HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-11-15, Page 4troorix 11 Leseersp.„ ego. arr.* II. I'Liirbi twe,.. 1,orl t .... tearer 1 ol.14 141,4:44. kir4141. *3 litUri lik:414t,' bite $40140 OIXMCH AR IS Rift 11514 404:jowly, vat, but PONIMici Ai* tree (Nit *tee Evora , PO4 fur you. Ote, yolleletheerforattecite age. •Ail)"Of1,e differ), • eistflaVers. Poce,;oc., $00100140 fdeUldita toffet • importiaot to Jfilvortsiers Atl theme* of adverilemleate for the me tfklanein oe.t tees . than, Merotev mem imermociTOnt1rellteltst be in tee Wines ee pt week, advertise% will pimso *mem theerietvreareorainulte CONTRACT ADVERTISIle(1. Veto/fleet Tittefirea will Orme note that theitavertislier raw are lee user mania iss elm he. and 1414 tiVorY sdrerUser i pleeod oi ElitilsAAM - Yearly eantracteetplae *Overdrew: 0)2 per incli,ren of paper. For levier periode, roan tea to Oa per inch, accot•deig to thee and rgi trh.raceit positioa for vorateet adyertie. Ing, fetters under the heading of Locel 150100, on pup I, to non-advertiscre, be warden Hues Moloch •, to :emir eon act vertie. IR cellisa ruuninir lino in non mire, is cro 03O odrortisillit aliPears t same tissue. 6 cent* * lino 1 to now Who make a yearly coutract under tide heading, and do not otberwies advertise. 8 cents a line. Advertisements without ittiecifto instructions will be inserted midi forbkh and charged. sic. All eitvertislint "omits are rendered and eollected montAnt. Job work, es. 0.11. firen tioderion, or our it.'walse Milo% o 80 Fleet street. Leaden, L. C.. free. Yr A die of tide paper Orin im omen at Tpli: dump. and alt the latter toldrees Messrs. &e Hare. & Co. will Witted to Weir* nor. subscriptions nr ailverneementli On OM Ou' belf. Decisions Respecting Newipaporie Any person or pemne who *ken a paper reg- ularly from post Oleo, whether adarersoa in his namo or another's, or whether lie has sub- scribed or not, 114 1.0113013(dbit1 for 1313310100t. If a person orders hie paper discontinued he pay nuo send it until ment is made, and must lialt arrearo. 00 (11*' publieher may con ti - then collect the whole *mount whether the meet ti token or not. Tho Courts ham derided that refusing to take newspapers or poriediolle from the P09t W PM or remerinff ana Ictiving them uncalled for while sulreriptioil rentable unpaid, le Prima hada evidence of intentional fraud. e, rs. -see, PAY IN ADVANCE. •With a view of squaring off subscription arrears to Tina STAR and establishing a pay in &defence rule a large number of 33101109 are 'handed to the Can Puleishers' Collecting AffencT. who make a specialty of attending to thie important department of newspaper work. "With the increased cost of ma- terial. wages, postage, &o., the margin on a country weekly at $1,00 per yew is • practically wiped out and unless payment can be secured in advance' the outlook le not very confforting. Kindly give ea your help in title matter by a ready response (tei the notification you will receive.' The amount to the individual .aubscriber is apparently Winter, but in tho aggregate means thous:suds of dollars to TAN sttlit.. Money we must 'have. • , " Me:Seeee$M‘ieSSSS"`s. • '" te Goberteb %tar. , lattrernotter Mut IL OPIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1907. TI14.FOTORlil OF ONTARIO'S ACI- , eiltIalisligRAL SOCIETIES. late lere wen - o nrer,tierleolteria memos, to thou as, v,00°' ore We eau pushier, Intelligent- itie Addeo of the egricultural 004 !OlOtt1iii •Ati,iit-atio. We Meat bo ^ ac- etPlabliteff With the'',#,..naota -15611ilitteir and' haV4 it.40-*t"*rif the 'Wits 4,4he , dead 111? -k- aau.na'1' She 64'4 : iltkp %;:e„ 'Dan's e he liateet*tehertrer % ) e nseettelt the stem trtii; the% tc0:: nd teceMetee of our cousins den. nuiettr 'abotitertt.bortler. The law - 400 11110111,11at ned when thole 'weld- fimWeet Mt the *Mettle our eiteltement. Soon the directere of dencoletrWere tiptIet1 and Pet. cirtittai, and in creating considerab . iltdir•'-fdeninted rotice, h buses, turreundi g exhibitions. that ere Imre- npu whiett our preetht apleuclia sys, tem Of agricultural otganizstion eud idoestion Wed, Tbeir past is rule Of wItielt they way well he proud, Couslitilese TOday, What of their ptesent Om? Are our socletlest accomplishilig a* Womble work today AO formerly? Are they, aig Sped VOlk sis they did fifty, even tr.i year* ign,? While some, poor partly to ebb over' *Molt the 4liedes'ille..Petbetumocce'•than doelil membore of the sogietiee boar Ito gone fee all Re aftricelterot teatewea rote. (lop has heeinne ea Immo-Vete. our. agrieultural etielety. It Is d. wolf le end lees available for The litippy mato work of 'the eociety. Under the abawe esption, the j yet: ililt:Iferiet.greeellAY, Takelen40104tHatat; Otint.liiiin of Nov. ltit glee*Ibe friP the proatotem ogricoltinc. lost' '&01,190144.- • So Wog it.detweso to be called ' The Treihto A0444011 McIver, to all egricolturel society. end be entitled matiog trettual report to tho goy - to reeeteetstiovernment grant. Whett. moment *Pelle Cape ,Crellore. antoleg howeverete soplety rearite4 the polot other things -Win' ' .where.it flods tt necetassee to epend Oroeg,,,TeatiezIndiatte have. lbws, ortudsvof 11.01Pe of the bR4P140,iur* WA* includinggathl: **et -/attrrOlandigft.IN ta 110 foam, in. Weatern 4)0440. 10 i. *suitable ter the- roJoing of boo" eat.. tit...sheep and swine 01)4 grO11)1 rhunitrtthout 110 not utiliakt. eine. 11. Olteneerearentei AWOL FIVie181000,e, -Mese of the Indtiont are andeetriee* owl low -abiding, 6.felle Ate ledolent, end ita 1900 they ean telie things, easy.ruatat no provleion, alwed for the herd tittles in Wintee and twateity et: Mete reasene of' the -Tear. 'TAM IndtPe teeter onee aro beeoilling 'miter, belle good teatne and outfits 604 goitre linek' of each variety. Inc,04trivt4Tolflthci9olViaoMtiTettoloVSTIcitieht,-e' ett to driok Amt. have tentrvennee 'societies. 'There ere a few who thole to get wbisky ,whenever' toey: can, widelt only happena wheneeer' they have Ihtte wealth,ahont' thettl, as it is only foe the love, of 'their money that they' are eupPittal sottle voserupuleits white nom; o few of these .ate to be No*144E0404. nearly every. place where Biome la and mut Indiana will nearly' always( try to sereect them for fear of thleir .eupply being cttt off. *RM-lotoN.-Therenre ts00 ehtirehes on Um reseeVe rod the Indteus goner - more societies in that stete th031 (WY ttliV 040 11 deep, inteteat. in religion 0).40, 00,1 callee. Th° 43tes of 1,01 The largeet comeregetictri le the fdetho. 11133111111313VOS0001010tta 11443 so arrinigea diet with over WU rherents, end, the that the fastest horses in the coinage? can attend. 'These home.. take prime tlreluCal uteletboli ovieltalin da boaellity 114'441g' tically all the prizes, In Conneeticut 1004, $20.11IX) was inntiolfintblvi iiitattITetIA31415'llbeY".8 're idroar a se/Wended by the agricultural societies 'for ell agricultural purposes combined. • Nemeals at Work. The sum spent for horse racing was Kincardine IttivleW. - atiurro, and for special attractions, $10,370. In other wend% $0,053, or al- The return ef Conservative In Lon. tnOst one-third 01010, Nvas spent for cloti'adds another,exhibit tlieolready home racing and special attractions voillInineue evidence Whiell goes to than for all agricultural purposes•cone prove that 'Vice theadVaneti agent biped. In this. 'state the inienorid Ole'- of its own Nstieeejs. Seine year/ ago. Mont that attends snail exhihitIonre the Conservative party loateor.falled beciome so obnoxious that recently to win, seat after seat by the' opera - the Stale Legistatuic deemed It necee. tions of a machine invented to retain sary to paes lam prohibiting the the Ross government in power after presence of tents of ill -fame on the situecedeassyfsulowf ausetebfitadmneaeosh' ihad;tet hfinedt ,wStteo exhibition grounds at fate time. borrowed by the Laurier gevertunent The agriculturn1 societies in Ohio iri to win over stubborn cenetitheneles. 1904 spent $105,014 far amicultural But the auccese was oniK temporery, urposes combined and $107,027 for SiblY, ate. toortris Per. This is doe Wide IMMO/ fin' )10-0/0 ,1"14gIng 0,0 trek White yeate.our rtualpopole, it Is :misnomer to ciiit it- 0.0 &mere ate ao well Simplied with eg, Obeetf e elegising. Met it la no more en. rieolterat ,61.44 other pericelletrie. 010 '.41tiOli to tecelfe 1) 00370rOleent grant f;0011trritt so intersente4by8000040, that) It theatre oe ortineentent park end re Iveiter Nes. thitt neat Ira ••10 .•0400•0,,t 104,044. a few so -tolled -tend exhibit lone in the early *ley* have • teal Cheraeter. lettplwered. NoWootlays. It is *meetly Yon max. say thot there is for 01-farMOr to..hity 6 pore tired mei* such. conditions becoming timitIl'enItt nOlghboring Wooden. or prevalent to Oetario. If you do, you , through ao advertieement loon ogri. 110 nor MeliZe What le 'taking ehree culterel paper. Or by POMO* On the: litritatire trait) and attending tmene %de, 90 VOIlditlelle In the States. soon actiori ontil-tho (latent Me #0,0-841 la 1 I 1°118gt 11°4t) it "eet4144t.Y t° e°StV°441' Aioreot ineeeth4atiou of the work icaolcik.0'1,41sehseFtnottliawttr yketalk" ti.b4y9 11°01: ZeletteOP"ifinglieQ tirinegfignirdc °Statesr4 tel 'in tree States of New York and Farmerie lostitetes, the Experimeittal no. - • tinion Deleymenrs Associatioos, and ',oar. revealed an axon 9 Og con- kina44 orto,nizattoos haoo deprived diger*, In Maine. whicit IMO many the eoeieties of still other lines of work excellent ,agricultural Societies the that they were waled upon to poorm ,geeernment reporta -Atm, tjutt, more oriese thorougbly thirtr or forty faaas: was btrlag sPs"V"/* years ago. Over 90 per cent. of our "Fee! °ell° ,,,,,t,,‘.21)1, n.7 4 v.4,4?.4., iont..4'tl nd soeleties, therefore, confine their worit ' Reliveire'Actnp-s-biere''-d"; tom to the Mere fielding Of an alma° their ogrieultieral societre.s. The Agri. exmlitityl7itheoe Hooletles aro of great attolltiltetiortaelaseinoiieutiles Massacititeetta number. An value. They ore keeping the commit of the State oard of Agriculture him agriculture ever before them. Y stated that horse racing less k Una meow of the rivalry they create:wrong local breeders and other exhibitors, els well as by the object lessons they afford on the dart of their exhibittons, the3r aro productive of ranch good. Most of th4311113 societies are In purely apricultural sections. '1.intortnnately, societies of this character are rapidly decreasing in number. 'They are being replaced by a more modern feral of society, Some of which, at leasts are productive of more harm than good, incentives that led the peep e at* tdocational features to disguise its The etorse of this change is to be foetid in the Increasing size and num. tier of our towns and cities. Whereas, In the early days, nearly the whole population of the Province was direct- ly interested lin agricultural pursuit. of one form Or another, today large portion of the citizens of Ontario live ID urban es °Mere. They mare little or, nothing for agriculture. These people have no interest in purely agrialiltitral exhibitions. They, and, an increaelng proportion of our rural popilletlen• waot mtnething more exulting: They desire to be *unused. This element in the panel:010n already has changed completely the character of many of our emaller exhibition% The meta- morphosis has taken piece by degree% but it is none the less complete. Tho change la effected so gradually that the residents ar the community where the society is located hardly recognize thht it is In progrees. Itt probably nine cases out of ten it statts with a simple horse trot. The claim Is made by some of the members or directors thae something is needed to amuse the crowd. It be finally decided to hoe a farmers' Ora, confined to members of the soelety. Generally 'but little exception is taken to this, simple inntwation and the event Is greatly enjoyed. The next year the prize are increased and more entries are recelyed. Soon one or two fast horses are deyeloped by members of the society, against which 0090 01 the other membere will make entries. This situation makes it necessorey to change the cinitomary program. By this time the people have become accuetomed to looking upon tone races ae a feature of the fair. !natty, it is decided to have one open race. In this event horses from a distance are entered for. the first time, •Pride is aroused and a dealre to see the localthorses win soon makes the event the feature ofe the day. ' From this time on the change con- tinue' more or less rapidly. In the case of many Moieties, it is not long before piost of the races are thrown fePen, and larger and larger purses are offered. Ere long it becomes necessary to engage bands to annum) the crowds between the vices. In some ewes vaudeville performances are introduc- ed, and aide shows, of a more or Tess queetionable nature, become a vegetal. feature. In the meantime, but so gradually it Mei occasioned but little poinment, the agricultural features of the exhi- Isition have been relegated more and more to- -the background. Gradually enthusiastic lovers of it fast horse have crowded theineelves on the board of directors-, and Some, at least. of the (armee' have been shoved oft Facb year a kw of the better class of people .have dropped away from the society end have beenreplaried by a more spor- ty element , Generally, once this claye t gains &footing, ten to fifteen years is presen all that le required to completely ear eon- beegethe charecter of an exhibitkm. Whole SectioneAfteeted. •er The insidious ,change that ceeeps esti- over our agricultural seelety ;Meets, iu ie de. time,wholeeommtinitiea. Attractions In one form Men:tether ere introduced 'first by one tandety. Generally this lioniet is located In /Ohm Or citV. The innovation, being old "of the ordi. na.rv, siteceeds in. dettWing A Iarcro ' kwiil follotrest lin the wake o the in., f sileldwroo of liolitIcs into municipal tlift.:4 - meet ' eel/teed themselves in Nitta in pteeent their. introduction, et efeest 'lb any eoriiiiderable, extent, in rOattadts. Met1P ettter instances Might. he citetIef the henellt, We have derived . , _ . , through having the exionoleit, to fol. Petit -Pier be /TS EXOlibLireteW.- "Nei-lhe,Orallitecture will not be bow Or. sherildiltffOrdOd by 0111, Ont0t4 The beet testinienitd one, clot lull* ,of menototteue.- , In , feet, the. architeete Plaitilf tuditlthere, It, We are wise, we the virtue of Dr, Thottet`Relccteie Oil netterted theit,Chittwe „tlit now, Ile. W 11 profit, alesa by teddngtu heart the in the treetment of ,--binilly r ink ti% ' f 0 r 0 , they've had to tush out eoirie. „leaseril tallghe by tuo motors,. Of their eooglie, colds runt affeetiens of there- thing eheap. -rooter anything heatitiftie sertleelthretepeletiele , opiratory organk lit a trial fir it,' , it NOW they won't Wive to Worry about: We have VtItiOn t0`!bapreutt of tlitS not lOttna. the ,ecivereign' reirielly itie tlertietlee., . The , MOM itetietie hottest is, eM Work that litte been :aetomplish. reputed tO be. thettAtntaYbe.redeeted 'AL cheep tits tha crudeet, 'Why! ite by the egeleidturet 40elettee 'of On--, hog useletie end •* 1*' 'luta `lien nay' '-gelog tO Meal% ',a, reuival in architee. ly agrIcu tural. aro informed that their fairs are " good," that the crowd " Won't turn tint to see Perim. V.Vithiti a few years one society lifter another follow)) the exatriple set 'and introdtweitattractions of one kind tir another. Noy board* of directere, when they 4cOoterit, tir the holding of the 'Rost innete. tont, eo with the honest' belief that One or two -smell v4001100 ell that, ere requited. They are dee thrinifted thet they Will Over' the iterire eating eleartelit to getio tho ascendent*. Mitt tho remit? 'Sootier ot 'later they find themselves Inthe grip Int conditions met which :they have , tat Vitst One, nelghtioriint'litielety and then anOthet Nemec& tho piitees offered for their ,apeeding coriteste_,Ot the imam atifut for Attraettorit., '00010111y, 11,grOWIng *COM) in the "e0MMUnity detnando Oat this *hall he'doilt., In 'titian the infidels* Which fititeillhe iiitectont to 'hold tliehr:first hen* trot, tont ',IS orse races alone. 'Many thousands of lb° reitotim came. with the resit t that today hone of these mats remain dollars additional were spent for vaude- ville shows and other similar attrace with the Liberal party, Court records show that the place's tions. in this state the average re- where the nenhine operated were celpts of the 00 county societies from South Ontario, North Iv:nevem% Lon, eide 1410043 01d130 was $880. When so. West Elgin. Brockville, West. cleties have reached sixth a stage what dmir Huron and Sault Ste, Marie, is their inain object ? 113 it to promote agriculture or to encourage acrobatic * * * performance: and home racing ? South Ontark) is now Consei s ages. The Danger al Our Doors. Similar conditions promise to pr0. veil ete long in Ontario. Already we Loire some booieties which expend more for horse races 133161 special at- tractions than for all agricultural put, Acmes 'combined. Five years ago such 17as not the caste ' the Ontario Government en. forced the law preventing the opera- tion of tonnes of chance or exhibition% d02031£3 orient. societimepermitted sueh features. The3r even sought them for the revenue they produced. One so. clet3r attempted to, put fhe -Govern. meet .detectives oft the gi•ouittle when they mulgentok to arrest some sharp - era. LasTe'rear a side show, for nsen only, that had been put off the istountle of the Toronto Indio:trial Exhibition on itecount of its Immoral character. opereted at a worn bee of fain, held north of Termite. Recently, the editoe, of a paper, who, as the secretarY fcV years of his local agricultural society, had been attempting to conduct Ile annual exhibition on agricultural lines, was voted out of office at is packed meeting. His successor., later, said to 1110 1 " We don't give is ---. for agrictiltore. What we want is to make money, arid me are giiing to do It, if we have to. hold hnrse races or any other old thing." This hi only one instance, but it is typicel of many others, Two years ago Clovernment dttective rep.orted that, he saw Crier 150 people. daring .-Erefitinubtse and October, making their living by fraud at the fail exhibitions held in foot counties( tn Southwestern Ontario, near the 'United States hoeder. These aodeties were, -and still are, drawing .GoVernment truants. . tlorae Racing ) to Inctease. We. mity_expeet soon to see a groat increase 10 the nitni tier of societies 11) Ontario that hold horse races. The reason that More societhei do nothold horse thee) 04 due lergely to the fact that there has been a law on the statute hooks Making it crime to hold a horse race at an exhillition. While many societies boldly ignored this Jew, °them fildettibt :slur Mfrained front bolding any races. At the last eession Of the Ontario Legielature an amendment to the act relatlog bailie ratio at, exhihitions was passed. fly this amendment it is now impoe, sibiefor any person,,even a Previnelal cdnetabte, to prosecute the officers of trsoelety that allows home race% um revs be has been a member of (1)01 *40' ciety for at least two yenta. In othee worde, it Is now safe toe societies to hold horse riter8. .Aleeedy the effect Oen he noticed, This Year mom am diettett held horsir races than eVer be- fore. Next year wo May eXpeet to see the number still further inereaseti. I Uttar, that enough hag 'been. said to show that the future of- the agrieut. tura', soeleties in Ontario is Closely Wrapped up oith tile horse racing P10 Unless the people, and par- tioullte ly the Mertens of °labial°. a. Waken to the change, that is taking MOP, Mid bike steps, to prevent/4 nue tiectettes Will degenerate 110411 they rerteh.,tim pOlut Where, like. the speie, Mee of the titittett. inention.ed. they ma 'petal More ler .deruttratitrilk 'end do' gerallog featuree than they do for the MI 16D161 P IOUs 4t;g: CURE BILIOUSW, g=104=4*41w11424411rW. /11 11S10141,104111" ameba uteeittesitebithrste emt. vpir ,go",_ZtoimtioVIC porek *1,. (o wo, Tomato. CONCRer4 1101iSeS Thoottnt A Odison's Pion Will Mould Theft* Res.dY Vt. 141S0 ln. oThe pr, moll need Me feeger live in it belt, r a house." attys. the greet eel:niet;vieniaatht Thomas Edison.. "Re 'Itefere next- gun:me:if will build ie three-stoer, Indestructible coneecta house. that a labering earding 81.eill a day coo buy and run. It will. he as artiseic and cpmfortable any, Fifth avenue mansion, Amu. will be - built in half oder., Conitr up and. Bee • winaellenadt:daYrirFati:nnweer°'.111Bruhtn: irbe:naa1Stiliel;Stei)bil8atath'te-alide. led you through the hOlcoulet Of hia study. packed With charts. • diagrains and models 01 )1111 euoccatiful Inventions yhopubbeogarneatoohbeeallerhehtoimr.,, fiToohrenowt htlehOe' throtert open the doer of it spacious room Otte() with a *platter sized model of the heuse, aral-Ooleted out of the window to a hoge concrete building in the distance.Where he was Making machinery' to build not,only one bot thousands of tomato like it, you kneor that 116mo:tit butanes% "There it is," he said bviefly, theligh With 0 bit, of pride brightening hie clear gray eyes. The medal was a three-story, Queen Anne house, with a high -peaked tiled roof, and a bay front. The eleven in federal and provincial polities. • rooms were high studded aod web London. ditto. lighted, The Waite within and with. North Waterloo ditto. out were frescoed simply. West Elgin, ditto. "You hardly think we cen put that * * * up In half a day ? " the inventor ques- t- oned, in his thrill, high-pitched Brockville is Conservative proems - voice. "Well, We can, and for WS than $1,000 too. This is how we'll do West Huron is Conservative fader- . it. ally. "Over in that factory you justlook- so too is Sault Ste. Marie. ed at we are moulding caskiron forms. * * * The iredde taping of these forms are All this %newts that .the chief Buffer- nickel;plated and are fashioned exact - ere front the machine are the party it ly like.the outside of the model. When was designed to save. these are dope, we are ready tobuild Liberals generally hid no mere to de any number of homes% with its creation than the Conserve. "At 13 in the morning we take the tives had. it was constructed by and moveable steel castinge to a yecatit for a few temporary leaders who fool-, lot: These are clamped together With ishly theught that it would, help them bolts, and you have betene rut ti house bold their places'after the people bad of iron, with hollow wale. Meantime ehown a disposition to get rid of We are mixing our concrete -one part cement, Ihree parts sand and three succese, exposure and, the "rettetion parts quarter inch crushed stones. them. all cause le the cours0, of a few years. The machioery to raise this soft con - 11 anyone has just reason to aurae the crete to the top or this iron frame- maeldne it is the henest Liberals, to work, a big mould, you understand,,ls whom it beought shame and, loss. already on the spot. C "By six o'clock at night there is _ your inane inside your iron work: Cioderich Township. - Everythlhg exceptethe doors and win- Senoor. RtreonT. --- The following dows, is in place. In six days the shows the relative' standinar of the iron frame it) unbolted and removed, lentils of S. S. No: 5, Goderech town- In another eight days the conceete is ship, for October; haeedon Met papers completely hardened and the house and general proficiency -Sr. V -Ruby ready to Bye ln. ' Fifteen do's from Potter. E. Jordan ; .Jr. V-Litcy Mar- start to finish. shell, Biwa Betties: Str1V-Geo,,Lind. "The only wood Used is tha strips my, Olive Cox, Cherie' Oak; SreILI- around the edges of the Hoene on .Peart Potter, Willa Cox, Gordon Me- which to tack doyen a - carpet and nougat!. Harold VVaille, !Miry Sower- those around the wall for the picture hy, A. Betties; Sr. II -E. Heating% E. mouldings. All this is put in place in 'Vanderburg, T. Sowerby, Edith Van. the ironwork IlefOrp. tile enlierete_.hAS derhurg, F. Tichhourne, Eva Cox, been poured in. Tile tiling around H. Potter, Hazel MaoDonald, Sterile' the fireplaces arid In tho chinineve, Young, o. McDougall; .Ti'. 11-11. Cos, the gas and water pipes, are also Theime Bennet, Edna.11astings; Pt II stuck in the same way' in the concrete --Itordeil Start. CellielieerisorteAlma wall. The furnaces, the heating•pipes, Jordon Sr. Pt. J --Bruce MacDougall; the bathtnbe, water closets, are all W. MacDougall. E. Sowerbt,'N. 'rich. coat with the Walls. • di/Mese-Of thein at these !Ow prices. ' borne, Maggie Ilitetiogal Jr. Pt, l- "There will ne no plumbing hills ; A Morris corretipondent says t The Lily Potter, O. ManDoneld, Murray there ie no. plumbing to be dOne, attoition of the township °outwit' has MacDougall. Eurolled attendance 31, There will be no insurance ; there's been Milled to the dangerous rallvvay average 28, • nothing to burn. Rome waen't Intik erosiling, where'the C. I*, U. line Ones - •fl in a day, they bay( but New York can ea the fith line, near 'Myth. '•`Nelt only Bickle's Anti-Oonstimptivo Setup be. does the railroad ran diagonally over ',I've done thls for the workingman the road, hut a large bank of earth needs 130 recommendation. To all who are familiar with it, it speaks for who is doing., his best to tiring Op a obsc,ureti the vietv ao that a peraon boa Welt. Yeeraof 1180 ill the treatment fanalli. I won't nutke a cent ,on ft. to get hainost On the crossing before it °teems nee repos ma •all at -Notion, One Sy I went through the Zest Side. train could he poen, You know It. Nothing but a Mese of brick boxes. I got the idea of this er busineete noon it fewdays ago, Things - Whvitot advertise said the scribe to of the throat has ungiteatione.blY es- tablished Ito place omeog• the verly hest, medicines for en& diseastiv f bode° at the time. "In a few years all thie will he what Is advertiaing for, anyway? It is • are too doll, he said. Now, just think. vested. yOit glee it Atrial you will not. tegrot It. You will find It 23 cente well Ine -changed. You will go outside of (0 10111(0 intsineas "brisk when it iii dull, Manhattan and see rows of healthful„ owl the man who keeps P°1118111/0 l't' beatitiful Concrete hollseei one for way, telling the poste about What he each family, Theta rite of making lias to aell, Recently Etl. litiggitt jr of /Myth' . oi 1 A e w eon t an that Of the end then the man who think(' it la not had tho misfortune to get his let h in le I ie will come off hatter in tho '' dirtiest tenerbent on Ivincton street . t hand cmieht in a etiparator told re- exiheerl heueea won,t bo iii alike. i eeneeetwY. . - aecident anti will :,,he able to perform one. ,coinootIng companiert al • eees- e i e h 0911*4 A BALES of FlatmeletteMill Eadatin Nebite; piult awl light auct ilatic stripes, 0°4 bought at SO 'a pound; lerigtiw 'front 2 yards to xo, a 10t Of them at about yargl. Itt• all about ogo\yard$,- This is it great ePlaurieletteoffet, just When Flannelettes. are pe r,.. Ladies* COat-0 • Or ,eale of t.'eate-ee far lish.heenbeyoedoUr txpeetetiotri Which' eitOvor.thet We have tlieetight Cote, and et' the -right Ogee,- . Conte aoit te0t Pee llefeet the 001;04 are gone. ' pre4.1oSurqit"Cloo4 lamer and beiter than- ,wiloo4ti3O,11SC1141,11,ttrox44711iinlmehP°eallwellie' .;45".414-"4-telAill),*1'11311.;tatleIr". infti wider' Widths'. 854, $.1.00i$1.4$ aiiid Venetagia end,Breedelotitir+..black,bletigreetr, btowe, light owl detk,fiertlittals, , See:' the datk StAIKS alid Check StillinkV ' very new .anci.styliidi,,All ,woolt eo to 44 invitee, 5ne, ' 55c, 40e.I444 C1.411-Tiirtililh.t 400 awl 750)01*P:et. Voss Griiicle.Retnnante,fer attinditi`ilbetlt hid!' ' price , • TEI.B.PTIONE 4b • Corsets 1100 They afe the hest iti the Market. 35e to St..5o. hoth . loote lin:t471,t...Corsels. come and gel * ' lit. A. Fors „ , • e • ' We start Ladies" twig stole -shaped lobelia. too: WW1, et $340, Itotshoold see Whet one, $5no. sea *7-0 kap are, like. Geed ,inlitittiolt Pt MIA at abeut ouothird Mirdr prices, and mute et them look • 401,# like Welt* , Underwear '. ..,.A100:0-teegOilleff, all sizes, $;.ne 4 soh, Latileal Underwear , - no, p.9(0145,14,25. 2,l'o better "ha be (0004 aoy,„ where"Nlitatt114;Ip.criocelesr,:1:48,1tap:d, large size's, 1$c, 1.50, , , , ORNE . colt OR PRouticn,, IlltEE !frying Timesin A WOMAN'S LIFE 'HEART R E PILLS **Almost in's13001ste,ussastilr toworti° 144* feture•beellh, • ' 'The Aret wben sins hi Nat budding front tirl- hoed hitirthe full; bhiem of rieininitood. The 'Mond peiied that *institutes a epecbd drain on tlat systett le tiMios pmsesoey, The third 00}01 0 one eta lishis to leave heestatie nernstroublee isduringnoboanalas.* 14 in trues saws Mimes nears and Nerve rinewellO11,13 of wonderful value todde over tile time, Alamos Rios, Comma'. Out.. writes: "I waa-troulded very much wee heart trouble-thee:awe being to atireat extent dueto0obengeof Igo. 0 1 halo been takingyour. Rein se41`lerve Pille for sortie time, sod Meal1 to *Cation° *dos in, so eon truthfully say they sre the beat re:node have ever need for bulitanSup the -vote*. You are at liberty to use this statement, tor the benefit of other sufferer*" Prim Manta per box or three boxes for Ina5. .11 rooters or The T. Kilburn Co., Limited, Toronto Out. IMPROVED sT40 WATER PRESSURE ACETYIENEENERATOL Absouttity,iotE4000400104: No water (*go expseit '40ght• est, purest and clIpest light for, fiwedieghoileark .,stotes, travolighting plan reedteg rooms,- church* belle, ecitotils otAt akating deice. , Highly ea actety for cooking. Write for *Ware oricioliiirsiow Co., Limited New saheoribers can have TfIlt STAII to the end' of IOW for 10 cents, or 51 (1) the end of 1008. 7 ., - Kincardine's new post office, to be erectecl next spting, has been aworded to W. Nicholson. of Winghanu, at. $17,700. There were nine teuders, the bighesb being $23,750. Wingliam Advance: The Queen's Hotel changes hands this week, and Je E. Swarts is the purchaser. Re gets possession. at once. Mr. Rudolph will probably return to Tara: Wm, portryn, of Wingham, bed a bad felt recently, He Was picking apples on hie foul In Turnberry, when be fell from the tree. Fortunately no bonee were brokenehut he. was con- siderably' shaken, a,nd still feels the effects. We are pleased to hear tha.t the old residents of .the centre of Morris, in the parsonsetif Wni. Iffichie, Peter Oantlon and &sales Hall, who heve had trying experiences Of late owing to illness and accidents, are making favorable progress, and will goon be fully restored. The shortening no of credits by the banks to the manufaeturers and whole - }lidera and by these to the reteitera has neceseitated streng moveinent° to- vtards doing haslet's on a cash basis, and the merchants in many towns are announcing that business in future will -be on a strictly eesh basis. Milverton Sun : Parine,ve and ot ere d'ORIT'llig beet hy the quarter wont do well' to calt&I It Miller, 'c butcher, who is disposing of *front quarters at $4 and $5 per cwt.. and hind quarters at $5 and $6 per cart. He bee of late procured some choice beeves and will ceived MalrY tOns. 0 e&Ottlwa 800000 am leaving the patent open to eve "The Birde of Bruce `,Ootutt " *au hie usual worit to a few weeks. spring up, each making a different Oetside of the trOgitlIttut*theY In its Indite denounted, *sun ruthtd . tote. canto nt agricnitttre. Here ittiOW This. ' :When eininkt suthollitirt was' noticed no the 4ittr. T. It, n arta makes, an Itruatie hraatiet. patetle She at1 several persons on ,aterthe oldisit,fotiu ot otVolisatiOri wet hive, Thr Met societies were • Pinned met 100 Setts *got When ligri- ,colutral Irt Ontario *all In it etude toodition., The early settler' were leW.and lived fee *Meet. 'The :annual trilreaffOrded Samoet their twily tunity Of trieetiOit their diStant sretghbora ati tete lop Wog* hate.' Ow tee p*rkook aimed Ss itineh of the eller. sets" or An totricultUral exchange thoYI did uf ' atteithibitiOtinf 'fens 'pen. ducts. ' 1,The lot societies. iteiti tint 'content' to follow poly this line of wOrk. The hgrituitural tibratlei *ncl Ltd puts "heed stock. -101PleMetits aad Improved Kroh* toter, the hold, nt plowing *etches was ,intro*: timed. AS there Otte nn Pattsers• Inasitutss, sr *Ott AA htstitntlon as 41% agricultors1 -college was lank' ') 'Stratton of, Mei:value 'of these etsrly, ancletkowas greitt. parsing, hob« ever. it might he netial that such as ttsetisii m a winders: horse raft Wm Isokstoen Ovitatiost that times mg its mod for ths purpose ot inttattlig IN stood. WAS Aot, Wt. , *toms asd 1821. bittlettlivid soeirsher • is all thickly' mtsiest 'tits Ptcoriser ths lame yob t tits heel ise;t, Artist* Ase milk to assist51* - ties is mak ihritist. 1$10, vitt+ est sairs*Ser mew& sod appolould esseasswistirm ts set es what is se ilia lotWirisels1 Aoki ot Ag. It wow titis bid toe stImitil. • 191 &Ouse 1 helte Pat0t)t.04' " riettatifeer. it 11- el b owing IleherofetteN She tiL`70 0,1011 glti"rtil",l't"tte*t 'Iwo* oolOt16th0 rtkbtarrot4tbiti et ehelreW 'Witter t h the4let Nerth bed-a..:Oottlitst-Aree cd ettetithirtightrkin -rof-eionoftte **enttlailt Ldireeted-- and.reirtitinett .otatbit, tool**. onaohimporoorourel .taroiteautivroittly:with twlited .00tauto eel Proceed on her worio the title of a paper read races ly he. fore a club of Qiieen'e Vtilvertilty. No reference was, merle to the fact that thesedelightful creatuees haven way of hiking ;flight to British clolumbia and there *gaming lie ,Propppratis that they are • the. mast plump , and melodrama .0otigetere in the ,Iligseat Province.4-Canadion Courier. A %Wield ''etirreePentlent Of „last week saye An Arttetican yacht. henna kerffSteltid.- *teed en lute port oh whiliedity, emitting tiltdreati al nide, dining the 'MOM 'Met We isounced in tile acrentOn, Pitr, luoes and E. AleXetider.* wertljetssing. Tholah000x roati. Jo •golog to tfet a hoe that 10 heti felted new WAY le treast litoked tbe opintel Aria to a, pique, deo omthisimpreeeMetit.° Xioesollee neelew The new tbet.dreloutteeticen tastooe. v"°""rnl` Ot toe rislEg bOtWtst'" 'h6""11 erWill the Uniehe °Nett beett,h166 depot, was opened, for business last, tnnian* 11/°. Ilt°" .4)f the 1($111 11 Yeiclitna Were ritate Weed heattaelt *ti right. - tuiked. ntot ihatirOhliOn Or eee tetra. The tlatO. with jolt eattillIne, overlie lleO 'etol tett '4 bents Wit*4 oiret, illorohirc carol tor, • jay, weehila la*tredit the, O. ; eadittial. 'Tito** direetore who t611-* toicli important°. to 'hitt tIttletiOr' Thitk tet, Itrintlifta Milne drepki filer the, in- °Omen talked of POltliiil roillok wriIi etar et re* Ineetbe AnVkieries vent r's: fat*. Ple`e 4PrONet paaueaeefl (4* • rierraproir - coon,. ed6 ? loth o 1' not le ha sato •,1 tthe. depot nut TI element hit% witikaa itaalt ' - - 'et an 'iinaplc that- I0010 Port the' Mont fek Casa te do it now. • felt trioetintonneetiontrith therWth ear, prepare it at helot:eta- *Melt teat. reputation hat niVn, end tiler HOW *114011, *Vie Afis way 'it , with Ntriimr tot ht- ,hitto ,114t;tital * item' prectieriritletir phatinitey ;Fluid itxtract PLodelion, ota.hatt ounee t)ompteloet itrarot,,, one motet. own, It to In them to Intresse thsir terreeed tO logs roma lo ally drug Vote,: tthe wth little 'trouble, and this rOwlit,W hacks. the II WA' CO.4 gitea tho etratiger eatiltht I*lIII$ 1111! th011sollowe 1110, "1're i I.Sorking Mit two 'elk "1'4 tt, rebel the 44°4" "4 the: ilgtev bY %v the toetropoillittlit '11016,; le runt' a").19.1b. 'Pl*4116"411' le 1 stihf.;1111' t'Y lit abk ' '' elieb ,eonthretit, , e Pub W. ernio,lee 6 6#61AblA il he, t Ore $4 ng IVO lite " in these harbor tit. but i b has not hese announcithieved.li 0 and Iho enierelid termite eatoortoge botany, or tke good et. booties. ' . ' 00 • tittito ri11 bosI, t. non't'Weiti gentlemen, tin- West et nut tortes end title*, The air* lo it le 'nude up as follotta i liet. front hkok *molt 00 edielnes of ilee sietoeytkil do, TIlti fdets•c1. omectioxy ot.ijoaa ant, ,, haps thitarie ;that Spend' the Mott model ,roe erielm aria Istieelot kttemilriaiiiria ir, iktiattot of dy and bilk**. enough ti t take I poi cent. ot tor 6 akoa, two st ne*ootoplottito ttittr ottally hate the Stott iiind, liver seed klil- H. Oak the details mean 'MI Ma. I I Thar wee* aloft:oh HOT "WATER BOTTCES Our new !tock jest received. All are guaianteed goods. turd we refund . reltenloiley if not satisfactory. Prices font 4E00 to $2.00 CI-IANtQls$ VIESTS=—$2.00 each, For both Ladiee and Gentlemen. Wear ene this winter and prevent • tunny colds. CtiAMOIS ) " Vine large skins, suitable for lining jackets or making chest protectors. snpfoRD BLOCK, „ OODERICtl. D. MILLAR CO. Mantle Talk This bas certainly been a lively season In our Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Section, The assortufent of our Mantles and the valuee we offer ere without doubt. the best we ever had, ' To the 'Mies who have not yet selected their new Coats we wOuld specially invite;sa the stock It not, so . large as when the season opened, but yet enough left to make it a pleasure to show them. .. A special line in LOIes' double-breasted Black Coats, full length, sizes 36 to eo eanehes, each ... . . . e - $6 5o Black Kersey Coats and Tweed Coats, in the latest effects, frout-,,, .f6 50 to $20.o0 More Underskirts to hand this week We have again received ;mother delivery of our popular Underskirts, In Mot* • Taffalinefind Sateen. , Every size In our Leading Sateen Underskirts at P.m; s • now in stock, also some new lines added. Ladies' Goiters Ladies' Golfers Our apecial lineein Ladies' Golfers at Itt.75 each, in navy, red, black and white, is certainly a leader. _ Furs - 1 Furs Furs( The Fur Season is uow on. All ejasees of Furs in stock at moderate prices. 'Phone 56 MARV SCOTCH,.:STORE. 'Phone 36 Snaps in Dinintroom furniture ) s" Ike the nett ten daye we are offering smile VERY SPECIAL bargains in Dining -room Suites. • r lehn Sideboard, 2 drawers' 1024 Mirtor, regular 0i -ice $toxio, special $8.0 I Royal- Oak Sidetentrd,.nicely finished, 14414 Mirror. regulae $te.00, miss only sail Oak Sitieboerti, 3 drawers heed), reguier l7 00 for 4 . 15.25 ouly quetteecut Oak Sidebrawd, ettrperdine front, t large draiver, a small (t lined), mataivepillate; res36 IL O. $35 00, epeeist 31,75 Comhibatiott China cabinetaud Buffet, tad tjtenteroskyttgolatgethoo, very speelil 404-0.• "A y 6„.. • ....••.0•,•,..• 44-75 Ylinlbg-rigitit Chairs, in golden and 0161 (patter Poky, frOM $4,,no $6 o� per set. Don't, Miss These Snail* - . - ,...One of the herd litoeke tt t cent, tto Chentle & fire tIttieti In141 teva, theumaktioto. roar and ago* ,Ated tierstesirt t lames retfat, fisatotth, Whiny the:* ininimershie IfiltOt. dot* Akalthleit etthey broke, TM horse like Mottlentrit,;,,risteott, d Which there ellettottil glee title.. ktiettriete wilt , tright~ and itertod toff, tit THAttta ISS:ktkO tiektathUilittri tlitt.ft neeie: Nix by ithskiel w Unto each meal and tit time. Them, fIttli •AttrtM6ding eonitrY4 th***te* Ingrelltert insitlig ah. Lindsay. Collitig**441 "Mir infidel,* 'stiletto throng rod cilia Wow* 221(1 e*ethig eohttilylkiiritiewkikowie vete .t otut. opttoot tip, snits* aortas* actin* is 00 AM 1.40 In ten fo Onset Afttke 6.641 '14114 V" *10 "ert" tb°' Itheutnatilist m every oss knows, litilessoir spread ontil IFS, Conditions ow, otaerooto kmoesk, It to of me Ostarle iseelediew bare beton* mot, prothog by the tstioro of ot otwootonotoe AO HAI Are tw *An, states is timAsieriess 11000 at tit. Arittmotbith We use* faishlat with 004 IWO. In000 that ars 1161140.11 AM 101* ti* %Will* et *ad '004 est West by this wows attrumbrill to semssid sate rsoSsits tints' sestorell mak* *AMA ossery pi to poverty Alter ter Otrodn why stotvittf two**. oao oompooto 'Of the tig, Totaday or hist weak w.a As *go ri, hilitsey saptible of tattattlyno�. Ot $14#00 *ere instionsts tie auldtsi wedding ainittersary ot Me, 1lO1t 11,000 lbb Wet* 6416 P101145 %iota, The hats., Vadat boa bole ilea lite. Hugh, Mettitattist. of Silttki /kW hos itself trout ths "bogy asd part of the vierni DiPectoo and' Ornbtilfiroier 7 tit which 47 years Wit hass llitutt 12 009 Mike. harsort, *Una Rawer hosts. ,A, livery the tillage. hie. McQuaid. was 'bees what Ito rettwitiopeositrod sad Mt. limn and in Pertiobirs, hot *pest Isitrytistmse t sae, wows drive% to their h011til years MAI learawd the trade otbloselt. . itioltillop. 4 *IA sty Mood the, twin told and mint steellsohire. ne COMO le tee which, 11 194)1 eradicate& tht/l004011rT Wht0 AU* timollY You, of agr. .0444,* 1*11* oe throogit the *in pots* MAMA. the blood, diteoft, pal** MAI •rOrAtik AbOne the_ Nitta "owl issiselleft, emotion the untold ositecing • deforimity of tionmation. This pew** km is saki to hs Ain Waling, deeming AAA %slosh,. is. tar& to the kielmys, res boat fratmeilato teller all and ortsto 0. H11 SAM warm issollig New York Its 01 owl= Tsgt CusaWaltiruit Fitters* Tirol. nuost.T.-.1huntisiee't Vegetal& Mb dose this storaish itad *mole at ass stattio came tlossetibbori:sotods ham tits Moth 6101 expel the 414614114. lathes* oit isoptitities tit* I Mood tams how ilif body. They ASO* whits/at psis At blehnAtAilleee .16 the 1 in I patisse,_ who sposilly rialtos their tits wadi ahem OW. sews as thy, bight Is y pima mks evaietr TIM', has* sessitg MAAINA. VAIPAIS1110011 alAili 14 kit& Ist peopip. , (19 Sabo t There AV* **ay oft asy leryosa tilik vs** * tiro per too, ran noto motor h.yoed their the of` ote lt better ,prepiteit than el:ter to etc.,,, on the Modest notice. We 'gra Ctitt 3appy eiteiythi reputaticia far satisfoictory 'detain 4,experienCe0" Ind experience it ill this store. ies iknd 11 'eller*, Electric Fixtorek s fa altilepartmehts, beettztieett b}r tatter, Juityy Jty Store 4#144th '4. ft) OR% dots it a lb y AA,