HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-11-01, Page 2i i gib •ap•sie ee be emery knew ema Emmy geode impereedi, ee en greed • lwk.l for Mem. A, stewing po?ulattoa *poke of • ,towing and pe mistress r 0.Iry. Ie IS$4 tae Predate had only l00m019'.hshe- Is■ms, to 1646, $00,00o I.hsblesate. 10 lt1311 only two eche..re of 100 tune her time nn hue Port Ntsoley: but now ono rsskel •Ion* as, lumle4 there, with 16,001, bushels of wheat, large saough to cress the Alen'''. mut two Qlo.sthoa,e regulerl% pa(ew.m eg tbetr tripe to Wettest end Bufolo. Aj.u,. to Lu' •t lb. vereeue for the Quarto madiag October 611., 1M1L, tad that (ire the vasa: time of the preempt yea.: - (.h 51h, 1848 L31 000 « 161(1 78,Uut 1 £44,,00 .Braid 1• the face of this he would eek. was Ceeode desponding; er one Montreal 1 Yea, it woe Montreal. Again. the three quartere recants of T••ront • few this year exceeded by Lt co) the total rrrrop'h et Isis. and by los time she w.rrrs'I••e e10.ee. It would exceed by £20,000 last year's lie ! Look at the increase of ',moiety* of Puri Btanleyt-from 1931 to 1840 it sedated from 3 to 6,000 tone;', 1817 t' wan 76.-)00: mad in 1848 it aa• 100.000 ! Thee was conclusive proof that es were n.rl only ad - renew/ as fast as seen venial get. IIs wnu'J stand for the British tltg, and would ley in the words of the (wet, " Lead of my sires. what worm! !had Cao ere •nleutet the film) bend That toils ow to thy ragged strand I.' The Reer11,rion-as fol oes-wu then Put to the mect,ne, and carried uriautmous- ►r- 3:d. Resolved, " That a calm rompenson of alleged sdaantagee and dt.y.irantages ut Ihe prupo.ed ,chemo. shows *hs' it t. not Jeetrable rota on the grounds urged by ue advocates." 111 was thee s e•eef. peennded and emoted. That a copy of the Resolution, be forward .d to the Cn;l Secretary st Montreal. The mecUeg the. adj .orncd. LETTER FROM .ION. F. IIINCKS ON RRECiPROCITY. A enpy of the folios mg setter from the inspect••I. General to Chauneev Cr. shy. £aq.,.an.o8•,epna elec'or of Markham, on the euhjrct of reclprocel Free Trade, has leen shown to net Glebe). A. it is a does moot of public tr,tersat we Irate obtains d liberty to pubh.h 1t := Toao:roa.:2nd Oct., 1849. ):T Dugs S,., -I feel armored tbat you *al not require any apology at my hand• for addressing ton on a toetc which, (neat . unf'rtnpatelr for the interests of our boor - sl country, has been lately agitated in seine parts 4.1 the Prov,ere, bat especially in the eat) of Jlosire+l, Prefer to the4m,p'etti• o that has been formally made to the, people of Canada, to coreWee the r zped Crecy of seeing a change in their political condition. 1 believe 'hat 1 a'u warranted in asserting that, setting aside ibosu questions which our own Parliament has full power to .elite the single cause of disc n'cnt among oar people at this moment white from the re- strectiona imposed by 1110 United Slates on the admtstiun of net staple prodee's into her nu,ksts• 1' have hod a. opportunity since my return from Eni:lan•I of ronaeretng with parsons acqu+inlet atilt gable opibi •0 in carious ports of Upper Canada, and all seemed to agree that the encon•Iderato cry for Annexation would he at once •teff d be thea ibli.h'nent of reciprocal Free Trade with the United S•ate•. i regretto•l, how. ev.r,'0 find a very prevalent opinion that the Vatted Steles would never make the conces.nn. Thin Annex item rutovenwet to of r•o vee not calculated to a,otst the effirt. of 'hose who are label -log with nil their en orgies to remove the gneeencca under which the agricul nr -ts of Elite Province are suffering. It wnulJ be incxped int as a' would he improper for me, in a Commeiniea• Mon of the kind,•nt elate what has been or what is now d•ong in ,Iia mailer, hal 1 think 11 highly impurin rt that it ahnulJ he generally and. rsto.xl that the Imperial Go - la thoroughly *ennoble of 111e ,..n. po• rtante of kering the free a.tmimaon of oar products lots the American markets ; nnJ 1 4 , not herniate to stale it aa m) firm con fiction that wet leve over retia n to look forward, out only with hope, but with confi- Je,Kt, to the speedy al teinment of our r b- J•c'. '1 he corse taken bt• certain parolee ro Montreal is calculated to injors most deeply the twat interests of the Proviuce, - 'rho demand for Annexal leen re f.mnJ,'J on i ' wt ole of as entire m • rel rano , app n a+ 1 tis p1.L.c o;inion in En_land. Tho genercem atm' intents expresses by English Stet canon to the •R,et that they ha:1 no dn.irs to ►e• talo the Colonies a;ys.nsl the wishes of their inhabitan's, here been enn.Irucd rite Iml.f- f*ronen aetothe pormas.ne of theeonn•x• low, an Mil fference lu wh..h lo t as'.lr woolly tint felt hy say nnntwrona party in En glenet-not melt area the leading•auesrnmt of tow partied 1� Into which thePrn . pie of OM ^Word cnonuy aro divided moat favourable M the sobsisteng eonnetion, but aha warme-st advocates of Colonial reform, --�twch hien sa M•. linnw. See Williao, M •!eswnrth. ant lir. hurJU :, wool I new with den r.rretth.1,0.1.540 of such z move anent k' %het contemplate.) by eertan, par tlNst Montreal, 11 *mild inele••d be mor- tifying to toes friends .1 Ilbeen' governm 'vel everywhere. a!in'ld it torn .out that the c•'n• 1.511.10 of the mo t ample powers of Pell gerernmonI t•. rhe m-st lnnort,nt Colony of the F. spire .h ul1 have the effect not of ✓ ren ytiweing the b .0.15 of aflirrtien 14 the "tither Cunntry, bet 1.( rndeey 'levering gotten for neer. It aroma ;trot).h.y that lh.• Orel •trugele between ft,* Annexttiunt.t end the friesde of H,n■sh Connexion will 1 .ks piece In y•.ur hiding. If iv; ng las. ly oat , me .y •rtorilry of steertatnrng. the stews of tnoaing 81 regrow, in Eigla11. both wi'h regard to the rannexh'e and to Oro q•Is,linn of reel l'f seal free trade *Ma tits Unitsi Stain., 1 Rewe felt t,,t at mneh • erisre i shoot I bet w• nting In doty to my twuMry were 1 to a,th'nl1 them. It or awwenver, doe In the friends of rhe Ad SdMvtratt.,n throngh.,ut the Prnaince, whew ,onerous support has paced ea in a•e► resent rrw w m.tblr plaiting), that nn aeis.edsretanding shont.l exist as sea !n ner- vews. Thom vow* here been aamcinntly '}.reset n1 1■ kir. 13.I.1w,.'o fetter to Mr. lerry Thiry are entertained hy every •Mw►aT*lthe Attain'cretine. and will he eerr,N,l mot by us in (Ace peovided we ere aeppMied b, those with w'1'1m w• have N/MMIIp tried. 1f on the other hand we .4A.la 1lredeeerled by thee* whose ,o,fi- 5$It* bre Beth•rtn aurlain.d en, res have a ebbs 11Nt7 to perform to ear ttoveseege tied nee onua•ry, »lager le 1-0 sustain nay A ieliedstretbea Ateerable t. &Web Cao n etlea, whew! .M .stented a larger sow o f psNle e.e1ie•ae thee aerselese. ( have the bras to be, M7! dear Ree, Yew .b.diset threw. F. I ll1'1Cli$." CsisecrltT Clumsy, Eaq., Markham. .�v�. vw.��sr. ww•.rwvv. HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 160'. CANADA AS SHE 19. Tara hrat wealth which the &footrest its- o rasnunnte Mould ha.e ens•idered ,..--•• 1s pwesoh t rpsrdoo from Britoil, pnetiesbk 1" that le, wall Great 11 thin inertly allow her North Amenesa Cokuirs to slits nut of her pne.esmion into the emhrsen of the Coiled Stated %Ve essaot perceive the b.*eoty ser the wisdom el reciting Ihs public wind with the rlitlrtiog gewgaw of '' peaceable Annezatios ' We are ',warmly sw.m that the moss of the peo- ple in the present beli-educated, half-tbiukieg state of society, are easily excited upon any sab- iee', and more eepecially whore the eutyeel pre- tx'red, to letter their social coodianw, hence we see .o difficulty in gilding the Aaneiaiion Pill to as to r.eder it gaits palatrsble to thousands of 'he raci,abk; but, at the nine lune we are equally well swan that efirr agitation has been carried to lie extreme Lunt -after merungs upon meetings hair been held -and after culumn upon c"Irmo has b en written and printed -after ubon.and. of •• Rreolutrone" have bees uasni- n..usly carried, sad after cart -loads of aplesdid •preahn here been del,ver.d model " winen- dunes eieeriug !" Yea, ■Iter the grant padre mead, nomenc.11y'peaking. ha been brought to the very verge of Annexation, there will be nor other obstacle to conquer, and dial it -the Brit. isk :fray f Mr. Cones in'Ibe house of Commons may del ter it to ,• • great fsci," that she toil of re- tains Camila is mut h greater thau the profit - hnd tome other Mr, may openly declare ilia ii I *add be good policy to slow Cira.Is to ,lain (or herself, bur neither of these Mr.'s can offer hie opinion all Ibe intent eon of she Booed, 0 we. ernmesr : and hence such opinion, and senti- ments drlevered by pirtictitar individuals in the Home of Commons are entitled. tet 110 more weight in the d,nc.m.eon'o(the Annexation quea tine ,Nan if they hal been delivered in a Coffee House. or •t ■ common les party : and by being pnmpu,ly psnrled in C.nsli lir. only (•alculated to enen.re the unwary and the uniofor11,e.. The Leaden of the Annexation movement sr- e.rteiu- ly aware that " peaceable Aerie:mien" is • mere hnhb,r-s flimsy hoax th.t may deceive and u1- PmHely ern a number of etmple ignorant mon, but cannot possibly be' realised : and. therefore, lit would he mere manly and more honest to in- form the people, at once, 'hit if they wish • tep- i a'atinn from Britain and • onion with the United Sieves, they moa lg4t for it. There is, how - 1 e,er, something peculiarly remarkable in the fact, 'hat the first Mayers in these treaeon,bl..ex- trxregoncrs g•n•r..11y escape the tarter n( d•.- tr celen min w .e , theaed more i■ o nascent, but so- , fortunate dopes are dawn -end we think it is the t 1 Ju n( every hoo•rt man •ad of ever real friend r T r ! of h.mairy, to am hue whole influence in en- d.srnreng in pretest hta nnw•pecieng and anis• formed fellow creatures front having ei,h•r lot sir Mut in this in,d movemen,. 11 i+ tri-, dist in inaegnificance and its ahannli'y aught to ant all m ruffieiant preventive. hut there are many ignorant well-meaning men in Cana I* whn might be in• doted even by n very Int visit allurement, to for. fret boils their al!eg-,soce end their lire.. ' Let it be firmly impressed open the public 'mind that "• p•nce.ble Annexation" is a mere fm(4fe, and that Anr.eziteoa at the expense of b.•nung the Bre,iah Army weld core far more thea air really worth I But even ouppoaing Ih•t finial wall wailing that we ,houlJ mote with the seighboriex Stater, • Mat hal aneuse 9 s were willing to have u, - which ere c -mainly the first two points of the annexa,inn ein.nlion-,edit we have a decided objection In being annexed. There i+ for tan II much of the Gadln% strings prioeip'e in this I same Annetnnon doctrine for ug. (Ve cannot brdtk the Ile. of acknowledging MI' intrrlorlty to Jona then even with all his rdroad gonheadi- area's,. We ere eery far ft -en drsome to on. , &realm: the energy and emplane. of the Ameri- ease a• a nation : on the Coelnry we willingly admit :hat they have taith( an invaluable lemon to the older netting of the forth. 'They have '(ane more for the attainment of real motional greatness in rerenry Tear•, than any odder coun- try has done in Ihrr•.,itnes that period. mad they are still continaingJ My to set emend,' n( io- 1 duster, Per. r , r. r so-! : im taroeat that are worthy of imttNinn. Rot while we willingly acknowledge their ruefprii-, and arca! Inthem a:1 the cre.hl which espied, doe to them, wetter. at the wee time unable to understand why Ihi• 'pint of mnterpr.oe may tint he emulated not the. +•Je of the bole:dory 1,01. put e. .weee..fully nn - der our present fora of Gnvernme,,t, a it could he by annexing earaches to Repnhlicae.m.- Fnterplin..nd progress rent( ntn•e from a lively , ntellrcr, than from any peculiar farm n( Doreen • men,. and we cement Ment that Repub'i..nism hal siren the Am••neans a mennp ly of min I. - Britain, sit this moment, eon boat of more *plea- ded intake's than any other country is the world, end yet Rnuin is len 'ecetar,J wnh Re- !midireneem than any of th. Ear1p.an notions -- ft cannot be denied that the national mini ie es. ay canny, is to tone extent influenced by the vee tare of the Gnrernmeni, nnJ the freedom of the mittens' en•Ioutiona: land for tetiarearina wee be- lieve that Canada i, wow in eiream.,aaees to pregree, am rapidly ■+ the United Slue., W. hove new obtained freedom .f G•.vrnm.nl eeew to the fulle.l eat ret -we bares h,ht•r 1531te.n fan even that inojesef by RepsMip.um•-we ha.e neither Army .or Navy ugppo., air 5w. civil Gnvergrew*' tense only leonhes, sod 'hi. we can light's at pleaesre : we have • comma teeming with resource, of we.l.h sod ememoeit►. -we hew (.el!i,fe ■ .f tniata.rt sod tater. al e.m.wer.e onag.aited'0 the wnrW, and I. tern off thaw to the cwt de.itage, we base meek eaglet. ie'egnee brats•, •a lower beat ire aha en. deem al adore Ainees.. ot OOP .yet p0+e11• The oeotpsewiset meed -•ter seetlk.i. of .s. oe•.try hoe art tsgoMed heti the (b1 Mos we new set leaned t. the 5.1.811.. het boo *to fest that we Mee sot entilswd the trembled., is their veterprise sad patriotism. We Mae Irked w, whittles sad Isaeretl.g ens sso anal of *merry, sod ridtedie f sad de.pmeg astir e* - 4rit,. Int as sew threw aside trie silly, os. predawn'', seK•oe•eas. Int; w gleet sp the relines of mos, that bated .4 iedslps5 the b•gearly practice of mollies fur senwhody to seam sed help no, let es We weresavee-isoteed e( ensgieg fee Aaesauaes, let sou once feel sad proudly proclaim that Cawed& is ogre; red kens' this, we will speedily r,.ote abs idea et adagios fel oasi.usc. to reader oar Country great, prat. peroes. •sd happy ! DISCOVERY. To every belie.. r io the progressive iape.rre. teem' of society. there is• kind of in■lineilve, in- deeer'bsble wtiw(tetisw_-w aorta mystical enjoy - Obeid is the word Dlscerery. ft is half, set of hope, but area/ley-it coneys the idea 0( as.. they step is the ladder of progress, or, ie fat. It 1. progress itself -the entire march of society is founded on discovery. We love is chroniciedie- covenes, and could almost he casted sat of • night's sleep to give additional publicity to anp thing moriusg the title of " Important Discove- ry !" There is a great defic(Ency of this source of were' eni.ymeet to Canada -aur brains are coo thick, or too cold, sr loo tu.Jdy to cood.eles duo the speeotstive regions of discovery, and it is only saprrior spirits that. like Avert's vivito, at Zoog interval., throws a'if.m of new light upon the Canadian mind, by feeling 1 01 wass- thieg. The se,icene•s of any commodity Vigo. oeradly taken ss the measure of its valve and op. on thee rale a dimmer? in Cassds, is offer 'treater imoor lance and more entitled to publici- ty, thao if it bad Leen made by the Yankees, wham whole life i. out unbroken develnpeme.n '.f dercoveri.., It is grate() Mg, however, to pe:eeive that Canada is improving in the science a(dieeor.ry ethos' as rapidly as .he is in the cubism -mg of the .nil -for instance, the Torie. of Chatham in the %Vetoers District, have very recently discovered that she Britit4 Awericwn Leaped has already note m..A goal ! !! And we are informed that the enthusiasm with which this discovery %s, eommooics'md ,n the Hoa. GIs. Morrarr,'he great (seller of the Leegue, was not green than the •omni -lament with which the ereu futher.Sip re.eiv.4 it -in last, it is raid he literally g.eped wkeu he heard the announcement! Thee. thenis the beginning as new era in Ibe history of Canadian diaeomert•. And .ecnnleng 1m the old saying •'it add Int rains but it roads." (V. ff. R-»ternt n(T))rnntn. simei!tenenu+ly wtth the announcement o! the Ch+them diecovery, e nd gluiest at the very moment That the lino. O Mosr•rr was gaping, diatronml th■t all the • Iendtd ,perchlytn_ f Ins brother Tories of the Legge- *Lon, pinr.c,i.e duties rod the enori.:.- onre of eh. Nnoegstion Law., was mar flamtue- ry and +hat the Free Trhde pohrr .1 the prreent Whig Slioe.rry of Brehin was. after all, the only policy dna could possibly ave Corinth (spa An - n es -aeon amt consequent ruin ! Truly, this es the age el d.ecovery ! But, t, is:k seriously on ,sic eu!rj-et, Mr. I10Cl.703's dieenrery, although way at *thence with hes own clevieet, and with the conduct of his potty, •i.. 'severity le.Y, T in ac- cordance with the .pint of the awe-tt is in har- mony with the principles .f pro! e.e-a fill, hut u n'h•r ■ tircuitonn and equivocal ncknnw - .dgemeal that nil kir fanner conduct a, a p.iti- e'*1 way (sloe -Ili,. lila opponents in, patties are correct, and that the ni 1, p doh which is henee- I"nh practicable in a British Colony ra liberal- ism to it. somas: !nut. The day at exela.ion- when men in little paltry pries, lite the anal in Ilea own unaccnmmeolaing domicile, wr.rpi themselves op in the narrow .brood of inemen, selliehneos, is now past forever, *o:l the eaten .eon of huntan tulercnurse will keep. pace with the •xp.n•inn of the humin mind. and hence we soy. II,.t W II. B.tci.roe is nn the right !rack, and in thus ackoow!edging the errors of his party and ;he aop.reor statesmanship of hes opponents, he is entitled to 00111P credo:. The di.cevery of the Chatham Tories is, is its Datum, 'lie very op- poeire of Mr. Revival's dt.coeery-itli tendency is bsrki•a,dr-a niers: hnliciouenn bel.n;ins in the ■ge of witchcraft, re any other age vel de:u- .ion, when men knew nodiff•rence b•t.ve•n ,uh- •tinee and shadow. W ' We are net. , ndegree. o ■T . n,pns.J that the ilonon!rle Denote. Moffatt should hue• gaped arod exhibited his sri'twi•h- menl on being informed that the " L.ogn. " had done mach seal ! for, Mr. MInffatt knew, 551 5- fsctnrily, and every other min in Canada knew, that the Le•g„e had done no good -nobody Peet expecte.'. ,het it wool' do gond, it wits never in - ended for gond, and the highest cotnplement that can reasonably or honestly be paid to the L.agne 11j10t to ay that it has neither done goal oar evil. It toot the dupes something to send the delegates to Kingston. and the delegates derives some ■easement from their meeting -.theme are the only two known elh•cl., and when fairly bal- anced spina each other, Ale gond ■red er,l are left exactly en 4 Geer. We ere neither disappoin- ted nor snare that the League has Jane no good -this is all we calculated on -but we are cer- tainly grieved to find that In this age of progrea sod intellectual improvement, nor country.hould cantata mea either ignorant enough, or b■.- e- nough in Moult the enmmoe-rense dale people, hy boldly string a falrehnnd for an evil peewee. E+Psy ma t ( tamest intelligence is Canada knows that the L-agee hos nothing more than • wemima1 eaiamnee-,hal it is spokes of merely ea Ow same in sold fur the tame emptier melte Ireh pw■mtry tell thee, (-bane* of the Sa.ut4ee' Every man whet knows anything ei 1111 Lea rue ken.' aha (u was eempnani of a mom .f,hw omit rsnfli •ting elements that •v.r arlemwed to fetch together, .id that ■1 this moment there're tint .i. m-mnera od 11 who clad agree on may owe pout which would leaner the prosperity of she reentry. The w►.anisers of it are row the leaden .•f the rebellii.ss movement for A tie., and ,harsh a number of the Upper Csn.d' f.rwgetder are "Mooed an that eisioyal nine -- m•01, yet. they SIP ♦edited In no more credit hit this nppewiumn then the nn of their G1111* Col - eases. •sd are ewpwhle of eeeriig fMet is 1 the iae sea the matter se the poorest clan ss Her Maiesy's anidean . Th. Wealth (ntell,- rPete. and renpeerbitiiy of Upper Cu.Ja he.* seb.Y.lhly pet IAo vete ee the Aswzaues sweeter, rod whatever poetise of (he Ls. pe- w hatm hemi tbsir mete mer ie 'Meg • -. ply Mrlssehee d Ise pearl l.m M the people of Canada eve mer dent Ih.4 dol/ is ataelasee wage .bels Wham •Cslmtfees sad en est ended to see whit wear the or eolith thee the ..b -e peroo.s d the seets..uy. Veer idiom cueuensu.ees, we thus' there iso eery greet 41'1'40". ublwki.g iwitsedeese is the maks- mom of the Chatham Teethe, that Ibe Serbstl doweiews Lasses 4a4 d►adp Mets wast goad I! Q Wa have jest 15saieed • letter Iron Wit atst eemplaieiag tet the Signal width* meshes the Ilsy.dle peat ogee "tuber ,hu Meads, : sod in reply, mime reel, affirm 1Mt all nor ps- pen gains Eanward, .re regolsrl) mailed res the day of peblieatlee, is e.fficiest time for the Thurwlay Emotes's mail. KING'S COLLEGE. COMMENCEMENT -A iIDR E.$S OF 11t1 EXCELLENCY TIIECIIANCELLO1t. From the Globe. Thursday was the der appointed for the annual convocation of King's College, To- ronto, for the potpie* of ennferring det•rees, $c., and Ibe occasion was looked forward to with pmru11ar interest, (tom the feet that 1115 Excellency the Governor Geneve' war to be present is hid canncity of Chancellor of the Un,ver•iiy, to lake part .n the cere- monies of the day. About sewn alis Excellency, arcompeni- ',1 hy the Hoa Ctrl. Braude, snored at the Verge Street Wharf (ruin Drummondville. on board II. M. Steamer CAerokee, and war received by she Rev. Dr. McCaul, Viee chancellor of the University. A gosr.l .l honor of the Retie Brigade win in alien d,nee, and the band .truck up "Goof save too Qi. to" a• hid E:xcel!Crc, 141id0d. Il r Excellency immediately entered an epee earriage that was to wailing, with the IL.. Dr McCaul, and drove raetelly off alone Front Street, toward* Ellahs's ilotel. moist the respectful salutations of the eprrtstnrs. The Convoratinn was held as notal, in the Chambre .d the Legi,ilal,vQ Aosembl, in Parlament Bt.lding•, and third* after the door. were threaten open .1 hal'-pest one o'clock, every inch mf the ',pace Allotted to stator* ass den..ly crowded. We oh eerred a v.•,ry Large ntenwr r of readies preeen' who appeared to watch the proceeding, ()too, hoot with (tarty interest. shorty before three o'el..k his recoil.', ee the Chancellor, ace. mpasMd by the ntli cera red prof:mord of the University and the gra.luate• amt enderersde.1m., u , 'eth• or with this matters of Upper C. Collets eniprr,l the hail and took their teepee/toe 1dial1,n,.. trol.'en•r, who looked re•rarkably wool, worn the hends.�muc'+t11ule of Chan 11 s E cell r of the Unlace...y__0tz., robes of pun plo velvet with g'Id ',timber, end rap with gull tassel, his l,or,lrhip Olen work the syr and ribbon of he order .-f the Thi,'Im. A( ter the preeenr:.ti•-o . f a Latin a.',lseas t.• the Chancellor to .w h.clit Ills Excell: ncy repl-,tf.! iniat'e, the bttrin.ps ot 'he day e'•n,uencrel. The recitations were highly credoaht. to all concerned in then, e.ne,ial tv an original English poem en 1 t, knhorl Sale, b) T. A. IIad.peth, 11. A., alith " ckrtied very great applati.e. The retire eaten tit boom. and Innd..'s were .pre.ente.t 10 the eticrcs-fns competitors by his Excel h tette), the Chane••;I••r, who areuurpen,ed 1 beta w11h an apuropnsle ael.lrr,.. The • erne. were Prrn.n'eJ iwoem rbc the ' 1 ro.pecll+• 4reife•snres,- who .• complimented 111e R,udenl• von highly on their prutieten 1y end ,p;44eetr•.n,' 'rhe foVhwing o Gentlemen were adtied ' tri degrees ;- AL .l.-\\'e.troiep. (R. G.) R. A. : Mc Dunne! 1:71, 5.) B. A.: Joaso;,nRev. 11. B. B. A. ; 11.14*.,, (R -.v. Etta.) R. A. 13. C. L.-,leMieltarl (Dant.) R. A. Q. .i.-3. McKerzo. (Rev. J. G. D.) ; 3 Kin/green, (1: J.); Stin.en (I: es••• , z••r), I:l.1' reed (W. O,): theroid (M.): Dark (T. R. Endep ((i. F.): ' McKcgse (M.): tVteer ((),'m.) Another ('as -,,'tate, 151r. Adam. Crook... 1 should hat, r'ce,ve,i the degree of B. A. n.1011of revers- iIlt:ew, hs wee e 11.1001.40100ilpahleo0 ter(be p111resent, The Follow- -g st'elend% Matricu:atatl : 1. IleggarJ. J. 1)'_: 3, 1ende!I, Nom.; 3 C'ron'bic, E. M. A•; Alo,a, Filw,l.; 6. r Craig*. Jos.; 6. Bowl1v, David: B•,yl, William; l.awr,ann, %V. 1 • Next carne the recite tem of Prize Compo P '.etions, In the fnl4rwing order: English Poem, by R. 1. Teller, Freoilrnan. V, e ..h I b c1 -••l n , 'bre*'•." e ^ i is ebic M1 Crrrk (r � e / s, y Rey. J. G. D. McKenzie, 6,:".r Sophhler. Seib eet- Nhakspeare. 3 J pari Mery IV. A•1 iv. Sec. 4, from "'thy wish" to " o'd 'Dhabi- lan'•." Bailiffs Essay, hy T. A. tlnd•netle, B./1. Latin Poen. by A. M. Clark, Fre•hiaan.- Seihjee'-" Themrsta-" English Poem. by T. A. ilu.l.peth, B. A. Sobj'ct--Robert " Sir n 4 •tc.' ' Prizes were also er ago n adds T. A. li"d- rpeth, B. A., for Latin verge seed Englr•h Prose: to Adam Crooke, Senior Sophister, for Greek Verge. The Un:verety Medals goer' won se fol - I w o ., nz : by Mr. Adam Crn•,ks, for Clusi- rel Literature, and for Metaphynrs and 14ihic,.: Rev. J. G. D. MrKenzim, tor F.rtden c1Va cs oO.f BaEbleca eatw'lnnd, Ltteratltr.;NE.,Iural:3PAruseorlo1,,e amt for pbv. The Wellington Scheel within was won by %Ir. J. D. Annette: the Com•re',r Clam/cal Ncholarehep, by Mr. I. T.11oggaril, from (leper Canada College: the Unr,er.itr Mlathematrcal Scholarship. 8. Mr. Wet. Mendell, (rem 11.. Jelly's' own Dutrtrt Gram- mar School, Brockville; and the Home District Semiireh,p, by Mr. E. M. A• Crombie. from the Homs District Grammar School. Toronto. The other prim," awarded, were rn Rev. F Ba1Jwtn, for Domino.; Arthur tV ek•nn, R. A.. for 11.1.,.,: Rey. J. W. Mare', Divinely; Jea.. H,/rl0nri. for Law: J. D. Arrnn,,r, for Cla• ice and Rhetoric; G. M. Keel., for Mathemeties ani l'hynce, and lbbl'eal Liter*tnre: E 1. Ftt.gereld, ftie 11vhem*tre•, [eerie. E.t.ieties... end althea' It/termer.: A. M. Clark. fur Chewed: C. Freer, for (.ogle( and 1. R. Tyner. Eviden- ces. At the clove IM reinventing. which were throughout, of a very intere.teng an 1 im nna'ng character. Me Etren.ney, the with •.stilet t. ski Mate eiad Nodules el the Usaveatly• I fel, Indigo sad 41.el1.- steo, that I .►•11 itsre8.go thio osis eery a.ap.rfretly, fee, •kbw.gh, are IM ..tsetse of toy betel limits t.. Toronto 1 have dread'mu +• m'.Ck mute es 1 tura wpm, to the "Jai rarity, t. which Isetltutioa 1 have at Ways, bees driers by • eery meows •IltmclIon mrd •1t& whds •t • 4t.tsec•e from Turunw, 1 hart taJtatwred by all the mases in sir power to keep so y. ted with No surreal .Rain. 1 moot 1,i 1 settee. Mit 1 f e1 time 1 bate secuatpfpbed thee obje.•s Isos folly thea 1 Amid bars denteed, •o.1 I cannot mewee•f froth 700. sy npfefse, the •u long u ' b. teal of Gevsreateat was d • •hstance frump Toronto 11 wee 501 1e toe power of the Governor (tensa) In diecberge the duties of Ch•.e.11or ut Mb O•I,►Nty, is a manner altogether eatr•Letory au him +.•1!, or Worth -oat to the In*Ulution. (Gesell cheers ) I am very glad, ladle* and gesile• meg, Let it le ray power to crake this. avowal on 11.e tureens, °creston, to the pre- sence of the learned Prulesaors, sod of other efe•tl.tnsa who • e Soaeteeted is she reel. fare of the ltm'ilutt•ro, because feu. mot clip-cien,lously affirm, that no one of them either feels more acutely, or mors unfeign- edly regrets the deficiency with wbtch 1 may vee cha•ge..ble in this rem, eel.- thee 1 tin toy - Nell. 1 am indebted to the Vice -Chancellor for some info,m+tino wjlub 1 *ball he hap- py to 9000 you, It appetite, that *ince the rear I1113,when Ibis Inatiiution was opened, 430 students have been entered upon the souks, that 70 degrees have keen conferred, that there have been 13 ble,lal,ste and 4 Wellington 'cholera, and no one that bat .*d the upportnee y that I have had of form ing an opinion with respect to the quality r the education which ,a given Dere, can I••ub' the ties ii,Ututton has already con- ur..•d v.+t benefits epi, Canada. ((:ria' .heemsc-) A.•4 let ego observe, lad,., ,n.1 gentlemen, that very peculiar impar ince .1.chee t., the cause u( elueatio5 rete amour me at present 1 •peek n.,w not principally of the genera) or common .eb.lol education in which the masse' of the community may participate, but of edoca• 'Inn in Its h1_h.a branches-..( educaUen 4 ih.1 quality which 1111 1110* .ueh a inert dice of tome and of labour as few male of th •..embers of fie eurnu.nulty tan *god t e'er. 1r appoare from staruU,■ wh.ch pita e depended Upon, that the papulation 0 Western Canm.'a has during the tail 30 n 10 rear. doubl,J I•se!f in each dereenial error', and other platonic. no iess rehabs and indeed the obv,(rrario5 of awry per., who has travelled throagh the country an •ren the excellent hour's, the .ell-eult, rated folio., end other ind•e,l,n'. of coir( 'ori and pre-pertly'o be met with on ever -le, -how that mantis/obi e• m art an1 well bring lien been advancing ■'nengst e• • Ie. -t with ,quel rlrldee. (('beer.) Now ours ly under thee" enctrm.tancrs it is in tumbrel upon u■ In ties every exerli•11 las the material prngre*. of the country thein '.0151110 es igwelkrtual progress. IM wealth and luxury Ircreari"g wttb••et a ear reepond,nor ent•reatr in them tastes an habits ...loch sc•-nrupiny • A•gh .tate o eistleset:nn s!1' old, leke rink and ter mom ,• reds, Pprr ad over 11.0 en:Jaffe of our an 11e1y. (L uJ cheer tor ) Lal tns Near* 1111 that Om •p, rrhe n- tun which 1 ' me neer xpressed to by nn moans ehttnencal, for wn Ivry in 'n a*'and 17a coed.( •n of soclrty wore Int'•,.rabl• 10 she growth of what mar o called the argnt.tltve prupens•ne.-tt ha exclusive growth of the e••mnr.-re,a pelt then any which has routed before In he h .tpry n(the world. An what, ler an, r Ne i,•n 1 dol 1 R n n • abet A .eery um .vt►h rP•ptrt to taw uta of these e„mmteltum. t••. in sato. h that epvn hyo. tn.ed,nately ,red d'.nr•part ' ,oat •it senna sod d•.rlop• red E's bow we. linger with tom) .fr Alen among •the rete eh ch goer,• adurnc4ley the gtner...,a art of Pbs1aa, damns gore. tied ten,plee which have eeh• M the pr.( and teae!t:ng. of Arteteo le. of the Referees:lea to the fr(•de gob tete (155410141.01saiSar shift' ie these ttatlanr- ,ble words : " Root, Rest, has. we est Wally to meta r' (Cheers.) o e Nevertheless 1 het that the Un/e.nh5 eif i;anaJa boa a high soles to perkures-to hold aloft Ibe lalwjr of Kline* aloes tits Mats aid smoky *spot. that *meld oboe.►e its lu5'r(-to lncuteate cuu•t•ntly and ►I.W11y • lose for elf Halts 10.5.8(. kap N Aim*, report. b84 to pelet• Ie Audi •*Ills• height* which tea n.'y be gookob* toe ps- mee.l, pesseverfeg, and siaglr•lltected. God, t. M. Ittecsy, greet shit wider ell ,I.`1, - lades sod .8.a .., suds •11 oaseseolaecss o1 reason lied ..f tome, ib,, Usn►reily of Ca- nada may ever rememb.s how holy slid bow mportant arc its luocUeaa. Ile F,acell.._ ey Iles modeled he emit amid.t s•thuehts- lie and pr.•luoged cheering from the crowd - ••J ,dunce. At.the concluslun of Hie Exeellenry'. speech, the unsettle( p55 dewed with the cutluuiaty formality. TUTOR PKNT ANND0\CENENT ! - TORt)NTO THt $IiAT OF GOV- ER.vMENT ! ! The event »hath we lame long sine* en- uouneed t.i aur readers, last eight received itr nMc,al een�ruuunn, We hate greet ph -cure in eongratulauag out fallow chi- sels. that the Frit of Gooprenseet will is a few dors be in Taost.l rare more. How much it wi:t add to the vitae el property, god 'heliostat -es of our ruing they, It is im- poeelble le estimate, but it Daum be con - 1 11 ae lung wince rem. informed our -riders that the Seel of Government could go w whore but to Toronto, and ws 1,,o neerr swerved (root Mat dselaraltou, tenms perfect coevicUon of eta correct nen. W. have to return thanks to our 'ted enleu.p•narles, whom w• have so wish to name nnt, l they ran learn to sntrdnct them - •elves d•ff.ren''y, for the many instilling remarks we hams been e.ihjected to, arming Irons an ,dh.reece to the truth of our an- nou.cernent. If their signal defeat on this necklet,* 'hall teach them more respect for this nein/one end means of istorms(ins of ib.,, rot.anp.trane., we shall b. ettail'ted.- The Te'•.gnpb annonneee abet the Prot ,o - u tial H.r•r.rely hie ms,..4 a r•eeeal order to the different Jepartmnn'i, feareptieg the Fducatt-•nal depart:reret) .erecting prepara- tions to be made for removal to Tor. ate, .ith all possible depalch.-Globe. n A WORD TO TUE WISE. W. Morosely hope that the removal of Ihe Seat of Government to Toronto will not ✓ bol improperly taken advantage of by any portion of our cilmen,. Nothing could he 1 more hurtful to the place than • general epreulauost on the necessities of parties .aiming me •n, tu. Shon1d lan.'lord. sin - r reaena*55I titer their J.nuv4s for real, Ibe 1 remit', will he that many of the Government t offlri.Js will leave then, fwmitme in Mootre- . a1 demo, the• wetter, to that injury of the d b,irioese of Turunto.-Globe. e Tri 31031mL T•.Aslat nA7to\MA,■pmsto. l('e have been a good deal smutted lately at w,,neosise the flurry anti excitement ceas- ed be • sew Nomura) Merchants and own - ern ui city property expressing a desire for change. Their " pronnnctamenrg." couch- ed in language no hnn,her tc as that so of• ten treed by the Nex e.no, has been with ! the utmost siaeriry, published in the news- er,•ere, and u long article. wastrin is :aver ofrill. B h Centre* m end t • J Inst 'side o- 1 against Pe den . c , annwaa•ine, dad on forth, N if the levelly of Canadians could be doubled, ud list •o much display vapid be considered n0C,oPare tn.a le(y :he world 'bat Cas dl - ams ere honorable men, snit nwt In,lere.- Who would expert asy other caedeer from it eeriest of the poop!. of Montero', thao that now exhibi'eJ there by what may, after all, be r'•notdervtl bat a tr,8tng minori- ty 1 'It is with va regret that we say of Mon- . 'real, that we ,.lar her glory has forever de- i parted from her. For years the trade which .:'e enjoyed, has horn pnrsieg into other rl,ann.1.. aid a deprecation in the value of Property has an steadily heed ening on, ont:l the first of Canadian Cities seems like - Ir to dwindle down tete comparative 'nrig- n'ficance.-in u!J,'tnn to all thr,r other fear. the' of lotting the envier* of having the Seat of Government eostiatied is they city, seems, t.. Le the Crowning one, and we cannot yet Meng "weaves to new the present mot.lnent in Montreal, in any oth- er Iteht, than that el a men ruse to deter the G wernment'from making Torieto the Caney), eonpfel with a hankering of some of the people for change of some tort, le a h.P" theby Change.ange. their. condition miht he bettered. Bu,, at the worst, what ie- floenee can a few Mown's( merchant's, hate in eff•cring a separation from Britain of thet most loyal portion of the E•npire t The thing in ahn,rd, and has already, had for too mneh prominenee given it.-Ureetfor Her- ald. the•.Irer,r.nr!ant phi:eremite of Platy the ,r.I!ia'.t and tier-noseve el 'gom"re of De in.'bene,, the frrv:rl !1ca e t .£>ehvin. an, I'In.h!. end the: r!.aete meditates of Sopbu lee and Eurip le,. Nay .1nore Ivan this.* lend 'rambler hang • toe a halo rater the memory of thane redo end gotten! iteeple whnen der•.'e of wear and tawdry were 1. mei-real 1•V a reverence 'or he hconlifdl dont gt,t,d dol by a generous pint of eolf--acnfic.. Bat we erte. by the mentim•nta of each titer. r Carthage •n Tyre, and what do we find written upon then, ex1,nt the ',leen earning,''• Vanity, van (1. al! is *anti,-'.,. (Lo•al cheering.) There are upon Ore continent ctury whit h ,n an infinitely shor- ter .natio of urn, , have engroo•ed cnntmerce sod acn.mu6ltetl wealtha f r exceeding td t g rhe nf•Carthnge or of Ti re --and, although it be true, the our progress in Canada has been more eg0ah'e-that It has been morn genet *11y diffn•d over the 10 0(17 is well as In t c too -no, and that, Iher•fere, we have no rea,on for the same degree .it ap ,rehensinn ''ere, yet can we eel., that the reel on which I am now giving re!, 1s ai:.:Zither uncalled for, when we find that remotions moat deep - Ir affectingthe well been of ourselves and R of our chll'tren-gne.lione involving the h'gheat coesiderations of public duly and el public monis am discussed and determined nn w1 Ain v I et ext u e reference In connate• cent eonto 1prat,nns 1 (Cheer..) Now, gen- itrin•n, among the 'vendee which ( believe to be ions petrol m keeping this spirit ie check -a spirit. allow ins to sae, which is most valuable and u.mrel wlthln in it. ()rop- er .phere but moat dangerous when allowed 11 trin.grem beyond it -lie education, an ednca( ion ouch as e University can give - en education which proceeds upon the so. •.mpmn, (hat it is well for nun that him h•ghest rec,l'ies *55•01ld be miltivated-an eduealion wheel, proceeds nn the msatlmp- 1100 that knowledge I. desirable for its own sake alone, independently of the adventitia litre advantaese *huh It affords to its pos. •ensure. (Cheer, ) !Aileen and Gentle- men we •11 know how frankly and Ite iser- veJl► 'he philosophers of the olden time ,blotted th,• great truth. we know that the beet and pnreet au,nng them bared their concept..in of human fehe,r, upon tart:, not nn the aequi.itinn of wealth nr honor, or to the h•4 chess of er such Irana!- fere tto.4, bin in a condition which was designated by them by them stege -a cnn- Jitinn e•( beamfic repose -,n whreh the high - oat fsenitier of the human soul, eergre from pertnrbatio■s from wtehoot reef from the ravings of appetite within, might be ena- ble 1 o..c*sbly to .nergt.w. It may Meteor that we eannal 44 practical men or n Chrostl.ns at sept wtth.nt quatr8cetioe Our deel ..f tens, a• it undoubtedly is tree, teat kw the heathen philosophy. 1t may be among es can aspect wills we are in Ihie rn•lets ,t CnnJttinn lobe obis to gore In those whn would crewel sir to tab rep we may ether reply thea that Which was pee by • Ifo. -diehard bets el tem Chessh.at the Cheneellne, entre and ed,1•o.aed the sentience in a elfin, sod d'st.net *nee. 11e deal:- Lvdses and Gen• ietnen--4 sow informed bT the Rev. Vaca-Ch5nc.11'r, *hit it is emote, miry on the.. ,rcca.mns Mr the pert ,n whn nae di•ehsrged the f-nettons of (None.11or. to 4.11.•5 t fair Amery* hos to the •Udl- •eew, with a view of commusicatia1 such .oformatiee u he may be able to feraists - DREAMS 06' THE PAST. • we wand Io A err ee, when the Mtslisht re- poses. And the weed e'er the ripple is meek! mad MOW: When. the stats slater oat as the day -bower elesee, And the sight herd said dewee ptgo •11 tha we meet, Oh ! thea. woken the warn W d thwgbt V newsiest' The hereto that a enld world too eines kept fest, We shun had that the deeps. hod deusss of belies is perisg its tide is a dream of the pkat Oh ! who shell have Ir•yelled'through lih's ma- ty rimming, Forgetting all way -Inerts that rove se tb.b trek. Though the rbi.g we loved thee W krlsrlty'k wowing. Thoveh we east *beat beliisd, yet ago like to leek hack, Th mash at emee*t they charm les with enagieel numbers, And tall ill. wrap' .pint, sstmseieg it fest: yet icea rarely the hetet is so tweed u its also - bele. Aa to rear without mieglisg'tees armee of the pen. Oh ! the Aar• the. aro g.95- *.y' will hese so rehniag- Asa suis wl*..t to tory the berme Ihi dente : Bat the imam. lbw's mom had I .h.d let burse lig, f+ it pleeed where els mood 11 is Wiser ewer. remelt oho deer that me iota hod more seeker thee Maawrs. And rook rhea b1s.s i ton *554.1 se lest, so had ere the paver. ole 1 ohms is eke basso VresW surest bis io *We R• *seem of the pest, • D. !4 Q. Ottawa.Rfth flips., ISIS. Q7" Th. Cabo issernmtlo. bin .eeNa the insides of the Spoilt Cl.hiaee.