HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-18, Page 5.117��� 1 , 41111r7" I � .1 . ­ 1. W .."I'T I I � I ". . . �. ;�� I , r7.1il,711,4117-11, , , ­ ­ -v,;,,r­- . T- ­ -,. '7­:r"rW-��­.%-NWf'YM - ,� � , W. � L _ , . , .". - rt — I ,�% "I'll, � L I _�, � I . 0 . � " -4 -soxii F., - � i , - , . .-, "', . . I "; , �f . L'� :. I , 7 , . , -1 411p,�A "' I - . , I � . I , . �' � '.t, �,', ,.�, I I 'L, ��q 1 , �., I & 41 � . . , � I 1 . "I .- P I _ � I I . . 1 , I . FW' ::: . ��­ - " _ "' � ie_ � , - I I . � __ , . . 4T111__ I -_ - _ - 1111111111 I tolloo I I L �, (i 1 ; � C�� - 11 �) I I ��'­ , I I ��_ "`T!r-"_u`0""`"_"""` T. . .--- =7= - - - ____ - -___A ,;!!!!� mopomliiii 1111,41= I L, I I � I I - - . I., I __ I !!= . ma ii i ii i !=! ! ! : 1 L=! . !I! !!! i! � 1 1 !!��!!�!!!�� l� _!!N- ��L I I- f;1 " �� I , �'_'t�­tj�t!.:L�! � "�'�'_ ' _ __,__ - L ��, I -i )" ,vAl a Irplits'O'k ­�I, .'s,#, " e� I I I - I , ._. � I � , , 11 11 1__=�.­.� ---.--I, ,, I* I THE GODICTUCIff IST" L " � e - __ -it'--- - =.0111�11 I I I I ---x%A4ffQ" %F ­­ - — � - '01 ir N111111110411::p I I `,_1 I r. :i ww.a _!;�-X= L- - __ � _� _____�7;___,__ ­ — % - miim- -Wm. 1 '114 111111"Norp , 1:111111111:11 L ol ---... L., � L . S -, __ t ..--- .—:::;;::1=o0 I , , I 1. ­­ I . I 1.11 1-1 I Z!:Illo ItI.Aimpolml 11 1�110 i 11 � 1!11!�11111�0111141 Im .1 , V" I , , � , , _ , , . - C. .& 111IM-111'""'I 11w," AN spow a X1011" XviptIm , . I , I 1. 93121111=_ � I '_ L � . . I I "o, f a ea. 11*4 ,-:L- .. 4. I ., �� �kfk . I ��=�� , I , �� --------- 1��'- WATC-N - 1� d 11 ry ,. - I �. v,wyW,ww%-,,,.t­,,,­',l I ", 11 I I L 11�ftlll 'C�W, .--.,-- L :­ .1.L 1. 1111110"4111111.1 11 ­ - � � I It 1­A...�,mmk- - , _11,14111"11, r ,� y TO am ftft"V,_T,% ovill tam , . L . I I I . , 11110111FAM I � ..; N,40,04 . " � At I V U - , - U � , f� I I I L' -�­ � I � The Rld"a V Iss"Oftat "Ill, - %** olilis ik 'A t, I .1 — — --- Ar ". Vo ? 1, , I ­ I " , ) low - I - . 01, Zzled . *�_ J , �� . I - L " "* so SA&J004 w of to"" I I hw I)W-09. soop (40otbas is, wito iliss). - .� .11, I , For ,, . I , �� :: . 11 _,''. ­__ - . I � _­ 'LL , I 1. I , " . , *L Tuy art 4* itunit ilk,�, 4-11; *(n­etu%v 4100*111111slosis 1* JLLIW4,*%r4'; O.",OUO" , I ­__­-iZ���Iv__T��_ ­��_%��,�: �_ I 1 $0 &* T*044 oftictir. ioad =: oq*­ 114%4 altill Aisx�*1*4�,`Nlltbtkaot of %or" a** 00 " 11 'L I ­,��-;;� ---,_O: - "".. --'— - ... 'L V" C ft)" t1r, *04 a" of el"Awlill.*" . ."ft0~rW$"l"00~4K"1*W If � . I 1 ,7 111 11-,;H""giz;4 VWW Y, � � . 1_ I 1, to y 24* 9 4"itI., o f t4s - u'Ov, 4.�lk� AvlorubwNd 1111mok L � L , 100007"t, , , . I I I , . 1101144 4*4 V01W 1* 4.oioo� J*tsuW_.___ _,_a1.t4t,Lr W"�.,',,,�%,of I 0 1 L I,, , I . .1 ... � 4 I ,. � ", I L. - - . , 404 . . I . . . , I . . . L - . - $ 0 '� ' ) - I , . � L S; 111=1 4 , 1� *" "00010111110W W __ 41 """ = I �� : 67.". -W W" W.412, A VOL; 04 ... . I - 4-101ftri ANL, "T' I I . 11, SUft Or, . ,L"t" ��'_ I � OW loyAol If V" Litill;­.h 44 po'k,grl; _ _4 *R .. - I I . . v , 11 Pft)#$dy $40 ; . __ �=# , . Itheiniwisamtsm. viruv"b * , Pk- l .. I . I'll N L - 4,144lipir ii, T'llalets4l. I;N , I . . , atill4,* 444 a! IRA 11 f I �, All bove I. 11 . ,, , I , . I I : L I WAWA o8y4ela IX10004,4 Aionittv.4 fill ree . tolsottle , _ . � , , , .. - I - 11 ".. Far -lined 6*t - " ` 1�1 , 1pe I. wl*lk tbiil� a I I -.4,blood' it " " �.��, � " , :, ",, I 'L I . 11 , � a I . JJsW LNU - 1lJ1j,l1-r,i: tis�i f(Atm- - L I", Vv"t laokc4 ,, � " , Thi �IIIIW tba Quly "Ible I 'I, 1. I " ,� . . . I ,�. 11, � ,�, , . ­ I 11, _: ,. ­­­, :-t AWL � I I 19. 1110 I . , . � .1 k�f tfil* ll tllo�, *r bostelsowsk-Ift way,ittwideuRticit�m.14tisme�4�a I . .� L L V till "t alom** 14"Le I I I I � L . . .&Od 0"Virs, .0" 18'rokulat, 1',40 hillillia, * .-J"1A. � L%," " 0owco, , , 'N' I .4011A X4� th iil`�teMO 1* Ctft4 tq'otllye 4 10_11�v, �ej' " � ` ` -? . �, 1 '6 frW �U 1 UJArl 1. � . L . L m1kV, I Par U CftfA, ..Uq pott%" I reloat 11 , , Urtd, And' I I . t W�10 141tchll, trb�swosl A04.1tillth. WM , 04, drsslitra#�L JiIVC�__,; 11 kj;j_.1�'JX'fole I L L . . I : , � 7 . IC911111171 04 sv'ois, PlAlliAWA iialkp II14) 41;400. U00 TWO Ot IWA 1.00110k IA ' � . ""WilstovAttor, It ""itliI't'r, , , 4i A,Vtult�,J��11"yt.%Ii, Js tua., -044y I . . ,� I .1 VA ...... #01F,44'si" Y41 AyXr, 41110W . L, 1. � I I L. . . I I I � " - Z �_':.X. I I— - �4," � i . 4�Lbe� -LljVJ" 4' 1 . I x*Volvirg 4 t'v lilets 0441 wllkk� yr alsy� . , 1,11-1-1-1 - . I I � , , , .9eq UL W*-� Coll _ I . I - I Mrst �Moiiliialir, fto *04 wm 0ft)I�ftVlt$a4rJ" I Wil � "N" ___ � I - .1 . � ! I 6 4 1 . , . to )oft lt4w* � WeAuned owayintheworld - . 1, I 1. �-��.'­_,R, . _ I I i I . I unaary tMIAN, bft � . I : I I I I . I I I ,, �� IV14"n koy"'of O.V#4 sy,r,114(li'lol Dili 'rositto!s=040 004erith" oxiii tbiri 1, I - #X I 0at, lootafliiil ­* , I I I I , I 11 , IiierA;1 0 , � I , I ll � F , , 1. I I , I � 1 I � 11 .. . 49w yon 00 M " ,. I .4ra. '; I I -oil tail, quit'"y Till ygilrmil Will A flito raahiA, Xt.84 L IIATIPS: I or diriegsX0, tbe , er4460". iue � : , " - , ­ , �th , . lj� Illsortlaw . . _,( .. ,. P;Ittto * ofolo , .lyetii � 1, he I � IL . I NO4 I L I �lt 4g ,., ;1 I , , 141111l AT 0 - ? , - 11,;O All L ,,t4� 'WO4 of #All bumbliwoa--wols"'Filkoosi aoilpow L Wy.,,�ouwt thmw I . I I 1. ! . . scliffs. *", X l� *84. irsorm4w . , . , " . I I . . to, Iliabollits o)fE 44 w"to (04t � , �" % POL" - (Ifstek&t� IrQ4 tllo LL ' 11 . . yl�s. -,�- ovogyaho of . . " 2F � ri rist*. 0* Atrorty t 0, deel- - " , , t or L ", Mt. , L persUnt UW=00111�0 4.03AVY04., MKV44 0, 0stexhil, � _; . . 11 , , I I , F*X.,rialislo. ", uxb,. lik. V0 A I I . ' ' ' "11111wello volk" . lv'e$ 4 s, . I , � , �11­,_ftm,corrtoi i-tylio'y'douil.. '� , -,, ... 11 Aw*ug lilt:540.�"�"". .0 I . L" � - L "� " I#, U111011"I"_1 �L I I . , All III, � 1�4� 1 1 - - ,WAX% L ' . all :ft*tVOVQ Is"A f �, ,- Qn; "'. 4.4wolst '00. 1000 -it"twes"t , . I 11 � 11 _"4,� to " .1111, voillo$A. � , L " . *, f . LL L:: �� 11 �: L.� I � 12 . - . .'" ;44 4R." I � .1 I " , . � __ PAVIC 444 ,# .. . Itrult 1, �_ — , , L � . , I .1 X - Ili ,it,* likow b'd , ur�"VAM 404, , -, I thts*bWy lot m4li�;i�n� "j" -s 11 � , I ". I . "', . , : I I , I ' '�.' ,.��L - � ' ,�, I I � - , Hi * wArmn� �o 'tile' %V'o � , . . I � , . AZY $144. '. 700^1 ,fridt �tifot_ lit, I I , I . I � . � I L I � , � . I I " . I L " ' - � " Xro'4�JMJ " . I , , , , ',ar0s�":of"�� ,,- I .1 I . , .� _ � . 004 410 14104%vt*100440 , . I po 1.010,11 th-0, vulml , ... I I ,, . I _.. .. 11 L' �,� � . . W`'QV4,, ft"Ret , r*y ii**', - __ 4011illi 994 � I L I � I .l% L . L b _15",$10: V I ... 11 I . � IL .1 .. . I o *144II) aVisliblit' , � _0: 111. I . I . �L �1. . - I I . I I - I . '. . ,Wrj;". "A wass, ..I*) 8,40M weii , . " , #044 010h,141 oinfAiti*;dt � , , 4*4;4 :, .�, I I �� If L . I . � . tifouplen 'Witn"W'p-9411 Dog" IL UdAnt . I - *` for, .14 #IM.L aAd. his I boUx 1. I L I I L L to. 3AX 4111141c II,* ba, "� iiiii1t Is 14*ny, thite 11 . L L , � �., I _1 le, ; 4-bloe. T*:1tro" 'Ar,104; ;WtA W* '*tla! 4ilit _'41 ��.' . I - . I I . . I I , L I NIP I i , , " '40W . After wbor , 0.30 -Mr. , 00 it tcy"OT? ' bot"V t4 " 144�k* " 0010luat'notlowor L � '. ... . , �,"L , L' I 11 . 1 60, pairs (Npoocfal� WArtaN V'" '1`PAt4WQOl*b1t* ,�. bat 110 kwrjtr � � , 11 . " Blis0r4o dooblimsell Jams, plo tin -too .,of vqp� IA., Nloxmlv pta, , I � I 110% )V0#M4*_. . k I'll I'll I � . .. I - ATKYLCQe� 111i"ITIld In, 000olch ;Lpd wkasa a . U .. �� 11"Noott by, tile. I 11 . I ,., �, ilpIKI611�tffi*lt,iA�-�-.t,.�l.i..i*tfo,$o 004,11S.'". ., 44 islid can spi; tho - I � .. I L. I ,� I . ,14 � . Y I T, 14 , 4 . � , L , 0 '#0JrAiW I � ,_4t,%f Y,I,g I . ' 11 . - - . , It. 1, . AL4,itIllIno L L I , � . . �' � � -Ornport ,`�Lk I � I � L ,1 . " � I - 1. . .­­ "I., "I I . ... Y or4r To - , L -, ; Nit., aido" on � li's 4" 1 111"I 00144 io",r � , proof" 'Or *Ombju� I � I I . I I I I '. J�� . . , .L .1 ' I :�. � .-, - n ir*," A Ali "0441001104r.1clihis b. ' 1A I I . , � 'O.Ja I . I I . � 11 I � I I L , , , ' , . ' ' -, _ � , , _ t � , , , I , . � . 1�. 40 p At 'criltt Torflo4.or DisWrik"CUttlahall JOt..%f1qhW.'yrr'or, ki. I I At #ll L 't * a, iV1W,V b ,014� 't"ttkifil't0i'm silaq,poilitliat � 1�-UM14".. In, tLU4�, q ,$ L t*qLa, L � ' .. ,� . . or " . . 1 . LL otow . I'll I �' L ,Wlft.* df r � I is 0111itl K 14;Q utlo ar'la, iissla litt *11010 vittlits. into iis,w L ' I 'A _ ry � 9- I 4111 "I'Llik"10:1 I , , , '" 4AsukiliAlleasul r,1s4C0Wqrs*rs4ft4 . I Laws' , orl _ bitVili tilissol1q; I , ., a k 's V, . � "I. I all AntlL ­ 114, TA � � , 10I . I "I I us 'AlstI �r 7 I I �, i:�,., I I , I I I I - , tit, " %, 1. �, L I I L L . I , : 11 v" We 9 Tqloqn.,01�01� L)ro,whiri'lililell'at. - ., " . L . . 1 �, �", 1111041, . � ,,., .. .. I , , I ��tttf4�0 '�. L, I —_ - - - :11 I I , - I . � � (Mul, . . I , I '1�'4*41­#4* ...L� I I—" : ­­ -1.1 ­Mll­,�r-it,�� , ­ I I r� " "" . I -61N , � V , or . . _ I I . . � , Olt" - '' , I I I L .- I I , , , ", Atill, itom , * " , , " , L . 10404 k1lici bl"d tow, the , . I , I , I - � � vitIr i,,�)"h* 4t 'O'l -:4 rn;i* t , , , , , � : I , . , , , I , " �. � � I I 11 . � , L L ' 0.0".."40.0, 410 11 ­ 4 ­­ ., LL � 'r. .-T � . , . I - lit, . , , I C I CIO . . , I . .�L . , _ f �­ 't r"411W 000,14 . , PAfIr he V, tishalri , , " vill JQlats-4nd, I L IiV'4,l*4`Wrs,Z`l! , I L , , . , I I . . . s. �. I . I _ _ " I . "' - qtk� 040 1". 0411100 I . . . L . I . � . � I - � " i�' I - Z ' � L �ir ,The . X_ I � : 11 , : I , . I � L, , I 11, .�!, : 11� , 11. " ab4so Nq"4� I .. I L , L� I ,. : .L L`11 I 11 . . , � ll� �, _, � I . I I ... � L, 0 .L L . .. ., ., ' I �.� worryW$ I . . L or. lCoAt "k ' ' , " � I -, _L. We , - I to . t" . , , ,.� , . . � have mmod , o L .1 ­­ , '' , I I I ' . �.,��.� L ' 4 Q' �1 "' ' L, .at � A! very 'Un .L a't . 1�.L opt on toe V.Potc 11 11 11 ... .. � I I I L , �. I ., I - , , , � . yt� Y�4�'L,lsf I I 11. ,% '', ,4 IL 140.4 to IsUbmIt 'lot ,. . l: I . I . 11 � � � , L �� I . . 'er,cooth3p; for 'Chilftell'A ,,W04.1#�kft U��L P , 11102 11 _PAd11._*tt4 . to"�Ixarvoiit I - 'fit'. , Ahow" dress problem. - They, ., knoW , ", '-4, , , , , _ I "'.. " I . ill '' " " - � . �' � I 41 . . . . ' ., OeFtlork, Of 110"I 4 . _ � ... I I . . I , .1 E i , , � I 'Ill � , . �:L . "'_'k . 1 �� 1:�.­ ; I ,�;­:�',.:, . ,�'A A0414t , 'Asylit Z. if � . � 1 Ithentoottisht , , I . I I I : .. il. .. L�L ,� , I , 'MIs a Vert u ar qf�,`4 , I , I ��Wt ij%,e�', " , I I -, 00 the , , _�. L. L I' : , L ' ­ , . I '. k I , ''. 6 �# : ' L � , " , L, : L . L - ,4,t,Il1rcII�4-'* do"HIA 1 , V� , '' " �00-Aoo ,o*t0tf1P9AA Ueofar4'N, '144t; , I . cuft . , � _ , . I I L, � . " � I , *j: I � Was, 3.4 '01 $Lie I where to p every staSotll and, I . � L t4ft'"ItAt, I � .... A ��, 1 �,, 0 la;"'... .-t...,;- �,;4' ­` � L I ". . 15W .;Iq _4eq I r. , I 001 � In 1)4ft'qSe th,6� ' ,*L � . I . � , ._ , L . ­ - I '�* .�t ""­'­"":'�'�t�j ­ , _t�. �, rsAtl QVIt the goolo �= " I I Al , by lumvastut tho, SI009A. *AL't L llf"W7 ILINW1171 '11"111111l . .11 .. � . , rpzoo OA . . : I . " - , L'. $*ry�ito' ' ' ' : i I o , rostesi. � L . .1 I . ,.I,�ll,,­ � __ ,�,,��:, __ _ 'L � v I L., I I I . -L I .�� � , 01) IOhAAp,4,"'*,p M44 . ___ _1 �, I 1. , . �,:­ I I a , _roWN,tory, stop, the, I , - L I , I... . r . � � .- -L �­,­ � ­­ r, " _'-' L I '7_1� " W. i YX r - t1hr".1lip.0 . � I - � �'. , Vot "It. VAJJ;*t41):, L ust xii�hat the 73 . . I - L , - :, ­ I V�"Vle—vevy is I I . ' _. I .,; , � I. , I � .,�, ''I �' �' * ­ .­IT7---T-- _ _, 1dQUe�,�­,X'VersLg4R -0 , , I . ,�; , , I . , I get j y wit t. , 1, I I , . . , " I � 1 I,- � � 1. �'L .�" .9 411144"�11 10AA "!, � , % . I . L � I i . .11_�NO��L t, ,(� U04 , . - , . : I 1 � 4.�l�, .. �'L . L . - L , L I . ," �" :L -L , 'L. , ; . I 1� � L - 00 - " 0 -ft" 00% A A ;. . . . I 1. � , I 1. -W - _ l., 4 , . �il _ ­ - I , 4 t e 0411Z , . . I I I L � --- ,- . . I I � , � P., � I �, , 1, �'NQM L � ". I . .1 1100001-8941`�, %.4,RArv,egt fi4i 1 . q L �� . ��� L' ,�11",."':* .,.,',7,,,., , , he . PrIces $1 5.00 lo $22.00 1 " , � _ .. _ 'L,� "� i , ... � � ­ I , , , L, . : . --- �­ r. , I ... I irbod" . L I . � ''.L' , L I I -1. I � L -_ - , , i ", '�­ I— 1.1 tall to CIL ".1116 # MeWillop. . ? . ! I I � I I �i. L[ijoins .'J*tt,� ,, -".,:,: . ' e L . I I L L 1,� . I ," I ' ' . � " I "I .1 , . '.4, I , `lPrLA_1_ Itelit Up. Barrie 1140 dollbtleAe taken it leaf I I I" ,_ . I r LL� L ' � ­ � '. " _ " li At ')AU J +'AqAr, � Do 1, i the 4 t NOTIM.-John DqU444 like. billa a 10001 tile action of QqdeNch in - . . I ,, , : � I , . I � . . - %,4,tr , 41011aged w re 0 " Uk Ilt'hl-- ­­ --------­­ - � � " ­ '.,Pull 11� . .� . I w4k,000w; I , L ' I I I 111 I . . . , I ­� )'r' AL I �yo; �, I "Al l"llb t .� ­. t1_ ____ .-- ____ . I I L I 1. , I 1. L `*�'f .'!�.�'# tioy�pfj h � ' ljb�t!� ;11 f My I! _­­_ - 09 All auction aitle - --- ; 1, I I - _L . .11 ,_ I I " 41Y t , ': �. L� � �L _ � 'It" . I - I I -­ -, - - - - - --- --.-- � -I '' i I ­ I 11 ' I ,. L ­ 4L' ­ 't.- . ­, .--,-- ­­ kt As*,V�, � L N',Ayoek��`Erjfoitb ­-, L . L L r �'t'aq r.opprf"Or"t"A V I, L ll I I 04) flewe of lark I . .., : ­ I . ,�, 1, . . I .. �,_ �... ,� V I 0 1JA8kl,UX,, VQW� _ I : tiii� 100, ro In-, , ea 9 boll - , i . I , :. ­tt"'Wlsa, Olilit and bou'l lit �t.. ,- 114ater opoIX ^5 .,t U11,1600 ment ire; I Urg ,­ I ", . I X I Utllt�l Riot? 1, , I., , I "I'll -­ I . , LLL, � , , rollo 19 .. . I . to .14-H ng :.1 . �1. . I 11114 - - - 11 t I. iel � � " .-1 -7 4.4 9004, start T"OrA. 04. Its publication, t I , " I -L . V; , I .0 0 _W I .P"1440111;XMIF, ­­­. - I 11 - OR Q 114 . STANSP19LD's . . Z'� o, itte-proslilootsi WZ '(00le 1 41Z, 1 1 . . '.. �;, I � % ­ ., ' ., R �, -00 - ww�_Jpl. , I #�' $01., Sept. 0 1 [al The price paid for tbo,hist, is - I the Usses Oro - arts uis,ny 'L li 1 `� 1 Iwt IYXA :1 ", , , , t,lwgq,­A,I1Qq W , it . � ritt?4, I la) I lialitles to ; � 1 : � `_ " ' T I ' 40; lit W -next Woek, _KOT. Mr. urd bad the "no Which UN4HRINKABLE ,� � . r .. . Yl�pi��rrjfj' bO#.* " I t;,,V.0(P, $1 10- to � get his tig dly t ,a a the L . . I L . 1. I Vrqu4ftP�#,J&A#. . ji Al - % Assessor can be it blame), Pub., �.. . L' ." � li� , ; � ,�, I 0 , rt.* eg L, " IrQ$t. All " It but r 0"o .. .1. r, L I I I . L ArM '"Iy,tJlL4L UharlQ4' Uirviki, NAM. make these � I . � . � '� -1 nigh, � I ,V'.,MJ#$kJteye00�'Cl1aCQrt6 - L dit Im. � r , 1; recentl . I 0 IWO lard It would L , 0041*44 , ., i he assessor made his � : I � ,',."� , A, ,lot, lication, of 0 ro 1, 1 " . I � , . . ua�rlpd con ET ere to 1 0 there is nothing like it. i . ­ , W I l '' $ , ' t, e full PRIot culAVO.-Mra. Davidson. I I � , - ii �Lf '. ,i UtoroLlWlstt Ilry , ,treaa Nil thing abou '? evidoub, when t LL � , I : .." . �­�'� '��O _ "AY�Roo$gll, ,,L r OrIf _, I e. 0 1 It this Ily V, rounds theloijowing veap; every rate . I - , , , , I I I - . gr �. L' I 11 � � I . " ,� - I I I 70111 e marketable. No 6 ,Vb_ tne IWO, It, Ion a Ila Bistent. a 'the ho Ism been very Ill for quite I- ,. " .� , ' L . I _� IL� Alga at aQUrOa$UUr!V , re Wilk con Itkop, _� 1. I ': �,, , p � r , L, 11, _ L- 'arlat ' ­­ � ,� I - . an Other Properties Shailak- to his own, .. L , ,� , *Phl4so or U bv,per�onki 09,6VOM& Prop la.thls I"O pofittile.11' . I itt (Imp of wrlynkle 91 critical eon. . ­ , ' Vm D:, L " .­,, 1 tivistlaw, WoNRI'd Cie IOLIN" Aftd ',the ptrIct,.Xrcm gimiedoam to tjhebG.,, I " I 1, .1 W, r ,,�'. I ­ . . "I , - .,:r, r, "I ,,;� 'L r. � *6411 40, 10414. A I Ast wee ties. 'HavlaF , '11 . _ �Cqslnlgr,ftdikoss�*4114 Iraq , "VIMNTV - rt 11 I , , 11 . IC L� T ^1 L _ 191' I . 111100,-WAh , Kish ]%at a hesir olle wool(' bc In ft Position to securc 11, fillip 'ALTER ON PRIDHAM I - ,.__�__ _ "L. �, & t 'r�""C - I �. , I I L L f * 7.� , JtL ..atTir4lm sssVo.hL I-04 Alt. I�Ukdqwpypt-, 'PONAtt4inkthe �, @ should lie flanged as quick, length of time, is no Improving, an payer,, knowing tile ameasniont placed � 31W., 3 WA � I W ­ "� I '. .1. �'. � V I � I . � L WI !L NA11QUTX T -CRNT ]?Aabo. It ladv oture I It welshed 300-11se., :he roll in title handy I , 7 .. I . I � I L t A : .WMAI, lfrohlom; , UO'lAst I"li'ligiltsive 14 fromMr. MO- The -Halifax B6 Put Would also he Al, great conven- SOLE AGENT FOR , J . I ;�: � ! , 2, � fl. ard of Trade Is' o1c. too fat from Its .1 ". . 1. ��: 'i L I ' "' ' Kell4eshOM641strict, and Irom one " haunts 1 ,lis,oct _ z, I � IlArt, -M A.i 0:Bt, . a. T . ,,Joir pressed appeg."i . In e bi, a tOL I ence and help to the assessor In coils- � o ',, �, �. , . � � 1 of , . , I , : � 1, kito''A"Ov OX-MI�-I(LrgOot;gr4.ltk-gr6*erathors: - , 9-MA%pregont"jola �te east Of belte. KING AND BORSALINO .� �1 L �- . . I " : . I vw,04 chervil Ampenar I . age of'Canada with the except! ­ e. toss ave been lifted and living ropertlea and arrIvlDg at a � : ; I � �4 1. _ t the4 '. I .� � �,.:'� .. I "Ib Was dqo il L Vp 11117 VaInation." �, � I L ;,�,=* , , !, U041cal 1pit side that - "MOORO J4Wi.q6Pt, 30, -The c 0 Tile same may be I ! I L A "P., �� ". il. . , "'. .14 on. of too a very go rop, and aLs sound as ­ 4 �, " I , . . " I , " , �� �,,� , I 1011JO, I shQ3%RT Jud -cent pieces, which they " � , � I A 'Ar" , , . 11 I . :C: 0 I the twenty . ; 1, � I ! ,,, 'i. couveittlon, be holdJu i, dollar. aid of Bowmanvule. Wit.11 a fair I -11 ,� �.�L, L- , 1., 4j� . . -, � �� .� . I I % k, -L 1. I g.) , , , -lissill? -frostellt 6 'i, L , :" L .� . r'� , 11 :L *�L� �i I e 0411., X , goose Ji'si'distir OQLt 0 t 1. I;t " ,L . , — A ", . ,. � ;, . GrOban O66 C' hink Ought to be called In. Anybody and complete liesessausint the Increase . -"AT$i L L,." i . _� �_' . .1 4- _- � I 1.11 ,� ,; -, , '17'r , L ig46r�.-­nU4 11 --------- 141- should pa , : . � , L ,�,' " , I—_ . . I '. � I ." -� -cent pleces,in his, . many ti tiles Over, tile cost and 20th CENTURY BRAND Clothing. ;� �, I,- __.,,. 'L , �,�,'-.-,�,_,,�, 11 L ... 'rh '. L I 4)� lhterAftda not muchL who has any twenty "I .. I :- I , . I �,­ ",!"' 'k, . ". L� I- _­�,'­ - . -44j7aa0aX-, o :. be,colder .And heavier p.ossession need not hotirip ah6,4tAe "Ohnesville.. of pubiNhIng the roll. __ __ . . '111 11 . , 11 . __ - - ­­ ­­­_ ----.-,-. , . I , � I '�'­ ", � " ��L_,t,.�,, " .' - Cro � lancla,-14 ratire damaged. AD over. Any NoTEs.-Mr. C. L. Visher -and wife, —_ I - . '�� ��,:.;,��,., .. ,'" t� 'I, L, . �, . '0 IL .. ­ � :, L. . 1, C I T in . Will Dot UovOroment Lakin . 12 ­-_­_­._­ -� I - 'L , � ,& ' L S', M40 better tbap No. 2 n6rth6rn at cOl" collector will 9 VO'bim More than of Winnipeg, , and MINN Logan of Better This Year Than Ever. . . L , , �, � 11. ""' ir� tar. , ,�" L askatcheW4%� 0 their face Value Jot, theni. 0 � � ��,�, � � .,Gbb0,t"kb `"�_,­ . , . 1\ . i" , �, �'L , �� , , rUlle I " "I ;11 'I., �1_ � W , . . e.44.dowt), to 44mated. ,T realling haveL is anada ., .,.. 1. . . I . , . ., 'e CAllera On Mrs. Win XVX i .A ,�­, 11 .I- �- ! - 'J. I ,'�.;' � , began on the eaflier land. - riot W_X)e-*"- *VV Is<- " IL ­ � � * � . : , � 1-1 �!!���L �,,� .�,�L , , .. ,� ...... � ..... .. i� `Gn the does Varna, we' - A rson who h wx"_ * L�L L:� . . I . ny cOiDed,and those Pickard on Sundgy.-Miss Jennie pat -114 . 1. . ,�, � '�'l;'-L OP)KJON$ Whol I. fear ,Crop - ia more damaged which are I circulation are usually of 'as Wlerald and Weekly Star for a I I , - r �, , " I ""'. l� �i � , "I - , I ,:-THAT CANNOT 88 than eople, arts award of. ThL I Wobils iv - tile guest of her friend, L �.,�",. .,�; ,��,,� . L , 11 1,'� , ­ J , , L �': ' , ll� . eve (a ;;a 111soes Ps back Would wonder how WILLIAM S14ARMAN �111 " , L , I I "'. XV . 1:rt .. , , , _ I'll - I$.'- 11W. L I , ()' the old P"'Ovloces'(3t Of Mlv- W, H- TPOWbeths, for it few da b tow Y112 year to , �', ­ , F 91D,TOJR I ,6 LOOKED. on] small amount ClAst is not Ne.wfors It coul be improved from ,. ,�, , . �:1��,,jj : , I - L' '. R"D* � I 1. . V, #1 Ve - , nillapd. A real reforin, w1dob -Mr. Harold Swann, of GoderfZ ,,,�!' ,..�'­:�11. 1-1 I '. L [IV, - n should be a subject of Conference b�. I Bob 01, too in is east, Still everyone will adinit that - ��L� _�'j 1� , I ,;�, ­,,�.:,�, I ", ', ,-1 -_ - �� I � more 40, $at Dolled with frost. Yet, Mode o k I cannivereary 511rin . .1 � I . 11 11 .,C0VNTV.u',tS - arrive. , 1; . I I I I� tire past twelve, montiu, there "" J ,L- " The Canada and 'Newfoundland, Services on Sunday. -Miss Lillie e . 'L , , . d. I We have. conAderable good wheat.�' tweets . � , - :,:,� I '­ , . . . I- , , .-6---" . L and 1 L the light of tile I Went, .. I -1. � 11. � I Xron� my own Personal observation, either stop the use tit t and tire Family Herald and ;V �:,", . ,�'11 � ". 11 HUR O"N I �. Z11 I"!, Z Fallurevot 1901 Is Exte, would be Me* has On it woviderful improv . ­ !", , ,'.',� " ,� �, '! I I It .9pVgN � TION. ''. - , , tl� I . � to get Oav neighbors' to 'Cartney. ol"Goderich. waatheguestof , ,i�`,,":", . ", ,� 1_ , I wenty-cent eekly �; 11.� �, - , " � , � �,��,� w � I It . foregoing let- her mother on Sunday, -Mrs. I L. 11 ­ - , . .1 .. - , - � , L . , o, . torn Ott ( eXIStS L : , . f, Newspaper, magazine and a .. .. .. 7L,, I ' , ' ' No diftrent Mulholland was unexpectedly called before. Rger value than ever I �.'_- , . I . fl,-' it appoarance that ,they cannot lid 0��, '­ I. .�­,L,�L, . ; . The T&4tts� Globo coins or have them made W- Star Is today Ili is . Men's Shoes , , - bag received ter$,Jet Dili, 40�0 'v 61-umaig,rize �he I - ­�-�, _�L,, , , 1. � - . The 3,4,t�:'llitiiii4l, 454000� 14 the Mr. John Nichollp, editor of �Pbe crop,qdhattloli ILA it at pres to fleaveler, owing to the seolous Ill- -_ 0 � l'�­ , 1,,� . , . mistaken for our ricultoral journal qil combin - I '. 1,� - '�" L .�.' L . - 'Oo� 0�0,'Ilfell In � great. parb,of this provilpee " twenty-flve." New. Peso o, her son's wife. -A num ., "t "I , "�), "' �L, f,;' BUrOUL I I I School ,,i!ks . ed. t 1 .. )oftnt I Saakittelsew I ­ . 1. . �,� L:�,!�11 1, 1, , L '. , , i $46th � I alv, sort. the felt I two certainly an unique publication. ,kny �,� , -, I � � I , �� ��,: 1, I - I . I ­ , "I i� ifix'this . I I - foundland's latest twenty rson w o not know the Family I . Good solid wear and real I �, ", � I ul"Aw 0 atlop �W,0,. 6lit -, " 1 , % � I.. _' , , . , , � .. I - 7 - " � I I q) A largo percentage of the wheat reproduction of Canadas twenty-five, of ilig late Airs. J. Halstead on Satur. tterald and Weekly Star should give I . I.:�.� "" h - e -: , , . I Motlic�ist lowixii,li ftor, willbli'10 Pablish4be *to Utterly rained by the froat,of and is U6111hr - Is AD exact from around -here attended the f uneral Is does . churc , -01"*�i'llso;, 'Tpdisft� I I !!! ,� - , � W, . , . . 1ii.` on'. l, Oter4odix cautoit presents A view Of the crop Ausbat 21t. - ' I , � , � ,q�. 1. I I . 1. � 1, � . ,I short Of a commercial dak.-The anniversary services were It a trial for 1908. It is a wonderful - ,comfort in our men's heavy . �:,LL - �i. '1� �'�,, o, , � , , . ,7"w 'and eyeD ok of"i"J, ije&,' ,W., a --cir" eonditionsin southern and mid saskqA, (91 ybilist the greater I part of what nuisanee th th a country. � , , , , , h � L ", . , ­ _� Z'�.� . I 1,; , " I I- ,a success notwithstanding the tintlea- dollar's worth. 11 I e4 Lf . � . , .:�­ ' ,L. . � L 'L *e�ir.' . , . ` Brua"10�.-Pre'gi'_ehl 1. , "' ,:�. , I I . I - WNST Duamitx Boys. -The Ca 234nit weather. The offer o t I _­,�, �Nf �1 I .Of A i. �!D '01 �Obair.� che*&4 'that businoaA men and far- was," I@W­_iVAp' m6re Or less badly n4 [UK was a. u 11 , . 'L '. � . .9 � " I .� �,i�7i J�L, .,��, I Aaer$jn CVL,Lea� aditim Stiltestriax, - Bowmanville, of $1 - , Mr. Husser preached at both street Shoes. rlll , �Y, - ,", -, Thete;ws*.4:'oo6tl�,*t*tiaib�L-',hu� tin . L t must have laid before datual by,the fros� in September, On Monday morning of last week. . LL" � lo��� , , L I set- ces. and � . :". . ,� spoke at the Sunday 1, L . ., :1 (3) ,That filet Wheat crop of the October Oth, sayst .-Many of out read. _, ,jL . 1. I I . -ftor"Ooll a Wtllt&m Cunninghnin, a well known ,�. %, ''.,;, �,�:.�,;,',�� , , � excellent ptegr41,m, A es- I L , themin,soMe.1form oranotherb6foro Be 1. ,� - .,I I ,,��,!,��,.', - . , � - . . I ProlvinOb will tint be a halt crop, and era Will remember the reference made farmer on the 7th line of Morris. was I Built to wear and stand . 1. , � , III - , "I'D i I I- .,�.'_ ­,."',`��:: ' ,FrOpeopa, ab'1.W;'UqV, S. Anderson, tboefid.of tileseason :_ I . '.., .1�� I .11 . . I . ,r . Ili a had accident which might have � . I 46 ­­d1;,7'4qk�,J)6xer.. I)f6ticei of, hi;etipr grade. In 'a recent Issue of The Statestrian to �4 , I ,4�,,, 4V ��­11 - 1� . I n Tito Globe"01 October 1. Gorrie ended his life. Air. Cunningham was the walking which you will .� I . . , �,��, �., :,.�4">L", ,,, . . Pastor, . qD91 kot'0, " i'O 9 sf %Properly speaking, we have had tbQ late Major V. Jordan of Goderich, .1 L I ,,L,-; !!, cised. 1. r, �L� "' L" ' i7A mt. Nichow, Wkiting 06 October ? PERSONAL.- over at Patrick Kelly's, helpinf the � I � ­,;;': ,0 ­ " � I., ,, I I "'. ,;..'t ­ 1.4yottor 00m Mr..] Iselthipr Opening weather, barveot and to the 7ordan, family as former Rev. George Leech, as, 0 , �:,. :­, , � I . Jagh, MoRewir. weather or drying weather In 19M. residents 9f Darlington. We have Ing :�,� , ­ ­ f, % . I . ,�� '�om. the prosi- cotAmI04I400 of the 11600c Jaw 000yd F411,began-WICh, the flrat Lot August, since learndd that the last public act auveranuation list and residing In TO- I ,�. �� After it few, " 'Aa� I' latter with a- load of WAY, an( was certainly feel like doi \ - I �; '� old Gorrie resident lint -how on Lbe , ,.�'. -11�, L��L L'; I . , . ' ' holding the team ,tviffle Mr. Kelly was �: I �, ,-,� �:,y -:; 1, ! , , dent, he billi6d '004"n `RO`�L "11,4W. Meo, ,Of Trlit!16. iii Wit i'ch he dppea�rs to con- and. has been tightening on us ever of Mr. Jordan was to ronto. is visiting his brother Jameg, climbing tip on top of the loud to d L when you we � 1�i .... , ' ,,,Ar I . ­#� " � W dil * I )L ��,Vz', ,e7 ,,- . . rill. B.-,&.,. 4t -& .'t a Older the ropdr6,of your o , ,live the address rive I ar them, � .'.� �­�`­ routpi"(0"ebiAlc 0 *1 ,drilil ,ia,c� , i to town, when the horses beo �:` ' ' � '-,-� , AAfero4C;'OW ils�jlt,pLj4 . GfWOICOtneinhi'3�aP&Ctyaschairmala who le'the Only resident here of that isme I I I , i �' L':""_ ' , ;;rT,,,ndcht as too pessinsint O re- - I ,�� -; - I I On . - L , jii)s ., , '00I.WotIt I P family, and afto frightened and started to run. Thu n I . ., :� �L,� 11 � I . . .1 �ijoinisji;. whD',,,4 G atir ing, crop ,Conditions in Sagkg,tt -�%UD FOR O.&UTIOUS FINAMcmd. Of the-volierich Collegiate Ingtitale, once, numerous All the best Makes, in alI I, I 1, �1.1.'�,, , , The teverond, so). � . board at Cho student's reunion held (o whom the villagLd was Host called. P horses pulled Mt,. Cunnhighatis for ;, �', L, , On- - . ... I L ­, �, _ I *aJ'8D0'4,#f4.4;4 ,�� B6.nd phowah. L � NdWi. what do those, facO POIAL to 2 August last In honor of Dr. Strang,the Rev, Russell. of Wroxeter. occupied some distance when they ran Into a sliapes, sizes and widths , , 7!�. " 1. L J , , A# , i , ,,, . ­ ,; . L ,�; ,of � �'Jfr ay That hundreds t I . ra. ­ L, I . ,!,,.,� , " i�tiii,t. I006V�U� Having been v Perhaps thousands, of wire fence and lie received a bad .I , cry busy lately on the veteran principal of the school. It the Methodist pulpit on Sunday last. , w! - : "", � I 4-cho X. rM,, F d1d not .notice 'yonr special 1110SO Qettlera 4o have come in the will further Interest some of our read. ,-Rev. T. S. Boyle, of Wingisam, con� -, are here. Easy to get a fit 11 "I .. �;�i �,_,, �-�,!--:m'_ 01"B�sar, jof, the. r I I I I L 1 . ahaki tip, besides having his fore- i .;' ,_ , . rreApAddont's letter, but it is most PasttWo or.tlfi,ree years havielittle or era to know that the chairman at the ducted anniversary thanksgiving tier. ,,, L'�,, , two r O * '. ", :L" head Us I �L, LL _ , ', ­,��, . 0 Ptarlb,"Is hll,ecially- (10alifled out and the flesh under his right ­! I , f this �� k.'L, " hA4,�f , , , L � Z�, ,, � I , , ":,"L � s.Q , d, Important In the 'interest of the, set- nothing 'With Willett to Are the coming evening Asanquet held in connection vices in the Episcopal church on Sun. torn away and, the cheek bonv� ,-,6 .,�'�' "L or . .. (er* iiitril;tatio a last the, le a eyeken. L -easy Shoes tO'wear and , , , _ �L��­ ' IqUes � L tiers, still *ojiectallly the ncwl�r settlers! yehr; and if Op'wintee b a ch a OVO with the same fathering was Mr. Pred dky last, Rev. T. H. Parr going to . I - .. , .1 I , 1. bu 10aftet - 6 �, 8 . br. -_ . ) -11 1 .�14- 1 tkALjib6UC ift, I I , 09, 'in this province, that4he real truth of as th I consequeneds Cot them Waahingtou, , C, (j.o of Hamilton, an Wirighal -Messrs. Willertoo Yo ng MlLrA IN Traunt ir�-104._Parrnc. I L I ­ , I L ;', . _ I "or � _. , , , V t�ll I I I... 11 11 �t=,_*�,01vi ( is . ]lard to wear out. , �.4T *,,� Ibi �. ag-tbp the case,olibuld be known�aslniirtraa may be Very serious. Many or the old Darlington boy from near �. T �. "_!L'LL, L L ­ - L��, . � �;, I I . �_ Meatof Church ,,,,,�., r L, , � speakers of the even- of Bastrop, La., are visiting I � - �. " manyl otw"Offfl� 0*w6ftei'PregifAsted Possible, and Pwish fo-Say'diaiinct)y older-setttera, With improved farms, that one; of the Solin,i of New Orleans. and W. D. Williams, We's Vegetable Pills are very 11111d In L - "" . 1, �,�� , , ,, , , , ; ... ,���t_ n observe, - .. � i:1 I . L . Alex. Tarlor, an old Bow- , " 11� t6 tbe'tdtti6r'�i'ii-t'ht-�,�ii4Q'it4'fit depak,t� that, according to isly ow will fldd themselves greatly embarras- Ing was Di their their action. They do not Callse grip- - T_ , I , . ) , , If you buy from us you " ',�, � . ; , _. . . - by the total or partial loss of the ,parents and friends here, and viewing Ing In stomach or cause diatu rbances �­ I ,,, , - " r " tion and Information, Mr. McKellaeii sed � ­ I "'s , .9. D Of I Jan. Armstrong and son L. C., were the most delicate-nan take them with. L .. ­ ' ,,, , �� �1., � . I fjj4_ 1 . , Crop, choo boyn6witmem- L, V IV L 44UL A , .6 letter doeonot give Pho real truth, and' So Will the local business moo, her of the Collegiate Itistitute board - : " ..<Uov�,4.-Ilftr HA manville High 8 tile scenes of their youth. -Mr. an there its so many pills do. Therefore, carry 110n1c Money % �� J�;,� 4, , , �" jleol� b g �� ,., which , � �'�' � . , - I$. calculated ,to ,cripvey an entirely 11 the 11 " a'abd other Onancial One- in Goderich, and that another speaker I � _. �r ,,, -, $ o' and instruc , it , ;IrAi ting friends at Bayfield and other. out fp ` - � 'I- I "O`.Alid,�O$Ild .n oil -e etroneous Inspressiors of the conditions POVAtiOnS and Companies not the $by- wire, $ lbe � ,I _., rr 1� t., Lrr' , �rth,oil 1, � , , ro th ' .ar of unpleasant requits. They 10 You expected to spend. I , _,�, . . ,.� T . . . ... , "'Siplill Pv,. lock had the honor of proposin places last week. �. p 14, vin- I . " � , I - � itactici --The Old Master" was NIM,. ­The Old,.Southiand SOX. witholitimposing thopenattle which, � , "' :, � ' `116 010h ber, Lr6At%bv many aa they exist in h large t of the ,and demand,thoir pound of flesh, toast of can. too. be administered to children . "', �.� - , � , . _0 Z , Young at ao, they may easily litecipitate it disaster I L ,. , � , , "L '"""? *11 " r I vino 4 � : _"11"11 t. ,whe producing district9pol, the Pro- a � - 11 � � Iid,,dla ;­ , are billed to give an entertain- follow the use of pills riot so carefully - � .''. L, ,r. I ,'," � "'� �';,��, ­ 'e. cifla.1 John Elliott, B. A., of Bowman. Otte I . . � _,,,;,, . r . �', � . I frotu which 4t may, take this counqy vi le, hiesself it graduate of the school inent In the Town Hall on Friday prepared. J , ':I r. L . ,,,�­'4? ­ __ m . ' ,;",. ", ,.11 r' . . 1, : Tw�siA41.0ii,.".,r, was fiven Is 11,et us A&bptAt once Mr. MaKellaea ire, re o recove . A, similar season in and an old pupil of Mr. Strang. At eve — % , . , L.. I v I - I;,;,; 11 . ,Voii., 1tU%tqaftJ;'16tM`0r V �.Mls§!, twit , statement a id"the lateness of the I &eat nearly half the people out of IN loiniliLunder the auspices of the 'L _ �o I I I , r is 11. . I" 01hitoir; *4 the same "keuni re, on In WILLIAM SHAR MAN , � . .0,411t build many, arts of,the west, Put it as we On sympathetic ter- lbrary.-The cement colvert MrA. Walter Ross, who ham be �'�':L�' , t;L " I , -il�h6t` 'L' abitfid on- 13prIng 4eeding. "it month later than may, t e condition of th ence was made to the work arid wooth south of the railway Is completed and the Winghans hosill U&I for sortio weekA 11 ! 1, � I I tagell Ja DirliAld, e _. , �, ', �4 � H * 'W ,14r,-, , of, usual." Except , nder a most extraor. Ing$ 'D this of the late A. J. Moore, Dr. A is now rapidly recov?ring. , WO I t 6, Ili � L.,�; ;'�:",!V,' I � L r No I 't the fillinir under way. The widento It will be , "L, ", ,!,:­: r . ­ 'l,'r = of the street and the new sidewal remembered LbatMrs. Ross wasgovere- I " "I I , . I I a I r No on -the ditlarily favorals e summer and tall. province at the present time is a another Y:2" 1 old South Darlington boy, for in -- -` � r � "', I L United 17 serious one. �, bla all. I , If Arrancial pressure is t ;k?r-AA;k--Aockz-;arAk-q�ikock-%k-Xiik !, L, r?.�w.,. 6 I wirlst4beaLhatof itself rneanP That years mathematical master at G were much needed. -Our fall show ly burned on the arms some thne ago — - -_ "I ,�,,,� . .1- in infor U� ", � , a lefte , *the harvest will be later, of course. put on by tb,Vbanks and loan and Ins- rich and colleague of Dr. Strang, was a great success, notwithstanding and it wati found necessary In order t(; � I I . 1. , ­ r , r 11, 1. _ . a6rr W on, . or 'tA. i I rains In jane July." plomatit CO allies, it will si ' —.------ ___.______ - - ­. -;� ".. 7 .. :� --- , . . ed 4 mpe alply _ ---,----- . ".:, ., I ""L I 1. , . I , Q "' � and !UX the unfavorable weather of the morn- bring about a atire to perforin a skin- I . .. ­ ­ � seat. " Dean ruhi/ml suffering to handirbils. r , I . I If ' t thne ago 1. I �:";, ,,, - - a P;r e, " " ;,jI,"good Only Mothid Sympathy, fdrisearance . Legal Notes. on the first Saturday of October. The The g,rafts have all taken nicely an� STOVES e STOVES *STOVES , , , , ", , I ,0Orrrjict. Vigorona growth gave 11 Ing and the fact that.it Im always hold grafting operation a shor y. � A elsoli 1.�Iq g#Vo chorus# promise of a great'crop, but always . ' . " ,r ;.��,�r �,L,'­­:: �' ' Mom) *eeks or A Month I te. and good common sense can avert a IN TUB COV'A� OF APPICAL. afternoon was fine and the crowd Mrs. Ross Is prugressing rapidly. Mr, .,�r � �, A�tiie ipdo"ce�6nta''IrY 34r. J. L. a Wheat i-i��4 I" il� I � . �4 � 11� I 11, B i `Of`�, 161:04 � A iecretary In head 20th to Ond'ot July." Does - Re Uoderich ED Ross, from will lels the skin waa ,,�., crisis. Let it lie remembered that the I , _Ijll�;-;;� L SmA, - A.','Sh I Mr. McKellar expect any roan I his immenseloag of the preiient fear falls gine and Bicycle Co, about up to that of two years is to � ­ � �1� ., I in the &We do Jamois Mitchell. of is were $237, the admiss on a on � , I � � , 11 I, ,.� '. , I. ' ' 66reiiting session was May have to wait for his leave 15 and 10 cents, Nvery do. many — ,:;; west. The of Montreal, creditors, moved being only friends of bnth Mr. and Mrs. � Nt on the settlers here In the W. Proadfoot. K. O., for the Bank .Gate receip vff," t k , IF; now able to around, The � ; I � I )'A ' 14 to country'to believe that wheat ere business man for �' I,F� �* � L �'Vwl ill k4is, Dill. al. late, and yot be headed out from 2oth money I . .. I . con.cludoe rid can be front three weeks to it month oceed in an action. H. 0. pertinent 'Was well fliled with material Ross will be Pleased to learn I hat they . I I "' 9 - , - ,. the banks and loan and I - Long.110 Pr liquidator, Contra. Order that would stand the I 1- , beneplaton. - for test anywhere. are both recovering. I ": I � 111 ,I I 1, 1 , , "' , to eW" of July? Or, in Other words, Meet companies may wait for t=. :L'� . _ - � . . 'I I made authorizing the Bank of Mon- and judging by the size of the roots , � L' , , 1 "* L' . � lud'o Ukli, *tscrvat'r Je--outa that Wh-st -sually beads out here but Choy will not lose it. Th are treal to commence an action against and other vegetables one would ever What About Your Kidneys? I I , *ith Illotitost'flb`*0.0��W. , sure to get it, with interest n '. 1, . I . I �. � I ,. I r �;, .-.� 8.." I I . � g, '. I _ t. from the 20th to the end of Jnne P %ded. the Goderieb Engine and Bicycle Co Imagine that we had such a d sea- Your hatlk acill And fairly groans I I Jewel 11�1 I I " L " ,e T116 V0610 * ' 80M, Ott; -PA)�Ool at 7,80 However It may have been at Moor, But to tl)e farmer whone crop has been and the sureties on ther 4bonds ana son. The English church 1AV4371 ,1 " �k Velih "It" irba$r I destroyed or damaged (in Many cases nner . ��; " � . L . I with the distress of kidney trouble. . , : ' *QN10e 440' J,,,L. Mall Jaw, wheat in this part of the p notes held tit the bank as security t and supper In the town hal and it n. You're dipe-mv Itut, yoo need'nt :�, Stoves`,\ : , � 'L�111 11 , 'oh 're , � I 1. - Vince was only bef'Inning L L - taking, U.'Wol 4-om"ki to head ro" amounting to thousands of dollars) the the indebtedness of the engine COY coot in the evening, which wits en "EtIt - I . ' � . A sex _� ­; , I erckost. , . I " ­ 'il�, .,­ . . well give 11 The in can lie quickly . � .1t. , -_ , , - . I _� /. . "' . ' , , abouttilejItat6f agust, llaml - 'I- .. ,­ �' �. - .' ,�', " out lose is/, complete -no' renewal note or pany, 'Land also Chat they May be patronized. The Pleaeuroof the con. well mrs Dr. lton'R Pills ,et to , ­ z " , " �­� - I . extension of time, with full payment permitted to proce ­_ � . I.. . � ... . ... � 11j" was J eel against the es- cert was somewhat Interfered with by work. These kidney mpecialtiesTrItiv Jewel � , . A-h6tJce,0rlJbt­ ' ,,rlve*n to the A aut.va owlsalom. and interest, Over cornea to him. Ibin t1te of Lite late James Clark, but sub. too large a presence of tile rowdy ele- ewhealthand vitAlLytoyoungand I'll . � �� , , �,": ! effect tbsu T,AlP,r3-,-0o- and C. 19. Assn- -'August 2, slight frost hi a few die- lost. and lost forever. And how much j,,t t I , - ,�. ' � ' clatiopoof;�th6co"14,Vboitt,b,#I am tod tricts citught some. flelda in blossom.,, Worry and care mid suffering that 0 the restriction that the pro- Anent. . old alike. Even one box proves their 1Z, 11 1 3 1 - 1C �� " : "'L L� under ORO get 4f.lismo rf tt,a I . t, ,:., rg; Chi or t6 ceedings are not to Interfere with the ___� iI . 1, . I He then' passes on to the flrst week in means to thousands in this -r. 9 .. I __... .. I 1. I . or, western proceedings In liquidation or with the healer, and yoior k1doeys will lie 01110 1� The people are com I , * �J inarvolotts powt flontinue the reat I . 1. . he discubsed, 4tWO4U0641%y 9 , oretition Selitmber, and suppresses 111together country this vear God alone knows, administration proceedings In the I its strong, as vigorous, tin able to tV( rk I . After thent, A Rure a g ­ : , , . . ol. L '� 'I, �. , 1. . .,. session. ' ., afty ference to Clio frosban August I Cannot close without protesting In Alaster,113 office, Make It Vaurseff. Ing , -1 . � 1, 11 the tbiih�,Mqg.,�, ,�- ; lkory ones. 21 when thboatinds Upon thousand There In An much rheuntl here as new ones. - .. ,, 1. . 1: 11 ,, L X,V#PY ch Leave given to amAd iL 1� I is -, L� her. I . I . '.. / 8 Of Cho strongest manner against the the propeedingFt by intituling them in In our neighborhood now that the fol. Remember that Dr. Itanoll 11 , . t, they want to an Ve nioney 11 l .11 I " ,�� .�. ., .. acres of the finest *'beat Id the still Utterly misleading, and In Many cases (he tnn's P: C �'*wl­ Get Lite hent. . , , ��, 'L , - - it�afdll�," ei they do etue" , 1. . � Rev- Ml� ( , Op Goelph, wat A ately ruined. This was the false reports in which the leading Clark, I addition to PtciiOnt style. ItY, WhO writes for the readers of it livor. bladder and kidney trotible. t L, , 11 matter of the estate of James owing advice toy an eminent author. are purely vpgptahl lo"', �, ,'' % �, = a=11metive frost of the season. as weatern pa era, I 11 ,.: 11 . Mo d e.. tin AbO6041-tifig addr6soj E boomed and boosted Wil highly appreciated by those who aur. back, Price 25c. per box at all dealern, , __ .,:, � f"; "Y"Th0:1 W' �i* X0906 " ad big And UeVOr'had any grain, I � the the crops, eve I I ..'l,'', i - L - " tit( here In tire west during the K lialus v. Pi,qott -W Proudfoot, . � ' . � I �� ' ILIA profit. lietta'" On A t 40 or 60 rhi es up . O., and R -IM X. DoVernot. for felt' - — 9 . , -opit was/gk t -1 car. Wilfully or ignorantiv, (lot from any prescription phar N w b9crIbPrg van have I � � WOOD, IiWas),81:600,40w 1% -_ ___@_1 , - 1�' � I the fiktli­40jak,er� Agd, it4ve a very rid Wil like Mr. Costs In n Ion. large Eastern (I,Lilv paper, will be They will cisre you, or your money I I L. I. �tl , A I , I I 11 the whoatwas ,,caught Irr the blossom. a the act � 1) I ' " 'L AOV. _,Mo, .U'*" ' L L '" � present I . i'App011e, lie.1110y, and some of the defendants. appealed from judgment , 1� 11 I I I., Be ermIrk The t ' to the ' I � . not vmfiof" orille during. the�lasb Week of Aix- Kovince, but Ch of this Clio findings of a jury, for the recovery on, one ounco, Compound Kargan, thro It n fl . � Ile is t 9t wheat districts north of the great r Otte halt ounce Ploid 8 o d of lIX)7 for I 0 centa, or $1 to Sunday ;11 - ., trutK hits been suppressed, of Magee, J., n favor of plaintiff, upon xtrael Dandel 13 ) Tim HTAIL ,., ,.., . ,oughly�'ptsetI404 A boll, 'injury of the people a I, 0 e do im GE%O. BECKETT .1 _0,&ch6j to th 91,11. saw tbousittids of acres from and recognized the better. -Jampound Syrup Sarsapa. I 1 I , bd� "t, olit'dearty Y, o soonec A It; known Of !*AAW) daninfes In. an action bv ounces of t - , L,. , , �'. . Cho rol4t; nklilp.pt"06'! I --- :, L� I'', L ,. , Ahciliikaftl th4�0tid*.'., Rev. Aiiii, merol a t*h1C6U11tA, bushel of wheat would never Frederick J. Wi liams. against M. A. rill", Shake these well Ina bottle and ____ _- --- , ­ - - _ - . ­� �, "" , . 11 e . _J AZent, Hamilton St., Goderich. ". � � r, . : . I is w&II*0VthW0A*­ �, L. , On MY retilt"i the farmers OUN NICHOLLS. Pigott& Oo,, to recover damages for take in teaspoonful dones after each � �� �JL ' 1, .1. , Thd i4odn-, �� , , , � - Were lenty I I ! .o cutting it for bar. -----------,z I personal Injuries suiltalne4 by plain. Meal and at beritimel also drink P UNRIPE FRUIT, CHANGE OF ; L .1 � I I _' U Worker for tiff, a locomotive engineer, while In of oil water. . I .. 11 . \ bimn. 10 I' *$r*VA-'bLlfiOl(s'4od by the 00 SePtOmber 12 We had another .tienviness, Lassitude. lift"is claimed that there are few VIO- � L I I #lL 4 Severe 66st (081tV little wheat had the service of the defendants, the con- - - ___ , , , , , the Lod " liali�,Ilon, - tractoro engaged In the'conattruction time of this drpad and tortoroun dis- � -,� 2 '..".1 -I f Wlag' been out mt tbat thno), And On the 21st Drowsy and Dull. WATERli COLDS I , . �� - !tam, 1s,M4ftIl0,lhI( thit' tiftiodiction, Of the rilonth another, still more - of certain sections of the Guelph & "ago who will fall to flnd ready relief I . I . � 11. I I � � . ! �, . : � I . jV L- ­� .' �� L 4 ,, . severe; &till from that thm, on roost % I - Goderials Railway. owing to t _ In ibis simple home mittler mixture, . 't T. ,, . I OL lbbolat,an I he negil d � � ". _ , To 14 I _ - nearly every " ight ft genceof the defendants In regard to an In most canma permanent cure Ili . 1 4 , , ." ,, . 0 DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY? the result. &. _ �,, I SNO eavor , &.tfo to, , ning on As the great hulk of t e Wheat Was cut a temporary railw . ­ . 4, , ,UAII,themonth. the condition of IMPROPER DIETCAUSE 45TOVE PIPE45 . I ­­­ " n _� during the last - track itsed In construction work 11 This simple recipe Is said to strength- DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, --- ����� I I WAII ell I -two, Weeks of 0 tem- It I I ;, ��, I 11: 4-blogs,, V ­ a ' Y . lretll, you MXV have a prottr idea' How rovakink those symptom 0. Cameron, K. O., 1or plaintiff,' con.' sit and cleanse the eliminative tissues — I I ,, T -u- " v, n, " In, li "t" Inst s. & of the Vr6rlc the frosi a arel trat Judgment reserved. o� the kidneys so that they can filter CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOMACH, '� L I � Vith the You 41eep well, lint When You awak- You have no bother 1.11`-&__�_ id , r, I by = I , ­ ., I 1110;;�h `Z -F: t Ili " t or kd r 9 s etoe tfonwrivilps, of iii. fow.., 0 .110 and strain from the blood and toyetern SUMMER COMPLAINT Etc. I)Ilttillg tip your Pipes I 1% � 1. . I �� 1 1. -.4jettlets. Is there Is none of tile exhillaration the poisons, acid" and waste matter, t I I ittlintifiltl"Ki, . � . '4 Ir t of and rs OIA � . I f 'r as cases, PrACHO411V till the Chat aloe And Mt should confer. Why Remain ThIA 0114 Palo Is which cauce not only rheumatism, but - A , if thCy were Ma(le by us. Ours are inade � ,� the sneetin I*AX J Wilbig elpfal remaining wheat in tile Province was Intitmi tit beh r , v _ I :_ � , ;1� ' -L .' ,, . f Ig ate b ha In quick- pole people have prilet. blood. I , ,and ho"Pefill 1� ­ "I I � I 1. . � I 4AMa#M. much Of it Af Most tola#11. The numeratiq other diseases. H ,very man the saine year after year. I 1, � , . ness Of Upprobenslon. there 11; Angour, stomach Is wrong, seslialf&tIon or women here who findirl, that their Them annoying hTel complaints may StOve Pipe Machine I I � I Ali slowimbleid(14;4, wig glVen IrV. r It may Ile olijod Ila be quickly and effectually cured by the Ilever I � . -led that this ilk only dulftlisiss, A disinclination to do things. and food is not changed Into Is so kidneys are not healthy and active, or ;; I 1. .r� 30- Motoll! 0A 4'0§0 Jklefktlod of Our mt AtAtOMebt, r9&In*'k Mo. Meltolle.ei, Thr�olcsnseg fat this tooling. r000ld. CIM119cd-they always fit just right. 1, ". I Vf3m3g, P 6 U10V soclotittlito a. a. but"In I " tY ThO systern lacks vitality find recon. who suffer froul tiny Urinary trouble 111190 Of I / I I tOPAt as Aft Article on the TA liver. lazy, kidne 8 and whatever, should nat healtain to make . . slont'L Own L L . � I . Ww,'*M 161101illil by an rubjeol"K I raper ITIL Geon. Mightl" lazy st"M1114311, Whicts does Has atr"Veetive Power, Which VAft be supplied Elbows Mica � '' 'L I VilqUY'lloPhiti's Wdr&* by R MIA Sun).' apL1 *161, ng I tj vo, the Work,very poorly -and compels tile d inuch good,and MAY ';five you from I .... � . . ", I ev. 0, .43 on A . . . a"h*A,A4�d 1160 11 Oliflathitts. factsi 11rom aw I" * 0 f he Pro. other organs to do things they are un- It, transformed lntb the Mild of nour. much Artillery a d .� I zonshIp A _LA '�A` is0stTIOU7111 stimulated. Whatyon eat � � Vitr I " I ,,, 0104, , , _rt a ��, ano. It braces tile appetite, up thia mixture. as It In certain to do DR. FOWLERPS Dathpiens Scuttles I , , . " 1. * I .1 I 1, tit* At p"Alb 1, AOte"itil 16#eks ev'Al &top iny longth of time. Ishment your system requires. Vital wisile, n suffering after a � . I , �� I I , The logult *or a tire "i0ft'W" 19 practical fanderi Onto Atoose Jaw. ate the conseqU01260-blood IN filled life. ving blood that 4nilikes rosy Our home drugliRts say they will FIXTRAOT Or 4 Cement Sifters ,�, , AoWted1t0*011, Ablic Y . esiAto M)Llhg,. 40$ --rebuilding prrrccri�p . V 06lCh6W#*tv'*O 111111611410th, MAnitoba, Willi WA8"--P6iii6h8 Weigh down the chm,111, strength that defies weariness, either oruprly the ngredlents or mix I - . I , . ". I I &''Ift thltr,rt . � I A ,,*bad _ 'ohil(Itil(loo Wsitr' ' ,#el*, � t0L tbo fallowing 11160606 ItYlitelft _X A frit land Amb done all Como frium r I � , I I . ,L Innish1*40411, Ad"W-by the eoiavots* 71 I . I ­ Arb AbAOlUt*Ty sithopoilt, re era ask them. � . "tfft,g $�� " L ' ,V the prescr ption ready to take if nor WILD STRAWBERRY Repairs for all Stoves and Ranges � f-- � , ' _ t .f-- . , , .1 ' . I tit) 01; 11's . - ; , I YOU'll h vertozone. Not In# in the annals of M � 0*y t06 t 401ft At VO t*ft** ASAVD. W An ifilstAbb chatigo when � AW wonderful remedy h3s been on the � . � � , r ­­­ � I Iwo ( yoU (Ako 0orrozono. Medichle 90-8100 to build up #&rid --- � - - � L IN ,, 110 k0d* marka for over sixty yearn arad in using 11 "W A�. � I 0) lla�tb* 1009r*04 11016hod to Volut stren Ph as lAttrOwn6l, Try it Me. Charles Ward, who in * . I "I' L . , . 411 � , - � � "tb , a I I sul4gy *= Ohl: 21, . - .1 1. APPOWO IMOOV0, disftklon be. hot. 'Vold everywhefe. employer' it,7011 (tin not running any sink. We 11,IvC the largest and best stock of 'I, 11 11 . � � I .� .. g, aT 4-111h � r .* I , otrOji, a � - ., 1, / '041111100 Odd 66 OVOr--lilkin grows VIA y with John MeNatighton, Stanley, wag Be aura when calling for Wild Straw- S � � t , (41 JU& YA dA domilo'both donel by And, reje$r, &11 sobs" of ILI I . I thk*16W . of 111*0 , , -, ": " , . ­400*1� thrown down and stunned end day 'TOVIE.5 AND L I I I .1 .. __ lit I ok 'L ", I AVOitielits6fid depreiteloin lfi"A5091*1 un, last week durInq � , '49 A 064d 4, a, Ii*0 14 I I., tL ' " r XIOCAlhilthd Ititoottelit" Mt. John till" electric storm. beny you got Do. Fov=n's and don't I "' L I 10 r! 'no AV 10? 11,4610110. At. P.,14ir rfteiW#d word from ..., L . � . (a liftiblift btote done . � 116011JI'diosspVtsirs. _ "I Wc WTY _�, . I I I � � I I" A At . , "' ��;,L, , t , r, , � .1 Mt- McNanklitan 9 tiny, who wag with lot tile unlictruptilous dealer palm off RANOES [ , I . I I* - i I _., , et"0060011106-tho. btrilh Atup. hits lipokhot,4114sl oberison Ed. UJOWN WissIMIRO stunned; both have re. a oboals ImbAtituto an yet,. , � - (".p . I I It *0 .. 6 1 rit, IML 9 r�L . I . '.L , Iti 14110 #f14 VF1 �L in the collIlty. IANP , tol I th . , 1,41, fto, .46 iott, 'isi"440 *01 be ZJY4 , Jittott mouton, that MrOA no Cann had Vested -. t Was a bad storm toe it ,,, I Iftts I I , Ill C stto blis, ess I We'll1ake your old Move on a new one. i ­ I I . the stvetw, otijir* or 44011 I 0011 f0W like a Ist-w 1#6" birth 46, tdide rft. 011, :hourt time. Host 0ordon Helmer I YOU* I . - I Itho 'I 61110 . Newington, Onilit, ,,;7�1 � . L . . I- I .� . I - I . W U, tlm 0"66.tki I, of lift"o fall oi it"Ibit vaclojoho t , - . I , "A I w1iftiz ,L , - I 'teir . I .. . opent4*11ft ,r OAY 'to do, t11111194 -411d Able ili tf� �.',,r I , . Mt -' No I h%VO UV -d DR. rOWMR'S 1 L I do "I I I .V ZWWOM, " *9,11tAill, Ad' Ohlber t p I L . VXTRAOr OT WILD 8TRAWDEaRT lot I I 1, I lel: i I � - I L , , ft (ttt I I All. _,W,k,td *1116 Ofi6le I - *^# v0lelt 11, C A , ft tX1146 *r4 UIP.Asidamser ANOWN To TuouGANDA.-Plutmelors'S 0 w-, of X - 4M,P'tw aft to 1VMfi%kT7b*0. _Vlortoljrjo Is X to"16 VisrAwa and Delver found any Other I 11. I . ICL , J -1 ill* 14# 1101110154ftd, I �Iiibog polnpl&lnt of III I lig' X i � i � ty. of X61111, '##0fWh1&4 _ ijobn' Vegetable Pills regulate thet action tit I I - 4 # I I Ikoft "V'6afig "Into t,hJ%bL%JpIJft'$�1 114irt tbAt 1300, . At I MO send at C, the Wrotions, Purify tile blood find W(1102116 60 eqA*l it, Therr, am niany WOPSELLS , " L 'isatillewo golit.t"u-11fitipoitt is wild: i"totomthe 814 by iftip c � , . l!r, I veiy lowl &A Ill e Jolt Zgtj ithit OftC4191111610100kilikew sotowlii" ".180fitoft ogg4a keep the stomach 'and I 8, - ,# , pl�lno 1ho tar 6 isott,6 or 11011 �$i A R*lI 00 bowels free W14%10A. but norio so good as Dr, I I ,*. rl&lt $,, L __I (16MIalAtk ,1'1* It ft(!Cord. ., L ,"on* to I . Thild oftom Wbftl, 3P Id, ibeil T to gel All lt%lbbtlf*J�t�gb ,yj* good FDA? from deleterious Matter. Taken se. IN%lev's." �ft .lfflperlid still 1110A '04 " ' "ItIftf Ah Lf d'arfill rxitidlitt, fit mt , or" . litatmilit **# asis AN Irli , Ingtosifffttl6iiii. X 04111 With won. vordin to direction. they will ovtr- Sts. 1U. W. Brown, arrind Harbor, ardware, Plumbing, Heating, bectric Wiring , ' , _ �- I I I ; 11.11" - I '. W 6W I , 46^ th not. 011"I � I , , I"011 " 1111110 I , 166 .. . " ftl6rilliti 14 , ;� I , 16 ilss�I #0" , I#JU *00ki"Od'helith,ret" f6I,dI*6.+*thIjtt*ftk&W t 6,6trOngett it bArt, h0***kI"st - - come 4 y6po 6 1�; Vin A. i6ft �; ", iWt aby t1a , A _P6111 "Adleattochilioll T and Fixtures. . , : - 'L .,%t_* I an" bti . -, - , HAbie#j to .fitbat dread and leave, dia dr�estivrr or still fresi t N.B.'writes: "IennsiderDst.powt."Is It I . :Pnj and and strofil to perfor,T t1le, AN tanot Ion . � %� 4 =" th fto t I "[,a* ovft , A&AU . It 66141 by all MAh and thillb 46KV0 OW yb I SXT�UCT OV W" 9,TUAWrMVaT to be L, . 40110106 Tho", -* -0, ,rd 0 � - . , I tirl: I'll 4 No ,. A 1 1*116 11 _11firvel* U , ON110 , Witon. , )l i 14 thin Their met, to are wpl kTIOW0 to tile W bftt remedy toy Summer CornpLaint. - moommommmum Not- -,-----. I � . ",esirfrolm 14Q; .. Oft of t � hoo eholefilIs w#41chm *&y:, 'I't0ft promptly. - #A ft olftd " of a very bad ftm. I an - — . 14 � I I � � A tiloft siitvf;�� � , U, Mv- .=�r� _tl* ,�, and a I . ft� ik thavough 0 'O ho --"-wo""-mo-"wwo-uo . I I 1. I To mox swt tile -in ,** 11 o * I A#. dev Lbd N 044 X6 'L , k bet2afletabothkollow fly Alt'reffent S"RnWfD BUSINESS MEN VALUE . . 1, I , - , I '" In giving in" til 1111160nilibefid it higlili to anyons, " , , . , ' �r �­. ==�� , Not PVI -�, " , , , I � 'I I 11 - .1 .1 . 11 I , 11 4 I .1 I � I � - � ` � .I. 'I fft, " I , " ., CIRCULATION.Slid ;�� ­ . I I L I L . ,� ., 0, tuft. tbo aratoffl. tb&Ps the Reason Thay Talk to the mg I � ,, . . I I 11 i I I I , . T�, � ,� . I . � I TIH3 GODERICH, STAR, Hurbill,lit (it, rises Thr -001110 � - J L L - � I I ,� � ".. , I . I.", I � il A *Iktest Newspaw-, - � , I L I �: � , . � - J . I 11 I . I , / _ I ? 4 . . % N" 4t " I I I . � 11 � \ . $ , " . L . � 11" . , , . I L �. 1 � I , � Ill: , . " I 'L� " L I 11 " I L . I � I I . .,:11ilktip 4V l, '' - 1) " . � I . . � . �, I , .1 I r ,. 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