Huron Signal, 1849-10-11, Page 1over -.wit.' owe T N SHILLINGS t ar 44444C.. " THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NC3/1ER." VOLUME II. z GODERTEDH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) THURSDAY, -OCTOBER 11, 18-19. #TWELVE ANI) SIX PENCE AT Twa tan as T.. Vitae. NUMBER XXXVI. turbo. DR. P. A. McDOUGALL, CAN be eoneelted at all hours, at the British Hotel, (LAac*srsar) Godeeich, Sept. 131b, 1848. 33- ALEXANER WILKINSON, Provincial Land Surveyor, OFFICE AT GODERiCH, HURON DISTRICT. Nov. S4, f. 43 J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, 'LL attend SALES in any pert of the • District, nn reasonable Terms. Ap- ply a .the British Hotel. Godesich, March 9th 1849. ev-5n I. LEWIS, HARRISTMR, EttOL(!CI'roR, 4C., Jane, 1848. OODF.RJ(H. JOHN J. E. LINTON, aoTAtT ru.Luc, Commissioner Queen's Bends, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. Stokes, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, WEST-STILEET, GODERICH. March 8, 1349. 2v -5n ALEXANDER MITCHELL. AUCTIf)NLIE 13, BELL'S CORNERS SOUTH EASTHOPE. Werth, 39, 1849. v2 -n8 A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: ND /rare ma ifs (4t)DERICFt. Goderieb, April 12, 1849. 2v-nlutf DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Three &tiro Fest Ief tAs Canada Co's. Officer W f -STREET, GODERICH. Angu.t t71h, 1849. 2v -n30 DR. JOHN HYDE, (Lars rams ausao,) MEDIC ILIL 11111141 July 31, 1849. FARMER'S INN STRATFORD. MRS. DOROTHY IX/LIMAS, widow of the Into Thomas Duuglae, of the Farmer's inn, Stratford, begs to return her thanks to the Inhabitants of Stralferd, and the public generally, for the very liberal support which they received daring the short lime they have been in Stratford. -Mrs. Douglas begs t , intimate that she intends carrying on the business as her„etu- fore at the Old Stand, in her own nems, amt hopes by strict attention to the comfort of her guests, and moderate• charges, to merit a Aare of the public patronage. Stratford, 41st August, 1849. 2w-nt9tf TRAVELLER'S HOME, einteeBURG, 1VATE&Loo, 28th February, 1549. )) THE Subscriber hereby iptinlatea to his friends and the Travelling Petahe geae- tally, that he bas removed Irom New Aber- deen to the Village ul Srrasburyh, and will now be found in that well-known boners for- merly occupied by Mr. Junes,—.where he will be ready and able to conduce to the comfort of those who may honor him with their patronage. And while he returns thanks for pant favors, he hope., by rtncr attention to the wants and wi-hen of koo' cusitoancr., still to merit a continuance of their patronage. JOHN ABEL. B.—Good STABLES and. attentive Grooms. v2-n4tf TO -BE SOLI), •N excellent Farm, being Lot No. 12. Atomised Conceeruon, Township of G-dench, con'audng 1100 acres -30 of which Is cleared. The land is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. It is situated exact- ly nine miles from the town of GoJertch on the Iluron Road, and •t the jmneuon of .;x deferent roads; a J as it is in the center of • populous and prosperous locality, it in ex- cellently adapted for a Taaern .'and or • Store. Thu farm is well entitled to the attention of persons desirous of an eligible situation fur business,. and will be gold on very reasonable t, nue. For particulars apply to Thomas 1):urk, Tavern -keeper, Goderich, or to the proprietor JONAS COPP From the Tales ntihe Borders. hereelf on h a boenm and seeking counsel THE LEGEND OF FMR HELEN OF in her diffic„Itv, arpeare.l to her in audio' K terse a. to shake her rep.lntinn not In en - Concluded from our lost. This new extraordinary eminent in the rubjcct of her mej:101,on, and fear., dtaar- ranged all her ideas, and rent her thoiu htv n :.rte channel' for a discovery of what might he the secret plans of her cousin.— She sighed for an interview with her lover: but that, eho wan aattelied, would be at- tended with great danger; and thus reduced to her own resources, olio Teased the night following her meeting with Bier ket Ilonse in still mcrea•ing pain and d.Bculty. In the morning she war visited in her own chamber by her mother, who had, from the serious arpert of her countenance, roma- Cane of great importance to curimun'cate. "11.•len,” began the enol motron, "though your father and. I have seldom counter a s••cent night mee'tne with her C0110111., On the morning of that evening when she rnu■t renew to tbe burvtn7- ground, or lose the chance of meetin_ Kirk- patrick for a cnneiolerabte time, it was an remod l to her weenie, in her presence, so the table of the morning meal, that Black.** Homes had. nn the previous day, gone on a visit to a relation in a very diarent part of the eoetatry, and that be would not return for eight da,.. She heard it, and her eyes were eovelentanly turned up to Ileaven in thenkegtving for the opportunity she now enjoyed of sol.hing'nut her sorrows on the bosom of her Kirkpatrick, and getting 'nod counsel in her distress. She mail nothu'g when the announcement was made, and heard, w.thoot herding, the remark: of her broached the subj. ct of love and marriage parents. iler thonshts, were In Death'• in your preeenee, 1e have, with heartfelt Mediae, and the pallid hue of tier cheek saterfaetinn, observed and understood that gate peace, for a moment, to tho (tooth the man who alone has nor consent to win that followed tete fancied touch of his lofoe, your virgin heart is enur own chnfee.— and the pressure brnnrbt her newer to the Your wooing has lasted so lone that the very bird+ In the woods are handier with your persona and cenrerer; and surely Otis es not to last ale aura. You are twenty years old, my dear 11 len, at the next Bel. had some music for hat—se tee !y ie the lane. the first of Mar; and I knew that it opprev-ed soul to .irk it. acc uetot,ed p!ea. is Rlarket Home's wish that your happiness surer that it will dutch them in the interval may he crowned by a omen within as short'! of a seep, dee grief, Lough sore to return. a period am we will agree to fix.. i have Her cousin tear gone for a ti'ne. fie could 1 broken the noatt r to you, my Inve• and ae not cross in the -n path., of .the *nod; and, bosarn where lay all the reli-•f 31'10 now had in this world. She ermeht more freely than she had dune for some tome her nlr retreats, and a_arn the aorta of the merle came from her; one storing when the ball entered the bear* —and detail ! Ktrratrick saw at once death and the anq of it. enJ In an io.tant he gave p•ir- •e-t. Springing wUh a boons over the Korle, ho vetoed Market House in the art of fliebt. The murderer turned eword in hand, enJ a was (ought ho the wood, ruck a+ verbattle■ w'Awttne.aed ini the heat of the rat of armies. Had his oppenen' had twenty liver, the fern of Kirkpetrr.•k wolt'd have been unsatiated by them Ilia tern Spurt tern roused to that of a dement a supernatural etren_th nerved hie arm; he deepered life and all its blessiner; the world had in an instant lost for him any charms, bot as the plows where lived that one mon whnee blood war to _tut his vengeance.— 111s.w•orJ feu el there the heart of Blacker lineae: and twenty wounds verified the ball.)— '• 1 lie!.ted doon Inv 'creel to draw - 1 hrrkel him in puree moo— t tae'sel him in pin•A .ma', For her sake that died for toe." Ile re+nrn. l to, the herving-7rn'tgd. Ilia Helr•n'e Ioney wee an cold as that of their• who far beneath. 1 "O H.!cn. fair hn-and compere, I'll mr)tr a s,rt*nd of Ihv hair• Shull I.,n•I my heart for ever main Until the day 1 dee." Snell teddies horn of Ilelen B••!!. a r'tfj-c' that Pete employed the pen of many a poet. and hrnu_ht tears to tho Suss of milirona.-- We reanetimee, pecnrJing to our pr olrge, ammo• our readers with pure unadn'terated fief nn. %V.' :ld Chet our teak had been . ,ch en this ore.,•ton !—for tun prefer the eorrnw• which fancy. imitating truth, rouses in the home, to tho drprceeing power of "owre true a tee." We may add, that the -m,id of Ktrronnel in mere frequenlly called Ilelen Irvine th.'n Helen. Bell, in conse- q•tenre of some (fettle ea to whether tier mr.t!.er war not reahat one the DON and her father en Irving. ' -After giving- the matter all doe eonadrration, and searching several anthorlti,e, we are satisfied that the truth ir as we bloc related it. Our very rn_enio:io friend, in a erection of the "Glean- •rnes of Ole. Covenant," rave, that the beau - fife! bolted, refer of the liner of which we • ,air granted, was written on ,t Helen Pal. mer." We moat have his authority. 1 am well acquainted with the flultermg of nh. happy th'-nuht ! she wood.! lie on the Love's wings when Hymen enters t..e bow. hne0m of her K'rkratrick, and breathe forth' er, I will not urge vel 10 fix a day at pre_ unintrrranted, love's 'tweet tile, rondere•! Fent, hilt lease ere! to the picrsant mmhle. sweeter en•1 'loarer by the grief wI:h which cons my communication e.inn' l bet call it n•a, ahrl•• 1. feteIl. 1 Shall .end year breakfs.t t , your The ever Moe fel! that night beantrfr'1 and bedroom the. morning, my love; bot 1 time serene. No vapour r'ou.lel the " silver we may walk in the aft mien. Say nosh- sheer•,"•a•.1 ne breath of wins rustled .n tog. Helen. Adieu! aJiea r' tent on the trees. "ilorl to ye, bright And the mother left the ronin rapidly, a. queen 1" ej.enlated Helen, as eho folded if to avoid noticing the bl❑ohea of the slip- her mantle round her, and was nn the eve pose) Peppy domed. Helen heard the of Seek ng the wood. "Once more light tee to my Inver, if. arter this meeting, yon shrtiil•l for ever hide tnnr fere amor.n ll,. curtains of heaven" And, breathing q tick with the rt.rng expeet.tion of bn ng en- dorsed in Ilia arena, rhe isv"ed from the house and well-known loaning that led to the burying-,::0un 1. iler grief had sunk for a time amidst the swelling impulses of her peace_ and it was not till eta had been nrrs.eJ to bis heron. her brow kissed by his burning lip., ant deep -drawn sights e-x- hauete.l the ardour of a first embrace after so long a rcparatrne, that one emote thought of the cruelty of her siteaton arose in her mind. They eat on the tumu- lus where they had sit often before. The nraveatones a-.:'na them lay serene in a flood n mnnnlight; the soft '• Wailer" of the w'mpline Kittle was all that dieIi h d the Silence of the night; calmly there need words uttered, as one mar be .uppoeed 10 feel the ,vilah'en of a condemnation fsltine upon the heart. It was well that her mother deported 5.1 rapidly. for the agitation the kms parcel a-'trthuted to j •o was bet the prelude to a (slot which retained her coil rd woru;•glhne. In ifs relentless arms for a 'un•wlrrable periost. 'rho first indication• f ronecinuenees, were, if"possible, snore crrtblc than the hast thoughts that frieh- creJ It aw ave For a Inve period she sat pin tun conch where she had heard the 'eadful intelligence, and, pease:ma her hand ver her brow, tried to coilect her thew.' to, , as 10 t e able to contemplate the full ex - eel of her evil. She thought elle could ow see some connexion between the an- emone, meat made by her mother, and the extraordinary and mysterious conduct of Blacket Mouse, though she was eetiefled that r.euthcr of her parents poseaied any knowledge of her intercourse with Kirk - pet: hck. The scheme of the eerily marmot. might orrg-nate in the fears of her cousin, wide his secrecy wad only still maintained, L!! he found that rhe would not a•reld to her parents' ant booty, when.wnu'd bo the time for using his threat of disclosure to Ilelen; to compel her cement. All this reasoning seemed founded in existing curcumatances and appearances; but PO confurcd were her thou,hti, and so narnful every effirt of her mind to wiper° clearer views, that aloe felt inclined to rennnnee r'-aennrne nn a .mhjeet that "teemed at every turn to defeat all 1ler efforts to conte. to the reel troth. Iie" misery was at least certain; for now, while oho ab -slut. neceesrty of disclosure of her vecret love became more peremptory and inevitable, the circumstances ander whkh it would Inc made wore such as would add to the unhappiness of her parent., and to the apparent deceit and treachery of her own nature, which tea., notwithstanding, inca- pable acetic. Meanwhile, the effects of so much men• tal anguish acting upon a tender frame, be- came soon apearent in her pale countenance and swollen ryes. She wodel nut leave her apartment; and when her mother again visited her, rhe .aw a change on her daugh- ter veru o. o errnt from that acoom.panlev the character of a bridge in prospective.— The circumstance ettrpri•ed the cid lady; but Bull •n satisfied was she that there et -mid exist no objection to a lover whom she had jas was thought) cherished for years, That it never occurred to her that the change in her daughter was attributable to the announcement she had mato to her; while Ilelen herself, oppressed with the secret which she+truogled (am yet in vain) to divulge, shunned a subject whteh she lotted herself unable to trent in that way which would insure to her relief from her sorrow. Every effort was made to get her out into the wood., where her former scenes might enliven ber mind and bring beck her wonted @ptrttp, which, chiming the musical hells of youth's happy glee, used to charm Iheage-atrucken hearts of her parenG.— Bet there .renes had loot their power over her. The secrets Blacket Holier had to divulge Bull lay lee an unholy spent upon her heart, killed I . energies, and rendered her miserable. Sr)eex expected the additional Pe source of sorrow of his society, in these forced walks, and ber grief was mixed with serer'se at ha absence. He was often at the bense, but he avoided her. She even sear him rum into a by-path, to get nut of the way in which she walked—a rursum- stance as Inexplicable at any of the prior dtfficuities with which tbe whole affair was beet on every side. She continued her disclosure, and, wrth many smell, felt them die away, end gave tongue• melee to her mouth, as the nnavding effort shook her frame. She had been in the habit of meeting Kirkpatrick at r•gular'eterral,: bot two of the stated ported, had passed without an in- Untiees: the third tea approaching; lad robe ttl.nblerl as the necenity of throwing Vill'¢n e( iiarp'trhey. a June 15. 1849. s2n19tf CANADA LIVE ASSURANCE C o .1i P .1 JY Y-. • THE Sehar;ber having been appointed Arent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals fur Aeru- ,. ranee, and well be happy to afh.rd to any STRATFORD. person the nece.sary information, as to the 2~ 96 principles of the Institution. 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALF. iN CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout moot of the Townships in Upper Canada—nearly 600.- 000 Acres are situated in the Huron Tract, well known a one of the moat ferule parts n( tbe Province—it bas trebled its popula- tion in five years, and now contain* up- wards of 20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS .ere offered' by way of T. BASE, for Tea Years, or Jor 'Sale, CASH DO WN—the plawrf one-lfth Cask, and the balance in instal- ments being done atony Isiah. The Rents payable 1st February each year, are about the Interest at Six Per Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lots, when LEANED, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN—whilst upon (Inc others, according to locality, nee, two, or three years Rest, must be paid in advance, —but these payments will free the Settler Cram further calls until 2od, 3rd or 4th yea of his term of Leave. The right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, Is secured to the Leasee at a fixed sum named in !.ease, and an allowance is made according to antici- pated payment. Lets of Lamle, and any further informa- tion can be obtained, (byapplication, if by letter post -peed) at the o.raay's Orncss, Toronto and Coderiek ; of R. BIRD•AI.L, Esq., Asphodel, Colborne District ; Dr. Aimee, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALY, Esq., Stratford, Hare, District. Godericb, :Yank 17, 1848. '7 TEAS ! ! TEAS ! ! &tkeerihes is reteraieg his moat sincere t Meek* In his Meads, sad the poblue, for tbe,r meet liberal pslr.aage begs lease to in- form them that heirs islet IMPORTED • eh.,ee Lot of T • fie., w h he offers ter Bale for CASH, BUTTER. WOOL, TIMOTHT SEED, WHEAT, or.ey other lied etProdace, !swards= ever. 'ed boss before. 01110 WHISKEY!! Aid Flag SALT kt Sale, obese for Cash. CHRISTOPHER CRARB. 0etedeb, May Itch 1849. 4.-418 FARM FOR SALE. ONLi$1PE Mfrs from GODERICTL LOT NIl/F., m the Lith Cbneession, Ts., ip CoIhnrn,, CONTAL G 100 ACRES, FANS gig TWO w .dtwed, sad ender cid- Untie*. � Load le of ezeelleet geebly, lad well watered. Fos fortbet pinwales, apely to 4AUES CLARK .• arehleht, Animal IS, 1tip, 9v•-alttf AM LS WATSON. Godericb, 131h June, 1849. ,2n19tf Blank Deeds and Memorials, A'VD all kinds of DIVISION COURT ' BLANKS,. and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at (Inc Signal Office. Every description of BOOK and JOB Pnnttng executed with neatness and dispatch. LAND FOR SALE, CETAF TOR FIFTY-SIX Aer.. of eaeelleot Land, txtos t1. Wnt part of Lnt 16, 7uh Conces ion of, Wawasosh, will Inc sold for lea than 'Inc Gov- ernment pare. One half of the porehare money will be required down, and two iesrs wall be s). lowed for payment of the remainder. Inlendtnn pureharers may apply to Mr. JOHN ALLAN, Tavern Keeper, Gndeoich. Goderich, 13th Jaly, 1849. v2-23.1 STRATFORD HOTEL. (Lars ray's.) THE Subscriber inform* his fri.8ia and the Tra,elh':g Puhhc• that Inc has leered the large BRICK TAVERN, at that Eaet end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. Isaac May, —where be will bo ready at all times to aflitrd the usual comfort and supplies and promote the personal convenience of his gue'st's. WINES and LIQUORS nf the best de- scription. A steady !Inviter alwava In atte"dance. ALBERT,G. HATCH. Stratford, lath July, 1549. 2v-nt51f TO MILL. PROPRIETORS. AYOUNG MAN wanting a Notation ss Miller—also a gond Accountant. For further particulars apply by letter post paid, to F. G., Tuckersmith, Huron District, Canada West. August 20th, 1849. 2v-nt9tf qn� BURLINGTON t■U R L I N G T� O Nytr�M�% ILAIID[IE�� A MDI,4tta Ji e THE ACADEMIC YEAR for 1849 and 50, will commence on 7% fourth day ' f OrtoSer, and dose Thsreday of July. Circulars information, may be obtained at t'ie of�ce of the Hermit Signal, or by application to D. C. VAN NORMAN, • Principal. Hatarllion, 7th Atrgnst, 1849. 91-n28-71 ,day, the n the first !vin fill HURON HOTE 0ODERICH. - .TAMF.B GENTLES, *mold respectfully n• Inc.,. the rehshients of Gederieh, sad its el- derly. 1 a he will ennnsntly Keep Horses and Carriages 'o& HIRE. Inc which he rsspselfslly enheite he patronage of the pebIme. itlb Sept. 1849 JAMES GENTLES ren3;1-,f 1 the dead of many generations; of .their were ended. their grief., too were pas and Mary of the 1,n, whose grey rnnnument ! reflected eleaely that mono's light, was free from the apteish which, re struggling Nigh., came fiat the bosom of her who was yet above th green mcund. Helen told her lover ICI he extraordinary circumetao- res of her tet Minn. She went at every,' turn of a newt drf6^ulty, and Adam'I1 eyeg were alio Sof Iosed with tears. Ile pressed her aeatn to his breast, and bade her he of better heart, for that bettcr•days were Som• tn.g on the wings of time. - 1 cnnfe•s," he sae.!, "my dear Iter, that i am linable to t:nal•retand the conduct of t that dark -minded man.; but, what t•an he do my Helen should yet redeem her errhr, and make this nece.eary desclosure? That ta alone the cure of our pain. 1) Helen ! what a lead of evil might have been averted from nwr head. by tho exercise of a little ee `r -command !" • 1 see it, 1 feel rt,,, replied elle; "but there are powers higher than the resolves of mortals, i hate Struggled with rayed( till the blood was sent back in my veto.., and frightened nature Paved the powerless victim of grief by the mantle of nncon- ertnn•ness. What, Adam, .ba!t 1 do ? 1 feel i am unequal to the tack of PneaRrng w daughter's rebell,no, and a traitor's resole - con." ' When everything is explained, Ifelen,•• replied the nther, "the treachery desapleare, and a lather and 'r other's love will not die ender the paasmg cloud o(a Itt'le anger.— en k of our Wise, Into ! Did here never trine courage to your tongue, Iielen ?— Ah 1 what wont! (het bright goddess make .11,x„ Fleming due!" ".1nd what," said she, "would Helen 1!e t not dare fel. the love she bears bo her Adam, if that sacred feeling of s d'nghter's duty were overcome? B tt it meat be. 1 'ball fall npnn my mother's n ck, and ween out wsith burning Icare of repertance • daughter's ennui apneas to the heart of a mother and a wo- man. i will conjure np her own first Ince, move against the spring of her .artiest af- fection, and feign to her my father lose -send her heart wrecked. Ay, Adam, hope—the hop• of the po ion of yon—will aceren- phsh all this. Helen has said it, sad the mine will prove." This beret of ginern,, re.nlution prn stoned a Rend of tears. She crept eloper to hem, end the throbs. of her heart were heard In the silence which reIgned among the graves. A ruetirng emend among the trees ronaed her; she lifted her head, and fixed her eye one part of the wand, nn the other side el the Krrtle. For a moment she wmtehed memo movement• not nether! •by her Inver. They rose, and Adam stood aside to get a better view of the cation of 1he'nterniptinn. 1n an iastaat eh* cline to his bosom; a land stint reverberated thrn,trh the wend: Helen fell dead—the hall destined for Krrkpatnrk, having been re - reeved by the devoted maiden, who saw the hand apliftlsd that was to do the deed of Wood. Neither seam ear audible ugh Ouropcau. FItANCE. The .1lnnitevr publishes a decree reinstat- ing eleven Lieutenant Genera's and foe,r- teen Major Generale, who, titter the revolts• Con of February, were place., nn t' e retired list of tbo atony, by the ornvi.ional govern mens, against their will and contrary to law: 7'he French government continues to re fuse pae.porte to the German refugee's, who, qqn� th.ur way to Amends, are forced to tra- wksa'e France. 4Y1e Presieent hast made severel trips to the department*, and made speeches at pmb!ie dinners. Ile was well received e.rywlkere . GenerikOudrnot was expected at Paris on the 2utb- I+amartinet has refused a public snbecrip- tl, n for hit benefit. because his writings gave him snl8crent. Lucien Mitrat's appointment to Madrid is rnnsrdereJ AS a concthn•ion of the two par - tree in the cabinet. The senna) Sitting■ of the Cnnncrle General commenced nn the 31st 31111010, in every department of the Seine, where the meeting rn postponed till October. Almost all the candidate's chosen no President, of Coo Councils belong to the conscrvatrve party. AFF.\(CS iN ROME. On the 21st ultimo, General O..dinnt offi- cially announced his dorartnrr from Rome. M. Savelli, the Pope's M:ri•tcr or the In- terior, has arrived, end ins•all-,j hirneelf as head of the police, hut entirely ander the control of the French autherrtrepilie first decree was regarding the parer money, end Pay. that the State g.haranteca notes for their declared vale°, and tmne•ea a fine and imnrteimnent on all elle refute to teke them when tendered for payment. A military commission has been eetebli.h- ed for re-oreantrong the Rouen tronpe.— .111 promotion pence the 16th November, to annulled, until the enmrni..ion .hall h Pure reportr.l'teen- rho conduct of each roar, which, if (mend sa'isfaetory, will enable him to regain Ms rat.!:. The'rrr,unvtrate of Cardinal. ha. instite• ted a.•„raMoraine for the purpnoe of prose• coiling the aulhnre and reenntplirea n( the outrage. tom ntiltr,l sarong Inc revolelion 'try prem.'. i 'u"nt rel:einm, It. lnini.ler•. the majnrty the ,nverei,;e, and pahlic •e - curtsy. General R••p,,•hn has arpnmed the Sem amend of the French armee nfn•ceretion. The Nrntuir/ de To- lois, of the 1-t inst.. save. very pressing depstehes relative to itnmae *Mom In secular furrctivoarleq have been receive.I, From ,he Nnnrrr4,em;a. 'rIIE N:.1•:';:: CONGRESS AT P.1RiS. The!enrernc) of dcmnn•trstunn. •each a• that made last eek in Ott city of Pari,, in favor of . rganiscd and universes! peter, I, to lead those who originate, who take p ort in, Of who attend there, to fit•e inn fir. a rein to the r entiripatrons, sn.l to look for larger and more immediate resolls•than thin -lower progress n( events w,IIS•ermit them to re- alise. Cerlain'y, if ever eangu;nn eeres •le Inns might be cherished with .nm. show of reason, the character and prnceedi-•.a of the Peter Corgee•a at Pans would esenre the most desponding in giving way le the genernns impulses nf faith. and hope, and jiy. A more i,upreesive, a mora assuring, n mar. pregnant moral Spectacle, tt baa ne- ver fatten to tour lot to witness. In the very heart of the mein -moles of the most martial country in Europe—tn a city whose bo.inees appears to be the pursuit u( Pivot!• sties ant the enjoyment ofeensual pleasures —1moryel a people lamentably wanting to • I that con:utelee h'altky religious aenti- ment, and it lin seem all but incapable of riving to any higher conception of means for accomplishing ,Heir end• than the use of brute, fu,ce—the holding of Peace meet - legs fir three sitter-erste° days, the attrac- tion to theta of evidently interepem throngs of and tors, 11 a e:.theriasm exerted, the nna- nhlnity seemed. the orderly discussion, each day, for five hv.n-+ on the stretch, of doc- trrar., opposed to the common sentiments of the nat on.a•'d finery. the regret exp-: to- ed by P.•rietan• themselves that the Con- greaa oar not prolonged for three morn darn—. his -s a rnenornen'in well calcelale, to excite nst'.pishmeet, and to lend wings to loose. We need not be tot 1 that it is pnrs:L:e to overrate the orcarion—we kn'bw it. Bit we cannot Let recut with pit♦ those who ern Seem t!.:ng n hltever in it bet elr,:u•s piny. There have no' been want- ing in any ago :once the promulgation of CI•ri.t,suiiy teen who !mar -laughed at oho f oli hews r.1 preac "—and, happily, fur toe world, there baro not been wanting men who have glnrieusle proved its power. In the ton, run. lie scoffers are always glad ti forget their j• Ire.. New, we 111:1 not rate the Peace CO.. ghees at Parisi above what it is worth—we 1•:11 content carrelves with asserting that it weal well woo oh the sacrifice of time, mo- ney, l ihar, and anxiety expended upon it by its protco'ere. It woo n step forward in a gond (emote. it was form employed where force trust tell. it watt a rcakonsble effort' to a right direction. h was a doing what mast be done in order to the accomplishment of the object propoecd—of what, rf done re- peatedly, perseveringly, ceneietently, will as^certainly effect the object as rain and eunehine will promote vegetation—and of what cannot hare been done without pot- Itee shoee wh, did it nearer the realization of their wishes. " Utopian," we believe, is the f.vorite epithet by w beca tho wise ca- terers for pnbtic amusement and instruction designate Ilje movement of ?which the Con- gress was a wheel. Utnpian ! if it Le Utopian, what in thiaatrorid i. practical 7— Let us Sec! T!1e grand aim of tho Congress is to put dawn war. The •means it employs r• the enliOatenment of public opioi.-n on the folly, ma feces, crime, and eonseq urnres of war. The particular method selected is that n( prrrodica'!y converging on one focus all the brightest thoughts aml warmest emotions], arc moat glowing aspiration*, in favour of universal peace, so as at duce to attract tho notice, teach floe reason, and interest (he eympatl ie., of a:1 the great families of Ized humanay• is there nnylleng wild or visiena-y In retch an enterpri.e? War, be it remembered, at least so far an Europe and America arc concerned, is not an ebullition of enteral passion—nor the ''cvelnptrert of an lest net—nor an insop- fre,,rhln outburst of the tormenting ele- ment* of human nature. it is an organized system. it supposes forethought, delibera- tem. preparation, eceenc'e. It represents, ear t human paseione, but human will. It is not a winter tortent, but an artificial your. it is factitious, not spontaneous—a contritanee growing nut of design, --not a c.irllagratron kindled by a momentary flash - Tice system is one of machinery, and that which puts it in motion is the deliberates determinate in'of there who have this ma- chinery at command. Break it to pieces, and, tot the Present ago, war becomes all but impnvoitlr. The war makers—they who have it in tlulrr prover to deader whether or net the destructive organizations they have at their d s,•o-al eh -II be past in motion—are few. -- And yet, if their will could be either gained ear coerced, the, nhject aimed at *meld be aehreve.l. Peoples, now -e -',syr, no more think of going to war with carp other, than (nnntiee meirt'te the sot -j Igat:on of coun- (:or. ''overnments alone can originate ware ; and to pot an end to them, it will nutlire to raise up insuperable ohstaelr•, in the way of their doing so. Can this be done, and if it sin, how? The evtie of wear are too palpable for de- nial. Fortunately, merooaer, they are too unn••really fell to he liotlesely regarded.— Why', then, is leer tolentedl Simply be - ranee m.•n hove groanea under its herder's knnwing the eau.. to w•hirh they ver. a trlbetable, and wit hont rrfl•cttng that the ranee is as needles., as it ie merci- less!: readier. T., y gain nothing from war loot s mementert• glare of vain-glory-- ti,et 1 m•. 417 it cc- ry thine which would el - trtat. Item to fort, self-re.prct, and frecd.nn. llowevcr the prizes won may be Il•tnhut• d, they never get Ihorn. The hear. r,I genie la pl.ved at their expense, ant, whether u•nn or Inst, meat be pad for by there hired. ire/wire. ir.duatrr, and morals. Cotell they but he made to tree the., they e avid reedit the rntnmencement of a war with a. 111.1.'1 ea• ermine'* as they now dread Vie mired. time of a rest fence. I. it im- ponnble to toarh them? May not •e.i.luoe•, n• r•••vcnrg, and well organized exertion, lay bare tete whole eerie t to the eye of eve- ry pearl. ear ,h. citilixcd world 1 Have we nor w tth lie then jotereetp, both material and moral—their rxn.rinnee - their r or social afte'(ra—lheiy religion sentiments 7 With all these advantages in nor lie tori a rt onnnw.tble In cnnrenre Ibem that by deslrnyi,R tore war system, ftey art I &afro! wl'at can n.rer be worked to their profit—what toilworn work.d to the, rnjmy ? The attempt arty require, foe complete agrees.. lime, exp.ape, wiring effort, ey•lernatre agitatinn, large aaetificese Bet let tt not be raid that it most be frost-