmaster. Stratford, Nue. Tib. t•49. GODERICH. CANADA WEST. j 811 NOW, n,ber, L549: s TILE SL•liSCk1BERN • IRE in R.eriot of. by re, ent arravaa at R S 6 1 _ STRAY aTEER.-Came into tneeccln- .ure of the Subecrtber, on the 40th of October last -A ted and wh;t• freckled Steer, abort fire years old. The owner of the above Steer can come and take him away by proving property and paring el•arzee. THOMAS SOWRBY. Godench, 6th Nov. 1849, l 3'd Con. L •t No. 12. S r40-49tf New Tai1\)ring Establishment IN GODERICH HE Submcrb.r hog, to a:ou°ce to the In - T .• Mab ...18 ol G.•der,ch. and i:. eiciaity• Chet be his commenced tin-u',ese in the shove lin•, is the Roo.. •'peeve. II. DOitTON'S Sed- ate Shop. )Market Square. where he will b. pre- pared to execute •'I order. in his hoe on the phone.. nnrc•. ■nd at moderate chats... ' N. B.-Cauueg done un the •bort.-t notice. JOHN ADAMS. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1449. '2n37 A RI(TUi.'rt171 a 3lohtrt•al. from En, land, The ("One log in • List of the Premiums.war- A L.\R(:E-AND V ARIED assortment cf dad to the •icce.sful competitor. 11 the Ban. shard (Bruch) Agricultural Society'. bbew,- held at lit. M.iy'. op Tuesday the llih Sept. 184!- CLASS Int -HORSES. Brat snatched 'pan of florae. J. hn !Striper £1 0 0 Best 'Mere & Foal J••hnst, n Armstrong 1 0 0 2nd d. W,Ilum Koko 151 3ed do Casper lett 10 4 Beat 3 yr -IJ Geld - tug or F ply Milliner llnrmoa 13 0 Zed do Dante! M, Lon■ 10 3rd do Bamblet Switzer 5 0 Best 2 yrs aid Do John Moore 2.•d do Vi ,iliam Il itcbcraft 3rd do Lore, fuller Beat 1 yr o!J Do C Mitchell 10 0 ('LASS 21.1-C1TTi.L. Beal a.•J Bu.! \Villiom Kir..e 1 0 0 2nd do William E'I,:•tt - 15 0 Ben 2 yr ofd 13o Witten H.tchcretl 10 0 2d do J.rn.. Hopkteo• 7 6 Beat 1 yr old 1)o %%'n, P. Smith t 10 0 si'h an award f Tnrn'rrn, NOV. 1R. i7ew.0 nTns.aerinft. nndre pnrir• lee 64 • 1`1 101 for •ura+'in.: Pettit -on- rice 19- o i. \IoM•.• •'t-.rhr. .n fora 19. a 2^•.- F••••,era' in "-g. and brio- 17-. 6.1 • f8, 9.1. 21 Wheat -Receipts moderate. price pyid 3o9Ja4.1d. e views embodied in th. Preeldenes letter alms' to Acme. Great excitement exist. Paris in enn.egnence. Met the Pre.ident 1. m and has wn.ten a letter to t' • Ai.em which a charar'erised b! the L indo•- Inea as imprudent bit mooted. He has toed a sew Cabinet which wholly repre• menu toe nwn rte.'s and 'hove of the major - u1 rf1he A••etnbly. The Tines nye that amonk•sl the name, of 'bow, wbo have received the h:gheit ap- pointments in the new Cabinet there ie vie nn. pne.eemin • the smallest panicle of in- fluence or entitled to any degree of public confidence by past "emcee. it teems that the whole. of the Ministry, with the exreptinn of M. OJitlon Berrot, an mh!m.l nn the morning of the 30'1. to ad se the Pres:dont r•.pecting the appoint rat of a •nee...M. to M. F•Iloie, the re n self ao 'll -wed man if any body interni,,- mi ted his labours ! ! ! Mr. Wifleon's plan included Ilse costlier). Te o nce of the prevent syste : of government in Canada, without new constitutiorm, If so agreed upon. So that •nnexatmn mar mean the 'redline Ilse family compact and their heirs and "ncce.sora on the coon•r., in church and State, in com.non law, Jade es sad all, and compelling • teem resolution soon th bee0rne unbearable. It is a hint like this, now apd the. that vexes rot when 1 thunk that by a little Ione.. patience• the, greatest grievances that ewe .f1 et Canada might pnpytbly hare been put in a tram for removal, end danger., of the extent of which this h hot the tams to speak, timorously ammede) -T-_ - Low Elt t' ADA' aPOfNTMENT8. Cone- • • l i0 „pep}t.1r.4.(, tba Lower , will be /w'es•dr.t.l hem bets wade. and u follows y m ' They w 1e the Q ieen,a B.melt (w Appeal Court J Sir Jamie Stewart ie to be Gine, J,re,teet and W eelpss1f.aw •►e a b me. leader Rsiiawd, M►, !melee Panel, and Mr. ln..,, , Aylwea. Sr? James Stewart sod Mr. Paw - w,11.11 •t at Mos/real. But all four Judges will sit 1iiget►er Bering Term. The Sfrp•rlol Curt to to comfit of Yr. Bowens Cbh•f ,'tastier, Yr. Datum Monde lel, Yr. Day, Mt. (lard..,. Mr. 8wlth, Mr. Vasfeleoe. Mr. Bacq•iet, Mr Chas. Mo.d. I. Mr. Meredith cited ..e ether, sot yes .sowed• The Cbi.4 Jostles aid Mover. !beefiest and Meredith sill Made •t' Qo. bee ; Meson fhy, itOhth Vanfelene .aim Chas. Mmodelot, .r Mdendd a 1rr: Gardme, at BEB1116nok : wad fir Demme 11dellair strew& ahem: Wi bvl'•vw tb;1 •gent, r The doe -airy will sow isma M lts.is."1 ...r..;a. ,fusubb" da11 1eeb tlW welt IIt1e tlwg uele tllAYUse tone Minister; at this meeting Logo. Na- potion emphatically declared that the Cab,• not wanted deity, and added that it hod been too eub•ervi•nt for the Conservative majority of the Aseembty, and the Conne;l f Swat die! what be himself rnuld net do- Ao eepl•'.ion instantly followed_ The • JNoiiterr of Thursday, contain, a hot of the sew Yineetry, of which Gen. De rla,IW,ille is to he Mini.'er of Wer, end rad interior in 'the absence of M. L. Ratan!,'n hold rhe Port Folin of Fnreig■ Affairs; M. Achille, tlim.ter of Finance. Thiene, Mel., and Gen. Cbaegirsiir, wrppbrt the new Ministry, but 'hey bays too ouch prudence, it ie said to join them. Another prepoeilon of Napol.n. Posta nerve for an •:namely for the timer/ems r4 Imo, wits, after emelt dise.eei , segatw.d lay s's.jerity of 41910 1Al . TURKEY. The Pails journale ;tabloids the fob leg ele'R►epki• d ateeh Irmo Oen. Latae ie- : Bt. P• enburg►, Derr. 18. -The meter of F. ge Affairs, emelt Newel - rode, notified yesterday to the Otlow•a em- •^,11111k n- • etbu1 (tier bed cemOdergi tee IM for '1401444 Ory wenld ieedles h9teelf an a deemed that the ]e sbSrY be eg p.11ed.fr•w Twebri j J ■% 8 No}b.aq from Rww1O.' t 1(,• it( spina entsyme, itweek; t. '-t 'r"y *f1 1 I td d^• i ' t C ta e}hrb'twraiPip aIS( a4 w6M New Yone. Now. 14. Flour -The tp.tRnrw to downward.,- S1I,. 0000 bbl• at R4 a 94.31 for mor: and fin.. 91.75 a $1.11 for common Stat. mix- ed. Oht• and Canadian, $5,12 a 95,25 for pure Geneve•. Bery•t.o, Nov. 13. Floor, 94 34 per barrel What, 80e, a 03,,: Coen, 4Sr.: Barley. 139r•.: Oats, 9A4,.: Perk, 910: High Wine., 21c. Cabal rr.'ghts to Alhanw-Flour, 724c., Wheat, 45c., and Corn, 15c. DRTROIT, Nov. 7. Fleur-TrInriaetinne ye.tcrday did not ✓ each over 600 barrels, and to -day we hav, heard of no inerea••d acttvi't worthy of eerier. Sale• rnnitnr,e .1 former quMa- tinns, rang•ng from 91 • 31,13 -'he latter for fancy brands. in Grain and prowirion. noehange- Tho Manton Banner cap Ihn 'minion that the price of hogo s ill open in that place at about 91,50, and flak to 93,25 • 1113. The Lnninville ("ruttier of Wednendam .•v-: " 1V.• heard of a solo 1" •lay, of 15n hoed nr h•ty. to a packer, at 9..50 nett, t.. tie .leliver.A at an early der. Phis is the first tran•c'hm this •wane.° It it elated that there will he six mil!ionp or property, in em tr'Is, ahont California the coming winter, and that every vessel will he abandoned and wrecked, if some means be not adopted to protect them. DRATw.r • Mraea,--'fhrt Piearane.aya that an old miser, a planter, died at Atapa•, lately, who was worth in menet, land sad nerr•,nu, at hood 9900 000. 11e had lis, coffin male beS,e Ma dea•b. of ruwgh on b-wn plank", ;n whieh'w.•►e f•n'iqq alter hie death •mole two ear three theosadd dol- lars in gold. S•creete i to the ceding of the hoop was fooled 945,000 so gold, and rn ar iron demo, also, a very huge amount in gold and paper. Ft* talet•aawo.-Tbe Ship New World •algid from New York o f Wedn••,lyy, fur L'.erpooI, carrying *boot 130 louh tabor- ets who came but het spring. and Beit` eimminfefed In proewti.g work, returned 1.. a►'llr wall+ leen. Birth, At Atte., mar Stratford, ow th. 30,h Oero- leer, Iva. Stewart G•opb.l. of• sew. iiltea, 1. Hist ern se Friday lac, IM 1614* int. • Auta•nen. me of Alemeder Wadtme, aged 6 Meeh. sof 12 Aye. rAY y.) .row tlr• $wteentr► the 1n der1' of A.fset Art, a RBD IIEIPEH, one roar old mot, with a white fere, ane . Iffiree td sped* OW 9I fere, and white welly. Mkt • piety .4 the loft ear tat.. of. kit '••bene loettlttt l fformatiraw at the Memel O win 1o' Mt mane for *Mr 1 'polite a e els tet cr►. 1 6r{eb. 1 • Ifs-SIltf DRY GOODS, ' p•rt:rola•Iv selected to Manchester, for th. ir'*latah Trade." Their Stock of B tR IRON. "ef the'Tat ('roan Brood." and StIELF 11AItDW.AltF.. have received cnrtehlerahto add tion•, hot'. .d F.ngl,.h and Usneal•Statew M•nul".eture. Front New York they hate received their •npol,-. of GRt et:CRIES, cnn.i.trne of ('EilSTS TEA. of vanou, Qualdues. BOXES TOBACCO. do do BOXES LOAF SUGAR, bar. L. live. Alt of wl.ieh will be disposed of fur MONEY or PRODUCE. at Ln.. Rate., 31, B. :;EY -..OUR k C 1.U -tete -fit • TEAS ! ! TEAS ! ! ! r i'H E Subacriber in returning his sweet sincere tlw"k• eo hu (rend,, and the public, for heir moa filters! pa,ronaee. Ms. lean. 10 in• (nem them Mot h. has pot I ')PORTED a choice Lot of TEAS. are , which he offers for Sale foe CA1II. BUTTER. W 0 0 1.. TIMOTHY SE:F.It. 1,1f EAT. or any toner kind of Produce, lower than ever offer -d here before. OHIO WHISKEY ! ! SEALED TEA'DB149 W11.1- k ,.seal e} b,baI( tbp,Digk414 Cwwaefl 1N the Met .f Harem, b! Witham Ch.lb. Eiji Warden, and M6a..... Ven Egsoad. Hy., R.tc►io, Limb. 8.ile Cnerge Carter, sad Hodgias Musics Ceewull.u, et tie $ebeenbr, for "be Pe,Iws as. of the 1 dew. tag Warks, the ammo' .t which tell be *ilia C.►h, ea the fall ronnpktbe of Me •mate. Traders will be opened at the YeAfwd Army. Hsrp.rbey, Tuckrntni,b. o• Tweeter. 4.b De. oradaer neat, a 10 o'clock. owe, law law 1.Yow- •.g, via • i lit. Lime of Rand retires 61.11.11 sad Mc. Killeptd r opm.,y end Crosewyug. Bee. 110. 1• Cwnse.e,ag at are Hams. R••d and rz troth.. arra .mil Ws. fsrrtA;m11•s to the rear .1ih• 6ri Comcrss.e.. See. No. 2. Fareed.ag Woe rad ..eiv_4r s wiles to the rear of the 11t► Ceseseeiae. See. No 3 Eztrndineese whim to Ike.urtb.sw Boundary at the T.wnehip., Red. • Line of Riad 1.e,w.re Teeker.weitb had Hibbert, l•aboroe sad Tec►erawith to Loathe See. No. I. Coinmesei•g •t the 11.ru. Rot' sod ezusd.ng ne.,..d arrse jow..4l,ttailam to the rear of the 6.6 Conce•.o,a see. N. 9 E:a,eadi.g tern wed dear fowr/b Indy to .he rear of the fhb Cn.ee.•ana, Sec No. 3• l:atendtnefo.r wed. . to the Soot► emit might els 'racker•n,i:h. from Aimee be,we.e Tuckeramitb sad VJ.boru. M London Road. TENDERS .:II he opened ., ►1r. Jacob WIl. ren'. 7' Lnn donJVa/iy- d'9 .h. S.I, Ile.+u•hrr mea,, at It .'latish, Do , for rhe lullnw iec, to : 3rd. Thome. Road Through It.b..me .ad F.Ilar. tee to llucbell !toad for °peeing sad creamer ,ng. See Ne. 1 C, m1Mir •e ar the Lendoa R.rd rod eate„d,.r tA.ra eel three fe.wd soils to .lir tear w ti,e 6m Concession. be'weew Lot. ! 0 m rd ! 1 - See. No. 2. Ezeeudine terrai "wi bw-.igtig4 sal., to the rrtr of iM I t th Catewie., betwe.■ 1-n.. 21) and 21. See. No. 3 Eztea'ieg (Arae esti earolwedeelive . to the ea.terly side of Lot 30 in Fullerton. Ses. Ne. 4- E11117:og .tier's end ee.-dvAtist4 waist w ib,J2::,hell rad i• iailartum 4th. Line of Road ----between Blsnley end flay See. No. 1. Commencing at the Loudon Road ..d extend&• taco and IAremjwrtA maws " to .he wrair,ly .,d, to Loi et See. F. n Fire•ding mer wlforty-els-aRlfi. ear Inde in the wrouerly ride et Lot 13. - . .Sec. No- 3. Fateed.ug late sod wcatR-oae'. eie/ti,th mach. . the wester.), Ade of Lot 11. See. N... 4. F,,eadine owe end areenty-owti- .1htuth mr/e to 'hewrweily .;de of Lot 23. See. lie. 5. l:ateedii g two owl Bury-ftea- .,gkCa W'o'1✓u to Lake Homo. moved, Lu.it w tic Towu.h.pe. S.h. Line of Rea,! between Hay errs Srephea.• Sec- Nu. 1. About 7 ur 8 miles d C,adarluaek- icg. TENDERS will be stetted sr Mr. Patrick Flaraean'. Tavern, London Rned. kkGillier•y, on Thuinday, the 6th December next, et 1l o'clock, noon, for the following. six.: bib. Line of Road between Lay 15 and IS to the rear of the -16th Cnncrwuon, thence towhee• ly along that Coocrarion to the northerly end of cur lith eoeeeeeton, thence westerly 'along that line of Road to the line of Rood between let. 20 and 21, thence boutber:v between the• lot to the Town line between Me€iliieray and William.. See. No. 1. Commencing et the Loudon Road betwee. lout 15 and 16. rateod.ag three 0 and three fourel miles to the rear of the 1111h Cnnrrsmn. See. No 2. Ezterdine Onee end tlree foo,*. Ind., in the rear of the 16th conrw:on. Sec No 3 Extend:or Mee e5,1 a Lalfm;ka to the 'reverie .ids d Int S -Pah 'nnces,;nn. Gre'. No. 4 -Exon .o 1L...• andrimaefovea rads to the ..surly ode of lot 241 -bile enncep•ion- See. No.5. Extending tam mil is Aslf mailer southerly between tet. 20 sod 91, to the Tnw'n line between McGillivray •ad W illufms. 150 100 5.0 lies. yoke of work- ias Oxen Daniel m Nob' e 1 0 :I:Tana,F eiF.c.unno ant Forma of TrnJer•,2ndo µ'ilium N..ble15merhe,r.,,at.beet.,,.oftheBulwcribenr,is3nldoJnseyh Fukher 30 Goderich, •oz , days before the do s of lettiaike1yr old Steen Juho E dmnton111 Tenders nowt' rprtifr .le member of 'retiree 2nd du Jui:ee Aiken 7 6 tendered far. Forme of leaden to be had of the 3rd do James Beattie 5 0 nut.enb,r- 3 yen old Do Thos Spinner 7 6 The time for fini.Mng the fare o grid do Genres Mr Donald 5 Ug'd g work is Bee: 3rd do William 0ddis - 3 0 Awl FINE SALT for Sale, chop for Cash- Best 2 yrs old Do The. Christie 5 0 CHRISTOPHER CRABB. 2nd do Oeorge McDonald 3 9 Goderieh, May loth 1/349- 2v -o19 3.1 do James Attire 2 6 Best Fat Oz 1' A Sasebo' ' 10 0 2:.4 do W P Smith 5 0 Beet Fat Cow W ?Smith 7 6 2,d do Daniel SIrLaria 5 0 Deet Cow & CaI( William Nnbls 15 0 2nd do Th•r Skinner 10 0 Den" AIilc6 Cow Dna.' Mclwria 15 0 2nd do William Ilncheroft 10 0 3.d de A M Germain 5 0 Belt 9 in, old Heifer Wm Harbert' 7 6 2nd do John Edmiston r 0 3rd do \V,Ilum Ondie Beat r..rlt.a Do James Hapki•an 2o4 do George \►,Aootld 3rd do Jame Aoken CLASS 3.4-911 Er. Best aged Run William Moir 2nd do W,Ihttn Dower 3.4 do William Od,'u Best yearling do Wm Mar 2nd do John Edn,ietea iee. Ran, Lamb %Vm Moir Best Tap Lamb Adam 01ner 2nd 4o William floater LOST!! BELONGING'.. the nihperiber, bet wren hie Store and tl.o Division Court Of- fice, en Friday lana, 13th instant, Two PROMISSORY NOTES, On. JOINT NOTE against JOHN EPO,., and CnauLrrs Dooil eTy, for £3 18e 9.1.. drawn parable to Jame. Phelan or hearer, and endorsed by Janie. melee, pest 'i.e,-Ale,, one atraimt Mtcn,Rc RTn.copr Bl.ck Smith, for £3 124 6.1., -drawn paya- ble to Chri,ti.n'auger, or hearer, wnnrn in German, aleo peat due. Thie to 1? can. Ilan any person from pnrchaslr.g the earn•, or the above parties paving the Note• to any poeson but the •tet eriber,-aid any per,on 6ndmp the above Notes will much oblige the aubecnber by returnug them to Mm. THOS. 11,•DALY. Stratford, July 16th, 1619, 2ar-n30;1 BY AL'TiFORITY. Sheriffs Sale of Lands. HURON DISTRICT, t f1JN Monday the To Wrr: Fort 1.y of October next, • ill be Sold at the Corer Roos at the (feel of the Conon Dottrel, in 'he Town of Onderteb, at the tenor of tetrad", n'eloc4 neon, the wa.lerm•ntin.M LANDS with the TenemeMp and apponewao.ee,• 'hereunto belonging, try vino* arm? Writs Fewlitisei £rp.aes, mewed one of the Cooed rat Qoeew'. Beech, pad to roe d.reet.d, et the reemetiwe moll• of Roe. Rr,b 'len,. Robert Moller wed', Jobe alirsetnt$, (i•ne„ ose. Le-, and James Chiseller, PM,nrilr.,- •1.0 by nettle of two tV It. of Y,wditissi P./poses raised mit n/ flet Majesty's 11orn. Discreet Court, sod to me threes.- et the -espertive awit. of Robert Parka J .mho. Calloway, Plaintiff... es. Jobs An Riper -e and AnlNit• W. Kipper. Defend s, I. ort., a port and portio. 01 Work U. Ire the Tow..btp of gone -Tee, Western I)iwt.ion. Heron DaMrs.4, eeatainiag Two Hu■dred Acres of Lead oro' of leen. JNO. M'DONALD, $',file•, Horse Jh.trieh 9 ,.arer'e Ornery A.dernA, 25a" Yale. 1040 to -..lit POSTPONEMENT TM above Sal►In wom,pwd se Jass•ry tet, 1650. JOH A McDONAD, Bosetwee'. °MI*. 'R Her.. Diswtlaa ••+•a.•, S•Pr. Mk 10011. 1 .1..•I 30 50 3 9 26 1n 0 7 6 5 11 50 39 39 39 l6 Beet Ewe Lomb Wm hunter 3 9 2nd do John Robinson 2 6 Beet Pair of E.ma lu.ina .orktrd Lambe till tie 91to Jody '49 Adam OIi,sr 1n 0 2.4 do Wm Hooter 7 6 Beet pen of 3 Fat Weth- er. or Ewes Tbnm.. Porter 7 6 9ad do Win Nol,l. 5 0 CLASS 4th -PIGS - Best seed Boor W P Smith 10 0 9.d de J••An R••b•nc'n 7 6 CLASS SO. -GRAIN. Beet 2 Re Fal WI,... Gro Treaey 16 0 2-J do W P Smith 7 6 Ben 2 ilu. Spring D., 1V Hi,cbernl► l0 0 Ind do (I.e.,. Treary 7 6 Best 2 ito. Barley J Ilea'►,mea : 6 Bea 2 S•. Oats W Elliott 5 0 9n1 d.. 1Vu, !linter 2 6 Beet 2 via. Pease W 0 idle 7 6 lad de John F,dmi•ree 5 t, Syr 4 the Turnip Seed Geo McDonald A i 41d do Rtr1ard Gvku 2 f Beit Bo Tl',rnrhy Seed J Melntyre 7 n goo de Th.' Slimmer 2 6 CL19i R.h-DAIRY. neer F'hi• (56 ilia of B•1'e, A P Smith 111 P Mod do Tbn• Porter 7 h Ben 5 1 .. Fr..h Rotor John Larneloter 7 6 2:•d do 1'n•nineham Mdehel 3 r' 3.1 do WmrMdte 39 Ben 9,1 Ihn Maple 8.pr 1'. M.I,twn 7 6 9.d Or, Arehd M,•Csnnm 3 0 CI.ASS 7th_ Ihowstie Mnn.1a'raw. 11..ou 10 rd. Fall.. Cloth J. Mel•'yr. 7 6 Bast dn. of Co, ma tad Wnnl J Me1•tyre 5 1 2a:d 4. of Sitio* Joh. Mel''yr. 3 9 The f.11nwi.y G-a'l.n..n sexed t• Indy. fnr ►lessee end ('.erre:-Wet. sok well. Jame. Seem.. For Pl.•p-Wm. Beanie, R -m. Slrepp'ey. JAW Thaw..• A'mwsti. MW.,8.tww.-Jr h. Tommie - A4ea1•ia Dal,. 5.W.. McDaae'd. wfLLIAM BARRON. M'r to the ire day n10o•'ober, It150. The entire number of •eet,one into which each work may be divided suet 1.e 9n,.hed before the arnnait r.l any rediae ess be prod. DAVID SMITH, Diouict Surveyor, H.D. Surveyor's O11ic•. Gudericb, 5th ?4o..:1841. lr-e4lk.M • Xoticc to Creditors. 4 Li. Perrone having Claims 'raise JO - 1:s REPO VURPII-LAT. of the ,Town ship ntNorth Eno, hope in the Huros,Die- tract, are requested to Land thews to the Subecitber lar Exauttwoaion and Adjustment \\-I LC I A M SCOTT, A-.igore For 11 a Erlate 4.1 Joseph Vurpillor, ilambtire, 27th Kept. 1849. 2vn37-f • • TO1I. T11E Soh•criher bees to inform the inhabiteats of G.deneh end us 'trinity, 11.st b. Av re- ceived • Laren S.rply of the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B 0 X AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he Orme tie PALE st .set REDUCED PRICES FOR. CASH. The Snb.etit'rr alno keepa nn head, so vel. at lir 01.D STAND, a LARGE and very Se. eerier ern, tevent ..( I'IN WARE of every description. Th. sah•erib.r takes the oppsrnaoy of mite• ning hn enclave .hank• to the P.hire 6i, the very hb.nl parrenrM he ho' received eine. be hes bees in busmen. in Godrsi.:h, rind hope by outlet Aileen.. to beone.a, and ni.d•,ne pew% to tentisim to rem.• ..hared the p„hhr p•ursosrp N. R -GRAINING, PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER sod BILI. Ill AAGING coned nn a• heromfm. WILLIAM STORY.' Goderirh, 6th Sort. 1846. tr-alt( sterti'E.-T. are Iah..h.taars tj 1141 . wee of Co,lerice f s•rrrrndiag Ce..trp. TI117 Suhserftwr haying erected a SAW 3111.1. wbid. to n• * in noortt'on ie h. T•,w••hile of 11171 iJA:TT, within Teo \rtes ..f the Town of (:••d.rich. awl awe. mires and a hall hoot the Cerner., Maitland Con. 1. t !C'•- 1, nn • neve, failing stemma, Where Lumber can be had at all atmee. 11• is now ready to contract to foci. h ani Tomtit, of Rew..1 Leieber ,4neon, .11 !'Wily, which all he t.• -.,d to .+doe, en mot pnreha.ers, 1.'-nrb.r ran be rafted from hit 11.11 10 any of the immediate •here. of h. river Marla, I tion t.•i slam •n It," 'town nl G drrieh. PRODUCT ref 'll Med. Will he ree.1.1.4 in payment for Lotobr,, dammed •• tear !Mill.- Kl,IJAH \'. Met ACL. Ho".t•, Orr. Tilt tela t•18a111