The Goderich Star, 1907-11-15, Page 1,41/bV
Is .4r-
1 -Tee"
tais art
ron, and
ulatton I
TUB (109tRICIt STAR hits at
arcura#0-thin anYotlivor
.0 '0011 'WU.*
10At SNoysmoux..1.50
• , ,
alo ;theta is ,4-.01bo, erre tanker ;#1frteC lotiong uour
wpoatb„oom omit .1* by. SaYittg. ; ;kW ,-,Perroopio inherit
'' wealth, while others, gain indeignuelige; t?X ••• Jite0140 of
, tuck, hut tlye Nest meprity pc.04plo stowe A plittlPetenCe
0P,tuding leectluie(*e._y and' fiaOxig.,'W *1,4111110.
"Irt4-131Y ;#.0:17g egt.1449t*teet l'?,A":414).41til 004 numey
' cati" .tivithdrit'at thee, -e•
THE STAN ARO' LOAN ,01V1,1311/2,1\tY
There cliasik)xt at ell ehout- you! iiodini .4.400ifoa /se,
Maxi sOTTA
P11,: WM' .$14114UT
• -TORTON, 141GR.
STRA.Y, =Fin." reCaatZteeThicirretntiatt
• glitIltUrite rek"1„
00isto Log tvi,e•itzizselst,,4rosevoto,04A44400
without beard, twO t DEP,
qnare.. Vet, addrees at teteettGereg.
111010AnipEfte WANTBD.-CtOod accestodee
• thl tor four. eePle at steit 02100f" et
"elseDABDIBle VITANT1CD.-Two persohe can
findgooklio#rd and rbonls novid
ettreet, teree.deorezeet ,ex Victoria,. 1.106.adi
dreier 46 #rse Oftice, .
Abittl›.-Aititog Poem Dirl atut Cook,
titted1, POsiDeps,, SWAY, OMeloanenL
glieet,,,wagee. Applif, to re. if. FARM UMW
betel, 111413,,tleh.
eA011ORS, 'W:tottrr100.
• No.2, 004entere leetnehillt`Taln-
trA 61.:117CVAX13741;174:71ralq.7iN'Lef ree
s Derriere. holding Bret or shwa (amid.'
caw. Defies to cOmmence Jan. Stit, 1908. Ate
plicatiostift Teeelyea . up 'to Nov, 130th, Astatine,
salary. Applt 1.0 nonErep Adam esusur.
roe,: goon Head, or addressfidderich P. O.
rkEACHItit iYANTEr> 11116ity4fer
No. 11, Aohlield. Applitatioilit. Stating
ry expected, will be received up to Nov -
Weber 16, 1907,, F. A. Havidot, Soo y., Shop.
Pardten, Ont. - ,
•trar.AentitIt WANTED.-Maloor female, tor
S. S. No.11, Astifield, duties to commence
January 6116 19litl. Applications will be receiv-
ed by the undersigned upte Nevember 23rd.
1007. State &dam andexperiepco, angpW,
'1 J. BLAOR. Sot -Tress., lawman:Ion P. 0.
TEACRERWANTED.-Mater female. tor
s. g.Ne. 5„Ooderleh Townehip (Porter's
Parties to cominence January Sato Medi -
111). Must Aoki 1st or 2nd 11.111188ftptAte.
( la received up to Nov. 3.9 , statute
+. Personal application preferred. Jour;
leecretaey, Porter's elne
161ARM POU SALE. --Being 'composed of N.
IL.Tot19, COM 9, West,-Wawanosh. coo.
tabling 87t serer. Mere or lege. •There aro, on
tho premises a largo &nine berm, with stone
• ntabling, cement floor end linlithed bp -to -date,
A. comfortable frame home, „good „orchard.
eplendid well, all cleared andewell fenced,
good clef veil in a good state of cultivation, 31
acres oferlongbing.dene, the root. all seeded to
grass. Situated 1 mile front Dungannon,
• known otttlut.. Wm, Iteau-Sann. _Doman _for
selling, the owner hatk. recently Jeet hts wife.
and ta rat IQ positio_n40 oentioue ate
Apply It JOHN IRVAL3dShEY, Proprietor,
St. Augustine, T. Cr. ALLEN, Dungannon.
( f3A),,E..-Ptirt hlock,D,., Lake
..1.1 WW1 bind, _Poibern6 tamable,' Z MileS
from Ooderich. 130 fibres geed elay loam, brick
'house. born 39907 with cementetabling. arter,lan
welrwith water ln buildings, Spring creek.
2 acres Young orchard. and 2 acres mtanding
Alinbor. Apply to o..c. MINIM., Dunlop P. O.
1/01L1SE TO RENT. on East street with all
convepio,e,f,40:,; frania_house
Eonosttisco, tion. APMY Pa • *Ns. 'impose,
.ARM FOR &el gq.11,SHNT,The los
//way rotd6t31(11"iiiitiVreWitgi,w=i
watered bye, serbeeetell creek4 2 acres
orchard and abotit50 koree• seedede Apply to
MRS. 111.A1WMENARY.treele
TcsOR sAttill:41hiPie awl 3 Lots on Gammen
utree ,keettetablo and frultnees, rebut,
ed bone°. lead beific it tindation. ler elee
letter to Mae: Man, CfArdpeELL, eX
lurdeseur Tabs. ONDRV, An .
niiSITVolcSAW-A,bine-ivolined hooves
in a good Ocality. Both. town area goad
wen water, eldeet.l.etet ftet edema at erma,
, ' ,
.1.. and the north :halt .D,. on Met
Maitlarid ..fteed, town of trodeflehi containing
10 end three tifth acrestreed glen-10ml; Wm
,oreltarci with' Vations kindekl ,010.1e0 fruit.
'Good frame., Ogee and' [rani(' 'ibern.• Good
wator. Aiso'Ne. 720. houen lied let bit Abgle.
dee etreet.el,For terms arid full• prerticulare
ys apply le the moiler, Crrart16.9 Goderieh.
xi.s $A.1.15. -The farm belonging to
the staW of tholato Robert McConnell,
n Aubtleld bkwtiehlp,5tb een„ milers went of
Dungannon, IN) acres. _Wale cottage, with
kitchen and yuestateid ; barn t4 x 74, on stone
founderia end stebling undeeneeth • -driving
shod, arm le all cleared, about '00 acres
under ainedl &neaten Well and windmill,
large orebard; all well lenceA -Terms can be
arranged to suit purchaser. Apply to Wm.
M. McCoxrem., Liveryroan, Imeknow.
Tirotlep Ahn-Tsvo new brick
DE Naives, a tit mate wt. Blob& ter-
nacca and other in orn, cosehniiences. Prlee
reasonable, Ter to Snit pairehaser. Apply
at Tug 001)31H •PLANINO 3.114:
-von SALE.-4Tiventy aet.1§1 ,eteollent 31end
_U for onteket einem, "eri geed elements
and feneeretwe Miles tom., edgrielP-nwring
five aeteSin 41t apples, nears, plume,
Cherries!, PC he( grapes ani rasp_berries.
Price foul toren, favorabie. Apply to YOLING
& RODERTIaleN, °mimic% •
Folt$,Altrwe new Otrilinfet on ale-
seyEt. ;A oomfonabieTteid ng oh P n St.
Dulidieglote on Elgin Avenee.leevex
St and Pinetit, • .,
WANTED44-.A few •Puraletted Tfoneos
Roomli. near tins 'Lake' fifth to rent for the
suminer seagon.
, It01.7/44
" fillErit0Ata( •
Tias. gigatkittaiN hiltrifitti..b.
„ArT.gusieristile, 0.
afficrt>., Eiggrittdolltit. !,7111>ilid 102
l>. imerteater Iteatitosee-Notth goon, Veit)-
/ '•
tate Stir flitedrgerr MIAMI. Phone 180.
Dr. Ternlattli's Welds' co...Montreal Street, cor-
heir Wittetlfith rear Peale 1.41bFerr. ;
'11110410 IAA , „
Pirystelan saa Auc4cotk. fat Attila* t'o
iA04 tan notwatitIter t. waren sate
Old Panic bt 310o POS1W Post •
Weer street. node C nestione NO.1
osseafilied nevicrs *GENT.
• ,
`tjit 8.tereeleerier;eefeetear. neorgeet etes,
cent intr_..4.....2:72:1T224.a...
, isSot.t3Ttopl NOVIce.
leieteltelTeeN OF VAR JAPMEILIP.
in all eflieln it Mae eeireera
elletke-notiee that the pattnerehlp at present
existieNbtrween Dm. J. Dement Whitely and
vv. le I ow, under the firm name of Drs.
Veldtbly & callow, um, ea. mee. 3lat, 1907, be
absolved by mutual oonrent,
awl further take notice that all tteetnInt.41
owing the Ai (mug be tattler' by cash er
note, on or peeve he Wave data. gleaner that
fate the books we be placed to other Minds
for closure.
paitt4u .• t/tAlitglaTON
_ „ bede varket bat ligtOthe ilaat .Weekt
tf6kCPASSig,IltethitiYet tatitti Wei* se wafts*,
eiudeg 0'400 rafkilifi'.;1140994,
(14411iits.YeeliMItted COMIdersble,-VbRiCA, Y),;
4%44 tdRkell .04 0413'0,0,100', _.114-1"0
defpnworii. teliden4A0 onestion Of feed seeM,
Ogtgli*-44Qoosoboro..proso.,, ,
mot,te4 cos pit 0_ „.gqtakkta ere
Polateell Oting Igen& Imo (6,11314e
:Two *414.4.
,g -4110...-.0-941erittr ebrenell Ot
,Weptetes tostitote. OliAliliradar,
teat WeieE',;*Aftifel-the ',hostile* Nike
Wile4 ffolfect McLean. atarfe, te
do,ithingthe generelly Mekes tom*
pleto;job of it, and thati`s what one
transacted nCstiog§ rerun waa
1•11nosobjectal or:diseUsekin
Were;!,0,Hoei `to' ',.rreat tl..Tratikere".
Whit* elliWied-hY. ).1 "Befit% and
."Apnlee'Ttssi irotoo, torte
.0vg by mentbete„ Deeember
4;te, weroz
.tvet„ k twuktitel4 :*e!, 0 :bow of
.RgrIA klwfdi,,OOnr, when* bete -are et.
4411hIr tP:tekW`wiltl'hewinn.,L,141nrefxlielel
ACITTORTIPIKR. th;°-4.00,gilient.40,0
sive iithristiroisigifts,"0, ,
been,„ttlivactiptialried beipte
Plgtr4FeAioF ...0,44,'At.tifeAtfecat Assize.
• Omit' the -than -Oa'
l'oltilelry Coe ellta 'Lynn Agotiot
atone company. The first was an ac-
tion for daniligea thentigh the death; of
the Plaintiffs brotber-it(daw. and the
lithet, for danaltgea •,cansed ,pigintiff,
both the dea, tk And. XliF; heing
caneed lay the ()verb:motet; of the car
and pmehinery, and falling into the
riV,e0 last fall from the 4./. P. R, bridge,
theia heing built over the Maitland.
The ceses were tried and remitted to
Chet jury, hut that. body in rendering
their verdtet -which they did with
deenages---4,10 not. iled and recerd any
specific act of negligence, which mule -
Won cruised the 1lDhancellor to dismiss
both actions without Coats. ,
THE STA.R 801,13 THE PARAI.,=-The
assertion that "STAR (WI/ te. bring re.
eults,"•ree.eiyed another striking illus-
tration in the case of the farm offered
forisale by. the McLeod brothers. near
Ho mesville. The advertisement had
previously appeared in a Clinton pa-
per, hut it whs not till it was seep in
Tun Street by Mr. Robert Nelson, of
Stratnroy, a. subscriber to this Journal,
that the owners bad an application.
MI'. Nelson mune up to -Huron and in a.
finv hours the sale was completed, the
price being $5,000. The Messrs. McLeod
aro also readers of T1111 STAR. though
pretty strong Liberate, and they say
that while our politics sometimea do
not suit them, the selling power of
nut STAY( is certainly all right. They
will have a sale of farm stock shortly,
and then hand over the farm to the
purchaser. Mr. Nelson will be a valu-
able addition to the yeomen of Gode7
rich township.
OROAT. ImPkovempits. A MA$ONIC
wici.vorli Stuck lid Vieterla Opera 'The FratetisitY aedericit Have
" Heise Are t1/•pitie. Noteable .Rvening•
raiv7k:crogo: , t_.*It'iot. o'uti0P,7t' "("rf*141:--71 g:'
liv,iniett. ?? X flifiglailt
Wieltii, .',.i..; '' ;4.4, a to no-
Fon% r Oft; efinellee .e.,... to, 2 00 t 0 2 30
Flour, V OWC3441.Unt7.1','.1.... A 9 ea BS 9 fel
3 Star steer ,,..... • ee ee to s el
6 tear 'lectures . • ......... ,„' . ...,,a re to ,e CO
BrSii. Pee 13no'".i......,,,,,.',4:1,..,23 01 tfit'aBil
fibodaynper,r••• II. •,• • • tr •• -.25 ,,,, g - N
74e ,
‘,.. ti ita, ,! tette., „ .. ... .. .,„„ig 2g to., g
sa; lei''.... .. . ::.::: ...... ,„.... . ... 1),,co to one
I.? ,,...•.... ...,.....:i:',. 0 /0 to 0 st
.....'. a ere o i
Butfa•hAsit. t!er hada/ , . 0 00 to 0 60
DitauLtefrue. prow .iti,rs„::;;'..; ...... ..;::r.: ............. RI to° !07 .,1
c.tio....,...Peroxpodozon, ...... . . .., ....... 04 M. to 40 ,te
nee.. Pee r 4"',..•"./t^t!' 523g 05
1,40anital,bov., °Msg.:Loll reel buteherees. r. a 76 to 4
4 60 to 6 00
Sheep fat awe) 360 bf '4 an
.1,,,,Ncl,Ipoh-titl'!"41t ..... ::::::-git•t t 11?,
Haan:, long elOtir.... ....... .: .. , 0 16 ta 0 17
Rees .4iii.av
8 trep ,.„,. 6 00 to 4 CO
Tallow, rendered i.2....,.., - 0 rto to 0 00
Chip,kens-harntaroy.c.,04.,:. :4047 ttli ()frill
Pota-7toes--4)ratgk Tea 130 to GO
Tpeoakricasto,eo,, . p.,or bushel 1 00 to I 00
, 50 to 75
i;,, Toronto Uyo Stook /Rockets.
.1sun office, 'Vueeday overtime, Nov. letlt•
Fee end
4" 4 k''. O. D. Waterea. Off Cees
tavto. $5.2 to i5.5 75 $5.82 S9.10 to 16.25
,,331Sekwell.:. 5.50 .... . , . • 5.90 6.00
th4s above table ahowe the prime qUoteti this
Gtiti te 5. 5.63 5,80 CP 13.10
w for hogs on board cars at average °inane
MUCTION .sALEs, Ical 114:IfIrg:,; t, hoga fee and watered after
t,164,0.1NO"AucTiall OJAI '' . - pm_ re le Nile °gr. fdr huge an they001130
011§1ell Ri 'titii tikrP; .ViitlA141.010/ 1" Wadina.tttreril!tt:oha,pgiciltireotliria.g0rOti°;.
het Wig and 'Effecta.. • ., ' ..• - ..... Leese lea wee...other dente are olittle
be. w title figure, and the general tendeney
1;17e Z
th1,,a,.7.1.11rneill asteble3diothrt. sei 11 .9 iliclitzblircriztAt '3utitzliotrilb". 112..11 to trod (=rile rlii atir ttaieusoutalaVnyforatto.
ich, on Satu ay. Nov. 34„ tunninenelng atZ39 336 lei ar!•111'glatr etre Tel; e";
N., 'awl:pv:111111 trit4towveeme t.
-11ePtlielee efte:9'letIgiletrereNelit21410t2e- 'earn° period (hie yeer 1bod'rep;itte tarn only 65
Wagono. 2 Ctittere, 1 .be 'tangle arnese. •I cents, and ht the present time the ripe fs 35
°clock, eb . e • , • • pi ce, of hogs declieee Si w ilo (turbot Gale
Goderieh Plano Gee° organ. e IdapPy Thought caner higher than at, the erespondleg date a
elienerceenearly new„Lawn mower and Garden year ago. But the dliPxotlence between hog
TOoles,'Dettsehrildlcurnituro and Furnishings.; aims pow and thee doe. Mot, begin to eelnliaro
and numerous other articles. Sala -will Pete. ,with the deference In grain prices iw the LW&
Moly be without reserve as everyelting meet periods. A steer ago No.2 barley waR quoted
be disposbd ot,
Tonna-All ounetot 310.90 and under, cash; at eieembe' Ontario points at 51 cents,. while
this week It is 70 cents.
over Mat muount 3 month'e eredit will be
Receipts at the Termite Cattle Market this
given on furnishing aPproved Joint notes. A
discount at tho rutentS per 'cent. talented .for Mornine wore OS loads, containing I,s00 cattle.
cash on oreditansouitui. , 2,900 sheep, 1,000 hogs, and 135 calves.
C. 11. HUNIBER, T1108. clONDRY, . • Trade WAS fairly bristk for anything that
might he tailed good stock. 'The tumid run of
For Estate. . . Auctioneer. rough stud' nos on hand, and trade in• this
- ',lase was inditferegt, At the prenent time
TEN EiER$ WANTED. there lea strong demised err acted inilch cowe„
but whore good nitlett coat; are to •be found.
there is likely to be plenty of toed, and the
181-1 . eowe are hold instead of finding their way to
There are very few of the ex.portelase on the
market thiamortibm, and prices are nominal at
14,25 to URI.
For Pulpwood Concessions.
flek1NDERS will be received by the undo
?breed np to and including the llith orf
December next for the right Mont pulpwood on
certain areas tributary to the Nopigon in
the District of Thunder Bay. and.Rainy Lake in
the Dintrict ot Rainy River, and make thereon°
into lotpor..Tenderereshould state the amount
thereof prepared to pay 118 b01014 in addition
to Hoch dues as may from Oleo to lime be fixed
for the right to operani papor-making indus-
try On the areas referred to. Sepaeato tenders
rhustt be made for oath area ot territory, and
the succemiful tenderers will be required to
erect a mill or ntills On each of the territories
or in such other localities ite may be iipprored
by the Oovernment of Ontario.
Partiem tendering tor the pulpwood rights
Rhea accompany their tender. witli a marked
ohotrue tor 25X of the amount tendered, payable
to the Treesurer of Ontario, and to ho forfeited
in theeviiht of their failing to enter Into agree-
ments to Carry Oil t conditions, Mu.
ith reRpect to the ltedny Lake Pulp Con-
ce on, tendereol will be required to make a
ten or for the right to out the pine, [smarm,
And•cedar on the territory offered. Parties
making tender for thetio timbers to state the
amount, they ere farepared to pay ner..thon-
?and feet B. M. as hone. in addition to Crown
puce of 52.00 per thousand foot fi, M. A mark-
ed cheque for 35.000.00 payable to the Tremairer
of Ontario, must accompany the Weller for pine
timber, and to bo forfeited in the event at their
failing to enter into agreement to carry ant
oonditions, eic.
e No timber shau he cut on either of the Con•
eisetione of a less diameter than 9 Inches, 2 feet,
-from tho ground.
Tile successful tonderers to enter inio agree-
ment with the Government for the erection of
the mi118, expenditure of money. ote.
For full partioularo MI to the condition., etc ,
applications; should be made to the undersigm
Minieter of triode, Forests and Mintio,
Toronto, OeL 16th, 1907.
R. B. -No unenthertzed publication of tide
maitre will be gab' tor.
Issuer of Marriage Licenaes
Goderich, Ont.
IA* neitterial to 'Weave for tense* ta
.Plaiwilitallrbsy, _Meanie Maerrieftielettleicel
„ TerMtt awl leformantmeati,belear
'Ittridergertf molt .ror pawl. condo^
Thentsea'fi , •
*mei MASA A. ANDitilW0.
had- his
t -
46 -
r• and
, *Sine theitrit a
heave' tem, tse, T.
Alta* OS" lisp*.
,, , .. ';'7, „
rAtiAill).1110hrontAJ ' •
YeilaleleCi.,.....c,litiltuie. iliilit
Aalirs ..•........a.wooa, we
. A new discovery for restoring the
growth of hair, warranted to effect good
results in all eases where roots are not
absolutely destroyed. Removes dand-
it stops the falling of hair, and brings
a new growth on bald, heads. Has been
tegted with excellent henna. I can ebow
where it has restored growth of hair after
almost total baldness. Easily and read-
ily applied. Gitarenteed free frorn any
harmful ingredients. Give it a trial. Von
will he yleased.
600 a Bottle.
Sent by mail on reeept of price. Mann-
factured and sold by 3. le LAwg,
Tonserial Parlor, Bedford Goderich.
The Sterling Bank
inreggitif PbegittronietzAtatiiP°
Highest current rate of Interest
paid in out ,
Savings, Balk ilepatimeni
on deptisite of $r Kid itpwarde,
Ihterett. paid compotaided
Drafts. bought and sold.
Oenetel Nokias Saslow.
, rk
(h1.114R'Idr BBlekt/teti,4' .-
0,0p.mozoto !irolids
November Coat 9ale - Haloes Bros. 8
Cheat Stove Sale-Worsells Supplement
Splendid Furs-lohn Stead 8
Coreet Bale -W. Acheson & don. t 6
Teacher Wanted -S. S. No, 2,00derich 1
Control Busineee College 5
Clearing Linee-W. A. McKim 8
Bonnie Brier Bileh -Victoria Opera House 8
Cheap'Coal 031- IlleEwan Rms.
Reopening Victoria Opera HOUR° 8
Farm for Sale John Wahnsley
Funtiehed ltootw star office .... r
Bargaiu Day. Geo. Melia?, Supplenemi
gown wuptc,s.
CoLL. I NW. B emu).- At the last re-
gular meeting of this board, held ou
Tbursday,71 h inst., the resignations of
M iss Parlee and Miaf4 Fessenden froin
the teachieg staff were accepted, end
it Was dectded to advertise fur a corn
Inert:MI specialist. An increase (tf sn
ariee Was decided on, the following to
be the figures front the beginning ot
the present school year Principe 1,
$1.600 ; classical, $1,200 ; tt
eel, $1,100, and commercial,
MIPS Fensenden was granted $25.0.4
'Pinney SKTEN YttAR:4 A110 -
1871) .Tames roaevieae and A ittiettelet
May had the contract of laying 0.4'4
brickwork for the Horton 1,14,, -
which is a pe rt of t he Standard Lott tt
Company' building. The work Its.
stood the test of titter satisfactorily, t 1
people can jedge of it pretty well. I
those days the two workmen laia 5,011
brick it day, and the eon t reet price
19111; • e2.50 per thousand. When the
work was started .laboring men re-
ceived 90 cents a day, but befove
finishing it the price had increased to
$1.50 per day. In those days there
was more competition for supremacy
than there is today, and workmen
were more plentiful, living cheaper,
and speaking generally more satisfac-
THE WHEEL HMS Co. --A epeciel
U. S. Subscribers
Will please note that we ha,ve to
pay one cent postage on each
paper going to the United
States.. 'ritis means that your
subscription must be paid in
advance. When you see your
aubscriptioh expiring remit
$1,50 for another year so that
you will not tniss any copies
of Tris
wrought la' sev,0fal 004410°°: °r bt°
, 4
buldneee thick„ between, tient owl
Kingston, streets, Deginning . on the
north end. he dm trstisfornred the
*tore So long .necupiett by Vfdean
pniting In a plate grone trout and
ceineot, /leo% and le fitting . up the
prernAere tor a new IlleDeanta meat
.ixiarket, in ,every detail thoroughly
up-to-dat% In the Kingstevstreet end
the Impetial-Cidepremises have been
enlarged and Improved, giving more
accommodation and greater convent-
ronrcetatii„nfoffirebuotth summer and Winter en -
Yule% bicycle and electric -fixtures
ehop la to have. a modern plate glass
front, which will be a great improve-
ment, and in keeping with the oft?tt Pf
the block.
/1016, PUBLIO 4141/61416411N(VB
still MOre extensive ()biomes have been
niade. The vacant lots fronting on
St. David's street have been levelled
off, etittettniled by a high fenee and
fitted up 'with all necessary buildings
for an open air skating rink. The old
building which was so long an eyesore
op the ger'ner has been moved back
mid converted into condonable drese-
log rooms, and on it,a former aim pre.
parationa are being made for the ere -
tion of a, good store in keeping with
the block generally,
In the Opera house section
changt_ai are being carried out
by Mr. Holman, the DOW lessee,
which should call down on his
head the blesatnga of all who have oc-
casion to attend meetings or entertain-
ments three. Everything that paint.
wall paper, light and other changes
can do to 'flake the place comfortable,
attractive and eneverifbnt. is heloR
done, and Mr. Holman is evidently
Boating neither money nor experience
tu 'peke the opera house in every twuse
creditable to the town and himaelf,
and a cause fat gratification on the
part of the public. The entrances and
seating arrangemente (Lee especially
commendable, and we venture the
prophecy that the " first night " will
he a pleasing surprise to all who at-
tend. We may now reasonably hope
for the coming of really good 'amuse-
ments which require modern places
for their performancee.
The proprietor of Wonderland ia
also in with the changing spirit. and
is seeing that his patrons have no
cause to cotnplain of the accommoda-
Theolasquerade ball, under the aus-
pices of the MOM° Hospital, to he
held in the roller rink next Wednes-
day, Nov..2dah, premises to he a great
ere:mem The spaplous herd werel floor
will atenrd a splendid dance. the Black-
stone Orchestra furniehing the music.
'UM. Weep. largo attendance tit
regular meeting of motuaka:No.4% A.•
V, And 4. ,4‘1. Tinistiay ovevinz
wthbreebe thlucen;,,toted;Politrtite"Wed'ertell4tett:
,worked, The drat was to be °sewn.
fled by the Pest Mestere 91' Morning
oStitleblizidy tire' Noothet odf" Beened-
the Third hp ,Past flastets of . 84.
Many visiting brethren were prevent.
and a large number of members of No.
309 were in attendance. After the
mud opening pcoecedings the Past
masters of Morning :Iftwr took chug%
sod Initated a candidate. The ollicera
were 1 W. M Bro. Bell; S. W., Bro.
Bissetti.J. W... UM. Young; S. '1),.
Bro. Yemeni 3. D., Bro. Robertson;
I. 0,, Bro. Stratton.
A candidate. wos then introduced
and passed to the Second by the fel-
lowing utienibera of Ina.itland'; W. M.,
Bros. Dr. Gallon, S. W., L. Personal
`,1:-'117,, Dr, Turnsholl S. 1)„ H. D.
Reed: 3. Lb, P.'n. Martin; I. G., Jas.
The lodge then opened In the third
degree, the following Past Masters of
No. aft occupying the W. M.,
Bro. It, W. Beek; S. W.. R. NV,. 13ro.
Dintiletteu J. \V„ Bro. Dr.- Clark; S.
D,, U. W. Bro. Tye; J. D., Bro. Galt;
A. G., Bro. Tigert.
After a eandidate had been duly
raised to the tilli•d degree, the lodge
closed down and adjourned to the
lunch room, where a tasty trapper was
served and heartily enjoyed. At the
conclusion of the meal Deo. Dr.
Gallow Mistimed tite chair, and
acted as tottettnaster. A. nice
programme, including loyal and
Masonic toasts, was phesented, and an
hour heartily enjoyed over the rende
tion itlf 'many numbers, "The
King," " The Craft " and " The Visit-
ors " were duly •honored, and Brore
Parsons aud Sturdy, with their songs,
as usual, were heartily ennored. Dur
Mg the evening P. D. D. G. M. Joeeph
Bee,k, and Grand Registrar W. D. Tye
were hollered by the lodge, dm! it was
to recognize the Borvittem of therm two
brothere to the twat that the Past
alneters' night was introduced. Bro.
Reck was presented with a D. D. G.
M.'s regalia, Rea tribute Of affeet ion to
the oldest racer of Meithind, No. 113,
by the lodge's present, Inembers. The
presentation was made by (101. Vitreoe
in terms that met with hearty n.p•
plause. The Major'e long set•viee to
the craft in general, and the local
lodged. in patelettlar, were tersely
pointed out. and the mention of the
goodfellowship existing between the
Major and the brethren drew forth
considerable applause. Bro. Beek re-
sponded in words that showed 110w
much he eppreelated the glee! will of
his brethren, tied the good feeling
thee prompted the presenta 1 ion of so
Yithiiilde a token, and expressed his
hearty thanks for the litteor. Bro.
meeting of the Town Council was held
on Tuesday afternoon, to discuss with
Mr. M. Ft Lloyd, on behalf of the
'Wheel Rigs Co., a proposal Haat the
town should advance now say $6,000
or *IMO of the loan voted In .Decem.
bee hist, te enable the company to
proceed with the completioo of the
building. It wag ithown that the pre -
meters hold plenty of good paper which
under ordinary conditions would be
readily ,nep;otiable at the hanks, but
the financial stringency, both In Can-
ada and the U. S., bee resulted in e
universal rule amongst bankers that
loans will not be made except on going
conberns, and not for the promotion
of buildings, as in this case. The dis-
ci/86ton was a very frank one, and the
situation was accepted by all present
as quite clear, the only question being
how could the toWn teem the amount
under present conditions. It. was
Agreed to refer the nuttter to the Fin-
Roce committee and the town eplicitor,
t0 reportat the Council meeting this-
(Priday) evening.
WEDDING BELLS. -Before the sun
itee yesterday morning St. George's
church was the Iacono of ti pretty wed -
din , that of Ethel Alfretta, second
da ghter of Captain William Oraige
an Harry 0, Stnrdy, eldeat son of
Oswald Sturdy, Church steeet. About
talft twenty in an electric lighted
charch the bridal party appeared ha.
Tore the, recto, Met, Mark Turnbull.
'and the marriage eervice cominenced ;
the, bride being given war by her
father,* Captain Craig, Nine Luna, sin.
ter ef thehride, being brideamaid. and
rraderick, brother of the gremlin, beet
man. 'At the corieluilien of the tore -
many the "Arty `retired Co the vestry
Where the regititor wee signed, and
then Mr, end lifre, Marry Ofeweld
*Utak left Mit the GI, T. R. depot to
th ringing of Marriage belle. Quite
eW friends were 'preisent Et the
lion ttrWitilt thetas Pleleefint. Mat-
orola trip, and tile -nerdy , Wedded
,altawed to dot pot their 'lite
foitriittY WitheUt •being Insdo unet'an,
tortahre by being aheivered-with flee.
Although the,Merritige wait thSt Wide.
ty kileWe the Ittide wee the recipient
of 'litany . handeoltio presetm., TAM
Nan White*, MK and Mrti, Marry
Oswald Ifititedy &tong and- happy , Mat 0,
tied life.
lt,Attlie; 14034t
bb at DON
stret, thee* entieteefeer,
saw natty bleat/he Merit
rkle I/0111 l'oe 11, ier 11 ," .41 ()peril 1 1 44 't
CBi.;Le.12V. rhe Advent of 1-'4agtre. Fee tv t , tee tee - 1 e , • e 1 (4 -t. el lii-g•
Norrrn*4.,- -A •. 71'.. (' , elokr," dale 11- 'the otert 4 •i-ig .1,,,,,, o .,., f ,., ,,,, , 4,1, '' : ' ' . . , . ,,,,, '' '. " ' . ' ,', nro 41 his
try et T044 n .. 44 4' 7,',, , ,,,' , ,1,4,1 , ,, 1,-t. 04'es, t1-444; tin.. '; . ,-, ,,:,,,„,. it,,,, ye 1 . 4. t ., .4,.. 4 "4 , . , ...: „lid it.t.i
" ..''' ''. ' ' '• '''' i "'' 1 ( - , r Jiro,
day 1,t.l. ,ifi•,r e .', • . :• ••• .,, 1:,,ii,/ sy., ":1"hed ''•4'41 1l'e• r .:iv 4-, s 14, .16. Irtal pi , ,,,i
dise,s4.4. v.-ory dell, et te tette • i, fled '..''' '" " ' :','''''" . H011 III ;1
I'"i'l leV41'. 1 I ''' ''.' ' .' Pr }''' i Iu'en 1. IS 'Lligrn t'.1 k et] ki :,/ g.,,,,,,,,, 4 , ',...,k 7.".""' -", - • '''.74 "' ''I 1"14 4 14'll
stifle' ing 1 tone t 1,4 4..4 ro144 41 4.9444,4e and ,,," ,• ,,at..44,.E4,,,, Tito„gli i. oi...ts kit.tnyu to Ily 'I \•-.4 %. 0., 7 1 7 k 01 kl 10t It
WOO rf/COVP: !rlg wren deceased was Idfore 1..12 A 1) , '1,,t. 1.1 aleno oh, 4'.'"(4 - 4.if ' -4. 1 ' .... ao..1 the chapter.
striekt•it e e 1 i 1 . .th,• funeral look esti.4.44.1 date of a liiroo itr, 1,4,,,i,z,,,, 4,, e Th.' r" . '''', 1'1 i',,i m 11 tVell ell()Hell
see, 4.• ,4,1•ettier the members for the
pIllee 011 fiend oy Maiden(' Ceme- known In that ear it citin,ed the
tery. The room of St. I ieorge'A, Rev, (teeth of lo,(vt) pet 44or444 in one do v ,n" gill. end he kindly sent)
service and as the interment W/19 Pri. 1 hrough Ea rope it nd earl le 1 nrf clop, d at oil early liner in the uniA
vate there Were few present otitside of
deceased's relatives.
MURRAY.- -John L. I11 timely died at
the residence of Ids brother. irelaw,
James A i tkin, 0 'done s treet, on Th erg.
day, 7th Met. The deceased was 35
Mark Turnbull, emelucteil the forwrod Constant ovn,p1,., I, 3)42 it gprt.itd Illet1I9 PrIllePtell it, The teeetin
a quarter of the whole p4,4444`3.44,1
Out of about two millions of 4-1
habitant R of Norway, it le said to have
left only t twee hundred thousand our
vivorte It wee eetimated at that time
that of the whole population of the
world, (dame forty mIllione died of it.
In Mae it ravaged London, and out of
years of age and warn not married. a population of 400,000, there were
The interment took piece in Maitland 03,590 deaths: The ewer causes of It
cemetery on eprithey afternoon, the are said to he famine and filth. It is
pall bearers being three of deceased's eopposed to have reached the Wort
brothers, George, David and Jogeph,
and his nephew, Claude Murray. Rev. tibrolgh the immigrant ships from
C Ina or Japan. Rata are Raid to he
Mr. Millyard, pantor of Victoria etreet a prolate meting of npreacling the die -
church, was the officiating nilnistar. ett5e, trnd it may have been brought
BIZI.L.-Many residents of Huron by them on the 'hips. It in significant
that at present in the West there in
will regret the death ot Mr, John
each a scourge of rate that the men
Bell, harnessmaker, of Myth, who was cal authoritlen are offering ten conte a
1. During the pest few weeke he had Wag stated in previoue Monte of
been complaining about a pain in his Tun .,°TAII., Dr. Bourne, eon -in-law of
chest. brit did not think it serious, I 11 113 Honor .1 edge Doyle, ban been ap-
Chough be went to the doctor and got pointed special medical health °Meer
scene medicine, All Thanksgiving ' of Seattle, and the following from a
Day he did not feel well. and during city paper shown the seriourinesa of
the night complained of the severe the glettatIon and Dr. Bourne' rapacity
found dead in hie bed on Friday, Nov. ead for them.
pain and did not sleep hardly at all.
gr. Bell was born in the town of
Dover, County of Kent, England, In
1847, and moving to Blyth, had resided
there for the past 35 years. A family
of three girls aurvive-Mary, Mrs, W.
J. Felker, of Goderich ; Millie, Mrs.
.1. W. Brantley, pf DetrOtt, and Miss
girls died Wlieh quite yelling. Het molt
wife diril At/tbel'14, Yore *it& " For
many iteartilte Midffargollo00# tho
villagig and ten,.upvearns :Of lid yooiei
woo woo** Secitetell Of the p.;,),4
tiltivyhtla14. ttlit,v,Whet lot* 'Anittftee„shilt,Ifthierra
eitnitli. foie .,mOtny
warden ha ttite
his no* belettited, Wife" WV
and td,bler, Isditals'. details
tan of,,the,
death btli,d040,4110,10
heertfOlt efinetahle Sit tli
It is n g6siid•ploto" to iret'l ri Jidda; teme
et the depot, 0000104dt, If f fare
baggage to cheek. Ott !Needs* we
tentr le trent go out ant leave le perthat
With three tionks on he platferins the
ha At the, *talon In Mate. ,
ranee probably being because he/ was
for dealing with IC
"Dr. Bourne han been the moving
toilet In all effortn en len ninde to
stanip out the plague. The prompt
and effective meaaurea he brut tuivocate
ed and helped to put Into practice will
go far toward checking the spread of
the plague, an3, followed faithfully,
will orrulleate it. He has devoted al-
mopt his entire time to efforts' to
Nether this work, and It le largely
due to his efforts that the public haw
been made to realize the situation and
tho necessity for action.
"Por this extra aervice Dr, bourns
hail risked nothing. but he is perform-
ing It at a personal sacrifice which
shoold be made good by the public.
The city khould do no lean than login)
him a free hand in dealing with the
plague. and a eatery more nearly COM-
mensurato er..tth the *entice rendered,
A tdoll of $300 per month Is the least
that should be considered. fold 41300
month would bo more In line with, the
usual teeempeese for export medical
Coal oll le down to 14 coots per gal-
lon, Olds Welt* Os a better chews to
see the priee of bread, butter, coat,
egrs and other items tif housekeeping.
loy 111 01/1 11 1101'.
X11 WO DV • 611(11ll , teal, 00atit irk
Geiderieb *tin tee. ,
"Bop TItti giValkeold the
zifit;ly.ttnul tintatipPletetel*
PIM half yearly Mennen. In (Wench en
Ifiepeetoe Arotnith dekiverathe.aec.
0101:nisi notteiir*am;olten:stwePrit4ea ot Itil:n4a4naglittwh. dC. "44
r$Ditlie people in Goderich am talking
oont ::Ipilistfc'ellsollmvdeneorteadrintottlelolrhaingdb. ereala
The aeinkuotithly Meeting. of fit.
Oebego's tiratteb of the A, -Y. V, A.
4old:).:p°1 nr:tri
Shave" brightenIng up by Artist Wet.
at:Wu Owrilitlyboof:puprreollitti:tee7. but the "talenn
The sign made by R. R. Watson foe
Brophoy Son Is ((tilt° In keeping
,wIth the proinities, end demonstrate*.
that those who rim may read,
'Teronio Telegram • Mflk- Is 1113W
,quoted at eight cents In GoderIch, abd
just one more Increase will drive the
town to drink -champagne or some
othe low priced beverage.
George Bissett ' has purchased 21
young beast@ and placed them au his
farm In Colborne, to feed them for the
winter, believing it more profitable to
teed cattle than to sell the Eleit8o11.9
Tim STAn does not oaro a great
deal about issuing supplements, but
whou advertiseve Mite possession of
onr columns we do the beet -We can.
Read the supplement tills week, be.
retina you will find Nome live local
[trees there sonar of I be hest in this
week'e STAR.
The !mow and ft•ost on '1`tiesday In-
terfered conaiderably with the briek
work and plastering of new buildings,
for in many instauces mations and
plasterers had to etop wor k. The
Wheels Rigs and the Jauksoe
Inge were not much interfered willt,
hut it will need decent weather eo put
these factoriter in working order by
the new year.
The Witightun Advance of this week
says : Dr, Bethune and King Edward
VII both celebrated their birthday on
Saturday last. King Edward was
luckiest, for he received a pimeent of
a $750,000 diamond, hut our townsman
wits unfortunitte, for he fell anti broke
the cop of one knee, which will make
it painful to move around nitwit, for It
while at lelist.
There is 0 ermine in oirculation that
tinderich Is to have a Military school,
There is np trut h in the repot.t. it lo
true that the officers me trying tu get
a Military floaed to meet in Goderich
for the exainination of the officers of
the Regt. who have not yet qualified,
bet the eirettlation of such remora am
a tendency to prevent 4114 getting the
hattfutverdb.een put In eirculetion may have
A resident of Goderiele recently re-
turned from the hlanitoulin [eland,
tells Tien STAR of a farmer who a
year ego bon ght nine hend of young
cattle for 12 apiece, and idler keeping
and feeding t hem for a year. nold them
reeently for $1 t a head, the iitiaveIty of
feed twine t eatitIO. We know of et,
rest; in tie...ether where it new mile!,
row wits eole etre teal the wirer
telyt. Ill,! intatt t turn $20, %%timid
be 1111 t bal. lie would ; now.
'1'. Tilt hoe moved to 1 11
Dittiel River Avenue, Deli•olt, known
nomv re,diltmht 1144 " Citnitek Town,"
whet e he wili,Ite at, home tioderieh
anti ether friends. Among the Code.
1 ich people livitig tilII 111.(1
Ille Dropheys, littinbere, Melte,
Tills avid el hers. 'W, T, wits a resident
(Ietiet ich itletut 15 yeni it, and along
o h Mr,. Till. and tlatighter, will be
the 111(1 tl/IVII. Halle.
1111,4110:+H, tobtleee, eta.,
1/4. 1•011i1lieillii ill Detroit, Latil
I'Ve1/1 mg 114. 6.10 pl'eHellt WWI tehl l"
IIY (4 ilte
I II•11(14 AN A III/111 la their 1,1 1•1.111
• I outfitter., of Dm Empire an•
ptelece Isizaar to lie held in 1114.
'town Dall, on Dee. '4141, on le•lialf or
maims iimpit,.;, At 6
p. It supper will be Set ved,
liteett el' its first atonikersott • Er
Intl /4 /LIP living made to have t he
1,1 AA 114 AIN Ai 1I1e, {44)
that a "kit 14 I thee' Wiii to•orty every•
one who at tends. All et,1•19 ii.efol
to titles anti Genie ettliable for X111419
gifte will be offered for male, A 1111 it it,
hoped that friends and well wislwro4 of
the hospital will coat ihooto ors
nit post•ilile. Muni made bread and
buns, apples, eggs, butter, honey, cam
nts1 fruit, elle., will lie gratefully re
veived. Further pat•tictilare next. week.
Around (he liarbor.
The fishing tug Onward, owned 1)y
Mr. M ctiaw, of Kincordine, overbuilt
port on Sunday aft•ernoon, and has
been pulled on to Die island, where
she will he catillted, and then return u;
Kineardine for the winter.
The steamer bunlee, t corn Port
William. arrived on Monitory w ith
35,001) bushel,. of wheat for the eleva•
tor, and then left for the canal ell.
route for Kingston. l'he steamer
Scottish Hero left (kargil of wheat
for the elevator and the Big Mill oti
Monday Afternoon.
The yacht Cava rixn Into this port
hurt week for ttheiter. Sbee left early
on Sunday morning, but returned in
the afternoon, anti finally left for
Parry Mound on Monday. Tile Cava
was bought 1/1 DOI.1.011. 11 MI wilt be
employed aerofoil Party Hound An
letter carrier during the Ril router
The &siting tug Adrienne, from iiar
nia, arrived in port on Monday night
to layi el) for the winter. She vete
pretty' heavily laden, having large
number of nets on board which will
be put in order during t he winter for
aprIng fishing, --The (Whim; tug Two
Mame although out of trout fishing
through the close sermon, hos a few
pereh nets out hint off the plern, end
if the weal her permite wiii IBM for
that firth till the end of the mont h.
Brand Trunk Exhibit,
Jamestown fixposition.
Telegrnphic advice le received that
jury of Awards. Jamestown P.epositIon,
Norfolk,Va., have announced that Grand
Trunk exhibit hag been nwarded two
gold medals nuti one (diver medal rover•
" luntalling of Exhibit, Photographic
Seenen and Fish and Game dinplay.
(+TAR haw In atork ohmic 70,taxi
ontedopen of gond qualities, made by
the beet manufacturers In the Domin•
Ion. and aome imported, 40 that, no
person should be telthout printed en-
velopes. We also carry a large stoek
of blank and ruled writing paper.
which wo print on very short notice,
at reasonable prices.
Mede OM Hon.
key., learlepof '
riPPOellieri;Willainit.rintwOlit OD Ville,
December and eddrese the
titet Dnren libeitilit et their tintetel
meeting in the torro belt A' pilb1141
meeting will be held In the 0110104
it„ht old; •
The resolution passed by our friend*
Of the Liberal party at ttie conventiOn
hold in Ooderittli tiome menthe ago her
been e. clear caao of wasted empathy.
The lionnereon libel ems low been
&Nipped. The editor has net rePeided.
And the plaintiff's lawyer has contrived
the plaintill'e job. Mr. Hyman le
still hiding, somewhere in Japan,
While the Tories have captured his
se,at. flow would It do to revamp the
resolution and make it fit Sir Feeder.
icy Borden's case? But that, tee.
looks somewhat risky.
George Graham, the new Minister of
Railways, is having the time of his
life. At the present moment ho Is
holidaying on the Intereolonial at the
publics expense, and le enjoying the
luxury of special ears and special
trains, Says the Moncton Times :
"The special train whleh carried the
Minister of Railways. with officials
and their families, to and frotn Mono,
ton, consisted of five cars. There
were three private mos and a Pullinon.
with diner and baggage ear. The bare
sight of such a train de luxe In the
days of Tory rule would have made
every Grit editor betvveen Halifax and
Vancouver put on eackeloth and iwhes
for the poor taxpayer, but it has be-
come eo nommon under Liberal rule as
to ecarcity excite a passing comment,"
Children's Aid Work.
MEN. liarvie, Provincial inspeetor of
Children's A141 work. Wari lOVVII 011
S10111/1y 111111 Monday last, making tin
offiehti I.1411111, Id 111/ words of
the Soviet y. end also viailind several
11011E1141 where clithitert for
.tdoplion. 'floo inter v10{V/4 Were AU
B/Ltitiffletery. 111111 OtH ,40(1)1
the requesto for little 4.1)11,Iren will he
filled, though the demand al -
%yap,' far In esee.4.4 of the supply of
very young children. The work
throughout Ontario is growing in its
extent, IVA IleW Imaem of neglect or
poverty no e disenvered, oind !twat
branch societleft are being organized.
In severod of the large,' Penton; local
agents have twee appointed, with the
co-operation of hi' municipal (myelin
and ph lianthropie ei117.0119. W110 VOW
WM*411111 this is Ole hest way to effect-
ually look ofter children who other
wise would grow up into useless ir not
criminal lives, and that a titliirtl' elt•
pended now In their rare and prot Pe-
ti011 Merl 114 900 ng ten dollars 1.y
anti by, as well fin OW addition of
good eitizete to the community. 51 or.
!envie travel's riser Ow entire 'PIM
vinen, endow/bring to make al least a
yearly visit bi nil the Society's wnrds
and to keep in tom 11 with tile homes
Inewhieh they 111014. Well, placed. In
t he count y of Duren, theithee the pant
four or five yenee, near I y tlf y rhildren
have been looked otter hy the lor-al
society, mane being taken from tile
nuat eyretrhed martin nd info, and are
now prospering to good homes, and
°there helped and their condition im-
proved. A report of the work will he
lald before the County °mind' at ite
gene' oft fro I htikt` in bor nex t .
.At Mr. Borden'e meeting in Winni-
peg, Premier Roblin made a, good hit
When he quoted from Sir Wilfrid
Liturier's speech in tho same oity the
"I come to you to preach a new
gospel the gospel of free trade as
they have it In li,ngland. Protectiou
is bondage and elayery, more objection-
able in form, more injurious in effect,
than the elayery that obtained in the
Confederate rotates in the South before
the Civil War. Put ine into office and
l will exterminate every vestige of the
principles of protection. and 1 will
give you free trade 1161 they have it in
There were about 3,000 people pre.
gent, Liberals and Conservatives. who
realize that the Laurier pledgee have
never been carried ont.
The Dundee (Scotland) Advertiser
man, who visited Canada In the early
etittimn, and who knows from daily
contact how miserable the working.
tease homes of English and Scotch in-
tl mitred vent reel 011t1 be, says
"I have lingered somewhat over my
deseriptIon of Ontario, and yet, I have
merely sketched int mitlines. It lout no
drink problem, no rich, and no poor,
end Its educationol system, like our
own, ici free and compulsory. It is the
torgeat in population, and the wealthi-
est. It hats an amazing variety of
wooml, grain and fruit ; bilseious vines
and owellarrisex tend Mr miles on either
Nide (4r the railroad track. and you
need go no further than the observa-
tion ear of n. Grand Trunk train Lo
realize why it its called the Garden of
'Annette But what helve Impressed
me 1110N1. In Ontario are the homes of
Ile working people, No huge tone -
memo with men, women, and chil-
dren huddled together tinder un-
healthy conditions. No filthy, squalid
surroundinge, but nice, comfortable
well.kept villas, each with its veran•
doh and trim garden plot. In almost
every C114441 11011101 IN the property
of t (weepier. These are the houses
of the nee 19 110 1011 in the factor-
ies and t working sherle. The hornet.
tif the working Men of Ontario are
homes indeed, and 111e11 who live in
Hoch surroundings must Nese the fate
dolt placed ern In a country where
theist is
nd to (spare.
fled( C. T. U. Notes.
Aden ilnertrst'14 s'e.a°6"1:01
The Supt. of Parlor meetings gave
exeellent, teport and we may look
for something epeelal al our parlor
.uncert. to he held some time
The mintitee last meeting read
and approved. The treasurer also gave
a report. The different reeorntnenda-
thine filed toy the 141secutIve were then
kid before the meeting and adopted.
( County Proat. gave part of re -
pert of the Prov. convention, hut as
time was !hotted the remainder was
deferfeol till the 'parlor roneert, 84
that this report will he one of the
many speeialtieta for War concert.
The eegular meeting of the Union
WAN 110141 today, Nov. 1 1, Preget In
hair: members present, 1 0. The de-
vot iotial half honr was taken by Mrs.
Colborne, giving a. very Inetruetive
levion front the well known old story
of I et yid end 11, teaching that as
Da V id conquered the great giant Do
mny we, with the game faith in flotre
protnises, eontpier the giants 01 our
time, sech as Intemperance, cigarette
hatoit, Sabbath terniking, ete.
thla conneetion the following item
from St. Thoman is of int eref4t
" The Child ren'e Aid Soriet y turn di,
rItled that besides caring for t Hill
dren etutimittert by the magistrate the
management will Ireetelve end look
after tbone little °nett whose parents)
aro hi indigent eletniengtancen. A
permanent gepertetion will not be auk.
ed front the relatives, hut will he merrier -
able DI replace the (+Wren In their
hoeiee when their parents aro ready
again to reeolve them, a departure
from tlie old rule that will meet cv,ith
gerieral approval, Iltld for the outlay
there twill tioublieno he a rerrospenc.-
ing filfancial response front charitably
dispotftitl jienple. thS thcahtline
appeal will he made to the 'fraternal
societies for aid to carry out their
commendable endeavors."
711.1101 m Al 11rnolford. on 11101 1 10/0150r.
Mg. to Mr. and Mrs. Moen; Charity. Chisholm,
Di El).
thutorteh, Vriday, November
4i, non .% owe NI. Nafiel. aged 11 years, eldest
klarigliltkr of Thema,. (1. Naftel,
There are hundreds of barrels of
apple& yet to he brought In from the
townithips for shipment.
Some of the etrent one conductors; in
Toronto will not allovv a piuteenger to
his lege In it sitting position, and
one man was forcibly ejected fee doing
so, arwortling to the Nee:fro-of Wed nee -
day. Tbe criticiam by tete city papers
for years of the street Tar gervice
Torob to Feenift to be justified.
NI mot. -The turnips are being lifted
Brio week; they are rt poor crop. --
Herb Bell was away op horsq trod- .
Ing tour Ian week. ife (IVO that he,
got badly taken in by a fellow back in
Morris. items of the law business
Whit+ wan intenned fde the Quarter '
Seasiona been settled at home. -
1.0. of Oise iphetfi Wha Went shooting
on Thanksgiving' day returned at ,
nigfit with a red squirrel and a chip-
-ateasbile aro very prevatent in
this section, but all those afflieted
atei recovering,. Pleat ,
strong whiskey Witt Ming the
out, and keep them out ontil the pa.'"
tient recovere.