HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-22, Page 1s...- 40•..0.•
a -
CAN be consulted at al hour*, at the
Britiol Hotel, (L•scArrrsa'u•)
Goderteh, Sept. 1 4th, 18.18. 33 -
♦T TIIR amn or Ann ARMS.
I•'A R M ER'S 1 N N STR ATrot.D.
of the lets Themes Deseglna, al O.
Farmer'. Inn, St'a'furd. J. to ration It.
thick• to the Inhabitants of Stratford, sr
the public ken.r•lly, for the tory IiIrr.
+upport which the, received dune( lb
tune they have been in Stratford.
racial Lend Surveyor, air.. D!ogles beg* t• intimate that •I..
�OQI ifn, stead• moving . n the Mosinee. al herein
OrTICE AT GODERICII, wee at the 010 Mt.nd, in her own name, an,'
HURON DISTRICT. hopes by inlet Mneme,, . t , the comfort of
Nov. It 9. 41 her guest., and n,rder.t• charges, to sterns
W'LL stand SALES in 1n4 pert of the
District, on reuosable Terms. Ap-
ply a she Briti•k Held.
Ood•rieb, March 9th 1149. ' 11-tio
Jew, 1848• GOLSF.RJCH.
.hare of the pob: c o*Ir.'nag•-
Birstferd.21at Aeiost. 1849. 40-09'1
t3TR.1`trUNG, tVATtse.ou,4
28th Vet.rnery, 1649.
THE IRobsrnber h•reht inuuute• to ht.
and the Travelling Pnhlt tame.
rally, that h. Aa. tenoned from New Aber
deen to the Village of Si ra.►ergh, and wilt
cow be found in that well-known hostile for-
merly occ•.pied by Mr. Jones, -where he
will 8s ready and able to conduce to the
A. NASM li TH, eomfert et those w•he may loner horn with
FASHIONABLE TAILOR: their patronage Aad while he relate.
thanks for plot favor., he hopes:ti strie'
111111111‘81111111S1', attention to the want• and wt -hes of Ms
Gt1DERICH• cestotwerr, still to merit a conttewnce 01
Oedertrb, Aprtt 19, 1849. 2, -Riot!
General Agent & Conveyancer,
Oct 1, I$d 3-125
Dees Los Ess! t!% W Can.id, Cues. (g,
A•gust 9716, 1849. $v -n20
March*, 1349. 241-50
Oo nmissin,er (11Th'' BMA,
A If 1'T14)NEER.
March, 29, 1849. v2 -n8
their patronage.
N. B. -Goad STABLES and et'.nllre
Groom,. 12-e 4 tt
[Lars tauw ar.M.)
F112DZCAZ E11111139
J.ly 31. 1819. 2s-1.26
man, ;ALATIErf.
COLS AN IIA•CFA Cron V. -N aide .. gel
cls rupr•rfl•.uus. AV or father think .h.
will ..me be .....l nut of ra.h on, sad due
rs.m( rich. There is a chap 3 It ogee
A few semi ago. there ',rived, •t 1 mir pohli ovine office. hatchets; chock -ns it.
nisi in f3 atos, a e••"p1e from tee 1v he Wend
thesort• ',warefifty
dome. having notable of Rican
.ho came a, get 1 dared. q� ' e I g'. ' cost very lit
ods of fry'n,. any. Ae .ass an list' lin and t .• s . I :the hes The inial';enc• co .muwfoalntR these
II, • and the eLlcksne crack their she Its and t yo .Hutu ha. lits net baa' a ash . g .
*atoll. It has h • 'ail on the .heli for reyuluog butcheries has canned • nowt pate-
%wehe tear.. The chief. of the Reform feel *ensatinn, rot only in Vienna ■al
party that have risen two eitualone of throughout Franey and 11 aga17, hist alfa
prnnunence eines Bide -el:, R .I)h. and the tArnu[h the length •nJ nre..Uh of F.nglaed.
• .le volute of their resolves 1. limit. -d by t',e
•xteal l„ which they 'anemia Or ,•CI mem
eablie opinion. It m11•t be a -membered
that chi. Is a Radical measure, and if 1t Sod.
ver worn lees Ior! 1.rag.•., ice'r err
nod Aeries. for believing that reformers
re, not behind them on this gnesuon.-
t,nee the reb •Ilion the que•rtnn of elec-
The Herbst .decoder er Coma Balulyswt
and Ws Niengerio• ;V.+iesuen.
Acre fairly doour'late,l, 1t.e would -M
.ndegrnnwt-who vas a rough, but apps
.folly leanest specimen of the coulter,
Ya•kel--•rent for the proprietor of th.
Axel, who quickly answered his .eon un•n•
'N. t• la.dlnrd; p•nnneed the stranger.
printing to h1. modest d,I'cirewe, In 1184 cor-
ner oI the parlor, • Ihu .011111 Noun, w an.
Name we've cease all she way from R'o.L
I.laod ar.d we wan, to be.r'1.' d. Send for
moister, to 01 yer 1 Went it don up, rite
The I.ndlerd .oiled and went int, am'
hall an hear af,errards a lieen-e4 nlletetel
made b:. appearance, ■net the oblegerg Ii.et,
wish one nr two waeg..h friend.. were
called in, a. 11 nrerer to the 'scene.'
'Na•'w. Mr. Stieginge, said the Yankee.
'due it up branwn, and yore motet's ready;'
mid forthwith the reverend gentleman cam
~need, by dtrselme the parties to joa
their ham's. tae Yankee stood 0010 his
btu hong lady lave, Ills • sick kitten bite -
clog a hot bnrk,•eetwrd her hand. and war
ea much pleased as • rsecoon might be sup -
pore.' lube with twin tole.
• You patinae. Mr. A.,' said the parsec,
• to take this wnmsn-'
• Yams.' said the Yankee at once.
'Tu be your lawful and wedded wife'
• lease -cur.'
• That you will love and honor her, in all
'That yon will cling to her, aodheronly,
so Inns as yon both shall live.'
• Yeas ',,deed-nnt'•ta' else " continned
the limiter, in the meat delighted and ear-
nest manner, bot here the reverend ilergy-
mon halted, much to the .urpr..e of all pre -
pent, and more (specially to the annoyancewas t"1d by the judge to go to the colt.
and discomfiture of tbe intended :rile- • Bot the Cadi is your uncle; urged the
'Then von can go to the aranalJt iiittr.'
• Rot fats secretary is your cousin.'
• Then you may go to the au tan:
• But his favorite sultiDa is your nice:
' Well. then, go to clic 41--1'
' Ah, that is still closer family connexion;
said the merchant, as he left'(he court in
despair. _AL
A tOU PLR Or NATTY JORm...4'r ''4eye
appears to be • great galkeri.R shout there
premises," mod a pretty damsel, as she pot
on her new skirt.-
• I.e.," qu'ekls added her cousin, ' and a
great bustle toe." • -
Why is a small ehild;a.11 for •.firer min•
cater by tie moia•r. hl• is •wat.ad,LMOSRs
L- N e.c.11eat Farm, being Lot No. 12.
Maitland C0Iees.lntr, Township nl
Goderieh, cnn'aiutng IOiaeyesr•30 of *Melt
Is cleared. The land Is of a *uper'or quah-
ts,'ad well watered. It :s sal.atrd .xaet-
ly rune nate. fv.1on the lnwn et Gnderteh en
11•e Duren Road, and of the j..netion of •'x
different reds: tool se it is in 'h. center of
• poputra s and pr.isperOnm Inealit A, a I. ex-
relle•111y adapted fnr • Tavern awed or •
Stere. Tho• farm is well entitled to the
atleetme •d pereoet desirous of an eligible
.,tnatt.•n for 8uisine.s, and will be .old on
•erg reasonable terms. For particulars
apply to Thomas Dark: Torero- keeper,
Gudenich, or to the proprietor
Village .d flarpur1ey. -
1nwe 111. 1149. v2n191f
►AHE A.Aeriber baring been appointed
a Agent of the
1st p►epsre4 to rescue proposal. 6•r- Area -
ranee, and testi be hips to, afford' to new
person the Nee.o.ary •nroerwatiun, as t0 the
pnneiNl•s uf the Iwslitnt+nn.
( •4., 8. 13th Jon.. I849. t2••19tf
I ►111'.' GENTLES. emelt r.speeffnliy i.e.
.1 f.•rn, t;,. oohahitanto of G•derieh, amid w u-
e•n.:v. ,het he will .. .'a.tly
WM. REED, Keep II,)r.e4 and Carriages.
ROUSE .IND SIGN P.1LVTER. 4•'e . FOR filar, tor whie', he tr•pee,felly selieit•
LIGHT -HOUSE ST. GODERICH. ales patru.age of the puelie.
O.L fns, 1849. 2•413 JAMES GENTI,F.B
18th Sept. 1849. v= 7�•ef
V23Nil<€T; & e1a az3en, TO LET,
Corset of Ligbt-Haws Street, TT'IHAT 8.04.0 ,,. Iw•-ernry Meese, nemesia*
GODERICH. 1 th. 8,.anah.•a, Tavern. h.lenef•ia m Lila
Goatee, W. 11149. 3..38 Wilsn.. 4:h. aid preeentl! neempi.d hy Mr. Ike -
man. le a lore. and well •dap'nl to 11. es• of
IIT SUMMONRE9 required by the 1.w 1)i.- • r•ofwe'•h'' farad,•-hn•,.R • ha. „des awl rem run of ,hes lull -way hu'ns*. With Ale
gT cost (`fMet Art andel! other Rl.AY1r erciwrd well n,n.,•d D.ola .se-Ilrnt 111 .• ,d eh Id: pts put 'er three, and no dodging.--
canna•lfsenD',nos Its prox,rnar 10 tae Au- I'•
walk u;, t • their d-•ug't and water like wool
shoppers to .honer, or sat or. to their ghe_•
rh.v are clan, atrorg. and heel? • gr. w
•1.t, And rarely die (met teeing dray gel
'hr melt the gra.: ): and whoever has 1
''chug machine can have " spring chick -
•M" every week In the 41.11 and at sm.1'
xo•a1e. 1f we enuid only invent 'a urs -
,:lune to lay reg• now. h••n. would be dune
•twat' with. -.'Vein York Tribune.
Tomtit 12 A alto. -Charles Lamb says.
•' Ili 60141 fellows are rough and cramp :
•Ae .1 ep Ihr. in a bed !"
An Ir ,hman, being a8oul 10 join a cont-
emn! In Lawrence' urv, 1n4., (ornate to g-'
South, was questioned by one of tbe uffi-
ter/ :
• Well when you get into battle will yon
fight nrr..nY
• An' faith; replied the 111hars:an. " l'II
be after dour' ass majority ov ye doe.."
firma! R R. -A eoontry man sow-
ing ha ;rep d, two smart fellows riding
that way, one of them called to him with
an insolent air, Well, ',Hoot fellow, said h.
'iis your businna. to .ow, bis' we neap tbe
fruits 01 your Iahnnr. To which the coon
trTma0 rrnitr.l, 'Ti. very likely you may,
fur 1 am sowing hear.
A BOA WAS.TRD.-A shop -keeper in N.w
York .dirk upoi. hist door the foil..wtng
taconec advertisement 1-A boy wanted. -
On g••ino ter bis shop next morning he be
held a .m ilSif little urchin in a baptist, with
the following pithy label :-dere it ps.
A Persian merchant compla n'ng heavily
nl some unjust sentence of the looser cuutt,
ancient leader+ of the Iimrty nude their rsor,
perhaps sot 8.4117. from 11.e nage, base
hitherto eaii.Bed theui•el•e• with • tiers
knifed programme of pr„gre•slte re•orm•,
than were wont to b• accepted ale the nnt-
ve,s.l ct,eel o' the Reform party. Elective
DI -tract C.•uncila Mr. B.1.1win has confer-
red upon the country, and Ther complete
emcees, is n••s aeknuwledgel by all parties
Every Donne,. 11 its corporate cap+ett7, v,
to a cer'a'n extent, a separate republic.
wh.we power• and f mooing are c'early d• 11
n,.', and 1101 -ted to it • local . on:tree which
.IM '•t n.e.•serily tall *tilt n 11• cog-
ic•0^r. Th'se 1, c*1 relu lie+ Lie anxtoualy f•iraard to the moraine bad( for
taught the p ople the duno
and paned the execution ; fur though the energetic
their capacity for self. eo•ertiernment, Their "'a" 01 'h.' ,tale of urge !Let"). grist
again hay. been mneh better managed.Iwc' demonstration at d.ILance, Bull soar thiig
they bare been managed he themselves. nnuroal wu nxpectrd-either awe Ret of
The xpanment ul wll.•gose.4u1.t ba. inert or as act of deapalr. The murot.g
Mils male. Roel bis prised uiceesefol, At came, and the• dawn broke neon an assent
Bort, it was rusty guarded by tas'iou+ bled milli. de of witty th'.anda uowod a
Imo etion•. The power of appointing moat galluwa erected on Use lima PIa1a. A rw-
(vhe Uutric• Ofic.•rs was reeerteJ 10 the coot .t'pdeoly spread through the crowd,
-envernur in conned. The ,,coed step that IlaiIhyaoi had attempted entail is i•
prison. it proved true ; but Biber the
hand of the unhappy man or hie ewrey
failed bins. Thongb he gate himself now-
tura wounds, be did not deprive himself of
• Yeas -yeas 1 said.' added the Yankee.
'One moment, my friend; reepnnded the
minister, .lowly, for it *044.11y occurred to
him that the law of Massachusetts dial not
permit of this performance, without the
„b.r.eanee of • • poli):laments etc., for a
certain lenkth of tone.
Wet 'es thunder's the matter, miter 1-
Dwn't stop -Iden -put 'er thren. - No-
thie'e spit eh Amt .tet. mister, be yer l'
•Ju.l at this eneme•,t, me f. tend, I have
thought that you ctn't be 1oarriad to 11as
•eiele meth-
' •Can't !-wen' '. Nature'. the re..on 1 i
like ber-.he likes ore; wit'. to 'hendor?'
•Yew ha..i t bora p tMi-teed, .v 1 Soak.'
' Heme* i town' to be, setter ! '.tee w a
we cern 'ere for. In she fly; - E" ?e -•-g•
on, old feller.'
1 really, tor-.' nod the parson.
' f.,11y ! W.l, go 'bead ! 'Taint Iaiti elutbirag!' f the new pal ip this a tJ
von aee.'tamt, i nwn•,w- y1'i ee warn d - - w1t•'o it *utmost to the l lace of execution ;
me, end heat t0••eh.d her. Go on- '..an'. Aatt•TORACCAat 1 -e --A •en.:hIe eon j .t.ance. The general rite ap.arcAt,on . "f tt.e;e wa • a lame a..ru biog.,of pr' p a o0
1101 jew'the thing eau*, .lit' temporansass-s}e. gnnl. a snow Yankee! of, e:+ irtrr,tited with tie Di•i.i.t font)- the Ifnmok. clay ng uttered ,Short pray-
g'.aehua trio r paper-" The wpmr0 nutria Iia take a I under the old !piton,, now haj4pil• rupee I ere the roil of the drum was heard -a .harp
•i well c....,.h-' • plate* mot to ke.. a toga sloe woes )phaten,' ceded ars mitten of notoriety . 11 the des- reify -awl all was over. The crowd the
a ; , stimuli.. we venture
.me vcw wu0t-ao yen dos'1-cnwmult ffiren would be
u our says the might alma- to to oily teat Wows a•f these o
. aunt 11 •rat Ins Ann term..
had n,rned the k• !In. and pot of the 1•.e5, ter w1 whore they are pretty. dischargag of wheel -stare nn y A letter from Vienna, of the 10th, rays -.--
'mod the ti•t• ring of the ' wlt'ra.ee•.' who 11.0 nl. tufo Clerk. �Ve,e;h. Sherif.
1 A Rome Sherri•.-On•Friday Richt, a sleeted by tae people or their t,►epty ►epos- " Yon most not Abode your conA tepn0dent if
were nearly ehoaked with merrinest p..r.un nanad -ma.r, reitd'nt in Cath. ht, IHur elntaa• nothing bot accounts of
sewta'(yerhi and look at any time In h.
Nanw ear, motet, u we ser.- Coo- rate.
•t+ elj,.tm>r111e1, went k -bei, heytegewa a, lei to an aeesaitiir. ter the wear at wheel. 1 exeeutton Dothrani r only led the way :
Iint.ed th. Yankee. Pettisg his trembl.ng all ihednurs secured. By the aide of lis mans others fast's followed bon to clic s,af-
sntem'ed M the hand sgein--'Ko on, rite .y,l my kept w rwuld, fwd omelet Au plias they discharge their, .runenoew, doer any I f„L1. On refrr.euauowa being made ts-
,triighi from ver. von. lett • R yen can't orepet btelydi,s,•rs, •tw ibe-p••eket oL s►rrh y believe that gewral mtmeageu,en, I Ilaynan agatltlt 48... execution., be r• p11 -
was Lis poi. c••mt4tlwog LI. Ow weak woul.l have to lis eosplalttt.d of G.r Ye*" I .,.l by ho.ding out Ihu parchment whieb-
nog in the marmite. he tuued his trnor.ere befuro the re4•edy wo•'L1 be appitrd I-
Iying'..s the top eat his sword his money.
geen., and ill the doors of the house ones.
eluding to risk it. coU1'nue.l- Ile heard no more during the eight. Nee-
' You proem.., madam, 1.. take this man tia3 eui Jetlr•.l.
to h• yo er lawful h,'h.nd 1'
• Y.ar,' said t.e %%ankee, as the lady
hour. I.
• That you will love, hnnnr and obey-'
' TI... s us !' sad Jun/Shaw, a Use
lady bowed again,
• And that you will eking to hist, se long
u tm. tooth shall Iter?'
'That'. t`•e talk!' said J.•hn; and the lady
said • ire; seem
'Then, in the preeence or there wide.
ver. 1 p•onoence 4101 man and wife•
• H••nrah r shit.' J.nllhan. lapi°R lgsenat she Sheri' a before the G
nearly to the reeler with pr. Dent.-llraatiwer.
• And what G d bats j utaed together. 1.1
not man p' smolder !'
Teo ,ho wand boil -els of wheal, end 1.900
' llo with !' confirmed Jubn. ' %i'ot'a the harrels of B sur, on an mirror-, hair. b -•e.'
pnrel-haow sn h !-apt 11 a0V'-�Inn'1 .t••li.ered'ail; I:rr shipment, at e.6. w!urt.•
M afr.rw!-yea 41•,1 a jei 1,8. a Mi k, old 141 1611 Cit., fur *pith.'
he I.at .1x weeks.-Ib,J.
and t 0145414 tome beset up 111+ prhet+a' - 'stet Registers were
Because 1 to ' swpally
' How is it that the Hese tae pat o!1 s
ripening • their crooks '
C..unt Loci• 13a1thyanl," sere the O•t-
Deelacia Put, " 6.4 volontanly aurora.
dere' to I', ince W1•,d.ehgrs•$. H. wt'
not of the members of 'i.e. d p•'I01len tuna
Peach that nmieJ •tool Ibe Imp oi.1 cos -
mender in -chit 1, to cls et if possible, •
peaceahle solution of the .tre.gele
egotist Austria. Seats then he rrmameel
• pnn,oer, and h•,. mime vas scarcely eve,
mentioned. Suddenly it is •. on every lip
and the report is spread. that Batthyans le
semenced to di.•, upon the 'silos e. The
effect prnr•ueed hy the report was rouble la
Ib. en,,0•rnancs of al'. and claw hooked
transferred chi+ p.wer wall ,rime limita-
tions, to the !title District reps.bbes. Tje
veil of electing the Dons et trieuurer*,
clerks, and wardens was conceded, 81e-
r:ffs, Clerk. of the Peace„ Co,oners, Re- Ire, ba, however, escaped the rope.-
g'sters, J t,lere, are 1).atrict officers, the 1 Tse1a. boors 111.1 at nightfall, be was led
nib' of aptpolnaing whom It's' not )et been ant and ah.L As yet, It '. a ll, b mystery shat
c' needed to the 1'•0.1 belles, by the Prnrin- ilfuente frocur.d the substitution of pow.
vat government. Th•' propriety, the es der and lead fir the raps. Common 109111
pedtescr, and the ionic', of the covers Bays that the won,•ds in the Counts acct
neem gtvrol( up (Ire branch of p1•n,aaR. to evened the rope being used-Bald:yany
the County Councils or the ',habitants of however, wa'k.d, it seem, with a firm step
the counties in *elite shape, bas be;ten to I to the place of execution ; and beim. he
engage the attention of t'.e press and the felt, strolled in a clear voice, "Eljra Dara
people. The surrender is De cuary t• a 1 or, long
live my country. A fearful ethnics
61;1 dryeloyemeut of the pr nuple whichper-waded the multitude at this solemn mo -
has for some titre been in operation, whli I meat. Sone ladies, apparently of the
clic very best re•rtas. E•cpe ec,ay A,A a of I hi Etat classes, endeavoured to .tee their
eeceasary reform cannot be perfect041 in • i g p
am lc session. But when the question n(' Iiandkercicf in the blond of the dead haus
but were driven back by the guards."
Another account say.: " The count tip-
dtecussion by the pres. and 'be poop., 1t ('eared very emaciated and. if possible,
can scarcely be that it will rete're a Asti 1 paler than usual ; he, kolas Balked
factory solution. The+e local offices, like wah • B'm step •041 calm dienscounempinnance to
the fatal •pot• The soldiers empinsetl
as other branch of administration, p• grow were Jager*. The silent multitude were ,
a. aecrs isles nut of social ami polnucsl I ,nisch moved. It would appear that a sub- -
s gallsatiom; and ie the . ffircnt discharge I
of their futletioia society i+ interested.- I entice of powder and ball was not a medius -
W. area e'st tr•4i•l far for credence of t I e ' esti 0 of the sentence, bit a necessary coo-
corraetion and spoliation which were the • II by 1 of the sounds inflicted opo° Imm-
trona of rho old inre.ponsihl eve 1 coil by "Count." ,
t.aof die8.rsieg 18. D41-,ct foals. Ctrs 1 Lloyd's •1ys : " The eendemn.d was
counties. consuct•d with the immense 'reseed In • wit of full drew black. -..
1 wsdi (111.8 a0 (n. Thigh evidently very weak, ho advanced
sew dream, without he
' it is breau►e they leaps out their, summer
rendering all 61c•1 officer, elective .hall
have received full connder•atton and simple
e m .v Kpent,d."
notMt,' err no:toddy, 1111 One ere bu.:.ess A friend f y y R Tin/err
that tied t pocket 13084 a year, for the
1. i nnei•de(, plow mend 1 tell we w ....in pledge themselves 'o ase every sa_ 0 _ permitted .• prem. .1 journal, condemns 15e cxeeut US of
Jonathon reao'leely-u•c in an •.n.+ant he dost twee It -Mal we gra fol the'." D.lto performance .d merely rnuune a tries, the I C by 1 R
I the aloha-
i'ORMS seed is '14. Deaner and D.0.inn
Comte, M Pelf at or Sheer! (Mie. Also, .11
kits of JOB PRINTING executed en the
shortest snake. end M modems, teras.
Gralen014, Jsly 19. 1849.
Blank Deeds and Memorials,
AND till kinds of DIVISION COURT
ROKY NOTES, for este at the Signal
Office. Emery diseriptioo n( IIOOK and
JOB Printing executed with witness end
hoer of G•ed•nch enhances the ■ai.• e(eh. eta.. It 'il a.1 fan righ'-go 1 !
tine ends, toe pn,pnntn ledes.mes Rat 11 cunei' l'be parent, r. fl.•c•ed • moment, and, con.
teatime• in be 1eenp"ed,, it will Ise k1 o., ren•-
os•ble arm., Maher for n$. or 10041• tars. a• tear
be agreed apo.. For fsr'I.er pereirelo'.apply to
Gederieh, tad February, •849. 59
GiVEN in .xehaoee Ger ...",.,,,y 01
Godertch, Sept. 13, 1849. s1 -n32 -4f
To the Clerks and Bailiff's of aLcEr ?Liz cu.
the Division Courts. DP.LIVERY,
THE iuerelsad desnasd 6.r 8011 OR GOOD CLEAN RARLET, at the
awl other BLANK WRITS. to con- i F MAITLAND BREWERY. he the Seb-
*cetioe with thehnsinees of the r vera) D. I.0,18.,. J. F. BRI'f'TAIN.
Cowls vision Casin the District, has a smutted Q.derieh. Oet. 10. 1847 Y.-e36,I
se m printing them in emcee larger gee.ts-1
ties than heretofore, end cow..q'eemly ens -I NOTICE.
bee es to sell them much chewer -there-
fore we outbursts to the several officer* n- TIIF, Se b erihrr ha•in[ 1•eee.ppetwasl Atrsbt
nr '1.r PROt'IVCIAL I11:TUA1. AND
W01114 0.14 coroners he lees efraeteat or less
capable! Nobody believes they would.
Ae to the palr.inage, it u a Amerce of
*sake*** mete.' of strength to every al-
n•i.ieln•uon Indepen'emit' . ' the evil.I lite' I
conferred unlimited powers upon him.-
" They eerie me,' to. said • blood-bnund,• a;,
tiger a hyena ; I a.n ready to tike open my.
e el( the re.pon.IMltty of my acts.' Sr 4
much is h. feared that the officials in Peelle -
whack arise from the nee -omit that is (esteem l lr.°' ►'heir lore. because they bed
upon every Go eminent of making the+. not ha"ged B.tthya0, at once, instead ad
•pp0a'IIM'atl, to Rollie tweet, thw'ree. aril
flaynau 1s *Aid to hate been
greatly leers. - postponing the execution for twelve hour*.
-of 'luteal Ar•Itan1ti and the Collargo rat
1f h romoere.. raft the Ce►l nn 'r u-•• iia• P P p' q I sed when he heard of the poolponemeet•"
A di.e,rseA•d • d•falraIn* monger sf.nerifiei,ryt the „him atere+ts st
vemigeliM as
amoonuw4 en £20C3. Mr. al^nI..-1 h,..;A•dime of pima, Ibe people rhemlelv.n
tufo appointed eotleetor p>,e few.-. Ernai r. 1 are AKA* eou•pellewt the ••7 G•.rernm.nn
can be to make proper .eleclnro•. Ther
Som.th,ng hal gone wrong in th. She are be'ter sequ.iot.•d witb their own waned,
riff • Ofice. The two Resole, d.ont,es. ! and ecotone good je gee of the yualifiea-
h.ve Itcen dl.mis..l, by the principal.- tions of candidate. for these n(fi.:ers. lin
1 con.nl•int of some ausmana[•ment. ,ler the elective r.et.m the .u.enonher.t•
teller !-'• rye a V -never mind , he change
Racsrrna Gi.Ra•L•mtr.-Thu 0ffi a i.
-fere fora heck, lan•lotd-give es year
b•II-Iry t her' -Hall G,1•twh happyvseenl by the re.lguatt•0 ut Nr. Veger.-
y4nlrtIg tlraee lliaek Fo'm., ,hatIhN g" y' It la not yet an •''r•i taboo. to Acrel,@ the
ENo, Surlss;olnes Red all Mfier Write lis- GENERAL flt;tUNArI'E COMPANY, hen. lewd !' rwarwd ,Ire pmr fellow, entirely nam- a rmintmsnl T. G. R d•.',t, EProst
will be Sold by intimates, 'hat h. is prepared,.' receive Sob- hi.
eonrrnl ►u j•.v. and ten minntes af• dent of thy. Bonk of l vl•er Cuu la q.,as been
loegieg to t''e Dentine Court, acr(p'i..... Far Sleek es the Proprietary Ito •eh. t.rw.rd., he was on hu w• again to the
at the Siring Ole• at the tethered priced y g 0°°41. 0l in private. This would be a
Providence 41st''', with Ms wife, clic bap-
*rood,and we think ■ popular ee•leetion,-
nee-t man • ti' of jot. 1!r. Rafael t. • gond financier, of .'salient
V. heard t e details of the ab -ire peene fn -tune to place 6.m above the lenience nl
irnm en eve wl1neee n( the ceremony, and
we roots not aimed eminent it down as ' tree
of the weddlog..--American U.i.a.
ir' Father what does the printer hire en 1'
• Why, child
' Bee.litw yeu mad roe bsd'nt paid blas
for two year., and still take the paper.'
' Wife. spank that child.'
A Western edam ohne notices a little
wrest *hash transpired in his family ,.n the
Mk of J..$y Let : " Private end con9 retial.
Jet' M the world! 804101 Ib* hewgag !-
the 'seat happ-..d oil the 'Inmost birth
Lep of American ladepeodence ! 1t wilt
add sew lustre to the 4,11 of July In after
ages ! ! It is as uneomm n noun ! ! I ,a
/Mar somber '' ' ' men -olive gender
And ft it .tali Ail e.11.4 George Washing
tow 3eousow larkeew Hsase•rk Fon. Beaton
arta Yes B.wen Qn,wev Adams I3inyermn
Frsiklt. Fuer' h of July Jeeps. wit 6110;1
((,wsine sae [)Ts'.e --A gentleman asked
• tl,tees which was the best way if
Iona • w9felf wiii twee you of SW VII
N dyi.g," was the reply.
Cr Twit .Hw�1LL1SN •ria BIPerea 4*1
Bios oars
areal Ofiso, Gadiwleb,
{ala septeesber • 1149.
poorptiriur!'ura;4DT C4LLIt1
ALL arise INalrJThD to ROBERT
MOY811.111/14LL, er 1.lbe Late Fiero
of THOS. GILMOU R 11 C ," are ►enhy
arrested so earl IMMEDIATELY wed
Ba.l1 that, accoue1..
Without Reserve
and •pphcsimea taw la•eraoers la the Memel
Bosch. sad in rive moth Isfer•lasion os the
su'yret a may be regw.red.
10881 CLARE.
Gederieh, 96.6 Sept 1849. 9.-104ef.
New (Murch in Stratford.
SEALED TENDERS be reetioverf by
IM r••1ertber OR behalf of the Presb,
tenon Cbnrch B,414i., Caw'wittee,I9srae-
ford, 1.11 nein of the 31.E December
fir pro4Mag material., , *., BrIeke, Lrstw,
Ble••e, Nem, Seisoreod masher..m,1 Work.
for the Bromine n( a BRILL CHURCH.
procreated to be built •l lNrst6.rd. Tewdere
may he meds either for the whole or for
say purtictilio pert of the wmterurr. awed
lemaindaisar to 8eociacalie•s u pre'no.sd lit
Me. Poor Feser01.r, Archt'aet, Stratford.
1. J. K. LINTO)N, Aes'ing. 8.410.
Stratford, lath Jul* 1d1e&- le-nSSt(
s -,it Mt MISES.
ALL Ilsw54
pild Aeento . Notre of Head
pat due, will im1wdi1tely ha baoaBd el,*
t. if Afar C 11ee11nw,
-age 14)aRR DaawL tr
J Mato anal briber .w IV I,.
«j!4 ease. Com., (110.11'. th timet r), W
1s'4�Atg w 111e is.sln s#.e er. H. e. Air
mreas se le tsde01tMrie • antrOiissrata
Dodul$. oet. 93. 1984 Ptiw-U 1 .Sws Ltp9S6B►y Cos. .t
CAMMEmto the ernclneema of the.,,teles1
►•r nn the Sih,M.. A BAY SMART:
Al...rem*, rem*,, mkt,mkt,awed • nos yes; •
COLT, t wh Meek. The ew•w., esu n►a,e
tihsuka7 pre. espe•ese sad peeving peen
daroessa.wiB Aar trb kI iM Bsldg•dmrle1
sordid motives, and a reformer of leer
mending and consistent principle..-Eru'r,
1114 Ire -Anne 81110011011.
The Pretrr Z4't.nff corroborating the as-
o nncr.nnt ,.f turthe• ex.coti,rne. in add(-
tmn to sthe exucntton of a Cathnite pont
mimed Goinaecxkr, at P,•.th, thirteen 11ba•
garian officers have under'', ore the penalty
(••r high treason in And The G-iwr.Io
ehnneelv., would feel their con -tint de- Ka. (Kiso was p.weeaeeJ of landed estate,
peo.l nce np••n those with whet.• intere►t+ which brnnght 8tm in soot. LK,e00'0, ESs•
they bad been 1.atru•'ed; and this would
beget • rectitude of c•1N•,0ct. in the *true.
of the &Are,. nut t•' be secured under a
sy.tein Jeetrote of any sorb salivary in
f1-.enre to keep them in cheek. Tbie has
prose! to be thecae• i0 ali offices 18.18.,.
been r.rulered.t.ctive.
A• to the g"ealion of an eleet'Tt io•glels-
tive Council, bro.rheJ 6r the I.eagse, $9d
ret uusty advises. ed by .on111Leform juw
nein, whatever oriy bo iia 'nitro*. praueally
considered, not much can be sail to favour
uf the present mml, of appointment, -
When complaint were made. 1, 1 unj rely
made. of the late appo,ntmeol. to that
Mancha. the l.egt•la'n•e, we .hewed th.t,,
comparatively •pe•kug, the nrco..ly of
rendering the Council electors war wee
pral.eally (Alt to the rx'rnt that It was
t..rit.erIy. For year* the 1,ego4anceGoon-
e11 was to conetanl e'I!IO n r uh ,he popu-
lar branch of the Leg'elalure and instead ot
expres.nng. perpanlli' conttasened tnt,d:e
..pinion. That eolb.mn, with alt its coma
ring and retirees cotter/ea-neer, 1s now Rot
rid of by each anreseetee Governm• wt pock-
ing the Conned, to make it in harmony w th
he A.•.nobly and the A4mteusnstl•'w of the
day. This u a n.re+arty growing nut al
the .reeve, and eannot (airty be charged
as a f.ntt upon nem.* enlrneted with nor
warli eg of that system. if it regotre rs-
1..,., Ihe 0.0.0117 1. chargeable the
te,uu•ww 01 tae st.tew►, and noopent 1.. else
alleged abuse of power by axe partecul•r
Government. The " pecking," as et to 52-
preaaively called, and at wh'ch ee noels
'wenn, horror has lately teen *1p►esee.1
hy • defest.4 faction, is wothieg sew. aoth
log ermeg re hamlet K ie a ',teetotal and
••e•. $(7 e.wlaq.ses 0418. M' 01*t med.
tri appeisung to that Hoses.
.rem the Evamie.►. .
Smite Iione stn the Home Distort Cnon
ed peurmaed the Gorernment to .nrrender
to the wartime Disco -c1 Coined. to (he Pro-
vince. the right rat electing the •hent{ , re -
instars, sad o• her local officers in each Dia
mel. The Sharon Reform memoir ha•
seaeti.wed the prisetples thus enn'.nd d
for, and the League, at a rsepeetehle d,.-
tums, polls up the rear. not to affirming
the pnletple by a majority, that elective
institutions are most In harmony with the
westward sneer and istereeu of the Province,
bet be entertaining the g"e.tinn, sad r m-
ule to e0 eloso a d'•ision noon it, that they
'84.14 proper specially to appeal to their cna-
einow0ls N Ow goe•tina. Additional de-
alers, are to be sleeted Are 1.e purpose
of deciding taw goeslwA at •.ether eon -
monies to take ppace lions• tone to Jamey,.
+rhes yuwtion •hoald be Judged ow its asp
MME`, irr.epert:se of ami d•le.tw that
Soy W ttivM at by 111 for lha
000 a year) I►ea.'ffr, sod Samar, were it4o/,
Count Chane. L•imngen, Beesley, Ailen,
Torok, L+hn•r.:trhwedet, Poltenbere, Na-
gy, Ssodar, Kasiomeh, end f►arejanieh, se( -
t' -red the death of felons Red M,ndererw.-
One Gaspar had his sentence enn•ntot.d to
ten years' Imprisonment In • fortTocv.-
Tome rigor. .• fr••eeedlnes took place en
the .a ► memorable 6t11 of October. ft n
•rated also that the late Itlint+ter Gants
ao•I Bolin Cle•eenek hove been hahged at
Pesti). There is re. knowag where thee,
crieunet pr••cee.ee will stop, now that Bare*
Bayou, who al-.ee 1e respon.fl.M, ha. gee •
hie heed in. The occa•iu,i.i riotlg.' .'e i M•
plaJratte Mint 'most die hy the ",•ewdM'
and shot" of tn. Jager, 111 nen d the (goos
bis gallows, r ge,.erally the enneeq pewee
f the depr••e of parne,p4ina taken by the
ptaoner in 'he teslr'etson .ni,*o Mens to the
1)ebr e.in I),•cree of sxpfl.inn o1 rM Derma-
typf•11•p.bn'g Lorrain.. Thee en. I. of
the pr•.' 4rywand ef.+'o of fan suffer -
en (a h to the crown. The Timers Vena•
corre•p..ndent, in a letter dated the 9th
metes', gives the following melancholy L-
eads : • A fri *d, • mii ttry men, eke+ ka•
j•'et refereed from Preeterg, Mo towered
me wish a..oe authentic information a, to
the women sod children now rn,,Aoe-J ,O
11,. ,Rail•• e1 thel 0,,4. fie rases tar rw-
p:.rte or Puisky'e children being thew. Is er-
roneous, but that Ko.•eth'• tsio roes sed
o.. ,ts,tyhter, es also torn of G.I%nn'• chit
.!ren- Sr* a the I,eede o' the 1.enenaia's.
I'ersel'. wile .041 the baron.•os Splensel ase
.Ise tnhabstast. of th-castle. My iwferw-
ant sells me that t Iw• both Koos. ills are •e
tepidly w,tbn.,t prri.nia.y reeeeriw, that
0eseral Ha we. s••wd by comp I Inw
to demean to ea the eards of the wile tee-
the r bench' Th. I ntM n' Knave :.'s (AO