HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-18, Page 1C" STAR So* a loqpr STAR to the of T"11 OOORRI Ah.0 Jar dradatl" Ow", Issly viettor N*WV00W 1112 this X"001" 114 00 cAlwity "11111110M ----------- olv1­10-4111111114 MEM 03r3r3:0:r-A= W3%X 00"MM"Ir 031' ZtVUQ1tT lri� 2 WDERICHs 0101i TRIDAY". ociroau", tai, 90 *xx Dom sz-40bu 4, W04 M11111C 9WIll". 000441141t MARKATS. Row 013MAPtY, A, 0140, TIM 01111UR10M.- PA14L A014941 Foot "VINK *lsia* bol 1010004 by eitkor "IvoA t4t IR. OtOrg011elio Tho, gowsoriffso lky o.00011fair sit �-UNQ�ESTJONABLE 40 f6t0A Kit w Th T tv, b to "lleftue, si *00,* *40. otWJXI* let a Alm TL 1% pirr will, 114. Col. Itatod by, *xusfi to dwor An IsMolli, 4,, or fliffelisf. The 'tit, t(Aw"o sbell the, "Oftitterili tl!lrol Qt.'thlt A, A "Ai o" IM*o" I 6 "go _4_)� Tlotorhh f3t. X014041st 0 Ittilk set' edonTllfesK afteiFA on' Ottindm Ock colloe Sic Jobilivoyde, TU010460 Ka A ir Wrol. *Tb (it* . W-% %owsultok 0, ON alitor 'I e 0 11,1411to thet JUIPY, and X118 X44041p, VWA1f,0h10, 101 re. Ali W ftwtw folltol 4. 21, t1t t"I ilk 44111boh lAuicommence with ILM suit% IQ to iflio. T f4r,tho, 44% ki, L� 4144imlu *A� 9 911, 114K 01A Thu are vo.. th DOWPIOXI, *lob: CO. An for I act a hto, L i be 00004 y tho es 110, Q sloany TrIab it Whitt Itt It A A In ........... AMI . 0 flultcrowileil *10st yorialitoo., Of a wasagal. -at filed. tn a Bisset vs. the Guelph and 064 0 1 1 tiefieitile loter. ilCompa oir Id''A t Orl Ind aglevor 01% "Iefil for, tests, of, 00LO, of all 90100 for 111110W 11080 Ill %rtitfo Alt thIp Annual niis4ting, Of the W I"' at Knox quorcho held on Tu4llty lands for pasture, theouf Co. removing forti train antilil owhed, the entitling Year I pirealdent, K". -All Hulast. thertollowhig Officers wore electeil Ih Anderarent vice prosildepta. Miss Morris fmrHuron- 0110 t1sello. 01#11 to I@ Ike. atol. ittadenly on F r1i front a," and Mrs, stranot *acre ary. Miss, Ster� sit%* arid leased by the plaintiffi, was, "t. polled. ............. 1001161000 tho 010 Or noting lingl alloll plathist, to, 0" At ......... t Afro et at wax settled out 'of court on rst, and 414 1, Collins vs. tile Froott anO Wood -0 'barb Huron Town. 1p, at Mrs Coatst "T'I'liftil MUSAT Dry, Otis, POP I as. This weati an otlesion f6t crew It Ito 00 River Comete.ry, on Iva o ter I Aildw Qdbt4il Monday, in cossivenevo upply Q0111111 I ovety flil 000 for injuries call to 1410 wpm Delegates were also lia heavy knowa of *14 sot, to the ote, preflonewofs, bout of frieudif anti. do _4" -4. Allark- 0 eqe end the Annual ovca� box falling on plailittiff-r A - appointed to att I n front o16 Use ilk who mov tend Anell ceiretp �4* that .1 t n -Jal mclet3fig lit Kippen In Nlivem. de so'kne Tell; Jr earoahstre hytia auto warehouse In tho city of 8% 443 at k- Vw" Tavowito Lives: 006wck 0 Not* 404 it VILIL*04vt0 4,13 Stratford. ieseon count) ;,Tj* Ott noills( churches in town were favored eQX'U or pit, t 11 "and served four years., When the court opened on Wedneo. 116 60 #A a, imeml*r at too cat "small her aTh, onirregatione of both tile Meth- day the non -jury caw, Car4sto vs. on. Vir. Tula 0owle'Vto. satiiiiiats, A lof'� -00: 00 vm*i 4 How odaidt� P�iaej of, Relisoettlop hits def, be ha fees" dep roove of life old &y -0 I ­, V - . I . , usty COOPer. which bad been begun on last Sunday vulth the services of Rev. eh&oa'4u*to Ill 0,*i At to(*! boartla. 'A V b1i *Ito Tpi 9001410robto� InItEAW11001400ATIreP000 Pew set Of township, AehQeldv for overall. toema. IN id as I. it d th jury Dr. Chown. General Secretary for th ,pp 32 i ot;,, go. I '04'b '11 ewl',, ouudry 14r, tboi schools 04) _ a knowledge of man. cipll u As loin Iva Was Terreperance and Moral Reform tjAm*, Was �at 4 Thelate lugh Co., and ynn Va. the 14 sl 1111(1004 avant hi Ooderich a few Uo. Were commenced. the two cases too. of tile rovince, Tiths detielort extersawk throughout Canaa, and his visit was 01116daVoundry Thor* tit* Y110;O1141190 to ""ordwItlitlie vlews�of educational. where wall one or pleasure ania spiritual profit to alots gotigrally, In- carrying out this months sinoe, Ing tried an the saitne evidence was Mod 11)6t filially 0111 all who heard him. Dr. Ohown is not oseapfoloot.t.0 muloter Will QuIrelfat the rietrels, arid at t* used In both, These cafte aroate out of price oisboermsI4 tDaaforw' ayq chan seemed In an extremist In his arguments, and It I Inc, OaTi Unit Around 091howliati 14 th Ir 0 U fr. D. J. GO Ill bb The best of health, �Altb he 'lad his ottersefices &it& characterized by the accident which oecured a Year o AOTJ to V ilm'A ­o"Nis, D from, time to moved away front the - 0 0. wivilablip. this month In the building of the%. Coarld $cc,. visit -we IfIgin, who W iinvandor, aeareful choice of words, arid agouln,', Tliq C we with a cointui ist tbachevii. hewseenotfor otters,",witalivIdenced & G. Ry. bridge across the Maitland f, I R, vile knowledr of public affairs inorX 11 throughout the omission. He to of that by the Overturning of a car fABBL, Toronto, )QUOHW a us wh000 knowledge of Public o0boolaossil by the nPany o d friends and acqualn rt or here. It Will be tometubered Whose I"r^rY attohiL Onto will. -Juan , lances who were present at the Inte course strong In his dontutolation of nwnduaoif�,, And, a 0AVI le Victoria sk"ets. iKspt W'.92 0051 1101 it 1117. 00 prepilfration f al bw destrall i� ment, carrying the boom% au4 gantry used it elerloo. In addition, tot to Comm existing evile. and his appeals to pro. a ow anuel a4a FOR, J Ark the meturvirs of the Advisto Xim XAPtHL.-After a long ItIllielia, Pa- reaming Christiana and the church as, a In holatluk the huge steel grefers, elvv iftorn,, one or a eta. tiently bitirnehilose Cecilia Naftel passed Whole w.powerful an4 heart search- tantly killed, and D. I. i4tF10Dt0 .I a I Council other ciduloatkinflits will e tud 1pm, I , ahoivu advance proofs of the, books Lynn, another employee. received In - 'k WIR t 0 GROW, away on Wednesday, tit tile Bedford tug- He Addressed it gathering In tile Ploye"al Was fee' d"D will,,#. vs ilonae at 4.15 In the afternoon, we 01110;1�a ilto 1;q r. here he gave is most excellent ad- Jtiziebs�o The suit in the former came 2s OLIA orkil number or *Pro In no'40,41it from on Juring the course of pfripairatlon,op oottige, where she and her state Miss )AY tecen lobositi 1961 rovt% that exp T ! t T�ondtky,'Jtk d ught by Mr. Rd&, the foreman. _art advice and opnion wN Ill, M. H. Naftel. tin been living for sey dress on the duties of true oltizenoill In the name of the widow and child - marketed n Immature goridligoo, sa overy for rostoring th6 taken ailvarstago of. The 00111901t4th'O eval months past: Miss Naftel had it, Its,rlIntion to public evils. Site alsrf�-watrauteel to.effept gootil sow *WlIhould ho votelluold fJWv btlie nip coninti who will assil'st Flaur, oatmC&1,4!'PQt&tdeo4 be Ott silatillefid.-Cu -At 0 th ton. who reside In England, $10.000 A 0 1, Addresses ose of Dr. 0how ARD or 4AX4 litot yvitat fim3ding is go. it, his labor$ Will Include Wen an Invalid for the past couple of to,_ Ott., to the f6ilowl results 'Puf all cages where_ roots are net u I d sages boing claimed for the death Votdwo4+­,0 nk in, a -.V.,. =10 St.Thoutair, inOtlectOP Of 80110019 (or September had been. unab e to Pave educators to a higher view of the of tile husband, and D. Lynn allied on oftituthenii it K viz. I- absolutely destresyed. R�tnovea dand- years, and allice,the bpfllmln� of shouldprove most effective as public w 0 have toe fartho. Pulooso wl Thatsitti 496, be loves, Sot wl"IJ 0 f. ruff, steps the tallhigA bair,'and brisigs r In deelloil. a- the his own behalf, in both cases neilti. rZ Elgin cokrty; Prof. Alexander. Vol. her bed. She Was thO sixt 11 daughter dutles of Christian Citizenship, And 074vo 6w groiNtfi on bald b ads. lies liceed. thoyi b their ITauthi oil for deliver oselue; InMaroutil, W ponvAtAT Ilk low W. *-kt Aveo, tot, 11bronto; G. R. Broderick. Of the late John Thoulas Naftel, one of Pan go inHailtested wstb excelletst'rese Ow Morose to August no The prices wh t, vemity o gence being charged Against the Oan- fl. ro. kl%,`f'o�er Llridsay,' Principal ot Model Oebopl; an old Guernsey family, who was pro. s$ 0 ada Ifoundry Co.. who were erecting idPonetanguisbane; I Ii - 11 wmmml Whom t: Ike reytored,groltt Whaler after ral' ly sure to ru a (luring DEATH OF REV. DR. POTTS. the bridge. The case lasted all tin the Contral, Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Union 1PN9 it Vint prGOADY-1-il A Intel adrient among the pioneer of this die - on, t 19 N. -W. Campbell, Durliant, Inspector lmost total baldness, AWly Pit& read_� =Infe intylvotilairratura forth. Ina. of Schools for South itftey, T. Crier. his fesidessce on the Bayflold r in Clnadjau find near 0 p. m -o though all the ev oroote, find the Hlos"t for Eieffos`t'oe� At ily upielfed. Guaranteed free from any rial used in nifilling. , course, It Cut, This well. known letit1j, A, Oraig, pfl Ketnistvillo. 10SPec- Road being a well known landmark In 0hurch work. whose Illness Wits men- dence for the defence was not all in, hantifted'ingivelierets.' Giveitatriki, You sod ion Stolle to Us in ReAfteg. the ter for Loorids; In ectpir Hughes, Of the early days. Since leaving the defenco closed Its case, and Mr. are no4beitefred for the will be.plikased, prices W talk wits rull scarooly Gode- A next yeAr 4 likely V AbOwA falle sketurn oil er Ward. Tbronto; rich Miss Naftal bad resided In Tor last week, has Hollinuth addressed the court making, tioned In these columns l of rpoat, to the Asylurus in Toronto, j OUPP coal polneeflatt Over, Arid Ciro gh W16., not necessary th priti ate Whift, Inspector for onto. until early in the summer last succumbed to 1118 Aliffiont, dying on P, strfmg ple'st for the company and 4rockville; ration, for tiogs. r3orceutorri, am, w o Sent by Mai a] 9c. I And Ptisidtinlet Yo Win. roudfoot followed with so nor for la�a CoOral Prison or Mort:64 Reform 1, ii:(*' t -of price. Manu- year, when fill. and her sister returned Wednesilirl'y toorning at 7 o'clock. are not marketable at all ubolarkepy I _AAd6 trong Plea toe the plaintiffe, and derlso at STAR facturOdoud sold by �1ib&WRA of the Model (Itstelpti. Atutte. uUM late meeting of the Advisory Council terday the Judge made a rather brief sum- -Atory. Torooto� T do to towls. Tile funeral took Place Yea- There will he universal ro to 4 TQntiariat.Varlor, Bedford Blk, uodericli. 9:fm e to the afternoon, services being 4"ArkQd L Ch*gue for five per cont. oz Lou the principal nottless. (Alion, up wait held at St. church, find were con. out Carehita that one so great in the miss$( up, life review of the evidence ration. wo-biti sies'"W 0110181 omisreet Able aoe�bn catuo�hla t this Ilse question J the list of authorized dueled by the rectory Rev. Mark Christian udulatry, and so powerful seeming to be favorable to the de - The Cattle on the T rob f Before, the jury retbriest Air, ecratary, must be martaltur prevented a OWL e W bb, to, 1414110 tet bboka fur Public schools. The Turnbull. The RtIl bearers were H. N. In his act vity tot, evory good Work, Prourtfoot drow attention -to a few the Omer of the Prilivinclat It 1111 Who ban any oalleopq 0 Wilie'utoOlf; report on this matter will be complet- Latvia, M. p., aybr Hillott, R 0 by o4*4 tonderevaA a guevantile of .04 of (1111FIX VY On' his bons flelis.: ITWboaAolont suratiog will be Entep Any Day stOodAi rid to thoyardie, with, yttas-AWIVO tbr.t�a ii There, is a Is. ad at t0ater meqting. 11% W. L ElloCo 0. F. Carey ana J: should(lip.46 passed awa);, And artionig points In the judge's abar , and the 10 aiviv road eraltnt, of a% and blear on own. Vor Al n S a, aith 0 the many good things spoken or him, court having mentioned Ito. points to sob, oil it "tifit"A tot, thal,*40 fulOUmlaut of each con, for a Unfitness or Shorthand course. Vo- trend that anything i r On can be sold' -TUK . Six tit the Toronto cast a ingkin W, TON", 6. sitfies ast,ured l4 graduates. this, oMon Win tit 7ou� We revvide, 24 domonstrilitedton, taintyl, tharning, the following from the Torc the jury, that boduekired to comleter Out, Ariflistiould tiny t after be withdraw into News fore thd Is awardf;0. or shoulol'the Brief Town Topics. KiitfcPA:rRIcx.-Anotber highly ro- their verdict at Of p. to. After an A folutieg, N Pitons, ifoularbo littk,le of bu=V COWS. paving ;Paohora avid Lee tAndererfAft t4 ifun urity, the amount of Welts. sivel"Ess COLLEGE, 306 Van all the WA frout If to $8 Ap L for - Tho If you,want THE STAU to the e I absence of four hours they returned In - I rid of spected pioneer and good citizen passe Is worth reproducing: the deposit will,be fdrfelted. fact that a 0 a the clean 1" quPs it were he ye.4v for 10 cents, it ill yours, away last Friday, In the person of Mv� 'seat W.'WONAM, �tlp. ToraiiW.­ offerodi 4111 etelh, at 011011, prioOD were paid. One Of L110 OntlAfteadirif figures of to court with a Verdict for Ede of FOR thort, 14 od� Lincoln SpoollhoiOona tavel,forraq of 6ndet*maybe thrifts A tTheSun bagArdelutothodemoralf There Is plenty of roona for a pay Ina John Kirkisetrick. aged 91 years. The the MOthodist Church In lanado, lima �270), with costs, and a verdict for Pb sittening factory in the neighborlitto deceased was a native of Ireland, and der Ith tbo death ter Dr, Pass Lynn o n Won noteficatified to the �LDomrtmont of the Col real IS rdatilt 01 it the "Serino, =w a d costs. Tpad t the end shortage, r Ii hbrod. Shorthorn. X00 a rommig 13 to a Provolncl4teicrotary. Torantoo. or Which holders to 400kry, 0.1 goes back to tile era Of eir- Catillio 0 Atlas. Vi :rapwer Wall tin action f Infinite About it r 1004 tct� JAMBI$ over$ oflib rempectivIal Institutions. In and to the (tit 10 .1 . The President ot the Goderich was engagN for some thuo In the east- itylve he town of 0011, ate un vor of Godcriols. came to this co6tatry when a lad. He cult rid In t labor 1 11 The lowaWlier Chi, tenilor not n Indeed. the whole run of oattleri the To - Branch of the Women's Institute has ern part of Canada In the lumbering in' wh 1 were tile Meaforth.wi lodgment. Ven for hed, and buyan hard bait Inspirit 1poetlon Of the 1)10- Plaintiff SAL9 Zo­Ah eleven Oom accepUd wr -0re, war* no called a divecial business meeting of business. after which I e moved to the tie costs. L. ickinson ratio good frult.' sooty , Th Sterling.Bad to tra Th I _;_P1 V b VOL an Newspapers feletrting thla advertlamet at user churches, 16f great. ?,tature a for plaintIff; W. Proudfoot. K.C,, for a t xportem worth rid of0guitirls Read. or mention. although buyers till members for Tuesdgf� qct 22, at township of Colborne. where he con - were on baidg owbrelgrep4rad sapyr*5lbr the home of Mrs. W. 1. Murney, at Untied to reside isiatil removing to A. Tvisrom Inepremalloo bearing, he had the out, defendant. For farin without Written authorlty from tka J)apqrs, 01� CN�DA 'a ediduk. 1, chiliecand 4. to$140 rult dock. Ward physical adval tA a which give Want will not be paid tot it. ver. because 31 volt !tb Ill.. Opeterich In the earl IRIst(lis. Since distinction. wile w 1VAftmyoAA wam nothing Lowered of a class no Command this & HURON COUNTY W. C. T, U. price we" not P%fd, howo V 11 hill wall a heart 04 acre W. J. HANNA. HERD OFFIR TORONTa James Olver, of Port Albeft, found coull to 00derlell had been eta. nind A, in Export bullosold At 42.16 atill- wit It kindness And ILI Clay Iofiwi4 iMux; of - O�f`14tlnt (Itilcknesa and flexibility, rtlse- Floye lei thd North ACAQVIcan Client by Jr. so Provifielfil Secretary. it.24 to V&60. his stray stock through an Relve I Ill Company's salt works until a few 'ha ble Voice, It rare command Annual QIenvention Hold at Clinton. vadatloor y Parliament Buildings, Torinksp. ment in Tan STAn, They wandered NO lxtyf�, 6 A. earn is o. He was twice married, life iiiectobar fish, Incorporatiod by Special Ae to comfortable quarters tit Shop ard It onve sympathetic English, And t of the Railway Time Table. too, Where subscribers to 'THE 9TAR CA wilf beineo, a Miss Robinson. find fift of absollite "lloplicity of state. Dominion Parliament 4to receive Jana.1n; "Is 0 A b0oklo, In u" 'Only a short time, Depoits. are numerous. his second, by whom he to survived, a w I lob wits half him power. A great The Ilnron 0onnLy Convention of 7 LE40AL NOTICE [tiff. Two. daughters, Mrs. Win. GRAND TRONIP'tYSTIBIP. The Toronto General Trusta"?C,,p,r- Ml Of reacher anti a flne organizer, lie gave tile W. o. T, ii. wall held In Wesley sitting tie Goderich township, find Mrs. OTICE-TO LeareGodericif 0 a.m. 7.10arA. 9,50p,m. Ar.m. ation Offers for sale Ridgewood Park induction to the 0hurch to Which It church. Olinton, on Friday last, with CREDITO Hendertion. In. Now Ontarlo :,I, surp Almost now Highest currIerst rate of interest Arriv to 11.35 " 1.25 pall. 7.06- Lt, " and Ridgewood Parent, belonging tit lailtpl6i Afl- bolunged and performed linmeAblir- it good representation of delegates CANADIAN PACIFIV. survivel ttloo two brothers, one In Col IN T.I= IdAl"ft"no' THWUVATIt, OF EDWARD ppla, in our tile oitate of tile late Edward C. At borno and one In Port Huron. The Able Bilmice In tile lipbuildhig of its lq�e Lit tile 11'awnedilp at COP 10 P. P'. tri o'nal Institutiona. H4, ws ninve ron Camortin lie county of Huron, Gentleman, Dominion. Rumor Tile reports of tile Year's work,as 11. The property Is one of tile meet I I the various unions of the county. 1130 p. tn. 1.10 old(gentleman tied been failing -for edocatl eceSavings Book Dejoriment desirable In the thain it great preacher And gnore, than Aerlifts been for son FIN 19, to time that the p some little, so tha%-Whevir-aeath came It a great head of tile educationot branch read by the uperintendents of the oil hou$0 It '11111 by pwards '4111. onto, were very on. Tnterest paid anti compounded redort and build tin he -Fox 272- Notice ill hereby on deposits of $r and u tabled his factiltlea to the last, old Age, allowed that it great was not unexpecled. Tito deceased re- leviat, see vitill, Ai -given puroottotret t6 th NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It, might creatv an up-to-date summer Of film ()bill fit] Was 11), IWOther Lei Ripley, Or th.Tif": qx otiolloor. Allied Statutmaof ootarl% JIM7). Chap. 129, thatV ideal hotel on t which was the valise of denth, never 'tit his kind, zoalous for all'illovoolont ail Creditors add others living claims Tallest FOUR TIMW A YSAR. Market F cop -M. 0. Johnston .............. I 75-aeve park. There could not possibly dotilgeled Ito inake life sweeter arid hap of praot.ed work hits been ac. L tilingsaloofthe said b6to wad C. tt weakening hit; atental powersi; Ile 606A "I to ly. A. IM7, Are reflul Oil Drafts bought find sold. fought a good fight" and leaves it the l"th, liberAl find to, to It at ed t the 181; daf, of to --Stogr Office .............. I be it more suitable location. plor for tile weary and -heavy Indian of following resolutions U I v 'of? before be, Oth day House and G"n for Salo -H. A. Tufford, I irotiwing the example of Goderich, QrAnt tn I P Th.. F91t Who died On or a tv Boarders Wanted D. ION to send ley DO robdvil of it well spent life. Me,. Kirk- relations Witt) fill 011polents of tile cool]- Wmolved that we would earnestly ott-9-9-1 6RV nind-rooludd boa &I Or Ivor tile ntoo, Qedoral A General Banking puniness Washing Done-2ilm Nonan ............ . 1- 11 rillitoo Ofty Council has decided ]a UZ Patrick was an Orangeman of the old -800tw tO*d. And 0 ti the OXI)OU ortbakfatista. ofthe The Brunswick-Thols. Hilia ............. .. 8 City and the Brantf9rd Expositor membpra,00 or o Inthe transacted. Stale Lost, -Star Office ............. .. :1 1 to pr tit the assessment rolls Of tile school, and one of the tricot active Inkinit lie would hardly he Admitted ot, tiest that tit cho linloos I broughout 4 adestaiii At.;, .-of bolr undersigned Itollcit. to the %. covert Of the intellect oals, the county would urge the Importance office. more redars Ago, a lodge go go 'lull, X too or air A 1,14 Bon he Ike no lid Clio OR SAUlIf,-kt',h'OV6 I nt of Tenders for Supplift-W. J. HAnna ........ I to I is but there we" timyor in him enthom of Commencing local option camSaIgns I too t1b ........... thinks the same thing should be done fifties Ise wits Identl w I tted Hatter Strayed-WLIntiont Hunks . ...... I rid Inspiration lit hit; Wllinfl�, enlodun- fit all the monlelpalities in Of In that city. It should he possible, it upon, -lit f it, q 0 ILO106 hat Any. Lot t 9 1 1 0 Very V 0- 4 6 A Cos. And turther. Me n loothats rinle I lt tione freight be man. tim as t here was a - -touch f t4te poll � Passd, with it view to having th f, of Thanke-J. Ure Stewart ....... I L leagoi; mentionod date the Id m0ta I o'0t'­C4.4.4rIy-a9seaaod hi-compaivison. tinned Robert Prondfoot, John Kerr top t a GODICRICU BRANCH Bank Closing Notlao--Sovereign Bank..:. I saya, for any ratepaver to. know with in Colborne, And aillong tile few living ILI eloquence. It Inay lic that Ronio- where site law has not alread be d, brettireve of tba 4t,,211 Olt coing-tittb"Ity hall, whether or 0 . 1 46 A. G. GAMBLE, Manager. ticlart in him methods; And tat hP bait election take plutce In J( nuff'ry; ItIli 6 $0 oto iodN istirlbute 1.11c Asset Jamerr Millian. The, Into Mr, it Mora Coate-Hodgeng BroA .. . ........ .. 8 An entlitislasni (or file own preferences find wo'lld ask that the un fo IMJft_f�hjot U use an be dtf 6 thol with his neighbors 1 ^like wheT11i 01' Kirkpatrick wall a consistent me ons o r .�gllo among 110CF008 W� Wot only � the I Ladles' Coat -W. X MoKlm, ............. 8 0 h As robot and 0011VI"001111 Will not 110) dill- And Bruce bit-. vornmuni IAV910011401H I . . not the Assessment as it who e of file Methodist chorch, find ate hon- dated ifgggZa bit ILAVO dotlob- a -Z a Vj� us 11"ren ction 7 Pon light I -John Stood.. been fairly made. Barrio Is also inov. ovary member of L. 0. 6 No. 182, tin - it and W498m Coats Led. Bill lie was it keenly pact-lotic order to Rectille concerted otion Vt J, AwiffNe, A$t�,Vstsn 1111hot if lie r a, Alt" JlA Or oil $I n 4%t how 111mulphersolifiet A. fillIoLeennan's Porn Drugil-T, J. Initiated ................ : Ing In the same direction. R.Inadlan &if() it rations, British throughout thenortherp district. ) I; lift 6 V0*1 --W. C. Priduarn ...... - 5 der whose Auspices the funeral took, IOWN tgo but LINIMENT A Y te PunlW? 0. Hennicke, of Buffalo. elace to Maitland cemetery I Lot Sun- billet, find Ill 11114 devotion ill theme Resolved thiLt the eoihv�vntlon place look 1), on W6 t the i (I a a 604 Zgest, and Rest-Centrat Bus. College..,- 4 seont two days this week with H. W. day Afternoon, from the ressidenep, Ideals he spoke boldly And took tilt, if port rocorelli tn utter dleboraluce of and ilift Form for Salo-Mra. Menary... consequences. and = *11tAtil At Onderich, t a 7i a of OotGbor, For external use only. If; a posiflive It was, howovt-r 111111'fid Co.; $ a' = cute for Spinal disease, Hip disease. In- 1 Itionison, Mr. Hennicke Is Interest- gegent street, Rev. B, Clement con- - Only opposidtoll to tile entire If or tratHe i0sviflthi=f L.. 410, A, , , : I now And then Jitat lit- wits Lue eplaral 01 ulL DICKINSON & JARRO'W', flammatory Rheumatism, Lame Back, - ___ ed'in the establishment of an Iron and ducting Lhe service at Clio house and Ito It exists lei otir on -sent Icense syo� In Ouse sum 't Sollettoraforthonal !!�tor-.. ore imaeon wastead factory In Goderleb, grave. The Orange service wna Con. ligure of Partin in controversy, and lots Lein; that wo would sincerely express is"M, , � 1111 0 1 �' 0 Is, Lumbago, Sore Throat, Weak and S NOWU wuptco. nian too -; to, God for the mark I IT, and After looking over the town. ship- dooted by Bre, Thomas Burrows find owir thankfolne Atul, Ift t on 11104 8 TO QUED Lungs, Bruises Sprains Stiff joints, irroatiblo lit bin lKneng of licart. fill(] trich. I reg facilities, ko., in very favorably -ar- d succons lei the Carrying of local op. aviely Rupture ana aif kindred Aiseases, - I wits most Impressive. The poll ill freedom frorn aliltriallre need bitterliesm if,,, unit (or the encouraging reportit late r t% of Oeorge chasonk It has also been found a cure for Throat ToMATO HOUP VOR EIGHT PERSONS. Fpressed Willi the oulolook, and made era were James Millian, John Kerr, A. ABU 0011'!,1514111l. H04 a t of the elitao that the circle Of him fl-iP101411110 ALOILd- Which Come from the plar.ea where the I ona, 11) 1 , .. IsoofteTownitfU orich;lAtheCounty _put a can of tomatoes.'s ellco of preliminary arrangements with Mr. M, Todd, W. Hwalliold. flezektah fly widened, anti fho Otronglil ()f -in None geox oto '66 Pit Huron, gentleman, decease&. Line without having the Tmde Thomon to Come to Goderich after Hale and George Oretin. On retnt-ni law lei In peraLlon that we rejoice in it 601! 0 worrou 11 Orally given thabal! no hav- ark on Ldbels and Wrappers, and A. A. the new year and complete the agree- to the hall, the OrKnirenit'll Palls me dunteR. Put a quart of milk loan to his eburch find to the t hey art- now entering upon campaigns Ott ailer. %'Who ellod.no=ut teo Into a double boiler ; wile in running shap toy next spring. brethren from COIhOI`r1O And 00det'11111 eIng y ol mo or doniantig Pli no thesuld AftaLen"PrIL's Litijuient, Ooderich Ont for ton inent to have the factory and business re olut ona thanking the vli;ltln late or a Achalea -it wam well finite, avid he w 11 bottl 11 Vitt add hill woi to) be voted on In January next and Ive Delon and a blade of mace to alramer Attachment ever deepened. Ile lie it tiff- towt that In Over So municipalities ttoo tit T,&t I w "Land olit in rollof for thim Ono wollid 111091, respectfully and earnestly It p 0, pal 224 July%,A. 111107, At the stamped ail wax aeal on each, e two tairilespoonfuls of buttor4ad three 6 06ddrich a"Muffedwile M siont, ore- Manufaeturea only by ruphentia A. Thro tile courtesy of Mr. j.j. township. and drafted the following V.1a, or to aellvbr be Mrs, MICIg . Acheson, Kild our rubbed together, cook until iteration asonoof the arelvitemo; And "k o r Provincial Government to ugh live Attu Poa, SAM! MoLenuals, sole patentee and proprie- Of H Wert I, Ile been shown a copy letter of condolence to the widow and tolidern of the Methodist Church in P 8 A b calls009". J. P. Brown arid William. Achasoi. the smooth and thick, add a teApoorift h Ch mtia -0 tke) tit Rttd tress 00dericls, Outi of t Is Collard Daily Bulletin, as family d!At top to expunge from , Pre's limiltse wooto tettllx�afl Xtbutors of the will Le the own coo Acheson, or to Con, one of Lod Mrs J. of satt r A a saltspoonfut of eppe the Ileentie Iaw LID, three-fifthn claose 1,0 1 Soid by the proprictressi a 13 dim 0 Am# 6cow vidth Issued on the ocean eyhound. Orange Hall, Oaderlell, Oct. ISM, 1907. Oanada. Ir be Poe a o Ali. MtLebiaj Godefich. Strain ttko_ tomatoes, find hl�lt! It test- 'Fat. 7th. V which no ooritnisly Interferes with th; he Lucanin, of Monday, It To Mrs John Kirk foatrial, anti I'minil nIto spoonful Of baking -soda, AN $bit add n lo CA -A D. 0, F. Notes. progrt-Raof ourwork asadthat 'IbIlWiidefie, tlu I" irivi 461 th r ts,and the oty 6 0 111 In magazine form. liberally sprink- D M kill -We tile OfflnOrA Unit MOM c 10 It I the milk. Serve at once. I of f Ilia resolution he iorwarded to t 0 k" Willi, And *10401t. eled with Advertisements, and In addl- borzol"Loya 01411oltrilelf te, Yndelo No 182 desire to The 1). 0, 1-1. dealrp to state thrl. the, % 0 cIlLft be AN A arbor the, Us, suy or 00"thimen, Are you said? -Bin P(yrwrcins.— Mr. J. Parr. tion to Interesting literavy and mlil- oitteriatAtoolratian tellinforcoal for the Alexandra, Hon. oit Investigate and see for yourself tile Art HAm are fli,iiing dlw, anti tive I The following officoru wers; elected W AM litore street.t on Tuesday bought cellany toatteir has a couple of pages 'vir 0101 to will, oviall 09D . he tneero regret at thoo doal,h of your ISm. � 1, , I I are riblife the "no of t 6 "lit do has Lend. pitoll y oded 1A vo*#144" - Coverings in Wigs arid Toupees, Prof, 110 bushels at otatoes fs: t Ile wen a plane in the I%vork anti advan& thitt those coniribitting wi I bo ren re" qoo* ­ � - �t y t 0 ]DOV601IN 'tn 104 tbOfttO, Visa Rober of wireless tu;V�ges as picked up the P Afro. Patilin, Oodevich I ][jog now belc it ly' to the clatmoo Of which Doreeswelid'a manufactures are worn on vice. premident, 51m. Oter 8MV Ovr find Edwartr Rehu, tit the town- previous day entlivoyage. These publi- ment of out Chrr.tlau and loyal naftnefralon, (or lite eiif o fifol (field R flit. t 611 then Vs held notice apel that the over 85.000 heads by all classes, and in 0WI=UOma`k t -terly I-,, if t;, H Oifer ."I off ship of Stanley. They #to of the cations are now an established feature and over endeavored to prOmOtA3 Jim boA Inter Ni'm To U libothe 1150fe. at' the ord all statiotto of life, They tire the essence I .Ako their (litat 1pl� recording fiecretary tt thereof to Any par White five member of the orange Institution, and Also MAL donationve Of Applon tied roan, Horineill ., Cot, r r - non Elephant variety arid do not of te great ocean liners. and kee C"tq. For many years no wa- a find � 'ey regronding a0 aun or Claims they sholl not of PeffeOtltrh it ary. Miss Buelianan. rugnels: treas- liable, Otis try bvidence Of a fthortake in their powson era In Coach with Cleve aw'so WILMA tto principlan Woro, floating In vegetables In tiny iltiant Y, howovpr t p Ito T4Q16j4R.fQ,; notice. 1, li�ht in weight ' durable age, Lioderigh �1101 lolootificatiolve h blue a to6 V to and rL great It , t to li��Ith, rt�d a pro. give 0 roall, will tin thank filly received. leer, Mrs. Holland, Onderich. R'��ty: 4'L1164 %nt Is"d, Led tit G ch the0thday vot ftt., 19M. tection to t e Is d' t to. 0. L No. Macon. 1IL-1VA 011.1VI V ban aino been derldpa tie hold a It Ott a V"'Pst Cold' hewn four samples takdrs sit random, Thos, .1 acksonilof tile Jackson Co.. of 0 evelve Otter younger Tho,it'linton oinlon prepured dinner fogrowth or yield. Tan SAn was outside worl eachdayofthoway or �UO liked, X#mcmtvwuxfu- I"since tile settle were&. Ij HATS. tie. rying oil and led nine povittio. The Goderich and 0 nton, manufactilleers member, tO CO cc r the delegates find served It ollel ore for the will ExcentaM demonstrating t 0 completeness of these WHIULl W019JU rummage sale next tate 41 lat I p fted )irothor lea Otin a horl I ring. arid It In Find it a fo ivefig four end to end, measured two and a of clothing has been conferrin ter '010 - awl: that bovine VeN having ar lie tile -ichooll't)orn, t he reqldent minis- 0147rdeal owbok g6ods, free of charge. I With hi? work lifts j�on, doolle well t he Wits orcootout oDO And r6rftsd'fftV 0 N6 -VOTIOU To CkEwTons. bait feet In lengtT. The two farms the Exeter Authorities with a v ew to an ticlen of clothing. roirnittire, ere., fOr tern alqo being pre.pot. nTW1 VAn Ile at Beelfaid Hotel, Goderich on honorary ellombor Lot thin ltxlao for lilq ialt If &RoilfCRTW -1 join each ot 'xet fulnem and atood work- of thop3ott. Weloved whiell (hey have tiff fOrther Ilse, WOtild 4)n hpbalfof the local iinlon him. W. I to tlw4jer 0 her an the 0011 10 11, CIAY eRtabliahlilg it branch famto —"at, 7(th; IwfFRANOX8 Friday,, OcL 9S. 107. loam, the potatoes betnr� cleam or. tie says theVill estab7o'hn rEfac- lohn for his works died doothe I he wag lay thorn agide And angint. tile la(lien lei Harland gavo A arelendid addreat; of OR $A fito tiffe, V JO Ut tho own or Qoda- and had an abld tilt (fifth In tho A Mite'" ttiii to are. rich Hit nooth. and Oee from so%b. Ot One tory there or In Inglisim, under cer- Considerate o1ring a gooil. collection rot, their welecontp, whieh wove anitably reeliod tie, In y 4 0 U of the potatoes would I I ti Local Notices. last sales conditions Clio factory too employ We join wl h yon)n yminthy for the loved next 41161o. to in An Interesting a4dregol hv him. A one and a hodf Pounds. an 0 VIbtd Is about 30 harels all the year round. goparted, Steel trut that you may be oaultuxLed U yAb%k*ry,IA3A h, )$as NOW N IM to lit lif I mn, utmant to th The prize whinprio In tho recent Iforiper, (if vNetor. a OArnivAl tit Boiler Skating Rink an company ttOn Etc 0 b estimated at 10) bushels to the acre- The conditions. should th y Hint who dootla all nettles wall. W. Atoned on belfolf of tile momborm a( viloo"t S& for For this season they Are the best lot Of decide upon Exeter. wool 01111196 11,044101, NO, 1*1, on "Tito Enipire," arf, As followtit local option in tleiiqttil, And replied to ettillito" Vd Prizoiefor best it ""a 10714 cantpotil Ion for the float ewnfLvq written him. Stevenson gave an account of 6 a st soon h owelery tza. loan tthe*2 v. to. Th their figtattles Wit have neon find *111 net the of $6,(W for a term of years, a core. IV kAMI# C t Oat I t Went) 1A HI a Nettie Orevvii, K. 14, Na. 1, Col oltAtervientse lei tile I eas which attempt. live red. thi Olt, lid ow All lot dolt owners is neat Saint at prftent high pany to f;SV lnteremt and to Commence 1`4� flee. ger borne-, Vneworth Jones, R. K No 1, oil to rhow that tv s Till V14talsoldn �ft; like., I 4� ravellorsi could not it0 it label U. tW, to ?lnd,b tIt DWI ft of, 44611VIC to the them w", made on tile prinelpid within L4"Mfot I Colborne, anti Afar ret. Alahaffy, No. got Any Accommodation In the village. they prv!1" mealy tVZY months after commencing U4 141' Fftess" drdshoUbd 4 0; the Stodliftir D014"k y6itan fT.—A 6001AI it he Paid that splendid meals wero will god V r 8001.0 61 40Y Wo a., 'as. Hill. denerven bonorablo mention. The A V (I by a local restaurant and that liaC6CtthbsaIda;;QWttheIrD r1w Marine Matters. 1, Stanley. Imey Alarshall, (if Porter's Vta by t%o Chile 1A and oVVANUI 11sW A* oX than in the =Isifff MT church tasted. And Cleaner beds were available a) it sit 4. the oft the olvereltex of Tha fa. ill film I A good iottet Or air "Offtitel at"I 4661: ft,lbathia ter A Pirns.—On Son, Around the "arbor. mt parunhift Ir #60A a tilt Ate, Marie. Mich.. October I engayo received relleet great credit tin lot' eftfAffinic by I t1doet *111 be ranolered _k�y att*rnotm be- —Water was turned Into tile now thotoachorelofthovarloti ehoolu It frirthoptitelle than forneverly tender Antestlet il"s0wo, (if toy) beldlr 04M., _08hmont" will tween otio And two to Ittlaek Ore ber Ito - to a roatter of regret that a arenter lievealip. Ik a lork BOO obAnnel of the 14L hlary'g River von And trittoor tlLk& n la Everrhody Nylille fish from the north Oft! Corday, marking the Completion of one nonabor were, not received, The Ill PI Th - r Ident Of the lBraco Vibunty idontio4a'dotte flo Atod4trit will Old- out in, the Office of P. 1"', PrIdbasIl. on Tuesday Male caught a 311) bass. of the biggest Projects undertaken oil who wrote were all froto the enontry W. C. IT., Mrs, firyars, of Locknow. 1IRKTIM0 merchant tailor itud dalifewd Consider- Perch are apparently plentifu Off the Weal, TAkos nince the betilell schools. anti 11) of I arefol A -to filittIbUtilltd sialietw6f t , 01011,01., eing of =44 thal *1 It they I b4if The bdolt 1W Basis, Ilse C*btriest telephone -the boats fishing Are ett- tile Poe tone it - gave valtiable Covenant doritig the con - rid Only W11. able datuages. this port, as it. The ow channel Ill c A ha too t 6 load, Nlet *0 CA Prof. ldmonll�uv .1 . sells . %ftatt, ng very title lifts. tralreltify In cc AlAPhV volition find a very practical and In - 'A . 441of t Anion* Alt Rod Offift, I over two fifties in length, nine thou - SAV. wtl OM UUMA. We wait firat litcoteredle 'rbkb. wall vbry Tito schooner Thomas Quaid. which sand feet of which to Pitt thr011 And graminar, nsid %too that, tile ptiptig atruetivo addreo In the evening. a "I c Canods -6 = hall taken conoldet-able painfa to ac. die of �1911 1111 , I'lle Ontario l4tropt Quartette Died V at antm 2. ex ife, And soon tile *f VM,W.iW tent to had Isno.obt In coal fat the water rock. The channel In three lOire (lit, nocrinq1trydatA. I'll& Davigh- b I, ii the flive brigade Wtt# Pralliftly wdeks and was In port over two weeks (eat In wltith, with a depth At mini- 'ternof hw Empire defeiro to eorograt ul. the Wenley Choir aupplied music dur- erbos Tancis fierdieth of twfirltv-twO ate nil only the iinceenlefol ennipeti. lffi1, tow (if a Lug. torn, their teac.hem ILA wpll. Thp V 1ir listed to and fortaflately On bleltid, HVerYtILIDS left part an Wednesday fill - pro,, tell bb clovol^o(l nallol stage of write Ing the convention. The next coo- tie It teeto It Is located olghboren nallen hif tintion will he held In Bruseelo, Oe - to L otted. istla 'tobAldollablo doints t . go pXottish Hero, will, low "The Son" and lies to the went of prl7An arte on exhibiton In Portor'a tober- Sila, M7 lid I the cuttInIN t4olfit J*Illhlg And plate The steamer Neabloeh Island,, the 1`011011t 01111111101 window. and will lie awarded irternedli. Set I'd mtqnk�,, 60t. Iz—oft lot -13, coo. tom rosildtW. Whe SW#ry 1however au'litit; bushels 0 wheat for the eleva- 1116 Is .05 t-61111 Is. taland. Thin ately. Tile exatninera are.) JOdgen wero Tito piano and specifications for the linso Wkst wavomI00% #kit the farm stock It tho frosfef,.� or thestri pats, dM n,J tot asset 90 000 for the Western Canada . ding to tile emr of 1, bttohl W4 W 11"PILefteeilfs, I-Ifour Alills Co., arrived, In port on cliannel will hereafter be need lonpector Torn, Joilgiv Dovie and Dr. low It, M station C Ligtowel are In artrLd is 40a"tit&Of behYp saftot, als oforr *61ift *40, Mdovoed to Lad left again on Tuesday ifollelysor uphound hoatie, tile heavity 14trang. tile hands of the local contractors tisitittid wo6C, tobfidg! sittoty. Tho ltw to and MOrlds'llf I laden, Own -hound craft using flit, new tro, golfrifteta 0* the Wil 116 Uke 11 building of OP arm laudlotidee 110400; Is robably After unloading. who are looking After tb� WotePso-*Ay. The roject has enot tip Horr (Ionerade Von wink obetpinhan - the P-ame. The building 9 '77%30 feet. firbilhilt, 14111111 PutVlao, $1.2W of 0,M0, bUt otiolisigly cov- wards of three neirlition dollorle, ill - 9 4 I � � __ Hilviertilst Sun% A disease kn cen Wainer. of Waterloo, In ar tile Lon- arid will he built of md protgod brick A mariv. w Nim Me 110*6. of the - Woliteth Aft"rAid" 6fil- Ittity. " tile pink Qye bits broken out In Pill- don Ronne. Mr. V. %%non a fountokin oil a alone foundationt with filsite met ....... *4� 4,t, e4q liattote tOW116111P. It has 811100W tile Now that the price of varoaln and All P.�3 full of Ink every time his regtaters. an(I on modern plans, The itatevior It 6t, oDoe, tilt of 0,17 r6l, 10 ob x4jolittfil WOW$ -000A , h r. ifth cortA. and farm products %Va 6,6 tilgh, (thd Ail for an In thinking reriovioly of paveliflies. will he finished tn polished quarter� low, to. 1* $1 io Ae- frostle of thom isto nearly blind from spot euts, there (a no reaseein why our Ing a rubber attimp. tin tile o1greing of exit oak. with Very hpacious Waiting. thO "IT"etes of tile dike"e. farintir pattona should not prom ly hill (till name cona7us.51 1. large per. smoking find toilet rooms, The h#at- 9-CIOMO 39 settle their oniall Indebtedness to tin tion of otteh day'g Andon Free Ing will lie hot wittar of the latest teimt a for T" do not TOWWA6611 fil. IflAktt�- V # so W TO n ti STAIL system, ! Prof AUttlossal localil of, pages 5 and 8. IV ug tomit V041 nil a e n AL