HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-08, Page 1.lion► r „t.,�, itiolery •1 44 • w.'y
a eat •
.v •''. m I •
jl w -h a 'tame.* •
Ira ALra$CI.
cot be consnitcd at all hours, at the
British Hotel, (LANCASTER'S')
Gndsrich, Sept. 13th, 1848. 33 -
J-' orineial Land Surveyor,
New. 94, 9. 43
'LL attend SALES in any part of the
District, ..a reasonable Terms. Ap-
ply:a :the JJri'isk Hotel.
Goderieh,' March 9th 1848. ev-6s
I. L E WeI S';
Jays, 184x. OODERICH.
lral .OTMIEST,
Gu.lericb, Antal 19, 1949. $v-asSd
Generale A getlt & Conveyancer,
Uct.1, 1819. Seth
•ri tsarioere.i rrat of IIS f.emada Cs's. (.a.
Aosoet t'7t t;,.1849. 2v -n30
E -N!.> T and DRUGGIST.
March s: 1749. 2v -5e
r u■ L 1 C,
rll.tui3•r;rner Qflcc)1'S Bench,
-Al t:TIONI4F.R.
1titr.4 ,, $9 *949, t2 -n8 •
'rots ream areata.)
July el f 570 2v -a26
:) 13w9. 2v.3S
1 D1VARD ('ASHFI.1..
3J X41. 421I;; St' telL22 34ER,
Cotger of L•ghi-Hees. street,
Ortntet, ^S, 1849. eve38
rr Ll i' M StON*Eft required by the New Di..
iC'i ► 7 met teem Art...4.n other BLANK
FORMS u.e'I be the Divider sad Mennen
Courts, on Sole at the Siee;rl Office Alco. all
kind• of 30B PRINTING executed on the
.hdtt.at notice, ..d on moderate ten».
Gnderic'i. duly 19, lea.
'Blank -Deeds and Memorials,
ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT
iii.A\ KS, and BLANK PROM'S
MORN NOTES, for sale st the Signal
Office. Every description of BOOK and
JOB Printing texeeated with neatness and
DOROTHY DUf:LAy, widow
of thew late Thomas Dough*, 8f the
Farmer's len, Stratford, bets to return her
thanks to the Inhabitant,/ of Stratford, and
the public generally, for the eery liberal
support which they received during the
abort time they have been in Stratford.
Mr.. Dieiglas begs tt Intimate That she
intend.•-carrvir.o on the business ad hereto•
fore at the Old Stand, in her own nanie, sod
hopes by strict attention to the comfort of
ber guests, and moderate charges, to merits
share of the petit. pauunage.
Stratford, 91st August, 1849. 2t-a6Otf
STRASBURG, WAiwa too, t
28th February, 1849.
BrHE Subscriber herchv int:ewes to hie
friends and the Travelling Pubh- gene-
rally, that be hap removed trete New Aber
deen to the Village ofraeburgh, and a Ill
now be found in that well known house f•er-
n1eAJ occupied by Mr. Jnnee,-where be
will be ready and able to cnnduce to the
comfort of those who may knnoi him with
their patnleage. And wbile he retires
thanjte for past favors, he hopes, by -timet
attention to. the wants and wi.bpe,of bre
eustorners, still to omit a Cuatittua0CS of
their patronage.
N. B. -Geed STABLES and ettemtive
Oreomr. a2-a4tf
AN excellent Farm, being Lot: "No. 12.
Maitland Coec'wi. , Township of
G.•derieh, conraiuing 100 acres -30 of which
is cleared. The land is of a superior quali-
ty, and well watered. it is sitn.ted exact-
ly mime miles from the town of athletic!' on
the Huron Road, •and at net junction of sop
drfF•rerit rgads; tied as it is us the center of
a popul•.ka and prosperous locality, it it ex•
colleen, adapted fur a Tavern stand or ■
Store., Thie farm is well entitled to the
attention of perform desirous of an eligible
situation for business, sed will be sold on
very reasrmable ,term,/. Fair particulars
apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper,
Godericb, or to the,proprietnr
• Village of tiarpurhey.
Julie 15. 1849. • • v2o19t4
To the Clerks and Bailin' of
the Division Courts.
wliF.:ncr,aged demand for Summonses
and ether BLANK WRITS, in cnn-
nectnun with the b iuineea of the '.,era' Di
e+pioa C torts io the District, has warranted
as m -r•ntinq them to much larger quanti-
ties Mao herotofore, and consequently ens -
Ws vs to -ell then, much cheaper -there -
lore We Int 'gate to the several Officers re-
dtiring theBlank Forme, that from this
se ate, Sionmenses and all other Write be-
longing to the Division Court, will be Sold
a' the Sigw,dl Office at the redueed pries- of
,Lr Tyr , 1NILL,be• Abe Sla,aece PRE
11t'nnal;n. e•E�i
84n4l ( MGce, Ondertah,
nth September 1140.
A1,1. thee* INDEBTED to R0B1RT
Mf1DF*WELL, nr to the Lion Firm
of THOR, (111 UR k Co., are hereby
req e. ie 1 to ail IMMEDIATELY and
Sl''f-1'1,t' that aceouet,.
C0.V PdNY.
THE Stibsriber haring been appointed
Agent of the
is prepared to receive proposals for Amu,
ranee, end will be happy to afford ,to any
perrun the neeesseiy 'nformation, as to the
principles of the instttnttt n.
Gnderieh, 13th June, 1849.-r2019tf
Without Reserve
ILL Unpaid Aeconels sty Nate,/ of Heed
past due, will Immediately be handed over
to an Atteggey for Ci'lleetioa.
f:oderioh, 1st Novetiber, 1841. 2valetf
LAMA? 7011 GAM $1
L'IFTY-SIX Acres e( eeeellent Land. beers
ll' rhe We;. pan o, Let 16. Ttli Conc•menn of
Waw3aoeh, dl he sold for les. than .he Goy- ray a word, and she likewise : but•after the to give a grand fete to. Louis Napoleon, to
'r"mwt price One half of the porcna.e mover question is pepped, then the "words of celebrate the reeuit of French interkreace
will be regeired dtwe.'aad two veno "''I he al- honey" are applied and they soon become :n Rome. that is, the revival of tie Inquiet -
lowed for payment of the remainder. l:nend.na man and wife.' tion.-Pur.clo.
pwtMwrt may imply to Mr. JOHN ALLAN, _
'Payne Keeper. Gorderich, Tim Pier/crow, Cane.-T°tn European
Goderieh.:13'h July, 1849. v2-231 Tunes contains th•, report of the unfavnra-
1 wish the feohioaa were the same
As thirty years silo;
I rail imagine what Annie make
Th. tailors change them so.
When I was is my youth, I toads
A ens• of homespun do,
And thought it very fine to haws
My hair tied to • queue.
And in those days our breeches were
All bsekled at the knee ;
Aad silver buckles woe1J inaere
The heat ofcompany ;
Our beavers were of comely shape.
-Tr- The erection of a marine residence
for Iler Majesty, a1 Kiltinej, seven miles
N om Dublin, es in contemplation.
( y'• The steam is getting up le the
legislative locomotitre of France. Two
thirds of the Aesentbly are already in l'aris.
11 The Minister of Finance, M. Poesy,
the Parer bankers, and the committee oa
Ibe budget, have laid their heads together,
em the financial condition of France, but
witho .t effect.
OitThe fottties feaargent feeders of
And kepi off sun and rain- June do not intend to atrrrer-der for trial be -
Oh how 1 null those broad brim hats
' Would come to vogue again ! fore the roust at Versailles. The iotero-
f m tumbled with • half . yard eatery of the twenty-eight prisoners, con -
Of cloth ,/boot racy feet ;
Aly rost is made so very small,
The laps will hardly meet ;
Tieh' ki-.ro w� all the fashion now,
Ana sorer* m':st have mew. toes. -
Where the lashinn will arrive at last,
The tailor o.ly knows.
The dandle. of the present day
Have watch-rhsins all of gold-
Yon'd ih•nk the r rnnnatrou. pnek.t-books
Were f,li.d with wealth untold'-
. tdy bih•r wnr. ■ siker watch,
And eke t'good steel chain,
And well 1 re..l!rrt his straight
Old pewter -headed cane.
ne owned a !era.. ■rd thnfte farm
Of •• . ,I and tnea•fnw land,
And always hada p'. -sty of
The collar C'•:,s on hand.
I puss• a•medsahy Iriends rf mise,
Would find it rafh.r hard
To par for coats they're weannx now
Al " two pounds ten per yard."
But as for me, i wish i had
My .I!.er dulls. hark
I'd rernlleet my father'• ways,
And Tread the same old frock,
I'd never do an I have done,
Risk hundred• nn • het, •
port 1.. nhliged on oft to err,
"Oran pee,ets here to let!"
INDIAN CnCRTrnle.-+.Katietreto-,:701-
hnwh, the Felton 'Chief, recently in deecrih-
ine the pecuhart'tea of eic.ge We, remarked
'bat among the tribes of ,the Wept there
were very many curious ceremonies con-
nected with tourfehip and marriage. One A Sardinian .creel, with re(egera from
way of.getene a wife was at follows' Rorer, has arrve•I at C •nstantinople, but
When a rgnnt lndiso lilt• in lore with was not permitted to land its cargo.
any ••f the daughters of the village, he
lined in the Coneiergerie, had been con
The Spanish ministry is again on the
else of diaeolution. The resignation of M.
nidal and NI. Figueras is expected: -
MadrtJ is visited by a mild form of cho-
The body of Charlea Albert ha* ber'n put
on boar; t :c• .tfoneenteaoe war steamer,. et
Oporto, preparatory to its removal* to
The Frrnchairmy at Rome is suffering
considerably from sickness.
M. Mazzini and the ministers of Loafs
Napoleon are engaged in a paper war, re-
epecung the o.erats of the Raman revolu-
tion. -
An elteasnt upon the life of the Kine of
the Two Nellie*, - or the Pope, or of both;
hid exploded gtNaplee, before its time.
In Switzerland, several of lite cantons
avow: symptoms of opposition to the federal
government. Schwytz has taken the teed
in vindtetnng Its own independence.
The King of Holland is still without a
r'1'he dim/torsion of the eonstitntion ie pro -
• ming favourably r the Prussian Chem -
A change of minister* has taken place at
C'yIenhagen- M. Bans, Munster of the
I Aeator,bas been replaced by 14.Itnsenoern.
wool,' gra and sit down within a few Tarrle Ahhas Paella is compelling 8:s grandees
of her. keeping* strict eilenee all the while; to build a new town of palaces, north of
to a few minutes he ooeld grt up and go Cairo.
away ; thishe would repeat etx or seven The Paris correspondent of the Glagoae
times. coming nearer to her every tune.- .'fail wcitc., relative to the state of rel
At last he rite by her side, and if she makes inn in France, that Biocides are cowmanno movement of displeasure, then he NOa,nnngst, not persons prier, or in lore, or
hope. He site by her several times in 181. difliiciili n•, but voting men, who declare
manner, and at last pope the gyration...by
rutting hte hand on her head, and she se -
that life in disgusting.
cepts hint by placing her band Durr thenth. We un•lerstand that in Paris, the capital
er two. All this time he takes cars-aot to of E'rropean liberty, it is is contemplation
intimated to the Prussian ministry that it
will not join the federal league proposed by
Prussia, Hanover, and tiaaoey, and tint
Hanover had already announced its toten-
tion to withdraw from this confederation.
The retools alike Chancellor of tho Ea.
chequer for the October quarter have to en
published. The customs, Julies for the
quarter ending the Sth lost...ahibit a de
crease of 4153,tII. The excise had in. %V.' recommend the following remarks
creased 1185,000; •tamps about £225,000; from the New York Herald to tb• -peropi
property tax £91,000; and post „Rice revs.
of such Annexatiunirt. a have any patriot-
£100,000. AtiJ the Increase to • the tem or cell -respect left,-Gf r6t.
past quarter, taking the who'e Income, is
(Inc of the Caurdun jnnrnrl*, eppnaed to
£211,113, whilst the total increase of the the annexation of C.oada to the United
year is £d95,19l . The increaue in the ex States,take the ground that (:real Britain
-ports of tbec•turtry during the first eight wt 1 not coo/sent toseparabue, either wttba
menthe of the preecnt year amounts to view to im-epeoJenee and the formation of
£7,570008. The exporution of notion an antagonistic ninon to lbw U. States, or
manufactures Inc the last eight menthe her with the prospect of annexation to ilio re
increased in the ratio of 25 per cont, and P"blw ;and, therefore, it meet not he tho't
cotton yarns 33 per cents of. It aasotnes. also, that if the Cassdaa
Tho papers have nearly ceased to throat -
fi•liq prepared to demand a sepetwtiom,
eta the des of the cholera.it is probable that tn� rte of anything obit
iRF.LA'tTD. might bo done to pageant el, be tam Oen of
England, they would gain -that end : and
A faint effort is being made to revive the although the President of the U. States
political excitement of the country. Con- might emus a proclamation, as Gen. Taylor
ciliation Hall has been opennul-letters of bait done in tine care of theorems% expedition
adhesion, as of old have been, read firm the designed to seam the Cuban', still theca -
chair, and £25 5d of rest- collected, John rods of eympalhuerr would cress the (rent -
O'Connell is of coupe the principal ter Isom this country, to a_etrt Gems in their
LrvEavoot, (kt. 13, 1 NP. Now. we coo assure mer Canadian cotton -0
If we except the great excitement whisk Lary that be is trowel), euistalsem n the
has prevailed in the notion market, bareness
conclusion to which be bas arrived iia regard
during the last week has not been settee. to receiving speedway:hem the U. States.
11. is very certain that the United States
wi'I never solicit the Canadians to sees*
themselves to this republic, under soy oir-
tumatances whatever. But white we assert
tiro', we are wilting, on the other band, to
say, that it the Canadians w,Ill at some Bea
tare time prucure the consent of cheat Bei.
tam to be annexed to the United States,ws
will, when thatcoo•enl shall have leen ob-
tained, and oo their solicitation and earnest
re4aeat, take the tier -atom into considera-
tion, anal ,f we can adjust some prehmlpary
arrangement• concenune our domestic re-
lations, satisfactorily to the vaned Interest.
EWO*AT :e. -The !Lucku+lle Stu{ep-
masi-Ogle 4. G wao's papers-ary, that
a large number of the people of the Johus-
tuwn Durle*ci are leaving for Iowa. No
wonder. 11'ho would live in He vicinage
Of a gang of self -declared Pirates. --Long
Adel .9oucutc.
The money market is liberally strata'
and therates of money easy. -
The corn matelots are firmer. and prices,
if any thisg,have'drawing tendency; never-
theless, the tran-actions going forward are
by no means eatenetre.
The produce markets, both here end in
Lomlon. continue to receive large anpplier,
and fur meat descript; ria of goo.': there has
been s moderate mnq'my. in cured prtvt-
sinns a moderate amount of bu•fnees has
been transacted; prices of most articles be-
ing firm.
The cotton market has been much exci-
ted. and 00 Monday whin the Europ,i.I art this cannon, we will allow them to cotes
ladtices were known, prices immediately
an and awake of the great political tiles.
advsne'd }i er Ib.. and bath spinner' ard1 sings we enjoy. The first tb;ng for the
Nperulatnra purcharrd to alarge extent. peup.e'(Canada to do, however, is is o5-
Tbere is more rrmnepa in the grain mar•' tam tengland's consent to (impose of theme
keg..d iw tM emir. of the wink preen* solves as nein chink piano. a rrhtion to
►ars ebthUr advanced. Indian corn it i thesecond pu:ot, we -dare affirm that 11 tbo
at n 9n „r' Canadians attempt at any woo to sever the
quoted 3is t 2. rd per quarter f
white, and 17s, to i8s per quartet fel Je1-
toe. Flour Is not mach altered in value,
being, quoted at 23s 6J for Western easel
and Philadelphia; 19. to 21s for mew West-
ern; las to t5s fur Ohto: nlJ sour is worth
TAMES GENTLES. would reepeetfally in-
form the .nhahitente of Onderich, and its vi-
eisity. that he will complaint!
Keep Horses and Carriages -
FOR HIRE. Int which he rerpeetfulty solicit*
the patnaage of the public.
18th filept.'1819• vie33-if
The French Government have built, or ble .ppeara:;co of the potatoes ao Ireland....
have now in progress of construction, 33 't 1Vc feel unable to conceal. by our silence,
iron steam vowels of various class.',. that a r.idJ -a an 1 a very rapid decay,
TheCommiseioters on drunkenness IRs to that which recurred in previous
in Great Britain,e•tittoato the value of la- ream, hap taken place to the potatoes of the
tate planting. The elute. sorts have
hot lost 'through intemperance annually tseaued. We bare before us the most un -
at $200.000.000. goes tunable proof that a serinne change has
07- A new lune of :!career*, to ply be- taken place in the rout: but while the prices
eooe •lo
tween Liverpool and the hirditerraneen,bas po1nrtedte eltent(uw wof the uncannot acltieTreenrcwith ththee sorel
Great Britain by forte, very few, if toy, in-
stead of thousands will ruab across the
frontier from the United States, to their as-
sistance. If the rabud annex aim Isla coma
vet. 21. 6J per bbl. IVbeat was hold at upon any nuc h sympethy and atatstance,
ie tato 6s 9J per bbl, should jiire in Canada take snob a coarse,
they will ba. deplorably mistaken. wee*
--a portion of the people of Canada, on the
best -grounds poestbic. struck a blow for
separation from Great Britain ro the tear
•• i ears to live," wed apntthng lion. 1837, hundreds of our ardent young repubii-
Aa br wily played with -hie new-booaht goy; cane, stimulated by the loftiest impales"
Aad •marry Isogh went reheat( loon, crossed the frontier to assist them in semi -
From ,/broom filled with joyous mirth. ring liberties similar to those which theme-
„ tense the Government- 'and Institutions et
1 Lewin live" wed o.ewer line : i Itte United States ; bot it never will be to►-.
••tat, tootle mail, 1 wenld liar for yon ;
!have labored hard in search of fame- 4 gotten that the verity mon who are, in the
1 have found it but as empty 'sine "veer lt}49, eo,iueti!v demanding annexation,
'• 1 love to live," paid • happy sire.
I weir ilia m. et Inyal subjeels in 1837, and
As lib children the Winny'fire; 1 were the very men w•hu treated the Atltteri,
Fol kin heart was nearedcheered to tee their jcy, :.
1 can sympathisers so ebabbdy. This fact
.And he Gimlet wished hunaelf a bey. +will not be forgotten very s •ort ie thio nide
1 of the Ines. ALthat time there would have
"1 lore toiler." said an weed min, been some glory and honor in freeing Cana -
Whom hoar of life was .tell nigh rib- Ida from Beittah rule, because a large pro -
flunk yew sock words from him were Wild r portion of the Cana•
ewpeeialir ibe
The told mea 'mai ague • child, populaliun of Lower Canaria -were virtial-
Aed test thus m all this filler world I ty deprived chill political rights, as well as
1. the droner of hop. m the hv'er nnfurk' ; . I of any participation in the Governm•et.-,
And only with hope .1 life nn high.The id tra-loyaliate- the remnant!' of the ()Id
-..� been projected. The first of thelise, the p•ev.itio. Inca prices and undoubted. ,/bun•
TO LET, Bosphorus, is now ready for sea. dance. The alarm ben been sounded in all
ao roma twe•story fie, *ppmr e
the Steamboat Tatem, belonging to 304
TH AT h d bear the birth jemmies: and we far as our own ex-
t One hundred and fit J tons of iron cnce extends, the potaotn seemed more
W ilaon 4111, and presently occupied by Mr. B,a- have been landed at Liverpool from North rin
d more toasted every day."
man. 1t is large and well arlipted to 1*. vs. of America.. Ie quality it is superior to t'.e
a respectable Windy -having a bye esnlen and
orchard well :looked with reediest fruit tr -es of NEWS BY THE EUROPA.
•arise• I..replions. its proximity to the bar- - ITALIAN AFFAIRS.
boor ofGodertch nominees the .alely.fthe rit,a-
tion and as th. prnpnoter is deterow* that it should The announcement st Rome, that • the
continue to be occupied, it will be let on ares -public and private pecuniary engagements
of the republican guteram.nt would be re -
George of Saxony, ie to be united to a •nected, has gaiaed some popularity for the
Prussian Princess. Pope.
(17* Miss Frances T. Clark, of Westerly mention
letters from Geneva, of the 4th,
mention that Gartbalie, on arriving at the
Rhode island, lately recovered 41,500 dam- inland of Magdalena, demanded passports for
ages and costs against Ott. Pendleton, of England well the Wootton of proceeding
Stonington. Comm., for a broach of promise thence to the United State., where lie rn-
of merragr. Sin
loaded to sett ir. e thee, however, he
enable vim•, e•iher fur one or more y.an. an may
be agreed upon. For farther parricularr apply to
Ooderich, 2nd February, 18.19. 52
N in e•.ehanee for any quantity of
Ooderieh, Sept. 13, 1849. ,t-n32-tt
c rY F�I� orT
FOR GOOD CLE 1N I1.1RLEY, at the
JfAITLANI) 1*RLIVEN). by the Rub -
scriber. J. F. BRITTIN.
GoJerieh, Oft. 10, 1849. i o361t
THE• Sebeerihrr boron' bees anpoland A,est
by in„m.tee, ,8., he is prepared to receive Sob-
•eripum,.for R-nrk in the Proprietary Branch.
mid applications for Inseraneca in the Mutual
Wench, and to sir' seek i*f rsmaree on the
sshieet M may be required.
Goderieh, 26.8 Sept. 1849. 2v -e34+1
STRATF.D from: the Rubeeriber t1,. 1.,
day of Aerie last- a REI) HEIFER, one
year est pant, with • white fere, with o 1.1. red
•rola on the fare, and white belly, and a
biome( that left ear 1ak.. nff. Any pees,
leasing infnrmatiow et dm Signal O'er
will be e.t.*Aeel for their freebie.
JOHN SAVAGE, let C... Gednieh.
Om. 2S. 1849 eve39-3
-plea et Stafferdehire, and peculiarly adapt-
ed for cnnverpi-.D into steel.
Tr- Royal marriages are much upon the
taps at present.. The Entpetor of ,Austria
is to marry a Saxon Prancers, and Prince
has received proposals from the Menrevt-
(7" Th• streets of New York arc crow- dean Envoy, who offered Aim commend of
did with dt"rresaed emigrants, and the aline the forces of that republic, wheels office, it
:0 believed, he will accept.
Report says that a.f.rmnlahln conspiracy
had been discovered in Piedmont, which
watt to have broken out at Gonna on the
„cession of the landing of the body of
Chides Albert.
1t appear" from the French end P,.dmnn-
nese correspondence mewed by the Toren
ar.thorities, that the conspirators on both
ride" of the Alp. reciter' on the refusal of
the French army of the Alps to march
against them, end there to good reason to
house is overflowing with the same class of
The wife of Andrew Thompson, a
machinist at' Trent, New Jersey, ha•
fallen heir t.. 1i2,0u0, 0 by ilio death of a
relators is Engbed.
I37`T5e microscope ehnva that each lett
of. tree has a herd of insects gassing upon
it like oxen in a meadow.
` An editor Awn este has peen the
'nen 'who minder hie own b crnnee.'
We fed it ear deity to warn our rea.lore
+garnet the reenipt of belle. it.,iril by a enn-
•nncern styling itself "Thr Farmers' Bitot
Stock Ranking Company," Tho *eat of
its operations, is said to be Buffalo. but the
•nerchents of that city, in a notes pehba4al
,n a late onmbcr 111 the Commercial AJrer•
fiver, announce their want of confidence in
ta stability, and their determination to re
Noe tip notes tell they ere sattefled of eta
safety sad eon ednese.-Lang Peine .9deo-
Can a mortal ever lose to die.
Saturday's Canada Gu:rUe. centaine an
Order from the Adjatant•Gcaerels a Office,
dfsmi••ing .Ogle It. paean. of " Black
Flag" notoriety, from the Militia of Upper
Canada. He will also be- di.unsecd from
the Commission of the Peace. We haven
reason to honeys that similar act. of juotice
are cootemplsted, towards certaon parties
in the reyo.s round about S,mcoe and Vic-
toria. a.he wormer the G •,ernment cut the
eetrncetimi wtth their sheenier., the better
for tbemeelrer and the peace of the cotlnlry.
The pulling no of nee or two weeds will
net .nice.--rnal Point _ldsoroic.
firmly cotnpact who were relentless rulers
' in the heyday of their power -having lust
lbeir infl ,once and control unifier the tryst no
I of responsible government, now cenei.ler,
on the principle of profit and loss, that they
would be better off if ar.neserl to the United
States, than they new are : that their land
would be in -creamed in ,erre ; that tatlroade
would be conieruc'ed, and that the influx of
American eeterpriee and American capital
would Noun make Canada what 11,e opposito
*hare prevents.
in conclusion, then, wo will say to the
people of Canada, go to work in any way
rat please, and get, if yotl cal, the consent
Marcy Britain to be either mile endeint or
form a part of this confederacy. and then ten
Will talk to you about annex teen. Bit if
yon concleule upon theexperimeet of Fever-
ing your political connexion with that pow-
er by force, don't for the resume we have
alrra•ly given depend upon getting any
rympothy from the Uulted States. ,1s we
have frequently before raid, a emit many
•r kens and weighty question" are to be
Nettled before the annex -Dion of Canada,
even if the enneent of England were obtain-
ed, esti take place. -
kir. Mayor Mullett. of T.-rutnte, i.er
granted the ore of the City 11.11. for the
next meeting of the Lesgnr'. We have
not Jet heard who are to be 1). legatee f►otn
Noef•'Ik. of whether there are to he ant a:
all: The manner to which M.,s,a.Covern
ton and Ilunt behaved themee:ves in the
pancake gisrreh, on their journey In 1►'mg
,/ton ba., it is rewired, prevented their ree
leetio4 at prevent. it ie to be hoped heir
spec/Winn. will behave themselves Itetter.-
Lras Pedal Aiealofe. i
Dillon. IAN, of they had ronnented to march The Hnn.'hle Ll $. Viger, the Receiver
biro 11"1"PN RI 1, ' hal "Ida n. to ti we march Goner.! he. weir" of3ee on *ecnttnt 11
the removal of the Seat of (:overnmenl,-
rnppnrt to the Piodmnotese palette.. sod" The 1I- norsbie Gentleman leave* the 111,n -
not to oppose them, is*ry on the beet aeons with his late eel
AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. ' leagued to whom he will continue to Roc
Pontine, nerve rela'ive to the eorrecdrr a hearty rapport. He hoe reigned ent:re'y
n( Comoro it fully ennlrtncd, after the pe- from moltre* of per -renal en ucenienee, 74..
Vigor to a rich man. end at hist time of life
ten cannot wonder that he r,fitien to desert
the eominrte of home for a permanent reel
Jenne in a etran_e city, with the kicks and
buffets of public life it prorpeetive.-614e.
'riot' who hold pos.esaios of the fertrese
succeeded in making very favourable terms
with Austria,
Th. Wurtemberg moremont has formally
F►.rtt the Journal Ansi Exprrsw
00151* v,
DEAR fpm, 'ttTtt. n I fire* addreared Ton.
1 promised In�sitre v, n a few hints epos the
'subject of RtItenchment; ■rid, as rho mat.
ter to one attracting a ennstd.•rable share of
mention pet now. 1 eve,,ol do better than
,devote my prevent contmnntcation 10 it. 1
am not ate it, lis cnntra.t t'aeadtnn ripen.
ern With the United States °nom [if 1 did, i
van alined lh,t the result would he anything
than flittering to tel, lint to *bow that nor
.ystrm is too rv; rustle, and 11411.1 be mad*
chewier. Although the i►ivetpal ute.n■ of
expend•tern basis been recently 'sheer, to
wallow, prints, the matter is prnh4r, and
minuet be too often delft -with:- F store,
therein's, to se little •trace. yid Ile few
worrier se po•, h'e. detail 11., rhe t rete! of
Canadian State management, and as briefly