HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-25, Page 2--17'rehsee.relflelef7Ffeee- TUE CONVICT'S OAVOUTER; +AetOE44:0040+1«t•fgt4e4+1344141:tierVittfa+1:4+40(4):44•041:0041 tftAtlielt IteseiCeuilnitede eitel4 repeetee Iserwiail, ' liett hee Ceeru 'Yes e'eitt, teeme, Simmons, What a • deuced Wry. yOtere ,In. Don't you ece T7 Beetle% euese e'ett? Hes steylnie Ifl the Velege. Well, Runcon. gorithbYe. tny I delet ask you to share my auI1tud10.1el. &algid It with the Ogre le MY Invest. But ell the eittite elk/10011mm you'll took mo Up let b. era to *ea eral. You remind me at WO I once woe before darkness cle setaded on me. Good -be -0. my boy. Mg you And your art %Milky of all your oe- Veilletne BMWs% wrung Um thin hand with ail unuay letting of tenderness, tor he hod a Werearner In his heart tor this strengely afflicts:1 'Uncle of his. The re- deeleteettee at lOndnessee received in dUdblod days, ot the handsome laugh - rag lute not tatted away enliven!. Ije terneA._19 the village, pondering &qty., on the etrange illness tient hod Made Ole Miehing youth a mind. less man, was fifteen years ago that the meledy bad attacked IWO let'eer. and all Ontrenew at it was that he had demi knurl un unconscious condition In, the 'Weal. quarter a Nunchester. How he had get there no one knew. 110 btailtdr, engeoovery, aduld not telt, for oh etbetement ot the fever that held hint MIAs the,000 for many days, Ids mind had -gene Cempletely. lie wa.s ti helpless balite 'Itatiblitait and childless once move. Bulletin rentembered ati that plainly, tr he was then a boy of twelve, and the illtrekt illan had been nursed at his Mtn* He recalled rap „ominoushls pets Ike tukd heard. of the strange coin. .eldieleit of his uncles illness, dating letta tho linst appearance in public of the wares+ he , had loved, as the aManced WI* of lead ta•use at the Nuachester IlleSt 'Belle and lite mysterious disup. Pearence ct that woman's only child, a glee girt of three! Long after the As - Sent* Rooms had closed on that fate- ful -44P Ralph Freer wits found insen- elble end rebbed. At the seme Ume the searksh for lite missing ehat had be- gun, but the cloud had never risen frotn Melte, 'Duette every effort for reeovery the /Int child ned not been found. The tititieles as ti het' disappearance re - !ripened unensevered. Had Ralph known anything about it? None could tell. • Bed he himself ripirited her away from mad sense of revenge? No one knew. What Seemed most probable to all was, that he had pbretted the kidnapper and Met his tate in trying to rescue the child. At ell events his life was ruined. His memory had Red; lle had lergotten • everything that had happened since his tart vislon 01 1)10 women he adored. At tunes he was tklmost ntad and had to be pill under restraint. Everything that ceuld lee done for htm was don* lie • event years abroad to return halt deed end brolken spirited. The very mention • of the woman he bad loved celled unger to hls eyes, and set his nerves on fire. Duncen's Ince darkened as he thought, then softened again, for ho knew Lady tees* and had for her !be devotion of n young men for a noble -hearted wo- man. Besides. had she not auffered atrociously herself. With ee little shiver he recielled the terrible meeting she had had with -the oenvaloceni mall. when • "he had Implored nett to remesnber, to tell' whet ho know. He had seen her kneeling before bis uncle, her beautiful *vibe' streftMtng. The look of despair with Whit* elve had peed hint oil her Ivey OM atter the ileums interview wet es viltid now tit2 his memory as liettelgbalte Wessel eesterday. If In • nitiveelieetlege ta Lett. Ceuse, which' lock 040 OM* menthe later, she bed round tbe happinese .of true love, it was also tree that She'had telex' an inconsolable troUbII now the search for the • continued, fifteen years liege 'Whitt Week had faded in every • brieett but here. "Some day I shell Ilud her I" she had sakI once to tilm. with ; the beautihil smile that thrilled ell that kueer her. He WOW deeply. Ile telt sure that ebb was . but the innocent cause of hts • +Melee condition. Lehe was so good, so ,litallereble. • •"No, she \vas certainly eot Itlanut tor pear Uncle rtreples V Iness, I valence eeelleve she was o be soliloquised ta-Sea. View iilettliftei seemed io 14pring up elose, /ern, 'and it I coked help to (hens) • the sorrow trent her Nee. how stately -would I do It. But no eltulbt tbe child dead, so can never be found 11 ushe.4 Open the little pile. The lamp on the .table within his W test a matt VlOw out into the tertian. flts andiady appeared 0 Open door. 'ell, 41r. „tourtluggage has come h,telett **gleamed., reproallnully. "I they:104,04 Veto lest. It's nearly two tiCUrit eittee leen eventlateaee" 1)11, Otteeedingly 'emery, Miss Gbeen,", replied the ming man with his 'AVON*, b teethe "nut It le see heautneo real I went for a Illtat stroll and quite () ;„ir, white lime a eewee. " Itekily I' never Made the lea, nor eftehedeihe NIP. .1%), qte.) wistild haw been enter waStes &It we've had our neprise axe sir." tNla I see by yttur gig eyes, Maw • Green. SOraelhing MN\ 7 suppose, I deelere You Me* 'landsmen- before, hit lee Made you (Mile scrunnotratte," "01), now, ,elts, iSittetair. ate me Wolin" lefty." simpered the mullein. blushing with pteesure. 11 te Mee. ale brother tie Stelbeerafe tether is home gain." ei)h. he is, te her ese ittete the (Awed( and stitelektfi. she crept leeks leantin Men, "end what e he sny tee cretin nied climbed the nartow eitore, 1 OMR nn". Ate I to turn out?" sho oper.ed the get, besineee doer eN, eir; Ot comae net, Ile 1 teal Pettey. preeera !lettere here. eiesiereow he n otintwern. etude; by the open window, eon. pollee -se tweeeld inee thet tram.' tinned a pale little foto.. to greet her. ,lit ellOeetieliseillit fees no etes lieVzitty- "ee he. Alden* kleeer, were you calling 4 Vli! ii4A4.1 ' Inew' able aeheit, rising coil pulliolt her litrill" 'No, itr ay. iltizh. Ited I want yen ellthe • *for:, ).1e.. Fete loves tier tette* like o same. Tour went ovate eve, seek brae ettp sof the old Mere." wean. And, tow therthig, *net mead tea 41mtelL lexlarilf' slically eineutatca eteelk Whet he emelt. Ilk* thilge'etelle. irtetneeite elleeerke toile pettily tegetter." con- , . ., , telitteee tile nelakeei *epee,. "stir -kg NO hitt eo uttletereet ise lee deeds: teeie 0 keenteese. lee tet aziente, ee Pete diNes. kirt,t I*4 fitN,It rt wool tothi‘r to 1,,,k-,,,,,,,, 1,4kr,,rn s%•,,,. wee 'imp 4 ,,,,,„..,0 1,10 us qrt',At 1:il` t4",tlitikititti. 'et* ik dadatintrld ra" 4 eVetetsteli teal ta etekein her t: .:.t • r:,-.:c.4c.,.1.::,14 fly% otar.z.6 tras 1,1=14 r-r,alrs. • " ; • . . ' 71Nh.:11 ...a1A, et ell ;remelt ' esteetee4e Met - sem '0,1t pt."41:14 NittftMlya "X;,.,1‘,EL'Itt-i":501. tE vilvt. te.nt [Leta the fit '1p 1-:'l,e eev Aleere to 0.11e1Stizn tree. tee e .,3t,,••t$ i•,,k vow, a olcit,„.3 te.1; s /..) tsu,s.t. tl. l'a t,'-v.t.ratliti elle de acel Ifiereeerettee tor Nett had reettivedtMk effete Woe the night bekre. 1Per been , wits arleug with *ogee for bee k4 the tut% end et the Was Ikon* allei Ilea Ifattivemg th6 htnelleet; Oliva vet,met ith hfoilgaitetriliwItirtle wee* aitaply *Olt, ler a eteitte newel Mgt leleint *Ivey bee blinding Wr. elterelarb c1litr4iett ler UT leele i,caw* ride in iwieetXt evidently Vies eles. '54e)ritrElt e'l:terlicAeln(1°PiebeTneafineellraWdslieW)01 4 gent ,tor tier sherteerninge. M the iNGLI 1,-orrio or GOB LirfARM AR Sunbeam She'll :ha to the tlid the chapter, Mt Weald biaeli thd eyes 0' any' who bneright, a dead te her fem. lent Worrying you with my tuitt, fetch yolk' lea tn." Dunes30 glaneed round- the easy little room with a smile. "Welt,"' he reflected. 9 may nave 00110.10 4.410 axe. but I've hod Wet* of events:CPawded Into lint lite SOW(' MY arrival, litinbeatn-Senbeaufe father-- nte Unele Maple I wonder how Many more surprises I'm to get, and if any of them lead to adve,nture of any kraal" CHAPTER V. "What are you grate to do welt your. sell now, eStilFoasked hte slater a few days later as he eat silent the little kitchen. The man took his pipe from hie mralth and grinned centlintde. "That's just wot -I was defiberatia' on, Betty. Yon know yourself that I never 'eve worked by the sweat of my brow, nor never shall. I dal such a green- horn yet. I was just thInkin' over one oe two 'ohs when you spoke. Likely as not I shall only be few days ere: Villages airet the bast place for my sort. Towns are more 'orspitable." lietty pubilown the saucepan She had been • cleaning and came close up to. binh eyes held .a world ot inquiry, her full cheeks had paled. "You don't mean to say that you're ell again. Remember your hand has lost Hs cunning, Bill. For my sake don't be rash, RemembeP rne and her." • becos I do remember you I must make plans. . You can't starve. An' Iranest work don't pay, What could I do lt I 414. Who'd 'ave me, eh?" sneer. ed Bill, plunging his hands ink, his pockets and sucking hie pipe. She sighed, Ready tears sprang to ,her eyes. "You've growed soft, Het; soft and flabby. Why do you want to starve?" "My Savings will laSt many years," elte murnnired, bending over the dr* lie eituckled, amused. • our savings were mine! YOU One mind Utat money, then?" "Of course nut," she exclaimed, In- dignantly; "I'm with you, as before No, it Isn't that. Its because your luck's gone, and also because of Stmbearn. She takes Mut to heart. She's us good as. gold, you see." '013, that's It, 11 it? I'd like to know where she'd be if I felt as good as gold /nosed. As for my luck, that's ret 1 Irli oonte bade It It doesn't, and ishe gets on your mind, you know wet to do. For goodness' sake. don't turn into a crying female. Sunbeam ought to know better than to talk like that." "Yet she loves you, tier heart is true to you. But she Prays that your ways may Orange. It's real Mutat& tO hear lice sometimes, her that owes all to your kvays." Her eyes streamed with tears of mirth. Bill's Uwe softened intensely, oyea, she's grannie'," he muttered, chewing the pipe stem to keep it from falling, "and beautifuller than I thought, Het; p'raps too beautiful for what I want." "For what you Want? Bill, whstt d'you mean? You ain't going to eorrupt that child's mind, the child wolts been a ben - vet, to us both?" He twisted round uneasily in his chair. Ati softening expresooes see from his face. litit,ruouth set in a hard, cruel (Inc. "Bill, you ain't goin' to--," began the woman. 13111, be checked her with a frown, exclaiming angrily— .9lunbeam's got to work for 'er old tether now; the father era risked se much for her. Bain " a good girl, nay. What was the good of all the money spint On her it site can't repay we Never you mind, Betty, Sunbeam won't sutler, and if she'll forget to say he i prayers for and work as 1 wish, then in a very short' time we shall be rotten' irt money. Then we tin emigrate and start a etly life, if you tike., owe over that snIflin, and ca( the girl 'ote, welt get that job over tetore that young mem-goner turns up for his Meal. Of course (bo girl will kick at first. I ex - peel it. But shell soon give in, "11 you mean her to steal. shell die first," irplted his tester, gray towards 110 door. I've another dodge. 11 she • lk4f111 do Wet 1 want, merry Gene 'lemon nan *whale „crowed lletty, "Sunbeam many that beast! God knows ole evil he's don* Why. Bill, yoted a belie cote; where is it now? I -thought pm need Sunbeinte You could not bear her out of pane sight?" . : "My teares might enough. Only it mite wallowing in Mt yet. 1 10V0 Sun. beatn, yes, and meant to do my best ty her. But there's one or two jobs I 'eve on silo must 'elp lit. If not Gentle. recut Date who has a tight 'Mt! on me, shell Ihro 'er. It's one er the other, lie orates to -night to grate ou her ftkete She ear. chotse then. But it's ow or Felber. Meer this big cleat whieh 1 shale unit lei or ler. tle's sie en n110 01` 101110*. Au' \viten shes lee elle, hell make her omit, ;MU bet." "Mt .)ott cant It p do that. BM. 111 step 1 love Ihe girl, 1 won't bo party, In' thee ell go to those that*" the had risen and schwa her hands reughte, "No An won't. 1 ittOW haw In stqt tour tongue, tue girl. reye think only leste made me eddicate lite gill like Mel Ine week tot er 111e40 yearS? What a t'satt WI` e most ththh he0' • "Esv k ls the . 1,0 V 'eve Mit • "And ekelettearaf Isothe taxa up web a1111 latengly rooted Ifelf,yle stead tee ' door Mho Itis.104 bet' aged ogstat • *111 Oktie Wet Pee** Sieetchom 4r. Set %A* tWetehlie WOO, tat elleling lit her eart ' ' ,„11. Vet* tit the Lawrie VII be' .001014, sleet worey11• eil,Itittieleetni*O0b*It, avec °Iltei Thes. next momeot abe bitted, stab,' thianciors bore ,aat tato 040 by lob Lit her father. near, Tree, enter, Settliet dont Mee eileettne his angry eyee ' /140411 illltOlgigt`noor uolk*°4 "Yee, be growled, hie expreseion ,teter Pent and there AM fintneed top Pio catcall* nevertheless ter ho 104, her as WW1 tiS be celdeleive MY One. • want to talk ,Over one or two natters.' For tny stay hale 'ate 'Mtn be a long Are la 0, cardboaed led* like MN *Oa ati Well -le IttlX business when no one else in , Sidtheaivnodilea net' heath, There Wati eornething in his lace end voice she had neither tieen nor kernel before. What tto you lama me, &err she oshetit '00104 AOigillatii*Y0-0 iiegte Oen could be have to say? Wae tuedttet* lag wale fresh burglary? A shiver I, thrOugh her. "Suobeitte, you teal Say I've bin it tad (other to you?" She elated, Love sprang to her Mee. She teat -hia roughened bend, "Yoe NW° been the best of father& I 'Oink you freul the bottom of my heart: idle evleripered 111 it low yoke, preasing her soft lips to the homy skit). Ile gleneed triumphantly et lee ler, exclaiming in an exultant tone : wrhen (le I've won Such gratitoodt Sunbeam, you can't refuse to be a olo011- titelghterre "Of course non Have I ever been ane• thing. but dutiful?" "I'M golte to let you beeso, more, by asking you to do a simple thing ler me. Mind you, a thing no goed girl weute refuse to do tor a parent wet eels risked even his treeklar her." The girl's eyes widened-, her - dry. it pang of fear shot through ter hearL What could It be? She glanced at her' aunt. The woman sat as though turned to stone, a mortal dread in her eyes. The sight was not reassuring, but Sunbeam was plucky, "What is It, father?" she asked, stall- ing sweetly at tran. , "To hear your voice. and see Aunt fietty'a face, 1 might imagine something terrible. But I'm sure it cannot be that." "01 warm not," he retorted gruffly, terning his eyes away. "you've been well edicated an' I want you to help me bi do one 4..r two obs, this way. You're glt Into the places as governess or anything you like, visitor If you can, attd--" But a tow exclamalten drove the words from his' tips. Sunbeam wa,e standing before htm with a herror-stricken face. "Oh, tether, slop. Boleti Anything but that!. I cannot do it! Don't be angry olth me, but I etumot do this thing you ask." "Yen cannon „But you must. len your tether ad you must obey. Where's the 'erne( Ain't you been eddicated yn money got that way. Abt't you livin' on it now. What'r your atint's savites but 'het share out of my kaolin', eh?" be ex- elailned brutany, though his eyes were statiolLaverted tram the quivering pleading "Oh, Aunt Betty! Is it true?" she fal- tered, turning despairtrigly to the other •wernan who Was weeping silently, with furtive glances at her brother's bullet- shaped head as she sat behind ram, - "My darling, yes! Vorgive me. I never told you, but yes, it's true." , "True that all your money toot bought this. and feeds us, is illgotten? 011, &unite, when you saw hiw distressed t was to hear hew my education had been paid tor, why did you keep this trom me?" eBecause I was afraid you'd leave mei maybe, you seented so dead set against such doings," eabbed Betty, - Sunbeam sighed. "AS a child ' never knew. Until the vtlitegers began to seen I Was kept in ignorance. Oh. father. what have you done? It would have been better to let me die Re my poor mother." Rill Green sprang to his feet. His patience, scant at any time, had fled. Elam his overpewering love for me girt had no control over his unchained an, ger. Ile Wok hes-roughly by toe arm. (To be corttemed). SCIATICA 0.11E11. -- Mrs. Chas. F. Haley Testored by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. . was utterly helpless teeth sciatica. I coutd not nom in bed without aid., Doctors treated inte hut 1 did not im- prove. I used Dr. Wiltiams' Pink Pills and teelay ant a welt woman." This tribute to the merits ot Dr. itelltituns' P11111 lenle b ma& by Mrs. Chas. F. lalm-oi 4'4:remount, el, S. Two yeare ego She suffered most severely from an attach of sciatira. nnd for tit number of mouths was an invalla ementied to her Lod She further states; "It is impes- sib% tor use to deserlbe, the pain from which suffered. endeavored to con- tipue my profession OS a music tocher, but was foroed to give it up. The doe - tor said lire trouble was sciatica. but Itis titotineut did not help tree. 'I could unruly take step wand the mast aeulo petit shooting through in.v hack end limit three Finally I took to rel. bold atenditaditInoltbetriovePertvimititellthaPlitT, lite pot» eras' never absent. I codslitt. 441 another doctor, but will no letter reattltS. tratt begap to think I would otwaye be sufferer. One day a *tend who %vat ht see me 1lSktd 111iy" I dal tot Ilene Dre Wilhelm' Pink Pills, and on her adetee I derided to do so. The result u-41.14 bOyalati kny most hopeful eNtlivlations. Ali the poine mid rotes elsenelmel end t have rimer shire been trouhled w,111 seed/c.o. I have 010 heS3411611 retrounnottling Die Wile Ions" Peek Pi e for ItiO:Mouble hem tridelts evanesce," ?Mete fike Mead Is Poor the nerves ca* starved; then conies the agony et seedbea„ .neutelgla, peettapa pellet O. %TOW? Pink Pllsla Ate Welke make IOW, rfele red blood. veld& tee& the altarile) servos, deiteS out plin orsi keslorts health. It is be- came, Ill* tette aelnally 'Melte OW mund ,reilactlailititrattilieturitzathreetanmellitStecton,leuAtivne4 1:11‘64elreS4rtst''' Ahrh7turtirSti4V1treig(31Lttet lueleT Pt0Plcl Whoa .willtle valczIL With Mt Acsoreggi r-00 711titto is also; a Ponsidetabie notranO of,ttotrittinkviliplitss.tutotkot ping rte'ittl'. Iltarko„ utoneg5 lotv aultinottrphwolt pint fallen. thloiet egelideett ;ewe limitam, Otte Se ere k 4 0, tt` ixttre16114, za Ve tit •• hrettaeltie. ,000.000 ileittlVot ;11%0 otet fite ,000,000 tuataT 11:0144 cadet: etteuriel ceetteette .14ertys eitt dem); Mrep ',11,0111100 VOkikalt Ode lieePteittefeek in Oa Ac fiavoet fa Fat 11 , • 0 tri view of the eeiy greet intereat TSNANIS MIST KMOAT. met Bitebeese eilealtwa. A *makable- freture 11tortmetten 44 IA* selitieleetuI th. snail bold: - lege pavement ia tinestieaktrit is an •ogreemeet adopted at Meulkin. neer Spalding. gagltuut, where the Astl*All eon. teketlit up lent M. ia Mod Ilion. ,seteeti etterriege within **, tetwooettle pee Cie* dr Meelielt Partele Council `MAO the elhee de list th ct 111401114ed in Ow Wheel Ot 1Wit ,V6PitY a last Whitt% nOt nuere ot the,- tine associated' With tho state of ,reratte ingitirleis made by 's.,1 _OW t'roP Alberta WaS,,elaiti- and flat * AVM reSpaibbinA 44144,0 Sdrilenterr lialletirt maw fir tesoWir this Spring. eeme of ,k1 .764 arts ge ;et kw Imo wain . Jeut Abo, goon , southerri Affierte. the- SlitteS At the Men the ettendemed *Wogs. Thieteert *Ake Will be pre. tIIc whatec-Joiheal"reXierk, are •ot speele1. gerellgri artf011ideti to Ilia prOpertiOrtS ,a,Aul it is Moe Oat the tetteleh veletie betasse fhey peeve thee -.the taihiro, r . • e-Dounce yequire,glifn be oceuple ettbgt r man -gnittriterit 10( . tiva n,)" Wedeln Oe winter wheat In rental*. Is Sumerian*, "the Winter Wheel ekt ymnrew iennowor 11,, tenots. who tetet'S-04ertnialneatahihthkworhf „oriel* team, lent tO, prove iroulelleetY':eeethern Albeele a) lis, sea n is it, won,4 ,tt., 11 VAS 110 being ibtellehest ealtetble to the vetinhy. The correeeedereutieneeiteiW ene elke eiler et 0 . go -nu et ,1% ktootied, otAttto are *lona * ate *gyp Crepe,' Where'tee,eekkeral eetlineted rarer*, lettla eitseeeitOteilt, *tette ..entraghleetn e • te iteM3 ug HISUPS 5TiOtt sowokdolifiNg.1. t. low mom ,itseovert4 u ebiu pronto geneent eleiten, me, wen; at pinetwe diStriee lee meetly resseddede ert ..puoti9,0 hop ItsteniCpticeee. 4 eve' eletteelle. St. -- teleell tbre Werzeort deo Oiliest tilketeastikete the iyelsee 4410E0.4 bf re04 10.1044 ‘Its*geetL „, SI Ilk S. wee elesereite ntoro top* !.4.44$4,11K init;41,.1) * otto thtost,tolooto to the aar.e, viole this yeafs crop to- paY ;tor the. Cast ne o_ S4 'h - ' 15 531 , ,,c-fliastett:0 MO. ents expected emne his taivt aott kayo 4,oloot-,,bout000 urtho,, tenants avajteen Itosea,-:•si$ ot thorn gkle - r e;ebelt ditty" "p11013iattee' as !whalers. • • A •%goat •ore ,oligilita,vitelielers,, who -undo:Abe other sliver tielcts 40114 in eue peeo.um Twutoy 7E4ns, • *******,4a,,,,*„„":*,.. groin Meta eftlia0 to- Nvill,havo, to Igo* Ulu fug- *Mt* 414e104-reeleti0 -nre • Thocsgo$ feRemsi(* c idol; vide eniselmovith.atIves leele illealttfikee teat theta Ortreele Midler 41...btotree of eete,lee • ,Teee itto alt sOoto tapekit, tgotints Whet:etre Vira rett ritlebOat'en I feilteli Wheat. id western Can a* elle Abe elme 'a, ttepeeeee ghee, Age; metteKeser 'esoMe are ..atatiay, .00gaged to oo atilt ehlne Mine brigidi new sever ewe that' has 400, 01Paeled wth • bld elle* ititarest 10 being- taitert sixpeitce, DO most gatileglidef :believe ere Pleaeltift le the inchcri One' 11 °dirt regard In ,twoc•-oi•thoo, ,stitt ereee. that leo llootily:',near !bellies foram of the elleiriet says Mai ed , The sitedeirs ellelein: of Woo, teoe, „They. Aro cut:gently-, reported " fa. be Mee, imet ere soon be..eglikuerd, tweette Yeeee he has neYer Mtai9bqd' aers nela Oaten. Oran lea elrees eseorchtng ,e11.1101lee etkr sultaele, pert,' inan W110 51101114 eXP ss tieuise-etifeete tier' SOW elcS Meek es 570 bushels dit eida says the Talletetuld, Leiner, In eerie daye, ooNwr, .Noim ,sjosi SP°1' as to C4)ball- hPiaef ek‘'-'00004101, and 110 Emend' W4410 these weroAnoWtt 11jelling.tOti iron" • •. e• • • eavo.0401r by, leo Rex .tdepereeht=efenee Itereage gtveet to the feet, that In the wheo, they Were ocutiino- inta general. tlet to OPALTfli ItAPre.le$' and! ever, geoe outootwriee l'earea:ri tees inert telly bushels per flereeenteleintrildtteed Inlet the' letnly., by itheilliteeLef. Wee- • • • onen, wrons eiget.rreeapteateptlee often as high es itixty bushels, .,cirte set- seeittnigtert durtng ',the renal -semi* 104.er-0 • ,A• ?reposition wOUld riett,ittaii‘ettqn (Inc illustration of Inc m011140410;4 In sera, otter the Oahe, .tiealihy skin; 414401111Oly' eeetne, s‘enes eej a lowered ya*iititovlsols ‘locglIty one small horeepoWer gee iat ;the Veraretieenteeltor the nine, 13EAleree ',nature "telict nrater-• Which ie Oiled IOW Meileell. eiht tes Mitill wee euilletent to IlleaSh int the leente centurf 7. he, re Siena -Werra end letting 'lynx to - 'gee '"ite Ileathy seloas sand, /Wen. thetnekkade neetiteelneteeted grain grown In Lhe distriet, within 4 the faiheirlab world eVre-rnOst deter- ' treal eft- inittriek uncl artiPtiOnv nowne,. Teo' tem tnene4,ereng„Inive redlus ca hventy ThIs year Mere mined to their. oppeett 11, ,,A clause loom:* wilb. ZtintdoitU. Zairt43alt mode oleettdr 4101,000e,000eX, weeekeine„ ea' are live eteen1 threshing outing, In the' too ortglatik.trOt deed* dele,d 1820, •,ek/ 4 eentrans Melte the, tlett,saps and jetcee is an teutitentle teeL It Is Dothieltiotteot mune area, Via they wilt All he busy. ,abreela Neacientartiest.ehepo. provele4 oeeliese, beepeitteeekg teas, and 11 . iep way rne tea aeriao.yleldeae-pergent, The earreenerldent (1,3')) event. ell 10 tea •,eutulee tin airrnistaires setutterer therefore Noettee$,' OWO Skin itegueely tee pulp who wee trott0ers. • stores at Atiee 1:er,box.' Zorn, , But. ;Oda was not at, Some doubts:, taut co., Tomato, for Iree eample boe. terrifies the 'ratestietneattether- a inane -paper- across etid mall, Wit 10,, vestbv-tritau. • -ileer*Ir---,14;or.toe or silver, and there are byertatiecte, too. stall anY';ereaellee e allOWed Icsk eeeteie • Ob Rinat e erairt eall &re; end s SMALI. vet,Low oxqi): - The pitiful Int!st0it tbit onota exereeeed 'Milne *tarter's. cert.. lest cUt out Sul otter, Write nen: et Cardsten, ,and born that place re- perta that at, (*alien owl Raymond there is no crap' s.horlage, either in acre- age or yield. To -day the 'Cardelcol tarmepo are miring the bidet ceop knovete 111 the history Of the distriet. An auth,or- Oilideeelt we take reasOneble,care in preparing *Meson and .seeding we never tear a falletre." ALBEBTA RED THE FAVORITE. the richest silver Mine 040110, tr VACrict, toted be 10014%5 and 01101 In trap. stamp ta pay postege. but it It wereleallehla Yeeld.„_01 sem: • One of ittijolitejerS)of toe Prind- . ,4. ter ot whet the evlidalte'Pesfekeeedeesf • have promised A would two Methodist, p 'Tattier( la a owl times richer than even tnec'cril, 114/03 uee. league 111.. -the ey "tbal: trousers «heat Is 41S0 sown, As in eit parts 41 Wearing, beep- drrattivsa and so win Ethel; newt seeteeneyeareori bee paw • wheat, chiefly Alberta red. Some spring theeelleaub‘uvlukeaottbethite in this never get te I/Leav".1 me to marry, him. lieve It to be. Already mot aiteney,hae, been lost Over Worthless two .etroa :wait Father - Aieeee. ,a JarnagS lefethedira; Edith.: "And You threes rani ever.' le lute been made out of pityra 'tutees. A minieter, teece presideritnei,the center- Ethel: . "Yet: tea edm it WaS tieillal mania seized tlie Canedien , unite.. The awe (earn la lee,e. oven, tee(e.,' coupe the law- C0telj,104terg SO young: - _ newspapers were illlecle'eximarevekei. not be- IndUced to .adont .r treueers, and .....4,... ,,,n). ,,,..,...., halts for the eelerlehle let WI) eswele emang the Methodists ores' the last to Onle dtbse Wile "lave bad e4ertettee lowed them with fatuouSetivfilitde • .Now follow popular •feahlen Me this re.spect .etdt telt the totem* extras cause. Pain they are beginning to see.- whet 49641 •with your beide on, pain with them they were. Even it the ,preeteettkfok MO Mots up to $10,000,000,,,ibet: re$ predicted by the most Wilma, -t ttre the autherity of 'Mr. Nicholas., 'of ther Cenadien 'Geological Sureeyerteir .ezotina that this will net serve ketneee'"weedsoll- able dividend on tnore UMW lteltettie -cape Mil invested. And it evas•00 0u -reason- able dividend" which prospeettiteeeepro- raised-en was, anything itenteella'10 2.5. . . pet cent. The profile dangled betorelhe,iles ct those who are out to buyeelairas it vet unworked are even more altering, 't nude net been ten minutes in the eaten -et had only allotted tram the stale* to the edge of the lake up the muddy need le the hotel just above -before o peiSUltstve pritspector was trying to sell inc a new property which was MOrallY,401101, to lure out a cinch. And as.we went off to look at ite-for I liked the •ProSelectorel oempany, although 1 del neteerant'his Mine -up ehanibled a tough fellow, -a French-Conadien miner, anti 'immad a bit of oreout o( bus shire trieelltreesame game on my pereuastve been& himself 1 NO BRET HARTS ELEmENTe the, winter crops came throagh in splen. did, condition. The, tan, clean; heavy- he4(18d stalks • to -be Sege in 4- dales tra el through thousands of acres of un- , • , ,oft -pain night gad daY; but relief is cut, fteld.s and stooks stoutly attest tO the statement that the crap. is a healthy, MAKE THIS YOURSELF sere to those, who• use Holloway's Corn Cure. clean crop and a high-grade, sample. One observer says that the orop is as tar advanced here Ito in the famous Cache 17-7-• • county. Utah, long celebrated as one of the hest wheat sections of die United Stetee. The same is true of the crops at Spring Coulee, Raley and Magrath. Many farms visited by the correspon- dent milli have from thirty-nve to nIty bushels per acre. Five farmers in one peighborhood place thts orop at 1u3)e000 bushels, and an estimate placed on the 'eteld that will be produced tributary to the Carctston elevator is 350,000 bushels, while Spring Coulee, Raley and,Magrath will produce 300.000k bushels' more. A few pocr tields will yield about twenty bushels, hut these, ate ,racceplional,,. A visit to this districteeas recently Paid by Prof. TenEyck of the Kansas State Col- lege. He declared the crops were with- out exception the best he had ever seen. Fuxin AND SUGAR. ,At Raymond (Alberta) the correspon- dent took partleular pains to inquire in- to all the ocnditione, and his report from there is ot a highly satisfactory..kharac. ter. His article written from this point statese-"Wheat and beels-notte ' end sugar. These are the great raw produeis and staple manufactures of this thriving toWn. The country on each, side of the A. R. & I. Railwae (tom Raymond to Cardston and Kimball is practically cni) colinuous wbeatlield. 'like crop is a bumper one, and in several places is phenomenal and a certain record_ b alter. It is IMpoesIble,for erops 10 w thicker thee stretehto thdt are hundreds of acme th extent." -Tersely destreibrag the seene, the correspondent says:-"Ilight and left the lines of stooks run along, crawl rip over the unduta. tieris of the preirles or dwindle to no- thingness In the pesvpeelive of Me. plain, city ot wheat, A tarmer near Raley is terming narrow lanes at6uirt:lier:swhilliciel letuettisingeolnirdettert svesii.°11tiAlriabsh 60.000 bush- els. He is reaping and sowing all at the stsBeetneeketdinlite. As Ole grain ny isandesullackgednd. Immediately the field Is cleared tbe disk and seeder is set to work and the soil / tee° seed again. Fee forty miles itIs an easy place' to see, COblelt, for U3' the big proposittahs ite Giese Mound the lake, which biz itself to be, ralettoved under in the hepe teat beneath' its' wa-. tors lie ricer, deep veins *Calvet-, The Itight-of-Wey and Larose; spells are within a biscuit -toss of tee stollen.' The Messily, just across the lake, lite Una versity but a, short walk, and 84 OIL The minens' wooden shrieks with •tkotel, restaurant, stock exchange ,{Which is elso the (heatre), and a few slates. ail cluater together ort ene juet. above, the railway track. It' beaks. <it crates* like a piaeo that was.kinlyaiorted yesterday. Upon the permanence at the vein bungs the queen& whether- lea hall arm Imo a blg town or whether the htle side: now busy humen shell 01 13 few yeers be deserted agaahend tee wootten buildings left le rot in ellent lowliness, Whatevet -happens tlobeit wilt always be an rateresling merneey hy reason of certain peautiartites which mark IL oil from all other nitnillor eamps. There te no 11101 11111(4' element abOut it - no Cousin Jacks- in red shires, km pee- miscuous revolver 'shooting, no lawless- ness very int 0 ambling, end. strange en of all, no dein c. 1 never thought to Lee• bt:IttiproPlea„lifiLtig einollet quell te'll•tettielt e 11 it: fg;—letbihduel211:thlbelltr:::eniusilnairsolhilvwastrumghaseatnintlln-28e provides no stronger egiauthalt than le 30 bushels. But the major portian of seswatoneee3rMegeo • ,31 ths rtsmetethurae tneteli:4441gglriAk the et•opdoiszer ofC.Vareridthoew,400;lposibeiliteilvetylnerhek. whistey In some cif the shades -and 'lir tad e_e 4ps4kuoPspilatql,rorstiteigit°°.a asplitatre sltlealCevnefillt neTairelEr C5gleAbu4.he..eliimOLM SETIT.EMENT. when lie found I was Oat 8 bliyel% Old The correspondent wrote to The But- tes liquor is openly on sale, any- thing like disorder is put dons with a troFionurelyauergshoabugotertu"lilder‘evatvitwealittnigs heavy hand. BABY'S IlEALTIL Batiy's health and hapPlnies depends upon its little stomach and haivels per- forming their Work riegtfiarly. If these are out of order Betakes Owte Tablets will ewe the double euletter thee any settee titedietive, 'end Ito rimilletehas fee euatentess of o gateritmenit etnitlyet Met this medirine perfeetly sate. mtm, peeelq Neu), alorksville, Otte, ter; Hi tame used Baby's Coo Toblete tor etetnach anti bowel troubles, brezedrig tie cede end destrayiug Orme, mid :ewers with the best Autetees.",._ Selet he tot medieine dealers Qv lot Mail et ee genie a box bent The Or. Williams' etedielne 001.. Orochalle, tint. r..*''ObtlePAIdeq. • people Who at000111041theirerteries Vote- Theit the day& ot 41 )34Y Gel:trek-41;r. leriestilitlYgt" 14 004) 000 lether by the death et a butule 0.„ whom ehe bad neva' apt effse 'flume is okete trtin it!, A at from S3 to $4•per tiette. To -day it is editing at from $25 to SAO on acre. Ciattesehram is now a town ot 1,000 pop- ulation, and not a braneslead within like miles is available. As to the har- eem ontioole, there are no poor - except those Where seed Was sown on Vet stubble. There Ls name spring wheat grawn in thi,$'disiriel weli. Ifitiekt win- be. te..•.‘nt bitsiteni 10 nee etre, Near tierestuden ene num .has eal acres ot winter wbeee width will fun WU) 40 443 50 11114151'I4( 10 thiy now. VilgreV£"3" the farmer's have' taken care Prefraring the land and doing? their volt in season there ere bumper temps ewe year. The season has been favor. for tall wheat, and the gteneth end es:Welty of the plant, whIell hag holl the beet in years, dettionserates that in• eoll and climate, ettle region is dettinm te.beeeme ate ot theebest winter Wheat bells le North Anterlee." . , A BUMPET1 effleele Peon thugh River the eettevoirdidit weltee in ti•vein optimiellese,thae p. 1, tit hie letters traturninqr feels. Ile tetaid thel teem 010olaks to, teitelege 110.1)06 ems feed Lon serchtl to ainter Wheal, and atter-4'utittning tip the3. ata beadathcs, tear% paiDitaleti„ Air .tweA, Weed lta telt lealleb le lilt' arm OM f430t1 • and WS pleated Utopia/. smelted Ott nee011141te the win b15 about 6430,066 hushes. Iles in ti Imam. en" niti eey Wage he e , . esiesn'ti attellt. no patient with 13.03. stinikeem. beet remember Mat 1 Jim yoti: The beautiful hotel eees hate widened la alieete- A elleht Rusk eee'efed Ole Waite tace. %yaw, nu* toti mo, A t fie:113,V noi withn3 metelteerati at unit 100 In a. dittct,tAt,t4 orbol 13rar aiin Um, iny dfiele siudoin aigitat, Wit Os live mitt trAi z.ramd Gm 1=41 1:34 ton let steregeeeta,,?itb tosel:r,ge ttelne, ett eeteeal re.'re eitsiditAza v:as bet Iletre4 had V.Ilittlettd.. 0[410 "MY niChetne dealer et 11%1114 at TA tole MO alx bone for 'Wit from Tim Dr.. hilvitetto elite, telt ' • eeepeee.,111-Neceee. MAiere0 s: tweet" toe* .10t 1I111%%04.I. . lend, 'sl1ritre4t.vi1it ft brother 'et* tainne cor a infilimmiro ilttar; a Phalli 1Orse6111. exted WOO, tt 'tram omidtiriett. ette.: teleiledi 10 en Wahl Iteettli 4t.400,000I' feat Weida Ottleans Nand littirtV,exci3 lo *LOVA tile egiate4 tl.It 'Wealthy untie et,Ilreekten:: 1131. 111 +Ore' 00 M latedetteettArak anditonly ittlrakafit rti riosoll miitiotaire&t. - , *semi tileeelletee te Ot neeetieet Ateratg otter rettitt feeoellet .te fees. stag- eee Ione filiVe Urn Mita Vr"rigiel /lunar. tridior, *n4 th:A " t -wow• *in Dattitt !A0The Or* telt Of It)47 .telteeit"Sold 19 V00.4e6.1 thtt,. Ab 4063VTAiitiMit etWIS **4tts and nika sirent tont. View* ilh•v 4 vs14..amtw11r41 lits lest been: 1140eit. titintit tteeteet vto roto 0)01ea11 LI vat' 11*-_,A4Ia 1. ottoo ct.kgs.1-Nto.: wieseb ft hie rifOrlitki • It* interare 11111etiA tOr atteni0 Tetteak, 100 l,tlie Satiety :to coAittlik/i c.f.tesloonrat.t.c.l Tri Oen t tbk)• fit'zta 'rear . 0')"1t!l4 1 itss $teettac enteede tteete--'httit -11111e1 to the, etIttereit 31 be* • Tt. 5,01.,1etv .1h6 to..tt ..No..e.$, aftiter ettaieleteI. 11 tt teetet3' • mil Setilh 3i 543 Fell ter.3 weakiettibo at tettiteldge retitiaa tourtOtt -Outs, shave heep trZeit pCie ed tor 'fist vor 1%16. Tetia 1110smito,,:potni, it 1.1,a toatke tintcrec. mit giblititteli and" tie beet21 vr fitment' tot tan ;tor ....IMIzarkt 011bett; IttM, • ItelOillie[310dingtl the acc, • a, oteefttislu trk.nt Saul,. , No. Octo.-atzMias. St tw.vgloi., Ott tille.ceetiteheetee 1 1"Aetheettit etleitele.-,stee 3*11 teeeSTAIM,. ilthet,te,14 toirot teat tatetetteXa eiterhael rat (Xi* 3111906.000; Mel e Gettelen-sitleittet tnvote, stMe. Menet* id Mara 1101* CAVe. • 10t1 teletive hatelt TAM httle0h0tt.: • OVIS• I 1013W flUI (tty tliz' VAIN Oh _ • tot.lt it* f) tit kat !,-1, gen 91 xc3!'t 414163rni# 4 teV:itt W' VLtlik Ols 4i Osze Z113 ati kat tette ' GIVES RECIRE F011, spiris BOMB. am* attE. -1; — Irtexpenseve Mixture et Vegetable Ire predients 43ici ite ,Overcente Kidney and Bladdee Troubles Here Ls a temple homeMode mixture as given by ',an embaenti authority en Kidney diseates, who make& tile state, ment in a Toronto daily newspaper, that it will relieve almost any case et Kidney trouble, if token ,betore the stage ef Bright's diseease. Ile stales that, such syruptcnne age tame back, pain_ in the side, frequent desire to ertnate,,especi- ally at night; painful Mat discolored urination, are readily overeerne._Herit is the recipe; lry Fluid Extract Dandelion. one-half ounce; Compound gargen, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. A well-known physician is author, ity (hill (hese ingredients are all 'harmless and easily refixed at home by shaking welt in a bottle. This mix- ture has a peculiar healing and sooth- ing effect upon the entire fCidney and Urinary structure, end, tetteu Overcomes the wbret forms of Rheumatism in jug it tittle •evaitee Thte inexture is said le remove all blood disorders and cure the libeumatism• by forcing the Kidneys to filter and strobe from the blood and aestem all uric teid and Put, dee •Inposed waste matter, which eriuse these Arnie- Hons. Try 31 11 you aren't wen. Save the prescrIpticin. e • ---- A Cleat- Healthy OkIn-Ereptions 01 the skin and the blotches, which blera- telt beauty are the result of impure blood caused by 'unhealthn ,action of the liver and kidneys. Inieeorrecting this unitealthy action and restoring the organs to their normal- tondition, Per - melee's Vegetable Pine evill at the same tune eitonse.the blood, and the blotches alenudvinergupantioytrocnsutefil• diSappear «111001 EUIVS-EYE Sitars._ The 501(611 are never serene New hearts make the roily age. No one ever togretted buying lean. der. There never is much geed in "good erknoilligh. tie" deeds tell -more than the larg- esp( lebnurypsof Optetlephineraue,thoer.inut h o n e s t y as a, good policy fat/ to pay the prone- ums. Miss Pi1-1 .renietnbr the'1Int time 1 ens ie toy,. t Miss meeeee_eweet wouldn't 1 give •• for a ,-themory like that!" FIGURE FACTS. Ostriches cost 8250 a pair. Edison has Meer) out $47 patents. Swallows ean fiy 128 mites an bour. The world sends 1,500,000 telegrams a day, .e diver's 'suit, is weighted with 160 pounds a lead; , Turkey's yearly export of opium ag- gregates $4,000.0W The demote eir rubber is 45 times greater ether), the supply. Guinea pigs are ntature arid marriage- able ea the age 111 40 days. Over 65 per -cent. of the Bussian army can neither read nor write. In the opera ot .aittrambo, aS Played to Paris, 1,400epeople appear on 'the stage in the. laet_act. A Merry fieztrt Goes all tlig Day. -But one cannot have a merry heart if he s -asp:tin-in the - back- or- a- cold -with- a racking cough. • To be merry one must be well and free from aches and jeans. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrle 011 will relieve all palls, muscular or other- wise, and for the speedy treatment of bolds and coughs it is a splendid Me - (Leine. When tyou hear a man say "married lite is the only life" it's a sure sign he has been niarried nearly a week. Some persons have petlactical attacks et Canadian ceolera, dysentery or *liar - theme and have to use great precau- tions to avoid the disease. Change cf wa(er, cooking, an green fruit. is sure te bring on the attacks. To such per- sons wee would recommend Dr. .1. I), Kellogg's Dys,eetery 4-eardial as. beteg the best meciteine in lhe market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water tvhen the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. A GOOD TIME. "WelL Pat," said the sympathetic em- ployer, "did you go -to your friend's hmeral." "Dal I go, is it sorT' returned Pat, enthusiastically. "Sure an' I did. scar, an' had the time ce me life, sea That wake nor a &ante r Shiloh'f-Use Shilob's Cute e.21or the worst cold, thesharpest cough -try it on aguar- - antee of your money back if it doesn't a ctuall CURE anklet than anything you ever tried. Safe to take, -nothing in it to hurt even * baby. 34 years tit success commend Sh loh's Cure - 26c., 50c.. $1. se ure Cures Coil& -- and Colds OMEN VOW lee **V „ . itth$TAlfg$ WI M.tKE. „ . :furs or elottis. '1 bey their eggs itilliehe. rleh. stuffs-, and •- lt Is 1h eeeelali Wee,' itta:,r4t4s. That 00 11(0 catillg.A There art,',$1,0 Sheeting stars. Vers. pro ittitnease- lied:teat rn(l.ttY Oates larger eta:. they, 4,4 got move. 'The oa-cailed shooting stars .thoi 0100 . t:fipteottixtl$ ectos the nocturnal 01.0/ ; aro., atelcorsA,-Ictignionts weighIng, Qg • Ode.: a"tew P90.144$ . eelanalloke la reinleedeed,apkeplexee 11 is ctlia ;Pasture ta the 'air, - pathar moo OW oiled rayselethe sintelhat, etteses 'aratetroltee In dry elinettes. ,.euee as Celrea, wdh 4 *entitle, teMperaturo. of -10 degrees in the shede, sunstroke is. • much `PFug. 'luta with us. : - :Beer e greatest blessings to per- • fete is Mother Oraves' Worm Selerinine titer: It elfeetually expels, weenie end •, glees. Ito:tile= In a mareellotie manner to the little one, , .'Whett Me, Casey died he tett he had to the ,orplion asyluin." Hir,tele t That -was Mee at him, What did t lellYer twelve childreeee • - 04C14. terniManotge aintePragiollibui IScraWil Ottheabli-1111.- efordretuttect*,sawtts emeretilLoratio3On.minOR tIltrboy Saki b.!1:7117STI5t3L'e. FEIIENCE. "Wii.04 arc those dun clouds:going to dor "Guess they are trying to colleet rain." ' Be There a Wili Wisdom Points the tWuatygetee dhilkselesksenrodainagpifonresioribed0reeltioeil: which. means battles of .drugs nev4r ten - sinned: Bp has not the resolutioo to iead els- stomach with coinpouhas which,. smell %literate:sly . end taste wokse, But lf he MAT the will to deal himself" with his raiment. wisdom wilt direct his ()Mention to Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, 'Which, as a speciec for indo gestiou 4net disoreera of the dtgestive. ,organs, have no equal. it a wise mr-i—n who doesn't let hie balni;tsinterfere with his pleasure at arii MACHIN* FOR SM!. _ -DYNAMO MO lights, first -eta -el order. Will be sold cheap and roust be gotten out of the way owing to 600 -light machine tatting its place. 5, Prank Wilson, 93 Adelaide Street West* Toronto. FAN BLOWER Buffalo- make, number four, 9 -inch vele Wet deseharge, 2C- Inches high; perteel condiUon. aeperintendent, Truth Bull& sag, 73 A.delMde SL. West, Tomato. ery10,1111111111 mive.whowetra - ,T5f?tee corm, Olt it thaustil 1(0011' OVERCOATS , .9S*1:6640. "Efkilti;litieriPaiNia:11!3144YrrIt.0.11". 1110'17/994"1111 " toWe cet emir unwnouss , atto,treurkar.s.sair.rildamiolleal. air WA Omils oftsjw***ilimii*** smet#460. 0101KOININI*041.0*. et You can, puton arof that Wt. AVS lest hqn . yeareandbe the • . light kind Of ft net eiterY tifi-.;-Or yot canRnt on a ten-year /tit ,v411 Ittet Wet the t rein hitgati'wd kep•tetf4enst_till it is reptet -0747. Either *root will ',coot -yOU *beet the sone noney got , t 401thawatta Neel •.root will be rtRE4M 0 0,14•4itoc, . *Ind ectue07!,. ea: ererx,wert. till Ninete*** 4•I'vith ; • „ GuirenttedinWiltitat 2$: yeent,--ertti $eou tt *Per pitoft,( tta uylng fan ''etcedar Vootlit, for a century, gsarantssll vokolod-and4reatl*rirenott itzurdollitaand-seltilf Galvanized Sleel Wright. ..-tett feet that nen feet. Czonzkre that WWI the reit* price 0 040 shingle* -- bog doe' 11 etrila you? And you nth the "O,havra" Galyanized ;rash , Saalkit .4321'4 etaa fon t. leanest you jut of these' Irnsivanenta eglon-e; _ Serithertill 2932,o-fire- itithint*prestele 114a,11r KY* 'Osbneir*" 9 1°°3.81iniletl**4)11114144tiOtOd+thist 1, pc*ctie*lly _AtettOttit, OtAdt,t, "4611"allt. And GVARANEgD_. "• " mon t Over k tut, autt, '.11,040toxrir-,010, etkpited, Irit pIaItt nal 10 litentilitedied