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La►taClNse tees Tilt recap. -There
sever was ••lace of peopleimore blessed or
users prwperow than tbitfarnters of the
Welted States sow ase. Their crops are
absadant and readily c000naad-easb at good
press ; while every seeetrary of life • larch
they wl•h to purchase, eepeelally .ua.0 ao-
lured ar'ucles, was never On good and so
cheap. 'rhea the facilities of transport•
nen aaJ loco•nuttoe have been gtestly In
creamed and unproved, and this ta soother
enures of posture benefit to the fanners. -
Wit b these physical benefit•, thew of anis
t-llectssd •.J morel kind have kept rapid
pace. Books have beeo cheapened taw( mol
tiptoed incalculably. elchoole-tepee tally
sf • higher under -have t.crea.'-d : anJ
cbarwbes mai ministate •bound. 1). you
Honk of thews thing' a. you .bould'took of
Diem 1 -and are Ina .tr�nny to lake advan-
tage of them to improve your moral, 1n/e1-
IsNual, and physical eoadsrion to .• greater
extent I Tho -e who act wieel, will make
the most of thee* great blessings every
hour ; for they cannot always expect them
to be so abundant, and besides, Eo Improve
them now Is lee surest way to continue
One certain means of affecting improve •
mens among the farmers ,s what we hart
heretofore often recommended -the Iorma•
Moe of club. in each neighborhood for week-
ly evening meetings is the winter. It it
not nee in these to confine yourseltea
entirely to aerir.sltural dtreties ane, brit
sock things as have a collateral rearms on
• gricelture may occasionally be profitably
introduced,-eneh as the ger here, the bot-
any, and the .Mnnniture of the.counlry- ;
/tor sbeuld we consider the ,aural meaue of
improvement of the heart end mind, entire-
ly net of place in these evening d,ccuss:os..
-Wria,kt , paper.
DT 1'i'. EDWARD 7.E*ETr.
The man who stands upon his own soil,
who feels that by the Taws of tho land in
%bleb he lives -by the law of citil'zed na-
tions-hc is the rightful and exclusive ow-
ner of the land which he tills, is by the con.
e tituuun of our nature, under a wholesome
iofiuence, not easily imbibed from any other
source. He feels, other things being equal
more strongly than another, the character
of man as the lord of the inanimate world.
Of thus great and wonderful sphere, which
fashioned by the hand of God and upheld by
his power, is rolling through the h
e ,
a portion is his; bus from the centre to the
sky. 1t is the space on which the genera
tion before him mored in its round of donee,
and he feels connected himself by a risible
link, with those who presided him. as he is
also to those who will .'allow him, and to
whom he is to tranpmtt a home. Perhaps
his form has come down to Inn from his
-father.. They have gone to their last
home; but ran trace their footsteps over the
scenes of his daily labors. The roof which
shelters him was reared by those to whom
he owes his being. Some interesting dn-
meetic tradition Ili connected with every en.
closure. The favorite (rust tree was plant-
ed by his father's nen hind. Ile roomed in
his boyhood beside the break, which still
winds !brought the meadow. Thrnngh
that field lies the path to the nilage school
of earliest dart. He still hears from his
window the vmee of the Sabbath bell which
called his fathers and his forefathers to the
house of God, and near at band is t11e spot
where bis • parents laid down to rest, and
Where when hie time is come he shall be
laid by his children. These are the feelings
of the owner of the soil. Words cannot
paint them, gold cannot buy them; they
flow out of the deepest fountain of the heart;
they are %hallite spring of a fresh, healthy
ani generous national character.
rime Perm -A praet:cal larmer in-
forms the editor of the Hartford Thies
that in taking wp a fence that had •been set
(*irises years, he noticed that some of the
pets remained nearly .sound; on looking for
the canoe, he found that those posts that
wereset limb pert down, or inverted from
the way they grew, were sound. Those
that were set as they grew, were rotted off.
The fact is worthy the a•tenuoo of every
A mother having put her son in s• law.
vei s office called up••n lin'tinieter to ark
hi. prayers shit the hoe Might he kept from
evil. " 1 understand you," mud he, " you
have stock hi. heti! Into a lion'. month, en.1
yon want me to or Re 'hat the ferociousani-
malmay not hi e hon."
Among the crowd paraded before the pn
lice juste••, a few mornings piece, was n
peer, muerahl--looking, dirty, unshaven
and nnehnrn, whose 'knotted' and 'unicorn
bed Inck•,' es •n moor more gave it, might
not be parted, even by the tale of llemlet'f
ghost. He had the remnant of a coot on
his bark, rind Inr nether extremities were
partially envrrcd by the (rakment of a pair
of pentalenoe, which were temporarily hell
rep by mean• of a rimer. f.•tcned to the
buttonhole of the cont. Thu wretched
creature had been picked op in the .treat•
daring the night, and paraded In the pres-
ence of the ening nuIat'ate. in the morn.
tag His eye wan not in • a fine phrcesv
rolling,' bot it indicated that reason was at
lout tottering, if she not already lilies front
her throne.
What do y.M Ire about the streets for 11
'squired the sitting justice.
'For want of a better place, yer honor,'
said the fellow.
What 1 got no home t'
• The died • owe.'
' Why, what do yen morin t'
1 etre where 1 can, and •laps where Team'
'Toe ars a vagrant, then?'
' Yoe mey ny that, pad tell so lies as -
thee. Te toll yes the troth, P. jest be-
yes, by 1M Mvol.'
• Perhaps yet right ; bat We Llwttsbed I
' Yee, by the devil, disguised Is atom'
'Be the powers s, it roes from the hy-
drae', and the *sly atreogth stet Oat lis,
that it's sometimes wrung of fish. But 1
know Im bewitched ; did'u.t I take a grow -
cert, and sorra a eusblorner kens to it ;-
did'si 1 buy a boats, sad waist 1 bit by
the baste "
't), ye., 1 understand all •bout that. -
You ecrs Deer 10 your store, but at the
grog shops, geeler drunk ;,and, I dare tray,
you were in that poste one day, wad got
throws fano your wagon.'
'Faith you're a witeb for guessing, yer
boor ; that'd the truth, every word of 11 ;
true for ye.
• Why don't yon keep yourself decent r
' Ilow'll 1 do it
• Well, you might keep y. ur pantaloons
' liow would 1 keep 'em op, whe• the
wilebes are always a tugging at 'em v
This reply seemed to satisfy the jollities
that the man was not fit to be at liberty
so he was 'mended with a summer residence
on Blackwell' Island. -Yew York Sunday
L.+cunaat.s.-An amusing J,00 orenr
red yesterday at the 1'nnluac J)e!•ot. A
certain e.•s n'ry Inver, from the neighbor-
hood of Pontiac, had come to the rage con-
demns' of saline his Ames nn the cars to
wit the city of Detroit, sad learn the ways
of the world, as certain persons of the same
eke hove done before. On the cars •rrivmg
at the depot, the aiming Lothario pscorted
his lady-lese nn to the stens of the Railroad
Hotel, when the following dialogue occurred
' Now, Sosan, dtd'nt I tell you 1 would
some dos take you to Detroit, and show you
the etches-dtd'ot 1 r
• Well, yea you did, Peter.' •
, Nnw you meet always love me, won't
you, for that/ nor never speak another word
to Joe P-.-----' mewling probably a former
lover of the lady'..
The young country loner exoeetee, as we
might reasonably expect an affirmative an-
swer to ibis lender pal.citation. But alas
for Leman expectation., his hopes were
doomed to be blighted, and se presume he
felt the truth of the couplet, that
" The course of true love never did run
when his Susan very emphatically answered
' Yes, 1 will. though, Pete. 1 like him a
great deal better than 1 do you, and 1 •Iways
did. I think you are a bog jealous foul, any
'Oh, ye :overs ! it AA only you 'who knew
how to empathize with the anguish and
D.nruficatton of fete. 1Vnlr mouth expan-
ded, and large white eyes roaing in t heir
seckete, as though ready to leave their
strong bony encasement, he ,to•,d gasping
for breath ; and what the denoionencw• u1.1
have been, It is impocsib!e to p037 11e, had
not his persecutor, Mr., Gester, the Ventril-
egoiat, who is now performing at the city
hall, relented, and relieved the alarmed Inver
..f his awful apprehensions, and explained to
him bow, through his vent►tiugsil 'powers,
he had imitated the voice of his sweetheart,
and been the means of her unexpected •n-
ewer. The cnontryman abequatulttr.I.siih
his Susan, well pleased It was only a j••ke :
and we preemue he't, tone; in pursuit of toe
elephant..-Drtr•oi4 Bulletin.
'Capital Punisbme0NL-as the boy .aid
ween the school mistress seated h:m w•i;h
the girls:
There is a man out west win has such a
good temper that he hires himself out in the
summer to keep people cool.
A philocnpher is !bat the reason why
Isere..teeth decay sooner than gentlemen'e,
is becao.e of the friction of tho tongue and
sweetness of the lip..
As two lawyers were taking their gin at
nae of the respectable grogene., a person
ob.ervedthat they were members of the bar.
Yee, said the landlord-practieisg member..
Many are the stone, afloat of the real
Father Pruitt, in the wild district in which
he dwelt; but hie moot famous performance
was his sermon. There is en old story.
resting, 1 believe. on no better authority
than Joe Muller, or some of his kindred,
that Dean 80111 onee preached to the text
of t' He who giveth to the poor Iendeth to
the Lord,' and that the sermon was only
•' 1f you like the 'security, down with your
dust." 1t nosy be reasonably doubted that
the dean, or any other clergymen, made
such a discourse ; but it is tolerably certain
that Pr,•u' delivered .omethine like the fol.
tow iegonthe same text :-" Ile that giv-
en, to the poor Iendeth to the Lebed." -
The. h ply text, and now listen tome care-
fully while 1 explain" It to ye. In the first
;deer, then, 11 Is nece.cary, according to the
rules of i•gte. well which 1 11 not trouble
the ekes or ton, for t)tat•wnuld be throwing
pearls before swine, that we are to define -
that is to say, to explain the meaning of
our words. before we proceed In reasnomg
upon 'in. 'run. the chief word here to be
explained, u.. who's the 'poor r the rest is
,try enough, at leant so fir as the explana-
tion goer, though, 1 don't End it come stay
in any other way. Now, yoo'II p'a; • nal
n'• the bergnn, and the cripple...and the
hired travellers, end the rest of them kind
of cattle, 'harelip. poor 1 • no mach thing
-for that's their tou,aeee In beg, just se
i. orb as its your bnainese to dig, or to
thrash ; they're used to it, arid they Tike ,t
and hang may it t. a prnrrnon for thein
and their Arta far Sere. Then again, ynn,ll
pay It's ynnr owneelyee it the pont ; Gad
knows you ate peer and nagnrly (niggard-
ly) esmugh, tort yon ain't the poor that's
meant in the rcrlpther. Ain't rt tont no.
lure to el ave and 1oi0 1 Te be sure it is :
and therefore he that would give to yon,
would not be lending to the lend in the
last* degree. but ;.deed throwing away his
money. Then you'll at one who's Ihopeir
sod 1`11 enbgbteo ynnr b!'sd ignorance be
letting von know that 1'e the elsrgy of
God. 1"s 1 and my brethren that'. the
poor; we do .othn7 wherehy we are le
get enr breed, barer., feeding yes with
&pintsal iestrIee unns.t,pd ugly .resthe yon
bare to tr - ......,r
• sithar M we epee, awl yea K Bdelte., ie
all bis glory, wee sol swayed balm thee
os, hal •Deny a stab• weer a coat est at the
*Woof. Therefore, in plan of the' poet'
pal in tb. word ' ebrrgy; and thea it well
ewe t►u war, •Hp bit gives\ to tlo plargv
leedetb to the Lord,' which is the tree wad
unadulrrated manmg of the teat. The'
beteg the teat thea, now far the 'Wiwi -
lion :-It's only last Tuesday stsee 1 went
down to the fair of L sgnnld, to boy a horse
and 11 rained as if the heavens and the earth
were Coming together. Well, there true
w ere to hundred., the whole set of you -
and you looked un me while I was getting
wet to the sbu., and, so far as you were
concerned, not as tech deeper ; there w.. et
one of you who emit, ' Father Prysut, will
take • glare 1' nr' Foshn Prowl, will you
tali. a tumbler of pooch T' or ' Father Prolog
will you take a shabby pier of porter 1 -no,
not one of you ! whereby I cis obliged to
go to the house of Mr. Mus Rothe of Kth'-
••an, a decent fellow, and a honest man, a1 -
though be is a heretic ; and there, to your
eternal drsersee, I got myself as full as a
luck, wad Moo sent me home in his owe
carriage- which us a shame to you who be
long to the true church. Is that fulfilling
the ecnpther 1 Is that following the words
elites teat, ' He that giveth to the cla•gy
Ierid.Uu to the Lord 1' What account can
I kivw of you *ben I am axed on a certain
ueeuuon that shall be nameless t Ilow-
evt-r„go away, and think of it -and never
be exposed to 'he erne Aherne again, "f re-
lit -log a loan whet, the Lord requires it." -
1 iterar9 Chronicle.
From !be Flag el Det Ueioo.
Fair city of the dreamy Estt,
Prowl dmegister of the sea,
With 'hy uhousaed mosques tad minarets,
'We dip oar pee to thee.
Thns,b io"r-and-1 wen tytimes besieged,
The foe bate pressed thy wail.,
The rr.Sceor call to erim.nn field
v Fivers oleo thy princely halls.
As peens abeat a dismood ser,
Its beaoiies in adorn,
So, streiehine hr thy emerald bills,
Sparkles the Gulden Moro.
Boephom. and Marmots's sea
i.n.e the clunr Mune;
And muezzin Item minaret
Shouts as in days of yore.
Spices rod perfume,. rich tad rare,
By camels from .1.r,
Wr,h finer! (mite, profusely crowd
Each Musaulmao's bazaar.
And henna dye. and incense woad.
With gem eons Pale.tine,
And -neatest may rho Prophet be -
Rich jars of Persian wine ! •
lino oriertal is etch scene
That sweeps thy shores aloes,
The titled calque, .Ibe opium ship,
The Turkish bo.rmao'. song !
Fair miry of the dreamy Eau,
• Proed daughter of the sea !
From very rhildhnod we have dreamed
Of romance and of thee.
Jr/1101 AND GOLD.MITH.-111 obi. year,
1761, Ge'drmtth became personally acgosin-
fed with Dr. Johnson, towards whom he
wee drawn by strong evmpashue,, theewh
their natures were widely di relit. Both
had etotoggled from early life with poverty,
but had struggled in different ways. Geld -
smith, bunysnt, heedless. pa•rgoineaoleant
of evil. and resile plea.. % had .h,•t, d along
by any tempor..•y expedient ; cant down at
every tors, but rising agate with inidmita-
ble good humor,rand still carried forward by
his talent at hoping.. Johnson, melancholy
andliypocbondrical, and prune to apprehend
the worOt,• yet .ternty reeoletdto battle
with andcottgner it, Made his way doggedly
and gloomily, but with $ noble principle of
.i•1 -.reliance and a disregard of foreign aid.
Bo'h had bene irregular at College, G.41d-
smith, as we have shown, from the levity of
his nature and his social and convivial hab-
its ; Johnson, from his acerbity and gloom.
When, in after Lfe, the lacer heard himself
spoken of as gay and,frolicksorne at college,
becatme he had joined in some rio'ous ex-
cesses, " Ah, air!" replied be, '• 1 was mad
and violent. It was bitterness wh'eb they
mistook for (relic. 1 teat miserably 'poor,
and 1 AAau¢AL to fled my way by my litera-
ture and my telt. So I disregarded all pow-
er and all authurl ty.".
G •Idsinith•s poverty was never arcompa-
nied by bitterness ; but neither was it ac-
companied by the guardian pride which kept
Johnson from falling into the degradpg
shifts of poverty. Goldsmith bad an nnfur-
tasate f ethty at borrowing, and helptag
himself along by the contributions of his
friends ; no doubt trusting, in his beetled
way, of one day of making retnbatioe.-
Jnhnsos never hoped, sed therefore never
bnrrowrd. in his etersest trials he proudly
bore the ill he could not master. In his
youth. when aroma unknown friend. seeing
his shoes completely worn nut, left a new
pair at his chamber door, he disdained to
accept the boon and threw them away.
Though like Goldsmith an Immethodical
strident, he had imbibed deeper draughts of
koowledge, and made himself a riper schol-
ar. Witte Gnld.milh's happy constitution
and genial humor. carried him ahrnid into
sunshine and enjoyment, Johnson's physical
iofirn1ulueo and mental gloom drove tem up•
on him.elf, to the resources of reading and
meditation ; threw a deeper though darker
enthusiasm into hie mind• and stored a re-
tentive memory with all kinds of ksowledge.
The Canada Gazette of Saturday, con-
tains a general order from the Adj•iant De -
errors Office, removing Lieut. tial. Ogle
R. Govi.n, from the Militia of this Pruv•
once. W. learn also, that Mr. Gowan has
hems dominated from the Magtstraey.-Tke
GI..', 3etb Oct.
New Church in Stratford.
EALED TENDERS will be received by
the 'oboe/leer oe bei f of ibe Presby-
t.r4n Church Ilntiding Cjrnmttte.,8tra1-
fnr4, t'11 Donn of the 31st ember next.
fat providing neatenale, viz., Brucke, Loc.,
$,o-., Sand, Seasoned Lumber, and Work,
for the Erection of a BRICK CIIURCH,
prnpnred to be (rode et Stratford. Tenders
may be made either for the whole or for
any perceolar part of the material*. and
.ccording to Npee,Oealiess as moaner.' by
Mr. Peter F.rp.nsen, Areheee,, Stratford.
J. J. E. LINTON, Act's'''. Spey.
Stratford, Seth Jell 11141. fr-aOBtf
Pompon's .f Ms NI,R ?LD, • Week/,
Newspaper. fie pablieetima of wile% is
N be euaasaeed i.unedi.ledy in ria /own
of BrwdJerd. Orae ma Catered Si.,
serer fie sail Pis4 Oaf.
/1111E rapid advance of Brantford and tits
potties of the Pro,iec. is population.
wealth and iespnrrancs-the pres.tnt de•
m.ede of the istelligeet Ishatotsate for full
sad •Mast Ialnrme(on-rhe solicitation el
nenperetas friends, sod the Impreainn that
a Newspaper easduesd on liberal and jus'
prineiples, will renew the hearty snppnri
of the hbeal and the ju.t,-fsfiucnee the
'indef.-lentil to undertake the establishment
of a respectable Joe's.' in this place, feeling
scored that from bas knowledge of Csna-
dtans and CaaWun a( -ors, gained by • resl-
denre us the. enlosy of nearly twenty years.
bar will he able to render his paper worthy
of Use patrnnage of Canaduus generally,
and .specially of those amongst whom he
hes re.ul.d for the l..t five n• ala years. -
The Herald will adrotnts Delilah coo, el
ion, the reeponsibihty of reload to theme iv
w hom they are employed and paid -'he
right of the people to secure their sea
afAvs-ohs cause of liberty rim! en,' telt-
group, and indeed, everything that may tend
to reeluorate the condition of Canadians.
To detail all that the Herold will snpport
or oppose, wnohl lar exeeed the tomes ret
At* adveruscment. It may, therefore,
...thee to elate, that fal.ehone and rule dry
twirl not, in Its columns, be permitted to
usurp the Ogee of truth and sowed 'refit-
gnment, and that the greatest care wrn tee
taken, by the exclusion of immoral and
valnelese. and the selection of chaste and
mien' reeding matter, to render the Herald
a yalnsble FAMILT Patna, and at the name
time from arrangements which hare been
made for secunng the const important and
varied intelligence frem every part of the
world, it will be found to posses. high
claims f..r soppnrt open 411 clasees in the
e•,mm!inity. As neither tremble nor rx-
pen.e will be spared to make the He/aid a
dtssem:nator or such Infnrmstinr, and as it
to de-trai.ie that cinch inform,tion be aro
widely dtff.ad es rouble, the price of the
Herald well be 00 low as 10 bring It within
the reach of all; mid whilst every off rt will
he Cord to make it rank as one of the best,
it will ah,n be one of the cheawwl papers of
the mise in Canada Weft. ''rhos Herald
will be printed nn a loge iusperia! sheet.
with entirely new materials, and will he
pnbh.l.ed every Saturday Morning, for int a
year. it paid in advance: $24 a year. if paid
wnhin six months: and e3 a year, If sot ao
paid: to all cases eschews@ of poetinew '
From the extensive circulation which it well
have, the Herald will be a desirable me-
dium for -1d.eri scmentp, which will be in-
nerted at the ueoal ata. All communica-
tions to the Editor, through the Post Office,
must be pre -paid.
Editor and Proprietor.
Brantford, Any. 18. 1849. t 9n30
et AM into the enclosure of the Sub-
.c►iher nn the 6•••t day of Septemler
last a RED STEER, abut three yea-.
oil, with a little white cm tie belly. Toe
owner can come and take him •way by
proving property and payieg exp •n.•-.
Colborne, Oet.,23, 1819. .2-133
1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND
IiE CANADA COMPANY have for about 1,500,000 ACRES OF
LAND dupersed throughout most of the
Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500.-
.000 Acres are situated no the /heron Tract,
well known as one of the moms fertile parts
of the Prorince-it bas treb:ed its popula-
tion it Ave years, and now contains up-
wards -of 20,600 inhabiter ts.
The LANDS aro offered by way of
1. BASE, jet Ten Fears, or Jor
Sale, CASH D O W V -eke plan
one fifth Cash, and the balance is /nafal-
1nen4 being done away with.
The Rento payable let February each
year, ate about the interest at Six Per
Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon most
nfthe Lots, when LEASED, NO MONEY
1S REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the
others, according to locality, -one, two, or
three years Rent, mnst be paid in advanc,e,
-but these payments will free the Settler
from further cello until god, 3rd or 4111 Yea
of his term of L^ase.
The right to PURCHASE the FREE-
IIULi) during the term, is secured to the
Leasee at fixed sum named in i.ease, and
an allowance is made according to antici-
pated payment.
Lists of Lands, and any further ioforma-
tio• can be obtained, (by application, if by
letter post-paid) at the Covera 4,'a O,ne*s,
Toronto and Goderich ; of R. BIRDSALL,
Foe., Aspkodel. Colborne District ; Dr.
At wive, GseIpi, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq.,
Stratford, Herne Dwtnet.
Goderieh, March 17,184s. 7
Dir eeklu, Dyssaerry, Bloody Mix, Relaremea,
Price Is. 3d. per Bottle.
• (t3' it has been attested by experience,
and fonn.'ed on the fact, that an attack of
Cm Cholera a generally preceded by Pre-
monitory Symptoms. principally Disorder.
of the Bowels- This premonitory Rehire -
loon and Dtarhiea, being without Pain, and
not interior'sg much with health, is gener-
ally not noticed. wild tt is followed with
decided Cholera ! The time in prevent the
Dieeea•e, is to have reenuree, on tee fent
appearance, to Hoards Restorative Rol
saw, which will prove efik•acinoo In Ptayise
,te progrna, and preventing the Cholera.-
in eases of �ec,ded Cholera, the above Mo
d,et.. will I�I. of I.menee serves'.
No Few r should be witbeet •bask of
this Balsam on heed.
Prepared 'only by J. Howlett, Osis Yet*
Sirs.t. Tweet e.
Sold by B. PARSONS Gedevteb :
Mersa. P. B. Cheek k Co, Pert Rarsis.
Mr. Wm. Joon 8ydre5ha.-, Owes Booted
(bod.rneh, With Awgset lea. ♦1_819.
rows r0 L0 Imp
And by Agmaas ribai.gi tis Prosaism.
Hewlett's Restorative Balsam,
Prins Is. Rd. per Amis.
This Medicos* it. a safe and clkaeiere
more for Diarrhea, Dvse.tery, Bloody Flea.
Rolaxauen, wad that disordered eats of tb.
&leek". an prevalent during the hot ninth -
pr, known as the Rummer Complaint
for the Chelera Morbus.
Hewlett's Embrocation,
i'nt. 1s. 3d. per aodds.
For the Cone of Rheumue.ua, BURNS,
Scalds, Beuiser, Sprains, Swellings, Cramp,
('bllbla'n., Cate. Green Wounds, Sueness
'n the J.nnts and N rk, N"mbses., Pule.,
Crowfoot. in the Skin, erne. ke.
Ilewlett's Stomachic Tincture ;
Prim Is. 1044. es, Basle.
For the cure of %' oak DoreeUon, 11111ooe
Diseases, Pains in the Stomach. Lose of
Annette, General Debtety. Palpitation of
the tleert. Commonroom, bur. ke.
(0:7 -This Medicine is one of the best and
cheapeel in crrcolauon.
CANADIAN 'Rump; oft
Hewlett's I f nit'ersal l )ir,tment.
Prim. Is. 3d per B.0*..
Por Coring Corruption of every deeesep-
lion, Ulcerated Sore Lege, Built, Scalds.
Chilblain.. btc-
HewlPlt's Apperient Family Pills
A remedy for (7ostrveneee, Pains and Gd.
dine.' in the Head. Disorders of the Liver,
Rtomseh, and Rowels ; -also, Indigestace.-
Priee 9d. per /Jos.
Apperient Family Powders.
A remedy for t'nst•renee.. Pains and Gill -
Juleps in the Ileal, tlr"rd.•rs of the Liver,
Stomach. and Bowes; %leo indirestinn.
(17"' To the many prr.nna •ho object to
the taking of P.11., these Powdery', are ren-
ommen4ed, and for Children are preferable.
- Price IL 3d. per Bothe.
Hewlett's Antibilious Pills.
Priests. 3d. ow Bede.
Ave excellent remedy fno Belau- Complaint.
and Cnstivenee•. They remove ail °Jatrue-
lins. nn the Stnm■ch, at the fame !'me
Strengthen the ingestive Orval*, Extricate
those P•ie• attendant npon Disorders of the
Rtnmach, mit as • Tome Upon Relaxed
Conenteunru. and produce Vigor k flea lth•
Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills
Prim I s. 3.4 .ser Bor.
For the care of Coughs, and Asthma.-
Theve admirohle Palle are meet beneficial to
the "peed, remoral'of Cough., relieve diffi-
culty in breathing, so Ire ng to -:.thmai e
•nhjeete. and procure the refresbinr; Com-
forts of rest and sleet,.
Hewlett's Dinner Pills.
PRICE Is. 3d. pee Bar.
For removing Obetr uctioes on the Chest.
felt after •sung, particularly after Dinner,
caused be great 1Veakness and Debility in
the D geetive Organ..
Hewlett's infant's Soothing
For easing Pains on 1110 ...eels and Steer
mach, sin general With termite., expelling 11N
Wind. and proctoring r.•freehing sleep.
Price 1-s. 3d. per Battle.'
Snld by B. PARSONS. Goderich
Mec.r.. P. B.,{'lark k Cn P.'rt Saroie:
Mr- Win, J•noes Sydenham, Owen Senna
Goderich, 70th• Anon.t, Ie -10. 2e.4129 3
THE Sob.eribere in teaming thanks tee
their Customers • for the libeal sup-
port they have received since commencing
businese, beg to intimate, that they have
for sale at low rate.,
Cooking. Box & Parlour Stoves,
glen Ploughs of eight descriptions, and cnn-
siaung of the meet improved Moulds. Self-
acting Atilt Dugs, and various other cas-
tings. Having engaged an experienced
Machinist, the pubacnbere can confidently
recommend their THRASHING MA-
CHINES of the newest dee gn, both eta -
Honors' and moveable, and would palters a
call from Intending Purchasers before buy-
ing elsewhere. All orders pun•tually et-
terded to and executed with neatness and
Stratford, 13th Aug. 1849. v2-n18tf.
THESubscriber begs leave to inform the
▪ Inhabitants of the District of Huron,
and the neighboring District., that he has
Established himself in Stratford,
and is prepard to give Plans and Specifica-
tions of Public er Private Building., Bridg-
e., Mill Dams, Su. kc. kc., and will take
the superintendence of such Erections, on
the most reasonable terms.
111. thorough knowledge of his profe..!nn
and his practice as &alder, qualute. hum for
any undertakuog ben the line. Add.... post
Builder, ke. ke. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford, March 16th, 1849. 4v-s71f
(urs ■ti's )
Tell; Sobsenber inform. his friend. and
the Travelling Public. that be has leased
the large BRiCK TAVERN, at the East
ted of Stratford, (now the county town of
Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. lease May,
-where be will be ready at all times to
afford the usual comfort and supplies and
promote the personal convenience of bus
WINES end LIQUORS of the hest de-,
sermon.. A steady Hassler always in
tttandanee. ALBERT 0. HATCH.
Stratford, lath Jerry, 1649. sv-et5er
THE Subscribers willpay7 the
for Good Merchantable Wheat.
Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. n37
Toe and treed ..l.MirrkW raw n
aMWrai e pY•d Mr Jets 11w.Y4 dlpq 1. eta
rbe darer whin Way peen le tae, hem Ordered Me
evert autres a ease •s megarr.rq. Ms weer
▪ fora They see Yaws IP1 Jeb solo ; bob ae.-
wa r- M. Jew ry oint Johs t INEchit
J We d
the inio
Ilia AIL al.>NIOat s
tif 411*N4. AvvTL syr c,sestc euesen eras*
orosuremer 1 d SLADI15 mrd WINE ram
lara00* novae. a teelil OOMPLAWTI-
lasae sorb sad wed. seines thew Beams raw... War .w
bad Hewer J_ rhes nreer, err craw eh.
ems +int wdbles..10awes dw.epr le weber ors
aaWV* C10LIC. rad 5110Qa. 1....ew..as atilt.
pelt7.dass. (mama a. *Otos, RIN,L'C.
ova vstrno,. liar .es was .tomo r dr Swam
70110eT EDMOwa D5ura1La.
DTIP*P*IO. M. r.ur.■ web this doss obs r
era, teeth d.h, say use awasnomormar
FEVER sad £OV.. Poi dimoo .Jabrow
ern. .ars tire ..icier sea r done r ore. w..ee w
furan meole Dir ..4rr hoer No rem.. airs r r
,.1rm d oho iwr-a taw h tow nmiw'nee - eanarr
TRY TI/•M. MS aaT.rrrcn. a.D a5 CURIA).
11,1LNsea N CUMPLEXII,1,
••••an4Ite P31#ILI?T
pWT. u1DDINian. OaAVEL.. NLADat:Naa, INN'S
MIL LEPERS 11.01le, AAOa1s1C1, Lira. r 4711
LITS= O rLiiiir'B,
N.er. bi te at1irw rrthir an ter sour ./ Mese, ie►
torr wow asee hew new woo& pietenrm ilsa.aver.a.i
lemur En'LA rM. NEiruVM nilJLfrr. NL•MruL-s
ODM►t/►-raw d .n c.d. ORGANIC 1111%NTIONR,
r I L 31 B . TM* swami gree. -w of tion •niers
wry •.,d u1 bei. d M ares errata W the sow 1 Jog tab
■edir•w .mew
to thalami. •d., brew. Guar, hiss .ed room
kHLUOATie■. Than edawwl .pa tl..
raid. 5. o mil be rem 1 mt.( 5,15.14. M.0a
N OSN of BLOOD to lbw NLAD, scvsrv,
O a I.TRNLty M, swxLLf leas.
ver war LL.f.-5R
& 1 erne weswton
R O ant B, .r.a a1pi. a.. .4•+..u, .epee M
Jaw as.Aer.a Petrie war red ordirern rine whir
w Ire amoral. • -mmi-L brief Abe venom
Aod toes remove all disease true the system.
a.oii. ui.i will plass J. LIFE 71118 and
PMRNIX BITTERS Wpm. ;be r.a]lesep-
15be. is the .mewl.. 1..ery prier
Tr a...iw slew. w.5..e, ore ear pt .p Is .15.
w.,,s.w .e 1.4.h, r.r•rber with a pneiu.s. gelled
./1.1•1• Siwe i...rr..," ammo..s Ow 901.1.•... s..
.. 1,1,4e1 14 • dr..i.a o1 arwd..y 0.. well near ie ear
(Mee, by .iki ...ret. ,r.rx Or eery re very essay
ami .r- The eerier. awl ammo..- .011 a ansleedr
ewer. tree .m. p,.ew Omer woe .m.. wapp.r re
b. *wowed OW i55yy sr. g..wr. 5. •.went, ee.i 9. ma
bur oboe ►y rm on trod to dew s Se.
GT let tense sad raw W
DR. WILLIA* tf. faOPP*T,
IDS ar.ed..y. reeve. of AaAbe y NNW. 7.. Telt
1..ler y
Sole Agent.
Goderich, San. 28 1848. 1
ONE wukin 2 miles, and the ether with-
in about 3 miles of Goderaeh T••wo
Plot. The first us I..1' l• is 1st Cosees-
non, Township of Goderich,
is boss. -ed at the *se and by Lilo Huron,
sod at 1M other by a Purl.• Road, -and
.-coed Is LOT 8 is Sib Concession,
CuUtortte, W,Divwton,
and is . t1ated at the Junction of two Pub-
ouc Roads.
For Particulars apply 1.
Godrnch, 12th Jued,(.1849. 019-tf
J1,111-: Subscriber having RENTED the
1,' AREi10tJSEandWt:ARFbelong-
,ng to the Mensa. Davenport, of ether place
has established himself s. •
FORWARDER •0111 COr00IS1O r ws*Cn•0T.
Any orders or commission from the Mer-
chants of Goderich, will receive 'prompt
attention. JOHN McEWAN.
Windsor, March, 1849. 1,-7a11.
IN returning thanks to his friends and nu-
merous Customers fur the Liberal Pat-
ronage which be has received during the
part year, begs to intimate that he has jai
reccired an extensive Assortment
:7 :MI 721.8izox17 7p1Ila s*,.
and is ready to Execute all Orders green ta
him with care and punctuality as formerly
Goderich, AprJ, 19th, 1849. 2,-o 10tt
Upper Canada Rebellion Losses.
Receiver General's Oce,
Montreal, 12th March, 1849.
10IBUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that
Claiments for Rebe:lion Lessee in
Canada West, who have not applied to, and
reeeived payment of their Claims from the
respective Agents oftbeBank of M6otresl,
in the several districts as heretofore notified
will from and after the fiat day .of June
next. be seeeniated to •Filly for payment
of the earn*, either personally or by duly
appointed Attoroies, to the Parent Bank in
thus city.
(Signed,) B.M. VIGER,
H. M. R. G.
the 4aton eignat,
w gasses atm wmaom1s army r0eamiay
551105 a111:1 rt0►airTOl
••• Beek and Job Pruuag, executed with.
•sceness and di.psieh.
Tines or rex Mem Riess t. -TEN 8IiiL-
LINde per annum if paid strictly 15 advance,
r Tw,Lvs AND Six Peen with the expiration
the year.
N. epee diseon,ineid until arrears she
d sp, ahem11 Ile pNiaher Woke it his advan-
tage to do as.
Asy rpdivideel to the eesatry ksee.iag re -
'portable for six subscribers, shall receive e
sev.eth ebpy gratis.
F7 All (suers addressed to the Editor must be
pelt paid, or they will not he taken oat of the
poet eSes
rimer or •evxihrotm.
Mx lilies wed eider, first impieties LO 1 8
Each sebumgeeet i•,ertide, 00 T
Tee Imes Reel ender, Oat jimmies,
Overiehere, �lm
eebo►gerut t' 0 0 18
see. Area killers/ay pag tile0 • 8
_ abolition lessuissv
advertise 1 Dina( is raw wk.