The Goderich Star, 1907-11-08, Page 611.
Inowesieveio ere.
LIARIFOOT.EATe Iit OR. Serrletato
ewe Neeeriaakeitbe tantil
mow. 40,4411,7,144,11:1074447‘9114 liAloorki414111V4vi
‘• " PlIrOgni ft,t4lAes, OPOIOAN•
oleree.1 1/4NlIffit). lissoletee.
CiSeil,14:;4•I'' allrg",i7S 011!1;111:IPPRIt
Pb& rinses, ° tinee, 1110;303',0 fdaeck. 'ger.
110144 etneot abet Sq5:04. Oedeftcls. Oleoaroarettooetkite
ea ea el toreeierseieeorze Oise. liesenese •
shire doer 4141fil, tiortrrIeb, Oat: +401,1•411++++++++4,44++ofeeeok.
eefeleneat. sirs .4/,• U.1141,040
o lows eangney, Bert Ober 0ra of Englatid ISP coOluated Iterehtlys
triteness, fits tler, Illainliee 4% Iola .s
tiara I/AMOY ciid tlint she nit* Vine
a SWOT AT fio
aim otrusidar lbe liallsomtlit atal Aims muff wEi
Z.VgliStielese ii 00'41 I Mabee '
wok A !Amalie res aumili: • Vie
il it greet COO Of it, kw ,,, ilirmit.
ems Ail *boulders, - "Itua ta ilwae.1
%.9 dry AM iltrs ciiii)Allen fit *Penie4 Me
tiliA ram wilier Med tile while tielit/
: 0011‘..1.3,vioViizeitatelse uongiiiperofeet.t blitiicsh i.o...,u1,111,:'
4, 'At ft,ed;tinglight Plithl2a tutu lif vonw allimeaMa iss *ail* l'oewlalf "Cstoti
.9.•: tot rareo teleaolre kept to. iltilllidir ft)e
.11,0411411 J4
°Wen Vilit fresli ' milk," which la heir fire
favorite drink. No trelty %Oman. atte
niaintaloa, au offer . to tea,* OS, CO '
Ice or cl'Aorolatc. The lintlitdPro4020.. Seems 4 4 Meet eXtreetrItierlf 44r"
wrinkle3 and eborelate inaltufacitirra acier Iii4Ve Marked rolitt4 *Magee ON*
14I, 1,12-410cs-greaSe-or anatfir.....Solte4,,,,, 11,0442,13.Y.,ther,,tlevLA. A, IWO, Y 1r
butter la never allowed On her-litvic 'orAll tights, -.144oriiittieertileitth.' .
et to the preparation of licir dislies. land. For 4 'IOng t440' the vicar luta
luta frequent but Very light meals 15 &cached beeling"tiy • linithr itild be 4.
one of the mewls eMpleyed for tho pre, llow assisted be T. IX WOO, CI -P4e4 4444 '0411,S. ---Tel elpheop oe vatatoes
aervallon of her leek& tor e1/110 11/413-teillfigektfi 41-ilatIr 114%01.4 -*do Onedeitt Oft of -4n,cllgi ode tege
in NerWOO. -• ' ' *Nen ' ef Oita'. onettalf ege--ntik Fe"'
TO F04144 .4tre hog itt 3 'ILO"' In." tei WO. Waeh 4110, Mosul itsit.litto
Ing reeently egleogerated by, the. SeettoP. emelt pleeee. Pere WM eitterter Pelteteee,
et Durleltles, 414 4111rIng the frineeitir INA ooteleesond gel/ en Mew paneAoyer
iinge the .worshippers., raOstly WOMAlli With. boiling water and took Until pole,
•gbfo way to beeterielti VOnVetekenleo IPA Are tendert 4014111 111011 Roe; agi)
1, :will: 0000„elteernig, laughing, and Wow,- betFer., etellieeolnOi. 'alla botton' e$g% 3:014
tug thoznIchtes In „MM. ter. led attitudes: guatesattegAtteovralltrarOungolin• .6141)0_ .100
.. ,Chilt •C ekon.,-Beil a chickerr,•.until
The eireacher4 elftittl on itA fitt of
tongue, doceito .04 moo ;404/.0%141, tender Mat •eholt tine. WuSh ,•?tal-"drY 4
,Daddy profeeSes 10 translate lbo.•ltur 'etkP -44..*e'•»4t Intil 4 P4t W4° 'C":"49416'
flges. used, thellgb theY; 4PPoae,to ill^ IT144141144144j3/0143,444,011,iar!Voak444,44,'"
partial obserms to he inereirll'leci' elitippettepoato, erlione, Matt ItOtt 4040
Iter,ent raying*, Mr. Beddy elalMe that
Me two little elettOiffees-44101,0, aged. e.114 Pt4t4er'• ' "tell °Is IS "I /51°44
14, eno, may, aged ut,,,,ototoe oecewoo ielleinfietill, kieheo. edei,the broth in Which,. lt•ti‘
the HOY SPIrils Pled that letiaq, OW
dwebrichitsa tnitrin9eneasufallifi. i.ek h Wale
flEcooNtz.0.0 AS CHINESE.
. .
111 have every reeson." oteld Mr. Pied-
dy, "for eelievIng that 11 ' letee beeit
chosen by God as the fnetournent far
spreading this wonderfet inillienee over
the whole of the tutiveree, ,. .
"Some tene ago a young Sunderland
builder related to nie an extraordinary
vision. He first eA alt eaw, es it•weeer
a great light surrounded by a number
of dim figures. For etorne lime 1111 re-
,malned vague and indlethlet 'until the
figures resolved themeelves into peolde
le knew. The light itself then develop -
e0 into a form. and -presently he knew
that he was before the DIviele Presence.
Patiently he waited for an interpreta-
tion of the vision. to a while his oilnd
tv'elitls, aunbdie (tit: lasigeast bP4-"IsaoWre cahnrelistinfourare sdeeii
seated on a theoue handing gifts 4to
tone of the figures standing by?"
"Did ho reoognize the recielent?"
For some moments the vicar paueed,
os It to weige his reply. Then he slew-
ly mude anAver; "Yes, I was the reelpf-
It was shortly after thb3 episode that
he went over to Norway andorelornee
with Pastoe Barrett.
101011.1iiie WAX
br4P•At 1.2 Vile o 11101. Queen Ale,xua,
Vstantlai Genettei,,n Log
11.6/41SVACSII. Cerra/am eallettor fie
417. 44t4 onx..../,;
if A. 4. VrtArlDtt. DARIASTOR.
saellelter, Li/octet to ebe Parteloie
Lotto /Imo with leasm mote. te
tins, vein side Veer; Souse sleeas%
At% lextrraLY 4 OALLOOW,
• Veneteiate. Ourseone, eke,
verreweersorte street. terrains occulm
let lov reaeotoot Hey'.
Owe 11.01Ari"..0 0.1:1. 1.0 3,0 p.m.
Peelle* De Wietenes notecase, 116.
br. ammeter residence, 119.
• newton WSOttay. U.D.CeeL. •
rat 4•41•0, 43004' eleuey to Iteelao
es- Gallon. M.n., ar.O.r. a et. 0.
liltAaft74011 LICKNISS
NIVg• Ltglaal:vartiot. oat.'
TDOMAti OVIellitv.
14ve Eteelcasa Ostend Anotteseen
nenalitea Street, elodericle
ealeteuide everywhere and all efforts made
It efverou ertisteetiore
Waresere talanoteedisconated.
D *.'""••
°stereo Veterinary Oollegn Toronto. 1
01•Alt11, 0., graesate of tke
resSeetfully CM! the attention of horse onsets
le my approved method ot oparatingea horse.
tgalb. A inob supply Of veterlosry medicines
etwaes op bend. onto* andstabies-Neweete
• emedehlidee4 0110 retallne tier.
1041ritni Vow. fICkw*hc7, 0141,7411C4 14.0
iteep Titlie at earls wetet the fem011ne
coattail% 0 crowd "%itebtlig her-
titive bY always seilees whether It ISO , ROOM -rising the alwayo vale o few
hoodoo o Parts, Napleo Athens. `fiver thin ekes of brow) breed-el/read
Per, .barring Judicious and daintily with sweet Meant or new butter.' At
tlieunsWesitis einpleiymeut of Math les 11 earnes tier breakfast of fruit and a
Ultimate cosneetics, the Queen not cermi:epuliet5.ot coddled egg" eaten wlitt dry
artlecial looking. .
Iler caw Le the more surpriseig ter noyal luncheon lesuany eonstste
the reason that court We is a foo to Of a little delicate fish iar chicken, one
geed loolis. iloyet ladies ae a rule. vegetable. a selad and more fruit, With
hide quIcirly that len years Of court ber 4 o'clock glass of mlik the Queen
lite has aboul the same WOO MI a wo. eats as a rale a couple of little honey
manta beauty as , two years at the celres, and she never eats the regular
washipto elaborate dinner served to the rest et
wonder .and admiration of cheerIng lite royal tamily. Sandwiched in be,
Denmark to that of England Meson- 'well the heavy tneat e,ourses come her
eira has (Seen n11:11-herle.%4 rtvale in little prloste diehes of tiny French ay.
beauty 'erred by Premeture loss of sten grilled on toast. her celery stew -
loveliness to resign their .clairn, The eil in white Me& and her green salad
Empreeses of .France and Austria were garniahed only with oil and salt. Per -
her contemporarlea and" their radianee heps the most elaborate sweet she ever
and eameolike perfectIon of feature all eats is an apple baked with honey.
but threw her Into the Shade- Ifitt before stepping Into , bed she al -
To -day, a forlorn old women, Eugenie ways has small ,meal of milk dashed
lives in retirement with uot vestlge wilts sherry and a bisonit or two, and
of her rare coloring and delicate eon- the results of this regiMen justify her
tours left, and on the day on whieli shying that on diet and Iresh air hang
pour Elizebelh nf Austria walked down' all the laurels of beauty. But in the
the quay at Geneva to the apot where process of taking fresh Mr Queen Alex -
the 'essassin %vatted for her, dagger in andra .seduloualy avoids violent or ex -
hand, no human being would have clOng exercise.
dreamed that she had once been (fie Yuchtlng and driving she enjoys, but
eonder and admiration of chering she has never cycled, played golf or put
crowds, as Alexandra remains to this a kali over a tennis net, and In ner
opinion persistent autornobiling offers
In the last decade a dozen young we- the guinea!, means known, for getting
men have come to thrones and neVer of a nice complercipn and gaining
teen able to challenge her right to eU- 10,000 wrinkles. About once in a fort-
premacy. In one way or another their mght she goes for a run in her own
court careers have reduced them finetly ear, but always for a briet spin of less
in a bony or an obese conunonplace- than an hour. Then she is swathed
like a Turkish worms in vette.
ness. To motoring she lpflintely prefers
&win and frequent walks with her dogs.
As often as four times a day, in Lon-
don or the country, she goes for a brisk
turn on foot, usually with her favorite
Ttussitin hound at her heels and a tiny
Japanese spaniel under her arm.
Just outside the window of her sic
ling room at Buckingham Palace a
handsome stone balcony Juts. It is fit-
ted as a small boudoir and reefed with
very wide eaves; is open on three sides
to admit all the air obtainable. Here
infstress reads and works as much
is possible.
Wh.en the 'balcony boudoir is not :n
use she occupies a pretty little pavilion
In the gardens, and in the coldest win -
tee weather often sits in one or the
other 4J1 her .open air retreats with a
bis brass brazier full of charcoal be-
side her to take the edge of the chill
au her hands and feet.
.11y dint of sa much care and precau-
tions the Queen manages rarely or nev-
4 t t.) disappoint a crowd awaiting her
Appearance, and to the people she is
always a muffing, charmingly dressed
creature whose consrvattvo taste in
nods and clothes is dminently satis-
factory to them.
ollitto4 •
110/4t DAINTY faISIIE,S,
Clete TO1111114 Scwp.--lottkonie Piot of
water to at' owl of skewed taogfleass
swum ewe*. * bsy leaf; sitae,hall taa-
aPoall of celery salt, 4 lattleapOon sad,
dopitt of red Kp.Psr. anki 11110 Iltblcf"
1310.1sle, WU: Okin litratigh
✓ ; return to and ticht *Lek
alma* of cornstarch moistened in wa•
tcr. *WO- bet with WAITS %Of breed ex
Even that paragon of physical perfee-
eon the Empress of Russia has wither-
ed under the stress of maternal duties
and the fears she endures every day.
The anxieties she hae been called upon
WILtsrlialisnitUNkslr'°;',"1.41 14 bear, allied to the cruel strain of
lettlietnatita cuMna, eithanSpoolng, ente4 flesstan court ceremonies, have aged
' eaulutone . o:tridlculorerw .1"Irgeur.
t . and hardenesi her face till it 1,esembles
e tragic mai.k. High living and too
!elle exercise have played the mischief
with the Queen of Holland's charms end
sent Marguerite. the Queen Mother el
Italy Into retirement.
['let, as the years roll en, Alexandra
keeps her figure anti her freshness, her
grace of movement, her smooth cheek,
har round throat and full bright eyes,
end al threescore and len drives out
with her husband looking very inuch
like an eldest daughter instead of a
wife but eighteen months his junior.
.IIENEVOLENT sqcliirrtfis.
own* GOPERItal, No. se. 0.0.1.,
' meetings the let and Ord
tridaire of every month. Parties
shin ' to Join eon get full nartietrii
ffOr seqaft tfaitneron, Archie Nail en.
*Let etwaye welcome. 1953.
e.- And I erhaps tn a eozen years snore
the Queen of England will visibly
.... change little fur the very excellent retie
eon that having the blessing ot good.
health and a sense of the value of her
LEAD= UNDERTAKERS looks .she does everything in her power
AND'EMBALMERS _ te protect herself from the ravages t I
time. Since she went to London s
• . • . -
• . bride she has guarded her physieal en -
a OpitlitICIEL - Otr.V. dowinents with an intelligence that has
West Street. hod Its reward,
, Perhaps no woman in the world
studies more faithfully and observes
more eelf-sacetileingly than she the
ruins for beauty's preservation. No
ene. for example, in or about the court
No ever seen the Queen lose her tem-
'MAW Fire Insuranoo Co
'term and Isolated Town Property lee
Value of rroperty insured up to
January* toot, fier0481975.00.
CSFOICJettS and 11.11toiterOlts--J.Le
Ideloetua, President. Iimpen P. to; to,
rrseer. Vlee-Presisiont, nrueetleid V.
0.; *le E. 'Jaye& Seeretary-Treasurs
sr, See -Forth P. 0.; J. Connolly,
Portereetallt; P. O.: Dole, Clin-
ton P. 0.; J . Watt, liarlock P. 0.7,
J. Evans, Lieechwood, P. J,
Grieve, Winthrop P. 0.; J. Benne.
' Weis, Ileechwood P. 0.; Vie Chesney,
Setdorth 1,. o.; each the inspector of
Ores nelarest to whieh they occur.
.0t0ENTS.-- Yess,
Stsunes Quinn -dog, Eginondville;
Seatortin R. Sisal). liar -
Policy Holdern can pay assess -
snouts olid get their cards receipts
ed al,t W. Coats, Clinton, or at Mee
/AIM Seos. Palace Clothing Store,
fsd rehouses
d yenta at
24 Up town office%
comer West St-
ood Square
When you want the best
to be had in
An kindi c OAL al-
ways on h nd.
„Ali Cool weight, en ibis, fiferitet
esetelee, whore yea get 2000 lbe. for
IS On.
, E.
Orneesi left at 0, C. TIM'S Stara.
rust. aide tionaro. proluldlg at,
t coned to.
• eit
!St StfteWs tor Patching '1.'0
Pielettirett. .
Gee of the Mast theelo,date devices at
itt the llorileul-
tilfet elatit taultioliv is; on privy of tom.
sett Stert f4,1Tics: 010} 111 Id elze froth
nOtplaeter An illelt leo IMO illebee,
beatflifillly elleeteplated, These the Mo.
, drat se,recen las to serthr hp fractured
thcii tte'lleft in ille.nattent for
life. There As fel tellOrie 01 lite Ithettilr4
Mottling driptattl, Ond the limb cap be
tiPol at die varlicst tioss1131-%5 maIhOt
alter illift/P1ealOon.
Undounteelfe, being the daughter of a
pretty strenuous mother, old QUeen
I XI 31.40 of Denmark, who ruled her
hevisehold for more than fifty years
with roe of iron, she has a temper
:4 display If she wLshes to give it vent.
but en evonaid of honor to ihe Queen
insinte that her royal mietress believes
that nething is more disfiguring than
an outburst of anger. Then WO. from
her youth up she has at the first
ef Indisposition taken .to bers411,sed end
railed ln her masseuse.
No matter hew slight her sense' of
;physicel discomfort may be the Queen
(Hoists this first precaution. for her oon-
vtetion Is teat fatigue brings wrinkles
Meth prompt rest and massage can
prevent. Accordingly she always re-
gards 'tired feeling or a teuch of neu-
ralgia ns an ample excuse for spende
ing half a day In seclusion.
NO more lying down in a fluky neglt.
gee Willi R Mid a box tit bon -
bens suflices. She regularly goes to
bed in a Keen ulech no sounds are
LI owed to penetrate, and e•here she eat
etiJoy an P.Ininduncq, of fresh air. There
On hours she will lie relneed with her
eld Danish! maid al, the door to presserve
bei from intrusion.
For a full hour, both eetore and after
a Neat ceremony, the Queen lies (level
and 1$ rubbed, end nhe 'usually VMS to
open Paeleueent or eccolve at a draw-
ing reom or lay, a esenerstotle ;ender
the stiniulaling inthienee of a • 6seelal
meal. This conste's of gla4s of warm
milk with a deell of sherry In it. and
some biscuits that are trade !or her IV
O London Ilene _ • -
Ater' any ceremory flint bac requir-
es moles hee pert she 'ins a
s.eSnd alight meal. Nears r go when
she finst eame over Ls Magian(' It requ
411 ell her native Ittet mid mildly* Item
itiststences estaistnh her relea la rest
one, diet,
In IlhAS. days her able but un
rely dimineering mord-
pure •
It Was netorkreS at nre time Intl the
Perin Mother -In -41w tindertsek •te Ole
mess her sono woo t of Ot.o
MEN) Icled5 ilt 14) IPA rnil diet. nut She
then Princess a Wn!cs stuck to her
&lag, _Never In all Int (tees has the
eaten sunt pudding-% or sdrt Wine
arid hes Iola n olneos tem
a her d'ot hos Me
ne only Wine she ever Oates ls
4pctic7.of twin thArith ,ro ,n1Se ro
clituModed 110 °hobo
• , leeks united pt OW livid. Is ii2ed
bridge; a IstiClure, matte niffinte WOW,
toted Igime. ,
Thi»ks to 114 /*lest form Of tibaeSiliZ:-
., tale wileh iCecee'Ver pktient t011eetelle
bet Cif ',Odes Otilti, tt strong;
armed • scas...e. eiedif dispa‘sionately
watch little 'new points la nuritay•
ithistraird Ott 110 owtt litts new
anaesthesia, is dna lc the ,11.costry of
twwoesin, %how 'mimed diuttly tau
1%1 *Noel tkitnpkie paralysis. eat
4.04..4pori9vkl /mother', • ;11%01 now' tat
Rents TA0 ond do talk tr rata who,
um: Atm being di prived of littitt-,4
When the English talk of her they
never fail to insist that she is the bnet
dressed woman in Europe. Appreciat-
Mg her peeple's confldence in her taste
Alexandra spends royalty on her ward-
robe. To defray her dress account she
lays out close to S30,000 a year, but
this includes her of jewels.
of which she is very fond, and her
ceremonial robes, whiehmust be enorm-
eusly costly.
In a private capacity she has puchas-
el lavishly of diamonds and pearls, and
tho elements 4110 wears at a court
function sometimes weigh as much as.
eight or ten pounds. The rule of her'
court Is I 110 5110 must. never wear (1
costume .twice in public, and as she
tualiee; in the course of a season in
Landon, as many as 150 or 200 public
apearancee, any svennen min guess why,
from May until August, the sewing
recalls at Buckin.gham Palace are hum-
ming with industry.
A French designer, ten sewing girls
and expert fitters are then in possesslon
0 this section et the palace. for the
Queen's clothes are not made in Paris,
led in England of English goods, und •overpowered by What God had done
every day she gees through the work- that the street resounded with 'Meryl'
rooms to advise, criticize, suggest and 'llatiehijahr "
be fitted. All these thinge Mr, Roddy henesity
When once a gown is worn at a ball believes le indicate the twakeping of,
er on n drive or to a eharity concert! eew life in the churches, Several leer:
is immeiliately-returnedesto tne WOO:. trstant clergymen in other parts of IbTi
rooms and palled to pieces. Some parts
of it may be saved and Incorperated
another oostuine, but If it is made
stout cloth the pleces are rolled up and
sent to vorlotss hospliels and asylums
kr transtormation into comfortable
clothes for deserving poor inmates. The
richer satins. cloths, silk and velvet are
vat lo schools of needlework under
royal patrenage or to the Queen's In-
digent friends and pensioners.
If real lees hasrbeen used hi the Peek
1 1 Ls a1WIIIS preSerVfKl. The QI/Perl'ci
buts are never passed elong. These,
Mr. Barrett, asked te give a descrip-
tion of the phenomenon that Ls dcacrib-
pi us "speaking in tongues," placed
his hand te• les face,. and said: "I lee!,
first of all, as if my head were sudden-
IY clartmed with iron betide. I lose all
oOntrol of speech. Then, as Ilse influ-
ence of the Holy Spied inoreates, I feel
ns if t1.13 11'071 bands were begtnnieg to
work. Pre.sently words come -Polling
out. They ere literally shot teem my
mouth -sometimes in languege I' can-
not understand. When this happens 1
svait for the interpretation, which the
poly Spirit never fails to send me."
One night last week the following
sight was witnessed by several. people
during a prayer meeting in the vestry.
With a loud cry...a young man euddenly
threw himself to the- tie& friom bet
sent and began a series of convUlaive
rollings, which carried lum half-svay
across the room.
Others who have "broken through,"
as Mr. Soddy deseribe.s. the process t•f
quite en astonishment to those who
antenna! "surrender," have remained"s
on the floor for a longtime. "A young have not tried it.
Popular Charlotte Russe. -One quart
woman cried When the Spirit came up.
came ce! sweet cream beaten stiff, one -hail cup
sti her with a pieecines _csey„ but ot pulverized sugar stirred into the
gloriously through, spefiking tongues. beaten cream; vatella flevering to taste,
Another fell from the form her whole Dissolve cite -half a package of gelatine
kngth upon the floor. in ae antle cold water as possible, set on
STREAM OF FIRE. the stove and let wine to 'a boil, Then
let stand until partly cold and stir quick -
Hese Ls another incident veuched for ly Vito the beaten cream. Dip a mould
,liy Pastor Barrett: into?, cold water prel line with lady fin -
"A lady who Is seeking her Petite- gerS, cookies, or spenge cake. Turn the
et st, whoee,whole demeanor was quiet, beaten cream into mould and set away
was Sa affeceel that she burst into -leers: ice to eool; should stand four or five
She got a stream of God's flee into her, hours before using. If in warm wee-
sind during the night she .got through, ther and without lee, fek it stand over
speeken MI tongues. night. When ready to serve, dip the
Lo"r8dh,se xtvvidrite, tihnadteeidt, ‘sovasdrmu.inthk dwiffiltheutihtye meted- in hot water for an instant, then
the cream wilt turn out on a plate like
we got her home. Hatt it leen in the JellY! This makes a good dessert, too,'
ronmeey through the street. She and at a dinner or luncheon. The full recipe
will make enough for eight people.
middle of the day eve,tvould have had
her friend. Mr. Reedy,' and Ware till Beth Buns. -Scald one pint of milk,
add while hot -one-half cup c.t butter;
when lukewarm add one yeasts:like dis:
seived tn a ,quarter cup of warm water;
add one and a half quarts' of sified flour.
n had tospeon of salt; beat well, cover,
ami in warm place over night.
.The next morning beat six Nits of
eggs with hall CUD or sugur until light:
d one leaspoenful of einnanion, half
cup of chopped citron, eggs end sugar
to the sponge; work until thoroughly
mixed, turn out on -floured board, adding
sufficient flour to make a soft dough;
roll out,,cut into good sized buns, place
on greased pans, far enough apart not
worm place until very light. Brush tops
with glaze of white .0 egg, two table.
spocrifttls each ermilisaed sugar beaten
te tru.‘c.,,h, in 'baiting. cover, and set in a
well together. flake about thirty-five
fetun ,Saledoonie salad Mar he r
lees. p ol ham. chopped line; to
whiChi odd olle tebleepoontht ot chopped
pickle and one narebboiled egg, chopped
any, ,Placelhe hot mashed potatoes on
crisTt lattice leaves; sprintyle Otter Otis
Us%) Wenn end garniSh with the Whitee,01
IWO hard boiled eggs, Mit in singe
Prose 11116Ugb ot sieve the yollte the
eggs/ ..spelnele this over all, and dreSo
with, ,Freneli dresetug,
Aptile Oeaelet.--oPeel and core ten large
apples, stew., with threetolinces el sugar,
three 'One& and a strib of leilion tine.
Stir Otto tee fruit two ounces ot' buttee,
and, when nearly cold, add a ,evell-
beaten egg. Butter a deep pleedisk,Seate
tot ertallbS 11,11 with the inKteree
and cover with e.leyee of breadertirsibe;
Bake for half an hone, and then Serve
turned cut of the 'dieh,
Harrisen. Frit terso-Take some slices lot
cold meat and trim all nicely into the
Shine shape and alze. Sprinkle eaeb
piece wile elolpped parsley, pepper, and
salt. Take as many thin slices of ha -
00n or hem as there are slices or meat,
and on to the bee= scatter a few dams
of ketchup and audhevy sauce. Put the
ineat upon tee bacon, roll both together
and fasten with a skewer. Dip eaoh roll
into a good batter and fry in deep tat,
to a golden color. Serve oe moutd of
nicely boiled rice with gravy poured
Stewed towl's liver makes a nice little
savoury oe `breakfast dish for one per-
scn. Take a chioken's Ilver, place it in
a small saucepan Wile a little butler and
enough good stock to cook, Add a sea --
seining of salt, pepper, and a bay leaf.
Stew gently for ten minutes. Drain end
cat into small aces. Thicken the gravy
with flour, sadd a tablespoontul of
sherry, ditto of ketchup, and a little
butter. Stir the mixture till it boils. add
some browning, 'then the shredded -liver,
and pour it on a square of buttered
toast.. '
Recipe for Gookiog Rioe.-Put a cup-
ful ,of rice' that bus been thoroughly
weshed in cold water into a saucepao
'and' cover with five cupfuls of fast -boil-
ing water. Add'salt, and boil fast for 3
quarter cf an hour.' Then put the sance-
pan, uncovered, into a moderate oven.
In a quarter of an hour the water will
have completely evaporated,, and every
grain .of rice will be distinct and dry.
Not a grain will slick to the hottotnof
the saucepan. Rice cocked in thls way
pllredellt one large dish Or Ott at
Plate* Flare one quart meshed pole,
feti. bra* 401 mid crotice4
badmissde; hop Well Vitale tug _
*Vow baMag-hot bat of COW*, Uiva
wItia * bre*. 1e sinio * TeicelOY-
U neesilanIty slowest** la a bath-
rooneviostrat as in otte an ors.
inateeet have au opamie
POW A Irewled affari, ken ha
ritoftlY. Prodi itt *woe at MD. j/041.
Tao plat of stale sle atislyartaild
t salt& Ms pet a ty Artlit
broil. This untkes tut diatib that
remain, illitetediele, or. If 'desired,
May be removed by Scrulibintat any
"Down guilts. and small reethera er
00%01; plow* which have bowie Sena ,
imMble; •,xtud **ease. First ellielefe 4 VOCIIMOIll WIXOM held het Dattarldelt itSomeWherp; ;Ole Stat itur OPM,P4t4t,
Religious Mit
Questiou Brry Teach.
eau be washed' alt honol..;. with very MOP' • • , , .
Ana oneof,tete, ;WHY ;Miro Otis hclarit itretrOyed,' •Dlit *meat paaS I:44 "''''"^" •
' -. •tlie enorket. jest hOW,o4414, -Olga ttiiuy :but, tritiit tt Otto' ooetO• ' The test of tho • 2041 froth* ts; 11,407'5,:.
wpithOord. . will notilo of guy help 1,tuo ltiog, !but .01.4 013,00; beet one. Melly IneSe.1rUtbe. -ere %anti.'
S1V111-4!netentle pull Inur tialitor, 16 016 •161,44t, tutilli# .t.h6 1,4011.1.• :day Vebteh COncerri 010: VIVS-ellt 144450:141* 44.
POLOW VS 0101104, Ulu illoroughlY w ,..1 , wog on ;all ite wida.swesp. It is,
wail your ,tando lotto Jolt% toe woo . Wined niton_nt Naas thim; ,2r °alto, 41 ipatov. !or
171th '41141 "411" sq*e41118" *n4 P41" 9 da wider et Whet sve leer •
.4 Vastly dIfforen matter what we Mat
leo, underwear. litrise *re or three
clear waterS aAdlleagith todar flie
'tieldight, A •ditatfolAlt in the water
Will Veit the colors trent fad1.0g. "
xor umx, ixteu IRELAND*
'010!trA. ,
Happening% kr the Emetale Ode of.
Interest to Irish-
, C,anadiens.
Vikeltle reports 4 sliort potato
crop in that diehlet,
e.n 80-aoret fawn held puler the church
body at Coeladthee Was rece.ntly sold
to" $7,800.
Duelin Gazette plots 'weep thel
Arden and Jana fOrkpatrick are to sell
their estates .in tho County at Derry.
DOTY Infirmary CoMmittee boo 40001.-
MlatelY reselved eupport "as far as
practicable,' Irish. inMiufacturees.
Gerey, Wexford,' hes sepOe in hand to
build a. school for boys and girls in
memory of the late Arehdeacon
long, P,P.
No, cheap loaf in Belfast. Bakers pot
added a oent to the price of the 4-11t.
loaL the eecond advanee inside ot three
The T. W. Edgeworth •ostate le being
sold to its tenants on eeerms es raver-
Sible as any gained recently in County
A bust of General Griffin one of the
meat clistinguishedi sons of thie city cif
the Inc:dated treaty has been unveileti at
Limerick. , '
Rev. P. Quinn P.P„ is In the States
raising funds for new schools In Coal -
Witold and a parochial house ie Stew-
arlstown Tyrone.
Tenauts have bought their holdings.=
tho Creaghe estate at Ballyhonock, on
the hasts 1E135 Years rent for the free-
reintry are In tomb with -him -4m
locally he has been, to a certain extent,
The Old House at Wanstead,. Ilas Fal-
len on Evil Days.
The disappearance of the house in
which Tom Hood lived at WanStrad,
tote of the 111051 picturesque of country
dusliinss, Ls T.OW only a matter
by the way, are made limier her own. ilayo The building lie.s in the midst of
p: tie mein g surroundings. 'MST iteiproti
Is it from the neareet stction, Snares.
brook. Iles 1111‘011,011 Elle Well•WOOdIA
commone pm utter to Magee, and the
% keen! recess weeririg Milt, •1 s if lies bark. nestling in a
1 rimmel tittered hat. Tl'e nest dov hurden of elms and Monts afid vatic -
T .1").1d01 1114 10. tailed le cerement gated holt es. The design of the gar.
upon th; hel the' ter %ears the Queen den is quaint and old fashioned. A
had alw: ys we'll 1 eines. et the reeve. broad carriage road divides on either
t %I the regulations for beauty's Woe as pease on i Cray, rhattee and side of a cleetilite flower bed, and ad-
goid mot et's re ere the Ionise she rrivi' mita one to the Main entrance, a lbw
fere end see never wears totem! Jew. *rode door.
4.'5 4544e In the Relieve of her roval or- To the right ot the math Noels et
'fere. For pearls and diamonda her the Melding are outhouSee With . 4401r3
Ming Is so swing .that Alm 110es no tower than the level of the gitotind,
other ornamente. which at one time, serve4 ye Ocelatels,
. Usually beforii het phelograph Is While to file left is a conaerVatory,
talon1 she 'pulls oft her giovee, Par of 81111 tenanted JO' a few hamtergetien
..ber bands ithe leant:1Y Proud. This Plants, The house bus an air of Oese-
pride in her hands. is curiously enough letboll EMT 4! gloom, IN 1000.11t *Odd
N'try pure 01101TY whtrft Hu' Ntoff ot t" (1114'Sbeirlinettes cieiVeUrViSbileekinngkeitiokri)vorefti f1o'rhloasealbeeelunbeIrteind0o8ver4 lige"trott iPsidg
p. llama scrota her trom settle Speelel untidy /lode° ndreMising terreelo
sillerallo Ito owns, end nearlY, tho Famous as she lies 'anodes beet tor mats, Art the old pailitings end ten
feed ealo is Premixed oil net' hits. bee •loolte, she hos no touch of the arro. line moved mauttepleces beep been
tater.% Milne. Whim 111, Mania her .ganee eommon to homilies. This one tang removed, The oak theilet ere
butter, mile, ergs, vegetables. Owls, of her husband's Aubteets sitieoveree ectied Mut grained with dirt, ohd• the
'mutton mat beet ow, 80/14 ber frOIN San, ode day when Mt blueness he Waded light wood boarding which repiaced
drInghtlin, and the sweet she Vectors IA Ahleh a tayal persenage at Inickillgham the grand old Mantles adds to Me
raelencholy end eaditeee 41 'Hit %Ma%
Roney ouppited to her from 4 Devon. ponce* • .
Mare term •Ity 4 blender Mt a jaceeet part he ing. Sprigs of try are tirewrae
nano is used th theopreporation of Was sh.own Into room through which through the chinks and craubles
only takes oho ever eats. White pure Ow Queen usually passed on Her way the waifs. ,
Ogre oil is emplkved italeatt of laril Vs datightetea OpertMellia. A West Tho dayo on whicit the. Itthise
or woe by the 0,0014 wimilt me royal cf rirlof sunshine end Om Queen enter= hos fallen, are-•,tyltical of lititurs.
paloco has a !Mellen relleeler 10 Mille rd the salmi shrolltanOusly. find to the lifo and of ids satt,stery'.% Thue tong
self. .Speetal stress is laid by his loyal, VIMI,Wit huge emilarManycht. iar the horn him MI Mitt hefted' •d0r. 'and
iredetries upart tile fart that only the
pareat'iltalfrrdslteSt heat% flee to /peeves
Ca hor table.
Dairy ,Altildep Denmark. Malta to
very old end Ittep thartelloust$ • trosh
otia :s;nutg toting. Proillitar bY this
fact. fhb Eaglish Ouezals icithiSta Pet,
sess,•etrot CIO of the racist •okdistto turaldeld illt6nattrris 1
efid tomplettly anointed daltlea Mille "Wiled ho (Aliened litnisell the •
%Aid& llero b very day, *heir the (Ohl ids opoVgt$ mid Von 4toel
fireell fa eti Saltdringliiiint AVM gthi calilgy itt flow 'Wit .1141 hCat0: Oven and churn# Mid Pout Seringtidie morrow Ay ealdf
:mikes halite. horsed', • 141Ivd ot Iter golidelre progregs, 1114
baby, tests likvida Os ;host 02er:die eitudis with a sWeet simplizity Firtatt,
foe, !engulf* ttitiltlet4 When theOleert Pa the • tIth Intruder with, ,to=
r of.
The extent to which society Inleresle
Heel! in the Queen's dress wns nowt.
reeled last snring when A1(.70111(11% drove
reyht fatly appeerOtt gerelled itt the the '0.11%60 Ot tridga' of
olalr,ost inortuog maks% Mugu° iteatio,"1 Med .Ineny
RS tied bee lanteue curly beetell telei ,rowther,tinattapk"0 W114 left" to ',Mont%
froftf* SI» 1145 WrItA ID/' Vara.' itie 16'x' et tilati% 4)1 .611(101t. ot
edam Ohs .dia4 attuni300 Slat teotIla 11001the tiltete,tletittt fettle hint Ill'
tutt la Whit distasyed. Onyhaltvd inereitio WOW la ,ttal tottering&
and' gentle. slip, was kimittesS itsot tuta. Tho otott Oat% ot lei Moo /Reno
ids' thiost -,tvoirk-lhe "SOON of the
Kirt" vollb tt.§ tad tetOitt
'1/4Verht %Al ,-.1,ketri
vailio Ott t00%,Ort)wtog 4104
utievolIttriVr4 ?artiki-onilsOuri.kre.
found a filltatiolt titerellMt Oil 111M 'tel O. :4.4 lertrtilleitte11 .1)1111.gfbeNtnalf
iaSill leWtr4131110111e.e.e f 'her ••NVIarts teuthen rieNer 44,A0
Skittollie eieartIete kit bee teet, Mad v la a. fltimi to wok!
ridnms .1 her lips, willeti he
t,,,mg with hot lack of Iteltcoastl;dts. Wiled itteit relfgeet he. rio‘
ritin,V;tiultt Eliza to many a NUM." 1..g.q to tvOttr * nt,w 1+Pu
fry /Ott oritAleelt dareatere. lied.
• .1)
/4`, PirOtigh !IMP 1110tellitg Selt of Vetter
tmtht AU. be* a lunette:hi et what',
wheel amid Mid 4 Om, ct
Not her oat Ceder MM. 400, tho
ses;44 ts meet 01 ter a ceztdca
serielt over the leg or MA oper,zatt flu, Wit 930 tcrA41. Nve,
meet wog ell *it* le rieramere. ham colt late.
Omagh ruled council is taking over
the local nearlieta and increasing their
attractiveness by installing a cofiee we-
gon on the premises.
Carrick-en-Suir has been asked for a
prompt and definite reply to a request
kr an increase of salary, from the eve
nredical officers of the
At'a meeting to iordaristown, Coliety
Meath, L. Gimlet!, M.P., obseeved that
"Six. Anthony Meet:tom/11 was the most
centemplible num .in Ireland."
A fierce baton eharge one hundred
pclice, lasting for over allquarter of an
houro was a feature of recent evictioes
ce the \Voss and Stage 'estates, Dowra,
County Leitrim. •
• Quilty . fishermen., who rescued the
crew of the French ship, Leo X111.,
which foundered on the Clare coast last
week, will be recognized in Qatity in
some practical manner.
Mullingar weicomed.a merither of one
est its eldest tamales, Rev. Dr. elurray,
II. C. biohop of Peeth. Australia, who re-
visited the scenes of his youth after an
absence of forty years.
A charge against. twelve Nationalists
kr driving collie off the grazing farm of
a man named Seale, was withdrawn at
Stradbally Qficen's County Petty
Sessions in September.
seven-year-old trip boy, son of P.
C'Neill, Main street, Measly. had portions
of tile lips eitten off and his cheeks and
bedding, Mai tho beeldy Of file Dew
temple that arise*. ,
The old follta hear the 'new Willis MI
4154e Where' ere the fetlertlailene gone.
The yottiagoliette the discuseitut between
the erd and the new and ash, la there
anything settlegLeuy worth bettering?
Whet are the permanent elements in
ea which the lite 1,114O MOW
While the flange that are Ind temporerY
Are a/dueling, theirkSelves?
It Would tbe height;•of lolly to as-
sert 'that there le no change. h'ente
eity that We innet believe preeisely Ohe
same things ae gue rattlers believed,
TO do et. woOld lo be !Mee to Our
father& tee they' refused to (=Opt tite
ot digit eidere. The land-
relletio we leave behind eine weee ler
in front elf the seekers after leuth.
'ire* IS'eeer changing; our, vision Jo
ever adarging. The road reipairs. but
(he traveler moves on. ,With the tiring
every daO has some new light. Creede
are crystalized statements Of truth;
truth is Vital and cannot be contained
Credulity blindly aecepts yesterday s
pieture 'truth; faith, with open eyes.
seeks to -day's truth itself.
SliePtielem is rnuch less 'sinful than
Ceedulity. The sloth of' the man who
will not examine things, will nett move
them, Wha prefers to 'buy his garments
et truth ready made. Mulls in what
le worse than unbelief, and :Lot is
blind belief in, the
How may .we find those things that
are certain? How may• we discover
the truth for our day, the truth upon
whleh we May build? Surely there are
some things 'axed and certain, there is
-When' using carbanate' of soda for
rakes always stir it into the milk. which
should be tepid.
Never throw away old melting, for it
well beaten and therctighly cleaned it
'eer. lie laid andel' carpets and will,pree
serve them.
Wben roaeling a small turleey fasten
a shoot of white paper, well buttered,
over the brefiet with small skewers. Title
will protect it from gettleg burrit and'
dry Mine the rest of the OA is cooking.
Iletere putting milk Onto the Sauce.
per Lott rapidly a few spoonfuls of
water, lost enough to eover the bottom
et the pan, and it will never burn, how-
M"er• fierce the Ore.
liernons wilt keel/. !reels muth longer It
pitteed ,011 a saucer under no Ineerted
Plase bowl or tunibler. In this manner
otos, .00eowe suglefent, light, but >not any
air todry• them up.
After washing lace curtains lay o
blanket On the floor In some, empty
rpm. spread the curtains on the lean,
leO, siretelthig them end they
re& keel) thee' plitee Withont nny fasten,*
mg unlit titled.
Deriver ihr ClothesThe •cloth
Should be rubbed With this climb toratimit
arat It wilt be restored to 116 proper
weaves.% llah together for two hours
half a Naar at bruised eine Oeund
loptrtaxi,. atmeter Of ft poinal 01
green vitriel and three snlitele of water.
Wen for itiVailde Iftaissible., be
halted, ido,vit front three to four .hours.
It. IS,•PetiloPtt. beet 40 lataec lho Nee pad
Milk eorered jar, and then in. a
•Stitteepait of belting water. gilt, the ekhe4
ttht. tar Irene tithe itylinto. and
atiti thorn milk if itoteSsarY. •
• A..gdul; way • la elealt ott.bairdina
ie MA a 'raw •patido in, hag, and 'rub them
Over gently Wilit it. tieltainittly' CUL oil
foretteadOoolly ireured. tie was trying
minter of strintS 10 Moir harm; It to
'believe AIS f•3 M4lItt OblIPttOth 411144 c
rights, and duties. ,°
The tee!. of creed is tin c1341411 PIM
What things wait out tea In '
what are the ideals, doetrines,, beliefs
that make the 'noblest characters end
THE moST 13$L.
tee best eon& and daughters. and pap
ents, and Aeighboese What pre the
things that holpenie 14 my. Me,. the
things that give me MOM). •stiralliuS ,
and bracing, the thilioe that teed' Me
to cievet the best? ,
The way to Old Ma tenth le f0
the truth; only the truth that we ean
do is woerth disAtiesing. "ifr YOU. \Nint
give your.self to. the business of' living
the truth yon'heve yew seem eett hove
ibe living teeth for this itteal-Aay,
Too many people Ira 41,041Ing up el
seeing deetrines matlera of phifosopil
41141 speculation, matters " Of chlidis
ctirlosIty, bectiuse it is easier 10 hold
Wes° things thearellerely ,tholl th held
t.ring truth 'practically,. Tha teethe
that wive men are the Ones that change ,
their characters; the Veal nellearlted
rind divine translation et the Urine
es translation into ereSelot dar „
Bad your We on the belief in good-,
ness, In eternal. infinite, 000dneee as the
at der of the universe, 01 the SUperlority
ef liVe to hatred, on the final ;Victory'
ef love and goodnees,. en the Ideal.of
thls great human family ot ours that
shall conk to live In unity and beatlier-
liness, and so fultill the will -of the in-
finite father or all. TheSe things watt
Lefton 'VI. Joshua Reneevino the Cove-
nant with Israel. Golden Text:
JoSh. 24. 16.
Based on the text of the Revised Ver-
Thejelace and the Message. -It was at
Shechem that Joshua delivered his fare-
well address to Israel. That' this last
meeting of Ole oreat leader with the
perish) should have occurred at this place
seems Most Shechem lay a few
Miles to the northwest cf Shiloh, be-
tween Mounts Ebal and Gerizim. Here.
hed been the finst, resting place of Abra%
ham in the Premised Land, and here
the father of the faithful had • receired
the first of the_ promises from Jehovah
after entering Written the borders of the
land, Here, also, Joshua had caused the
law with its blessings and curses to be
•read, soon ,after the victorious and tem-
quering people had crossed the Jordan
to enter smell itkie possessions. It is
not impossible thin the address was de-
livered near the piece where centuries
later Jesus himself' sat by the wellside.
wearied with his journey, and converssed
with the woman of Sweetie,' revealing
1.1 her the htdden souree'''of .the watet
to save ii. girl' from 4' Diego sheep. -of fife. There are two al/vaunts •of
dog. ,
City traders at Waterfiird are trying to
join wItti traders in Duncansion and sur-
rounding districts, to. eontinUe the
Steamers between Veaterford and Dun -
cannon. Steamship Company has taken
ixActs ff the route.
The Hemphill properly lit Iloygless,
leillemaule;gipperary, has been field to
Ps dove tenants; at a reduction of 30
per eent. on the preelows price offered, account of the history
and. Otte landlord is reinstating the-evic- ennInleted. 018
10,1 teruipt„Mr. Murphy. Is given In the words of Jehovah for the
3c,shua's farewell address to the people,
er, nerhaps, better, two addresses. The
first of theee, recorded in the preceding
chapter (23), is couched in general terms,
the, second, part ef which ccnstitutes the
text of our present lessore in somewhat
more specific language. The 'great
leader begins by rehearsing briefly the
history of the nation from lhe time of
Abraham to tee suecessful conquest of
the land whieh had been but recently
owohio Atte while, and:4$46
da'aY 067 1601St11111011 theelleintilig
6601 tow Wotti ,thd poteki carefully
One Way.. rittd„willt even streirel.
Therelsgt tendency antaripst twiplek
110 DeWitt day le tlellik too allot
'and to fttivO leo siren* Ted
.purpose of eeminding them that the
whole history .of the nation had been
divinely planned and ordered. Ile calls
an his hearers to deliberately weigh the
claims of other guts and tbe ;advantages
NINETY-ONE °WOULD -DE BRIDES. ot other modes Of worship, and to chooese
the ene .whielt reason pronounces to be
Minden4 Wito Haw "Proposed" to aothe best. Their ancestcrs' had worshiped
• ., the gods%of the Chaldeans and - subse-
Lonely CAlonial. quent generediens of their forefathers
Pour ecore and eleven. Brash Maidens' had been in cloee 'cotitact with the gods
have by leiter avowed their desire la Of the Egyptient, white they thentselvee
remises/from his pathetic loneliness the were well acquainted with the Gods of
settler' ill Rrillah Columbia wile reeantle Amorites, nrnong whom' they dwelt.
wrote to the Guildford -Board Of Guar-, Detween these fereign gods and 300-
de:us to ask th,ern to assist in providIngovah, Joshua challenges the people to
hile with a wife, eays the London make their eh -Mee. As for himself and
Chronicle. .IIew many 'others itMy have his bouse. the* are determined. to serVe.
had the desire but not the courage to sty Jehovah, whose mercy and loving -kind -
se, it is lenposaible, of eourse, to 1011,, ness have nor forsaken his people, even
but Mr. Harry NewbUry, who, In hisses the days of their tipcstasy and un -
bluff. frank way, slated lits. isiiilduiness. To this ehallenge of their
meets and described 'himself, teldentleovenerable lender the people respond by
totiehed the hearts of many , digitate reeffirming theirloyalty to Jehovah, and
young ladies. . . • renewing a solemn covenant with
mr. Newbitry said Ito did not want Mr Juehtlit. wItich they promise to' ehey
angel, but ts nice, setleible girl, and retire the statetes and ordinances ef their
ly att the Mir epplicents for bis bad God,
and heart let It Uhilerstood 'in their ' Verse 14. The ehedIterit Intervening be-
iiiters that whatever. else they might be Oveen Ilds and our preceding lesson re -
they were at arty rale seOsible. One ertord the assignment of residence cities
01011es/114 she fe• iashtima of hers& 10 the LevItes and priests. of these
welting, Out elm wanted it frieed. A there Weft foety-efght in all, which' with
wetildthe bride said see: was at college the gesture • lands rearotinding Orem
Ilitte While agit and she %eta rtere set' anarlefor Dite purpoSe Oosb.
Ilex Colonist that slie wasoetill 'as fell 1-21. 42). The tero and 'ene-half
nf fun. end mischief •11.5 arty gitywho had irwes Which • :tad aceompanied their
brethren actoss the Roden are permit -
16. The people.answered tind said -746 •
seontaneou.s• outburst and response to
Joshua's' dewed. summone. • . „
17, 18. We pereile adtnit the cogency .
of Joshua's argument touching the past
mercies of Jehovah.
Bondage-Hebreve, "bondinmo" •
19. Yp cannot serire Jehievith-Joshue.
recognizes the hasty impulsiveness ef
their earnest protestation of fidelity, and •
proceeds to eall. their attention to the.
difficulty involved 141 oerving lehevali
aright. • He calls their. attention especial-
ly to the holiness -and jealousy of Jeho-
vah. • Some Gee has nate& the slmileolty •
et Joshua's warnieg to that oi 1 -
the Sermon on. the Mount:. "No ma
serve two masters; foe:either be Will ci
the one, and Toveothe other; or else he
will held to one, and desritse the other.
Ye. cannot serve God and mammon"
(Matt. 6. 24).
20. If ye forsake..lehovah . . . he will
turn and do you evil -To have known
Jehovah and forsaken him aiter having
pledged him allegiance, is clearly more
culpable than to have remained in igno-
rance el hen ,entirele, Responsibility in-•
cresises with knowledge. •
22. Ye .-are witnesses against your-
selves -Each agaitist the other, each
having protested 111 the presence oe
others his allegiance lo iehovale
We are. witnessee-All are willing Mate
'each shall be considered the witness to
his neighbor's ecw of allegiance, and
acknowledge that the vow of every in-
dividual has been witnessed by all the ,
23 The foreign gods Whien are amon
you -The eecret practioe of latry a
this time was dmsbtless ca ed he
Israel's proximity' end inte inse 1,4n
seermmding IdCAL111,ONS 1341
'25. Joshua made a cevenant-Israers -
first covenant with' Jehovah. had beene
made at .Sinal (grout. 19, 26). This cove-
oant Moses had renewed on the Plains
M Moab shortlo before his decease
(Deut. N. 1). The solemn ceremony of
!edification •wtth Its burnt cfferings and
peaeo offerings, with its sprinkling of
blood and solemn reading of the law la
the presence of, the people had on both se ---
occasions been witnessed by Joshua.
We tire not told 0; sclemn creme
monies of -ratification observed in this
Instance, though poissibly these May be
'taken for granted.
26. Under the oak -In Gen. 12. 6, and
35. 4, an oak and sanctuary ore men- .
netted in oonnectien with this place. , •
lust tett schotl. , ,
Anether 4pel who asked, to -be intro-
duced lo tire young man. said ,she was'
pot at alio "had Ott' rery‘ tdc0 and 0011-
, ,
praised hoe chianti rather' highly, stile- teeded to•Wifileeei their kieshtp evilli their
sille, fair and ditrip etl. /Mother rip.
Ina that she ww f'graceful 'and' ladylike. itirsktliren. West of Obe,Joeditn, befog yds.
with a entire diviner; ateireever. she' lifid .tititierstood ,. by. tile latter, Moore hole
en imaeloole awe ooropiesioil,,, arm ' 10, . . die 1 a MOROI' almost results •In
lee to relent to their hoines, losittia ex-
horting them eerneelly to• faithfulness to
lebovah 01. Tho erection of a
Mite b theac eastern tribes. in.
roglt ' .red lilt teed Was- lewd. ,ervit wet 4).;
hefided. 'Once she Ira heril.disappoirtted• 'true purpose of the tl
in love. but; shetignidenittly added, her, 'stood, periett felendelft
capacity hal :sfelod. ChaPLer , 93
...A. girl ev110.Wee gond at thettinttillnits,•nepolitlt• of aOsautEs feta
Wrele 001 slcIe Wne olird she • No* therefore -Reda
workingman. ,Aunollier maiden deserlin, in-; preeding
hen, flowerer, the
incnt is under,
prolh011y re.
rtls lirteree,
WO, ,
se of all the
t‘rotild ?mate iVgbod wile; for o',gtollnees and mercy of eheVtlh. reeoUnt-
tali, ovule to, ineiliyed to pturrigness. • Put away -The • Iftt It lion of these
whilct a. lonresentall 0/1116 Emerald 'words would seem to at !trot rtai
She West everything, that was • rtroctires borroWed frotit"• holden
WOO , tiftd' Wafi t'Mr.act110,10-.1sit` ,F4teelt oeeee trt"Fogae hewn
Sdied.loeTee. Welee teliie a ,letterlieeole-oi Ilene, •
stallegothet writer,,Wes:Iteldifig 6 The‘geds twat our tethers •sert,•,
etenromo /*open), 114r 00 had „a heart:1111W gradoeity did lewigh ttoti
ond,t`ctig, tOtnnty 1tir: ,Orno io reeatbmeti•of 40101,411
Ncwindi'a wlichro. tad avitlft,e‘ 'oidy •Dect; and lolly ,graduatv
tboreeter• it necessary; • • • lffiey ,bewrot,, otorougu.going mohoth,
A YoUng.•Wratum.•,wito wrote for ltir.! ists,
dial alto could help hint oull"nt 111. • fiteelee Ott this daV-A- 00004
28. Every man opito his inheritance, -
The farthest extremes oiothe different
tribes were several huedred miles apart.
Verse 31 of this chapter records the feet
that the people were,„for a generation
at least, faithful to the promise made .t
this thaw.
New flute Pot Women Teachers Goes
Into Force In lEnaland. 1.'"'
A regulation which will Peadically
amount tg an *theta! disceuragentent ot
marriage ameng Women teachers is
shortly to be issued by the Board ot
Education, eays the Londen Mail.
It, will iiisist that every member of
the- teaching profession who enters 0
teething college Which Melees State
grants Anti sign an undertaking not ta
withdrew until alter a term of year&
in the case* -men the time will lie
teven years, arid in that of Werner!. ilvis
yeors. This undertaking will Jae ln the
ordure of it legal. bond, laid tor every
twelve mentbs tvbiell a leacher does not
serve ti perialty will bo enforced, The
penalty has met yet been finally settled,
Out. wilt probably be £20,
rafigement funds are ofien v0,,• Pelt
It Is' felt 'thee Muter the exill, fig are
th„i training of women teach .. o tnapy
et whom leave their posthens sO5 alter
bemiring hilly Maned In otder ter
nietey.. ' .
orbe new logiefillons may Imp Olt
IMMY trOal the profession, but I do mot
littagirie A wilkhave a great Wes* in
Ibis (Uneaten," 1116 bead Of O. training
venire said yesterday. oleactiers will
have a little ionger in Ivinen to save,
that is Mho ., ••„,..
An edneational eeneetr„elated that It
I* lit Om Prat ' Ore years of their ayes
as leatliere; that WOMMI ere inept likens
to form an ' latIfteliment. "After seven,
Yeara." he deolarOd, "tt agrees hardly
er thartlet OMR, she beeMnes Me head
a Soho/. The tetv rule is hound to
it that •leteeie ,girl• letrebois will
.', ouEtt,..kt IN !nig wont:.
Newhares edatoss; said telt -state Ileyerat the riVer-The Euphrates.'
Wiii2.4 • rrnottiee 'strong and, „.0,0kIde..0.0m 4nd ./64, if,
i‘aiitcd laaiLattil. 0114 f..'sotilkl-W11. servo, :•&,- oialf.onidqunt:i'Artive
I Ott' eV110 tete' Vie fft) ' '
bee ,itle neet. bit: 000 let it 0 0., foe flit 011
tee ilebillitles the. witt.lo la:wrens Systrift 0,0 toisforhIne to 160 ha.. fatonded re; • As for Meerut rifyiffhat•-•tit Atraltera
mat •stehlarti and giv.% Ito to natttlelle0 rentlyt whq noW lo,dzing, out for 'mite- tcheverr bad AIM:, "I IMO brims% hire.
Mid pelpileftene end ell thl% VA01118 •ot, ts.dy ergo, ,atnt tnerx Of lhtil Mod t8,44 The' "end lila 110 commend his
drowsed vend deleetra Oita& wire whets* she was living, •' tout hlit effer
To; l'ita;ffty ittsreis and Veritliet. vfhte• tether 6 ..$01104 inelefale,, tile* liat they` Inv keels wo.s• ,y,,b(„tiot;
;vivo 2 pritimis of Mina lit three 4004 qi,,,,uht mot go orotemont% gtktft te co• do tighteattStrevi and t0e.
lo jeor,=,
$htprehlo Queen ot •grant.. ,
\ tiogo lltro,. 041,,m;Ail
Trim in, Whit ,•4,rt•
vetoes ' %edges, ileitdaiddil •
aid* Of tile/fiends-, eithiest
Vdttle galore. "nil 'lei
1 Olelle Seeetete ladled":
1, , each of r fU,olbtr witts,,"
peetal, .laatred, The rue;
"ti Ttaf slandinti:order tpt,
voiterr otos with hrnsh Ratty WI'. Avoldie &edit lic-r Ott if the, ttrig mar tw 131. 1..).iou.,-1.441•Icheraft siti 'ittv*Ity tst. ea' celOO
bof fa to'cY Mitt 101 tmfee. $Attlo 'would •forwatt f)**1#16 otarie$ as. klweitoCE 'himself unto „toshuiti., lareatte 1t,itikeverS' Yedrf;att•-•,,t, •
ea Whin ear** eit $11$04 'oneltritab Of good Mb milto 4brehltftt but Otoved. telthtat, tithing yOt)
* •
in tiu bartrw.
"Oir:e A