HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-11, Page 3__ I I -
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If 1'� UW44 & 7 - I.-I-olota 0,11, 4 if 011,16 041111111110111111t 410111 - -
� I � . I , "4*+ � a-, � md, li� , � 404 p Z I OM" 7 � .� I I �. Lodgiug � . . � 11 �
� I I � 17- - "_ ; � o * ftiquo-4-0*-,004 *rd V"� At 04 lot I ., .
� Mi* W! 6XM_ 00t,14allm - fr 10 00"A "O W -11b, . $IV"*, . I " 11buft, , I I I , I I
I � � , I � Nowsisilp. - tww 004 kourvidgly W %)I" I � I � I . ,.� .
.1 1 TOMPOVU41 I � GookoliklikiiI , tossib I Jk . I
I I . A i, I , I � 44K *, h(*%4 , ,rho v4w 0SIlit"r. � �ANAPA,, .1 -;--,,v . ...... �� , I .
C � I P** "lots *Aw owo w 4 W**% , , 1, I.... ..
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" . I ,� � 0, �,',�. ,Jm�,-!�;I- . *0�1*401%*"t#.$*$44,ip�*v 444 OwUlt Im "g, $011r, 'NOY Ififililorilat is Ovwoi -U�, 1W Awo or Up" lkalift, I I I � .11 ... ;.", I , 11� I . C
.1 I
. . � 4 .�91i "',:.q . 4 . I I trw, b" b"u IWO* b 'Ark . r illk� IWAll "11IIII WOAW* ,�V* V4 10041, ,optiOlk 1A
I .1 I . - I : I 1�. WOW�Ilw ry 14, I)* triv. .814 1 A Osp Tomato 004A A a takr, V) . . -44
. ., 'C', ,ehakft W! #wr w4fatfiIii",, will � Tbka Mass at Avlam owww4* 44, 'Alt rC14!:l#4VAW,W4%,Qr 11�;Ilt�OIQVIX1111� , , 110 Wilt tbo'hillot soptirais Jskuular,y� 1 -0ch from, Ilia leapoo trom A tV4r4-_"?P3r".V I I
I I A oowt* "ft vowovilIxIi, it 1W Ili* t 04i 0. re.10", T4 Ql.� 11. Ri liali 4*4 a*t,*,440a window 0 lbe mllivem-ciallf NVOO, 1;i
)� , niso'doo, rLmnlo 0%-* W., 0A "Ji AVA, fA ukkutmullif 4eir lip Was -04. 4tos, 10#04 ft* -W. W04. 4 404 Avin IVKj4� �k 4 outtirvau ot Am to Q .. '0 044; P,Yea 011)d S
y- filla, -lgJVtlt,. li 111611t 140fthill ;� .Ilk � , I
, _# 0 4,11k. "
..., ,
Vtjfult$�',to 4iikW,1I 4 _ I . � min(wic.0 90
� .
I I "W111, %"Ali "W4, trom Ito DO" 6. AW tb* MIlluft -** 110, Wl%ltim *"* tA* - L M* 14"Y lh"�Wut Ailt . P.IWOUR -whilift A ... 440 161, , 11041lor, IN YOU $Ito% fa Me burm,vil about' the, -
I .. I � � %velltv 4 , is taQ . �,
.11, .1 VAsMXW* 04a. ui 40%, iiO III croaw_ ltw.* , *0 If 10"y III* 'lot s4wor lZombillir, Nvoko ftelt Amu�ltlkd by, tha impikett AV11014, I
Xilrylif 0"" t. 110 =�F Ak thO 1"t, im, -shwil, .. ,
, er, , QuOlAkol 0 440.01, 4400, 41.1 In* VX WlVt 0011114414 401 the W110 from 0XV0111110, ut 111k
- , 110o ** fmli *m4ov-4 'i,11* trallportlil 111111111, _V*" 0 N y ex- to'W'. a .
, ft'allat,ot , r" 0 4#1 41* gailifiqlkil' 'W"1491 4 . , I,;%�a Ali"'i
I - IV'" A 1pys *vA tkok Wu* k9WIM 1044' Of thwW W14 ot thil.4 VA feet b$ I
tito, WOO IMU"MNAt al 4, ,, V pliaot, mmak of. ow, over, Aw yorti
"414140111 witWivird, W t1lo, 4.%�. _i�ljja� !no,*kIc,;", *Ait. 14 t _ rll:t foiIislat t"%Q' 0-6 0440 0 r, 4 T, - "M �0 Al= COP lained 411a*13 to hL% .
I . � � _ r, - Plat 0A �� 1W.1101IN011 : ci,,P. It W .. - ('Art
. owd, to�lfllola 10K Imax -A.- 401, 4,01111, U.. c4m to- *W("'U410. - - � �. I WPA re#4 y up., W.;V, Woult'.04M, � , abiriji 01AP, yes,ft,N)FURIP, . It, ,, lk UnII 14 the P41110 lywou in Y, 9.0.
� � I Ill Olt�# Wa. iltkallit M4944y WWOU
, W* Figett. two A � . 14 11j"1114 bottlin .W. suetl! Ural, MAW, orvastow', wito -at leapial; fmxa Q, 75tv"d .
, At, Pr , wt rl 49rAwt- cilliturtst st, the Olitrovisperimintill 40-L ,Vjktt, in"140041' no, *fth''Jillil' M ed 4 ft, em, ow �
I " 1
. A; , ishka4sks" I � to' at limma Plitof $W3, am
, A Of pvOwAt W.Kawlat, two A . . I
Xt* 141k of plial I ity, tilto a Pilo
,,- vour 10 WW* tb* � prow.ft T. P.;4A4QktASX1 11� 4 " _ ,_ (I'llitWo , t44 Q�Npartij 4nd Mr, ti!.4utI�tog, �6
"y 3�.*arrli, VOR A0 iXV*;Whf9k.*Ft At 4t_"O� - I
� I
� I ,A,** r, W. . v I to, .4, WhIls Illa g1film 0 �4 ;, kaj$d W.'aOtY .
� POIn 4rw bolus bitI014 - u4 14 _% V ACTlMOX N110 *UWW* oual AW., M"Y 10,00-4.4tharliki 9 'Rus o -0 lov wo �-tbii� , 1*441ilicir4's wesslnepA 1141alls ty'. 0904 SLI,., rwivoit liflutivi, Italvil whoh, tivo oftvs, Nitta Isaac , " I
_A� tho " I
I �� - 0* , kt� _ laiiiiiij,'s Thai " - -p , t '11ko 4 "wo,
1. , rgqy! W - wlijolij tfl4 4opfIrstWs, 0,# V . ,Wet4 was gratA44-4P.M0 AIM* _"-M#Y #00, txk,vu%O) 044, or kmi A '40 It. utt i\�oaik , flar ,
� _ lad 4)"44 - ts .h� , 94*11 �
. ,.'' . ItIly, i* r , ;L*,VY#taM"tpqIat0.Ira' ''I , 't 14 A4W 1 w, alter, lbar viontoyal to 5t, out; Dor;,� t3arics, a
I I.",, ;tl � 411171`44. "' !hifirt _ *04 thVi4lilgh 44* Nit � bot It �$"44 1001!01�1 '""04W "t, ii,4yla OW . - 44,42, of, increwol 0144 4N " We. fura. tfo.*�Ita ; Lou FirAsitiDlit, rrg�d ry oreastplit, tallor, ckg�d f�iknly-vlghl
� , - ,ot*10,,A0,AI,V414 ut Mmow 4, A4%oaawn, *Cft*,:-� 1"'t , ,
I . I , b I w- lis within. V, . , , 00t, . 'a pro\,*- kt p4tlspkil 11: Wkl*�,ibau , a al -Aq, . I _
. , . , bit", *avgd, a#&., The -w& f"'kh *, olowrl* i I
.1 I , I " I will 14#1 114VI41*4 1"41 -44,0*404 - Part 144, t444, I
" . TA04on,* Vlfskl. 1RlAIjXU0*,$ar ft%lf .glX, ,v,
I � .414 AfrWitalb". AWU t im IsAy. *A.404 W4. 44.� . a ,�Fiklib 1, . Win, Q90 0IghtftA`M4nfbS . �
I . "I A� j,jji , *i, at . se
I Aftri, tI"Iq,i�*§_tbWji of, a tl.ldicall,ifia- 04"W404 gut atfff,44,0�xlde , ulm;;g � * . oW *10hing. .at," **Wrt JIi*At's%tt(fkW, JIlip, �A, �, ailaoug P'sAIIIIIIIIIIIIII, 4cgA:'s*xnc.wh4 Whi, tit* tO 4410*: a "o2r, is ilvllrlow� caolrok, Ork 1,
11, I � . ji�iflt,14y,, , ' 4jro a, 44 4u lis W lit * 1.4*4* blobs, 0. 40tat"antr4l, War, In st, Afich I .
1, i 'd, . I " , A!Ill AA4 %bart l(ylfd,� ' .Wtl% W.kil$ ft tt ii I XV w* 1W 40.0 -0.1 Awill, plot .10 Ono "A. . 4401"s tiospital, his Mind %in- t,nd 1�041qinlka 1�rot�lfj,. Qrd� twenty , .11
i .." � � ,ir k;,ikvkJJ be vt ."'O."ll, 41111601% *04stritiollato.. . ' 06A " 04 , fforlul; * Ift wIlre . ,;
401 .tanimptume -Zwvoto IWO �.. ln,oiligrvor4s; 04 00101"Wllt, - moM i . ti , 11140 rAvled In the holas, .
. 1. I rmd-,W*l_#p or lib#X1,11arriat Illft I I btlM PUK lby,40VIRrAt 1414 s0r 0sli l of ft r6w* vau 8, U114 AA 44ch . kh� bi 'his su _s; , -three, Who had a I I
I. I , I " 11 VoAr ' 444 lullot h" ;*on *V-WArtiribill , . 4 116t, ,out, A 111W 4OWA 1141611*11Y�.:. .,u - W4111c4t, �A � ,M,W.- , lih roft 1 at, 1144 a �isher, kv Ni ? ,.t(('M Now yal'IC bIlli a fQJ&'b0Z1r4 t,ofora �
, . � " - - .. ti 11401111110 A*llf � 4 vldt,ot 00 ls*,� 0: � .
I � I " b. , '400 " , A i: 1.1woL 009ts, vp �, 04 11, A* �laujjqlg �4r "*qk4PAQ-:0rIkW.IP1es"U , , art all in, St. Michaeft Hospital stiffer
� I I I A461140'. po ,Will 10 - * , Of . . t4, 41,1410,16 �a:AK I 411c. who wos roqued it 41 doullk
� - . � 111111111. 1". 4tkv4p I C*PNVIAC1.41 wilifir*01 at,
.. I I k � , gi;itiit d"Oulir Ila W tat; tkw= , 0A wl�i fA )m .
, _rt It"ili, ,it � , WIR, purohi4o A:, 410110, yacht ,or iniffacquon by thq 4irtoniputudA ot P. I
I 114A f"49100 i4f * , i '' I I 11 � . M Wwo ras alitt Injurio r"t-0
"i ,", Jor ,kiii
� I � W.-IIA9 IV. T4 P, II"if I 11 'Ookii ob ibo 04*1004 sproa that MAY'vill - lo - tile , Is .,I" 00 ,�
, , '. k � �-�' , . . "O . Mawat (e$j)� IS Ill too hospital with Ing tillikart bu
I 4 '114 . " kilros, I
� � , "Iss "b*w It , elOPTAIxii -0, wwos� � �, , " , i � Aftilotkal f1i , � vU& _ t ,a IMPR Schwartz, tigm eI$bfoeu,,whIIo attempting f9 405COJPQ.
I . 11 , Ins .'fit " "jiliss i'04 tbovjutf�'Ofo,ld irlaft 'uto,wro .�
. I I 410*dpo 11. * .jW ��O I I . 'Ik"tubers'pro4uClid " 8",
, ., Rood 10 f I , , (OT, bop , _k thato lJW'kaVtr#0gkL`4W0o`0A'N*oll aftorIlt 4 00"al , .
, , . 0 _,4" . _ � _ 1; "'Oval4ttoit, , i6i'ifiavia imit� . _Jari,o .� _ I 4441 rd's. Widattou ill " ,
, I - I , . at�wttft* _ - . 0*00W., Nvowswu illi"a .
L � � Tkgluoi, #n4, I 1�619r� �bi 044444*.i XDor09JogW4lIy,9.o.oa�
. I Pirlit , � = WO � � , )iro". q ,IV ,�
- ,..'�, I � 7 _4 - - ' � ro� Wi I % axonil And Mrfmoavetul woritait k4t, 00% Wit �4,itt., I . I i It. .I 1,:1,�110-1, "'w ''m �g al "m 1.0:'I'..."11,11 I
. - . ,� I CarktIll Ot'Ititi "&f 'If* fitt lijb�,, '041 W'. KA, W_ W.0t , � . I � *oU04 P9r400:-i0V)M . %,.ep iiii .,lid � I �
�. , , _ .�, _ kilk , tunt I'a'A'O4M . - . ;, , I , 'J1kL At" tit 40 ho I . I giwl I I
� il 14, rollklmK � �'Y' #"�Xk i Who � looyt�, #14 , "ft_'%4_ fatutA -by'� fflbaq� "ItEW' �]Ai* W �. . I 1� 0�a bia ksW*''j fflnfplY� % - 011#4, .4 .
, . . k'143404)01 010W." �� ,:, .''L , I _: I * - , A80tisim Own'"WW11140. RUSSIAN TRAIN HELD UP. � I
, I ,. __ 0 iv 400 , , , " , , � . 1,,40 repliq 'OVA leo0ou" -1
, , *,444
1 _ _", , . I , � �4�, Okkttlof�I4� �rri ,
1 04�01?1 lot ')I
I i ,4014 , I
I . . , pq kww,t � 1#1 "t'" lilat'* in' 0-k*1101111), 314a& 4UN k� , , , 0. of It . Mooll ant, , I
. I , , It 9, 't IQ I 111 . 1. ft, 141W vo**tiv*� 44''Utt �o ie'd 1130i 414 'Two 9111010ft 40"149 Ill W 014
4 .,N;,�4q4.,'V' % , r �009n4trootiolt, whilio � 04144iog .401, vitob at, V44 0 0 son .
. � rtla.gkbo , f " ho then Ilk A C!"t Woo selateflow W whl�plua " ...",
,. � I I 'I, lititav ,(JfeN*- toot � lit 'a1UPtqk�#b)J!4 �4 AWNNYalo O,IVA011' 11411'11109ft �"Th**Pac toM, finatiolfill a -
11 ll "I -,ad ".. I
I 1. . C -1—A, U � t0ptr' , ; (10*1'' I* ., ft:',*Ma:Iq60 at -strw4w Ira%ortatis Wvl* of, al wet berm urs th" oboln '0114, I " 1re the Mail Car ,
, , .1 .,
. � (.: �, 14�fkor. will tjv'op " "At � tlik'U.4411 �., r 11 , I , - � , , .- ; �� Tto,oLaro�,Iswl AWWPILOI., lixthe, 1040* . �
1 0101 WAN *A.teM ,-�, I I SOUAM�111` __
; � tg " , ftu�* mlikoftte, on r
I _�, . . ., 2 � tot, %elMo P,40hi , A puip (*,q)IIIIIII (;Iilzo s W About In Danger of Tile Dynamite Set'
. , O..�,�� �, 4"W Wilt , 40�#Ao lard 00M0011 and a CO3C111. I
- WA44rig"'O'A'am - $, 41tw 00, I Wk, 440- A 44" II.Of 0 All 'erm Their UVC$.
� , ��.' X1JfAZQ I , , 1, ''Wfivoi lfa*0040
, ii ak" arva�: Ift, I hI0h.',.AsVo;,41,o oy, VINsof tbk4o * b a iseleow is used W 00044111WIN,1�4 ;it United States
- I liat 0 1 10 a t
� "�� � " `4 Z Ott rl�Ao I I ,: "., , � 4040A,"ttro 911k��4)110 '01 lit- one .01 It. e' 401, h11111111 mWit, 4 ilmor"r milla al; 141, pill
- " ". 1 �,,�, o , , 4 MT0141 044 40ppilik" , . This.,00110f; Alldrsl.,�.Vrjllmo, Ott -. V41041 0 14,"��,`t� w3NUAW, 4, � . , - 0, 110*141 4ipro 1. �.' - in
. , , , , . 4 , �, 10'ado' , , , , "� I' -.'j4
' W JAJ�qQiie# ., - 11 . , V*.' �,*"Aialjk *,4'VXJ1a% MPr`1a#4lton an lig us IQ plapt Wad Ilk Qrftlio kcritor A despakch train 0alinit says: The Ci- A despatch from Odessa says. A fr, I
�� , , � ,� � t, '40AMAtonp us I L 04, . , ., . . e Who)4:Auber bof I Q ,$,W and tkgorks Of Coloult have t;;eQQnIe amused having on board over 200 passengers �
, ,e$,f',`4knd ,, lit �0 an
, , tkt�,bo,#b
kt ICU � i., I ,,-4A t , .1nittor �vbo ly 010,u dhok1so WAIi L , 2
� 1114f VAW#Avfrol " " , ey- VrW 'P "r"Wililift,
, � _
� , " .1 , V , f J4 , - sh partt� -or Ah't 0, ost 11filk, eat CYA vow � f 0 Mr.
_;M%YL; � a A& ... it I
V, L; ,�,Uota
" logw . �, MeA "R40 y0a W, , , efad ,htil. 'Al fill)
�, 11. I . ra.g 141*4�sffx .. Py - I 'ellrols., Win, 41-�, tw, aly I y 4,411irlong . , I , Wo , it, I and IiIN6 lindlVW4111, , 4 , - 11 '53, On Tivesday night by a
.11 k 11.1 I � 1. v4�0fAttV4",yafI0m"'.L "4 V#rl%Uo Ill 41) htlls� o is alrillsilloybo.171 Or U$109 1141111111119 over tile rookie lorsu"J%that Is being was held, .
� ` 1 UVO �IDV,0!00" 4141 Pr0P1!rlA1*'1JX I"P: � �� , Ahol,� r=1141 � I SOPST1110i) , I a In Diver of then) tend of u � moll
- TO. ,si"d",1114&'Q� P1.1,010 , 10 form �;mq,,In u 41'. 4.0011�rlm � V)." � to lW,-V0A0i ore looewtt-A k6pit sep lithoult O'lal ,a, pu Ito Meeting, � done about rho earn , bUs, who owned the ,
) ,,, I L 4't4,kJefi %QX0 nkirN.wt thi(A 'I 0 eN to
I - I � callty, 14 Jois,'ttr, 11,111 . t ",at, * IF � in to � geV I'll, 11111, �_ W P. -Ow", -14. , , '114 the ,rows fIeve us far tile firot six claim that they have JhQrrOwIY e8cafi- car by exploding dynamite. Th P -
I . pIlloo.,,,t" "jing far.yev . , A, i? I .i inVestisators Cla,i_fn Ablit action. Thlis arran ". "^" 9110, I
I I � ". � I " ,"� I fi�-IWAA"1114,11 .. f � ,140-, vii" � � � -'�'* 01#114AI104 sento'l owntits a tht fiscal year is the strucl; by
��- I � %L , ,*PP %'PO 4"""(' - ter oxomill , rcora ot; being
t "' jjjIl`,.� '1�1 4 I , 'I", I ". L1111tIV0'3$ 10' 114MF Alk orsto the blasting doucala tile railwaY lo the ci,nimunicated to a crowded puwngQt
'' , & , comballng,-1110,0WI)o t" Z .W
, _ , 111 III
J� W . , a F, flying rocks from sion sot the car on fire, and the flain"
- I , d �#11014 I
I , �,!W ko wlkig, 117 , I % I . ., , .-,�o Alto q rL,MlilI04iQk1ly IN- � the' bost IlaWS ia�ond seoloAdly 14
, � - L .4 .P k part aC lip'y 01441 qoAnolopossells .. p4rml% tbe 0 W4W to &IOrM lit
. .
, , _ �*,,�W �p
�,_ I , at" , Ii,j�#I� , CA i I ... , I : it%i mont,
_ . ;,
. , - !i ; _ , r ' tolarIngs-,shoW4�V* lotal of S ,4Jl.2(A.
, 1� ;"- "'.- � .
� I '', ,, 1':�ill, . 1 . I - � .: IVAIM" 11 fo�l ffaltn$. ,De�w, 4__�� 0 anolhor'part.0f .the Ban .
-0 � , 1, � . . I . ?_ ,, � , __ - 1, '4' Wli§ 'Ana, ro, . _l !, p. 'b;o4t' bt doalkle',ovidonco'gl lhe,-Preseal THr. B9ST, flILLS I. ,grge to VauOuvOk, suil$ now In circulation w
Frw. r.ev* , � ; __ ,. X , �#1 I I . ) � - ally ftt , wn. A petition is ear, with the result that a ,number tit
� , ol It' r 11 ;very, ,Dkwxeuk� C IM04 1W , Ina L ql� th
I 11 1, -
: `M111 �"� ... _, I � - ,� 11�'!, ( � L " �:� 11 � � ki lot 01411, he . A br4liqla,, -a 0. T. P. will 00 built ,iouth elid of %Ito 10
P.� �, , . 4 A bloh has bjLWa wolue" and children weret badly burned
��, I O."a I . � N T11IRSE ROWS. from Fort 14 . I
, � � ;,." - " � - _ - I , � .. i� ,,'�-,"L ..... . 1"' . 4 � , , ,� _ , . '. " . Chas. M, Hit Mayor of the town, two before thoy Could esodPO.
.� . , I ' '�.? , , 11� , I '' �4 � � ,;;*
. I 'I '' ." , " , r "" __ , Iq , , ", , I L. : , , " , '. � " t4 It"AhIs vlow '404
- " '4 . , ; - '. , w , ,' - �otely wA"_ ,�, 'vel � ro, Pill. ., o do A - L *Uiapol . , 1�111111tlti ."I'dolp'n",
,�', , <k istrlpP 00WA $ 0, rush. ", and between two and Wtite the robbers were trying to
q, 0, , ft.0'% ekvA1Q11; .90, 9 t 4, r�u"%% an d , -number lot 6PQCIQIIY dO fr- I'*
, �. " different pQ .- - $01W 01% I, %yhase legs were e
� I 11, *1,.%X 1.011i,�aJKOXI, NQ, I northera. DO,': far. �4rljq . mit "llindIVI ivility" q rts Is The required . �
� � V '' ' L Yace�flfiffliA W014(111�, � " , � �,_,, � . - �� _..� .1 -111'.,, I , I � r I able hills can then be laid away for- * a ton Illow open the safe in the titall car they
'�, "I, .-I -, --�� ... ... _�, ": � , .� � 11'� 104i"'llif,17r I . .. LL I - .1 U 'RE;COGN 7,M), � the lollbwingr , '' a , Itorn WONjow. vsnoted to the Lieutenant -Governor -in- were attacked by sotne gendarmes, who
. I , I _L , afloat, NO, O�Ai*M quality, riu# � SIWW,': W14 01006, � I we Ville on pi
,� "I ,, � __ � , 9, U. T .
� I' � , � " 1, r . 141--; t 's
�,� , �"!,_��: I
. 11j"
� 'N
� ,
��' . , � I �,. runk engine, died at throu hundred eltir.ens, and this will be
, � ., ,4 L
"I .1 I _ 4 . ,0.1a.. we, I : 1�
� � ��, �, I I I all . , ' ' .L � �, . ..."1111 I . . � -, I I ow tile ,
I_ � I , 11 � - tqr", $14,sx - ; � -;, 11 � I n will nit It. were pa on the train. A num-
. ,
I -1, ' �', ,� - " 1: 1�, , , . I 1� ;- ,.:,, ��. I 6i4Jflgk,,0JiaW clieypo)k ' in A * u to pro4iticod by any ' "A I tile People ter Oil es Were wounded, but r
, . ", � , , _ . - Mn,11111,Z,
I .L .1 -
-.1 1, '� I " �.'?r , � .1 I &0,17- 138041- , �.. d4t6IP$.i " ,1 ','�' ,� ' � Plot Ulo $500 towardA (Xulatail With a view to having 109181
. T4� .1 win , 11 above tadroated. Sptojul blank To
"" - I " , _ , '" t, , , V11111111,1111it".14 tieq�qkich grower lit duplicate fie. ervollon a I
�,,, A" Vsli , , " - - ", ' - tJU0 , I Italpt; plotij�_A*6,�"Aj � L ItI401 - L ' '
I I P ., I , "'.., _, "., , , ,� i , tfxw, r�- stripes t 40,1qj a$�Ong -with's ", I . . . . . . In order- Mali he MICY l-etiord certain I*- (,v,rd to Dr. B An InfOrrinallon ba.4 been Ilio mbbers escaped.
,, . - `� " 'U`.Pp%'��I�'j�L'' 4IF ' ', � J$410,44 1 !.Allfk �� 11 � 04*,, or th4s,Pi,4Vt tOrm,5 4r, , t iniorlat At BrItIlt, tion passed that v,'Ill ensure
, - - " - I , ! # rA4' , .
,- "
�i I, I I I � . 4#'* , krd to Dr. B ti Protection.
� I , 4 " , ", ,1, "'' .� " I;� I t�o,t1'VAr,J4q4xJA tho" mlL
. � a a. rgqireatO libesa,obovrall lswpo§ 'the," ,r I., I ,
- ,,,, T, VOW 44.-4W.Wo*i1A A. 011 tilial 7(�; , Wh-#At�_Spt g firm- 011108. V " ?I formation refilirdIng the performance �, telephone. .out Inst tile lialidu foreman The iiiall car burned uninterruptedly
11 . 0 n:m, � 410�,00. �� �. 4 Atripes 011041*111�4# du,6i . ilipacfw44 W 0(lier '041 404 swarn
L r' t 461 ta", , �hern, 4142%; Whileri are, bul"i uP,ot fin I eaoh raw referring esPeCIROY to Y101 , Wittillpeg*s September bilding permits by one t11119.11 rri. live hours, destroying all the mail
.�,.�, AJd4,-"*- t4*0 lait, . at citizens of the town.
, W, 0. . . . , - I I I .
" to 7r, - i ".', ., , erf � No, � 1. � 1440 � - C 0_4%c�. r ". � 7'. ' I* fiec,agpi*od.,�, ,� ,J � . Lost -,Of- and baggage. Tile 'tosses are 00118101%
W If 4" , I ; Nq, I . I " wero I Value
. I ,��.�".t�' W I 41AIM. 1, I -.4ril- , . ,lik, "All'ifted"FIDIr 110 b,y 111114 I is utgled ,�ha('tlkie ortp% OU Itbe 1101- lcinlo�i n1he number , wa 8� oil to be heavy.
, � -;11, 0�p.,.��` ,I , . - . '13 L ' . �, yalily and freedoill train disease- Willis , 1385,850. ,
� _j% _ tui�iI4 - 2 . . my .be r�, U dark toil ( �. n The� ;� a 31 , value, _____4-__
�,,;t � , Mirkok-W A, ,z 04 e. I., �� . 2, �Vii jtk,�Ja; R4Z g y 10 , They 10 - lil'o -they 11 a I � t Four mon suspert of, being clon,
A? � 411,18,N;. MI'. '*�,I, illog, 14,lfc Crlsv. , , oi; that..'O.1-illia. mlal�r Assoc*§94 ePAlatla,th wer to a , , pisove&'plat 0 sPrated I r lill0t, Yet . . ed
I I ; No" X MIXIed, 4; , �Sovt" -blue Or I . lailootL lea the di ' 01826190. . AUTOMOBILE KILLS WOMAN. were arrested
I � I I
_,�� 'L � It � . I 1 . 114 I , I lines" of , the, 4WAUlifti Lin IQ reeding to Is left Joseph. h1u, lost. corned In the mbbery
13 rll�_Fjrilftt�o d,lo�.�,gil�'�t, Ming to. vp� bh I 14)1*.r . I I .i. . -the sp�%2ngkilf I � , A parly an Lake I
, . it I , -:, '�,�,' , I I " , Barilop-41 batky --
I", , �: -�-.l am ei,-. ', , ,,, �. �. ,. 1. ,' .11 . ,:, ivre 41, "n" , ��.,' t ot to lar bills, which wemig,spme4-ally - cho ' 4 - truINI U41 gww- later in the day.
, , � ,_� ., ,,, 1 , I i
r,� , gj�h
ip rt ,,,� & .1 "r, � ,� 9�,v C, � fianal , If I �40.1 ,,Iran . � .... 4, tfilll't 'to thwd retion I be an old bear and three Oulas,
, � , . Orilk&,4M , 0, Wh,o
V . I , " . 1;1X � � , . - I - - � I -0bep&ei_the r tons, nTL ,of the Run
, g ix 11 , , �itrj I 7 .* disoW is trouble- swimming iftear Mrs. Della thrizimon, Of Tomnio.
. 11 Ir" 1, 4- e4 4Q4 'R .- , . � *. .�- _ 80ed which werka discovered
, . outside, _ ,:., , , � �!�"..,. _t!,"_�,�. ;' I : i Ma . I I . '14 . - . � .1 remains wit), Any promWinim.y rl t which, may to-' "' In dIstr1rlis whel at (MveloRing &fr. MaMurrLeh's Island, . —4.
- I .
, . 0, . �., � I � — . . I The long shouldqfi,,�eaal Wit), 111110i sull, may be settee . used in qlAdehT 8"1110 the desimbility Down In like Street.
� , 11ye-450 91�ailde, � "a , e I ' .� , ' ill,) nevv, blouses, a "a .,the itleeve I I Istrains capable at withstanding these One hundred and fourteen thousand
- ' � �"'STOCK MAR ., Jong I .., ,;, viiring to build u, P a gitriongi healft., and four million dol -
1 Fr�rkis___ - � '� � ' KSTS. . �1401�0 kufrs�, I F � A despatch ft-om Toronto says: Mrs. WINNIPEG F.,�;;TJMATCS 700 LOW.
.'QU10 '4jk'�kqO�.�'Pfoio�i'*' '� ' I I lualadies is such that sprayin Is ig" claims, repreaeating .
1�1 olidw L Amofda,X) for, I . he belt 1140 tasAroird, d - Into � lit age, a chor-
, I � T�toioIlO, �?qt4� S.-HeirvY. dellverle4 4f I ina VXed the Productive type. ,, Furthermore, 41*.*P - inc�rcd, and these plants whic have lure, have been filod will, the liquida,. Delia
'" d Oi, arning from her work, wm U.Niterlinonfal Farm Director Predicts
, Corn:m-Noi, 9 �, - 74C c Hazleton, 42 years 1
70 , ik '.0 " lowi, - . IN n t I Un � "n an T4 w.ast all parts of Canada, no MaIVP - woman roil
�o Tara�,6 1,41ji a "O" j Ghown. tile greatest power in resisting t4rs of tile York County Loan OOMP1111IFY ,ell (lown by an ouickniqlle, near More NNIFteat for Milling.
p � , ,)* 'it I .
RRO; X0.4 ml� I12 "A of m0s &9f 10 11391, more than llp,q linoci,
, . �fllar quality, Work; 1101, V� it In, the baoli; b�w sidtalorflof V bo� the conditions ,
0 , ma; I a dlfferoncellbo-�'
. ..,
W� ! %v�:� , �, I � %W,a*riFi Market to -&y. * , bere are many 44versb� Condilito a
,-L I , r- cthi. p,4*41 , one. al.. , SAO. with tillsease are chosen 1 h Th in calling for lenders for IWO aolal tho cornor of Bloor and Yongii streets, A despatch from Ottawa says: nr.
F`14ur-Orkt�arloi.;-� �, 044. for ,* , ror. clossO was 'I 4A em- 1w*en varlett;ps in air attitude toward 1p-wo9d ooncessions the Provil
yl,"WIILV�te,4 One a si ol, alt' -deal of to 01 Which the pol�lo has, to oonten.l. On- on Wednesday afternoon, anti al- Saunders, diroctor of Expel-1111011tul
,% . , ailo Makatfobw �p4liht, �jj,orepowdied Ord del , with an teasler . not and lulle, both In The unfOrtunalO plirlils, who 1,4 k ping close I uch
,$3.95 bid fof� �i�xp_ _ . V I . blight and other diseases as observed at Mornment Ivill Insist upon the mkknu� Into
1"', ,� brat I I rc.-rtulatitely, nutirk' himselt'ls, often file I into paper most instantly killed. ev in 4J
. 41,ecial brand, $�.00,"`s�ajld 0,41ent, 0,$.- joling'.; The, , � A O 'I '
'j" I . I I �. . 0, I Went whit ft, , goes. rily 'Of tile potaf� and uncoll- the different Experiment Stations Is 10 feature of the raw materla wornall had passed Bluor Street find will% or*p Loadwouns Ili Nk'fttern (.an-
- � . irices of ca llttl worst exW
�, . 20. rotP9ag.baUer0.!,,.0a5i -11 " 'J' - cent per V`14 ver , noticeable that the development ,of tits in Canada.
I I Br;kn3,*I.50 to,ifft,6b In bulic o0taldill; dcwn to %,a 4 e 6,�, Skirts ,are rather 1411 an -Y 01 sciously" though vkrIv Ifiateirlillyt as, ins seems to offer Both the G. '11. R. and the C. p. ft, starteit to eroas to the west sidl) Of ada thNingh 1% bos.t jjr corresix,n6vol,
, pqf, trade eoptl ad t a tail fill. trimmed, excopt"Arl, flat em rioldery or
,; � *' - , : I , I ' A nfrall, The usin t I ease-resistanL stra jury in tile yckalto Street, when she stepp(ld book to scottered ov4,r ,he three ln.j)N.Inves, Is
, �.� , to $gt� . - , " toady in -i3sts tit its dow
4harts. fl"�.w aiba�j:14, ;f*tty ". andi; of the matkritti., , t great possibilities. were Indicted by the Grand
� ', 1. .1 I . -sheop an(r lirm small potatoes from deg0ndirate hills 14
I" . �. I . -1 I , 0 '. lace Insets with IN , vola an approaching trolley cor. 'rho ned to ill(, belief that tile Itkinni-
;�� %, I r. � -- Adi .. -It&, trim I . . ers looking for General Sessions laveause of the tragedy o' of the niochille, which WEIS
" oJ ,�, �, I � . e C , - ' price. -The, IV46rleA were 1W Cars, �, Itty 'waf, a ciii0s tritil, perhaps one of the most glarialt ex. Not?.-PottlitO WOW al the Day streel, Crossing. Toronto.. an mud -pard Ine",
' . � I . C(joftBy pRODu %. , , "tolilliag .2,30 cattle 3,765 sheep and ,k 1b add'i docomilon, across I seed J8.0oxio maximutil crops 41110 recommended W driven by Mr. F. r. Million. t1ob carlion ml 'PstItnate of olll� 4310),uou busheiii
I ,.'': �, . Butte�-Marktt fla`m� with 9004 -Ax ,lathba 1.34 h4,, aoA 260 calves. . telle I fasettes of inch- Iftniples. of this as far as the stem. While anyone May 24 last. .n, ,wid the front of "hoot fit for nuilling Ii beltnl, Ille ('sit -
'I; 1, . I t. th �'b at. ns.1044. Ot he above sy — W - S,�roet, knocked her dow Dr. salmiller.; phlees lilt- pro -
I'. ,I - . ., I . I � r , I J Ide tie sa rilow - rnay eakry on the work in
I ); V 11 viand. fit* ZoAtinued slow Of sale, )DI. and of 11141dic corned. Tile practising of ImpOoPer 49ri- fly I, dependent . t W Fdal passed over her above the sho6l. Faille-
creamem prints - Zaroeb a. 'best ,w cultural methods is another common er J "lulost bable cro
,�� ,I . , - 240 so 26o a,te I ,utcheting purpose 'vel ri ' on taclit brelielle, with a I yet there are cer. GREAT BRITAIN, dfxrs. The machine was st"PI104 p at beliNven fifty and ,Ixtv
� I- ., ., . ixlimdf,rtkkh)��
;�.� ;� I- I 1mr. Against these things 1his plant !a the above Association IT1111fori. bushels, Pit([ it
: I I , � , ", 14" - - d ilhatantly and tire victim was carried
I do solids .... .... .... .. tge la: 2 exporters',efittle, $4.75 W $11-W Pei cwt.; strAi t band Of ribbons'acrosS, 00 rou k redicte
1�, . . ' 4. ; 1194t nd, ... "he I. - that (li'll advierts place tile Interior grain nt
Dairy prints ,.... .,'� I. ...... 220V2L .the Continually struggling year after year, Win advantilk$eii which me Ili gt The 13ishoP Of StOPIVOY 1198 nitly Ili addition for feell, N\ trial.
(air 'to good', �$4.50 to so a i head dress Is all, there F,
_. U'I4 '".4or PC$ mi. land while there.is a continual ,survival iorganized effort. We advise The twentieth century wl I be all into (,�ox's drug store. Dr. R. J. \V0son
, 'I', I - do solids _. ,...� .... ... 19C to 90C kinedlum, r cwt. on to 13�,,qccopted by the fe iteration.
latest IIUM . � , of the fittest wherein a few plants suc, lore, who desire to know more of, this era Olt Socialism and co-* Was called, but tae women lived only t'691
, '
,;., .1 I Choese--Steady at 13a for large,:Anil butchers',caft sold up to 94.- rdne sex. It is mejQy 'a Is if in ring . to communfeate stance with the Two men are charged at Liverpool a few nilnutes. g5 Dillion bushels, Ileeml reiorl-,; I,)
"T IF I the CkntruIl Farm vary tit their Urm-.
.1: 1, 64"w cWL; find $Aft$ lot$ brought , I Tit. ,eed in ,Jsi,g above the prevailiplii dif- w(ri, i Seed Gnavvers' As- with attempting to defraud the C. P. R. � -
.. 18Y,Lc for twins In, job lots hol*,': fastened to a OoMb In, th6 act;- #)on 4ecretary, Carkadim —
ltll,l� ,� " . ; Caft nd .1ties in an endeavor to maintain (ho L - 'I'll(, Brandon 4istriet rePurls lit$ lkvkv� I
i, L 1,
� -
1'�.,�� , ,_"= I Eggs -400 to gic in Case lots. $4.70 to $4,80; medium to fair le, in' hatt'niust be dreuOd [an Building, Oltawl, Steamship Company by sending tits -
.1 �Jjgli in front a sWndard of the race, yet unfortunately Isociation Canadl 1� age rrop. NW(tsviow. a fuLr emp--het- ,.;�
. ice' IlVe, obioreng are foods, were soleable amund S1.15 to with the 4reclo .RATION.
� 11 " Poultry -Cho A'Robt' nAle back, aa ititase, are quickly gathered In rind hur- Ont., as'llie best time tot selecting for eased emi rents to Canada. FIVE MONTHS' IMMIG
':,, ,, . I . I 4tlot.edl at 116 Wife; andborts from 40 10 St.10 per cWt. Fbir to cliotce Cows rang- (tie comb is -fjpf�kiea In this knot, the iskeot' far distant. The G. fl. R. report for the ball year -_ ter, indeed, (hall Was (PeVt'41� 1110 [it -
I , , - all Increase of itit
:;:1"k". I W11 70 i � . ring hoverfirif lightly.above the hair At tried off 'to mstrXet leaving the smaller, ,next year's crop ending June 30 allows gross rearliptse of Official Returns Shou iUan Htod distirict P -mise,' 0111" I' 11011
. )ticks, No to 80'. M from $1 to IiIi per cwt. ", Jesr nerate tub- c, -op, white around Hattleford N out,
,, I ,.M - .I desirable and eften dege Ise of 2359.5711 Over
i �', �. POtatoes-Easiterits are OWO at 700 Distillery feeders and bolls were the sidep aw front. which w oig remakiliag to be usert'lior seed Par, I of. X3,38112591 an inerel 31 Per Cent. Icok is greatly improved.
., I -, to 7Jc In car lcts'tlin.04014 and Ontario$ wanted, Quotations ranged from $3.20, Yellow and achrb 6 4$ ' last year. Tho net increased 480,W6,
, I � 1h I 1Z ", I I of 1112Z still �Opular, 'tire by I . hardest 001- e such a 4yslam is there any THE MARCONI WIRELESS. It Is reported in I.andiin that tho for- . & despatch fmni Ottulva says: 011110181 —4—
: -�'.. I I . "lp S4 W114 ' mul announcement at the ougo,genlent stutistica show that tile total Imling"11-
t 65c too 700. .� to $$.50 per owt. for steers, an � W�
. . Billed HV, -Steady .at $16, to $17 In 110 M? lop bolls. al$ to wear for most women. A peroOn nil why many Of our boat varieties . —
,�� � . car lots Ott track here, Tra 4 was quiet in milch cows. Quo- having a olear, dark complexion WolUld 'Jitivet sufferW 4, rapiri� dedline until they PROF. 081,111111 SCORES DOCTORS,
%. 6 . it i The First Public Message Across Atlan. (,It prince Francis of Took to Miss Mar. tion Into Cunudit from Apt -it to August,
, i� L. I Baled Sttaw-Steritty At� 4$9 to U50 tatIOPS Tangeil from $20 to SW each. look charming Irk a Vale, lemon clitign .sit, now pr4olloikIly VOT1111iolls? What tic About October, 15. garetto. r)rexel, of Philadelphia, will inclusive, was 170347. as against 133.- ..-.- .
", ; , ' , anbioldered an4 trim- li-needed klmong'potato' growers. to -day . be made. 415 in tile corresponding PeVIOd Of 10111 So)u Wiley Neglect Their fleatill--Work'
, " Ion track. ' ', " � � - am - soon
, , 64� is,itome,practical system Whereby it may . Mes- -easv of or Shiblic TOO Sluch. I
e5 e sold at S4 to 46,70; ewes at or, ninon gown e
,� I .. _L11— - � - $4.A and bucks At $3 to $3.50 med with silver rind line Valenciennes A'despatch from Xqndon says )ear, an ]not 41,232, or 31 per
. I lace, . be possible to select for seed purposes sages to test tile letters of the al habot . UNITED STATES. cent. The r&Juctlon lit Immigration
�'_' . I PROVISIONS. , PWI, prettier than ever, those � bills Which have shown them- have been exchanged successfully �y the . A despnich, from London says. 11110- .
- P"Challe boigs Continued steady. se- Tito motor hats are , were froin the United States c0i'llnuts, 1*11)9 .1
. - Hogs , - r Eighty-st'ven cases of diphtheria , ,rhe fes,goil, oster, address-ing the studonti
. . , , Dressed -$8,W for lightWeights, feels sold at. $6.1g ;,, lights and flits (I and tire vastly be0ofiling They lit close ,Rlvqs supertor to others enjoying equal Marconi systent for several days past. h Cal h department last S per cent. less than lost Yctn'. a ", ,
. ., . and $8.�S for be,avies, I 9 in. ly to the -bead and have strings to Pin opportunities. in this way seed tubers The fIrst-public messaged Will be sent reported to I. e h t increase of over-setis lininigrail,on, prin. tit St. Mary's licisfillint, 0111d ilk I 'I'.-
7 1 I Pork-4hort 4ut,�,$W610 $Z3 tor biar- 6.r.87k; M, ogs, $54% and firmly in the.back. A soft hat which wiltiola, tank above the 'ilverage would about tile ruiddle of October. Week in Chicago. ' cotts Lit the nio(Ite'll PNA0-v$I4)n N%11%
I a rels; mests" $90 to $21, 1 letter hq4ft, 45.95 per owl, � call be beill, down is just 0 serviceable . - . . I.. I 11 I 11 . - Dr., (;Oak of New, York witil attempt CIP1111Y British, is 44 Per cent' turgely it question 0 guod heallh. lll�
1 ___4�_ � Clod �reif;itr than the -motor hal, Many _�____ , to reach the not-th pole via Buchanan ____-4 1 . tills matter,, he added, doefors wert, no-
� , I I Lard-FIrm; tltio"� 03ic; AU43, I . Bay, El-lesuiere Land, and Nelson Strait. If they (lit] Full ii,I,rl�
" k - 12,%.,. Vella axv - FLEW AROUND ST. PAIULIS. such hats are warn, and ,also sailors, PINNED DOWN BY FLYWHEEL.. ti,rious inniiers,
. Slacked Zo ,r,XL$hlWd AiPhlo-wrix " ' -with a veil tiod over them and pinned at Begause his baby cIIW all night and . I __ t,A) hard they Smoked lix) ifluch pti.i . , -
I clotar bacon -19b ' ,11%a,for 44lis an( . r , -_ the neck. kept him awake Bass C. Price, a colored Factory I% et�e indifferent nbo"t exerelsr. 'I hl� best
. , I 10 British Army Airship Affords Lon'On the naPe at 1 - S WORMS latorer, killed both his wife and himself Night Watchman tit tingersoll -� scenied ti, pay the least Olen..
Cases; hams,. Medium and light, 150 1 . Ik- metal belt ,shows interlocking rings U30 BY lip Severely 9urt. siudent I .
I` ,� a Sensation. Ver In the Centre It. Chicago. .
., I 15%c; Ileavy, 14mo ta,1�501,-baol;s, lily with tiny enamelled ftoA formed by the I I . . - . E. B. Kiser. a prominent teacher, -Is 'A diestiatch. front lngvnIsoll, Ont,, ti'm Io nalure's laws.
... 1 10,17c; shouklevs, lo%c to 110; rolls� - . I I 'Ittelitilan ----I.-----
. s i ys. Lon- of ea6h. , Tito clasp Is dead at Urbana, Ohio, tile result of cat- saya� \,,,ln. 1,111111ps, night. Nt
,., 1. 11%c; breakfast ,1600n, 15%o Ito,, 16c, don is talking -of only one -thing-the stem and foliage of a single flower, ie at the Logan
`:,�, Green meats out a pickle, to less'thali , ilig a piece of raisill P at the Nut VOirl(g. Wait serwil'sly ill- "INIr
�'. I flightof the British. army airship, Nulli There I,; a decided novelty in belts uunty fair last week. )ured on Tuold(11 night by a large flY- OU,rl,00ili 110111 OCEAN Bit's --SiS.
. .
�' �, � smoked. I .I . .. Secundus, which on Saturday travelled known i$ a shaped linen belt. They are n_. 0+ El bleen prominent life insurance'men orod , - -d
I "', ribality Of linen-'elosely wheel tailing Ott him. lit, Prideav
.11 � . fr . good Quantities of It timber Destroyed I hipping c,oklifiLles Are %Norrle I
.. , to London 6om Farroboriough, 32 miles narkdo 0 Great Of 4ew York have been indicted on , nave the wheel, whIM, fell, pLnnin-
"'I, - I . NTREAT, MARKETS. is abioidered in oriental colors .. 'In -y "I r - I
,� MO, ,ailed stitched en ry and target hini to the floor, U over Winter PiosPerls
.. soutliwest of the metropolis, ' sixty-one counts' of Pei nill released by c, I
'.. I and shaped so as to tit the waist closely. I Ll- out at the insurance inve.411fliti- 'tnio
�, . ' . Montreal, oci.`O.��Thtr# Wet* no new around the dome tiff St, Paul's Cathed- . r miLrurtish-144king stocks of white � � on the Coast. , aelsing ilens who heard tits cries for hall). I \ dospotch front Mimireal sav, 1�
, � I I levelopments. iii ..tile' local flour slitilla- ral, circled about &I number of Govern- Long extremely poPu- r . ticn. infernally, and onc I, 1!�,i oct,all lilp,,111billp j,t,il1IiwoI,, tire
1 4 ,ta the Imar4el, he. nient buildings in the West End, crossed maen, pique or duck are I I Al a dinner given In his honor on the NNRs Infured � ,,lderably worried 4IVII!, 010 ouit4m,k '
11 �. tion, the undettolne . tar and smart for wear with the tailored - - . Mississippi River, president Roosevelt Was broken In tw,J Place&. . all unprofitable win "r A ll'ailkl, T%Ild,. _'
,.1. Ing strong. � Ilit river to Surrey, and finally de. shirlt, I announced his adherence to the scheme #� - -COrding to tile sU001-111, "$-%,III by
�,�.T .. , choice ,spjlfig,�*bf4t �"tihts, ,45.90; w,4ritiled on the grounds -of the Crystal I A despatch from SeAltle, Wash., says: borings aro sditorated merely by a flim nj creating a ship canal, from tile Gulf 1,
,�. � seconds, $5.36; -Winter W,heat patents, Palace. The airship's 32 -mile 11110111, SHO'i IN Till? DACK. rominent offivials, it is eunsidop"I �1�"14y
�;. ., $5.25 to $5.35; �,*,Iralght "rollers, $4.7.5 from Farnbor-01;gh to London was ac. AUTUNIN NECKWEAR. Advices IrOm the btay's Hkirbor coun- of cruslacetous matter, w the arelit Lakes. ten and eight, - �!,,.,, ! soln" .4 iho lines doing 141shl"i
- In BritisIt Collimbla, In (lie 011310- Two little boys, aged J%veen (jdrla�lk (Ind tile llflhil� ISIV-4, It';
� 4� ,�i to $4,00,.Aq.,�in 'bags, $2.25 to V-35, cr.mplished in just a little.over an hour 'The I operate waist of the try In the Puget Sound and from vari- quot lumber district, operations have ...... frO, Momence, fil., to Chicago 10 kit Italian Murdered tit Hervey JuUctl0n,
o4, " %I, ' s Quebec. %%ell IkIi E.Ur'lig-lift pirt,;. v.111 with,truw
'1� I t., and a half. Hundreds of thousands lish"i"'AUL is to be tailored and, ous sections in the Puget Sound lum- entirely ceased owing to the ravages ,,I find their "Aunt minnic," not knowing � number itf I beil, veRseft; from,tt
I extras, *t, I I , autumn ,ad w1t-1 it, i7.an-
I Pork-Hedyy 4*06da surt-cut, Taw, N��'rltchcd Its progress through the Oily it, all instances finished with a little is report that logging opera. the teredos. The worms have rulned her narne and address, and only that ' Uebec lia%,k: New' fl r, [is prosent .
W meet the d this ter distric A despatch from Q ,11(ilon F,jj teduring the N%mle
�1 I no ILA town lilt* ull wedue�, jy men. A
J 11 I In tierces killiated at Slli'50 to $34; fierIVY and the wonderful- manceuvres it exe. collar-loaad, and' and tions may have to be sti,spended Inde- alf the year's out of timber in the water, site lived In a "brick house near tile trol- r, I wdivationg p,.Int it) 11 .,lack sellson.
#022- "
4- I Canada ibari,cui:Mess, in bri-elk", cuted. The airship crossed the Thames awakens a multitude of waSharl. and the big Sution Company has re. to% car," 11,1t or what appear -4 lo ba-vo In -en lilt' . apppj1lN it, l,r 111fl.. j)r it., pi,Iidu(,e .
�,''. the ravages of the I poried a loss of over 16,D00,000 feet. 'john L. Simmons, of Cliester, Niont. cold-blooded Illurdel, ()I all littliun by a 'rhere
. (W to $2$1. Canadli. 4bort-cut, rhess. bi al BlacWrlars bridge and headed f4i'l -.,emovalolt collar shapes are on the mar- (Inittly because of it ft,l. VNI-,�It. INIffle tile 00efln
, lialt berre* $1110 ttif *11.75; Canada, St. Paul's. Gracefully -oll-clIng St. ke%. There oreL silk and duck and pique tfredcs or ship worm. The Worms have Hundreds �ul lumbermen have been serving ,a term for manslaughter. ha� fe I low-cou'll rY ""IF' 'It Ilerv`Ii Julletioll, I I sig) "IellIvIll) low espL-
" Ishort-out bdoUs, 911.W to 11111,75. � r- stocks and linen form ainong them. 'OIL o Great N(irliti-rit Pull- "airs 1114' "111"`I(
". Paul's dome on an even keel, the al. collar attacked all the to In ths water und ft,rced into idleness until the Winter's beeh pardoned by 6overnor TL n on tho line of ow . till, liffle "t illo )ear,
. . . Lard-CoMPOIA114, -10 literces, of 275 ship was headed for the War Office. its AU are a. little higher than the licred them ,,,, ctrill.l... work in the Woods begins. th. express condition ttictt lie abstain Tile victlut. whose name ha� not clull) 14".
:, j1h., OY.c tko�vp"ef �Ifidfitneilt4lhed III) xes, rLute was down Ludgate Hill, acrads, forms Of the spring and early summer ,
I., ; The logs floating in Puget. Sound are , There seems to be no wily to prevent front tile use of inwxIcating liquora for v,as eliguged of) the Trans. --,--P- - __
, 19. 10c, tillis, 50 lbs. not tied up, in great booms of,ralificlas c', flit entrance of the teredost into the ever, i" �,-1-01-"I:11 I BOOK K UEPEM 4A kS Ill: k S I -
1 50 Ms., oy,o Ludgate Circus and on from there ever also, In some instance$, rporb elaborate, I Rail,.vay. Accordingtin, 'he
I Z I Ino to 10%C;,W4od,paII.aI 20 R4. net, Fleet street and the Strand to Tratill though severely plain in others. In the feet each. The Worms barie into tile logs, though the Department of Agricul- details recolved tile man had frolif 14 it"' - �
�� 10c to loy'ar'lin pails, to As gr9sa, r square. The airship travelled at embroidered turn -Over - bark of the log and then continue their Lure and the Forestry $ureau have been GENERAL. h(sme : he One Thief Enticed Ilin, out nri.1 VAMP&
, I ... . collar, vombina I (it another Italian t(i spend -
I I I 9 c tow if,ia,rlo rhS,, in cases go, tionst of eyelet and solid embroidery are cod or tit* experlmenttng for several years Each re killed or in- night- till(' while tie wet; ascmiding It,, "
�; (In$," .� I 'I th,4 rate of,dbout, fifteen mile$ an hour, the n( tunneling thilough the good %v Prato Clenned Tiff.
". " - 1 LIS, 0 W 1 YX e � I I I '['lit UnIrm,Jdck fluttered astttn. From iwestj while many d9op lace flops timber, always parallel with the bark, your the damage grows larg& on the ty-two persons we I 81alr8 to bit; r(10m hr AILS Sh"t In le
'&Olwd :P4b9i--0a g,L VS %& and appearing arranged on a half -stiff jltir:� in a railway wreck near Stiouh �Ile I A do';patt'll frt�nl M,intival qaN. 'I'vo N��
i2xv Trafalgar $quare the alrxlgp utioved ra. to be worn with There may be hundreds of worms In west orkast because of the ravages of back by tile keepvr of tilt, hut)%". '
". . I upwards. ig%q filid 25 Ills, , aliar-band. These are one log, but their tunnels never inter. th. ship worm on the floating ,ago of Uroa. I wound was a1lIjA)t1t ininiedliwIrIN, Will. 11,1, Ill; .I.,_ g,�i sr)o Ii.r (I r,,k%'w nute,,'
, , I ' JAdly alld'undei comipI4 clantrat. to stocks. 'Again There are standing Cal- it has been found that two lumber companies. have de- like motive for It'vR , .1 . � .1, 't"woo C-s I Vt, I,. lit I'll,,
�p;�i;4.,,143�0, JO 150. 0 Tbe great floods in Spain I % 11"
, tile orinio LI
to Ile; do.'I� to Often stroyed property valued tit ly four ken lit Ilutt'911 t1v em-ly nownittIt IF ninit (ioi�d Ili 9w ,�nlro
I � I _ the new War Office.,. It -passed over upper sect- near eror %Nns Ili
, l Q., $ to 1p"ibs" 00, to is a- do large lars embroidered almost to it's I ,,, host of The murd .11.
� 91m., baffle Iout, i � aa., gmall, ,hat building, then.circled about WCst` edge,'bUt Withabi, llaps. and an entirely - atillion dollars and have left a the high constable and broUght to 111rN, N% h(q, ,,Illy tho I.,<.l,ko. I,- r wn, Ih, 1 110
I I .
. . Ininster Abbo and the Houses of Par- It has little pCople starving. A 40141 h-, lidd emnl� I'l fix 0,.- 'Id'.lkall"
, . 160, thick, foy,c,, 8%ildsor losicon, 14c; new llwfn�cd" collar, Witte CRUIELTY TO A BABY, I" ho 11, I"In
1. do., thick. 12%t,l WUW Iftiment, ki,tid then recrossed the Them Irigs turning back from the WITH KIS4tS AND PRESENTS. , Tali, s1wilikin at a Rivers. I
. I , s4-bariblft, backs, 08. rcunded Secretary of %'or — *_�� - unit got 1he IqJ,l,Vr11Ct'
, biloon, boneless, It was estimated that the wind against centre at the front. The embroidery on __ __ hinquet In his honor in loklo. 1clar. ;1;;?INUV'I Iho "ti1w. 11roll h., lI,i;nk-,.I
I . 1 15c; spioed Miled tlow flusbanos tile .. HORT LEGS. ""J.I,� , It IIIIIIII.- Ihe 1-*
. . short 12c,.,,dd latig. 129c to 13c, Will- WhWh the glilp travelled sometimes had Ithese Is all cont-entrilted upon the wings, � Should Celebrate Their The Matron and Two Nurses Ha*e P'. that war betwoen Japan and st(,4111 KILU� q I it fill.
11 I � B�ib. oldes, 15C a force of twelvo miles an hour. The �x-hlch are the feature of"this style of wives, Birthdays. Men Summoned. United states would be a erlyne. - keeper %u4 -ll 11161111-1- "I'll, 1!-I-1 1-"'
- shire �aoqn, taking options Thp 'fii�rt Itle" tre Indians and Fought 1.1 firill slefirwil 1,10 ill-- lill. an4l nu iraco
% Eggs�w-Sale& 4f -saMoted wei� made tit 1 maxillium spoed' attained going With ccilar. All the shapes that appear em- A (Iftsfintch from London says: Tile A de9patch fmm Mantre,%l says! A An 1111noili syn4trate is
I es oy lie find, too, in line, plain -1 scores of 1111711A 11) the itolthern Near N11aple Creek. of theill It,], la'.11 f.,1111d
2k to Me. ,N4., I OA IN to too, w- the wind was between 23 and 24 mi) . brolderod in Right Rei,. John SheepshankS, the 11911d charge of oruelty to an eighteen n porte ( Awnly, Ind. Oil _-____41 -_
. ends at 160 to ldx�d, . an 100ri and against the wind the speed linen. NOW. tile tie worn %Vith these Is, B�shop of Norwich, drow - enthusiastic 111011flis, old bab). was laid in ttle "e- I, wnships In Lit be A (it-sputCh fj.,,ni .%Il1pI,, ( , t -1 . 14ask,,
Chwso-Holders asked Oy.c to 12yac Wils from live to seven nilliesan hour. of course. visible, as it bands the neck. spiolhusO on Tuesday at the annual cijrder-s 9 that nev� oil fIvIds con Ili,nan %%its f,moll ,lea,] at ',I-()ItIF. vml, I -%To cl-I'll kit.
will it be? Ribbon, a made ton '�:i I
C,ourt on Frid0v morning e', ro'Wda�h says � Ali
r;0 Anest W,04to1r0,:','i2Xd'f0 12W f0f . -.,,I,---,#.,..,,..,- - What 9 Church Congress now iii session al Yor- against, tilt, matron and I%%?- it ere. r belp bernuse she %kwq I -
. (off I it , o Dunes of unubw 14) Mil fo %koterw.rl,A Cninp. Ill- Ifilli-it frwn here, 4 ( rharinq
"ind 19Y I mctith. by Tits dicto on the marriage the Day Nursery. 50 Delmont Park, a (lent Mille. Mr�, pjbIl lionth, of nu.4sla- o I Thur4dfiv Ills name %%11, '01-1 t I -g,. . 11oor 0 Utlelfill IV-- 4 IIIIJ11% � I .
Townships; 0�;,14 Jgy,c far Quo. lie d its is said by merchants to
I �,.� I, .., I .1 ThA'00veriordebt Will probably send -a b, real wititer tie). the 'A�Indsokr, question lie regretfully admitted that hIrR. J. If. Ryan, who rest .,,'.,I thfit firiolher Ifidtall nol, ,I I ),Aftollon I -;air.
. .. bee. . �p , des of 20 Ron. vilie, was burnedl to (Jeath at Kukotwi. It Is blIN-) I
_� Minister fA Japan to deal with tile '-- whiett Comes In in"timeralite varieties, lRbe clergy could uninarry as welt as
. But tevaq,dV0gJJdbV to,do are: .Que- nagitition ofif"llon, I 11 frealt," plaid, ofid plain. marry they would he far -more blisily Vol Hall. owing to her hushifirld being Ind. She tried to start a Ilre with Itero- Sugar sirdt'll shorl T."gA %Nllh lilt a' I 1,11 N"111 III;. il I (IF), � ,�
Iq iub , . . 43miniftee.of Montreal r� . ill -litulth. found it necessary bi O o,bale hotil %%vie int-britiled. Alrenti) � 'it .I. 'I'll
_ , I- I -4 V, , - . . , . , he busiest times now. 'n two Art"lling lilt' wil:1 'I h, r,111mg "I 11 0-w ill ,h, : I � - I "
J � 401. - Tha.Polloe� C Ill
bee, 250; 10 `& in c , � —*"— I -, Q,1-11 I,11-1. ,I ,, I k
70 , , bey tied paying 'I,! I'll -I-, "it I -11 4
' Vjj�AT ,INIARKET.. kiv,41nat th fbrot�kkying they v6,apit-cii (;EHMANV INVANTS TREATV. goetted It Wall Itir9cly because I . lei. cent.s for it keep. The efill, the Indian. si,gar. N%h i.4 stlsv�,'d
Allied to 10o.sligale charges .of graft , , g Ic at 'list hloilliled 11,41ce I \h- ( , I I - ,,,
NENV� J� N, ., employed thatV tit I ut worUlng. Thursday moviiin Ae'the Equitable Pw)wder Worko, 1: tho lift I�t .
, - . ., .9 - Ile sold that When W01*11196 were I'e- Ii.ol, )ter child too thr nursery, Alton, lit., 1,500 pounds of pel-wder ex- celit I)ILI'll' in "-d"" i` eff"'t ' I I. , (,I,,, r- ,�f I'll
)C1411-114111011III-Sp*41, firm., . insult. I I I � - Ite n. I kv as PI(,ded, kiii1n; ('.ties. MeCallOA Arld (if (Iliv, pre, 1�,11..h- ,
New Vork< 1�. 1, � I . I been hasty and Ill-oonsiderod. 1 14 - I 11*11, " , f l, � ".,
� � � 3 it ii, � I then, she f,loin'qls. Ili excellent health, I e the guitty purly. 'I
==I:;— . . �11 I 11 I I I I Ill I.... . JAould Like to Enter into Agreement cipal, causes of domestic unhappr1r,198 . f4ho-king ('.her es McCillson so that his W 1) I. ri ,,qll� ),,,I,--- 11-11 "I" ' � .Ii�, I. -
I . . , " ., with 6sirldri. were selflisimcss and tomper. Men but whon she, took lho infant home at wind Is gone. ___4-__ --- �q 11,I ., 1"- 1, 4"t it,, ,, I 1, i I h�,, ,,:,
, w . ere h 1pffe ";:, I
. , , , I �� ft�m Berlin says -. The ritare selfish than wanton'. Man puf his nig I and wits undressing it for bed she Arritherst ('All haq 1U.'A , nVelv(.6 ,flip German Reichstag N%.,! 11101�`,- 14� 1 1� %Nit. I, ill'i 11, il \\ ,, i. I '. -d
I I , , .�� I " . A despatch d declared fou ittle One's-bilck bilIck with more than I.OW 01umes Of Chinette asted w auth,-ruc a ronti I'd,, n-ke'veil I I ji - ,,, ,%, ,. �, " , , ,..
1;;2 nu I I . 1� be i%qquesled, about the eat sturdy arlii akimbo, ' I
- I ;� . - I ilciollAte will flial lie Woo the one P, be con. bruises. The child's back was shown literature. tile ULU or "fr Chentuirtg Liang contmen iftl invom under lilt- must ill,, 1 1 1),111 Ali �-i,!I-, 1, I!- I,( ' I,, -, I , I
� .= ., -
i� . . . . I tod ofIverriber (c empowtr the Bun- I The shop do- tc. Mr. Recorder Weir, and tie was so (�Ileng, former Utinese Illitidsur !A-� the ,r1,,T,on u�ousc 10 [irktain &lid 1wr co�- mith(.11I.� Not 11�,, I, �4 � ,it "114 I% ,,, I'ld'.
I ", , H I 1, I . I �
l 1� Ills Y SHERNE I ,
4 i I
� ,
JUBROIG � , I sidered tit the ham('
"I _11V I , " I .. 1, . , . destlath fb grant Di'ltdin and her colonies .ro�lnapod n6gigft, btit tairf -1W when much hatfireawd WrITrTht' PhOdAliiitos of United States, I I 'I'llken 11;.�
. . . I .1 . - ____.._ _- �_ __ - ___ U-TOIvltuv"iei� �kercfrikrt fnvqm -on- there was a tiff tile man Ought to Initiate the case that he immediately issued The Standard Oft (:OMPQnY q holanre "Dies. �
_ . - ___ __ I- --.-.,-., __-_ I der tile tnost-fa%,,orc-d-n'attoii"bl'6080. It a reconciliation, Men -ought to regard as Alm"lonset; for the appearance of the itheet, produced it, court in New York �_!!!Mr!. - - --- - _ - . - -
I ", I . ,_� . has not yet been ascertained whether the important rind remember the anniver- inalilon and two nurses in court. I oil Wednesida)- allowed that the dIvI,
� 1) I proposal will be liniflold to two years at .
. . . tarleg of their wives' biMlld&,O, and, give - dends for i9oo amounted to 840,000POO,
i� .� I I --D - ITIL - I *111 wiltrilh d clau9b ftirtiliffing the Ban- 111 while the surplus for Ili(, year woo 843,.
1. . I 1� inree Wken idesrath to matte the VnecssiOn tot an thomg gesents, not forgetting Ilk flood 4USTRIAN RAILWAV 91fifilimp. (0,000.
. Thixtteet VA -1, P, Twolutp Iss. SHERIFF ACCUSED MINERS
,� 0' - - It Is regarded 110vill Startling Phtirges of extravagitnep, or
...A, . InkoeP4ille -
. . . , verlod of ftais
1, ! '. r,, fV Wre0k1l � � . ail 6Meiin 'that MAtrdliq iks welt as -41.4— -,lf,000 Persons Ask Annual Increase of failure to ac,V.)Unt for milifonei of dollars,
I . . 1. , , - On Clinadili will- JWMMted, bM hapes are aiN. mailo by the AtIortity-neneral of - - _ � , - - - -
... I I , , I I . , . . . enteldfd here thht Germany vilay be I,I"VD TRAY OF DIAMONDS- 81,060.0m In Wages. New Y(irk (I ty rind Metropolitan Street
I ,I �. 1. . I � . . . .41-3, - - - ablo,, a,, eonolude ilirect. firrangemenis - A despatch from Vienne 84Y,9: A plao. Railway (ampithies.
. I I w1iW b4tti foo the 'regulailpia al I their - sive resistance strll,., of the employes Of Rather than run the clutrice flf being
, I - � -:1 1, , I . . 'ermlim Mn. paring nobbery ,Committed fil Vilincou o n Instigated tho
I I '. . "' , , I 11 , . I ' . commoreldfrotations, ThO 6 1 ewelry Store. III.- North-Western and State Railways, more badly injured.11hillp Duffy, I I - Said Western Federation
A, ,_ dasph 61�1, sho gut at h1b
1 � troilyi 4fill Oft - toys. VCSselg, Ot (Ile SP011ish Armadi. illreat'vecentlY COUTOrt0d NVIth
4' It , , 11, ver 3 offenling seventy thou4and pernons. be- dionapol1q, caught on the traek debber.
. 4ijoidily,'� j04 Thursday Was barely 00 Y411`49 ,bit AhOrA, but a hi,j Ckjvernment wifil,111, view 1-4 promot- A despot froM Vancouver, FIX., Iffirl on Tuesday. The men demand ately laid down anti allowed geverni
- 1�1 , . hitaughoul 11 � Bomb Outrage.
I to, flSbertyl0*!a11IAb* 00t"W'66lairal. kr&t of f6�k4l 6011101101d the te"mm 1p Ing & Commercial 11r44lYA)cI%Vden ON'- .Y, Ch hohnost disastrous rob. bight"r %ages, represpittIng an Increase cars to run over tits leg and crush It 0.
. - I In , ,Ott. oerwaily 31 a 'rl� One of I
on r,
aided by 01116V , 91U Avid 111111tor milke At '60410 tdr, 0 M116 In A; ra inany and the Dotbil b .Card in Vaneptiver wan con" n f $1,000.000 yearly. The mnsequenteg
guri t before - +--------- .
I *Iporsi, w,liflad:4.11h tho'givolv= Call. S,PV 14 gdt near- f, 9 Continua to Will t atilled shortly , I __ _______ -
hom 'rho btlIV4 p4 _k 1, ptIMM6 pressid brile O'clarli ,in are riat yet very perceptible, but a con -
I psgo. rind doli'61160',10 1`60tig Alto 00w 119bertnen'.. Ing sinfilFboott. -%Vhfdh or to prtvft Mitilli(phil Australia Thursday when a Man Ciatered ill(' tinuavao* of file 8100 would serlousiy MOTING IN C11,11,1111-11`14.
1 6t Jh6 rPftjfthL,AbJV ,f,eft Olt, whioli, fak W. a lallAwitialli mte At -16 to' used 11'elobe to.voring Itte 46#6d Otide Of Bri, jewelry store of 11, M Br4whoad. ourner injure many oommerelal interests. -_ A do4poleh fr,)m nilcr� ( !,. (I'leff'.1 P .,:,n ,- :,.�prj I i,,,, - i,evn ,,,�n its,
I � tai A 6.40 4utii,ift the put taln .110%ronso of Ottilyttiny. al CAmblo and thistings 9111vetti, cooll,v Furolwant Were Pelted With Rrlekq
. *#nt "'lloftin A galqlbu §Panhh KIM, v Atitliftlof 0 illo � . —4 sn)s 'I III, %16t 41prn �ederiil!,ai , f %I- 1, , i,,�4 I..,, !, --Il f r lt�r-e ,k-- I-,
, 1. � In 10, vml,m '
fi. hisliffall AW #?o ,#d I Oil And 11196:111.0114Y 116 b0 b#Atdf1 .r— to, � 11 - otoned tuo wIndovV3, 10(ed a tray of rroln tile Houselops. I I lilt%, I- f -c.1 1-ot ,." ,,tie,
'O , I . The rob- P41VND DYINd IN A 912ACK. its unn a..,ii4e(I of ,nql frrjl� llemp'ed ,,,, ',f. : I" r-, , -..Vl ..... .
�. I I � ,, W, 1": fit, d, Ilil � :""
64,14, bAding IM - il, A 04 OWRWeX 1AVIIMPOd, . . I;R& ?Irlitillopatill, ttlip I rings rind lborde oil.
. 1W
t WOO- are, ,*%if 111A , � .ART. ifirimam A de�pnlrh fry)m Citicnila snvq The . ! I r
It M10,01. Tito cr�w 4i ione at Wil tM14MW . her was Pursued dowlir �ordova Street --- ( f lla,vev I( 11r, wn. lt�rm, t % ,,,m rf, eo Xl. "), 11). \%,-Irr, 1-,I-rM�111
oungifig Ito 11)� I . Thort. 14 q .1 rf,,Ilng here eouqptl by lizeditt,1w. agitn ill I 111,11 I I\ 'I, 111,01,1d I'll,
howevit *, Ihav,� it, I , lit, ,` be metted tt belstA ,wort fhvthulvt�s $Amy rom ed A lV000 M111101"A1911111 0111 flilm,�ll and on to the railroad Irdeltu. where h( V41ung Raoilliatcheoran flotakes(andeir Von, during whith abo It ft)riy P"Aice- r.f tills urlt), in all now mtirtw, , �f I- � \Itrirr�
104M (01 , I �,v a llfftat;i b ed 4 two elvillano; and glNerl . f � C4..Jn�l,�IIl
I * . . W4 ,00lliting 412CIT Drank Carbotic Aeld. men w,re wounibIll 'ru.-miny nifibt, Woo 11tollt 111fitio li� III'. Vt1tito I'll I tlellli\ L ti -I Ill ' 11 Ili" , '10 .
�_ Over u�b Aft,ai %v" l,a,pf,u,r,fiady of oA offilcor. The- tiller, I
' - I , G"13,01kro-d flioy friesumcd-01t, work of M�Vcy. T& . ,4 Jr. 111141 - AQVI-n"on. Rmixil ii,att Oo"li kip t,� 'I ' \\,Ili fh- ,t1,1anl-1r, .111.1 '110VI, \,141111 I
10 since shlowrodpo kilityl! did tficilp .OlnioSt (a t jith ftafn �IraljtMal dfLya: ttig Whoge name t ,� fr.-f't
0 . Mrl# 04AW�' * V 0 Ward, is front Scottie. A deapitch from milealoone, Snpk., ren(,wcA on Thuruday evening In it lillin I
� 4 ;ire , � A dojo le, lit airems (If N,, rthern (,nlcuitn. twmb fig tit' \%"I) P'lletiW9 It - - I I,,,
I 4U erol'4 ;ire LL . ovOtis, , - 1we _ : A young homesicader, Brure I(ea. . It 0 �, ifter wri,ing
� day wrtliftla., NVII've save thw1wives" whbll*�; ___�o Studentil awl he-diumtt (1,rilleetNI cl the gule Irkle Nfsmda� eNeTntiv Ilt-I I � - " firi �%% ti d ed P-- ,1 i
- I.. I t, OW mind unhiqed liy ditapolftlirtlent [nit, ---*-* oll 25 years of age, vvikr4 di.scovPred n ,4 III it ' orilvirriii 'F'', ,,,,xfl ,, wet"Ight ";,
it M hillinger,2 , , I I Owed iffeAm (4L&iiotyi4 10 tho jaWeCk _ I mvill natilAw It'letor �I I likr�q 3val 4 lx,ing in mariv reqpvets. ,irylillir 'I I
?) [in many t# ,it. I Ill. Attach, ninAPPA m0en "uth-west i I N,GfQ Olf. 11011000 On't It' the t4ln 4,r I niivwst t,, n fr, -, 1, I't't)(11- ll'y FW bilq�'
V6 ,,v1*,1U ',rtliefilbl _, ,ey Mae A rtitf,� Aha filter s6ififf ,111tito love, 616%,"11 Y�ku` 14 UA9901FOR. lare, In a dying Piandition from the (f. find petted pa.rloerglty with briehs, I if
S. 1411110 � 106hj�i!mll, hough (M heart on MAW" I Fit,- whiell flestroved kwynet 1�,v4rn -d ind Itie IT�f nm
. ,Iet,fg., llojj�bly, %A 1116 q4jethying cou.i fifforrip(A Ilify 6400tolfully 140"heii, it 0 UO.- iectq of rarbolie acid. by two young focans being oiftedtflly Ptnaled wit lim Slullenberif, (if Haiti), the tilliefilf), I t"N' 1, lr�irl,a �
Irfige 0 It lho� , I 10 1111101 a 'Rey'looll Ill 1,011 Jilac-4 W di'tInv4
b* lo -&'s t , with L bOAM, Tholfbil dr-Ifled `-I'40"urday a - "a C" - who was ifirol&s to IIIIA14 Two Strinstern jhte�niulgnita howupopern thro%v fern olalvint-ni read- gn I he r I I, g
I , Vilit Mile t , I 1 40" Ad boMiTt it 166k al $vm tof.fgcl, aft(I m6e, trollf Prance tifustil* ition of tills t4wn. R. Rufoy and Irvine OtIlIck. o 1,1 %%a,, on In% \,kqv belmip fri,rn op lhi- ,rily "I'i\ (I
ftengkr ot-ilifift'ri A 'k of HaIllirld, towk .1, .Ili# *"O, :9 , n the
0 al life IYAW \Ir(.�ammut. It 1% believed that fiioal,er tile whiFFIC Ill"lle for tile rl'ols Rr, ,\% ,�p "�r_.J�'l
I 106. 11.10*6n; X111". , I . as k5till etifty; d(litomemmif Aflor Abig At& taili mi Vprf lblig ftjpt toll poispla'Aafoly in Works, rmn on Tuectin; n,ght iihon I ttwt it � N&Anl, at
I i 116 CAf#)'rkt tVlketatt lfhr WhIeft she 01 Olt SAYA tbelr bruirkills. nit of uhich iq deyit4.11 man in rNprit of a ro-q6thnic.- iiihich i4 :4 Ilailiv.. whi'll iiw 1,111"r \�rl
I Ing W00 11"Mw lim, the tmitift in 16vo wl It d k4frog Woman" lit this city. A dricipatch from St, Vale'rAtivirg allOnfited suicide. having borrowed car. P011CO and print atntemients allefrIng 1, 4 \\,I11tP4l,1q
I toloW. on statur. '%WS 41011, ba� A ty 'hAs I,( lie acid from a nelpfibor. , , ,n%., 'fl-!
_ 11 oy ,lbefill,, eyjrh tWffefi, fifillot.ilf;I tits 1ftrIVhfiCk;9 w,fri., * Ss ",'a `1 authorities and eye-ittitrit,&wn bt.ai, fr,�m im hitin.qv, nnd r4�-ki' ih-' I I-int";q T) III" `It"I'"t*rl,
mild tmm, , �� gon, last . 00d W, r v1pil The Rum , ,, I�v the � a
. �J , 11" tr6rd jkNjilf a4bo.rN WWI$ QW -41 Af�oi bafibir 'dAY Aftole-twift 114fie !P614. 6twiffe, tht-atlt"016M`f, 111101 0011tr e Ili) repIN, This man \\a� he Iviltillod qt tile lVi3i IIt \If n q q
Arkill. wor, , 10 dei*k'd 4it I ____4l-____ There ,vo I
I Wt tIl *rlok . _g Fit) loss of lift,, but Plany man inad �
1.�ilikk._ -1 . ti:oWr, him- U'r 14AVIIA A I � , w, I& �411 16 ��� I 01 k I , Inc -Plitt %..tvf)gS of IWO lAttlestops of tUw tot,91. INQkgbt�\'VOI('�"'."4 'h"' Iht� 1411"r 1`1'"I a 11:�'y
0vt*11XV04 * 111161. dr4N'e hZf VW, WIN($ � a 91 oraono ou'.1101"ed sevore oohfuslonq It,ont " feet 10 Inehota tall, his - -
.. is. I "mat , Is go #nt I ,; TrXV are to 1; tomplew Within tw4 11 14 sollf fhat an Independ4ml Ielo, P
, ivlv �
on theI ditrisN,ii ver"k, "it I , �� 1 , 's . et ot 11111T. ,�!r$. They Will be atflillot wllh ten 12 t hope company proposea to operate In rind at-Dlp WOU11419. Ond Many all -rel %vo,j lt;5 pautruN 14c, %very n 1,ru,xi, loll 'I'A 0)arg.� Qf ha% UILI tr
It , . to, I'll,il"WhICIV ed; ttit 41% , ,. � ,strVaL b Invievot a
3 , � , �I . , *A* 91*0 iblat iosifflitt, bo" Ilf.0140 Tte, wgmhfx� AvwfT4�ufllry 1t at L Ontario. I.afs suit and I, oritutitbid ciatiov anti \ c fdat l6mpf,�
� , 11 it wrig file r Wicow W 11 . * sitebt. " i It fth fha I . It 4m, faie $14"011 otiII14. Woro damal:od. - .
I � iviii of U* ilowwAfta tof im colkiii , A' . % I
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