The Goderich Star, 1907-11-01, Page 6'p. ' wee, es samai aimiwid, tot ifiai. oh. fittp, feirpit raitantitra I.4 asall wetting end weld do *my le- gnu 4,3s4 jto 10 UN It 4einteer '.4‘14lbws, if " Ye !_"‘"nly'laF/1"111‘lw thnothei Neu, fee itiniffillete Ye*" tenor Pi sultht.: le SnUite Ile terrible- Or t,enternien lam: she added emipliati-, FNMA Al$8044.14 1114Ys Wiliii* 114y; wol bee ribbed, you initY gibe UP• A. fillieThltife 11.01a.,pii ka, „lieu! isileiri ti4t b4k vilatk a iwy.l.'s orinSt tial: VritiOn *II4`t ille tii;;_iitICA tilt Mit ttnItt:VeTitt5lieffeb" #00.11R"iii Vietery at i4s144044 - + larotigh. veretessitess or liti own Utah VO41 10051, Iteniquiad Pah Sinibettna Peiverfia Illaploatvia; sail -7 --- Ton filaY Mink him illightY hard. 4141 inelie, COO& ' , look i31. ell hes done Mr yottLand held Yuba 10410. Nowitt there's+ Me list of r ' rtalnia I liewlY' AP- ,-, . ti' what, f went, and try, to. watb'bueb your 'penned porrmandar or 0* Reich ye- moo by mr, it, h, twin., ,..4 aloand„ . alnite.5. mut to mike UP'iour,"•inind lotto elIterrataetia ileat,,Iiiikbatto 14 sensation., N. a. ML. mato hi a tiobAnatt, and 'nate., )011a dad wan18. .41 stack 0 ..ilie villeleficy pi the Ortitd., no,stAgy 4 1104 4441400, mu. iltagoet notlietit r type of fattlesbili. Ifs &elute ,hi oaittb, 031404 /14 atibor 40-:ek 4 1191111111.1141/. PAM 441•111114 VI* Weft• sod Aims* As bes.the lbw 1411111440(011004 VIM. Cow IS Ilk Sescse, .1fy strength Au ahisest gone. tax won" very ellen, end I mad name sulk. I vied none nosestio, but WY Ont no hOp me. Filially friend ed. Iseis me /a 141ii, fir. Wiliam` Pink Pith. (lid so and te-dae, Menke so The Plat, 1 alle 4 Peelle -4V welt min." This ver einpliette statipassat a 4011 41Willol, Ikedi ia the sidiliag Pools of the crow 1 OM* baessimadk4 ins hie saeore • Lwarywa. poi#14846 Ara way* ati *VAL tII!* WAW NOW TVs woe pais ageiewit tirs eirastaisi faisivellp fel the elle sell es welsbille oda hatateit. MO (bleat tlateirt POO railikt re- 044 .10 tomoitEtoztotowx+xoxfoot+Kora A xt44400+,A trarntele„"1270104`, tAtIgit CHAPTER Vc4olnilmed). ,Ilieot or lao. it% zit ac"Ou WO On otteteen year& As froifim WWI You 0JOY(1,R, AvEll :CO 0»,Yolt, O'Oro A10 IXO4Ch TuPt% Van jiff by MAW Whole to ttoa VildO4Ver clattscd 41 shadow on Stiitheaul'is fate, What ceulil have bap Out in the neat back garden. When* the oamo love vetetallOo ottcNVO41 Heti 40 the front, Ms wonder put HSU lido tough, you liet, Yen% MO Mr Alio 4QAtiVet pissed the pale tileeW 1.400013F, 4( *11417 411e• $14 Ille4V 1141154 ftQatl' Whiq 'FiciolIes*.tNiliati 04a. 111 , harm was there In All 7s Mugs. ex lesiva Wiens rattier then IQ ow I- Jr. :Where, indettl, otOtdd they etoW it to ibvo of 1104 gum. eke herself Ited"been tio Teatiliddli years 144 oitibi wen. littoot tow. 4riontirt, M. 044 or illtatty, 441,1 ,te„,04„ A-040PM Wtul lirtrArrig MI CAW* of the-Uptinetat .tetkinsaa. - 8onininteti I coutil itiCtorieli, tla VarEast- tital a.saric. but lifttio wait too week and risthief MP, And Could riot cat in tt*aft. AM" fee. itt 11.....,....-...., I was trauhled with watt minim Ito dental IA roCently. that Ad- egset.ab* to 40 40. / 410 vattiorut 404 by a flour ORTE tts ost. Then Yon'il n to follow ;IOW' wards. For he felt that hts Int0101 in .40014411' the thenglit of rryhis „lottL 444,44, osibe, A0mtot/ty Own wilt. Dut -flist, mine must be obey; gt0 ttoo kvos thifebeella intenSO,' hoin wit* nitart meluhar ihofrfaileg wo,k;14 boo undaubtoty meogd Wlif yoti do MIS flung. YeS or Oa Y more town*: thgn it °tight in 1A, ,put Itathttortgen t$o- long, MIN It r wimonot tiitt.ortiamitmoto: LW Stintiont• ttraiglitelfai homed and 'hal LI the matter you, child r. 111 giVinfs A WO 4 terrible ' 11:014 Mon nle JO 44141^ bOuses fei her es inched A ult. tnerire,11.? Y 10? w0041 AtYgt. curt7 le e Pta Waft ttrttl lter to *vett en them, ee as to fibsost you the fiNothIng; she stammered, Me -10001' pfolitin by 44 14 1"Ifed trAwlY Into V% bow 4a40t1 gently...taking lbo PuPPY P*0141 thicat, ' $.ure her ;Mother 04010- not '3..,tillarder 'Pf.40414141ilift A':g. riitt t in v 1.'eceinetrtict191,4 ,Francei way about them ? Is that your. mean- rushing to ler race. "Nothing, exelainted Duncan, "and 114/ nodded. yet the twat ttas gone mit of your eyes, *TOoltO shOrp cnoogh, I'm glad You're taw sunbeam. 'Your aunt also 1000 grin' to rOthati to IV the picture ohnilsory. ts it Milting r A quiver ren ihroughi her. Dor taco cart held you. iivithr grew Palo Us 'death, She shook her head, "Then. tallier, Fin sera, but I can't. "No, thank. yenli There Is really no. AM me anything hut thel,, vii tvork MY Ming We matter, she replied In a low tirer° to 0 Ogle, hu that I cannot vow, do. Duncan ut the cleg the. ground and ills fano darkened. again. A tow curse broke from. ids ilps. She drew back trembling before the glare of hie inite Wes.' ' "You eaall Welh, you anat. I give you till tonight. if vou still soy no VII Men ail you hew I banish au uncloan- fin, ungrateful daughter ive,t eloesn't ,iiiink o' her father's ocentorls. t bet theft you'll wish you'd sea yes-Lft, MO PB. My hand itches ter spank' you. BO ell wait till to -eight. Willi givo me your answer then." "It will always, be the •same" Inured the girl. • But he lied banged thrq door in her Vice and was nteeatly ougetle. Y(tha erY, 'like that of a wou ed Tellehtina„ bud, Surthean4 flew to her, aunt's a me SUILI it at) 4 As. wtt4 her Wenn, 'she Waiebee) thel).410..unit down 0.,n,th:egittattglotr. adiot, 13114 mitteoirairc,;(141,11:01:110but 1;r1‘:(1.101:11,0:::44,114:1,014:4110te 40400: 11001 ehe not felt ber‘shritik. ehe hissed trust With a theltingsigh 01* weak bolt ttte'Rtteho4 *44 intrst gat. ,ahe blamed nor for tier otiose), It %is den, A huge currant bush h10 inul from older wataan't sadden tsoe 'With 011 UU4ll1U 8Q11) 00' WIJIUSIW famed 113'to erid.of tbe little gar- , Suntiettin'S deptirile .41WI 4 rfaW- the house. lie: appeared absorbed An the 'yorning Imo opatamt, qiild ,bis animal's Mlles-, and stood 6tlent untg dams revived, Them wtot 4tvilmtling she ttaa come up to him. ovum atoot. eise why shoot hdttt wo. The* ad faced lier. iler eyes met his men tea se teeetebege tor the firet thne, and the look ot dumb pia teilitinty a0 Holy ,neeewe appeai di - 1» their velvety depths made WM trot id hiret ineeerisedt as - Me • day teal More than ever that there ems avow- irtighleired. Per she stein coultimallY Udng naimbeara, L tyLot 5.,•011 %pm lot ftra ingettweee Suri-om and igg_1.1,:litrrt, tertibly wrong, h $'1 help yell.. WISh. ytitt V041tid SC* in liaa had IghtOneil the pot Av,eetc an 1.-- a friend,' be pleaded in a hurried whis- neva: the 10011010ny of MS present life, per, steeping over the dog as he sPokei. were vetted her Pre$enee. Only For from other Orgeos rlot far If. they once Nut bo. obato pt,yetddho to the Avis ed to he OdUtiona• °Although Yoh. starthig Mit atter an early,to. be nun have not known nie very long, a le lin. -steeping OVet a DWI itustOrlhillis• daYe simPlY• can't You, truer -111e . entering the flowers to deCOlittO hla would do anyttilnff bring the sumo lett be observed, and kr her ake he girl elone, Ande.tileh $ 011 ottoo tt,t)x ons tittl''thlit 0404. guns, Used:, Po' .the Preadneftigtit,", 400. they-'41110110, .bigh 104Mallte ..abelle. The "MatiL.anniantent 440, he: ' incrizased; "14.0-L4lie 04,p4140' ttikl4liggt titer„ v,Or* '..1)10,,,..01111001)11/01ts MAO. ife.V.410. •431041041.'-:.0ertitiliet - deeigios.Ulat -h bas oe4 OtEelat • deetinients iteitttlaRY...1114110',/,te., the ',the°, I'Y that,- tlie Ii1Vien',WerShina; Were , beaten, 'tieentise .04 ttin beolest JaA4neso'gnno,_,- titiring The earlier nooti efigagetneOw the 4000444 u.Sed' 12,10; sbells.'10Milier -1, the d Frahce. and Orehtifirt.. 'taht, aiiii.Ciliarged Avid). a mall quutL- ty ,of explesive.s. 'lheee belIs were 1t' tended 'Mainly In :pierce. the arioot eneinye..elitreie . . . The - 4:414,t1BOSO: $'012, realized, liew.e!ar... • that. the results.. ,ditf:IMt. enorMens expel* .4.11VOIVedi bPO4,:IXAVOIP:014040' WOO Shells.: Alt. the ._Ships,in Adm r. ileet,fieed these shell* at the bailie131 ' The, shells exploded. 4 the least...60'i. -taut, aria t*pit,,, out, tremencloua heate •elfellare tet. ibee' which tollowed dee and sobbed c her distress. . "I thought 1m loved me auntie, end yet back to your face, Sunbeam sighed. leer aunt's wore., crept Into her mind, Mitting 4 44,rb On het soinesvhat willing tongoe. Perhaps he WLIS only a denietive, likei the lodgee they had years ago. Any word against bet. father would he used by hint. She dared not speek. And yet the blue eyes were so honest, the face so good. She longed for the comfort of telling her trouhle. He woe 'strong and would tell her (what to elo, whether duty t* 4 par- ent demanded the eacrifire of honor and “Sttttheatn," he muronlren, PoWitntil b.% events mo lo do what I cannot, do I" ber skive "I want you to tornanner ha she eselaimed. if ever you are in nr.11 of help I well ,flyie eely duck, my duck. Try le eome to it, i am your 'Plebe. hts wily o' Winkle% lt wilt be best. ."Thank yell; she breathed,' ralaili.ff On--" grateful -ey.s./.eo Ws flushed faeo, 41 wl "What, you also ? Oh, auntie, 1 can - rear me? Why did, you make me love eenAlleti,boper.0:,htt ponswiz on up titm.,path. riot. 1 would rather die, Why did you W44. fil4 pulses beaten svildly„ toelook you so ? I cannot do thls thinl."" In the hazel eyes hail plerned itze4111.s,sent. 'lewd yet you're Ms child. ou mtret And, for no Mason wheetiVeie,'IMIelt obey one or Valente. Bill is a terribPe himself ready to willies tile elge end man if roueed. And Lhis is the that time soul for des sweet•faced girl, . t I • you two mune to !loggerheads- 1 Might self-respect, Whether it were honer to sight of -het father, weaning' IIPORelltin have known he'd something like tills uP obey, or accept the ptuitshnient await-. ;nen the doorway,: :gave Mtn 4, sonelf- • tog eleeve." ine her. She sliUdelered a little as she Whet a sellareental feel be N,Vestek air "He's -never tisked a before !" moaned thought: TIM remembrance of Gentle- a, veiny bee leevOn sitolt Alfixa on 1 .1 the girl. man Dan, the tell Inackeird mail she Whet eleinle Oven tet,ve ' lie Zueed, saki the woman e rotting her hair lov- father's cOmpany, thrilled her wall hoe arose Ohre hiSerneli al'kens, ' • ingly. "Bet yob (must be brave, darling, rev. Bow eouid she irtarry him? And (To beklittilliedb „Melee:ins on 'tee Preftch battlesiliP Jena. ht oiioneonle.linontbseigo. The hard. - eat Menge !,ve„,ere malted, . and Produced • an. ot1OiknOWA vialinth destructioe'gae- es---etirherile .neid'ernd bleixtde of nitro- gelietwhto •.auftpelitot every one wiaa • breathed ' • ' Thole gesee, penetrating the Buesian 'tetiimetlirooteheilidegaritileters.notlectilier, 411004.tpityleliiied tee Men on the letie SO eo - 1 , "in' tile offialtil r,aporli Which furnish - ,..ed Me ,with this infertm4P00;n• O014, "lion Adreirel 'Gem -Alvah "1104611(3: lute. mi 'Mit:feats, , On o eetlillitt 1108444 s p twin of the betWit One had 000XOtt "I might have pessed he would," had eeen So often in her ch dhood In her erellintettielt li.11-011. 1 thut ereUng 1,40 WM trY to ghle in or thiriosi WM be yet how voted she do that other thihg? Worse." For a mama she stood In silent eon. , "Nothlng can lie worse," exclaimed the fuct, her head drooped to hide the tears PnTIESTIS. NOT IDIOTS. . gle hol'"il has managed- alone so in her eyes. Through them the blurred , " ' "e*-% :, ' j long- .Why el Geld he weird me now? vision of the gey garden, and the. Lady Ltoetor Glees Advice (0 Medical het me go a ay and earn my living, , , Staiderits. Viol** ,tita. laripat Wit Or 14004. ,easiy..* sk• Plans rtittadi and Agana, too** *ter kneaded wait Mar 00100.• bY 'Pent. ,porstossie04 +Woo re.* 0,W ,IdttAt Ittril$141ext up. tottigeAtiOtt Vatrke 14 4 JO in), It YeAltri Intr,P*11 width balk lUst. 1)4140. ariltr tier the l'unk. ot ,AnCliar liner Et/4416T niklorY4 alld Corldt4tOr4Wee, tb41 t Rescue wark at Loa ortusti hop. The antiouneetnerit ot the Sone mute me ainuat hoPelaSs. I tried sev- le "foreign account' of tha itinams 040 Mettionate-bUt vain.. Then Ole on by Btit,ish, bodist. *41"414""e4" "4 T imiT eee spot c loot dey: friend said, °I.Vity xion't you 'frY con,sidernig pier of life lay ship. in the bakery ot xes**1' that has .kent' or:, 'maniple Fink tbellY: Wreek;--eitid Drift:04 ue 2441( dealkg •Iieed many a larger aro mom paten - and. I, alkali aluniYabblirtiterul tor'lllota•-': Wrilt Me sUbleat /Or . the year en Uti 'tams eldra iluiA,,pf steel. t fo,*- filbert :lime fr began to regal* tev,, :Yana so.• 1906, is itist, Issued...It :is well ,, Vow ships, have .40,aVived. 4 ter .611011' beartit... / Vailld :eta better. amt. V110.10 tik. toke'intO addount la* livetseaved NM A close 'calf 'as Ike sturdy' 11, Ile. italf. ,,,,,03/ I, ,,,,,,0A. 24(1Ly3' My blreugU) ,.4;„ ;,..„,i.l!e;" VtLed4, .9,A,S-Weil 'a* thasit0F0Per. i01' per. .001Intlistern Steamship had When site ",,,,---; '•• '''""-,* ',,.',.m. '''', ,,f•-•• -'''',1" ''' 'fienstwelt -Perished., ' :, • ' ecilidod with an, "iceborg .ta lalt,,es 'SO Vit$ Jit.,`,I0Ot l*rfe011Y' W#1X 144.$.0e .'444.1 . The total AbiIitiOg. 0111',NSPIOrtt 111,134110 .*CtO. lett. The vcsitel' had to' her acne tIlliv.t9. 41,0(14UY :111.(1•.-10, , Pr.. V,Piltn.O.At" wreck ilk Britah.- alliPtc,10. .te;•11Y-eive 4 lot ‘Qi 4t010'4O404.• Pink ; 4194t1114 '014$ 1191' 11344e' 1'); 45$''$e4' HU; l'ifEAD • Pr. WA1141114t Pits bulid wino inert ari(t 4gel)assengers,' Atiliouilb 140' *Arength: and diiVe,iatit 411Sease 40 tog. ices or liinin:I0OkIvet0.SW011en by: The :The Ethiopia- bad iert New Yorly C. -onway-they' make new: rea. lase el thalalda if.vesi, the figures 1804. botind 'Ter -04sgent, • OP 40; It' well. act Cm the the annim'i,1tver19/01q'.010 ..t4rOY't°14 -2i `‘Ve,,, S011id,*01(4 4:ift0/1 tigeti,04 ef b. liateellge•Ahee d'Ora Alur0 1144 41<•Ort 'yoarS. % ' , ,` $4,,° • '4‘i tlOtkPtieg' Wit 114ttet' ttl4t, `14104,,cdretwate 'PM% .Titcw' 041 Wtrict..:-Ttke, 'total number- cit ,Seattlen ,,4114 OrarYbo,dg, oft Ids?: teet, :414 ;uippt, .40.104,04s ttien.,iownyn. being -With niere'syltiptoMs. .go Iight to' pasSengerS-'saved from ,wrecks. piissengem Mabee.' 'Or • Um lifeboats. 1,00,,,deil $0,11,014#440. tto •,.•bpottOties.Opa., 4411 vere, savOrl. '4n tho: coaSts has -sWilti4g +ant,' t liw.,hattok to „warn •j$, •\.,(01, thor„ .ore, inotwstictirn 4710),Ito,44. *t ppp•urnb,!s• 1£4. 1.111, colltstoti %%tel.( 4.604411,, !or, $ own MOO hs,,' lie Ceuta nenteligla.lit, Vtios <14i1g0, -111,001, •• 1.4•Ktpots 33Z 714'''. 36)11 tnts' r'porti IrOnl 1)11.5 nocniti vo rnlo te vloe4, . 'Kee:wing -RIOS and' weafes, do' n'ot -----------------------607 • 'ell'Ierg'1•11 4,1°()41, itc• Ultitut:buiiu learned: any .otiO Vi • Leon it seeitesaemiter eellece*C0454010010 e 444141ireti 4144/144 .Pr p4/444, wet *A it :141461.A4Ak(MirT> NOS It ant OIR AllapaiSIUMI-44 114111111110. dell* kteitalnefor ittlitatt *vary grows perieen 1.4sIc pox twat ilatnce, whAtlaat It y101,40 004 tor Pit Ea the antaltit ot you ajtUOUy (131 1116113 0, , blood; • That is Mt 'they- 410 but MT.- ,sbow tledreusin Pt q31140repared With he afternoon Of .41111e 6 while- graing DONT DE' TOO TIT 'tiPitTgr."*" thoughtless -restless puppy playing at bee feet, made picture that imprinted itself vividly on (fer memory. In later days, when atter much tribulation she found peace again, the remembranee of IL was agonizing. Her short life lied been so 'sunny, so free from mire so fraught not --.-.16 The 'Lohdon .(England) press is seek - "You owe im something, my duck. end risking , welt, whilst you had au i Mg interviette from memliers ,ot the fiet3 WI it od father to you, working medical. profession on certain feeeages Wells youte Otos, you OWO him eerie* in cat address recently delive„red DY En! OM condo -AS he could get. And he things SprA fonsa 4. with love, Mat the shadow that hacl now of Medicine for %Wean. The Pa s ges Sarah Dray liefore the London Selioo "Bitt•npe sly eelreespect, auntie. Obi fallen upon It, overwhelmed lieleevelb, its 4011Mellitle_h coMment IS Made read- lls Ilet mile yell urge me to givi3 6466 " .t.... , ... _.,-,,.. --- . 143 beets. lady's maid many a neverthelees she realized that she must cause iha prefeseloti exists not, indeed e to 'belle him." • la 111, to einem them. . 'One sleauhr riot ally that, tile 14Pani* , . itiVe 'end lelppinCtitin neatly, So Mat be t u A ha' IAN-. starkness, She 11411 never imagined' roll( ft think it's wisest now. MY trouble so bard to bear. She had never "It ielegitimate to pay) reasonable at. See, 01100 bed to help hint. We too telt so utterly atone, tendon to the 'opinions of Patients he, itria. -.The; ,paechalitsma was Inspeeted, and rekind .:ttitect,„ 'but, ell the members theegine eernen efeerOltiflie deed MI the durrets, bating heeti etephp.kieted.- , 'The ,either Mot was more dis- quiettng, During the :etigageinent the electrin.light tha.....seme ship, Jelled. •4.eLiarst. or, police uniform. as a sym of The *PUS nIfd diufteinea were found ziaia Not ofel et Mete will inter-' perleot ,Order,.,,hat, the eleettictillee lot? ‘.11,0 `policeomn, But they have ttS the ,14,00, ,ot yit tlie Lot .vemai, to,x1 1.00), ;vessels in iluek.cialliit,..,VINS12-ntL''. th.,.0,1(‘ •1*1 IPeg•,4 t.t1,}pe thinleing"-;100, deeply, pa el:(trey , liobIt thet, w14' euro ttouttagi 'Wit3110401 Q3)0 lr, 43, .)Ocit PPItt$11,' ter.lt.<4`Y 'Was, 7,074"' 444t:e14',4 4°"'''"`!!4". (3'"er lIaS 'Mt 'filtitionse amonnt ratiure 41, diniaess. and:heart: nalpitatien; 71110,'me -Thi(fcd' Kfo4d,;)41, rcOlOwo :HO? bOw,. hut, ineb. orttOrd tetIt' u lauguao r rp,i4xed, oat liis as ha Wealettess, .000 'the pppeio °MOAT '0 Piissin shin etoaStiA040c1 193 Ca'Pt' \\?°61.1 74$°Mble(/' wdolit:ilephte most edveotegd trogt, lo tp.iN fi4Extif, ove.t to litetp 440,tors, ,:stupti!„ • boai, 016111 IbCre was 11,0 $M11.V0 tt _ th'os40cOrOplIshroents tho Woo to): ut you itotot ,,o„n getttug itju ,uumher se optuatips gOv." Tho 1'i )5I44 reP4;'lle"4' /1..(1.s.Y°'ITtLj !.s‘'7,1•Onfih Tr,,.litistuitslet1)1.11.0scit..41trte 4V4.6:4141114111riies'PaPiliris ItwiPtilil)sili:te‘rf14,11‘'LitTi14'01)15i$1:3' itl°oraYe!4114-MTV-1911yegaillrg' 111•111' 4tt:1311‘evttfit-ll "1)1 I'v.tlf \g,,,laitridor?,jui4 bs gnlz ittge teu ktbuot. On 411,V Wti'aPPer ,f1,041„, `leech .lapv lir,ss, by, 1,,002 tburt tbe avornge for 'Wilson, aocor<ttug to Shit na 41114, 16 WO „by pit' xn&Itclue Moil the prevloun 21 yearn. am less tnon. '111407, 'r.01011,11)erea um 50o:'m PO,.."' or; six .b6106. co 040. 044. proittott8, y 1901.z,t` i\"4dtehet% tiwypther bydad 41,(1 119F4/ from The,. tot,, NVIIitainS" Itiodielae Co-! 'he 111110er-44 ort.bontttl 1111.) 'ti.ch)!` the.: daagh becsmo, , • Brocliville, 'Ont. ' tiCieteitieri., 'Tenn ‘,1„11e pi101 To wopK, -:`, , TINt01ti(t7,TANIES , enr was 157 ott,tiatd&thigi, 01)404144' r••• " '' • •-• • • , •' - 'I: - • f -t ; • , e collo ,ott tttem, to . os •T • p., „fatili)g.r is. mother, 'SPE um ton.. • - „ eastiallla Were 1')e'40'nt., Or le, it, el&terew and' passertgers!:,....iithee4 414i' ....e1Wilit?,H-F4--aaro wear later mat.' ;AS, 1$1.)°:a44-7411.0,1°44se‘o'44'.U11:41)ete',„,414,i1147P.'rs4-41.:1'11-14.t1A.4211'%4' l'erto--;:vaturt:4)orta:Yrtiorinv#4::'Itsta.:11,4rubOtd();-4.'i'itlillr.:Plf Ir $t ntght 6 ;304 iftoott's.,,,by,,t11,•.',400&t,tes.te,.41)1A . $lrx 40181011 wrecks- 4a4 ...vane:4104 New Vbric I °till* 111411440061!.1.°14 Deelhe Or' ,,1tte. eit . erreeits 11•6 tho**1*-hdtd*-104 mrted.teewsr y ,,svo 11,460 U 1414W)01, citsr ot New ?mt. paid . V -e11011.. 0": ASO tkrItie 4t1,114, tak and the.lotal, deetha *-0-3-'OOttOtelet,Y..retnitareettliay*-i.van, it _rit Ittkeveirat711YingliiVilerralttilreri,t4n1:9'.141;139),Plirk44!$: w.e.,rPj e.'56'' .9. er..ueeit., and • Antler 411'.til'inteF.t Ativict Jo- viCTIDIS Deputy,. t.,-,onnotestmier , grin ,fetnerd. ; . etr.„-e , • 4tting i ported dogs. W431, • • , "ctuaripc speed. Thaw (ta.Ys., :who'd ,,.(4!),gret iwittet itt *es wdec, auxiliaries a, dotatAle Onti. importe ' • . enOre the crew Nrtlietr•••411,1,ttitig:41* qat*,*, 1114 Unpleasant. cwder pOljoortion r.entand that the' eheep dege , The; gthiopia -was pay.alteed •-•;-P .0, PAPPPS. . will do' high.olass work alien sunset, - , gtel 4ft' .44 the 4=04 W‘9.5' niutlan 111 Scant 10 tbalciatte,vonien.iinv, She•Wti.S.,::tbeajc•for4Pla. ,,bri',410•5*11.0ti f ottble tre. EtiOtielln aloe Vvhicli their 110141A, ItUATIEOS VOW Gtftg out. K.)t weter. 15) s moat seeelee they are gherated he ;', ' • • , ▪ Tet 'WOg: lot ' •. , tr. Idedllal districts at Melte.. Prom • nuirifiitrATISarAT.,$0.1a. . . due- Ib.-. ('164,1,' .00 1.1010.-.10..; ,.did • „ • , , amt. emelt' They base heal 14101e -to lint -it Thosa ' DU et ToireetiOne ett 4.4S191140. 1100111.ga% preParation and the Dose Be Take Oltercomea liedney. Trouble., There is so „Ithelimatiern 'everywhere • tied; ti'W ...following ad- vice. )3)r eminent tiothoeliY, who •-eveltee'-foritadeleieolete-tar tete Feat -- ern dally-paperi.will be highly eppreci- ated by those Who suffer; , Set, from" goy geed pheemitiesreone. hell ounce Muhl Gilead Dendilion, one ounce Conepolind Beirgon, three ounces of 'Cortipeund . -Syr-4.136 SersaPte, villa, Shake these ‚.‚.'ell 116 4 bottle -anti hike in teespoontel dteeep Otter midi. 'Meal and at •beeitinde., Med tit!** dnentY 1.4° 13'10// 4004 -.140-420 th°' .tils0 bean led to believe tlutteiny person gases, ayising these high e.,iplosiVe. 44\vpiT, is'Yh'ne°dtifghis neelinite9rinnianwdilionbte3ort dsOrour-- 1[12:44% too. vh* asPhYsiated by Itie tr;gcr. w,0941L,141)ehtaseohln,:elutagblyva, caall'atic4°Inisg apiliditco43111alry• wayierhis of the night. As isoott its' they 0The. ilitpieelah;• 'et - the, ii404 ow. on .tmeoftermedeperson they tin% eattsed. lisetweet hull of the ship, Teo' eeee -,on. harking 1111.a :policeman 'and '01041r:the/IQ lisetiree Ole gee' totpars. It Mete quarry tties 10 i'U14 .1, 'hated eVer.Sevikeree ,Mittint two 14-hieli. itiVoy they TO; With hen, They, are the ent et told plenging the< eeetete4„,,,,,,1 lane tea of oet- r ulana.= looked with horrified eyes ;0011 elite:1g; hi; ellnal"IlYiebVSOC411 ""tea'56P411.121 it Possible, h UCIIIIL 46111464.6 46 4 :entire- ship in dor -nos. 'Hag .bit Wee% •the 'feet of the ugi- Odell in thle handsome stranfer, wall beard through, til leastIt aret visit the co Oh, tun Ang -AS th0 avert hecaat "Yea, Ina. * tame. .- ,,your she exclaimed, fel- - :1) indeed the ground bad tier ' eet. And it hasn't made nee oe elute itto And 1 didn't have a high ittedln --111 tribe me to 11. I did it, luit`s I." f 61WW1 ,40Offl"Alnifinured Stinbeame the bars TIT* iret, ageln. e 'tree Wane you tomight," re- pliigtoirinan, sadly. ?SA at an be weireer Death? Not In MY Oren Will he kill rata Ilshould pre - ter • . "Lore/Mot Hes never- geminated raw- det autiale inteine to make $411 \ marry entleinan Den. remem- bree,tign, the man 'with `the Wee oyes w116 ed to frighten yva so ' 'Mk girl% slight figure swayed from slifilloeside. SIM thino to bereelunt as theligh•tet supper,. ' "$O ,,yete-d better Jae the other. thing. Afterifilletvitete's the learnt ? You mmlit 44 liChtiventi riding in your cal lege. TIMM fit lies thietli nine ti ate tin Ma -410141 how end ete:ineeteet,eighte Selthere'e tin 11. iielnetesUint thing as ow - Ing illeiiwtyst hig trause. That n't Waling Vourscir.” tatily treatil,", reiterated Statbetito, :;tior ItandsPdespairingiy. igtrynititralt; „nit -0k 004101 hate,..13r1, 100 0 'MLA .4°----"” , "13.01°Ite"Weita, ernet, twee ino to 5 34)141, lifirif father loves OW. Ile n! lierso,,que ." . .9'-',-;... shookd-doini.itiy - , en Aire, l'e In your father no. . :.- Vilit an limn 1. I know; hor haw I ,.. kittlw ',.ibt•et .51 '711) this. WWII have tri 'lifentioniti. nalyitit' Pollirr. 1 reed iliatmtil' It,' 0,1A`•i:'. IrlkilliS /whet he had In view, sit t \\ th '4.1): ,,ye74‘r:,", ,,!,: t i 4 'OW .41104 AAtice Gettlienian Den,i. niu Ilited.$130 eelteein a low valve. ' ,, 'iiit. iif 3;inip ti bee Mtirtnim l'ot it 1 knon, ,,:.).4011,,n ' illieti It's linenii:oi. iie -: rood': utit:3-ol1 tkittiei; That one a Them) • 'Ivo th 0 millt fikilone. yam. father's - jiti leis 1 tWek.kind ,Nvonts 10 4h4IM Iklin • hie No.ilOtiliti,1110,-topue Is sly end ilfM .tisle.el: hir 0..g.tre.,ifitips it's lite neve eoUr iti I, berim.",tom..,.',Iliat. iiiakett 4deargive . t min:thee tiliatre.;., 'Not !hit 1 Lome etiellibig. it's IRS! ea -much et sliecit to mc.na 4114 hii.S.iu. '4 Snd 4.44 It's tathrre1. iiim lie Atinakitiventim mouninso-.014011, II makes lar anali Icies Cientiletvluei/. 14 i bno sotioido ,Ikt, tkr. iwi'Ait tliw,11,-Art,i4o, 141. their 10111114, 1 ',Cala 111t,l'' elentleti the k nd voice and still kinder ace. No matter how welch hater we Idlest 'a.4'e rettrierrianthip'• tvaalnaryelotts.,.. So she stvallowed her tears bravely, and, raising her head, said, in a trenne lous voice "Really, 31 15 nothing( I have dad nlY pwu WAY so long OW I and it difficult to obey- iThet Is ett. My father wished me to MeseinethIng, and refuted." • "Undutiful child?' he exclaimea play- Ailly, though an inkling of the. truth- thishea through .his tirein. 'The obsti- nate Sunbeam refuses to pierce 4 cloud, „and sheds detkness • 'mound tiers naughty 10 I" She sin' ed. A tone of banle,r was tier - Mini, easier to put up with than one of sympathy, since sympathy was danger - moo and awkward to evade. "Is It wermg to dieagree with a par. eat ?" she asked, a touch. of anxiety in tier vcice. "You have learnt your Catechism and reds lite that? Well, tve are supposed 10 (limy, but on some polies OUP meet help having one's own opinion, eiteh ae pones of !Mime. A thing that, Appears right lo et parent may seem wicked to In'. offspring. I cannot merely), myself more freely, for 1 do not lamer what the Ming is that you refused to do, But your father loves Atte And love, as a rule, is neither a hard nor a cruel laskmas- , • It WO things are wrong, whteli is \worse; to eacrifice oneself and one's Ilk - jags or DUO'S conscience?" Ile emend out Ids bends expressively! "Ones conscienee, one's honor, sheltie ke saved et- all teens, little ht.obeara, .90 polsonotte ;-leitt-e-oiretifee-my curiosity, Tide panto , vi-op-ottotora,- otil,k,„. stir. zoom, be terrible not to cause such vseo ualys owtt Itablos taiastt thenighls. As I teed before. youe /unite, believe we know than shadOes -What Is wroog, she ttols that the most ,sallent. fuels tiave been intesedelf we do, not liaten, .) WAS WitIA but thetr, soueiza wfis rodlY ;,1" --;:"*414--"----.- • due 'to the; high eXplbalve nature of •EiNcinneeity IN BERLIN. Shells, although some of them dki, not , • • a scientific interest may show foaling,. 1..P44'prbIllettl:::::alnaer:1111:.,..00T:1041t.:niSe dt11: 14:;* .(,.:41511"1). 4(1°6 "It a eltettinit vardiet' tan he . given. 4i40. wat'Shil) we0.0,00gaged. most 'rice *Ad .norrOwness is•rePerted front "Do 'eomething, If Possilite. eltef;, Whole' keeret.ot' theitiPetleke Victories. • . plume • tances at whiett. the. hIpeneee and telfe. extr4Orclinery sibry of -caste pre. 1/111: ihe Padent,and'her triples Wen eee." lief, inttances4he, Iiipanose.opened &many,. sr.tieeotimiellait ther0. never fail to give it, and P1°In Eng° twin LW* retie& he reeetuartert ot-h' „eV/Le a conartilh'elne eervieri- at- ire old 11°4' rono • r 'goetenn enure 'largely, ate ntoolors 'shoul(t• ittlotv* Where • jnn inipeetant to inarin frietidet' sometitnes he 16010 .havreltille'4"0Poill:;1.11.;4411141)1 whom to frighten. Denleihnee it is Dili t r - 114 *44f4 °(.1 Tee'l 40 mitsekst 'au& eanlidates for O ethanol to do me • was'et t y intik ni e. It !watt Id vt,i„te • Tan* te?en. name :4deociot:tir;sor.PtarrIca. knP000r thieragneanitleunsTbeisaniao!: .ttnvaseigionitteirnfltkianl..&.eistenOe from seven tieitiilitittltr,,thtileriussob:Yeoe!W44)140,artiototarritteztfOle41;nb,uer; 'Nothing eXatises Isetrayeilof pat -de -04 deolated originally that the eligliaelliefil weed in the vieret emergcncies. , "Iptio should gat by Mead -iessliA, Theto. vi traVIde Igregatiore ewe, ore ,oepeeted to diatillgUiell A 10 The -Vreneh *ivy should he eqilip ,lict 104 ;pastor filia. hle It rees with, certainty betteeen teat end imaginary with gitil$ tiring high explosive Sheds --one4t1000. eie the duty of ihe etiglier • ovate shOUld 'noLhasitatellee.lnetw 1.,1P • 1 . ' , et the hind 4(6 '01,144 Obylousiy, ti r1,14sea uncilow toy, wero,heat. to ex.. this: Intitnre. , 0,0,11 15 011411». 14,„, °1(). inValldS. . "Patients are niOsilY 001 idl°161. u/lu, Woad. be lifilm*eiblee '10 de this With ' is 1(1 4(6' pliVnegeS Pe* lb.° thirteMith .111neh g°°(1., 'alla °WY' '.6140 '.011 #13.°11 "fllIl elle:whistle thein beat, when we ttsPec' 4rttis (if Ira DketienOttgbt, tYP,o'l lig'-g.tilise .0er4. getgat:therO, ' all ries limier irAvord.. Two Ptleh Irnaery undsng r . . . • • ering,,,a.sr wb.,..e. iit the dangerous' pres,stiro which 'would $, - lit . atli ocratic candidates ell, . .. . , .....41.*.le.t........e, • 841 , _ • 1-1 Weyer:it.' eikeee ,Itto first art,u? Mtsat tiOt•-:'0i))414-40?•OW.IT ,eW`i''!!11 teens :Of -infernal' 41s0r400, she,: ttlImite -4- e' • ' , 374,ert,tee!...eptite, ehouitt eese/ q cf goati water, , ' , , it -is eleinied lbat titeee; art few' vie.* lime of (-this .dread dIaCh.lort roes Cils- ease who Will:lad to' ilnd ready relief In this hotne.made mixture, end in Most eases .4 peeitairMit -Core lite ve ulte • simple reti e. is said O. stnength- Wilkon 're4tVetl. g4:id' 'medal! Ineulediatelye r"q!svo 81) 'Peg-. 41t o va.lell s PutsO. fen salutary peitele'i 'tejegn .hetere„goin4 to tril6 POSSOIV,Y-5A 4tVlue4 liliV#11 hat ttiA4 Zir 411e (mil' - the intliers'Pr ▪ • ii1,1114.'ior'4*0 miliirect-nigfilii in suttees- , •Into,-zwk•sttu:',Aq'AvVop••,11•Att.w.ertlxvo 0114*, firl web the ' print biellser' TOM- le .... feltetv In the train of :Mat flee* itesetelleieverelltereee_1101-!.VISI ..tstL:,,cusotitii.e.ate- 41',.• ' 11414 -"Have You stoPPO cblitng 1-11e, leteieet drpepeth. tine ell the dieecinie sinipis Father 'object?" •Tera"Dical siTod,' not whew . • • AndS1 bad- nerve -enough to, dodge all • frier ;hints -.Myatt Penning 1,110 .Otte.ttlQ° -A...111")1101i....*-4441tiat 1Cho ois4);')nit the '141mi tbila• $11Q ineretee''k *erne)), Who, letion1 that 'she the 'Do It NoV Stilt 'oo. 4116 c°11* • kriows:lineare-,114a0- :does. tee liege. That floored ine, and I've • Much distMiS xini/J'.441001 qildeen is eased by mime., ittothge,Ufave? Worm illeerminakir ;gives` -Valet -tey re. moving the cause.. Give It a Mai mid he cOnvinged. a N Isnot*: Vow -01 ago pu, Tori?" Thls The "Awl ititt.Seys.rm.•104 Young' ooe 11. lir iedr .4141 eyat trosi4,14.01atftile.ati,e)b411,:tovH. ,otuarieay;i:t4a.ust .sostlitt:msr tt oo ac tt lee old Ihe poise's, qlod, Waste Matter., ITCU, aft ge, Prairie 'Scratches and Which Callen 71e1 111/11 11110UniatiS111.4 bid hvevy form MrillOgled$ Vett in hum° - 'organs, poison ande numerous other diseasee. Beefy man; °Treats teredin-aeeldinutee by -.Wale' 4.0,01441-01h4 the prime otm. ,eurt slesonareand,obtateoni`i,lhdy on4! ,wtive. or who,Isneet.wb,t04,411141drrne gr.:41041: le never Mitt ,atewee:,;;oese...ihii,oettott4inh.lnytesugenpoossintwne!,' • ..Jr_t1 „t 4 :Orcirbiti ,Sictsolt ,..41144. 1,,,ereby 41111110 104110n; itfl a toeie „let 1,eeeeteserecoverettilee ;rote" fevers nue, aei dfti01.61* :.^3o3oerui eine vitat1ty., It 11 withotit...iti.rtyalF,- at all. drug 4.1.114 trek epftssi A .,Siory-.4a7. tpia, ot n hotise' 30141100 )rho krstonett lieeause he emir. . weillen- nee' _Abe, leeetel, "rend Um *eat cenintelieeintdeleree7. and Oiler a &avail( el ell 111,11tige, was unable'lci Ye‘eWleeti, through tie- eutters ntlY UriflarY:irouble. What Bele/. %ay' nteen.4Saider. Paemelee's • nertairtle--"Well, 1 alt. ,eortY,„,,11°13e, tegetable"Fills. wilt be found a most will be iMPPY with Molt alu4o2. 'w eallitible andeeffeelive medicine ICI ,ee31 '11n1 , intrUder WW1. 'they never sil,---r-Thqr-go. at onee to the- ,seat -of the trouble' tind:Ikiark a permanent mire, ItES`FLESS DABIED.- takettect by * shell of this..calthre.", before Alm altar and received the pos,oes • blessing.' • . ••• Wie eetee.ALI., r‘AV11.16.11 .With tpe Y Wee,- ignot,01 arid egitteet4le)i'if,:tRieLt14 Id your 11111e one le-restlese and, creel • left ate ellreheorn Vilest% ete.teretey 'ter Pelfiealr rt% teceA". fettle hi} eS e ntee i-..elemtiedert it is mere Meet likely the trouble 1$ quilt A 1)1POttARNez. tonfirnien gr sorvici• w len Att. el due. to eome• tenangement of lho ,t tottd,, t t sod; 00.00t. fa at ear ler iktagea Latialla/lMba. , erMaPhlells9rishqei‘eveveins-e*tbgen-detillki Winalr s'O'800°"ii s Yea': Uased: to&l:480:141;1:°S.01.01-4Strobildg'iretinget‘lte, , larittiown41101-iihoi.ert.W.st, es, itt, l:nnuk'4 .1710111081 'f brbtht attn. eheeeful, und when the Wile • hi her htleheltil. tieStrille it ,, whieeee,..tente L.F51 yelie ute?" asked Ilia sweet Orr, ,Itio oveo thud 0110 mouth* 'About tirde yerif kverc_i getthis *ow*, itt• t•riTra.',1164.0.7•Tni;Tr,ciablebu.. lowliest idoote*tipt toy Itto4,!", OttPs4r,Pft tUratte040:, 3,4,11r. iitee , hoeie n e • rl r 'hood (bachelor, ‘,14g wbatt tbo: Ietvel/r titilang hiteitt? t'ainatOttettithy us. ever .130t.stoO0.1311- 110v4 °I` • , eteeveeiteteeld eeeliangee", • 11.48,...103/014111te ' ' , • ith'e 'has tile go • analyst III auto mi .govon, co tains aut Ve ' 111111g4 11 tut? ‘v 1011 .110' !,/1.,01r alreCtly ItallItt to ‘viatt. • 144hi. aldaii);" replied llt tha.tffedY to tver eyesint, the edeftif onkel I esory. tfitiee' ,afelit ',Orono evetild onteeite • lie diasect 1116,411p. heat! hie -titilire. fat And, s -et he ,teid teeei' eite1•1 111:11. ifot lie -nese tie:taller into, „ Ste,. iteeet teitelle. ee itie hiliecel. thire :ieeet /dill n*:111i OA .00101. ' tint; t rOup,oct, 11111• 'SW c:o,t1; tIttpf.1111,,1141t1-1.. , , -I/41 Clafto tat 44vIth.:14 alt. ern pour- V:ee eltetteet; ttalatti it ailcr ittatn• tr.v. aigziltts • 41) itk,14;,,•• 1:-, '1W Im4is.-.1p.. • `1110 l'It•Ittr101"%-.CLItp:itleit • It* AIreat4. et:pirsver is Talltor.‘,intt • 4 Ic'ettictr fie Sherrie COCCI* . ') Ile *Alio tiiinftp aininP41 • lee lie elle vele tete:eel 4-.‘a ;oh riNny, 1,I35.' 1)4.' as1tck, bbr4 *tad i'vtaxt 601 ttetloit K-Mied In Ole Ito in 171 ' await' iitt t r."tt, „ "UOVAS Velar} 3!it'• pala tittle; t faiolltha how Ito r. • '• '-4* havOy 4*4 ao* * 4180044. 0.1140hot, "t, al ham' antan,.111.,+. orotonta!'' *'m u' . , meet Itor �7'. .4)6.1 ttniiigh the i,.1Vhoit Al Moly. tow a1 -313t1,1444•:`, Seim elett asulto4. , fie tee 144 it.oto Ark 11,41 sOtet r.autmenna. t•), h* 0, Ma hist& WM, ,If /I t nitride Weil Abil 1114 'ilea and Other atIrnenter Ofehlid*11. arta lotiS you. Ile will never give you attelt, r OVW Ltottost, .thout eateeteetope tul (41.1141"° 11) "1" 5414.41. 1,1,1,11' 4 .:lban iuty ctckut 7ot woy yeti mite 'hint 0 {NIL 4,6 b ,idto ton 40101, or use, 1131111 ,Irr It tire 1.1111 4164 infant, ilierekire lin. c tor los eotorol. ‘„ „hey „0/1„„t '1.Zicr •4,45vArottt 'Tb6 ))1.* WIlilete& outrage to your better feeling% ,teet, cOhn'OroelLvIlloe'tlut NI1W, %Int i-1•2 tttUerttliggi Pininittt eeas elating ease; Might tivtii. now 1W hie: sure will Deere do rely, 1 tog -1"4""' v. rang, t1/4 (417118111 101"01410141 1,1)' elialt ;it'd \trete/ '11),4;tatl tiet yukly.54' tioneri„t we% lical hoot W1141, 111050 VIII4g0 011(1011 Vett reiont.Irs tette. Ilierotere hie own itgb1.-tie pitigtit,:l $11,V. And, 11,,L.4tq, "And ,r(111'7iVitailli he,' leur to oilltiOlr." tar Ctilln," Ito Intotenttatt in tt, law valea.' <13 Ilte altond nt cit it,ptia,Ing dont tot ,06: Kt ealr. ''"I trel. aura •nt IL (Mr Wile ttr• oar ctn. to 4Ittli Or tuba*, . NO 4.0, 'out etailablit. Mom.' Il tiral &alb Mai •rattol. ili' nog . kilo, ,tir4 littly 'Owen ronin -Inifyylii dawn lili with:, Nue &tricot ,i1ilietily tim it "rifeele 110 441gr. A, stispi..,,Itio.lpiA. n i . i '11 . iismow,,titt, t uttot 1,ott to t4.,,..ilitii tot, VkIllipi.,1-alta• MIK. ;"..ttul, ale,: &outs, Initelt ta irtattb.,', 'NN'llat a llalty child vca tabt, Sant/atm In 141 6111 In. thtv 5,nit nilli'llo Inai. on. aid %cat 'grad, 441 tatll klesin0b. vital 4. i-. h40,:' :inealt, tiaro nbota. 'Ina *tip. biitistr "Ifeiips,, ttlilp i'iiii,.enf ti.:.,:i eXiitig ,Ter . tt IMO deg.,' ,. And J7 -iii Itiost,f0Ftle110, , Svailnette loVteteetive eller WIN; She .tiltr,i'd iticrolia4usly. °VIA lAttny 'S:40 'only bintinit.it nut iit vAt,t,', Ott:0413nm; ,,4 4,4' -Litiftne:;o; Iv ,yatt,•:iaw 11)11 (!12311 litblintt tte IN. M. %AWN- will Ittato taikbileto,that lltt IWO, II* 1111D iyttlett:, panto ,t•tan. %-;ttit tilleteye feet tool: :'tiottlt '0;110V I hittgi, ?.c.o.,,,:.' Ins? crtibt., ,. OJAI ,,tOne Itat, SIL.) !)"!.l' igeslee'.--eleee„ hilted. ae. thee' tv,4111ii'it,I 131" 161.:.:', '41to.,tai.,t I,1, trio. thit4 URN 71 1,tair4'itt7k-,..P.:444:111CaiCa At Laiing (3; 4' WO rialhte 111111% atilt I alha .:L•i, le fal,e ot '2V 1.. get 0,16 rit; z,ad na:leil in An, re,j.410,111,74,114.07lie,., .. ,. Ift catt4e,) ssonratitrEattp, ntiviitaa her inillthitiz -qi44..ttith cot insz•tOltale ..antile. for fir ott*, tat str. At's halt .o..lattora t,•3 la,..at, tad orltapi atratoi Vtit thit,lnitat tile pelted 4,Ut #1.1' in,o,'ti.to 1114 willing *Ale(' Veldi ite-ritiael !be aiinfe v-etee ellietes. eet t\*.111, teurbetoo Orme divotieittere, h• '1' 11' to0A yi•on that til. wa,.. • Hut tar . AO -„o *iistft. PO' k•h• vat ,triv41111111 atr.....,a1 It,:ilk litr *04)1.4 414 nta/ ist .that. IttelVitIgAe`• ilice0e, Nitt,a4 •ate intoll tO,o, tS• 41111 hod bar d *NA letw)at tilhi. 1,1-...e ait wsAarnik., cl",^ n4) 3o ti lee. ****irkg It. ata 'sale*" eke area. "Institettele!ait Wheteareeiod. three 11101,4; disappeertd. ellehrie toot 144. on ongnononte„ing on& go, e ttedts; .1yohenttoitect,it y** 01)K% wointavilarect.45. 111,1.4. ihAfeilOgg's,114706t,t4Hisi .0.0eVe. (11411'- 13411. o! •:.t eePeet 'O'll#4.,stt , l' '`: ThO'°.t4ileYlitit teMaritithie„. ture4. 'Ora ' is' fa' ,i*NY ci#rOr -00PlO, •Y,..,-51141,., '1 light': POl% Were' tOlail.t" ":„..e.' ':' -r'r: . ' .011tOtiArig vtoot ;that •-Voin-Illitc,'.4SAiic .,,tluotx: *1.141etUf° 014414°. 'gP1161!!4'n'' '''" 4 I.*? what. 10 tad' Avoeld luttv tt lam: litts!it,NiyAiiiii0priiii idOn, ea,t0. agysvo, ,itAmt. eilelenes* Ottk. ,doltiritettits.,:.,totaddtst .0. •votiehetiel that i turetallbagrAtiii.fttiartge' eleteleeeeeeseentem Me (lee ettnith: Med: AIlldre4'16-011-100' • '''4/':. '414* '141";44YtiltitC' WhY• *1' Oiti 104 '.111)4144 4s. 41 (11)4.54), .04 0 ,1toUtti• In drOmptete:vightivtl..- . • V('-ildt.'' 1101160 4141101t4 leea 11W e(wle ' 410010,40u 'Ore derelving4Our#14,".- . :-. :-..ititortr. .0:1)0 i .,i,vint Rowan,' vivo' :-0400aae. •- A..0 • . - ,t ' , ). 4)1)1 'WWI !I',C gt.031110...:' ' •.• ".. .. :if, Ni !,mtii$Li, ,gg tiouniai00.Av64 motqf ,enehlinhette. etc.:-11.41.btaxwitirpnitterfol. IV011...... hOt:looft . 14 ' 0.'0': , but 1 ' 0'0i ice-W*10W " 41Otret.t day. .110.4 ,.0110AN-41.Nr '111ISLIdUrY'•;• el.P°n.virntrtd14.414ear645' rtorrartil . 4ini's91,1°.0,4Tittltil.-1,1VIVP.leild:.):•-0,11411.:4*%ti..4•!•..,9!.13 lettlnettg(4,014k..434i0G.I,./td)11- t.:Iitlitt..r.14' 11.1.41t1-4. llitl-'ve 111441' .4'44'.1.n.e1114-'4-!.t!').°.'. 31)- (4,14111149 , ivoin, eelierk lies.euari, e "MO ad *01114)311oz., Wttst"'Attates ;-,,.,,,conome memo:. . oiity 'yot' $.4, .14 $ ' :(:) ' -,••••,4*;-', •• , 00,4aose, ,,wilatever,e' reletelleit''bItor ii.; .pit-vitee.opettng- inn. yoit,,,einiltl'fintilira,4' laii'111t;711116e.iir..Of1;f1. :it:;''.1.'Pftti'kt.W';-:lNen:41Eiit.;ii;i,i,t-i, '.j '(-4 0 . 41(01)' 44 to tile,e Unit lefillettl int Gib* yeni .11re hiding, le this,: When lefeinei• :bout 'Inc,eee eentelt, ,eovetedelyee iette: .evionew. ,ini'd ntet et 'toe :0 411)4010 Air.„threo.eeteek: elqw • ,flutelowl.t.60,1e4,3.*0.1,lii,tv‘...‘c00,... ,,,i1,6.1.01 711011. on vim -up, Of stairs Wio'. ,,,youstA.,,„.4,v.tottNeve. Lana 004 ;N/t,t;],:el*,:ithitstr#1106?Itt."ert. 'infriPe 1 hi 11.441 '11151! --------------N."011 P01110 h(3d 416 :hal* '<itt'.04t! 'telat' of te' 1' Bilit-'hietlitlit eeillitlele ttroa • ;„, - .11 • ' '" 'et rrimicielkkil. tett 'nee tKevont, ilottorie • estiostelitieet ((1416 1(4' "1' •ttir41gell.."4. It* lee 'or Iton t101)41,0114111)14-16n8101)1e tbat mita trneral, that I had ' AO Igiv0. volt tei thy VeliagA lieeome 46,414 •. I veatrato niNteif," geo toe yco;' annulled the'. lung latit eXeeedesi.triteel ten ille , , , 4.11111' 117.41,. 1. ten eeMPOltril„le itne. our finittlItt YOU -lien Oki A iff et it emi. 14,V(Irihtitk'S'ic ludo 111 11111111. 110014010 brititia ttoninny Abu ..,401 Dom's :Ktv 6- Ask De Instoiss..8t0t, NOV tato tusks, ,tis fleet*. *to tddeived : tut *mon etteriltierhie•eive„list , yeti ' Pe? ei.e. 1.Uttet. Y601141.44 eletiale-thie . • „e- 1 e 'an 1 ki 1 r 4114o- ,111:o o 7.tokt.tt14„1$1414411011 1," '111:1 " ;k1,4 'ma 1.110 fireat'•fleitier lett the • PALI( 111',/,to,tt/D. Oki filantillition.cit it fortune: 0e4,14 tio,k; riredruggist4 1101' 411' rfen," tinitiNereit the mai; ttoesnlirgrwt.goee pet.400t6 bri. tempi, of PlOSPAN.:*".1411 bY vtioe„ troto /„Ria,,tbik tottiftni 3 itte'thA% Os' 101 0;4: 'Pa 1USt • %.0.titolo apt:10110g 1110 leleney,u • ,"•4.‘41/4%*.v.t. 1 pi1V.D11 ti.Mit, , t.1111.)10, Veith ,,, ell or tte, e. t 0,-„e wag eeviott, 'hat 't' ee don't live 114$ g t 1101941410;4 tate alid eeStauratIt tine. u rteriI vi tie e the 453 1:V Snoptivil tit4 'wife. of Driven f ll/i46N 14 1116 'II° , ' My Ante. toe ,..kiv le,hv Ile '.1 80(14' tilt 4q IVOrit' tillivO $01t tow 'tad (8 10'.'. ...... .... , ,.......,,.....- ,,... ., ..,, .1 4. 111,.• 4,i ,,,,,,, . eeleiriettieete, t. tele um eonieePili f:imileil eniiti%ioptatat In ttto,,iiiti.resf 4 Nal' 'Aitikvi‘YS. ot'iti(v4ibidtlyg eitixen9, gintitirtg ti :mak. ltirs, i;iinbiiisi 4tvlitieil, yot tatt,i, Id . • ., , Thireiers eleel el Iles latter -On Vfg. neeen etie riin't. Ina iitt,,ny,IMY illitliOte! = ' , ' , ,. , 'Wittetn: ttl'ittl, it 4 .Wahr a inUelee liellee toallliateO /-1 kl,-001114.4..largpl$ tat, must i fi* foe' el ('fl 77)4117,31. of Dien oMo-iiiise alreelitY .0m-Od 111 lho \ retire tie alettive roreee. 'TIM i'refeet ekl'Pl000 41' .0 ffirt404* goo., *ipso 1,*"**0 pathflo. r • faittee totee'',. lbeiOrani1;i . teed 'tiOcei(1114e.'10-, eietef:swillt '1144 .m• en.i, poled' '1* y. , 'flits 11-3tot 46)44' '.1 11)47 151414 14)101613*0- L p1)4stf.tetit of *to sgt Tr* .0114 tor awoRt'atirita' *Ade, fag* *urto,:ol tomvoutitt to) *our ovine* Itt ayraIr .rboltarb Polico, AlatIt 411 analltary crpOart to tat aglitfog the gang .41 1 114' 021.111r01111., has approved - ,scheint, 110 prbretecnal ittentliv, tifc bitw pilitt,-tor It luta alto it ha - goat ot t4114'114'4 I61' In Veer a Mil lornf rare mad itim Iittlac. 'they Will entre* **revolver. cirtinebeen, I1311tiealft tlitat Ortbet antt Itt 41e.saott& Igo 4tattc lantnro, Alt ars ptilect titen, 6041104401 4341401 SO, MOO. AtAl, At bra* awl in the Matt aOthatt runlarliant Woe I natet• it:41, siert 4 Porrnrdwa thOy will not holitate to ni• Iltelr .44 she mot ari,or* 4.4 zittlietra orie, bo, reeled fit eels AMM - WV, ers .illadder• Unit 4114517 hnsl, niaortwItt, arta then! will t• a anon Atet, * few 41010. will Mg 44N hrecilm. 3ft ltain quarter. tivelr onIl* 'no woo* own 4.1 mrlo, 4 tht t,ti' ipinitt hointert. Ihrs ere halhal. Vitt 1* Ati /Alla WI reenter toweetestre in any oiontly prove. etintes whe &mina* It The reittellia, rtvlairit ef She rOth kw**, to* potted els the meth of pass is sitAvaleR *oda aPtimit,,,Itevaaa• • and rheentallon 17i.mt teem 0004 Videve* sad empire*, *OS, Three IOW VS of Peril ittneetehtit Wit* apt 1019:Pealtee. site sea *•• ,obiassaiiI thy *Mt Jean isa4444.41„ 40 Vail. 5/1 M°31`.131- be's been etemleg tO see, .17114,, ler More "Sleadel . MY ..-getatituis% ;Aunt reellowity'ss''' Corn Corn," destroys an ' corns' and iineria..*Not erengli, 'eeelime thee Weigtt endure theile Vette, ettelv,a‘ehenn reel. effeetual MniedY • r*cPt.t7 ' MAIN'fAIPING111,S.c115t.'ilNP,. ft is evident that 'there are Melee Pere seMe Who, 01140 'discipline as- an end mid.ileit,as a means., NO sett the seed . ,Dank .,CashIer cheque, mattent, ...fdadatn-;-"Iett't uthat?" 'lank 'tssliter.:--"It „has. your ittIshancITS.; natno If, hut It' docalnit sititt/'•• how much atone ,you! watt"- Madan' - Oh, is Mot tri I? Wells 111 takes. there ' „ "”ere,-- ance_mider lack tO thtentorat eghoeitiiick • it.449,or $01(geartt, e •• • relief; tie thineeilaltierti eeilened.", SAIM 'encirphyel tiatite fete latidpg, in the $0101.ethdereaeritteentee"'Couillis. .z„.11011.11, totiitteeeven far a ellild•,"C "C)Ukli ,ett'whten Bahl Take That' -IS nreS vanics., .1 to Mier colds a cotithee onee teeetet eelidnie," •prolested ;_equie„,sicer that) y ot er• Co1d V,l'Pnrelo 1,.d.S Standing near. cavina-!loryette reortey heck. .Seyeeint "Then creel, It gin ilea arn ttIO sil "Wasreh free tbatea ,Se-ireint 'bay. •e1e.seeetee cemmenti4,11ilob'it Coe., 2.501, 4711 glittenerebeir.aar . • ."BilltletitelletiljtiMeibo•'Ordlongd.rt • L'"eq43.',1‘re,iitO Siltitte4))(14r0 11%11y thrt+4 ago. 11. is to.tley,•Istd., altiee' *in iro4ong 3je,'1.A41 lie 'sore 0( ,voltaille:3, tit!, Tha ,Thedienie. 1.3te .prologett, as- • liveping • Mc' bcay free' front • I..; I totil a holeetric Osttrod tot4kidity 01)34 4040 011(1 (7111L4S6.00cuettte OVettOterie ercuiptitud' give strength:10 lb. reiplea. 01011i, , .;7001, trititi,; :Man* het/ .ittixtottsfie 11 3,414.44 4.4 t.„1.4 githlt, 614itelie i:.:11i31h1 Ili': 3441174i2 tot lo .11714-17 hint. ' ‘6,1111440 10111t1 ftt,.,P01t1,2t,.14% , • t.p4Wttis14. 1114*.i011 le. YOB -A- Alailinteittit, Mt Cern ..auteasitittretetceerefierituelor or atrouiptleint, ,Ott ahvgld ritnitiw The niltskttotOtrAna mrtcto6 milit4t•r ut• Jotto 1,1.1 1746)41 Atnna•Y•••42414110.11' 11.,' Oteeee, ..astesawnetheeye *tee , y, tnlvshLLIlOS. T40014& - -. Ple1.4AfIG: 'Preen ele 3411 731) tester -bet: 'it retie( A, OM elsesiee itias be rat' a, , gyilmteetiot bee Mo,(. /tt .1,110.t..ekSe, - %nes cierete. • exteretuy P4 .i4.I44 tekort eine, • • emelle• III4Wti401 itoot be *upRtoteotet. syst*' loot% ',ere gi „11„10'Alloor- ‘Vi'itxixoFfy, main. )31A 11743 teio 1he71,4, (.1:(Ing, to snow liairtiltAiro,tettiav tmairr 4lo14,.,4134401'ik ft iltey,*.re -t4nOW 0$, ktleAVIllgi;' lite only r4.('1 .1-437111 knowing *it thd Tito, Ott, wit.i 4461 %I:Ant.. to tadovsl UR $1. ! aAeoato ,etor.k.oa". * w, '6itAbd'e elloa idld piMe. e; Fronk Wilatn,I Sir01Wel, Terret; AN 0 1111.lit464;'rebi' *61(11 eCh:fhVttl 1ifral,titlt iillli kit AltNVet.'10104310.6610ilkti theavAndmoat ad4,oltoout*t Itie Wie owing 10 004itlt Ilifchine taking its lel e` * 0 ILLiat-14;ki.Sr