HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-25, Page 80
We arra
FAho ttriaatecddhaShAlegtr li lfid J'elairrsitt
+ > Ay ti inial Mai?,.�y�wy Ye iii i'Vs'ffsi n'•',
IMO, P. $e;IitZ&*M '
Aug,>•rantrauLt, w
• �A.:t1ir:.7tXMariNr' 1ftW ".
nae, i!sraa,JatcLAa a.
W.:7t. a,tcara'pWrtr,al'i
atraeat,'ltatre$*Alio t<.
is aait. aisszrlr. - . rioorit 44foa o,
,.•fa. + if, : a:atlfetalt+ataa.
�'-1Lt..Giti.u,.r 'l�� ilrrrris!liarrtf '
$1040tlat 140iltO*issiiw$aidlraon4,
i OpER4 1i' SROlgtt
*Often!Porifef' a! r ,1Mtlttatrllar.
11a lir , er
-.'patf,sol o tl o7ux,
4'li'.4imAAZ a at rrOfEa
Muss Vileadrftltla week for l'hiiaalatlialn.
Dr. Mean. DDIYtly:'Sunelired tee (1c4crii It.
Mules Treble lcftonTuesday for ifumboldt.
Jatu J. Doyle returned this wcalt from a
Wog Tint ,
to Uo,lerll a oeii awed fistful, or; •
tynofs. word
q, :1' oralMra. A.,Itissctt Thom cud WAY
are toot ha Buda, Cornwall. Enghinldllt
dans tel rr#.'Armour,eatlViooditoek.. oo her
J. ,il t' v/nnds .left Tuesday a visit to
atooedutin and other emote in the Northwest.
W. J. Ttethewcv. of Menlo tits. a I.. vow
lung at the faro Y re ldcnoo.Iirltonni& Road.
Mise tbitfeu Kelly left for Detroit on Mom
,Tat, to mmenco traininit for the protesakla
of nurse,
John Campbell who ii, With the. Canada
Foundry CO et lyarry Soup agent the past
week n town.
M .. pse" lirophey wax taken sor�ltousiy ill
On Wean y', but -was somewhat batter ort
Thursd evening,
M H. A. Tutk`oord, ho bead been lll f some
times. is inn a visite with frielids in colborua,
Auburd and silvol.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Horton, of Brookville.
arrived iu� town on.t$aturday, on a visit to their
rolativy In Oederleb.
Mrs. Lu;ton, of SIncardht0.,who hat, bee
visitles tier sister, Mrs. Jeadpii Brantley, left
on Moud'kt for Terence.
M nagcr,8.-A draw. of the Wester Cam
Win Floor MillsCo.. aeaompai gd bb �tlam
Megaly, loft for' Winnipeg on Lana ay.
Capt. WY b�+' McGregor, of Windsor, and pts.
to Mrs' Kidd, of `Detroit. are visiting relatives
nd oldttmo friends totown far * couple of
Saye J. Bedford rd returned tonne leenp weolt.'
utter tour and a halt mentosNt to Ba.•,tan.
i.voret; Winter Mend Machiai,r Me., and al -
„o several short Lipa on the aces*,
Minx wrance, after a three month. visit in
the Not hwest, re erned home Mr atm ay.
Mrs an i!.:F.Anwronce were In Tomato
to moo their daughter. the par y iQtnrnlagto
Qoderi tddotbee.
QtaMry�r. and Mrs. John A.. Doyle, 1f�' �Worthing.
w'4nrt pivit-t relatives. John A.,al ho i an
owner of valuable property -in Oadeir,Ali, la not
a frequent visitor.
Mr. J. W. Broderick now di i,yieter was in
town over Sunday las armetingl hien many
friend: here. He as,a busbie's in titer
which ho have he � dispose of shortly and
the to e a well earned rest at his Mope In
Len on.
A oro the
n iRdiissetiaguiahWod, Clinton visitors
isitors to
modericoei.tor oflonsl
bnasneoJaus FtauuolgrainW nJacoksone,ga
the interest of the firma now Hew factory, and itaq•
hail Brabant en private business.
U. AIhalt JJatttgraustloa, issuer tat
arida* Lteerlrar. Liars'aa'noer.
la.wraaee ss. 41
asiu , J.' t' asatkae.ieiaai>r RawtNR
P'utilbaHil►aleNlau't'it t —atr.' bus.
Aiiear 'tirliv tits* 3raaaler Meet+.wr4riawt
Cytip lei?AR torlationtaou arl4 neiltMLWtt+Wet ;
antt,stGleaim roam* *elyor tutiaw teald to
q a a8tix.`ntrraatNlutttaa(id ruwirtir, Pat
U. A..yNerttotr4 l7eibtiistr, lauekttaw.
*vow ,Mtv At `. r Iar eters tiNX fiat / r museterne,
trona sea. U"rowa nett bridges work, oto..•
VOW planus Otoaiereultabtaf. ,N. i;ett_ •
ttii nave t work saaisob��
docile s donna a oawalatoi tion,,
I eilillie fair.;diM thin wort p.u4ivarfl►, Inure
tauoiiferlalaia rqr tot ,gt.i nit.
IRA gr— 'U?ti ;Motors' ramie Yiur,
Dungannon- rotreeNtslence twlyi•tailed,.
to reach pts this wreaks and we moat
therefore *Alt the indulgence: Of not
*natty ieadeuai who. Aree interested in,
this epieey budget -1
IMI' wrap 4401045B00.14Daria, Vhaet
mere,• of Bees Villar. pile, Perth co,.
'recently IMO) ted free* .Pedevilleat Peer
lyalftistoeitoltaliittl$witaeriand.a queen
bee, The Reif was eacorttat by a ut'
three-doaelt workers and ,Wen fifteee
diayla trtu the wa . having been Wailed'.
ela ti c . tone and ar4ivaad at Poole on
Oelt. iltite 'tsar.Nco'rtir moat have o:
quiti. attentiret 40 she arrived in R
not a veryalarge object Aho `erearlp.
quite a cottimtitiOii on arriving at an
apiarist's door.. Importers of 100404
have nothing , 0•dohut ataai and. tee
their Importation*, hitt when a aqnz�+ tl
bee arrlives it is essential that. tore
queen . of tale hive to which the new
comer is to lie itfirodtteed bey rebloyea.
a fetr day* previous, tat that toe bete
Neon* cognizant of the trot that they
are gueentegs and will he anxious for
one. Mr: Ohsalinerba. had not made
this proparetion,as e hanot thought
of a queen, coming alive in such cold
weather. He was able, however.' to
aearch up the'mother bee of'4 certaio.
colony and placed this imported insect
in the hive (caged) and it Is understood
has made 'a ancceestul Introduction,
The object of Mil Chalmers in importer',
lag is to get the Itatlian bee in its Our.
ity front site native land, and if -she
lives to do duty next summer queens
ca is be raised by her to . stock his
of grout condition tld bide; itr to.
wi tens WOW Although as Offen
be s
qtr 'George Fatter. our ottirton's will be glad
tgeri;c, has so farim monde the Lenitarluut
whorat�epf.p, tehhahss been or Che mat neaxt rly stir
hhoppeeto be able toill ttesume business. His many
friends will be pleased to sae him around
again.• . . •
Chilly c yes support wt►rin apawref..
re, J'iaaVlel MANTLES
ilatclutlin Ills *woes, o es, Stalely Vlach*,
mikes ft splendid -44e ndid xatittge of'eboac ei,
e.00r° Models for yourself.;
Won will not be urged to buy.,
ERE IS A LIST OP TH,IRTY.ONF BARGAIN SPECIALS for next "Saturday and Monday.,
. ken lots from a Month'se, risk
Not ne butis a eitli .e .r aitire and a �tnalie t�a�►ex 'Broken
selling, and special parch ►sees: bought under: Value, Must go.:out .Saturday or;,Mond'ay. We.
have made the prices low enough to tempt economical buyers, There Will be other specials -that
We have no room to teli you about i ere, .. Come any time you can Saturday. -and Monday.. .
a dozen Swiss Muslin Pillow.
Shams 30 in. square,' nicely eWnlioroi•.
dared. Regular dei to 50C, special
bargain 'days your choice each ... • 23c
Dresser Scarfs to match, Ards -hi:,
regular doe, bargain day*.. 2$c
. WM wa1WANOsn,.
Council : at on Oct, 12tH as..per adjourn-
rneut, a rias all press t i teeer° llaftle to
The('hale mites of len meeting read and
oantlrmud.,On rano of Med : d” Anderson.
Trea4a ,fora statement showed anon on hand
Of act moon mutant ofMurray and An.
tie ,4 .Tier ciera um trent instructed innnon Irking
Petit Ad
Park' �1,eso9tation, and pas ih'o name to ti`eas.
urer.oi mama •of Mamas and Thompson.
An tater was ttrawn oaths treewu r in favor
Aehaield' larvas Ip for y10 for,`eon rqnm. one
motto of Murray and Meadd. T e Council
tolower' culvert- on eon.8 pante lot
s . W 04 a urvey. on motion , et array and
Andersen Ounequre we lasaed' to the amount
of'snout or ,payment of cataracts. lite,
was on adjourned to meet on-19nv.IS. at
apes,.W. S. Molhtaarnt Clerk.
NOTES. Muses Gould and Oourtice
attended;the convention at iBivth Met
week. -«-A,. Eicoat1 wife and daughter,
of aanTucleeramith were guestai of Mr.
Stanley+ dwile Sunday.—Miss Lulu
Mu holland was home for a,f'ew days+
with is bad coin, but is .imettcr -Rev.
Mr nerd n' was in Elude on Sun-
day., preaching anniversary eervices,
Rtev, 'Ur. Green taking his work in his
t' 10ITttairit,. »Ft'tday evruttaie death
called home another from aairvitlage,
in tU. person of lames McCartney.
Justtat he"*tar retiring for ther night
. be waif asked with* bid oifhm-
oran, and died *lomat instantly.
thoughhe 'af*ti. in r health, death
Wes poen leave* a wife
u11et ctetl, f3
d to mourn the loss of
and sbaicall refs The tenors'
• ;•'w upheld on and father,Clt to ce e.
1htalaillaNidt Monday, to Clinton:
to%liev,•Mr. Green takinfgchar e n
i ,
,be st, our lair. where
*Oda atenticdtib'funeral
a Brenn°.. Much ayempathy► is felt for
t'h bereaved fatally.
~O ori n hip.
fag�1"(I C a n.. -. Excellent weather
Shit"e a aann'i tersary servtese of
Zion cons ail n jest Sunday and
SrOtoto .'study he inancialtesults ware
their hie o . The
yy forb
perr' t+tiadi► tt in �'
ieM on Sunday Were well attended
Mitt the ser Done by Revs. (I. N. Hasten
rindea 8 itton Were hutch lap.,
Procter/ea. Procter/ea. The ,air per on Monday
evening wife Otalargely attend
that. moor . coal. • not • get in o
the thetcb/ and betgr'eet was the die•
cotdfect, int crowding that the Prow
0000e Wats Ott shorts The crowd
was 0,11000 tor, and'.'fe if *be
04114100 wet* tootle, whe net re'
leer to of MMoi d ey e inhg'w about
$71 ,aan Ind ca on f t e ar.tof
We swill pay, the highest ; ,
Ptosis for lira OLDEMI,•
BVAIhg 011.Oltflei 2iL O,.,
,Till' i,t„z+:pi
• poultry.
$3.75 UND$RSKIRTS $2.90
Ladies' silk',finished • Moirette'
Petticoats, cut very full, extrawide
frill and ruffle, Regular
special for bargain days.... .;F2.90
Poultry &
I have opened out a Meat
Market, in the building on,
next the
where I am prepared to supply
fresh and Salt Meats, Poultrut Etc.
All of the best 'quality and at reasonable
'prices. •
Give use a Trial Order.
' 50 and 60c DRESS GOODS 35c
Nearly 300 yards all told. Fancy
'Tweed Suitings, colored Dress Gpods
of various,kinds and some fancy
blacks; A'lean-up of lines. that sold
at so, fie and 75c per yard, choice itar
gain days.,.. .,... , ...3SC
Perhaps about 75 3Airds In this.
Odd ends of Fancy Silks and plain
shades, lengths run from two to Site.
yards. regular 75c to $t oo, choice'
bargain days per yard . 35c
I10 PROMO ao
Bigger -and better than ever.
Ei.lgent first part.
'wealth' Scenery.
Elegant Electrical, Effects.
35o anti 50
Whole (Mile* Reserved at 50c,
Platt at Edward's Restaurant.
ro or I r patterns In Silk Net Neil -
/Inge, blues, browns, grays and blacks.
aegu-Isr^ 23, 30 and' 3s, choice of ,, this
lotbargain days, per yard •.•.IOc
ti: 5o pairs extra quality Stockinette�j.
Dress Shields. Sold all over at 1 JY,
guaranteed _ perfect hi every Way..
Special bargain days, per pair.,. 94
The ick
ha, changed hands. Everything in
the Pipe, Cigar•andd.Tobacco line -has
been wanted. it you enjoy a good
coufortabllie Dolce, �
your a ; awed
the Bradawl* will scout€n to to tai.
beadpputarteta for the hea$ and meat:
reiiable am the market,:;;
The Billiard Tables
• have teeneverlianled and put in
better a nape thou ever* Celt and
us. ,..
Welt fittest, xloatertta h.
The Mo
o1?our *tore is eIvo te'kee
the" beat at everything snit
sell it at honest lee*. Oar
wide.buy+ing ex Bence en.
aahles' vis to .is the public'
the best Values to be obtaity
edanywhere oral everything
Is guiitaranteed fresh eisa pate.:
al M 5#,
atfI AND
Sonny# .eto,'e that t1
O5 only, Fancy Lace collars for
ladies' stud children's wear.' Last
ones ofvatlouslinesthat so1d at 750.
and ° $noon, ' choice bagel* days,
each. .. ..,.50c
Ladles' Plain and. Blaney 1.111e0.
F 1 izea the 'not
e,1 a 1 in
rit. wlot,
sof ally one kind, Regular tag, lg
tut tine, choke. lllt>galay h'
140tla PetrrOoA S $1.00
15 Ladies' Black htoitet Petticoats,
*de "very Intl . with deep frill And
llottnce, an etceptieu lty good..gsr.
jLfa.,�+ytr,,veryt'special, for bargain; t'itiys'
cb.. yr..,. .WN.', '.. •4. ,:$11.00
I u =rot r-.• ;,r;-
"tl4dlt'uII NOVE3I..TIES' `iPo
*40414 iv of our entire Tint
.Nevrekie k for . etnbro'idery, white,'
nathr+iil and blue linen rounds; 22
slut 04 in. Sloes,, regular -50,
/se, eleattt€g'bargyain slayer each k.tSt,
a1wi.i t.,.,.,`,i. ,,., ,M+ tMW II..eW"ry77
PANCit PiMat k
li>w assettRWltl -ylaac ' Gl area
:riling sod1lNatitllceirrYSrf#a1r'
-vireo of thew Shat wottt41, , ltrg'
*lit Soo, f e4hllairg Otat 641,600#11t4
**UV ,art
L v
I2,jlc Wtt:.HTB. COTTON; toe '
400 yards extra quiality:1aglish Vi? hite•Cot .
,tont fall`•` yard wide,; nice round even thread;. ,•
c%gtbriefit ish, ea special lot bought di ect front
the maker. Regular MOO fid' goods 'Wee *t
that; Bargain days per yarn',•. t a . ...iOC
% Y...
' r A'I.
90o,isiesS goon ;
" -.we 00 safe ih saving:tttat.thia
Dreasaa •Gucci4 bnimIO:
ce unters. moot. ,i..ti: ),,,,,i00
pity, .'.0 . wool satin • cloth,
iztflat finish,s'bonght direct
.wadethe*,; SStdeverywhereAt•yoc_
,per yard...The ordinary.
be higher thea that we
gain days." Navy, "green,
A very special bargain,
ie the 'best:
4 eVer crossed olti"•
,011 told. Alt gnat
good ;weight, 1hs-' .,
from the man Who
,to -gt,O0 •
price would
king forth, en, baP-
brawn and black.
and M onday'
:..yard '•'^.•..•^.55c .
• app +�+r, .f. i.:- ./
AMERICAN BATT,S, 2'fot^ Ilio .�
Nearly 'nee of them, large ooze American •'
.Cotten Batts, just the thing for quilts ands' ”
corrtforter, . filling. Regular ; tee, .'purr special.
for Saturdayan'ei-Monday .,.t. ...2'for 10c.
Hid 0AP11..13RErTR .loc
' Ina 'Sver'brsix patterns in this,lot. 0
- 'quality English .wriippertue, $enable f
wgaist*, children's dressed/ wrappers, etc t • <
•patterns, alt new, Regular rsc, specie Sat-
urdejt and Monday,per yard . .,.. ; .. r I0C;
x • 1^ v
. than, sax yards in this entire let,:.
skirt aand. suit lengths,, fancy black Dress Ma• :
,serials and tweeds, . • Regular $1.0o .to $l.5o
,per'Vied, \lit€')want to nuke a clearing out,; '
of this lot, do, on bargain. days you- can take,
r l tole'.
ypirr e:ba i te, per :yowl ..... E �.. ,. ,
25c th tl9DKE4 IEFS
'Bete 3ttltr5fibe best
Over` . i.itdfegr P'aticy
1ni1idtt4cliilefs.- •, 'special
of tha•bi est obber iu
2s and Ise gentle.` Choice
baaatrgain clatys. r..4...i t,
2:tor 2+SO
bael itit 4't. tiay+4''
SiiaisI gtahr i'ieted:
purchaset;`from Ore`
they buwletwa, dl egular'•
of the eutir►te,lot• on
- ,. . , ■....f tor',2ee-
18IiANT'S '
menthe extra
t lagir oeitic a tat ?
+srpei4o11t. lit Ofeietoodi
all marked tad *4
:WO* table. Vora will
the tove. ' -lith ell tkeinuaste
that attic earyr'little *tote
If there le art end in
tilt lifer .it at a title* Obit
Read fail- busine s ite* :
*smote ' sill 'k esti, .
Vtehstrihtet Sham
04 up ae4 put tyros ft:
find 'It. at'(be bolt et ..
zootlted aat **sin
thaw half sirloin worth,
the lot year can .Sway Ye* ;
will utialotitbtedty tria+re .
$I.$Q"FL AiNELE "Ti.#' GQ'WNS ,
,..; 31.14':
" .I4lirea' •1'launet tt . owns,, nide
Won good.' train Sii• LNa ntel,
kart: `whiten soft finissh, "every., gen,.
tttetntv.cut• full. Nceloitbrp t'I any'
Where,,,' :Regular ,$1.50, #peeial, : for
bargan .days, each .» ■;: , 31,19.
, 1 �
3c HOSE27c •
adIei;h5noinlier GIa'i xed Cassh.mW8erer.H.ene
iz,edo uldeNoeeveettg,;,enitabiefor
iiZ4� 9t ole, ro, l egelaaq:,35c,, special:
per,peir • .:. , ,;274'
too ends Pure Baby "Ribbon;-
--practically everywanted shade. such.
' as pinks, light blies, cardinal*, old,
..gold, green, white, cream `and black:'
'Regular 30 a yard.' leo .full egda to
'Bell; z$ yards €n each, choice bargain:
days, per end........... ....�..25c
New , Skirts
Latent. Styles in. black, navy, green and irowu. 'r',pn .•
• �r for no et a „an `. tis ed
have pre o b t t , � 5 aaa and ..
'.. Torose are for ■u at .. • ......:'i ..50 ti, d $4,90
Vithite Waists'
Pure$tlk. About, so to clear at $t25, Why aro
• pure silk, we'il•made, owe triinlil e'd. With due
Valeuciefes, with bemshtched tugg4, stzea '32
sand •34, were gold at; s,,50 :dud.$•2.8$, all•ot ..4, :1,26•
Abebtit Aekets •
Time you. were'• looking about. that
.Jacket for yourself or t,00 Ivo in.
vite you `to see our Alb-wing,you
40.'t have, top buy, but we woullike '
? hand u- chance of 'Showing what
can do: ckets $1.7`5 to $20.00.
tenches: Silly, pure atiliti nil colors* lar-.
ger spools at a for. .y:, .,,, 15c
•• seayards-plain and fancy trim,
wing. Braids, odd tittle and .broken'
lots, very peppier for tr'imining.'tt#is.
season. Regular r5 to .35c. taiga`Ih.
days;ehbice .per. yard, .:. .... 54
trEAY'ir. Boit. ttan.
et.g. LINEN, 284`
Good duality half breached T6ble
Lineal new .patterns, :good weight,I -.
strong weaver win -giro s nlendid Wein
Special for baargaindaye, per yard 28c
Pearl -Lustre
€or'all classes of white needle work, r
;don skeins. for.. •.a 30c
pert Ltuata'' '111vas1 antlaemaiabrig'bt,,
far chane embroideryo and-sll-lrinda
white eat roidet r itss skeins for, log
Men's heavyweight, black beaver•Over•
coats at $8 to $ts, <for... 44#50 to $11
Men's fine tweed Overco is special'• rr aj q • 4�''R;,
$11000,444 SI 1:00
Menne Zolfo 'Matra an l •P-::e�a. Jackets,
at ,. r ..$3'+50 to; 02;01)
Boa' Overcoats at.• prices Goderich l
peiiplee,4iite to pay.
New Millinery
Ary week, sotnetitnea every: day, .ie,
oneof the why's noire doing m6re
business. 'W'hen you want the very
newest you will fund• headquarters at .
ono TABtLe t, N N 4.00
Extra quality•half .leaachedPure;
Linen Table Damaalt.'regular staandaard
' toe quality, ;Cute ' that will,' give no
cut of hard wear. Special Jot 'baar.r'�-
gain days . r ... . a ... .4Oc'.
' the TGWU:LA.1:RO 100
loo yardsoniy, Pure T.iiten, Taws lw
ling, splendid for ha'lld 4owels Or:
klub tairreia; xrdtaorder Regular 1$c,
bargain days Vint' yard yaard 1Oa,
ape )aa'rda:inthislot, *Sinn Linen,
•Cswi. oweltiug, fancy .border, 'good
• Weigh. ee •,.drat'., ossa ' drying;
tdteiela:': 1t lar roc' . dove
yochoice per yank, ... bog**, , : s.
f. so
The Oadlant Helve Heater.
Tire 'Happa Thought Hauge':
A1weya have lead the market®nei alwrayawfth :."Theo` Ste ;1tr a•claer by
tkeiu,OIges;'and rlfa'Ve no -equal. That is the Verdict of all who use
them, They will do more heatingWive and°"cooking"otr less coalition any
other,stove on the market. •
y .0
� iii
We have* an it wrf Nth `mr r *tool,
u t bo A e i an aria Idea F'entdn t
and if YOU -are going to do any fencing this fall' or nextapring, Weer.
inly lyill pay you to bnfat once
• Cement �'•.
I A quantity`of National fiazthout 0014fot always on Rated.
�`r 1ilV 1n.
"`'A' hr 4►11' i Eliilfii .
Pom ttende oani�1l work tallyitarM n er .
e: : .
or a.S i.sditif Panay Silk and
Waeb llars, A cleaan-up of our a58
lines 'before.. 3:m.a. :goods 'arrire,
,..: 'Chou argsif Bays, eaclrr..\■.e....Sc
clocru extra quality $!tstaah Door'
Mata,; in Colors of green, tiald, recd
*A' bhaar. , ititAsr: t,oa, spe i al.wlor
,hetgatn t'lay'a'e*cb............rw...)PC
)�.,r., .�,ti.. .,•a.,,,w�.,
Hearty Shaper sal rtittttrl, `
ttowti+await of fancy'stripe t, finals
. 3t Iai•.,.'wide, hefty eioltk- #or
14004'tsrttljli€tt. (1 40 pre
AirA it 44YY.,w.4w..4W.ri«.ier.4.7�,
rtY �..,.atar'ili'ts'iri'a'r { r'er~rr'it.
Dots it Tia to buy a Shure
or Rn
� d����1'�Y5t�.rl1 �,
ill it ,profitab] 'ill t toe 'oa .roofs to buy, a: i 1i itper Range
than the ;4
y ia11 r �°yYrr..a,
n�ti .
glitlra i(fothler-ly►.Mc ,
thing Fresh, Clean, 114> tI
e Store.We always eta
and inontptuess.
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