The Goderich Star, 1907-11-08, Page 3..11481.1rrt AN ,YOY In prevent lia* boll going over - them faie long oh* ot vits, Oet tho wiekelo. out sa4 some hollo whirin 1* ta4 4tring, tiod what wax there left tat Plaa't And play we ditt valla Aeell ete teeet playektiat Lords. 'the exeitornant .oppletise ihe onlerliers wox by meiond their iiihOute of °welt pioyekil" sth:c71:01Liati.tatciazi.ttaigire(iiatua 1147, 1 motion of thou$ohei9,. • • at all good things must tome ta on -e.Jewin wvo.livittitg4ela,Igrkoplieventol 1,15 we were In the Mersey Mei draw- ing up ,alengside the goo, PftellflY Intslle of binding. tne, euniti.ilan of Pllecf*nb ftsginiEe. and the shrill whistle. ff:19 1.61laCtel" EllStert Miele W ke Up to De tact that ogoottbye" krioga :1110,elettisee4proatiguY ewt hgatiVaisr.pitipIcatc ovAese,,;0,1n.„. POW Part 'este sieceleseei- ' • SOVIEI*10:49.-.04) AseVISITING, epee '01,ine.rot•W•410.40 10.04, W.01 C4e0,,cole Ara .Zenattort thlirttleado , lialser is ;riot the, only ,inoriarcli 'who' is visiting Lentlen this %Mini, 01:Orgelle Wen titer guest Or man. rowatard ak. Sandringham. • -Tho King er OXON la an inveterate ;trareller and never allows a Sear t ;elapse Willican.. Visiting , some pot of Elirope. title ihts raViag terelenay 'that aintest Jed his male* to the rildrOtY or glo BOSOM gene tit' the lime ef the 'ortit Sea 'outrage, and has placrd. him M Melly dttlieUlt seittailene. Ite la the kerither of Queen' Aleitaitdro and; like ia very pouter with his people% though et first "Itiv had to live down, a great deal of, prejudice, against 11144, the Greeks were .netl,at, ail anxious to . hove this Danish -Pelitee as their men- areh. itieeetick 'carried hiM thrOLIgh, the earlier, yeere et his reign as it hilS :1111.011gli Melly, other things. NotwIthe eletithrle tne dangers aral treachery with. which ho was sUrrouttoed, he has alWayS litelated epon going out unattended. ThIsi Mutest cost him his rife once at WM. . Fle was wanting in the- vicinity of sthe ptilaee, When the sharp challenge Of 4 eentry eang out, "'Who goes there?" The King made no reply. Again the sentry's dentend, "Whc goes there? Aelseeer or Flefire." Still the. King was allent. The fleet instant tho,silenee was ',1)Scrken by the sharp crack of a stile and King George'felt a bullet ploUgh titrough the sleeve of ills wit. Then to the terror of the sentry he made himself. known. Next day he sent for the man, and pont- plimenting him on the way he had done hi, duty, 'decorated the astonished sci- dim with the order of Redemptien, given only for the greatest services, One .cannot but wonder what would have happened to the sentry if that but- te+ had ploughed the Iting'e arm instead ot his cout sleeve. However, the above incident is quite enough to shrew King George as the most unconventiOnal of monarchs. Officers who were at ono ttme In touch with. him say that he used to compete at Greek amateur athletic sports ender the name of George Papa- doulos, and was always sc successful that spectutots and participants began to suspect a masquerading professiopal, and at one contest, where the King had carried off prize after prize for running, wrestling and the like, the feeling be- came so strong against him, that an at- tempt was made to mob the athletes monarch. Rendered helpless by over- powering nunthers, the King revealed his Identity to the pclice and had them smuggle him away. King Edward is very fond of his siren- ueus brother -In-law. Besides the slate entertaining there will be the semi- official ceremonies. such as theatricals and concerts to which Queen invite their neighbors. when uni- form is dispensed with and the far more ccmfortable frock coat is worn. --4-- OIL FUEL FOR COAL. Prj-4C44110. 'SG UAW - I rial 1110,141 Cilifloteerealliett tit* 4114.10.!--POrtinit iVoatee ' .1)0.4k1dY. • following extraete ork_from *letr tee reeeireg flOnt eetupg lady who re. oitif47 made, the trip:101M Oriellen •10., . 1.1verpool. deorriDirig eon* orthe- 4 ittwito ,or th:11,tywe: "TO begin with, .$.04 have An ideit dement 41, embarliot400, What lt • /0 thelltee let the ridding of eltainst the Creaking Of ,palleysi the. groaning Ond IftOting Of the huge truce its they n 000oo Abet eansignmento ,Ot luggage. • nhoet theta Welt, and 1,04:0 theta .wal4 4111441).0. raPtillty .intO 144 iThett • . iro streatio peeple tweritie gen0441q4 4., thozattsy. chattering, laughing.gr041),*111 coraltrellentray -414o Matte 'on'thet . 1 40E.0, "' to, . • , • 40' Ili% De..044. ",ou• re4St frigAllnik• "' $410 41411„,* LAh10.4'NE ' " , • • 'ye • , „' tho ropt were Oast 'oft .4nd the , . littge sakt, Oil ed gently "laWayi the 0001 "-Aulti•Lting Eyne," eau • verse. ofWelleli Vag 4 , • lardel) frialta: C110041i4e.•`:411 .137110, , white honakerettletO,WeVing ninity;••iina' inetividuala ihotilitig Tisk MOSSaffea lei hie viditels• whose. „ansWere 'were lest. in tnO"ellia.• *len, •1144WeVer«.;•the diatfuleobe-' • ...„. 411.41*.t 0444 Mid; as 11WinistY : •futti,,•• ' $:;g0Y •Oltafkelliriksaett.tt,eni, ' view. Uhd eUrite We` Otallmd that we -Were indeed, ender war- -.Mho Scenery olob the..bandtO Itw. tie, d -fro Ober tO Ilitnottald • leyorowded the ,little Of romance end, ..egt,' '•an.•,*nvinoonient, ot laiormal.rieseelatioa.s.•• The deep. ParRhx• of the Lfitirenileta mountatos, the oinirra.• • lug verdure a *mix viato, where dwell. those peaceful farmers of „the itoero fancy I . • . , ,•••• • ' •I'Whese, lives iglide,Orr'-illte. rivers 'Altai water the ..vielodland Derkeneir *eisTilidateeintetirth yet, re- , fleeting' an image Of heaven," The pictureSetle Gothegee, theletie pine- , 4 clad ielands Mirrored in the,opalesoent water, the wlete-winged teshing eoals; all these, and countleseeother beauties, Am, 10, Make? each, vanishing moment, as the.scene unfolds itself, all too even- eSeent. AT RIMOUSKI. . . , Next moining early nrought us to "Ritneeeke. The lingering smile of dawn Still lay like a fairy shrutiii•on the hazy shore -Ante aed the only thing which seethed really awake beside . ourselves. was the energetic little, tlig_whicit darted out from the shore chokitig and puillf18 ulth the importance of its pad itt itig on the ma.' and taking ashore the river pilot. About an hour on (Mr course after leaving Rimonski we were carefully In- sPeeted by a German 'cruiser, • Which carne sailing towards, us, slowed uP slightly, passed, then crossed our stern and ran parallel with our'course on the port side. Of course we had not lessened speed in the least, so the German had been • obliged to spurt a bit after she crossed behind us. All these manoeu- vres caused quite a commotion among. the passengers whose Cameras poured a velley at her broadside: After cruising along With us fer some minutes, she seemed to be satisfied with our appear- ance, and, deckling not to blew us out of the water, turned on her originel eouree, and left us to ours., • WHERE GULF MEETS SEA: • • As we lose sight of the land the great 'gulf meets the sea with open arms, the Oilver-tinted icebergs stand at the en- trance to the straits like silent ghosts al Ds gate of the infinite recording those • who pass, and to the horizon is without - break It is a wonderful sensation to stand with the man at the wheel arid realize bow the great ship Is guided ueross the pathless deep. But there is another phase of a wonderfiil organization close by. The tided day out is marked eith Ted letters in my book of inemoiy; it was, doe this day that the chief engineer todk me down to look at the engines -to '" Watch the pulsations of a mighty heart. The satne sense of awe whichoise$ with overwhelming force to surround one upon entering a silent cathedral is here irt the throbbing rorir of the giant en- gines, whose every pulse evens progress. As I stepped out onto the top gallery which surrounds the abyss of machinery the engineer handed tne a piece of cearse sackieg with which to grasp the greasy railings. and told me to be Pareful ; the constant drip of water and oll makes the footing uncertain, and the narrow, lad- der -like stairways must be deseended backwards from gallery to gallery; the heat and noise were indescribable. DOWN BELOW. is the most uncanny sensation M watch the steering gear -to see the Clumsy thing swing ruund occasionally • eget to know it is responding to the Iduch of the man at the wheel -on the .;"t bridge Ilie only thing left to see was the stake -hole. I was the fourth lady • who had ventured to cress its fearful threshold. We stood literally on the , . brink of Inferno wateling wide-eyed and breathless as these powerfut, half, clothed giants. silhouetted in the glare ct the Menaces, bend and plunge their , I • shovels Inte the ovalaticha of coal. grip' and draw thele. then, with the tome of a catapult, hurl the muss Mill the gap- ing Wes ef the insatiable mons.er whose tongue darts out with an angry iliss. The heal is Intense end the yapping flames throw their fierce halo about the toilers I may tell you that It is atecessary to get up putelcularly early in order to eee a sunrise al sea Which makes inesene- s dent you have never seen one). ON THE BRIDGE AT N16111. I received a message from my friend. ths eaptain. one night about ten o'clocic --it was the (Mirth night ont-le the effect thut if I came up 4M the bridge 1 shoukl see something. Upon reaching the bridge 1 fotmd him on the starbeard Effie with his telegcepe lo.his eve. ,, ( lueit, take NA and look straight ahead d tell me what you .see,” said he, loving the. glass into my hand. I did as was told, feelitig as thougb eny repuitaton WIS. steke, and saw - nothing. ) In about len minutee. however, with- " oul the aid of the glass. I Was &tele to dise,ern a rte ling light, on the horizen which grew eteadily In size unlit it look Ur shape and proved to he ship. I watched the welt:elle form rem- ing along through the night. presently she eatne out of,lhe darkness and crossed the silvery path of the 1110011. AS We passed. the Anent eillnal of four flaring red torehes on the aterbriptel et eitliee ship nuide the' &tat tentere aglow (44' fl few mfilltielL, and We lied a good look at each otheree"Shiest thekinee 1/1 the night MA signal es they'oleeivo Not, te Mind Nut ,hriettel the esy II' ,oretned lo that ,f" rolles had elapsed. hut ori litY'r bells" . /THU Mee t reall2ert I •' per mi the bridge <Kee an_ thankO find *goad night" selpper. desernded the ;SItit, ontenede ' ,k; • toueg,..,,e4 Alum :otieenaing • Ittr pootrp.toxr—•• . Citielf tut the .fiehn, LI there are Ws ot . d Walk tro ofia trA iititiM•tit t vifito; badhel.1 grite h trilird Elio b traledeet ratiretee" if.tintt.w thdi it-,•„, st*Itat tit Ma 'farti: a ezAvett es t tvett11, , 4 me eglartermes!6. sky, lie 4010411 la Itie La Its way; kin besides and there i9 efettet 'ele Of the . eee I re. • Illr• -IMMO 'tale . "ming lo LIM WARS OF JAPAA FONO061.4. A?* COOkifiL /441.reat TO MIOAAAOLNATIO Welltlatiatleat 111. it111*(104 * !WSW* 714foot of Olo , CO*01.• Yittiltil to flatting that liat *erne 119able• . son* byinaducti ot benevolent SiSainti• letiort teat,PStIter the White mint aloe irk the lartrivit'aion, The hilikaolo now bob two Utile „wars on hilt hp*, each, them as bothersome any oxPedi- , tien We Sutton or outiitive waren ill • Sarintr. .- The,441144.11ese hOrt`e b40.1 tithiltzg ate rerreoa,.qtge trzatY' Shimonoseki. gavo.that peppery island Jule their beeping. Wade the Chtitesc ,Owned it They, werd, evident in Pa* 41.41•TY laehr way, to- whot eallinhor.• leek. 444-.4vitgar- they Wild trout the 50it'hietWera ot the tittle- Snvages „and le let welt oneugh A10110 flat 'with the advent -4.0 the te;NeteePidlert; 'SSW% Allege* Vie of exterinMation NpSupt. the titOlitiPe4 was hinitifuratetl, and 4o 'atf13 OW - 1;W -ow • • • Wha. ItatIVe ot 1"10010$4 le MilIttrw 'Vg17, 010eitly allied to the wilder peewee !et Pellip,pinee, and, hbe Oleg. suroje• Minting Arta Preeervillee *Ude, Who Juterier of Formosa .4 trePiont jungle, almost' *Penetrable. `There 414e native4 he low with ocett. Monet forays Into the open and much midnight 311/Mid of'IePono$0 ivn4 1406 'Wee% The Japaneese eoldletle•elfeite tak- sto the pine With a relish, unit 110 1)Yrift 'bunting by the 'English in Ma wee ever carrledtioe With mere elgor than the rooting oneief theFormosaile te-naw being. pushed, Diming ,the war With Russia .the bore gine! owner of the soli tn. Formesa was allowed to do rery much, as he ,pleosed beeause ali -the eoldiere that could be spffred were sent irito Manchuria. OttlY garrisons at Tal-pel, Ueelung and the other two seaports ot the Island re - maimed, end these Were 0$ alert against the possible arrival of the Baltic heet • Introduction of 011 Fuel Has Great Valee From Naval Statulpolint. The newe that the British Attlee/rally have decided M construct storage tanks ut the Clarence Victualling Yard, Pertsinoutle capable of centaireng 20.- 01e, tons of fuel, indicates thnt the American rejedrle to the (Moe that o'l fuel is on the eve of rept:wing cal in Du littlish navy are, at lease fourided on fact. Thiagh Suuth Wales may re-, main unperturbed for some years longer. since the process of rePlaring coal by oil will be a gracluel and a slow (me, it is a process whicb will continue, and whice will ultimately have to be taken into Serious account. The introductien of oil fuel ig et peat value trim the naval einiidpient. for Iwo reasons. in the first place. it eels ref of the great difficulty et coal- ine al sea. .in the second place, it enormeuelv reduces the nuniber of stekers carried: if. Indeed, it <ices net medically alienate the Bioko'. It wouId thus enable the Admiralty to reduce the pereennel, and the satin' ni this (lire -lion might ahnost effort the greet coet of oil. as compared with coal, which is at present one of the simile - est argurnenla against tee USe of cil fuel. In 111,4 medern destroyer there IA nt.) ncres-ity to Atovel mai from the blinker It, ?he stokehold fk44,r and tlaral 10 throw ‘vis, a vielent effort on the Menem Nor have Ilre.s be cleaned at sheet Intervals. Ali that the stoker has to Ig to turn on or off his Were. sup - 'dying eit t tee eurners. The hent given, out ileee hot vary. hill rernasna simosi censtant. /Ind there art. no de- perate sIrugeles of eehnuelett men maintain steam when the vessel is run- ning at high sneer!, FEMININE r0(tIC. "1 see by 111e pupil' toat the Bridsli Navy Department wents four er me big hatIleehipe ana also a fey,: torpolo-beet deedoyers." lemerned 11r. Itilded, Irvin behind the evt ning pap. r. "What Is a toiled eleal de•neyere• naked Mrs. Bildad, looking, up item her "Why. a torpedo-boat destrgyer fe ilestroyer torttes14,-lionle," soli! \Ir. flailed, "led you think II A 11S 11 111:1%- rtmgled wuahlng-marillna?" "They build Itapede-boals and then htilld destroyers le destrey them, de theys deur?" "Vou are ore:Otte clese to a grasp of the situation:- snorted Mr. 1111,1041 "And when vie bull,1 lorperhelsnat deetriop-r some otte melee will MIMI a destroyer of forpede-hou. 41..itroyerar'' "Y41-4„, Ilie idea. And but whet on rl trying to say ?s gasped - ad. ‘vm 1,3 t,ujid s‘mu, s of deetr.esrs of loreedoleint (testis) 'era fe "I. , here, leinria. 1-- " "T n the other renntry e 111 toile vat at.4.44rover• 11 destrey the destrov• ere, ee build lo destroy she lerpedo.bont flp(Itslyere. imild lo deslixty their ;vette-boat deslroyere T' "flood gracious, vraman r howled \tr. Filldott. "Ian you, want lo drive me---" "But 1 duet want to know." sold `stn. nude& ensinitsly. "When fhe other ivenitry a destroyer of the de- qtroyerg we Indict In detilrey the deefroy. ere they, bullet deetroe the torpedo. lent destroyeni that -we build In Ileetroy !belt* torpedo -beats.. then we win have 14e build prime desierlyere for the perpree of destroying the deetenyera they build te deetroy the deetroyens that are Intended to dottey the destroyer; we build to destroy their deetrilyere of the deetroee ere We have to bulk, ho destroy the de. she/vire. Of -tee" Cur Mr. EWA bad hfantram the trent dente Mitt gene per for n %Ica are. v• ?daffy." tniteed etre. no. ded. 'ariret thev find fault ttith us be-. latze err lel* no intelieel• in, priblie Otis. trot tliOn when we, try to glrlit` intettlitd!ra 40111, ttem (hey gehned: ' 45 , INCURSIONS OF THB NATIVES. But shire the war the Japanese Win, Oflice ,has sent about three regiments .ur the island a d the Pursuit of the elu- blood blether o the Japanese accord - tilt? sive child of I forest., who is after all ins to some ethnologists has begun in eurnest. Tokio papers recently told of the plan of campaign marrped out for Lle. army In Formosa. 11 comprised the, regular cleaning out of one section of the country after an - ether right through the centre of the Is. land-. Railroads are being built in For- MOS11 and others are to be built after the interior has been pacified, so the !thorough extermination of the native must go qn apace. . The Japanese aemies, not very large. but trained-Ihrough past experience in jungle fighting, have started from the south end el the Island, and according te plan will go through to the north shere "pacifying" the natives. Within the next ten years or so the only good Formosan will be M the category of the geed Indian. - Japan's little war In Corea has just begun and the journals of Japan voice the opinion of the people when they profess ignorance as to when it will be Mashed. The little war began in the strecte of Semi! last July exthen Japan. •ese _soldiers shot dewn the rebellious C,c,rean troops who refused to give up their arms at the command of the Ja- pgaanwease commander in Corea, Gen Hose. Very much to Me surprtse of the Ja- prinese, who have always underated the Careen national spirit and the Mill. vidual bravery of the people, the strug- gle that started In Seoul three months ego has spread over all of the peren.su- lie and it looks as if Formosan persua- fetal would have to be used. Excerpts al raielein from the lateSt Tokio papers will show the nature of THE GUERRILLA W'ARFARE ,that Lite Coreare.patriols have taken up. with innate:al energy. "A telegnam from Seoul ureter date of September I 1,” says the Nieto Nicht Shatibun. 'says that overland transport of matt teem Seoul to Gensan has been suspendiel temporarily, owing to dis- turbance in keedillee between the two ;daces. Attaim the insurgents at Selyie wile) escaped the Japanese terees and erileed at Cluojo. have increased their number lo a thousand. and are now threatening to attack spelt in a body. The Japanese at the latter place have escaped to leweshu." . . Another despal411. says that ,et eeout, ehernuleo and Pusan bueiness is prac- tIcally at a elandOill because i 1 the sti- e, <neon of proJure shipments !rein Me troubled 'Metier. lloilroad servio. on the Seoul FI1SS11 Rallemil lins hem dis- eentinued at several places because the insurgents have eeized the railroad eta. hoes end threatened tlie britigi le Three miles outside ed nate the principal town on the line of the rail- road Let Ween . Seoul and Fiesnit. ele•ro seveiel hundred Japaneett liri. 111Ing, a lame of Covens descended i n eeeen. torn Jannnese and wined them out on- 1:toly, This is the way the Coming ere flehling. 'they no, n'l dl.erganivel. untrained in the tirt-i ,.? warfare. badly equipotel end almost stoning. but they ore Ire epirel with n hatred of Japan that tete leen reseed In the raee for three huil- demi )(tate. end they seem ready lo ful• 111 the ereplieey made by f,rinee 1'1 rvirne 'Tenths a go 1 en t his emintryinen weid.1 centintie to resist, lapunese rib- z-,rol•on twrii. THEY wEnE .kl.f. HEAD t'n II the Japooese shall have mad., iir the p n'nsiee ept, great 1 nrraik 'there 51.,. ma lilts, likelihood . Mal they v..II eheek the gth-rilla wnretre. core.; is i Country rilateel with exiiiiitalri elm1114 alone Its whole leng'h. Just Ilio one sh rider thread of railread running from south to north raters aeesss 1,, thy In. terlor. and 1 ha t rennet,' si is Is hoe themigh the very middle ef tee oentn- quite There t re Miff% of wee] neem. Irene on eit114,1- S.1:10 where Jnpariese 1.4.:' net tlare 10 ro ,inglv nt nresont. Al the ok,so t f the IA ar 1Ii.. horde ef Jr.paneee leinegrnnts that ercesed ever te. re,rea followed the line .,I the g("tht molested, and oie-1 'set rt•ery Apraulne. hitlecisely filthy Corwin leivn a rent 171. nmeee .eleetient enemy up Vey, ene men priory ,,r let4enc,••• .fronclii nos- e 4 through the 1and at Ils centre. tool there le a.. civics eurrent of Japanese seliontertl Menu 'he Yalu River tit the estreme nerth end Genie seltlementa et. ne tho yenta 1,...1 PVP11 C 41400,441 th rallread arri cfn Iron, as they are, these seltlementg lave already torn harried In repelsele I ,.,. sananeee rreorprolen end Japanese inenlenee. Oen. Hasepm.ti seems to 1, ere lest hia temper erects. thp extehe Erie et n f-erenn etereet IlnrIV.,, Mem. Pelete, ter le ri Tilde penny et aineem- her en Owl, finneer9 11 M1,1111'1,1,1 f"sm him io Air C...nrin neople m bath brerilbea venoeltree unimielv. wrilmee who aro (moray,* ,if Ihn ma'roti vs' 0Wallf,1-4 NtYg MP irrenbel ilemeel. "feel Wee felt eareeelly te Metes -evict) treeftly front liesOeceri brills es. n-114 newt 'Illtereleedi teitimiel leetletiled weep e matfett efel einiet.31 f7YalifiV in enrIong VIVO firy • ditet:C.i17ft.'411:07:1111 111.711 it:INI;0`.1`14 0 f. ko,tifilbk Otte% Ptoh As. murdering' ,' 1% .1.44.4e....••••••• proximt Mk, *ova Rothe AAA Save" seam* *fie peepiely, Offiestil ''.-aWit11011 Inobarias *IA AtAtroyitql isatik0 ovrnoNfillik:Ottoft. Titorikahl41). 0;4= 14);i114041111. 11,a141:40: 04,004 the itim" linty atioamit vole, Whale preportomo. I charge OE of You how Wahl' Co. rtintalo PrOsSiOnSersarratipazlivepeVo• tat littothein* and be i Sor tbo/f4 bo lave joined the inourgenni iron ntlataken• ducttiteeve it they hatioetly repent arid VNtriPtlli, ,awrneatler ibey hei pa:Ilona thielr. offelET,.. 'Wit of you wiika will seize insurgent% 0? Who will NW* LUkattlatioll earieettr, Mg their whetraitatif will to tau* , rewarded. itteSe who wilfully /Oita the Insurgent* or arferd theta ro, fulifir mneeid. weamb almll ae, vcrely puxtvlied. litore Biel, Oa val4Coa• whilt sob, gUendera belong' 4411 AK teld ',0efleetively responalble end 111,111/shecl ilgon." ' • , tIFEI,S BARD IN BIG GITY ONIAN.'S AINVIII• • TASK IN Gite4,001CA(10. Utz Wfafm by Stroh -yard Explosion) Mel* likorloil OW Her Lire. • Stern, almost 'brtitai, Is the fate OA Won1411, 111,Citicago. Thousanda of miles front her ilttle Polish village by' the waters ihe Niemen, she weselett, Witheilt friend or protector itt the world when, her husband was alteoSt in. stately killed in 'an exploslon In the StoeleYeteds, Of ,lier six children, ell Were beleW the age of 10, and in addl. kn. to her personal beloniengs, which second.titmd man would have yawed somewhere between $5 and V, sheeitad a cheque for 84,50 -her truslYJSOSS wages ror halt a week -with whiectei start In her now fife as a widow and: mcliter Of Six children. GAVE HETI 83 MONTH EACH. But, unexpectedly as came the sudden change in her life, her plans for the future was formed with ueorresponding quickness. Before her husband was laid In the earth her course foe 'the future we- mapped out. As soon as the burial feast was ended. the virtues of the dead 111011 recounted and embalmed with glass upon giass of whiskey' by his shop - mates and it few of hts eountryinen, the widow began to peek up her belongings. Nightfall found her in another basement, where, instead of two rowns, she bad three, and hisins}1 cf 8,4 she now paid {57 rent. Before noon of the next day the entire Polish neighbodS J along Thirty-fifth and Wood Streets:Anew that Widow Shpakovsky had stalled a boarding house. Before the week was out twelve men, fsur of whom had just tirriyed' from Poland, made tbeir horite with the widow, paying the standard priee of 83 e month for room, washing and cook- ing, which, ,according to the etanderd of Poles in Peckingtown, means that each man provides his cwn provisions, and the landlady is lo cook it for him. HAS ENOUGII TO EAT. About the uniy advantage the woman has is (lint she neatly always has enough to feed her children on and to ea'. herself. But the work -the work is killing. She and her six little children have one little room, und the twelve &melees the odier two routed. And us some of them and werking nights, she always has two kinds of breukfasts and two kinds of suppers to inuee. While varying the hay which serves tho beardees as hoes and 'mattraeses from tee shift which gete up at 5 e'clock in itie meriting to go to work, she has le carry in other hay fur the other shift, which has just had ils supper alai is go- ing to MM. But this is reit all. Tee washing -the washing to 410 fur twelve men. ounie whom werk in thi. fertilizer wills. °Mere in glue sheee, sell others in the render- ing plant, lu the ‘vonian, is n turture, The elle bright spot. the 0114' hour. tie. M. church on eundriy-the hour when all, even the keePers of hoarders, rem -- tiny, must -leave the house and go lo church. MAGNETS LIFT TONS OF METAL. One Man Attends to All 111,, Details ol Transferring ()bides. In enginerving wnr1,5 Ihe s.halru-mag- r.el ra taking a Nery prowl:lout place. This dm lee clispenses with hooks. slings. (1141 other lifting apparatus. Ily lug a ewiteli (ended:mg the (lawn!. nip magnet Is (.114.1 14,17.t.1,1 and 1heieby attach- es 111:4411 to 11.12 er pe. iron eltich 11 is desired 1 I:1i, The magnet poles are shaped accord- tc g to the nature ea the metered te be raised. Fur heavy rails Mo. tire oblong. :o1,1 are alimg from th4. :rune litruk by a short chain. cii%tinee eeighing ,.014v 44'5, aro successfully handled In elec1r0- 1„agnels. .11)1,1• 114,4* 14, 4).11,,.11 th0 44;eelr.,-magnel la pill ia brral,ing 4,Ia5lings .4.41 thilt they may by n10111,1 end utilteeil. To accomplish Ihia magnPt iv made to 1111 nail drop a :dee' ball eteigeing from •,ne .1\ 141113:. The tine. 1..,st 111 f.tigincerino shim elite "Ii11011',1 Is soyed 1.y eteefro-magnets. conneellon ieo made iii.dimeitesinsly,, Iwo. (es IN04g1,1 'Morale(' in same o‘poodoant nitnint-r. '1110 magna! i5 1,0.4.'1'0,1 1,, 11Ie 4,1900 nee,14,1 1111 enrr,h1 lurtn51 ,.11, \\ ben the svv11)11 11.8 I 14 Ned 111p twig - 1,0 ',Milli,/ 11,111 1', /1.0111, 1111' Ink 1..,c 1 11(10,1 A I111,. 1114A are cals...1 and hanspotted io their lIeslinalion. ‘A hell Wiry are 1 11.0 :•.vv11.-11 ts cra•ne.1 the ;memo! itieuellotely 1 eee,,ei 11,,,m. As the epelemr <if 1111 ITIIT14, 4,1n. the nrioill (Ji Ilto thi4 Mall (lin attend 1ii the details of trimarerrtn1 11,1,5y 110-1151•,11),---.-. ase,,tani les dei 1,, atteeti ...en I., 1110 conveyor -1 to rc• leas.' thew nhin they reach (heir des. 111111134ft _ • —4 1101V NIONU11.1114 LE.ARN THE NEVsS. Maloril) (il European Riders !lave Cut- tings 1111115 lor Them. 'Pie Emperor of Aeelten hi, II111,1,1 IMP" 1.) Moms/ 11 145/14 of culting4 mitered 1,1111 every woriptvg bis V11111140 re1.1.1,111. 11a. priiiriird nor. 4,r itu, 41nk and 11,4, Enno.r.41. 1. 111,1o, 1,, nerito.1111 oef with tie 11,, epee eriportaitt HIV. ‘A1014,0 11.11111/ 1111./1101 pair 11 114 r of the new ,nnie 11 1.1 1111. 41111V of his :1/41i1;0.1ty•A .0-`13.1'1111't, 1.) 1110 0.41111111IS 1•1 1111.1 II daintily hound itedber rtpte. 1111,1 Etnperer peruare toluine al his le -raking; lahla. in leo roors 1,f sns of no, mule, ee. vety king. evever. the sereeinre 13ns 14.1 1../1)11111.41 11iPni, 11/141 prreent them s. Shined) 111 I) pewritten ferns The Mimeos ..1 posseotea uterine ereap album, In utile), an otos id cuttings from the fartele impel, les tiding twrself niel her !loyal rolatmes am. firearm -ed. The nee elf leis heel, Is eimatteive. fer her nifty Iteynl I, lat,11,,1 11. "A‘,..ordit e NP7er SIntre; Thitee, 41 e Never Fild." "1 lie inaittri1 3 id Eile..porin-rtilers slit • SIFT" 1,, NI 1hla iifientleu, great is noir &Vire tor intornA11.441 ..1 they Itt.lsi on reeding everything ele, written Mout them. whether faveleble er otherwlee. 110. '1 eo. 1'te d il (11 tostl. 1 ctrov ed uo courage enratehe lo leek Thee Islight0 10 marry Ine. Clatlfr brave, oaten itr She: "amigo to setlifeee. Hens." • a A TRIBUTE TO VICTORIA 11..-"4".• 1101101Serlii 4040 011KTION AT VSNIOLIN4 litlAnIt. .,.**1•••:,:mootttiowseliot,i4.4,w14,4046,0* loirlisAg000104441% , , • V°114 1410000- ° . lbeteklitit 1)Wptb were 44000 :oee.1144.11.14001eolt1;, utillittrewel4.44111,11 maple *twig's age. la the Voilt$0, Of 4 sittirt•sprte114.041 -itosetrtY atild be. firti '400.149.14 ael.V 11010 'peeuie and, Ilthered W0,1,10 he 1010 tee stand ta that place ond unveil •O statue to Vtteert Victoria% ter wik$ ono of ilte very least claims 10 Mir de- 'Tt(1(:"4Lt,,,,hiettlotz.4orttakilit. t°,),I"nasta4444:44;:tabt:litkinuottil 1,Th; bar effigy should stand tor ult limo la that Pine% Omit that the Men end wei- teen of Leith ate they went to their vatic. ens avocations, aye, aarl the meu ,whie catIV la Iselth $0311k all Pinta of file world% sholdd, oblo, la !oohing UP to IL to remember Mit blesoed 4/ample that she net to oil Malehind (cheers), and reserve the, memory and influence 0 weft Victoria. . a banqUet following the eeremonv. Lent. llosebeilt. in replying to the tons.t. • Idatteulth, proposed by the dolman, 144°1111:7•Provos..1111eilea.antl gentlemen.- .lni betvi reeptroklatuhrtioltnYo°fultt'sl°arteltr ocialtrU013) have onvelied al Abe ttir many too hind and atter g tiet you have stud 01 Me. YoU have ,Spallell ot my 2 -lateral tette hi terms far toe ,etealuendatory, hut- you went, I think 'die With Jena* brinkeesaragle eotereird. eflopp;ori:d4ouloo,41:.tri foittn4pt.renacult‘,rtilienelrlistk" 3 : me er :. %sly, It lo lad Unit what I would Pstirittr: And likerdeti•, ifirii-WiiiWitt athtir her reign, ci, itifi great itigeell0 ,a!Ifilt 714Q311)Cwil eitieftstritt:11.44viiklialfli:tioutrio,esntentlit, 9* ekfildilkft 4n4 pox-er 0 initutilinit' ,perhaps I tatiiit wit ingilide In her inXirlt t9:::11tetri:tetZlirtoopillent 4avaittinotheloWto maina 10e rtelownt Old I Will not litttlef4. tette tit* prodigletto ourvey. ter who I' Want le el .4 443.gmAtting autrou. It la that w 1,1044 al Villteht awl* islands, theott won, ostablishrd imder the 'lea reign, a ncle felatio d prreerial afferLtien and ellegionC0 to the Weerel' of MO Vrit414 Crown. . ANOTIIRIt b that all, et, ilear4r 411. IMP 11* terrilieq, not. ,the fecitItistitl Of %IA' ItoWever• Aar tho mere swell pt that are tho lest. of a gleam Mo. It a welt to Melo no combo; is Writ te• -aeo victory crown a righteous 01;101 It 4 well to ace a T1011011 reap the fruit* et Ruins:14 and luielligence. But the t tisk: ytit4:eteaf:10‘)44ouitertertetetvtitititt:uk‘411tvireeer than Um Mille years of Queen Viclorief They 'Were a period ot wiso minas, of florclisillif Meeker, Ot UnWvarleil cillett4 eiptition, Nvae a peeled martial by the prematien of health ond education, the raising ot wages, the cheapening et- all tho tweessittee ot lite, the lerger assecla- t don of the nation in tie own geverit- a Merit, 'the removal of religious barriers. t not merely in teets, bUt Chriatieli Oen Operetion-ell this maricett the aublitrie ' und upwerd path of her reign, ((leers). „ "Cciitleet the condition or the people • little beyond yOur thilits when yell proposed to add to them, at fneat per, &Mal exertion and expense to myaelt an. artificial vitt In the slfilPO-Of the American 'Cup. (Laughter).- ' lf 1 MIS take this large uudience into my strictest conildenee - t. whaler tell .theut Rua would rather be without it. (LaUghtor) It would cosOmuch tneney. much exer- tion; it eubjects you to a Oliellenge by every -post that you receive, and its chief object, has always seemed to me to be to fill the columns cf the press itt the lazy season. 0..arighter). "And now, turning front that, 1 Mile :to tlso principal object of my presence here to -day, which was to unveil a sta- ble of Queen Victoria and to suy some- thing about her tn connection with lt, and I will, with ycur permission, pece ceed to deliver whet I had intended to say In lite open air had there not been so great a crowd to listen to it.. A CITY OF QUEENS. "Well, Mr. Peovost you do well to raise a statue in Leith to our late Queen, 11 Leith ls the city uf queens. For u long sit•ies cf years Minuet all our Seuttleit queens obtained their first segelt. of Scet• land from Leith. and your old town gave them their earliest, Impression of Me land wheie they were to dwell. The wives of Juries I., and 11 I., the first wife of James V., and Anne of Denmark, the wife of James VI., all here first eitt foot in Scotland, while Mary of Gulee though she landed 3at St. Andrews alone ef all these queens chose Leith as a residence. There landed, too, the hap. less Mary of tragedy and romance., when she Came from France to reign end found king prison and a veeeni deem W ell may Leith. then, be called Ihe Clly of Queens, and she dyes wieely »1 erel- int, a statue lo one who NVElti 114,1 merely a great Sovereign, a Queen and Em press of unbounded realms. but also a true Queen ea Scots. (Cleterse EIRS1"1'0 DWELL THERE. "A true Queen of Scots, for theugh • muy not claim without invidieusness that Soollund was her favorite TeS1- detlee, WC 1110y Slly itI14,1,1. (Weill:4! 1110 1. SI1L 11.11TS the first Sovereign of Great Bib. lain since Cheeks I. le.1 dwell wither our 011 rd(e,itz.f.01 dry 1.1?)1r. ctoi tlion tadt‘li,eqlfiluyrionuga ealspdt But Queen Vtelevla ilit-nign long Yeln's pearunee uf Charles; II. when in exile, found Multi, and happiness in her Scut- tieh home. ,She was in heart and in fuct a true Queen of Seel,. (cheer -I. "11e had hopes Mel the of Con- naught might have been ‘,,ith no; lieday 1,1 perferin ties cereinetiy. but he %Nos pt 04 on ted almost at. the luet moment. It is greatly to be wished that II Mei been possible, for wel.1,1 have Itcott 11 mil- auctioly pleasure 1,3 him. and lit, would 'toms been itie right ME111 in the right place. What a euhtect rimy say of his Sovereign, oriel theugh she be 4101141, Is always open In the euspieion of fluttery. lee no such doubt arise id the tri- hute of lioe and hon tr paid to mother • u son. 31 heers). 11(YrIlEtt OF T111: N sal( iN. "\ et let us remember mid e., may an in a :e,iise muke lain' of the eunie lona, 1.,1. us remember Mar slot mai 11411 itieiely the Queen. 111 • 1.0.dier of the nation. I tale.i• the 177...Wig .•1111. lier Iola reign her etnoi god int., a dont.10 and incalculable 111/1/11V, Cy1111./IIIIN 4‘ 11,1 4.4 Ill) all her 61114'',14• 01014,1 and fe•tersil • patios well two, ma '44',114• 11•4. Indeed. tte. of her "1 hat WU:, I14ai (.114, 4,f 1110 11114.,, V, 11101 she sucerede.1 by inheritance. Tlie ur (teorges and ihe feurei \\Moen die 111110 fi,r the enuiso of monarelly. n te.• 14,1e1 joeei ▪ 11111 of ireiry nod diqi-iler. 0011153 110 N111.1 1.1 t111‘.. 114'11)..11 11 1111/".11, %PA now. Ihe (both 411 11- Munn thr, 41.0 4,10,10 Wul•Id 141W t% .111 )/11111,1i,' inleres1 prince.. llp• 1110 ....art. 74 11 all in 11... •11;a1p, ned in fore• ground the pure Mime el yeale eetel .111 1114. 11111,11., 44 1111 11 11.1. 11 •- greateet 1110 W4.1'141. ',4.1 4.111, I .111 11.,1141111' 11.1. I 1111111,111SM, 11111 1..1111r1 , 1" h 1,.1 1 ha 1 1 1141 sl."s•tels \-10"1 toi I. ihe duilinS er hoc lo-olde, and "I 111,t. 114.1' Ihe sanier.• .1 1n1n..51.41111.1. • Its ugh 11.7, free fr, te with gler). fuel the %seal), of h depoilime• he•rtsLoii II 11111111T 101' 1111111•1) 1 1110 (4111/104•101. II! 1111' 1111 1141. 1t111 1110 SW. I. '11 111.1' PA'f1'111`. •411 elf 11. 11 (swill be remained undiminkslied a1141 etionelied. A CONSTITUTION.sl. elriooNlii II. 1.1)...1-4- her throne, vs hich, tom b.. succeeded 1 it. seemed none 1,1.1 m."14 111,10114101 hroirdened and sir. in:Mimed I.v ;his s.nse 1.1 gen• , lee 44, it,teine ns velth the teen ),33ate ..I hunger 111141 411•4114.11111.111. 1% 1..01 Mil 1.3'0`,..41t.41 1114:r ft, ,.0....14)11. to iso 1,1 sitteers the is,eie 411 11r111•II ta,1111111 1•11I It1..11/11, fin;11,..1 11.1111,?'3, 14111 In /1 44•114,. 1 11,1,., \os ).' 111 an. .r III, 1111, .nly I 1r111,11 1,11 i • (.,r inn.. be an In. • 4.1111111/:11.14` 1,111'0, (111.43141‘ 111W,11 the Pone,. himeif. "When Queen eielettn 0.11.-^eetlid 1.. 11,P pt....An itte force and tradition id teminrelly lind much declined In this ....witty. Great!) 10 her ()en reneeit. and for ihe %vellum of her people, midst t jetting 4)(111511,e anti violent ',snivel - *ogle ;desire,. she made her kingehm. her lunderrthip. her guidance an met -ewe mit pewee tor good. oseorso She 001 lerely 0110441 the 4.5tipapit..4 11111.44 3111,1 1;w1t, ,1(14.) linft::::11)%%111hIff: sulendid rniirt. but OW 1110 Anfl fellowship that proeesalsi from Ito um, ose. She lend her pent& together. and Ihnt • I helieso., will he her noblest manta'. 'Cheerel. UNfTED THE (111,(INIg,e. "It Is hot Hide- Mal under her we. Catueln leYought from rent wnr for. dial ()fleet:men 114 OW nohleet. dentinieat ef the Empire. not nithr that the eonlb nerd of Attaleatin hcoame living ntei k yet reality. Pfeil Nee Zealand delirdne ly received the British flag, and that In, •ai title found it at her accession and as she left 11 at her defies end you will See fut advance whioh may well be called splendid, however much may yet remain t to be done. You may eay thut the t greater part of thes work was done by 1 Ministers or parliarnenbs. That is true , enough. But ,as a had Sovereign bears the disgrace of a bad teign, go a guod Scvereign bears the honor of a good. ICheers). AN ANIMATING FORCE. "Remember, lap, that she was tin ant - nutting, nut a resisting, foree, for her .ruling passion was patriotism, an ab- sorbing devotion tu her country, its needs and its glory. No on,e cun 1113111 effect of sue% u character upon the throue. No one can estimate the color and Inspiration wheal u British Sover- eign of exulted aims can give to the course of events oho hus not attentively •studied thls strunge country of ours, al - must equally swuyed lie a ts by the spirit of democracy and the spirit, of tradition. "'Where the word of the King le, .there is power,' And one may at least see this without suspielon of sycophancy that not the least of the sem ices that elle rendered to us is the oflict 411 her train- ing and example on our present King, who has, without overstepping the limits 4.1 the constitution, rendered such enor- mous aerylee to his country, and, in- , deed, to the cause of peace all u5er the world. IelieersL And tlim flue Nurse Edward Ilic Pacificator 1 ,ws Victoria Ilie Good. hong mei' wiollosk Ilie succession of monarchs deriving their ideas of duly met ambition from this august source. ,Cheerse (led preserve the illentory and ilillutinte of Qt3een Vieleren. Anti God save the King, ,Prolinigl: olieers). f 41).11. FROM DONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEI1EST FROM UER DANKS AND BRAES, s What Is Going On In the Highlands and Loolands ot Auld Scotia. ledmilloein had 23 dry (Jaya in Sep - blither. There is it gout reductlen in drun- iseinies% in Fee 1 tilusgew. During lust year 1.29 villas been erected in Lurifenald district, Tee ilmlitherte outbreali el Pateley has aesetutel eteeoui preportietts. Gil !sten si.v. age plirdkation ks Were 1..0 he opened ou the 15111 Tile other day it Paisley n <PAT car 1.,,Ajk end eras unlit.ely oisol oyes. Seellons Auelieeliarsie iodhery are lo bc dosed. a lee eel throw 11.11 men ' 11, Scottish vete, dor, leen, 0111,,tig the 3 eye, e inner% al the !Amain ,13ery Greeri,3e1., perish teemed wept s, 14 4'4. 1.4 1141 J....20,111/0 .11 extending Iiir• pour - house, g,11111,, (wig 1.7 np. 1. and 01. reaunind the ri! I:. lint...041i. Atter k.-1( ne the bell ri kra... f foolb,111 liridg..1.4 r..r. (1•11,1 1.07).1 A .11.1,111.1.1 E.Iltscielas, I 11 1 Ole .a1seletrnt of a 1.0.1) , lir ill Lia1,11 ckriliirti•tc ago. r Ineleelont at teem eileoly P.111111 II 1, 1. 1,11,1 ete,),,• 2,•,y , r, 44 , 11,411 11111.4 .11) 11 4.411.110 11 0 hi. 111114T al •14. lig.. I. 1.1 140' :411 1, LI4 S A. 1 \Is 1 toes 14 I'. 1. 0114.401. t4. 111, I.1114 I . 01..4'11 1.1,.•1 , ito HOW THE TURMNES WORN 444.-4). MR:AMON Or US tuiyANIVO AMIG1014 ,,f11.11fra Ot4iitatty 111/4100ifi *Tilt tlif*n - Olognkttlki. itiOtWot Tit1004 TOfb$0. Ikorks!,. _ • The, epet4 aid p1letql perfermattO ‘tc;1,11Cutiartt dealphir• Lustion- Otat the stilt bolter prondar kr S.Lster oh* the Mattretenia leavr• lifted the Morino tofaVies Sicien Turbine WO NevrittAvIdO'Protallarkee. Ytt tow tleop14 many have any eicor Wea of the reetto of action of the otrant 'Inebine. it 11 tots however, a titeticult .011.hlerit to unctriroterhf in en. eletrietur for• ••• . hot.e. ihri Modern satentlfic view ef otratit and Of all Other g,A,VA is that they ono :MO Of ea aggregate tdi ,1441sibla COI or. flattened aplierleat.hodlea endow- medovrtyomehnezil the tiower of mad LOW A wiNOMILL. The small atoms of attain have this itetomatle. heat movement to the extent 01, .e.ovati 114000 lea Per (Keeled. and, for their aloe, aro endowed with proportion- ately as taut% force or energy es a cam. Zon bad, In o windmill there are a few brood arms Or stele *Jet teat In a Wee oni retattue abaft. The taco of Itto wind - Wheel la held sqUarely 10 the Moving. Mr, but each artn is twisted at a await angle so that the' air atema which etrike tbe arms are deflected In their mire& Now a tuebine foto+ not Inaptly be likened to a large number of M1%1101141 closely apticed on the same shaft and with an equal number of fixed Mild. Mills placed between the tneving blades end 'with their blades oppositely taunt- ed somewhat. The wind would be compelled to tra- vel from ono mill to the other In u zig rag path, and at each detleetMn as It struck fre.sh set of moviug Medea It would lose some of ila forward velo- city, The energy represented by this forward velocity Ls not lost, but fe con- verted into lie lion for the mill. Now Ir. a Meant turbine the working gas has a pressure of perhaps fifteen alms - elides, and it Ls very dense and heavy in consequence. STEAM IN PLACE OF WIND. Bediuse of this, much of it can pass thietigh u narnow space, und our crude 1111,.1 clumsy %Old sans are shortened ilown into fitlft bludes of steel or copper alloy eel closely upun u ey. lindrial body of steel. This cylindri- cal body rotates In.side a hollow cylin- tier of Iron somewhat larger than itself. The unnular space between the two is oceupied by the little blades or hut- hAV•ill."Cd V11110S, Nuinenutis sete et these piteitet from the relater) cylinder, and tween each ring of theme projecting bludee similar rings of blades, with (heir lam, inclined the oppoolte way, peeject from the inside of the hollow (entitle'. and nearly touch the retating cylinder or ruler. US 11 IS 11•111114.1. High piassure steam from the butler mime, the an:Oiler epee which hi so &arty full of these two see, of blades and trevels from end te end of the long ey 1 i rid CM. 11 pesses lo a second enlarged pots holt where the bludee aro longer, and so on lo a third and fourth or nvire, lee diameter ,tI the 1.4.3t01, graving great- er and the bladee becoming longer and leneer. so that there is a conatuntly in- creasing opace through Whizti the stenm te pass UN It kineS its energy and velority and pressure and oomples mere spoco, • , There are ninny !Jettison& of blieles In the turbines fur such a great %hip 11S thr Lu.sitania, and each little blade tlIken 11 Mlle bit or energy out 41f the flowing elentn and dote Ile little share ter 1311'411.11g the grout rotor on which It 1.• ilsed. Toe combined push ef all the 1.11.1es (III Ilie several MO lne hnlors of melt ,11 the great prupeller shafts amounts 1.1 the Get* hors...power h.ieh is 114, ceesary 'drive tho great ship at I 5 ROADS COOKIE!) UV JOKES. — - London, England, Ilas Vtitnessed Some Strange sights. The marlin:II joker m.11,, by 11.e sim• tar wq.,.4.1it'alt 4.4 ol'Ild1111.1 0.11 i.1.49$1, horn.. but;Us cirderto lir tritiJoisiririo, 01,11:11.4- 1.1:e 41111.1' 441) .11 C11.1.1.1141 AI41,V) :AI V411, 1k1'111V1••11:4..) , I 011.1411, %%all (.1111.4 and •1111.1)1.1 from 1.11d 1r 1111. 1,11101 1.,1•10t1 prOty 1'10.4 1) 1111. !Let 11.1, neur,y .1 comet). 33,3, , lieteleie die "tweet Bermes eireet Roue,' ,,, o-,1 14. 1 I. 4'4111i'd, 1,4 ...11 fa!' 111.141. si‘ 7,1(11- (7,1 by 1111. etude a celebrated twee-, ecr-e Iheii drid 4.1100 lettorr. 5...1e out. .1 be 11' 1'.111 Ole 'lay 111,11- 1.0 1 1. r 11.0 rIsli‘eiY '•1 net Is rie•-• .1.., hill 1,01,1.. 11. 1, 0 (JO +Ad, ill rt. dr..1,1,0,...h, po.,r4,11411., I., • 41 4 14. !I 1 1 ,,111.41 141 '1,, sir.,1 i• th.-7.1) " '11'1 'PHU., 0,11..111::1. 1 • 11,,%11. 1.,1011 r. 111, 1.ov• . • 1 .. 11 lowish/I, e • heir- ., r 1..., I 111,1 .1 I • 11,144111‘ ties L... 1.1 I, • 11 1.1 4,k;o: , , , 1 .,F4 5%114) al 41)4. hit ;111; 1o111 1.• 1 I,y 4. 1 ..1 7 1. 1 ,„. , I PO 1.. 11 44114.11 • •,1, I ..••• 'A II 4 it poi.... pl.. ...1 ! 111 .1 111.1,4, , ,.14 if, 1.1fig 11111 .41,1 t4 44 . e 13,, l'r 1'; 41 '4.1 1.111 .1. r rea. , sh. 1 s eel bel hen, A I eli toe eoelts ,ste I e (Ini• lie, 111 Pi,. rt 'or N MERRY OLD ENGLAND !WWII AY *AEA AllOtO" MO* NUS 4111* POOPIL , 00***** **4,*4 so**. *„.**4014.040071.1- , . Irtkvro 4.44, ,ftalk *SO .liti.der. gavataatts la, tr.Stota , • 10 loot etavtving • &truth wasteulltittAr 4,1N;0,04, kAllsi?" 01.4447**4,10 e' dwell $iggi were Masted tzt. the MRS% Oir:4404.44.4. MOO at. lite "SSW, Airflea •Ittii...904.01t1?".iru,40140401Red. fet seeetdenly 'heecurie tat At Watford 4 fewilays.,ego man Wus third 410 01144 'Wits for assault, ting a poltereconettibte in Whllo outortu 111344,4a Southwark Orlitgo road, Come Trenor., of deorgo oireereint,eentilecularularse 65droapmpliteradeattt.,0104. 411 presideat of Itte Stratford' and. Rest LeArtrice,4hatetrilletsaliieliteseltvivarin.auing rauchtite is an attraction of the Etistricering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia. A eouple Of Liberian monkeys have been added to the. London Zoo. They have Mach bearde and thighs of ma., hogany red. Aldernian E. B. James, one of the direotor,e of the iinpeelal Tobacco Com- pany, is to be the new lord mayor -1 Bristul. The revenue from the retent page- ant at Sure St. Edmunds antounted to .11:11030u,Oatet,tamoond.gives a balance of prollt A bozaur le to be herd at the Cam- betwell Balled hi aid of the hind for the removal of King's College ilospltal 14, South I.ondon. The (icor box of a letrk ehuech waa found to have been burgled the other Lay. It is believed Me thief did not collect a fertune out of it. A churchinati protests vigc,rously again.st the niulUplieation of churches threughout the oteuntry, when so many chAutnthitn'sioerireighlballifi enillrttlYe' bey Wh" peered al ilew street was stated to have cut Me father's best trousers and sold tle. pieces al a rag shop. The' nerve tight which beats upon 3 Labor M. P. has disclosed the fact that Mr. J. Ramsay Macdotiald makes the family parolee every inurnIng, St. fumes' Hall. Great Portland street, London, erected and equippeJ at cost of over X.100.000, will be opened to the 'Public Feb. leth next, The lord mayor of lemeliet has achieved the unibition of ids foe the oolleetion of Ji60,000 le enable him to term a Inane for crippled chadren, Three lady teachers why suconithed matrimony during the recent %edi- tion have been culled upon to resign by the Gateshead Schol Board, Better health tilt:al:511es are reeorted from Islington than on awl preceding quarter, Deaths numbereil erey 9.39. against de unal averlige iit 11.78. At Medford a }oche). moo hauled off his hoi•se and iissaulted ee severely hy spectul.•rs of a ince thet lind to be taken he e a cub, C.harles Lund, boarding temee keep. so wan lined CM) at alithileo,oreugh for lierbering and secreting fl5i, Swed- ish &inure, whe had deserted their step. Churged with burglarivusly breaking into the house of his bie.ilher and Meal. ing a largo sum of money. Edward sturman was committed fur trial ut .11°AvitleitYti' thor who couldn't pay tits tall- er's bill of ,E5 3s, Sid. tejd the mages- irtate al Hampelead Court that he was 41•Inigly. rnahing about u week by writ - The man etio %bet himself en Hamp- stead Death haa been identified by 1/1•4 ',eel, as Robert tos white, n major in the tIst Welsh Itegiment, attaehoi to the \A:or Ofnee, thAe 4tiljnArd'Ile4ran firt 1.. be furnished w•lh a central rook - Mg hall to gave "the worry and ex- pense of cocking meals." The bewitching curl and cequetneh r1r.glet are 1.1 dateepenr front the heads tho nurses ot the Lewisham lpflrm- ary, the fiaidon county council authori- ties having complaint:41 of the unlidt- r•ess of the nurees' hair. COWIN 41111•114 111) WARDR11114. Syistem of Indirect Bribery Is Carried on In, Rome Prisons. The aseielyitious g.11 uf hie -pound ie to epees. I. • 11 ardera doing di 1) at Pent. ,3 ie on hub. catiwt1 (1,114.1t1rabit• m.4,11,111,11 1111.1 134/111,' 111- 11111 114•1114.1••••• 111114111p th.. nuttiest. ties. That ths 110 11Q, 1,1111., from a pris- tine(' rieente iiikteted, 4..1 ill IOW - 4, '1:e 41, 11...e 10.0k 4,1 714.r.....01...n tor lood- seo,,es token ter eioritise 'tut tit, f 1184 14,4 t.1141. . 11141 14, - 11441.6 01 1. 11 ef ,post...n Presents of tho s '.% 1/0 11111.• f0'41, 1.1 11.111 • .4 111'1 " 1.1.814),A 4t).. 11) /11*,U41Y A4444, ii1,> .1 1 1. 1.01 noary , i tsitn ; 11 4.U1Z,Id • if might 14. 'v114)1411 141 1%11'14. ktore 0.. r 115.315: 11.1s fig•••••. -111 1114011.111 3) 11 welkin eie 1 pm. ; re,p.•1',11• leideseori. vvIvo 4,‘ves ... 1. 1 Cole 1.. having beer' ...lin faun x..1 P, \ I 1.1 "f 414i 1..101 '4, 1111,1, T. Ii.,••• 3. Irm., I ,4 lolY 1 ‘‘ .1, 01,•14 iissedant•%‘:irder In a II. N4. 1 to. 1ht, .• • 1., 1 .11 '111 3.4 II T 1.41 111 141°,4! ...tor • 91e11) ,1/14 44 • .11,, I 44, • 1, 'fir !.; 44 344 • 41 171.1.4 1 1.. .10;,11 4 .1.4 11.)r • 1.1 '1,1,, 1 .1 p. , if.' • e , 1 ..r .4.1; III .0, 1 • 5 Is .1 . 1 11 1•• , '11,11. I: I -',•• 1 r • • ti li L. 1 ri (0.1 "I 11 5 lasieyer. " • ' " ' 11,e • is - et .1 ,n1.,..ot ?deo. r •• 0 .41 . • - .1. cs1 11 1,1'0 sea. 1 1 11.• I ..12, sr iti• !lir • riri ri fr ,r.i. • I. Ira.- et eee (emit fet 'aerie delta. 1 wee, s 1,s, ,s, 4.4j.. I., 4.1 . mu" lete .0,pearner, 1.44,fe 1111* 11111441t.la ,I4, . s ..1. 1114 , .41 r, iApri• 1111.1.1i,,g1 %%here num!, . r (117:4,,..),"1";f; (.7:1•;'.1,1,11.;:et :Ito; Is, "ise so 11.1,1 ... ees 1. 11P• 1,11.• -1 1,1)6 ing hst• leen Aerie (me of tr. 11 • " 1. t'i -1,•", e end •• "4-' Teis it, . oese ia.k. • 111. / ...rd.. • 1 .1. 111 she' 11.11. Om,. 1 .•., re.t...••• Th d.111 rill" 1 IN. .11 / I1 1, • 1 • .4 r • ,1 tV.N4.11 III II, 1 . " , , 1, I, I (0,1 17110 • 4// 1 1. 1.; w • reerheol reel The Gi,vnli 1 4.4).4 .1 . erped ihal .11 111.'ir .111,1 1 .1 '% 1,1 1.. Ifavyktend %-t 111111 Itees, „tem 1, - Conn.. c:uar. 11 , ,14.1•111,••1 Mg, 4.r• iftt, 1.111 th: 1 1/ .4 11. 4,, ohne •••den dro e doe er 0. a 1;0 1.'01 re 0.14), :44 Ealift1114 VI, 14 1 aeov. , r.olreeman reminded te • • 1, ago•Ira.. Met 1115 11-e 111.. • '11 n n 4.'4 //, 1' 111, (Ind 111111 11.. (..,11/./11 1 do 111114 11 r... 14;1, ,,,,Jr.•1, 411 ,11v 1400 Ow •o-.1 111;rtio ,irk•itt rir "rii• l'rerrronn 11Q 1,,I, 1,,447t, rir r.t.014, hao 'Ho% •• . wog anrotn Um! 1.• e,e,te, • rd ie 1, Free , lei ..iannulvir. ri,‘V 11 tro,Pritto thrit 140 44 48 burreQa (),!rtift !Maga r 1 tad, . mense r r. 1..1 pr 11,0 liepa.•,'' Lad 7 "Fs MI t11.,altA A 1111 tee." 11' v e•tr "Oh . :Anything! IA .1.,, plow ofUe ellen,. 4;!f• your furs." ..r 1 .11. 1,1,4 1.1,1 p .1 h., rev . 11.1./.4 11 1 • I 1' • 1••• ). • 11 .1 . )1 11 1,,• .1 1, , • •• 1",, 1151,1r(4,1 • • -IF - ••" • ' I 111,1 .1- 1) 1 1,111, 1-9,1 fir.. •111.1t1• 1 1; /4,,, .• 4;,-- 4, • 1 ,41, 1 .,,. .•4 .1 1, tn • ..1 11,,P rY111. "II ..11. • : r . r.cir r, 1,1 r wIneh ' •1 •' ' • -.I e. • b 1.1 h 11 •1 1... I .t,to, bir‘virir r• T -it -f "if •' .drit 1 isn't 4. 'O. 1' ;17 , 11 111 • to 4 ef Pest 13•11,,,,k • ,it'i r vet et, 1, , 7 1 'tote- ‘%11- Vrartlo.1 •0 rtr111.•.' it\ Gni qtr., ,14,t, 1,, 1.„ ri,171y.'• •, 1' .1 f- 'vet I•fl, .14.1104 1,144 \APIA? t dem. .1 'et. le r'." •Oely eitu. : tot 1,(- r• 1.1 ( )1,- 1,114 )( 41 ',in,. 115 ‘191111\1(5xN k 4;4 04•14,0r411 %%albino a1,114: 1.,." 11,11 .41r• • 1.4.11 • • I 1 141141-111.3.1•A 4 11441,0. ,•1 1,1.4 v11.414 •I4.••• .111.1 inquired if 1,, 1 11,,,•1, .1.11 , ; 4; 1, •T•, bier -re -tee r .1 11A ..1. 11., 1 1, 1 , *1,1 "1 PW 4'I•4911111 I.. 11 011-14.11 11 1. • 11 VA 11 31 1 4111/' 1.1P1/4.e '31,4•1/.1.1 511 41,1, 1,1, or. /errs.). mhos ell 1i too. , 41 • .0,11)1041,111'11,,r.4431ye4314.11.1 rem) 1 , etietirmlirete. fo nee.. eIK, 1,...,1 %I. 1tav 11 11 ..... ties the 'ere h.,..1.em14 end es.... ! r st-ow in It% 47. ,,•Ir 114.11t. kYkot•I .441•1 11,e ',Co. "ye oin ins es. o tool. sew e tot rub . rind e. 1,3 1, tel. the ria,rn .10,1 ogee If ve stoto me truths' Iirr 11111 11.‘111) ,,i;1 two I • rri.1) I or 1."(1g+, 1:011." , 05011 lhe 1 14(iVip 14414,4t When 1 e,..outo oiteodur 11 n miessic." replied t mete- r,. ima•rted mon. 7•11111/10111111ivraINIIiiiirt ,. LAIL- t - 1 1 a: ETto4N.‘1. geetrosto "Did ur amid yoe mach tot getting in so tate loet mot "- "Yoe bet she (lid -tor about fees '" "t‘ how What de! yrol do '1 *roll asleep. as lomat, dude/ Mashie. lure "Ilift didn't ahe wane yeti ion! "( one le nitres aril. she 1101. IA onkel know If I kned her as Much at ever-, 0. something ot the sort." eee. \‘. a 4 t?) el