HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-25, Page 7e- 0 Nit System irt ut Wire% Paten from ,Olttee BeY,' Nora 401 Meer Dewepilipee e la were ,prerient l'Ithrwhilt aty Vott ...Morten; when. tile COeutiereinl Wireleso_ *erefice. hietWeen- Cee 4114 Wee' ineltignral0 ot,geer Atiteeent. The dilease$0 ftIce Otteti4e4 Wege SleW41114341"1' oert u)ixt sltAtmilitc,„ etr mioc.• , . , Atxt, ttui L.atxt most 1.4401i -Ana ether Men. ' • • Atereenti eieni that eterai'Oten..11103014'` *vette had teen reeebeed 'arid sent ...on Vinrathor and not, g 1114 • to he rePeated. The •Jheel44rf4tat4 1)ILet 4.414 nething netv tit 1104 art4',,W4e4 if he would tualteha3sintenientlor the preSe, said he bad nothing. Waal'''. In a tete dap, be said, 'prbSS.Servioe • would be inaugurated •nciWeett • tbo` UVrers and ships al, 04 scy'ditat prase eeneeeenerratirlirnent' 04q134rey. At possible for tdareelle 49 ineg,e• ;t1,..111tel)c AltVaabere See, and to tk..1'.c§4,,,'"w4,_4 by the Wrikeless peeple Ter elbe itirettere Adeliraely Wee4.1110,1TeeV-tde bee unoer sealed orders, end'iltelele • • remeiried 411 touch eeltle: the kletreelld• spittle the chart of the 40,ereie elle bad taken AVIIS made up at the Wirelest stai tiOn that correspond exactly with, that int the ship. •• NO INTF,RRUPTION. Aseed if it was pesellelef Inr,„ 4- /Of' eaae to be hetercenteee -thitolneelletOn isaid no, and even it, entecitak,::040,104.e ty 'a fluke It Could not nneelene'dlOn.enee tbe meeker was fonneteente „eke ilie tuning opparalue of the.Sending..and receiving,statten would et eaneet De alter - „ed. Twa.oneeesages may he egeelved f:u ehe one set of wires at, ta*•etinte tithe% and on Thursday Medea: inessagee were being received and sent Ovee the ame set of aerials, e• A wire wee sent by theelenidem, Mall to President RooseVeltectoriveenng greetings. $ir Wilfrid ,Latlfeer sent the greennige of Canada to tne Mother Cquntry. The operating room ie ancrut twenty feet long and aboet tweiVeo feet wide, and le equipped witb three keys, -Bight he trout ot that reeile is Me transform, er room, weare er "en traosiortnero are at work trensferming the coma' tti) th Yet?' high voltage, The key ts kggt, fleeted- lo nit vdixiery wire, which is ounneekd with the elerleh timitehlitta tube spite name when ihn Werittor toilettes' tlif key,. Thle, in Jam. helh'' antesins to the -JUMP' WO, 4, *•• 1, er „ Wtre Venter et whips being 040'- 0. -Tne, Whole ProeeSe. Is moat inter. Aline; qui Nome It -.4. lumgot k$ get d nionStration' Diet rees' sages aro. readily heing ient,.•$ei hat hittreotti ityvian cleInt that theY have been Sending aga INTERK$T IN 'MONTREAL, . ; deepatch from Montreal. hays: In Mentreat 41. greet deiti of interest was dlePIaYeet die ineetition $)t the hew 'wireless aervice et *Nen, and many ennUiries were addressed to the Marconi "CizannnnY's, etliee, eolin D, Qppe, manager Of the Callerliall *CeetifPanYt When seen. saktt "Nes, Indeed, this is • hosY day. Of course, the Sereice Only •ten Mannikin. one, and tne dallY seretee Will net cOMMeliCe tor a feW elinea yet, Hewever, Otero Le a hest • prees mesetteee Offering. anti tnere seems to be plenty ot WO* for the op- .erators,” MESSAGES FlIt6M LAURIER- A ideepatell !Om Weldon same -The Deily Chronicle dee'leteday morning pub, leebes the following MeSsage from Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier, traueenitted by wire - les% from the Marconi itatIon in Cana- da: "Greetings to the people of Great Britain Upon the attairomertt between the British and. Canadlan coasts of na: tere's latest greatest triumph over die- teneee' "'The Express published the following from the Canadian Premier; "Welcenne. By this bond between Eiritain and Canada one more triumph for the Empire and science has been achieved." The Daily Mail also publishes a mes- sage from "Loyal Cantuia." 0.144-1,444-1-1-1-1,*,14414+414 Fashion I Hints."' 111,44-144-1-,1-1-1-44;14444444.4 TCHWORK THE FASHION. work ls once morn', in Willem Our grandmothers used to de patchwork wheh they were sedate, prim .little ghee, and then for years it was never done ant' was called old fashioned:, Now it is In vogue again -and it is-eteltgletted Mid fascinating piek•up work. Mpthers .will be wtse who will interest their little,girls te start on patchwork. Delightfully dainty quilts and slumber robes may be made of odd pieces of gingham and any kind of wash goods, Others are made of scraps of lightweight woollen geed& Surprisingly quaint arid pretty pillew, coyest may be made of scraps of silk and satin and *aeon. This werk really is lhe best practice work for girls learning to semi, at the stitch used is the simplest one .there'li and the work grows so rapidly sts to keep up the interest of the eittle worker. These patchworlr articlee tire made In the most elaborate designs, but there is none much prettier than the simple Square patterns. Cut al:ewer pattern of the size you desire your squares to be and measure each block by it. Never cut one square by another; envoys go back to the original paper pattern.- Lay the , pattern on the goods and ma* the,edge lines with pins. Then draw a ihread in not goods to cut by. Cut eecticny and carefully, for the quilt will be nailed If the blocks are not perfectly even. Sew the blecks together Itivlong strips, the length of the quill, overseatning them with close stitches. The children, can do this when the weather is bad. FASHIONS IN SLEEVES. The moat pronouneed changer; so far are in sleeve teens. In Ille introduction ot the vest. the occasional reetval ot the basque, and the general reelect' of old trimming forms. .All ‘f them, of obinele, 'have some new "wrinkie" fri the way of .ing put fin, or in the Combining of nem with new fabric or other trimming. Really Jong sleeves are "ip"-longer ekan any that have been worn hi two yeas's! Some et them, howetter, are de- . velOped front •ae mahdarin or other wide-armholee •i. One of these, made in 'Puckett tee iitinued full to the el- bow. witere ,an td be fitted in wilh graduated pier unlit it becerne a prac- tically tight-e11,t form. Where the eleeve centime s ;0 be made. as in some et the nee waisiselo coat and to dress. ferraS--wherever, in fact, it seems at all feasible. There ts no limit:he the variety taken on by the season's striped wool Sleeves. Th• N are cul on the -straight. the bias. th•• croeeway ot the goods. the aim sought usually being to have them rin- with en opposite thtead tbat white is seen in the back or,the front of the waist, or one oppoelle to both back and front. FASHION NOTES. , If tmnoyed by the dust -holding quail- , tiei of the °Mimeo petticoat ruffle. as well no by the rapidity alehesvitieh it Wears out, try cutting the heit one in skeet form. yarde of yard -wide taffeta, cut two a yerd in diameter, limn eut • It sale e,circle from tile centre of each, leaving a ruffle foot le wietto • Cet open the circular runlet ci letraiglit edge and join the tke0 piece:5 OM felled seams. lieM and.hetach aS yeu would any ruine. eVtietti hest frays out it oft and re -hem. This method offers ru. fold or creases in which dust may settle. and pro - terms the lite ot petticoat. , e sure to get dead -white mohair for tee while mohair girlie, Cream:toter de- stroys the beauty of the lingerie fliouee, plait IL or. If that Is too dfieleult, put ell In theY •When Vining a bias piewnt motorist to a straight piece alwoyA keepethe bloS plece underneath, an MIS Prevents It from stretching, Prepared riyea dee need al hetihe emplele euceese and they ileake,tiedelidle n wonderful meted of . efo'foee vet. Keeryllting will dye bled; IWO te all, and a Mork drese, le filiellee 'fel and unobtrusive. Irt making a eloliTivalernioet p bunch the fininein too tithetti Wit in 'aelf,. and front. ',In the hack the fultne4Shotild live Inches, while that irf Writ tiecUt a poke of sect% ond tem, frithes. Thin applies to Waders KOOS ages t • io elotit. kir the 41t,Rfi ti tiavo felituteg fall gfreintit Until Illeolietildef ,getelog the eiplator tifeeto \Allem the taster:a is. it stiot sorb a ititode nun Than nvo`yltriS, and elikee •tt (telt ts..itoti Mid heavy linen will Make tip very *vii, Jaded, aCeefelleig In thee -01M 4414‘. OREADOTUFFS. Teneinkt, (let. Witeit,- Novl white or het,I, SIAM No. It ileeeled VA, Me eialeeat eeNree 1. neertheettb 41.1neelo *Mee felea..t.$1.16 41,16%o ttailey-blom limo to tau, according ifOk beilly. • t Paige *110 tfa 47es Ont.. ei et mixed, . otitekle.. 4,40,4‘,No to 10)0. Coru,-No. h. yellow Anterleilap 14!10'. 14 TiC, Toronle treightst; No, -Yell4W, i•ie;. • . Dren7dleit5ti 44 in halit,;,eiUteldet, aleorto, SOS... - Flouri.-Duttnici lit per tZenk patent,. Ithent SUM -Manitoba ,,,,Pat• „ at. special' W.netl, 10i;" ii0.0091 mtht, bki4; Strang ..WietVi. $0.11ef • CODNTDY, PliODIJOBi „Autter4-Marlett WM butlutchatiP4, ,rttttl Points Veto rite 40 0ollas ,,,;• • lgolot44 theese,gontinuee DIM et 15%el ter large end 113ge tor twin* In job lots lore.„. Eggs.ittiges „hold lint at ago 14 Oa per dozen,InVese Kink , • Peultry-Live.cluokens are quoted at 70 Igg. and Ilene at, Co. letteleit alive, 70 to tee. , Honey-Fir/mond enameled et lieen to 12fee per lb, for strained end S4,50 to 112,7 per lb. for combs. Baled StraW,Slead$ at 49-50 t° $1°' or. tragic here, Dearts,-,PrIrneS, $1.80 tO $1.85,,cind 1mnd-0i-eked $1.110 42,* Baled Hey-TIMOGIY Se fleeted at $17 ath in cite 'tete ent. traCitt here, Potatoes-Eastett.s are eneted at 700 to 75c in car iota On-trAelc, with One twice at abeet tbe same figures. STEMMING TEE FLOOD, Fewer Arnerican Publications Coming to Canada. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Posta:Ice Department reports that as the result of a new agreenient to the seoond-ebass postal rates between Can- dela and the United States, which went into effectiast spritig, thetood of cheap American newspapere and magazines. used merely as edverlising mediums. has practically (leased to pour into Canada. Until May last hundreds f tons of American newspapers and ma- gazines of the cheaper and poorer ,class were carried weekly by the Canadian Since the new rate ot one cent for keit ounces- hag been in force there` fe not one pound of this objectionable class of 'Americao mail matter coming into Canada for every thoueand pounds that come in before. The congestion in the Canadian mail service caused by the 'handling of thls Immense mass of .ljnited States publications has been re- lieved., and the relations between the two countries in respect to revenue and expenditure on International mails are en a more equitable bests. A large pro- portion of the better class of United Stales magazines and newspapers still comlog intu Canada are now being car- ried by the express companies instead of being handled by the postoitce us formerly. . • QUEEN VICTORIA'S LETTERS. Publiehed by Authority of King Edward -An Interesting Volume. A despatch from London says:, The London papers on Wednesday morning publish elaborate extracts from the "Letters of Queen Victoria." which make their eppetrance by authority of ie:ng Edward. 'Mese letters form an interest. Ing autobiography which, without re- vealing any important political matters not already known, present a deeply absorbing picture of the Queen's life arid clime:der from her own hands. Editorially. the newspapers express their grateful thanks to the King for this selecile.n from nearly six hundred volumes nt Windsor. ifi which the Queen's letters and papers are chisel - fled and indexed. KILLED SIX BABIES. the Terrible Crime of a Bavarian Nurse Girl. despatch from Munich, Bavaria, Saes: Ida Schnee, a nurse girl. fourteen years old. was arrested on Saturday, charged with murdering six small chil- dren by driving hairpins throwgh the kips of their heads, The girl confessed, the ponce say. that she "could riot bear to hear children err," and so, pityingly. ended their suffering. Then elle took mother situation, and if the children there cried she was equally "merciful." Iler arrest was delayed by the in proving medlcully the cause of e, nth of each victim, When the seo quonee of cleatas was established her arrest eves inevitable. G. T. P. sultViattoits DelOWN. • — Canoe Struck a Hock In the Giseombe Repids. " A despptclo from Vancouver, B.C.. says: niece members of a Grand Trunk lezeine survey ae a drowned on Octo- ber 4th in the oiscombe Rapids, thirty - flee nules a' ..ve Furl Oeserge, on the Fraser River. They attempled to Ehool, (he rapids In a came, but struck a reek and the canoe broke to pieces. The drowned are William Lusby. Harry Cummings, W. Symington. The sun trivets are Robert Sheffield, 1. Miller, Arthur Cape. No bodlee were recovered, Cromwel es party from Edmonton brought the sutviyors to Quesnel. 0.—.- " FACE TORN BY STRAY DOG- Flve-VeareOld St. Monne: Girl Altadced • in Kitchen. A despnteh from St. Thomag Gaye: Evelyn, tbe flee:year-old daughter of a wpm/. alrei PTO, Wag badly bitten by etray deg eft Tlitteeday. Tne child was in the mashie kitchen when the emote! came he ut Ills open doer,. flew al the little girl arld tastened hts Winne her ram lacerating it terribly. PhovISIONs. Dressed flogs -48.S0 for lightweightS end $8 for heaviea. - • Pork -Short cat, leee.75 to $23 for barrels; mess, $20 to $21, Lard -Firm; tierces, 1Se‘el tubs' 12%c; pelts, 13e, Smoked- and Dry palted Meats -Long clear, bacen, 11e to 11%4 for torts and ceses; hams, medium and lighte,150 15%et heavy. 14ge to 15gObaalini 10%0 to 17c; sbOulderS, 1.t.%a, to 110; rolls, 11Xe; breakfast bacote, 15%c to 16e. Green meats our;ot 1c less than smoked. MONTREAL MATIKETS. sOettS AND AOttilt5, "there tit at Milt -where, 10Y Reit, lor' air* nionttl There Wee 44 bia stillt with Anew scts' vewhet wads, and three VIP** .teli IA* NADA. to three lepe; white sin feyee WW1 wonderingly at the eptatiter, : Captain Bernier lois mturnett from. lb etVell, ICS truer Instated M011y,,Shok, Mg her kniningneeditai itt ow band tat 00444 Detle;the bettereet4tdakill. 'Ahe other, "Yette etre ell thtec behind pipers, It Iktlit ell the thet'4) ten mach wortt,'enti At I tey eil tho hroo, Here eete 4 Orange • MOW IA fro* Oa, -Ow* lb:Ms-Sill/. And if4'. Deering' with * timid on her bretv, a eigh reet her hp, and * tielf•ennkcit soh id her ihroett Their ten 'Yea* old, and the light *A the beast)! ,I;tetete *AY eine eeeld thiole Ot the tight thing to ay-, there wit; gtiock et the "ditOrt. end Mr. ,IlObin$011 Oante Into -*he eogy .kitehen, Where the Deer, farultY set. in the evening to save Inel; tor . all itanitenetr hlait Yeats aaet atterintre bed been 4Orttel, Wee the notintry, and 111011Y "neeiPte wire vo9r, Or' had to economize, Mr, itolainson was the ilelleollateater, land ile 44001 niOPPed In to r•t" op 'and` witolded something etortr her. ft was made, of paper; Ultra was printing tan it. On the !pont pep there was a piettire-enet antelnISJP thliHtla iM0-11 .4 'father's paper hadl This Wea 4 pieture et a Uttle girl feeding the hahY ehiek- ens, While a (risky • terrier kept tne greeelY old hens at 4 distanee., Montreal, Oct. 22.-A farther advance of from leo to 200 per bag has been made in the price of rolled oats on the local market, and quotations are now given at $3,15 to $3.17%. Provistons-Barrels short cut mess, $22 to 822,50; "half -barrels, 811.25 to St1.75; clear tat backs, $23.50 to $24.50; long cut heavy mees, $20.50 to $21.50; half -barrels do, s10.05, lo $11.50; dry salt long clear bacon. 10c to 11%; bar- rels plate beef, $14 to 816; half -barrels do, $7.50 to $8.25; barrels heavy mess beef, $10; half -barrels do., $5.50; com- pound lard, 10efec to 10%*; pure lard, 11%e to 12%c; kettle rendered, 13c to 13)ec; hams, 12%c to 15Xc, accoeding to size; breakfast bacen, 14c to 15%c; Windsor bacon, 15c to 15eec; fresh killed ebattoar dressed hogs, $9 to $9.50; alive, $6.35 to 86.50. Eggs -Sales of selected stock were made at- 2.4e_to 25g. No. 1 at 21c, sec, ends at 16.eec to 17c. Butter -Quotations range all the way from 27c to 28c, according to Malay and make. Cheese -Ontario cheese sold on the local mereet as low as 130, though the majority of holders are asking 13%e to 13%c. • tAAP 0110VVINO LIGIITEB. • Bread Now Sells telt 4 C.eritie a POund Kinglitorh, e despatelt eifagt ECItilegtOn says: Kingston bakerieZete net, raking the price of bread, Kt nto Milking the 'weigbi of the loaf. rive _waft ago, a tour-poutul loaf Wee seta fOr itetile. Oben leilinicielrei Was tenet% Off end the Sorke nuattifaliled lO cents; note/ an. halt-paturiltglts and 1114 Plinth 'ot win het:miter sell tit In refite. ia Tele the old Isur.pound teat 14 Wartir tuts, Or S OKI* tits banatif,, • ••••••••••11.. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo, Oct. 22. -Wheat closed: - Spring lower; No. 1 Northern, $1.19; No. 2 red. $1.09; Winter lower. Corn -Easy; No. 2 white. 70c; No. 2 yellow, 70N•e• Oats -Easy; No. 2 mixed, 55eee; Nu, 2 white, .58,1e. Barley -$1.08 to 81.18. Tye -95c on track for No. 2. Canal trelghts-Steady. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET, New Yerk, Oct. 22. -Wheat -Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 81.12%, elevator, and $1,13% f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du- luth. $1.25% f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard wLnter, $1.17% f.o.b. afloat. ThAs Alma be drew 101 to his 10 poise, sett3 Ateinhet Atet,e, • t nip Terents Triteilliter a total Teeetlx IttAt 400.heCe blet •car Were $11t94Ar - • G nit srdleeto hes purchesed IINet' Plan tin beght operaliens tt MOM W1.10 ioeve Ivo') III Can, Tilt) • 4latiY t,airettls eaetil lo: think find hp nee tite liret UV or teeth, will kill oat nyWey in it taw Itatte, It to •useatte ,114 eIty ...peetat eat* ot thwn. This' is wrOng,' ter the Aral teeth Aire inst- as linporiant in their we • 'air thin* t. e.htl clead, Oki hifirtenc'r entrtkettuty et the seNthl set pro in in'eet Illeeektre- depencleilltohP0) Vie ,eero whtrit. has Nett taken- to, pre, eleteee the.tullit,teeth es lAng th,' /AO Will hog them Iliklerely, cettillAr When the Oita Is th.rre vcert once. At DK eardeet pose talq monient atta- lot, less trk4n two yettra itendo be elet-ei *Mall ealt toOth.larlielt should ne. or moddi the Priso or. Committed Weida lifter Arrest, A Dawson deeptileh saysn•-"Attorge Kincaid, heed foreman et the Klink'. Werke Depirttrient In the Tukon Terri, Wry, with beadOnartera. DOW,SOne rived on Sunday, in charge et the pelte,e, at Selkirk, quo hittaired end seventY• Ow mites above Dawtiot• 'vat, *mit ,ftimelott , , . givo to koku 11,n4, 40 tihotdd ho taught' pi! with Waling Stet which 'Moder , :. lih; Thi•ho iprvul.1 sfroght itgo at' hew to teee it. Olaf elteldri kla Made 10;.. outily dieeppeared from the registered erode .100004 vete geeteeee-ea ley gre use it thoroughly end regularlY eetilt4aV Men leek delivered in Dwaine Ray trO tert Veide.y... . twlep he goy, no should tie shown lieW belie Felrbanks lay the Alcamo' neettlia !the itallwe? Commlesion INts podded In brush the teeth' up and doWn, trent, tne ntilentye hat defeela In lieir NUM - went ,of 'cars Maat he remedted. The ,Drikeelde. hlock et Brandon was damaged by Oro on SeModay lo the atnount of len theusend 1311.1VV,' Pelt at Montrtai are agita- ting the IllaUgurailen 11, 1Aveldy• fC0f.144111r 011 eaetern reilways. fte`4,13.4, Fernier prelleUnCea Brant- 104.'illeentelet.Peetane rind drunken city he WO:neer to. ^ strathy, General Manager ot the lphltders 13ank, has resigned, and SUOCeeded by his son, Mt. Stuart Strcathy: The Onterio Department of Education hae d,ectded to prepare a new set of readers for me public schools of the P vine Me4 tocitted an in etWeetrnele deltght.1 Writ MOO been Issued by the Ontario ”it's something for,Ittilogirls to readr" She cried; and when the teener adta geoct.bye. a .little' later•IM left the wleole family contentedly lild behind IheLr Papers, Atter three nights Molly had read bveryt word in the magazine; end not only the stories and the bits of poetry but useful Information. • She had real leo, that the paper was printed every vteek, and that tor a certain. sum Of money one could have ft sent through the village postecilflee. She thoeght nrott ehought about tins money. She got out ner little savings born between her, folded cotton dresses in the bureau drawer, counted them over and over, end eompaned them with the price printed oil the megazine. One dealer was what she needed to complete the amount.' But one dollar seemed almost as far Out grof teach as fitty dollars to Molly ;Deering. The money she had was ell 'she had ever had en, her whole life. She hadnever spent oe penny, and now she Meont to spend Her all In one lump sum. For she was quite determined to 'have that paper come every week through Me postofflee, so she could hide emelt behind It in the evenings. end read about flowers and kittens and girls and boys and Mstory and geo.' graphy at the same lime the grown kilts were reading what Interested 'them. When Mr. Robinson came again she 'had plan all ready to. propose; and 'it wee a businesslike Molly Deering who took her place on the footsteol et 'Mr. Robinson's knee, and at his "Well, new, my lassie?" she said, seriously: "I want to knit socks for you, Lf you _please, str,..hecause L want. earn some money." The schoolmaster laughed with plea- sure. "1 need socks," he replied, "and you need money. If you can knit socks, and 1 have money to pay- for socks, the 'matter seems quite simple, doesn't It?" And quite simple and satisfactory it turned out to be. Molly was to knit 'three pairs of woolen socks, and was *to receive one dollar for them. And 'then Mr. liobineein added. as he was told what the moyey was to buy, "Dear 'me,' you must net wait all that time The your paper. It is part of your edu- 'cation. my child. We mnst think f eeme better plan than that." So grandmq was asked tor her opin• lc,n, and father was requested to give his advice, and mother was particul- arly invited to tell what she thought on the subject. And when Mr. Robin- son finally watt bis way toward the vil- lage, he carried in hts hand a letter' ad- dressed 'to the magazine office in far - 'away Boston; and snugly felded In ht$ Wallet lay a paper with the following words in Molly's neat, old-fashioned .writing: I 'promise to knit three pairs of home- made socks for my friend, Mr. Noah Robinson. for the sum of one dollar, aalue already received, and I am much obliged for it. MARY MERINO. -Youth's Companion. —.0 MONTREAL'S EXEMPTIONS. Amount This Venr to Sum of Filty•four Million Dollars. A despateh from Mentreni says: A repert completed at the city mei on Friday shows that properly is exempted from paying real estate u.ssiosements the clty for tne eurrent year le the amount of fifty -tour dellars. Never In the history of the city 'were the exemptions so large. The figures show that during the past three years exemptions have inereased by fully twelve million dollars. I,ast year's ex- emptions a rim u n led le 850.3:50.1M. LIVE sTOCle MARKET. Toronto, Oct. 22. -Slapping erode showed little lite, transactions being limited to a load or two bought by Montreal dealers. The loads met weighed about 1.200 lbs„ and scold from 54.30 to $4.40, which are practically the same levels as butehers'e For good to choice steers, prices were firm, ranging from $4.25 to $4.50, with picked lots 10e. to 15c. higher. Medium lo good sold from, a3.75 to $4,00. Cattle et common to medium quality were ea- &ler to get, prices for these Allowing little change at $2.50 to $3.40, according to quality. Choice cows sold firm rot floro $3.25 to $3.65, with medium cows at 52,40 to $2.75. Common rows and Canners ranged from 'Mc to $2. Trade in light stocker cattle was about the chief item on the market pro- granime, since the bulk of offerings came under Mei head. Priees ranged front $2,00 to $3.ao for the most of 11. Feeders for the distilleries were in de- mand at $3 to $3.50 for steere, and e2 he M$112c.1510 rorowrs quiet at $30 to $45 lutriogeTdvesatrke.plves were in demand. Prices ranged from 3c to age per lb. Ewes sold .frofn $4.25 to $4,50. Culls and bucks, 83 to $3.50- Good lambs were firm at $4.25 to $5.75. Hogs sold unchanged at $6.25 for the feet, Light rough hogs were slow and the big discount- on these still ruled, the most of therti bringing little more than $5.25. FAILURE OF GERMAN BANK. -- Heaviest Since Collapse of Leipsiger Bank in 19(11. A despatch from Hamburg, Germany, says; The oldest banking firm of Haller, Soehle and Co. failed on Thurs- day. The liabilities of the (km are ear. iously staled and ft was 'estimated early In the day that they were In the neigh- borhocd of as,onopoo, but the flainbur- gee Nactirichten says that it is Informed by a banker who la In a position to know the facts, that the liabilities will ream $;,500,000. This will make the collapee of this firm the biggest bank failure In Germany since the famous breakdown of the Leipstger Bank, in June. 1901. The aesets of the firm have net yet been as- certained, but In banging circles the capital of the partnere declared to be $1.2.501J00. direetOM to recover domages tar tient'. legeanettike.agopeft the former President and ' The tote] population of Torento Is 272,60fliand the assessment $207,317,267, aceOrdieg 10 the figures ot the Assess* niTttlite OP1:11Matest siohnerebrras, ke, Que. on Fri- day, icqu tted Mrs. Sharpe of the charge ef Ifinnelaughter In connection with the ot Harold Coates. A •tire Edmundston, N.B., on Saline daye ; destroyed Hebert's Hotel and Murchle 4 tturpee's store and a number devellhojes. Loss, $25,000. The stloollng of Gans by a Winnipeg detectiee has mooed considerable In- tereat.'Ond the Prov1ncial Government W1_11 held greet investigation. Tfile' Property of the Temiskaming & Nertnern Ontario Railway $2,000,000, has been insured with the Lloyds of Englaod and a New York syndicate. Neaten authorities at Winnipeg on Saturday seized and condemned about fcur• thousand pounds ot impure food, mostly canned stuff, rind the dealer, Senniel Shore, was fined. Tne Astritic Exclusion League of Van- coneer , has requested the city's repre- sentattves in Parliament and the Legis- lature to resign as a method of testing public feeling on the exclusion question. GREAT-B1111TA1N. ROY KILLED BIS MOTHER. Atter Durk. Shooting. thin Went Off Willie Ile t'Velle Wiping It. A despatch DOM NOM Battlefield toys: A terrible accident occurred on Friday morning at the home of Charlee efoore, ci Milner, about elgnteen miles northwest of this place. Percy, a con of fifteen eeare, Came 11$5froln duce- 0./ooting. anti? haring forgotten to re Move the'' +laded shell, began hi wipe CROPS ROT IN THE FIELDS. -- Rains Prevent Harvesting in New Brunsakk. A despatch from Toronto says: In the °peen of Mr. Duncan Anderson. oil OrIllia, an institute worker, who has written to Mr. II. A. Putnam. euperino tendent of Farmers' Institutee. the crop shortage In Canada will amount In value to one hundred million dollars. life let- ter. written from New Brue,wiee, states that in ghat province ltw rainfall has been so great that It has been Impossible tc get the crop in. The hinders and mowers cannot be used, as they heroine bogged. ' 'The wheat. oats and tons of hay are rotting In the Itelds. The emu. toes, too, are *moiling. "This is a lean year for the farmers of Eastern Canada," says the lett_.er. WIRE KILLED HIM. M. Trudeau Flu allowed a Piece Performing Trick, •ft despateh 'from Mentreal says: el Tiudeati died at the Hetet Dieu Hospital en Fteday as the sestet et hating swal- lowed a piece of wire. lie had been In the habit of astenishing hls friends by putting the \dire Up ills nose and pro. during it again horn his mouth. A skirt time ago Truderm woe amuelne genie friends With hie leveret, 'rink, when tht wire slipped deem t114 throe( and lodged In ing etornecte Firm old to the Injured wog immediately implied. hut to no purpose. suffering great palm he MIS removed le the Ifolel Dieu, 'lettere lie died on Friday morning. BUSY BURGLARS AT IIRUSsas, Entre Post4Mfice. Mow Open Sate and Get 8388. A despatch frem nrdeqP19. Ont.. SON: Rend+ linle between two mid three &fork Sunday neernIng the polterilltee eine ono While the gums to the ,erowns,--not 614040., -and it is well to inivO Usettn.efittp,- hue dentifrieft 91$01ne agreeable flavor: The advantages ot this don einke the prattlee ot dental hygiene are rnanitot end manifold, in the Allicalit was placed aboord the steam- er ,Pmspecter en Tuesday morning on hts wey to Duvison end died three hour" ,twieee file arriVed at the beat, A vial .oupposed to contein Poison •waa Iettna lit Ms bunk. Ott Monday nt ht he whs. and ate heartily,. It believed first Plage, it Will 1111Pleen a iniod Debit', the man Wars eo overcome with twtheroearalluerer lye geltod‘‘hatibikltelstoftOrva t/inlitlittorte thosecauukse.i. of Ins Capture that he throtif,ilii life. In,the next place, n will ache, and perhaps night of gala, and finally it will preserve the infili-teeth troTmhiadeisaaya oralitteerolyt tfultell.greatest 110., parlance. The function of the fleet teeth is not only te mastic:ate food, but to assist in the regular developniegt tle• the 'laws* so that when the lime ealnek car the pushing forward of the permanent teeth, they will find ample room for their regular anti even ail- justment side by side, with the teeth of the upper and tower jaws fitting squarely against each other, Not only is this reciprocal arrange- ment of upper and lowereteeth news. sery for proper nottstleation", nut ite ale settee. greatly favors decay and other dental maludles. It sheeuld not be forgotten, further: MOre, that the milk -teeth are meant to chew with, and they will last long if they are given proper work to do, No - lure is very apt to neglect organs that are not used us she intended they should he, and a diet of pap will lend to early oecay of the milk -teeth. As soon As 111e elitld is weaned and has teeth,. they should be given something to do, Chit. dren should be encouraged to eat the crust of bread, toast end crackers, which must be chewed and moistened with saliva before being awallowod. This helps to develop the muscles of mastIcalien, cleans the teeth by friction with hard particles, toughens the gutue, and, fast but not least, inculcates Ow habit of thorough chewing, which Ls se neceasary to good digestton.-Youthei Companton. say. e little ones from tnany 1,00tha Jerome K. Jenome complains that Car- negie'e libraries heave made the writing of books unprofitable. Dr. Wen. Osier is taking an active In. terest Lady Aberdeen's campaign against tuberculosos in Ireland. 'The British Government is strenele ening the defences of Jamaica by: von- structing a fort for heavy call_bre_gt_ins "81Ctel(Ir Varst•dnGle.YalWriting ef his tour aroarid the world, cendemns the vecu- Istion in land which he saw going on in Canada. BrItieli railway companies. 'have re- turned a reply unfavorable to the de- mand of their employees for reeogni- 'ion 'of the union. A British fleet of 110 pennants, a ferae greater than that immediately available- by any two other European nations, is assempled for manoeuvres hi the Norni Sea. William 6, Rockefeller lesitfl'd at New York on Friday that the Standard Chi Company kept millions of dothirs of IN surplus 1.p. Wall street at the prevailing vales of interest, UNITED STATES. The slump in the mice of copper has closed a large autnber of mines In Sal- tine, Mexico. A woman and two children were killed near Amherst, Ohio, by being caught - the cattle -guards on the railroad. Ohio low raised enough wheat this year to make a barrel of flour fur every man. woman and child ih the Ste Ie. While attempting Is; arrest ;el un• known man at Pseiria, Policeman Edward Barrett was shoe, and died an hoeuerwail (beery/n(111V 'year nn State lax will he levied. lit Wisconsin during 1907, the treasury hong in such a pro*perous con- Od`titiel'urtirriinPdn trains are having rare sport gers the Southern Pacific fishing from the car windows in the Sal. ton4, ft4:erne film in lit, - superior 0.,urt at (enrage asking for the up• )rolifpnanyreceiver for Ihe Stand - Seven thousqnd cepies of a new maga. Zinn for the blind. are nms II) 111f. press In New Yorls city, and will bc distributed ,nt,ts((j:riv.* ing n six years' terrn in prisen lit Trenton. . has re, celved a bequest of $140.000 from a r4.4 lathe tri Mininhesier. England. The state:Mod 1,1 11111t1P at \1ashingtd.n Mat Ihe Government has futiro.mtimigortg,.tilin,),.1.: hem keine $1.00e daily and fraud in the money -order sysli,iii. Feting from u eindoe ledge ie the fourth 11,1or ,,f LI new 'I (Irk I Mild iltg. 1111(111l Ray clu•ectly upon Richard Prehle. Ma, was passing. Both re• ceived fractured skulls .and flay us riot ell‘eilmenc"Mtoallii:sOn. proprietor of Illy Three attempts on the tee se Miss 1144110tlable 110'4111'y A1'1114 Los Angeles. I al., by 11'11'1111i of intetnal machines, ha% e 'wen made during the 1:eAts:treitiorirt,7, Navy 10 la4.4,a14,1 Iltr1 Inp Puna. ma anal on a...omit ,.f lti•• recent NI. pal ineneufe f beam in nut, ri! 1 ien . tin dintinit ttl'irn the gttn IirPar°6e3e ((red by burglare, oreese being pined killing life feeillett alMeet Blatantly. blown open and an tho v011100.14. wri. foolfnu of stempi; orld Cash fo the value 115.5 been tilted to melt of over three hundred dollars', was N(Vintlite It& \ taken; l'h 4011tittg"' It' IIII°. The OR' Went °Ili ty the back window. The ga cl tves i (d.,vpit Si.. C. T. Bell,e1. siii,,,,•t, an,1 editor 4.1( (1 paper at Q.,. Ill 11 /IA has teen censured for , riticeing Pir of Pi Mee Ito in (erect, The Imper,ni ( trnesn troopq hat„ idattInvseno;h1i00,.11,n.‘gll'irairglOokflisliollog then". Capt. Amundsen is having f,,un polar bear. trainee i.. draw sleds. and with Bier net eel make ail attempt 1,.; ,rerieh the meth ant, in ICIRE LT 1114'4111.Ttre. Dryschtle Pitts a nutlet in ills !lend. A despatch from ilamoton ears et m, Dr!. attain. v. hi+ n,1 vo Ills hi., hrol tier at 242 Jacksen *meet east, committed suicide by ohnotIng himself with n re. velvet. on enturdny night iti hte• T4-14./ al Sheeny before efirnrnil ima roch all he had been sitting In the 411nIna-rn.tn with his grater.in and nephen. end withhill paying ri werel Mee find welked hie brothers room where he plreed the nemli or bi•Iiind toe tar. Or finelity Wits called, hail he - fore he 3111,Nt Wale asz beyond IllItnan MO lie Avas yeara old. and It Is Said. had been despondent for the laat eeitiple of weeka. It Is NilleYIKI that Kincaid stole V* gold from the pailotheet when he work- ed. in tite,O*Veittnient *trete. lie had Onnirtertittek Whe nerrind ewey the auk*. opened, them, melted the gold, mixed It with Klondike dust end tiOld It to the •nitellee. Only * emelt portiert was reCoVer*t. utehard, bookkeePer of the Me & N. witeo DeWeon, 4 Winer nen aurant rletor, wee arrested, Tbersday 011e a Stroller Charge to that on which kineeld WaS UM. Hag is confined in Intrados at Dawson. It is rePerted that he hoe made a wares. von Implicating 4 number of Dawson - ilea. The arrest of Hall on4 Kineald eaused the hIggest sensation hem la years. both having been promihent Kiondikers. Kincaid is a native a Poterboro• and went to Dawson in ASK FOR DETAILS OR DENIAL Government Contented Over Reports ol tannibaltsna Among Indians. A despittch fr•ain Ottawa says: Sense, Venal statements have recently been published, es comlng from Mr. J. A. Osborne, editor of the Times, ot Fort lerances, Ont., as to alleged canna:anent Oli the part of Indians between the east- ern shore of James Bay and Labrador. AA this area meters territory terger In extent than civilized Europe, it, Is Int. elessible tor either the Indian Depart. rnent or tee Mounted Pollee Department confirm or deny the statements which have been imputed, erroneously, it is believed, to Mr, Osborne. -Meanwhile, letters have been sent to that gentleman ete behalf of the Government risking him to.' details or for denial of the assertions credited, to him. REMEDIES FOR MINOR 111-$. Hot Water tor IncligesLion.-Drink. a cup of hot water one -halt hour bele** meals. Season on Aching Tootit.-A little Worcestershire sauce rubbed on the gtans of un aching tooth will Stop the pain almost immedicitely. Plaster for a Spiedn.-Beat salt Into lhe white of one egg unlit it le of the, rcnsieteney of an ordinary mutinied plaster, spreuti on a cloth und apply to the part affected. For Neuralglue -Bore a hole through n nutmeg with a small penknife, run li(irPOw ribben through epenicig long enough to tie around neck, The na- ture' ca of the nutmeg penetrutes the skin and Meets a cure. Cough Syrup. -Cook one handful of 1,o,,ps in one quart of water till It LOOS thown ki one pint. Sheen spit add Iwo cups of granulated sugar, two lemons, sliced, and boil until it strings. Take frtiii'lapin, and add three table - For Chappell Ilands. -V*oalt over night five rents worth of gum tragacan In l ',le pin t 111144.Warin. soft wator, and srain through cloth, Add teur winces vlycerilin and onio-hult teaspoon i:‘em mon, mixed; two ounces alcohol, four cullCet• ruse -water. If not enough, add more water. Bottle and toe!) !n Theme -Take the 1-aackbone of a 115h, put in hot oven baronies brown. and with the i•ollingpm roll until it is line us sand. senile- about a quarter of a te,,..iy,on. 'fill with 13:4 little moisture us possible. This hair tt. dt.sal...perir like limp., •r, Fish Hone.- owed., re• medy to dislodge tr ti‘tt tiwip or any. Hang in the throat ,* fuSlr,n, a lad. 1, ii securely to a is' ring; a ‘it, allow the coin , then pall 1111' ailing. No dIffleut• ly is lomat in this simple method and ,i win alway, remove the obstruction With absolute certainty. Eor Cinder in Your !Vv. -When you get miiiieltiing in your eye take hair ireni your liend, make a loop of t, limo. the eye hd and stick In the loop, \Vail, the eye several times and then pull out the heir. The troublesome will cling to it and °mole out 14., CLAIMS IW VANCOUVER SAPS. For Damage Sustained By Them During the Recent BICIte. A despatch frotn Ottawa says : Fifty- kur claims, ranging from one dollar to cne thousand dollars, have been flied by Japanese residents al Vancouver for damages sustained by them during tile recent riots. The damage to property, consisting mostly of broken glass, Is placed et $2,400, and the damages asked tor business loste,s amount to $11,200, Making an aggregate of $13,600. Noth- ing could be mere thorough than the manner in which the claims are presen• ted Each case is treated as a separate claim and Is aceompanied not only by an affidavit, of the damage, but also by a photograph of the building, showing the inairiest done by the mob. TROLLEY CAR BITS A HOUSE. Three Killed and Several Mutilated Near Halifax, England. • A despatch front Halifax. England, says: A istreet ear which telt Sowerby Bridge. three miles from this city. on Wednesday. was wrecked In ascending ft steep hill at Belton Brow. 'The trolley IYr the wire and the car ran backward clown the hill to the bottom, where It left the rails and ran into a house. Three, pereons were killael and thil•ty injured. Several of the latter were terribly muti- lated. One Mall had his nose cut ott. LIAI(INt; re;i1NOtla ' AT11-11.11. Ne, hero an int lind is remi.red oike raw ..vei) day. they s.. o'd he refiared ill 411Threflt 41y0. 44.4 .44 I144t IiPoorno Plain 1.i.fgnog.- Beal one skilhohl keparahng unt.1 add heaping ha spoon of sugar ;son Into a la!, t poi Hee end beat, 11 g Ali 11,iror ‘1.1111 anilla or gi ated nutmeg, Cliocidale 1.gg.,a.g. he egg 1,4 111,4 1111,1 add the sugar and a lett- hl,),,t1 IlivAPLI dut arid add i "it to fill lie gt.iss, Fi Int ggniogs Ica egg' iogi in 11,11,10 by, tlibbilL' 1111% II tilt jou e., MI, II at grape, ...tinge f leftibert y to the vt I eaten .,gg iin,) xtt,•et,,,, hisic Nes.- ii, t\ tier, Ill, I', mill 1,1,-,4 are iised; too ih.1, add ;,111,• wider -- 1'01 MI DE411) to T1W 144 (101111/111ine41 Stan ENpirr. of Heart Disease While limning. dostiat,.11 front st atharines sat. '11,1114,1. on• phsto I tec Dish & Moho Wtiv f'naill dead near Shinn. dui, reel, oil artemoon. um, a waded gon 14.,111/ 1.eside hiii, Ile mid ..evertit ,orripunion., 1.,id 0, the bush. arid Treroi., being missed, scur.h isf14 111040. re*alling Isi the finding of the bo.b. near It,. I reek At nisi foul play sisspe. i ..ner Alerrill too: 'mirth,' 1,111 (mini Ina? dralti tt. I Ill(' 1. II 'mit se. 1 re• 0,1t. th, nom hitht lin. a rnotti,r 11I1d *i*Ict re,saling in 1,0,111,,. II %IRA EAT OF TE11110RIsm. -- Thirty-lour Permeations In Rua, .a in etemember. fk deep:itch from et. Petersburg ,.av The ponce statistics publiehed en Ttiti.r*- ift:r.,,usinrIvi:r:rg,olarit.4d,lpn‘tpti.terpmotiveervrrfe,osilitivi,rwit. 'eiling 73 officials, were 41111rill'r114.1. and thet 172 people %eV' tti11441414'41 In a (ecialf 7F11:14.:1‘onvIlibli aerPtgulriutil(St\-jri nil': 11141:71:, 1,1,71,1 rc'erier,tia11005s.ritIttialfidIstapartn,atr,lre prexeritativol of the aultiortlim nod 1114 dIscoovery ot 34 stores ut bombs and ex. olosivese TEN MEN DROWNED. Fishing Schooner Alma Wrecked on Newioundlund roue'. A despatch teen SI, .11,1t11:6. Nfld., says: Wreckage washed ashen, on the east coast on l'hursday indicates that the tithing schooner Alma was test In the recent, Wale with her crew of ten men. Little hope enterteiped that tiny of the men have escuped. They were all Newfoundlanders arid the mujorIty leave females. NATURAL SODA FOUbITAIN. -- Water Gushing From Ground In a Great Stream. One of the most interesting and novel gushing wells in' the world ,and per- haps without a rival in either respect, is a geyser of sada water that recently came up at Wending, just across trie ceunty border from Sono- ma, California, says Tbe Scientific Am - This well produces soda water -gem - tee soda water -and of a quality that would warrant bottling for the general trade in moth quantities as were never struck before. Thera is so much eke wanutnelre ttihndat lust tied taw niedlotttingtortaat hbuogges .trom the forest to the lumber mills. An artesan well borer was recently wietinppploilyedtartoa olleatragien4aanwmaternatethawtatreer. gtheinm.. Ho drilled to a dopth ot 200 feel.. the lower 110 teet teeing through eolid graalte. Then a slight trace of water was found. The artesian man then elaced flfty-foUr slicer) of dynamite at the bottom of the well and exploded Instantly water gushed up rising twenty feet above the serum of the ground, pouring forth In enormous vol. 'ernes. That Was days ego, and since then there tuts been no indication of a ttruces.84,attoa of nen Tea neberal suds loan- • -- -+ RIVEWS •roLi. or IDEATE!, Matt) Unexplained Trugediee at Mont• real. despatch from Mot -Orval sa).*: cording to official ree....,rd., hate Icon thirty Inf. tiodie* froin the over tit or near Alontreal Use 1'1 .kttril last to the present nine. eteet ef the ,,,11•11111, nere o,iveted %sound*, as hi, h isradal indi,,aie foul play. and a largo pereentage of saere 11111t114,V411 14J Illt• 1.1441we and morgue annals. YOITIIIEVE INCENDIARY. Samuel Austin Caused Fires In Ca*er• hill's 'Warehouse. Monireel. A despatch f root !liiUitt !yea I r.liys flint -leen year-01,1-1s,y. cm pleyt 1,1) I tit 11'11111, v,is, 11.11,4441 (.11 'I uesdny night (lam!" of iiiri011 So,\ -#.'1'111 Ih'Phi bay,. LW V11111,11 1',1111,4 during Ile peat P.n.; Month,. kt II have puz- /ir thrinen and the him weeny Austin wended gisrtf) end es as nioanded tot semen.... eeliele: isT. 11,4LNI1F.Nlike Le‘lathafi 4eon OPInIsitc Montreal. ric*pal.•li fo_ma VI, ••IN" !lolly -fral whale is .0 i!.. !liver isher mei, to, 01,1 harp,. 1,. iins] nu, Lee !lc e,ei i.,e. mailuged .‘ Ude PERSONAL LARAGRAPHS. Interesting Gossip About Some of the World's Great People. Paderewskt frequently sits at bet in• strurnent until well into the small hours of the morning. Hence be seldom rises until 9 er 10 a.m., and immediately he Is dressed he gets io. work, generally etactistng on the piano, but often Imp._ re sing. Ile keeps te his task until one o clock, and not a minute earlier does Iv- break las fast. By that time, how- ever. his appetite is keen, and the feel- ing that he has ;Weedy earneel his break. fast helps to make the hour of lila first meal by far the most enjoyable ot the day'. The meal itself never occupies . long. He follows it with a quiet genie et billiards played against himself. He • an enthusiastic devotee* of ,the game. Amongst the mentors of Royal Houses who of recent years have re - 1 red from the world and eought the se - elusion u is. nov. to be en- I 1,111441 the Pi:Mee:es Clara of Bavaria, Who has Just entered the community of le•rieeletine Mine Mg, have eetabLished Themselves In the IS14. :it Wight, where they purchueelpe bealltlfut astute en ukee• proximity to (Osborne. This own- inunity peeee.sse.s an ex -Queen for its Ludy.Abbese in tile person of the yen. l'fo'ir4ibril:rlywIldt'en%igv °off Maringoureili es !noel illustreous arid frequent veal- rs were the present Queen uf Spain ter,ter lei her marriage) and her mother, Princes:, Henry of Buttenburg. Mins. `Alto is cre- ating sensation on tho Italian stage, • ehertly iippeni. in London. single. Illittded. rat!. produce4.1 "The Gee ehue repreeenting herself all the tif lieu! p Ills'Ipti I parts. a no I ellanglIlg her ,s,stiiine 175 times. tier performance three hours. and at no lime I& she 1114. stage for inure than len Sec. `Ott- has a marvellous veto:, and nii g m.priltho, Mt.. tenor. and 1.aritone. The rriti...s declare that Stg• 114.- Mill Mill& ‘Vbt) LS lwen.ty•four iriirs of age, et '4•Ithions, Nellie Earren, st. John, and Fret.a.,il rolled .1110i Al present she Ls perhUrIn big et Helot/nu a piece entitled "lor Grande 'X et ' N,,IVW11 she unlinks over IOU , linage. f • :odium'. liefe.ler•- opinion* and mashie' on mom.% trainey•illahllig are interest )11r Ile recently teeter...it the ollicittyl- t tu or': J.1 ), riedi po " co the lull it of "turning down the ',lite)! he I Ma. I tie Imam ay wee Ifi• .1:iiightel. tie told ,s1 :41. !U id, is AI 16% 1;1 t ‘:ege ,t a 11, money )IILI Get it Nal). re - an left 1,i lualtest I , helter lhoia names ,* ta ' dt, not f-vek hese to o It CUM' (•111' 110,11./1/ III "Ili or I, rt y s of 1.4 14161. ' .,.ttaPaff,v so Ph aa foi.:ti I •••I's lls. ''Ll• as.1 • mlo.1:1111r lX,11.11:11 u..$8, :,,hz yr IA '0' PU ,11011,101, 111141 4171.11/ bis• so pa.d f, 11 abor , '1646 lel • 11,.- brs, . 1.“ ne." 1.-- me.1 si, o,t "..to 5.4 41111 M.* l'OnIfIrl , interesi.tig .lerl . her hte 'me ! 7211in,i1 'fi" 4,114,1/4.4444 II lath 1-1-114.114,141 I piiori. nolo h Flatleaa h,r .11,11g. OW if OU She *sag itight ..1111 nt Kruger...4(1w'. at the time ita.d "%Put) *he n lop ariuund , ape Horn ma Li sunlit ,ee hold. 'then tter 1.,‘, Itilitg.1 ; '14"1°.;r1.';'11 iudiarta.:' inkuu; • eflid, I he ,s,.,peren.••• that n..,le the h.!, in ,he sumo I!, 110* bille ,•A ,l,t1 f N.! 4)1. •'• o I/111 ,(1 ..,,,aae.1 'oat (Will, Fel 7,00 1-1101:14 11-4,11. 182.000 Horses Ake 1 ortautned no Food tit German). ltinn there .,11114,011,,1.0,1 ff,r forsi King,Join 4(f ealem It 922 hors.** mei ',I 7341 aI,,g,s I h., t411/4 11 ti 11444,04044 2-'i horst:, and ',sr,' In al.-. so hol, empire al 1906. necording the s+., Ferro Vagarine %%ere skintight., ..1$ r 1/42.IX1/1 01114I t11/4.1I1 ,411, di, kr* go int.', !raft in nip "l+irsellefel ,* s er s gealomai, I gal in I ;1•Eltoi n nes", „pups,. clans in thrase the ail .1.1t10.•Ft. .^entreA." Sat s .1.1,1 states Sons,' In, "and fans, r it h I marlot !iv It spe, in,i, elainilng lee it h ghee pm -coning,. 40 11,1411111041t 1141141 '4111 14 cither / 4, I 441'114 Mallon 14' 114 r* "vieIthr r is advr.4. tiaetneilia ni 11'1111 or , for the plat' rativar. ig• f. .1.411140110F Nor us pre441hIP In rend the 1.erman newspaper* f ant lenalls f nine %dhoti! isiming 1, Ito. conclusion thni great man% $1,14 killed and .,011,,ti that de re I give. of their lives under 11140,1/4an oprrio ileialling Ilia arregl trial nv alien and puillshmeni ho fine or ,,f nien harged V11111 'silting and moiler d.,g* lila I ttettgartl Otner4. Nalnable anirnaLa or ^heristted housetto'..1 pets. are not intro. qeent." •••,, .et 0,11101416r • r .1 Th,* iv nu CI Oa, V. (Is di* though Ahc. paeued nit me poiminettiorio , I ne.o. ne,g1114,, .r) the px• (m141,111 n,r4...rit et, Mr, liarrv n Hunt, oifig sailer Mem Imertek. , e., e "cuing up" fer "MD 4ter a . e a -sae nt eght. and tie aeddlrig W(114 not long delayvit \in ourrr t: tn. "A friend .n need cs a friend inched.' la a *a) fig Ittal mann* funny. how i -un friend who is in need Advance a follow money? )