HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-11-08, Page 1---r
atotion than stme other New
in this section of the CountY ot
In **County ot tin
Quslity, Qwentity,
hit I
-METE ka.1
Oble Ng,
;There lig geestit1P et el1 404 ti.,WUtI hit'ilPS4J10"'
4:0111itt ati there 114 00Y, (flu; •otkte' *AY; ot• • aKellnlluaffUg
weelth, and that bt hy Wing it. A, feW' pentena tahertt
,Wealtlit. while; otheke gab, 'independence by A stroke et •
tuck. but the‘yast maptity ef _PrOPle•Wellre 4100Petel1cet
by ppendiljg leat thai they 41114 falling • tile; tilifi4la.
We pay VOX/11, per cent. ietoest, pq idepeelte and mosey
Cali WithdraW4 et shy linte.
TRAY IIVIPER.a..Catas.to the Preniftitel
of the undersigned. tee12.33sitiaact eon,*
13 Mich Um/ruble, Septendier. a heifer,
coining tereyeareradt The Orrice reottested
to provgpropertv. pay expenses. and take the
minted aVeWs TOW. OtWl, actuelller P.O.
OARDERS WASTM,-(104x1 acoomada.
Lion for four... kpoirat Gran Office.
tro nevennoutois,-Anyeee ww0ter
• .,14- have washing done con get addretee of a
cOnsPeteut *MOM, oPPIYIn.g 6TAlt ankla'•
eelliOAIIDER13WANTED.seTwie pereone eau
.,11,Jr find good heartland rooms on At. nsrts
;,stroot, three (fools east of VictOrla. Ort ad-
dresser, 4T4ItOBICe.
ANTRIV-billiting Poem Girl and ook.
Good positions, sternly employment.
, est wages. AttPlY to AL.LFelfte Union
'Motelefloderich. ,
sgAttos-' VVANTEIG..
V4,14TEIPfer 1006, for U. S. re
No. 11, ,Aehnithl. A elk:awns. stating
}Ahoy expeotee, wilt be nocelvest up to Nov-
el:fiber el, 11107.. F. A. ltairicat4. eetey.., fib Me
thimiten, QM.
rtsEACHER WANTED,-Mitle'or female. for
S. ie No. 17, Aselield, duties to commence
; January gth, 1906. Applications will be receiv-
ed. bY the undersigned up to Novemiser 23rol,
1907. State twita and experience. it any. -W.
J. BLACK, Sec.-Treas., Dyngannion P. O.
r BACKER, WANTRD.-Male or female, fer
S. S. No.5. Goderleh Township (Porter's
I). Must hold let or 2nd class certificate.
_ribitlett (4,0eramoneeJanna_rifith, _RIO&
cations received up. to Nov, 's&ra, steting
salary. Personal applicattotepreferred. ewes
Tolutaterwe Secretary, Porter s Rill.
wall FOR SAL .-Parr block Lake
lid east. Colborne township, a tulles
fiericb. lee acreegeed Clay loam. brick
hook earnielx-67 with cement stahling.artealan
well With water in buildings. Spring creek.
eactrea YOnng orchnel. aud 2 (toren standlog
timber. Apply to c. C, ?dr:Nome Duathp P. O.
--FARM FOR"SALE.:4-Let,-80, Huron.
Gloderich Tp., containing 101 aerate good
' hottee, barn and driving shed; well fenced mod
underdminedi good spring Meek; 10 acres fall
wheat sown; plowlegsall done.- Three aerosol
good orchard. One mile from railroad station.
ehureh and school. '1011118 easy, to Kull phe
ehener. Apply on premises to MoLEOD BROS,.
101-00810 TO RENT. on Este street with all
ntodern convenfetthel: Mettle home in
tool se,ondItion. Apply to MM. BRyDogs,
, Irina AN» LOTS F011 SALE.
Tendere Will be received by the undersigned
up to Fridae. the lath day of November, MM.
tor the purchase of Lobs Nos. 6 "and 20. Wle
sated Buteels %of the town of Ooderfeh. the pro -
'petty of the late Alex. illegasth. There 1,1 a
comfortable &time house on tho property.
Property is being Bold to close up }UMW.
Terms: Ten per cent. down, balance in 30 days.
No ander necewarily accepted.
Executer, Goderich,
er-v-----_ _
firepOR SALE. -One thoroughbred Lincoln
., ram lambs:and 5 Oeford Dow I roun Iambs.
S -Le Yearlingeam, 7 nun lautrlo Leicester
Also.5 young billiS. thoroughb Shorthorn.
All at reasonable pri.s. Apply td JAMES
.1re '
eLeARM FOR SAE& Olt RENT, --The It. half
JI2 lot.6. COO. 6. E. D., AshOttld, 100 ROW,
clay Own, good buildings and stabling and
watered by seining well and creek. id fuzes
orchard Bed about5Oacres seeded. Apply 1.0
v, ee .e„, ee -
FOR. SA bee -House and 3 lege on 'Cameron
,Mreet, good atable and fruit trees. 6 moue
ed bowie -geed cement thuedation. A.pply by
letter to Mita MARY E. CAMPBELL, box ra
. Wide); or to TRW. GUMMY, Auctioneer.
- LI id a good tomtits'. Both Wren and good
lie ilf OUSE FOR BALE.--Anineevoined house
well water, clown, eta Get address at STAR
, Odice.
And tbe north half of Block lc, on the
-se., i .._,,e1 . .
• Maftlahd Road. tow.n cif Gederleth containing
. Itteell Mee /Ink acres; mood grirden land; good
- ,Meberid. with Variants kinds of choice fruit.
1 floods1ftvitotr hattee and- haute barn, Good
'Atitte. AlsONct.720, house MA lot-oe Anglo -
gee ,. street. For terms nude full partictdars
Many to the Owner, .1COARIM‘ Lego. Goderich.
pARIse FOR SALE. -The farm belonging to
theleatelent the late Robert, McConnell
li Ashnuldfevaltdditaith cone amiss. west ai
Dungennons 150 actrestr.-. frame cottage. with
kitchen and, WOOdshed • barn 44 x14. en Mone
• fontoriegert and stab11/4 pademeeth; driving
shed. Pants is all cleared, &met 90 acres
endow/raided t atteaffen Well end' windmill.
large Orchard. all well fettoM. Terme- can be
' arrang'ed trft suit_ eurehaser. Amity to Wm.
, M. Meemonftts Ltheryttian.thicknow.
. t
lielt6PSE8 PM riaLit.-Tovo new brick
..11-1, aoluiete elght roOmeln cache Hathe tee
et/ceased &her Medfail:eenvenietthee. Price
reasonable. Terms to ettit perebeeer. Apply
at TUE GODIMMat Ptstittro Mitt.
161011SALE-Tsventy'acres excellent land
.1.1 the Market, gardetu with goOd Windings
and .fittites, tWe MHO' from ,00derieh-having
Ittre &create oteherd of apples, plums,
cherries, easehest greets Ind ras berries.
Prieffeiel teem* hoeorableb MO to °ONG
as ROBERTSONf tiodevich.
• t ;
Gang will close on Stattplay afternoon at
one o'clock. and willdiseontinue their keeping
open until; four and tumningla the ovenintr..
O. P. came
fr1S011149C14 ARO RUM. ESTATE AOnnT.
Offee.at resideuee, center St. George's Cres-
cent aloe Wellington St, 'Phenst Mat
CM:MARINO. - Ansa Huhn 'wlahett to
announce that she is continuing Dress -
Making in the reams over tho Sterling Bank
ag formerly, ane will be pleasee to attend to
the needa Mall hee tamer customers ond as
many new ones as she cart accommodate.
1.1188 DUNN.
RESSMAKINO.- MAY W11,130/4 has
her dente, on the Huron Reed, to receive
given it, leer Orme. elm shop and will
orders for all kinds ot eresseualcing, or will go
out sewing by thedey. , • , .
C, Arnett. late aL the Township of Col.
borne in the Coenty of Hume. Gentleinan,
Notice bt hereby given emanate to the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario 11$97). Chap. 129. that
all creditors and ,ethere baviefr Meilen asteinst
ebe VT4.1,41410 eel& rate hdwerd C. Attrill.
'who ed es or about -the 'filth day of July. A.
D. 19(0, are required on oreefore the 15th day
of November, A. D 1997, teemed by post, pre-
paid or delivior to the Toronto General Truste
Corporation. the executors of the estate of the
said deceased. or to their undersigned Solicit.
o their Ululate:et and surnames. addressea
'In descriptions+, the full pertleularto of
claims. a scarab:tent of: their accounts an
neture of the ,aseuritlett (if any, held by t
And further, take notice that after meth
mentioned debt the mid executora will
deed to diserlbute the assets of the de
among the parties entitled thereto', having re-
gard Only .10...the 'claims of • which they Malt
Tthealftwernotierenurthet the mkt •crecutorn
Will not be liable tor the said emote. or any
part thereof. to any person or persons of whose
claims notlee shall not have been received by
thorn at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Godcrich, the 7th day of October,
1907. •
• • Solicitortofor the said Execution,.
whora it may concern:
Take notice that the pionnorship at present
existing between Drs. J. Meson Whitely and
W. F. (Sallow, under the •firm name of Des.
Whitely & (hollow; will un Dee 31,st. 1997, bo
diseolved by mutual cement,.
And Mutter take 'seem that all account.
owing the said firni meat bo settled by cash or
MOW, on or before the above date. ass after that
time the book.; will be placed ito other hands
for cloeum.
J. BENSON vviterDLY.
tv. e. ALL0W.
, •
POlt$AL14.;-4wonew Eaveltingson Angle-
; eey' St. A ConsforWblenweilliiir Piettin
. 'Banding lete on EiginAtottesi.Easet8t.,Codar
EL/104nm Ett
' WANTED. --A feW Farnisited Homes or
ROOM!. neer the lolre fronts teat.for the
Mirattter seeable •
ifoUNG li;00100801.
D YatEtElrbt its Tynminu.
sisf YAM& M,11.
W. tat Ttialrearls ?;11.r 13?
• Olikkaillentsa er. Pletino
teiteseterofteelderoce-Nortio tater. nin,s-
ate tat, Georges •ciemeh, Phale
bet Tnillitstirelffeelderteatsallontreet esseeecer„
aee Waferled,Vser Pottle Llbrary.
Theft 194.
NE 4.1104Q8 SIAS
aggles"tetttmAinagiajilafittate, sea •
1110111100. 1141'101$11 *Oh In;
LOG Weleck. .
liair of herti'Y wortcHorsee. It years olds with
their brarievs, WW1% laus wax bear ie WM 6
start time; this Is a Ite0d Watt tor a hamster
eene 000 Weet Mg WAVY WOrlt beneele
tirolterrdeeritestiTtale,litand 10 ware 0111; a
lightteed'inselalPilr. win 40; anything. .
1 Mood ciraught weeene, ruing 4 yeareold,
1 hay Mere, rising 5 years Oh Sired ItY Missouri
• Of. 2.1011 date by' Arcadia Wilkeet grand.
d Imo, p. geed Jae° Mara Thornwood.
a Id oue Of the bloesti young nete,111
eraultres 044 P,A41;katd And irtYkso, awl
• $te_p tal.t now. ' •,;
t bay eteletng.tiang 3Yeara old,a geed thick
&HOW with leteetstele Mal etelettance.
3110 et heaVY team moues. nearly new.
`AviP7utliti, Tama d•
t sots of doable dr eine Harness. not much;
11,10e; , • .
1 eet ott 001ffee _Riegle strap Harems.
1 now covered BMW. by (tray +it Son.
3sete Aluglerfarneet
1 naar eave-red lltiffev.0,14e Canada Carrlaees.
1 second -baud rood w (won.
1 neW Pharttbn. •
I rubber -tired Runabout,
2 good secona_hand Cratere.
2 Maga new Rome Blankets.
2 dozen Whirs,
10 striageof Henn atutother articles.
Everything advertised roust be disposed of.
TBRMS.-All 'Mem of $10 line under, cash
over that amount, 12 months' credit will be
credit amounts,
THOS. OUNDRY, Auctioneer
irost zee co e. es e es eseelseeee 15' s 11, W ,..' et..
e ._ _
Enter Any Day
fora -Business or Shorthand course. Po-
sitions assured to graduates. Six
months will tlt you. Vie provide 21
tee,phers and best facilities. Write LIR.
OfirflIAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, 395 'fangs at
W. H. SHAW, Prin. Toronto.
IEW141.11R AND
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
q,odericb. Ont.
ame&wou, THE cOuNoinir
I 080014 Mavorthieta sta advallang en-
, etc avitopeatuoNtwot;tivnice4:itet:onlieriteduoicsowe0...yeallitatao, 1;;V:01.6astatt;igtewn,ltegoetilloino:/tutiri:
tictilartel tlas.114 tO .a telleertY
)41114 Auti US; eggraliatativertate, It
1--000) lietkees,
Noticee water this -Iteedlag 10 atieedvelab.-
' *When 8: .14.• %tithe Ottarl‘la rur
*yea you get the PettOdt Oit Oat Visoareat
Store. On Tittitsy and VelrelY. , freendier elst
e4tandoew,„ itp4a.it and earaelt M... et leamell Prue
1111$011/.11T HASPIlaffirress43011101111nR
uheerwryintypateallitIrertt"YW. 0.7er6IXISNett'alleoeteduall",
taWit• bertV104,101dire '01110111k alt Rod
Itoseheertes, ,Writea rro, Guts, noses. wo
have the oat toga Supple*. Valuta* tre Oeer..
4,11)°. '''3040414"LerittbP"i., On. tt"t4. 111
. O. Brown's Nurserlete tints
S. L. Taub.," Eyesight Speolalist, u
11'oronto seethe at DuplOp's Dreg litoro, 00110-
rieb on ThumdaY anti terldaY. NoVelabor 2110
mid VIM. If there anYtelug weetever Wrefog
wdeitin'Or nUegreleYgigthilst4OPPethUttgerette Seltalle9nrewiraulr.
examined bY tellatho,spooli lets "
A new discovery for restoring the
growth of hair, wasranted to effect good
results bi all cases where roots rtre not
absolutely destroyed. Removes dand-
ruff, stops the falling of hair, and brings
a new growth on bald heads. Has been
tested with excellent results. I can show
where it has restbred growth of hair after
almost total baldness. Easily and read-
ily applied, Guaranteed free from any
hannful ingredients. Give it a trial. You
500 a Bottle.
Sent by mail on recent of price. , Manu-
factured and sold by J. F. LAWR,
Tonsorial Parlor, Bedford B'k, Goderich.
(VSterling Bank
Department of Agricultural
Tenders for Clearing Land.
e signed on or before November 2.5tb next,
SeEALED Tendert; are 'solicited by the under -
for the clearing Of approximately 100 acrea of
land on the Government Demonstration Farm
on Lot 12, Concension 2, Toe -robin ot Walker.
and Lot 1, Conceesion 2, Township of Clergue;
thb Work of clearing to Include underbrushing,
felling. logging and burning off the inoid
acres. AJI tree( of a dlatumer of 10 inches and
up to 3 feet from the ground are to bo cut Imo
few logs of suitable length, and hauled to the
railway right of way eit thafarte. Ail ispruce
And balsam tram under that dlatneter down to
6 inches to be eta into pulpwood bolts 4 feet
length and piled upon the rieht of way. All
toes. branches and general debris on the ground
are to be piled and burned at such time In the
spring of 1908 as may be directed by the De -
Tenders testate a price per acre for doing
the Work am above indicated.
Morey will be advanced from time to Lime
during the progress of the work. but not le
exmed 1,10 per cent. of the total value of the
work done anti! tt le all completed tv the su-
btraction of tho oMeer In charge of tho farm,
or suet; peeve as mily he appointed by the
Minhoter. Security will be required for tbe
proper fulfillment ef the contract.
The lowest or any tender not neomearlly
Maps and further particulars may he obtal
ed on a.pplication.
Minister of Agriculture,
Toronto. Ontario.
ineorporated by Special Act 6: the
Dominion Parliament to receive
Highest current rate of interest
paid in our
Savings Bank Department
on deposits of $t and upwards,
Interest paid and compounded
Drafts bought and sold.
A General Banking Briness
For Pulpwood Concessions.
ENDERS will be received by the under.
ligrtieticlefgtittOltrigte,indienT-imtblgoodijeli .11
collate ethea tributary to the NeOgon River, 10
tee Dietrict of Thander,thue and Rainy !Ake In
tbe District Of Ralleritiver.ancl Make the went,
Into paper. Teed ere should Aban Gleam:tent
they are premise! ce pay an bonua In addition
ta latch ea as y from time to time be need
foe thehla to; Ecrate a paper -making !adults.
tty ea torero ferred to. Sepmete tenders
wit;ist be rondo Or catch arcs of territorund
ttlititcsacatt -,t eget :nig begit oaracseivIllofb2he tetvitoriet:
;mkt, ne 1011 melt ot lomaitlee ata may be approved
bYthe Clever mere Ontario.
PAM_ ea te erica for tbe pulpwooe riot,
,yrdocceranani their tenders with a marled
(ogee COP 4'4 of tboamonnt tendered, payable
//i) to the Twasater el Ontario. and te be forfeited
: owttitbertbeutensivattimmtef etstbiottle,itiostfaidilLtisiigtointov.leetzs.Atnteor liazoipletreet-czw
&WARM. temteretts will be tweeted be make a
1 tewler for tinsitethtte cow theelllee. terreethe
; eied eiroder be the tertiforY oirerec. Polies
;* making Wider fee there ttmbers to Mate UM
sorieltaist they „ore Isreparni to ear Der chow
feet HAL se heariele Wit ta Mrs
A. G. GAMBLE, Manager.
Xo n %topic s
1907. -The closing examinations of the
county Model Schools wilt begin on
Tuesday, Dec. 10tb. at 8.48 a. in. and
continue for three days. peeemb'ee
-Arithmetic and penmatuship. Mere,
Owe and spelling, school law. llth-
Science ot Ednetotion, history and gen-.
graphy. 1203-Gratrovasse and coon-
positlon, school management. Teach-
etts intending to re -write- op this ex-
amination should notify the Public
School Inspector before Nov. lfitle.
matte devices for etamp selling are to
be shortly introduced by the Canadian
Post office Department, the machines
have worked successfully in England,
and their adoption by the Canadian
postal department will mean that one -
cent and two-eent stamps will soon be
as easy to procesre as letters are to
post in the mall boxes. These ma-
chines, it. is understood, are to be
placed in the lat-ge hotels and convert-
ient points about Toront,o, where
stamps can be procured at all hours of
the day and night. from one year's end
to the other.
Beckett, of town. attended a meeting
of the executive: qf the Canadian Em-
balmers' Association, held in the
Albion hotel. Stratford, on Thursday,
of last week for general tessineas:
This was the first meeting held out.
side of Toronto. The views of the ex-
ecutive were given respecting the pro-
posed measure to be tntroduced into
Parliament at next session etimpelling
all undertakers to pass an exemina-
thin. A lunch was served In the Al-
A. F. McLaren, M. P., and James Tor-
rance, M. P. P., were prevent, and
Citizen Beckett took edvantage of the
opportenity to invite the executive to
hold their next meeting in Goderieh.
WANT $1000. -The Band Cotionsittee
Wheat haos dropped Mw cent« in the market
aciiiits the lino. in Canada. and le all foreign
ecteetrica hut whether d rep In price WWI mimed
the stringency in the money market or In.
creaeed offerings has not been determined. All
other grain h. lower. oath and barley haring
made a good drop.
Butter now bringa 25e. and egge are the same
J. F. Andrews nhippol a car of hogs ie Tor
onto on Monday.
Murree( tohoterale prices corrected
up to noon of Thuredoo.1
Wheat - . ...... 0 90 to fel
Flour, per ........ patent 2 95 to 2 141
Flour. per cwt., faintly
3 tar our
5 Star Flour
ran, per ton.
Shorts, per ton.
Sercenhere, per ton.
.D.espertheessed feet . A Met •
tot 0;10.00 totra06 fe the TriMMtral
Of Se, 1114;446604110ilirtheteriderfOrli
theibee.,1 Whet fattened IlithisetMetof their
toner te Meet` hlld 114ffeeMenb carry out
• Settesioev Shall **Kat eitberet the •
TeaskintlOt, akin desteeteetleathinebee. 2feefi
laws fteretheotreende
!tail Thearreetwohot tenderer'. Weider loolastree-
!tad Meet htleillhAtetritteeet, 'fett the mettles' tel'
, theenexpesaltens et eateley, Mo.
irot felt *tiff lee_lirs ow WIN, enealtiers;
sureationst maw, tweet/sae torodollea-
HON. a. fil04:10/0444
totlatlate rotate eel Mee%
toet. Mar 114,1.
toientherhord rablicittfetts thLs
WelltstirIlt Hiatt ft) t
fettl 10 teat". kis VOW&
Buckwheat, por bnehel
Hay, new
Butter. per lb
ga, per demon
2 60 to e
2 tei to 2 115
3 15 ut 3 Go
21 00 to 2.1 WS
r 00 Di 25 15
. 00 to IR 00
15to 0 49
0 65 to 0 70
ft 75 la 0 Re
0 48 to 0 411
0 50 to 0 50
15 Oh to 15 60
0 32 to 0 Z3
0 21 to 0 21
6 00 to 5 50
Voce!, per cord
e. ryort 4 50 to 4 75
Cattle.° inary and butchery .,3 25 to 4 to
4 60 to 00
3 50 to 4
5:011 to 5 90
0 IS to 0 10
0 le to 0 17
5 00 to 5 60
0 50 to 0 Or
0 at to 0 09
640 CONOVIIPTION, Caaldr .-tt MO
cAse of tOneeneptien, le Imported at
VICIDdie 110411tIftle IvetbillItt
the treeeertity ior opechtt unitoluoi,
A yonng Ineil there named Mitehell•
aged ith the last stage* of tuber,
cram% *tali Ca tbe PliraleloTt 91)41*
lent tee 111 tO be removed, et Or.
Janie* WilleIn has teen nOtified to
take trInt Ont Of the InatItiltiOtte, in 0-0-
cordance °With the nasal of tlitt Mos.
pita Tenet. Mitchell haaneithee borne
nor felon% and whom to Or blot is *
statement of the ease. keys I o
plaes; for dying man is a diegra°e to
this Wealthy county."
MOOS Exituirr.-Tht; directors
of the 100a1 Horticultural iikreie3Y.
aseistagl 11r. Prank Metcalf. of
Myth, hare been buoy this week re-
ceiving sample*, of fruit width are
to form the Huron ()aunty exhittlt at
he Pronitielal Fruit and Flower Show.
to be herd In Massey Toronto.
Nov. 12 to 18, The County' luts been
*Doted' *table 35 by 4 feet and thie is
likely*, be Wall tilled by tbe excellent
samples which have been, reeelved and
will be shipped the end of thls week.
Mesare. Metcalf and Lane will have
charge of tbe exhibit and they will be
assisted, if needed, during the exhltd•
Oen. by much of the local directors as
are Attending the ;show. Seoretary
Downs% of the Provinelal Aspociation.
writes that the indications are. that
the ellOw this year will surpass thet of
any previous year. At a meetlelt or
the directore here It was decided that
all the fruit contributed would he Pre-
sented to the Sick Children's Hospital
et the close of the exhibition.
LEGAL NOTES. -10 the Court of Ap-
peal-Barbeau v. Pigatt.-Judgment
on appeal from judgment of a Divis-
ional Court, 0 0. W. It , 284. affirneing
judgment of Mulock, at the trial
in favor of plaintiffs. Thev alleged
that, while engaged inethe conetruct-
lou of the Guelph & Goderich Hallway,
in May. 1900, defendant wriongfully
teolt poseession of to tertain steam
shovel, the property of plaintiffs. and
they sued in trover. Defendant alleg-
ed that by agreement the shovel was
leased to hitn and by him put In
repair, and he claimed a lien thereon.
The shovel was seized by plaintiffs
under a replevin order. Judgment
was given declaring defendant entitled
to a lien for $204 91, less a reasonable
sum for the use of the shovel, fixed at
$180, and that upon payment of the
difference plaintiff should be entitled
premession of the shovel. Appeal
dismissed w it h costs. W. M. Douglas,
K. 0., for defendant. W. M. German,
K. C., for plaintiff.
FLow Elt8 AT RY, STATIONS. --The
probletb, Dr. "Wilsob, minfclijs
of the Musical Society held a meeting
last week to discuss a request from the
band that a supply of new musical
instruments, costing '$1.000. be procur-
ed, or in default thereof they will
disband aAd we ;shall te without a
town banIT In support of the request
it is elaimed that so many of the pre•
sent instruments are defective and
ott.„,,,of•date, that they were condemned
derlitg the Military Camp at London
in June, and that it will take fully the
sum n.sked to put the hand in proper
shape as a regimental band. How the
money is to be raieed is e problem not
yet decided by the Musical Society,
hut they gay, they are up egailagt the
alternative, no thousand dollars, no
band. •
filminess College is now a going con-
cern. It was opened Monday and the
attendance at day and night elaSnet3
has gradually increased since. We
hope that the 0 fl. 0. will be a credit-
able link in Mr. Spotton's chain of five
high grade Modern Actual Business)
Schenk lc i. well known fact that
the Wingham and Orangoville Busi-
ness Culleges are much larger than
the majority of city Cosnmercial
Schools. Mr. Spotton has carefully
watched the progress of our town for
the past few years and thinks it an
admirable centre, and feels confident
that in a few years he 0. B. C. will
have a Provincial reputation. Miss
Gibson, who holds a diploma from the
Business Educators' Association of
Canada, is In charge until the attend.
a.nce justifies a second leacher. Mr.
Spotton is itn extensive sulvertiser. AL
present. he advertises his chitin of
itchcols in almost one hundred local
papers. ito Ooderich will be well kept
before the people of Western Ontario.
Tux Peter; OP SIMS D. -These of
Lambe, spring
Sheep. tat hurt,
Hogs, live weight
Heron, per lb
Itheon, long clear
Ef dr.8
• p Skim
Tallow, tenderest
ChIckens-bernyard chielon, per lb ,$ to 10
" -crate fed 0 II to 0 12
Potatoes to is
proatoce, per bushel . 1 Moo 1 00
MTN no to 75
Pantie Tanc-O. efillarCe
Jewel Stoves. -George Beckett 5
Storm Doori,-(7, ('. Lee ft
25th Century Overcoats% W. C. Prioiltatm. 5
114111 litridn-5. FL. Colborne, .... . 4
Why the Cook Left -Worrell'. 5
0.030 miteg-C. P. IL 4
;Single Fare -0. T. ..... . . ... 4
Giele Wanted-. M. J. Farr
Dining Room Furniture Hamm If. It
Beckett o ... 4
Catania? and Monday itargatea W. Ache -
eon & Sets 5
Itot Water Rattles Donley 4
lloaalerto Warded Seen Ofece
A.nction Kile-ttenry Harney .... 1
tenders Wanted -Nelms, Monteith 1
itabfallon-Dre. Whitely & Gaither . I
Itteestesiklegveltdlea Dunn 1
Farm far telle-Meteed BrOs
Rost -dew Waresites-STAIs °Mee
Teacher Wanted -P. A. Efreelen
Fano far Sale --c.', C, BeSrea ........
Tcodeta Wonted -not. gee:tames .
Agtray IfelferaTtinteas Olen
El:diner tioatio-P.J.leatland
teetiethr Weer...latets Mad
fterebrat-Vibeis ea
Tessestoarst itetort., P. lil
Effete Petialtlegssit
Italf Erka .....
Rate en; 11' dele-IfMere'sltrea... ..... *
Are s•itte. *humeri; wittit :Virden
ae Waste, CorreattS Ltrades,
fwerre. eft; Tharee.aY 6414141,
Or. It
1011011111101.4 tile TOSS. lltaittialialiret,_,.
St a iftesel sta0Jraulutsr-Obuu
Oriel Tow* 'Topics,
Zlilk is now eight cents a gnarl. *
pretty etlE price,
p, Rean is building a eement
blovk NtOrt, Itet1945 behind- hitt grocery
*tom corner of gaat strett.
grim 'Wheels Gigs Co's. Inilldicri
getting on the smoke stack bo
*wetly linaheri,,and the greater part
tlie glasit being in place., •
13. Graham has tlio; foundation; in for
a one node half story brick vencered
dwelling. on Higln *venue; between
Wellington. and Wellesley; litrketli.
James Shaw's drvelling on Welling.
ton street is now ready 'for veneering.
it will be all cement, tint basement of
effluent Maas. and the other of cm
meet 'brick*
The brick work of the factory for
the Jacktion Manufacturing (Jo. it,
more than half conspleted, anfl; it is
now veer, that tbe new factory will he
a largo and substantial one.
Mt% John Johnston is now on the
staff at the °Operation workmen. Ile
le young man above the owlioary, a
good worktuan. end will prove a Yalu -
ed addition to the town labor.
Passengers leaving Gederich on the
4.50 p. on. C. P. R. train ems noiv have
supper at Guelph Junction, in the cafe
co. Also paseengers leaving Ibronto
at 8 a. no. can loaves breakfast while
they travel.
The freight staff tot the T. 11, yew
terday usoved front the old office to
the new otoe. The latter is not proper-
ly fitted yet, as the contractor Is hp.
hind with his woek. but the old build.
Ing being sold, the staff WAS forced to
ROL out.
Thanksgiving Day was celebtaited
quietly, driving and roller rink skin,
ing being the leading amusements.
Out* was generally sampended, only
builders who wanted to conclude eon.
tracts before winter sets in keeping
their men ettiployed.
experiment started ten years ago by
the Canadian Pacific Railway of sup-
plying -flower/ seethr Lunt bulbs to then --
employes at stations, section houses
and other locations, with a view to
interesting them in horticulture and
beautifying; their surroundings. has
proved an immenee euccess, and Mr.
N. S. Dunlop. chief of the floral depart -
anent of the railway, states that this
year has been far the most success-
ful of any, not only in the demand for
supplies, but in resifts. During the
present year no less than 1,100 gardens
along' the line have been supplied with
flowers, seeds; and Millet. I...ast spring
E5,000 packages of flower seeds were
distrinuted amongst the various
agents, while thus fall no less than
50.000 bulbs of tulips, hyacinths. 'Mee,
iris, etc., were distributed for winter
cultivation. The result of this work,
said Mr. Dunlop, has not only been
notheed ih the great improvement ot
many spots at etatiOns and junctioW
thnt vvere positively mere eyesores,
but the employes of the road have
taken a real interest in the herticul-
tural campaign, and in quite a number
of instances have ;Bile led in winn-
ing prizes at local exhibi one with tbs.\ Mr, I'. X, Farr, Hamilton sheet. hen
procns..., of the C. P. . bulbs and ei-eendsome two-year-old filly which Is
develop, Rs ate already
showing signs or what might be ex •
iLLED ON EPS Roo tex.-The daily
pected. A representative of Till IC liTA It
papers of last week recorded the kill saw the youngster in harnetts the
ing of engineer Robert Rutherford, 14/ other day. and the general make up
the explosion of the boiler of hie en- and movement of the colt warrants a
gine. No. 44ff, on the 0. T. R., near swift future. This beautiful and prom.
Newbury. Ont. Fireman Robertson king filly was sired by Direct Mal.
Was injured, also and him since died. 2.041; dam, Ses.ley , ts.eerd Zii,
The cause of the explosion has not been trial 2.121. Pat Farr knows nmeething
decid d
e..... Engineer Itsitherford Wan Omni, 1/4,1 aml 8254) eerie,
'leen in tioderich and hegan railroad H114.11141 wont for aernetliing.
life here ; he wila 11 cousin of Mrs.
James McVicar and will be remember.
ed by Boren of our older tesidenw. Around the Harbor.
The London Free Press epeeist' t hits of The dredge eliallenge Was at werk
his funeral In that city : In t harbor thie week and lifted a
"The eery ictia at the boune were eon- large quantity of broken nrck,
ducted by RAW( Walter Moffatt and or he voverninen1 sle.ttiter
were of me exceedingly itoprefesive
ture. One side of the room was banked ni uttite ;an .14,4e1 Hex, I et: It11,311
by the floral tributes of sympathy; vettnelIkvas wrecked.
Notably among these were tholes re-
ceived from lila comm./lea, from the Perch fishing lima been good 11•111.1 I/
Grand Trunk officials and from chi- .fie aseeeng were taken
ily,.sentie very fi
were netted the laid, few siert til the
zone who knew the unfortunate engin. 'am' we" and "lie ,Plemied nem'
per as a man worthy of egteent and
deep respect. The casket wan borne 4-"".1"
to the hearse by six engineent, all of The harnee and "1"'ek h"'ked ex reed '
them Mende of the dermased for Ingle bare at I I a. um Weth1P1111/1y,
many yearn. and in fact the funeral the Rennet y of ears being apparent ly
waft a railroad ceremony In every re. arm wergilds. for the bare look. It is
our citizens who buy bread will have
noticed that the stamp on each loaf
says II lbs., thus making toe price 4
cents per lb., the highest it has been
for many yearn. In Sarnia they tried
to charge cents per 14 lb. loaf, but
apparently did not sue,ceecl. as the
following from an exchange shows :
The competition of London bakers ha,. made
havoc of the arrangement recently entered
Into by Mande. hakera to maintain the price of
brout at .1x dent. for a loaf of a pound and a
quarter. The London breaol hae been selling
for nye eenta. and while In ono eago tt wag
found short in weight three and a half outlaw
on the loaf, the public demanded ei chewer
mice than air cent.. and Pomo of the Sarnia
baker. have met the London price. while other.,
are well holdhet to nth cents
In Hamilton inWend citizens have seised
the City Connell to pac. a bylaw requiring
Iktker. to turn out a uniform bread loaf. They
claim that under pre.ent rendition. they do
not know what they coo getting. and are am
Yon. tied the baketa be compelled W return to
the oirl two and four pound loaf. There in /1 140
Et lot of comptatning a.out baker* labelling
their broad. rho return tn the twri and four
pound loaf would do away with the neceesIty
tor thee
The Kingeton City Council has un
aniinously resolved to petition the On
meth Legielature lo repeal the law af
lowing bakera make "Payee of any
weight, and make a law compelling
hekere to make loves of a standard
weight, namely, of two and four Dm
THE ilnuarocto lionmanv.- The To-
tnerto;-'br, will Preach at both
lerVices ort Sunday next in North
street. Methodist Ohureb, as Gui pos.
tor, Me, 'Maxon,. will be preaelting &Us.
*ternary ser mous at clittburth that day.
The Ladles' Aid of Nbeth street
Methodist' church will give An read%
Witiment tbe residence of Mr. Park.
Elgin avenue, 11004` soirtb street. next
Monday evening. 'rho program will
be an excellent one.
'rho hot supper at Victoria street
church on the evening of Thanksgiv-
ing day was a great success, the at -
;Variance being largeand the dainties
making the tdil of fare Pleasingly
served, After tite substa*Dals, there
was a nee intellectual prograttune, tho
pastor. Rev. Air, Millyard, presided.
Addresses were given by local tninis,
ter% several excellent recitation!, were
rendered, arid the choir furniehed
Tho opening tneesting of tho winter's
entOrtalianiente. under the auspices of
fit. George's' branch of the A. 1'. P. A.,
took place on Tuesday. There woe a
good attendance, send arrangements
wore perfected for carrying out tho
winter's schedule. A short program
,was preempted: itt which readings were
glveti by Aliases Heeney and Shepherd,
and recitation(' toy Misses Dorothy
Tancott, Alma Sturdy and Beatrice
Wei is.
At a meelinr of (Ittarterly Board of
following resolution was Mier lett
lit11111 11110 usl y :
Itleyed by J. 11. Milllan, swoonded by Win.
Hwatilishe that we, the Inernhere of the QIIRP'
tarty Beard of Victoria et. Method st Chervil",
in seethe mow aestesi bled, take th our flee
ooliertittilty of expre..Istu the ammo uf loan
n Melt we feel 1 110 tenon 41 by death,of our
beloved (weber Jam li irk notriek, who for a
period of wenty-eight year. wan falth.
fel and valuel member of our church, sid
who during nearly all of that time WWII! traleol
and treatvel member et both the ilmetee atM
4uarterly 11011111., (1011 IFIROY Y.111111 1111
.110 callow of truitaurer In to faithful and self
!rept. Reeve 1111lott loas to move his tnerointiog irenCi Ter 0'.11.T.sw,,""Pvir
Vietoria Mt. 0 torch, held Nov. 4, the
recent purchase, the O. 'I'. It. freight fro. Or tale amuse of 0041 muting us.0, 1:.111:13
the corner lot nee t to Orystai's bbil- 4'i:other mpy ortIT4 re:iillgelole°1:1reolt°1sTeTall
er shop, omelette the depot, and ,tretillel .itirmai.lehtitetkri.otfw 40.11tilepancipJ.,ra.sodi tatillesaotollAnt:rt the
try to have it in Ito place on line.
old freight fitted will make a first -elites
store house.
ahed, this month. He will plaice it on Tittltril„11,1vokvi: recrding•stoword
Henri liourass* weft Apreatea by
Hoe. Adelard'roryon IC MI bre sleC''
Son for tho Legislature at tteliellostur
on Monday by a majority (IWO. Th.
result was to0 surprise and the large
tnajority is accounted for by the feet
that the ConservatIveS 411.1 net Votes
regarding the contest as between tIret
Liberals. both the other tyre bye -
elections for the Legislature Liberals
were eleeted-Bangous in NIcolet, by
a majority of MS. and Devlin, in (Oce-
lot hy a majority of Ell. Politics in
Quebec are more peculiar than horse
James McCracken, sr., wan in 11111, NICW1-1 1 - MISR Mabel J., eideet
Yellen this week, and while there at• daughter of Mr, Clement Newton,
tended a large sale. All anintalti sold ,
osier s 11111, died on Monde), of this
low, decent cowe selling from $15 to
$18, and young pigs, six or Bevan week, nfler Illnesto of several
weeks old, at 75 cents. Mr, Met/Puckett months duration. The deceased lady,
says there seems to he a lot of hay
who Wan 31 years old. wan well known
round hi ilverton, hence he cannot un• township and town. whmv 8140 had
deliTet:elindt wdboYna.71tettilles "Ii7cliti(litetTuflua0plottwil, 8:1•11,411,17anfarl'i'll,141.81.1ost of friends will regret
She will be rouse" mitt.
for which the management tun thank- her aepat tare ami sympathize with
fel, are as lollows : Mrs. Salkeld, the mourning family in their hereto/.
pot aloes, apples and jelly ; M ris,, A lex. wet , 'rho funeral timk place on
Steelton matetables, fowl, und jet : Wednesday afternoon to Alai Llund
Ateav 4-ktee -eettirte-rV; a largo number of -friends
aPPics ; "filen Uelbecilei tWo balle end 'segment/meets being present at
of apples : Mre. Gest. AV I II Wilts, apples t n "tom, wad mho
and canned ; Maekiin. " otilciating. The pall bearers were
weigh settle. Milton Woods, Lester Cox, Howard
The medical firm of is, S. Whittier Cos, Devisee-Le:ex, Ed, Ye° 1111(1 Fred
& Oatlow has heon dissolved hy, inti• Pickard.
Dial consent, taking elYeet Dees:1,11er BARR. Roe, 1411.14.1144W Barr, one of
31st, so announced In another column.
the pioneer ejerg y men of the Friedel •
'1'110 it 1114 are well itnd fa vorahly
known to readers of THU STAR and Lerian chin tit in Oatieda, peened novas'
have always enjoyed the confidence of at biti residence, near menfortio,
the public and a good practice. Once mottle , liig retie hed t he ad vitmunl
the business is wound up, the future
ttge ; lei yearn, M r. Darr bad been
of each will be announced,
in (Riling health for ttver a year, and
On Nelson street we notice eonsider- for 1401 I 1 1. 11 100 11 A 11 lid INV 11 confined to
able inirrovernents to retildential pro- his Ita 11 native of
ern repainted; Samuel Vanatone's after being orditieed le the ministry
certy. ohn Walker's tWti 1101ifien have iiirhorehan, Renfrew, eleollend, lied
has also heen repainted; Mrs. William came i„ c„„„„1„, „mi tam wae
litirrowe has 1 ornoved the front. fence. ducted as pastor of Settforth Preshy -
and Thomas. Burrow.; has removed the ,iierrh. per many years he
fbYnec'afirns.f rMonctililreh.in Prrh"ePeldtVe171(i.;;Pill twon'tHollis"; .L11-1,1 Y, fi soP.t114:11.1411.1::11 a rie1
prevenient is noticeable and noble notch large Held, in thou*, pri MID Ve dart
to he attractive appearanet. of INethon i
toe only method fir travelling was I III
street , foot or OH 1101.111111nek, and Mr. MDT
(resiliently travelled from W kert'm
on he north to t he vicinity of 1,ontion
on the worth, lle got% vett hy a
willow and three "laugh 11.11•H, MI h.
I Reif.) Nej1 memo-1"ton, lately of ilam•
Mem, beim/ Die visited,
ronto Mail of Thureday but says
"After the investigation of the eir
cumatances eurrounding the burglary
in the post office at BrUlbSela, on Son
day morning, Provincial Detective
Wm. Greer has returned! from that
clettg. firmly convinced that the reli-
eves committed toy three pro-
fessional crooks from the United
States. The mune men, he believes
robbed the Delhi post office. levee -
tor Greer left for the plaice in the
United States where he believes the
men can be located. and where he
hopes they will be placed under arrest.
The burglars, who blew open the post
Mike sato with altro-glycerine. car-
ried off a curious miacellanerras col-
lection of booty. ft inchuled 4.000
two•cent stamp*. 2,500 nneacent stamp*
190 each of fine-ccnt, seven -cent. ten.
centl and twenty -cent snunps, ter(
!special delivery stsunpe, twoceent
postage doe stamp* 150 one.cent pot-
ti40 flue steeelat, 03,00 in rash. rent
Postaft* due gawp*. Moo in casfrint
tt, thereat, Metter. a SteaulatE Han molts c7o siren. proor rarol Weems
IWO hOokt taro Sills, three lite Jou were engaged to unload the boat. Tie. witt One partnar,:tztirt9t1. yae aro tr!robtett
ittreeit WU% mut Awe protniaan 1r:see Wu not tenclodked, but was ad• thee way msztott Taub!) at Itoritu9.0 ftpo
apoo, although there were very many Said a hundred and fifty W011• 11 1111
friends of the family among threw who that day, hot a' the ime mentioned
oltendej. There were ever rase hurl. these wan I only, and I hat at I he
deed members of the Brotherhood of vator. A 1/01 11 /10011 1101 1 111 'So remake
thieveTrEanigni,nneeenrs.9 saonedietcirtnetrtsbetio sairirgihvirityl,. thus relley Ing 11,0 (melee, km
stiAndemotir t
cortege. and they marched from the Tbe wreck of the Lurline roomed
home to the station. where the re- quite a atir at this port The /1 I•Wa se
main* were placed in a sperlal coach the wreck hail hardly got te 01 tawa
on the regular 3 o'clock train for before 111141 etarled e, temp out Die
Stratford, the interment taking place crows :Ind fit them "privily fer what%
in that city, the home of the deepened's Of (untrue Di' to late to work on tie..
parenta." breakwater, bill the government might
DIv Moe DoenT. There wes a long rtee that the contra:tot keepc at wro lt,
session of the Ooderieh Division Court. ao that when the lake freeeese lie in a y
on Friday, the e.ourt true, cloning OH Mart the break water work for good.
Saturday for argument. A long and a.”',anwr AkInitiiinila ham arrives! isi
most intereating caae Wan Wigginu no. it ingotritl, ti 'env I It Lite Meunier {4
McManus, an action to recover for 3, In,f."• n,Ini haT„ a h"a"' "f 111 14.01 It
damagen to three boata loaned to de- "'ea. '1 """ ch"a he eaoilY I be
lenda.nt. The defendant, or his son, largest on the lakes, ith I he Hurertie,
hired the boats for a picnic and the the largeot at presume it, Only ff2I feet
imam „met, taken from t he hactoo, to long. with a beam of 111 feet. The
the river, and it is ['tainted that the Any:inn/TM mine roc nem t he A Dant re
damage ,,,,,,,, chiefly mimed by hat, ig n, unuer .ter own tit Pet IIII, RIM/ Irsg t he
them from the harbor and droppingr' vie in eight der. The boat will run
them into the river. Many witnesses; trom ()oven Hound to Feet Willinm to
were examined on each side, °neat the connect with the C P. R. Iler itleter
side held that if not hirnself, he was
orntd'epreonthetenbotlaatans, tbenatingthtehneetheeer ship, the Keewatin. la eine on the waif
rip in two parte.
There are all k I htlo a miggeatiims rv•
responsible throng!. his son. Mr. Blair Imed• the ex 14'nfil°° of enr "rimr :u*
and Mr. Kilioreso addreweel the Jury, commutation, and if the town in to
and Judge Molt revieweA the evidence, !let anV ad Vant"ge 01 I In. i ' l' it- 11"4
and in his charge said that tos the eel- .enproved ohipping ferilltiee omme ef
dence showed that boat Na 2 was on- the int provementh ehould he in full
after 0 p. m., and then adjourning till The tap rn half of the /WA, 1% P. It
Public School Board.
The regillar istont y meeting of the
Public. School Beard wino held Monday
evening. Present 111 PI 101.14, 1. 11,
J. SY. Craigie, 11. le Dodgem., A D.
eleloan end A. Smintlerit. The IOW
l'1•1/lry'11 nprtt. 1 WW1 l'1ntd /1 1 1 1 u .
follow., fie Oehiber, viz. :
Geo Porter, .101 0,1,4,ry 8 111
1' Paulin, 1
V, I'. toolint 1 1111.4 k 1141. 1 th
Mr.Ewrg.i) W00.) 1
VV 14., Kell), eloek 1 1,
AV 1 Plotter, tuldll 41,41 mode. AZ 14
%1 1r. kit,. 1r/h. 1 11)
A /41,./el kakeinining 5', lie
41041404 fnr 1h -toner r. 7,
ly loaned mid not oWned hy defendant "47. Ono runwr la that the(' 1' it
till after the darnege neeurreee plaintiff toil ave a one made from the elwch •
could not recover on that. Item. The water to their (laical: nnot her is that
Jtiry, after a considerable almoners, re- t.hn7 will fin in frv'm ;04 end "1
earned with a verdict for plaintiff for t" °milli Pier- to a line rune
$21 and coste.-Iloberts vs, Holmes, eing from that point, cheep itheide the
Wee an action to recover for 40.houro intake erib, to a point on the hearh
wag" an a tom hmt. Robert, and Just west of the lIghthours; end an
ethers were hired at fon. one bow. ,,,,,i other is then. the river break wanter,olnes.
et a certain point in the unloruling estonded half a mile weat, the
1 bev left work. contending that by Worn' eolith to a point between tbe
their hiring they could leave arty time. Ilifbthrumw lane shillala)" hnt4'I. whP"
The defendant adwitted Robots it should striae ter. beach. The latter
roorkdi4 ftborsthihnro,wtt etireftspeirededparreent.k. apnializezidtod "orivtowitroorhorndrietirtnbet d jort,ilian
ppot° mrtricloPflethtistbcorte ttlenniotiadon- qwualyr es . and trtrat floMpanien wrath' re
t o e•f titre Mtn "rho weaked on the
'1 Mal
Pre. 1o4.•ly 30.44
What Is Being Done In Mexico to
Develop Power.
The following extract tram an ar-
ticle on " Mexico at High -Tide," in the
August munber of the World's Work,
shows what can bo done In the way of
electric power development. and is not
without local interest in vlew of the
proposal to develop power in the Mait-
land river ;
" There la one gigantic enterprise sew near
ing completion that wie turn nearly every
wheel In the v6110701 Mexico wItioto nulled
of 200 Milea. Am a calmed hydroeoleettle pro-
01:11.11tflullt: elethist"le°:. cib:PecinglatieeintIlicntest8t; '481117;10"101"7
veetmout of tepee' otibolde o railroad butid•
one Minsplouous example of the foreigner
ing. The Mini IS $3141004% an thIS COMM
not from the lthiteriHtatee Ina front canoes.
The investor la the Bank of Metered. rep.
reaentatives appeared in the shame old ono-
hotsw•car town of Pueblis with 110,10/.009. They
gar° that town electric light, electric power
and trolley ems.ifibett tboy went to the Mistral.
anti bought the street ear oyntem for $11,eliee
00e. They bought the lighting plants, and out
mica in half. They could cut robe became,
they had chcap power that wan testing them
the Umlaute of the millions. Theo power conies
from the Nemotro waterfall, ttil miles away. In
Me dry ;amen freedom absinths from a roaring
eaturitot of 3.000 cubic; feet p steeend to a feeble,
trickling brooklet. To ma the avorogo good
the year round, this Caned atO are walling up
three great venom Ellx th011/111/111 MOD ere
tot work on one of the demo., which alone wilt
nest atillIon dellartes
" Since the mountaine were stripped u
forest., the cost of coat han hodus •
this region. , Bub Lilo 'Canadians count
num eineturtrig Wont They ettet,.to inarket
the full Meese Mem capelethreer the' Emmet
falls. The Mg stamp mills at the Oro mince,
esi miles &stunt. are now run by power from
L1143 falls, and onus are handled M per cent. tow-
er 111 vales that) eould be handled before,
ts10 mils 1100 of truttamteden lit laid to be the
longest in t lie world from a aingle pester house.
The company la delivering thouaanda ef hoses
power te tho larger elem. Thirty thoueand
mtv)1.118110soins.nthobecoarta.ILleble for Ouadatelara. Bed
50/01 .114
lot..1 ,i,,t.• sung 114
The principarg report ghowed or2
pupils 0.1 the roll :SD hoo'n, Lee, ge la.
welt en :overate. al tenderise of lei
and 2:VI regpectively. a percentage 01
}SI el leo 11 111 1 1.111 1/1 I 1 eight,
()nye hrough I he nItA4•1 Iry of el las
Wiggina thrieigh illness. /1 1 11 11 1 r0
1101111• 11 I R11 1 1 1 1 1 11141.11ing tt log vytt9
required, and a eecond 14,1111 •
0171 II 1 1 11 coat 111 .:)1 1. The 'port was
adopted mid t lino -1)16e ordered.
TR Al PR It A194'16 0 A Al PALO N.- A local
°What ;tneetittg errut-h0141-in tho-toWn
hall on Werluesulay evening, and was
adtheetted by Rev. W. Smith. of Tor-
onto; Revs. Ilusner and Johnston. of
Pordw Wk. and Rev. II. McTavish, of
tiorrie. The meeting was slimly at-
tended, and but little interest Is being
taken In the matter generally. though
the vote will probably be largely In
favor of doing away with licence. The
petition, wit h more than the necessary
1111 Minn' of signatures. was flied with
the clerk on Thursday.
PRIOMNAL. John Booth spent the
imildaya with friends in Owen Sound.
• Ettanley Sanderson ate his Thanks-
giving turkey with relativeti In Shot -
bourne. Mr. and Mrli. , Armstrong
were vimiting with friends at Tara
during tho holidaya, .. Miss Jennie
Montgomery spent the holidavu with
tier brother in Owen Hound.- Misses
Mary Murray and Jean Maguire went
to l'oronte on Wedneaday morning. as
representatives to the Presbyterian
(4[111(1, to a eonventlon 41013, in Cook's
chili:eh. ; lt. Darter, who for the past
three months way manager of the dnig
111.41V(1 far 10% L. N. Whitley, left on
Halm -day for Toronto, where he ex-
peeta to !mewl, a lineation. He Wan
well liked here and his departure is re.
g vetted hy ail hie acqiiaintances.
(flys RUA I. N4r1"1414. - The ShithOdist.
pargfnage is being rapidly pieshed for.
ward, and If fine weal her holdu out
another iveek or me the brick work
w ill be Neel/heed. The Orangemen
attended 11 Ivinr. service at rit. John's
last mahhath, bon owing to the incle-
ment weather the attendance wee not
large. Those who wore there 'Welted
to .11.11 ahli; &weenie by Lhe reeter,
Rev. T. 11. arr.- A social entertain -
meet wa. en In the scl000l room "
Wesincala afternoon last bv 1 a.-
seholass, al 11 WAS high?? appt (.01 stood
hy all present --19.-o.L ,,,„ Whit an
rest tIt1 the drug [main As; . 15 ,ocrtle
Mho,. who ham taken posseession. and
lie and eke Shire have again taken
11p their rash 'Imre In OraTie, where they
fer nierly resided. They had not given
lip pi nmengiOlt, se bad nothing to do
but walk in and rommenee hounekeep-
ing again liallotvene panned oef
quietly, only a few " trieka " being
played, and must of thene of a mean
arid gliahloy character, performed hy
keys old ettosigh to be aehamed of touch
foolish iserformances
I 1. Mei ,ean letidermi his resignal but,
011 1 inoLiOtl of Messrs. s
and Ott! was tint accepted.
An invei,e ea. trail from the Na•
lona! 4111 Company :droved I.y earn.
$tod Maunder. 1 lin I t he f
take away their growls anti Ille the to'
der se rit t he Hoard Carried.
The following ac,ounts were reed
nod being sertified were orsh.red tot he
paid Te en, sidewalk, 1$7 ee ;
Lee. supplies, 1111 til ; A Nairn. alip
plies, g3 ; 1 Miinrit. painting, gx
11. Porter, telertn,ne, Pr! ."01., (I haler,
elepl ..... e meant -eve ter . titoddart,
The Itorwil hen ad j..Irne,i
Meeting Caletidar
111nlellAr ronel 4104 of is, erne,- wrop
161. rlday I et efillnt
1 4 44
1/41frilor Inont log of 01 no 1mnd 1.orttre No 11
A. a IA A el lee es ening
boat gave evidence stating that they g5 PP7 "'at' lioadwhc4' `"" the
AGFAW fined $100 V/ VOX downed tiff alittafte for argument. 11,64Wrtatti-a4Aar and "AO' g°1'42=d'"
141,4 1 4. 10 ,44441. (4441 edee.-4.w. Into
her 0A11, 1., Mr And 11, 11 11 Melt/1W Iraw•
1..a 1.1 Atm, i.e. ,1 ellt4fh 44,
1.1 ROI 1 San Al 1)ndern nn 1.1
11107 Air 4141401 1441r. Hort 07 ii 01 alliolland
Itni th. rotor ••• 04 1.4. to Mr. and Mr.
itotra,t 2.41 a 4on
Kyour R. 40011.,, N . T441, Do AtIr And
Ilarry rttown tr Kont I. .trror .1.1.001
t14 ratty. In Oriderich, an Tilitirr-dav, No.
7th. 2117 John 1, 1,1 array arri rs seers Thy
ftmora1 twill take pirma forma the re.idenos
hi. tmottror in ka Jrarnn Attain. 1 /*/ /Irril 12.
noar 17. 11 ht. Ildrilloni aftatornm. to Limit
err:Aar; t,r4t fro tto hong. IV>
Calloway Tinto Table.
The tare. of Tor It ergot' 10 thin year
ere 32.1042 Mae than tont year, the total
now being a 7,tr22,
A man ran run a alert. without arl•
verinting and he ran wink at a girl In
t be dark lee what in the lute?
Auxiliary of the Wing•
ham foopilal tenderesl a mapper and
eoneert, anti the rentilt la that the
hospital la teele better off.
'I lie I owlet) conepiriece rime Will
like' y be caller! at rurtinto in the week
of Nov. 114, and it it uald that witneareira
fr West Durses will be notrnmorted
a.. w ell $ta Iis froitn
The Clinton New F.rn. wanth the
nt411 of that town to provide a black
t ter the cemetery caretaker to he
wet n t /mettle old y , and a "rtieehani
eel I, everer mar which would
disi.enee wit h trail bearern he grave
.1, Ain Port one, of the :Irti ;einem:aeon
Tuckeramith, ease of Egmont:1 v ille,
111, i it year cued t he tiny produced from
12 mere,. of land for gAitl, The hay was
seed In the barn and the purelumer had
to remove it. /lay le aa good aa gold
(611.4 yielnarrs' ie. ..f Clinton, nice with a
painful accident lard week. and it wag
fortunate that he wan not nerlounty
injured. De Wan picking applee on
he Stan y farm, London Ifotull, and
nearlt •e, feet, hurting hininelf In-
ternally, find neverely spraining hla
anTh1110; farm off Thema° Connoity;Tnek- 4,
promit h. /WM avoid Mecaro. Edtereed,
end James Plannery. cons of Miehrel
Flannery . of the liftmen /toad. east,
The te iee tv as $5,1111i. It is a good
farm of 100 aCrPfl. korate-d, with
veal buildings and In excellent con -
di won found near Dearre're
ritty, a pair of largo borne, su
stow6ametiol, (.1011:1:11.e(h!alrnmete:onnes.hincp,rttbe.00t; oevdr.
Harry Golden and 0112. (Myer. of
;flintily,. were shooting In and around
the 'swamp, whets meat the party caw
a horn protruding tram tbo ground
4141til (11. up. )11he other torn Was
foiled with it but -wee broken In two.
Tho spread of the hone from Sip to
tip Is nearly Overeat.
VID 7f44 nn 1.011:60/
14R0 Grukvirti 1111.M. 7 lee. 1.1-dfnkra
Arrive ' It Le • I el p ,m. 7,17) ' 1 1 ri
AtIA/11A1/1 PACIC/11'
liczeo Oadortrh 014141. n't 41.5 h 413.
Ar31co 1110 o. tail '