HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-15, Page 4d rA whim., fi 1. photo, whime leaps, fuss Niteroi bis- lnry asd ebetelerry together. In troth, TNR IMPORTANCE. OF SCIENTIFIC h Ih0Y:h • lees r 'twill's' a tsecha.ie ser a 1CWOWLEDGE TO PRACTICAL PfM1el, but salt' hoeing a P°"° ►wI its- fe MEN. AND OF PRACTICAL KNOW- sure t° 'ears frog "isms lessees whch LEDGE OF SCIENTIFIC MEN. will enable him to conk tut m •reel better, _ save be fuel, asd b.lh vary lie duh &&attic hula ledge $reo.gst the labor• and improve It. The art of gout asd cheap log clamors would elevate their walling, and conking 1. 'palmately c'nsected w,lk the tadare many mtetekes parease to educate pr'sciplee of cher,, est pbdoe.phy, aa,; hes thee, eons for meclrao,c., tnelead of t to i1 reeelvrd much, and will rec•I.. more, Im- ing them Into the obey erow,lyd pr•feee: ,n.. W,n•ment from their application.'' The Thar the legal mad med:eal protweeton- art of making Ares and stirring a Are, ot 010 ton roach crowded need. no demon• ra•h,n: fuel bleach,ng o/ credit -aline stainstea- Ir..,,, eh t.. are all conJocte, en lien; the prone to before eyervbedv•e 'a(g. phtl..wnph. Too pinny preetinonere le hath law and mal principles; and theme engaged in them meletos, are wittnu,t practice. .1 tow of the more Inrlulule, ;Pei !wipe I ho old •r, 01 mote learned or hest knot.a enj•,y meet of the ►...metro and Iea.e . he milers without even a competence tinier. derived (rum some other soarer, 1t I. mime' .1 that in New York there are 700 or $09 Lawyer. and neer. IV aa mann d•.eI..r.. Of three there are would be more expeddiou., safer and wiser operator., by each acient,6e knowledge ae would be applicable to their operations. How greatly has such knowledge elevat ed the condpien 01 man, and how much higher might it elevate him. Compere the ravage, as he rua,ns in Ifts native •tate through the interminable forests of our vete, eon'inent, with the descendants of the 150 wh 1)0 ann.nt r.'i l O e are mol ro'o't E,iropean living by hie •IJ.; and behold almost C Ir►0, smelter LSO wh ti rece,ptr are what art an I sc1e, cr have wrought, memo in al•nut L •u: annt.ter 15° "oh re,•eq.ta of Om ordinary avo0afl-,n• of life. The nnr £30: an I rill aunt►e► ISO n h sae r..ceiptr Iver upon the fruits of the (Mae", nbtatnc 1 ge n•it more than 1.'t per ennu•n.- Thi, 'strme's, may he dawn 1n too dark lir physical fore..; the other, cncA lent In !tiri' ,.doors lini I Inv, lekr•n 11 f1 im a cork pul1.eh••J in New Y aik. The rem.tntne mem' .ors .d therm procee•tori• are, of more.., in the recemt of ve•T levee hoeume.. Theo 1aowIe.l.,. „1 Ilio laws of 11,lure, in seed lore aril 0,111.1, rows and reaps la ahun- dance. The one I••dgee in his wgw-am, or cart, or crawls In a hollow Ing; the other may he regaideJ ns a ;sir pie urs of Ili,. I reel.•. • the pr.iod lord of hie goreemi, reality 10 all overgrewa coma; m amine, 'nan•'nn" . r near cultage, erected and (or - Towne and country placer, there *nolo nod rot".•'1 by the liemly workruen+!rip of a be sat great a diepr..p,rtien ,.f pnrferrwnal h'inJrea artiers. his table spread wI'h the men. 4 k peedis.tiu:ie of ail clime., borne across the A change, hnwev'r, 1. taki•,g piece in mighty .le-,, and over continent,, by t" p pnbhc' over of wool and steam. The hoe- and York pertrltor save:-" In rhe U. State I err ,w anal stone tomahawk are 'o rude rope° un. On Ihie enhji't the ,{ie, . nn • revolution a prig mors ng wpb resf.rt tn' '1.l)10 nrnle of the chase and , `carfare rot 111'6 matter, which will .Turtle. 1."o per..l. i the • n^; the other, skillful .n the arts of tend t° beueficlal reredos. The Rio („'are' 4e in'Oar. of war .las converted one u1s , omit wh ch Ihe r o I longer the resort of the aaahrr vnu,h tit t" ; "lten _f the Perth, l•'s, nnr country. Tho mech4nlcal dap.-lmen's''n1n the inn het, tie cannon, and glittenne an prefercd; (here are now thirty 1.^""i• ►tr !, an l u bre a comb11et.ble elaette gentlemen in this cite, who re armee l;wwfi:r, wham:r.r Irgl1010 ted by a ,Darks hors. their "Uma" u ship wrtghts, architects [the dtrat,oetive thunderboic I'.rr one carpenters, See. In a few Tears Ihe'lj .'e,1 ,nave, mmtlty along the beach in hie bark States will have the most accotnnitrhed canoe, propelled by Li. non fee`de 1,a11,1:mechanics in the world. .1 now class if 111 the ether launch •e fearlessly upon t' e broad .p,i.gi•g up who will pal the present min int -tan. in hr. pruuJ man-, f war, driven by in a shade. The union of a ...Oast word e.lu I the winds; of heaven. or the weenie of the cation with mecharuralskill, wd: elf rt theevary element through which he moves, Indeed already we cnn;.l 04.1 prom, nr . 0-111.er tele orte'mpn.l imte•huq 1 ,.. cnuree. tnuJeJ by his faith:el m'gnet, which nei• chatcs who are reediest metheinetietane.til r elun.Dera nor e'o ep., :1a safely traverses acquainted with French and German, •anJ t,,, trackless deepHI•uu h _storms and mil able to etuiy beaks ,n these l iege:a es ' n• ht darks..rt-, 11 l e e,,et. a homeward consented with their vecatrur.e, Hereto- D, ondveeeel upon the ocean. he tell. with tone fond fathers were wont to educate their ,thcrncg a'-curacv hie pn'ltion on the globe, inns a• doctors or lawyers, to insure their by a small glees ferule -1 of the .and w respectability and soecee•, That day a we care'c•sly tread beneath nor feet, and.' (.0odic sed- Mechanics w,ll the leaar end with a yew scratches of ..pen, In'imme his in a few year; will supply a lore° maroon of the State and Federal Log .!anlrr. , dirtrnt wife an I children an:l fr,^els of the Sieh b the langnoge of ane of the fir -t' very •p"l upon wh;eh at tilos hour he fl ,ata. papers of New York. Similar eenrmenta 9'he oro motes ,nous hie over the Jinn, have been expressed in ether end Intlirenr,al j Jrawn by`hie d•'g•; the 014'01111e with' 1h.- ♦arts -and fortunate wraith) 1t be for hun- rlueny of the teuircet, In 11,ssteam doyencar, Tile one strips the covering f o'n the dreJs of young men n( the present Jnr, If will ba -.et, and sews H with the Ili on and 1 would m •..t earnestly pec' .nmenJ the 1 lh''hurg, to his nw,p-'tanks the ntthrr seas of farmers who intend to follow the clothed .101 the 10.101 cxgniahe 10(01, the pursuits of their father/, to study Chertos'ry w'orkm..nahrp "f man? arUolo, The one and Natural Phlir.nphy- Fenner'r soma record.'and transmits ht' thnnethts.by thei in Canada generally devote .the winter to knots of wa'npem; the other converts the stoJy either at the Common School in their ('hay fees into Drain i(ul paper, and .'am[ s own nerghhorho- .1, nr at Rnme politic Semi- his ehmteuta uniaer.:hahln and w til nary. No snhj.•c'• would open such a ii •11 for 116ef..1 or in'.•resting nh. • lion to the farmer as Chemistry and Natural Pniluao- phy; none certainly sun:ll,l call for so fre- quent appltca'ion as the principles of therm $c ences. The whole process• of vegeta- tion,' the gelminaunn of the seed, the growth of the plant, the composition of the I the per.^rot at no d:aant Joy, Can any iced ani plant. the cn•t and m trnres, •.re ,11 appro riate soh et. 1 r Chem:cal in. •t " that tic h110 ail1'101 Torre Noon 1('fl ndwou:1 folb,w• VIP imp. : 1 to'the nits of 11(e! .ave there n•, more 'C the kinJa of poo s aro slime! 1.08 the imer.'vw:lens+ to be Mole1 Can we a•!.1 growth of pnrttcular pl.nitl what manure.F nothing to what nor an0e4nra have left ns 1; wh.1 culture/ hat rotation in crops, 1t Have they ascended all height., deecendeJ all de any 1 A few facts will +how the tumor- dep• th- mol ex.Lored all space ! Cannot ranee of a boner khnwle•!,e of the science we, by standing nn the heads of our fore - of A rie.Irure ,+• of ,.arse, to Moron the fore - Cohere, pee father than they 1 If they greatrt q•lantity n( grail from • g•vr•I plot haus applied .toamh to the car, why may w• of ground Iluw Joel it (happen that often 0•'1 apply 1t 10 114 plou_h 1 "h• may there u a luxuriant gin•. til of straw and but we not aiw, and reap, and thrash by steam,; little gran 1. A., for caramel... in Vee cul. nay, and Apar away the lore,' by the 646,6' tore of Ane straw for Florentine hats. P `ser 1 li they Mie am 1:e1 steam to saw Tbtl kind of cn'lme which well pie -Agee • and plain, and fit. the beard for Um bu.ld,ng, • particular kind of straw, is very a^T'sent `vile may we not apply it L. q•r"arry and our1 the stone, and mile• and I..y t',e brick, aro' . from that wh�eb will prndmee tM greatest , r l amount 01 gape. notation of crop. Is found P•s'Aer t,n wall . If they have appa•'J' in all cnuntriew to be ah•nlntel, neves+ere; steein to spinning and weave,, toe del,cat• I but In many of the new colonies of America fibre, why comet w e cut and sew the coat am' "doe,. the Cloak and the gnxn, by 1!t•• vine ,r,rrss t 1Vhn can doubt vast ons - pr vement. in all the arts of life, when he 6084 the inorr:.s of uu'chinery in furrnin: the best kind and the rumure the most care- the dcl:cato pin and watch, 'the exq'.irile fol, during a •eR+un the most iavn.ab!e,- Ihre*'l of eh^ •ilk-, the cotton, the linen and Fie:de which have become unfitted for one the wool; all,l I pe Nea,ing of every pattern, perf•.rnieI with more skill than the miecb liniment of the hand! 1Vh . can • srtppo.e that we have reached the .gnat of hunian !intone. Rut they are all nhhj.ot to Axel ii"lfectlon, and crowded all the powers of and irrevreable laws; and web. the practical nature into the servo... 1.1 man, when he agriculturists famu',ar with the principles Bees 111111 wpm:nxn11 tg the foto-bearnl to de of chemistry, many of tries.. d:m.-ill, .. I neato the 'Doman cnunten tome 'wine," would be solved. Very little orogre•s can the ,thymol+ of heaven le, tocord ho. however, be mails in the application . 1 thun_bte, the Invisible galvanism to Weimer . science le •greiltero, while ve powerfo' 11. d,velltne., the opaque flinty rock an,l prejuelcea exist among the farmers. per.r. Arill domg vent turned Into transparent glee., haps another generation meet arse, termwn the sus of heatien and ma�fully edueat'd In all the principlesof•ciencr tc$lln misn,R the teamng millions of a drop of applicable In thn growth and culture n! water• plants, ere any important change can be '' - expected. t:1►INIf'Ald'f'It:`+. The principles of natural philos,phy are they would follow pitch ',Noce. n'ng speed upon it, and hands them down to corning •gee. D•,twhy mut'iply instance.. Therese not more , ill rence between the savage and I civilized, than between the savage Rnd the beast; and t .era: ,s no. more i11ffercn -c be twee" the eaveee and eovd:zed, than there might and .n:ty be between toe civlllz d .•f • A Pavaaan T*Maat•.-The lady of a Ynrk•br►e Baronet solicited her lord for a dairy farm, with which to employ and amuse her lemma hours. Her prayer was granted, and, being an tatelhgent wad udu.trinus farmer her Ladyship throve mightily, reale-Mg handsome podia by her eggs, her butter, asd her poultry. ' I au. wire, Se,-',,' said eke one day to her in- dulgent •pt•uee, 'I don't know why ten. aat• grumble as thee dui I dud farming wary prob'abk.' ' Yes, rriv dear,' he reel,. ,d, taking her play folly be the ear.' bu' yell pay me no rent.' ' Ay !' rrj.•ined Lady -, after a pause, ' I'd forgot the rent.' TECHNICAL Toaae.-Berj,min Franklin -the • of Me pr°Iew,On-the 'r,►R of hon- esty -the ! of all -aid, although the xi - of death has put a . to h•a,exutcoee, every § of bat life !s w tthout a 1 • BASIS* Sone ScgY14.-At the barber'• shop opposite Smu,h's'tcluck more, en Fifth street, a most la•.ghalIe trick was playeJ noun the boys in the shop. The rooms was well supplied with (mato mere, nnJ 'the chance of getting shared to a hurry was but of the q:ieetton. A ainall man with a wageteh look came to the door, and after fermi nae the craved walk,.! In and took a seat on the sofa, " Ilow far a it to • doctor'. office "tib ed t, go grntleinem replied ane of Juet actuate the a• '' the b .t -.,said he ; and at the time a (et! ..ink him, his bands clenched, h1. a • x• •,s drew him up 1n a perfect ball, •DJ he relied ,fon the floor. "That's a cholera ea.e.'said one, and he lank his hat and lett. This war the signal, and *Il (.dh,wed suit, except those undergo- ing the shaving operation. The spasm Beeped to subside ; the ,trate• gee's arms and lees etretehed out at fu's ler.erb, and the patient lay prustrate on his back. • \yipe off the !ether," said the fat man Prospects, of ,4. 11114a1,11. a Weeks, Newspoper. the pribbeas s.a of ttiie'A i, to (e cewaarocrd teaaasdt.rldy ra rk. lone of Broaeford. Ofcs w C. on,. 8t„ over Me old Pest OA,. 11111E raped advance of BranlforJ and this A pnrlion 01 the Province ;n pnpul.ln,n, wealth and importance -the preening de- railed. of the intelligent Inha►ita is for full an1 801art information -•h. solicitation of numerous friends, and the imnres.inn chat a New.ptper conducted on liberal anal jos, prlreipleu, will receive the hearty support of the liberal anti the ju•r,-irettrnee the nrdersigned to undertake the e,tablirl'ment of a reatretahle Juornal in this place, feeling assured that florin hie knowledge of Cana. dana and Canadian afaira, gaised by a res.. ,Ir•rri in this ,Alen, of nearly twenty yea'' Scalds, Bmt•ee, Spralne, Sw..lei„g•. Cramp. he will be .1•le to render his paper vwllt. ('htlh:a,er, CnW. (Siren 1Vnun.ls, S,tlrne,. n( t',• patronage Of Cani.l ,,. nom he ,w the Jumts and N ek, N„mboess, l'Ilr,, and especially of those minimise year•.- Eruptions in the Skin, Ste. Std'. hoe r'•uled for the le.t 6,•triti•1. eon, ex The Herald will advotruler. In three . t Ilewlett's Stomachic Tincture; inn, the reepnnerbihItnye l and pn d -'ho OR, 8'1'REN(:TIIFNING BITTERS. "h"t" they arp,e to manage their oris Erin la. lf�d. piny Baas. aghl of thflwrre of liberty civil and felt, For the enre of %%.-ok D.,e tion, Spinae til , Pains in the Stomach. Lora of Annentr, Gorerel Debility. Palpitation of the Hem Cenn,mptton, Its kr. a This Medicine is one of the but and eheapeet in eirco'atn•n. CANADIAN FRIEND; OR THE FOLLOWING ARE PREPAR1F.n ! SOLD ST J. SEtlf- ?VIII? t'•--•" yE f"u�f o'tF E PILLS BITTERS LETT, 53. TWICE STREET, TORtiffT'O % • lob W rood s•MMrr .Yea 1b.w pw�eaaww /V deur ab.mgA ♦raw. W• ase.08s4 Ar Ia,r M.01+►M .•err 1..a l2 g Ms Proviso*. ,0. 0....08 .01.0 ta.7 pr.M. a 8080. Mn 800008041. Hewlett's Restorative lya�•lin .I owe . 'rips .,. ►.... y Inaba :.hew Price ts. 11/ .troc at- Sou. ~1.14014 ,1.. them, "0 6.y I • wit y M a+li of This Medicine ,. a ; L.aly Flo•. ma mow ss -or. oostttlu�� ,�•r sal til 1 . i amid perms 0e pains. .08 ••N r.0r••.80. bat ,woes• rare for D,arrhra,, f)v' ed "ale b tesaTrra. 4COT1 M CM.O.IC ansene71$0. REIexa110n, and 1' "leL' the 1.'it wea'P- dfraCrlueref w 0140110 ori LIDS*VL (M,wels sn P,e `rammer Complaint : ■Ira, I.n,MUi, .4i W aww.a.,e h•10a 0C LAU ar.RrO know•' •0 hturAnr. r I„rr Mwmrn► ►tarlaw. avwrw W .sYw. .b ,am for tIYewlett's Embrocation, sivouraa.r.HOLIC.mew** • 00 M Yc.•r. K awl . W Wats la. 3d pro Rotas. COartr*tNLIm. COLD* • COVYB.. cornea Tor the Curr of Rheumatism, BURNS, CIMmtIOrvioe. thee tree s•0ea� �... the emcee Consort- 811/01..114, OSUIS11s0. DTI? M. rune will tate w•sip 1, ease, ,•,aril girls, some 6.0 .slue 1aUIT1UYr of Um Nam. *0Y.IPLLAI, FLIT* VOV•R ems oats. rt- Wtworno att.w w.. arur 0••• 860.8666 mil is 06.06 s MI., .08.60. ori sus* memodr air .e.01emre bow ole MOM 160.64 re wows ✓ sae ileo, -a awe Iao4Mse.u1e. r wr.•wwa- TRY '1000. Dm eaTtar[CD. ♦Mn a1 CURCO. r., C000LsxluN. •>11UDaA a>OSILII T, OMIT. UIDDINLrn, OKAI•LL MtAIII,rf1. Vela. Y.4. INWA*D t-*y*t. INPLA er4TU1Y *01044 Tltr. IMPLIES (LOUD. JAUMIII & L1 V Alfa. TITL LIVE* 00=wL.zw .. LSPsmw Y. L00WLSLIK ■KIItU'RIAL DICRAsia,- Mrwr fir .airs ,testy w ,Y siva 1 lama., ie/ Hewlett's U111 Vers:tl Oi t.t lllent. i .*4, "...'71.,8.. wai •o',rs'r.✓11".,r""� N01HT .0'1411. A1a1W1 DUILITY. NllroU1 Pries 1s. 3d per Rotas. CO0PL4INTI a/ ." Ue4.. u0UA.YK IPIL.:TIUNR, C•••rgpt,nn1.1 of every d..eroe. vstetr.rux4 Ow tenser. PALYTas•I 000LJU. rine, ITlrenl•d Sure Lege, Roily, Scalds: >L7•I. •y wn r.•W.,r✓aYr r.sies I't„ibtain•. kr. susPIe.e.d01P80 .fsrrwra.4ad.'a In r tk a08lti.s tag 1' mesu elf's Apperient Family '""-Hewlett's i. W ,0sasliwie+r• VshoeY4 xiuxArta ls. Tt.a..aa..I ... lie FOR n 1TH S E.. L.S. *mile Amer..r be ... et- need N ter tar. aloe,. A remedy for Coon -ones., P -on. and G•d- alf.rr�'inderd, evervtlune 'stoat may tend O""II•I.nra,e the coedit inn of Canadians. To detail ail that the Herald will support nr oppose, would far exceed the limps of rill• adtern..ment. it may, therefore, .odic•• to stere, that fal•ehn.d and ribaldry wi I not, in Its enlmmns, be permitted to 'nnr p the pfaee of truth and 600161 ngu- meet, and that the ereateat care w01 be taken, by the exrlm•i..n of immoral and ce'nrles.. and the eelprtinn of chart.. •n' eyeful re+,line matter, to render the Herald ■ valoehle Fowler PAPER. •nil at the eater. I °,e from arrangements 00,eil Woe been made for ree.'nng the roe's' im•,nrtant and varied in'elheence from every pa.t of tl.e world, it will be found to payeese htieh claims fir suppnrt moon all classes In the community. A. mother trnihle n•'r ex• pence will be .pared to make the Herold • dial..ntnator of much inforrnRti"n, anal as ti next de, door, '+I II COTe In again ; i eau't is de.pahle that such i1f•'ntsllnn be at- stop m. w." 0.1.1,'? dilhlerd_ an p"0slhle, the pnee of, the Just then another spam took the strop- (frrrrld w,ll he on draw a' to hong I1 w.phin ger, a. J by ."me strange muvrruent he the reach of al: and while* every eft -mewl! he need to make it rank as one of the be•I, y enr0.I up nn the sura without any appa- rent .-(Torr, Oa no hu bark. as he was lying on the fluor. ile rolled up In a ball again,. and rolled haekward and forward ou the ,o - la Ina style that would have done credit to a rlre,:s i,lam. mea a finisher; t'•ese that wire shaved e", and the un.haired hadn't time to stay ; inn boys looked at each other in aetemehment. The ('h•,lera o .i ject nnc•il. e'1 himself end asked them 1f his time had C001.., when he took lits seat and had •'goal share, ° What's the charge!" milted the stren- eer. • o Noah:m ea d the barber, " tf ton will leave yaw- Dawe."-C.Ociaa.ati Commercial. A 00d'0r. named Ilede. 'mime to visit a rain. r m Dan.era, 1.11 into a pit and cried for help-" ON," oa .1 he tanner." 1 never p_8ll•out a Ityde until it ,s well tanned." •' FOREIGN REVIEW. The chief foreign new- s of :n'ereet relates to the eonre mooned by the R.is.ian and. au<tnan Cabinet,. towards the Hungarian patriot.. 'there is, now no gne•ton-in- .leed, it bas•been officially declare,) -that the pnhcv of Prince Schwarzenhere ,n Ilene a y. wrC cen.ut 01 rigorous military arra••,••`•. ,nt the forehle 1 nien til 1lung1"4 wit' Tie Ilere ti• ryeitate. of Am -aria. Tne triit:,iph. of the lionen.l'•t armee, ron'nnve- t., S• ills raced fav the 1914 wanton creel - too, 'roc nntn•i 1"s'(;,neral H.vnan st 11 perushes a holo cummunii:ee f•,r the arta of lodav,uu%ls. unprteen■ nor butchers the rela- tive+ or the Magyar Chief., and ,parrs nether eget, 800,,ntr ceedit'un, 1n hie cerre, .•d bine! and infamy. Even the children of K•.penth ae I h s c .detters are Impno•ned, th.1 the enraged enJ b,@i•'1 Emperors era, at least wound the fee',nge, if they cannot clutch 'he persons of the pain ts. Knasu'la, Beta. Dembinski. and nthnra, rein lin in the Turk ah territory. Aeetr,a end Rus -:a, like tigers ba,rtked "(their prey, tile" herr el their diplomatists In Consten '1nohle, anal, In the most insolent term, de mimed the delivery 01 the tugltivep-tile ll•rngarian-s to be given to Au.trie. end•the Pules 1e, be handed over to the tender mor ciao of 11.. Caw. Prince R l,iz,v,l, the Itnpstan A'r.ba•sadnr Extroordieere, even Ile.it.ated not to ado„', that hIs I, upenal Master won:) ilnq l0ationably`hang all the .inhanpy refugees se soon as this were (le- tterset up ! The Sultan, with a genernue humanity, that man! Christian poten'a'e. I would do well to Impale, refu+ed to nolat• I the sacred laws of hospp.1 tv and to 'move wheat has been grove, for a century en the flame fields. Why this ! Again, crops ere n ot always abundant ,n proportion to the quantity of maaurp, even though it be of kind of grain are not nns,mted for another Circnm.tances are constantly occurnlig to the fanner, which thwart bat best cairn n( vast importance to farmer., in the tree• Goon. -While a while tiny an 1 negro nun of Imild.nge, the con•trtretten of roads. were OO fig• alone the street the other day, brig e., mill lams, k0., all n' 0h'ch arc the wletc any picked rap a Its i toll, worn the J me In whale or in part, by the ferment of • negro tali-" %OP tat 0 ion der. 1 jtet laid a new c ,miry. 'rhe wheel and sale, the 't dor 11 fie it s"u .. u.IJ Clef .t." screw, the lever, and all the Mechanical A roc', preen,, officer one day asked a forces, are Lr•nght inti con.1,19 melees'. roan of wit w hat tort of • thing npntenee tion. I have often been cxceael.nilr pained was. '• 11 Is a thing." rrpA.d the pb,losu. fn observing Toong roan, farmers Bona, west ;.her, " rah, -h rang ve a rascal the ad,aa- ing sheer lime over the dotal langu-eis, or tape over an honest man." nano other pnrset:e rg'1o%Ily u.eless to them, °\Vest, Jecmo.,'• ,a,.l Z••k-'• 1 hia•ed .1•t- instre ,l ••f rt .,Ln, etremut'y and round ha for the first time lass Might, and i declare philosophy, the prin.•lple' of which wo dd ,t ciretamJI l,J .e." "4 won Ser," said be required every day of their lover. H't homes, " 11 was a gal -waste tlery.' man Isle le N j torn r; ail mon .ho with them jb•t sr.. it they will minim, and Aov,c►: Te TOR Lanai. -AI ars drrim not bnrJ•n til-m.el,e, *PO a Linn diction err and Thrace, when tiler nerd the axe, the lever or Ilio chemistry In every departinent of I; re. cveu the mn.l humble, .trek knows, lee wi.•rl,l lir of 1004- 41•tl44 benefit to 8.44012 hof upon then sbillel .mews depend Oho lives end hanpi• saw of the reel ..1 mankind,. "TMs term eiremawl or tle,le laborer;' say. L •rot eg Mm, ' whether In his m+e•er'4 • nrinv w then/ding the roneeres of his own coot. tag•, m•at *wive greet resit -01 b •nog . roost be bosh a b•Iier •cr,ant end a mire orgy. sod tAereh•re mores ,ntorlableent- sKer, for kneeing sem ohm; of the astero of Nile ens( ineme.s, which ehenootre t, ' '. *ed r•w.Mbtnl al the baht. of aaiAlb and ill* 1-tahtter and growth of as neatly and plainly a+ 00610416 let Fiera be yarn jeweller, and a rote -bud the only cern ab, ut you. TM. ruvenng yourself .with gawgar., like fat voile, .role unit tare. chat yogi are entesded, hkelbe,n, for im$rk,t. 1 Astsato.m Slanting -it i. the ►nest of bur Aer,Ca• 0001010e that they 6'g ereatien. TMs is • ltltaht neer etauemetil. Th.y .only (leg lh,l black portion of th•.r fadluw- crear°rea.-po.,11. A Grauna. Fk-, r.. -An Irish paper lately fire au 'cement •r a does. allsoniw,ng the resat of 1".' nI: et•ng In the following words : " The rum party was wounded •..repel, in the chess, and the newt fired in the air." .Q ,err, ibe, wa.sded the sageres I - der the M •roar ,htefe to their vindictive and blond thirsty hunter.. in conseq fence of this noble refusal of Turkey to pander to the Imuerial appetite for blued, the R -';un and Austrian represeltatives 'mmed'ately e nepend•-d their diplomatic relations with the Purse. . Reform -for A".tea is but a cypher in the matter will now, do,hllees, 1hreeten ! Turkey with the fate of Poland and ilon. Lary. There Is nothing whatever Viet wet p•event R,.•ia fromtrampl•Dg on Tinker, but the a.eo'mption of a firm and dignifi'' policy by France and England. But unlet, sippor'e.l by the boldly exp'eeeed avowal ot England and France, Turkey is unable to e nslain, withm,t the estremcet danger, the enn•rgncnceeof he pencroatty. For we to expres. an unqualified anprnivatten of the Halton• generous conduct ie al once piste- A,ble and prmfent, net to ray imperative. - A hold word from two of the first -rat• European Powers, In favor til the Titrk,att p hey, moths penlight! m'ke the Autocrat mimic 1, Ma warlike prep•rationr. To be effectua', sneh lolerpnsttloe nest be prompt. Mere admiratten 0111 roe more preyed Tor. key, thatbarren sym;.aihr could save Hen g ory.. The etealthv, but Iarge and commit - al encroachments of Rne.ia, shnold induce England and France to adopt, nn weetion,_ Iy, a policy tend,ng to cheek the further a•Hanre of Aetoeratte md,,enee and the extension of despotic Government, if only for the sake of their own self p tern, Like a ('olns.ns, Rus.0 already sIr,J0e from the north to eolith of Eastern Romp., and only enrol. to subjugate Turkey In r,.:16ne to the West everything hire national udepend..rope. The prodigious armemente e1 tool Caar, the unscrnpmlone devotion to him of Me mynerla of unit - Ravage eithreir, mt-Ravageenh]..r's, and his owe fanatical en- th,u'a•oI, can hardly be enetempl..tel by the frleode of Rnrppesn freedom willow memo alarm, or with -Ott reeaUing the ple- diction of Napoleon, that Europe til! sonn hive but the alternative of beteg trampled apes by alto Coiled. Of sbak80 by revolt: - nos -Brisiek B,Rnrr. ri will also he oat. of bile .heape.t pampa of •he •izo in Caned% West, The Jlfr,d.l will he ;+acted on a Nee imperial sherd. 111 , en'irely new marer•al•, end wall Ac null abed Terry Saterdav Mnrr.inr, for a rear, 0 mud in advance: • I a year. if paid within 010 menthe; and 1113 a year, if net en Haid: in all cases rxclos,rr of pn•tage,- Pr"m the extensive circulation which it 0111 have, the Herold will be a desira'd.. me - dime for Ad*ertieemects, which will be in= •erten at the moist, raves. All common tea. nun, to the Editor, thtnngh the Post Office, :nut be pre -paid.. W.-JOIlNS'hONF. Fdanr and Proprielor. Brantford,-Ai:g. 16,13-19. a2r.34-1 C\' iE into the enclosure of the Subs ecnher on the hot day of Septem' fir la -t a RES) BTEF,R, about three y' a ti old, with a little, white o% the belly. T.ie owner can come and take Num away bs prunng property and paling exp'n• WS!. GREET. Colborne, Oct., 25, 1819. *2- - 2- 139 MVrsI et BLOOD Willi* IIRAD. sC-v*1Y. diner0 ,n Ili.. fl•aJ. )isorder. n/ til.. Id•er, 01 Ur. swXLLLwla. Sinn+rh, eel 8' "cla ; ahsn, lndf ,.ton.- sc l* UL, r 1 0/a80p f 1♦TIL, .. g .eci.r YLicLLIJerat Mwnww Price 9d. per H": ' w 011111S. .10 bei an .os....uy .,p•••• M tiro. 04.acrr. Pomo* ,n r ..B a ..rmrwn , at- .war ,.s. tis sa.rm.W IN rwpo'•,r- 2.1 .4 .a, I.. amour HEWLETT'S Apperient Family Powders. FOR BOTH (E\ES. A remedy h•r ('ostivene.•. Pain. and G,d- dis..e0 on the Head. Disorder. of the lover. S! and Bowe p: alai 164.76111..6.4t.1 To h• many tr r.nr. • An object to the •aking of P i1•, thy... Paw den., are row- nmw.ende•1, and for Children are preferable. -Price 1s. 3d. per Bottle. Hewlett's`'Antihilions Pills. Priv. I, 3d. par B«as. .{n evicelleet remedy for Bnenu• Comp'a•n'. end Ceeovene.•. They remove all (Jetrur- nee. on the Stnmcrh, at the time tome ?ttrenothen the Ihg.cUr•Ore+n•, Ex'neat. those Pone attrnda' nt•nn I/"nrd..r. n(the Sroma,'h, art a. anTnmr UI•nn Relaxed C.ns.11,01.'ns. and prod'ce yig •r fe Health. 1 Helvlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills 34 per B.x. reuge., and A.thm%-- Ills are inept bene6rial ro I of C..mghs,'Pierre diffi rnl'v in breathing, so pry roe to A.th'natic e.thject•, and prnemre the ref:melting com- lofu of rest and sleep Hetvlett'srDinner Pills. ' PRICE Is. 31. p.m Brz. Fnr rem..v..•g ( )h.trirtiaes on the Chest, felt after ,.ting, particularly after D'nser, it -attend by great Weakness and Debility In the Digestive Organ.. Hewlett's infant's Soothing CONDI .AL. IMPORTANT TO Id I ITIIERS k Nurses. For easing Pains in the Bowel. and :i.e.- mach, i.r._mach, en general with Infant.. expelling the wend, and promoting refreeheng Bleep. Prier Is. Se. per Bottle._ S,LI ht It. P Alt St , .,n0erich • !WSW!. P. R. ('lark lit Co, Port Sarnia. Mr. Wm. J-.,.ee Sydenham, Owen Seend G.dcrieh, 20th Auenet, 1010. 2v -n29 3 IPries Is i Thesd e .mirahle P [the specd1 r.meva , For til• core of J- 1 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND! FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. • TIIE CANADA COMPANY hose for dirpn,al, about 1,500 000 ACRES OF LAND diepeneil thr eighuut moil of the Township' in Upper Cnneda-nearly 300.- 100 Acres are .u„ated in the Huron Trott, yell.knniyrcas nn$ of teeniest fertile parts •1 the Province -It lies *eh ed it el popula- tion in five year., and now contains up- ward. of 20,010 inhabitants. The L.AND9 ere offered by way rf 1. K. AYE for Tra )'pars,' nr Jar 0,rfr, C .•l Y (1 1) n ((" X -toe pion . f oorflfl4 C:rs5, asd the balance is Instal menta being done ute,ey frith. The Rent. payable lot February each year, are about the Interest at S+x Per Ccnt,upon the price of the Land. Upon most ,(the bog. when 1, EASED, NI/MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, according to locality, one. two, or three years Rent, meet be paid in advance, -hut these payment,. w,11 tree the Settler from ferthrr calls until Sud, 3rd or 4th yes ho term of Lea•••. The right to PURCHASE the FREE- IIef,D during the term. ie seenred to the Lessee at a fixed sum named in heave, and +n allowance is made according to antrci- ;,ated payment. louts of bands, and any farther infor m- tioo can be obtained, the applur ie,. n, if by etter pnet.palls at the Co `sOrncss, Toronto and Godrrick ; of R. Ilinnsar.t-, .4004e!. Colborne Di.trtct : Dr. A SLING, G.rll.A, .•r J. C. W. DALT, F.mq., Strafford, Horne- District, Godertch, March 17, 1848. . 1 CHOLERA! CHOLERA! PREITNTION IR RETTF.R THAN CURE 'HEWLETT'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, MR Troll ft'RR Or Dirarrhee, Dyseeterp, Moody tI.r, Relaxation, SUMMER COMPLAINT AND CHOLERA MOR BUS. Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. (tj" It has been a'te+ted by experlene., and louOed on the fact, that an attack of the Cholera a generally preredrd by Pre- monitory Symptoms, principally Do -order of the Bowel.. 'rhos premonitory Relaxa- t.00 and Dtarhrea, being without Pain, and not interfering much with health, Is goner. ally not noticed, until 1t Is followed with deeded Cholera I The time to preterit the Dlerea.c, is to have recourse on its nett appearance, to Henrietta!Res%roti.', Bel sow, which will prove efficacious on staying its progress, and preteritsg the Cbelen.-.. is eases of decided Cholera, the above Me- dieroe well be of Immense service. No Family should be without a Bottle of tire Balsam on band, Prepared naly by J. Hewlett, 95, York 81,•00, Toronto. Sold by B. PARSONS Goal•rich : Mosso. P. B. Clark k Co. Port Sarnia. Mr. W. Joao. Sydenham, Owen Round tloderich, 20th Angn•t 1019. ,1-a10 • - STIRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. TSB LI►B PILLS VIII ?MIMI SITTIU PURIFY THE BLOOD. Awl this remove all disease from the systems. A 'Milo uMI vol piMsere the LIFE P1115 wad P1111111 BITTERS ►...raLao .ewS✓...p. Our* a 1,0 .0884.. ✓ 4...7• yoeM.t. TM gamin. .4 "Nose goober. an sow r. h M .lis .n1een i 1.4e16, bit.,►•r ..Q a pe,. 0t. ,01104 - prioelk, (Ionil toss . u••• taw,.ap 6. ruvewr, ae, r•.0ie0 ., . dn•ut ..1 Bn..ds+r ho. N•.11 tree, to cos Ilio., y Lel *..0 •ram *M sur et- very..47.2 he4 .f. The .rap .', .0d i..0rr... ere ,•Pr"a►a4l tW..0.. row .lir p,. . 40...480.40. nor 0....re4 that they an ..crew IM ,.otos• 404 a• see lay 6.w .140 o. rr.peen; 18 d you d.. M .Woks that 6y sew wet now 08, es 4.•1 two bee. �j- rrep.N W .14 by DIt. WILLIAM'. =01 PAT. ass 1.r41*.y. comer of *Wray ammo Mev Teel. Iw 0o4. by HONE INA,YUFACTURE. I'IHE Suh-embers ,n returning thanks to their Cuetpmrr, for the liberal sup- port they have rreri'ed piece Commencing husirese, beg to int:mate, that they have for pale at low rate., Cooking., Box & Parlour Stoves. oleo Ploughs of eight deecnption', and moi- stener of the mast Improved Moulds. Self. acting ."h ill Doks, aril various other cas- ting.. Having engnped an experienced Machinist, the eubseahrrn 000 confidently recommend their THRASlltNG MA- CHINES of :he newest deign, bo'h eta - Honer, amt mi:veahle, and would solicit a call from intending Pnrchasers belnre buy ink e!-owhere. All orders pun•t- voided to and executed with neatness and despatch, ORR lit WILSON. Stratford, 13th Aug. 111119. •'1-ot81(. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. BENJ. PARSONS, Sete Agent. G°derieb, JN..18. MS. TWQ GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. 0 NE within 2 miles, and ibe other with - to about 3 miler of Goderieh T•,wn Piot. The first Is I. ;T 10 in let Conces- sion, Tnwn.hip of Goderlch, CONTAINING 164 ACRES,. Is boon. ed at the one erd by Lake Huron, and et Om other by a Publ'c Road, -.n4 the second es LOT 8 in 8th Concession, Colborne: W.Drvlston, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, arid to attested at the Jusettos of two Pub - 1 , K Roads. Fur Partieolan apps ]..\O. McDOto NALD, Eeq. Goderich, 14th Jose. 1.849. o19-tf THE Snbacriber begs leave to inform the inhahltanis of the Dtetrtct of Hilton, and the neighboring (hstrict., that he has Established himself in Stratford, and t. prepard to give Plane and Specifier to,ns of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dams, lite. bac. kc., and will take the superintendence of rich Erections, on the moot reasonable terms. Hie thorough knowledge ofhoeprofession and his practice as Badder, qualities him for any undertaking in the line. Address poet paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, Ste. Sec. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 1118, 1849. ft -711 STRATFORD HOTEL. (Leri way's.) THE Huwenber informs his friends asd the Travelling Public, that he has leafed the Targe BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. Isaac May, -where he will be ready at all times to afford the usual com(nrl and supplies sad promote the personal 0011101101 of bio gat eta, t','INES and LIQUORS nf the best de- •cription. A steady tlurrler always in ano.•danee. ALBEIT G. HATCH. Stratford, 18th July, 849. !r-stblf ((Sil rOtffllflT! THE SubscFlben will piy the IHGHBST MARKET PRICE for Good Merchantable Wheat. JAMES PORTER & Co. Goderirh, Oct. 17. 1 ii4A. n37 NOTICE. W OK Suh•,nher havteg RENTED the WAREi(OUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the Meier,. Davenport, of Ibis place bat established himself as a roawaanRa Nap coranesIn' 0x0L1A7T. Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Godench, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. il,-7ntf. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH IN returning thanks to his friends and nu- mer.us Customers fur the Liberal Pat- ronage which he Itis received during the past year, begs to Intimate that be bas jut received an extensive Assortment c3 : iia 7711310C)32 70MaaoD, and ts.ready to Execute all Orden givea to bun wub care and punctuality a. formerly (iodine), April, 12th, 1849. 21-n 1011 Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receiver General's Oftcs. Montreal, 12th March, 1849. PUBLIC NOTICE to hereby given, that Claementa for Rebellion Lessee In Canada Wert, who have not applied to, asd received payment of their Clams from the respective Agents of the Bank of Moatreel, in the several dutnctaas heretofore notifi.d will from and after the first day of June next, be •eceas•atsd to apply for payout of the same, either personally or by duly appointed Attornles, to the Panay Bank in this city. (Slgaed,) 9•M. VIGER, H. M. !. G. tt--19 Qqe 4nren Signal to myna awe PeROwa1 setae nreassay BY THOMAS MACQUEF$l, =MOO LOD r•OPIRTOL. orptw MAax.sT-.QCAIL, aosearq. •,' Hook sad Jab Prieuag, eleean4 with noose's and d,speeek. TORn oy Tisa HORD, Si.IAL.-TEN SHIL- LiNGS per anemia if pod etrietly in Rdweee, OF Twaov. un 8tx Paw with the eipirstfsa alb. year. Ks paper diseeot'rweed. esti) swears ars pad so, sabres the peblu►er thinks it his ttdsaa- tags ie de se. Aar isii•idosl in the revtry beestsi.g re- spoo.iWk fee els nebeenbere, shall native a ET Al�teetis letters ed to the Editor arm be Met Peid, se they will net be taken est d the postage* ,Rasa 00 •rvns*saa., Sia limes sad soder, flet iaserties AS 1Foeh 5 oebagseet mantras 0 0 7i Tom bore asd seder, isms issertiso8 1 4 Our b ro�et ironies SS F8 Sees, int iswrti•s, per Boo8 8 4 A t Liaise•, 8 0 1 rl87' £ b- hi Ib• Tliw..,t amok be gess sub