HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-25, Page 4`41111111111111111111•1011
The ani's Bis; Kum
A Vibion ot the Fisture
tia a pari4;;•e of
Wldte Swan
jelly Posittler,
Istnisfrett and -wins gavots, aed yontove
. delicient..slzmert 14 0, few natenes,
pit•„,e, tomals,
ran miner ler arty ilaVOr VOW
Tnv. Rooceir ARCM. ia04 .14sn'to
• 1
•Important to .ildvertOoro
,an change r or adontiseinrats forhe cuirent liono TIM 8TAN siswit inl In halidi
OS' rbit.inietteruit Inter than ItIONIS4V NOON
ocank week. 4,dtcettscrii will piton 0011/0
otemseives aemninelY.
Petrone otTlin ISTAR will Moue note that
thosavernonit rata are as ,beer uniform as
Mar I. OA toot (were ralTerthiCtle placed on
the %Ma ontra
Yearly eantraettlisplay advertising, per
Inch, run a nude Ver ietIr P041940 froto
vs to ear leek Rem ea to tuns and
ewe°. Spocint prattle/A cantrart ltdVerils•
Mg. extra,
' Notices under the beading of Local Nralora
on page 1, to notpadvertiscrs, will be charged
Parttataircesloilync?ui; fzitVO4.1flitl.!
Wher.0 advert sing appears In o nine
Lone. 6 oents lino ; to Moot wbo Mate
pearls+ contract wider this heading; and (10 001
othenwosaavortise, scents a new
will bo inserted until forbid, and o
Advertisements Without apogee buitriuraV
Ail adyertising accounts are rendered mid
eellect monthly. Job work. a 0. (1.
Or Ma a this paper eon be sato at Tile
1•61•41t °MC% riederien. or OUP English office. No
ad Fleet stream lierttrnid E. CI! treo
Sitrt di la Co.willitoZ1/14 fre...o. ow.
raniecriptions or advertisements on out be:
Decisions Respecting Newspapers.
/toy person or perecma who takee a paper reg.
niarly front a pott Wiley, whether addresaod lit
tilt name or another's, or whether Ito bits sub-
scribed or not, is responsible tor payment,
It a mitten orders his paper discontinued he
must pay all arrears. or the publisher may Om
thaw to maul it until payment is lead% end
then colleot the whole amount whether the
paper it. taken or not.
The Courta have decided that refusing to
take newspapers or periodicals from the poet
Witco or removing and leaving them uncalled
for while subscription remains unpaid. 19
prima facia evidence of Intentional fraud.
With a view of squaring off
subscription arrears to TRH
STAN and establishing sepal, in
advance rule a large number of
neaten ate handed to its Can-
adian Pullishers' Collecting
Agency, who make a specialty
of -attending to thra important
department of neivspaper work.
With the increased cost of ma.
terial, wages, postage, Ike., the
margin on a country weekly at
$1.00 per year is practically
wiped out and unless payment
can be secured in advance the
outlook is not very comforting.
Kindly give as your help in this
matter by a ready response to
the notification yon will receive.
•, The amount to the individual
subscelber is apparently trifling.
but in the aggregate means.
thousands of dollarit to Ton
5,1 STAR. Money we moat have.
tbe Gobettcb %tar.
Tauteatotra Sum IL -
Prov. Secretary Hanna has got back
from his moose huntingtetp up north
and says be did get a sYght even, tar
tontft a nh0t, at a moose. All they tem
In their long tratnp was few moose
tracks. It takes a real sportsman to
own up to an experience like that.
Rut was it really moos) hunting you
were, Mr. Henna, ?
The Toronto Telegram calls for some
• . rm In the liquidation proceedings
or PIO Whit% Will lead to economy
In 1 end very pertinently says:
'When thetquidittot and the lawyers
'get tfieti joie dttes for attention to all
the 3404 ind earemonien linulda-
.'• tion aa they hey° it in Dsgoode Hall,
thodiltOehOlders In the York- County'
titan 'Company will be neither cheered
nor toebriened by the size of their In-
terest in the reanaine That's how It
1100kg tiOW to anynne who reeds the
daily record* in the liquidottlon as
• -given in the Toronto Inv*. An fon&
gept mind Knight well wonder how
tOiltern Which involves so luny tech.
*unties end "'Imparteint Wines" as
*re heingelleit ,ed from dat to day„ was
permitted to earrY on te
• , oPerationi for de many years, . It leeks
1,•001111 es 'Governtnent Invention, Its
iituotteted York .1406,1101,11.62te
hiteeilllti ttemalpo,Itad the Met Untoti..,
Ottani .ittentters weft ewinaled. Gas.
ateWheaboufil finvinfatned the pubile
and pet *atop to the game.
THE AistNne mouto.n.
Propensals It Coro.. oasy
. • 000411 'People Winite411.
• %Tamp in Vie immigrants from the
old reoottli rump them
lo the solution Tholyerd groltol,
eugoote *Wein Toronto. alieUkt be
Sithiled the Attietle prehletn. irlth
wialeh Canada finds !motel( tonfrellted '
• °Otto Paellle roost.
Itiplisigh'or paid some ritterttiort to
the Metter his trip through
the ereet.arel 'was very ileridedlik.
' • the expreadion of his opinion let AK
, lilt/061e* With rosters teortigh‘
11$1tatnIgeatlee;' Itertield "la Whitt ifitt
witst in the: wait. You MOS 1406
IttbOrerit there. YOIT want 103101110114
tIOn and the vow to * Ott yew*
yam not lo te get ditt se Ito two In, •
trio" keep ,omt the white" then ye0
ota here the yellow mart, for yak Imt
wnwithave tabor; ). The work mutt he t
muTuAt. roufaReNca IN
RAMA. JthW Zi3411.1..AND
MOW Tee' °wt. liere Oto
ItoAdo 1,10 Tosetheo4Ite Ea*
infell Web Peens* et ,141ritetip
' .
Toronto New.. IleliOtt. Ott P.
°thee vieltore from the 'big world
• beyond TorottiO have crowded the
haranteting hall -where the Cattadkut
Gluts entertainocite guests; other idea.
ors have *Wakened lender applainte,
hitt it renulinni for litulyerd RipUng
to drew lo neat to the *mute of Ott
member* that they crowded around
him at the end gager tit: eheke
hand, and that without an introdeo
tilot°t iv; as not needed. They had kestOt
Win before, or felt they did, whba IAO
had expressed as no ono eine tbe
thoughts of their everyday livee, Ana
brought them as close to the wbetti. of
others as he had come to their own.
The hour he spent with them Jett
Moist showed them that their bonnet;
had not toyed them Ube, The *Mei
of a tans ip that was closer than tree
of blood came to all in the presence of
the man.
Hut to Kipling, bis own personality
was as nothing. Brushing aside even
the conventionalities of pleating, as it
impatient to get to hie oieessige,.ble
very first words • were, la Ole quite
fair r Fele, thet he should be hOn,oe-
ed who had merely' tried-ttrderdsribe
sotne ot the thoughts and ideas" of
those thousands of men whobad fought
and toiled and dled-for the' Empire.
That was the magic word, the Empire.
that this poet of the Empire kept be.
fore him and before bis audience self
was obliterated; even the iseparatounita
of that Empire 113 the conception of
the future of the whole.
It was as a orophet tbat Kipling
came, the seer with the clear-sighted
visitant the man whone eye swept the
Empire's bounds and beheld recond
Wellingtons and Remind Afelbouenetr;
who beheld the lonely pioneer of to-
day ride up to order " a million and
three•quarters city water inains."
After pausing to pay tribute to
Joseph Chamberlain. ite the father ot
the:latter-day conception of the
It. he moeed on slowly, earnestly.
leading the way, with althont majestic
tread ; pleading for the "Dig Four" of,
the Empire to leave the " nations of at
more amazing present." and establish
a mutual trade preference With one
another. Then present markets were
like playing store to thene that were
to come.
With enthusiasm unrestrained Mr.
Kipling was weloomed, by over KU
membete of the club. He sat at the
table beside the president, Mr. Turn -
hull, and at his right was Mr. J. S.
Willison, while Rev. .1. A. Macdonald
occupied the seat at the president's
left. They were the mover and sec-
onder of the vote of thaink0 After Mr.
Kipling had spoken. In the gallery
facing the guestleat Mrs. Kipling, Mrs.
Turnbull, ?ars. Mackie and several
other ladies. Just before Mr.*Kipling
was called on_the node "Recessimial "
was sung by Mr. Frank Bemroee.
A few appropriate remarkby the
chairman introduced the guest and
the reception he received kindled a
glad light in his eyes.
An Eloquent Reference to Mr. Jos,
Air. Kipling said "Mr, Presid;ut
and members of the Canadian Club,
at. most ITTollg. that the
Is this nFte fair? It seems to me
verY u
theusan s of men who have fought
and toiled and died for our RinOre
have passed for the most part without
human acknowledgement, while a
man who low merely caught the pop-
ular ear by trying to describe some of
their theaghte anti ideas should receive
such e welcome as this. Well, the re-
ward Is not to the man hinaselL Yore,
have done hint a great, a very great
honor, one which I make bold to hope
Is not ea much to tbe author whose
name I bear as to the ideas tbat I have
been fortunate enough to reflect.
"Now the idea of our Empire as a
community of men of allied rape and
identical idols, united in comradeship,
comprehension rilid sympathy, no
new thing. It grew up in the hearts
of all our people with their national
growth as the people)) in the Empire
grow to the &balite of dittinct nations.
None can gay Where It was bore. but
we all know the one man tvho in our
time gave present life to that grand
conception. One children Will tell
their sons of the ktetestnan who In the
evening osf bia daye, crowned with
year§ and honor, beheld what our
tiluipire might be Made, who atepped
aside teem the ithemptrooks of little
politicians. Who put. from him ease,
ration, friendship, and lost liven
earth itself that he might !noire and
lead a young getteration to follow hlot
along the new path. We ourselves are
too near 1110 (0111) and his work Lo tin'
deratend the foil eignIficatiett of Jo.
snob, Chembetlairt. It. 15 the high tem
dltion of out land that itt momenta or
steed 610110 shall uot Wanting to
do and Aare, and it need he to die, for
his paOplo. If Is the enetOM Of Our
lend to aecept that *under as * Mat*,
ter of Ovum, *bears without thenka,
often witliongeneveue erltielent.
• itkain tee givannix HAteasitte,
sltutthe toetorh tuts not iftookeo_oel
URI tattlitiortefor In -all walks or lite
in every quarter ot the Empire you
will neit today 1000 tooteuts, tu000
then tootoot, eottor to endure etty
htitdithip., Any toInundenstnnaing, for
alone tnittare not seen reintittly
theirs, tor Objects irewitielt thoV„ „hive
1363apeeitle interest ,eXtept the 00001"
.suut integrity awl allvaneement _of
'their village, their town, .theito
Ott rtwortore.or thole motor. Note,
the_histortotVettedei Of itliOnt yap*
nations' as t tool. 11, lim the *rota of
Piet that sitIrit, the story of lost•utose
Mete tho pioneer, who tette out WI'
gairsoenot :the torerminityand who
broke 'the trails for their Withere,
nnek, Anifwe MAW Ogeft 11060 that
InteletY quarter of time Eteptee tridey•
you taft bee 'thee* osteer* Onttlater,
faith on theft niteetV. Behind them
Belittle town'., •Mdieetkitet Of eheektt
titiki$01*C 'WOO. Where they
y their Owning 'Ontitt stet -their
Undinrivoan, tot itith little Wiens'
as your *Verb Tertian orate Wee.
The then ten knott, the lob *Mitre
Ili them...Will tell you *Hoot, thebiti
few you they will be tiectitni To.
Vellingtests, ettettut Kelbotonelli
he tale Oh*? irk A** It* 111.
*Oltibt WV* miracles arsMoe
Our IOWA errii
bather *ill be wroilgkt rotikey
Aolte, and there ltLali *nog *toot.
the WhiterNers *Oft% 40,10100g wit%
' ors * yellow *um to do It. rule*
lettstigt *le
ID trot* the Old mentor,
Pimp tb011i ho. rigland• brit Are
willirre tip** t-
Xr. X liolltrit
"that both is Mit
ID Oreatifew the %le*
re 1oroblitektim4 "
elite p' -'t
A *titett
tee. whoa ate'
MI* DP to %Or'
10, 1141110041%
*is 'goy writ*
twat ma *WW1* k
teektligirireS, watt** led tittoor
*By *doe *Or* orbit repo
would here paid it tulle atteation. ive
would hews Utd more filth in it ; Fad
then we would be *belief; the OA'
trACt, thit WO; thPie 00IY tu sett 44 -
Sherman, enu *ego stutight awey
twd Melte the tone t» take laughing
at. tide men ou ttuather pony% halting
from another collection or howl/
*hick will be enatber city, felt pos.
that any of` Yed4 eatiilivMuul
have made that iitide
1'00 WOO ix Tito Mew% •
"Mon 'Ma onontion totem we not In
:time of peeve *little too prom 66 116'
• Bone to repeat that blonder ha ger re.
latlenor to tete fehow.gatione threugli-
QUO 1,1u,i13141dreF rot it Oda War Are
$00 WE not In time. of peace a Moe
too .bOcuitletWith 000 Immediate
Prerent to take AM 10tet•est in the po.
ter:411441re ttf our neighbors' /Sorel)
I say thee of tweet, became) oil the
world remember* when one of oUP
emutpUnity ,•Waa In itlietressittencule
want to liter eld.: es Attetralte went,
116 Ner Zettlend svent; Chown
of her heo •preaent c..littlter0100# OP or
Colon env/rent,. without ono thourt
'pplitio,.orlter,,po et. And out of
that. -great gathering of out* men on
the ffileilla of South .a.telea, there was
botn, • I 'think, tt•eaty of roottaat
preterenets betwe,en the various mum
tiers of teat, Empire. which•••••1 am no
(1110011lethlt think regular
dipiematiett will .11n4 it . difficult to
41,tony be for reasons of aim
own, that tor tbe time ,being Canada.
wilt 'Mtge it expedient. to make her
count with older elvilizetions, to deal
for tile theitibeing with nations of a
mere vetoing present than that
WhIelt belongs tO AtUltyalia, New Zee-
lantrood),Pooth Arries:
MAti$10 T11114$1101.D.
• oljUt. Tarn Sure, gentlemen, that it
you ait bunineee men send out or in-
vestigate far yoUrgelves;„ you will thel
In those.countriett that 1 bus nailed
the prontioe 1,1, toriekets-`,t irthy of
your serous attention. Were 1 a
tniainese znan L eliglit show you that
tui regards our mutual trade we are no
More than children playing store on
the threshold of our real markets.- I
can petmv‘Pand on the map and point
to .certain conetrles that I know, an
can robot,' you lime the natural re-
sources Of such and mich areas
create vest and MAW° industries, reels
lag up a power on a target scale than
the world has yet witnessed. And the
Plant for all that, power has to be im-
ported from ttomewhere. I could
prove twyou how the junction of cep,'
tido railwart and the conditions Of
certain portions must result iti inige
comanirciel centres, clemnrous for the
luxuries of all the world, how the ina
evita'bie growth of populatloo must
make a sub -continent of present and
Ituturioua homes in all their varied'
"I can show you the site of a obaln
of cities In the future fed by thousands
and thousands of mills, and the plant
for the whole of that development
hattlq he imported from somewhere.
But I can show you. moreover, In
those countries that I have named the
Immo superb faith In the future, the
sone audacious, handling of time,
space and materiel, tbe same humor.
ous, fearless outlook on pt•obletna that
would make older &immunities turn
grey with hysterics; the same .joyful
acceptariee" of the apparently impos-
sible, the same lighthearted victory
over it. and, above tkll, the same deep
delight in life and work the[ Canada
has sevealed to the world. And how
cnald it be otherwine? The Inen of
these lands have worked out their sal-
vation under skierias bright and with
hearts, as large an yours.
"They hiwe developed and settled,
they are developing arid settling vast
itrea.s with flinch the sante nutchlnery,
moral end physical, as you. use. They
face the live great probleillia,-1 prefer
to call them points of fellowshipeclu-
cation, immigration, transportation,
irrigation anti administration. They
face them on the same lines as you do.
Vho, then, in the long run, can better
or more understandlitp,ly supers, their
wants than you? Who in the long
run cap better or tilOrn underebuttling.
supplement your needs than they?
n1 llookIng.too far harward? Lthink
not. A young country mist take long
views, the seine as a young man must
take long, very long views. Our four
young nations -the .Big Four -have 11
long, an uphill and trium-phant road to
treed. Look yap ,out. gentlemen, and
Rinke sure for yourselves that our
roads Ile together." (Loud applause.)
Mr. J. S. Willison, of the Nova. and
Mr. .T. A. Macdonald, of the (Robe,
moved and setionded the thanks of the
ChM to Mr. Kipling In well thought
out !angling°. the former in conctusion
HIS coNcatPrtort om marOnE.
"May we not, then, tell me.Ittplfn
that we understand Ida conceptioW o
Empire, and that we find its best ex. •
pression in one Of his own verses :
Now this 14 the law of thoJungle, MA Indeed aS
• illterat the sky,
'8"ua titirtiVorgitttrkte‘bliotnItantvgzat:
As the creeper that girdleathe tree trunk, the
Pot Urlt tlleitle ige%volf, and
t strngth ofo woli14 the pack
- obtuse.
Correcting the Editor.
The Clinton New Bra thns quotes
some stotements mule Ity Mr. AL Y.
McLean, the tune Liberal einditiatm
for &unit }Invent !urn the eourtle
of ,tin address et Honsall, MtV:
M. .1t. htelkan ettowed how the 11t.
twos° system 110011 100,0100.:
jated. The commistdoe thought that
the riding there Was 00eke'
In a §100.11 liblrof St
e in
hotel,"and the. htilnitillititOrt.dee tied to
PO the hotel off. tlik Bernet Muting,
Ittne Vent to see Merl, the
unatibet, anti daring that interelew
sulphur ettleoltis W*8. seen. to .geteet.nOt
'of the vilinietert if the word of *petite*
tore Were,. to be bellevedix.•.StIOAIY,
after, that intevvieWAlte. uonoo, mw -
10168100 !my now 'light no tbe Mater.
and as is renilit ;the Beet* Welt het
eat ett. Therm WO 06 lientglar At
the' 11001150e3 Wrt in. be out o • r, &
Leen panted inut thatf Stein *
hardWeeetsitetiett 4:1Calitertellet *Pr
• "in uttetee the ettnimissiort derided
that there wee .tiot enottfth population
to thettoeot for to nlliny- 111110b1, *h '
It was decided toilet, Oft a Catlett* •hotel
(*nett by two tietwil*,- The.. hetet
benpassed into thehninittaikstimmoh.,
ontorratlive, toke then again the tom. ,
mitielop ea* a Otlettlett* *Mt nod.
door, tonstifint thei ffinfitontIntititd
toreatonlitonIlyi.ikoa the*, wM'a a1?-
tielent to 'support the 'extra
Stith ***the reont • e 'patty in.
w;rriit the *rutf
Xverybotly IN elute"
not feete, The hotel bold muted tato
the precept ownttee bolds mot* soak*
ti the gcigualookiaefle Also,
stow wu quite *potter thiser
Gott the beertieltittild reemender their
degliden when it was fours% Gut *
shrt ristIlt:':1:1444":""b*
pi, t It 0 so,i.peo. leO feu
than 10 In reality. mete siro far
Intire eultstentiel time fietiou. ea Me
fiefilan Shaeld ittiow„. put awn Mora um.
is it
Jost wiroila'.
sow eu a was,'
nasals galling sof t
terrele welt mere Master
Wite wars
Wave tar
Mae tile Pas •
en ; erittchet. to the vrOlitot
the Whittletwadoiletietution, Beth
liefeetrt endelt neeeseerit tOrtejOrt 11.
4ction tohaveanythiefi te 113W.'
The 'Winnipeg Tollinno (bulelend«
that's ringer
eat) .0044 the 0410 of Mr.Tiargeon "64044,0u44 403,440117.1sttbbt6.41iti'u*Ilnariu:17-;
*yore Plow to Op flottp goVern* ;au' mu two —
11100to. - TATA; '
"Though, theteside tit the. $410oe
beet by•eleetion,, held ett;Satindey, is •„a,,
still in doubt,, beuitnert of the,large
towhee of protested. balle10,,it from,
deniably' feet that 41te.tatott govern-
ment bee received a beavy,„ low in
the Output., , .•
• "fix (Amide.. it :hes leng, heeneore
sidoredeepieeticelly .a certainty:that.
when a, .041010 Minittler offere
self for election 10 ft Atir,eleetiont he.
1011 111 reran' vonits
'14‘hietistranth eeins;
ot nrailtrols. keep ssianis,i.
t the wows' islOwlsiferawils
nottridgo Se Wsitelrarahlt`ra the
Pcaeetert oetvett
Vlipmi the twItl can 41)1:::Youl*:4:Ibe
6111111' twine ot:tboinfeelor •witY
voile -liteel paper; yea teel Abet 701)
Oh011lji•UVe'etteot tflehhter.Weeltilee,
"lao fel_,OOLTallir fit thie'reeogniXed that attliAla wooly 804..4; goofimat'ini4i.
' have the best. TIM Ititntily Her-
itie the Oka Pr(44.1,ge to )4110.1t min:- stood tho:teat.: Ito:growing:popularity
istern 10 taltetheiraoat! by ec,Olalptlei, tr:drefttedhY POldhiltere aMom • eleatita,MUT "4'
the hurt in eddition to
"Wheel; therefore. Weeder tiepin, ,rianiturat rot without 4 rtsafg,'It
newly*, appointed- ,nttorneyr gerteret vests (wilt le WOO interlOr papers
witsispeued, .110 offeeee eleettelf one donee pet year,..ato why net have'
fOr eieetieti, and When fhb, revolt- of the heat ?
the 0011111.114400A% ,titat be '110114
-Ceverat unProteeted votem Wq. than one ilay toot west 'Morel -04oriestl*
his onnenentt ‘. it will rune be /leen ith eee.. 114. orrie, had a 01040 call. from'•
that PreMiee Seriteheavecatved* very serious Injury. Wit,9 recelyea•
.wh eh he stilt feels. He ivaa driving'
'Into hie gatewaY when hia home shied,
sonteepple barrels in the letne;qaus,
serious goiter .. • ver atwere tuM "the. etkete . Of
. .
AlthOugb Blyh ar mar with herd
lock, the Moon* Is enough to pay all
prize money, and haws4 email ba once
lef 1 In the treasury. -
The total amount of Ntketr to be eol
looted 10 EneY toWnellitt .va.t' 1
$23,093,50.L /eat total wait
e20,1108.70,• a ceimiderenle,reductiOn fer
1007. ,
.•IRg thehuggy Wbeel•to ..strike thegate
post,. Wee ''pitched -ttoe't
atrIkItur the eUttutt his head and
shoulder. • •••• • ' " • '
Methertirevee Worm Exterminan r
has thtriaegeet sale 01 607 similar pre.
puetion sold In Canada. It always
gives sattlifitetion by. restoring health
to the little tonal.
The tish hatchery at Vivien llite
been coMpletedt• It east A10,500. Ther
ate 84 ter troughs, aix inches deep
and ten Inaba 'wide, and it is expecte'd
that every year four and a half minion
'eggs will be hatched there. •
Tt Is only nateeennrY•to toad the testi).
'menials ,to be convinced ohat Ratio
we:0:0pm Care is unequalled for thi;
ooremotiotiforitto trogrilosio,bwietztit. ate. It haa
The death oc_eared at Loeitonsv r -
gently of Alm %I A. Newton. 40
years. Some time ego
acoidentttlly drank some lye, tund
it affeeted her health 06 seriously (het
she never fully got over It,
ibe4e On to- he the, tWoireateat 041%004 Osty-a' this store has hAs'-ever offered, neaxVy'-.4 *finte
.stere full. fir goorIa at :sale'prIcas, ,•' ' ' , „
, , ,
jrry anct:get 4r#: 10 the forenoon 414 ay414.;.the afternoon rnsh,.. .
. ,
. If von. *ant gOoefs, 134 sure and tome. Wit,5vf inoney for you ti)ese0.0,41y;:, 54turday
• And MON4Y..., Vat'Oht prices, ron$t,. be Cash.
• - • , •
. . .
Do yomwant Coat? It40, 40'ne here. No fancy prices,every Coat at roc hOttoill*.
All direct froatthe .0) ake'rs And TAILOR' itlAw'R. „
T1,ILEP119N 06
1/.:11,4670.1150,Lir ir#40gMu*koka Lakes .' •
tMsganetgwan Riveri:aikneett::
Lake 01 ,13"nis - inloiann _
• , Teptkilltnit 4.1..14
Also to certain points itrileenac,14.0.11I
. Brunswick, Itenfoendiattd, • and to
• 'Suitt Ste, Merle, Via N. N. CO. -
con roR,PRo9t100
'Dottie ever retieet that the mart
orderhouse is, crone the irery• mature
of itahnsiness, unahle to "oar& you
when times are had, that • it Lakes no
credit elate, and never does a thing for
you exeept an a cash basie? 'Is. there
not Some return due the niteched
who ban favored yew when you needed
a favor? ,. •
• . •
John' Itenseno tittle Thaler,
writer : 81 vain troubled, with.
etalrlike wait through my heart.
tried many *Wiest, but they seemed.'
to do me more liam than. good. wail
Alien advised by a friend to try Mil.
burn's Beart and Nerve Phis amt after
using two beXes. was. 00e3PletelY =tett
.1 cannot praise theta enough for the
'World of ,good they did for me, for 1
hellave they sued My life." .
krige tO gents per box 0r3 Ilexes fox
• $1.35, at altdealers, or mailed direet by
t• :The T. 'WA:0ra A0v,,4-iteited,]trotonto,"
While tbe trustn'hy extortion In,
create living expenses, . there in to
eeentiMr hi bailie/M.1100d, From an
economic point of view, it Is tar earlier
get.arong with eitvitirthenat140111.
one. An oldbachelor wins eatt Mosper
in • tbte monoply voted age ia & bird,
whether be can exhibitany pinfeath-
ers or not. .
The *pert Of the Postnottatte•Genei-
al suggeeta that people writing.3ittera
should sign their fultrume andeddrotis
tO their lettere and there never Would
be a letter.bOt What emild beretnrned
if it failed to reach the PetsOn , for
whoa:it It will frttenned. A tietter way
atilt would helot •each family to bnIfe
envelopes with. the Mime of the fatuity
printed 613 the earner, , •
Kincardine iteelow John H. btoit...
ire for some time Wine clerk: ot Ibe
Royal Rotel here, 1340 1000.01 the Bel•
moral:Rotel, Paielelkfrota"tffondyke"•
MeArtillir, told•- will Attire., paeltession
about tine 20th ef.fille month.. lifer
UIdve ID an estootionook,hAtamak
and hie teeny' friends. In Kincardine
and tiongionton wiltWieh hifirelloceee
In his new beelnees. Venture.
.-The Provincial, Department of Po
he Works ban frAntiettlit completed
'arritogeinents for OM ',pureintets.fitira
Massrs.,,Hiridn *Welker it Sons, of the
'steam pada tafeline. The graft leas
speed of between IS: and 13 :tellett .,an
hour, anti la 87 feet ie length. She
will be need ou the Oetsegiett Bey :Mid
Lakelluron in this eshetiesproteetieu.
Walkerton Herald: Notice is given
that. Joseph 11. Musa* has made
application for portniettien to treuefer
his tnYern Iieitliase ft:6 tbe Rivet -Wale
hotel, in:the' townehlp of Greenock, 10
Donald o er e ..art the
applirait1011 WAS hOileillateit At the
wetting of the board License Com-
mie:She:tem. held at Itiversdate on
0Mobet*Zhitit '
John Layton an .aged resident of
lioteu,,died there on 'Sunday' Week.
eeermett WO Wert in kfte,bikeentlPY.
ntearnallete att yourg rAtul, latter-
'TireketaittiOr. ,,Whetti hls
only Won. died. Ilto lit6Yed to tOWW,
settle Yeare etc°, inloglea, the,
vitae* or tholate Abot. ntoono.W110
ettegINOlt Watt itdobirnaire
fro*O; he Won; held in reopeet, by thaw
wit°. knew ' The ftineral etevices
Were condertted Itetr, W. E4 itert,
ottAttowty. .
No person. ihouhl go from home
*about bottle or lir. D. Ket-
okk,0 pjfeentery. DortItat to theft' POlt*
*0418100, 104 elltult(a 'Or Water, cooking,
elitont.04, etk, ftto.nent,Ir ,fitinto,00
ofinankot nompInintkand4 here Is
ing bount reioly With * letre fern-
etlynt hand; which oftentimes *even
gisal Ik`hit"r4tilart.:11?tolcf,14
toe, •wideepread,Mttation for
.,okirordlogptotnov, lnitorx .tkf*v
a11 sunm-
wer totimMinte, ,
.,‘"The folloWittgfrotrr the Itt 'eltetifue
twitOrter anoti`ehr sentient ietat„
thein(kulttell fad feW tight* **A 10
40411' Wit# Teged qtreartion 14.
thinviding. gore eon saki, tut
$00? ' • •
1? any ilsfinino,
"onttnirsd nitettpsty all arrearagek
ot the tbohliallar *ay rowel* tonere
veatitnnymontio wank Anyprelow
Who taken* palmettos* th
whotor ditattrit *ia **mew .aa.
Watt,readithird thee. add' `It
peoeitleit thettlinfolloWing. .1. fiat,
he Prtitt ,•rtiebite/ker4..,• -Or:
petty,- theftinett foot, $l par year;
f�r litottekete..•tiltddleilkon.
thern:otelling ,,*-1teh Of *4
borne or bona* SOO ter ,nttennilthill etd.
*I& tor. tr,r0t ."tratt,Mtent.''ttit4OVI.,
the intitelatell inted COO trefilefent.to '
elm* the, put serf mono; o tht
entrilittration ,of tho itoomtaita.
tektisottodiAlt *teitttent the:00o. '
*Woo atatoirtolott itkUp#4, lett ;the
Siito kW** ,thot 'Witt* nut thn
feet*, no far no that eilltwO Is totteeen*
arei they ere rAulte dlffrrsnt Mon
Xr. lActiaare. *Orel
It in not mon tfint we NOM a ttmr.
Maitre k Lthetid tetellithite tot thi
nom ot Memos tort Pionth Heron
* an wahr•ialovesett It 011*1001.0
Itar IiiikkOrMint hide MI
doott WO *sports blew to tette boob
*t the telbetel Oottoteitiott 16e4
erld thet the lime* bored la
Smith HOW* WM atm**, partioalt,
whoa tito tett lit oft •ot the metal*.
Wooers 110. Ltheold. Nth ot thin* m
* Otomerrittlte bet* ott the bored
dviehtut the tAbotel tele *re gel*
kreatt114 Agais, _ht* fait that ttur. CONC.
wilelienseers*okitd to 4srt mraiefttabi.
hosoi *a Stoner oohed br LThwala
tr.* peslM18n was *et
Is. aremitheste
thee heed theb
other., hr whotherhe lean asouterlwit
not, 18 reilipenteitihr 'foe il
tufa* tit.
t voter what
have,410eided that,
ter, is
1St Trattd. -
Title Mate* tintli DWI aaua1 1.
roterirttr te 'be hold_ Ott. tit Ohm
slow IAA: *toe Nev. 1.1e IOW* to
the' trot yet bete. Fleoetia
I whettosior terte HMO*
aloe ilkteteetloit * the
ot the stworbote.
*at *iv MK biker*. ett
et lohltat treite itet *Ilk he sift*, *
..tnd4 *II le tit, ' hi
close• of Navigation f- i ts
Tick ta imfd nittillpic,..etb, emit.
mac:d hya•iltettn(e7 tin 47 eri PI".1. •
• pewee/raj) statioett in. Canada.: atm;
to Detroit. and Port flume, fdieho,
• Niagara 'Palls -deepen:don Bridge,
and Buffalo, II; Y. ,
:bsiiug Oct. oth anit 3tst, returning,
Mit Monday, Nov. ath; 1907.
Full information andtleketig. may be obtained.
, rem- ,
Orflo• lisoura-0.mtai.m.to won gi,os.
J.: Smatterr. Agent Agent.
.1:..tv..•htOtattar,n,. Ix P.
Onion Station, Toronto, Cut.
We !ilk*. A.444t,*il*Olo10,4a ntlfiin4nicfinoinlTnins., .Onnrgoto
tO b!,40'0:theheSt A#tt'peratitiegredients, .130. g forge bottle.
Syup-'•.: '4' , '';'
Ancither gacid Toni,130004-1y at (his Sesittim 41' a bottle.
40 •
-Bedford Bleck
By being the tfear,•litiesnchford hitt
Weenie the largest businese traltdelt
arocihroutoeinitnalgatrehisteorte0ega‘rhiaot, ofcaUfyeetter-
ago. Why? Because ottteelirties are
thorough and practical, with epeeist-
isshtso;ttnhocohdargolife.tr oeQurvacopiroftki_dlpelanslt.•
meats. All our graperes'ootlow'govo
positions. You may *enter NOW.
ltirritelor our-frea-catelogue. . -
BLIAOTT• tic 'litraeLAncieparlittAN.,
11 A f‘t R. I WO .14 .?'"
T'arts iiiherthread
Pastry . Vreittn Plots
Kisses , Create Mlle
MarangliOs Lahr -Fingers
MabaroOns Ormidy.tinane
1110 68 good es the nest Outdo in ene
cetyla camas. ,
'Triwilsohleada tbe erase ',tit Iwo*
eakvo lout firer swaiinsw..,,nlye Minx
am3i6Volte, goer jaiitistrietion ste
. ,
Whist:in Street - . DeriericIr
NLOP nrugolf
p.or Laes and ICh iIden
, •
4 .‘""
A lliB:whor heed a new Monti or
'whet for their OWIV use', or Or
their girls, cannot afford in the in-
terest of teemselves to mist seeii.g our
Ladies' Druid Coats, from $540
very complete ram.
, •
Iyadke .81a0 goats, from $4,90
antral)* hinn,go
Donbleheliders,33103t itur`day, giving
splendid tmoriet east and west from
ntarinstatimut funt,Ternato.
' *naouttin al.aapana
:leave Toronto evelt night /lOntreil
and ,Ottowa, DettliAt and Chicago, whit
wider mei higeer bertha kind better venti.
Intionthan. ttsunIZ • i•-.
' NO NtlAllt rCninfOrtabier
**It InattigarA41114' t:01(4145-4494
or,mite o, a. goer% txr,e,,,xstoei•
Thehighest malt price intid
for any ettantity of Pall and
winter Apples.. '
. It win pity yOli towait until
you see tny agent Or myself,
personally. ' 11 you Cannot
wait; write nit. '
. D. cpAtirnitmw,
Cqnton, .." •r; °Maw* .
••• 14!! • • • ' ,
1DOetdti 400018
A special titteOf dark Shadow iweeds,
In lmost altereor, qoinhitiutioneoi
very large,r1houting; at per yora,... 50C
•Setnethingi for stbied wear, at, gse,a
irdlyin blue, retl„ and green, with,
white °neck,. at 'per zSe
Ottressartineet�f1atartane, bigger ,
and better their ever' 'befOraititerv...
uhtgotaus,:firom per yard:: • 50t
_,iSee our special lines:In titbits" black
Caninnere and faiiitie"Wallsts, junl Oapped
Into attiek: , •
• . ,
.prind4o.for,thi t,filnter
By _buying a pod. Stove,
• oae that coal
andgiio every satisfac.
Bon. There are tome
better than.
FP .
A 'Good 'Chisesik.
Penn Etheti
full line teetionaefretn.
Also the celebrated
e4 .
• Sot latthiettii
G�nsI ettt
11011c S6
illtnery Amputtpeenient
I liave pleasure in Admonneitig that my -stock of
F. ,,,‘,4,4.4..siit,L.11, 14,01if ....
de now Complete, old innate inapeption by thq Utiles of Gotierieb'ana etitrOuntling
Country. In both Dimmed and tiattimined styles you will find many features wbith
willintereat YOU. Cone end see what yon must wear to belt' the latest fashfori. ,
' MISS cAnattioN,
, ..,
4 Ilitnilton,Street„, tie/tithe seutird.
Ifs the'pliee:to bay the verj IlewesI ntylet Jo
'SUIT .0Asgo and TRUNKS
• We hove a stock of these goOds•ditterent fitiet any tate thou; hi Gadarich
het" sea thoprideware no higher than the stiditutre geode. '
• • , ;Watch for ner Eximibit of
- • 'PuRt"
nt thei coetith:pic,Itsiiitit nowt; OW
OA •
Wits hsiheiforeof ho
Witen you fin
rotten telittitle
as oo4 115 1115 best, an Ito A Nog
toward Ibe reattatkak of true hesmebokl
Aiaia order *allotted rot anytkhng o*t
Wtithf„ ,
Oirttera#t Ntw,ribt
• TeIeguiaph,,
fe tritt,-.#4 and tiontinehelhilintit is
VrelLtatight by TM411)20 Jnni book,
&Vetoed beRin Key. twinges, 33ent
Wittrillth imsorr trr any awitiessa.os
4.,#'00110,111( to(ii+ CotillititsrAtri.pac, At1,41
,CatiaTtiorr hi! l'ith
-Patent, *Amara et. fox., T
,V..,11.811AVorit tVraideli ' •
thietit *unto*
,growede Of Oettritit.
nettle* White on a18
Daily vittit
6.410(satiott'iiititto* tit4tikws. and
MN** tord to bortit* Wets. la
AttaltoOklittiMirk. •
24• to Nov. s
"(like Time
ot Wheeled v4110141
igM401k.. A
et el ,11
8' t
• - i
, t
of t
tre •
• beer
. pity
• the
-. Aa118.
, mat
01 11
" boat
• cited
-- noel
- whit
*8 11
. 'you
' tt
. • t
the I
hid t
Itt et.