The Goderich Star, 1907-12-20, Page 6lif COI) 13 tam* Wegnistia4. et IOWA 11114MS thollee iii/SX SOWN NI galiallt at Areal. ° e itetit MI* 010$1111111 ItVIM* thlt* 01-41eSiallAeht, twe ifroriont Sittt9tee(.,.**340,640.0...40•1... Urdd eitientki Pit ehief ea IP kW litrer. The SWOON et Ibe 0011141# Worelteeti flt:it°11:11111e°474111114Knittl:tre4i ferni="41441649401reis: Lost* wor. WOO Pt:444444 tlhiat gharr Ilibitilllic Y11110.4 * AM 0 4,01.114g Itre Vac Anteiaatele HOW On Sept. WO Tile Wart *el elearled Weepy day at, the P07144141 Whger Ileynalleet We* eetee' from th4 '''*41/41440" * 1"140 PC4**x".• I" :4)41411nr'llratirf:Vialtrifirot ,. Feir, el- Gnelpb, and, Me eeeerell there. beetle tet Wee ,tlrft fetter the aterni, Of wee VW* quite obVielte When the lea 414o, *inn In llee direedeon ot the iity 1010,t` bilf.legtlt by lhail.S4110 Of h011at WO, thte efeeeld *Werra and terellee4 and egricettereite. Who had itinantig OVee tile eficielt Wend the driven in Jroill iiii,Perikina 01 the OW neleee, lee WO4 ittkr leen gaillgne Vs 41.04010 letoreiteentwewtonsteFolexsendloto.theCOnVelle oWn UAW. He 011ie the Shinn ilhaltit by ebenetiog "Fire front UN Olett yard. '''PreWidell1 rekeeter AVile the peel Of Sentantale Wee Wag, Intneiglicl, on the iun. honer et the eevie lencheele viO4),n, TOr forgery, which WO , Thet * that sedan), on areeeittit of Cin * ,tadali liarnand Paving Written 10 the. bigh.Priee Of teed, cows bed been blruseR a letter. Stralng it with , itta e namea of tla two Dulette Sive.. n which $0314 vl 11 figuns wItWx Wn111,4 't4W'Cel•a Le offered Mliselt $500 tO4frel, are 10 cer- pay ear their bides, wee ibe statement toe butietiiiia Ha vas opie ot4 to 4134 /3)'' 1.14'• W• 11., AteN*14 ot 1.4114• seven years on thk- dierge 0401 a Sane #-#1* Ptel,- Dean, ot the thitatto Aft, tericcs tO nen coacurrentlY* Otithirel Ciellerge Van epteite On he . ....-..- 44.......esee ' NEW T int WilEAT MARKETe Lupityitt vwt v4umktlrYtoP mtletetp 4r:1,c:1.11ft:11y° mow up Ta moo seeie NA' Yerk4 DO, 37*--Wnot-Oot 41110 the Milk and Meat Zia* than t° Senn No. g red, $1.00% elevator; Kee* ge Itieter eenatifiletivel elinitaritune. The north, Northern ontarhes Celmate jai Good, tar redi Seenee bed). Wield; No. 1 theMthge of the Women'. Illetitete ware ern Pllintle $1.10%, Loin 'afloat( No. # frOWded, and 1101110 interesting facts Agriculture; A despatch from Q#44ta aftlY01 „..kiii laird winter, $1.101ei f.o.b. unoate WerrreesbaeldeAttp vtaoicolutoler stilted that Guelph dre.ssing the Ottawa Keener** VOA a, "a.— WOUM be known all Over the world for luanretheopinrecotonrSoattuthrdeaypot mtnlver.t,N4wq, Stott " CAME MARKET. that Wanderfet institution. the Ontario r • ley Well through the Ilse excepting Man, he Meld state that no gro ma dcubtful if the vast IRMA' ot country. lye °ideal Service, deentred teat he wait pTe Toronto, Dec. 17. -Prices were firm Ageleetterat College. As 4 univensity versify 000w aurvivo, unless it tot o Ine between Athabasca and Slave PAWS 0 itet peerest elesses. A few lettds of export cattle- were Meow. wholeocene rural ociuntl• pope- and the Hudsoree Bey would ever be brotight forward, and one sole at $4.30. letlen from which to draw its s udents. useful kr agrieulturel purposes. ,,,at eWl. EXport bulls were selling from GOVERNMENT WILL HEL June was no higher tlian that et MO" Fort Churchill the meaa temperature of The range was about $4.00 to &LW per $3,t5 (0 $4 per cwt. teed tor April, and thaMeanlotaperatere Some malt lots of extra choice but. Hon, 001. Matheson, Provinciell ra. of July was not as nigh leY rieveral ale- chers' heifers sold at $5.50 te $5:00rnr th aPere4a'so StotePOket uing afrinihagtothamt, throughout criv eegrees as in the Mackenede River bag* cwt. A few sales were also recordedat the Arctk circle, With regard to 'around $5 per cwt. The bulk of the lark, The PrOvIncial Winter Fair was northern Ontario, front the height or choke animals were worth $4.50 to $5. doing great work, and he saw the ne• land to James Bay, he said there Was Good loads brought $4.25 to $4.50; me- Cessity for more room and enlarged nothing in the climatal, V00411108, at any dium to good, $3.75 to S4.5; common buildings, ) t t was up to the tanners rate, to prevent theseeteele great daitrici Li mediurn,12.50 to 13.50; cows, click% to propose tote) echeme where they frotn being a good ;agricultural country $3 to $3.50; comet, 42 to 52.75; care wOuld be taking' their part, and the right up to the shoreet ot Ramis Baya iler owe Ordinary light stockers sold at Hon. Frank . Cocarane, Mieister of m—ysTER„ii nets, 75a to $1 per wt. . -ie Piervincial Government would be only Choice stockers sold at $2.75 to $3.50 leo willing to hello TA elliS*Ota. 0. :Inithple.th° 32w‘T oPtergocowdkquality sold readily Mines, stated that agriculture and edu- Montreal Couple Found liriconsciente in 00 cation were the two ehings ost need - rices were higm h. Choice cnes would eo in the province. Their Room. bring from $50 to $/0 each, and eidinary Mr. A. W. Campbell, C.00d Roads A despatch from Montreal Wept Mrs. 130 to $45 melee°. Commissioner, stated that Guelph had John W. Littiewood of 1.4011Ine died On Light offerings of calves kept their made wonderful progress in almost Saturday under myeterious cirournetan- Export ewes, $9.75 to 414; bucks and prices firm at 3 to ea per lb. every line, but there was groat room ces. She and her husband were rood oldie; lafor improvements in Bs roads. $3 to $3.50; lambs, $4.25 to $5.25 unconscious in their bedroom on Fre or cwt. $5,15 for lights and fats, and t1.50 to Agrieultural College and of the Winter stiffened and their jaws set so that Hogs Were firm at $5.40 for selects, pear. Duff spokeof the far lfr.. aieaching day morning, with every indloation of results et the education at the Ontario atalraluttila a<ttaannnt: They were 'hoth 84,75 per ckvt for - Malik , r they were uneble- to speak. The (vo- le I .....,... 1.1, 0• WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. man died on saturdey, but; the man re- covered enough to offer some explance FIRE AT OMEMEE. Five hundred women Wonted the lions. He stated that they each.took ....... first (peeling in the morning In contwo bromo quinine tablets for their Four Hurt by an Explaston In a Burn. riection with the annual convention of coals on Friday night, and that was the Ontario Women's institute, and the last he knew. He has since re - the Massey Hall, at the Agricultural 'loosed into uneoresciousness, and .1les College, was filled to overflowing when in the city hospital in 4 critical, omit the lion. Nelson Monteith, chairtman, Lon. An autopsy will be held on the celled the meeting to order. In his woman to flnd out the cause. of the opening address Mr. Monteith referred trouble. to the great influence women had in the home. and by. their efforts they could improve the standing of citizen- ship in Ontario. The Department of eulsold Mr. Monteith was rAegardl' with flnancial assistance to aid been COWL Wei Or/ *Olt *Witt 1040, while M. Fe:- .flewilt were *Witt l. Ib. WW1 'kelt fire aro Wtle ebilidrein Me)' *pi ee.epectively three and were aeielp in Nett Obeli Tea heuea ss * with tar Pante, and !Arne Ly, 'WilJvig J.an&Ltwark- In greet danger. but Orte wake deed helerte WOO aohteskalle Wee. *lir ISREADSTUFFS, OW-17.liiniluba Wileates *Valerie. *beetle/metal ae *Wei aorglienk 00734e Noe 3. north.' ledit4e. feed wheet 0$0* * feed • 40 Mee PeriZ Feette-Orstario winter ikereite' Patents =Peek Atthed,,,S3030 libi. Mile ibeleote, SPleitel Ovule 1e,$0 to $4,001 utronhj hake% 15.10. .WhattleeNe. "2.• *idle or rod, owstdet Nee 2 0440, ego uide; 046, 1;'10ele 12;1 No. 2* ilea No. 3 xt.ra, Ittte :to 07c, eve* '.4334ete •Olteiddel /0)10 new No. 3 eY *nee ean. ,edinedriete, fela 21 batk outside; was Id tor No. for mixed. Ik i010, y in tette, bet 's 4..26010 300 4 • VIC tO 27c • 23(1 to 24e • tee lo2341 to tper dozen steletty new- , oa1;;2' Utile Improve e.., foto0c • Piele II 4 4Q ric 4,..•le thee If? 00100a • * . . GedAD 80 to0ori per kereee_ _ *1.05 for :Plates- and • Ited. • 4tinerrifee, 1134o to 13c; '40leaaralleta hgo to 0e, 1110.1'.at. Ile to 120 per or. 00-'Pefellet.endle, and lee to 10 00404 Dank tombs 75 10 .54; Vet Omen. • Tkieletliyeeet7.40 to $18 In oil reek litre thee',01 $0,e0 to $10.50 20et0210 and 13eglor • It§rONS* Salted Meats -Wee „tiv ,41ext,a.foulitttepiso:ittod o 444 boos, logo go to .100; rolls, • 1,1, est hum to to I or pickle, le 'LW 126,115 to 8e3 -tler *20. *04, • this. NT1EAL MARKETS. /....Theto Ls no Ue ot Ileueesituatteale g'ethe, at petpille, $0.104 teee• Winkle *heat -MOO, toIleree '4e.tiett '40.4 ih etegS. £5;'eLta. .etertie 50 5e.10, !%1anht0l3 bettrie,$234 MOO-% •• 2:143e.10 Sett teke- :One lekiuding ilit„e; 8 131 132, and nioulIle, ,43 tee 447 Per Aolk.• 1 l'$3,11)e ,00.0 :beat Odin ee$1,t4+- per Ut�r)'N'oe temente, etel MA, ete $3•34kl; One:14o and o. 3, lege No. 4...•50041,Ment. .e$0e1. Ouebee, 450 Per ' •,• ' ,teie'ete3A.10 gner Jtvsti te, ; eltetel, Sept,, nominal; to $10,40 to WM; No. 2. 10 jeelotter• tinged, $13,110 te 81 L ott 50$14 . per ton ht. car , , nleee, IISJO to VAC Rathberrets. *114.3y, to • that ho te3.5iJ to ,stittio; Ion o tot bon,. otos, *et 1.i e23; belt - Whits ds., *nettle ld i$0,0e4 ktry Stilt elier 104 tei ego; tor, heer,-$1110. te Stee letleitele $7,11$ lo *7.5: litterele heavy . let eltie haleberrele ethe le .$41: tolenentel Wed. the to Ito; texo to' tite::tettit tondertitt, to ,24001.21(1$,2,. ego to, 13)P., la Wee; aneakfeeet beenn, tto re Windier leieolk. 143e to isPe; tor &emote ittes.ted hop, - te $0, eeefeee • e iReFfeletle AllefOrlele 'tettlekti. 'Otto 11..1.Vhetit • _No. Noiebertik $1.11; No, ).71t..er. ataadtea Otlerieethlsele hate 61,1,0t No, 2Yelletke N'i. 2 lleteett. 4?el rttee-beiel. *et:, Reee b74'1104 the Other 'died WY ,ebertlY 0r• ter leeching the bogie. Dr. Here whe ilt 11.844 eatly enet tetialtheliereel restera- lieu, but Jo no Val% Neither Of lhe chIldreft , WAS bedly burnea n,3 4101111 'Paltered lo WU cense& DV eetie iCei1400. 'The *Celle Waa Meet pathee lie *hen both meanie *trivet, seen eller the lire Matted. The Abedren Were .tho pretty little tot* end eureka taverna with OeceetOdle ii tenle. A eAlleetien is beteg likeen llet On behalf 01 the ent. Prete, Oct Iboelneette are re1POnt144 literally; - ' [raj Building. A despatch from Peterborough says: The most disastrous flm in the history ot Omenue broke out on Friday lucre - Mg at 12.30 o'clock and raged tin day - Allele, doing $12,000 worth of damage eefore, it Was finally extinguished. An explosion in one of the burning build- inget badly injured four men, 'whc had a Miraculous escape from death. The Injured ere: P. A. McPherson, local manager Bell Telephones Frank Bogue,- en the work of the 1,Vomen's Institute. A despifteh. frcan Landon says: e eigle-Sehool- Medea:a-Elias. McEafter.e.-- -Peat, G.. lee..Creelmane „president....oteeerrese_expeeston_ooeurredeat_aha. pe. end Wm. McPherson. The fire *started the oollege, extended a welcome to the 't rias main colliery in Wales. on •Sat- in W. 13: Stevenson's tinware 'store on delegates le -the convention, mad spoke urday. Fortunately only twelve men King street, the •principal street In the of the great progress which had been were below the st vIllege, and the buildings. burned ilea made in the upboilding of the bone irface at the time,the - others having eeme ttp to receive their ae •follows: W. 13. Steven's tinware life. store. Loss 4,500, No insurance - Geo. Mrs. James Gardner, of Kernbi‘e, re- weekly pay. The demister which eakked the accident was brole Griflin, merchant tailor. Loss on build. plied to the address, stating Pint too ght about by the sigitalize the ehange tng 81.500; contents saved. MaSOttla Mad] in the edUcation of. children waf shifts. All the hs taring of a shot, to e Hall; loss 52,000. Mrs.. Morris, dwee lett to school teachers. The home in- oeadgear of the top Of the shaft was bloWn out and ,lliere ling house, damage $4,000; insuranee Retinae was. what should be consider. was a great tee of reek internelly. The ed. • rescuers are still at Work. Six' bodies Mr. G. A. Putnam, of Toronto, super- have been found, bet it is believed that intendent of Women's institutes, gave a oomorehenstve review of the work the death roll will be higher.. , .....„.......e.„*„ THREE HUNDRED WIDOWteei — Terrible Disaster In a Colliery to Wales. $1,000. The pub ie library, situated witbin two lecit of the last-named build. ing, was saved by the effortof tile vile lagers with a hand engine, •ti.T.11. MUST GIVE TWO -CENT RATE. PASTURE, LANDS NOT SO GOOD. , Ai, linporiant Decision By the Supreme Court. Oats and barley, said Prof. C, A. A despatch from Ottawa says : The Zoete, of the 0.A.C., seeaking at' the lelneMene Court delivered an izmortrulat inefehaf in connection with lhe Win. eet on Friday in dismi ing t ter Fa r. when the .question of seeds eppeal of the Grand Trunk v. iloberkere Wee diseuseed, have increased in pro- ne neurt was unanimous. Tills wee an dikaort, but pasture lands, he pointed 'e_neeat. Vont the decision of the Railvviiy out, had not been as geod in the past azitintiesion, which decided that the ten yeart. This he attributed to a num- Grand Trunk Railway under its charter ber ceuses. was bound to give third-class acoomeno- Mr. J. M. McCallum, of Shakespeare, elation on ltsi lino between Montreal and ,spowdog on the adeantages of the Tonna° at two cenk or cne pennye a EMI°. The court upho ds the decisien of tee Railway Commission. Ileberteen was refused a two -cent per mile ticket, and upon insisting for a third.elass ticket was pet off the train. Redress aka Ought in the courts, but the railway company sueeeeded in having the ease taken Mom the courts to the HaileVay Commission, The latter upheld the 000. 1(11114111 that the Grand' Trunk had to sim- ply third elasis accommodation at a Oily a mile. The decision has new Ixen cenflrmed by the Supreme Court. , done by the various branches of the institute during the past year. e special seed plot, emphasized the neces- sity of not sowing too thick, and In the selection of the heads at harvest tate those should only be picked from the healthy, vigoroue plants. T. G. Raynor, of Ottawa, ad- vised the fanmers to look more care - telly after their seed and see that it is peoperly treaty). Mr. Raynor led the Oates:seer& ort hill selection of seed po- tutees. Ile advised farmers to select e.5 Mlle and keep the best product or eaell WO, carefully following tile lits- kry et Individual hills, taking the best horn each for the seed purposes. Se - !option Wes else very useful mak- e. -- Ing potatoes disease resisting. FOR 0001) ROADS. • "Good loads right now," was the sublet:it tot alk addrees al the Winter Fair building by Mr. D. Ward King. of Mkeourt, UM originator of the split log drag, who said MO seven dollars would keep a mile of gravel road like a rate erect( for a year with simply method. Mr. A. W. Cankpbell, good roads commissioner said the whole problem pherson testified test lie sent Iwo sum. of good mad making was a question ef drainage. The people might have to resort, to tile draining tor hilts. no was aleo a then believer la the grading machhee, otSriblyistiabeetiopuraweiiiiehablethei.4rearkulults tmeestatining- tows, and recommendatione that more e tote advantege ot the Gokornment 08111NA AtIAM111) lit rEvhn. grant, was the ice:emote of the addrese Of air. E. Hawthorne, ot Wersaw; Mr. °Ole Citesed by ethane Preserthed Duuneetifugersoll, and Mt W. s. hy Spetieliel, Morale of Ion, Ont., merabets of the A divatch li0rn St. Peterebutg (Aye; atelretP304g ttss°e.13tEtinis. Ineerese itelexondea, who tor a tow. , en\ Vella items, of tondo, Ont., motile WOO Viet bng been. sellering "61-14# with e"Peratkm ----144`ve" "'IR` t nem ,n ea i prodeitere and awnere CheeS6 WW1% etteeeett teak s leo wee. on wa.ence. ke end erelleneleas„ said small factories Enee'lPre recently vatted in 4 epeet: loek Or stebilitY. day atel wes ordered to Mitt% aed (43 MI PtY' ClettZtt*-111 led in ttlits annual tate the Canadian t111311 tkl.k3'311(e4 '41 a";'''' "s6." 'Wht10 ny)aaaliX Hock Club woe hell lt4e/1 tt* hthl h" Pre' ih' the' nter110011, When ibe followinit ,eeet Melaka 40 that. ettwerN ceezeted: pee...teem, Goo. WtertS4n4 „St„ ClithaNnes; Mt Vice. peesident. easeph Fetter, Quebec; 2nd eekteePreeldent, Geo. W. lloberteon, tee knelt SeeretareeTreastiree, Rev. w. Milleeti, Kingsville. II. P. Schweb 'wee ApPellnkel judge fee the next Win, let Pair. A diseusslon Was bete on the While Melo rkt the Winter Fake Monit•eal Man Fined Two ilendeed Deb liars tor Imitatine ;Butter, A aleipatieh front Montrehl says: Jean leelektder. manathelketer Of "borino," wets Weelnesday prosecuted before Plidge.Pielk in the Pollee Court on a Charge ot infringlog the kW regard. Ing Duller, in so tar that he tanufec- tepee . the' PeePoll'i." "1)"1"" wfticb vapid be raiseaken tor better anti Wb.s nol huller. Gonernment inspecter Mad - eke of "bovine," procured h•oku a gm. eel firni •Ilie eity, to Ottawa, where the ilevernment oettlyst. Vaien, found MOM consest el Cotton itted ell, beet tat and a small quantity of calk, With catering Added. • Kelekider was lthed $Jete. And One Thousand Orphans Left lat Moneeat.., A despatch,. from Morketah, West Mr- ginia, says: The excitement ot the (fret few days following the tektible disaster at the Fairmonte,tord CotriPany. Wines here has about euasided, and 'the ation has settled, down into .ae•steady, systematic seareb: tter the bodies , of the victims. Two hundred and tvqiite bodies have been 'brought. ..the sur- face, and \vale large additions •to :the rescuing knee it. Is hoped to have the mines cleared very Soon. ReIr dozen relief stations are • now in eperatten, and supplies of all kinds aro Corning,* rapidly and being as quickly tUsbursed. 1, cash contributtons •te date toed $40,000. The relief terreiiittee estimates, that there are two widows and 1,000 or- phans as a feesulte of the disnster, ant destitution Among 'them wilt be very great. TI1FatinfiENIOES JONES. e • " ilt. Figures Out el Mtge . Iheabless In 1RaihiltaY Cars, A despateh WW1 Whinlpeg sive: tir r. E. eollee! United Skate GeteStile tepee, Maeda tO Abe Deperifieette.of slate at Waainn$Inn thet "Ettnotitt .has in operattOo- 21,566 ket,rikilWaY end but 4,000 ears aro available. the handling IMMO. Or only keretare mile. It is estimeted that dotddo ,the number Is, needed\ tet handle .41t. the freight. Tina MOOS that Criaadet 01111 be in the market for 80.000 teditional freight mat. .1hii 1101V- VOStee Mane construclant ere !tared In., ,000 new cars will 'be .1100401. tithecest,•01 $850 each the htleinees Will be !Werth 885.000.000 tor tiew equipment, teeters the rope:tang. et • old eftre. That Is a great melte Melte care then MI the car shops of Maeda ettOpiy in ,. tines for use. erne need eliald Incot Ante Canadian Ordeta tea tile- Atileriathl 'oar factories:a , • yeeeeteeeig.- Britain a• "StittPDESSi 14111ACV4 Vintertehetk P011efige Nage. Ittivere *leek, , A delptxteit troth -MI Britain Me the third et as Mailla signed Met latire,Wetattilie le nellee the west tit'eart Ittal On Weilikeeley,eeh ate. sets, Medea the' Olinnlend NeeteAternir 1 Sir Arlana 11,1001'N. 'teettednelit miles'oe the river 4'1 , limit of 'the Weetwer tenteeateirl, et Igellithe preptutet to lake lattliteSegtelle rela necesseree it chine don not suppros ttio Ware) In tirialed ampping lhe Moe 'and *ht. ha* etelleed theethinteilat Pereitik 'lleekrd ,that etre 'Writ patinl the river until tho Chinese Pellee bee* are placed under the Ladmineittektion Or Ithe Imperial ledelettite•Dentittmerit. Thie le. ter, arm thne *too IWO that dreat and the motselt eintwating• Dm breed, tbia. Itheenvideeteken Auchemilltery mew seres In Chine- ' • ; Pete...et:41e,, roti WAD 'CliiiptitN. C0nuntee4etter4 'flettle A. &cat& front Montreal eseyet • Al :4 Weikel tie the PrOttetellt iffehrd &heel' teemelleSioll kle Thursday riming, it ale 1 parents of the Oar leito leet their newt Is the teethe ierheol We Met welter the attee ot ler Aide tettkl; Mkt want (ls of $4,100. eeelo, *ea d etpeamle the Andetteell la& elehhnealli Dr. Ntaw, that the etehreele weeet 4 baud . hot le Pee the IL4,10 Proailog Attotstooliritik Aiste‘V*11 !ft Not• asepateh from Wasitiegioet se Prestieett tIocerteltwtfl **be a to kIsle for * *Idea reinte. A etetabit trite point weit, eft Wedowee? Pelted by laie ettikerhative the %Kai:* Wee. *a Wee • stilt sellistria te the euttrealleee ate& Aflia Olbelk. 'IMO rids Meet !amid 5q lisit 40.1 :1, '3 homu .suadia 1u has 1U InStY'rbeetkerrt 1St silikil;:44'.hilallett:leftr04wrtlyaittset44.*:04t71:M300,114..th '7g1 'flatla tor the Coadtart Northern, eaten s6t116,•04 ifixo .E10146164 1704 ,halte Warded lienutreit to 'their ' The eterthern .Nevietittelle feelthelleD7 Will bellel a•elekt ship 10 the,,Alltronie, 11eTrgliroa u°41" l'esilntvfhligt ra.14Tittelirrent914'114141tad* c45pcTill;4:4151:414"t)thelill'447trri*to' 4,2411I4ay.'g'*;11rW.e.tH°. *P441111444 this 'years 'Sa7Ohlt°,,s-Ste.Mikcraarierja4ofe the"*Ohittgitect°4Oti4•Ma .44 'dering Wlation HAMM. 'et nuniber of Toronto. bakers Were Okla for selling ifghtwelent bread, and Melee' aro Pending against ether*. Peterbore will again ask the Legisla- ture foe perraissten' to elan its •council 'for ewo years, . life sliver output in Ontario for the liret AVM/ Months of this year WM val- ued at $4,312,000. Work on over three rinks of sewers Llacteet°rbo.i$tualutionliaQnierietITteatro9nntoCe. l'eUctve ttle' iseerenee Cenviand was hanged at efordele Meneem Fraley, for tbe mere der of Miss Geerginalrowni- Alex. Weeps, a Barton township far. met deoere over the mountainside near; Hamilton and was killed cn Friday. , Edward Nagle, a Montreal Werlonan, was burned to death on Saturday in a ilre that destroyed e boarding house at Cedars. . Arrangementsthave been made by the Beard of Control to give a certain ainctinntoc:,ot work to Inc unemployed of T Traffic through the Sault Ste. Marie canoes taks year amounted to 58,000,000 tens, an increase of '7,000,000 tons over lasirntt YaearOrd Council will limit the num- ber of paol rooms in the city to Mx, and will exelude all youths under eighteee. Toronto City Council decided to ask the Legislature to amend the municipal act so ale to give married women vette at municipal elections. • An action for $500,000 has been entered he the Temiskamirig & Northern Ornate* Railway Commission against the Alpha Mining Compeny. Dr. Widget'. Secretary of the Prole*. cite Board of Health, estimates that within a decade smallpox has cost the Province of Ontario $2,000,000. From Nelms presented by the liquida- tor, shareholders of the Ontario Bette may be culled upon to pay from 30 to el per cent. of their double liability. Canadian Immigration agents in Eng- land will be instructed to warn the Bri- tish public that this is an inopportune tinne to go to Canada. The Dorninke Steel Coinpany has pur- chased the Cow I3ay, Gael areas in Nova •Seotia-, etiose-•-to. tbe sterl olarite-end will probaely develop -there immediately. Arthur Jackson, who was sentenced to 'seven years' imprisonment at Woodstock on a robbery charge, told Judge Finkle that, 135 would •lave something to say to the wh, le comm'unity when he came out. For th_ he was called back and Olen an additional two years. GREAT BRITAIN. lord Kelvin Is teriously ill. The Crintes Act may be revived In treland to stop cattle -driving. A )(trete number of tithing craft were lost in the English, Channel in a hurri- cane thet swept over western Europe. Sir Thomas Sutheiland says the steamers of the all -red line could not carry enough peal for an express service from New Zeeland to Vancouver. e UNITED STATES': The letisstettratairret ot- Railway Com- miylossnioenireds ll000ryte. cut express rates (wen• Prohi itituinworkers in Des Moines, Lie, have begun a campaign /or State wide prohibition. Mrs. 'Russell • Sage has given` away nearly $15.000;000 of the $75,000,000 left her by her husband. Lynn, Mass., has voted to Close the tars, and has elected Thos. F. Porter, Republican mayor. Thee° brothers, 14, 12 and 10 years old, sous of N. E. Carnal, weredrown. ed while skating at Tama, Ia. The menager of the Banco Agricola et Linea, Peru, took his Ilk 'beceuse he was 4140,000 out hi bis accounts. The hegroee of Philadelphia own 802 pieces -at property, valued at $2,4,13.075, which le .average of $3,040 °Oh. The United States tk$ey will shortly heaeltilvItecT:ttlanansairt°,rto4hePtelidearloraTiPliktantye PUrle)ec'etS. SMell were killed in the col- lapse of a new bridge that was being built' elfer the Susquehanna, Blver near En at ;hit rugo, P wonEuTguesyindd,aym, tus and factoriee ',welch shut mien when the fintmeial (stringency became acute, ere reopening. IlenrY Youtsey, serving a tire Sere take for the murder of Goebel in Ken- tucky, gave eiv' tenee on Tuesday welch Implicated es -Governor letylor. hl a erase divorce bin tiled al Chlia, go, Mrs. Annie J. ,Prior deelares that her .huelk.nd, 'Ilionlas V. Peke, drinks bele twenty to thirty glasses of wets, kePY,re4sh4ealYer.lan Preaehers • In Wei' ')/`'.01`1 and New. England receive an overall salary of ksS than $500 a year, an the New York Presbytery Welt 4reee$1 116110th:1e et)thendittneal9allekt. Ps or the Wilt de Refuel, Graves. of chioito‘ 4q otio ,that u fountain and knorketrient absll ba erect - Id In Memory ot Oaokee elatithut twitting, henee in Ilk Orly'50 thet totithgeootitmoit4ir:tOorritio:,;(1.1•It, ra turro.1•1- • GENElelete- , ••. . ng Illeetteettie peseettlien of lee •pairlete: t°'imbe Parlitiment• btleet' in441. ge, •h"etr"elting; ten, N2,,,,Weee eerankkey itcstroyed ny• • years. ' Ate, , Au-Strain/will ,puttlittie etdi Matinee end Ake* tete/ede beletik'nntuall kn t 'the- demandof rAtinted end tints for land 1%,,Oeusinit a!t*Inarkiihte r ctiatti Irliturigiry. • , • • 'CONY fishing veliehi, wilh crews Wine% which lett Miquelon on Ottohe 1.s,tittit tigitirhth" nt‘i•Ileetell bed' 1.wtt h;' Mintters ortindek end' his Part' Merit hie% defiletakd an rieletanatIOne aerie Sarttlett. the Meet fariViedi,• 134111.SofIa by tetrill*el eb" 4144"4"10 1:11111, edt441114ldIkd 14 Prree- akin' 15*1 Ice 1121,460,466 teeter , iteetteptletheg argetee la kind, • The Rife** pear, *11'4'; The ollesiala law Mid le 'Ow elett 10 11* Qom* /Mind eilit wste lama ate ireatittiteby gee „ Athsterelek. elekteekkerk Deleacealle at the *raid Dom hive NOM eiseideld bit lerea0 la OW italatel tad is Merle. Tr* *nem eft Wad tiy. Cglallaoitgoitivo omelette. Fruit ogee clutebea wheal* "1"48441$ With Mears' 4°-"Irnolawililey avoidiag the ooliksolakteekeet of Indulge 1000044ing in tettaitthodelkfic.r.i joy;iseeltitootheimehtetearcuntitro the beet rule. which 'that oven WOW le 1,:etitrilidtar(4,40 oodwietil;f4esetimiititt tps, IlL134Y ittipeeaki will lper. All 150 60106 &Were:ail fnaitt for tihtek Fenn Cekeee-One POnild broe'ere 'week!! if Bleeed aitelfglatedene jerie ogee, 1 *' Witter; *. Own," •le cur, Ian% 2 11ete ,e1441111.1.. • ag Jite eggs. teespeorth leselile strong '4Itteett*jeclorki el'Lln4b144Weekonellut:g""Miraiektentli4Citalle7; "feeapeon • .elovete ,IieeepeOrt" 419100., Otaiditt. the- .noter oltnia - tow' row 'pert jijAe het Aitlhe eireend ePteeet *lite Inteing peWder, the remits , 10' Pert, two'ketelher•itoUte ;re butter our augur ingather welt. 'heat : - the 'gaga' /SO:" at.* 4irnee teld the *treng 'terreefe theleettrealeiVeite.e. elkerenhy, adding 150 frult . 'l7ii will 31)0130 two elle*. Dab raoder‘, Thtek 4;;tielie,10es. in,oist• ;eke,: lieepIng !teen ineleenttely, Wtilto FAIR Cektee-Run 1 ethy hot r :•Ekillenti4gEt4, 3.11.4z1b1414.04.1asmuutos9044;rtt:Ittiretrsteuns4knell'g.e7eni.40uiltl15 tree ly end rename 'coarsely, then mix 'theta all ,lightly 'together w1111 -the lingers, ; Mea- sure 23; eupo fleet' .end sitieSome or it over-ihkeTekeite-Add,2. teeepeont'helang- P°thew4fleetUret° Irene 150 remaInder Tild again 4141111 sug.er in nee troll, lastly told. in tie eyllitepe of T .egg ke fee len to 0 stilt froth. Peer the better nto ewe nmieellitratelledVele kiteBetteeti,nbseursun.a.'bealm'eein: Cider Cake. ---A thoroughly delteleus holiday cake -end .one not. over rich Is made With geed sweet cider. For a gen- erous eked cake altewe etk drieduor- 1 grated . nutkrteg, 1 tables n rants, 34 .1e• newt:kited sugar, 6 eze but- ter, ground Mortar:non, 1 pt elder,.,4 eggs, 10 on 41our and 2 teaseoons. saleretus water. To inake this hast diseolve 1 oz teaspcon sateratis. ire pt water and Owed aside ontil it hits settled; Clean the currant.% carefeuy and dredge, with Deur. Beat egg etogether leant very light. Rub silos!' and better to a cream, then add to them the vim and half the cider. addethe egg, alternating with the flour, a littre at a time. .Stir until perfectly smooth:, then .add slowly tho rest of the cider and currants ana. ,lesUy, the sajeraine water. Stir vigor- ously, pour in a greased Pale and bake in a meek oven, Hickory Net Cake. -Beat cup butter to a cream, add lee cup powdered sugar and beat: WWI light, Measure ee cup' water; add l•teaspeen bake -1g powder to 2 cups flour AIM sift. Beat whites of 4 eggs to a Atli( froth. Add the water and noir alternately; beat until smooth. Then add half the whites, fold in eare- funy, and add. 1 cup chopped hieltory- nut kernels. Add remainder et whites and bake in a found, deen-delleeePtien Turles hetid in a moderate- oven for V hair. Ice With soft icing and decorate With halves of hielkory nuts. Tutti Fruit' Cake. -This Chrtitmas cake is as pretty (0 look at as it is goad to tate To cup butter add 4 Capa 234 GUpS sugar, 4 teaspoons bakleg pow- der, 1 cup milk, .and whites of le eggs. Crearn butter tine suatir, add gradually rank. and Dour -alternalely, the, bakin cwder sifted. With the, last half-ea/du Ottr, One leggy, mix in carefully the stiffly. beaten evnites.." Dake In tear lay- ers. icingt. Whit0s of .4 egneeef cup. of water, 2 .heaping atipe. miser-. 1 level seitsnoon'.ereem of darter. 134 tops eaeh ol reeeinee, fijjS and tilraonds, vanilla to mflaoenedstee'lleado othoeopraisatodefi, obelansechpatrheoelayi: 'Pat ',the sugar, wateriaadieream of tar- tde halo gosothveattOepan; heat, slowly 4.0 'bailing, stir only unto sugar, is die- eented and .‘coo -it • Waned estirring until latsidStibliSti'. 011 Ogaildati:lirbly!; _thhirtn1Wet11. tit tbIa4t 111.1 evIlitee evey sun, add gradually the syrto, and VOtilltite he -flavor arid beat A/Igoe:testy.. cool enough 10 spread, Spreadethe lekeereleyet 'with Icing and sf.rinkle generously 17h6PIP:ed :05inp.sed cover "ceyilli. the. aer.Ond layer, ipe and aimondel zho Algid layer, ice and cover With', the 'cheeped figsA itad, lastly Wt. all the fourth leyee. To the, king thaterettialeCedd the remaining raisin*, nuts an& ttts -ond-sp_o_ ed with this Int& turelhe' .41100'4,Ort. Ana eidea 6f the etike. wiPtillIra:Cutit•IMpettrinveteerealb ..fle°uurea'r;alibdeamixt OkS freah .hutter,tolt bream, Add to it 3 attEe' tt4 dried .currants, and, lastly, the. fIct 1, and saner-. Beat until lightiefieVer. to, taste. Dredge neer 'ork buttered -tin piens, aint drop the.bate ter on theta the she of a walnut. 'Bake lo a. brisk Oven. Vise paints will keep for a year, • • . To Ornament Calm,,,..Te ornament ;take prettity: clit'llewbra and leaves, trent Untitled Wrillngpaper, dip thern In: the whIlett;OVaii4ogg.,net teethed, and anrinkieeeellei egeineulated. 'sugar, iising a. es Mee, 'Allekeetleenee'16, dry ,and then erre/tacked toPel3relle eakic 000 Jae the cake on the lop Andeelees., and when 'nearly dr )0 litleft'Uleblanclied almonds Ivinite4literett Pittiinttkialjete".4,r41.'4114 Mlle rat* tee eeeeleeeeeekti,. ' It Thi, tileti,:eit:It Ar‘ glientO Provo Welknetedene,. • • GOO* SittWistsii. avatoh,tocittly`„ eithelett sayel Mr, Forget. tcharievelx).'hos.: :01,40 31(111 'i Or Efrieloweiel/ten:tt.,tOglevivonftetillinete.ottilkehmtlkil lon 10 the! •ttaminem thitittere As:violation. that he ,ernmttilf and' ,VOgletlIen"Eat'Ittg6 Eank 'will Talselhe.,rittf et:tittered, en Diev, "ilepealt$ Reale "e)4"13oe cent. , • .."7`.;674"',..4!..**1411•;• OLT 't tOmittP :0:7:14tS .Ttittittiltiattodswii" .1jbellt4 .1°111)* irt:rn Sav John Shat tileeilarelle ROM' Ottawa says: • hitteelt 'In Ato ewe .or '.htt liotele. oiteti*1/.tittwth4jUI1%lII1. 1l ,' outniteekwoolot Ittpui‘ttoWItententst:04ti)t-lfel-•.iltede,, 501 ms work •Ier. a Month..., • • • tEli She IS ektenig girl, but $ pressitt, the tlitterente lictw aing iliipleatiatis ere *11 hav* mg eomething aNt the pe tweeted In doing It. "Oh.' hog girl Mend. aonnlng 10 day aad . , ahreesetie, 'Mew it that yet thinefe' *tele 11 yore that reel WI a Re taktheige ta "do h. tea with . I het Roue tetirlderselai elt retells, Avenue. were bretelie Ileerdered en, their beds on 'Thursday night Ind the building wee at Ste lo by the trio:Mille be Wee bet* of etteettleila daelokying all- onto to the eereali• The_ itre, however, 'wee seem dire entree iota ozunguisteo:tod a aullical e ettqa showed that both net bed Ill" evoamserinsaboorInlir twa4olliamompri:zhIgml loulocw4euthajniouve.00404,7i 11 1. *rave they had bum OW end p4red 14thi-tise4,1541.41.4lbeds*nyikabod. Tb wiwzotaltilmitix se SU. staliec ""ellea."411 wilk41154U1r aerY4glzdar , IleNTS.•TO ,SEAMqe.14,5B.S , 'ethillg ;Or " tattekl' ellen141 be. ,cet 'thee the' 'lewd part .4e, Cue. St°1110-t 45C the Materiall teed:.the ettr.;treit ceittar ...thett,..00teek, ••. ufl • W altering'te trate let •IrieiVe the shoulder searn•16 'Ana' • trent. A: better jean isle. Jet,' tt, ,40PP :tteellwa4el .til-sieaele of' tervitatti. ' whitaiebeWalies,golt,Pki:• ki,:w4111401:4,:.1.1n7.0;0,40o4r; ntaleingeeretienieleleekeekeemittingetnes Into the eesingS. '.the 1)0401 wlU then ilt- closer to the .4141*• . • in sewing ,gio reteriai kik to a straiglie piece' tbeetoriner is etiptet, tbolasbece4 jornueickstx:beekliplatioo, TOuttealectoinneathi4E! and it will. then he sewa th...6yetily- • sn'Agilluenay1a.a.rottrikieer ilineoinrieeitOts,11h4e'oatielisetttea, cellar band, end in, teektng it Dile poeition it Is an excellent Plan to cut a few notcheaelnathe blouse so as to avoid weinelee when the collar Is fin- ally etitelied (in, • ,,, • Dont. va order to avoid light bloilee,, cut a large atm bole eei as to give" melee/play to the side seam. A wid arm hole causesehe blouse to be pull • out of place at the waist when the arm re lifted. it is often difficult to prevent the pile of velvet frorn being erushed. en Stitch. ing it. and a good plan is to place a .Piece of the sank tnaterial face down. ward on 11. The fingers, resting on this., will not flatten the pile. To stnengthee shirt buttonholes, stitch them round with cotton after they are 011131104. Th.ey, *111 then last much longer and not tear awe.), from the A thin elik, or one that frays easily, can be cut out better if lald between sheets of thie paper one the peitera Gut through paper ised .matereal -to- gether, „ After stitchiag down. a seine press with •a -het -Irene ana. If -no seat/board Le at hand, 1.1 18 useful te know that a rolling -pin,, %dropped in a clean cloth, will answer theepurpo.se equally welt, In makinasa laoliee, top deep a renret must not be cut. for the neeke at the oubset. lt is better- ery it. on Rest, and thee outline a semacircle.* front with a MW pees, cutting tt evenly on the fiat surkee. - if thiri crinoline is inserted in ehe bethink- of a skirt .hem to stiffen 'Rivera • should be taken' to cut it on the htee. •lt may. be:slightly Snatched before 'be- ing -sewn in place, so as to tenant the curfititneryt 1110 50121 ef4rieheg.skvitirorta.l'iy pos, ses.sed by mest weenen. One 01 these makes an, effective ((entre to a flat puff of velvet..and''forms :Or other good ex- ampte Or the cOat. ,blittaa,, The, puff should Went on the crosst a toed eix- lending from the edge across the coat. le loop over °waking" button on the other side. a • lOTTINGS OF FASHION. Girls are busy these days weaving beles and nerrew hat -bands of tiny porcelain beads ellosen in amiters that match their ioreegL suite. 'They are ,using cross-stItch designs culled hom the old cross-stitch pattern books. The belts are mounted upon suedeof dere or rieuh•al tone. The sleeves in many gowns and. In meet of the wraps (the ktter being nitrite &tat and partly cape),. reffece the strong !influence of the rnatidttrin and kimono effects. sling sleeve draped in voluminous folds, and °the new Ronian skeVes ((hese left open, or caught eogether with passementeeie or., ranlents). are Uaquestionably the 140, outcome of the oriental, sieevc Splendid and &implicated trIrrimings fickle their edges and outline the gen' erous ormhoies. Ruston or %Madhya ettlibroidertet rookie:tin Many instances the Japanest emtholderieia, and win often lend to a 10et Yeaate. etivea. Nett the %lath of ACV, eitY Which It needs to Make it fresh 4andAatuus gyt Icilsolhooe.e very faelevnable set there peefeteakei for velvet, Whieh voy well adapted to.ethe gewns of the present seaeOn. T.CliChea of rich. mkt mei( be intro. Mita In Uttered gowns when °eyeful - :1e (kale, Orange, green, the new blue, and Mane color may ail be used for cellat, tufts, or the veet, provided they are well; proided over with Ina& teekittiebt. • . COLLAR. Filmy looking jabots made ef belette or linen at the' sheerest, o edged with, Vittencienna insert as stylish neer they ever ,selealie ago, 'whet% first tolittre etribeelderede peters, are Atte. popular with or without eike to the Iles, the pie IOW tow tene 01, the bear j bow Or plain. 1 and Sheitee to rtfthrboeweiet atrit lite. , tiret several White and nd efre welt, iteverdettut State&edged mita htee, eon In a labeteliits resitteit ver the tread -I the wale!. 'Noe titbit re disliactive laleattee.ot the -pointed WV at which they are cut. area.. Sut "e.P.Or rbl),Ti.;*•‘"** 44,, .1nIttuees'ut:' It* 'ebb, Mn India *1 Pre.ent Fitike&stCln 0! 50. IIelsoii street 11 not su50 r1wthier hie 18 hiuppy OI' 1)01. The bird;:thaV,stellvera 'tne-%liahte •hretight kiwgem wide*: being. reaae ltke • likeaand g .',001'eete k eel •evitit ineleth hist: :414 '011Iltjlettee" Pr; Tinkle". .dayeinottriteig,/tied:-WIteW• Ito; heighhoti„.,,,,: l't'ard o!11 they *eesefrohetoloptiored 'enteenten; the goad. *kik', -,:s arid 811(1013 ltiuids, but 11e5h1ot46 bit hertit and epcnt day t .; Re Is a rtfteiti,,itowe44,trg4010,11;Ossbutioilr,usAvo!lrk 00 worIl tor iWO Worth Tiv4iity. Militana.- More Thafl Last; According MI tatiMate,, ,11•1:0::gesoztiPagwolti:j'onNne, mwMeit:niesretioly•oyet:y::::;•1". . T. t1, Intiolgration - getitTot Virtintral Peg% telegraphed •••to' the ; thet,ee ttadit, la4eSt'dralUirtg* TAO ,b1,wiasho..,Istaiwtwootop4y • nucitolgzilth,laint t#reo 1004. grain Eto would ho eworth twenty more tee, the three previneas: 'et Margiobe, Altleriti and • eaekatchewen whieh coarse Menne commands; lqn- 3 .thae .that est year heel. bee)). This, tafgely.' dee to the inoreesed. price • whe'at yielding Ibis, year es much ea No. 1 Nianikka hard formerly dtd. • 'MUST HAVE 850 IN POCKET. , Pauper Immigrant Will be Barred from Canada. , A despatch. front, Oteaw,a says e In or- der to eerie- Immigration barn Great le reribian during the Whiter season and +tit ropthei eheek • upon Peanie- ing ta Cainada , when there is a proete bllity .01 work not belag fortheerning, agents in Erigland have been instruct- ed to tunny.' Intending emigrariis that' ,n, adult will be Allowed to lane fri 'Canada between. now ' and the 15111“ Febreary (*less he has $5O in his _poet. ket. From tlie latter date WApeir.l.st' themmount'xnuse be $25.. „The only ese ccealon -is the ease of these wbo are, , coming out to` friends, one have wore( provided' kr- them, , TWO ClilleD1112N. PERISH. tfouse , Took Fire During the Motberes , Absence. A .despatch from Monieeal.sayee Two cbildren one, eve two years and the other d'haby, belonging to •INIrs'.. villa ' of ElueberVille, near Eaet, were burtigtmo death on Tueeclay night. The, moth& left the °laical* in their:Meta Whiter, ahe went to a eleigaboret on a Messes& When she returned' the house wa.s he' genies, and elle ifire hadeilatn„ed state -headway that all efferts to save kne ettildren were bilk. The mother knade franne efferte to rescue leer •Cnildaerie and*Wes seriously burned in tho'.attempt. 4 INDIAN NOLL. NOT HE HANGER. Meitileer' Vibe to Rit4teee 44. • taws toe .Strengtioe Swim*, - . , . Aedeepieeeb :train Whiptpeg says:ee seph Fiddlee Walenot hang, Such is decree of the Etominion Government, neOce et „which reached the 'Ott 0 Thursday. The had beate 'tete, tor the Murder of an insole girl, a in bet et the slime 'Witte, neer theistio Itudson.130y4„.ile,WILS sentenced by OemnitSSIonery Perry. of ' West-eleunteet Pence, 01110 peetere, presided ,as Judge The death ,sentenee,, was cattle out 011 Ahe mar 7 at Ntrway muse,. of dekith Neeth* special the unit. haVe heen g' ef Jeluittey, G oNAilem. 'On presses at,teeei tog 'Iniperlettent,L. . , Lentlen $aitni 'Lora - whir or tette totortouset ghtim on Wednesdayntett,, looked ferward the troupe he Sesteeeign weuld • ktm :Perottnily, and hold courI •INIctitta or Ouebect; enplint• vpkt xtevor . lea's* toriden* hut 'athere'••. ould 4 tt4)100fity . , tootti*Ou'ito ;tort itiottiti utek.boroont, or Pefrotro, 'et • • • Vatal Error. • • tr Iv • is tr ttit, SOyS! 73 titilitt. %them; daughter lit the MA' E _ ened*On. fietadfle ttlolintile- taY ba Just SIM' a resell iit teldwit otthoue aeld tine pre, or a Oonthination viola eitefie,ite nititti130 ot nett prettily knotted taking befotte retir ing, She wet atone In te% '..Setelerlatee tho• rr,edlchle Weleirele Watein t tobt et ventage amid' the Put. DlatiollSe at the ttme, anti wee disco*. leete IWO Pleeeh Of Oho: ,./ohlett 4t never rallied. or lice. Wont or tot tutooputtois, toridhion, from 0,