HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-08, Page 23D
gree what I should ..swore be he • peeper
eub.ut.ts. The Gavort,/, (11•nerol receives,
an.*Jly, 177 as W: sow, very little
aeon the •e$cte for the Preandeet
of States, ase should amply re
ate a Canadian Corneas'.- This
wooid save £1717 15. 4d. The.Chief Jul"
ties sf Canada West receives t16d6 11. W:
hie slice meld be well paid at £1000. -
There t• a Chief Justice at Qaebec, at tbe
ssrtae rale, who could bear a similar reduc
.Joe. We have four ledges et Qo.ei s
Basch is Upper Csaadn. at 111000 per .N-
eem: limy would sot eaffer by a patting
(Iowa to £7511. Tien are a Chancellor,
.54 toe Vice Chancellors, s1 £350e per
MIRROR; the Iwo Vice Chancellor. ought to
he done rtthuut. le the District of Qne-
hee there are three Queen', Bench Judge..
at £3000, crest, se the Lhstncs of Montn•I,
one Chief .1. -Ute, •L LI9JR and that
Q•seen.- 11 •n••h J tiled •1 13000. 1 would
reduce the C1rei dui'tc. to £1000, and toe
other. In £750. 1'h••re is a resident Pro-
vIReiel Judge et Tin a Rivers receiving
£I000- melt hi .■Ary might be reduced
• to £73). pn.e y over ilio pen -Ions to
Jud:.., I room to tit- \'t•irnbra sod Sobel -
eon (lateral. The ..Lvt "t the Alterneys
are £1100, with £400 t •r e,.nin.genciee,
•reel can se 'mete' h • 1., .k. J n'„t as too little,
`when it to r.n.etn••••r, i the,& they an our
lei/MVO officers of i'u the S•'hcttors
-alight to be alt•, athero de een'.d with. -
Theo* Istt,r p ra'nagen roc Ise £1200,
whit• e
e a f f a I • f th 1
tae o£, i p tJ L r c Imisal
prosecution. The G .v roarer'. Secretary II
WWI a salary of a 111 13•: and, with all dos
deference to the Ingenuity n1 that gentle-
man, ought to be cut J ern to £500 per
atrium. The expenses of his offices are
£'816 8. 41; be hiring ham twn clerk., they
night bn brought down to £4110. The
Provincial Secretary received 11111 2.:
perhaps, as nun of the Exerutve, he is en -
tilled to
sred1 do not, on that account.
fled fault with it. The other charges of
his.department ought to be ratio -ed-
ited, in • poor country like Canada, the
Aasrtan+ Secretor, for the eastern see•
too, at £600, ahuul:1 be removed, as should
alae the one for the western section, at
£500. There is aecetver General at
£1000, end • Deputy iEtta 8. 8I. Now,
1 moat enter my protest against the em-
ployment of Deputes, when Principe!. are
so extravagantly paid. There is not only
a deputy here, but a first clerb, at £J50:
the personage might supply the place ot
Mr. Deputy, and the business be equally as
well transacted. The erne remarks apply
to the Inspector General's department: and
we hate evidence enough before us that to
dudes are not eery henry, for our In.pee-
tor General car spend a whole summer
•way from them. A proper overhauling of
the various clerkships would not end in any
detrsmost to the interest of the country. -
The President of the Executive Council re•
eeives £10011, which 1 do not object to: but
the Li l47 4s 44 paid to the clerks mght be
easily diminished one half. Why are twn
confidential clerks required, the one .1 £500
sod the other at £.100 per annum? 1 would
retain persons really of utility, but lee alt
•uper1'lits.. The Board of Public Works
Ihas two Commfs.Ioeere, where one cnul.l
well perform all the duties Deeded. This
would /eye £650 per annum. Amongst
the pensions paid, is one of £444 8a 8.1 to
Thomas Talbot -what claims has he to such
a sum from his country ? in addition to
the staff of whippersnappers in the Public
Offices, are `charges for contingent expen-
ses, amounting to £6707 11s 4d. I am cer-
tain that this is occantoneJ by a lack of en-
ergy •npng.t the officials, who are too well
paid, and think themselves privileged to be
lazy aeeordiegly: by jndicinus management,
Noe -ball, if not all, might be saved.. By the
adoption of the suggestions which 1 have
thrown out, a saving mieht be effected, on
Schedules A. and B , of £15,616 2s 8d. if
the work of economy were once iatrly com-
mented, a still brighter reduction than that
which I have roughly estimated might be
made, and the public business would be
ones the wore! performed for the ehange.-.
The expense, of our I.egi.latnrc ore ex.
trvarantly high: the y1.eakera receive
19000 per annum, and do doty abmit three
month+ of the year -£1009 tvnuhl be gond
and ample corn p•noation for their eery ces.
1 could fill a letter twice the stzn of this
wash similar instances of over payment, but
1 moat content myself with a glance at the
total. The whole r•x0endttalo of Canada,
to 1848. wan (:174, 191 31 81, and the reve-
nue £570.641 7. 8'1, leaving an excess of
£0£,8.13 7s H1 of expenditure Nair income.
Alihotlih, of this, 1160.014 aro spent upon
interest or Prnv,nc'..l debt, it is an,emonnl
vrry d aprnpnrf,•.nate to ni.r means. It is
true that the Politic LVorke will ultimately
pay the debtlnrnrred in their construction,
boat it will be a Inn,*, t'mr before line desira-
ble improvement t. effected. and forms nn
*genes for the waste of public mosey. 1n
addiflon to the taxes which 1 have name$,
the Upper C.ea tine• pay I oral taxes 10 the
amount of £111,170, and othere, to local
and district *Akers, in the shape of free, sen
the tune of 1100,000. A total of £69.5,56,
is certainly what the Americans would term
"a eon..iderable pile." A knnwledoe ot
there fact& will soon canoe a general feelint
for reform in our extravagant system of ex.
penditure; end if the noestton ss dnrossed,
1 am sun that our hardene will be fiend to
be even more than 1 hove represrnted theta
o be. 1 hate no sen to either mystify
her exergera'e. nor have 1 in any of t'te
above statements. I have tamale h!le,l my
(rhea, however, and moat defer father re 1
marks until another sonnet unity.
To.aihip of B'antford, Oct. 21, 1849.
£ MF.VT.
The Hen. Malcolm Cameron and the
lion. iL 11. K.Ilaly have been bnarly enga-
ged fur armee data fn maks.( errangemeet■
low the ameal of the public department... -
Everything. hes heen,arrang..l satisfarlori-
ly aid the necessary 81bng and ai'erali-sun
aro going ra?•dlv (award.
The house of Caption %l eanlay nn
Young Sr rue', hat Imes takes ss a 'evidence
4,r the Governor General at an annual rent
of £t30. Th• pe.• it•es ere in excellent
order and will r q•iir. nn repaira except to
m small extent upon the stable.. The for
eaten twill arrive imm.Jia'ely from Monk
11. 1..
The Legislature will sit In the centre
heves of t • old tipper Canada Parltamrnt
D.tik,nre, nettpied of late by the Universi-
ty. The publte halts, with gond arrange
WNW, will be made to • oat admirably, and
the Library -rooms will unhappily la too
Tb. Midden( (welteg the west wing of
the pHs will be occupied, nn the (retied
leer by the Crown Lards Department, tad
are eke mew deer by tis ofces of ih. In -
!pester Gomel &ad the Rec.rver (I..erai-
The kneed Rost of the ease *leg will
he appropriated to tars Board of Works, end
part of the tapper ie the Adjn est-Geemete
Jeparts..t ; *WO committee rooms fee
the use of the H of bly are else
to be arruged in ""Ind • cordate(
to be run coe..cii with the ermine
edifice. The routs 0flflae boiling•, rt le
fared, will bare to be r..ihitigkJ,
All the other public officer, Includssg
• hen. of the Provincial Secretary -the Law
(Kean ref the Crow. -the Executive Coon -
col -the Go terser -Gemeral's Sec relarvae -
asd of India, Department, will be establish-
ed in the old Government (louse, now oc-
cupied by the Normal School. The pre-
,ossea are found most convenient for the
purpose, tad will require hU1. tar 5e alters
F. W. Cumberland E.g., is engaged as
Architect fur the superioteodeuce of the
needful alteration,.
We are assured that the whole cost of
removing the seat of Guvernmeot hum,
Moulted to Toronto will out exceed £1,000,
including the transport of the effects u( the
Clerks. Bu rich fur the Montreal tier -
alio stay that it would cunt £50,000. -
Mole. -
n w�.�MMnMM-WVw�
Reopen. we
ea hod ute&deJ to anurtai o
• your
with o0• other article on " Canada a the s.."
for the popsse of "berries that our eoanny'e
reeoeters of wealth sad prosperity are, in proper -
000 to the extent of our territory, and the sem•
ber of our population, equal; if not greeter than
!hs resources of the United Situs -chat •1 -
though the condition of Upper Canada, general-
ly, to behind the coditio• of the Staten, yet
notwithstanding a quarter of ■ century of the
grossest mal•edminiauatioe of Go•er.meot, at
this monuet our [white works sod general im-
provements ars fir greater, compared with oar
half million of people, than the national improve-
ment of the States compared with fifty times'
£bat amount of population. It is a sad overlook
that leads men to expect the tame extent *loat-
he improvement Ircm a population of half
a million, as has been made by twee ty-six or
'lwesty-eevea millions ! Besides, the march of
public improvement commenced at least forty
years earlier to the United States than it did in
Canada ! We had intended, reader, to examine
and paint out these peculiarities, and a number
of other little facts io favor of oar novo respoasi.
ble Government ted our very limited taxation,
in order to convince you that the wise and honest
administration of our present constitution is more
likely to ',hence the proapenly and boner of nnr
country, than Annexation ; but really there is
something so exceedingly funny and ridiculous
i• this same •nnrzst ion bluster, that we .re en-
able to maintain our gravity any longer oo the
subject. Had the movement originated with
WILLIAM Leon Mciasaaz, Dr. Ruteu, 81L40
Biuwe].i., Dr. WoLraan Naijo., and such teen,
whose hatred of oppression and tory misrule had
compelled them to seek any change rather than
be subject to .n l.ignttres boodage ; and who,
in their xealto tippet the foundations of a des -
pone sad ungodly Hierarchy, had incurred the
opprobriowe tittle of traitors, we could hove met
ad diReassedshe question wi0 a ealnoeca and
I1 en honest anxiety proportioned to its importance,
f Ha', nrigtrating, as it Me done, with the very
men whose flaming It-kolry .nJ ardent zeal for
the promotion of B ' ' h alias AnglieSaaon
glory, only a few mead's age, burned up the
Parliament Hoer*. and Ike Provincial Libraries,
we feel strongly..i•elined u'la.gh at fah_ ab..rdiry
of treating the thing seriously. l%e live is
strange times!, Only think, reader; a JANu;
MOIR FLR.aa and W. Goitres Meer takmg
their seat. M the Centrese of Ilse American Re-
pehlte ! and contending lustily in the great hall
of universal freedom, that America could never
proper mikes rvrry men of French origin be
driven into the Gulf of St. the La wrrnee and ex-
terminated. What Onions republican charm
pions of liberty these heroes would make ! They
would enlighten the natives, and Vibe materials
for illemiestion happened to run short, they
would light Jonathan to bed wi0 the .flames of
the Congress H.11 end the archives a his
own great nation ! These .re the fellows for
deepening the pestilential dsrknen from large
cities 1 We wonder if Jonathan has filed . re-
cord of the Torch -light meeting on the Champ
De Mu. -the htrstisg eloquence there uttered,
end rhe briter consequences of that oratory '-
Thine are valuable euhjrrf. for preserrrs In the t
pantry of great nation, and we trust they hear
Rot been Isar. 1n plain speaking we are not t
mastery( any one in.taeee in which • people o
have b. -w. L d to their ruin by the Pante silly and 1
contemptible means, and been as speedily and as
eatisllctnr.ly caught la their own reckless devices
as may be reel i• the t history of Montreal.
The more rabid toriea of the Prnvinee, at the last
general elect ton, at once perceived that the is-
teldgenee of the eninuy hod pronounced the
doom of the., party. They beheld with dismay
that ,arty legisla•Ion had conte to an end -end
that government in future should be fur the peo-
ple and not for eke ("area. They bereme appre-
henstvs that the spot Is and'p!under of atisgn,era-
meat would !nye to to accounted for, and they
over• ready in rash even u;,en desperation to pre -
vest a rent£ an minions to their selfishness. -
J..as MOIR FRRRR. • aubordiaets officer in the
Costume' Department, au diem/teed by the
Government for en insolent • ioia+Ion of the laws
of hitt office and his dismissal only increawd his
insolence. The tones encouraged him in hie
reckless assaults opus the Constitution sed the
Governor General, end declared that the Gov-
erment had •' caught a Tartar" la Me kw slang
• d panonal aeanGoy af Jus MOIR Thanes '
The tortes wouldhive .demented end batted
re the bravery of the Diel, pro.ded he had
abused the (loveramest. The non ' got
puffed op with apples, supposed huwsolf to be
weiaalody, and from • di.play of imperiled'
vitepenuon belched forth imam, arson •d
aseueiestnoa. The tunes reepo.ded to his de -
t sine ineaaitleo se long ea the nets," ware
*eased w " tn,lign.tiw .werisge" and !ha
Wesuage of ..dines. Sat pear F.aataa had
already pee Mead has sept►--tlo reek Neither
mop ear ern bash. As had fairly eomwdued
Matured was belled to de sae thing terribly
magreal, as a belttiag ese.trr part a tried -up
as his outrageous drama. Hu appeal to the
M.sd-sed-aeaA po.pea.oies of the dissolute sed
dreabes, wee pabligbd se 1M 25111 .f April
tied the Were tad prsepeeity of Moetreal, tad
the b.iblinp ad best .1 Me Canadian pablie
we►t hid is ashes diet seam imolai 1 name
thee diaeevted that he bed gess tel for --.he
fesd eat that the done., with • eery few ewe -
tiros, pursed soca beer .Nd diaot.tical *amps
•ed would math rather hew t. the Geraniums'
of their psltuwl .ppoaeau thea be identified
with the yagdalmam wbicb he had called int. e5.
horses. la shoo, be discovered that he was
all a ems .1 the precast age, and that his sym-
pathisers were confined esal..ively to the torte,
as ki..ws city. together with Data R. Gowan,
ad • few ethers .f the Mick -A% Editor.. The
voice of the country from Gaps to Grderieb,
was pat forth is moos Not to be misunderstood,
sad a dominos .rateace was pronounced oa the
mob policy of Jars MOIR Fgaaaa,
The laws of nature are infkaible-criere dna
bring iia owe p.niebment, and Moatral is sow
reepiag the bitter cousegseaees of trenag.e.si.ss
which might easily hate been pretested. Had
:he city
authorities treated Mr. Fiestas with the
pillory, or had the intelligent iaba►itaats timet bit
ioffamuory ngioga with ■ frown of moral Idig.
nation, the city would Dot now be reeew.ed as
the hot -bed of annrrh•v and tre.snn. Rat 'bey
winked "t tar perhaps countenanced conduct that
could Not possibly be praouctivs of ler than
shame and contu.ieo. They have incurred • re-
putaiios at which geed men shedder. they have
become by -word ■
a d d a reproach o
y l the nations
ofcivilizaues-they have got heavily sized for
the distraction accessioned by the rritier .f
their ewo Editors. The sea of Governed(
has been removed -and (sod men are afraid to
s.ymora with them. Their Journals, which ..ly
a kw months ego, were calling 0 the British
Army to fraternise will the mob is extermina'-
iug French citizenship, and establishing Anglo-
Saxon supremacy, are now beseeching the
French Canadians to assist them in Reverie
untneb c000cxion ! and fumesliog • spirit
hostility to Britain's Qua.*, and British Intuits
Boge ! The groaner. of Loyalty are now gnra
tog treason, sod desertion aad gloom are the
prominent features of their condition. From this
mass of the rants of ruffianism the annexation
bluster has emanated, and •hhe.gk we were
anxious for An•rzaion to -morrow, .e would
ecom to untie with the present agitators. The
presumpun■ of such '• fopalasts" (save the
mark !) asking ail chimes to pin .►em, plot re-
mise!' as of the following •ncedote. " (Voll ye
pe help me owre to dyke with this sheep
Tonald 1" " Tio li no Rory -if ye war to de-
eent Ae.ot man, 1 might help ye to steal a sheep,
bat I'll na help a thief 1"
Premiums awarded by the Hurons Die
Fitt Agretlhiran Soeiely, at the Annual
PLolghine Match which took Place en th
sl.t, October.
To eonperttem over 18 years of are.
Fos the Best Ploughing, El 5 0
James Ctark.
2nd do • 15 O
Henry Ford.
Std do 0 10 0
Joseph Salkeld.
To voting men under - 18 years of are.
Fnr the B.',t Ploughinr, £1 5 0
Wm. Elliott sun of That. Elliott.
2nd do 0 1.5 0
W. Liwrt,on eon of J. Iawrasnn. i
G elerich Nov. 61h 1849. n40-42tf.
Tea Ploughing Match of the District Agricul-
tural Society took place en the farm of Mr.
Maeraw BLae', third concession of Golench,
on Wedoesdaythe 31st telt. - And we regret to
record the sllarnelul apathy of ear farmers in re-
kreaee to tbia first impurtaat branch of Avicul-
ture, or, rather, we cheek my the scene imi.or•
taut breach of meal labor. 11 will scarcely
be credited whets we inform eat readers ata die.
tamer, that in ihis exclusively agricultural locali-
ty, Is a competition for six premiums, only serer
pin.gi.a were brought forward! This Is surely
bad enough, but it is a decided improvement on
last year's competition, when the six premiums
were crnteaded for by only firs competitors !-
Competition and emulation are said to be Me
chief sources of proficiency and success, and if
this Is true, there is little probability £Sat the
townships of Godertch and Colborne will obtain
much celebrity for superior ploughmen 1 Ought
et those who live by the cultivation of the soil
be as zealous and as proud 10 turn out their so.,
o • ploughing match, and to afford them every
means of unprovement in the art of ploughing as
hey are to Instruct them in the common branches
f edacntion f We think they ought -we be-
ide it is their duty.
We feel sorry to recording such instances of
culpable negligence in • subject of each vat ins.
ptrtasoe; and we do so merely in the hope of
shaming our peasantry intro a more laudahle co. -
duet. W. hod not en opportunity of being ■t
the ploughing match, hat we .re informed by
those who are good judges, illi nolwtthetendmg
the ,mall number of competitors, the field pre-
sented some specimens of good ploughing, and
we assure our young lumen that • lit de ambi-
tion and a gond deal of practice will go a great
length in making them good ploughmen.
The judges on the omission were Meson,
Davin ('r ARE and Aix 1.50.5 A..,.o of Col-
borne, and the Rev. ALrx•arid Mrkin. It is
a hart teak to please everybody -in attempting
It the nil man pleased nobody and lost his Ass
into the bargain ! ted alnhoagh we doubt not the
iaergrity and honesty of purpo** n0 the pert of
the judges o5 this eee.m on, yet we doubt their
success 15 pleasing everybody, is sot much bet•
ter than that of the old ..on in earryiag the Asa.
Thr.e-foerthe .1 the spectators had, throughout
dm day, decided that the first prevalent redid be
gives to Jesir. Satsun-ilm teeters, re the
eveaiag, deeded it should be gives to Jutw
Cung. Now it is quite possible tai three-
fourths .( the ipeetat.rs were ■n judge., ad It
is equally probable tat the red jodgee decided
eerrerily, sod with the .£mart impertialidy.-
But it us inepe.sible to stop people's mouths, ad
while ws are perfectly sadiefred of the iategnty
of the *gee, we, at 1\m same dews think that •
greet am..•t 0f ugly wbiapenogn .ad escheata-
ble wpicfoas, might have bees prevented y
smug • Lute man predsace its the relearns .f
nM judges. Mr. CL•aa should sot Rev. Rea
a uides whoa his son was • competitor, aad Mr
h1.K1m shoed not have bees a older, broass,
to the first place he is the Meson. C'ur's 11ib-
osier, sad la the .eased plats geed Catbsess
shepherd* an seldom good Ayrshire pl.osgh taro
li may be true ibis* the jedgee did sot eater the
field tall the pkegiaaes had quitted it, and ca-
umeently they could vol be .wan that his son
had ploughed this particular ridge or that particu-
lar ridge -we say this may be all very true. and
we have so wish to doubt 0, but it is equally
true that aunts ouctaritable being will any "a
wn•k's as goal so a Nod to • blind horse," Mr.
CLAIM must be very stupid indeed of be did not
know the work of his own son and his owe
p•o .gh, amort the work of fifty ploughmen, sad if
he did not know there were plenty *ilium euough
m whipper to lin. This and such other un-
charitable i teiauaiiaso will be said -nay, era
said, sod therefore, we would humbly suggest
that, hem future, the credit and pro.perny of the
Soeirty shall be so far co.sulted that the judges
shall be brought from a dislanee. lo institu-
tions intended to be useful sod popular, the ut-
mom prudence is required to prevent the growth
of refouiud recriminations soda tail
in •
. and,
on the present oeeiea a, had the judges been
br..irht trout Stratford, and been Men who knew
something of ploaghiag, is 'bort practical
pl agmen (for we du nbjeet to a tailor or a shoe-
maker being made an inspector of m..os-work.)
a treat amount of bitter feeling and uncharitable
hint, and insinuations might have been saved-
theh r
cane£ r i ■d
credit oldie Society more
n or
satisfactorily emaintaioed, and the purpose* of
equity equally answered. The majority of the
i spectators declare that Josaex Pet ecru was en-
titled to the first premium, better. the public
have decided that favor and frieudrhip had owed
eJ the 'cafes of justice, and the decision !of the
publ-e, whether right or wrong, will stud. and
operate to the prejudice of the Society. These
remarks are dictated by a frie.dly krtiag, sed
we trust will be productive of advastage in the
future management of the Society.
IT R'. aro clad to lean thin the establish-
ment rel • Peat Office in the Store of Mr. Sawo-
ti• ITcfowao, London Rod, may emeeddy be
expected. Nr. MmCow•a'a plate is about ugh. 1 SetaIT.RT'. Omen.
teen miles front Goderich, when the Bny6eM I Montreal, Oil. 9, 1849.
sod ilarpurhey road crowns the London andSra,-1 am commanded by His Exeellen-
GnJerich road, and is seven or eight miles from I cv rho Governor Gement to inform you,
the nearest Post Office. Such* diatom* in Nee I that in accordanee with the Address of the
of she most populous localities to the Diptriet, la Legiel.iivo Ao.embly of the 19th or Slav
I+.t, it is Ilia irxc.Heney'. intention to
a senores mcoovroirnee to the settlers. and we mart the Provmc at Plrlr.rneht at the City
honk the Par Office authorities have not been • „f 'rnrontit at Iia next Seasron. And 1 am
moment too early in observing :he gntvanee-(n rther commRmkd to reform youi 'lint IR
The purple of she neighborhood are not only ea- arnvtng at this decision, iii. Excellency
mumu,, but also in comfortable eircomsunce,, , con,ulera that the Government and Legieta-
' and many of chem intelbgent. The name of'he tore are pledged to the principtetof n.
Cron Roads and KaOffice, we understand is to fang P.rhament during' alternate periods at
Toronto and Q'iebec, and that maser's
will he speedily adopted to provide the ee-
rertary aecommodatinn tc Lee effect etas
this arrangement. As rt may be convenient
taro that on Tuesday evening tut, Cx.rno-'to the Members of the Legislative Aoo'in•
elm( Comisrac., son of Capt. C. CRA.*, aged lily to be made acquainted with His Excel -
about two years tad • half, was rue over by a ; lency's dectnron, as early as possible, 1 have
wagon, while playiagis:rhe street, and had Id. to tequeet that von will communicate with
thigh bone broken. Medical assiaaavowas fame them on the atlhj,ct.
mediately called in, sad the boat set. Ni fears
are entertained of his recovery.
planed .lea farmer esessime, same of which
may set oyes yet be wholly removed, hos every
osegdeee. that 'beagle the efikieosy aad ea.
weaned euro..s of oar LefI•1•1or14 all each, an
ter as pregnable. will be promptly sad speedily
remedied,-aad that it further views the lace out-
burst ata kw inhabitanndatosneet, respecting
A nes to the Coiled Stairs, as revolutiona-
ry to its chancier, tad revolting to the meet ate
.red keliag or envy tree hearted &hob sabjeei
2. Moved by Mr. J. J. E. Late., seaoded by
Mr. Jobs Vsestele, That the seoticsesto expres-
sed is the kregoisg Re.oktioo, be embodted'ia
as address or declaration to be signed by the in-
habitants sr Stratford sad •facet rye
3. Moved by Jobs C. W. Daly, Esq. J. P.,
secoadd by Mr. Charles Duperso-That this
meeting view the Montreal A doe Maoifes-
w es the climax of ataurdity, and further that this
meeting ie of opinion that if staid Mantesm bas
any claim to politic &once, other than to hombre(
-the mute. !okra of .t by the authorities and
Cusporuiose, has gives It that elaim,-that it
ought to have hers allowed " to waste Its aseet-
oran in the desert air "
Thew Resoluuose were severally carried mine-
imon•ly-mod the deelaratisa aurneroasly signed.
and ouw in course of sip•tere,
The Rev. Thome* MacPberaoo, Iron near
M,gherfelt, Norther- Ireland, teat out with sev-
eral other Clergymen, by the A,einbly .f the
Presbyteries Church to Ireland, has effcia:d for
several Sabbaths to Stratford, to the entire satia-
lctia, and heartfelt desire of the Cesgrrptioa,
1 and *ray others who Mucked to hear him. Mr.
' McPherson was ordained ed officiated is the
Church at Ball I
ale ey, Co. Derry, for many years
1 The Synod of to Probyrena. Chinch which
met at Turboto oa the 17th October, appointed
Mr. McPhenee to Stratford for the text via
months -sod the congregation, which have beta
without ■ clerical head for some years, are ma-
king earninos to invite 111.. 11cPheraa to re-
maa-by giving pima call --end thereby secure
hie valuable services. At the seine torr, the
Congregation have advertised for Tenders to
band a Brick Church, to be began on 1st Slay
nett-ofl%rs to be given in by the 3lst December.
The Church to be built en the hill in Nr. Mc-
Cultoeb'e property, coat .f the Eogliah Church.
`.• "Brsrefi.IJ."
R7 Tug LEwcx ! This artermagant abor-
tion has held another meeting, or convention, in
Termini last week, and has exhibited soother
i have the honor to be, far..,
(Signed,) J. LESLIE.
Honorable A. N. Mo5lr,
Speaker Legislative Assemble,
1&o. Ise, tote.
lamentable illustration of yodel depravity. The CRowe Lenient Omen,
conflicting elements of last meeting .rem to here Montreal, Oct. 2S, 1819,
tea .hered sd!.•innal eormbu,iihility, and will pro= :LIR. the
matorn Ityr ' £inn
p upon the 1dJreaa of the Lr'_ielatrre AvSem
bably explode with the thuoders of • pop-guo hit, dated the 19th May last, to fattier of
Mr. GUMMI bill endelatOred al grest length, to
before the advent of Meeting tib dart arrives 1-1 holding the Seat .1 Government alternate-
ly •t Toronto antj-Qiiebee. and on coesidw-
ration that nothing baa since occurred to
dirntouh the weight of the reason, which
gave rias to that. Addren, the Governor
General in Council has come to tbs desire
of the Legislative Asaemhfy,
This deci.ion neceeearily causes the ru-
che tor&of Brutish connexion 1 and Sytuy, as moral of the Seat of Government to one of
usual, thinks, that Gamed rind Go,A• are
either knaves or wastes, and •howl not be hs- the two cities.
ienrJ to 1 Toe mire circumstance of such it has been determined that the new ar
materials attempting to unite into •n •rine ranromcni .111 commence by theimmediate
body, or to "seam, the associate desgnation rel removal of the Government to Toronto.
•' League" or .• Coa•enito." te entitled to rink , there to remain till th. expiration of the
amnne the great fere" of the see ! Thepresent Parliament, after which it moll be
ronin Motion of rhr •1 present eese;on" (') is a I transferred to Quebec, for the four following
Petition to the British Government pray ng (or yr,,.,,
authority to mnno(aeture • new ('os.nreoon f r
The Cn0lmiRsinnern of the Public Works
Dheyri!ti.hBaNh ! orth America ! ! What extreme twee.- have conseqitently received instructions to
- submit to Parliament, at ifs next Seeston,
eetimetes of the changes and additions ne-
cessary to be made to the pnhllt buildings
s1 Toronto and Quebec, for the accommo-
dalion of the Representetvo of the Save -
retire, the Public Offices, and the two
branches of the Parliament, in each of these
it is, therefore, desirable that the Gov-
ernment should, immediately after the next
Session, enter into pnuesminn of the Qlle•
bee Corporation, in order to afFlyd time to
complete th • net -misery works. preisou* to
the translation of the Seat of Government
within the wits of your city.
Per thane reasons i am commanded by
itis Excellency the Governor General, to
notify the Cnrpnratinn of Quebec, is actor
dance with the anhsieting cnntrart, that in
one year frnm thin date, the Gnvmrnment
will again take p inn of the public .di8-
cel now in charge of the said Corporation.
i have the honor to be, kr,
Communications. I T. BOUTHILLIER,
His Worship the Mayor of Quebec.
mesmerise hie bretl reo with" doleful songs of
drotb," re.peetisg the poverty, starvation, an-
archy, blond -shed and national ruin which have
1 d to .1 canned, ion bubble ! Gowns has hint-
ed at Wenn, the " Black Flee." and cultist
A mansion b.!• n.ing tonne of the leaden of
fashionable Philadelphia, haejnat been com-
pleted, grid furnished with sticks or the
to -these deacriptino, principally from Parse.
The toilette service of one of the apart-
merts ie solid elver. The carpets are the
richt sl axni nater, acrd root `10.000. The
furniture brought from Paris, curt in add, -
thin to this, *45,000. The incase of the
owner to, however, enormous, and these
large puma are less dtaprnpnrtioned to her
mean. than. those expended upon furniiore
generally by persons of hese wealth. The
whole coat of the fornilure was 1050,005 ;
of the /noire *100,000 ; making as aggre-
gate of *150,000.
07- Not 10 bad for plain Democratic Re-
publicanism, %Vender if Ole won't charm
the wild annexationist. of Canada ?
Sntarrortu, 3rd Nov. 1649.
A Rege.nittes hoeing bees made by the inhab-
itants of Stratford, to John C. W. Daly, Esq.,
J. P., is earl • public meeting "for the purpose
of grins en opportunity of pohlie eopresafes ma,
tM •ehoet of A tion." • Meeting was held
et the Union Hovel (Weed's) en Friday. the 2nd
Nev. carpet. Mr. Peter R. Jarvis in the Chair,
Mr. J. J. E. Linton, Secretary. The Chairman
ezplaised the object of the meeting -sod Mr. A.
MacGregor, .tended by Mr. Peter Stewart, .f
North Easthope, proposed
1. Reserved, That it is the opinion of this
meeting. that any me.sore whatommer, whether
i• a friendly or • hostile m , leading to the
dianemberment of the Retisb Empire, woold*et
*sly be inj.rtn■s 1. the best interests athe Pe.
rest State, but also eery prejodical tenth in the
Present sad faun proepeete'of this rioi■g Cole -
ay, -that therefore, tin iee.tiag, mewithemed-
hag the (liaises. wick may harm bites sem-
RRCRmTaer • Orvre.,
Montreal, 2Jnd Oct., 1849.
Sia, -1 am commanded by His Excel en-
ey the Governor General to sefor'n you
'het, from this date, your 'traces in the
041ce of the Honorable the inspector Gene-
ral will not be required.
1 have the honor to be, Sir, kc.,
($ien.l) I. Lesug, Secy,
Joseph Lee, E.q.
BNagsraa.tt CLOP -Horns.
October 2204. 1849.
Bra, -1 am to acknowledge the receipt of
yourcommunrrsrion informing me, by com-
mand of the Governor-General, that my
services in the office of the Honorable the
Inspector -G 1 will not be required from
this date.
i take the oppertenity of remarking, ill
reply, that my connexion with the Givers -
meat hos, for the last few meati, been so
intolerably irkesme to se, that. as an E.g-
Inhume, and Nae I ' of appeared loyalty,
! .see-asuy Woos deliberated whether it
eau Not any duty to threw up t►• slight sp.
poet moot with wbic\ I was honoured by aad,
•.aerated Lord Metcalfe. Reaaone-out
peewee! to myeelf-d.ierred me.
I cao:,ot regret tb..tap which Lord El.
gin, fur reasons which are perfectly well
understood, but to which it is unnecessary
mon p•vstedly to advert, has thought
proper to lake, sad I gladly elver a tie
which, ender other eircum.taoe.s, it has
for seine yeas boon my pride to acknow-
ledge, -feeling that there is little credit IN
being connected, in bowers .ubordinate a
capacity, with a Government which, by tie
outrageous insults to those whom the
Crown of Eoglaod owe. the preservation of
these distant pussen.ions, M. unceasingly
striven to altenare the effete, of the loyal
and to efface the recollection of services
which were once thought valuable by the
parent stale. Of the result of this policy
the Province te now reeptog the bitter fruits.
Under such circumstances the appoint-
ment ceases to be desirable, -no elan, how-
ever honest and loyal himself, can act un-
der a party which car the rebellious,
and insults the faithful, without falling to
the esunlalion of the good and trite.
1 have ilio honor to be, Sr,i
(Signed) Jo.ara* S. Lisa.
The Hun. James Leslie,
Provincial Secretary. .
The fnllowipg letter has been sent us by
•e elector of the Era Riding, who is a deci-
1.0 British Cunsezioout but favourable to
the return 01111r. Perry :-
Talks did., of tae Globe.
SY mew., Oct 28, 1849.
Drum Bre-Observing that the approach-
ing election for the Third
Riding of York is
taunting a degree of interest which we
(the electors] have not heretofore taken the
trouble to measure -and finding that the
position of Mr. Perry, the only candidate In
the field, has been eartoasly, and unfairly
represented by the press I take the liberty
of •tteMpling through your ad, to set :he
•matter right, before the country. At tho
melting of tie delegates held at Whitby
spesenfw gwaeerkesquImrtreo, n futo t84he... pPreprrsye, as
noticed In your columns, became my lot to
gneetinn Mr. P. on the no lees important
snhject of Annexation -and 1 have great
pleasure tit sayin;; that the most complete
-atl,lactiore was afforded. Whatever may
be Mr. Petry's affianft ,sorts on this mo-
mentous subject, it isnot with the elector.'
of the third Rpf.r'g a legitimate subject of
Inquiry : it is s fcueol Inr us to be Infortn-
cd how be stands m tbe matter at prevent_
and the course of conduct he will adept to
regard to it during the time he maw be cho-
.en to represent Ira in Parlament. For
that pentad ern have been made contented.
Mr. Perry is pledged net to advocate annex-
neea during his tern of service ; and a• we
brace sever vet had any reason to doubt for
a moment Ms promises as a public man, we
have no suspicious for the future. But he
hag gone farther in hue explanation to the
bebse le
teas£.- r•gerl nrsell that should
his sentiments undergo nay chewoa the
leading topic of theby wblch be may
not be able to apply himu'f vtgorouely to
it In consequence of Ars pledges, he will at
once throw himself again into the hands of
the freeholders of Eva York, Well wadi/
It be with this Riding is porfirefer, If every
man seeking alter senatorial hone -tors woe lel
make •tmilar pledgee and keep. them.. Mr.
Perry will, no doubt, soon' Wrens the elec -
tors, according to custom, and i hays every
pope that he will, on that occasion give a fair
.statement of his opinion*, even on the grave
q,neetten whieh has induced me to trouble
you with this epistle.
The writer of this letter is fully ecquain-
10.10 all the etre,:mstarees of the casE,
..rd we have no doubt that her fairly states
Mr. Perry's 0nntion. \Ir Perry, then, bas
pledged himself a not to advueaie annexe -
'ion dwinif his term of 'ervsee", but that
" should his sentiments" [via., that an agna-
tion for annexation it now reprehensrolel
" undergo any change", " lee will at once
re-ign his seat is Parliament, and throw
buiself again into the hands of the freehol-
ders. • We learn also that Mr. Perry wilt
shortly address the Elector., when he will
have an opportunity to " give a fair state -
meat io"
Weof sgshisiri repeatopinns.that we would see Mr -
Perry in Parliament with sincere. satisfac-
tion. He is an old and consistent upholder
of popular rights ; he has done much good
,orrice in his day -he is an active, enter-
prising business man -arid he knows the
wants of the country thoronghly. There
are law men ta the Province better entitled
to Dubin confidence and public honours •
and we readily admit that the past eerrtces
rel such a man should enriite Aim to greater
latitude in hie theoretical political views
thao'mo.t other public chime/ere. At any
other time, nn member of the Reform narty
would have dreamed ofrktrig Peter Perry
for an explanation or a pledge ; bnl when a
deliberate movement• is making in the Pro-
vince for breaking off Oa 11110(11M.* to the
Mother Country, when men of wealth and
character are openly spearing for annexa-
tion with the United States, and when the
annexationist o?enly boast that Mr. perry
I+ heart and hand with them -the position
of &fits is akered ; and it was dos 10 Mr.
Perry htmaelf, not leas than to the electors
and the Reform party generally, £bat he
should define bre tension. We are eertais
of rhes, that no man in Canada can ever car-
ry the Third Riding of York, who comes
forward meowing anaexattnn sentiments ;
and we are sun that Mr. Perry would be
the last seas to resort to hnmheg or equivo-
ey Los of any kind to get himself returned.
We readily admit that there is a difference
between holding an attract polities! opin-
ion on any subject, sad carrying that opin-
ion into pesctscal rife ; chere are many tbs-
oretieel repobhe.ms in England, and num.-
rims theoretical limited monareh(sts in the
United Slate., who ere nnexceptionabj,
citizens under that exerting form rel govern-
ment of therm counter**. And if Mr. Per-
ry'& views on the exeitreg topic of the day
extend so further thee tbie-held as they
have been, se he himeslf,Jselaree, for the
lost twenty years -w• think Ale past course
world be goalie a sef5eket /manatee for
his futon eondoet se a representative of
the people. in jostiee to all parties, how-
ever, bilis bund to say plmistysad manful-
ly what his la'iments really ars,
Parties iatendrng to apply ateut memos
of the I.erislatore,for private or local acts.
have net toren to loon in complying with the
rules of the hares o/ Assembly-regein.g
three months settee of melt applisatiotas is
the Royal Omz g. hod in the lesel-011041-