HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-11, Page 5•
, ./111$111641401, itAlit
AosaipkwomRS 00,0g stess*, -Foe
**WI* 011' WOW** ,
T*414 tiotOrohnstiett of Ateltraiiit. to
leave atiowy tof tta oat** lappOtielf.ilet '
it prileafamal *Mk MOW The mtnen.dtat
ataaglard. Pro/9000in anintt la ntot Vie*
eua ea triele tit Great Brt-
to* .Ptit ont4 100.
ts. iiiitich ' the
aided Ate."0144,4"eureee441*
thin, yea_ Atli have Ito*
. Theo* vosieet will eeek.
ii additioll.'io th4
'IS /411140 Up ont this..
eni . art iropelact harbor,
Ahip, the- CorhertiefAWall len -
atWo Seeetal-eleisk tOr
4.0A • in Vietoritt,n to4tiniall.guribeat.
and onA seeiktakhosts terPesto beat stla,
Artahafte• .04 Oa ileeenti`ela4illen.
/*do -haat airPrett Adelkitki %O. Vihtigt ,
essy. -bo- .eddiset iteveral picket 'boats ,
',or Ellarkaom *ter, ottursander Cohttu
IMMO-Are nOWnita tide eonntry in eke
notion with this,,neentemplalest anti
teresuteo pc the Attettalian pe.Y4 A
Are. . ' nahlO *let 0014le 'e041$1*'
- * .1411,. .1100 sor.titqlt. .004 Ao,/ o*, .
oug 0,4 Ippon atimi mid anMintett
tnion •Atetet-loil• 10., Anstralia. and 1.14),
. Aortae .for' 'the-44444104mo 01 eaphk,
_,._ L,,, Ln
,' . , Thera is, .ik, good -civil' not populad- Luis*
"'jai:MO*1Pa *a te,the',Par.P0a010t Villiett'
;Auffteglia reguireiv 4,104 navy.. Itt tO
,ntiOt be' 'it, Well undorateoil ter OW
..liatettariding-oftincit .000 ;eh-trail:a'
.1.4.,,ny. ,.‘,....:.,Tht,,Amokint,n4., . The one*.
- l'i'4044 ...-01T4Totitifir, ..aml Aoscrialuoi
- tire .'ema*ot, 40,OMitivei, _may ba tottOr
left 'to 'Val itatailial* 'Deets. ' liut, in n
tthret: Of War''111,0 'British estuildrtanl
-.would' he 00neentrate4 for the put.
4100#004,i8 AO Seen as possible
the.00dit .00viit. geteecet the enenlyi
and'eaniiespiently*Anattalie might be,
a 040 to certain dor*
lea. open o 4
gore, -"The, CommonweAith of Austria.
pa .J.026,04,140. 11.4iti. viow
• AS to 'what' wogi#. in Ito -peal. the ean•
n ,- fill d Tb Admiralty
Tont 0 est) anger% e
. elitdreisted an expert ilew that 40:,4
many ail fear. liOatile consort* might,
lihd entry into A•ustrallan, waters, Xf
snebt,a •conbitgeney emoted. they re-;
- titVZ"ii till Anrtilliettar9.
etteder .thrY0 . ernheitet, 1 their .teuht. 1.
guns. and wait...patiently-dor 0, roll-
lag by 0' the eletida. It was ev.ein.
tioested that' an addition to tee"
c eek kir £200 000 attest' PIO en'
mildly to the idmiralty would proXe
more fruitful in benefit to themeelVee
than: kinforaing with a few- deatioy,
ers and torpedo boats their 41•V11 ie.
. .
• ficaut navy. In fact, the .Admit.
marts accused of having throwtt OW
watet upon the Australian ambition,
to ,,paasoaa a little navy of its Own.,
end by its opposition to ha respona.
ible in, some measure for the •Iimited. .•
shipboitaing program on wh oh th
• Commonwealth Is, now venturings .7,-,
Four hostile cruisers in Australian '
owhaet:raiat, gwith no local Jorce capable of
k or putting a, stop to their
depredations, would, the Australian
ruinto 4he COMM, OW
AsSett, mean t, -..,-
wealth. It depends Mfg* on its im
ter -state coasting trade. Nearly all
. dtheees int-leortehmanadki:eusi: oat athboernera, ilway.
The value of this sea -borne coasting
trade fast year was„more :than a bun-
dred .and. seventy ,milliona sterling.
vleaeraapa0d employed in• it are fine
niurieroue, and constit*,in
a mercantile Marine -of ..which . A. • .
• maritime community might -hes prou .`
Tanhde.onnutrnetr;f16thionesthe voiestsheelspgrominvg in
Australian ports is: Sydney, 161; el-
bourhe, Ng; pert Adelaide, 72; lirls-
ban , 47; mid Hobart, 29. There are
n • •eiticial ageree• for Forth.
'4°Thisi fleet of fine coasting craft is a
..,baoititabeweatogoororieVahtoinseg stehres.
fivniratiers8tseb7agrinaa ings of -a local naity, it is
this, sea -borne trade wh Joh is the ob.
jeot of solicitude on the part of, Aus-
tralian statesmen. and not the greatt
norts_wlitch, nuglA, be trusted to take•
' ' ' 'b - ' 'ef s so tar aa a few
' cards: 1 111(?1"8 vg . ed,
hostile cruisers am concern d i
It iti to be reinembered that, esp te
threats to the .eentrary. Australia is
still contributing annually 4200.000 to
the Admiralty, and there is no tion for the present to discontinue it.
But the Australians ara .opposedadto
increasing this amount, whose in e -
it untssa they are re.
quaey they. adm , . .1
presented in the imperial counele.
rie., k
• Ell r
, ,
, . irt trhUhle
f. ' rityill
i' tit_
II 6110414 lele*
by Ow* tuttowt,
by ttot blood
. Vnthit :40110440
:1' .
rettKrin 0 • . MAU. .
alliegielai ', - 't ',Pratt -414-1r* r''!
#Weeklitt ythiltnetatttagit.""II*140 '
- Ott ' '60Tifg-lt* ,•IdelItl ,tegeletlY '
Ver"1" ' -Op,- otoolgtiteo, then '
„n ,4 , , .,,,, . ,I.. ..r....
latieer&""1.111Pte'ee we w*"
' ' of tistsitio,40. thtn, POI
, , ,
' 'itekItetteytkoelikaresk
he* Welottitstatal beide&
said oistakwootwit well eau
citrisimi *eel.
itaaillediVitroa‘ st lashreptics
..ti-box..li_ gerlaze, :At au
beetirout-a we/0qm%*
.. . ,
„ .
: ... Ma theallot;Jealous
*0 le •‘''' al 1 ,'
*how abelitil I:
** bit IOU
idflool Coats
. . Is twits* mitess***3 to Itt ,
ta deAt Tweed alleekt. atid
e to.
la lett-
47.4to, Si. ft agod ZVI
Pur.lineft Coots ,
) I.Aditool Par-lititad %Wane ' ,
- ag to.** teeltea 4001, trimmed. to
t all Inks:
teetitria. aine
. ri& *1.411 114W3 '""'
pert et SW' '
rfao torn' 'mst
a Oat wawa-
vieemetitt ..
t 'IA sot
t eveteritipa
st !pat 00411-
arialt i
nne '141 OW! tleaf Ugh
watallattier the tit
Wit Qt) n *X 1
0 Ittves.
. 4
„ 4T. l'il is Au.
• ,
, tallOrped uartnents
' ' •,
'' . have slick an atitottet Of style EA clunatter
• abOut them that they have 000110 ,ito mall
. amount of jealousy among etude* tailors.
1 .,t, .yho cannot keep the pace, .NOt only *to
, , theY warn bY the btet dreamt Men tn tide
• I, , town and vtciaitY, et they save eltat felt
. awey front competition in over two hued -red
and fifty towtss and cities in Owed'. In
Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and the tarp
cities of Outtalk: they are first chelce ittneng
men who demand the correct sole at twice*
that aPpeal to their kidgment as fair and
. , reasonable.
-, - _,
*MIN* 00r11404arn •
' . SOO *WOO .01101/11 A al
AetitY TrataAvitr•Itter Deralli+entiarv
feW Ileaktea of Otew .w... Ankettet
lifitightitt ithe Itani.eirolt fri'rst
e lOtao, atkyk,
. ,
. bnititiaaa riteltaltAl.onti
With Oa . Cholaelfaspur atatarois4Op
' Wittig W.. Q.' Vitsgeridd
day tate Atialt 'head I* '
11 . ft Bread' *WO 'I Waited
itt - . . _ .,
0.14f140117 thaltht lt 14
framed- piste* lp an-ablielir&oOliter,
wall* - wisloh, nerslunine.,..44 dssivds,.
of et." 4,04 4404 vtulv Isto4 th4
gra slum en blue titnett, ..• - ." -
. X ' Walked' overr *Ad ' beheld adx. tee
Marittlhla n011eteraPht . litettY te000
'4044104 .y.itit smint 'An* 40 '44
firt ,1400.0.40eg , :stay. ,Thel. vete :
Mounted Batather Ikon* tette tome; n.
1 „cOnlit loan an ehiPliOnth 41111, Pt train '
- "tnb.4 bet • L -,.. : n
. qi4te,.'n • ttiAgghtt 4. Mnia sotneth
Werth •inVestigOting* ril .sak One.'n
.the 41rect44..aben. ,t lt '"` I did but
'Itaianiled,' in' denttteation' --Ut an ' '
eanaktiestiai. 'having ever itaPPelled ell
.1„,i. ..
nlifit Zi*"..taw041.**t peoplih." be. Iola,
'** ie. eat together in Om office, Nola
;ogre little 'foe otettore outsfdo oar
ftight of allter Vid otittOrt ntlinr• arid
,thoher and human, Bet "von were
riiihd about theie photographs." And.
he'rang a bell: An atteridant, *power-
ed. "Bring me in„ that (Nutted .
tiini with the elephant phoPio
tos- in Its.''''
rte. aidd. And we inspected 'them to*
tletnher while. I listened to & ou-r10113
' 0one neptemb night th .
`litft Ohelitirdhareprore for - a1ma
v..utt. 'There la a big railroaS corn-
triunity here and. the train„waz well
• found in every respect, AII went well
unto Goitikweeerafit:iyo:firdinastd.ar.t
lul'etn_11tetee,e neer titt4e eltet:r • eMrethria...tt
,, nom ea Betranda et the Seven 1-1411-
sired Hills." These hIlla form tite"Wat".
or .alied between the rivers Bratty:dime
n and Subanrika They tire most hoop
uy timbered and the whole cOuntry hi
at wild as it can be. . .
A Paradise •of 'Big GaMii.
"Pear nine's from Goilkera. the line,
a° 17614 can dila 011. the Men over
there, passim, through the Beranda
tunnel, and beyond this is a paradise
of big game ---elephant, tiger, boat, bin.
.13Orkt apotted deer, and aatubbur. From
the tunnel the grade is I 'to NO* down-
ward. li to theKg-triro River. on the op-
peetta side of which /Is a high ap-
preath bank endinrin a cutting.. Now
I am going to get you our engineer's
report." ;
SO aaying the director produced it
;to/In-hie desk and read it out;
'''I ivas proceeding eteadily demi
the grade at 37 miles an hour. It
vons a pitch dark night ha I ran
thr ugh the Saranda jungtes‘ Irn-
In at after I had mooed the
° bridge I felt a violent obstruc-
071 myteal trie4 tear:vitt:v:1. pthuat
,, Y 3' g P
raw s at first, but a few seconds later
she was plowing her waY through the
loose granite and providentially stop-
pad short on the very Up of a batik
'45 feet high. It was most fottunate
that heavy rains had been falling and
the way was very soft, so that my en-
gine had no sooner left the track man
she was plunged up to her axle In
so!,ti egtth daoriwnd 1 oaonsde igreSa my way
back to see what damage had been
done, Pour oars, including that of
Mr. Pallid's. the 'deputy locomotive
nuperintendent, . were also derailed.
,and our brake van was badly smash-
ed, as also was one of the third-claos
ca.airsa c_onmtale nin pilgrims. Mr. Patild°
i e,d , an so did our guard.
„ Monetrous Inert Mape.
' We thought at first there -must
be cattle on the -line, but we could
,aee nothing. We pr c red lanterns
and carefully exarahliti the engine.
Suddenly / heard lir. Faulds err
, Why what's this?' He held in.
hand [a strip of elephant skin. We
phiednntur lanterns this way and that
and saw the huge tell-tale pads every-
where d soon found, the spot where
our en. eanmy had rolled over the bank
after the t e dam im act.
mull n 1 uliP f ild
"These Jung e are o W ole-
bents' and the btuaker who at-
keelus was evidentl an outca t
rogue, a fellow of bad Yternper swish
as terrorizes the villages, lying up in
dense jungle all day and coming out
only at night to feed Ana destroy
houses and human life.
mmuaeash traoeutisrehinetert
an'd'Itiddinid niet lay,
masa, among the tangled wet under-
rowth and his mighty weight -per-
tar ai tons -falling nearly GO feet,
haa driven a vast hole in the soft
earth. Oa.hindleg had been cut off
and there were three severe Injuries
t, the hqad and shoulders. I judged
,,... .. 0
"t" t to big tuaker, angered by our
&PPr° aching lights and the general
d tood f 11 1
uproar of the ttaln, ha 0 u n
the track and indeed had charged
down upon us, only to be dealt a ter-
rifle stroke, Which struck him dead.
punts e us pre y sever y, o -
He ' h d tt el h w
ever, for he has done damage to the
extent bf Rs 14,000 at least, .
"I sent word hack, to Goilkeni, slit
nines away and we hoon had a gang
of recruits at work on the dtunag ed
train. We chopped . ont the fallen
monster'a tusks, which I am sending
you and made over the mipty °arose
to the semi -savage Rhein. '
t Sable COW. It *10,,It. - ....Bit Atit
-. .tiotanterat
r 4 Oil' 'ennittiOtMattin, had
_,,--,-,-----7, , ble., ratan Iosathi-an. 74.rer
a 5.00; 4,11.904 410.00`
.,,- ,
. ..
‘ ova' -Blankets ;
v" ,..-....}..- ne...... ....t--. .-...-. .weerodt.
00Potro tereamot wenn.. x***1.4. nFore - - "
. ' iliattitata• 4,00145•Ved tear. pink and bluenbordemn
Itlec lol, At .-...+ '''''.-$1."..'and S,•71•4°
' .. - n ' 0 • ,,. • ),..,,,,, . . .,, , , ,, .: „
flo iStlra 'Ante*** Twain' -Ort. Vetigiek ..Ctirtelervior'grehtlir.ttr, aottra;.Verir
'*ta* *Vont 00, beotty teeee40,-eeto,,romptoo, oity4. brawn; bUtrit. to ,
, pait..`;•,-,4-.......44.,;.......;:.. ,-.......44400045.09: Statle?•..4ttett 100410..
. n . , . : . . ,- . . n • , ;„,,,., ., L, - , • , .
1 ,''c 011i*illg , -
, ". ' ,, ,, ,' . :' • "''. ,. • .., . •
title...OLIO& ret LOOttioSO. ci hrtfkieWitl*e&rOe'Weiff.t.C41;:1**0;40.1,i1,1 *
e-- ti ---4 &*,,f7. -r1.4.---- .non• +,:on• in n4*.i.,SII•4 V 4.4'.1,;....i,,,,...•#,:y51,1,,i.,'!,,1".,:.!,..,:=0:11:!, 1,"-`,7
•'n ' ' • ' 'n,-'•., ' ..- ' • f•nn. '..n.'n' .- .
type 0**,11041v •
01,to by mem *log ilatitand •
a enay to inseassou
ekes Hak
cue,,... Ono stra la reporteti„ .
. And *MOW* claantr Imo tom' ','
4444101r. *4440411 nnt
tiall fat 'Wide& )0* n
la* 04 ... Th*:),AlgheNtIlikian. •
Iti000rtx***a AsIsfisatowneht,fic
thnOittlPeNtOre416tatilat-theY fateitt it
average Iota mareauutohatisth n
to,ux ht. ii0o. ,a,grlettltitral 'VA and, lign t
75, And *Term* nft it IV* 4 ot iii '
**_,,44•0tut towo4otoin ..bot Atitori, w„„,,imr
*atuatlee pareantatel., LAC tlid7. ii....., ,
4&Mitet" *14141.•1"...*'''*e'" thin Ist-446 •
Poor Pertv et PiAtett .noentttZ .' ;wan ern
.041treetI1Y4614634 lt*IWWIer46-nilivel.''',,,,
Canadian: bred. three 'OAS thetI-
bree4ing.,f0tir niniPeCtett'fil?IrPg '0144'
gra410, n„ two . Pereiterlatai:.nan • finiffelk
P.Inelt and .a.Standartl-bred-i, n Itere IS ,
Ar Per41011.44V4"00.404040Clitlea'04**•
,AOrtnikt1.004.. craKeensearcely•tn,r;„ -The;
glkin*I1Aufg.AlorFei.f0444) .4-0,014-
. - . ',
t.0110i'lln% ' : 3.''',.
• ,
n n n-, .
- Ansketegiv: 'Betilarkin4;41h IlartiOn!
O000tr ,wectirid tbe,;,01Ydellin 41M.
... 1VIADE T() O RDEli.
lit VOX/ WISH rt.
',**0-'-i $15 to $25
7-:i. ,
., liATS .
Heed Crops In Brno", .
Totonxi Nowa ea.'s.
Prooperity reign! In Bruce (fount*.
ofiCOrdi, o o -.
ngttatemento 01Mr. (-). M.
Bowman, hf, Thi p.„• . seenithniopton,
who le at the Rot;sin Tfoute today,
"Our farmers have the beat Oren of
fall wheat they have reaped hi toenail.
Keeirzidl.)oth tu qoantity and quality.
."I`he lightest Wheat marketed at one
witci i Intiow of was 02 periods and the
„op„,',,,„hee...ott, portuate 'sop. weigh.,
kiii TA
0,- A7-'11'he other orciPs aro all
good. too, with the exception of (he
",t,t , ,. , ,_ .. . .
nor"01 vallotT liao, aeO9 admit well
In the live stock industry.; he added.
4116 1'411116141 'dePend 1acSAY °II till°
a d do • mit. go much into dairying,
Several cheese factories were !darted
some years ago, hut had to close, no
the farmers did not take up with the
Idea. They wa,nted their ntlik to ked
to stock instead of aendIng ft to the
popplatindrautitsherse..tberen` ,
.., . ,
,. t.,
' - I '
AlZD .• i
- ;,1 .
4/. ---n
n haittrarn Sher tiains'eleeing
.. streets,, ,,,-, -. ., . .. ' n, , .
"n Vhei-ehatk'' reilertett Altst. din• **WOO
ereberotot, otte.7motmott.**,1*02,***0‘,
. unch.1,-TIM:41,raughttykr" -Of' OW.' '
gCTOttt.:049441/111044 n. 'uoir,9-i4)341!
:3' IC '
- ' t
- 1140.903,
tinb titAintiStIAV%
. eartarrnsao,,,,
. riieiireemeret 40'
orrmannareeish,, ,.
IlfgrdePiguila •41 -
• • '40,sa utak Vrx
• ' - ".""Olies - -T•
-, fy
I r )
, lira roears.,.reael.eitler “it eatear Att.
' ettOrdh,IltiCet,!,.'yilbtOk WO*. •-c„otniee,..... t.,
Ari IV te a Wer now, lir .4 time'
"nit ink . 4 n n f n n I * 141 f fo
' 'tm,t to tiorror.ttitt, la eitttf t '0 .3
• e..°Oneni bilffillOro,(400.1rokonougb Itip';:t
,- iolture$14.014 Peti,tioni. audit was'st•
ferred•httelt3lit'etraidetfet.I. -4 . .. '
' ''.0ourivtistiono-opvilario4'otAbe
, Il&ttierkiket'entten"'n • Ilir*/**"k°•-ell
. Ai t ' atilpth • '
• Chitirtnell.01P. 'am Street Inspee4
. tor.:Weretructed. to 'attend to. the
. .
. totitter '.:. . , . ,
Nun,. Whiling's aleo alleke al "Atu,
elainatt-of 'residents' in the.'south 041.
'of the- ttiwtt Who were Wooded with
. . . . . ..„.
n tTaqndr -wfroin the pending of a street
percootagnare registerodOnikthe,h41" •
:#, Pee.e_t_fien. .0004„,r,.110,4,0V:(oor..OE,,
. veil •reW •,retti s„ ee . • nit b eloren."$
' b semi fy. ' - tipinVestigationaliave,
.0. . P - .. „ .- ..
ott 0*, to qomOtote. li.hAt _Y911, n fry!,
YtYlletdit, en-ty %air,* rm. vyg,tt , c*-
rze tailitw,,:ittiziei,. 40net.
alll ' ig ..that•• it! dOe •not- fro fol"
Mimi . They are very
: to :14init 'otie ar•-,40' ouricdhzoisoirs' .
be., ttlieCn all. V. t on tea..
t° er . s r g
log•pteralls against. the cheap, mon-
04- -cross,bred• andn grade etallions.
'because they Intxtrferei so, much With
, e us ness ,0 the • ig /a ass an
tb b I f ' •'
hi he 1 4 he e owl
g V.pr ce . . tneee,
..h ieedere , to ‘seneret very. eeteh op. '
snn 1 .
_ - - ,,, • ,'
during ex-X4ayornualra term. ap1.1 thie
-posed te eynuicatIng stallions ; very
- .„.........
. ,
' .lie
-he , ,,
uP thernibtr request' rc'c re'
rona meld rits of St. AndreVr's
Ward: S. Morzurigetnee. There
many poor animals are sold by this
mem". , ,
e r
TtOnert•- .a.l.
was- an agreement ,itt the .discuesiart
that something aliOuld he done, tint
thelatenetion:, of the season and
Puhho Scheel Board.
' A regular meeting of BIN board was
Ma John Barr. of the boundary,
flullett; doee not boast very much of
his ability at; a bieeder of thorough-
hred atm*, but when be goes Into a
ehow ring he carries olf moat of the
prises. At Blyth he took the majority
,of them, and ut Goderieh fair be was
phcoomenally suecessfnl. Ile made
17 entries, and won 17 prices, 15 first
1 second, and 1 third ; he could not
have Improved on this record very
' tit • .wast•
.rile eeareit.y...ot funds, the .question
how- to do the" work, and the
held on October 7th. members 'present
belnit Mtwara. J. W. Oraigle, It. It
A. D. Mci.can,
Men5s Shoes
-. ...., ,s . •.chairinan
THE .T(t.• u , IL
, Of the 1.'4,N,tr, and Street in.
tirtrgetztjtf4re.,§t,e4 to again look
._ 4
inki'elerk iead. the statement of coal
putt, H. E. likalgens.
manadat,i6St.- sPelpatett.ffiThebrewSasecrreetaataryan'sdantalatde:
48 1.4:41°V4a• VIZ. : n ,
. ‘
i ?,
n IV' C •
\ .
Good solid wear, and real
comfort in our men's heavy
street Shoes.
Bunt to wear and stand
the wolkiug which you Will
certainly feel like doing
wheii you wear them.
All the best makes, in all
shapeS, sizes and widths
are here. Easy to get a fit
-eaSy-Sltoes to wear,
hard to wear out. Ft
If you buy from us you N
carry home rummy which \
you expected to spend. \
1 ,
A" tiAlliar InC‘ ti ° '.:tli,e'....:4"9...11ne. it,
wt4 iOdd 404. VO• ii'•'.:;•0..i, "if ‘4311Th
Beekettnnheltia . 0 , ,
. -•. -z '''' ' 'n : • '.deavor
2, '.* • • .- • in.-- tn, - ; '
' bStaw
64 tshiseed Mid duty- aid as sent in by
tiof V. arid TA 0 M-MPIssion, hnt it was
.nnt .Conaidered n satisfactory form
',and .the• Pinanee conimittee will en-
to dineet it '
. en, d .
The Pollneil then. adjourned.
c e L mangles a els
de,Avanulf "Rn‘ o as
a. waiters, repairs
The MO, adveqtaing , ---2_ ns'30';
The Maim ? 31
1:1-wennikert:r.oac:erti,s7ttimenal,a7;;',If 914
pay Mere and (Jet the Best.
A cheap, flesh burning cern remedy
, Lti ‘nevet siltiafactory. The, best is
s-mnara a mimeos Corn Itxtracton,
!_ests but il q:mrtr:. and is guaran_teed
w ohre tno ougmy. use only rut-
&am 0.
retiliiiiiithif0 th0,ettehig Xiff the mar-
ItIE tiOingS OF
• .
VV. L. Horton, insurance 22 se
keCO"b°1114 %... :Oirerthied.( and he
was inattucted ,to nave .aarne, done,
r---!-- .
Some time ago the. Ontario Govern-
Tow , • . ., ;2:
Pwvlouply paid • .... . 4570 EU '
rho. ' .......i.' '..i'...tn", ' 1,:i,.:6i'''tii,,,itjt, • *, *
- .01; tf••,.....tRiriferi.w.noo'n- •Foas 9,-.
the a . ilituriritn. h tina their trionthly
etatiq)nalistirwgital,!. 1,ilCk4f:140'''' th/'•
atiC08. V '6 :,tetICO. 0410 In't tlic tft 16'
ROW), raciettn; ettesAdrt; it/04°41P
eaeWl06044.11-64;61..;theo -referred to the
auditera and retittert'ot.,13ruvin at
AAA wn.
..*..t; eetipig, ..,Atitteettp.,,,--,-„-;,,,,,,-,.--,,
the pPa ' 00.1,-.....-,..-n.,--' ""--"---
thatAnieltennittn:Wateeitleindeit in. the
auctitaiirstmonow,"vai 101146..hati.
never been apthOrinaL or hatilatied by
the nOrnincil....10..thandf0000dof Auf tufo.
proposant was, statednthat the anciltinr
narenrePertwas-,a0 04.1hritt l'OrhY thellVt-
law under wtiteli tliey'.were appointed,
But ibis -did pot: 004 Y'th° reenie. 4-411
be me,vede eetooded ,,,v,y,..,(1.400 Emit
lnbiwbtteeaf"t' tOe'l'Orrlii'34 'res't'rt
ithciuktn,' Ittott,'.reed,,, ix the tounell
mitt to soem referred to. tho.narntoro,
Wint. WOUld'nelkittn` there9n at next
priouitzi. zodtd;v.6t .,11e0t0.3,0 Meet
the apprOvat'op:'0* rt0000tti** may,
tll,M0,4040lalt#0340114"°r 14 .
, . , .
Collector Campbell ono of
ISOS' iliXt*,:401tedtOtt.'4,nal`.014:''over. to
troinnlear, and.:intle ccineetery aegton
reported ititeetnekint',OevOn adults
derloegeliielPherin'nnn.' -..inn
Thanlatter reiforblia 'infOlia• Olaelt to
inotre,'Whh,,,gion ;authority tot' the
ereetien Of al,•Ittallt,i.tYn..Mr4 $1,,O,Ifite.
tin, and,.appa4Atft.moin offof.o view.
conteaMlai0d . trent. the, exenvatiOns
roAdn,;..The mom and deputy.reeves,
who are botkieeratOria not...the come.
tory committee, eakttttelp gooW sloth:
,Ing of the ,100,tteripnd cam.. imieentin
tad ing ton 4tneen.r was that Atr, Martin
talked it over. ,Witli.kleint4 Aecketti.
Who hi Oltairmadcand-40,,,(mackliri)
hadonly Said -that WhatOrer the corent
mitt.e,* wolit4, 40140 ,. 60, ..op.• VV041dytear.
agree to, butcher° ,hail been tio Meet.
ing of ,the.,(1.0theWY,Cenattlit.tee• The
Matter dropped Witit,',thelandertitand
blether the.,n'ells,..iriturrs the 00fo.
ment appointed' .8everal' expert corn-
. admit:mere, Jton:Tritteatillate the horse.
breeding industny int -the province, and
their report lima pelt been issued., ' Re-
(erring to atwonithey ear.- , •
The township of Stephen,; in Huron
teounatT, dizgreat'raccdniitaterraotr the heavy;
618 ° ''Y''' . 41 la of sire0 are
three imported Oly e ales. and two
grader* of that %reeding • four import-
ed Shire a P reberotl. t n imported
' garattleP, tiVCV tandairtF•h eds and a
Jihare,ulibrea. With one excePtmo,
d es hot Dine ire
toore.4 0 orlg 0 ."0 n°
litatil frilt.8;t:' an nde44?rag: ' '''' il '3.1
0...Atirc' Y good.- , au .8: Ey!.
fi?Phi'll Ilt 10
If .*:b but ZWO eft40 , r „Lfe ea
In000ki,5,th.engeentieres urtr laerearorn
hi t bi rrgs 14.111
nt quai. tills P lire 9 . 1 . r Y S
at lthough (any a stnall per--
Y4 ciiii then are- 'egiste ned•but
&1341ge' I Uld he likal to
redairragerfre. nnh h Y,
a g t prima wnen
Ptna°tectenditi good duraurststeeires The
'itemiser Of maven in i:he tatvikti I
il s
1,800, alto u t three-fcturths heing,
.draught. and the .balanen, general n
•pose and light. • --On'.
. This tOWnshipa 114 is one in which
the Inspector found noire tiblres than
Oiriesidales, thg proportion of the Inc.
Met to the latter being as six to four
Sires.. The other sires are two Per-
°heron:, andlnor.-Standard.nbred, All
ate Imported, and On One WOO Of On
. '1,r - - C .
soundness waa foun . The general
averatfeo tan, Is gekal,..1nnleerv'ee fee.°
vary trom. ,iatunIto 1,Fiu._._„_. .atz regaraS
mere* their nit be 1,5M, ut three-
fourths being heavy draught, the rest
-general pit rP crie and light. Their ave.
tage weighte, are draught, 1,400 lbs.;
general' purpose, 1.20, tbs. ; and thef
1.1°'41t1,8"1412dr:liflb 5.11)er cdentbh° 'b 1.
rang to, are. _ g s ere , an _ e a
moo afe good draught breed mares.
Only..a antall potoeotage of the light
Mares are realty good, their average
Tong to date $53M0 ii
The Principal's reptant showed the
attendance . for September to have
-been too follows Z 237 'boys, 200 girls,.
total 497.; average attendance. 203
boys, 219 girls, total 421 ile also said:
"There has Wien considerable truancy
•this term. , lite roof apilleaks in one,
room. There are thirty-seven model
.students in attendance, all of whom
.have paid•their fees.•', .
Omornunicationa were read from the
N i I ' 0 d f t h
at olut Oil o. an root two eac -
era, n The two latter We're filed and
fit kr- d d 0 i i ' d
hes"%o '1 gene " ' v:Ift 8 ehelVe
t at t He4v1ItarS' not* Y t q.t.,
onal Oomptisiy to take away the
his left with the Board.' and that
tary order 10 gallons of 'oil
the sgre i' h •
arid lbs. o soap. y e motion oar-
Accounts were read'ftoin ; George
Porter, stationetp $18,00 ; B. Paulin,
„.,,„„;,,„ on, , contract for
-.1----, ,...02 , aulin.
blackboard, $149,25 ; McEsvan estate,
fuel, $4.25; W.. B. Kelly, clock, $1.35;
w, It pin tier, repair.. $52.0s; 3. Bum,
mell. eement walk, S8.50; W. Irwiii.
labor, $8,00. Account front A.
Snazel, $25.00; was referred .to the
chaitman and 3'. W. Oraigie to nay if
found correct. and One from Welker
Oo„ PLOas P, was laid- over. was an
account of sia.r,0 (rem the Beii Tel_
oppono 00„.
The chairman and Mr. Oraigle were
empowered to inspect St. 'Andrew's
Ward school and get the needed re-
gairs Matte, and also to look after the
eating arrangements of St. David's
von.„„d ached.
" ''''
The truancy. question was diaeussed
at some length, and it was agreed •
after, the eipirs tion of October, to
summon any tratdestnan employing a
child of ac ool age, or any pa eat,
tiLlto_%gi.ng child. to atay away from
O°1412 M.
A farmer wbo is said to he one o I
the most Intelligent men In Lite town-
ship of Stanley, if we mistake not ono
who was born there, attended Bay.
field show last week, and made Um re.
mark that "it woo the first tinie he
... , .,
had been in Daylield for ...o years.
People nowadays should know soine•
thing of their surroundtngs and their
oWn 0044trY.•
Wm, Shipley, of Clinton, is suffer.
ing fro Wood poisoning in his left
arm. lie aupposed he injured it
while axing un a fence, and caught
cold In the wound which developed
into blood Mooning, his whole arm
b i IIP
e ng awe en and discolored. tie has
been doctoring it for siomeidays, but
at present no desirable change has
taken place.
wt. 04A;ill . .
c.ac..2co„iik---Altot -, '
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Dor.
dial is prepared from drugs known to
tbe profeesion as thoroughly reliable
for n the cure of cholera d sentery
diarrhoea, griping pains andYsiimme;
complaints. It has been used success
11 b di 1 I I 1
U y y nie ea prizet t nners or a
number of ears ivIth gratifying re.a
Faults. If Fluttering from any summer
cm inplaInt it Is Just the medicine that
will cure yOu.
Jesse it r
a riston, of Ginnie, had his
left arm bad( crushed in it threshin
achin Y8
m o three weeks ago. The ariu
was so badly Injured that gangrene
superVened, and ben was retnoved to
the Winghanz Hospital. After Con•
sanIrtattion the tarty: fnorur:d.,i& neeve,-
8 1 it ru I d0o rx "1 .1/Irt tri °tab e d 1 116vvi it .
y ass stet y
Drs 'ro .1 n . nil Knedris ' i e 1'0
' 16 Y A mit • P 1 rm•
ed the operation. Although in II vory
weak condition, hopes are now enter -•I
Mined of Mr. Harrison's recovery.
, - ... - -
A Sid A LA. PILL 111r1 PO W icittrt , 1.. -
They that judge of the powers of a pill
17 its size, would consider Parszielee's
e etable Pi is to be leek** It Is a
6 • I n it.
little wonder among pills. What it
eke In size It snakes u 1 in °tone
11 I P -Y.
lbe remedies which It carries are tit
. , ., • • p
up sh twists email doses because they
.,,....„ .1) powerrial that only mann doses
''''' "
are rsquired. The ha strength of
the °street ids secured In tide form o nti
do their work thoroughly.
Etiquette `In British Army.
In the British army the force of eti-
quette is very strong, says a writer
hi Cassell's Saturday Journal. One
of the boast° of a certain regiment is
that "The Tenth don't dance"; and
one wonders what would happen to
any of, its officers caug_ht tripping tittle
light fantastic toe. NoWhere is e ..
quette . more severe than In the
Guards. Even when ho done hie evil -
form, an °Meer of the eint,„„rde intLY
not dress as he pleaaes. when in
town, for instance, he muat not wear
• patenwesther boots, oxee t in the
evening. while a, black tie 0 the onlv
The colonel should be married.
Majors may be married . Captains
should not be married. Subalterns
mar 71
amimusrtabiae, bsenfaht 070. pTuhiner
Oven receive a hiot, from the mess that
the roam of himself and his bride- is
preferable to their company. The
logical reason for them things is not
easily explainable. All that can be
said of them is that they constitute
the unwritten law,
a "t Ilk
at Al.
r .111,14).0.••.=/....
' 414
, .
• .
„ . s
- •i-.0-
- ...
. .1 Jewel
• • Stoves
4 , -7-""••'.
t, 0 " Jewel
,, tnn'el. ,
, Ranges
• A4:74r. '''i
,0), ' X• The people rwe coming
-,.. after thetn, A sure ain't
the want to save money
a.- Get the beat.
,oti trier-tkottiet.,,,,,,,ne-miyo added
P..`w ..comnaittetrilitince,to nut .to
P.W. . . ,.., . . . . „,...
*POE.' n',' '-':. "`-...n,.T".'''..-•
. - ' . itOiettrtfitit•ttlle Int
The„Finatteke . , .
, , • - ,
ea PoitmnOdt-er 'SI ' .
In connection svi '.the,,ktiatigt (1.,..10
nillikairAt,i0tvin.,, Acn.Ittegitri,, 18:10t.
pk- ,,,,,1
. itteeip.0.4 Y 4
,,,,•11„likly ,,I*n. d 1,-(4-;;;;'.
----*".."4" ' - 0,---,,":2*
tillite.‘110.00 4 l'.• •°""'Y'r!''',
lifer". filln; .Wallretr. net g17:
(Y. 'A,totegrtittie,', t en9n
Broa,,,r11) n terbetaitett
'type bekig poOrt•
• To, elterstaith. toWnshlp rims to
,Olydcadalets, there having been no.
Shires nbroUght In lately. Two pure-
bred Clydesdales and one grade, and
one Htandartl-bred and.. two grades
conetItuto the- hires for service, and
two,. of these are reported ail unsound.
To, a era** litallty atnineOrlfprniation
ni ... I. fair. , Service . I. - $10 t
it ,'On 5, . • Ceti lite o•
t20, tbe latter for ,it gitandard-lured.
;room SOO about DM heavy draught/
mares in the teWhahlP averaging Ini''
soo ibe. t 106 sgticaturtd. shout 1.900,
lint and BOG °flight type, alt of fair
Do You 13rool ?
. ,
Have You Mo bid Fears?
Toss in. Your,$eep?
. ... -
Tour Physicist COnditiOn Is Below.
HI d NI t b B lit T
ar an us e u up- ry
Otter Almost Stole His Sidenon.
An unusual incident Of particular
interest to fly fishermen is narrated
in a letter to The London Daily Mail
from W. Arthur Williams, of iliklimin.
"A gentleman residing at Dolmen°,
near Bodmin, was fishing in the Iliv-
tor Camel recently," Mr. Will
writea. "lie hooked a One 88 1571071
on a ily, but immediately a large o
, ter darted from under the bank113)
seised the fish. •
„ 'The ashcrman thus had a Bah and
hi li t tit Ilthrie timo
OM otter on 0 no a p
and having stout taokle he was ia a
to Pega 0 to so fow minutes' eteatirg
sport. The ;otter, however, caught
sight of the fisherman and (lathed up
str m„ rhea the fish had. been land-
. et? ,
s, t a tin er o ,m
ea n gl th arkii of =the
otteee teeth were plainly Ateariutble
on the shoiddeni of the ash?'
ji (,, • -. n, RI P
4 It
Agent, liamilton St., Goderich.
The Price of a Feast.
QM 11 boy whofie tastes wore bucolic
0 --n't n "1 d thought It ( roll
c, 4 me on tina ro e,
fie he ate every bite,
" And they found him that night
In a date that was quito meloncolio.
k ,
A 11 IJ Cure
9 • •
K. 11Y#. blk4fie'. pine o'. WO, ''rttle Oa
be slonp„, ,01.0,-,„ l).4; .4 ' ,irtAttiray
,itiosii.10,0aaatair it,: di 4,;,,W;Inigliti iiiie
or -groonak .fit -04ittotht, - Paintin
ha tore, Of tp h ti liccohot,,,fm
** ack,',S3, t.1,1 i eo 101
the Tete a Bac' ntiiiiiing
,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 0 tiof tosfri, .110 ' -per
at $1O. 0 mo,ho,10110wink
• attolints he par:. .. ,X,004 g20,02;
. cienitiket neorn . 01.0. Zino,
112' 0. 160444. , ...,
#0...,-,„,,' .„. ,,,,,,a,.• • ,,,,,,,' ..,,' Af.•'4,,'„.14•,,„, 4.,,,,,, „a,
'''''''''' '1,....'"''''"'`"" "'". '""'" ""
hot roottlow .tivotrotdd: mot* to trfo
And the .reeigatt re. *tufting .'the
.-itnie Pf.Y1$ fn.*, t.nliin "40.00
alit . „
(111 ,, Y.. ., ,
__,, Oplesables also predominate in Mc-
ittliop township where there ere six
imported: Oly esdale stallions, one
Shire im_ported, and too Standard-
bred* • "fere, again...there fa 0710 415158
tt'titieoundtuiss, tint the aVeragek, cent
'formation Is fairly good. service' feria
hartthe_thott range of S10 to$18.
'Oat of the 01-0, MAW, 200 are hekeY,
sao ot 'the AgrIC0Ittitrat (SIMS 11,04 140
ight,. the aVertiger Weight* being
1.500, I;000 end1,000 respectively.
There hOtniti.tb. be a larger percent..
age ot light Infirel. in. Grey' township
two ,Iti these previously stastaidereii ,
And here the eke, otend three moor,
ditlea, a Shire, all regItitered, ma three
. .
All the Vitttl activities of the v
are quickened into mile vigor by Minx).
zone.,which contains all the constitit
cots necessary to make nerveetrength.
'Its first Action *upon digestion.
'It stiosuletee the secretion of gastric
'nice, insuineiti. perfect digestion and
preparehe tad aoas to be easily
aesintilated. .
Thusnver.ything y,ou at is convert-
red trite, nourishment that enrichaa
the .100d find lends now strength to
the tient* •
. IlY • reirrotainte the mind ls telittied
of those titOoding tendencies, of mot.
hid nnitatural tears, of onWillingness
to concentrate attention On things
Too Slow.
"Ras your son decided what pro-
fession he will pursuer
"No, but it does 't make tiny dig-
ference. Ile wouldnn't catch up with
- - _ _ _
You have no boil e
i r pitting. ti p your Pipes
if they were mule by us. ()urs are made
the same year after year. Stove Pipe machine
never clianged-they always fit just right.
Elbows Mica
Dampers Scuttles
Cement Sifters
Repairs for all Stoves and Ranges
We have the largest and best stock of
. tl
in ie county. We'll take your old stove on a new one.
Hardware t Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring
and Fixtures.
_ Save This Anyway.
Hero left 81MPle b isme•t& &de 61.1,3011"
as given by an eminent authority on
iti lie 'diseases tri
d r „who akee thetintte.
Ment la s Ne* York daily neonate' per
tit t it will relleVe siatoitnettyneiae ot
'kite? trouble if taken liefote the
, ta • d . „ ...„.
it o of tkinnht s Nemo Ifet • ta •
tat each ir 03 tom as. thmia..1107,
pain In tit/earn. frtunent desire to
urinate, especially At nightt 'painful
and dieeekted utitudiett, Are. nreitdoy
1 t
overcook. Ilere la thereelfut /It t
Plaid- Extract, Handelintic ette.lialf
ottoe'ei 00Mhottbd Karkein 0016 OHIO'
2 intol 04 -ii ' , 60.00444.04. -- h. . $
ilf A . Mgt. t tee
tutees. 'ff'rili-ei a testapeohltil Weed,/
n ifed n- , '114`t
la t,t Wet,
. - . - 4.-
A. Ive IktieW6 drtilrktetbmic lii Wilt'
IttAuttt"..1112. "Jo "let° Initt011ent. are
.01°Illomw oo114.0141.11O.I.thome
by "stialting win311 td _no battle, nteho,
ratature 'tva It peetdiar twine
*wending e eet upon the indite kinney
. , ,
and wintry structUr04*Maten„0.014
twzgrott at* *mg, foto" tic nottotAttot%
in !tat ft MAU Whilei,_,t, _Tido Mixture
mid tb teittOt* Alt le1404diettedeirti
py,i,it, init. Auritgiktioni by fottitiit the
--- -- ------- '
whey* to Alter and ntraht fretati t
) torid . d it 't - • n g kis had , •
otttaar lta., eavrsraitrgsai.„tioyao wmrostwat0,' t.t0-0otto' o'.JiallY
emototbee ,ifftldhtinn, 7yfttfyo
, ,
' - - .-- ------------ ' "--
'Wiiii iiiiii ktI**4 tio tot**.
. -
It is nature's specific for Diarrhoea,
Hystatsty, Cramps, Colic, Pain in the
414euerh• Cholera Morbus, cht'"kra le-
bottom, Sea Sickness, Summer Com.
plaint, etc.
' Itapld and reliable in its action.
Its effects Ate rmirvellotia, and It is
Ple"4214 and 110"11003 to take -
it het -
been a household remedy los
eitty.two years.
Belo" substitutes 'The d
. y are anger-
Kra. Wet. Fiewelling, Arthur, Ont„
written t "1 tind it much pleasure to
tsoommend Da Fowttft's ExTrzseqn or
..ttilt Biltaitterany as a •grand curo flu
t Cottiplaint. My little hay, One
year old, WM Yet* bad with it, and a few
doses•-e1.a.-red him.- I aso mod it cmy
.A ... gpueifor cramps and «tll
, .. . ,
Wood Pure, Rich,. Red.
Rosy glow In t he t ace, sparkling
eye , ,vacviious ',Writs are all the out -
401 est bl 1V
c6 ° SO- °min ° ,01cer w4-1
exists of purifying and enriching_ the
blood than to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
By their gentle action on the bowels,
kidneys and liver, they niter eVery im.
PnrkY from tho system, leaving 10
wholeimme and able to do tile work
necessary for the maintenance of
To be well, look well and feel always
tit your heat, mat Dr. Ilandlton•s Pills
01 Mittalrake and Butternut 'a trot
d rf i . etini th f y ' 5
woo a o ta e is or Ming an
old. Price Me. at till dealers,
.', .,..'..
Moo. .t. IL A
' bee., ktttititsiiectit
„ , , •
' ilBitt
. fitOleitikif 1
, tett.to* tail,
benefittatf toe.
"l WO iiry
teettatbean the
' aften .would 1
doctor. ileitt.thitt
0,11* 641 a
pot bat *
WO filla to
itt yeAtA AIWA*
Iran* 40e'rt
ntma, utitr*ltele*t111811t m*aoatoostt
* f
. ,..-
mu' i%
u lif 11
(. -
*tt ,.................„......
' it.
Staridardsbreds, which fool/moo:grade,
The *Ws& tetiferination 'Stair, and
teity ere ritOrl Ai unseitmd. nit, ffi ht :to
linsto dolts"' lo the-Oinite .64 te;""
ilea? tul'"1".nutl* 15°' '64ring
1,600 bit. t agttouttutelnate mos mann.
ttrotot entb,0004 and tight total AU ,
Ittiturobotty ma mottio'tow.00pil'.
..ter.,...c .. I.--
u!ittt WU 14 nrge Pertlent*.
*1 ordeed* 0* lout o
i t. ill --shire*, ithli two
t. vitate.btetgs
att - 11°kneit ''""s''•
too ;bong, lt
' niftirioirodopet
itottt Ugh tare*, Attd
whi t ' 4.444".Y in'
61...14 '146'''
* ° *trill*
. ly. t * .._. iiiiii
below** ti ;polo
' *Siantiagl• 'Agrittiltnt.,
SI tftile 'Are ta10.14 ttletilWrenttoc400. itt
tight.Idt The ketslitits,*haiiht !el' the
*sodas igltenathoVei n', . . ; ,'.- .'' '
' sit 10,400444_ , oftaitAk*iiko Itill3de'
, ,
oil Sh t6 Ann USW atarld at 6
*tBhMatwhIitl , tkkttnitetoAttottIeaetlitqotffet4tto
Wehlr Yati t ir eireftelle,
V043 ' nu t a h nc,e win
- 0 t Y 0;0 I c a to
'haek healtht it *Hide I jt
i'llt 414, 't41 It 0 I yi zi n6;,1 f
tam 'trek% LitAelfle;U° 'A. 61' dtritt
. . e„ -$ . OP . 3.. .
' '
',Ars I t, 1'004 tell,: 111Yref ereele,
*rile ettrb".11141.41e trthii vi* eille
aV O ......e.a ,.....,ti e -LA.. is no
illaittion *hc, ne it homy, I woo.
tt nosh ,iiiiid
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I e kea,'m n 0.4. t i
ae ,..., color. Y.,..oertes , evere t!:
t Bung o 1 a
d.resof01 0tOte. 4 ^ 114111 w'
woad jump mol stmt. At Mg t 1
Would siddenty Waisnuir heartpalpt,
. . . , . ,
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t±tn ntt . -- 11* .-0:1114O0.
itit eght 10- *Mit. it ttiltOi*it iht"
'" 44 70itia Nato . . it
, ot, giVfe Me ite -ton,
rAile-citted MY rtereentaileigt. .Iftetto-
win I treated rat opottIte tioir4ost
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wolottiot.00 00 fob thitt i 'aim li
Atm. t „„,ji hi, ,.,. " iik.,"1,41,,,,,, ,14.4
i/1-*-,,,,*iiria-,. -,,41- "•'"" - 0-* --- -
; . Zripriereyibli utm vio. r ,miA,• stoop
uteri:ell writ 0 vortaiimikily
1 -ly ,... n. ro, . t
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Merl td nveet Ili 3,0t in a water.
T Is is ts Meet tile
wrnilnl nrtnin' h
ti,Jaent of non eater town will never
trt, provi•lingt or comae. good.
Jo .10.,_ sot Is uso. 1.!‘ histalthla Os
IT Nitiner tnn.i .Te.$111140141AL.-It is a
gnarnntea In Vele. Il t6stl*/*Th*I°
were -required t ty could be fitrialshed
id unman a rein kir an cep •
11 1 f ell ha a at
!tins of men in widely
medielne A. re pdai,t.ftroerntt.h p(lWacAeITs.
1e8.t which bavc Ut al ephemeral
exiiitente ari , then ate braid of 110
ilter4 DriVh0a4e-VelatttiO CRAM
*yawn Tit atantation every day Placa it
Ara tumit totttototttatk*.
*itftahlpiitetith, otertttohtt
itorot***i Alp, end itht atitaetty to
par bat teiOe
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StIRIIWII utratvrigg MEIN vAt.un CIROOLATION.and
that's the heases They Talk to the) Masses Through
TIIII onnystest avatt,_ at.,......,.. tt,......a..a kv.,-,-- -
-1* 410 ,thebatte.teft. itsmiut 01.„
NI ihie *11101.° "