HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-04, Page 6. ,
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Thmst 414.4losedn°11. . VlhontiCar'skiiv /;.11:' ft
tym., hnuithlatheier440-amtWVwstrahrt004 03. .
r . it. auk ' an ' ' 4 .
m fia e II O. My00 , •
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TOe , Taff At01.411d *deed *hit OW -
—. c
.2W -10th, 'Welke' al& **chatter. e.
In.e.:?:b14..:":' ...."1°.,',r,' it: .i....v '4'.6........P. mus.,'44v.,-,‘....41:4.
. • • e • y • .
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.".217170Tarde:Ireal.",emwe Itilltn"wwfillehln'''' "w
elite', et I. boutotte nicht * e
: 94 tlalll. ' 111.$0411; Altaiti•ai
•''' :.: ' ' • ' ' e . ' . '`''
'ehte :)Arlfid lite Die ' jet ld he
, * tweak frev.u., 4104;f1. 44 1,.,,,,, ,,,,, .
APteethett they Ake, DOW . eddeeheer •
he stocking, efio ette eweater . ,
. • , -, . , ereee ,
e !Oh, see that. minnow- WOOelye keret
, log Iiielieoriedt 4eittiVied, • •,
A d • oh ho "•I'ditt mot, 0,40 , • ,
p , , ... , w , ...et man, .
' ' Fel. I W4a. SO *aelteal, , . , , ,.
' ., . • , ', . , A • • "t" , ', i
tisitrict won.. t4e mu 044:, lot ow
. we',1111..4.401e,o: '.'43,...b4,4r.:143-teed,...„ i,,, :..., ,
,I, kiVen/Ailie,ilt, kii,A.,'eti,ic.i,„044.,„,....,141;leti:et,r- .; .1
. ""v""( 7' "Of! ,e,e.heee, ,, , :
,role 11,15410.44..0-1,004944 „wile; nee,,iire,
, egeske , • N. ''' - ':„ ''''!" '.,,..
., cot $00,404 piotit.)si ;61,004;-,,
44.4 44,4‘vt,..,,,,,, ..„.4.;1„..,„.., ,,,,.,,,,,,...4 Aso.,
'" i;%T.7;t047reitm.e74,1`rcha4;a.-04-,-!,,
' ' - r ''' . ' ' ."' ...:: ' ' -' . ''' .
.... Pa- 'MO. ePtod 'ttar, tattleft. "Foil ,Pottal ..Oat
et aktre wo ' lea .YOle. eVell •
f I 4.,1.4,,,r*:4 .9.1pF,I, w,,,, • -.'.,,", .''°` 'f•yr.Y
' iv 'l '"a'. ')°11 AV41/114 -0- e ‘'. • - .
• '',
' ' ' ...,.'`..e' -.„ ,
Th4Ven•Peolptinee...tlilta,a4"-_,.130. r.lia.,,a4.„*: -. '
Yw zwo "ete.00t storeeee
Theo eerneelly, she *Mit`, 'i „,.. ... • -:
• .. •;', :'• '.,
, tolow that. -you will .underatann, ..
' Antt so wilt every toy. ,' ...„, • , ,'
11.44,0 : 1 tell Yotl , that these PeoPte
planned . , .
' To give , me M a boy!" '' •' ..' '
_ _ _
, iiiicumei: Get Elite
, . ,
e tiree
' " II'
' -
: Ce
' '-"'
:le ,
1), e
- • ui.
''4P: eourAiefflitigiiiill...4c."‘-
14 Mbr,,OftgteVectlea,11)(
: !rt.1.014,,,R:li,.,,Ir.o.y
.,.. •
.., •
, ,,e'
_.- •
11141110400 401
r , ! ' '' "'
ftt.,„„,„„' ,,,,,,„ t„ tak st.. ,„....
.."1:‘ 0004*":.:'1:01.'1.-•': ..,..,_.1,,._.'.'"":.
* ;-° * Iller."1410 4"011,
Turille.4""elen lkWar4 m l'ai
--k.---"- '''''''''''''''''''."'`'' """."'
L-Zeeeeeee•n4,o 't-4141442ree*e. .L.."*.er?..*.
"'''' ."'e""':e'oraveeeee"`' - ehve•oloe
eh. f . 3 t,., . . ,,,, . ./ .. , .. .,.
in• /4-, -Put. ta- IQ- -bet • 111-aditost. janllet '4''',t
r . AMOO,101 ,54. .. ke '. 4'0 n . . p e .
IA . •----ra-e --.--- ,-,...,,
;,,,,., •),Vallatt.4e,„104,Plae.„0,Fellteelll,,,eell„treat'
--,4* f'44111"4 '441414""`"4"t N47"
No. .1 • ,.‘-„, e • .., . : . ,
.... ,,,e.. • .,.. -.;;....,..,.. .•• ;..1. ',4110-
Y.P. VA' Anti' qUIR5C4R41Pgirt 'IA 440
,,.....0,,i1,0,10,1% tong: was, inal:,,,4:.
' . ' ' n'of;;;'hO' 14. e'rali-k,era-'
;origin, 'neee• Waged, cue gok
;..,.; ,. , ,... ...._,„
...,9:•°", e.,e,' PVT!, .t.t* 1: "'CI' • r'‘''
. r.,', v. ,,
, •-•,',.,,,„ , .„-, ,„,.i '...._, • 2„,,', •
,rign,i,.9, to.Qvg.,m„„,,,ul,_!,
or . larva
, NV_
Y 40101 *bars OW*" ll'a
r WO erfeee WOO OAR ie MAO
041 11 alinme“It ea* otahlatlowldsetoolfeleetv,, 0 111
T: Kele% Wine, WI Oaterid'Atiperin,
ditete.OfeWOrk. for OWN*. ' * Weight
Intet , 00111`.. IVO* 'with Ouch inettere.
'111,4_ lilt ihitt'h1014rede of beeti row *
' '''
onealantterhee end jail; **QM be 100A
.hlf drlenhert Wen* receiltere Of 41010*
'ill- eat redTh;Ve hes :before It *leo peoeiong
for eltederli 411141414 courtei, Ind ono
Ql. Ifte)010101. Was tolloiva r; ..: ' .
:fimot . n, *up •Logwitki.t.,or wit•
fitliee ele rligea • *hie 'Vett-lee • abet*Or
on. 0,1‘.,44,,lit 144 g44141.troon ,tt.4,,ellact
Pt A ge... PA' thaaeFt-:,9re WhOehrtaWifigIF 'Or
,tienfeny -*eft .giny ,.aet: predtiOlnk PrOT
1110t*gt Or eentelhOling lor a..,,,,ohli(ear*,
Ilnivo.r. ,b.eop,Erootric. 10,04.n.e.:vOttgiukr,"
4vhatherLiattn0tOriv.perivon la Ittalstratt
Or guarosiattel the 0114* or vg .. WO
, ..• . • . • _,,,,. ...,..c., ,,,,r ,t,„,,,,,
went or .00,09.4 VA'A414',0, 4 444
-tomer ableeto del ,e4Witylifulth elefelecte to
A091, i it ...„4,10;,•vont14:41rA04)Y- -ign4 to,'
ra-ililed" Ilet%ilt1401014t*tutirilditit 171' liaChlitiliterta:1141,1•1:
Iwo, 0411votto.„.,0410r4.44044114. us;
or a .ittsuce„, lei -te toe notjexcporporvec
beadeottdellate .Or. ie. InapriSOpeatnt, fee"
'0' perfect not,'.`exece,filieg- eneleyher, or t9'
ofith,. flew tti'd'-itileria90i0eitie ..; - ',
,,, ,•,• ::- •-• . • , .. • - ,
. ,
9 TOPOIGO3..004 leOettrette0,46 %at4 ikaitto
. reel. SO tett lank Toren*, " •
WhelneeNO. el *Wee life Indeg, Tp. 8
7- V,Ski.. ' ' . , - . • -
. , :010.0,4'0,,. t nii,,Nek ,00#: 'At I* * te
. .
'1Ille' 10 Tierelli% . • e
oe ,
•A. Young German Ship •
'4,?;,:t.rdin:talr*.nox•tVe401,1;14.0Ntic-::. 'I,. odit, tesIger I.!. *
tally Treated,' . M40110be •,'Wheat'oeN0o. :1 Otoriberni
- --
ii.32.X fit $143.1 -Ne. $011410.,lektipOrtte
: e fArlayeethie. 2.t. 454 Iso,0 0 estrav
, .
itimoifi II- , , Tr. it
e » oe• .oviate .n,,er-
, :' -/,' • - . •-•
A• 4,4pidc.h..Avini 1.009A. mai' gnjj..
og wheoi,. ho *uttered. „threw/how
teefettli, Of ,ths Weather la, now ,teeely•
:11.tiete'mpo' .1'rrts-fr'-":. it' .10-'hert .0,--6:"1,1-.4-:-:*ft",,cag(-.4:. 0'1,44kt:
st. .4041‘, wOlatv, 1,4 ,,g03, pe. .• , Ati.aote,
stearnship- passenger -a bring eileotteite. Of
rateh worse exparkures. titan those
met With. brelie1,-naltante'a passengers:
listen:1.'04i ineei*Wept by wind oldie
.b.li.4, min. olloat ,rueso, 0y,.,.,3110, , to, 41, a.,
tie, bleYetled SOlithwerd. Stritifel Malaga.'
4114;,01/411•Watieradel le, Ceasehlaneee eett
Alt0.- t0,00fIgh• :09a*to WhPre; ille F1'PiCll
otrip; wo wrooko# limrsdpiy. '.. , ..
The mot body.* the. eyeleita eneette
*iihno went -further - '04t, and' allahtlY
.. . . - ,. . , , . , . .-. •
Worth' And-ttfrA.',"Vget. ,,U0 ..sogth.-.41
friinee friday:Menthe haaeraided eo.
stcoliiiitiy,„. 14*.:1.1 pi 0-01,41.-4 .44 th'e'
iiti'S-hiti044rittnitOaporr, M,00e010.4n,0/1044V4,:•)1,0.00itseduroltalt,
. VI, .111.t./101 "title tiii
,, , '
' :
plionno toth€4,_... 41PO4.thoot_firylagt
RIM Io.t, Yette APRA! :., .Ad oloilant *
t'uorig7ehn't'.4"" .,'Irl'47.140:i1)0'1'ilncl:4.'._.,_1117,17:1711:41174:1114414414414.111maiw411114'7
;,174.L6aklpratie, leilety item,* 0.47
toria• Filtntroi..,‘,‘ttere. .1,thete remaitiote ,kkor
thltlYeste •hillirO::SitLiihettl, 1000_,.. e__,AgelllerY
engineera...hrt Pawns' Ana •Pu(Po" 0-rtt
scouring the Athteitet. *Ii.(011°11" POOP*
Whie .140/0: heed 101,Priseiletteler -de e.
44,4*. Ilivor„.,..wepu././, ,,4,1„jach., }ow, .,. ,
tille entire, OW 01:- Ali,' PDX. sfil,le.• Kee
1111h. '. ee •• ' - , ' e ' . -
' s: ''.1tIANT 'DEAT11S'e:''' •
. .• ., - r'L ' 4 '
• 1,0tion be.e.:100 t.#titteretti...'P'.4' Pant -
Monteath/ is Arralten, 'Thera navo beet
, ' , ,,,i,,,,, ,teo,g,. h - .
iii,eny 'tie% he. nos, -100, ef . '47' ; WniXik
eenniet he eeeerteitted Yet+, • There Were
1.4-1-,,4441.0 .e.eineeseieletabore. 4 eeneetehe, eie,„
1:34414.133.-414,0144diiiitr4,1441,4,4 9,,N19101.1,0Ph'titlittsisit",
401;4ttdersropantei IlDalta‘lanlvel/C°11Pbaaellalk)gs14 li‘11.114131
el cruelty that would ceem incoolitee
Pli 1 tor the testimony of erwitnesees.
Th.0 rialto Ls 4 341114 Otrfnittl.t ulla
Lis oppreesors were, 4. Is alleged, Cep-
Alain IC. S. Kriallattseb Pt .the tiOrtVOillo, b
,botque Apt end the first mate Of the
lento vessel. The Apt arrived at Dore
•aventure on September 1, end flashed
loading on September 10, The cruet
ties -Pante leader thfe observation et
-Stevedore Gailagher and his men tt. cloy
4,1r two fitter they began /*riding, oree
mambo; they found .tios boy tied to 4
ring bolt on deck. Roth his hands and
Ale. 2, „ ,i, - . ,-
et / „.-,e,' sA:
"Wiliiteellitii41:4.14torelleetAe4teirrantelf:ft:tlitCdilliebYetahe 4114151:43031471;,°T,Ite'.411141VIN1411°I'lltie. 'hit*itd" e" 4:2:991' 77
/Mil. '''''Mv.'* ''''' 3 YetWW Arnerleelil 23ell
.04* --eeeee --eeeeiti -.1.10 .0 be , muse.. eottarro„ .00, : .pere eeept, Detent+
lain for Iteeling . 0 . , . r
,saying they ttie hey 'pipet on er. .41t3 let for eeeOortt, Meoliebe Pete Ie.
914114 la orthirl. Thes.,4 114t malVt '76141 /h.*" 11": SPC‘414 1341ten6 $ '
ie aisseldi was abed illetelall,eilY Zietnit teft :•`t, Ihtie-11.9,4g4t ildkefe'rel''." 44.* e he Aiteg eso
wr'-'"',-••• -. - - • - ''''-'' ' -* ."-' • ' '-''''-, - 1°,40
,43tosty7Q rieertorrogist S,* edam Dere Aide. ***harts; 12. 440, .; woo; .- .
tuft that if be wee ,treitted , tee Wail - : e. ,,,,,,,,,,,,' • ' •
, .
tbe boo was he wOUld kill eV•erF Ilatg' ' CAKINTOY PRODUCE.. •
on bone and then hirose L • • • ..„. .4 „„. .., .... . .
The stories .of the etneltle, Were •• '41filepeeietiweries• at ' PreSent ore
brought ashore hY Men lailditf et. t litlIdlY tflintiALthe (*Mande . •
bed the 10e0 ailloa .'" I.,`seretO • e.. • 24e to*
sel, and they vete . ...,, • ,,,„t, , ., „ , ,e,,o ,,,,..,*...,,, !.... re... . . ,,,._
hes, with The result that 'Queer* Wou ,. e011 • .. 4.0A9. , ''...i, ) ,i. gtql4Z.N.
ou board the vessel and -1001/ 1110.001,•Y Defre tprf -....,,,,, ,,it.r• legeo,gee
dseare. They a* wired rio,r4e, 0L, . it do Ott g•-• ., 4 .•••• `,..e, leattrgiie
Iii:leeltrietthi9tekuereill' /!e.
halt too' til.mille"wase"tkilettseinamthills
Clontionly totoorddahyasn,k4Itshieknacollenageiseliedanti
burned crusts' and water. Ile told tbe.
steitetteme that the meta had thtlInP90
his heed against tbe deck until it bed
driven him mad. 'The boy wits taken,
bcund as he was, 4 rOPe attached to
him, arid towered over the side of the
vessel, then dipped several limes into
the water, and al length brought out,
rt•ore dead than alive
On another occasion the toegshore.
men saw the mate with an iron. bar,
'chase the hoy uP eihrough the rigging,
the boy alt the white soreaming to a.
trea-attele. Illeithe' COGhtierMill to"larre. n°,nt-a-eq•-SgeFiliLiwititIie 1..44, .
flobnnk. mattacten Indio ebayptatibne abaerear.te/140.,21411:011.,
.11' :ta,' 0,14111,11 etl ..411190'',"roltiiritibt. ‘.204`1114:%bIggeP 'Pr'P. '
captain and mate were Orglai xemee, *ear e POultireet. .1.0ti;40,.....b*, .. ee,,dhelcia
Luken to New Whale ante ePeeigs.,,i s111)is,' ioeiro....p elf poi, .4 :,yor, so 0;.,.05,4,. q
and their exaMtnatiPit began Oh TPA.: thieketts,' end- :05‘e. te 1, ',10r. telhat. ttlia
day before Magtetrate_TreMblaih eeeetveithteelettelta are Moiled at' ogg , to
captain was fined $10t1 and the owe. :go. , ,. ,, . . .. . , . . . ,
lined $100 and sent to Jail iel. ilit" s'Pobattle-004:01itiaria* Atte 1014.41 fkiie
Another Gerinan boy, who werde etIliso letrO"ette.. ''Pelotabaolittenlegol-e.Wereeel,"e Per bilge'
the victim of lie -treatment on hoe
n 43 looted b; . oteil Hay -400,0 to 111t• In' car to*
Agat, ran aw0Y, -e W ,, „. o411 ..., reek) . .. .•
,lhe authorities, and wall One of !be WO. Heled Straweer.00 to $0,50 on, traele
taeeses against the mate. it was hroligne here. - ..• ...e, .
evt that while the boy wee tted.hiele
:3;e4e.,r1P149i111Mt*..er :•trer':•etbli
,r4,,v401,4,00.1t„,34,..0.444.41010,, towns
,s;::1,, ette4.401;17", sor;eret .0te.„ rivers
beee rgereoweleoefeeleeondivtigeolhee
illeVe , resorted hintlark•Wies tulea het%
'Mune- ie the.' .brattultes 'of *trees.-Pj'est,r
,ont,....0-010,,,,A,,,d0,44, 0,, strieleen
1'4/4a* r':' 'II**. 4rtd; . lillal.der 'aalltlti,gt
,theessentlre •,,,,el,' •,• ..,,e • .-- ,. , oe. • .) :..• .. et
:',O1V,-the pleidealflOrOette, deer Mottle
:kelliere'`'Wher.0 Pr.O.itgeltr.S.0.1iieee4,'PietV.-'
e°e.,-411:1 St4r4er 114111;41°e 2.4°0 VI.°
'.a..,,,,,,,a.,' onehleeiev..0.0120,Ileese-':..e,vvlirien._" ,Ohlpeetod..euennee,,T,
r•',',5' 14"''''n'..r:fre',.,',...'1•'-' . .. '' . , , :,,.. '
avavAr, ot4,0003 vi.4001.400to, tiot,
nog still* etie eperenag roam: et ' $1,'..
eneeph's etteileital, elate -1,wea Patient*
died eef fright :At *the theakreIs .Where
rehearaats,:were propeedtag* the 'artists
411 -,eon, eleetr.' IteiceS eandeelelleed.% Wild
' PaYer$e.' 'Igill/Y lallbala Ile*:11V -alla4
, i nonalthin ., ilia hie . ,perfertaqltee- '.h.,44,
Whe canheled., : . • • .: :', .'.'"•:. .'
.. vie, 4E000 ' 04 Mil,rogu,Jr-191.00m,-,1.'...'0!
'014/04°°"'-r,aCt415, llt`eelle,T,Oe-Wila
- , i'.• -,-, . . ''.. -. , ,,,,, - .• .• r.
'07 471143)1;141"i'""001 5711'0"r07:. 7."71:
- leted.,.Oote"i'llteree' Xt. edOPPOil-lihtt ': ,feet
from; t$ 'Seer olden 'tee Deigita, ,Ot all'
toWee.O.•.*Ine wees?,.' litiled,.. eeon, $6., tor .„, i
- A. fre. , everoper e • the reiall Peleeee
milkla. eireettO,Witt bel,,eedteeheqteee ,
he hteeO and S On*, feh Medeetellite
. Mg..: hn - Med' an old. 41.•Of"er
,Sout.tolfill. SOO, Wee killed.. at N., all,e,e'''Siglif
Vale Ort.,,FrAd„, ity. by -.4, horse thet • . 1,..ted*
, Prilitee:FOSittrin Ipie'• weittin: e$PISSW
• in 0 PS , OMMr4S', tor $:ind 04404. ,0011'2400,'
bins 4in 'Canada. ' . • ,''. • ''.., ' .• '
• Dusott.' ,•-,-*egitlit ottiaoilra .ce -h. adeege; releer,
dispotee ,and..•00,000 'a' were Lio.atpy
' 'Merl. ril,n,";A.'4.",frialgon. , . 0' 't :Was' Jeri': '.. ii.., ,i"e',"',.',,-1111..411tgekren'
stalled:4 tatelderit of the thdrorstty or,
TQT9itil4 4iii` -4141/141aY• ' '..---'. '''
Steateietts ase0aPnerit *terns Snow:*
vP1(iffulitgotgfeil-Ofets;,71444,)Q6igkeeil..:4. . e"......es"4:... secie'.
• -
ine,.thee„, west ere ,1,41, devat.0, re and
Witheek-OtekeellitiOttY Ad
to. 406 bitaliela '''" -1'" • '''''" ' • ''' . :. :
..:,,pitaton, white hunting Aerie Laee
r..tee t.4 eteebee . via raieeteen tor ',iw.e
-,^-- * ,f, • . ,
;moo . -AML shot dead. •
- 11 lef , Christopherson, the 1-ondon'.
. • i A
led Who swallowed a Phe Wea oPqll'f:
uptuf. anglhe pin temoVed.k•,' '..,.. .
'nth. Government win. probably send.'
*43'70151 egeraltida'P" la 40 eii"r l'Ci'!'
t...fsm'ite,47,,Tikte!..ttiptilf.ititleesinretr_tidiwitifiltteUese, `,1.1..1111":talumt;:;.:'741.&71,v.:4:hvr:leatePy°04
,rler t0;' Plait': kaillalat Pi. '"uni - s'"' ""e'
exelude•the Orientals. - ,,,r. ,,
- - i tiett, • t ,
Canadian ftleditureewl 1 eel • . er n
t s er oistrtot if betterpolish•e--
la, etanche t -
ied, Saye tile Curt/1418o Geverttineni 8
trada agent. " • ' t-
&vi shareholders et the
, A meeting . (i! ,,,,e - ,, ee t..1A 14.:
Aettihoi Ormilri°' risiiii win " "-s• 'n;
-jekoilmsee,' when in inleehn report mtir
"1. • ,
oe peeseet ed. '
k.. Tee Deminton rienartment-of Agri/elle
— Ls eil hl t llt g the,
ture• has eu a paw .e .ca n, .
atteritioo of tarmere to the need of carte
luny testing, the yields of i0b, ealri
keeee, • -r- '. e•
mote eilkidoltitie . lea.etirllall/l- '811100 -6tr
hiantreal One ftday wattle. fa:preparing
....- " L'''' ' ' '''''''''' --''''''. ' -I • '
'.;h1ANIP(HDIPlete -TRAIN.
, '.' ‘_,H" '''04,e -e ' ' .4 ..
hr- POel.:'''44Ylij-Cl.Pallalls'all °Pal'‘•
' ' ,' itti:'.,the.„..`,641-. 1/. ' ':' ''' '' •',.:
, ,A,..40,500:tth ' tro • low. y<*rk • says' •,:;
„ , .. . .. , „ ,
While eferterilleber , ,:erigliteer of te,
0 Ito - ", asseh' . train ley' ewe.
lege on. thelloor•of hteeetee.with te ,fra,,,,a,
,t100 01.6,0Vo0 wednesdttyy ;thee teethno.
tlize„. evIneoute...-0,' tlabd "atellee throltle;
O'lliat itieg iiic4V, 41;0 ‘'',410, .4 er,Oy ' 0 V,
'Aereoloat ' threaten ee eeetettetten tO Alle
,crttetn..ot-411.54.14-esseeneors... Are.. non meth,
log," atiiiiiing, tatieethe ariOd. did • net
i4'e7ee. itt.-k.P^ri-u,n-trad- ig' 'Wg..41',a"etifPwlxh."44:41f1.44:4,Migt140,
„the eel), aod •Muntletheeene tieee od the
(16°r'''' Wiie;ii '10 144.4°44" :all° WW1
etreedt by teepole eleitien •ita Placed WS
11-elld: 4Lltl:l'4,1illidab..Vi'.011144llat,t/4'40in' ..e It Lila
oasseng ra W len •,'• 2 , 0 , ra
itooireoef.,041e- narrne;,' ' eve.. Robertson'
eotevreetmeeO te a liosPital; where iteetts
hi it- pros' Lei wohlddie ,
•,e, . , ,,,,.....4.4„1,..,......,
• , , '
'''''. ' e... :"
, .. ' , ..
ferestea Steuupte Between Istvan and
,...' . ' '',4","•,, . United Stole*. '
e • , e e i „• • e., !,„,,,,„ , e ,
Ira ueoestreatectutoir OPIre1;114847.7eoe-w.rsreutir, just.
eViMble In the dielant fUttlee, 4410
id eal article ehtitted i.""the: New World
p ' f, '1 `.1 ., h i 'h..
'' oweri• 13 clur nal ,e marve ous glow ,
,,,dr„„an. -spa .0w:et,. ,4tong p„„
. • . • e . -
e IthesevelLe adodnestrattem, weret-
tg; tleSstan diplomedy unol to be
, aught unawares by seaming events,'
e • ..1er • ' . • tt '
;Ind 'flailing: ' he day when the at led
Votes, fleet passes 'out 'of ;the 'Strait el.
htege an an .swee,pe . nto e wa.ema
11 - d • 1 - th 't
Of tite Paoli* Will -Open a. new ere •for,
it..,. .........,-world ' "OM 1 • I
".v ------,' - - " , '. eta your esiea.
...... e, k
se+e-wer teniporary 'att. tri war talk elei
Oat cornmeal- the fact that America ta
reeching outefor the' Meetry of lhit.Pae
elite and,Olready •Is streng enough to
att in itee, . ' - .
- a .. .* ., , '
terrified manner. Baring his neck end
ehoulders, the boy showed Oswald
Smith at Catripbelikin and others mares
and foot a cat wes tied to hint, anti „ _ _ ..
that lie waseaubjected; to other NM- , PROVISION$.' , ..
lying crueltieS. Dressed Hope, ,.,4tti'' 45- fer , lieheweights
' LOG K T,0,,,,, C.,A.N,,AD, ,A.,..0„0_,R,SEP,,, PLY., .1
, • ' , en ' - - • • ,-,r1^rt
Liverpool ,Meeelloote.• /kr the Oligadbat
",.;" '. ',,, '''' ' ' ..• ' ' . •, ..• - ' •
e • : e41.• ' ". , '4„rtent• •toott' .,- d'one oast' . ,A.1,,..ue
',Atetreepte, rte4 tim.,, 10 n, „ tr,ff e Ass.. .00,..,
alqS 'llt?" *.ie--1-1''''Pr''°'" ---A - -
dillte9111/1tiOg''' 4V1.-°1.•,Ptett(). 04' 4.1c.'.CtIW' 1)901070,0' 11:A Dietit'i?;'''
hietnnassiellerieeeid. the Vaned 4.1atee,,
,e,„,. e-e„,,rote„- t„te„. end less an "end,
in"d0-110.14.77-$§.. 5,7,0), inuit leo' It ,t(i'Die
rell:en.-teseetlrei:41"‘env. ti4elle rrile 7e!'no°09di-AAlerlara'salltl,*,:
tell. all, Catiaellanestheeers that .11verpoeU
importers -ever' e ler a exesition and deteee
Weed 'to' the -Ouithe,ss. .
. Mr. itudetick,, in the course. of his ad-
diess, •deolt with various, matters of
technidal interest to the provision trade.
Het_ was • oonvlbtiocedtter. trimierneacitaieitigadaofrwains
arpthents , Of •
0 ky tenipbrery, end wool , prices of
Meese and 4)0er-became better a large
. .,:filAl$,., , : 110,00. ..4,4;4.1F10,, :. ,, 6,,
. L ,L,.., ...,.:',... 1, .
goldwin Ihtrehlee' eattfieeaveed *I
' ' -.'," Val ' Itiottnde-''..;*... • ,
. . et„, despatch trom,,. ieletteO, ,N.O,
,r/5 ioature 01 thiroi.4v4,140 exhiotori
'-- e • . ..itti "d
fl;bril iiitt4'. Alit °4:‘1117e;714;&44114W.o.
ettndeeenditeeheerea filetraeveY ego
te.poastele. tem stow 0.)10)set outten
VeYftge, Wirtirch 'Vtlie.000001P.Ihnie01":.01.01(
ee 0 i t hit se
Is. '11111;,, tenaltlinflii'',1 lillli,lrolillinss'InVI. 'ess- 'll's.S.r9iban‘lle'telete6e.
colliVred. fee eeverol .
direetions OW thee geoundeee A eeee.e,-..no
p,tot Wes 'made 'tie OM the temlency
oi the airehip ter eolisittetly illen, 'la
right uple.seeguided, .1eY theeredder.
the airship did autornalitatly, maktig
emperripfuttedcielreeunitteo.weeer thinewifLettleheleS.,e/Trelivieri:.
ceming back 'Mettle exact spot
which it had risen,. .
S ,,
4iij-.9'i6.-' ;
and $8,25 ter Magee).
in Adrir+11Mrt'Otet,'1122.175t0 $23 tor let
tto ordinary stratglit Yell is to tie lt , ,1,..., , ,_,. , r ...,„,„ . . , . r
a knee at the. back ene allow the ends Pelf sit`tto:* 41!!li tth- ' .,-; • . „
to disappear. Theete.ls ao art in adluet, le ro-eFirM, tierceee1240; tobs„ 12ge,
ing • yell so as to being out the good Paltall'i*.,All'" '' 4 • s .-.'' '..! .' ' .. '
points and emcee!. Vie •bad ante. dit ' o-100it 'and 'terih,Etilted Mealre.-Leng
gooe many young people .nevet, Wear * el_ eerie: haeone" 110.30,1130 far igna 40°
veil at all on their "Ate, whit* 111.411..the e,,,aeo„ lifehantaoerneLlittirOe Ind light, .100 to
better tor their eyeeight, thele.eettaroWt* Ale' t'lleavVe.1,411ittige 04 beete. 10149
and their eyeltuthel,,,, .1314.,kv.„,e11 Perj. 1014101ttidWIll...r,„10444,01. 14 •11e; r011s,
forms a kindly offieele it "tyeenten-,-3,--,,,,,,,, no:" 1,,hecz out of plekleele leesetheo eneeked,
. .
longer is young; it gives a 'shade to the ,
„„,e,„„,„.. .
, '.
borne was' ruittpt Aunt, pogo. .. ...Oho'
had Inoraised. 'her Motbee ,' thet .stie
She' hatletille ineelle.1.0 keeplhatiltete
retee, . het how ,0,010, lihk..knekey ;beef
Very lonesome ir Whe iptive, ;0,4 beeeri
it 1 till. 1 n„with • Attie - 1 1 1
, a r Na OW ..,,;, no ,, e A r, a O
P Y WAIT - e- ' '' ''''''''''" •••;(
. 134•11. she could .1101,40-
. brave,' altO
',Iseult' be petite, she 1<dd '.herSen.' ShO,
lista$0,,,PatielltlY addle Aunt.,Pera-reed
from oMice ill Wentlegathigoe .4,11i:, en.
she patteed, bet tileceistitide;,.wti,h le, Attie
:110,,,,ii.4' .' v.*.0,4r,,46,,,,ado"1400.,10‘ii).r, 00,,..'",,,::,..1,111103.:,,415171,..p..e
Aunt Dorg - to . , • L, ,Aul, A 114'
You are tee Paten a' I 1
IV- tn'tron a‘ver$
r " h elf '• t • ' ha
icnti j.3.11 nalls $ a '4. - ie.' a „ifttr„,, Pt
Yeti ate old entiu h "to • '`ein 'te• eutiee
g . go , . .
ea& •Yah Odia,.1.1 :eta, tto, • IneFe•rede„.,Yetaej
Putid ant thl,fi, hrgInt 11111:14,,P4'.-KoC..
to.,1,b,„0,,-"ba...........,er's, 411.,(t. 'th.ty';',414.in„,..1.erte....(: ,,,,,',,,
'''''lelv '''eaa.aa °'res ultsr';'"' Pll':'
eft ace. hitt .11 there W e .ariethingeetie,
' te d I it t ts - d 1.0 b I
14,111 n 0 was ar --een ,,,„e e •
koeted• te eerie? Atiht• Onratift,ppralf.ana;'
.ge alone! N thin ald-Oe I- h
0 A co ., n eV, a e
was sure. •," e • '' ',
Her totirney to the 44011'4/top wee
uteventAth blit. OM had forgottee• .4It
Mout being homesielt. and-aliCtelt 4
iightfully glee*. op.. aa she , aid r e
the, three delielout.11alty eltr, ,. Willi
Monads of -etarreall jelly ,i4,11te, ientre.'..
Ae she steeled. Me • •hoene 'With h.er,
purehese in . a /lege:411e Sher a 00gra0
rig/h Jo,: Rhove.liberttio.in:•bol, thr.aer*
(0 I -11.01 . 6 a 10:1 ,,,,, e , ., p. 11PM.
to smoeth his si ky hea ie., eve' , , ., , : e
N : th d • '''' - " ' •• 'OW' AO' ` :
`AY ' Is °Vt "me '110P . cd' ' tle'
Myer, km. end he ,ofteh .7601, led, bun&
Ti tor, his mistreas lit hioetreauta. Tbis
little giel must wallee.hire 3oe earre her
blintile, he though , , - ,
Vat) he 'took th6 btig
out pi Jennie's. handte anO alerted- en
ahead. • . . .
-Nor Hine /ening This' ikaikiicitle
- ' e , - int A
pteasant sort 0f-,aivadvev, UM... • ant%
was rutin a - sa - 8 e h'ilet' °°
i g 'hot h ne uld
°deb, tallia. Witaferliould'a c.edo?
• WO loi Veils corning ba01:-.001,,tliere
. ' MI - I l'•'' ith tit just ' -be t
Wa.S.4 a t g r W ra a o
1 ' • . -
es -14 as e°111e1 • • . - ' ' • '
-I saw my g le ..e y r huridle "
pa..p. ei,rialaine-d deq aml*-AritaU rie it.
- - ---- '"•-• I- — ''' --11 '
...0,1 eco, he often tarries, rify • tifid es
(jr -me' 741'he 44111 Raew'd.' ite.L''les °al'
ly a ver ince dog." , ...,
"Oh., Its all righlr Mettle saftl, 'brush.
ing her Mare •ateay. "I know -ale. muat
be a good dogieloeihe 1451111a-idet like
tr. tiover end he le Jest the legit it•og
Lace on lingerie, while 60 much in
ravor, is toss popular than embroidery
Mr• trimming the corset cover intended
lur erdlnary wear. The hitter both lasts
Miler till d washes better than lace, even
the ,durable German valenetennes.
A simpie dkekss may he given quIte an
ter by wearing with it ono of the new
ruches that are se fashionable Just tioW:
the latest ones are long mad, stole
sheleed. A lovely one recently iseen was
inade of eluny thee, the design lightly
severed with tiny ruches, but not so
cloitely as to &noel the pattern of the
de f any
A very novel collar is ma o m
ruches ot tune mixed with velvet baby
rittfOn in black and, white, the black vel.
yof. forming llowere.
A striking new hatpin is of the mother
f 'atonable foe trim-
51 pearl 110W so as
likings, bolt buckles, studs and cuff but-
Ions. It lias a head as large es a
pigeon'. egg. • .
'rite quaint and betloming cloche shape
ti , much In evident* this season may be
developed charmingly in a. hat of fine
chip laa a soft pastel silk, with a full
emelt' of shaded pink roses Mr the
thief trimming. The flewers peas over
the. brim toward the back and are aro
face which enhances the eomplexion.
It must not sag, Mr that spolie the lines
et the hat and makes the head exec
slovenly. To avoid this it must .bo
brim, and to pre.
brought tight over the . .. - t
vent it being loose at the min it Mus
te caught tip tightly at the back, and a
stray pin here 'and there often helps.
People with double• chins have a gap('
deal lo consider hi arranging a von tmt
la enlarge the circumference by fasten-
Mg it too closely anound the throat, but
tehaitt otenaityureresbecots onmetshomotoipe'opirethmeineelatitn.
1: muat write just betow the curve,
throwing the roll of the chin into, she.
dow. e„
The fashkins of the day deo not I -d
themselves to the easy arrangements 01
the veil. Some hats present man digt,
eiders. Veils should be a yard IWO a
quarter long, the middle placed in the
centre of the brim in front, then
brought to the back and earefully pie-
nett. The upper side of the ends always
should be pinned ilrett atit then -listen
the enda as carefully 'es possible.
There is a great deal i le the choice of
lite material. Chenille dots are worn
C vo an
Wend half an inch /Matt. • y
ver % le f
should choose exactly what suits hersel .
A clear veil domande a deer complex.
ion, '9''
.........i., ,.. .
, .
manteece, oot, te„,lee%i4.,..enet) NO, 1
hay, lilt to 414.50; No. 2, $13 to eit3e.
roe clever mixed, $12' to 1112.50 and
*- i• --, 11., • L .
&otter at aft%) to 4112 per ton, et ear
ma. • •
.. . •
ClatS-Manitoba, No. 2 white. sold At
Sic, No: 3 .tit 436, Quebec .No. 2 41 Mc
and tle. a at Sto Pee huehel eat store
4,•tia ar-eChelee siring 'Wheit't liateribe,"!..
nate !seconds, '1040; 'ivirater. wheat
trio, '..21.90 ta st.T- , , - r
Cheese -Finest western. isge to
12%°;•'1"laabiPll *1'100' ta 1°ial °Ile*
. to 2e e and under ades
beet at 12X,e 1 4 ,, gr
at:1*e to •11Xe• RefeiPts lo-deF were
.1,,,,,e,77 boxea,
-.He. ttee--25ge to 260 for thleatl Crealn.
ere,. - , •
C s --Sales of selected sem* were'
o „ ,
metheat 23a to 24e: No. 1 at.19e t 20e
,0004de a t -10c to 18)40,.
PrOyisions--Rairels short cut. M tea,
2/22 to $22;50; .half barreLs. SILO to
211014 eleav tat hacks. $22.50 to $21.--
/4 lelag mit heaVY Mess.1020,00 to 11121.,
bik,'Italf berrels. do., $10.7e to $11,50t
ii Y ealt long clear hiscone,400 es fleece
r :
'Imelda Piate beet? $14 to. $10; lialf bare.
lets do., $V,50 la $8.25;• barrele heavy
ioess beef, $10; half barrels •do., $5,30;
ccobueeskte.be. Bluiwornend•stnipto.
Government were assisting exporta-
r:11.:nite7iroiOnilitd,Casnisaoda.beoome greater as the.
• . ,
• ......„....,.......1.-.............
. .
' ,'-o-e- .•
westerner 3euceu,m it to .4ecident While
• 1110i400 Thieshing Outfit.
., • -,
__. ,
Dititee. man steiteit Pown While with.
. hag nit the Street.
A despatch front Dundas says : • Se in*
' Iiitt
uel Suomi- was killed by atteleatrie
Wire • which had fallen, wane wal a
down 4fie main -street about 7,15 ort Fr
(ley eventrig.' lk,fr.' Sutton was a %yell-.
„ .. ._ „.
,A -despalda teal La Brequerie, Man.,
says) Camille' halleY. while .maYing a
threshingoentfit,:atteMpted to oil a pert
ot the 'engine, atidats knee.wee caught
in the eratIng Aear, erehhing it to
c ' . . ne'..had be evers
pie es The atm Jo r ed
• ' Ift00'' ' r Ball su&
tu remove the -Lee," . ey
eumbed ebblit an hOur afterwards from
oss, of bl d.
. . • - „
known .residerd, coming to Dundee
froinepreelion, Ont., where he urea 'botn,
He was „tan empioyee of the, COUICIEV
Maittng flOmPany, and, was about sixty
yeaks of age. ' He leav,es a. widoev and.
epOwn•up .famity. The• tight rain falling,
ei- the eyeniiig muds the wire more
dollar:roue. He was lelten to .the town
hall, 'ett few yurde leant where 'he teas
strMken, and inedicet aid was sum.
' I 1 b t ft '
ereined almost immed ate y, u us Men
was pea aid, It is alleged 'fiat the fallen.
wiee, which' Was a. SerViee wire of the
reputes Electric .CoMpanY. was !mune
elently instituted, and for that -reason'
laegely contributed -to the fatality.
• • ........
Twenty • armed 11110. Fognd In Woods
. Noir Peterhof.
A despat-ch from Cologne says : The
qt. Petenettrg ocerespondent of the
Niagdeburtr Zeguntatates that the Cos-
sacks on guard over the'Peterhof Palace
prised on Tuesclitt night • twenty
eur , •• . •
arined ruillaris.1welve of them :wearing
military Uniforms,. In. the woodS„ n'ear
.Peterliof. ..11. is supposee, thee they in.
tended to atttick the imperlai palace.
'a bill to gie ,* oneelenit rate mi. -drop..
Amid; in -tato and teethe where, :free
.sieliver,y prevails,.
ne Minister elf
flon. G. tt. n• sitil-e, -- ---- - •
&Mediae and Provincial„SecrOtary in.
/3 . „cot but Govemtient/ .4at.
tho ettieh tart ,• ' .. ',
ett that •the ?throe' resteding the, im.
' e• ' , e..„,,e. • „, ,,,,„„ „„.„,,,,,
littilration a ' ete "'Ant w ' `44e`e u.'"'•".•
one ,,, . 16 ,
• •
Ago ' • .-' ooth 116fte)Pgr. •
..-- - •-, ,, ;, " -
Many Men oh Grant'. Trfialk Pacific to
-• - -... •
' . „ West 04111/Y00.. .
. ,
. A despatch from . Winnipeg says; An
..e... . . , , . '
e,umateg shortage .of aettetal thektgand
. Mem -Mr ' the ''.harvballng' Of the wheat
Crop in the West :hue feat only eitede
ran ed under the brim in a decorative
eepeigne" mixed with soft choux
Whine and a knot of black velvet rib-
hon. •
Saver in braids or fancy trimmings Is
largely used on the pale gray fabrics
aaw so much in vogue. „
It is a season of illek, with all the frills
and douncee• to which it lends itself.
iteayitwo will be wo.rn.by every one who
'oue possibly afford lt, and. real cluny or
pro .15 been even on simple morning
a of batiste or linen.
Celet, or silvered ribbon maintains its
k new no001400 of ohiii" 18 a kind
A tuche, wide at the beak and narrow-
ge to the front, made like the ruffs of
tio time ot Henry IV. There is a knot
t hittek.vetvet ot the heel, with ends
Ind loOpe falling to the waist.
A *141134 hat 1° acthxdPanY a taliqr
i,4,,,,,,iiit,,,,t,i° °.„,,t „rio, uhnh„„,,stre.,,a,w,..„iit le.4111,1,,,bileelle`,'
'''•"''''''' 7.... ... r..'''''' "".. - -..- ...--"
Ind two "arrah" +tell*. The drapery ef
stick red silk matehes the color of tlig
Arele tall.
'taffeta trimmed ena.
, ...
... '
Every woman planning her fan ward.
be is wondering whether te ntake long
ro , . ._,.. 43
v 1,111 Paris the street
or snort • 3100 .
dresses ited sugs aro being made with
me tnre„aquerter sleeves, to be worn
--,- - . T. 1. .. v. . t
with long Pees. ne iftnt'a ign •
ft it d vetting dresses are
Mew a erne* an e
made atheist entirely with long sleeves,
The flowing and tutgel sleeves are seen
in theta, lang•sleoved models, which are
made of filmy material;
The elainty short sleeve will be part ed
Adut.,livittclantly, that is certain, al,
e re d f me
tnotign our arms re. a y or so ,
kind of tl covering after two years of ex.
pesky", The long sleeve 'will be a god.
y I Is *1 regret the tan
sena to man g r , w to
I'd ilvaldra (hat lllaY SPent all summer
14 t
trying to ge .
*The graceful kimono. sleevelt Will be
used as much as 'ever this tall, while for
emits and. dre4 ssy,sowns the Dewing Ja•
panese euects wilt be seen.
compound lard, 10Xe tq 10%4 pure lard
11*' td;12%.0;- ke!lie er..eadered• .1.3no it.
itiAlet hatnei(12X0 to ta'tio. ItOoortli _it 0
t bacon °eIttI• to le
sizee brealenete_. „e_ , 4
15g fre h kit
Wt. r Wotan, 150 10 0. !..
ge t eir dressed hogs, V) lo $9,3O, alive.
eti. toe $6.50;
, .1.-....,
- •
Hertel° Oct, 1. -Wheat - Epritig,
, , .. T. ... • .
etilelr Nael_lqa.e.tirlarlle `Le...11.14.4 t:'111.tt4x;
Waiter inm; Leo. x 1VM. W4444, 44•41 •
t to itgxe otits,..,weatc, No 2, m t.
oily 1. 4430.. liarlee-oteitoy,'. el •e ohm'
--Y---- --‘---.'
. , ..
New lor , . pot .easY. No. -
k • Oct. 1-e•S ' ' a
1 o ee I atm- No. 2 red, , ,.$1.0SX
tclil Se'5- e ev ' ' tbe EMI th
tali afloat; No. 1. nor rn u „
Areas" f o b ' allot& No. 2 hard. winter,
.. ''' f 8 . • ' ' . . .
el irfee f.o.b. afloat.
' "4 —.:.
Toronto, Oct. 1. -There Was practical.
ly nothing doing ht the eXPOrter class.
, An
' Lon.dmi.
• It
Ca n
• r
11 Ina
, yetire,
0 ?it
........-. . '''.
angAT nitrrAutt. -
e --: •
Englieh. worlonan wee fatailY, pole
b ' birvarbolie acid, which
by a. sor
his be •,' • , ,. .
' ' '
Million, ai the. new. iniernatton
geed itnywhere Ire the pestat,
' 43 f distribution ed
are rea y or .
• ' 7" . . e
, Ls stated OY ' the British Foreign
th 1, th is tie between Japan and
4 e e
ado has not yet become an thiperial'
• -
NM railWaY sto^lis hr depeeeletet{
1 - , '' • ' . • .
slue a million. mute • sterling on
of the fear oi a' gerietal strike of
t,s '
servan .,, .
.............., ,..':
* .. utirrep srAreg.
Keewanee, Ill., Eddie Welsh. aged
his brother, aged A,'
riders took cut glass and Ii3,04
at silverware ..from ,
'file' home s'l
elaileltt hi Nerolin, 1..onn. .
D .. _ . .4
of an incurame moat mar
Jereintait He .Yetiple, ogee ell 0.
Pa., literally starv. ed to death. •
Derry. ain't years ;Id; wet
hY a me_ad dog, .fdr- 14_4-w,,S,P.,,klii,,,,,V,
has dev topeit sym tome -or eu eee
ht Greelts were kit ed Itt the, *melt
t SOUtherit Paellie Wel* tilini in
ornia 410 ruta),, , . , , , ,
, F
white boe and:thirteen negmee.were
in tile Promolgbee River, Aloe,
of . fere -heat ore
a, by the calistaing it •. , F ..
fot tkington, 1,,,,,,.r.
1..ii. 'looker, . ., 44.
itself' felt ittlhe farthibg votninunity el
. h . .
the tv ote eOuntry. but_has necessarily
for*. a eetay in the rapidity. with'
whiCh railway construetkin ,- has been
etirried en in the 'Western, country.. As
a result . the tonameters arid the raft-
wily •peopie..„are.. neve, feeling the labor
etfingeney prefixal Mere keenlii than•
, . .. :, , .. , --
et Any other,perio or 'gayest. 'per
dee ress ng deniandefbe men
wage.s tin p , . .
hat been .the motive which, bes caused
4t) per cent. of the reen tO VA work
.,,,h,, weee- aneaged 'n pea Grand Trunk
.f-it-e-ige-b-e1Wein7foo-relege, 1,4 Prahee arid
mi . dist - r ARO- hes '
nester, a , anee a rn .
' I 'Bail
Twenty Passeneers Injured • n way
----- ---Aceldeod• la Pratte*. - - -
despietettirom Nantes.. Pranee, sap:
ell .1 ' s.ailantie train carrying first-
e rap 1
class passengers from Paris to Cher-
bourg, where they were to embark on
the White •Star Ltne steamer Adriatic,.
wn. telescoped on, wednesday in the
- - T
etraval triune!: welity persons were
injured. The disaster Ls 'said to have
e rt du to thenegligence of the crew
• 4e e
t De li
et the trameeerrylng the . rans.a an c
' tte no li his Were burning
.p .sengere, ae g
ill the tea el the troth; and no Mr.
,pedoel were elaced eel ilie track behind
it, as required by the regulations %rum)
a train halts In a luenet.„-This neglect.
' ' ' i ic, tbe
ceersed enother (rein -M. rub n
hou d - tbr 'Llierbour .
passen r train . ri ,.. g
• - '4' '
. 44 e
. ' ' ,---... , .
Prot. WHOM. e ,e1 • McGill • Reports. Cano
bridge Experiments successtuo •
. • .44,
• A despateh from hientheal says; Pro.
fessor McBride of McGill Universitrhas
t st returned from Camthedge Craver.
sity where he investigatee the nee) pro.,
ceses..of wheat_creesirig. ,Ile belleVeS that
I ed If ltal - •
ile t1110SUOn hire been so v . ere me
that the qualities .of eirtaiti kinds of
wheat are due to teredity and are not
the result of the dliniate. I3y 4 procesS
or cross -breeching he has got a •product
which coMblneS ' the geed qualitie„s- of
, , ,
. ..
TIve Opeefitors and'Ilrakesmian Armee.
eed for ,D. feaster at "%admen.
A: despothri frein Montreal saye: Saila
Staeler, operator at St. Dominique;
Clarence Hewett, brattestnan of the first
train, andeLoyet. Streets, emerator at
Vaudreulle:, are held criminally, respon.
sible for the train' weeck al Vaudrente,
* the 18th le t
on s ., threugh villa Albert
flohinson,*." of Kingston, Ont., lost hLs
life. Theeyerdict was returned by lhe
coroner's .jury an Wednesday morning.
Tbe coroner Istued Warrants for the &r-
_rest of. the, men.
Nianitoba herd with those of English
' •
weeat. •nie loge, soft heads of Eng-
list, wheat and the hard qualities of
d a '
Manitoba No. 1 make an i e 1 pivaduet
and one which will double the yie Id ot
1116 Canadian wheat fields.
-.11.---.-.! '„,” •
, .
e.,•, to*.
. .,, . .
Crops ill the. Woe Aro Turning Oat a
. , .. ,
• ' ''. . Mak Itie1d.
tilt ev. er I'm glade -he Abotel
bat. fer I shOuldn't hay" sce-U.,..toti I
a hadn't .and t svantetc sOttico0ot
h „4, ,. . .
Wei' wee so falloh--• (L;aen't ,P4a 'en---,--frie
-dog .01.. Aunt
lo see met 1 ont *11111 , 4 h .
Dora, alid I aril so loneeetner-
So the two little'olris andeleaverwvent•
home together, and When Atied Dora
lteard -kettles get* ehee ltatilhed,. and
said, “Weli, „14tratf, ' Tow: tilitr.ve. led a
'eat adventure, even' yer T, •
-' - . , , ,
• - 4 •
„pelt/Oats. .with
Mekterees, are a deeided novelty.
Wdmen with good figures still .ittee the
orselet AWL A smart suit timently
mete was in Itop•green chiffon broad.
kit, worn with a widasteeved bolero,
Inhiehlerod 'tad applied with slilalled
ItailiPPittgee With' - a'oo w°111 a client*
set.* of Aleneott end Irish lace.
A cottons new len 14 made of n real
drd, parrot oe any citheo-idnd, the fee.
?1,1t,4,,,tle,,2_,11 thP.21;1,1,1„)":,(11,,,,,' n.',";,';`:
"", '`" '"' e"'"'" ""' ';" " '""„'" "' '' "
ve,iell asleep. A eeeetalie PreoF ono was
L14(10'44 a green ettelattoo.
models, lemitee, tong loops and ends
Il velvallittislied with tb"°16, and dillOer
latigltall Iritatidafis °11 VolitY caals mai
klousee whiels 'MVO Welt seen all
lineu.gli the early spring were only all
it to the
.......a................• ....
Great Destetietion: 61 Lite it Ad Properly
, hi Spit*. :
A deipatch Men Madrid eays: Unpile.
eedented mine I Andel si c1.1
0 1 g cause /rt.
memo destruetiOla ed life end Property.
The Geollehliedirle River hos been con.
vt *tett into a raging torrent three mites
%Ade,. and brIdgeS, ['abaft and even eu,
tiro villagee have been swept away. The
sheets in Ibe lower pert of Malaga have
been inundated ' and many familia reh•
eetcd homeless, Thifty p(104003, WON,
itrowned at /delay', 23 al -Velez de-
Itenamarifoaa, 13 et Werner, end alealt
I*, in cuter places In the „Rey.
ht et port
°°° °I. l'wli i°469 °I lig '
sold front et to 14A0.
Ilutcher trade -was fairly active. The
f m 025 to
beM of the ,cattle sold ro .
- . -
gems with Medium to good from $3.65
,, gg .to
la e.-1/411°..." Cebalee mrs,...69.,1...trolni. - cAld
VLeed ,oalaluall ""' '''''''''''''''' --'' ---
or the Way horn $1.25 to $2.50.•
a ,,..# ,
Stockers and feeders. were offered
more freely, and sold at steady prices.
Steers ranged from $3.25 to $3.0, mid
bulls are in demand at $243 .to .112.50.
There was a inedetate . nutubet of.
milkers (stfered and trade was steedy at'
elte to IGO' for choetee and $20 to SAS tor
Calves were riot offered freely. Pieces
bald at 30 to Oe Pee ht• ^
Sheep and 10111119 Were. steady 01 un-
thanged lieleee. 'Ewes ranged' • toP
—e .
' •
. . . ..---
p i •
American C.apitallata (maltase Extens te
• PropertY•
A despatee from CaMpbellton, 141: B.,
_ . , -
u t tit biggest Wither deals
sa s: ne o e
in) the 'history of the, north shore has,
StImMer & CO. have
/gen C011auffltnaled. , . .
• te
sold their entire. properly in Glouces, r
CountO to Amerietal eoPlialltds• Tao
property Includes a large sew mill al
Hatt -Leiria, a generel store theta, and •e:e..
ire • httnber areas thronnhoUt that
teng .. td is ril 4 be i.
country. The price pa . se o , n
. net hboehood of $250,000. •
tni g .
despatch feeni Winnipeg says: The
C.P.R. erog retiorte which was issued 011
Thursday (shotees that threshing is pg.
era! tlitemielioat the West and the crops
,, .
iti. Most, dietrieteare aiming out a fair
yield.. The work, has been a little re•
tented 'bye the- wet w•eatiter.
' r'',...........-'':416.......-.:-
. e . -
, „
solentiste at Leeens France are 0011.
'''' • "
' thiatinghX.Peeleteriti.in transmitting eleo.
*teal energy Without the use of wires.
,. Re .e. t ',60,10„ to 4i,,st si.
, v: r •• 0,, pee r • .
4 IL
01411*- .CLittrolt, ' -Taranto, on Sunday
cominentod. Aso., 0. the eXtrevagance and
yeastelefiriese that ted entered into To-
rento like ., e.‘ . '
... .
*loco -.,..2 ..,,, ....-...-..
=iv RIM 141"1/18 .,
4.1.i.iii. •
,,14,1soners at, tiortlas /4,1410o aloof
' Atter Ereilthig Out;
• ' - '
A &Oaten 'froth Malaga la Prelila:
men,„ oust Joeph Wynn, tionphin,
Maroe,Whe Is otheiting hie 'tile, in the
100111...1011•011 a tharge of havIngoldlemp.1.'4010.0
leel to ,Inurder leeeph, ,St(304, tfleVend
mew, made a hOlit 'bid lerellhatty eed
.Wed esdey efiernecin he Ille thre-inOtO
' 11 • • ' ' ' '
olItie.guard lie by tratinAttetigoth Mita'
avert two itseil 'bars Vittritin -the, *ft&
gtVV6 Tearing 4atne aneets int„,„.' alriP3.1
servieeable rope WaS lindettIliceteed; aeo
'lh` thIS Illaalls ba la"'alt41411/4all °lit".
heeled', feet in the .11rOhildi. ANA** 'the
rettlalader• Of lha to.41"04 • 1.11t1tbl°164'101014.
wits -quietly notleed, hoverer* and .the.'
oilierate started 011 filleet tittrattir, and
wete SticeesSitit '1,p, Leettittillg ..filit, MOM.
wino ke hott6 ' his, s Wynn's. scrod
.es.cniPet '65 '" '4°1' '41bY after 414 liktte4V
04 1,1 , .
. ', .. ,,,,,, . ,
. --___ „,..
it 0010g0 0 ,
, , . - i)
Peleet and Ciiiivitia Aitardertitl 10; .1001-
. •tinee. ot *14%44; , . , ,
• . • ...„ , ...... - ,,.. „ , ,
A donates( 'Bon .stiong.nai MO,. An
cibIbl"4 3* r'46"t'Unt' 1" Ukell Pu"
* ' • • ten 1 tlite*lithreil ' Obi
WI Noutotetts * it, . • '' Or I
111P'Novin"1- °I .("I'g5t,• A4'ilt °!..
11,6°4 "it '* nutilb'%,,t' 4/ t"1„1.6kt t ..k.,"6
100 :1fillOatal al0-4-' •'"'"Oelfl• ' 'ell'Arl"
MIN tilid,, itie Larmist ;fathers . 41,145‘1011
42,1. hholk.hor rc10,,„„to#,11$,Ith whibutp.04.1‘,*.ftio
othiSiallat49' elite 'll''''''''''ll, 'W""°'
' '1' : • ' t '
"teUrrt4 ' al' .61s/41°"'''t "Ita'..
vtos,-oco v . 1,,..r. tom !one ioxv.tivist
(egad leitSekinarke 1110464re
ltdit tho Pot, - ' - . • . „ r.,
alleS'SN% , . • ,
• ''
' , • Av le 5 .
, • *
TON ' * r" Uhi*,110410'
• • . .• . ,
' - -
. - iWiliti 0001 kett0t*** . . Nut
. A _ ,....,, .„,„ ,,, , , „ e e„
e oIlocktitt Ucitneepariy Meth g 6 fatal
moot wafted at pm (Mire etoeslog
a .., . . ,
tle NO' ftnehe Tali 'Mather theft, lino
pre *kit* Of 'the etteekleetill II&
°I"' . I 1 ehil 141"41' II" 1 '
lethal% '; AM •• Oeiiii 44 . , a I, „„„ ee:
tattling *OM .3 eilt ell Me* It 7tOr4
' i g. it* Oath. -ben
eat* Cot Were etuee iti 6.
iliC‘it` rig *ems. alritat,10,4* it mirk ittenti
Obit net were histartilY.tfik4. Ilia tilt
*1st * hod ht too c.:* ' . ., 'the
Otteer. $ ltaldett. irmiesisi ,.
soli* Ilea Mimeo% 104, s 'MO 1
lit‘kak Step, lk, .. to,
tit latater lialohlot. , %we*,
otts . beeetne eloteet y .intnnin , atter
eirollting a tarp bottle, of medielna tor
might alicacol..'. .
Tete) beye, one fifteen, the Other'ihib•
;teem at paduceht Ity„, etibbed red pep,-
o the eyes •ot iiiiiitietriate end it
t. 'int •
r,.____.. , . _._ - 0441 .
s efleught Ids .eyerdeht. lii, 1 , red tot
ek,,,,;., - , - •-• • - • .. „
'''. Tr ledtt taideeteelt 'heck Of the
.Ste dard a ompeny,, wanted by Ho'
Med stgo. ***10 411 Presem. 'iv,.
fitility,,, halte diatiPpeerett trlitt /COMO& he,
' ' ' • '
' -•
Serieuely Injured by tirt-atnomohinv At
treettoo, er, 3,; Dohalti pettier „ ii
e e t ' s' Stne''''
tulyi refused to go home In the polio
equitotre, kfst eits....griethete abeam, be.
ltl'attlet*ti*. t 'lee: d ea' '' ' ' a. no him,
c- L' ....Qtinffi„ht.bIty. ' „ell,Lereetallete.,--,reeteeee-
01:e*- t'Ite*--• - ‘-',..-*-1 '-.-** *AA,'
044 .--41 , 'd.rries si...StindayJ;
,, $-."'.
. ,
• •
Provlberel Itecettse .111sPeettir find Good
Trip ThrOugii N'ely rittritarlo' ) '
. „.„,„
A neSPatell lrala l'al"la'SaYs; ""'"
. .1t, th . 1 tsi
Mg bis reeen , ..lp Wing 1 orth ril
, . , ... _ .
Ontario -Vitertrialal taeouse In
e,,,,, ,,e, ,g,:,N rigs , .seent.44 Its ono 6
---rb- • ti ,of -,-- - I . -
4 tot eete .42.130. Velile n ithea
114 attay0ntions, 01 Pre Noir litense
1,10,...:3%tie of the icerveeremed was sent
- - 4 v 1 • • Inaitil - eh it as his'
down lot der 1st, ,.: - W .
el *near .- e te :
Yid : f ' ' Mte hid Men seized t *a
barrels -eel stuff whied,itted beetteehhiPed
aS c er, . . .
Id fru ' the tOtteheoldde et :tie
Teivisketo i.4. . 44/1ce, 141,,,men,0/4100
dudes, l'IteidelAure.wasmade at. Ones.
hate. end ',the ellieneretirai turillseiVd
edee tro ed, ' - • .. .' ' - • •
all.k ' OS, i , "
ritrodueurni. as were, send
tten. whieh le aim peonotmeed in many
it the lato 'Models. i•
Oe evening gowns ef mote:Seth* or
idbott aro draped limed Eharfe made of
tit materiel end thtflatt'd ta the ende
tette Oen knotted fringe. Theee movie
or semellows Wilted lit ltte sholthlers,
fill htm "‘l'r thr "Ills °II° ar°'"emirr
'""ttrd "r ra"gli 61 th° 1111.'t ihte•-h,"°g'
ng mostly from Iliere oil each slue of
*.• front. &goo. liteY crP brought
440nehh "` ",' "," 84'4001' in shawl
eteet and are ieuillrieti by the girdle.
........, :. •
11°‘‘ 'Ill \\"11,,A \ Clle •
1 Ile le-epted moth. Of the moment for
.......... . 1
rennet Itlaatrrat Mighter a cruet
A deepalch teem Month Carl says :
Vero St. Imger Gould,. WhO 11°Yed Mr.
itoitte time in ltIontreM, und carried on a
tlittlinerY busilless there, bee written he
int, halo judge c.ontesittil -
V that he and•
tai wife. Violet, murdered Ems' LeeM,
whose dismembered body w0.5 Tound in
their eeggage August 0 at memento
'they rotibed the Women after knoeleeig
het imeeneeteue, 'and wheli ahe
sereanitei They toned bee, •
eyeeS to ttottikettild(4itelts andstelle.I0Wee•
et (4,60 tO $340, ' .
, nogg wer legotedanchanged at 110.1214
1 ericete 9tind slszg for tights mot
•(*.._° — ' - '
fa*. . :*: ... , • .
''''****1-.`"*"."' . _ - .,'
ilenotki PERISH 1144, 'MAIN WIRECEi.
. ' ' ' '- ':' . .
Add Malty. -:Allits DOM& oti the •13111It
le toor stg oho listfres,h, .
t ' e. * . it e. t ,
' ‘A• deValcitirom whev-014 1**'..0$: Itt...-
itrta, says: e hitteelt .Peeele Were' mete
nd 'fifteen inhaled 'in a aleeele One thile-
froth Ilen_teite „hairnet+, Otifile Me Settah
PY"'s,ear' bY I" 11"441'.'"1"11! I**.
%eel% alttago ustavs$ No, It * .the
itulthnore. und Ohio Poe and..6 Italgitt
. ......-0, .......— •
e . .1-,-4-* , 's •
Wart . rurally of Gladstone gittu, Raw
1 . . ' - e
In limiters' Limbs. , -
A despatch kohl Otadstone, Man.,'
soot Geo, ..ii
Wft.s. ,Wee AlrUek On .Thura•
tl by a beltektt gtiseeine 'stneinf
ay .
" I 1 e Ile w s' 'Mani he itte',groun .
uree i n „ , , , ,
and -his; tight erre-end leg Molten. Thil
1 the fifth tin* he hag had his legs bro.
km* His .latber,' James, 1S,' WON., 110
lbw, imlai" had his let Ithithert., tris'son
obuf.rhallt.legs .arid an arra •lirulted; and'
another 'eon, JIM, has 'lied ail OM htlith
411, letiolitliorttou 'Atm Ike Stow,
Avert scars Ago. . ' .
, The 1481.00111 CohlOady like stated that
yetth twO,,elethedo, tbeyeetui handle as
Twit. litithiesa as. elgiitkordinary cable
. . ..„ •
heed. - - • .i • ..
' The' hied' tryillit Dine „Or 4 stet Polh
aria isebetWeetO' t4:-Tii$Or$ 01 1 and 4
oat. ..- vitiatty,',,.....,•bto•oineS,, diminished.
amt. die dirength., stolid therefore he
torlifted as tar", possible and wan
, •. ,, , . , .
oomo..eteetigthe tig. food, either soup.
or eg ,hit,ntiltr*;ADMit midnight. Mettle
alretti herAiltalatO leek vs; lOittiAbla wo
00), e, .0101; The' tray thoeht his „taken
iwo as 40hri.rts the. rapial Is Itidsbel.
la leeire laritalled,, feed' by Oepteeeen.
bedeldrOlit litahotie tbet it.may be ei-
or itilbot 141:-.0-41to Yeert 'Ugh. in a
00110 Ptliettt.,* • ,attoOtheit.
- ,
. El..•
ROM nail ' had heen..-fliVed.O...$141Peetti
lat(lw 44011.11,0k tor Itte pteesengett
trent. The Ilidrago expreSS,'Artrieft writ
aN hoots ',Rte. Mid VellO tlaitheile lit 1140
ean„ was:1.00010g tit.abuyt kitty miles
fee.hour,, ttudereelepitila lee a tlear Iraelt
(guild,. when'lf entered tho•Ttellutr.durgs
. .'
"In Yllnill Pt Shiek"t411"* 11 Mile
gaulfer o , 0j. ih0..
. . .-, --,. . -
Mara ..latd *limo
ttnitemrat Isnot ,.
reed Warineet irld litikiiihn nt
phit a. N. Yeeeite , 11 AO 'It A 16,10W,
uili *er leY' eiteesilli ' ' .- his. Onus d
nye • wire. ottyttig ,200 'was. '„ Waft..
% i ads' woo eotrevod with it telt I ei
llq %II ' • .: - I 1 "
• Hilutet lodtweed. al the ha* igailflit
into', the Standard' 011..Irtly shoved
Iota ft Oa the ingiagav 0, At coin.'
Oily, a -kithsidiery :01,1(66' :Starlderdi..
t,14100 orat sou si401,04. to. ai F. ,
..- ti 1. ' 4 . ' .'.`'
,...totinent ,(1,i sottog,,,,,,,, ,
Nos, mainita,volo, ot, p'Artaitge ., N.,
V... irras, svalkfitg• 16 lie bows fate ,lat'
i,,, wboi vita ottimittl dien„ coppid,
I 'tool e -
ecioahre stole froth Op $00, et pa r, of,
diathand earrings* a ‘altta 0 . .. . ,
. ' * ' ' • O1 brooch
13 ' a - • . .. .
0114:14 0 '1%,„,,,04— , - L ,. .. ,
' — `'• ' ' .. '
' 4,1E104' '' .' ' . , '
' ' ' • ' '
„. ; • ,,.. ' • ' ' ,,,,'•„,„,„,•• ',.: .,'..•,,, ..,_. ,„„.
'MO '1:1!4Yet* at,,7, ,"'"',6 ownt'''''"ur '"'"'
.. , ' vile lirtralz ", . . " '
' ' - ' it.
: A deallinelt fire* OttaWa eityel ; • ueli
' Or' Pt 'et 011 Wa ' last.htslife
1,4t.YetY*1.0 . " el, ° leZqnq - ti• conj.
0.1 Ealltrdeet nigh a. it' it f 1. 0 „. ,
r Wit a te tett deo..
skai.tetwou lm,t. , ,. ,,,,,.. .,„,„ a ,.
tteYto *',11‘ a 'Ill4.14!Itlall•'4311 vIlt, "it , ei''..
tios,ttrid toot wit,,,a :tottegptp en.. I l&
tiontairtintrerterteo.14. tailed to. stop i4
, • • , ti a It etash4 Mid ihettie
eatioin finite ti , ,, / , ...
a ' .. , ' Hvvott. Iowa' Iv al eerie
'41" ',' "fell' i I i del Milo
vrtif'.,, but trhie v. olr uri y W 1_ I
estiallede Ifeete OF • Wa5 leael •
9----e-e- • • ,.. e. ..-.).....e. it - -- --e
erneatte4 *no inteceentuise . weseetese ,
, .. ,....tstrk . - . , - - - —_ . ... s ...
now rri an „Tin Ile oiw,,,41.,uwi,!0 pp,
101 At. :ott-•140hdaltt.,,, tueldw titers
'61tsi' no out Ott, the tar eillf:hallielf tod'
OW 611140010. . '' ' ' ' - '4‘ '
' ''. ' 4,
•, ,
. ,
• ''
D °otos Salied the Lffe-ot
, ,
_ Decapitated.
• .,, .,
, , ,, ,
'4, '4,4ontot= keen 'ow Mt says:
,141.,i, 63t1.:,..4•',11.4 ill tii.).CitOrPt$''O Ito*.
0: tt?.41 11 Voirr,b‘aggie 00 Itesdos, to
ate. lee tre-t.,1 n Mee Vito Wei ohhog
0104144 Oil atl'OlCti, In 0 bltilalidg
It N.,..,. ,.4)14-ront nhaLet* '111:* igalWat.
Netieed thole while teeing a iced ilif
i4f. feezie"Ilfe, Cled la lee 44:zorot Won
:Vitt ord. h. (anti Wakig teutivit tht"
ttcr'..ntigi i!,'.4, It.alrorin ;et 1!:.0, vtotatt::«
'4A''°:'4It'it"i' 'Ads VtloPtd"- tit film 't!'
t...io hie keel lee:a Ling 41111 knit ttt41
'4''''"1"'''''•"' j‘tV''''1433alttt "Thi l''''1441
, or. .r;k*t„i',. \•.-4 ra, if'll -tergeonetteefee
d , , ' • . .. ..._ t . . e t tl.t.
q ..el . Illi'414 li. r3..itieal. c'tri4.11-J f511
-•..,; et, • e 4.0;1104 c,,,tv -,'-44 t.„,.. ..
''''Itcnt-1 '11‘.
.1% eo e e....feeeieeez tvirfAKI:xL11 .ikT::tibl.litt4,T
1. 4-;,. :i, : ,I. 11%144, t a4 43yetre.:441101 kWh.,
, e 1.,,,eeet.'h;-. ,,,,P' new thrititas-S Ava4111,..*
6. . .- e le to ,CO;i94.1V,14 Iii:,At.:e,. /‘a..:,
ere el lees `..-: s 4,..,Y tilt, tle.;;,4 qi34 at1343•*
mg *et ewe, .4`itile
* It-
8, ' an -A.
4atelalm warted okit
ot.1„ . t itetiti$ IWO "UMW' aihving
p, ItitT Well Vietiels °tit} tlifietle•Idele.,•
itarog et the. ity...R. The jugular,
nett th*AciOttPit* vott Mk Rrlohske
4 tirol ,, ,I,1,v lir 4 vos to) .1,04*
tett CO sett=.4 hs Weigh. it.
tv a thltr. . . .
' Aromiang to 110 'thyttlartli
elan timnopitit, tIcixioneb.„01,41,§,
a-, 6 ; a teltis ati ea: riles hod
„;:tt 14: or twown ;t,,,Int
(161';'.14l/va°'llelkit"I''''*5 VIIIca
lt. • „„ . . :‘. e ' , ,
'elf Illte ile.oeti COO fed to .
4' ' • .. -
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Willett. ititot`e'prfte wee trettleitilgt and
11,04ttv:‘'.U'OIL xvittal lho- Wight kottjt"
suitituult,„.: lito moo a 440.410mo,,
,tuthrtring. llte5. line ot 1fto open tratelt,,
MaldettlY VO,',(T OIL titulebeford the
liteke00:111+1 Oe 014)1101 the, engines of`
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Ilwitteil teMitible ftedn' the Illeatieen
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I h le h Nitrite followlitg to Meas..
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Petlee lie% non ileatarea tn. mortr..1*
Mar; jbe, boolutiog .nt totblanea hitt
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teivetti Iteitthireetalti OdeteMille Wilke!,
14' begat fielhoedittlelf• , i
ko tri Val testri 1 *Oft 1st
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intr`s' 'to I lard sv=itaolg All tolookt.
.A. a yd , . ,,
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*tide 10 stiae,•41,04erietus Irelti144-14%, 4%,
iotat Miliell trantors. „ .
A hilndred ti lie**
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. 4 nee. . 41,1041 ,,staitiost tvelonce
titre ore% eta Ole , -
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le te , e . .
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theiteeelelegtele hieleritt ncrerWunonsroeve
*Ms Atittet fount hoot 10„4..00,•
'Mg pa... ..„ .. .... , . $. .... ,.., ti.,
mu , now tun that. h44 fated ni t
.. _ .. _ ..,.. __ _ ,, , 4 $rta Ii$10,
be, bad Itoilited the' ell/Mem
pe, %Mt .gloNallArrilta 10-041. etitk...tit.'
. . tkikt4411. 1114 %04011•4(4/0404 On Set-
41..4 4
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