HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-18, Page 8 I I " 1, � -,.-. %_1 .11'""Ilpliplor 11!r_..'��W_�3�.. � - I - - r7m
-1 1, I .1 . � t,W--T"m:- -,,JW,--r -1rPi"', , , � 1� - , , ;
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� - . 48 1 1 . . � I I 01 I . I . - I . TIRE GOPBRICH STAIR, I $4 . - 1 _717- "I T t8i, Imp - �
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I I M!T!!�O ___- P. -! 'O Nil i a w- .1 - . . . . . . 1-1.111, - " � � .1-1.10- 1 _ -1 � I . 1-1 I '. I 11 A . 0
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� ]PROPLU. WU 1KNOW. . *I I � I I 1, I n� , ;C__1'____ ... I I I . f
Nonve to get yo)�r lri?440001y, I 01104.4. il �. - I
1� I 1, TWo Soverelp Batik O -A wm� Ry -,41) 1W .�,- I I "Il.wIlvVyi, I � 0"tftW0M,^WJ Ing i"i"M to Ilya I I , _ I - I P, W
.1 I . 11 i9s go. 11� 0410foolaa to %,h,#Xt* 14 Tom lio orently, $014 III$ $AT,T �I,NV �A4TXA,,�-A Ti$ilkta the VXX , to 0�1010"" %hoe . , - - \ I
, � I 1� . 1 14 , - 1�1 *004 101illp I'll thil q4cco"vity 3,covk, l'Slin. to W1 ?40, W41ruldev, ha,%. billit . W)T.&T,�-Vlr. no Of Vvvricli. =1941 W ' Whig. I
� � 4. , - I—— - --1 .... .. _., � . 11 � � 'T,_,J' - I". I L - ��
. � 4410tou form4ad Wo wopka* whicli vilhl"1149%4"IMPled )IV, � 'a 01"W, MI% 0I1iXX_0A,U I(Oft . ". I L, I I
,a I OAAb for A ,-A 0, oil fill, Ilia f0m, stock, Are IQ V111 I � & lue M14101 , - 11 . I
- . �
7; - . of Cond, , ch;ulctl TwitcW40 c1into";, %V- 11) waoit anti 4pqAteJ, Itry,XV.-Jobya Boyd. #ft YWO"W*tMr, Rd.-I)l i#401ro. VOWIIJAj"*t 11 , I L,
I town I ... ,
I -, -1 . . � � - . !Aitadbury Q 4 Oct, 11% . I
11� , I
uwi* 04WNTO. ou'llftolility. . nifilerrient"lail Wde" Otc-0 009t Ralastord, p b f, o Xr 4 so * wthorof llfe*; otloe4l, and, appollattild Mr,., Jobi,, MeMillow, I . r',
�K oved, to out ZinvidergIA. .
,I0;t . . #*,o",O" V,tA, ';Ore al;i4ori �W&lc*§ UIX, to WWI ,soll Hirold loft tQd'�jy -Mun � �Jo 409woo loft vu, Xoil� witoetor of UZ04W IIII 0400, Of .0 . ., , i .., I
I , I , I . . . toatIa Tuoday., - . ,6.r .Viliaton_ piovliv th�' large' farm derrW to ag, tot Tomto,o4 avivit'jo to - 'BEARSKIN, ! � I .
11� � ", I 0*4 vovapl . , b0pQfme4 w 6 110M
I I' T"WdSY--Ur$- X V. Attmoinit And Wtvie#. ,Ajgum are tjvy In
N 1 1._,.�'. WHITE . . . � I
. I %w W. Manning Accomp,11404 themm fAr W 1A belpir dr, . 4 I . Wives N"s". WU4 , Mr. . . I I �, .
009000 I I J. A 120 r , hete,tbq new V�elj I Sp , , fr9w* =9--. I , , ", . , .% . I I 17
, � . "
t� t _ r*-- Xv- J6144 80410tt And Noo toda* N t4geo -0, Aulu. ,�,�
, �, I 10 i4a", IpAq.. etw0pt 74M 0, F. Blatt w, - �. m �tto ni; tbo Qt' ' "A' ", . , � 0
nki6sta"V f"fabli No lhwrt A0,100004, I I whiloapol.fiep g4pk wevo-gatingtho, F"a witrit at LOX �CZ�117%�
401) 00 , � AdAY- �
If . III - c - . I - __ 04,1410 onaral or 0 frialia Wil I I ca � � ,_roi., *t &4 I . , aia, upwav,40- , I
I . . ,
, #,g tA ro q. so F4 L1141610C441,431y. I . holler 4"d other OPPAXt"a 1*414�', j . Taky"twActorri"O'll-m-H � � . � . , f�, , g$
. . . . 0 this W"k vAdtfoo Isk . y", and wia,Y4,414 W ,Wmk " Vor 'Chio :.
I .
tiA_# X 4 # - . 4"W pyrf,p i I 10 no tit," 0olost 1043F444 rua� Awdot trINUopt , of ,#'W4.ah#Athq4Dofatrk -of I � 1� . I -- .
, ,k*i"A _ -(, V I salt block, 00 ti wwl L) I 0 , , 1, �
I , I t=f M's iX*1- XUWWk 1efV%Vc4pc.-*w on a vblt , t� Wi. _ $
XTOW. 3), X491=414 f:qtbQ9.4"P city, 100001AL AT'SAUSPUAY, 40 oroduclos #94 - t , sir'nAxyt 'd brown, RW. 4
. �
, 1! i.LL P Aw *001) A the otil, the Or'"Nor AsQ010ty, - blA 10*iW U0U*yI4`# Apil* conot TXt _V (41P . 'll'th I . V�, �
. AIWAr, Qklil[Pruult�. , Ili� ;;j �-,� ,V p, I P. -
, 10 - lvk�v re throngu4nd the on i fit. U0410 hX% roklitued to- v e 44 04,41log p - Tho W "" IQW r " pmlty� iwidl � ..
, N.V. Mir. And mr - liawrcoco,wora vbithlst I ? I 018 gew-A-04, f-Anvy W04 tw-
I _& vu!4 W11 1P. I ul. Tho well J# It I , y o -ort, J"�'*00k. , � a I 11111�1_1111 i ZIll, g"101W, . � I
AID*. 41,011:11, 1 "44". f - , - , r _ pri4e4ii I � �
mqniv pe. t�,& 1$00, of )"'Otruff '014 Mr. A'. foW. 4,,, wi el� - b000 In . � . I., 1, ,
!_ W 11),41orinito 00 hil, or� Matille Tow to AquIrlount Killod stal Oil ��OIQWtownqblpl af X log A nowstaodgioppax ago of ths I I .
U , 1. ,
__N' D's, - 4-.1% nal , efugdrl ed,t _ fit
N130 rMl Wynn Is on a ,two mccus V1.40 I _lak * . I .11 , ,
L ,
ulpe . _ q with be paa moxillop, liotli Ili f0e, and MUIP " ,��
-0. I 1�' I , It .4 pa fl� moat. TO, know lyhere, tm I , I , _
W itir. Ran XR, In "train Wrock, .1
k t9triendaintboguccnVity" , , - it"i forom4n, *0 �%.q gangs 0406081L
A4 VAI Ill K 001r. Of FordWiCh, ON.WardVa of tbo� . to the otiqlcut, and beautiful Sias me 'loteL 41e Tet, Wult if "OoLt �
, 4 Ito illat t �0'.,rj,fday 0 "'a 41nienSicias &Var.'100,1t� ,,*,4(J
ity'. L , _bedf 111% I L 8.00$4t 4V$",_ . *Venhi I _ .. a.- I , ad I , in froy1tt 10�algs ItAlf"t. a : , , , . .. I
`WW'Af`l"910 COUSItY.W&I In IOWA 04 Satard :L � Ills! bilyho . I �.
"I 3t. CA�riilnqirt, . . . 41011. Sitsrmt-maww ' se"Cl el"plo . .
. V. 96.149111"", . . . bury 0atfrodrill, Ambassador Whitetim- - jwv,. , X 0". ;� -
: §, I
A . - It, 4011;614 rfftmbe� atteila"ttl�, r0*41 , I
. War v fromi% Rold roccutly qnvvilcd a �anda Mo. "Ig b 'mild '04 1 , F� " 1#At * rumber of 11010d KWR% .m, �meeM0X*-bo14AtBQtb014u4Wrt, I � - ,� oltylos ar-4 waioth *40"OR, $44 *� IL, ... � , � .
, ........ t.�Uld-.Y"IPV",.?ti,Wlth"?,Iil..IdlllILVIIQ mat T1 "!r NO g e 91 Up.4grid Uto" 4,ohn bevarp. � I ,
lizio bcott; drillini;, wo 1* toppyer-twen . tlig, how "aae I I
k Bep I marble tablet in womor 0 . , - .'r .
y of tho3o out0tit I I ,I I Qr�c�'LiilWii�$'gkfd to allow 60' iLrooda' ,,, I I
sad h&MJ Ilrufx�adwcmollrdd, wollip OnIft. 147f ,I- of Alowmlpu#��TWO tbrovblpjr� , � I I , h4 gw, ately ,no obljgiftio , it -to' b, I . I 11 I
s - r � h . "t five yeltro, and, pltya,khe ol#,fto be XOQ�Vln, to 6loblia,te, the'loth A40 t 0 '.
" . IV 6110 Ong th r Forowan 101 ed'14 the torrible. accident a year ag?, t1lyV here 1, ,Vgri,*r�'rarttko.1v�w�adlo.g.,414�t.- owlat 0,00 121.00(0444 Que'lotlo, .1, I I . __1 � W my% .
I J6jW%R$k1,MafWfWL* - . q 000 oftho beof 1404naaa# Abolit _gh . L 1. I . i I
� , ,'. � when fly (lie d�railinu of too Ampri. and �01KIIO'y*** pro,sent�, mapy,og tineiii ilg,.tq'ItVin',4�gmitll,.,thqt,000i, t . . o4d wbet4gr loft T,)tiy or not.you will ji, � '. ., .
0 . I , all PQ "arflair. IV. C. JAWO,% MIR8 14:1xim),bo antlAfre. , some Idea of the vay -it ,d)ikii - - O", ; ::: . I . . . ,�vliy4irtdsomethinghoroofrva t,"_, , . � "I � ,�� . .
() � GODE HuVlark.of "carAllici wVM in town this C In 28 persons, most, ulay be Underat w 000i *11RAW10p, oft(Orth 40. , oth r x4l'-004. "113M 'tolfgve0i,eilty , t� ,- � -
� 4imm, eilty 0, . I � I I I ,
I I pivilty 0 ... - I i � 410r, r . L ,,, I j
.1 �
� - 4- ��-.- , , I . 40' 1 , �, i � , .
, I ANCU wee . 0041 whou. Q�Xjoker At, , , 0 ;WPI -k Ah* o tboul� L�l \�, .11 , � I . r � P I
RICH 'BR" , ,an lino boat tra
I 1, oat their lives he PIW,"..A0o`vIQq.kL4Ks r , _
, .0 .
, mptifou 2fult i I ; .
. ! Andrew Porter . . Manager. Mrs. 0111109 anj dalighter, of Port Arth IY AMedpalis. I - T 1.6m 00t m1p he brought .14 ibe'sur, 1 4� 1 1� ' Our Oii�lck �%J$ajncl#.�4eq ' I r ,*,�l .", 11 �
Which . - � , I . . �
. wAs .Jorved , , , 1 __1__1 LL .. I I I . . I ,.: ,
I I W A r, I Ver9M0%,,, the imprea'siverieso of race In six I !fwy have ken v4 the cancluston,of w job. , _- .'X""L 4, . I � , ,,, .
� '.'_.he'=4,fsOf rs'(Capt� Trethoway"Ji't' W4144111V Mi%cdb the A�uplutblo pm 11 I - � I Ill I,, I . I r_ 1L I " , 11 11 . � �� � I �11
_y t , gramme rovided for the : , , � " , , I , .1
� be presence of here a.bout, two Impt0ii 444 are down occitolou miste'reffider . CQI4,01011 � f ,� .�. 0"DR11. - , I , F4,010", " . .0 ,a - , ' , � .,- .
i . - . �
� . widows and children of the trainmen ,ly 000 letit, #n&, expoot, _ � , � . ) . I;, � . 10 . 41101, - � I . . . .
Misti Coral Vidta.1 it� Load... to spooling a ; neval; to reaellL 4, . I I , 00le-ble"Filro "I' . . 1. �
.'. , , , t6 In #�Ioliltr 1. ,! F Vitop .", . il ` _""" __ __ - - 1, , :�, . r . 1� I
1". . coke Vacation A the ratrilly rest once, , killed in the disaster, all in the deep-, it, vocal ,." I"
I . Cbe Gobe&b Star. IM w4rco. t tied #n(Ithe -,oud,l�ofrtithvrital, muslot, T I I V. 11 I ., I I �
. .� iWevk- .. � I a, If .-Ini, (ladedob on, s4 . - ' " , , '' .
.1 t 49. etc. *4 " . .1 .
, ., 0 , � 0, - * I'Va*11111 Pei�lon:�
: . . I . oat mourning. 'Was attet4ded by many AtMfuolithey. 41104 f"towyela6f , t rbouro "06XIII4 . i't '15th. to I, am ,viii; A.seili 1i Opgo. - *94 k U* I
� .L JKr. and Mrs. Jog: 8111191% Of Toronto Ato dignitaries of the church. the mAyor 0on toacoi �,004 .t.r . . I - I I - . amb, �,A*tts Alaska $able, Kid p grii. �, , � .,
. . . I Tsumaoxiii O"r, M 0 In town Ito guests of Mte� Water, which, be J840, Is tpn Illimest .0 lik ygiry. APpro 1. ., I 11 I I I I - .; I .1 I � tiv ;0"14 po,x, �tolis. Ruffe, Mulfg. gojc�' , " ' � ' . 1 "4 - '
� . priAte � .
� . . _____ 2T-,!-1n9W.Q.f4C and members of .the corporation in Veit, he ovor qtpup , ater SP , .o W �� . . � , �. ,, .1 ,:,, ,� I I . I * P
. �k. Aqd,,%bq'W � ".ch-. Tho reg I W . . , I -
11 1 ,4y�'Vlo r, , I ,, ,KAIRRl0P' L ' ' ' �'. " I
. . as op�otal, , Tbe� , " �, , . ". I I I , � . . : I
. r utly Iii ir� ,,, , 1. 'h . I
I I I . Dr. Charlis Hamilton, of Cornwall. WrL, In thcIr robes of oftlice the American wits as, cleap , , 'I" #i*ut V , , 1, , I I I hro, air, ahowiogl.�& week , . � I . � ,� -
. I town into Week. I lk NA011AX, -AV � the Ito r � � � I . I . I �, ,
- ''.1 ! FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18, 111M. villitinj his mother, Mrs. consul at Southampton, Mr. $less,. bore(I Into another ,v�lij 'of w4tif, at 4,1100t �,140;. e guests ; , aft .., I tMo. Of 1, . I 1� . . I . I ., . I I 1�1� , I"
1. � . � . Is , her (N%Tb4r.q4A3r,.Qct.,I0 W,by ! . '' ., � �'_.
; - Hhatmou. who to dorlowsly if. Ill the United States consul at Forts- ;;i you'v. crij I I V., WIA, P, of, , ': ot . �
�. ; � 800 ivet, And kb , queotloq Of adequato -L .. t 1, , " A.. Atfaxonk - , L � I.. � � �
� . I Mimmigailtrachan. of Now -York elty, IN , 0 ,� .,
I I EDITORIAL COAMENT. IdIng a holida wator sullfly 14 .. KF41PIA& PQ t I 0 ,. 'ZO I �ft' tool"Ptal"s Y3 off. , , ':r' , �
:., g.ou mouth. Mr. Maim; numerous visitors or pis ;,9WA to novy briste P't 01 11 0 P 1 cX , 1444414 444111440� � I . � I . 1'�
ly x With hot mother, at lilt) I - I I � I L �., t:L � I . j,.
. zenS assured, it though, At Isdoub fill, it the , , � � . 11 � . -1 � . I � _._ .1 7- I 1 � I ,�. I I.. - 11
1 .. residence, lbort utre,ot. . find a large congregation of old t I 111111 I - it P. I r � - � . I . , I � 1'�
. I The Clinton Now Bra and the Brus of So ugh whose goneros- pas4ing pf the . Pip . I I � , I , I . I L I . , . . . 1. , . �� � ,,, ",
I I d - ,- . ,,- - Vr gay a 14 In day in our China ,00patimovil. . � � . . I �._11 ''I , , .
. , I - Thq Miavy Clam. Mend and Imabol Bill _4.1abury. thro _ to by _ � - 11�., , . 4 1 � .1 .t ran I . 11911, I , � 1�.
, e, " � ;!1. I 17 I , I
I . sels Post both have editorial predle daughters of Mr. agorge hissctt� t P a ca ity the memorial was made possible. I , r , vc�, .
. ; . . ant visit at home, have raturno, 4 at Wilthbold good. I'llo adrut . . �� 1 I I . ". �
i to §Ow Vork. , 4shiiIah' a" . � .i " . . 1��, I I I r , , I . I , t
I - I I . I , I .
At the conclusion of the -formal care. . I .� �L
- erloncled d t4ty returall"goglobi. I . . I -11 .1 I I , o i I 1: . 'J'In 11 � . � , : 'L, , I
. I tions on what I hey allege Vvill be the lCV1143ror Thomas Tilt, who opont a pleasant . . . . I . .. I , , I . , I �, �, ii... . �
.1 . . � . holl %Yuluonor family old friends returned ta mony of the unveiling, for which the " I 111%, : . ,., I � I'll I I I 'I
I � . . '. I , ,
, ,
coming redistribution of the th -tea HI var. to the $ i T, --ST".1w, ��. -�., � , , , �
Z , to "d ;U Obat 01r, A or and I I . , W ,. . �
I ree bit% home In I)otrolt yestorday. RO expect$ to blot was draped with American Clark, leaves the town In a so, pligbL . , , I A,ll' I , � , I . I . . Z, I I ; �.
�'.L 1� IIJ L " '7 !I., - I : o I 17r� 71-_� H N � 11 1�1 I � .
Hurons,and both of course arlifilize the Ito back in a nionth or six Weeks. British fla -M hats a . � ;, W
L : , I go. the blabop of Salisbury, His Statements conflips w1i Ir . I 1. - . . I e 11 '� ,L4 I ;,, I ;,, f -1
I � I I I . I WA .# . et� L , ' , I : � -.� , � I
it Bishop who was operar on at the Dr. Wordsworth. dedicated the tab- ready been pr( , Or L4die0l WVar, ,, - � . %
. "I divtsldn as unfair. But ,m they are r I a tv �% , 0 - -hilt bit cen in the courts, ail(I I .1 �.,.! , � I - 1� �, I I I . ", I . . , , ,� .. , I . ,� � �� ., , ,� -.1
lar., since, end w a was report tot in a Short address, concluding " .,I alreall y, beau proven before , . 'L . � "I , , L� I I'., 11 - . , I I
I F 1 rc . I I �� L . . " I , ` " , 1�_
I I widely different, In their predictions of .hd 1"ab - /__1 � , I , ,
we are pile0alla t1a recovery was impoa . . %!L, ":L � , ` ! I t -,'-','.' - `
I niblo. P . . �, L I I ,- 1. I . I , L. . . . . �L � ,
. . I ptining green dat Y. In tho . _ 'L . � I : �
what'will constitute the rldings, their it record, I. with the words: the Parlialuentary comudtt�Le . I I I W, I L . � ..".! � �,� '' , , ,
1! Aso A. IV. Green returned last week from " May God -accept this gift at our West Huron Investigation. 'Thetial"O' 1. 11. ;,.�,,��,, . I ,,� %, 11 I .11 I -% IL �.' .
" - critictsmsare worth little, But then hilt alit glacor.jan hay districts, Where hands and bless It as a token of love officer was on du . i 11 . I I 0111'1_1111!1W .. i "I ;; . . . . . . ,, . I J 1. IL' , ,, I 1. . %L! , ,
dc , .%,
. I � 0 wits on bit ter I offlon"tratiz and I, whon West Huron -Dois it pay to buy i $toIie or a Range. I I .1 -, .." . � ' ",!��,L �, .:�
, . � 7 7 f : ; � I 1. .
, .1 .� L 1.
%, no one expects that either of the poll- , d ngull th �Ut= Department 0 Agri- that binds our kindred nations one to wits stolen frout Hobert . . 00-iiio.i.."I..."11, I I =- .. 1,
, ��L�,�', L, 4 - -another,". j4ou"c' And ' , ` -_ - because the first C' ' : , :;;� ,= ! . ! -.'.I'- � I
I I ore. L L, - - - ost is cheap ? I . . L I . .. - � . L. . ,,, ", � �') L
I- , , -0 I , � 11
I -11 - who edit these papers would - 'L Robert Hpla -_ - '. . . 1. . I I
t, _stotfie congregation seat and pook,ate $I nal I - �, : . - - I I . 11 I .1 . . I
� . ticlans bar Our Well knot In his addris � -W laq-allUd _theL illegal, --- __ - - - I— L . I _1,r . 11, I
I wo elt4ou. Thomas NAftol,who 5 the oo$ o, a low. ' I � . L � .L1 . , , ., 'L�� I
. � � a . 1''.. I , "
,, . satisfied with any division the Con- was so slorloosly Ill from to attAck of yphold in behalf of the American nation, Mr. anqeu that did not helong .to lifift. ��, -
� I I i Will it be profitable in the long run to.buy a chea' W I r . , " �':'L. "L' ,� .
... �'; ! , . . fever, 19 reported . 1, per Range NwT Ideal ,4 , , L�, 1�,; , -��,
I . L I 01:11,X, .1 I _:1
. .
- I to be to ving. an there Roid recalled the incidents of the Three rnLiellaVers,havle Instituted pro. thag.the . --We As McKIM , . ,
servatives might ullike. am IlOrAint, recovery, his f ends will be plopis- .
"I L - -_ -_ . -_ - od to ea culamit, �iy which "of 47 passengers ceedings to quash the'llylaw and the I . . I , Prafterna i oc . . � . maga 0-1� L'C' "", �
I . � �� ,
. I . I
- I The annu% convention a to Lou on hal -o must decide its fate. L . .. I . . . . � . , ''I . , �. '. L'. � I 4
�', �'L The Liberals of Soutb'Huron met In I tile RaNfIRt .14 I were stopped here to futut It is now � I I � . . , i . 1. . 1, �
boo op , - , -
I ..... .. churches of tuarlo slid Quo _cao in await the final trArnpet," making ape- said the council will Admit thd Illegal __ ------- - ." . , .:.",. . �� L
, ,. Housall on Thursday of last week. tind WONNINIOU ----------- -----------------------------��- -,-,-,-,.*,-,, .. � I .� LL
. , ril Wedliefday evening, Rev. Mr. Ojai reference to the 'hapless young Vroced ti I ____ L I I
L . . �� I � :
I., and Mrs. r ght, and Mrs. Cameron ap do I �
, I , . . u �e, and the, bylviw. will again . I . . I b. , � - I ; . ...''� -11 .
Mr. Jacob Kellerman, Of $rates from tile Haptistehurchot Goder h. . �,� ;2�,
_:J - nominated , lo' bride" (Mrs. Frederick Henry Cos� )O ant Itted, wben no doubt It will be 44 1 1 .
! , L : I Dashwood, as their candidate for the customs Collector and MrA. Farrow rotu sitt, daughter of ex -Judge Dugro of Ic4riled by,a rulich laitger majority, . I - ' 0 � ' - W-Ift � ", "' L�
P A, N',�" RAND �:.,�",�,�, .
.0 -1
11, I .1 . , , ,
-, a Tuesdav oil- New York), whose bereavement was 11--,.; Q. L, � _' !�`e'� ," �
I'�, -lo Legislature. Air. McKay, the (ayu. Mr. Itur their , 1, , "� �.'�"., I
I i py I I , � 11-.1 -N, - ,
" � ( Farrow [A the lisp I IT n . '. .. .
I OntW , from Potorboto on I 0 , L ' �, I . . : �� , , - L L, ,\\
� ,, ponoosor it specially mentioned in tile Queen's fire -pot litfings are made of tb ' . , � I . .. L, 1,� .1 - . ,.
lq; .
I , " 1.
� ;� � � the new Opposition leader, I onared somestrawbordemgmthered in athurg.and Wingliam The . e best cast iron, aud'wear LAD -1114S"' CON JLI* '."', i,;�, &n ?
1, I though notonough to preserve. there ware messa e of sympathy, After a refer- I ti,
to Allow the October growth of the L ,_ , - I �
�� nee, and =Mhr the Snows. ence o the ' sympathy shown on AGAIN BERRAVED.-For tile third "'i"", " _` ...,.�:��_, �4.i,.
. . ,�
the gathering with hispresel f - for years, 'Take me to examine our I , - i I 1: 1� I ,
�, L � . OV� . . I . " " I .
, , the eon vention was regarded as a One- Dr, J. D. Whitely returned last weak front eq hand" and "the multitudes of little in two ears Death has Invaded , . � I . . . I � �
� ;,:,"� on . r ow ark. where he silwit Aomo time - ,pr I ice gugxant . e ' ,,� I I '.
�, , , of A I and private business, Hit; conditions," the aTabassador con- Hinall, of Scott street. It is only six ' , �,� k,
I "I
A:,�� cess. But, all the same, Harry Either, manifestations from All classe� and I he family orrele of Mr. andt'Mrs. Louis � Our' e -and ou� qualAy Marautee ,', I �111'
" � the present member for the riding, a r, I I , ; - . I . 9 a' S '.1 " . -,., .... . 1�
I .
I I months since they laid their son, I � . , �.�
11�1'. ys, whom he accompanied. eluded: RANGES and HEATERS . ;V� �
11 o years courno lit St. Little's i . �:,�, � It ,
� I .
. Will a t e climax to -day . . . both ,strong owm,, go with e,�ery Coav'6 , ',:'� 'M-'
'Z, willcontinue to represent it� for he od 1. 0 e of the best in Now V � % .1. f
. I " Th y reach a fitting Robert, in the silent tomb, and on " L r Skirt. - � ' ��,
.", I ark, and , I .: , L,
In.l.., .11, I bits certainly done the constituency her 11 all crich friondd will wish the Ili 'the mornorial you are setting up in Tuesday their dau liter, Mary Bliza- . We --can tell you something 76 I �1 ., .� L , � �', ,
� ,,�l I "you I y every sucislast In her oflopon calling. this cathedral to be a testimony while both, wif�- of of It. H. A. Taylor, . y I on ought to kfiow. . I I I . � :1 I . . I
11 honor, both when In opposition and � . I L
I ,�, - Mr. Owen, son of D. Moo IIA0,u0Jd1lr6uCjTyffry0! thesq walls endue to that quielc oont- assed awaV, aged'30., Deceiwed has . � . . I I L ' ' � :' . �
, .� .
�� "! L since Mr. Whitney came, into power. andhir.11hornam,itonafThas c .. I I OUP 13eet Jaokei', � %: 'L �:' ' 1.
I � I I Onto, h%whisso.parcurit were former own, munity of feel which, fit spite of teen in poa health for th A . I � � - il, �
-� r - . ers of e 8 . 0 L . 1,
' L
, . "� , I I
116YOung gentlemen have a kind- $20. _ , , , -
, 11 IT, 4 ir, �n � o past few "
� , i I , L roaterday. W, list. are callers oil TuE STAu distance and oficurnstance in our nionfirg'-sn afewdaysagii,inflamma, . .., I rit I 0, I " "I
, were plea"ed k,e _ '17 . i I I'll I
, L 'L A SOLUTION OF y feeling for tho old town; and wo deepest sorrow as in our highedt joys, tionofthellowelasetin. Shobad-re'l. I ntep' hational 'Sirtoe* Food . , ', " I
, , '. �� �
� . - LABOR gary had a binds us together As almost one great sided with her pareats foi thd last few �. I -1 . . � is an all,,wool Black ra 'C I L �
. . to moot them. A year ago Cal I bl th
", Ulatlotiot,14.000,&;Idtb4ay23,OW. Th.C.Ff'?[ family still. We do not understand months, And leaves no faintly. 'Mr. 11 "I I L / Cost, 481ncbes l6agi. Ulfelr,'ato . . .�. i I .
", � � What promises are MIMI 31 ,000 depot at Ca)gary. Hoth and Mrs. Small lurVe had trinob sorrow ' . . C%--_PaPo1d Rooflng - .. -' I model of best Kersey, orn
- to be an uniqug, Y400kintrmoll�awlllg,oubtlesd make their markin In the least the terrible event We To- I I I .
�.. , . , L I all"Itt-1 1
I I I reasonable and not ineffective attemot t newspaper rofemalon. cord, yet I am persuaded that not oflate. butwe hopotho Ininris will he . ; f . . � ally trimmed with,-hqavy. Al ..
.. I If ' . , ". t I'' I
��:F.�, even its mystery or awful sbverity he hter. My. and Mrs. Thim 8 I .. I braid lined throug)iput "With I. 11
"', to solve labor- troubles and the ever . 11 ' ' j
recurring illfficultles and disputes be- Dungannon. ple of one blood from otMtowel attended tbe1Uio,;,iI1*,�,1n,,,f! I. .: .. . . L 1, I esi finishe&. , . I I . . I
. I I I I
. �
'i clinging still to a singlt,. faitU, The took ylace yesterday (Thultd..)) ,,I 11 I ucavy v A stylish , I
�JL,11 . - Eal Ps PAULIN. - I with fa y silk broia � ! . ,-1
' .
;� I tween capital and labor has arlaTi in October 16, 19D7. American poet (John G. Whittier) Wingual" cemetery, � .. � 1p -t -.d.': i;tr' 420.00,,� :, * " .
I . L etc, garment ...
��,�! I I . StOre 117 -PHONES -House 177 2 . I � , , I 1.
�L�: � I the formation of an Organization In T. 0. Allen, Dungannon, issuer of says: . I I I Z,Z1 i
. L . Marriage Uconpm vonvoyancor,,oLlre and I - I . .. . . I L�� / ,. � I 1. . I . � . L... "..
L � the Western States, called the Nation- Fire Insurance AgoaL Agent r tile Do "'I know not where his islands lift (loderich Township. I . . - ., I I
,,, I I'll I , �
-, Laval Cream Separator, Blmtll Viso and Hollor . . . 000000" I � -
, __ , - 1k I I - . . 1� f -, �L ', I
, at Citizens' Inilulitrial Association "'Their fronded Palms in air; CHURCH Nc�!I`6, up ; I � I
:�:L'1, - and J. 1. Caaft Orwhing inac Ines, ,lalversary i I . I .. I
��. "'I only Know I cannot drift, services or Zion -church will be held on L � . I i __ OUP SPQC'iJXl,at'$L-1 0,' I , . I
��, '', I I , . . �4 . 00 - �, ,�
witil the object of giving concrete PunrisHuns'NoTicn.-Mr. Thus. G. "'Beyond his love and care."' Sunday and Mond next. .On S � 9. % .."
" L force to the heretofore unorganized Allen. who is the regular corrosp9ndolit W I . tit 2 i islitu al I wool Kersey Cloth Coati ,� �, L �,T ": .
.1. - L Tax STAR for Dungannon and neighborhood, is � P. 111.1 Rev, G.1%. Oazen of _% G'PO k � �� 11
��' Interests which suffer dislocation and authorized to receive on . 0
I . bsoriptlopm and take street church, Goderic 4 �, , I 100se fitting, 45 Inches ]on self � I .
I orders for',ob printing and a4vartistag. it, will P-r;e,dc,-'h'. D �kams cepy st6pe r � � I -.1 .
. and lit 7 Haiailjor� . . 11 - . - 1. . . . - - I �, .1. . . - littappiugs. Also,in senrivii I' , 1. I 11� _', .
,L", I tied up. This association beldita first G. A. Newton, Dentist, Lucknow. CRY of GinsgoC Gets Good 'Income the service. On Monday . L I . 1p . I �'. 45 I aches long, double bi y 1", "_:� I � 11 ,,, . .1
supper will ,be . I : 1. in back. Both Npeclal ;it $4,0.0 .
� evening (be usual fow.1 i�` �Ow located on the corner of East I 1�! �� I
loss when the wheels of Industry fire Torn ST,tu. -Pubs. 0 � Will condup � - ;..... . I - V �V
ci in, Rev, Jartics-, ViIlc�,17.
convention tit Battle Creek, Michigan, At home every day ncept Thursda,". New � . From Its Sale. I Street and I ,# I I ,-
romedy for extracting tooth, (Soninotorm). followed by a goodL fnVgr&ln of � t , .� L . _� . : � �, I .
� last Monlay. The president, Mr. C, Wtwr than gas. Crown and bridge work. ore, addt recitations A6d r ,,,,,,. - � L./L I . . -1 . I . - .1 ..�"i;"ii_ . . ..��.. 1;1 - . --- I
. W. Post, in his opening address, it .kluininum platest (nonbreakable). N.B.-You offal _S� %, - . - --� ... ... t". ,.- 17 .. -
I How moncy may be made from -the -esses, Square (formerly McLeinls Butclibr 6p). t�e .- -
anfi[L I --
I .. 0- al w have your work much better . rubbish of a city is shown R veryone Invited. _ . ry- It - ! . I I . - I �.: .
. 1.�:
�. I I � . � .I!. � I
- . -1.
. clared the purpose sought by the asso. 2oftno luMn dental offlee-more Unto better in the finnual report to the cleansing ! thing Fresh,,Cle'an, and up -t6 -date. . Call at the . I li, ___ , WIR FIAVn 2o other different styles, � L ,-, .
. I triallities for doing the work --and muA more collinlit e (if Glasgow corporation, f � I .
L ciation was to help the common man, comfortable for the vationt, " I . '. I all pri'Cles, front childrext,a at I I 1� � -
.1, . I -8 ' New Sthre. L We always aim to please in qtt atity, $2 00, Up,, The are. almost ail I .
Superint'rident McColl, of that, cityO \ I
;� I the average citizen, to protect himself PERSONA,L. - Allsit' Young, of Sea- � TheBrunswick I I I ly . .�
garbage departmeq. I I . L 11 b the newest styles. 'The cut we . -1
1. . and his fellows front the tyrn)Iiny of forth, is visiting Mr. Chailes Brown At the outset, Mr. McColl States has changed hands. Everything in .price and promptne4s. , I ., , I ,,,
1, I it otber relatives here -Mr Wm. . I . I - adillit, is slot the latest. I . � ::
:L any organization which seeks to wrest 'In that th estimated expenditure of the'PiPe, Cigar and Pfoliacco line has � I , 11
I � front Che Kaiser, of Toronto, is he;e thts week _p � I I �
, f'. people their right to 011 'n � ,$710,79-T was exceeded by $10,310, an been re-sorttd. It You enjoy a good, . ' I I f . . . I ..
i ,. themselves, and to Inflict lose And I'.. among his old neighbors. He Is look, increase really duc- to three items tile confortable smoke. �Vou are assured I I . . . , 4004101414 , .. V .
, , t), whole community. There I . �e. . . : �
, , . I ) , , \,�. :L ., 1,
I . .' ex- Life bruns,olck will continue to be , A%"WER . ." � . � L I I 11
'r . Illry 01, lug line, but we tire sorry that he re- chief of which as created by the Ps To-� DEAN . - - THE ODA "
, ,-headquarters for the best and most . . . . . 11 - I . I �
I .1. I... to punish those ,who bring ports Mrs. Kaiser's health flat tit fill ceptionally heav BEAR SKIN COATS, $176 to fo.od 1;�11
L'�; ' tit pvesent.-We notide y snowfalls. The ex- . I
:. loss and disaster on others, but none ox -Mayor of Clinton, In tra work In thiq connection cost the reliable on the It ' _.. , , . -,
. salis'noto" - ma I r et. � � - . ) . .
- I I
" � ( to deal with those who In business and "' night.-Allas Olive Ocaw- department $6,365, T4e Billiard Tables L .. --.14- . " I � I _L: - 11 'L .. I
Ali'. C. P'
., industrI&I combinations cause onor. the Vill - to Oil tile other hand, the esti I ., 11110"S"s L L 1.
I 1. wous dautage to the public for selflob ford I. vialti'.g in Goderich this week. mated . 1av . I I I . ,
I , revenue was $191.600, while the in- e been overhl&Al�d)and put in' . . ..'.1 1,; . I
, , .i .
. I I - ,
,� . I � orsona reasons e quest of), t ere. -Mr. Mason, son of Ron. Iftson, of come received was $6,290 above that better shape than evee� tall affid kee Special, just in this week. 24 only, neiiert Skirls, III . - �L �. I
� Blyth, spent a couple of days this , I 11 ack, ,. "4 �':
3re. aflawlictiler there Is not some um, which was really due to the ex- us., . I Th6 Motto , Skirts, pavvv bro)vn and gicen, at $a So to $4.1)() 1 . I",
.,: week in the villn.phrLstrinably on - . We are nl&kk- "I , I'll � I
� I �', , I
- ,O " lug a specialty of Skir (a �apd Jackets at special prices. , - �:!,� I
L Fit It whic the rights of tire general ed an � . ;
U 11 1% be business. -John 0 v rent Cra revenue derived from tile sale of THOS. Elili$,' .. or ep � � I - I . " .
i W 0 a I rotected against the, hotel In Paisley. dnd takes Went Stieelt., GoderIch. .11/ th . I 11�",
tins, octal) iron, and other material. I /� 4 tore is always ke
1: possession , ,,, tr,l.a. Of everything unit' L - �. . .
. . It n 4 lelemeno,, both of next Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. Male, of Although showing a decrease from -, � I . � � SPecled value in Men's And � J, .
. I I to It t eircon lot wl tit each other Hullett, visibDit Mr. and Mrs. Bradford those of last your, the sales of both ---!- , ..mn - ! . ! , �, %1""', sell it at honest prices. Our Boys' Overcoats, Alen's and �,!� �_,,,
Boys' Suits. 1103A,(s 'al lot clearing at 41,1.418_ ,,,,
". estimate the damage their tictibit will I . I , I . , . widebuying experietice en- I Suits, speci I .;�i,� .."i
. cause Its a con tri bit ting. factor In gain- this week. � ?ity and stable manure were slightly � L � ables us to i ive the public I I . ,� �, f�', .
lit excess of, the estimate, � L r ! � L" . , "' L
he b st volue's to be obtain- �1* .1 I '_'� � '
A InJfe Tho�refuse, manure, rubbish, and 0. HE NTED , L r,i.. ,�"A.
log the object they have Ili COURT NOTES. -On Tuesday J d L t AT
�:, Theirs Ili reality is it view. Holt held Division Court here. Ok 08 - WA 3 . e I I
.. L ed Rtlywherelaud everything ' - -------- - 6 I I ." 1,
10�1' truculent 61fort 0 street sweopipp collected amounted - . . - __�,_ . ;� 1�
I to force public opinion to bring about ntyre apple d'alitite'wn's to 255,040 tons. or an'twerage daily ' . I I . I,; guarrinteed fresh and pure. � __ ', 1,�L�
. * .. . :
"L ' 1, 1. - . _____11�_ .� .�, . .
. .11 . a desired result through gopular an- sit, owing to the absence uantity of 1,299.52 tons. Food un- We will pay the highest calitt' prices I . .� " "'. 1.
11" 1111111014 All I I .
to have the trou b 39111f.! A :111-11--Rh's counsel. The case . ,,%_��, , ------GIVJI 119 A TRIAL_ . ,
11. . a settled. at for consumption wns destroyed, for live old hens, also spring chickens, �, � - I sto - ., , I.,
'I"Zo opinion is third acknowledge(] Chamoey was de. amounting to 65 tons 3 a ts., com. dUlAs and all Idads of fioirltry� Mention �� , .. ,
','�: Pub I of Henderson vs. L ,. ., - � � , .
, I . � 11 I
to be. as It truly Is. the ultimat4 tied in favor of the defendant. Hon. ti this papor. . � L ,. 1111111rilixt . 11 . " 'L
, I " , � I
%_ .. -1 . -
- V, �
F , I I 00 I
I ,
I - � ,5t. .
loft rl� .11
I I rent �, I
I0 Itod I
Th trip
, " MI
(In in --
� I . '. 1 3 (in. of priaing fruit, v(Vgctables, beef, .led , I.- F. DL McK* B , ' ,�ilrl .11,
I � denon claimed he bought 8 heifers and ft.k.' J im S USY re
thority. a cow from Ch'amnei for $145* but meat. biscuits and eggs. The eggs 11 J1. BUTLAN ., I
- ( ,'In order to make public opinion op- alone weighed 30 tons 14 1.2 cwts., , the Canada Poultry AM Proiluce to. VF__ . I I 9 11 '' I ... -
Obstinacy said it was 2 heifers and a , 11 1, � .1 ... .. C H F -M I S T AND DRU"IST . . -_ , '' I k . L .,.� I
L I .
- I L
,J emtive. the Utlizenii*,Assoclation piv- roughly means that fully half- 04WIT4D) 0, .1 , ' � ',, , - -
V 1. and these he delivered to plain- IV - - - FMA L�
, poses the formation of local arbitra- t Litoknow And had to take them fit I., on ,egga were , The _ --- V� �
I et,07.1 1!11iiou�, disposed of as an- Stratforsi ",ntarlo . . I 'L "� . Store That Pleases. . ____��� . I I I
"I - tion committees. Anything which home. bunion food. � . I � . - I 1. " �� I I
� � , -, , Inside of I), week he re -sold ''I I I . . . 1/1 ,.;" - .
� ... - - 1. 1 � L .L' .. I I I .,
.1 From the sale of clink:4, w4ste :, ! , m=. - I . . I .1 L � . . . �. �, ,� �
-1 Vexed question deserves, and should L L' .,j � . I �
.'I promises n, practicable solution of this them to Mr. Shields for $145 and Mr. apor, bottles, Acrap iron, galvdn4zed '- - --14 - I �_:_1_ *e� , I -1 I I L I �'rl !1. _- __� I- - _ I I .1 I :.!
�--��=,L _'=_,7-_--' .
. , -1-11. _.. I --1 - - � -11 - ..
I " . . - , . - 11 -L. � . "... 1, . IM& �L , ,
. Shields said he sold them In 'Toronto ' 11 . L .1
I .. vecolve. careful attention., The plan rl on� 6ud tins. no less than $20,=,waa --- - '- � . , I a L . ";. I
I . .
I L. tit P. profit. It would just take about . . ..... � . . .
'1� lc, I .1. . lipproved by the convention Is that a winuto to put such �.greemcnts in ridded to the revenab'of the depart. , , I - I � _,:�:. ,_ I 1. , - I'� ''. � I L . L �� I . I � -_' . . .�, ". L .
,;: 1� when a (location cannot decided be- 4 I I., , , "I -, . . . - I - I . . "I L 7 , ; -
I 1. I writing and that Ave save tilese, moll . . ;
I I I I : . tween employer and employees, * it bltivsuits. pit their � oqtutes the crops of-plro. � � . I
1. � I I .should he submitted to a comniAttels of duce sold ji.elded $5,930, tile Xemain.
, �:�, � �., .,., citizens who, It Is claimed. are Influlte. CHURCH NOTES.-TheP armnal hot d
I , T,
,�, L 11 IY�bettffll islified to know what the supper and concert fit the Bullish ,r, value at $23,00. boing'osed in.L ..
L , ,. ,. I 1.6'. , the stables of tile eleapaing and oth,,,.
, - �, t QocAl emiNtl6no areand what action church here twill be held as usna on ,
" L . wIll'brina the greatest benefit to the Thanksgiving might, and aw usual We f,.rMde!x%r1nlentA in town or on the
, in ve i ' I '�c
i. expect the very bes6 (It farpire Tire value of the If
icommun g than any outsiders. This I r property, of the department is " .�"73' - .
. anY entertainment. We, "lay ha d of the movable $303,
''. I platt, it is lievea, would educate the R :$2151
, ,,,, people to right thinking and'provent omething. further to annolunce next 3" .
, _
_.:. � ., , distruction of Industries which way Veek to the event.-Itev. Mi.. Saint , .L 11
.. I 11
� � - L �,,,
I -
1, " -, il I i I .
� 1 ,7 1�
.. � AR IN HITUM 8 001 ONES` � 1. 1� " ,� 1. '.
I _�_ I . . . ,:'?, i;�,,
. . I I I � I
' � . . �; � � 1 ',,� ,.A,
, � I �
. L - . , % L
. ,A � I � ", I
� The"'adlant Home He' ' '01 I ,,
. .
rdi� . -
L I atop - - I ,.6A '. " ' ,:1.
, I L I
I � ought . I , I t . ,� .� . �
I'll �� I �
Th.0 Hipoy Th , Randa 1 I L, "', I.,
I 11 , I I , " C)u , . ;�� 10, I", ��',
I - Always have I -A - � I I ..P i ,,,�
1 I 11 1. represent the very life blo I era, of Lucknow took charge of the I no rurtg a rlielleglis. � I . I - I I . I I ... I . L I I � - -jar evand alwayl., Will. T Ov ore iti�a class ; - I I "I". ,,� �: 9. .1
� L .1 . 1. . . � by . "
L I QqqI n was m4n�3r� � i., 1S.10, ., I 1AIIII11111111h. � I Adshit. I L, .. I I L . I � . That 9 the vor%ct ofall who use � � . L, .�
1� lilace concerned., The conal �t':Ik thd Harvest Thankailving'-sprvices 16 the Xing Filward VII, possesses ' � I I I , Abetugelves. and have 'no equal
' ' ' ' ' : I them. :rbey -will . , I �' ��
99� -) , English obtfirch here I 38es Othei stove on the market. ly .4 �� � . ",
:�.5, that a better way to reach a settle. allt Sabbath, extraoidintity powgra and privih � � do 'Acre Ile4tifig and COOking on Aess coal than, an �
I . prehAilla A& 10 4%. in. to the children, which low )prsens � are Aware of. and , � : I - � . ,, ... LLL
� Anent, would be to requim a reference unit at 11 A . � 11�1 . I ..�, : I
arthomatterin loputo toan impartial - in, and I p. in All W410b evpn 1118 Mtkj6ty himself pioll, . IM _141111111111'r I I . �� ) I � 0, �. V�?7._ 2", . -
&L _ Tin.,!E M.," 1111111"`- COA'' -
, � "A%T. T . '.
�-. co2mittise of clitzimi, before res rt Is the services were well attended. -'Next ably doe ,not reallte. He is the sole . . � ";, . I ". I .. ". . I L�. - I � S , .0 Wire Fenoiftg . I I
lit to& strike by employees or,aldek. Sunday Rev. Air. Hartley, of Myth. proptletbe df the beds of till British 0 � , 1, I ' ` ' I , ., I ,�,; I
I � . - ,:: 1�
. � ' ' ' * I W ity of both Atn�lrtbftn And fil"eli'l Foricing ltl�fitock; I `.'� L� .
. - . I . I . 1AT-m. ,,� elinvo a qualliti I _#, L
11 I . 4XI , , , . L
: Out by employers- Refusal t6 nia,ke will ev011anite work with Rev. Mr. tidal rivers, guch 49 the Thames, - the I . . . 1. ILI . � I � . AND . N, and if you Are going to do any fencing thig fall or'next spring, it cer, ��
I . . I I . ,. 1, �,
L' .1 such 4 retef*nea would he regarded as Hicks. and %vilt preetelt hol-e at ap. In. Aferacy, the Dee, the Tyno And L many . I � .11 , . I I . 1. I � . . I 1. I I
, I �.� 11 . I . I 1, Willy *ill pay you to buy at once, � . % I , " '. �, 11.1
a confession of the weakness of the 80 the SundIty School will meet f02P. othorn, That part of thb'shate all . .. L '' , I LLL - �� I . . ,�� I
m. Instead of In the knornioF. This L 1, 1p, .1 I . I .11 ... L I k . I � 11, 'L
claim advanced stud the defiance of ,, aro�nd the coant which lies bee . I
I ,� � public ophilon. a the latest propost- change Is unults on account of Thanks- I h water and I(sw water thark also . 1. ` I I . . I , - * ,. . CeMent L . . � �. . . 1;; . I I I
1. � I . I 1. L
. L I . I 1. 11 11 ,
I L ticia to Induce oth employers And Inq services at,'Port Albert. Ong& to Hit It enty, and lit may � , N_ , . . I I - � ... ,1. . � L- � Afloantity of liratiaQ Portion Cement always of, bond., I ''I .� I IQ �
L t Aft. Be�t C 6ats re ere � ., I I .
worklul AT THE BTJTrs,-Mn't forget to be . I I I.", I � ' "'� 11 . L . I I I , _ � 1. L.� - I, , 1. . -1-m d . . I
t people to resort to voluntary tut it toi4UY kitil of lase which he " 11 I I . 1.1111.1 � - . I . .. . I I I �� I L
. ,
arh1triltiton fiefore, proceeding t q�7ii-",��_-�., I r I 4 - , , � I r . I I I . 1:�J .
0 ex. ab -the R'lle roug"t 9' A- III, 00 tb* links At. while thootetically every I , -_ . , I " 7-"� - � ... . I I .. I . � 1, �
- I I HiAtIng - . ,
I I .I.. 11. I I I . 4-X_."_ 1 . .
. 1 I . ",,, r . I I _� , ,
trAmes, the Plan Propmed by the Nit- 2ard and 21th to do your hbare at plug. Inth of ground in the kingdom be. . J Ph- , I - . I I 1 41 1 1 1 " I . . . ." i
� - . r.
- tional Citizeno' Industrial ,Usoclution the bulls eye. Those 116170 tile longs ff)'J1JWL'1)ad hot to the landlords, . . . I . I Plumb ", ,f I . � I W., �"l
. .
is. to'SILY the leaNk fiateresting. &-Illygl of -the annual 8�oot %Vhen eVery Tile, J(Jfrg�ll" the Bole right to YJ t I I 01re C64ts,'h01110 chobte ftoLln'th'Atl 10 ally 1 � . I �J L. ,,, 1
to bo,presen " ' �, , _, I . '1 , . , � I , , , 1�_�
'. A10mbers Vill I* roillotored its they the 101; the Il I * Y,O" ly '' :11, tedtpla 9 . "I , '�'% , .
I - menibee Is supposed riol, of Commou ?4raia�- . stor,o-,'w-'JthJ0 , . I I r1h - I �
- 4 ;,eT, At .11. % , _ � ur-461teh.. every ona 4�901tltd Itivot, ., !,. �, I
I .1 . � 11 . ,� I 'L .. I,,, I � F
1� 11140d,xin 0 1 , , , - . , . 1; I
L AlAburn. 14, 11 acts of Parliament in thw I , , i I
their turn. They , L
allP,esr at the rAtage, and will shoat lit M: and it lie liked hii .11 _ - right in, dylev 010ftless.in lit and inaterfat.4 ail -- L . �11146M'l I � "", , `
SCHOOL CbISCRUT. - Arrangements % fire small prize -Of , �. 11 . IILI� . I , g ' . - I 1. � ;
It for rthe. prinUl, 'fttld�' thiit L 1� - Z . I - I
the 8 highest al could fortl U any or 4 I g1Z � I . I . � 4
concert ttl be givi i , rne - You Ish dominions, . . �, . .,q" '. . ,wi 8 * I L 0. 04 all work fully guaranteed.. . I . � . I.... I L . "' JkL .1�
.1 .
vainges. Here lit the w w t '� 11rit- I
f1p)(lghte, sdore1 at all tiI anywhero & n th �gWd 110fte#t I �
a have now bolen fill Illatlib for t, a bi . L &I) 401 then rra!otly atttsidtd, t , . I
�i 1% I - yott atk I �, 1,
on tire 25th thst. A -&-no h ' will papape notl �%re tedalf � I : I : I � . .1 . I 41, 1 L
ualIV, *ovitifig "I I ,. . 0 1 1, - ga'�e I . I L"
beet, .
placed In the hall, and this should Add efteli allots Ate RVAd .far tile F I ,, 0 . I fgkalailmhet� wearing twe Comes. 'Ll The iil� lo, -A I
ulaterially46 ths evening's ontertr downwards. And that's booth Aatil Arn6rig Infantt. . ,,, , . � . I CHASO C A :1 :7 L I
� I I , !�
� . .In. tunkly 9 I . linents ot fitle tniWers, 16001"t styies'oire 6 , ouit ,. �, I . , . . , - "
Is a -A A1611treAl, states that as 4 rosul� of ,,, I I , i;. , � , I
- R i 13 ,, 044,v 1, I � 1, . . ,
Johnston of CArlow. and Mr. 66ther 40n...# 2 9 0 a 2 �, * tot, *$OU to 1"ALkI
� ; thent. 86169 will be Tendered by Nim p. Saudi, Total Dr. M-ecarry, �Ilioffood inopectsir 04 :, , .0 , LHIE - I . 11 ��
. I 0 , 2a , rftk6, , " I ZT001i 1`044ON0190. !"Ousa * * ` � I
. '. Jon" I . I Medlons frow4A, . �, , , . 113"ONIV1112f
14 J"..'Clit,ir �:::: �:'.R � It tile e4fbful lunlActlott ,at Milk cala : . � I �
. kand, dr the steriltil Bank hereA Wist . ' � Oft . I ......... I, I I'll, LLL.. � _ . � �1. . . . I .. . L� .. � I
'rong Of rAYAI- W In to widely khown . Do%, ' - _�, ,,�- -
. I I -
I loan ......... 0 1 � ' ' 0'a -A %vhij� I . No flMe quiteso I -.1--li- . . I
. I V ', hag b0n, made .tlqa ,year by . L . kow as now t& ..... I , - - I , , . I
� vi klndly� � I tan ... 2 a U nopeeturs, of hin ilepattr4prit the � , . . 0 -, , ", 'Z , I I � , ''I 1. , , .
.& vlollnst� hm ,Irst�a.,.X 2 0 2 2 U � 40_-*601-'biJ:yl1ftgwL L -
in On bernii o , .
. I 1 41- . I . I I . I , 1
2 J. R. yoklaft ... � 2 a U 3 &.30 � - I I . , I .11 I L . I I ,, I I I .. . - P � I . ..�, 1 9
a U I � .for stt;tks aind -assortments a" ' _7�� .-
riging. . "' - 2 a Z1,40 11 watf their 6ed , , , , 11 �p : : I
. 400"hilated to,aftiet. club awl i. 11I,`c.,n,::. a 9 a 31 donth tAW othbog phildon thia fluto. I . ,
I . I
ree"tiops ikoll at failey flalf1iFt,fif (i. Illeft, .... _., mot has, -boerk lastorlaur doeftosed, - t6 dAy. � " � _1r_11 _-!�0!!!!! 0 '! ! I L -
. 9 11 I at . rrr .., I � """tN�"��M� , Zr'-__ "��" �
I would alows make an exceililut.prn, lex. Dilthin-2 2 N 9 a 2 2 __P T1,04 lat VOVOMOnt is, 050001WIP due L I'll, �. -, , I I . . , . , __!,!��"_#
, I . , . I j. .
. L ' � . - , , � . � '. . � I I . ,
gritm, tub 0440it to tbme is I Dr. A. Walterit'....41 it it I I u 4 t-,- to t1to plaving of mott at ,vallway stfi. � " ,;�I.,_".!_�, 'L ,
filoes'NLI,ght�At 1� mootl ......... a ,2 0 O."Is *161as tot the';PIA" I ,� Wl''WA, . - . I --11- , - L . I . . . . . 1� � _ .L � . .1 . 11 . . . I 11, * I .
I ethY." The honorable k _ 0, 4A wMehint. thq , 11 . I � - _'. . . . 1". I .
. I Ultow....- I i'! !! ! ! �: ! ---,. - ", , I I . . . . . I �
, A . A I . , , . I . . � * 7 � ,� I ` ' ilal� ". '_ . . ,
. 'T 3 I' # a % "M Ifttatli 6f Matti The 'Appoinytilejit Lof ,." . -
I ( Dr. Junr cobildtioRble tMublo with litir WA U::::: . � . . . _', � . � L L. , �
I . I I . 'I I .. I
.�, "
� 1010110VOtill seb0lora, having tit sub. C. Ilimb...., . 42 2 A 20 �-_P 1110rd ItOr6tOrA *061 � Stijj� 14aer . I . I I ! .. ., , , d.1' . I � Al U0, � , I—-,
. I h.-,".... - . I , . I "
11 I Ir �� a 2 9 '2 - 2 Fjf, lipgvotit, - tho, ImptovL6 I I � 11 1, " , I .
11 I. �t'�. el I but I Out SpeclAl 4t, $8.36 '00 , , , % ,
felt to" " saffigs by his own pup " , ftlItAil-V lcoats vo, 4, , I "
k ays manages to *,trip ,t klwad - ity ItIjIlettod . r I *6 I . , , . I
.. ,W . et - . cu" -do, :� , f, Thisl000tis iflode 0ft , qualt .701" � . I , , , . ,
I pt t It perulvilt..". a 2 3 4 4 !I 27 e '1� akbiev'64 is * Velty 45W � t*Wtiftilittkil e VPC,�ft With greftl$ 'LThts it, I% good gil I L 11 . � ..
I I -ut ,11 - 'It , I I
Wine fift"tio io"ph& -J'- 'I"ke ........ 2 4 1 ot , ti, , I 4, : . � ,fl
Lg No further � a 3 2 a 3 4� co _ tni4t 11.6r.,101,1t WoRt. It A, . I , .1 .1
t, Itsoa 0 ' Z ory 1640. \ / , ., K� _ges bfL ' . � I I
*tmot'ft#n)ftIt Will he made so i,& . ...... �fr a 0 V I a 1.1-11, * � . I � ., W. 4towo# Alit ortliftlaktitr .4fladc,f L, ue (ft# too 0 , , 8 .
I g olor or %, . rft all '0661 Ill _ I . I
'JU,itie Atts �
L Alltj III Cut *1 , ighf thilitillty to,., .i, I ",� �1_ . ,� I
MNO � . I wtlgo�llttiill ifill Wife s4tl t 'm 0, , , ft tti . Ili , fashion, , - � 4 . � �1_
10,6lubor the dAtis ittul a 3 JIL A & , , 04 litift *Mght blttk botitt. It 4, 481ft, _
I ilitt'Pea 000 of �, 6", "llaffir,....1 a 2 OL 'I 01. � �."0,44_ ,.�O�, .'�. g
. _ %11 VI 111-1-1 2 1 t'A -
,"U"� I , " L,, " , I:r I
I tb# bostAchool tancertit. v "i _01to , � . ftoft,*11104 11'0 I , f Med With , ;: . ., I � . .� %" L I , 4
, .0 . - ot the swe trilat Mi v, 'Tb*v%ht- 1, . I . I . , it it a . I I , .1�7.
R11 A IV 4) 2 0 V 0 , 'At'rapono V . i lit A . . , I J '. .
. --644 N6W. - Tolftititt W%* It$ftod te W*bI)*0.,0t1 'J,04Im4sy,%Vfthi . I t* (11111tilty" :of . y L 10 th, , it I . . , I , I �, I
. 0 lot lit"Itl tho. ., 61 I I . . 11 . ON I " ,
. .. k , tiotill *4 1 bultmals, is gow e*"jitAd 16%kelt, W"j. 1k6 .4.1 t... '044. .%# �, , L I 1130 .
-Nift I . �, ftle Ant Alt'. Awl , tif , 171 tog f, I ;, . and IS , , . I I
I Rd" vety Ati**100* 0 ,* 4 01fto WJ*o Al 6" *"� tho **lite 0,4% I I I . I lut., 0 ,* I.L.4110.60 01F# 001UNWONO ,' I I
1 ur"4 , tet% Well' ' ,of 0(*t lij T�d J**t,C . I I I I I I. - . I I
' , n #4tlw% 1* thb, 46b* tie' *Ito buY,,, All - ,' Tfitsiflmstyie , , �'r,tt� .L,4..#J8,ft , I � ot *0foldis,owhif� , � , i
411119t,lithea tholr%1V bl*tkii ov, t � t, j*tjIII.,... r . 4 � I
I N0`rXq'_]Wk' JVtigbt Lbftt Mt V411p6a by 0"laii , 0" "StAW", of 1; "Ie' , ,
4 0 Met, I SIM in . I . =*.11o .41.484so , I . � I I .
L I MI it I dte I � tail thel 0,10" I . � . I ' ,V# lkf, ,2$0 1001. ' '.1 1�r
L- �e C"t� . ",
a Trom ."%t 0dotlebt,blo Itev. W. I doo0j. I j �� , L , - tf"104, 110tilt "Itkif , )
I . I frot" Now ootmio atI4 bid bt*Uh to it"Othlit 01' 611ir IM0014ko b tylog Vk* vl* Owlec. W#A'anited tb 0. AM, I ,� . . I I t I
- , 6011nitt tiloivoiko"i 10" . I 11", I 0 oe I " At: 66
ofbot*" oftllft V'�ockv 4 9 I I � I � livil , , � . 1 'J'01ft $JrJ44 .
11 . .- r"Ne. I � . I 9 I � I L 11 , ' 1, 1, ,L , . � � I I - �
. , 0lI%r-k'J:0�At$'*t $JJ'3#)L ' $6kne 1181tt . . It Aht lttT4 I , I V 't1ftk4 Uff4ft Mild if�af I$ tt�leo I
6 0%�Aft *hollr ()kt'ift "tt 'I 10*0 Mtk"f, (110 ftoriffty tjkji�jt E14t . I
� : . � , , , , I I . I � tta, Ito 46W * I I
1 110 61, , I led blklk betwor. fvft 0 ttea-lidtheptiblklItofe. tallinlim -r,AdW!Jt slid (;tfltlorfe
11 lilt', tty:rfeftl Attho'*Ith a 111*10 L ly 0 &�,.L
LL 0 tit #it I V up t "boat" A"d MWIlAus 110e %*W*pte ,� T. Ili . thtin x,r
gr vat o �
I tien ob t I a b , to W#jk Atolma the" tbi hL �tho �40V$Wbft Lill tl*. , a �] , 1#11 flltU4 :rt ij A 8 ' ' ctfuls, Y610110 lit T-60 ' R V0, , 6t 410 Wigs,, - 11
. �" 0"tte. Tto *001604� � it fill A 2 404% P_"AK46I1&_f!*�6( �hlkh ftL blAtk Nt ! air !A tiftfy Iciijkth . I
I fb 0 , '_ Mr*ft� In *U 4A* t"V1'IfiW' tl*M, fialltyl *#A jff� 1 4 r lafty, 0061a Altd� fit tZ ro P" I 11100, A # AWlrIA1fJ,J�r6nU0 CkwIlgaek of aIt lojIg,,h , , L
1 �14 ": at Ili 01 L f. ' " Thb,tightlolliffit" of.01* fto., vAK%r* 0 Ull0ft K?l00bA*+ of 71 *A I , 16 the wtift", %i. I 1111,14 ah;Wii tit, &O-Outitringionfittlot4l, � L I I -
L I . , - t4*114t, I Ikrid, tl* btidotusid MIR I V'(111% 1,radiftl t4wd, 1 4 1 ,, 31, I
"YM0#t6sl*h ,"t Adli " t lith * I ,�klll;+; L ,
I 0% 104"T, U� rit" **I st 10 ", Z tF4(01�,;Ft 1� Ji
A] led tw At". iilaof of, Ilitit Amil,,okk%uot I . 'i�toit 't, 0" � tdliIh ,Afsd their JIL 1 1
. C41tIy1(VM-,"-l1t* 11fitt Tit - ,I L , - . , L i
I I to I 11 : from I % W 1, ", are "ftni*�hl 0% tht OtAb , V41 6i
tS tit
ftu k" I% t4to tit Iffl, _kltl(�* wbll# MW # ti I , - i 4121.*` it e4kfj� *,o W ! ".
. #*00169 *111 b= byMift I I W0% M -lb, ##i+, 4 jroll& ftkd# a -tt,jr'#L,__ L - L ,. --- ---., I . . "a PMd*ft*,yftti � , " I
Allhr& t*tty,ftw#t 1000 27* I � I . .1 I 9*tlt* . td th� If wo.
'(10^ tool"!Y 1011W OW" or khb*v * . J'noi 461'ati we(MIV4 *44" i wAt lmay*d, by Mr. I . Tht ChIldftWo Ctoott . . I I ... I , e1 - f Show lotling t6 t*0#J'frAta .
tho 6f A0 Twft4 . Iftwit
I 6V?AWl*W'AP0*A0 Mt t J:_ftt#L'jt $1$l,00" ."
... LL I ., � - I -
L lirty"i'��X110ketuAlAthatith , J "00- Ill t0'hk** 0At 860*d Alleo 'Thtft *ti) L 6%*tII1X* lit, I � , 0
, will 400kity. d 0 t Ilk . V It I
I 400 ft)*", AbdL j* rg*,Rt� I've Ao* * d,** ot *ft* fitift , , . I -
1t*AnI*,ftfto, �* 00 0" of tftuftftla * itba OW" ,A' L T'"", , � I , " 8S.Ow ,�
t* ltb"# I tbArot�,uNo�at Ibb ** � oin . %Rt%r&li* JJW -, Atirl, W
` UL "*A L�' " ymw 4 ClAk"Ift bt i%W eft" tkillf " ptotfttloft to ft* hft4 A#tinst a " _60 rrr -oft"tt . I .
-Y *If* 11*11t I"* f"
*W#. Th#
JIMPO lilitity'aff #V,.ftt*.t*Jde*R*
40", #1*M6&im*tSUft. W#c%k im Im Im%*ft t6i I �t� " '06 And I ,this lift Jill stIf *'*4 tJ*_0kIK I Vl*�tt**A'Mllchfmltttii6d4ito"t*13'A,bd ik
- '. _ *11, L It, I _" R0 � I t , '
-1 Mth�, Tif#ft ,##ht '* . ",lot 0X*,1ht* A � tk1k lfit$aft Ortht Iftilts,110h, 461to., told
#A,f ()tfobk , I L 11446010" 11 (A
'I _ IV I tri , "'A" "", ""' Vea
�� *4sw, *16ftl At lAft &(t#k%6* X0 ft A b# , , *%0'#JJ,r,b)* Iftilwy lultivisolff"'rA"lithto. Vo 411110wWa I* L � I V. I
#. It tolutio , "t 71W, boW,44 ,.,. kd at 11
*0 04001 inwe N tuw
1= , 7. 1. Be 4T.0 'LL)"tty'i 16t 4 "tt 004do. � , X I I I - .
. WL "ftir V ft" WM W01te *Ilk, 4 . - I
V I 160 A #AY ik*d thA bift IWO* *11 L rA L IN 4 I 101 , . _r #A" Al �%Rplwftd, 41. � 11 . "
.1 ,11 !***I _ ,"it* A", o lie wo � � I � -Iii-si-ij, , �!'� 1 !'' (? !! 1. . '' , " . �/ I . I I
, "
I � eh$t0L 6f ti* f 94 ~1 t"J*v tu" is " wth" d". t �ftrt bt bh*, WhIlo I AA t , t L'saiwit , L fttt *** 0* role R'""'04it"li lit , _____ -------- "'Wwa r-_,__ . IN I'll" , , I r, I
I 00"loW to th* Aft"Oom If;* , '*K* f" M" 1#106161d � I I 11
, no 1(It4,*0* whift 11111tv IV* WaRrIals go"'ji 0d PT ft* "Oftit w 1, , I , � I ,
.. I , tveslft 16 AVON*. tm V,ft* killootbito"4th0l I I t r ,. ' , ot 1, t *tw*� Tt* Al'Ift'litt abwately RIGHT, I '���� I
% "a be If** th-6 4. , � T14 401"'W I I I I I ; " . ,, 11 L
� tvw ftiftlif" aly I Ck A"._- rN. im� Is* W#4 t in �,*A*"O'"'"elsia , k--46- i -%.*4*.. ..�.1,44,'$J#," I :, .1 . , 1� 1, L
, M ha,bft W* #A fft -1 I - � *A** ftfoii x4lit. 1, I 't "I . , LL
� . � . . I 44111111111 i I I "d . 0* 4* 4 11 ii ,Wtftt. TW 16X. I f4w f I wo, $'f**# "%Iae *ft X* . . L I .1 11 J-1 I I. L � I ... . I UOF*b WSINUS X1114VAL114 ILATIONA" � � I 11 �. � I I
I '_'� . k a I I 1. '. I ,L I .1 . ,� , k," � I "WW111 t* N � W ON Thoy TA* to . I � .
I . I F I I I
",,� .,;,. , � L I � 11 I . . I I I 1, I .1, '. . ____.,� - ------------ �� --- --_1111-- ""06 .1 .1
� ,� I vK ,. ,� , 11 I �, � 11 (I " . I � I I .. .1 ; - I "a 0600000 *TAP. m"a-i ` I 14`101"",�* I I
� All 11 I , Jr I I ,, Z� r I .) ) I ,, � , .
0� � I , L ""
, " I &&Ud 11 �; 1) " I I , " . . . I , I,- I I 11 I I , . r 1 " I
.. �b' � L I I
A � - - I I . 1. ��_ � . ( - � � 1� li, - I I I - I �� I . ", 11 I ",� I . I I ..
� - - -,A _1 � ,-- I, - &,_,.�Iiiiiiko_ I � ),. 1-1 �11� I . .
� .-___�LA____r ," �_ -� �� �, X- _ - �