HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-15, Page 2eeie*tsos; M. De Tecirmdll• Method en-
plaestly •ss.det the shears of the Mdestaiw
parte, That tate (,•abject had fully susprrw,
awl would 'Abele 11, the expreeeteme o! po-
key con/a•eed de l/•sa Nap.i.oi's celebra-
ted letter In Cul. Nei, sed further, that the
Ponds Mau'fe.tu bad not realized .I1 the
hopes of lbs Gasereraeet. We further tib
waive that the Pre.tdsut awl Ms tattiest an
et tome with the 1000 mile party, the latter
Sol oMnr... A. l eke weeps ecaiart Prussia le
*rapport '.f the Suisse. It le isedenleed
tout the Premised had det.rmt.ed out 1is be
lolloroee'd by the R*-.Aeti"eute or ultra
I. g.tiuua o, and his p,.pul.nry had to 00.00
Ine..ars iu.•rsased Dili the Republican
''') 4 T.%NTISOPLf;.
A thoielaetn.opin the 'Turk• were se -
1 eels urn, •r no for war. inn b..oti'i'tw be.
tweets the Porto sod Rams aas thought
one n.t•IaIIp.
The Bein.h .1mh+... for had r.eeawed de.
• aieehen ■tmline test the b.glsh Mei sae
• a Il. ..v t.."the Dardanelles, arra that the;
French Midi's ^.a eq'sd-..n ws. slew
muter 1. -dere t-. remit Ivens at the entrant*,
the lterdenelle'Th. Turka.h are., la'
t;onetanluo..le end its rn+Irnrw were 1118.-
000. and sa. des v dr• led an,lmantrn•red.
meted, Irma ►ems.hortly after nellaigbt.
Muse cyte hie thumbs,. he .edr.owd 1..
self without disturb,ag either of the occu-
pants of tM bed, but )...t se I e was (snag
t• get .w, he d sc• i.red what hu tu.attna
lion 404 j 1114.) •o.s.n,ly roaj'.red 1010 •
ass ! (j k w tnto.gt.l he seized bit bout
pact and c 'rumored belaboring the usurper
of hie nem., about the bead is the moor
4.-.ptnts uuasner. The tareawhs o/ ►is •se
lion and wife, however, noes showed bin.
the mistake be had mode, and wnhnut ta-
king r•1••mt foe ib. aes►wsy, •• Jon•t doubt
but that he felt foolish and ashamed of kit
p'ectplanry. Ila wile's soler had both her
nes .try u.u. h bbrke.ed k brewed. and the
.s a o1 her far. m. WIy eu', that a physician
lie my caldera is to dress her u)' o-
nes. .%e mines bun hereafter 10 fulfuw
the advice of Very Crucket-" be sure
you're right, then go ahead."
sed Ile p•ssieriem el • voodoo dtlw samlme deg
by baso •ee•elleee, sed mime prpbeesea of tars
asd briars cry. w►s1 son pew epsetag chair
j.w• to trader Ceada Issiww ! Ilse, as we
obereed before, Mr. Guwases poeoeam• of the
.alley of the shade. el Death, se eery early as -
cora mid for, sad with, regiment et 4..frte• meal
mom. Ada 11.01, law I.b►mb who am m ew-
t•.assag the deee■ues. said lrtsieg their wads•
mase to beteg the pteatet Oseeror.: isms Ido
respecct, it is eel? asetesery to emoted t1em a
ahs utile esmplaiaed m y the /..gosiew sad I
Gowaait.o, •0 A•aeut.w4te, ve evil. a .1
oma .shag-ev.ls asuhetsred by their •we
part, mazy. whoa, ,ears age. sad rewhsie see
merely swains. the dw sad regale., 'mime
'be awrhisery that wig *wimp .hem from e
teas.. Mazkiad impact 0...1 .d to fee
:lar the aura of whssbud will ptrm.s. W
mal take men w they really are, sed .s4 m Wo
timid wish them mix -perfect hewer, sea
rare quality even in priests ..Jivil.sl.,sd, is
a moral prodigy is p.bl c or commute bodies.
We never expect to dee a perfect si.il O..eers
meat, nor • perfect M,ui►try-,be expect -stem
would be altogether prrysaterom, sad the shag
• ,,el( w.dd be rawt.ral-Iberefoce won wish ea
such remaatle dream*. Rot when we aro swat
that the iatportat impru•eme.0 •s the e•diu
of the emaa'ry were made y the peri, saw
power. we are wilhog to remember that " Row
ru gent bale fa owe dim:" mid &Idiomg► there
may le some ru.ne'bort -com•sp, and • few
flood fu chargeable us the Ministry, we de sot
feel dirpoed to d.00unce them wittiest wherry.
1Ve pre them erect.' for what they have Mar-
weexpect them to de mere. and errski■g all 4.e
• Iluaasee for the errors soil frailties d hwuasi-
sy, we Ie.•l satisfied that they are st bast w read
as any which we could fled to .ucceed then, -
Alms. all. we never .an suite with the memo-
ir riun has been eery palaleable tea Inge oomher"f tion parry to eadeavorin,l to trader them nepop•
••••• bankrupts and proniptes of their owe parry, sad ular.• That party bad • loos trial at Genoa-
if- /be hod I has ~soca 'rule -spread, deep sad treat i■ this colony. Our prey's' r'i
rose up and dere loitered seder their sdm.sistn-
lion, and, the .ray (art that they dieorer-
ed these grievances till sow, ts, an es, • sulkiest
reason for ref0ling to unite in their ela.nnrs. Be-
sides, when we meander that during last Se.,ne,
we bare got s sew ►1rn'npol Act -a sew Elee-
lion Law -a u.w School Act, and many other
mi. or sets, alt of murh value to our regrew u
a f.0e people, end d1 liberal -sad whew' we con -
eider that the University quesIiw, rhieh lad
long been a baneful metre of conteo'm it and bed
feeling, has Men satisfactorily and equitably mi-
ned -that we have the promi. o/ • new Meese -
meat Law, and a new Repreeo:•tioo Law, both
hissed on the principles of strict jamice-sod
duet we have, at Inst, a hoer, that the ch,efesrie
coluui,ts are writhing a5 prevent reminds on of the of the country, the Rectories sad the Clergy
. anecdote of an old man who after he had run Reserve., will be concerted in son., menu! put-
aho.t • quarter of a mile from the Leigh Kirk of pose ; we feel • kind of coonetiva that ear polit-
J Z Im.rnock, under the dreadful impre..ioo that ictal progress doting the pest year. will bears heir
- the Kirk was f..:.ng on the congregation, lure- companion with the peeresso( any tee years of
re' ed round to look a what he supposed was a mass !Canadian L. .:ion, ad Luse, we an ieroeg-
a noon, and bolding up bis band, a if toard 11, inclined is ora round epee oar growling co-
himmcli fron, the f.11iog fabric, muttered ' Ay, temporsnn sod ask-" (t'401i '. yes .11 ery.eg
sy, there it comes ! there it comm.! It's duan 440111 .
walk ■ad
From a C.w.Ospnedent.1Ih. V. Took Tribune. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1i, lop.
gto11'aehb d or o dev•7. Carni.. in this world produces a more siek-
A1y attention wa.:uecled.. ,n. J•yrago Pr
1., a paragraph from a London paper, In re•. •1115 cifct 0,00 err nervous ase e.i'nhy, than 10
Inman to (Yids, o Mir!* nerd that Engl•id, i e• grow. up ptopii w hinting and blubbering
France, and the t'. t d Staten were wmtld i Htd slip. achoel born, sh..•,t wmelhirg that
be treaty s'ipht'anons to gttaran' a the de" has ens happened sed is mot likely 10 happen.
evidence of that Island 'o the $pnni,.h G.' A few of the more subtile tortes are recently
%ernment, and 1 Ira• imich sornrtsul at the
Ignorance &spieled 'I.emin• If this ofre goI ups hue sad cry of misery, and'demlarion,
true, It would out only off; e'na!Iy pr. cru le
grunt poverty, and red rem whiph they repreesy
the possibility atom, amg .Cube to tl.,. as De* sweep .g over Canada with the fury and
Republte, but be cun.:Jtva' a modeling it . d'••rnt t:, n ,.t the whirlwind. This palpable dela-
obligatory upon us a t ws•11 .. F.ancr an
England td protect the bpaai.b attboritio
ngaiast rebn!iion or inrg.iin from bay fu
cirri power.
But 1 have examined pretty 1hni.ttishly
l,t., the treat ea between there notion., .ud
find no such provision. The t'.oited Stam
bas formed four nestles and conve•ttone
With `Spate .n all as foliose :-
Treaty of Peace, k.., Oct. 271 iT93.
Coseeattuo of lauemeifica• ; headline it; wowed certainly be • eery foolish
tion, kc. Ant. 11, 1509. task ; and one for which we would rut
, .teolber Feb. fur 11819. pert bet
Convention for .ertling claims - ,1834 anuli thanks. The few re"peetable iodicidusls,
Not • word is said to these about kuaran however, who have thougl.lesaly got enveloped
teeing the dependence of Spain. Ina treaty- in the bitches. alarm are cull o'•l;cta of cora-
loneness his Brittonic Majesty and Ferdinand ml.eruion, .ed when we consider that they are
VIi. in 1809; the former by anode 3rd, pro dupes rather than hones, moo do fee! • desire
;Mies to 50.iat Ferdinand In :.i1 stru,rale to d.entansle them from the niceties into' which
against the um. of Franc., 7ind prnn.isoe ,heir simplicity has allowed them to fell.
a,t to mckoowledge any other King of The pagie in which s fr.ctiou of our fellow
Spate and the Indtes thereunto perta'n:ng,
"ban hu C.lhnlic Majesty, his h. ire, lu'.-
• ltd Ferdinand agreed not to cede to Franc
any part of his ter i'or.e•. A peaty was
Formed between France. Spain. RspSia an
Gnat Britain in 1 & 14. but there -man pro
mi.. of the kind above alluded to with
gaol to Cuba. One other teensy was mai!
between Great Brihin and Spain with re
girl to the .lire In le ie I81S.
It cannot be expecte:, hnwever, that en
',tontine of Cuba, to this R-'ptbbc will pre
telle a revolution there. There is no Ira
0 'ereby she can be •.1 el foto tbi. L'
0t: '.ntt1 she has ach:ene.l her iodependeoce
as Trial Jul, except he the consent n
Spate, which Spain prohah:v will give
IS,t the 'earl of the mother chantry have
mow become excited to t' degree that may
Wad to beneficial remittal in unelioratin the
eondrtu,n of the Cuba.:: and of a !Mend pol
icy is prunptly'antereJ into a tilt p/ob+Alr
procrastinate a rebellion and.the 1•.r■ ..f .
valsable colons'. Th. men•oee demi- trio
say thrown nit at Ma'but, That Gorier, ren
will as.i.t in tr....fcnig the..•.rere,gr:ry
of Cabe inter the hands of the black inhahi
%eau if it traria retain 11.'1(, is supremely
aimed, It mull net if 11 would. sod 1
would be a tsi.eyahl. ,ley if it e•wsIJ.
The, Jay Ilae geese by fee African Govern
meats to be firmed os this eon'isent.
Ina! -rill est. s • few respectable ind'•fdwtt
have become bewildered. and infatatedly juiced
the mel•'d) of woeTo attempt to reams with
the maoufici f there kind of Jock-o'4.4e-
Lewrerw aloe:ws, or to e.de.tor to diesip.ae this
pLem•mi feu from she minds of those who •re
no.. !•' and staggering backwards to save him- - _ ------ --
✓ sell. fel neer the er bstooe u( the side i
- bruke hts neck -and the Leigh Kirk stood just : Toxemia a great deal ..f ironstone on the ear•
f. where it was, and remained • good. substantial I pet at presemt about the Election for the Third
building for belt • century after the old mops,`. 1 Rit tag -Parte Patine. the emu eftAe peep',, to
Martel( creature imagined sel( buried in its rsbbish ! said to be •n A :'ovist -sed is to be impair
+The •• rain and decay" which the lsagaemcw ed by the•Ilon. Rollie RALbwii,mai by Witt-
and the Awacxalionis.'s have seen derastaiint I tan C L,Rt. Esq.. of se•rboro', and ,o'bort y
Canada fur the but ex months, .ill bear s lair the whole Mi•i,teri•i party, sad his return use
cninpari"n with the downfall of the Leigh Kirk he regarded as a complete driest ii.
toe )Itn'ry!I
r( Kdmunoek. and we are oxceedmgly sorry to We do not.be'iese one word nfall this stud- Pio;
t •-.' fume , 4 'ha liberal jou.rnals,of. Upper Caned.. l,s'P,r.r may. or may not, h; as Anattal.s• '
re. ssA no ere e••esad, b• w muses lnm bis
asdssr sash arab dm reser sod gond-w.hae of
• leap pri creme d bis hello. asters...
IT It d deal at the tercet El..slow is the
Stere et New Tact, the Wh.p earned every
dams beim. the.
We give se to Jay a large portion of our
apace to the sugular dotage ..f this were,
tit a of ce110111el,or n ab.r., coaaus...we
ur.Yero, /^.'ereltese, asa..,.r•, Teuai-annus
e'.oeta•a. old ia,►toned tnnee, office hun-
ter., r Jroted radsdates f..r Parliarntan
Motor•, sad political p►8ueopbers end
eco.owhteta of all is. apes and hues. Fri-
day's recommit would be wholly snimpor
last did res derel..p the political fact of
some smportamcs, that a considerable leaven
.t snsesarr.•or feeling pervaded the conv*s-
uon, all that they 'fear the consequence of
an immediate appeal to the people. They
have made quite • step in the direction of
•osea•uon since the Kugstne Cnnventoa,
Mr. Gamble, Sir. Wilson, and Mr. Dixon
. 55 become the Waabtngioo of a '• peaceful
reroiur, .a." The facility with which the
atter genllemaa fabrtra'emi a coa.tisunon
on which to build a new and mishit empire,
* huh is to play an Important part in the
history of the norlheta hs f of tots cooti-
sent. Io all future rttn• heels Abbe Steges
Aullow. W• admire the wlf-complaceni-y
and soschalence with which he promised to
fabricate. ra Wee Bute &h•• would be requir-
e) to make a bat, a new federal constrtutso•
for seven Provisce.. Ile is quite at home
at that snit of'brag.
The remedy of Metre. Gamble and
G ..4.s ,for commercial depres•ton, is the
uid "tory of pr'.tectt0s, and is therefore
barmlese enough.
It is the revolutionary propositions of the
5'4 nvention; and their idea of the mode of
effecting re•olnt'ons that form the uwtrcc
este and interesting part of the proceedings.
Thctrcon.tit.aut• are in a °alacrity in the
Province; both in Porlian•ent 20,1 out o
Per!nmen'. To 4041,. measures for re
*tunnt the fallen f-•r•unes of the party they
represent, would be to confine t5en,lolves
to their legswnate sphere of action. Bit
they went a step furiber._ They stepped
hcrnn.l the limits preocribed for the action
.,f po:sncal partizaesh p. From seeking
to better the fortones of their party, they
',treed to the constitution of political
s.,e:elr. This they prnnnenceJ faulty; and I
with the agility of intuinre philosophers
prescribed the remedy -a federal union of
the Province.. Mr. It icon. of London, p
f•b►icat•s • hat one day, • federal enn'tftu-
Iio., for 5be Britieh American Provinces the ..
next. He promises to produce it at • given. a
hour: the herr saner and he pill. ant o'
his rest p,•ket rho professed coo,Mrntio0.-
There, out that little dirty bit of paper, •re
presrnbed the eunlitioes of an embryo
nation's e*'s'coce. '• 1 enbrntt this cooeti•
tuti.•n" save kir. Dixon, ».it 1he a.eetubled
telethon of the Convention." The bantling
•urvaes three noir• of killing oratory; but
fimhng 00 norm, it *spree, and with all dire
11olen11.1.y is consigned -to the vest pocket
of rhe deep tl'uking philosopher who make.
c"nst,tntw•sto tinier, altuost in the twiuk-
lisg.ot it ere. -
It is perhaps'Gurun'te that the resolve*
of the L a: ee have no legal effect. They
• e -worth bond what they will fetch in the
mark 1 idea I111,na0sere.l opinions. The
!hoyden .gannet D•.wnrng wtrret inteefe-
rmace ie o.Ir style's, which .11 -eked the two
w thjo'• obi military officers who lied
Ibeen seat as d••:rgete•, and elicited applause
frww the nutereere, auul'I have dine the
wmrt cf dark• olie go.,J. if the unrer.cea
otet.du of r•' :Ic • r them hal not gilled
harshly upon h;. ie•;;ng.. However we ere
prepar.di to give. 5i.edenouncers of Downing
sires al, credit for their g'.'1 intenCsoa.,.
though we cannot say much for their Os -
culmination. If F,ngiand is nut'.. b^allowed
to coo trol a bit ot 1 .nd that ha. been reser,.
e d for toil:tart' purp..sea, as Mr. Gowan
seems to think, the sooner she takes leave
• these posss•ssuns the better. We fury
agree w th M . Gamble, Gowan, and
curers' other delegic. who deprecate all
Impenal tnterferenee in .our local affairs:.
but it is unfurtrnate tIIa4 `some of these
.eolIr.'.n dLl not perccive this grievance
before the, pared wit!) their dollars in send
Ser Man McNab to England to invoke shot
Interference ID the case of the indemt.uy
We Etre Mr. Gamble .'ell credit for h•.-
ing .fated the position of tits Province with
a manly boldness that few men have the
courage to assume. Ile ;s right in uaymg
that the feeling.. revelling principles, and.
lxr1uno of the Province ate such aw to ren-
der democratic In,tit•snoes a p.51;c eeces-
ally. A mimic anstocraey, and a eaneati,re
of the House of Lords, are • ridiculous
The'publ:c mend advances rapidly, and if
our inetitunon, stand rill, they w:11 soon
be mere lifeless end inanimate forma, halm,
e n bold of robin opsi.•s er popular aff'e-
non. It ha onforteeately the necessity of
every weeeenve government that tt has to
peek the Leg,.lative Conine I. The ey-
tern, not they tie at fault.
The first rte's would intent to be the
•leelton of local officers. This would 'pare
the ministry • greet de01 of trouble, and
I eulty. Thea • Itheralizung of onr other
4etitutione might 6.Ilew, a5 the public millet
heca.I'e prepared for the ,hangs.-Eromi
Oe another entwine will he retied a repent
of a Greet Reform Sleeve( at Sharpe, in
tM Home District, which was attended by
OS isss♦sess sembe► nI the talent, respects -
Witty, and etwltng worth o' the neighbor
heed. The example re a good one, and we
weak) be glad to ase It followed by every
constituent•, is Canada, sot that we de-
sire needless agitetto•, but bevies* it • nee
the advantages ..f a proper und.rets.ding
•Ipon topics of eweh paramount l.port•ece
e• these discussed at this •seem►lags. -
Public npl.ton, when legitimately and fe•r-
le-sly expreese4, is the best gut', which •
Rseposs.ble Gamesome, un have. tied it ie
a ditty. which emery •.ter owes to his re
presentative, to seek tbe opportunity for •
general declarannn of pepelar vestment
open the tram ua ropes of the day. The
F;recutiv. 4e belied by its oaths to obeeeve
secrecy se le its intenunee. brit ,het does
.01 dshar it from taker the tong of h•
einem •. frees "sbe well-sirsemed wishes
of the people.' In pistin to lhe.I.selees-
,a pate* be the woof ge•erarl•dn-.._te pie-
ties 1e the welfare of msedkl0.1 - the ,.aopb
.b.rsld awl tb•,nrd,•s of a Parliamentary
Renege se solom.ly word thew gislses
epos rte►, emetine of the day. 15 this
elet4*s 111 Ilmo esrs5rry • resehirwy w fie
eperetieb which precludes the necesesy,
esrhapr, of any tunneler demoatranon, esu
through the medium 0l our Reform Anemia
'mw., • w.nllestu or espre•.ton et the p"
pular readies, nay be etude public. Wr
cannot allow the t;hu..n Meeting to pan
without further remark The •arino.
measures recessed are of the most ells.
inparleacs, relating as they do In k.ireweb-
meet, Aapesati*s, Election of Local Oil
ten, the Fixing o/ the 111rwunsr0tlne 01 all
County (Mielsle, by the Comity Council.,
Reciprocal Free Trane, the teem& sates -
. 40n it 'h.Jdteiary, the Eeten.l*s of the
Suffrage, and the present system of Dtvl
51011 Courts. In addition to thew matters,
a vote of c*s6Jence le the ad i•ignalfon was
passed. and a re•olutrur szprewivs of re-
gret at the contemplated retirement of the
Hoe. .1. 11. Price. %V• du ant think that
the reaohnlroe with regard to Retrenchment
u oaf ciently •.sepug-we advocate a
(moral reduction of o.lamatl, and would not
confine it to the Departments alone. There
✓ g aumbers of o6kt.Is who are estrev$gast•
ly paid, in comparison with the menthe's of
the Executive. The denueciauon of the
Aensaanon "Theme is :he voice of the
chole Reform party -and o• give the pro
pee of Sharon prase for their correct expo
anion ui Il. Thd Election of Local ()Scare
if a gies'.on daily gathering intorno and
mp.'rtenee, and it nn• of those Refurme
which miss/ be. The present wahines 0f
County Officers aro uncertain and exorbi-
tant -their payment by the County Coon -
mho will give them a fixed value, promote
economy, ease trial on, and tnc•sr a greater
resposubJtty op the part of office -holders.
Reciprocal Free Trade is • subject of great
Intrust to the Canadian Farmer., and one
upon which they can nnlemtstingly decide.
It must 'stead amongst the first of the
nsce Reforms of the day. The Ex
'enema of Suffrage, will come, is a natter
of cour.e. so the peu:.le became intelligent
-are not Canadians already .u6ioteptly so
to vote for a Member u( Parliament ! The
other que.tiuos tmtrrylnced are worthy of
eonetJeranon, and we are glad that they
hare been thrown before the public for die-
inutsaon. We trot that the Reform
Asaucatinns of Hamilton, Brantford. Din•
as; Norfunk, and NorwichviHe, will take
Up these sua'tere, and gore 'heir opinion
1 'ori them to the country. -Journal and
From the Osdph Ad.ertitw.
Sir, -With your permission I wit! oten
y a small space in youfiournal, to apprise
err friend* in the older parts of this large
q:str et, of the doings in our isolated (tho'
of altogether unknown) settlement
On the e•en'ne of the leih instant, the
Reformers of th1s part of the county were
extremely reartied by the appearance a
mongst them of our respected County ,nem
ber, A. 1. Ferguson, Esq.; and, ae his
promoted stay was .bort, steps were at once
taken to show him every reopect, and make
h. tie 1 a. • rr a'.le a• po•e.ible. A din-
ner was decided on, which Sir. Coleman, of
the Vietorl& Uotel, got up in a very credits-
ble man•,.
On thn'e day 5-nlnsin,, a number of friend.
of the eau., met down to the repast proal
dud, R. F. B-•rlford, Esq., ncesipring the
chair Atter justice had been done to the
g...1 thing+ (wombed for the occasion, and
Ithe usual loyal toast. had been duly honor-
, thecha'rmen gore-" Tire health of the
croon of the evening, A. J. Forgusson,
E -n.
I .\Ir. Fergusson re.ponded in a most hap•
try manner, e long ;nth a full detul of hu
former aml present positron, in com•exton
.nth ptb!u affa. ,. t f the Prov,ne., r d t''e
p".ion of the. J).artr,, ptrurnl.riy that
portion with which we are more tinlnr7lt•te-
ly connected. He elan entered into a full
detail of his r1 erg on the Rectory and ,ler
ey Reserre: questions, firing much s:atis-
hctwwo to .t1 who heard him. Later in the
evening. the heal h of the Hen- A. Ferris-
crgmnson being drunk. again called Mr. Fergus
eon to his feet, and elicited an intereel,ng
account of the exertions of that patriotic
individual in the cause of Re.pooeible Go-
vernment, alreed• well known to most of
the reformer. in the Province.
A number of •t'lonteer torte were eicen
and responded to, in a manner gorier no
.mail evidence of the intellection abilities
and eloquence of the diffe,eat speakers,
After spending the evening in the mos'
agreeable manner, the patty broke up hirh-
ly gratttied with Coe first rneenng of Re-
formers on this formerly tory ridden corner
of the country.
I may ion mention that, at the hour ap-
pointed for dinner, a °timber of tory rowd,ee
collected and formed whet They were pleas-
ed to call a precession, en the number of
about 34, (l have heard them stated at from
30 to 40.) and waikerl down the principal
street, soder. ilii shade of a couple of yard.,
of rolled J•ennel, to the fan immediately
opposite Mr. Colessar',, where, after being
served with a glss. of grog, they were pleas
ed In give three cheer.-ft,r 'ctrl. we are
net certain, int arc inclined re think it Ira
ter the Itgnor. (which wield at any time
pnrtha•e the attendance of the emitter pvt.)
They then returned whose° they came, no
doubt Mghly delighted with what they
were pleased to call their great demonslra-
1 Irnst. bnwever, the canoe of Reform has
got an impetus which will be felt for mime
tune to enme,from the fact of the reformer.
p0ncsediig with their dinner, without so
notch as noticing their loyal friends. who,
after 6 -.dee they were nut lotion odtne. of.
meshed off home rather dieapnnintsd in the
effects of their black Bag display.
I am, 8tr, your, ke.
A. Ownt Some Remises.
c .not -n. -icing the impwture,.and uniting in the in -that 4,. be may or may in believe icor Ca,
dolef..I wog of deeola,ios and death ! When. nada will at sett period be noised is the .kmeri.
Dots R. Gowaw classifies the veils ad devils neo Repabiie. or rboal) be •.ilea it weifie did.
t of Pandora's bee, and lets them lor.e.opea our Perhaps he heli,... alb chic,• sed adwhittiss ret
cocotte, we do not feel uteetsitul-the very he does. what has that Ledo wads hie•eligibiiq
feet diet Mr. Gowan did het dterover these to represent the Third Ridreg el Twit? He
Wile sed derils• twenty months ago, when he dare not advent. Aeuesatip its the !Sema, e<
'Ira. receiving • rotary of foe iuodred • year of
AWFIJL TR.14l:DY IN 8T. LOUIS. .11. people's Weary for doing Muhl'', ea the
Bt. L^ei0, Stith Oct, Branberityie Casal„ sufficiently expida his
An awful tragedy recurred but et..,.g measles. When the sons. and graod+oa•, sod
at Barnnin'a iloipi. prone few days "mire, "0.:05500, and ki.dn'd of the (empwrr 'I ,,-id
two young French g.ntlemen. G•.,- ab•. it,
bluote.qus and Conn Itatin"nil tie Monte*."'e n..n, of ferrety sad the Church, pit, •,dr re.!
g4dparriveJ in this elle, from Cincotta. and the people ofCsnada for half. ernlnnV. rant and
took lodgings at Darnnrn's Hotel. aying
that they were on a hunting eges,reroa
through the Wen. Nothing particular
WOO observed in their manner until lac eve-
ning about 10 o'clock : nit kir. Barman. ■
rave aloud the extravagance "face public expen-
di t u re, land the ruined caro eminence* of the noun •
try. their conduct reptiles no e•plsnatine. The
•' fleshpots, and the leeks, and the onions, sod
the Salle," are lost to them, tires beyond the
nephew of the proprietors ed J. 1. Mecuor-
ber, steward of the house, wpm retiring to hope r,( recovery. sad the weakest capeeiry ran
bed, one of the Fr Deb gent'emen canto to earthy understand their lamentations. Dist when
tae window on the riflery and tapped light -
nosh who not only prufrsa, but bee actually cne-
ly on the sash. Mr. Barnum pushed thea tended and wrerlled msny yens for responsible
curtain to one side when the man out.de Government and pnlnteah J0ttice-men who have
bred a dun, the hall from which paape•d twee pr -eminently in,trsmental to wresting ,he
thrnogh 111x. Barnion, and two b.n; k.hot scepter of power fent,, rhe hand of the oppr'tin.,
ie.J r• J !n the arm Macomber. I ad of enlightening the public mind on the sub -
At the report of the. gun, Mr. Albert, u
Jones, a enachmaker, ha had a
noon ad• et' of clef! Gouernm.,t and poli.ie•l Mh-
j'IwInQ, nuh.4 In the door In nee what war
* roj
) when such nes are fogad usenet ..th the cern-
the difficulty. 11e Aid scarcely permed thea aeon enemies of freedom is their elansours
Mune when he received a •lot whir h folleddi stains, the present Rufen of our sf•irs, there
him to the floor, and he died In a few mo•I isc:runty sonic room for amnm.hrreat sad 01 -
meets after. A Cn Iple 01 gentlemen wbnl pl.nw•inn. Th• sr.er•ion that Coated' it fest
bad entered the galb•ry were struck with!
►ucbsh,.t, Their name. aro 11! M. Hen-
d erson, won idnd In the 5'reh'aJ, and W.
11. Hubble, of L,bcrty, sounded In the a•0..
Tile &Ammon was unmednlel, pureneJ to
lots room where after a tinnp.rate struggle
be was .enured. Ile is the younger of the
tiro brothers.
Mr, Barnum Is s1,11 elite, but it is car•
tai. that he *anent rnrn•.r.
''be trucks of the French hrutheru were
!huenodbruke. open 1hmornIne, and letters ml
paten found •bowing then 1.• be Parisians
sot wealth and family. They also contained•tine splendid aceontremrnl., and !!1,5410
la Getman gold nein. They rcnu-ed eoon-
e"a nensay they wit: natal their ow,4 eatt.e,uD
Albert Jene b. w,. sh •t w an I lined the.
f.renw0; h..aw shot by an ou. r•• ha I.
cid g6 I.rte •h..1. 'I'i., 6layur haw order.
err• strong poles. three ro Protect the j41l
The ether per.,5e who were Doweled aro
recap *sal, .d will ie an. preb.br'a'y re ems erled. The political destiny, and the cum -
tower. • wee .est of this Province •re new as eouspkrely
JrtAt.oudT,-f)a eel
er k i. w Stem g. sh. hahandsof !M people n tAmL
gA ,h.y•eJ
$mato w.rre C ipp511554 that a gawp.** ewer the mom dun, -re
etie form of R.peNica.-
- Mot coy left brows ere Wed.ewhsy, W... ism. And •11 "An liberty of political Knee -
mg fete wife that bootee.' w 'u:J pohab!y tote wetioes1 isipedence, has beets bras way
bite away an 4 the nett r. The ce,ed by the Parer Sire, hot Asa 1a re
bef ug til u Sind spree, af's•r l , b."1- rid, hlee
Frees facilitated and (^►lured by r with • veal
el bel Irv". 06411 5.,? her eiuler b Gras" gad a heirless nnp•,rdlelled,• the history of Ce•
stay will% ben dun"/ the •11111"• '-`1111'
esti red ocewprd ono Aosb4W's place ,npeseamseamG...r.wmewt. Ad ,m, i• the midst of
Med. 1/ a, hap.ed 11,5 Ih. kesbaaa obitram.rkdle progress, • few harpies litre O..e
-almea of Mer s ...s tAGM 414 L Oswas. Imre the aadeeh y t. Melt the Istel- sues loss h• strokes*. Mr. rams. Ms desk
mod h.boo mks 04 490. •1a wN*M 1 leen5(rM 'r'eremitesPce•, sal mites the sltegis e. merb frit w
the mosie,iw era noised mats el,,e.
Aserehly 4o Tommie). Ito will he required to ate
the oath of Alter/ranee joot the ewe other
ar sop oer
Member• and we believe he will be put as inuch
dummied to observe .ht obligation as the re.t of
,he 1 -embers -and iherefote we cannot moiler.
stand what she flee. Rosea, B.Lnwu, of •sy
man has to do with Mr. Perry'. prier, dreams
er npisioos. in the year 1837, the Tone, of
Scotland resolved to pat out Dr. John B twang
from the repm.eaIatton of the Kilmarnock Du.
Viet of Borroaghs. Dr. Bowring is ose .1 the
ben: men, and one of the most talented outragingthat has Sat in the Briueh House
of Common,'
bat he sus too liberal for the Tortes, sod was
doomed dooed in ge nut. And as no Mssible
otyrotio• foul) be raised apicst bite political
eondeet, an old bigoted, high Church old^r wt.
employed to interrogate him at a mentos of the
Electors, on his religious view. " Do you be-
lieve is the Divinity e/ the Lord deems Christi"
mid the old roul,,wail,. " 1 don't i.t..d to
teach Theology ie Parlament," replied Dr
Bowring. Now, the Theology and the .(.nese_
hem in ,hese two cases, ,.em 10 us to be elite!.Iy on a le•rl-the• One no relation to the real
gn0rlion.. We bare no fear of Mr. 16.Wwto op•'
sinking lute rain sod deter, matt certainly sp- posing Peter P••rry in 'he Thir.i Rid.ag-tae
Ministry wail hal Ms. Perry's Inure asa valua-
ble acquisition to•iben party, sad if ,he Tortes
• re di.powl to regard his relaro u a triumph ere,
the Ministry, we wish they nap s ton have 6Cy
meek triumph'. to boast o( for aseareJty Mr. Per.
rid a one Of that clam of mer to wham Cassis
should look (err rheap, lest, ad peoeperna, Le-
vels:ten. W1Ib.m Clark, Esq., of Searee.',
5. • rood mon, sod one of the right son -a
shrewd. intelligent, eoterprt'teg farmer. We
bene len..• Mr. Clerk (.r at hetet a gustier of
• enmity. sod that is moeb hooter aha 1e hay
kaewa C.o.d., end Derr the Thud Rid'eg ie
want of • starch, t5e e. 5.....i.g (.ib.ro!, we
peer weir ridiculous to every men who i., erne
is the .ught.m degree, scgwm.id with the pain
bistnry of ate country. The Goenament-the
r. -the p.bl e .mprgvements-,he intone-
;1ines-the general Intelligence and the prospects
efpeerperity of to -dry. compered with the con-
diniee of the Colony twenty, yrs, even !wile,
years ago, esh.bit ■ degree of progress that
would at that period ha.e been deemed utterly
impracticable. without first bring heralded by e
aw.val.,,, rereleunw. Aed yet, all 1h0se hew
Ici•I chuges hese been hoggish' short peaceably
by the legu.mea'Retch , • tresses. The great
beak of freedom hes bees fought and wen, solely
by the wealsas of m'elleet--rrrespon..ble deeper- would h.intly r cnnimend Mr Clark -hot .m
Nem of Ile went epeeter has been 'tinily van- Liberal Mould oppose Peter Perry.
geished, and ell-go..rnmeer-the management
,(all ser elm bovine*. hos brew fully ad kitty ILT Tut Rylowe Packet has changed Math -
Mr. Fast hes lakes his Falwell to a very
clever valedictory addrw, and his awe,s.ev,
Mr. Rett. has etude his dabs w pneciplea ed
in laesser that septa well for 1M come d
freedom is the Ostew. ewatry. F.w Ine'1
j e,me1. in Uppa, Caned* have fsnght • to-., her
mid s more saeeesdrl beetle thee the rodeo.
and it o5 preenl eeedse w w,p may eh.' u
(erl.aefy end a.pee.ee►tagly to .1. M•r.pl.s.l
es.ma,oe onee end isife. Its Mr. Paas hes
dews, the poluseemeligwee pewees .f Rymw• will
From aha Deader weeder.
is One last, we 1444 before our metiers a
report of the Town Council proceeding*.
.ad • 4ocontent derma the School T�se
which .ill be found we our fursrth par*.-
From Ibis 't woold appear that dAlenity
has Iwsg been felt le miatite to wheel
Menem, sad we confess that we cants..
bit little bop* of an amicable adj atm^vet.
Arrears have bees allowed to memento('
fee ,even' years p•+t, till sew It is 'repos
cable le collect them. Some go so ler as
tet deity that the pretreat teacher. Mr. Cal-
der, so *stilled to the ratite mosey, or the
sem abet to be mimed b,y lbw tone, lees -
meek se the Trot►.s., 4. levying ■ ram.
1)11. reedarel IM school a private s.tabh.h-
ste.t. and the nMMM d Cwe*eillen Me -
lithos and Rekltn .ertainly homer ltd.
Met; the femme of whir l•trwtleed the by.
1•er to amens the time for sm.set mein -
lost to the gever.me.t greet, soder the
imp .deed that the mr..py wtsrld he
applied t. Om liesidmi_ d old *Wei end
that Mr. ('aider had Hie ethos' " m hie
own hook-' lar Edam stated that he had
r.•n.nrled In elle wh•iert's as Ibe came
trotted,. h .aturally ruggeels itself, bele
coed lbs Iowa if refilled le de radii. merry,
051,00 As wheel were pwN* ort) The
grant is made to as,ut In the eduestius of
be l coal' dunwg /1111 tom Way, sad ao1 1
pay oil ..se, .
As a Maras/ scheme, le had selaartbing
to recommitted Y, but " thee comae this rub,"
Mad rig/ bee rear to assess the /ease, Mint
pest Limas paella mama / sad we ea cer-
t.wilr aft -tether at a Inas to conceive how
Jar. EckL. could regard it a • public 'Khoo!,
and e/ she .foes. Mete ►eumpteseed with the
Melted that Mr. Calder had it ' os his ewe
hook." The law requires cedars cosditi.M
to 1* emptied with to e"nsttnt• a public
school, * hich, ■. dor as we can learn, has sot
:.wen dose; the sante Tropic -mho -tog now i.
neje, (with the ezceptoo■ of the late Mr.
Outfield, whose place has aevrr bees tilled
or., eel the Treat/titer, who rergsed,) thee
were orientally •ppninsed in July, 1848,
without any further alleratioa la the Board
than as jut stated, although It is sapresely
charted that one thud shall retire annually,
and other@ be appointed in thew stead;
neither has there been a committee of
m00agomenl appointed: • visitors have no -
alerted 1,1 pereorn their deltas; the Presi-
dent of the Couccil has Meer been is hie
;dace as Chairman of the Bard of Trust MIN,
and. we believe that be is not to Mame,
for, ,f report speaks Ih• truth, they have had
nv tnntings to preside over; money has
Seen paid over to the learl'ers wi.hoot soy
authority from the Chairman; examinations
teem In have boon negircirJ, and to have
Seen made no further public then suited the
n;easnre of t1.. teacher.. %Vith regard to
the letter, se are bound to tar that we
.land indebted to a ladv.from Hamilton for
the Information which •tabbed us to be
present on the last occasion. 1V• would,
however, most rennet!! disclaim any un-
fnen Ily furling towards the respected teach-
er, Mr. Calder; on the eontrarr, w. viers
grieved to ace hu school examined before
an audience barely numbering half a doteo,
Ind should be sorry to wee him go unre-
warded for services ungnahoaably faithful-
ly performed on bit put.
Bot as to the right of the Trustees to
levy a rate -hill, let es cite the opinion of
h•gh legal authority. It will be recollected
that the Chief Superintend•ot of Bcbook,
in May, 1848, referred the matter to Mr.
.Attorney (i' 1 B•Idwio, who gave it as
hamper:*s. that-
" The Board of Trainees have not the
power to levy a ratr-bill spun the 'went"
and gnardr•n• of cbnldres et(eeding the
C'immon School,,"
Ani agars, to slower to the query, as to
whether the Cotter, had nal discretionary
power to pmvide fnr the espesee of o.aia-
lu ung Common Schools In the mode pre-
scribed by 110. School Act 9 Vic. chap. 90,
nansely, partly by weer tment equal to the
amount of the Prdvsocial grant. and partly
by rate -Sill on parents of pupal', we fed
ther.P.lowing reply:-
"Tbe Council itself is not authorised to
bevy money in any other way than by
as.osernent for School purprmes, and has
n et, therefore, the option segge.led by the
gtseet in n,"
N»w, frim thew. npinioes of the first Law
Oflic.r"of the Crown, it is clear that neither
the Council -nen Trustees hav• the nght to
levy a rate -hitt. Such to tie law, but let it
not be ',opposed that w. admire ouch taw,
Far from it in nor opiaon the principle
hill down is wriest and ordit.ory, and con-
sequently most render Ibe working of the
.a'v unpopular and imp-aelkable. Of the
truth of thin we have •bvndant er,deage ,n
the suspension of the city of Toronto
School.; ao•l •the difkc,lty of socreoful.'y
rnndurting Comtn.fll" Sgrally
We canner bel'.*-• that anchooyls gnt'denecan Ince
from rendering the parent. of children
. loop" irresponsible as retards the educa-
tion of their children. it a usjaat and
oeddr0nry, we say, to compel all men to
contribute alike to the education of the
young, Irrespective of benefits to he directly
derived from It. Wo believe in the wisdom
of Shing public support to Cowtnon
Schools. bat rot to •.mune the dunes sod
responsibilities of parents, and thug oily
reader then, more car.le.s; and with the
fasts connected with the School here before
our eves, we certainly are of opfeinn that
both ib. Council cod Trna'•es would have
better discharged their duty by boldly de-
claring that the Common School Act was
impracticable, instead of' endeavouring to
tinker up a School -half public -half pri-
ie Dundas, we wi+b to see a school
wortby the growing importance of 110.
tome, and one that shall give • tore of in-
telligesce and energy to tbs riwieg genera-
" We hear that the greater ■amber of
the most extend.• dry goods merchants
ht.. disposed of their entire stock of goods
chi. Fall, and that very feet goods r,msis
in the market. it ie expected that the de-
mand will be equally brick ie the spring,
mil we aro told that large orders will be
wet home. and that the Spero, imports will
be more ex,110111•e thee usual."
The above is cut from the Montreal
Transcript. 1t wwId neem that the trade
of 0.1r ex - capital is ague retrying. We
have it on good authority that mon homi-
ness has been dente is Mootre*l the fall
than io any one station in eight years --
Perhaps ae the Montreal seediest* bed
the Weems merehaets more independent
of them, they begin to see the seesseiny of
soling towards them ie • better spirit.-.
The abaeae..f this in years pat has tors -
.d many a posted mode from that city. -
This emcees, w'll not haste° an.satien -
We are satisfied that if Cassettes' would
tura their attm'ioa mon to 16e flsprom-
ient of their own country, its law, en in-
stitutions, with a determmsatioe to i.prov.
them, matter,. would soon dogfish is Cattai-
l* as well as to any other cousiry.-
it is removed that theisy.stlg•lr*s at the
Custom How of tbi. Poete brtoga doll to
light tuner astnwialunr dleelwre.. 1t 6
mil that though truly IS or 16 wiles have
as yet bees co maned 01400 has hem uta►.
Ip.h.d •s •berreet.d Iron the pebbe mo-
ose, mid that there Is every mem to be-
imvtr that lbe fragile lime be.e merited ore W
a much greeter esteem. The audacity with
wheels the thief has b..i e.ed.etd may be
uncut red few the het that wee mere M
Ione a sem the, 1*0* wan chide sway with.
We /egret to Mere that the Cdleatsr5 Mr.
Stanton, bee me gess weemehel in the to
quirt. -Wale.