HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-04, Page 7Tirrlvre. Andlielretefrese or.
NOT *0 04 10134114
WA* Are
..44,,W144t #4,?4+ ,
Ettgaetto to -dei IS INV nelfellee
WY for ttleelgeterght. bite "leo fge
• Pia, WI* Peale lieendetivee
breeding stoil teilitelete
'of Oerreet. eaillneres !Woke,
_ellnAtitaffe, It* ease Of 11* Men *be
talsatiNeteleegfeeelgi Itleiteeet * eitiblie
11411170eliets lie a llelOglaile er eche, WW1
up tve ikktt or, tere. PrebleblY Det
1000,Iftette'enty ,aware that b* should
(f°40 indetntneedifgety alierWerfle.
Abel thitt eIleep. fed tg,e10111.1eult
TO ehetete" Mods; 0 -vet tet.tptut)ce.,
fincellen Welt ..-1161fele ineA
Intera Mealleig a. -lofty ttetiltainteittle.:,
l'he rifle 0' 111*.polel te 1teineWhiet
eiestie Ottee,bgt "thaeeltieel-
inuew 'tee& mem, 'ut
course, taleleu his OW or ;00044 tit.,
Sneak egtOti
slier a .preelinee littee4
*he inake,seihe iptilliettiefeef
Cognillee. 'Kanter be' DOW or. ttle
01614 Slielfal6104.inneaa 1000o
the itrst movement, 'At 4;1.-,,.thev...$:
leues, onote„.tvlateti....e,114)10, ledy
e_ to lermillideeeVecteettabliaMelOP ..W14011.
• ishe dee,S 'oolf 4041.1,0',00iiiinino. And
IP* a weed 1,
Al1OUT '151110/IIICTIONS'e. ;
• **hen terfollanig flinCtiOn, elo net
wake 't e.O0111111en: Arlfate-OC.ItitatidliOlnt
the laey Vi6e-Vereit
aievat8 Altee.N.O. • e
It is a -popular 1044 Vlbi)
regard be handatacingt that it ts, bane^
What ill-managreclelo ',offer 4--gieved
fiend. ,Maile:peelelli, the'clraille
elanceeveintee.- -bobileofeettyingIL'IlEx
cuse :by g101/0.!'. ThercitleMet the %light.'
est reason Why they -r-should. Make .1111e.
excoe- feat It often peeterable
to shake 110(4 with,OrepereOU'Who has
a glove on Mut Wilit'itele W110 ittiallat*
WIthent exaggetaltoni it note lie said
that you cule.eett teat* ellarecter by
vtotor-chs. It it IS-PlahoraletY
Printed, the: '1)11,1118 anne$1
hidden by eetbelhettliflentetened nOttriah"
es, You noly•the enitd OM* ihal;'llte tow*
er's love of 'WOW, tortaiderably
cuns tutowlecige at VPiti IS coma
nnet in gpod Wale. A, gentleman's vis.
fimg-card ateseld betel/Wilted 1114),1
ecpper-plate lypd, witheee' ornurnenta-
ton et any- kintl....110,,,OlartPsnotliel 08,
(thin, not thic11, 6011- ind prefix. , Mee
should utways be ;printed .
Above till, Initials atiperlatnieg to hon-
orary rack sheteld never teiletvrnien or
printed on a card. •
Although fashion has vetoed the send,
ine of memoreli cads. lareetther 'Teta-
lives or friends, and mourning is a
Matter of sentliumit, naleee emtless, the -
knowing periOrle nt"In4urninq are
usually observed in !society. Wictows,
strictly speaking, should wear mourn-
ing for two yore, Although after eignt
or nine months belt -Mounting May be
adopted. Tbe seine period has been
fixed for widowers, although.1hey usu-
ally enter seciety nrueh sooner then do
widows. A parent who loses a eoti tr.
•1aughter Is expected to wear black for
twelve months, the pato& being the
same fer a eted .whp laseli a perent.
Tor a brother eat sister, ihe longest
period of mourning Is abts Menthe; for
a grandparent, nine nelinths; ter an
uncle or aunt, three months; and- the
same for a nephew br niece: ...
Danced on Read Dining 'fable and -
Rang Belk all Night. •
An American 'woman who calls her-
self Mrs. Amy Rea am! says she Is a
cousin of the UnIted.„§"Ales Secretary
a Slate, has beetle taken to the police
hifirmary of Page, after she had driven
a number ot hotel peoprietors endi nate
men nearly out of their minds.
'Mrs. lictot arrived In Paris oft Aug.
22, and took a poem ate Lhe Hotel Nor-
mandy. Last Satorday the iroprietor
of the hetet wag 'obliged to eepostu-
late With Mrd. Hoot, Who, although she
was perfectly sober, insisted on Frac*
tieing the mattchiche dance on pne of
1 the hotel had finished dinner.
tables before the guests
She left the room and the hotel, look
41 cab and drove to ci dancing hall in
Montmartre. On her way hack to the
hetet she hit the cabman over the head
with her umbrella. Ile got down from
his box, and Mrs. Root jOnsped out of
his cab and Into another.
Both cabmen 'remained outside the
Hetet Normandy most -et Lbe night, de
mending payment at intervals, wbile
Mrs. Root practlsee g,rend opera in her
sitting -room until 5 ,o;block, and then
rung all the bells she could get at um
lel 8 o'Clock.
On Stueley she took. cabs all day,
employing no fewer than ten, and in
the course of the day engeged rooms
at several Motels. At We Hotel Con-
tinental. where she slept, she asked the
cenelerge to pay a 226 cab tare for her,
On Monday morning she steeled us.
Mg cabs at 6 o'clock going off in one
cab. returning in enotheri and immedi-
ately going off agein. She d...4 not elm
pay the cabmen, and on Monday night
she went to another -hotel near Ihe Ma -
Mrs. fleot took cabs en Tuesday, one
peld visits to all We hotels di which
Americans mentioned in the Tarts pa-
pers were staying, and at night the
police had to take charge of her.
• i
ek Leine perpetuity ihat ilee0 it. Take receives an extra, quannty of mate- owned anti worked by the London wal he•" •
Wore Piot
AIM A110:=7, r
A barkele IOWAN Of Wilfitag lee*
ninifeneittit geneoesity Wee Intillett net OW& tile itiet'enil, Whitt
lhe either elity PAO* MVO t When the aeleptueedeashe inentiere 104i eate
II. Ceieel,M,...P., steketlft.etieellou_4104 ible beet 'WO* ef'phyileel ,Yeetrelet.
'Pie! Pedner* SenOMWM and, Wigan AS ite seen 4.0 eJteeieettfe. lentiletek OWN belehee Arree's ilerr bezel Imeeld,
pellegette ti nation. we do /eel geow 0 -hanging keefte7 Wellong egraraala 'onifaxere ttili-tervieitt tho 8tAtuntk
it 114143Q )4' Pr441,41 4.410w1.44_biriv, ettille" -geltePe hiereeleeee ‘1We Alerted fINM1 Zerinett With ilie
ettlelly EngthilibeeTi keell .10 LeteW eetrik Medea Ihe Cebleal eottaIng the (let% night at 4
even W11.141110.50 fire Part .01. the Ter$ 4004; 'Adele 44111. RIM eineetbe bbe ilvielr.‘! oat* pe, MA.
ef-tfkl'ilifenN fee$14011 Answeees tante Inisereeleigt elt the. feet.% 71JOrleb(484iVertOele tWO
.04, MIK* Itethlpg„ fa 14 sea*
ekrinee bete SiVejt 41, thiL41' 44.4444 4St
Serowe vips,,eienees, whieli to end I%
Iger,4*, moolor Henri Spool, also. of the
• about this matter and yel. fatAireblY WAIL I ; Vara -sett COUIDVA s;if lbet Ullt1011VM 1141 Wm% •
lo Vallfer W140). the 1:11141 kr enjoyment of -life, writes ;#4,troP11 f101 Itie- /40, .0NoveTo. 4n43 wtj 0001.
174411runenv.wented reword men, Tortw44*-1..tarseigs,,wesklY.
Mil 'tot paid lltietat pen- &cry pcpson under sixty fettililt
seen *hag livee, prioniesett.lo ieerclucledt claY their
flk,r it,t0 his heirs and ter wontil tebt: the ,befiellti
These et* ltbown as perpetual or. hori,N. ,waitt. should'. Stem 'Peeliaten. Inntarve,
elititt'y pensions. There' Veto kUllneede"
ee ler
*IVO 111*14 ftaft
010* TO *NI* O. *Me
11-11111 TtiVa,
tenditt jenti Melitte eXtrectnittnJel Ws OMAN
, Worn by die ifing ignitQuecn flta position tito oath** lli the. Oa;
ot?Itielte forage)* mid pieneoled. 110111. ate fri a **deg of ittelatsePtil
tAte.141111 Ike itto Tom 0 kootittos Stlet1 ItY• ttolt 37tiltim441 1?4h4t °Y‘wtt°
41% MeV An theeee ekeiglelekl011.
After %Virgil* OW Wm. for einte The tepOrt* Vie Made by spectsbceln,
Crity ,yeati,,likettibAndety,Olt or larlt, trissiorlsgs Sept OUt by UM f. /611111en.
Sogalltintlertallit. who eetillt Met le One, the writer *to:
Teti rtor nod, had slaver seen 0 rit heti beetimis nitite *Mutton Me*
4rott4 tla$ died stied ItinetY4010, tio for witife,mett to plow land for wo
tlargibra Wed brol.e'inbt Kier Ogt tiws. The latter oil the former *0
Restogicet by 14 tratleeeeettlent 404 much. per acre.
911, t o'llotat vox*, ilett tieelded advenee ts betleeoble
"We -04110.114 tlf„Oe_etsCent nt- teWelg,,Vellied theft, 001 Order le aniong the natives as regards their Tao -
break, but ge...yea etenetee the Weetnee deadeo fie:ogee/1g, too oe eadvetiore In forma' Ye07
ler * conSidtalion. deelited to 'push" iCe;eSefir* teekelfl tealf4 thing WhO tho boo, PreetteellY heir olliP
hew fhslinteliotet". :opt* befOreluolii rept oultiveling with P1OWA dr6WO
fa yearaz nom SU, to 1.8$7 alone twitago avb,Olt the , 'elteletio 400 ogoO, Top, ow AND Leeele Taw ',for reierved tengtiertmenbee bet thts 4} who Awe or teenkeye a
e,o.leee a, gum then teSt/,03$ Was paid; fn. the IWO pltiefe, the WOO* „, • • 110‘ biesee.Ye leeeetble- Another of the oinuallasioners writes:.
Out in this way, - 'ture 0 the, tlinder 141:.f..11$1161.etitly- tutsef-t ke 4011 Oneene the attractions at a. Unionist nig) mpg gtridett tho neeteee are
: ANcEorott,s„ to cause n. MOM. liderehange In t" -At 2 0,10, We repelled Me itattiler! Wilabeelle oo, oleo pcir.s9k) teweor eivoleation end the
t' • - the rentellelife • ilasues,. mesas perOptAt. Of theleltrnel.wheruttioUeti situ the aeolaing ,te 01141100p iesiteck etlatitiresa they teleplay et eneeevoeipg to
V••even WeieN grarilea bY'Abese.'„Ohleketiett;ChadtalS. tlie niteelig t0 Oeus overbangillif deell by' a btlietter to 11**LO:re et the trade
gtrert:.'.#1,0elfib' AVOr," NorertheIro, 0: ,iskott.w4.9ttior oovicts iloottcottgo to most of Weir 100 was tilled or wolue
g - , , olt4, tithilor 4Pot-rt Vito q4PeelalY law* unit other 004efilieru.,' Mr. 1344 tone nopletnont, *at agriculture, sterna/it
a them, hut. most -have meg commuted.. Zoe*, .to. "Pittuat, wools riot 'gelds to stand on The summit of me Mat,. replied:that .1h0 gyertit's of priSona present It is quite common to tole 149
.a t t, tt} ta. Atialking OW* ) alld .'litis'peelltiar 417b4111. '
to verietiC,V4athers et the Ittlite of innachts tet*,Merifebtintlettgleeettelefied Peeeinieees the atone Inel_keeee-_ -044-4-111100-40.14-10-11. Kole itteraue UAW 10. READ AND WRITE
Grow_taxoy. $41110_41.1.4044,400,„ rat_Ottlrotkif04.0M-4114' 1,10 '-'1111*T01-TiOMOV7 ft) flcserfbe theJtirr tutnliW, The loin* Were afterwerds have ot late tad** veey marked. I re*
lat.fre over two huhdred years a lor waste pradtesest by.various elten... of am Alpine *form nie higher nit, presented us consolation prizes to par -
One ot.theto woo it modest ae fie. , ode moo (10104 fillipv040. ludes. Tht ,h`ta Atud. onow kneed es Nepente competmon, geolthloattutibv:ntouttg eltubdirietalit sesPPoebspirsrosto
ereae ne,..Offieer;e4 Ptpe.'„AilOther
1,4'kele. shelter under a ledge of rock. For g110,00 the leeln (*luny Count.
was 40 he fter-AlveP,Generta mid Con- litillPESS ThE APPaTiTP,. .., is 4,4v41,A4 ttowever,-(txpesett lit 14. eilettatt resdivai le It to th B I
tearer Of tile ,Seele. Both Of Vitae Of Then Will rard te Vestal aths 1. thisi. dolleind The 40/' the- 4 i ' " ' e 4 V4. II::: U4.1;115'417 ettl;I:n6/1:1111:ivelt14"4411"1:tet;
- , 1 r le . • re ae ne 0 eili e e lien Army the Behold of seMe peenlisee peewee whites In the outLying districts.
'tees -.34(01101"efteen'ehneflItifteee., lie to the ee Dintreee IS 41 ee eittledo end breath* let- Geer , - itt Queen Victuria street, front whieb
!Mee of Geettoly /Ind lila demendants fee tot, heeoree eh deeper, Cenise- "There we erotteleed all night long, the amount reeeivable as round rent "I find WM on most of the atudts visi-
ted a large ntimber of boys are away at
e,,k„.`e4 , A thtt4 PrOthl unt000te4 t° Ittleo4+ 4i hirgee vohnite el exYgen le while the Menu ruged with increasing is just over .E2,000. BY ageelYing the
MOS to -etteheiti 'members -of the Pine Wit be rellternberedefe-0/ -ftir *Ore lin, i'Y the teY WiniX entereet saved would be g8,000-ae un„ Olity the women and old ntert, all the
work. In fect, in some stadia I found
xeri000 3a" Ver. Made up *r three pen* enierbed bY 11*.b1004, Mut OXYgen, It hwy. We, Were bang gradually feeeen purehase mone to ounce! stock the
reitt of ;boo beteght by the Goveraleent Increased Perapira a terries Mit of Mice SayS Mkt in Ireland twenty spe-
f 4e e'Confar !nen being away," writes ono -
they ell elute that willingness to work,
ile. but all coming ultimately to the pow* than'ssur 444 food, "Thunder and 410sOng added to the noel Saving to tlie rate ,
misers e e
Mika Another Was Worth 0,876 a Next we .104 toethe Aldo; the mil- Immo of our eituation toward ittorn. coo, thee commlesioner,
'From conversation with lite natives
Yeer-the Interest On Ceneole ma Itio lions of perm bel widely opened, the 'Mg, and, altbou h we we* not nate A memo '
randum issued by the War
-ter. the loss et certain excise dillies tete matter than hentlet etherevlso eseelee- Oil Contingent battalions of entitle et "1,
leeente-eight existing will be Main. r'°t undergrmfild' TheY ala° stivAllY
ae keener!), slated in my report,
Ilt a cot of -Oaf= 0A compensatton the body 4 larger guilt:1111f ot effete
30tbOtne Working for if Al.dgethee, Ile- 11earpened for et suhsequeqt, mete, ahd
tie, lot le get teem the pi** pees° ed by walking elfient the, Appetite is seven oe ninety-six. ' The remainder °lit excePtieni an state that theY Wive
Nitta and ile Greet Depute eighty. object to being recruited, as they, el h-
pgyott by the Dimity. This. is a Mee lit- ,Digeetion, aiso, Is eb maekedly digprov-
o rding 10 Mr, Jennings, 5 . D, one ef the food Is taken od,th a Iteenee eelien. will be absorbed if they oonsent. Both
third elid fourth battalions will have extent that they peefer to go and look
been cheated by late* egents to such elk
ello Seleee Committee, elle Duke of Grafi. Then, es everybody knOtva, the demi- a chence 41( being used as units in war,
will kuow exactly what work they will
foe work by themselves, as then they
Wes ',finally has ,been, paid X4,000,000 lettere of the blood is accelerated, *0 as well us supply drafts.
ili. pee -Oohs. that every nook awl corner of the body The traffic receipts on the tramways have to do, and what the remuneretion
oily struck by I ginning, we received
lattnY eleettic shocks. One etas e.o Vio-
lent Wet alujor Sporrt lost onselotte-
"About 11 a. m., realizing that If eve
remeitied longer under the ledge eve
would be frozen to dealt, I persuaded
ceunparitons to
"Nlajar. Sporri wes in, a state ot ex-
rhausttott bordering on oollapse„ and
after taking a few feeble steps he Mil
face downward in the snow.
etlerr lutteld and I worked for sev-
eral hours. trying W revive him with
Mandy and massage, but he died with-
out regaining consoloumess.
"Beth Herr Imre* and mesa, were
weakeend that we could only wale
Nery slowly, We hoped that We might
meet a rescuing party, but we did not
see a living.creattue, and so we plod-
ded on until 'nightfall.
"The snow was again falling thickly,
tut %ye did not seem to mind it. We
continued walking es in a dream.
"Finally we threw ourselves under
a ledge oo the Epaule, utterly worn out
and -disheartened, land hardly caring
whetker we lived or nied,. I worked
hard. throughout the night trying IP
keep Indeld from freezing to death.
the *tade0.1 a ,year greeted, for ever to, mein.. Leetly, the Organe Of exeretion County Council for the week ended the Dealing with the native hut tax, the
thelltike Ofeltfarlboeough. In. 1702. ThiS ere stimulated by _walking, eso that a 15th tilL, mounted to £32,159, against seine writer says: "I note thitt, the
eatininted Air an munitty for ten -years te. nee natural. obannets. The few the preekeis year. The receipts from anything more than 311) extra
flovernment no longer charges a native
WO Pald,Up 10 the year 18M, and then larger quentIty of refute is. elimineted tee5,982 in the corresponding week of
e Of tt2.7.0a. Multiply the termer reds thus briefly eninnerated should 4,f the Conne11'S steamboats during. the It'OR THE SECOND -WIFE.
by 2. .tutd..the. latter by ten, end you -.themselves suffice- ...to encourage the same week amounted to Aft05, agatnst
twee a Wee .peyteent of 41,037,900. practio of walking-. But more has yet 072 in the corresponding week of last "By Hee I mean that a native Vint
NO asce,...0A.Nts, tivr wE PAY... to be ektinted in favor of , this admix,- year. four wives part tito same us a native
:Lore DatiVeirquerque's pension has In addition do whet has already been which has just tueen place at riteat was different. lie had to pay tor every
with two, Until recently, this, of course,
able exercise. A romance attaches to the wedding
betee'reCentlY refereed toe This gentle- staled respecting respiration, still fur- I I a rkesley, Essex, between Charles wl‘rUhel reeegueliede•;:, Agriculture, ii, is point.
man lost all Ifis income in Gerntany ther benefits eccrue from the more per- Johnson, aged seventy-osee and Mrs,
and,Frunce through religious prosecu- feet breathing of walking exercise. Jane Pitts, u widow, aged sevenlyifour. ed out that the first sowing of the Wee
lean, and, to, do him a good turn, WU- The chest is separated -from the eb- The aged couple became ncquainted te• crop ' of Kullir corn has been de -
Mut 111.. gas* fittn, ids heirs, and as- demen by means . of the diaphoigm, through the woman saifely Piloting the stroyed by locusts, which necessitate .0
signs for ever, £2,000 a year out of which oocuples much the position of a bridegroom (whose eyesight is uefec- late second soveing. Unfortunately, o
Weer John Bull's pocket, and the pen. ceilleg and floor between an upper and live) mews a erowded street at OA. number of farmers of the ililwoner
018,000. In 1853 Lord Comper owned me the lungs which partially rest epon chester. The kindly uttention led to cluss have been unable to purettase a
tLe winning of a husband, seeond supply of seed,
slon was paid tor 159 years -that hi. lower chomber. Aboye .the diaphraeen
feur-fiftes of it, mid this he sold to the! the ,etruetUre, while betrileditifellY hetew, .The TreaSury appeared in prosecute Owing to immunity from horse aletc-
Ocvernment tor t40,000. We still pay it -are the stobache Mier, and "spleen. in a ease at Brentforcl latie week, In nese by inoculation, mules are Melees -
£375 ti year to a Mr. Cohen. . The ceapliragro, being an elastic mane which Edward Nash, u grocer, was ing, und ore now generally uste for
William Penn was granted.the whole bronee is prested ' nownwards as the charged Milt Miring obtelned 4.2$3 trenePele Purposes, repluelng donkeys,
el the •State of Pennsylvania when the lungs are fully inflated wtth air. Thie eggs and hundreds of elliekens by false which were lurgely used after. the war
lieited States was a British colony. lie theynward movement 'brings pressure pretences. It Is stated that .,Scolland This season the game getterally hue
died in the year ..1718, Half a centiirer to bear on the organs below, hence 'lewd had received hundred- of, cone inereiteed. This is eseeriany the case
later the RevOlittion occurred and they are constantly , submitted to a plaints loom all purts of the country. malt k,eotoo, stetributk, pheasant ane
Coorge It I. -the -"most remarkable 0 sieetes of massage. ' Nish had, It is alleged, obtained pro- guinea fowl.
pension-givers-granbsd . 4130,000 to : it uce by advert 'semen ts re presen I i lig Wed dogs aro inereaeing, and •conb
Pentes.heirs and descendants. But, in A GAIN IN ,NOXYGEN.
that he wattled weehly supplies for a plaints are corestatilly being made, mere
addition to this big sum', a pension of Treatment of this nature is highly large store. I r.ariirelarly from natives, of losses e'
4,4,000 a year was given for ever. Vale' beneficial all round, but it is especially The Bishop of Ste Athens the 4,ther le uts and sheep killed by these animals.
wee ,Paid irein 1700 (0 1884, when it sn with regard to the liver; consequent- clay reepened the old parish chureh of —eel.—
was commuted for £107,780. Thus a iy, we find 'that gereons ,accustomed We.st Thurroek, Essex, which ims been
total of 1,613,780 wee paid out of the to reveler walking exercisea raeely restored at a cost of ALMA DUring VALET AATACKED ENGLISHMAN.
F•ublie purse. But, according to Mr. need to complain Of "a torpid liver.' the restoration work It was found that - -
Jennings, M. P., Wnliam Peon realty And then, beyond -.tali this, the more lhe watle of the (Menet had been re- The Servant Wes Enraged at Oahu
ead no descendants at all, and the see. eemptete inflation ot the lungs due to paired at some distant duly with steno Reprimanded. .
retary of the Treasury, when question- walking occasions a more perfect sup- delins which had been broken. ttp for
ed on this point, said there was no pie Of gaseous food. Ito ectual gain the purpose. A complete stone mile, An affair which III 'f4[114! MAPCO.% tV.
way of finding one of oxygen, and the increased disper- was found underneath- the floor. C11 HS the famous Dr. Herbert ease the
°MI ci.rred recently at r Bois•leellol, near
Lord Nelsen was dead, too, when the Mon of carbonic acid, are very nearly its age has been eidlitittled by eminent 1,...,0.01,1040e, „rump.
penslon ,of £5.000 e year wus granted deubled by the exercise. .• arettueologiets at over a Ilieusand yetrn, A edeciTtee"6„iishee,,,, e.e.ee „he -
fn 18(.6. He had no direct deseendante. .Mmeover, seeing that wolking is phye, The United Servires Cadet (ewes at e,„ wei,m7cas edna71'i"(41 ii"11":1"$`;‘,4:4'1'),
The rensiOn was gieen le Ills brother, steal exertion In the open air, it secures mon colfefa hos Erron'ed n 12 .r. hel. eitured by hie valet. In the email
and we hate pied £505,000. ne important advantage over all forms gun, wletli formed purl cii the Ludy tioure n Inhorer returning Mom Fon.
where, aecording to the Select Commit- whist .muse, be the effect produced by fieulh Afrletin war, The boys of the . ''." '
Mee,/ Battery, and del eervice In the ttilittes,oeti ,,, Bala4e.poi saw a wen.
'Many fensione were granted for ever of Indoor exercises, one tan imagine
, messy(' man lyeeg In the toad at lite.
ift,, no service at all was ever render- increased respiratiems in a vitiated at- cores leek Peeseesk)" "t the gun "' huntlet of Drones. Ile wus unix/nail.
cid even to the people of that time. Arid mosphere. 'Even in one's own room Windsor railway Malkin. and dragged ,atiA, 111a eliithes were soaked with bkeel,
.somewhat similar Is the following-- the iinpuritiee of the air are -consider- nt through the hp" t" the eellege "t end hts features were inolly ette 'flte
whtre the man originally did 'something able; but within the confines of a gym- el Niark's. The eelliege w"edeh• the matt carrlet the itianintate sufferer to
tnd got a eatery. but his descendarits nesium, ceintaining emanations front to Pov. F. We Tracey. aLee presented the me rill e
ag chentist, who releognized
de, nothing. because the *Meer does n.01 store or mOre athletes, the impurities
e'nege with ° crest nag hewing lh° littn us \ Nisei Worth, a rich young
eelSt. 'rite HercelltarY Master Of tile must be enormously inereased.• 1"."1 °I St• Mart' "1 bluek °" a Yell" Englishman. whe had been living for
Hawks gets A965 a year, made up as Urider such circumstances, instead of ground. ' the lust tee, months In a villa at lime
ter four falconers, X200; for teurchase ecubling the eunount of oxygen -Inhaled
1%e W.Ju!d take in more earbonin acid. LUNCH IN TIIE CLOPoet. lee which he hod rented for the sea -
orsuttowitsomovisvounism momfou
EAX48000). %SWAM
Artificial Jaws atid Cheeks tor Victim
of Accident. .
Dr. Deli& has just prented to the
members of the F.rench Academy of
Medicine a man with an artificial face.
In consequence Of an ilerident with a
gun etele out shoothm, the man Itad
his chin, the lower part cd the tower
law, lips, a poilion.vt his longue, and
the whole of his Upper jaw and nose
-blown away. Theo. have been rephieed
by artificial parts atel We doctors pre-
sent express.ed witordstortent at tbe mar-
Velatie ingenuity WIth WIthIlr‘ tbe Week
hact been aerie.
The mechanical Mee is in bier pieces.
The first consiSts pi a silver groove,
into which Ramie of UM Tower loth are
fixed. 'rats Is allaelied 10'4 dental ap-
paratus of lin, Into Which art fixed the,
remaining teeth. The takeind pieta men -
rests Of A dental appireettle VOIcanite
and, gold for the IMO' rew of nine
teeth. Thls Is lilted to: two amen pro-
fulterancee„ which Mein* ,lite nasal
ravines, This else nib) up the right
tvhich wee entlielled W. M the
back Is a nieee Of gat Ineellanism wim
hooks, used fel laSttit 0)- the Imo piece.
Ilte third pleen0 ifetr,Ineetinnleal thee
consists 0 thce Thig
is ot Ind% rubbef, Pfilidad to eateellible
maim. Over tql e:Nia tales beeel et
fixed. AI the fettle -dee leottple of sunlit
bolts, whtell...068aIhroti boleti or the
teeth end tie tip ertilleirg
lower Ime. liter tfiautIti‘ Mat Plege
1111. upper
- rubleo. mid
ell a fats,
e two small
ental piece
Of the epearittliS O01141.1
up anti Meer 41150 Bt. inch
painted, to Willett gt"eite
Meuslache. BM, bilt6c
ClaaNs, le which lila
to WV OM *W.
•The Matt la thipto 10 nisi
With beerpfireitIrld Oat, t
of a fatv feel the IlIteeereee
elelhe 116 -raft
artificial NO ItIthatif, end
stid WitetAK
N food
el hie tate
' elf hi/
it in
elis feet and hands were gradually
..freezing, and be begged me to let 111114
die 111 peace.
"At the first streak of dawn we again
started the descent, welch. under or-
dtnary circumstances, should be aceom-
/ensiled In a few hours. But poor lin-
felt!, whose 'legs had been badly frozs
en, could scarcely drag
"He finally ineisted that 1 should go
on ahead to the hstie hotel at the Lac
Noir and send up. guides to assist him
and lo recover the body of Major Spon,
"There was no guide al tile hotel,
and just. as I Was about to start for
Zermatt linfeld stumbled Into the hotel
more dead than ,alive. .1 left him in
peod hands and went on to Zermatt.
A party of guides returned immediate-
ly, and Mijor leporres body was re -
ficrt hilfeldis now in o Zermatt hose
peat In ethical condition. 110111
legs must be .arnputeted in order to
save his life.
Dr. Ifelbing has reoovered- from the
effects of his terrible experience.
Any Pretty Girl or Widow With 82,-
000,000 Can Have Him.
A genuine German Prim& son of a
ruling Prince. is in the nuirket tor mar-
riege with att Arnett -an girl, says The
Nf..1.V York World. lie has placed Mite
self, his title. Its fortune and hee pest.
lion in the sociul uerld unreservedly m
the hotels of the widuw of u prominent
Government o lc Jul.
Disclaiming any idea of being a mar-
riege broker. this widow, nevertheleee,
hes written to former Immigration 111-
spector Marcus Braun, Suggesting thet
it lie will find the site will furnish
tee Prince, and there will be a kit (1
money in it fur of them.
Mr. l3ruun, who says he is busy %Yeti
other thews and is happily married
tertities, has no lune le heck for butt-
nble Prince's consort, and so hes lure -
cd the propositiun over to The Worle.
The Prince is suld to have, a large
fortune, but le. that Ws Amen.
gan wife Ace bring him 82,01Jueloi.
it,• would liee to lime her young /mil
feetle• lett lie will net ',Wet, 10 a wl•
41*W, tf she 14 suittlble otherWiSe.
inity be of humble birth, if she hus the
The Prince Is a bine elderly, rely -
petit admittedly. but 11.118 nitteht 110.
"tlght "5 "II 01)/1'01'111. Ile is reported
e, be peel y tall. but whether he Is red
headed 4ie buld-lieaded. whether he
somas or hos false, teeth. or the gl,ut,
or Mash notions, ts left to the intuit.
Mr. Braun returned last week feint
fellows: His 'own salary. £391 Is. 5de
*144k*ItOralutierikell" Co/0114"
Poet -0W flop Munsterbem of floe.
Yam Univeraity has last chewned the
llelftreincitts of * lite devoted to psy•
eutio; gatee:11... research. by the inventlen
tWo2 Maeltines to word thb (MG.
ti011s and reveal the secrets of the hat
'VOA compelling riniehlaes" \Ala
4)410 Went Celled them,
ori‘mVitiaalut 14h,egymbilacygnac4ccormpelyishbe intipptre;h0
inJated. tit the present time, but the
41411M le' Met* Professor monster -
berg hike tviluettl a knowledge ot the
tritth GO Meta. Setedeo, utid that a
tor yeem hence no hutment perean Wit/
Wi Ilinettehe etendetfIllegefeet? Per6"
Thade Ineadoes Wat revOlUgelliee the
1110104. at edurt pritecilum all over the
Verld. The prying CrOSS-OXIMeniattOns
Ariateeuting ettorneys and detendiug
cotlitardi Will be
rauc.4 OF THE PAW.
Mere certain then any N.enteas, the
VUlprit will, by Hue motet of his own
0othittureseelf' **Chines is
called the automatitograph and exnuesIs
Merely of a wooden aline suipeedette
Mom We ceiling, and upon this the arm
of the person examined is rested. A
pence gradiped lightly in the lingers,
the ermine of the pene11 Just reaching a
smooth sheet of mete whielt Mortis the
involuntary writings of the atespect. It
has been learned that these !muscles
ceestantly twitch under the stress of aoy
passing emotion, and tests niade upon
different people have disclosed the fact
MA the same general outline is /nude
by any person under the stress of the
same emotion.
Another instrument, much more eeti-
cute in censtructlon, te ille Pnentnn.
graph, Which recxyde the norntui breath -
Mg and any variation caused by an
emotional suggestion. The undet•Iying
prineiples ot this machine are carried on
ey, electrical action, which admits of the
rechaerlvallittigvedbebeondlotitikee isnusapielcotther ftit1111
Every breath writes tis own history.
and the thoughta el the mind are ease)
unevered by •
',Mows the most delleate of theee in-
stiuments is the sphygmograph, einch
Is attached to the wrist and recorde the
action of the heart beats. Of Me three
kinds of emotion, that of the heart et
„Po most eensitive and the Waal in.
flueneed by the will. For this very rea•
sem it Ls the aLlreS1, teat. The record ol
tillisoshtusitistinifilliemnnnet oartelairippid beating is the
With all these instruments attached to
once to the sumo person and u definite
abluittnrdt,edalitintot‘ivaltedwgeill olfvevne4rmy.execattlioytioN‘nh41)
examining 0 suspect es to eompare the
inveluntary records he has made under
eNamination hi the records of an imee
vent 141101 under elmilar examittation,
and the vanutions in the churls %ill
show up the guilty penson with ebonite
certain ty.
— ,
A Fruitful Field tor Adventune on the
Uganda Railway.
11. Afli1r till 1111 111 Mid, 111.•
of Meeks. MO; for pigeons and other breathing u second-hand air again and chemist manutied ronturi. eunscluus•
went for the hawks. £182 103.: total again. On the .contstry, by taking, our Italian Arieterres Eat en Swiss
411;373 Ifs. 5d. "Cus'omary deductions" Mountains.
teitig it doom, to L965. exercise out. of doors, the expired and
feul air Ls carried oU by the otmos•
NIILLIONS, IN GENEROSITY. phere inetead of re-entering our lungs itinelt and dinner parties
atelve the 41000 are the latest faith-
und poisoning the blood. ;
Throe thousand a year was pald to ......---+ -............... 14(11121ble 'Tan. in Switzerland.
Wel Amilurst for eighteeteo years, A rendezvous is given ut an Alpine
and then eonenteed for a ten years,' on. tette. which Le generally reached by
r,ully of 0.597 a year-tottd, £341,970. funleuler carriage or cati fete, and if
Two thousand a year far ever to Vis- the weather le line the fence .in be.
comes an nifteciro affair III the midst
ot unt Exmouth -a total ' payment ,o
dote being made of some .2180.nitu. et magnifk•ent mousituin erenery.
Seven hundred and eighty-six pounds Praire pie of eerioy reee»tly gine nn
"Alpine" lunch in tentor of Prime und
to Fir E. Moslyn, and a liee sum to
Prineese Nirola or crepe,. 1,1 the Bee-
. -
St. W. 'Eden, tor °fliers abolished in
ifeet; total payment to date Of commute- inno ileiepiee, 7.575 feet high. overlook -
tion, R328.952. Two thousttnd a year itie et. Motile. mom; the fitshionable
for ever to Lord Rodney, granted 1n geeele preeent wee. the Duke anit
17119. still being poke WW1 paymente Dbele s- de Terruivivo. Urine.. and
'0 aale. fel10.60e. Four it»tisand 11 1 'I Itle,0-• (1.• 'fr'll NB. 1.,untess Berristore
ieunbes i:,,ste end N erouni Bent/Item.
year lo I. te Duke c 1 Sehombi rg, granted
in I6J7. part commuted for £192.000. In the neon... II 1110 guest.; colleeted
and £711) a yeor Mill being paid; fetal (timers on the iretuntimis te: spent the
paymeets to date, about £000,000. , lime eetelering in the forests.
Mi•ny slitiller litietions have been
der— leed thic summer In the higher (Mole
SIR E. GREY A IIECLUSE. ris eis. teed 'Apes \Ir. nee sees it
— Merrily , e 1 4 turnip.. y111,0114114 e pert%
Entecold's Foreign Minister Grand, ef hitinile en the 1,iii Ilf 11114 finieent
4.itoomy and Silent. eels:, fe. I iihoy 0 illumeres. eiieh guesi
China eVould Amalgamate Mamie*
and the Chinese.
With ihe arrival at Pekin of Yuan-
shilikal an unusual series of delibera-
te no with regard to the condition 't
the empire began 'recently. The Ent.
press itas assembled. the most Influen-
tial advisers of the Imperial Ninny.
As lho Government fears that the
Chinese are endeavoring to overthrow
thr Manchus, and ,as ihe recent de-
vices acloptod to re111C/VO distinc-
hon between Chinese and Manchus
heve faileck [he throne contemplatee ihe
arnalgilmailon of the two races.
With this end in view. it recentiy
asked for suggestions us to how teis
week! be roseible, and a scheme teueed
on the t.eplies is rioyv ready tor pre-
mulgotion. The main points are:
t. The dectemdment of the Manchu
Banner tiveops. the atolitkin of their
1.1/.11.SiW1-$ and the placing of their offi-
cers in the regular army.
'2. Tbe daughters of upp-cioss China-
men are 1,.1 be eligible for marriage
into the Uneven' family. This promises
a future Chino -Mancini Emperor.
3. 1:Meese females shall no longer
be permitted to bind their feet. Thie
will remove the difference In eppear-
mice betWeen !heel and the Monetiti
4. Manchus are to be required te
take surnames, like Chinnmen.
The Governmeet hopes that In n de-
cade all metal distinctions will be wiped
The recent comet wits the euteeet ,t1
aredutte diecuesion at the couneti, unit
tee oourt Is disturbed because It is
universally believed In (eitna thnt
4'41404 peeeage revolution.
The F.mpreee Dowager is feline. ra•
redly. Iler Malesly has had het, aPo.
pieelle etroliee within the last two
rears. and hor streegth la visibly Wi-
n -ening.
slic, hoterver, contemplates wide-
epreoil ettantre in lite meteopolitan
OGvernment, and proposes to cluing/.
tee grond seeretarlat, wheel has been
destdule ce power stnee the lime ef
the Ming dynasty. Into a modern Cab-
inet and rescue the throne Beam pro-
ritiscuoue advlsers.
failed 10 pasa In Wheel, he failed
To hold a lob in later dater
%MGM to arm me girt he loved,
Ile fatted lo gain a word of praise:
tie failed te shoe. Met he poeeeecect
Such Menne no they rallet have who
Bei he never tatted to answer yee
When he 1:Vaa acitied lo have a drink.
T. P. O'Connor tele; a remarkable
• ry about Fe newt Seeretary Str Rd -
Weed Grey. In his paper. Grey is the
e West. mest ellent and reserved men
In the lionise of Comincms. lie never
seiaks und reedy appears tit the cham-
ber unitss compelled to. Few krunv
where he spends his time 'when not 1,1
the Foreinti Office.
Always a eeriest,: slow the instil
&nth of his wk. two years ago. Sit.
Edward has cut hi/Itself off almost en-
tirely from the world,
"I am told," says O'Connor. "that
tills man, whet Is probably the most
pewerful figure In the world. wieldng
more influence over destlities than any
c,flier \UMW'. in arty other hind, heera
Eridoy et, Saturday lo Monday every
week es lost to the world.
"Ile has a, little cottage, really n eine
P.M, by the lifelike of the River
In ceriter of lietnnshire4 where at
enee nuture Ls heatitifully soft. letig•
tech fashion. and where so/1111de not
profound, The zinc hut ts within a few
feel of the eirenrii. Grey mitres there
without a friend. without even a gen%
are, f%71111 few 1in hoSeS 4-4 toed; and
spee& itle hours either tishng. lys
log down In his hut. with despaieh
Loeest beside him.
"Wine does net pass his It Is
Et Weed and lovely exletence, but what
ecrerve strenath Moth perluils of on-
trelien eolliude and seif-tommunfrige
give le We mon, eimerially 10 00 ti-
e:idly eating and drinkingt It le no
wonder tie he passe< fitfully throUgh
lee House this man of ventricle and
baniSlimetti should oppear as IttOtigh
tos thoUghts Were far away."
A echoolnitster woe trylne,lo explein
the meaning of tfte word "cancelled.'
"ti:ow., boys," bp ,,ocuppese that 1
tem alwaya boosting Ot nlY tenreltilltfr
Bid 1 know &al el' Latin, for
'Laterite -OP sold thof I was n !MOO.
tome teen, +Meat should you 44 I easy
"4 hoe, stft" %vas the to ready re,
' Vella -eta were tornier1)4 Loma n
°Pala apples," probeble bonnet) ibey
Wee SOH and eat* tailtebled
0,15111g 4. 1111/1;:11 / 1 lig IA
it‘ OW. .111//114. 41715.4. HIRAI
10.1) 4).1..11 this einem on the Pilainte
it. elite. N44••• Ithelizer 144.41)14 :I ail
e• itegitil.
inonnimnia hro.4. fiah,144 4.3.•
NII1U111111s • •11 their •ninnotA. hot OA •
a three months' mite of the Pueine 1,, rie. re. end. everyleing has t-.
Gins( and when he dropped into ..,.• 1 fiymi f, 11w
(*Ole 13.,ules ard. tilt tier:mid evenue, Neu
lork. where tte holds many pollthee
eimicrencee. he was handed a letter
front Vienna. The erocetope wax ad-
"1 Ugh -horn Mr. Marcus Maim, Tree.
dent of the Aueiro-limigfirlart Immigre
tea) ceinitnissien, In New leek, Alfieri
Ca. Ode Boulevard."
inside tee following letter:
"ftigh-horn Air.- -I take the liberty to
oppeouch Milli Me following pro-
position: I have 441 hand 11441 01:111 of 11
German Prime,. his father was ruling
Peewee [lite -eight eititre old, so far 1111- theme a tereeil new in the ii,,,iin•
rharried, pretty tail, with ,,etneeeeoue 1_14, 1,, gr" 1 11,q, „1 !he .1
eTa nk.11 V. he earth; to get meeetee,
e • el. in ?It nillna In. 1. gaud...I.,. f
"Tbe requirements of the Prince lee tie /11 111 I:. 1,11111.,111 II 1141
A prelly 01. viftifig v.14•104;1; II,. 1,11 11,6, 11.1.1 • 1:il 1141 1411,,1
leest leareett00 gulden, who may be she, 11,„ 1,-) 1 1.. , eon.
ti k ',cif III, '.1.1 1111“. 111.o
or"ihteet:11'r (.1.',11r111,1;• tied a sellable retell iir' mese-re 111 .1 1.1111, 1, ot,i hien.
dale we te uld enrn an inlineffse sum / I 1 ke•rn. 141 4./:(1T, ,5 1I1) 101', I/1.1
1110,117 1/eCt111.4. I am In direet Conne yi n ,11.(o4erel 1,,...1 1 the enrl.
n. I urn ateselub-ly net it meeting. r tilling a It. tote -to , ti the .14,1
1.ettki,tr. hut, on the contrary, the we 3\ 1•11.1' Neip410.11 !limp
tu1144ny 4,r p.,,,fer..
:ire 1,4thur espens414 affairs.
VICTI‘IS OF %frill(' V. tiff tRE.
Austrian %nominees Morked be Many
31 ewer/Hee leis twee 'ewe.) 41
\iistrin t‘r reP01" that (balite
Ile preseisi army titiinieityies a !le 40.
linitthel' 41r no 11 have hoe, ero.,feee...,,
Niel floe tiumeroue crew.' !
(tow et a high nuvernment eincial. and
me petal conneetions Ming me Into
contact with the highest feinfilee,
"Itepeellng tem, Isind reply to Itiiv
prOfx.n11101), I beg to remain, your,
very truly,
".•zolle fehettaneke*
"linperial and Meal PRA:Melo' Coo
erne(' fiiiineiltiir'a Widow.
"Vienne. Pightt'ellth
leger strniiee, No. 94."
it the rime el a weeditig-treeneffeit
o gentleman mited fee Me blunders
41V4V+1111111.4dult)ielsoftmel.ttelinnu.sitletwece:ir ove)1•41,;10e.
Ileirien." he erted, 011154, drink to
11,0 heart., of the bet/14006141 May he
GO many days like Hite'
e. PM' reprIr1,41 •1 DID Men rf,
.1 k. 11 1. 14,01°,1 11 at III. Men 1A11..
141. r1 th,1.1c4.1 449 or, neeilsod
rrn,:n0.1.flit 011.1 litt.”10111,1 14'11 11
ti, oft.,'.'1• el -erne eneee
r, 1,, 1,, 1,,,.
et the lineues aiet hew 14 rek).
11.'110 11 1 4 ,41,, n '4 .1n1.4,1 11111
114 thing I. .14 I. all,. ripririfIg
,,, then, ta men, r-14.4,41 tr, beticee
t the mein hi Is 1,,e. is tee. e he
11,..n. slalom. tit h... le no men lig
`1111t1.11 the 111:4 en' rt., ,.to4,11.
..1 I., \ 0,1) filti”, .1..1 Iron:11 111 41.11i1
.1. 1 1 ft •tivrvoir.1,, " 4 thc •rta .1
9, "1 410110 11 11 4 .4. 1
Fredies "1 ees enema W1,P1
ef suilden the striae busted.'
A.e ,,e) in as he veiled speak, Mr.
Worth etuted thut he Itud a valet, 1/4
serviee With whom he it a.q not ni-
t4.4,4-thor sotished. and on Thursday he
had lo reprimand him. White return.
tag how, the same night (nem tiee
1.4,1111 Vtlfe. a WWI. eon4ine-
,d was Ihe eprung from behind
u tree and bent tem about the head
with u lteuvy stieh until lir fell tmeon•
coitus. Mr. Werth think% there vets
emitter men yyitit the valet, but id the;
lie is not eel tutu. The locul police twee
been informed and are muleng exhauc..
tive enquiries. The valet Ls missing,
and hue and cry hoe been raised.
Mr. Worlies omit Ilion wits tier141 415.
itie head is budly injured. Ile te 111.1110
dteligured. and Wail are emiertuined
11,./t he will kJ., Ihe /./g111 toe, eyem.
It is ',wee that the Met floe:divide-es
le the temee have LI14.11 frUIIIII1 bur.
pn‘r 111111 114.• 14111114 IV III/0 V 14,
111111111 tiirger pruptalkdet than
(1.'1(1011 t4 'Ittil. en TOOLS.
Crarienert \eye se nuts
and Poo.
-and dog. must 11,...1.1. ts• incite!,
1.1 filming the ileseetoits 4,1 11.,, eepiirt
leirgline The tiod tie.
In', whir te nseertam 11 the r...,,ust .•
the mode l,perutom 14_11 11,1•1.5 het
▪ 9..111,15,.
'iliick.1111 11 may lime ui,
ee, certain preun...., whe,.. 1.
there tite horynnt) ite ,4,,,,41-
ingly 14/r, 4, 4114./1 ./11a.1 111.14i‘v
rubs tlitseeiti *Iwo 4.1 three tall. brutight
1,, (he nertii. 1,1,1444•1, 3/1'..11111,1•14'
,I1,1 him Ilk, n ratting Irtrl..r and
111,a animal pkil. 1111.111W!
51 111/14.55. If there burglary, Marti
niyee, re 0..111. 111.• 15,untlIng /Jf 11,4.
,4. a Pr/ the rats VII. 114,114,11.
1110 1111rItliir 11%,-, the dog itrid
t he till4 Itleir rule. 1•7101111.1 there
11, ringing id led he 1.111011.
" A riot tier et minion d. Igo tor 11 e
le fetter b send a Ic 1.gralli 14. hulitir•
14"1 h""Ne‘'11.' 14•3 4. now- 41111, al.
r'llear. 141 11U,1111,0 erv
i • '41,101 111.. foleginti, .•11.., 1 11N /me.
(...• 110 1,4irgl.,r 44,1• 1. 44.
"(eaters lite ro.1111•111i.•••• 14.,
40 fter the Ini.latt.,1 ha. gone
4%411 0,11, al 11 ds IN •
throe •r• ,114/111 5,41 41 a 1111 .
11111.... he, e it i 114 1110'. helm 4.1.
.1. red 10 1 lie MR/der c,f the Native, mai
▪ Ihry ar,• leeng gather•ed 4111 hy
Ihr eervent for wIre n rugilo xV)1
old., I hp 1.1 1 h.. low 14 rit/Or, pOk
iie r/m. and lode In n
av414.111151. dill r5turn 4,111,
11,, ....•arinent that fp ha. mistaken the
I of... 1 he ..1.1•14 v/1 be !inutile
leict, 1- hen, etel eliee 1 1,04. Tire being
Phie4.41 ohe 144 4,114, h,. troy his eon,
(-deride tind rriake4
hi. (leapt.' 1
- 4
Ile 11,11,eet find kite!.
111st walk frtml,
And treat behind.
Apparition* Are * 'Whiter Sobjeett
Ms Not *lona to Ifini SWAP
mer hifghts,
There is a Edna fu, taV%701,-
near to We spot Whew iliu.intougetat
Tregelitte once 'worked Ws tvirtmt .svgh, .v..,
which 'OS a liken togity itteett •in nu*
ther time. bite takes Met 'Cot= '0 .0,
white rabbit., ,pretty 'ertzature wins COX -
coal end pia oro,. girtiblen
the tong, sweet grass Outside 'fhb church. •
yard well. Maw hoe4c./a4. 03 they
Iniest• tut n0110 ot tha stilatral,aver atoV
to eaten It. fror it has is enettg: and wt.
habit of follieWlereelbO Pomo'
icy trays Pommes Weekly, .
ou a brilliant. moonlit '.itugus;
night, a piastinull found Mc rabbit ut
his heeis, E10 walked faster 'Odd taster.
but still the /titbit rodoweil. , last, In
blind filo*, be turned end struck at the
Create:re with all Ms fag* wIth hist
heavy walking -stick. HO felt tho stick
strike the title creature, but instead of
hiarluteg It the cudgel Was Splintered.
while the rabbit temptet on es If nothing
had happened.
There Is unother story connected with,
rubblt. One evening aeeleaueter le
the' enrage passed and eiliettetheettilifitit'-
iimil thought nothing of it until leo Ale
Lagens in die Inn 'Did 11111i of lei curious
attributes. Ile Jeered and vowed if any-
one would lend him a gun Met he would
go -and shoot a. ,Soinv tole him he was
foolish, others saki he would not 'dare,
hut one gave Win a gun.,
Ile loaded it and wnlked whistling
away enough the while moonlight.
A long time peesed. lie del nut return,
the uteri grew anxious, and went to look
fur him. Beside the churehyard watt
they found hint, dead. Ontr barrel 01
toe gun was discherged. Next eying
the villein wits there, tie usual,gumbol-
bog the long gross.
A little further north, on the high tors
of Dartmoor; live the Melee, fairy-like
(eves, who show themselves prInelpully
upon 81111111101' evenings. A tanner who
had been cutting turf on the giver not
eir from !fiery Tavy \vete coming home
about nine o'clocii ion a July miming,
yvhen suddenly., in a "either" of }Renee
boulders, he suyv a couple tit seore of
tioy forms apparently dancing eind play -
Though budly frightened, ho was so
interested, that he approached softly.
But before he got y•ery near one must
'MVO Rt'41t1 Wit. They 4.4;ere sharp tittle
cries, unit suddenly he was enveloped
in thick tiiist-su thick that he eould //Ad
nothing more, and 55,11.11 1,1 .111111•
Me blindly buck timerite his potti, bark-
ing 111,1 shins upon the rock.. After n
11111,4 the fog cleared but all sign et the
1..1%1(.5 WII9 gone.
Souilarees moore and doer tenet; nre
hill of the romance of 111
other emit:mutated and theee
bv no means omiline 1114.11' doll \-10.4 Ill
%%inter -time ur to night. The lairim, 111
hue, keel) sltlellY at helm' dining will.
ter. and tatty 141Ww abovd
ground all warm, :summer nights,
'10 Muse who are acquainted with ,I.
The Uganda heftily iseeins le be a fit
"Ibieet, io be dealt ith moue emelt,
Numed alter a meetly through which
1 I, dyes not run, 'darting front u ter-
minus placed tee fur us posisIble from
the port 1 serves, running for mike
thiseugh natural gatile-preeetece, with
the result that trultie are frequent1)
lield up by wild animals, every nide /•1
11‘ rt..lid Ls allwins 111.111fUl 111:1t1 f. r
astventure, and welly every vete ha5
had I301 110 11111111.11xias tuie attached
1 4,
he the early days, when the read had
been /mot only a lithe while and wild
uhintala tutd nut Warned the fear f
nem, lite 011 11.11+,It 51:115 Interesting
rad uhen exciting, seys writer 111 the
rolonizer. In August, 1:405. the traitee
.111:ittleniaoglis9tuattioNutniiialbs7r" 11441‘e4:e'llicndtettr0anItellitse.
wow !narked "urgent."
"1.1011 15 on phil14,rin. Inen/14: 1115tri.c1
guard unit 4friVer 4.;
1:11g11:11:1.1..1/Ut )(1111. 1 111/11 41 1/,
11111.13.ellgerm 11.11 1, grl out hove.
and he careful when into Wel.
This mit ,Le appeared (4.4 •SUPer
U4. 1 1.1.151,..1er..•111, 11.1,1.1 414rr1smun ii,i1
tot LIM, and troc,
anothei• item, tile one vi MTh two
teen %ailing mu ;Aloha:H. 1i,. -
him, after bring wuuridtd.
4..1 and (*mkt out 15. 101,1141;
,,pertsinan went el•illg 1114. 4,,1,44g ,,m,k
1 1., 11.111 :4,0,14100, 1,,,'
owltig 14, 1404 4.44ii Mile., g.1111110
Li, 1.14/55 4,11. 11Ie J/IW awl 8), es. thee
n ugh and tunibi... e .1- stn., thrn
‘1/4110.11 the dutt /nude the thideitithh
1.1111% al the da) the Mu: 041 11,41s',1
rn eased another meet/tip. born
runes agent. "One Atiii an 114,11, .1
alfutit 1r. a 6,41. 1110ase head (artri.11.44
14:0141.10,1 1 0n1,1.1.1: ftrt;k11..ri. ' Rd,
"`:. 1%, Ili 1111111II 611111.A1/1•1‘.1 1,5 111.
'14 11. 55 111.t. IA111111110 11.411 ‘11..k
1 III, lin.1 r.P.0,11i1(11.111 1.1••111 •rit • '
telegraphesist nr oak,' 11.14.,... 1.2 11 ,
lc p elk 1. end take tem 411I 1/14,11 41.,/
then prueeed. Inetoki Jaw- nr
"IriU1 (5 t 1ag yam, that •,,
re )4 1,1141 k 1 • II :ator Jtly br
111 r• 1/11.1.•' 11
"11tile 1 U411111 g 1/11. 141 /‘•11,1-.J: 114.1,03
1,ang and 1,11.1,4 4 ft o.44,14.14/11,,lia,
'1r lid 4 111•11
tet -LI \\'&1 0031 14 114:11 1
T%%41, floe 3(141. %e.relv nte 111
tilt heir.
1*.r loahl 1 I • I 0 I.
1..4.1, 1,11,4 ...ling t• • -I
1,r..111111..'11 011.1 11,.. 11 . 1
(1.•a•t., V0.1,1• .
m \\
1,1,4 ,,t • ••
11141 li1141 II 0 II4,4 -1,11, .11.'
If III MO.* 113. 14•.•It ,,t1114
erne ite ..efung 1 r "r.. ru
141. e. .4 the 114,1,..1.• ,.,,i,ta •
'there W11.4 un obi Indy living near
Cttleff wilt, averred Wet she had 115,10
than tare seen "the little green iA4iniun."
ries personage le upperently linlblu ley,
Imlf-litunari, for she 110,1 a cur1611., 'habit
of noticing the wliki rett
Then, there is another gh4.51,
10,111114 11 IX/111(11V //1 the Inver Tile
genuine gliotit his, for it tame the
et a highland chieftain of, old times, and
may he seen 111 the ghaonittg uf SIMI.
/tier evening silting there 4000110 aria
If,..I1,11114.0I on the rue*, 11, Ille no41,114.
Ihe siroulli. The rock 17. only uncut ored
ellen the miller a. km, and the 5.10ty
g• es that llie chieftain tutuself 1/..ed lo
I.. id lie vourt there. and %thene‘er
11,1 u5ed 1,, hang at least elle er !meet
ught betide lam.
1.111•4/ 111141 0111(11. 1.411111/1i 4,1 1144.
Metillerrntwaii 11.0 !squat& tire not
so !mien afraul .1I aig /thrum.'
• 111111111g111 10 they 411'11 /If being alone
in lite W..11.1.41 1.1i /111111111V. Tho 11.,?. 81111,
scenicd now: o, do. iif fee
',en the tir)ads are al 111,erh I.. Ital‘o
weir home,. the hearb, .,1 lin•ient
,toes, and nit belle‘e that the 111.1111i111
t%1111 St.1.4 01'.. 1114111 41110 them.
div thine, 5111•,1) go
1 hillier eii..1. .1g1,11,, rul,,,t 1111.1 •••
1. him. Owl! .1 1,011 1.9,...,6. 1,1 11,4
ruin:dna 5tiange suund, ,,I4
14115mg ‘1 Illei
• t. it; 1,11:1,,-.4 and 11..1 WO.
1.1 nee lit silt ND THEN Siloo re 11131
1 e rrlb te Ago(*) Cittisi.41 I)) Stilithuric
\ trite- .itie &Amide, „. „.; ,iye
111, I.1 .3 .1 1 11,1t,
:11 [wird .r
. IVI* 1,11,1)11111J. 1/I.
V.,/, ten yeete ite• et
eel eyed 11411:a :\ (111d
t'. ill! 55 1. 11 1I1.1. :11/
1/14,11,-1- putt. I I 11.• • 1. lei! pis •
,- te I.. .1.11 • ',er 12 . •
1 WO. - .141 •
1 , 1/.,/, • 11.1.11 •1,•• I.. •
1. .,4 1,11..
Ilia . eie 11;'.• •.• ,
l• tit, 1- .. t It. .1, t)
!tett • I ‘1,1‘.t.
\ 4., 11 h •
, , 1 \ •1 1 f
1 1 111,1 1.1
1. III. 1,
1141 \ Ill. I lot (11 1'1 /
l'her • are 111,1.00 ti. 1 ..r11,111 Prio tai.a
el le 111, e 1 re lats... 11 pi, •• • „. •• 3
Porte 1., iiel•eie3 the ...triode', 1.
eey, roe. i •
10. I•or ‘4•I 1.1[1-111 1.1- IP. •-•
I I• 1'11.11 lob..., 1 1141' I. •
• ..111,1,`0,1 ••4.
1"1 111(11, :II. 14.{11). 11 4.-•,•1
1,4, (mitt. ;II 10 I II' 1
thrt hat,* Im.1 fnctled • t1.• • „,
nir,4 11, iiii4.411'‘ . 1111 1/0 I- 1•1 "i
II4 .1 It. 1,31r 101) Voql).1 31 • I, - I
Slipel111141II‘, I 0. 1,
1: pre\ 11..1i 14, t• 1.• 1-
ien it frnroal 1i111 th4. , 1 11. -et '
eite.,11 time teleilitig
((nee %ie.. •
t• arul 11,1 $141,
' -%11• .1 111 1•11,4,1)1 ewe " •
ees itert.ei iti. te , 1 1, fit -1. •
11, 1,14.111,1ro 111 ot1 111)11, •• .11 • 1 Itt 1
1,4,°. 74,o, sowp.,,,404,1 1, •• 4•
al 11- 414"I of frarrl..-, I,. •
irr, 1 111 II 1‘ I. 151. rI• 11,1 ,1 ,,„ •,1 1,,, , 4, ,
. 14. r -1. •i' .• 1.4.4
, . 1)
1 .
• I* • .• rt..,
It .1 1 Ott,
11, • • .1..
1 . Ili I. • li-
• t •• .1 tl•
. • 1 • 1. !cif-
- • 1 1 1, , Ir•
„ 1 ; I' .1 •,
16_1 ,%..i • , • , - '
. it. 1 . 1 ..1
,. 11. I. .1 • .;' 1
5.. 011 protad. h.
pert. rt., itte4, 4.(1,•
%Ph ..10111,.1 1,, 11. %.•• 11...
taqrr tt the 1 tr... ring. ariul
tite e, dal •,41, 11014 A ,1
tee in regard 44.. their qua' ites
.. t,,.. It,-• 1 • et..-- 1 et.e.1
i ,I, .1... 1. , .•. t ,,,, , 1,e ,ee
f t i; 4' I '. 1.1 ' ' ' '.''' "(''' '1 , 6(.011
1 111' r 1.... l'. , i r, , 1 . a •••••.1 ,11-14.0.•
4,1 e eellie,... 1 Le do.,U111,111:11.