HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-08, Page 3>rsoM citric* r taw ib► tI*la t>/fiwdee hes the 1110a breelk Mays! AMgEre s tee, vara wenn supporters, who bout appeseled their easel to the A•usR•thre Addr..e• orad who have thea committed an sot of ' eautrue- tive [testate ea the Aseieast C.usetterees- er of the Beard .f Wort% who bas sot, however, the „tightest endemism' to legal ls.wledge, wheelies, ba characteristic u' to ts4 ed tt seese, has .- Sil1 too alight Dor ht lead btthey dial atoll Benjs- ed 110.0Holmeaer laeob De Witt, both ashen' Members of Parliament sad throe •e a staunch supporters 1 W ill they have tbs courage to deprive the (ureter timeliness of hie comYMMlee, as bs has bees as guts' y of this • conetnretiee treaties' to Iter Majes- ty as any 1 We stow .eta s-.Lbetresf G]:e(le 31st Oct. N•a recomineed our eotemporary not to "trow" too bard -he may bed himself pre- sently touklsg quite se silly oe the dusti•- .al qu.attos as he dee* already abut the removal of the vest of government. The Cavite rue, neat several that the t•re°e•nl ministry "dare" do their duty in the inst.- tenalnce of order, wt:ether the courtier it leads to a diateele.ul to some of " their own worn supporters", or In ally other portion of the cwnm.nity.-riloke. Markets. Ormsaecm, Bevil , »e• No shear t• •.w «°es ..w lest A a 6. £ • Iter pin barrel. (le ben 3 17 • 0 the 0 Deer per lee Ib. (l rater') • • 0 10 0 Fail Wheat per ►..fret, 0 3 • 0 3 111 Ilene. Wheat per beak. 1 3 • • 1 ! oat°, pet be.bel. • • • 0 0 10 New, tree basket. • 1 a 0 1 lee 'fay, pet tee, 1 10 • 1 13 • Mater (Geek) per lb. 0 • a • • 7 Batter isi the keg, per lb. • 0 • • • 6 Teatimes. Oct. M •. 4 w 4 Oats per Weigel. 34 Ib. 1 0• 1 1 Baca. per cwt. 37 6 a 40 0 Miler Is kegs. per Ib. 0 S • 0 6 Better (freak) pet Ib. 0 74 • 0 • llama per lb. 0 5 • 0 6 Pak per 100 Ib. !! • a _ • • Beef, per 100 Ib. 17 6 a 1$ 0 Potatoes per babel. 1 0 • 1 3 Peso.- per bu•bel, GU Ib. 1 6 • 1 6 limy per toe, 3.S U • Sfl 0 neer per barrel, 19 0 • the • -Woes. Mkt. GOWAN'S DIS3d1SSAL. Mr. Ogle R. Gowan bat published in his paper, the SWlesmat, certain Tetters which have pawed between the Government and himself, to regard to the •R'iir at Brockville, for his connection with which Mr. Gowan ba been dismissed from the Militia and the Commission of the Peace, But with mark - ed duingenuuurness the ex-Colusel 1u. left out altogether the three 'most Important ducumb•ts of the correepontleere, via : the compiaiot made against Mr. Gowan, and the letters of Judie Malloch and the Don. Jame' Morris. W. shall endeavour to ree. tify there ommissioan of Mr. Gowan, sial when the subtile of the documents are befit, the public, we think this gentleman will occupy • still snore pitiful position than he has yet done. The quibbling defence which be sets op to evade meeting the charges brought against him, show• that he i. Not even si+sly to his wrong -doing : and the rode iosolenee of his language .brine that he was not deprived of his commission a day too coos. -Globe. THE CUSTOM -HOUSE INVESTI- GATION. Mr. Maudell still continues his inquiries into lbs affairs of the Toronto Cu.torn- b awe, sad we regret to learn that even day triage to fight deeper tneq•uties. Mr. Meudell is very properly silent as to the progress of his oversee, but we learn, front the serchants who bale been with titin to compere their books with the Custom- house coin.., that !area mums of which the revenue has been defrau(led are daily betng discovered. 1t is net a mere defnlcauo' - muneys received are said to have been sye- temaucally abstracted, and the books are en kept ,bit there is no mode of arcertaining what has been on appropriate, except from the parties who nude the entries. -Globe. Montreal, 74 P. M.-110. 0.1. neer in gond demand t.. close .h'pments, at 20. 3J • 20. 91 for superfine, sad !Is for extra. Sour nominal. Jake.. -sales of Pots 37. 7d : Pearls 11. 6d. Nu Local new.. GODERICH. CANADA WEST, t 8th Novtsber, 184•. S THE SUBSCRIBERS AR&to Receipt ue by recent `Irritate at 31uatreal, from England. A LARGE AND VARIED s•rortses%of DRY GOODS 9 particularly sleeted in Slancttester, for their Retail trade." Their $tock o1 B.%R IRON. "el the beet Ilrand,"sod SHELF HARDWARE. NOTICE. SEALED TENDERS WILL. he reser sed es behalf of the District C•eeell for the Derelict et Hares, by tllrlliam Chs$. Et W.dre..d Messrs. Vu head. slope, Rusbie. Lamb, Bell, Carlug. ("wen, ed Hediree, Markt C,e.e.11ert, or tee a.brcnbr, Ise dee reelommet of the Is Bea - eag W01b., ripe cosecs e( which will be paid is Cosh, es the fell scoop' edea e( the ware. Teodoro will be armed at the Bedford Arose. Hasperhey. T.shiremnub. es T.eedsy. 4.b D .e.rbet seat. u woo,1! .'clock. woo, Mr the freilevr. mg, vim 101. L.msf Roe! betwees Hallett and Mc - fee emotes aid C'reeswaytag See. Ne. 1 C.meeaeug at tee Ilam. Reed .d ea teedine throe sad dreg -fon re:4 mita to the rear .4 tbs 6., Cearemme. Bee. No t t 1!e.dug Area and res-mgA:esu1 mama to the mos of the 11ib C.nretaiue. Bee M.. 3. Eat.•d.netree mass to Om nut Mom Boerdery el the Towaab1ps. Ind. Line of Raed betwees Tu kersmith °.d Hlbb.rt, Usbeese sad Tuckrromitb to Leedom Rai See. N.- C-s.mtaeing at the Dome Read •.d eattd..g three .ed ,Ares Antra wiles to the Mr e1 aha Oth C°aee*ton. Bre. No 2. f:ateding dues and tires f•artk amla 10 tee rear of the 12th Concession. yr. No 3. Eaumd..[fonr warn w ihe [South tate eagle .4 T.ckereinnh. final iteuce 1.e.. -e. T,ckerou,ib .ud U.borns to Lauda Road. TENDERS will be opened at Mr. Jacob Will - em's Tarn-. L.ad.e It - ad. Il.y. oe Ileed.cs• Sap •k Sd December neat. .t 12 o'clock, owe, fou the Gdlowi.g. 3d. Thane.* Reed Through U.borne and Fuller - tee to Mitchell Rad for opentog and cro.,way- isg- Bee. No. 1. Cotnme.eiag at the London Road ono eltendiee fires and duet fourth miles I. the tear Mille Gib Concession, between Let. 10 and 11. Bee. No. 9 Extending three and fen-eigtieQk ' r•rw n have received enn•tJ,rehle aid unite, bulb wiles to the rear of the 11th Concession, „f English and Coe ed States Menu'selute. between Lo..IO and 21. Fr New York. they 11110 received their Sec. No. 3 Extending three and one-fo.reh wiles •npplt •v of UR'r('ERIES, eunetatine ofI to the easterly ■ids 01 L3slin Fullerton. taken•. Pex see No, 4. i:a iendieg three and le.-eagAri.Ik CliI',5•tN'I'I:1, n1 various g' ceder to the )lnchell road to Fullerton. BOXES TOBACCO, do do f BOXES LIAF SUGAR, kc. k' -.fist- 11th. Line rd Read be were Su11 Stanley end .7. All of which will bedupr,rad of for MOLAL See. No 1. Commencing a the Leedom Reed oil PRODUCE. at Low Rites. sod extending lase reel terufnrres miles M. B. SElf.i.OUR k Co. a the w...erty .ids of Lnt 0 OFFICIAL ./(1VEMF.NTS, Th, Government efffee. hate barn closed .n Montreal, and the . iTi• tale ere rapidly wending thetr war in this-lir.'rti•n. A ver- se!, loaded with the material .'f the public deparmeots, will leave Montrose! to day, an,l the remainder it is expected will be 4.. - patched on Tuesday next. Nt. Excellency the Governor General to 11111 at the Pall.. The members of Government are exoee- ted in town dent, and it is ruppoted that • Cabinet Cntinettwtll be held about the end of the ensuing or beginning of the fellowmir sur "l(. The Ilon. Commisstnner of Crown Lunde. arrived here on Thursday morning. -Globe. We are .•%•eased- 1n state that all com- muaicatinns for the Government Depa•t- meats should hereafter be addressed to To. ron t o. - Globs. 2. -o40 -6t SPRAY STEP:R.-Ci.n tete tae encl.. sure of the S ibecnber, os the ttOtb of October last -A see and white freckled Steer, afoot five years cid. The owner of the above Steer can come and take him sway by proving property omit panne chary••. THt)MAS SOW RBY. Goderich, eth Nov. 1419, 3rd Con. Let No. 19. S 040-4211 See. F. 2 1:xren"iae one and fort,-sic-eitrkri act wile to the we.rrrly vide of Lot 13. Bee. No. 3. Ego -ethos one so4 twenty -owe pflthaA wile to the westerly .ids of lot 17. see. N'.. 4 Eate•de.g awe and aeeenreoese- agldrM mite to the westerly ride of I.ot 93. See. No 5 EA tending two and sissy -taco• mirk/iota suites to Lake Huron, westerly held of the Townehip., 5th. Lis. of Res.! between Hay 'and Stephen. See. Ne. 1. About 7 or 8 miles of Underbrush - mg. AGRICULTURE.TENDERS will be opened at Mr. Patrick The f B.win[ i. •Lia of the Premiums .war- Flass.ae•• Tavern, Londe. Road, McGillivray, ked to the s,ecesalucnl nopeiti r• •I the It' n , se Thstsday, the 6th. December next, al 12 sherd (8raneh1 Ag' •hack, 0oos. Ger the folk..tiny, ifs.: . held.at St. Atari's on Tuesday the 1 1t Sept. 6,h. Line of Rood between Lou 1.5 and 16 to 1849. thenar of •7.e 16.1, Concession, thence souther - CLASS let -HORSES. - le. *sang that Cnoeeasion to the northerly end of Best matched spas to edh cone -elision, th,ace westerly •long that of Horses J11. B.drer £ 1 "0 0 iia, „(R,•+,I to th. lioe of Road between lou 20 Brat Mare .io Foat Whilem K rrnatreo6 t 5 0 sed 2t, ih•s.•e southerly trtweeo the• i. 1 to the god d•. Tnws Igoe between McGillivray and William.. 3rd du Casper Neu 10 Y Mt, No. o. L C'ommrnuntt at the London Rood Beat 3 yr o41 Geld- bet.lice Inn IS tori 16, ex'-nJing three iog or F•IIy Milliner Mottos 13 0 and 0,ofewtA odes to the ren of the 2nd Jo Dania' M.Lnna 10 0 3.4 do B+tub Src. Best 2 yrs old Do Jowl Moore 15 0 god do W.Ilgarn Hiteberoft 10 0 Sue 3rd do L■.... Fuller S 0 Belt 1 yr old Do C Mitchell 10 U ('LASS 2nd-C.7TTI.E. See Beet aged Bull William Kirke l 0 0' 2.4 do Wlll:am Lllt..tl - 15 0 See, Do Will 11 hereft to 0 god do erase m mit 10th Conrer.oa. let Swxset S Y No 2. Extending three end three -fourth mites to the rear of the 16th concession. N.. 3. Extending three mad s half miles to the we.terly aide of lot 5--8111 eoeceesden. No. 4 Evading throe and tkraefovrtle w.t.a to the westerly side of lot `20 --8th concession. No 5 Extending taco end s A.Jf milts , rwtherly between Iota 20 end 21. to the Tete. Iia between McGillivray and Ben 2 yr old William ire J H kleee 7 6 ' r Best 1 yr old Do WoiP Smith t l0 • Williams. with a award s Best yoke n! aur• Plea, S t6raion• and Forms *1 Treaders, to 2.d d lVniel res Nobe I , 0 nosy he seal at rhe MTh:, of lee Sub•crgl,sr, in 3r1 do tt �h1,h Nobe I i 'm Gedench, .-z days before the daysof Iettin. - 3rd do ]„«phFakAer IUD Best 4 yr .1d,Steers John !driest.. The Wires on the Troy line were down last sight, so that we were unable to rite..: eye any report beyond Montreal. There is no news from the Steamer yet.- Moho. Wear FI.+Ysneo.-Go where yore wilt, yes are certain to meet some one who has oaseed thronrb and admired the thriving vinare of West Flambnro', or whn ba made the acquaintance by other means. - The I.t• lamented William McKinlay, Esq. did mnch to render the village (amens for skilful enterprise, by the establishment amt secrete/el working of his extel.we Foun- dry and Machise Manufactory. in him the village lost se enterprising resident, end society an "honest ,,se -the noblest work of God." W ere platted to know, hnwov- er, that the baeiee.s of the e.tabli.hment has bees returned by 14.ssr.. Sanderson k Christie, the former of whom was associa- ted in b,sts.aa with the dee/wool gentle- men. Ws took a walk rhroagh the premi- ses a few days sinee. The new proprietor. seem d.termioed to seems the well-earned reputation of the coecern,and we need hard- ly ay that they bate our best wishes for their fleeces.. Amon the tariosa article. otar.nfsetored by them,' new invention per. ticultely attracted our attention. it con- sists of • drns,,oride of sheet iron, and is need Is heating spsrtmests, by being placed on the top of a common stove. its advan- tages ars economy and rofefy; the inside be- ing so con°tructed as to throw out great eddittosal best, while no fire whatever can pass through to the stove pipe above, [bus preveeting the probability of ignition by the piping coming le costae with combustible material.-JForder. les „ Tends,. meet 'peeifv the number of section 7 6 tendered 1«. Forms of tenders to be had of the god d. Jamar Atka 3rd do Junes Beatty S U nbeenbr. Be.. 3 yrs old Do Thee Slimmer 7 6 The tune for finishing the foregoing work is 2nd do Oe.ree McDmeld S o to the 1st day o(O,tuber, 18311. 3rd do . - Will am l tido• 3 0 Best 2yrs eeDo TbesCnn•ue 5 0 god•O.e'ge McD.esl4 3 9 3rd do Jaw. Aiken 2 6 2nd du 'n. e • BY-LAW of the Municipal Council of the District of Huron, Passed at a Special Meeting of the said Council, held at Goderich on the 2nd, 5th and 6th days of October, 1819, in compliance with ere Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81. WILLIAM CHALK, ESQ., WARDEN. CHAP'T'ER 1 BY-LAW For carrying out Certain Provisions of the Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81, preparatory to the first Elections to be held under the said Act. WHERE II in accordance with certain requirements under the Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81, a Special Meeting of .the Municipal Council„ was held on the ''rid, 5th and 6th days of October, 1849, for carrying out the intentions of certain lTa toes thereiu : Be it enacted by the Warden and Municipal Council of the District of Huron in Special llleetin . assembled, it is in p enacted by the ursuance of the powers vested in them by the said Act, 12• Victoria, chapter Sl, authority of the same, that the following Townships be and are hereby declared to be attached to each other, vita.: The Township of Hullett ti be attached to the Township of M Ki1Iop. The Township of Wawanosh to be attached to the Towship of Ashfield. The Township of Stephen to be attached to the Township of Usborne. The Township of M- rnington to be attached t'1 the Township of Ellice. The Townships of Ehna and Wallace to be ate. che.l to the Township of Logan. And all the Townships comprising the intended or Junior (Jaunty of Bruce to be a ttach_d to the Township of Ashfield. 2iid. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that, Whereas by the said Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81, the 'Towns of Goderich is set apart from the 'Township of Goderich, and divided into four Wards for the purposes therein mentioned, the following parties be and are hereby declared to be Returning Officers for t'►? respective Wants in the said'l'own of G xlerich, set opposite their names, viz.: WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Esquire, for St. George's Ward. ADOLPH,US F. MORGAN, Esquire, for St. Patrick's Ward. GEORGE FRASER, Esquire, for St. Andrew's Ward. �' JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, Esquire, for St. David's Ward. 3rd.. And it is further enacted by the authority af)re3•tid, that the place for the holding of the First Township Meeting under the :u or in the d Act, 12 VSchool Vi ctoria, ratite f 81, or the Township enNo. of Gode- rich, be and is hereby declared to be the said Township. 4th. And it is further enacted by the authority afor'esaid1 that the Townshig of Downie be divided midis hereby tlnclarell to be divided its Five Rural Wards, as follows, viz.: Ward No. 1 to consist of that part of the Gore and range of Lots 1 and 2, from the lstto the Sell Concession. Ward No. 2 to consist of Lots 3 to 13, from 1st to 8th Concession inclusive. Ward No. 3 to consist of Lots 14 to 25, from 1st to 8th Concession inclusive. Ward No. 4 to consist of all that part of the Townshiplying east'of the line between 5 and 6 and south of the Sth Concession. Ward No. 5 tol c•)1t lSt_of all that put of the Township lying west of the line between 5 and 6, and south of the 8th Concesi()n. vt1L Aar de itbetthe places for holding the the Elections insthethat different l�lards inplaces the Township hereby declared to P of Downie, viz.: - ' For Ward No. 1, theSchool Housein Stratford. Ward No. 2, the School House on Lot No,' 11 on the 5th Concession. Ward No. 3, at WilliamSmith's botise, on the 3rd Concession.. Ward No. 4, at William Clyne's house, on List 12 on the 9th Concession. h 11th Concession is Ward No, 5, at Meeting House, Lot 21, lest e 6th. 'And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the following Gentlemen Le .and, are hereby .declared to be Returning officers in the different Wards in the -said Township Of Downie, viz.: For Ward No. 1, William Watson, (Township Clerk.) Ward leo. 2, William Byres, Lot 11, in the 5th Concession. Want No. 3, James Redford, - Ward No. 4, William Clyne. • Ward No. 5, David Muir. • • (Signed), Goderich, - 6th October, 1849. .a TEAS t 'i,LAS i • • THE Subscriber it returning his most sincere •.i 1 thanks to his friends, sod the pubhe, for o.. their meet liberal patronage, bels leave to or: ? form therq'het he has Just IMPORTED.' choice Lot of TEAS, derv. whir .e offers s WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, H. D. 37 _0 .'- i t n -� CL' S oa a . • 1 w n' g ' = - ei. ♦ a n..o - row S S • C e o - entire somber of metes.,inw wh a each T - .. ' 1 The i h h h 1 tip for Sale for >< : : t s-. : work may be divided most he 6,i'hed lecture the CASH, BUTTER, Wll 0 V L. TIMOTHY.: z `• '� amount .J■.y relieves can be paid. SEED, WHEAT, ear soy other kind o(Yroduce, ^ m „ ii a o f7 0 DAVID SMITH, District Surveyor. 11.D. b r offered here before. -Ts; o i; m a. 8 £ c, t lower than eve 2. -s40 -4t .OHIO WHiSKEY Ben Fat Ox A Sparl+ag 10 U � e vmr•, t 1 ` LO P t3 h U Gude, cb Sth Nov •1849 C WP8m'h 76 Best Fit ow 2' d do Dome' McLane u Notice to Creditors. Aod FINE SALT for Sete. cheep for Cash. ' Goderich, May 10th 1 Ben Cow & Calf, Wglliam NMI* iS 0 IU a I , LL Person, haying Claims against JI CHRISTOPHER CRABS. tad ilea Those Slimier 0. 849. !rola 13 0 SEPI VURPiLLAT, of the Tuan slat 01 North E. -.'hope in the !futon Dto- v'er, are requeetod to band them to the Subscriber for Exastoatioll and AJjnetment WILCiAM SCOTT. A•eign.e Fwthe (;:tel• of J.wepb Vnrping,. BELONGING to the subscriber. betw,e s Ha►urr, 97th Neer, 1349. 2.n3Tf hie Store and the D Of Best Milch Cow Daniel McLar• 2nd do William H.tebereft 3.d do A M Commits )}est 2 yes old Hinter Wm H'tchenft 2nd' de John I:J•wimne 3rd de W dh■ a Odd.. Best 'Pardee Do Jamey H'.►$iees 2nd Ju George McDoeald 3rd do James A.•►.. CLASS 3+d-911 EP. Best aged Ram William Moir 2nd do William Hoath 3rd do W , Itia'w 044,. Best yearling do Wm Moir 9.4 do Joh. Gimletsa fleet Ram Lamb Wm M'wr Best Tap Lamb Adam Oise, 2nd do William' Dower Best Ewe Iamb Wm H..'er Sled do John Rothmans Ben Pair of Eras Woos eackled Lamb till ilk. 24th Jely'41 Adam Oliver 2nd do Wet Il.ater Bert pen of 3 Fat Weth- en or F.wee Thomas Porter 2d de Wm NAM CLABS'4,h-PIGS. Best .red Boar W P Smith 2.d do Jn,n Rnb'sone CLASS Sth-GRAiN. Beet 2 Be. Full Wheel G.oTrr.ey 2nd do W P Smolt Beet 2 Ba. Serie( De W Di'ehe,.fl 2nd do George Testacy Bat 9 Bo. herby J IIsi'* are Beet 9 Be. Ono W Elliott 9n,1 do Wm Hast.. Beet 2 Ra. Peaty W 0IAie. 2nd do Johe Edmi•'.• Ben 4 lbs Turnip Seed G.. McDsea1 led d. Rieha'd Gasket Beet Bo. Timothy Seed J Meletyrs 2nd do TAM Simmer 3 6 CLASS eek-DAiRY. Best Fiddle (3• ib. of Muer W r smith 10 0 9n.1 de Ti.. Perris 7 6 Best S berme" Be".. hoes La., acre 7 5 9nd d. t'■..i..b°m Mbtebsl 3 1 3.4 d. Wm Was 3 9 Soot 10 the Maple Sugar Jae Meller". 7 6 s.id Pe Ansi Mdeillom s 0 CLASH 7'b-. /o eaftre ,tae B eet 10 yds reWd J. Mel•ty's 7 6 Beet de..IC.iten Wall J Mel.'yv. S n Sed M. of Series Jobe McIntyre 3 9 The followi.t G..tbetw's meted w Julies foe Harem .wd Cattle: -Wm. a.ttwell, Jas.. N is, G... Robson. r.t sheep --w.. I attle, We. Shapley. J.5. T ..es.e For Dmnr.rie Ms.iereme--Jeb. Thessa. Abe kss Daly, Jew M.Dwetd WILUA3.1A1 100111. Say. Bnf*ln, Oct. 83, late. Floor la in fair teq,ioat to -day. with calors 1800 bbl.. rood Michigan arid 800 bbl. Obi. et fi4: 374. There le s Tom mode• eat. inquiry for what. Rales 10.000 hn.h. Milwankie is .tore 4et,v.nbl. at Tolewan- es, et 20e., and 4900-bn.h. Ravine mixed. in store, .t 11.. in corn there is a fair dia. paitie. to operate. Bale. 2600 hn.h. of Clevhad inked stoat at 464-t300 be°h. high mixed, Is .tore. at40c., and *SOO beet, beautiful yellow doer. at •0e. Ilighwine. ars steady at 14e. Net sweh dine' in nee - visions. Print better .s1Il readily at 114 a 13e.- grease Se-, and cosmos to fair 7 a 9. Coal /rsteb% Per AIMny N In request et (t0 a 100.. -wheat he. hems skipped at l e j a i lip-, mai weer 13 alk. a1tb, AI SfMit/elae. Ayrshire, frat!and, ea eke Blot-f1sp. penbeth Chet, r.Get.4 tie 1°s. J.►. C Tq WIN* users. 10 0 50 76 50 30 50' 3 9 96 10 n 7 6 5 0 S 0 39 39 3..• 26 39 !6 10 0 76 76 5 0 10 0 76 100 7 6 10 0 7 6 7 SO ! 6 '6 Se S0 !6 3 0 g s a? n i i 3 • e 1 O. v G n at - of '' m is LOST ;- t Division Court - e fire, on Friday last, 13th Instant, :, Two PRO MISSORY NOTES. a STRAY COW. a A3tE into the enelo.arsmtef the Subweri- evrt ' 3 :1 ' • ber, about the first day Of Amgen Ian: 1 full Red Cow, with small crooked Horn.. The owner of the above cow cin conte and take her away by proving property and pay- 'sg expensed. PETER Fi Viz.: One J01NT NOTE against Jodi , ; e - - EDGAR cod 014/ILK'S Uoovn.T*•, for ]:3 Iasi e: - ' . 3 '' 9d., drawn pey*hle to Jame. Phelan or; rot ? e 3 r bearer, 'and endorsed by Jartrec titelan, put re' ' o S = e w' due, -Also, one evilest Mic,I'a . Seoeco►r{ (77,-,t, 3 v o Black Smith, for £3 12s 6d., -drawn parr) i.. - :" r ` 3 . -. SHFR• 2nd corn., lent 1 I. township of Colborne, ble to Christian Sanger, or bearer. sunset.'; d in German, also past due. This ie to cau v 7 3 ; f! , A - October 12, 1849. v3n37-31 1100 any parse 0 n from purchatcg the same, + - - + 3 IDEE3S IlQ Al IE N �Gr or the above parties paving the Notes to ,<o C- 2 wit rr sr any person but the subscriber, -and any. n 9 BITFORD. person finding the above Notes will much,'' a r oblige the subscribe y g h t MANY from London (Eng- STRATFORD and to vicinity, that rhe has + Y .1 Y AI'!'ILO RI TY. Sheriff s - Sale of Lands. ' iH1JRON DISTRICT, / ON l(noday ttse To Wtr : First Day of October next, will be Sold al the Comas !Routs at the Gaol of the Ilureo District, it ihe Town of Goderich, at the hour of twelve 'o cluck noon, the undermentioned LAND!! �iwith the Tenements and appurtenances "•'thereunto belonging, by virtue of four Writs `' I'ewditiosi-Erporus, issued out of the Coors twt•ot Queen's Bench, and to me directed, se 'lhe resoectice• suite of Row Robertson. ,,, avium Robert Mudcrwell, JuhaSlraches, Getlt., Cone, $ c., and Jame. Clouting, Plaiotifft,-- I 11.0 by virtue of two Wilts of Venditioni ! : Erpeao, issued out of Her Majesty's Il•ree {District Court, and to roe directed, at the I'respective wit. of Robert Park and Joshua /� Calloway, Plaintiffs, es. Jolt. Ann Kipp.■ L 1'aod Aurelius W. gippen, Defendant% t• C'•wtt., a part and portion of Block. G. in the �I,Townabip of Culborne, Western Division, Flume Metric', eoolaintng Two Hundred Wv ' Acres of Land mnre or iris. �t JNO. McDONALD, Sbenfi, Duron Dtmtrttt. �.' -S'cam's Office, Goderich, 25th Jury. 7049. t 3,-a!• POSTPONEMENT. Tim above Sale to Pustpsssd to Jaeger, 1st, •1!)50. 3011 N McDONAD. ' Bbertf, Hume Disuier. { Sur WWI Orrice. fit der.ch- Sept. 20, 1849. v2n33t4 t IMO T. N or +hunt the 15th Avenel, • POCKET * /ISS F. H r b returning t em u; L 1 1.'•d) hofs le iwfwm the Inhatutent. of Mm. TW)S, M. DAL1, New Tailoring' Establishment MAP of the Datrict eat Ninon. boiled ie • hltratfurd Jul 16th, 1.10, 3v -n3001 n Black Lather Ci'v-r, (Soot.. & Rale...), be cemmemed, the Msisem of MILLINERY. DitE'a4 MARINO, • ter STRA%V BONNET MAKING, and lopes by strict attention and Moderate Charges, to merit a share of their ti - roars. Stretford, Oct. 20, 1849, --- 22,.39-3 PROSPECTUS of " the Missionary and Snbinfl Maloof Record," Fblrme 7. TIIE " RE('11RD" is published monthly at ate Shilling per annum, payable in advance, and may be trent, •e any otter newspaper, to all parts of the country, and charged eo more titan the banal rate of Dina popery. 1t is made up in a vera con ventent form for binding and being rlla.tra '.d with two wood -cuts in each number. makes a peat volume at the end of the peer. The prnAte of the above publication, go to the funds of the CaseJa Sunday School Unme. Th.° proep.etcs is vent to the friend+ ori +h. Sabbath Sehnot Canoe. to the hope that .IIy will lead their aid 1a promoting the et elation of the above periodical. W' 11 be happy to phaeton our het of Agent-. add.ttnsal earn., to whom the " Record " will be gest grans. All Online and Cmmmenieatione to to sent to JOHN C. B$.CILET. Prints 4' PYihoher-M.alrenl. IN OODERICH . .Ineg'ng to the District Surveyor. I1. D. Any l see liudwg it and sendieg it to this Office, or to ' 1 . i /r11E Suh,crhrr Jt r h, annmmce to te.e in- ,1te owner, will he pagd ter their tr .bee. . .rb,.nme of G,drnrh, and ill •tunny, 'her --- Gal•rich, i2;9 1849. 2•n3R-tl' be ha. fommeeerd tapirs in the ebnrr lune. _ i'Y �'I ERS. is the 3 ".m e.'pnngne 11. DORTON'S' Sad TO PRINTERS. • • d1e Shop. Market Sgnare, where be will be pre- •1'YPF. FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' pared to execute all order, in ht. line oft the a r•RNiSH!NG 1YARE tions . rpm"labeeribe,benteinfo.thelsbb,i.a mlionest notice. and at moderaterhoge.. r1yFIF: S.rh.erihen have upa�ted a Taw 1 '.' N. B. -Curtis dose on ,he shorre•t sauce 1 of Bean . end its wiei°fey rho' hr has ►e- JOHN ADAMS. type Fuufldry in the City of New eegved • Large Steeply of the LATEST !M- Goderich. Oct. 17, 1849. .2.37 .Y ,rip, when they ars ready to topple. on'IM• 1'ROYED PATTERNS"( n any extent, for env kind of Job Fairy COOKING, B y 1132TICE.-Te the /nkeb'twwh of1rteTyp.•, (n4. Paper, Chosen, Galleys, Br se B 0 A , :'brew of Codariela + .srruredi.g toothy.:Roleo, Steel. Cnhrmo Reale,, Comrade' AND PARRI.OlJ R STOVES trill; Stlbeeriber having erected a SAW1$liek., Cayes, and every article necessary 1 MILL, which u. m'w In npertron it It. P►iwrrng(Nllee. which he offers for SALE at .e •v the To. nnhip of I II• I.LETIT, within Ten T,i. Type, wheel areraat to news. side, REDUCED PRICE) FOR CA H. (Miles of the Town of (ii •rich, end re,e'n'froin moue ly new vett of Matrixes, with The Subscriber also keeps on head, • eseal.rr,ilea and a hall (rout the carer•, Matthew' •Ier•peonnter, and warranted to he un r• at hu OLD STAND, a LARGE and ere BesCon. Lot No. 1, on a new r !.tient .trnallu..aese.l w ant, betel I .1 peaces to suit • pergor atmeftrnent of Where Lumber c. n be had (Ince,•. Ly rho 1)pe furnished by l f♦ hent a 0si." TINWARE of every descriptiot). at all times. Ilea now ready to r,00tai'i ' Lnnnoto 1'rea,e. (stn abed. and and al.n. to (urmab sey.gsasttly of S+w J LnmMr{Sector Eii6Ines of the most approted pat- aM•diber ilk�e this eppoytr.ity of retie- am- stly all k..4., wh'eh will be ...wed l«( nieg is 'Meer, thee 1p to the P.bhe for rhe very order, to sit purchaser.. Lin loft 0.0 be!'erne. 1i5. 1 patronage he 4tas ree,ty'd rfnre he baa Cu,nl,e•srt<,nn Roll, rs east for primes.) ,gen in Aoensw io G derieh, ad toper Ay reties rafted from e MBI featly of t Immediate: eMom, Cr r;"")", of Newrpaper. whn w 1 uirntioa to bestows, and tinedirae rices, t,r-hoe.a 0f the river Maitland fr hie niece he stet•• i•mw er moth type as thrtr WI e ...omen. to revel., a shared the 7.Nie patronage: a the Town It Qedsrieh- Plt UUCP: of r ■11 kinds will. he vNsived to a trot lot etD.wtat ts.,,say g'nihe a bo...ix mnstl'm N B. -GRAINING, PAINTING. GLA P y hs.rnli• bot Reel; ,and .end [Mir ZING, PAPER °d BELL IIANGIMG earned Lumber, dilitf4r.d it Me Mill. !rMyg towWnfng it 4o tb.Subtr rend w as Iltfti.INr. WILLIAM STORY. ' EUJAH Y. McFLUL• C0 f•MORO� pVLRE\ D C)ederfeh, 6th Srpt. 19[9• !v.31tf !fulled, Oct. 98, l.dl. 9t3rs$t