Huron Signal, 1849-10-18, Page 3yesepl br Rtl/agt Me9atwati,, ! West tomer of the Markel Ilges*. A•terieh. and b•.• tau «y Istimoi.i• that defy are pvn- pawd,h! ply, tb* 14** •w•lt this* iR11t t to any ga.oiil.a Ae wit MN as ~ M wash that Gederleh ideal. Memos M. Mlles fss the purples predate of she Drier, sent bees die Ureters gee►isR- Yttwly mimeo timmerlves ad.. 'erne), •/.e d i• oeseetogl.s the nurgatile stweepti s •i&eV ewe tows. • 1)? Cstrdm !--On the approach of winter it rn•v W ...lhI to irf✓m sash .f oar towsepeo• a:e es hale bora is the habit of eneowtberiat the nreela cad pathways of the town dorief Ilse wow., m,ntho with plat of bre woad, •sono for bt.'idiot, &c. dna., girt by aboabging this prac- uce is the rumor wiener, they oat save ther- *etre. • gnat deal of troehle in b•yio( to re. mate thew mach sooner than they..p.et.d : se we hese good authority for mooring there that strep public saimames will ..t b. 'Dented i. future. INToPT.TIOP Or CAMS ;AS Bseoaaa !—We rester exceedingly to neer} the emended fuel, 'Sas •otwitktu.deg rhe very twee sameat of giais destroyed I. the prnductine of I.teste.tieg L,loor. to Orb w3Rkbeehm.de-blly •eesib• it i1 all the recite dutirs collected, at the Pet .1 Goderieh d. 4. the goner emits( the Sth Os- tober—jar Ara fie Whisks, f 1 Verde, we ate `r.gtfeeiag hack wards 1 Could the isalli•enee. the morality •d the Piety a/ people tot cheek t us nevose.. lap.r'•tiee .f pvertj arts gait'? Communications. The Hsrperhey Breach of the Heron Dlstrie' Agricultural Society's Mambo, Match, tock Owe al Mt.nday, the 15th Oe:nber. 1849 is a held gismo for that potpies. on the Farm e1 Mr. Samuel C.meehen, is the Towssnip of Tucker- rmrth, wits the fellow tog Preml.ma were •war- dod to the successful competitor Ju. Bnodfo•t. l.t £1 10 0 Rebs. Mei artery. 9nd 1 0 0 Jos. Lenebo,ough, 3rd 0 17 ( Geo. Sprout, 411 0 15 0 Robe. Camoehae. 5th (t 10 0 Wm. Laashoroogh, 6th 0 7 6 Meora Ge. Alezaader, Wrr. Wdroo and Me - Clench, acted es Judges no the occasion. This outlet third Match of the Society. and it wee very gsaerally remarked by the Farmers peewee, how great to improvemPst hod (eke. One in se short a time so the ploughs that were brought 'tato the Geld. rusoy of them being of a very superior kind, one it particular. bought by Mr. Semi. C.meeb•a, st the Stratford Show, when it took the first prize, 10as muck admired. When the Ploughing Msteh was over, the worthy and hospitable Laird, invited the plough- men and their friends. to the number of about 6f y, to a moat substantial repast, and ample Justice was done to the good thingeol this world. wish which the tables were co. -flooded. After the clothe were removed,. Speed tits,Plooph " was net forgotten, nod twoer three hours Wag spent mat plmwntly, the party separated, Rrate- fal to their entereaisiet for hie kindness and hos- 1 italIt?. PREMIUMS Awarded for Potatoes end Tursips by Ilse Huron District Agrieultdnt Society, for the year 1840. • Bost acre ofPotatoes£1 0 0 John Annelid. Inti beet 0 15 0 John Salkeld. 3rd beet 0 10'0 Mrs i)nielnp. Best acre of Turnips 0 15 0 John R.'keht. loll Met 0 10 a Jame. Payne. 3r4 best 0 7 6 Jo. Lawraeen. Jetsam' —Daniel Limns, Ere., Mr. 'NOV. EIltotts Mr. Cornelius McKee. R. L.. CUNiNGHAMP, Secretary H. D. S. Goderieh, 10th Oct., 1819. Atom two weeks age, Fastens Sear of Kis - nudist, ea his way from Sevres to this pl•ee, foiled a the bomb • Mod body. *opposed to be e sailor, w much disfigured by birds of pray tai M could sot say whet age the man might have bora. no bed e. • striped shirt. plate oil -cloth cost, live pstuleoas, Mir of low shoes. with • piece of email cord tied coned nee show, aloe sold around his waist—no whipkere, Mt Mord long •.d black, saepeadees mins robber. SNIT land his companions buried the bdy tad marked the place *o as Wins? be brown.—Co.. Tars CAutoassa Nswa—Ws give is to -day's neve coptoue deoils foss eor. Pacific Glee, re- ceived by'he Empire City. They will be found to be of ■ highly inIerm'iug cb.r.c .r. le re gsrd to the Gold predaet, the aeco..te are as favorable as eald be tepeeud, and mere on than those by the last arrival. The waters were lower, and the hard 'shot of the miners appears to be well rewarded. The mist of exaggeration is beteg asitia■lly cleared away, sod the troy position of villein in California can now be more eaaly aseertaieed. It u evident that the ewe* of gold 1t the aun(.roas depositn, although not inexhaustible, le very creamer. sod that hand labor is the dry sed wet dissents b well repaid. Femmes are not felled is every pocket. and, as in all lands, some an mefrneuele or unlikely y. Ta r.evernest toward the formation of • State CooatiIstia is enemas.", sed • decidedly A. - ti -Slavery spirit is roeiknPd through.... The troubles csuupsted with the Chilies* std ether foreigners do est .mem to have byes ex- tsid preieseed, sod the removal of these " oue rbarieaa^ from the diggings has bees partially at Isast, .ee apliahod without resort to moat violence, The preeaati.aarr measures taken by Oe.. Smith it the relief of the mediated nolgreats will twee with warm eommemiation fns an quarter.. A very large ..inhsr of snivels, it will be.i- ticed hod takes pl..e at tae Fr..eiea. from the Atlantic algin, dieemh•rkisg as Immeme mother rd pilgrims to the 8eemmeetn end the American Fork. The Shipping Lia la oar paper to -day will be reed with eager interest by e homentb of Tl.e repo leo teed fries& of those p,l,roma Tire iud:wtt.ss.1 a high retard for law esd toder su'ssg the regeeort tabt. pion of the eiti- w.oCaliferon gee emanated by this arrival. .sd Mose diasafere akanetem wilts have Socked M rhe Peer& eupemise Immoity b► 1Q Asir crimps pare' • exon atria er *Ws tiee y.y left et hemw—New twit 7trfitma lownsionctinesespopmmen A ee0etdenble boodle le mode by the 'hey gree., of the bet. Abet the •o meat has reseed to play over to glee D D. terns of the Preview', the Agre.Itsv.l On. eiotl.s' sed Cvwwo. Plebe& wes1ee, We think, that the adetielstratise m sojtiSAy assailed In thie looped. Th. Pilot some time else., we believe, mislaid ► renege why thee. tttsseie• were tatthIseii. B. vornett mut t.e0sy Slfaay kis., RR Districts do sins spat these. Th•anal... aro paid le r, and same require to wait until others before tisanes 11e bet aro eat fsad. irbe.roe.rwame& are00g.etaeete are similar and looa.w Kwsfeese is pay eelwe Adam before thole 'los., .Tepid hse a.d et7 fe bleed eipulset Pk We sbeetiles M 141 afebt! sueptli for rt.t1511 edillidettptIhdf h *Vs t;riri 4 ,w r - . The goostemeet is weir properly cusur- ed, by • gnat eon toe of glee Reform Neer, for h.sdeng their row Commlraon of the Pose* inc the Brack D.•inct with the wsrrw of J. O. Vsoeiltart, Bee .,—of Oxford ales tire sot wooly. Forth. corrupt m.nser *both ko acted al the eteetton to nelerence t. Mr. Meets the Reform Candidate—he was eesseaei by the bttelature, sad dui - skew' front e.e or t wit.Rest toss 'flitch he held. To tamper with the people to the exercise of their el.•curs ire *hien—nee of the most racred of right', polliie*'Iv .peak ins, e o erase offence—tor from it springy pglitice' Idle, ty. Mr. Y.nsiteart did eM•, and tut 1 with very '1,{I,I Irrottnert ui- les. e out tiering the nature of the offence ; .....I 4 e 'pink the hit in the new 001111111. .1.111, dug'11 to have hero telt for those he .itempted' to serve so, when they gel the chance !—Bsthnrat Courier. Monona.—A men was m.rdered in Cl.rke Township. Newcastle bi.trice, last Saturday evening. The man supposed guilty is now in gas(. Moursy,., Oct, 12. At an early.hear tbi• s+oru{ng the !Velem body rf•n eld.r'y mac. n.rn.d John O'Neal., ■ rat sharer, was diem ..rod In nn• of the •pansies .t the weal end of the late Parliament buitling Commits/10 er'. street. Verdict on Inquest that d.eea ed died of apoplexy or exposure to the in- olet<eeey of,be weather.—Globe. ST. Levu, Oct. 11. A seriues riot occurred in thi. city on Tenthly ere Int leen. b.tweeq the emote of the boon e e Hide* cad Emily. daring which the mate of Vie hunter, and several other' were eeretely woun- ded. New Vries, Oct. 8. Over 2000 psaenorre went over the Hudson Rplrnad on Saturday. The ',hip Columbus, which arrived here ve.terday. lust 26 of her passengers by cholera daring her voyage. NEW Yoas, Oct. 6. The diBrnoce between M. Ptomain and the II. S. (overnine.t have reeem•nd ma ny extravagant rumor, and ontm of the pa per. are commenuntr on it at great Ienpth• We have advice. from Havanna to the 25th Sept. The Spanish equadrnr railed (rum H:.vanna about the middle of the last month, for the parolee of guarding the southern coast of Cuba. The standing army of the Island was to be increased 6.000. Reinforcements were daily expect- ed from Spain. GRN. BRY AT PAR18.—Dear Sir,—i think You may porilisrly aanoanee that th„e heroic Gen. Bent arrived 'safe in this city on Mon- day. The German paper; falwdy reoresenr ted that he had fallen into the hands of the Ruseiaer. A friend of mine got the infor- mation of Ben's arrival from a Hungarian, who stated that he bad accompanied him. Yours, truly. C. C. —Jerrold. Yner, Sept. 92. .fI3otkt:t0. Goo►.araw, £ a Floor per barrel, (in bbl) 0 0 Flour per 100lb, (ferment) 10 Pall Wirer per bushel, ' 0 3 Spring Wbeet per beep. 0 9 Oats. per bushel, 0 0 Pease, per :sus'.l, 0 1 Hey, per toe, 1 10 B,:ter (fresh) per lb. 0 0 Better is the keg, per Ib. 0 0 dale per-baohel,34 Ib. Bacon. per ewe. B atter is keg.. per Ib. Buser (fresh)per lb. Hems per Ib. Pak per 100 Ib. Dee!. per 100 Ib. Potatoes per bushel, Pear per bushel, 60 Ib Hey per too, Flonr per barrel, —Glebe. Oet. IT, 1849. d. £ r. d. 0 • I 2 6 0 . 0 0 0 14 • 0 3 3 9 • 0 3 1) 9 a 0 0 10 9 • 0 0 104 0 • 1 15 0 6 ■ 0 0 7 5 a 0 0 6 Totwsr., Oct. 12. s. d. a el. 1 0 • 1 3 37 1 a 40 0 O S. 0 6 O 74.09 O 3. 0 6 20 0 'a 0 0 17 6 • 20 0 1 0 a 1 3 16 a 1 8 15 0 a 50 0 17 6 a 90 0 MovruAt.. Oct 12-7 P.'M. Flour—Fine 19. 6J. a20..; e.p.r6ne 21s•21s 44d.; extra 21e 3d. s 21s 6d.; soar, nominal as I9.e90a. Whet—Upper Csaad• mixed at 4. 4.1•1.64: Red. 4s 3J a 4a W. la other grain no tnesac- tioa. Pork—Mas. 6,is • 66. 14 Prima mess in d.- mend at 52.64.: prin.. 47s 6d. Ashes—Poe 35. 3d • 35e 9d.; Pearls 3.2, 6J a 33a. Freithte—To London—Flour 311 a 3s 3d.— A•h.s21e64. To Liverpool, Floor 3.—Ash- es 22s New Yogic. 10th Oct. 6; P. M. Acnes—Rather eerier for Pearls ; small sale 818 31 • 6 37. Pots steady but gnat at 87. FLoon—The receipts exceed the demand and prices for the low and medifim grades are easier. The demand fair for city and Eastern trade, but little doing for export. Caroller) is freely offering at 34 75, with- out buyers. Saler 6500 barrels. 34 87 for old comment State and mixed western ; e1 05 a 5, Inc new common, rtrvight State and old Weight We.tern ; 115 18 a 5 31 for pore Genesee and Southern Ohio. Gatlm in—There is but little doing in wheat. A lofof t500 bttnhels Canadian .old at 31 04 in bond. Limited sales of fair Genesee .t Q1 20. ► R1I OR llL(T! THE Subscribers will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for Good Merchantable Wheat. JAMES PORTER & Co. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. n37 GOMBEICH THE I4ubseriber. b.g to inform the Pub - lie land Farmers of the Huron Diesrieq that they're now Maoufaeturiog and Mss e. MN a few THRASHING MACHINES: a Asperse whleh they will sel Liberal Latest and Tonne f r CASH Oa CREDIT, QLOMpE MiLLER k Co. O•dwieh, Oen 87, 1148. Aw•.27t1 Norm--Thi.is to i.fe►re SAMUEL • (SMITH; that i h.me is sop pse1wrion • MONEY LETTER, *dammed to aim to vey ears, which b. eau bee* by es/lies keit ▪ *7 plena. ANDREW DOMOUWI. Oct. 17, i893 tv.Y1-9i Notice to Crediton. ALL Pomona bovine Claims epaulet JO- tll:Pll VURPILLA'1'. of 'be Town - .hip of Noith E.•thupe, in the lluroe Dirt If at, .te requested to Land (heat to 11. Subscriber Inc Examination and Adjustment WILCIAM SCOTT, Aedg.ee Fur the Esut. of Joseph Vulpine.. Hamburg, 9911 Sept. 1849. 9etilif STRAY COW. CAME, late the 0.010.1510 of the Subseri- bor, .boot Ilse first day of August tut: full Rod Cow, with *non crooked Horns. The owner of the above cow can came and take her away by proving property and Par- ing expe0.es. PETER FJSIIER. god con., Lot 11, to40.bip of Colborne, October 12, 1849. $2(37-31 PROSPt'C7i18 of " glee .Nisai.uary nod Sabbath School Record." Volume 7. TIIE •' RECORD" is published monthly 0t One Shilling per exeunt, payable to advance, and may be sent. as 1wy other n.4 •paper, to all porta of the country, and cbs•gcd no more than, the usual rate of 'hoes papers. It is made up in a very con vement loam for binding and being tllurtra- ,eJ with two wood -cuts to each number, makes a neat volume .t the end of the y.•r. Th. profits of the above publication, go to the funds of the Caaada Sunday School Union. Thee prsapectts ie sent to the friends of . I.. Sebb.th School Caine. tit the hope that they will lend their girl in promoting t1• circulation of the shove periodical. We -hall he happy to plate on our list of Agents, additional names, to whom the " Record " rill be sent gratis. All Orders rad Communications to be sent to JOIjN C. B' CKi:'P. . Printer 4. Publisher Montreal. LIST OF LETTERS; REMAINING 1n the GIODERICH POST OFFII. E, let October, 1849. Armoric. James Moleeuter Mri Adder.., %Vellum Msdworih William Allen Mrs Moray Mr Allen John Melvin Alex - Acton Capt.] Mitchell .1 R Bell Edward McGregor Mrs Nanny Brewrer Becjsin a McCeen George Brady Johe M0Mabon James Ern - Briarn Hebert,McDonald Juhe,iincar- Batch.rt Geoge din. 2 Barker W H McKinnon John 83.11. F'r.neie 2 Mc"Briue Mows- Bisset o.erBisset William McCo.b,y Samuel B lair Thomas MCLallood Samuel Carey William McIntyre James Crabb P t C Ern McKenzie John Coins Elizabeth McDougal Peter Cameron John 2 McSellen Robert Clark Alex Maguire Micheal Co.neH Patriek McRae John Clendioin 1 K McKenzie Kenneth Cameron Alex McDonald V.11ltam Callaghan Mohael McGregor Alex M 2 Cronus John McElgun P•tt Cox A McLeod Alex 9 Cox John McGinnes Patrick CIuff Robert McGregor Malcolm Clark John McGlead Michael Deunie John McClean John, Kiefer- Dougles John dine. Dees Min Mary McLennan Dances Duggan Abram O'C...el Derley • Dee. Eugene O•Coenet Patrick Dueeobury :ohs Oliver Richard Des.nnnd Corwlias Peek Leoosrd Does his Jnnepl 2 Park Robert rip Devellteg Jobe D Pollock Miss Sarah Elliot James Riely Catharine .Elliot Anthony Roche Mary Evan. Mrs2 Rutherford Miss Sarah Ellis Robert Rykeenen George Ebert Mieh.el Richards Thomas 1 Elliot George Simpson Samuel Farmer George Stirlin John F.;gne.0 Henry Savage William F'mher Joseph 2 Smith James Fink, John Semm.rs George Fisher William Sturgeon Jame. Griffin Timn.hy Smalley Gene, Coverts! William Soothers William Gordon JamStafford Charles Gella5her Met( 8te.i.lert Joh. .r Thee floater William Stoddart John , Halliday Jets Son.,. George E.q niggler. Nelms Stilieg George Harty William Sortie, William Rade Richard . Sheppard James Huff Ion B Sheppard Phillip Haire James Steil. Simon Harley ]1111 Sullivan Mie. Miry Fleetly Patrick Smits I1Pej., Kinearditf Hsmhley Themes T.bmen Thomas 9 Honer William Jeer Trimble Janet Johnston James Tesler Rola ,Inh.sun. Alex Watson William Jawtes Wilh.m Welton Berl Ftp Jackman William Wtirtn William John.rnn H.th Welter. chart.. Kohne D.niel 9 Wank.wk W'iltiam K.i. Andrew WhioIeltt Retort L..irierre Pierre Woodward Job* Lanae Msrg Walker Jame. Liddel Mie. Wilane 3.me. Mer -4,. _Ulm 9 W.11iee William Miller Jnhe We'eh David Mat.. Joh■ {'Celli. James Miller Rohert o Willietnn Res 1 1 M.e.h.li John William. Mn E 3 Moriarty Timothy 9 Young Mr R Moffat ]erne. Yong Rieherd Masonic Hugh Y.nng Jam.. THOMAS KTDD, P. M. aederieb, 0.1.11., 4. 1849. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING le the Poet Office at Stratford up to 411 October, 11349. Allen Roti D Maddeford Jobe Boyd James Markey Thole Bottorff John 1iakine John Barker Wm Murdock David Barton James 2 M•(lregor A Brnnmhoad W J McCleland June Cashes Pair McGregor Hugh Casket' James McQuade NIc Cunningham 111gh McLear Mal homes Mr . - Mclennan Dnoglas Mrs OliverWie nigoon Rev Wm Pinder Wm 3 Flys Kath Miss Phele.p MIc Fox Asn P:k. J• hn Forbes 'ohs Redford Andrew Hasty ltd. Stewart Dent•I Fiorito Adam H. tiro, Darrel Flay Andrew Hill Time lobo. Ram.ei Joynt Kith Mi.. Hahn Mae Kay Robert K ehler No Leah Willi 11011 John Leased Hugh Whatley Was 8 Leech Week* WO 1601•1•011117;r• Yates Wve Leete.er►Myar Joan A. F. MICELi!, Postmaster. Stretford, (Int. 4011 1849. Sehenmeger Fred Seery Thos Begminel Adana Smith Wm Strgiat Theo 8heret$5 John PerimRtrer Alex Thins Ale* Vivre, J P BY-LAW of the Municipal Council of the District of ' uron, Passed at a Special Meeting of the said Council, held at Goderich on the 2nd, 5th and 6t11 days of Ortul►rr, 1849, in compliance with the Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81. WILLIAM CHALK, ESQ., WARDEN. CHAPTER I. BY-LAW For carrying out Certain Provisions of the Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81, preparatory to the first Elections to be held under the said Act. WHEREAS in accordance with certain requirements under the Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81, a Special Meeting of the Municipal Council was held on the 2nd, 5th and 6th days of October, - 649, for carrying out the intentions of certain clauses therein : Be it enacted by die Warden and iciklal tuned of the District of Huron in Special Meeting assembled, in pursuance t' the • rsin diem by the said Act, 12 Victoria, chapter 81, And it is hereby enacted f y the authority a same, thattlle following Townships be and are hereby declared to be attached'!o each other, vis.: The 'Fownship of Hullett to be attached to the Township of McKillop. The Township of Wawanosh to be attached to the Township of Ashfield. The Township of Stephen to be attached to the Township of Usborne. The Township of Morningtou to be attached to the Township of Ellice.. The Townships of Elena and Wallace to be ahttachid to the 'Township of Logan. And all the Townships comprising the intended or Junior County of Bruce -to be Attached to the Township of Ashfield. - » 2nd. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that, Whereas by the said Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81, the Town of Goderich is set apart from the Township of Goderich, and" divided into four Wards for the purposes therein' mentioned, the following parties be and are hefeby declared W be Returning Officers. for the respective Wards in the said Town of Gederich, set opposite their names, viz.: WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Esquire, for St. George's Ward. ADOLPHUS F. MORGAN, Esquire, for St. Patrick's Ward. GEORGE FRASER, Esquire. for St. Andrew's Ward. JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, Esquire, for St. David's Wart(. 3rd. And it is titrther enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the place for the holding of the First Township Meeting under the said Act, 12 Victoria, chapter 81, for the Township of -code- rich, be and is hereby declared to be at or in the School House siivate in School Section No. 3, is the. said Township. 4th. And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the ;Township of Downie he divided and is-llerehy declared to be divided in Five.Rural Wands, as follows, viz.: Ward No. 1 to consist of that part of, the Gore tmd range of Lots 1 and 2, .from the 1st to the 8th Concession. - Ward- No. 2 to consist of Lots 3 to 13, from 1st to 8th Concefasion inclultire. Ward No. 3 to consist of Lots14to 25, from -lst to 8th Concession inclusive. Ward No. 4 to consist of all that part of the Township lying east of the line between 5 and 6, and south of the 8th Concession. Ward No. 5 to consist of all that part of the Township lying west of the line between 5 and 6, and south of the 8th Concession. 5th. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the following places be and are hereby declared to bethe places for holding the Elections in the different Wards in the Township of Downie, 'viz.: For Ward ,No. 1,'theSchool House in Stratford. Ward No. 2, the School House nn Lot No. 11 on the 5th -Concession. Ward No. 3, at William Smith's house, on the 3rd Concession. Ward No. 4, at William Clyne's house, on Lot 12 on the 9th Concession. Ward No. 5, at Meeting House, Lot 21, in the Ilth Concession. 6111. And be it further enacted by -the authority aforesaid, that the following g entletnen be and are hereby declared to be Returning of (hers in the different Wards in the said Township of Downie, For Ward No. 1, William Watson, (Township Clerk.) Ward No. 2, William Byres, I.ot 11, in the 5th Concession. Ward No. 3, James Redford, Ward No. 4, William Clyne. Ward No. 5, David Muir. (Signed) WILLIAM CHALK, .Warden, H. D. Goderich, 6th October, .18.19. TEAS ! ! TEAS ! ! !{ g. r HE Sobecriber in returning his moat sincere thank.. to his frie.J,, a.d the public, ler' g - their most liberal patronage, begs Love to u- .?form them 'hot hu just IMPORTED g choice Lot of TEAS, Ike., which he offers for Bae, 0O CASA, BUTTER, W 0 0 L, TIMOTHY GEED. WHEAT. or any other kind of Produce, lower than ever offered here before. OHIO WHISKEY! ! Aod FINE SALT for Sale, cheap for Cash. CHRISTOPHER CRABS. Goderich, May 10th 1849. 2v -n18 LOS_T!1 °T n 3 zJ' i • - E. BF.LONGiNGto the subscriber, between( his Store and the Divt.ion Court Of- ?P '' r 2I fire, on Friday last, 13th instant, '1> 1 5. - Two PROMISSORY NOTES) y t Viz.: One JOINT NOTE against Jere ',y • n 3; EDGAR and C -s Doo.R.Tvr for £3 15e a _ ',I2 3'3 g 9J., drawn payable to Jame. Phelan or e►-, o r C1 . - bearer, zed endorse) by JRmes t'nela11, past' .'o R non g • 11111.,—Also, one again,' Minoan. SToacooe r ' S _ _ 3 rsT - Black Smith, for £3 Ills 6d., -..drawn pays• i7 'r ? 1 - o (7 ' hie to Christian Sauget, or -bearer, written `.r > 3 i'7'? a M w in German, also past due. Thib is to eau- `' " x... = y tion any person from purehasirg the eats., 1. - A C : A n g or the above parties paying the Notes lot. b ti w ,'^e O R. Y or any person but the eubseriber,—and a) lo' r ' 'c ., - r sj Perron finding the above Notes will moth & A oblig • tb• subscriber b b b hem to O m _' m w s - - F 37 BY A UTHORIT Y. Sheriffs • Sale of Lands. HURON DISTRICT, j aN Mnoday glee To Wn : s 1' ret Dtq of !October next, .i11 he Sold at the COMM ROrY at the Gent of the Huron District, in the Town of Goderich, at the hour of twelve' clock noon, the undermcntiosed LANDS lN,sa with the Tenements and appurtenances aitol tbereunto belonging, by virtue of four Write Vewditioai upends, issued out of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, 21 4...., the respective suite of Rosa Robertson. Robert M..derwell, John StrSingleton, Gest„ In one, c., Rod James Clouting, PlatntilG,d — len by virtue of two With of Pe.ditio Emma, tamed out of Her Msjeety's Herne District Gent, end to me dlreeteds at the 2 respective suits of Robert Park and Joshua Calloway, i'1sietiffe, te. Julia Aso Kipper and Amelias W. Kippers, Defendsa's, to ?a.'1 wit., • pert and portion of Block G. le the `--1 Township of Colborne, Western D1imort,., Ilurpu ihpuict, containing Two Hundred I'Acres of Land more orAtIcrss. ]NO. DONAI.D, Sheriff, Hires District. • » Sllh.trr's Orae.., I lloderich, t3th July, 1919. i 9e-alld POSTPONEMENT. The above Sale JewellPostponed Jewell 1m. 1850. JOHN McDONALD. Sheriff, Heron Distriw. Saxwtn's Omar. t Sedench. Sept. 20, 1849. ( e9. lt4 ♦ rPturnln 1 him. THOS. M. DALY. — -- -- -- Stratfurdi Jnly 160, 1819. 2,-n3011New • Tailoring, Establishment 1 IN • GODERICH. 1 rtHE &Mimeiber hese to s.nmtnce ro the le - ll habitants of Gtderich, anal its vicinity, that hehu commenced Newness In nha ahnv. lige. S fi. the Room adjoining IL HORTON'8 sa- ki Shop, Market Ngsare, where he roll be pre- pared HE 8.beeriberbees to 1n,nrm the inhahitantonh rt toI execute s all t modter. ,. c bite so the mento of Frederick Clarke, at the suit of TIE ` rhnrent notice. and at m.d.nv rarg. e. of Oed.neh and ire vicinity, that he pee re- N. D.—Cull ag done on the 'hotie., n.t.ee, John McDonald. I hare morel and taken is raised a I.hrge 8.pply a the LATEST PM- 0111N ADA Me. remotion, own [wt number Eleven, north PRt3VED PATTERNS of tlerRtich, per. 17,484(: 'Ia37 ' ..ide of Lf t Histrta Street, or lea reowng. COOKING, 13 O X, - N o T I i E 1 — name r g1 ,, n the P..wn of Goderich, onP outer of an acre of Laud. To the Clerks and Bailiff's O the the some more or less, Ingether with the AND PARLOtiR STOVES, the Division Court, 9Frame Do cuing lino.. and other appnrte. Coroner's Salo of Lands and Tenements. IIURON DISTRICT, j $Y .irtn• of a To N'it : ( Writ of fieri facies, wooed nett of Her Majesty's Distrust Covert of the District of Huron, directed 10 he Coroners of the Huron Diatnct, and to me delivered, again.' the Laude and Tone. which ht.°errs far SALE et very Timm: inerea.Pd denoted fon Prwentin6e'.1neer r,1 the ra( ) tenses bPlnugitt1. • REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. w- end other BLANK WRiTS in con- ROO ( ell e1!•r for heti. iha COURT , The 8•b.eeiber oleo keeps 00 Asad, es wad, ROOM, n en the !Neon Disuf..t ,Gaol,the lit th le M OLD SITAND, • LARGE tad very g• . visionn with the 31. Dias of nha .orris( De Taws of i-..IPnch, oa'1'h.nday, IMeith/ Court• in (h. D (aldol, hog srlarantd day of November next,'! noon, r1'lNWARE of every description. rte. ' veto ore, and ron.clit ally ens -1 Otte of the Cr•ronera, l twee us to sell them much ekerppps r—'herr- Hann D3.rfet, The abeer{her takes this op salt? .fretsr- fora we imamate to the several (Seers rt- C.oei ,.a s Orrice, nisi his s3aes,e thew,. ue dr* bile for the very( orris then' Blank Forms,that hew HIM libetsl piw•netp b W reest•d .Ise• he harld F Ouderlth, 6th August, i84A. lv.g197 Amain bgislsw i• Oatlerieb, ad hie". b7 aria ate' Summonses and ail ether wilts br- _`_ •ttetriwm to bor°..e, ..d mederew pnew, fnr to the lNvlotnu Gent, will be BrpM 5 00 STEI LItt y1is eatw...le t t • 1 ash et the,.d.r ries 111l , •abs.. of tM p.,Mie p'rewsa g e ► )< N. L_ Glutton, PAINTINii. (it Q7` Two 8tnautes sts PrTruwc't niw w }w.a•Md is DfSlr'RICT DEBP.It- Y.iNO. PAPI', aid BELL HANGING este Hutvtats. 'j ( TURES, .71144.0h.„. • as bmeh.es. WeiLL?AM STORY BtR15.1 HWY. (,•derieh, ! bv IRA Ltw18 EN- Gsdrrleh, est solo. 10.0. 90-011tf et)t September 1141. Q•d►riebt Oct, t0 v 7-eIll if A•rri°err penes aasssbt.sa sf ns m printingthem in much ler r nand ► n M / 9 6103(4,1. FRASER,