HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-25, Page 1I *anima , County et Harm* 1011 AR le the. - WI:row Qualityt Quantity* Circulation- ••••••••••seeimrilleoseeeeeieee•e00004,0 iHieeeeesseaseeeeemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeieHet • .. TUN (100ERICti STA2 440 * Wier t circulation than any other Newapaper 1 In this section of the County ot Huron weeeeseciossoofwmosseseseeeeeeempeoquieese "T'Aje =743rorgiv,i%rva 4:;:ar iram i4icexrzrxer xx 14441;),N' TODD. Pubtlelireele Yetar to Advshea..acaly Groyne el • ts telt; uNquESTIONABLE _ Tit re. is nd 410000 Movil Shot* Ygilt NI`doiI9 010. (loot; , Otte ono .*ure way ,cd;..itotetunistiti - wetting aud ish; Wilzig It. A. tow pepicso 404e wolt13, othetik, 044 indpendethi4 • by atrtigo 'WOK brit the Mae tiliderittt pea*. ,Meattra eeM*alicti ,epeKtlieg less then thrtY /Pat Anal ,t(aVing. , , We, jiPOOR per,..eetiL,Intetrat' , r 04 to: wooksbn. 4 ,itnix tithe?, Tj E., 'TrAN:ijAirk.b :LOAN -C- p''MPANY oimilen Nowrs sTRELer * ‘, A141:i VpARP W ITOXTOW MoR., voinkit C21.0L1) F G • == FOUND On A31 Efandittin Partieillere at. Tan STAn ESTRAY STOCK VAP.'"Trigitilit7-*"--• Trai, s ' and outsets 0 hotter. yearileyescameain tentaleteMbsee ebent Sept, little Tee Wainer can 110 trient bY Provitig PrOP?rtY end paying' exlsensels. , JOHN 1,4'W.TNJW. BOYERLION BANK NOTICE - e‘Ngtvegioyg C SING, -The SoveMitei VT. Beek will ease orillatutdaY titterer:ens* oneeMock, and Wilitilaeletinile their kJ/oiling mese until four aneepeniter in the °Veneer - 1 0 WANTS TIPI °MESS WANTED.-sFeer ladtas can be aecomurtmated with, good Meuse, on mouth:luta, ten Mixintas Waik from &Mar% Apply to Mali. Wet„Atiseiver, ter. CHER VILANTED.:-Male br female. for S-_=4.340. 5, Dederleh TOWnship (Porter's /I O. Must holdist or 2nd class certificate Duties; to commoner° Janne* iltlettalts APO: - cations received ,up t.1 NOIL Mirol, stating eatery. Personal -implication preferred. JoLOr TORRANOIC, factetery, Porter's HUI. OARDERS WANTED.- Two gentlemen n lied good board and rOomit Get ad- EiTart LOW. -1010 BOARDEI-The ST; LAWRERCE anowraady receive boarders forthe ceiming season. Eve* aecoramordotion and' eating service. Applete Mes. BUXTON. vett. not , , Proprietresa. FOR SALR OR40 LET.. • //ousel AND LoT0 eon SAGE. received bytheundersdkned up to PrIdapothe 15th day of November. le37. r for tbepundesse ot,Lote, Noe and 29, We- e son's Stuweyeof thaterot of Goderidh, the pro- - Party et the led Moiraoh. 'There is a • weillortable fratne.newie on the property. _Rrtipskby is being sold to close up Estate. k4Vergul: Ten percents:Myra balance In 30 days. • 110-twnder nenessarilytaccepted. . ReinERTTROIVIPSON, _ h„Ezecutor, °ostrich*. jain/t• eilentoughlitad'"Lbreatii , , arlarlingenmee tam Jambe 10 Leicester WW1 lambs:and '5 Oxford 'Down rain lambs. Aloe 5 young ,bulle therotigtibred Shorthorn. ese_at reasonable prices. Apply to JAMEs CrileHOLM, Minlop MIAletd FORIkelt OBRENT.-The E. halt X lot 5, don. s, Aohileld, 100 acres, Mak. loalw., geed, buildings and stabling end wavered by*a spring well and creek; 2 acrea orchard and about eqeorea seeded. Apply to MRS. MARY 111 sLeARY, Crewe P. 0. A mar. Ltjanallienteenan Piano for Mae at tit '11t, 40'0W only a oluirt; time, Lieu bit Seen and all it:formation given ap- plying tit box X. *tea Mice. nttUttilES FOR SALE - Altrieet.-now, V with rubber supports. A bargain. Ap- ply at TIM STAR Wham. s 1C301/ 13Altdentibe and 3 Lote on Cameron _le street, _ stale° end fru* trees; 0 mode ed bouvelegeod camel* toimdaeon, Apply by lettere.° Dana. Maier .CAJOBELL. hex 27% Ripley, or totitos. °mem Aantioneer. WIQRSALE OR TO 11/314T -A aix-roomed use, armee:sedition. Apply to ak, 13.C. Mennuees. _ riOh, '"Ws R SAKE -LA' nimernorned !rouse in di seed Mosley., Both town and good well water, Masa, etre Get address at MAR Mee. WO RENT, - A sendeleacheit Ranee on 1. %Vest otreet. Modern Minveigencee. Furnace and electric ,light fixtures. eapely to j. ft. HactinuMet, 13t, Patrick street, tiociericie PRQPIEhtft VOTeliALEe-Bleek and the ne helf ot Meek a en the nand Road; eila et Goderieh,,emainin 10 and tbree IBM seraniteed gatderr land; orchard with Yarions idnds of choice rule Good frame beuae end frame barn.,,Good water. Aild0 NO. 120, hone°, Wild lot On Mee - sea West. For- torero ted _tull.perticitars apply tethe owner. Clanure Lotto, %World:. 'M FOR SALIL-Lot tal, Huron Road, Gederich Toe coriteinIng 100 aorea,NOINi 04113e4 barn and dr, abed; Well fenced and underdrained; geed rip he creek; 10 limes fell ieheateavairplowite It data. Three acres Of gelerehatd. Termeemy to snit Purchaser. Ape x en pre mlees MoIXAOD BROS., Melees - Mite. rslOil FOR SA EeeThe .fatni belongin:rto the Estate& thaate labert McConnell; n AelitieldteWriabileeth eon:, Mies west or Melee:MOM 150 aorta tr Pottage) with kitehenviind Weedahede lee 74, en etone founds; emend etehlitie netneath shed. ante's:sail eletwed, Ablest 9) teem underdrained ; artesian well atuperindmill. large orchard. ail Welt itszeced. Terme can be arran ter Cult puro r. Apulir ,wo. M. Id 'ortirems, leveret:natl. LuesnoW. left 011SES FOR SALtes-Twti new brick IALLI homes, eight rOMMtlit tech., .Bathatur. nee:nand Other inederit eeleanierieee, Trice reasonable. ;Teresa tb mileseuesheser. Apple at TrireGbnietwe PIA:tete Miers , MIOR SALE,--TWeety %area tacellent land A! for market garden ' With goad buildings and fences, two mils) fr•our Gedeneh-having livetteresin =herd et tipples, pearls plums, chortlea, peaches, gap* end raspberries Price and itiMla fterarlible. Apply to YOUNG & rumienTwN,Godertiet. Pon 4ALK--/rore newOnwetungs on A.ngle- se, St. A. °editorials*: OW:Aline on Paten fit. ne Iota ee Elgin Avenue,Essex Cedar St. And Pine St, • WANTEn-A ,tew rurnlimed Roupes or Rooms, near the Lake Irene te tont for the stuniner seasons 'Yen eta RODER1130N. ,MEDIO&L, Dits. KlirmititeON & TURNBULL. ogittilstritson. OMees, Hamilton at. phone 109 Dr. Emerwka Meedelible-St, 04,14 Street. Oppesite Victorte kits Clerren. Patine lit Dr. Turnbull'eltaldentereidentrealStreet, oar. ner VVaterloo, reat Peale Library. 'Plievie -nu. A. IL MACKLIN. 11. B. Kysician aniBriV4 final Mantle:Tr to tilt Bairiki et 111011Streideeeppearte Pettnetegocee Were atteists Gederleh, Teeenbale NG. 109 • , Mi/SIC OLASSRS. MUSIOCLABSFA, , see.* PitaaPritirttittritettt Kintirrintrait ethed Terre* arid ether Matti% Thetneetee..M*616 Mote. _ MISS IOWA. AND PUOLIC NO WrcrrieItt-v Melding thei rig wariest Mkt Weal** * ate ilialrialLeerniaritrade Teresa* Cs re,. Areellest. Lee itat thisteen: ' eitd arelleitefeeree y with pi ver laseires In etreethe Menial yelling dearth,. ear les learned at *Wit_qodotice. contempleting re view of ilat ad- litinher, wise men 'Meson J. LAMM , n . lion to Olean' in MOM. ItOWN hat Victothe te tern Mitts. =slava doable Itstiess bottle* hem, elle ple. ati II ghee TI*ItaWN'S CHANni jells elii A sent htei Vella it, kl 43V014154414 WNW Weelle seeeseeseees....s.-- INStiRANCS-RSAL 'ESTATE. Caaa • — issonaxce AND DEAL. EBTATII AGENT. °Mee fie residency, corner St. Geerge's Cree- dent and Wellington 8t. 'Phone 150, TENDEO FR SUPPLIES, HOS. frIHR UNDERSIGNED will eoceive tenders up to noon on Monday. etb Noveraber, 1907, for auppliea of Buteleers' Meat, Creamere or Wry Butter, Flour, Oataiieal. reitatoes, Cordweeda :dee etos for the following in. stitutienli during the yewr 1808, viz.: - At the .6.8sitims for tbe Insane In Toronto, London, Kingston, Benetton, Mimico, Brock. Mlle, reboil*, Orilla, and Penotanguishene ; the Central Prison aed Mercer Reformatore, Toronto, and the Hospital for Epileptics) at Woodstock. Exceptions -Tenders aro not required for the supply of meat to the Asylums in Tor:into, London, Kingetom Hamilton. and, Brockville, nor tor the Central Prison or Mercer Reform- atory. TOronte. A marked cheque' for five per cont. of the estimated amount of the contract, payable to the order of the Provincial Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his bona fides. Teo sufficient sureties will be required for the due fulalimme of each con- tract, and should tiny' tender be withdrawn be. fore tho contract is awarded, or should the tenderer fail to furnish security, the amount of the deposit will be forfeited. Specitications and forms of bander may be had on application to the Department of the Provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bur- sars of the reepeetive institutions. The lowest or any tender not fiecessarily coveted. - Newspapers insertine thie advertisement without Written authority from the Depart moot will not be paid for ff. W. HANNA, Provincial Secretary, Parllaineot. Buildings, Toronto. October 8th. 1997. LEOAL NOTICH NoTten To CREDITORS. 1N Tnit MAITER OP ME RUTATIC OP EDWARD ATTitzti.. late of the Township of Col- borne, in the County of Huton, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby giren pursuant to the-Re- viaed Statutes of Ontario (16971, Chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said late Edward C. Attrill, who died on or about the 18th day ot July, A. 13. 1007. are required en or before the 15th day of Novetriber..A. D. 1907, to send by post, pre- paid or deliver to the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, the executors of the estate of the said deceased, or to their underaigned ors, their Christian and surnameai eddresses and description's, the full truticulars of their claims, a atatement of their accounts and the natnre of the seourities lif any, heId by them. And further, take notice that after Such last mentioned date the said executors will pro- ceed to diotribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not he liable for the said assent, or any part thereof, to any person or persons ot whose claims notice shall not have been received hie them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Goderich, the /th day of October, 1907. DICKINSON & GAR110W. Solicitors for the said Executors. lisTOTICE TO ,CREDTTORS. Ihe matter of the estate of George Acheson: late of the Town of Goderinh, in the County ot Huron. Gentleman. dccoa.sed. Ntrrie is hereby Frivol that all persons hav- ing any claims or demands against tho said ate George Acheson, who died on or about the 2nd day of July..A. D., len, at the Raid Town of Goderich, are required to send by poet, pro. paid, or to deliver to Mee Ella S. Achemon. and Messrs. J. P. Brown and William Acheson, the Executrix and Exeouters of the will of the said late George Acheson, or MI any one of them, their names and addresses, and fall par- e:edam In writing of their damn, and ntatie Drente of their accounts, and the nature of the securitMs (If any) held by them. AND TARA amine that after the lut ,day of Novertiber, 1907. tho said Extentore will pro- ceed to distelbsee the ;resets of the ;aid denim - ed amongst the parsons entitled thereto. Miring regard only teettgatelaime of whiah they shall then have had' n ce, arid that the said Executors will not be 1 ble ter the said assets or anti part thereof tO OW person or Demme of wheoe Maim or claima they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Oederich the 30tb day of Sept, 1907. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & riLant, Solicitors for the said Executors:. isi-OTICE To CREDITORS. In the Metter of the Estate Of FRANCIS JORDAN, late of the Town of Gado - rich, In the County of Burnt Re- tired Chemist. deceased. Notice is hefeby given, pennant to the Re. vised Statute's of Trio I1897). Chap. 129. that ail creditors and et era having claims againet t o estetts of the sai late Francis; Jordan, who led on or :Mout the liat day of August, A. nee are requited, on or before the 1st day of November. it, D.1907. to sand by poet, prepaid, or deliver lb the undersigned. talker for Frances Jordan, Goderich P. O., the la utrix of the estate Of the aid deceseed, their' Inds- tian and sir esinea addresses and descriptione the Inn particulars of their cialina, a statement of their mmounts and the *tare of the accuri. tiet af any) hold by them. Ana further take notice teat after such lagt mentiened date the aid Executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the amiete ef the deceased among the partite entitled thereto, having re- gard only to UM Salina et Whioh they shall then hare ntige, and that the mid Executrix Will not belie le tor the said meets or any jean Gwent to tiny ream or pereons of Whose elaien nate° shall net hare been received by her at tho tete of such distribution, And further take melee that all evensong M- ee/god teethe TAMil MAD Frantic Jordan MD hereby abetted M pay the amounts awing by theta tette:1;mM recital* on or before the said date, after* led mild date all accounts WM be plated in t heeds of the nellarglireed ter e011ectiOn. Dated at Gbiletteh, this eted day of fleptimi& bet, A. 13. MB. .PROUDFOOT. HA.YS & BLAIR. Solielters tor tbe lathier's. Ondetich P. G. — . litapitentla PAM -aortae% .141411V1111611T For external,' Use WY.' Xi h positive cure tot $pitiat diSeint`. Rip disease. In- damthistety Laine Back, LUntline, Sete • hreat. Weak and liore lhaliSeee 'Shakes Stift.- joints, ItliPtufe littdrett dineencst. . It /noels° been foetid a core for Thmist effeetkviis 144004. NervegenclitevrithetitbaritigtheTrade Mark egloittels MillAirrapPerS, mid R. A. MeLeuttetes,linittienti Ont. staMped Ott *hit Psi Oft etteitheitte. Manitfatiuted. tidy 'by Repheinia A. MeLeitilatto sole patentee *MI ptoprie, treas. Godetielt, Onl. Sold byfire Preptietreas and Mts.- Ma404.00detieho ,4**4.63,-; Enter Any 'env, (0401401.*00;i4hwthi.r4 ,'%)%o4. 'OSUMI Ales:emit le 411.014.4. y.! Al1011tha .1011.1- nee provider et Y letteltere Wnitheil fit/POWS Writ" get . liailetteeltialeggleitt#411)aillYellgelit W:=1tv &ISM Sties ``s,,•$%.1t.-1;si1W.V.,17,emb`.71*$7eS • , • ELL VOCI13(altato, I4*.grAR, Orerf-tan: &Setter Of Xarrigge Ligenees Goderiehi Onto. LAWR'S HO GROWER. A neW dieCiWery for resteriAg the EcoWth of haat warranted to effect geo4 reaults in all ,eaSee. Where Mete are not traselutely destroyed, Retrieves dead - ruff, steps the failing of hair and brings a new growth On bald heads, Has been tested with esseelient reeitlts. Mtn show where it haa restored groWth of heir after aimoet betel baldnees. Meetly end read- ily applied. Oteltaliteed.free from any harniful ingredients. Give it a trial. You will he pleased. 50o st Bottle. Sent by mail on recept taf price. Manu- factured and sold by j. LAWR. Tonsorial Parlors Bedford Mt, Goderich. The Sterling Bank OP CANADA HERD OFfIGE - TORONTO Incorporated by Special Act of the Dominion Parliamtua to receive Depoeita. Highest curreht rate of interest paid in Arur Savings Bank Beperiment on deposits of er and upwards, Interest paid aud compounded FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Business transacted. GODERICH BRANCH : A. G. GAMBLE, Manager. GODERICH MARKETS. Barley has rlsen ton cents. all ether cereals are about as bee week, though they have varied stightly. Butter and eggs are flrmer in price, and cheese keeps in line with butter on the rise. Meats of all Mods show but little change. and itle sold that the price will bo more or least regulated by the price of feed. Vegetables aro reasonable in price. potatoes being particularly ;Mod and still high in price. although they are being shipped to Underlolt from outside points by the car load. Fruits, except culls, are very high. (Current wholesale prices careened ' up to noon of Thursday.) Wheat 0 95 to 1 0) Flour, per owL, patent klour, per owt., faruily 2 85 to 2 11) 2 60 to 2 00 3 Star Flour 2 85 to 2 85 5 Star Flour Bmn, per ton 3 15 to 8 1 Shorts, per ton 23 00 to 23 85 se to 25 15 Screenings, per ton ......... . 18 00 to 18 00 • 0 47 tta 0 07 Barley . Peas 0 65 to 0 75 0 75 to 0 71 Rye Buokwheat, per bushel 0 48 to 0 40 0 60 to 0 50 Hay, new 15 00 to 16 1'9 Butter, per lb 0 32 to 0 23 E gs per dozen 0 21 to 0 21 oot, per cord 5 00 to 5 50 Cad , ..... - ...... 4 50 to 4 75 Gatti°, ordinary and butchers' 3 25 to 4 00 Lambs, spring 4 60 to 5 00 HStegsap;ilvfaotwleoigwthlt 3 60 to I 00 Hams, per lb Bacon, long clear 6 00 to 6 011 00 171 tato 00 1187 Hides 6 00 to 5 50 Sheep Skins Tallow, rendered 50 to 0 60 0 05 to 0 Oe Chickens -barnyard chicks, per lb 8 to 10 0 11 to 0 12 " -orate fed Potatoes C2 to 60 Tomatoes, per bushel 1 00 to 1 00 Pears 60 to 75 Toronto Live Stock Markets, Sun office, Tuesday evening, OoL 22nd. What the Sun has reported at different times as to tho curtailment of hog production in On- tario suctained by this weok's market quo- tations. A. year ago at this time prices drop- ped 25 cents; today they are up from 15 to 20e. ex compared WWI last season's figures. Tho top price off cars in Toronto today is 18.65, or up to last year'abigh level. Gimes quote " off cars" at their Junction pricking house, at $6.65, the Davies Company at /dee, and Park, Black woll & Co. at 16 60. For hogs. fed and watered afterdelivery in Toronto, the Dalai Co. quote 80.35 For hogs at average shipping poi h la the Davies and tho Park, Blackwell Companies quote at 16.10, and Canes at$8.15. The run at the Toronto cattle market this morntne case:110Mo, eontatning 1,511 catDo, 1.800 sheep, 810 hogs and 174 calves. A weak tone pervaded the Whole market. especially in the export class. Still exporters were quoted at $4.75 to 2.5. The best butchers' cattle, which werahard to And as usual, brought front 54.60 fo $4 75 Good butcharte sold for 11 to et 25, and medium 13.15 term. Feeders and stacker:I woro In good demand, end brought from $3.121 to 3.40; cows. $35 tas $50 NEW A6VERTISEMENTS. Page Bearden' Wanted -STAR °Moo 1 Roomers Wanted -Mrs. AnsteY, Muse and Lore for Sale-Robt. Thomason 1 Glaesea Found -Seen Office. • 1 Thanksgiving Rates -q. T. FL Special Lines -W. Acheeen & Son Jewel Stoics and Ranges -Goo. Beckett 6 Quality Clothing -W. O. Pridhato 5 ManUes and Jacketa-D. Millar Co 4 Household Grecories-Stnrdp & Co Montreal -Chicago Train -C. P. It ..... 4 2 °Moller Bargain Days- Hodgens Bros.. 8 Mantles -John Stead Some Specials -W. A. McKim New Meat Market -4. Follow:: Guy Mon. Minstrela-Victerla Opera House Teacher Wanted -John Torment. seer . Local NotIc94. Ye Olde Curiosity Shop has opened up on the name oble Ptrett, with the same old° sign. and Will do business lh the NUM redo way. G. II. GREEN. ELIMWERT ItA8PliEntrv.-Something sow le a Raspberry. " The best Red name berry nested Isere," writes Prof. Nittootte. at. terra. ' The heaviest rudder among ail rad Itameerrion " writes Pref. Mat, Onelete eVis haws the oniit largo supply in Canada to offer.. Six pante 100, *prate paid, Lore! Agent ; LEvy. Goderich. Mit BROWN ItOs. P. a, Browne: Nurscriess ont. GUT Brut,. Comian.--'rhe ever pop- eiar sad woud-innowneo Gny Brothera Min. Mein Will be et the Victoria Opens Ifouse, Geltirleit. Wed. Evening Oct. 30, The com- PellY appeared at Pee:titer° There eveningt arid the Reser* had the following canniest t -Tbeirofferlegiteim well up 00 airpcceithemand the lenin andlettee Went aohal welt teemed. The vocal work was tuteelletta keened, and Boyle eivetaedieeneritele with their singing eel dancing. Thee **by far the beet &mete teet ,eir in Peterbeke, Neleart and latile, described etv the Mu tut the Premier leterkabent ta) time consul, sustained Mantle Able tabinel, flatly Bale in tin- atlentlatiabit it. clover tomato teneereeiltatar: lee etelawal ewe It :treat and her* Wateriftlelelit ertriete *bent. tetforteallee t ovetintaly." %het *emir at me vierctiatia Mon" Wed avoning.ott. se. Petit* See twee. Pah akfitAWIs restatirants If rut Watit;Titel STAR the end of be yor IO Celnit it IP tg, a u ':_rog,21400416)!* Vetober 010t. Thanitsgitting, Oat. therefore * 'TAR SUR will go, to Bross On, WedneeilitY instead of On AdYttlisers and emote" FOndf*tts ate regeevited to send In their cOpy dityearlier than usual, otherwise. " too late" will he the ° result, gown %WU!). UAN41110 HANO(1...4he efeee Oat.. ION rink boa 0340114 Wide,. the Ateeert4 I:lralgittSros. having purehes- ed the Platitrd goo4 Will AVM *Ir. Steinbach, heuew OWitere Will 000, Untie ths ire ler rink lel etuaso0. and ° puck Will Im. knocked in eV, directionit. 14001,104it,hat.thaq veweaulttehre,ro eivociir etiortp u ettnaougt :gout: ey, Mar be expected. Curling is already ou the tapis. ',TAN At7T410111TY ON SANITATION. - The thROWIrlig from it. recent Nieto of the Seattle Postantelligeiltser will be read with hitereat here, as the gentle. maw maned N the son-in-law of Ms Heuer Judge Doyle ; Dia Frenk Meat lawn% vibe Will !Weed DAL M. &artisan on tke boatel of health, him nuauttlyttratargetx_meepetml :cog innd, earemilneywncith problems a eateve of Matt tt and a firduitre elttsio Mfeetaillianal Mete and mutation. lie to degree in mow and . sin us.% vae pris a list ad Medicine lit Mantas 13a, from 1900 te 1 !going to fdanit:14189;iits tzar end lief our- rzttootrvtlitilikird ot hat, otnit4114:111 amber. 1303, and organized the beerd, coc- tinuing in dame up to August, 1800ex wben les retired to private practice. When tirole epidemic broke out he sato impo n chi? health impactor tor the Phillipine I eds, n enutelealoeer of public hea th for the Philip - April, liate and the followil July mu; male pine islenda Ile canape in that isailtion mite It )1. when, on account of feeble health. he mule to Seattle, and hoe precticed hi* pro- fession here emainuoutily since. In politics; Dr. Bourn:slit a Republiaan, but 33410D confine to Seattle be hay nob taken au active part in With& Until yesterday he had never tnet Mayor Moore. 1300111.140 of Ms ex- , moperor7lenuoretirg..leen nptubvite hib,smiafthudtutotdasadenreditatlhorm, McalY,0- appointment. Dr. Bourns will quality thia - POW -ADOPTION. The UhIldren'a Aid -Society eve, desirous of finding .1.1. 1101116 tor a babY,giri two months oblv Particulars eat; ba had on application Jatnee MItObellt President, tiotie‘ rich. Low ' AND XfOUND,- The tnink tut stole advertised In- last week's STAB wall found by Mr. Chivvies McNeil, Auka returned to Vielt STAR office on Satter. day evening. -The owner of a chain. bracelet can have same by calling at Tern &ran officeer--The gentleman who. lost is scarf pin, set with six pearls. reward the finder if left at THE STAR office. --A pair of gold spectacles await the owner at this office. GODERICII Btramoss COLLEGE. - A goodly number of studente have' ex- pressed a desire te begin soon, so th.e G. R. C. will open Monday, November 4th, We understand the eubjects they teach are Sherthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping, Telegraphy, Commee. eial Law, Businees Letters, Commer- cial Arithmetic, Spelling, Rapid Cal- oulation, Business Praztice. Banking, etc. A student may take any or all of these subjects, Messrs. Spotted) and Eby were in town this week com- pleting arrangements. We wish them every success, GOOD FOR GODERICH. -It IS always a pleasure to note the success and in- creasing trade of our business men, because it means a •great deal in keep., ing Goderich prominently before the outside world. Pridhann, the tailor, is a leader in title line, and here are two samples worthy of mention. One let- ter from British Columbia, says "The clothes fit fine and I am well pleased with them." A similar one comes from London of a very complimentary nature, and another front Brantford says "The suit flts fine and dandy." Almost daily Mr. Pridham receives letters of praise, something he ehould naturally be pleased wi t h. LOCAL OPTION POSTPONED. - The special committee from the different churches of the town appointed to consider the querition of a local option campaign, met in the Temperance Hall on Thursday evening of last week arid again discussed the matter. As a re- sult of the interchange of opinions it was decided that the campaign for the present le? of an educational char- acter and that a vote be not asked for till next year, so US to he in time for the municipal elections of 1908 09. This de.cision ,ie in harmony with it resolution adopted at the comity %V. C. T. U. -convention held in Clinton, a report of which appeared in last week's papers. BUILDING NOTES. -The house being, huilt for Mrs. Edwards. corner of Britannia Road and South street. will be ready for occupation at end' of next Month. -The frame house on Britan- nia road being built for Jas. Duetow, will be completeo In six weeka-Chas. Knight has the basement walls built for a brick residence, corner of Wel- lington street find Britannia Road. - Richard Persona' pair of fl story frame dwellings on Wellington street will be, ready for occupation before the winter sets in. -The stone foundation for Jas. Shaw's dwelling, corner Quebec and Wellington, was completed on Mon- day. -The bricklayers started on Mr. Carl's new dwelling, south side of West street, on Tuesday. - CHEAP PowEit. - lf this is true, what does it mean ? A London des- patch to the Toronto Globe saes :- " The new producer gas engines and plant recently installed by the McCiary Company have had the in- itial test and proved in every way suc- cessful. Manager Xing says ' 11 has been demonstrated that power can he produced and distributed at fully one- third less coat than by the moat mod- ern steam engines.' Another feature is the great saving of space and labor. Manager King, after describing the room taken up by their plant of four boilers and an engine, which requires two men and an engiheor to look after it, says : ' The gas producer and outfit can be put in about one-sixth of the TIMM required hy the engine arid boil- ers, and one man looks after the com- plete system.' The cost of running the new 250 horse power engine is calculated to he between eight and nine dollars per horse power per an. nuAni.C"ier Arritric.-riom.-Manager Steinbach did the public a favor when he engaged Prof. Tyler and Miss Ber- ton, the world's champion roller skaters, for a three evening's parcel. - mance In the West street rink. It is truth to fray that nothing to good in that line has ever been seen In (lode- ri,h and a vote of the epectators each evening would have been unanimous- ly in favor of the title "World's Cham- pions." Both these ekaters did many clever movements which cannot be enumerated here, indeed it is difficult to think of anything which apparent- ly they cannot do on roller skates and the whole performance was so clean, well dressed and wholesome that it inane up an entertainment deserving of eincere praise. On Saturday even- ing Mica Daisy Mack, a clever and feet skating little Miss, competed in a race against Roy Sharman and Jack Sweets, and hut for a slight mishap would have defeated both. As it was, ehe was but a few yards behind Swarte. LOCAL OPTION AT HENSALL. - An interesting elate of affairs has arieen in the village of Hendon, this county, as the reknit of the passing of a local option bylaw. The fineventre ilea been attacked on the green& of having been irregularly passed, and now the council has passed a resolution with- drawing their defence of It. A. rate. payer, Samuel Smilitt, took the Matter up, and last Wednesday moved, at Os- good° Mall, to quash the councirs resolution. Ile was unimccesfull in this, but gained his teal point. the privilege to defend the bylaw In Mu) the council does. not. This wits grant- ed hY.Jujite.,,T,,etitei, bylaw w. rec,:ieuirodm"tirt.latit.ditburi alWeltote, thatuntbe: Corworth, a hotel proprietor. began an eaten to quash, it. The eonneil atarted to defend It, but by a resolu- tion pawed Octobriet, Withdrew their defence, because of Within to that erred, Samuel Smith/4 4 ratepayer. applied to quiAlt tbe Motion, or In the altornative. todeferid it Monett. J 0. ,Ntembitty. of tititero ilirgeed his ease, add Wee gtantiwl the tilterniitiVe. 013ITUARY. MARTIN.-Buphetnin Martin, widow of the late Harry Days, of Luoknow, died at her home, Woodstock, on Sat. urday. Her remains arrived in Gode- rich on Monday by the 0. T. IL 11.85 train, and were taken to Colborne cemetery for interment in the family plot. The deceased lady was a daugh- ter of the late Isaac Martin. ono time hotel keeper ot Saltford and Lucknow. The late Mrs. Days was a cousin of J. C. Martin, and had many relatives In the county town. Rov. Charles Saun- dere and Messrs. D. Paterson, W. Murdoch, J. Murehison, Geo. Bidden and D. A. McIntosh accompanied the reaming trout Woodstock to the ceme- tery. JACKMAN.-The death occurred on Tuesday morning, et her home on concession 13, of West Wawanosb, Sarah Ann Powell, beloved wife of James W. Jeckinan. Mrs. Jackman wits 00 years of age and had been ill for eight weeks before her death. She is survived by three brothers and three sisters -John Powell, Clinton ; Geo. Powell, Blyth. and a brother in New Ontario Mrs. James Switzer, of Bayfield ; Mrs, John Cochrane, of Wingham, and Mrs, John Menzie, of East %Vawaposh. A family of eeven children survive. These are Williain and Ernest, at home ; George, Ed- mund Jatnes and Miss Eva, in Ottawa, and Mrs. Powell, and Miss Alice Jack- man, at Beimore, The Jaeltmaine are an old family of Wawanosh, and Mrs. Jackman was horn and lived all her life there. Serirmouri.-Miss Sarah Seymour, only surviving sister of Messrs. liam and Batty Seythour, well known former residents of Goderich, died very suddenly in Montreal on Wednes- day of last ,week, and her reniains were brought . here and interred In Colborne R. C. Cemetery on Saturday moraine last, the service being held in St. Peter's church, The deceased lady had resided in Montreal for nearly 40 yea.re, but prior to that was well known with her 'brothers, who were then prominent grain merchants and !nosiness men here. It is now nearly )17 years since the Messrs Seymour left Goderich, but they still have a warn] spOt in their affections for the old town, and they are yet held in most kindly rensemberance by many ef our citizens. The pall bearers at Miss Seymour's funeral were Judge Holt, Messrs. Jas. A. McIntosh, J. J. W righ t and Ney Kidd, HUmnER.-Our citizens were steed - ed on Sunday morning last by the news that Mrs. O. A. Humber, widow of the late Police MagistrAfe, bad been found dead in her bed.' She had been sornewhat poorly for a short time, but nothing serious was anticipated, and she had retired on Saturday night ap. parently In her usual health. When, on Sunday morning, A member of the household had gone to her room to call her, Rho wee found dead, having passed away aome three or four hours before, according to the doctor who was called. Mrs. Humber was 08 years of age, and her death is the third in the family circles this year, her hus- band, the late C. A. Humber, hav- ing died about seven months ago, and her daughter-in-law, wife of Dr. A. Milton Humber, having died In June last at ber home in Detroit. The Kir- viving members of the family are : Mrs. R. M. enema Hamilton ; Dr. A. Milton and P. A. Humber, of Detroit ; II. II. at Red Deer, Alberta; (1. H., at Gaderich, nnd Maitland. of Stratford. Tbe funeral will take place from the family residence, Victoria street, today at 26130 p. liervice at the house com- mencing at 2 o'clock. Goderich W. C. T. U. Notes. The regular meeting of Union tho second Monday of each month, the Esenitive the fourth Ilfonday. The regutar meeting at the Union wan held Oct. 14th, preeident In the chair. Members present, eleven. The devotional half hour was filled In by Mrs. Brown giving a very instructive absent, no report was gi , Bible lesson. The tregzer being Th o following recommendations were then brought before meeting and approved of : 1st, that Instead of bold- ing two regular meetings each month, we hold one the 2nd Monday of each month, the rubor to be an executive meeting Ith Mondey. 2, That follow- ing vIce-preeidente be appointed to di fferent churches : K nox church, Mrs. Duff; Victoria etreet, Miss Hay- nes t North etreet, Milt. Hazen ; Bap- tist, Mem. Cameron. 3, that the fol- lowing ladles he appointed to the dif- ferent departments as atiperintend. enta ; Evangellatic Department, Min. Millyard; aystematie giving and Geiger mission, Mrs. Davidson ; gaol% Mrs. Holland ; temperance and Sundae School. Mrs. Hick mother's meeting. We. Oelberne ; librerian, Mrs. Yates: sailor's work, Mrs. McDermott ; from - :diem Mrs. Brown ; luntbermen, Mrs. Warnock: parlor meetings, Mrs. WM. ker ; naiveties, Mee Maedel ; prose. Mee. Bogie. •••••• RallWay Time Table. ODAND TIUrNif APIM001. IXAVI3 °World) 0 a.m. 7.10aen. 2.60p.nd Sp.m. Arrive " 11.35 " 1 p tn. 7,01 " CANADIAN PACIPTe. leave Bedevil% ... 7 00 a. m. 4.00 p m. Anire " . p. in. 10.10 " Tbe crutches advertised in lost week's; Smart have been purehaited by a resident of Toronto who reads Tun STAB. CORREICTION. By au error which escaped no - lice. the date of Colborne's 2 Hargahl Dots Sale is put as September *6 and 28, inatestd of October. Please nete-Saturday and Monday, oeroBEL 26 and 28, ate the dates. 4 Brief Town Topics. Nut coal has gone up to S7.60 nor LOD. MA It is said the end le not yet. New aubitonbers to Tint STAR still continue to come. Only 10 centir to the end of 1097. Large 11tIsittitles of apple barrels have been delivered in the townships the past two weeks. There Is nothing MOM interesting in this week's STait than the advertise- ments. He inire and read them. Morrow's butcher shop has under- gone considerable change, a neat and convenient Wilco being installed. The house on West street being built by the' Planing Mill Ou. fur Mr. Carl, is roofed in and will be bricked shortly. Mrs.. P. Jordan has rented her lintlee 01) Colborne street, furnished, to Mrs. E. Hawley, who has taken poesession, An employee at the organ factory had his hand aerieuely out last Satur- day while working at one of the ina- chines. theigle Bros. have built an exten- sive addition to thole Ice house, and expect td store one of the largest, har- vests on record for 1098. The weather so far has been favor- able for farm war*, and reports from the townships are that fell plow- ing has been largely done. James Shaw's new house on the corner of Wellington street and Elgin avenue Is progressing, the foundation being complete. The Walton store and dwelling on West street has 11. new roof of tin. It is said the price ot shingles will do big things for the makers of imettilic roof- ing. The frost of Wedneaday evening and yesterday morning touched the leaves badly, causing many trees, par- ticularly the chestnuts, tu shed their leaves profusely. Advertisers and correspondents should bear in tilled that next Thurs. day is a holiday, and that all copy must be in the bands of the printer a day earlier than usual. Mr. Joseph Fellows has opened a butcher shop on Kingston street, next to the King Edward, where he will carry a stock of the choicest meats and everything in season. There was a general meeting of the stockholders of the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. In Toronto oh Thurs- day, at which a dividend en the stock for the past year WAS declared. The &Worth Horticultural Society have received the all consignment of bulbs and plaints and are diatribe. ring them es quickly as possible. The society le in a flourishing condition, baying a membership of over DA , The freight shed at the O. T. IL is now ready for business, and the °Mee is nearly ready for occupation. The whole change vvIll be much appreciated by the public, particularly the office. which im a credit to the company and their master Workmen:, Wm. Brophey. Hamlink's evaporator Is turning out large quantities of the evaporated fruit. Apples have been shipped plentifully from the T. IL etation, and Megaw on the C. P. R. The ship- ping from the latter station takes considerably from the town shiP• Meiln`hteLre is a scarcity of hay and oat in Lucknew. There is plenty in tit country, but farmers have no need fo money, and Lhe sound of /015 per ton for hay is no teniplation. Grain crepe are yielding well. Walter Wilson threshed wheat averaging 32 bin:heist per WAIL Two boys were charged before the P. M. on Tuesday vvith throwing chestnuts at an old gentleman. The boys claitned they were throwing at esudi other, they were on the Square, and that the chestnute missed and crossed to ' the isidewulk. The Magis- trate gitve the boys a lecture and al• lowed them to go. Misters. C. B. Foster, D. P. Agent, Toronto; Wm. Stitt, Oen. P. Agent Montreal; 0. H. Ham, President's office, Montreal, and %V. J. Orant, Corn. Agent, Hamilton were in town yesterday on an inspection tour of the 0. & 0. branch of the C. P. Ity. They called on Tug STAR, Sheriff Reynolds and the civic officials of the town. At Clinton on Tuesday last, before Police Magistrate Andrews, Reuben Ore.harn, of 1110 Oration) Hotel, Wan charged with selling liquor after hours. Graham pleaded not guilty, hid after hearing the evidence the- magistrate imposed a fine of 811.1) and emits, it, being a Recond offence. The coste were $0.(15. (frown A homey Meager, of itiotlerich, mited for the pronectition. Three care laden with wheat, whirl) were brought tip from the elevator on Sunday morning.lran off the track jilet opposite the new freight shed, and with Hoch damage to the track ao to require the auxiliary from Stratford to put It right. The havoc wrought with the milli and ties was nornething ourprieing, bid by Mondtty ntorning the cars were replotted and gent oil to their dentinal ion. The furniture and undertaking warerooms of J. Brophey & Sam which have been undergoing a moat thorough overhauling for Rome time, are about completed and present a neat and iip.to-date appearance. The ntore will Ile one of the bent of itn kind in NVeatern n • tario and will he a good addition to WeRt atreet. Landlord Merlton 114 progreacive, MR well an the firm who occupy the premisen. The Roller Rink held a largo ati,11 (ince on Tuesday. 00 the oecaoion of the fleet earuival. The rikatera were all allowed on t.he rink, exoept at the netnal Lane nf judging. no that nearly all the evening there were over 10 I persona skating, The following were the prize.winern : Lady'R faney, Minn °tirade Campbell, peattant girl. (lent'n fancy, Pred t zley. eavalier, Lady's) comic. M Ian Emma Young, "lame Trot and her cat." Oent'n romie, John Me- t vor, Enquimaw. The hand played nice mimic, and the rattan made It pleasant for thane who were not prep- ent Ante. It ban been deeitied that at the end of the roller Minting Reason lee will he 'made, no that there will be lee nkatIng and hockey playing during the winter. Sale Register. MONDAY, Nov, drIt, Clearing tme. lion rale of Perm Stock mei implements, property of Partin Geese lot 15, eon. 6, OMerich Tp. Everything to be disport ed of as Mr. Gunn hen sold farm. TTIOMAA GAINIAR v. auctioneer. Tit Ft9DA OcT. Wit . M r . T. R WinoiNTON will sell hy public auction at lot 52, Bayfield Road, Goderich Tp., (1 miles from Clinton), all hie Farm Mork, (including yr well bred Shropahire and Leicester isreedin ewen) Imple merits and Holmdel; Furniture. -- THOldga 011120111/, Aucti neer. atie mrs, L Mot, a (13OlahtOr RCM In Dosianch, on the 2106 AMONO T11,13 CIIURCIIRS. Next Stmilay the anniversary see - vices of Victoria turret church will he held. the 'mope preaehing in the morning Oii "The Cry of the Soul " atiti he the evening on "The %Vorld a Preservative." On Thuredav everting Thanksgiving dinner will he serYed ginoodthrerolsKertauurlemorownritl, wafter:147,141h Ina the auditorium of the chureir... This Is always an e.ttractivo and popular an- niversary; and the usual largo andlenees may be anticipatedes- - Rev, John Anderson, of Beauhar- main, Que. brother. of Rev. J. A. An- derson, Awn, preached In Knox ()hurt% last Sunday evening to a very large eongregation, giving an ex- cellently reasoned discourse on Pilate's question, as related In Matthew's gos- pel, "What then ehall I do With Jesus, which called ()lariat ? " At the offertory Mire. Dowe, whose hus- band is a metuber of the C. P. R. en- gineering staff. delighted the congre- gation with the soprano sole, Pharisee ern' the Publican." Rev. John Anderson will preach again in Knox church next Sunday morning. A very interesting meeting of the MoOillivray Mission Band wee held on Friday afternoon ast, the occasien being their Itunual thank.ottering, An excellent address was given by Mrs. MeiCerroll, ot isticknow, upon the "(Jail to elivedenery Service. ' She sheered how even the smaller:it child can help fulfil the Savior's hiat cam - mond. In addition the following programme was given by niembere of the Band : instruuiental Retta Olark ; Editress' (Meanings, Pearl McGillivray ; song, Mali Ham. litori ; recitation, 1 via Warnock; -song Norma Whitely, and a march- ing chorus hy members. In the absence, through illness, of the Pres- ident, Miss Wiwins, the meeting wits conducted by Mitt Morris. , A PLEA KM HOME Miss IONS. Ootohor 20111 having been appointed Home elission Sunday by the Presby- terian General Aesembly, Rev. James A. Anderson brought the subject be- fore his congregation at the morn- ing tiervice. His text was lat 14, 7. "Let us build these (titles and make about them walls and towers, gates and bars, while the land is yet before us." An instruetive parallel was instituted between the comlitIonn existing in the tines of Asa, King of Judah, and those In our own day. ASA found the land full of ideate y, with all the evils and pollutions that roma from the worship ot falme gothe And today idols Are still In our land, and their devoteea spend much time and money in their worship. Litek, chance, fortune, fashion, popularity, self-indul- gence, grded, waft, are among the base progeny that represent tilany human ideals, find receive much human wor- ship. N'Ve have allowed wealth, and the pleasureR of Heim., and the pride of station, to till our hearts and occupy our hands. Men have come to look upon the possession of material thinga as the end of life, rather than the formation of chttranter, We have measured progress and prosperity by the material rather than fly the moral standard, and watt! conditions are the result. The preaeher refered In glowing terms to the natural resourem of the Dominion, its variety of soil and elf - mate, its tnaguilieent act -miry, he store of letent Windt!), ITN rnineral vigil - 01111111.11.1 pi -initiate and called attention to the antonishing development of the country in the hurt decade ; railways having been buill., homeriteadri taken up, mid towns and villagett created, an hundred miles in advance or the posts of settlement 10 years ago, Dming IMO the immigrants to Canada numbered 215,012, of whoin 07,757 came from the British Isles, (0,782 from the United Statert, and 51,373 from Continental Europe tind Asia. Cp to August, in 1007, three have I /Cell reCOCIled Z40,114 M, and at the end of this year it reek• oned that ClItintla WIII IlaVe ;(11 new inhabite !fere Mr, AnderRen emr11111Flized that 13 Warl T WTI IVILpidity of not ittna I export - sloe that, constituted 1110 Rerionsness (If the situation, and mimed the words ef lir. McLaren, tlie (Introit's Home M lesion lieeretary " If the foundit• Mona of our Corinth:in nationality /LTV LO he well and truly laid, the restrain- ing and uplifting intitienees of ettiireh life /1.nd work must be brought to bear upon all our new eotionimities at the vet y set, To provide the public means of grace for it lillitrter of it mil- lion IICW 1441 len.; every year ifi tarik appalling magnitude ; but his is the priee Canadian Christians mind tiny rui. their eotintry's development, If IlleV demi re to make ittnalla 0 t hormigli Christian land." The gravity of the problem WAN VI, ferret' (0 11.14 1.0111111 LI1,0 (0.(f.i.,)gonenti. character of the inunigrante. Already our population embriteeti 140101. 7,7E11 or 14.000 illingarians, 0,tsio Dolikoltors, 20,r .1 Mennonites end (rem 70,1 10 to 80,00121allelanR, nearly ell of LIO•111 (40• cially and intellectually inferior to OW' own countrymen; ignorant of Can. action inst Ititt 1008 anti ideals, and, not- withetandi ng, rapidly coming into t poosettition of the rights Of Canadiam citizemihip. We twist riteons.ruct them or they will memos, rtiet us. The queation narrown itself to a matt er of self. defence. We must. bit true tt, tut, work to whieli (bid Ilan railed its, and give 4111.M, 1)44440 Ihe (iremel In its plielt y and petit y. If t h nit of t he hiatory of heathenism, %VP IVIII OPPli no other ineentive to Christian even- gelinm. If we remember whet Chris- tianity hag 11,mp for otirmelV1.9 and the world, we will HOP the 04.(`4.10111y of ex- tending its reign and enlarging the field el les 1411VerPignty Thf. Internet- ing sermon was elomel w it I: an earnest appeal for a larger (111.(LMIre of liberal ity in support of Home Minelon work. 111. - Meeting Calendar lierrular nteot btu of Inverrie.a I amp 4 0 (h1,,O-Ofiltyi °ironing lInfrillar mooting of cnutt Nn 1.11 Forester... 111111 .1.11,4illy 0.111w, I 101 41, A iipnelnl mooting of the I ianghtor. rif IiImplre %rill he held in the Law Library nn Monday nevi, at p . 11. hill attend rin(30 71414110M! for Imporioni A1111. Luck now. Sou s. ( o Ts m rum One of the moat popular events at. the Ltieknow fair WAR (110 winning of the old ntan'u rare by John Adams. Mr. Adams is over 80 years of age, a pioneer, and ehar• 'inter of mono than loeal reptile. lie in one evidence of the Main! that ttf the earlier aettlitre only the fittest nurvived. We have many (Ahern. Some time ago a number of 111,3.11eb, tormerly of Ashfleld and ilitron town- riblpri, had a noctal gathering in Ms, troll., and 30(01. eup of tea were die etigning fittelle the sigert of Rome of our reaiden t . M PAW:. Pot er 34 urea y, Kenneth 'Banter, Allan McKenzie and one lady ventured the opinion that big Ihinean Meitart WILL the oldest. " Hoot," exelainied pnother lad y, "he is young vet, he la (wily 115, and 'Mailer' IffeKay'a father In Lneknow in .1110 - BORN. ' test , to Mr. IMUNICIPAL MATTIRRS. The catch hash* at the inteentetivm of Trefalgar anti Vienna* SUMO gra being put in, and When, eilin leted children will not he coMpelled n the. spring to walk to school basin* tith4 water. Ono will be placed opposite Win. Holland's prOperty. Willa Will serve n double purpose, tiesifit tO Meth the Sewer as well as carry Olf the sur- face water. g° -- 'The Council were wise in deciding to have the town bylaws printed. Tbe last ones were issued i 4,,' the late ," A. 0. Simmons be! the printer. Thirty-three years) long stretch of time, and it le little wonder the alder- men themselves are all at sea as tO what our local laws really mean. sflat how long 200 copies will last remains le be seen. However, as souvenirs they will go a considerable distance. -- In inane' towns less than the elms of Cinderella, sanitary inspectors are deemed a necessity, and their work results in the end in the public Inter- est. Here in Goderich we seem to tie a back number in this respecL This year many additional closets connect- ing with the sewage system have beau installed, but in no case have they been inspected by an experL What might be termed " cheap jobs " may prove expensive. Stich work should be officially inspected during construc- tion, in the best interest of the future health of our people, otherwise the time of disease and a day of reckoning will come. There should net be ft mingle closet placed in any business place or a private residence in (lode - rich without the inspection and sanc- tion uf ts competent official. The future weal demands it. It. will he too late when death come like a thief in the night. Possibilities for Feed Supplies. 'Parente, Oct. 21. -In view of the shortage in the feed supply of this Province, the Ontario Department of Agriculture haa been making enquiries Nom the Ittaliortties in the Northwest Provinces as to the practicability of, the Ontario farmers securing frosted w heet for feeding perposes, and in a statement just Issued the Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture for Alberta states that if tbe total wheat crop of the Northwdat reaches the 80,000,C150 -bush- el mark, probably of the frosted Yv heat from ten to fifteen tnillion bushels of it will be marketed as feed wheat. As regards the quality of feeding values uf frosted wheat. the game authority says it has been pretty generally dem- onstrated in the West, and also by ex- periments at Ottawa, that frosted wheat makes excellent feed. 'rhe secretary of the Northwest (Irain I/eiders' Atisociation holds that heeded wheat has all the value of No. 1 wheat, and Is 111 addition h safer to use on account of the higher per - eon Mtge of bran it eontains. which would naturally be mixed with it in thlegrteinititainkge.eping qualities, It is stat- ed that the fact that wheat is frosted deem not impair It In this reapt.tct pro- vided it le thoroughly dried before be- ing threshed. With reference to the praeticability of using this wheat for feed in Ontario, the question of cost will be the determining factor. If the wheat ean be laid down here at a price that will warrant Partnere In feeding it to hogs im other classes ot stock, large iiiiantitlea undoubtedly could tm mar- keted In Ontario and fed to advantage. It im expected that prices of feed wheel itt. Port William and Port Ar- thur ‘vill be fairly well established within two weeket. Colborne. New it iltsetihem can have THE MTAK lo the end 011007 for 10 cents, or 81 to th;VPircl:!;:trIsuji9lARls. NIVICIINARY. On W motility evening Mr. anti Mrs. Tb Sallowe eelebrated their Mth wt. cling amilvereary, when about 50 telativeti gathered to do honor to the occasion. 'rile event was a most happy one, in wbieh the families of Melodic II. A. Ttifforti and Andrew tireen, of (lode- ; i , t ook Imre The presort ta were appropriate to the occasion, and a very enjoyable Hine was opera. Mr, and Mrs. SallowitNiiiiree. among the hon• toted residentn of Colborne, and their ed ytars usefialriess 111111 prosperity. many friends will wish thorn eontiiitt- ,„,_ Ten rents for 'rue STAR 10 the end of BIM. A great snap. Come, The members nr Nile L. D. L. 1052 intend giving an entertain- ment in their hall on the eveninff 5th NOVI.011ber. A good program- me will be preitented, consisting of yore! and intarnmental MIMIC and add refl€IPM. ((eV. 4`. R. Durrant. of linnmIller, Deputy Orand Chemplain of Nowleondlarel, will give an tuldretto on the Order In Newforindiand. Every• body welcome, PPItAi IN ,% L. Mew IVetistere of Luck - now, itt visiting Miss Wirifit..-12yan. • Rev..1. (' Reid and %Ibis Bailie were in St. Thomas this week attending the London Conferenee League Conven- tion. M ft A 11 i n , of (ioderich, visited Nile frieniln thin week. Mr. H. llorney spent Sunday with him daugh- ter, Mr. A. Herrin. at Farquhar. • Lloyd McCann IR ronfined to the house with Inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. Wm. Mnrrow, of (loderieh, tipent few clays with her mother, Melt J. Kennedy, this week. Cut•er it Leag.ile next Tuesday evening will be led by the pekoe, topic, "The Leagne." will be taken tinder three heruln "I3efore the Re- vival.- bv Miss M. Hanle ; "In the Re- vival," Ft?: Minn (1. Linfleld; "After the Revival, by Mins E. Cray. A cordial Invitation in extended to all to he present end take part In the discus - ciliation of thin very important sub - j eet. tipittlilful weather. helpful. in- Permono, largo congregations. le the report of our anniversary der` 1/1('Pfi Met Monday. Those who had the pleasure of listening to Rev. R. J. Curry's taikn will not soon forget them. In the morning the subject wan "Faith" ; In the ;afternoon a abort Mit interenting talk to the children ; in the evening from the words "Ye elisall be my Witneaseg." The Nia choir and °reties:tea furniahed the music for the three cerviees. People who harbor stray stock are liable to prosecution if they do not advertise the same. 4 T.,1,17, gran gives the hewn.