HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-25, Page 5n t r 1fp4e1id v*1*s*., da ail' a istkar, ell mesa wrMtkshey gedatiet, ,All time atentb...,i.. Widish turd xlped iitoeeit .0 110/.100' ixa$7.90 COATS Iltestelyoteliteer Crate it< rico rt ttrtf+t ttr excelstirgedakaating of 4lec C '1 vlrs xokrll+Ias lentetotle e.' with So,01,, 1 00 Att,etitxpt +til#y aknivrlfot bel yTererd witer; Vert' and pre ^Cw(iottotli Mole. vseteo-. .i.,0 +A•f.+:. +i'k. . ..,�'tl+'•...s 0111.O4 $142$. 13001,4 1/t45-41410 •AND FLOOR COVlRINtl8 piereati of tSW,hole �. �'T.. iypjte, 2,a et ad 414 life ut.petterna. *v4 we quote thee! 'et • DOM Tea eter prieetei, ' , . i 0..0..0100 . C' ITR UiLTS 1a 5 r ti 36 ot►1X; White Atttericitq ..Cr'ekliiet aitwr.1arga's tet'i� Autifiali'g a iliade.itpd fauinalied,, MOW price $i.35,- Saturday and 1. onlay.... ,$1.10 CARIOTS ANO RUO>� FY tt y .. ,q bbl � tt•pd.` $ 1'� Unteit Ceett.te •35C.Tenea �. �•. SD°, at z., •..25ct 3ga, dOcWaal • '.75,c 8uo .,T#3040$,'�"4ri :ttt'd '.s •ski xx.f SMMf M71+{t1 40c. 50c.'WC' 11r1t 1t Carr[ tF •. `:.,ns .x' ,•...65c ' +QO; : l.10 1,e,the T . S a e� tl� . "f, 1t is a pur.ly vegetal* aonpound pod, seeeleg.perret* regult+,,ng powelx over all leo eiM of.: . . lite ttiretaa , Y auto Autft�ll , ._ tt4ei>; •ooutti()nt. ' 11.o punihw td . titbad thatit cure. elf':blood Ultima and •dieeteete a int• " 0044 4144 With,. its'unrev A t .t, .�'. eleeunsiatg• arid urif , "ipiittteatext, xroaidexti 11 uaiequalted for di cit of, skin. Mr.s �;;°fatten, itlhwuuk; Ont wrtett. "Som tine, ager wan: troubled with.heiie Midpirnlpieie whieth kept breaks Ing" out .00natatntly. After' taking' two ;hottlee8 of nt>r Tod c Meed ,l#ittetit 1, am eompletcly clued. VISITS S.,RATEORItt l.l*'i ER /I r YEARS ABSENCE. The llerald'e'Tatteie ift t• CIi.t With i41r: I, C1., WrilClat.• ViETIVRATIVARNVORK itoOr ILED CCL Piefolet tome inedt tome*, w rte eros 1.4tr• tet cos Soto Ev rywt.r. y .-4 .f 1 conch Tit hioiitreal Was read ebowing Credit valance int current.` urdinapp'eceuunty $1x82+ t1$;;and'w ter: and light aecounb Kt e. a n, 4.1.710.20.'011, ,Sept,. 301b ; `town's tiotee, under:' diaeount; $20, fhr current eitpensea,.i anti $;17,757 Inc local improvemepte ,, • Dtictrieb $'Qon's request. for rebate On taxed..owing' tit' their'' mill ltaving begin; burned was -sent to (Muria of Revision, ,' . \j A lettee from E. N. Lewis, M. P., advised that this Would be a good •time to send a deputation to Ottawa to urge pp the new' Mtnfieter of Public '{WI!orrks. the resumption of work on, harbor' mprovepyente here. The Mayor eaid he bed Written to the O. 1t; at'° Montreal. ;eiskiug ahem to Ito "ly 'passes or a deputation which .night tie chosen, 'bot, wan 'told that theRallway, Act 'did not, allow grant- ingouch ,paeaee. ';Chen the letter was ,entre Special committee to consider. A.letter' front the Board of Trade, endorsing, .a complaint from John unelord, pf (Hinton. of excessive and impprroper wharfage eharcges, wee •sent to Finance committee to COnen t With solicitor. ," • .A request :fermi the -contractor who laid, t'be note etdewalks, 'asking for a eiettk''went of his account, was sent to - �e avberic ' TsT.e}Faoxa Otrt: ftyn. IF'itIDA`!', UC'PO$gtt-?, .? . . THE TOWN COUNCIL: ;, guler meeting of the- Collo Oast -Peittey evening, all tli u e ere present, but ,it waa°':lfret' ,8.30 when the ;n,ayoi-,eallee inorder 'half an hour.: being oenupied t' with . committee business welch failed ;t , get attention on Thuredayevening: ermine' owtentTB '''' The Clerk. reported having given tli Finance committee the trietlideil statement of coal and iter .dost, ae•pre- pared by the W. and L.'Dommies on era, but chairman tilark• eafd they ha . not had time to look it over (rtrt ' would consider it some other time. Inspector Sande retorted a niimhe_ . of the walks eonstrubttd this veer Trot properly graded up and protectedi **celled for by the contract. " w• Collector Campbell reported hie bnndsfor $10,003 and that he had; col- 1'octeed $20,0G0 of 1907 taxes.- _ ;, A letter from. the Treaeur-er reported $5212.0/ transferred front general -fund of the toven'to the'W. and L ;nrFjinls; salon, which led sevmrai con lora to ksk by what autitority�" Oita-- had -been • , (lone. The may'o}i; bail he had not; heard of the traner, and'tben several questions were ked if the town'hai1: :not passed a motion' tliattlie co:�, ,is- radon must apply to the council for t fonds, the sante as the school hoards; There seemed some uncertainty a bout LOS, and Coun. Macklin said e, treasurer had told hiin he received no such instructions- and :had paid' the e co nniieeionera' orcjera eame 'as niMat: The mayor thought there intiat,have been some mieuedera ndle by' the commissioners. Filially OoUneillgr Macklin and • Reeve McLean molted that the treasurer be instructed ,net to pay any More ddrdors unless prettied by ' the flouncil and with the of nature of ,r. themayor..Thie was carried, and in newer to the - mayor's query ars to hat• the Council Would do about the ranst`er, as reported. the treas(u'er'e atter wee filed, oh motion of �Copn. Xia'tciin and Reeve McLean. : [No7r --The following is THE S'ret1'e report of what was done lit thi sppine ,'matter at the taopncil meeting.;,laeld Sept. d' : 8. • Be Lee: reepecttve,powrers of t'be Water and ,Light•Oomm salon. '• . are and the Council, the eolieitor re- potted that the drawing, of .money y the comml aionerefrom thege erel fends. of the. team, wee 'contrary to lit*, they should -make re9pieltlon:to 'the town for the funds needed. In ' the dissuasion it' liras tits .by the -Mayor that the CotnnileslOn ,had drawn orders on t, a tread ter for a- -• tient $1,000 alk,y'e t eir i-oydnue,•ap� Reeve McLean' and Conn. Macklin proved that the tredsurert be inetruict- m fd'to pay no more such• •orders, and the. Commissionera� tttr :send• frr,, n is ryuteltion to the (ouneli If they',ttee(led ' fend.. Carried).'; The following kindly aoknowrledge- r •'nietit from' the G eelph C ty *MOW ;Wm rend t That we extetldl a.hearty' VON of thanks to Mayoniglirott..end die, kiln, ehairn.att of ,lteeeptine • COM" t. Goderfch, endue beet the onvee the leaula lotlieow r, ltioutt . ' pd a tisene for the mitgnlil.. °- cent ri'c tion given •118''dt the. - elen of the official 'ripening ofthe • w e(fuelph• .and Ooderlch 11.411wa�rr' int 'Sept. 12. 1007, and that theclerkbesine �'attrucfed to forward, a -copy' Of titin its:' ' Whitton to the Mayor Of 0 oderleli. - The Mayor and Dr. Macklityt hitt feeling called on to convey °the tlran`lcs tet the rest of the *Domicil., `tlie..lettea� wtttf soot •to ' 1pectal coiinteittee, tart 'Kith the quer tapanswered, air e you expect the eonuttittee. t6 ft With Ili' Capt. Rabb was "alloWed. ;to , agtiln entttke i ie'protKat Ayl0ibd't theeioe1,tg cif train a recta at the harbor, ify thea P. It., which .he aalrl Welt:ltij°rioue. to his • property. a. *tee,.tit ,eta behalf front L. R. Motet.. tin* Ing Tarw oft0wdliiitit. `wmf.. loo Tread. Then Cbl.- Mieddtlald„ Ito erre present an behelt ° of t ,C1. wed C. R.y;,r watt *eked 10 *tate it *Went the cane, itna thtat do did. re eint fotelMy, rereledlir,lf 1100. tlittt iseleeing,werrpa-tofthat t scree with the tr two h``nd Stoner the t'af tttay' hedf,atlllled their para t 11ilwa• niOtit and Old over the th'erland a eomewbat ltkt CamelI kid lolled itt ter WA hot passed the bee it gait their; ante '' adut ^forth +c delay', and. It Tory 'aaiwll elate," belt ,eoithi apply la' ;tom - Meet. who would tad •(loaiitnittnlratiehlt: finch i L,, , "Watltri t,. Welk,. Doer fttd, taolikltrr ii erelty'.,afet5t+ tatitoit *toeing of it.Yt etneet*. ,lam ihieriestott tbeli' were alt *Iona 1enttat. ffikekl1ataati tio ,e,s rtli state ewree d tulle it P. W. committee. • • • Reeve McLean then moved hie progiiged motion that the $70(l paid f` by'the •C: P. It. for the• land in the attests closed be paid' back to them on t'heir.aasuwing responsibility for any dainagea which might lair -claimed. deny, RQ' id seconded this, but the Mayor advised that it be not passed. foe to cOmply with the necessary legal '; Mr. Doolittle, who proposee starting a,' ireartutectory for Woodwork lines, was heard in a request that some com- mittee of the Council be empowered ;to confer with him as to what he pro- poses ,to do and some slight conces- sions he would ask for. The Speeial 'eommitt w.ere empowered, and agreed to meet Mr, Doolittle on Mon- .daty-Mrening. s. ingaiewer connection from, the Wheel 'Rigs Co. building was referred to P. W. cermet ttee. Finance : Recomtnending :payment of following accounts : TUE STAR, $0. Adopted. .Parka: Itecommending (1) That the be requested to at once clean epand put ita order the property in and around Efarbor Park adjacent to their property ; (2) that a man be en- gaged to assist Mr. Watt in pruning the town trees, and that a step ladder and, a longer ladder be purchased for OA work. A.dopted. The establishment of a chopping mill in the old grain work house on Victoria Park was brought up, and the Mayor said Mr. Habel had applied to him and he hid allowed them to pueari engine, there temporarily. In the discussion it was stated that the lease held by the' late Win, Burrows Would expire on July 1 of next year, and OD Motion ot 0oun. Beckett and 'Deputy Elliott the clerk was instruct- ed to notify Messrs. Hay Bros., of Lis- towel, who now own the building, that they mus retnove the building before that da . On motion it was decided that Messre Rebel and Hum- med be allowedtecontinue their chop- ping mill there go long as the lease runs, they heving rented from Hay The Council then adjourned at 10.9e There ts not Another place on the Continent of AniericatO compare with the fligblands of Oritarinfor deer and moose -hunting. Thin part of Canada still forms a portion of that entail rem- nant of the world'e pristine wilder- ueasebot yet the ithode of man and hit mighty civiliratien, Northern Outfield, with Re rich re- sources. is regarded as the richest deer and mom country in the world. , Moose season in tbe moose country opens October 16th for 81 days. Deer il*DINDI ID the deer country opens Nov. let fee 15 daps. , These sections of Ontario are tho pittees Mint. and valueble Inform'. thin es to hart end, when to *et there and ell particulate can be heti free' by addeeeelog McDonald, D. P. A., Strand Trunk Railway Systerti,`Ditlen Station, Toronto. met With a. Amity Accident on Wednett..• day Of last week thet might :easily tette Wen Wedite. Re went down. eello to lig the efilee furnace. when the bottom etep unwed outand threw him 'eastward., Be. en the Cornet' of the formilatiOM ettlking the Itsek of hid head 'And leflicting a cut thet had tithe/m*6 up. le and 'heave. Kech morning eon Alien hi a' dell. I'dapy" eftelitiOh 4 wish it were night NOM. Yee* er is VetiesSt. ited beetle :bang With' . ilentiltott thee do Cure tit Ito ills, At ranee the system is re. *Mot Pohl:tits, brood it ettekhedatrd k up, efilth and, vigor. rt. irefetilteres PM* 'kidney* your eitittnirt WNW*, t ot Pate toast . try Dr. Ihnitilltotel (Stratford Iferaldal: Thin enornin m I.Ierald r porter had a.: -short --but- pleeeent, interview With: Mt . `J. -R. Wright, . an ex•Stratford 'lt` eli4' TO OW Mower* Oboe. t. titt Estatti legcbtr1. ,.- n1. 400't men ga to church F' , Title qui ellen wad twat' out ;tit printed festa to hundred Matta the" Ewe'. by Rev. ,,Ort. Speaker, of that ,16,04. Mad liter ou• 7!ir, tlpuio r read tr w ire pulpit tb* enures ha tterd rleelved lard°pCeseltted at duecoosos thereon. The anewttt#t werrn&rr'trngecl' unt.10 heads, tat tollow. ,: ludlft,centre;iaootiuietc,neyr vt chttreb pioplr social dt.tfoct ion.l. prat ebur to Wing: ng: *+ant, of Feerly. tr't ill.nit loutd' : taint dire b Wellee lova• of •tin. t ton. bf plena irottftiine . •at' "cbttrcliee mouse :World,* a i en at di ktttotlas i greed ogator rlla k ` 'rte n h t e cart• h t: i int" *Oben t e .. et, beta Only i1t1 tbiidarst4tpieet to,blatne puta4ptte The su jeetle One V `.lObr�' ,'aril ane tb&h -tpany people � will I,e apt 'believe, . ut.Itiq ane tbatta, Rodd; Ina thoughtful t` • vit� o people a noted � h atart1Iu fast. kind are $ivin e�pp� m tenttou tans" aolutlott.:'X1w edi' S the Globe ,ha/ written roti .artiei'e the matter. denylpg-tbe:tspth ;of atatetnint tliat:iuta arjte Trews "tow their chutrch.go ng.than Peltier tut ort#al g that there Ia net: rou d f a�a� g P `the pe s miens int ,lied in tbe:queetf But Ater -her in t>tpae Strittfdt'd,. Hier says noted hings On 'the ett bjeet whl aro worth quoting, *lore they, are : "Otte would dike to believe. that t Iter l i t that tlalboee r� tom, �Iet, l4il'ri ibA Zdllmr ale Tatar tiro. *awl* Dmiiti kitrit -With yunr perm..., I write you them few want., by letek pent k'. »r .n Pty MOW! Mete, Honed r7ergardlp �►beetbl 'which tt+t penedi eu we I yew* ago about the brat plorrlreg Iaaa;clt whieb had to ken ' .. writbltt the Uuugtiatt'.nI I1urun rth and ISrttee, the Itrae itarliittjC 1 Hee ttupfttutud; 14 he the only one that la to titin trees et the OM Ventral* at thist time. tempt thank you very kindle. tut have been bunting to Owe It i fled •!auraif there. Were ete►vt'left. frog • ea►y twee, 3' took tlotiett Inc the east 4t'd r �! the smoke* of whet aratt pith li 1' • ti r�isL In thea. Clinton, trete Era, u • e t thein doere woutld; be a plowing tntith not thin talcttomewhe a tear tlllntgn,etad, 1• . i tri dtl aW u oho, , tit eu9 it about two tine Where I believe tneetiil in the Imo of the v >ll lir ,. e ,rami d'tute h k c Idetl feted:' ctrl, tlr, ' .nf'ft'tt, 4trti.. �Qti e , .... l� rte, .an>1 °1V.'llllaii FMr.ervle�ea 14i.,, b oil the• Q.o. pmt. Bruce. pr', lou peace to be, piny 'a► ; ww.lt: de. F, alr,ervlee tunes to Wa kerrton Witt have, 'land nu re i 1#O r li Mil ' i it � c misfit eetatli, the eye of at, eoma o r men reader* a that of neighbors ' , and i would take,it ea an at favor .. 1 bink ore } W ire the only tract tine :left, oC,tlte 'who competed et .the Gibson 'Perot, Iliums Road, in X817 ed I looke,3 Open it in thin way,. If a kind ittitvidei#c0 permitted us to meet after yeeirat had passed through the world Here of aine,f Tut eorrowa, I have no doubt eh but we Would put In a good old time. P. t3.- .I may nay also Mr. Fair - bo ;service and niyaelf were at the bee yvhttoh, colnpo,ed of the late Seg. am iti heti,, Oeorjae Brown Iaaae Santer . Roheit Gilbbons and Sheriff Macdon- t aid's tetttpa, In breaking up the Court Cera home agnetrt�e, breaking it up from the 11 'old a le''knotle. This took place in to Is April'rl8 I could go into more it !Eatery a about the County Town, bet. I think I ae have *aid enough at present Believe pie yours truly. Art.' ee Joh N DEOIIANAN. of CREAM PRICES SOAR aM upo e Toronto -Prices aro Now Out of Sight, v of • Globe nd a r.g and b18 p titpisen In this Metter tenet tv dre . hue* well founded statement. of fa It is by no means a Viet/tient thongh thattlte interest In religlnuamat Is diminishing, but if tete Is really case. It is best to face the truth and i en cit z t neve„ of *titter,. . fitoliforpld: Mr. Wright, with 'hie wife aµ¢ • four dapghtet�e. have been on an euxtepded trip .of some mem months duration. During that period they'bare visited Mrt Wright's native,,tand, Old hing- lend, France, 'Germany. SWitzerland. Ireland and Seotland'..They were fav- ored with excellent. weather on the trio over, on the Qaronia, `but on the way back, .an the steamer' i Lucanla, a stormy voyage was ex- t perienced. fair. Wright was greatly 0 taken up :vitb the Curonia, Whish was the beet 'vessel of the two. Mr. Wright 1 is now homeward bound, and stopped off at Stratford to visit his brother, e Me. .7.J. Wright, of Giodericb, who ie t well known to many Stretford citizens and who is in the city today. t It is 5.1 years since Mr. Wright first t made this city his home,, and as might t be expected he finds a great change in people and comwnnity. Is part Mr. e Wright said that he first saw Stratford b as a thriving little burg, more like a y family bnmmunity. levees. surrounded b on all aides by bash. A. great financial a pantowas°prevaient In 57 and '58. 1t was a glgrioris little democracy of b poverty. -The people were poor but, honest, and harmony existed: The w pantie Was due to the depreciation in 1t the price of grain and the consequent e decrease ie land value. Nearly every. a body was 'affected, but in one way it t wase blessing; it swept away attpo- litical ill feeling. ti Mr. Wright ilaid he' could seaecely t recognize Stratford now. He had al- tv ways contended that it would have a t bright future, and be thought his e prophesy had been fully `justified and n realized. Fifty years ago Mr. Wright d worked with Mr. Walter Oliver, and t assisted in the erection of the Central a Public school, and also the old Gram-tl mar school. He also helped to build w the old market, and was an intimate N friend of the architect, Mr. ,Peter leer- h guson,' a The_only . citizen that Mr. Wright c has recognized is Mr. Wm. Down. He i! was sorry to hear of the death of the it late Wm. Easson. Mr. Wright re- t members the time when the Grand C Trunk line was built into Stratford. Be thought a portion of the land was given to tbe'company free. Stratford �' ..today is a beautiful city, surrounded o by the best agricultural land in the It Province. fu Mr. Weight would advise that all of young Canadian@ visit Mother Eng- a land: England was the most beautiful l i country he had ever seen, and next came Eastern Ontario. He considered it the country between Hamilton and Niagara Falls to he the garden of On- Be tarso. at Although a radical democrat, Mr. of Wright considers England to be the hi best governed country on earth. with L the exception of New Zealand. The d middle class of Englishmen enjoy a to beautiful home life. Edward VII. th was the beloved monarch of all ranks an and classes. Ile was surprised to find In out that in all the speeches he had po listened to at Finiabury Park, with all er their variance, they were moderate M and progressive, but not revolution- - ary. He was oleo perfectly satisfied ch that an 85 per cent. vote would be pp'e. polled for free trade. The attitnde of lit the. present Parliament was to stand eld firm to make the laws concede to the tli people's desire. The people govern It England, but there was a noticeable oh decrease in o ricuttural help. The do people had advanced wonderfully in to education. People who were In his th (Mr. lVright's) time illiterate, now w spoke correct English and !rave labra- ag ries and schdola. He would urge all e young t7anadians to visit this wonder- of ful old land. in Mr. Wright left this afternoon on tie hie homeward bound trip. am discover the cause if poealhle. It slid to be .a fact that in all hunia progress there are periods of advab and retrogression, and that In relig out matters history shows that tlnu of great moral upheavals and epiritu awakening ate followed by periode failltt�tenthusiasm and increasing tq terlalasm till a new revival cornea u the world. In spite of the Bangui editor's bright outlook, there can be ittle doubt that the great majority hougbtful teen believe that' we a now living in au age of spiritual line, that gross. materialism is ram pant in one- midst, that with the gre ncrease of wealth there hes sprung u a selfishness and greed that have been unknotvn in the histo,'y` Of the wort ince the days of Imperial Rome whe he wealth of the world was drawn that degenerate city and centered 1 e hands of a few rich families. I he whole record ,yof human event here has been nothing to commit, with the gigantic frauds of wealth orporatlons, and. private graft, tea ave.'bt:en disclosed within the past, fe ears. "Vast combinations of wealt ave been able to trample under foo 11 respect for law and morality ; an Obese things are no secret ; they bav eon, spread to the four corners of th earth, and the world is wonderin hat will be the end of it all. Th nnienee sumo of money under gov rnmental and civic control, th mounts put into the hand's of promo ere and speculators and business cor orations, have given such oppnrl.ual es for misappropriation and graf hat the result bas been appalling. I ould be no extravagance of languag o say that the church has been pow riese against 'the deluge of wicked- ees that has been so overwhelming nring recent times it is little wonder hat the thoughtful man has begun to sk alarming questions in reference to Os matter, and that indifference to- arde the church is o widespread• of a' few people think that the church as identified etself too closely with he power of money, and is willing to ondone a good deal in its members rovlded they are liberal in their done - ons. 1t is little matter from whom he gift comes ; it is welcome. Great butches are erected, touch wealth is sed in adorning them, and the weal• by classes have extravagantly equip - el temples in which to worship the wly and humble founder of their re- gion. Is it not a i•easonable4hing to expect that church officials should re - se a gift of stoney which has even a look suspicion about Its There is bout the church an atmosphere of up• ebness which has its effect on the ase fortunate people of every commun- y,'and it is not going too far to sug- st that the poor man is made to feel ncomfortahle in some of our churches least. To the man in the lowly walks life it is not a spiritual help to find mself greeted at the door of the ord'e house by the immaculately ceased official with an august presence pped by astove•piped hat. In a word, ere is no lack ot signs that the rich d well-to-do classes are monopoliz- g the church to the exclusion of the orer people who are really in great - need of spiritual comfort than they. Oney is the cry of the church official for a high salaried preacher, a larger urcb, better and more comfortable we, until it seems that the spiritual e of nten le about the last thing con- ered. It is hardly, to be expected at the church can exert, the influence should, can help the poor and needy, Walt comes to a thorough realize. n f the fast that it bases its claims the respect and support of Men on e precepts of the humble Master hodeapised mere worldly show and grandisement, but who Bought by very means to upbulld the character his followers and ' assist the weak tithes of distress. It requires no lit - fortitude and grace and a vast ount of self•sact iflce to live the Christian life, and until there is a eeri- e attempt in this direction, and less tendon both in the pulpit and the we et the outward eigne of religion, vain worldly show, we need hardly surprised when we hear of the in - 'Terence and neglect that the ordinary an dieplaye towards church service. re A meeting of the cream chi de- opera of the Toronto district was held at To - at route on Saturday, when the winter p• price ot cream was discussed. There In@ beilag no central organization of cream shippers, jt was decided to amalga- mate with the Toronto Milk Produc- t] err' emaciation, members of which ° • were present. A resolution to the a effect was carried, and a committee e appointed to act in the interests of the ()ream shippers. t The followi ng peicee or cream for the b veinner 1, were then set.-vream test t ing itit per cent. butter fat, $1 a gallon delivered in Toronto ; 20 per cent. e butter fat, $1.17 a gallon 1 811 per cent. e butter fat, $1 85 a gallon ; 34 per eent. g butter fat, f$1.58 a gallon. These e prices are equivalent to 4i cen4 a per cent. of butter fat, or ettout 95 tente a • pound of•butter rat. This Ise consid- . erable advance over former prides. . ere claim that prices for cream , in .ntreal are S1,111a, gallon for 22 t per cent. cream, VW for 26 per cent. t °realm,. $1.80 for 80 per coat. cream and e $1.70 for 39 per cent crearn. 011 tieeith Depends on Good Blood. at Everyone who uses Ferrozone hat pe good blood and great yitality. Reason to for this ill Ferozone's fiower to create he nouriehing blood. " I was broken di down. bad no strength and couldn't en eat," writes Mrs. Charlet; Benny, et OloYne. Ont. " My nerves were irrit- able, I Was thin blooded and continu- ally Unhappy. I tried Ferrozone. It gave me new energy, force, vim. it ge brOught me strength, made me well." m Greatest tottic end rebuilder ever gre known Is Perrozone, Sold everywhere an in 50e. boleti. Stake In a Bottle. Now is the time when the doctor ts busy and the patent medicine antafacturers reap the harvest. unless at care is taken to ;dress warmly d keep the feet dey. This is the ad. ;se of an old eminent authority, who says that rheumatism and kidney tronble Weather is here, and also tells what to do In case ef an attack. Get from any preecrIption pharmacy one half ounce Fluid Extract Dandeli- on, one ounce Compound Karsten, three MUMPS of Compound Syrup Sarsapa. rine. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take in tertapoonful after mettle and at bedtime. Jnet try this simple home made mixture at the first sign of rheuma- tism, or if yeaur back aches or you feel tied the kidneys are not acting jest righL T,hia In said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy for all kinds of rheumatism, which is caused by nrie acid the blood, which the kidneys fall to filter MA, Anyone ean vitally prepare this at benne end at small cost. Drugglitta in thits. town and vicinity, when ehown the preseriptiott. stated that they can either amply these in. gredients, Or, if our readers prefee, they wilt compound the mixture for The work on the new county "Wedge bridge hos a conceete Mier, being ane of tbe first bridges eca built in the connty. People who live south of Winghatn will be pleased to learn that the Heel for the new bridge arrived left Week and the work of ereetion has been cOmmenced. The contractots promise to push tte work along rapid- ly, rut the season is now well advanced and it id very inconvenient to drive itersee theatigh the river during the celd Weather. 144 TO CLEANSE lire Svsesitte- *tilt acieittlfle study of the effects of 'certain Hiatt* end- „beet* upon the di. Strated in Mani instances that they regulate the action Of the liver rota the kidney/0 purify the blood end mrry oft all Morbid aceumulation front the. eeitlem. They are easy to take. and •their ttetteth is mild end 21 *hen Robert Leatherlettil. °deer the fat Of Imes hedge& 01 HelifOrth, ilettlited lel jet eirek ot friend* „The kis feta ICI • Tett- neknow Sentinel i" 11, Bogoeribed Bret end I/ second prim tlekete et+ hed to hid poultty exhibits et But re, Harry reports a mint Of cknew. Moe? end Duluth* ea. net Only as tbe remit 0 the re winning. hut due tie the etteeV t quality of hie poultry. torturing aebes tort*. De it'a Corn Retractor. itittyyests ROSY CHEEKS The Ambition of Avery Hollow cheeks with dark lines, sal- low complexion -how a woman hates But rosy cheeks, clear skin, bright eyes- give them to a wotnan and she is happy. In the blood is found the (list sign of trouble. It grows thin and watery, ite color fades, and increasing pallor and sal- lowness give the outward evidence of the change within. Soon the nerves weaken, the heart easily tires and palpitates, strength The delie.ate mechanism off the wo- manly functions is interfered with, and pleasures, activities and even dutles are loaded down with the bur- den of declining health. Why is it that women neglet the first warnings ? Usually she waits untAI she is ready to drop -often then it's too late. These conditions are easily checked, easily cured at the beginning -but even when ion" established Ferrozone will remove the cause and cure the Ferrozone's action aids the three principal functions of the body -di- gestion, assimilation, elimination. By strengthening digestion it forms an abundance of rich, red blood -this gives good color. By perfecting assionilation Ferrozone supplien tri t ion -th is gi yes strength, vim, stability. Elimination is assured because Ferrozone quickens the action of the liver, kidneys end bowels- this; guar- antees the maintenance of vigorous Ferrozone puts you on the right rood -the one that leads to health. Not a man, woman or child needing blood, vigor, endurance -not pereon Who is weak, nervous or sickly, not a person in ill -heal! h who won't receive itninediate help from Ferrozone. As a tonic and restorative, as a health bringer and body builder, For - rezone le unrivalled. It cures because it feeds and nourishes. because it con- tains the elerne•ats that build up and strengthen. Try it ',retreat( - sold everywhere in 50c. boxes. Brussels Post An effort has been made to operate In this locality the fake letter purpOetlog to come from the law office of L. B. Drununond, 008 Sixth avenue New York, intimating tbat on receipt of a counsel fee of $5 the writer would forward shares of C. P. R. stock left to the recipient by a deceased relative. James Pox, drug. gist. and J. J. Gilpin received copies of the letters, tinI name of at deceased relistive, supposedly, being inserted. The " game " is being looked into and f,he New Yet k police have been noti- fied. tt is almost too ehallote teen to cateh many people. Barely Lived Through I). A terrible experience had Edward J. O'Connor of Sault Ste. Marie. "From constant sufferer from asthma. rand Catarrh. My DOlie and throat were al. *eye stopped up and I bad dripping!, in the throat. When attacks came on thought I emildn't live through the Weft. I would sit np, gasp for breath And endure great distreas. Caterrbo. zone made me entirely well." No etronger proof is required. Asthnut is curable, am Is catarrh. Uee Ciatarrho. Two doses, 2.-te. and ju, at all dealere. The Wiarton Echo trays " It ie ceeting quite a penny to huy employ fee the ordinary bonsehold. Every - thief* Is hp in G. Partnere are asking !LOU for potatnee, so Mt article of let. MOS luxury. It is raid that are being brought in from Joi.MA Mete Proiinces and landed in Terteito et V, cents or beg. cense- quently potatoes tnuit _emirs drop in • MM. as there Ilene °Mettle market for BOW lb tinvi fa per bore, while belt Marittebs now twilit et sam, *bleb is an advance of fk1.78 °Vet the July Form ti After you have Welt ,tt wettir the a�h4 should deo ,tWo tbinj�-pour out adissoltfin Auld -to digest the - wwt d Chalon the Suod until toes:* ly digested and, iiqui8cd. Ntotitkellt Welting sr, Indigestion. Dlyspefisia, sim sly tateatt that the atatnaelt� int notdoing:its work properly.. a 1 . F ujt-g vas Vie'- S.,,.,.• t.i Mie s . lind Moat. 0 out* Ake "OfilIt ii et Rlvrs mlaket#eeiivut' Ilctive turd t'eirtlete the bowels. Thew will1* an cud to those Bilious eadachen,. too. " ma soon :Fon,sttart cluing your, Dys, tro1twoote,SRi atiw .itlt t a Riven. "Fruit-a,tives"' contain the wonderful medicinal pro. perties Of fruit -in an active and curative farm. Sac, a•box '-•dfer$a.do. Atelldealers'. vet»,."",,.10 UALITY We arc after' the tends of mea who know what they want, ere, deterp fined to get it, and who will ucvtr ewerye iu their loyalty to the store. that gives. it to them. That's wliy we eeeumal the exclusive agency tor 2 0 t h Century Brand Garments They are tailored with no thought of "bow cheap." but with p every care for "haw good." it's tbac�u�autity they aro made in that makes it possible for us to sell them at such astonlah- lugly low prices. Prices $16.00 to $20.00 WALTER' C. P R RIDNAM SOLE AQENT FOR KIND AND IIORSALINO HATS .. WWI? LIVER Tnat1 Rtt.a an1ta.twit�sr Brussels, Tent P. O. Bueoestuziete-Un Sat- urday night or early Sunday morning, the post office was broken into, the safedth,lled and the contents amount- ing to several hundred collars in stamps and registered lettere, was stolen. The work was that of no amateur crackamwn, beyond any doubt. A rear window had even been removed before the • job was done to weretdistu bed lin be (lours° of tthe operation. The robbery waa not discovered un- til early Suncley morning. Oltizees did not hear any report, although the latter and the wreekage of the office would indicate that the explosion was one of great violence and that nitro- glycerine was used. The eafe door bad been twisted off its hinges and its contents laid bare. The postntaster had a large nu ni her of registered lettere on hand on Sat- urday night and they were deposited in the safe, together with a quantity of stamps and small silver. The whole would probably amount to between $300 and $409, and was one of the richest hauls which has been made in the last few rnonthe by the crooks who have operated with success. There is DO definite clue to the thieves and the police have not pick- ed up their trail as yet. Strangers have been seen in town lately, hot aa matters now stand suvpieion Is not effectively attached to anyone. Site Was Wild With Pain. From Wilbur Oreek, Ont„ Miss E. was drenched with rain and got lum- bago; it was like n steel rod piercing my back. I applied batting Rooked with Nerviline to my ear and rubbed on Nerviline for the lumbago. That. rubbing relieved and in a few hours I was well. No other liniment could do thls." it's the penetrating power of Nerviline that makes it nuperior to all other liniments. Nothing beats it; Mo. Roy Gray, formerly of Wingham, was injured in a runaway accident at Toronto one day last week. He lost control of a horse he was driving and hood a collision with a street car. The young man sustained a very deep curon the left eye And complained of violent pains In the shoulder and side. NOT A NA UHICATING PILL -The ex. cipient of a pill is the substanee which enfolds the Ingredients and makes up the pill rims. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and they can he carried Into any latitude vvith- out impairing their strength. Many pills, In order to keep them from ad- bering, are rolled In powders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Par - melee's Vegetable Pills are no prepared that they are agreeable to the most John Torrance, of Porter's Hill, who le looking after apples at. Newmarket for D, Oantelon, ef (Molten, hall 0 narrow escape a few nights since. He discovered the hotel he was in WWI on fire. and gave the itiarno, escaping in his night clothes. Fortunately 1)4.11119. tattled no injury. Men given to muscular sport, and eser• else and those who sootier mioncular pains from bicycle riding will find Dr. Thomas' h.:electric Oil something worth trying. As a lubricant It wili keep the nonseles pliable and free (rem pains which often follow mono not IINP of ; hen], without softening them or impairing their strength. For bruises, sprains and contiosions it In without a peer. While gang plowing, J11111(.8 Evans, of Morris, had two of his right oihn broken, caused by the plow point otrIking a stone. Some time ego he inet with a similar accident, when three of his left ribs were broken. Tau STAlt given the news. For Diarrhoea, Dysentery AND ALL Summer Complaints DR. FOWLER'S !EXTRACT or WILD STRAWBERRY is AN INSTANTANEOUS CURE. It has been used in thousands of borne. during the past sizty-two years and has always given eatisfaction. Every home should have a bottle to as to be ready in caiit of emergency. Price 35 cents at all druggista and dealers. Do not let some unprineipalled druggiet humbug you into taking w- eaned Strawberry Compound. lite or- igthal is De. Poem's. The rest are trub- Mts. G. Bode, Lethbridge, Alta., Writes 7We have used De. Femmes Rimer oelVrto fintarrnmei and fednd ft 4 great remedy ter Dierrhoes, StMffnet Complaint end Cramps. We would net like to ba "Witt it la the WILLIAM SHARMAN Gond solid wear, and real comfort in our men's heavy street Shoes. Built to wear and stand the walking which you will certainly feel like doing when yott wear then]. All the best makes, in all shapes, sixes and widths are here. Easy to get a fit -easy Shoes to wear, and hard to wear out. If you buy from us you carry home money which you expected to spend. WILLIAM SHARMAN AtMARxkl Jewel Stoves and Ranges are at the front Stove Pipes, Elbows, Tees, Stove Oilcloth, Stove Pipe Wire, Stove Boards. Cow Chains, Guns, Rifles, Hardware, Furniture, etc. You will have money left in your purse when you get your supply from GEO. BECKETT Agent, Hamilton St., Goderich. STOVE PIPES 'S(''oit have no bother putting tip your kr pes if they were made by us. Ours are made the same year after year. Stove Pipe machine never changed -they always fit just right. Elbows Mica Dampers Scuttles Cement Sifters Repairs for all Stoves and Ranges We have the largest and best stock of STOVES RANGES ANI) in the county. We'll take your old stove on a new one. WORSELL8' Hardware, Plumbing, Heating. Electric Wiring and Fixtures. YULE'S ELECTRIC SUPPLY STORE is bent:- prepare.' than ever to supply General Electric Fixtures .te etc., on the shortest notice. We are EXPeeTe in all departments, and can 'overly and install e%. r y thing you want. Our reputation for satisfactory dealing anJ work has been gained by "experence," and experien. 0 is the only true teacher. Just try this Ow. Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs. Yule's Electric Supply Store Kingston Street, Goderich SHREWD BUSINESS MEN VALUE CIOCuLaTION,end - that's the Rustle They Talk te the Masses. Through