HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-08, Page 5i seoe„ere 1' aar:w 4,0 TEN SHILLINGS 114 aryascS. VOLUME II. r' Tllr GRF..\TEeT POSSIBLE GOOD TO TIM GREATEST mama NUMBER." S TWELVE AND SIX PENCE AT TOR alta op Teal rano, GODERICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1849. Fara. DR. P. A. McDOUGALL, CAN he consulted at all hour., at the Biiti.A Hotel, (Lavacaarais-) Goderich. Sept. 13th, 1848. ALEXANDER WiLKIKSON, Provincial Land SW re pr, OFFICE AT GODERiCH, HURON DISTSICT. Nov. 24, 9. 43 J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, W'LL attend SALES in any part of the Ia STR 1SR1'RG, \%'araaLoe, t District, on reasonable Terms. Ap- 211th February, 1(149. S ply a :the Briti.i Hold. h r(t11E Subscriber hereby intimates to his Godericb, March 9th 1849. =s-.22 1 Trade and the Travelling trebly' Rene: I. L E V I Sr.tty, that he ha. removed Iron New Aber- ' deco to the Village el Siraeburgh, and will ' (BARRISTER, 8oI ICITOR, NC., now be foiled in that well -(mown house for - June, 1848. GODERICH. away cbe c ped y M re Jonee,tn a teethee A. NASMYTH, ' comfort of those who may honor him with FASHIONABLE TAILOR•'tbG1 patronage. And while he returns • I thanks .for plot favor.. }ire hope'., by .trio w a1-aV spa • , &Cimino to the want• and wi.hes of hie Ot)DERICH• i customers, Gaul to merit a_cootinuaote of Goderieb, April 12, 1849- 2v-11161( i their patronage. I JOHN .ABEL. ALFRED W, OTTER, I N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive tit-ndtf FARMER'S INN STRATFORD• mi.il ssOROTIIY DOt'G(.A`I, widow ati. Isle Thomas Douglse, of the Vii 's 1.s, Simper'. begs to return her awake to the lsbab,tanis of Stratford, ail the public generally, for the very liberel support which they received during the short time they have been 10 Stratford. Urr. Do Mae begs 13 intimate that she lata.'e carrying on the betimes. a. hereto - NM at the Old Stand, In her own name, and hopes by strict aneanon to the contort of bee gss.t., ear n,.*der.te charges, to merit a Amos of the politic patronage. Stretford. 21•1 Aognat. 1849. 2r-nt911 TRAVELLER'S HOME: General Agent & Conveyancer.' Grnetns, COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS, Tec. 4e. TO BE SOLI). GODERICH. jA N exeetlest Farm, being Lot No. 12. Oct. 1, 1849. 2-.25 Ma,aleted Comceretnn, Township of DA\IEL ('ORDON, II Gndeneh, containing ten aeree-30 of which ti cleared. The hand is of a superior quali- 'CABINET MAKER:"' and well watered. 1t le .hooted `tact - Iv line miles from tic torn of Godench on now deers East if 1114 Ceweds G's. 01 4111. t110 Huron Road, and at the j.ircnnn of nix WEST-STRF:I.T. different reads; a•d a. It is in the center of GODERICH. I a populi•s. and prnsperour locnhty, It is ex Angost tl7ih, 1849. 2v -n30. reiteatny adapted for a Tavern aaod or a Store. Thi, farm is well entitled to the Stokes, attention 4,1 '.crenae desirous of .n ehgtbie .ttuation for buaoem , and well be add on CHEMIST and I!RLTGGIST. %err rens"nable terms. For particulars apply to Th. ma• Dark, Tavern -keeper, WEST- 8 T R F. ET, •' Gudcnch, or to the proprietor - GQDER1Ci1. t - JONAS COPP, March 8, 1849. 2,-50 \'ilsge of Harpnrhry, howl, the Felten Chief, recently to demob . Poett).. THE GOOD OLD TIMES. i wish the fashions were the same As thmy trans oto: I can't imagine what should make The tailors sheege them se. When 1 was in my youth, 1 toed' A coat of homespun do, And thought it very fine to have My hair tied in a goeue. And in those days nor breeches were All buckled a the knee And silver beekles wool' insure The best n(eompeny: Oar b were of comely shape. And kept off eon and rain - Oh how 1 wish those hrnad brim bats Would come in vog.re again I'm troubled with a halls yard Of cloth •boot my le. t : My coat is made so very small, The lap. will badly meet : Tight knees ate all the fashion now, And shore most have square toes, - Where the fashion will arrive at last, The tailor only knows. The dandies of the present day Have watch -chains all of gold - You'd think their monstrous pocket -books Were fulled with wealth untold ! My father wore a silver watch, And eke a good steel shun. And well 1 recollect his straight Old pewter -beaded cane. He owned a large and thrifty firm Of weed and meadow land, And s'ways had a plenty of The driller ruins no heed. I guess pnme de.hy Iriend' .,(mine, Would find it nether hard To pair coat. they're wraring now At " two pounds ten per yard." But as for me, 1 wish Iliad My silver dollars hark I'd recollect my father's wavy, And tread the same nld track, I'd 'lever do ■. 1 have door, Risk hundred• on • Mt, Nor M ohlieed PO eft to err, "Clean pockets here to let !" 'Europcau. 1. The *Metes .f a marine residence for Her Majesty, at Killinry, seven mile• from Dublin, is in contemplation. (u The steam is getting up in the leeolative locnmotive of France. Two thiris of the Aaembiy .re already is Paris. (7 The M'otster of Finance, M. Pansy, the Paris banker., and the committee on the budget, base lard their heads together, es the financial condition of France, but withnot effect. LP" The •fagttive in.nrgent le'e's of June de not inteed to aorr'rder for trial be- fore the coot at Versailles. The intero- gatory of the twenty eight prisoners, con - fleet in the Cooetngerie, had been con eluded. The Spaniel''minrotry is again en the eve of di..nlutton, The resignation of M. l';.!al and M. F goers is expected. NUMBER XI- intimated L intimated to the Prussian ministry that it will not join the federal Teague proposed by Prussia, Hanover. •ltd Saxony, and that Hanover has already announced its mien - non to withdraw from this confederation. ENGLAND. Tho returns of the Chancellor of the F.x- chequer for the October quarter have been Published. The customs duties (or the quarter riding the 5th inst., exhibit a de crease of £153.211. The excise has in creased £185,000; stamps about £225,000: property tax £21,000; and post office reve- nue £100,000. And the tncrc-oto in the pest quarter. taking the whole income, in £214,113. whilst the total increase of the year Is £e15,591. The increase in the ex port. of the country during the first eight month• of the present year amounts to £7,570008. The exportatinn of cotton manufactures for the last eight months hap increased in the ratio of 25 per cent', and cotton yarns 33 percent. The paper'. hare nearly ceased to chroni- cle the ravage' of the cholera. IRELAND. A faint effort is being made to revive the Madrid is visited by a mild form of cho- political excitement of the country. Coo- lers. ciliation Hall has been opened -Tetters of The body nf Charles Albert ha. been pot adheeien, as of old hare been read from the n boar) the .Honzowbras^•-war steamer, at ' chair, and £25 5.1 of rent collected, John Chlorin', preparatory plants removal to O'Connell is at course the principal. Genoa. • 1 ,COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. The French army at Rome ie suffering I LuvnaroOL, Oct. 13, 111 I. If we except the groat excitement which considerably from ncknes'. ! hap prevailed in the cotton market, business M. 8hxaini and the ministers of Louis during the last week has not been active. Vswni."nn are engaged in a paper war, re- The money market is liberally sustained, and the rates of money earl. The corn market@ are firmer. and pricer, An attenrnt upon the life of the King of ifanvttting.have advancing tenderer; never tete Two Gerlier, or the Pepe, or of both, thelese, the trap -actions going forward are had exploded at Naples, before its time. by no mean. extensive. The produce markets, both here and is 1 in Switxerlarud, several of the cantons Lenton, continue to receive large supplies, Shaw evmptomr of opposition to the federal government. Schnitz has taken the lead and for most description@ of goo's there has been a moderate iogoiry. In cured provi• in vindicating its own independence. cions • moderate amount of bnrinees has The King of Holland is atill Without a been transacted; prices of most articles be - in fir. cabinet. The mcotton market hes been much *Nei- - The disen.sion of the constitution it pro- .pecttng the meets of the Roman revolu- tion. ErtoaaTIot.-The Brockville Slates- slaa-l)gle R. Gowan's paper -say•, that 4 Targe number of the peuple cram !alum - town District are leaving for Iowa. No wonder. Who would live is the vicinage of a gang of Belt -declared Pirates. -Leat l'uial.lcotale. CANADIAN ANNEXATION. Wr recommend Ike following ►smir k. fmm the New York Herald to the rern.sl of such Aunexatiuntete as 1 ave any patriot- ism or self-reepect left -Glebe. One of the Canadian journals, opposed to the annexation of Canada to the United Mate!, take the ground that Great Britain wi•I not consent to.eparatioo, either with a view to iui'ependence and the formation of an antagonistte nation to the U. States, of with the prospect of annexation to thee re- public ; and, therefore, it must not be tho't of. 1t assumes. also, that if the Canada. were fully prepared to demand a teeparari.e, It i" probable that in spite of anything that might bo done to prevent it, on the part of England, they would gain their end : and although the President of the U. States ,night issue a proclamation, a. Gen. Taylor bas dune in the case of thearmed expedition designed to assist the Cuban., still thous- ands of sympathisers would cross the front. ter from this country, to assist them in their etreggle. Now. we can assure our Canadian entem- porary that he Is entirely mistaken in the conclusion to which he has arrived in regard to receiving sympathy flim the U. States. It is very certain that the United States wi'l never .olictt the Canadians to annex thom.elyee to this republic, under any cir- cumstances whatever. But while we .n..,1 OM, we are willing, on the other band, to say, that i1 the Canadians will at some fu - tire time procure the consent of Great Bri- tain to be annexed to the United States,wo will, when that con•ent .batl have been ob- tained, and on their solicitation and 'truest request, take the question tato considers - tion, and if we can adjust some ptelimittery arrangements concerning our dotneetic n- lations,.atirfactorly to the warted interests of this country, wo will allow them to toesm in and partake of the great political Mee - sings we enjoy. The &et thing for the' people of Canada to do, however, in to ab• tam England's consent to dtotiose of them- selves as they think proper. In relation to the second point, we dare affirm that if the Canadians attempt at any time to sever the political connection between Canada sad Great Britain by force, very few, if nay, iw- stead of thousands will rush across the frowner from the United States, to their as - 1 aiupe'tan neaen,y IPutrhhe cearbrnal lnaexattinaisetse tcaonteet, Mould alu►s :n Canasta take such n ennrse. they will be deplorshly mistaken. When a portion o: the people of Canada, on the best grounds pos.ibie, struck a blow for separation from Great Britain in the year 1837, hundreds of our ardent young republi- cane, stimulated by the loftiest impulses, crossed the frontier to assist them in .sen - ring liberties similar to those which charae- terioe the Government and In.titetione of the United States : but it oever will be for- gotten that the very men who are, in the year 1849, so Inetily demanding annexation. were the meet loyal subjects in 1837, and were the very men who treated the Ameri- can sympathieers en shabbily. This fact will not be forgotten very soon on this .ide of the lines. At that time thore would have been some glory ands honor in freeing Cana- da from British rule, because a largo pro- portion of the Canadians-et.peciary the popgilatiogi,of Lower Canada -were trirtnal- !v deprived of all poht'cal right., as well as of any participation in the Goveriament.- The ultra-luyahel+-the remnants of the ced grereiog favourably in Ilio Prussian Cham- i ted, and 00 Monday when the Etirop.i t iNMAN Cnna,.n,P._Rah-Ler-errr1h advicee were known, prices immediately her`• advanced Id per Ili., and both spinners and speculators purchased to a Targe extent. There is more firmness, in tite grain mar- ket, and in the course of the week prices have slightly 'advanced. Indian corn is quoted at 28s to 29a ed per quarter for white, and 27s to .8a per quarter fur yel- Inn. Flour is not mach altered in value, being quoted at 23. 6J Inc Western canal I and Philail 1phia; 19e to 210 for new West- ern; 21s to .5e for O'tio: nfd sour ie worth I. to 21s 6d per bbl. \Vheeat iris bead at 48-9.1 toile 9.1 per bbl. JOHN J. E L 1 N T O N , Ione 12. 1849. _ 12" 19‘1 in¢ clip preuiiari•ie. of samwgr lib, remarked A change of ministers has taken place at n o T a a y P U w L 1 C, CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE 'lint among the tripes of the West there Copenhagen. M. Barry, Minister of the, were very many cnrieun ceremonies eta- Intel ter,has been replace! by SLRosenoern. a)plllllatAtnlll7 Queen'sBench, C 0.11 P d Y Y . neeted with coerlship and marriage, O.e A Sardinian ♦easel, with rcfngeee from AND CONVEYANCER, war of getting a wife was a. fellows STRATFORD. , ' ' HE S.bsriber hams been appointed rHome, has arrived at Constantinople, but [ PPo When a voting Iniitan falls in !nee wilts MA not pernntte51 to land its cargo. Agent of the env of the danghtrrs of the vi;!age, hell ALEXANDER MITCHELL, "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," we'll') go - and ea rinwn ,rtth'n a few cards.'., Abbas Pacha is compelling hie grandees A 11 C T 1 0 N li F. H . • to prepared to emcee. proposals Lir Asea- of her. keeping a strut .ilen'•e all th.while: 1 tn"build a new town of palaces, north of BELL'S COR. EI1 . ranee, and will be happy to 'afford 1., any in a few m:nntes he w,veld gel up an 1 gee! Caro. SOUTH EAST11ttI'E perPnn the neceniery int.,rmattur, as to the i ewer ; this he would repeat rix nrneeen 1 The Paris c-rrr=;iordent of the Gbre,eotc March, 29, 1849.-. • s2 -n8 principles of the la.tilono& limen. coning nearer to her every time. - JAMES WATSON. At fart he rite h her ndc, and if she make. V.r;l writer. relative to the state of relt- Gndeneh, 13th inc.,1849. ,2nl9tf y guns In France, that suicides are cnm'non DR. JOHN II1 QE, no movement of diynlearirc, then he ha• i amnnger, not '.croons poor, or in Ince, or LAND -FOR SALE, i hope. Ile etre by her several time. in this i difficniiier, but young men, who declare `' ? 1 manner. and at last pope the quertiow, by that life a diugcsting. cR. 70111 ( }'J !' rutting hi" hand on her hand. and she ae FIFTYthem*.IX Acres of exeellret Land. hems repte him by placing her hand over theh- We understand that io Paris, the capital the West parr of lot 16, 7th C.nrrsstnn of i er 1w-0. All this•ttme he takes care not to of Epean nliber contemplation to Wawaro.b. wall be reed for tees than the Gov- !Pay a word, and she lacewing': but Aller the givegrandfete to LouisNapoleon, ,nsin.ot pure. Om hall of the purchase 'ma., j question is popped, then the " words of celebrate the result of French Interference AND SIG:h. he req ,oed dnws, sed two wean wilt to al- honey " are Replied and they soon become ,n Rome. that is, the revival or the Inquiet- ' towed for es%meet of Ilia remainder. !mending man ao l• wife.' tion.-Prntk. Inquiet - ...LIGHT -HOUSE ST. GODERICH. perch* rs may apply to Mr. JOHN ALLAN, Oct.- 25, 1849. • • ` 2.a3$ Torero Keeper, Gorlr,ich. Tog POTATOR CROP. -The European EDVYARD CASHEi.L, Ge'derich, 13th July. 1849. v2-23'1 NE\Y S' Times c,entatna this report of the unfavnra- p /NOVI Sc eltaZien, HURON HOTEL The French rogress of have built, o5 •1ba feel nimnce toof the cponceal, In ir silence, have now in progress of coneiruPuoo, 35 " \\'e feel unable to conceal, by our eileneP, Caner r t at.Heuse street OODERICH. that a Midden and a Secy rapid decay, eimi- iron steatite:ermin of inflects dames. lar to that which occurred in precious rears, has taken '.dere in the potetoes of the late planting. The early sorts have cseaoed, We have before tat the most un- gues minable proof that a Perrone change hat. taken place in the root: but while the price, continue low we cannot reconcile the re- pented extent of the mischief with the gall /I 77(( [Tl anarRor aro•1]L Ii nn ttT liL1 11D :1 lS0 IL. lat11 STRATFORD July 31, 1849. `2v=n26 WM. REED, HOUSEY P 9LVTER ¢c GODERICH. October, 25, 1849. 2,1138 OJ' SUMMONSES required by the New Vs. NTA7 met Court Act. medial ethir BLANK FORMS u.Pd in the Distriet and DivisNse Ce11r1/1. on Sale at the Siena! Office Also, all kind. of JOB PRINTING retreated off the shortest notice, and on moderate terms. -- Gederich, July 19, 1849. Blank Deeds and Memorials, AND all kinds of DIVISION COURT . BLANKS, and BLANK PROWS TAMES GENTLES. would re.pee'follf in. TheVommissieners on drunkenness lJ form the e.oebiu.as of Gndenich, and its vi- cinty. that be will e'w.iantly in Great Britain, e.timate the value of la - Keep horses and, Carriages bur lost through intemperance annually FOR IIIR_ for which he respeclfally solicits at ¢200 000.000. the patronage .f the pahlie. 07- A new line of steamer., to ply be - JAMES GENTi.ES tween Liverpool and the Mediterraneao,haa 18th Sept.1849. e2.33 -if been projected. The first of the line, the prevailing low prices and undoubted ahun• TO LET, THAT hard.se.e two-story heave. oppnsite the Steamboat Tavern, belonging to John Wilano 4ih. avid prer.tfy nernpted by Mr. Lea- man. It is tarse oval well adapted to the uow of Bosphorus, is now ready for sea. dance. The alarm has been sounded in all (7 Ono hundred and fif y tons of iron the Irish retrials: and as far as our own ex- perience extend., the potenes seemed more have been•landed at Liverpool from North and more tainted every day." America. in quality it is superior to t'ie . Every &emotion of BOOK and mislead well stocked 'Yoh excellent fruit :r •es of yield of Staffordshire, and '.ceiling adapt NEWS BY THE EUROPA. SORY NOTES, for pale at the Signal • respectable limits -having a late garden and JOB _Printing executed with neatness and »rioe.doweripoens. lir proximity to the liar - dispatch. boor of Oneeruch enhances the entre n(Ihe min- ion anit as ibr propnotet isdenroo, that it should continue to be occupied. it will be let on reaw- nnahle terms, ether for eeasj or more yeses. S. mav be agreed epos. For biller particular. apply to JACOB WILSON. (ladrrieb, tad February, 1849. 53 NOTICE To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. erns increased demand for SorroRsis rad other BLANK WRITS, in con- coction with the business of the several Du vision Covets in the District, has warranted us in Malting them in much larger goanti- ties thus heretofore, and cnnseq'rontly ena- ble. us to a.N them lmueh cheaper -there- fore we iitimate to the several Officers re- gairisg these Stank Forme, that from this date, Su1111tsee•sa sad all other Writs be- longing to the Dwaine Court, will be Sold at Ow Signal Ofes at the redoced price of Cr' Two Bwtwunars a.. 8euPaiCO Ptat Honmrao..f S.Rsat(I i Gmbeneh, alb September le*. TAKE NOTICE ! POSITIVELY THg LA8T CALF.!!' ALL thine INDEBTED to ROSSRT MODERWELL, or to the Late Finn of THOS. GILMOUR k Co.. are hereby requested to call IMMEDIATELY and SETTLE their .tee at.. Without Reserve OR EXCEPTION, ALL Unpaid Ammer's* mind PIMPS of Hand past dee, win immediately M handed over to as AttePa.y for Coliertls.. ROBERT MODRIIrVELL. Godotioh, let November, 1849. nausea FURNITURE GiVEN in exehanre for any quantity of CHERRY sad PINE LUMBER by DANIEL GORDON. Goderieb, Sept. I1, 1849. ,t-n32-tf CA cmc PAID ON DHLIVERY, FOR GOOD CLEAN RARLET, at the MAiTLAND JREIVF.RY. try the Rub- s 4itwr. J. F. BRITTAIN. Godench. Ova. 10, 1849. 2v-n36u -- NOTiCE. ----- TH E Sebeerl wr haei.e bees aponint.d Arent fro i8. PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND OE7IIRAL ISSURANC F. COMPANY, h.es- try intimates, that hw is poparsd is reeeiv. Sob- serittiees for Stack is the Proprietary Breech. sial embattles. foe l.asrawees 1. the Meow ',eeeb. sad to gim sash lufwtgstiea ea the esbjeet se wary be respired. SOH11 CLARE. (hderiek, 11.1 Sept. 19th. lits-e34tf. OTRATED Irma; Ike Bohecribtr the In CI day of Aqua bete a REi) HEIFER, es. year std pita, with • whir* leer, with a few red spots on the faro. and white belly, and • Piece of the left ear taken se Any perms leaving infonnatioa at the Rigttal Ogee will be retrelled /err their tingible. JOHN ',AWARE, 1st C..- Gedretel' Oet. 95, 1849 2v46-3 ed for conversion into steel. ' Royal marriages are mime I upon the lapis at present. The Emperor of Austria in to marry a Saxon Priocesl, and Prince George of Saxony, is to be united to a Prussian Princess. ((7' Miss Frances T. Clark. of Westorly Rhode Island, lately recovered it 1.500 dam- ages and coats against Otis Pendleton, of Stonington. Conn., for a breach of promise of marriage. 0.7' The streets of New York are crow- ded with distressed emigrants, and the alms house is overflowing with the same class of incumbents. ( ' The wife of Andrew Thompson, e machinist at' Trenton, New Jersey, has fallen heir to 0-i,000,000 by the death of a relative in England. Q0"Tbo microscope show. that .ash lea( of • tree has a herd of insects grave: upon it like oxen in a mesdow, QJ• An editor down coat has anon the OHIO 'who minds his oweteusiness.' We fuel It our dotty In warn nor reader. against tho receipt of We, tamed by • roe. roneern styling itself "The Farmers' Joist Sleek Reeking Compeny." The .eat of its epenUna", es said to he Rnffaln. but the asrehaate of thee eny, at a entire t ohlished 'e • late number of the C.wm,,e.!l Adver- tiser, announcs their want u` c.insdeu-s it iia stability and thee, determinannn to re- fuse Its soles malt they ere .auric) of its wifely mod esead.....-Lewg Feint .id.e- rate. IT.\LiAN AFFAIRS. The announcement at Rome, that the pohlic and private pecuniary engagements of the repnhlican government would be re- strt'eted, has gained some popularity for the Pope. Private letters from Geneva, of the 4th, mention that Garbald, on arriving Pt the i.Jand cif Magdalena. demanded peseports for England with the intention of prnceedfng thence to the United States, where lie in- tended to settle. Since then, however, he h.s n-eeetved proposals from the Montevi dean Enver, who offered him command of the forces of that republic, which office, it is believed, he will accept. SARDINIA. Report says that a formidable conspiracy had been discovered in Piedmont. which was to have broken not at Genoa no the neva. nn of the landing of the body of Charles Albert. It appear. from the French and Piedmnn• atop ha., it is rumored, prevented their se ties0 enrreependsece weird by the Turin IeHinn et present. it is to br hasped their antbortues, that the conspirators nn both ouecesenre will behave themselves better. - side, nf the Alps ',Men on the refural of I,m,g Poisf ,Adrorafe. the French army of the Alpe to march against them, and thorn ie gond reason to The Ilnn.'ble I.. M. V'err, the Receiver b.li.,. that, i( they had consume.: to msreh General hu res.gned office nn arrnnnt of tete Italy al all, it would be to gee their the removal of the Seat of Gnrernmpai.- ',ippon to the Piedmontese patriots, and The Honorable Gentleman leaves the Min not to oppose them. any en the hest tetras with his late col AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. leagoen to whom he will continue to give Previous n.ws relative to the surrnrder a hearty snppnrt. He has resigned entirely of Comoro ie felly co119rmed, after the pa- triots who held poaes.toe of the fortress sscceetled in inking very ta,nurabls terms with Austria. PRiiSSI A. Th. Wurtemberg movement bas formally F LOVE TO LiVE. " I love to live," said a prattling hey. As he gaily played with hi,. new -bought toy; And • merry leueh went echoing forth, From a bosom filled with joyous mirth. . " F love to live," said a Inver true : " Oh, gentle maid, I would live for you; 1 have labored hard in•search of fame - 1 bate found it bat an empty name " •' I love to live," said a happy sire. As his children neared the wintry fire : For hie heart was cheered to are their joy, And he almost wished himself a boy. "1 love to line." said an aged man, Whose hour of life was well nighrao- Think von such words from him were wild? The old mac was again a child.' And ever thus in all this fallen world, 1s the benne: of hope to the breeze enfolded : And only with hep' of life on high, Ca. •myon+! ever lose to die. family compact who were relentless ruler. in the heyday of their power -having lost their influence and control under the q.t Provincial. of re.puo.ihir government, now consider, on the principle of profit and lose, that they GOOD NEWS. we'll' be better off if ahnexed to the Unites St*tce, than they now am :,that their laejli Saturday's CanadaGazelle contains an would be Increased in value : that ra lr Order from the Adjutant -Generals'. Office, would be constructed, and that the islox 01 rlismis.ing Ogle R. Gowan, of " Mark American enterpnze and American capital' Flag' notoriety, from the 81111tia of Upper would soon wake Canada what the opposite'' Canada. Ile will Olen he di.nusned from the Commiesinn of the, Pear". We have reason to believe that similar act., of justice are contemplated, towards certain parties in the regions rotund shoot Simeon and Vic- tor's. The Donner the G',ernm.nt cut the ennnection with their enemio., the better for them•elve• and the peace of the country. Tho polling up of one or two weeds will not suffice.-Lowg Point .gdrocate. THE LEAGUE. Mr. Mayor Garnett, of T•'rentn, hes granted the use of the City IFIL Inc the next meeting of the League. We have not yet 'heard who are to be D. leeatew from Not(olk, nr whether there are to be any a: all. The manner in which Mery...Coma' ('ovum ton and Hunt bcha•rd themselves in the pancake gearrrl, on their pernev to li ins from mnitem of perannal convenience. Mr. ae m'rh type es their e Vtger in s rich man, and at hie time of t'4"•"" we cannot wonder that he refuses to dei'. "•at• t'•• lite • bots Pia-mnwlfi.' the comforts of home for a per . •.n m their '.Open, and rend tar n dyne* in a strange city, with there're containing tl to the Soh-trooverr. buffets of public life iw prospect COCiKCROFT at OCRRENP shore presents. in cunrluei'n, then, we would airy to th., people of Canada, go to work in way way' you please, and get. if you can, the convent of Great Britain to he either lade •ende.t or form a part of this confederacy. end then we will talk to Snit shout annexation. But it yon condole upon the experiment of viewer - mg ,our poli' ical connexion with that pow4 er by force, don't Inc tha recon we haye already given depend open getting act .rmiaahy tram the Gutted Stater. As have frrgoently before said, a great man .ollmn and weighty qts s ion. are to settled before the enervates nf Caned Pae° if i he content of irs&sad were obtai ed, can take dace. From the Jones! mad Expkee. LETTERS mow AN OLD REFORMER. P( -Matra V. DRaa Sta,-'When 1 8r•t addressed i prnno.etl to gine Poo, a few hints epee -ehjeet of Retrenchment; and, en the ter is nor altrarung a eonriderahle sham attention joist new. I cannot do better t devote my preeent co ueiralinw to N. am not sheet to cent .t Cansdi"n.xpnr see with the (untied Stites ones (d 1 d:d, non afra.d that the remelt wont' be snythiar this flattering to tiel, Mit to show that au system in ton exi en eefdand most be gninwn. tint eiew•paprn who war 1