HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-04, Page 37/ffrtr'
',1441? fM410# oulto •
vbih* tun, Of Lord Crtuit.her *4Ut
Weented Suittr, 1'IsI$ Freer, ,tttft
lected. left it by egodoov. Thoe
WhO aw;Into gleaceitt
*i 04e .aneither,' end then at the..blututf-
111,' Wenlensvth Ue pIe siid feeisAehte
24*a 11i104!*44, bet illthiftB1,;14.' by "Iv*
ing bine • . •
rer theY'lleel'heati.ettiele'•014‘44
*V.l(ncr1ed be
c bileettetFe-etptille.. thee /Ill ther
ebell eeletePered 44- ,thelreeee,"'ite
*dole :Thee SiteldenIT• 1104 P"foR cs"'‘'
trine4 by the ennettneettlettt
Segement 'Lord f.rar,s, ele,Mata 304
erteeit appeeraif Otereetaa (heels •seintee
whet et a .,tteekWerro. file,breilleetTer'14,
ItianOhiaa, 'eelleitteete the 'smelt :pOrtidit
of hey hoOtanal'a been
Thereforealt the.O011,hies tteSehtlig4.at,
the 04110 attat :pot 14 liatowt#,
03(aVat4eit NettitS :_hend$041.0 Batph
Freeet anfitte rantilidia*lkiketi,EXAX"
theere et.pIetiePttl.V4S 0,x91P1144by :0,4
Thinking hinteelLsOnriptleed
pcd into the eke* 4400MIrred' denheetbit
overcoat. Then 0,4510 qilleb1et•liAtnie,14
palm -lined halt tet ih*Ontreneet;4-',"4.-reditk:
servtuit pelted the,lieeVaf,i'atta*; '44.0nra.
uPen ecaheeffellYSeSWItle(*.,little`.alliVer
atePPed eutsidd„o...
It .was n verte1te4'04144,.
poured down 14 104%4 linste - • 'etetelg
wind buftetee • hint: Wil.lifil*C100441144
Flee. Fee taeecebd•Jer heelletede. 00„4}nei
Pack at the brIIIlantly. IfghtOtt IiulI..etk
Callihan tnacbed bla'Fblet.e.11eOA0blcstl*
head turned up hte eelleee ellP140,4
out irlakly eresee4etehil'Mtriet,'4gOar°''''
After [olive/Mg egg., •let neileileetreete
kr some yarela bettered 'chneri=4 .witta
alley with a tortivs.,,mance
as though fearitileSet'ideleetkee.,-ene
tered a small .eilitele'kettatte„,-..aite;atmos-
phere reeking,:a bei- *nd tale tob*cco
made htm pause on illeeheeettelee A
man eeated, close to the deer ret$4 and
came up to hitn, He WaselinfltAnd'Ittlek
set with a 'NSW brow•and billiet shaped
head. His bronzed lare,4144,10141014
goad humored, but the' MaUtliOcettel.,ertd
hard, the little eyes Sheen ,eteti1"..
He jerked his thumb oveeehre shoulder
towards an hulereveme • Ralph.ioneWed
hirn silently. Tee room Wa.O.Mettlf and
dirty, but it had the adeenttige 01prlv-
acy. A emoulderin •- are, struggled
weakly In the grate: .Balph Iteld.Ont hIS
chilled fingers to it. Then loaked,iiinUete
ingly tato his ettompartietes faee.
"A' roight," nititterett tee tallow.; flop.
ping heavily on to a chair ,, "Anytime
. „
yer loike." '
"To -night," replied ,ftalph, "In 'ano-
ther hour or so: • .
"A' roight, mister. 1 don't emiltes.7tin
derstand yer game. But Eve sed.:VeCelo
It, an so I will. Only, I wish, -yer'd
change yer mind, 1 din% 'oteetly the
cove ter father a female Wet Id alone
one o' gentle blood.• I 'tiefescrytiles
yer see." —
He laughed softly os lie spoke and his
eyes twinkled wickedly.
"It won't be fer.long,";.reptled'-eaallibe
pcking the fire with hie feet. "Only a
tee days. And I trust you. Yoursister
Is a good sort, sheet do her best, 1 know.
Well, there's nOthixig to keep us but a
drink to our mutual consent. To show
you 1 have full confidence in. you „I'll
pay you what I promised, now. And
presently 111 bring, the child to yea
'Rolght y' are. sir, tin' may th' Lord
strike rne dead if I mit in my Weed," re-.
plied the other Solemnly with- his eyes
fixeci greedily ea the young man.
Ralph knocked loudly orethe table. A
paste faced girt appeared at ''the door
and took his order with a grin.
Ten attnutess later the ill' matched
ccuple left the building and 'parted out-
The man, laughing softly to himself,
elcuched through Ihe narrow streets un-
til he came to his home, one of a squalid
row ot wretched hotteet. -
The door seeming straight into the
room gave to his teasels. L.A young wo-
man seated by the fire hinted eagerly 10
him. Her face .was bright and comely.
The room. nithough ;poorly furnished,
Was not devoid of emidort, geanlbless,
and some taste. Mede it appear as er
bright oaath in is desert, of • gray misery.
Its exterior tondo one expect so little
that a terill ef pleasere Would seize the
stranger who ehaneed to enter, espeef-
any if greeted by a angle from winsome
Betty Green. t
"Well?" she
"It's relight. fle4 gem' •tor being 'er
along. He weed 't aye me Hes made
me pronase never ter eriteelhat tetiSe.
Beastly hard. Her jewels are worth
Itabbine filit FM a fitalekeflatiligis I keep
my word.'
Hetty threacied 'her needle p,ensively.
"I wonder what his &Me is. Who's
be doin' It for ?"
atirligilea his ellotilderee.
"1 don3 know; tvol'e efinee I don't
care. But, wcitild you believe it, Het.
the silly . fool, mite:illy oleo in jeese
parts with Is valuables ati - knout ter
tempt a sire,. Ditriend sleds an' a flog!
It makes me teek tOlitteleee II, lie's
paid me, yes. Bet those, are Worth
mor"an that. An' if,I,Leetteld get 'em
without Is knowilt% gesli, wouldn't
just I"
The girl's eyes sparkled. .
"Don't hurt I Anything 'but Mur-
der, you know. ; Alta etthlo say dont
rob. Fer we've tts amen night to gold
as Mem. Only liaceldent ptit Mere in
their po keth, that's all. Out how's the
silly ler know that yeti rah hirth eh. You
uld do it neat like, 'Staten r
Meanwhile Ralph had teethed the out-
skirts of the town. The rata Ilad nearly
ceased, and, although . the wind still
tensed hint unmerelfulle. he leek rt ter -
lain pleasure in ilife'lealki. ,1ei4 it Wet
taking him 10 receitget,ft revenge Is
sweet tts honey to itie 'Mind. The 'mitten
who had slighted filS 46Ve would teteie
d&Mair unknewmilly 'throngs blip. lit
akrie could bring IRA the sitilles to her
beautiini face. He atone Mild withheld
Ile smiled grimly as his lett hord WM
.swiftly along the keetintleelille r4t he
lea sure -of surcett',
. . Presonty im turned bile a private
nVenue. A, skill MVO Wiie before Ulm.
/Vs shrouded withlOws. Nitta derIntelie
within. fle WellteatiefeleeeTiettind ii, ik
Small skie door, inen stoat kliir a rew
etc:reds, listelliele Ideltelatlitetert beck.
Els hand fluted flic MOM the; lock
Owe beneath his hatch. Thv dOlir eWiltill
open told he entered;
tie found lillbsell 1 a hitge siplare
Iniii. tinge 041411' h Itoti big WO,
prom behind the .grcereffetz0 door WA -
lag Wine sertenis bail rfie tile itti4t*
tled sounds ot utulltial tint i, The huge
bett§eOt-111 eteliltd %It* he silence
of emptiness'.
Ire crept le the Maki, c
aunty vat Callfire treed.
int; be paused, Ihilditrix ,
Ott Bei thrilletholet be, heelletief *
*1114 Maid. might Alit ha them nea
`wilfi it. OW at the doubt.. bie itsta,0
bolmy*„ The aloititned light lett *a it.
hitt" child'a lutd; Her toned fiteie
orguu ,itit,p4..hi,m:,, effete. ,hitle' •414tenTL: ed 1134*,
With, et eteeti,MOVerileflf Pe' fitgeted•
Oar het and. allieleaktdir ern* under el!"
Utile body', She stirred, 90tItnit' silent
bitift OM. L'ene41.01,tkin• 044P4t.'4r,!4;
A emits creettl..ner'40*
::..P.ipear-441,‘,. ttne;, ttnirthu.red,; In!atttat
latO•hia'arroo:.. ,H-- ; -.:: :,.-: .. ',:, .
-4,1ealing or :..linkoal;110.. iiiiat.hil h4rr.,
F4t,' :. a. , , riatOtta :lie • .,liooltatati,. and hair
Withdrew ',n1*.:: ,arnif. ..'. tint the neat file
'Obeitt h*. hardened' tlilnaalt ageleeferlItle
eyes bed .'14114904..elite Plotktre4- cogt if
plOwentatt tut laYevto.
IWO' rilibit*eath**(th•lia,";.he, otur4
.0alted, iiiiint:har'heiltik up, and wrap.:
Ihr SOWeAderdO*0 , Mind her.
-.See:.'efettled:eleSeer le,'Idnae and .closed
tl.W:e..11*-`1. itIttilaYiiigik .,., , ' fte :thrriett:
and bre her,doWitttati; otairo 'ont"oftho
Militeltse., -The'rOilirhiar tahltrl''': the,
,batze, doer *a' 41.10,Y. PeeSed _,M*044141).
snlifte ,:ellee wondered. hev... Inn Merry-
.thogera',.*thild ::,ieUiti. when 'they reante
thatilialr.tailittir,In (heir duty hail met.
Ain nuelt: .a4tattohinctit.
Zna chiltt*oke and _clung Re hiM., as
the =14,4k:ea on , her :lace. tia:stified
hei' 'oriels etc4lt idseea, and tOurtnure(t aett
words.. inth ber':.. Nile eata, OW tease
attired. .elle,?,:lelVeleletie %teen. ,.. A. little
leter. he 'entgehe **et Preseelese and
140 tha.000100 40. On her twee's.
"Where ', J,your,brethere he asked.
!,r,or,a.ou 4:: to Onike the, leet, itrrange-,
inents, [.'Yoti'Aite4e. Inest'legve to -night'
'll eier don't want ''er thead yeti Tins is
tinraddress• ivo o" to," she said, banding
oters fece, 44 lug l•
•Isint a ettp, of pa Or. ,She peered kilo the
a . Reedy darling. I wonder
Weep, the 'one to de it, sir. BM, there,
'faint ear 00-1e, wonder, Wets 'er
Metter .
. .110 turned My,: inipatiently,
6 "Cell her anything you like. Her mune
Is eater reit used. Your neighbors' might
suspect tit glees"
"Coml. VII chrlsten 'er afresh. She's
mine, tiow„ We're going where none
knows ought, Mod -night, sir.. You'll
iet us knosv when te expect you, Be
Curefkli 'luny you go. 'You're in bad
parts, Won't you watt for am ter take
you, back," 4
"No. I'm not likely to attradt atten-
Ben going. More than comlege l'rn wet
throUgh, the sooner I get back to MY
hotel the better. Good -night, Hetty.
How well she eleepa I Be good to her r
Ile closed the door with a stro'ng, feel-
ing of reluctance, for be had been fond
of the chile. Still lietty Would be kind,
014 he desereed his revenges This was
Inc only wily heecciuld possibly touch
that „heart of skink and wring it as his
was wrung. -
He sped' milekly through the ill -tamed
streets. . Now excitement had vanished,
fear assailed Inme An uneasy conscience
ideed to the pricks. Yes, the child was
Well cared tor -there; no harm could
come le her. And yet . . .
A sickening thud upon hts head made
him reel like a drunken man. He turned
to face his assailant. A mighty list
streak him between the yes. He threw
out his arms violently, the fighting devil
.roused within himi. a mist danced before
his sight; gatint figures surrounded him;
thousands of eyes peered into his; he
street( out heavily on eittter side, tes.
'assallent-there wits only one -skipped
nimbly round him; then came the crash
again; with a meun he sank to Lite
etnite the darkness of night enveloped.
The man who had drunk the glass of
geed Milowship with him that night,
turned his pockets out and wrenched the
ring from his nerveless fingers. Then,
hearing appreaching footsteps, he sped
off. not stoppieg in his race until he
entered les home breathless.
"Well," said tietty, facing him.
"It's done I Hen never know who IL
Wiz them
Ib" land -
in, 'Then
tittle, fur it was ei,1401 that ,everY
&el fit the ilaS Ulna the
Vette, 4" 'ricermut bis ,„ not
one was the price I* amen, Willi itio
air of /Midler with corner
fiff Made hlic WO 11it 11101.0,
Her eyes widened with 05
"Wot d' you mean Have yo
"Nol Hen be roight enough. 1
ing anconscious. The ampere, find
We (sena run no risks, Where's 100
She put her linger to her lips. The
light of maternity sprang to her eyes.
"Hush t There !" •
She pointed to the couch. He stepped
up ha it and stood looking sheepishly
down at the flower-like face.
"She's a pretty am," he ejsculated.
"Won't the mother yell!"
"Yell? I should think so! It's real
crule of himl But there, we've said
we'd do it and we must. I'm glad you-
've got hts dtmcmds too. We deserves
sommut for bel' parties to robbire a
mothee, I know. But suppose Ise dies?"
'He won't die," he replied contennip-
"Suppose he knows it's you," she ar-
"Hen never know that, I know. As
fo.• his dimands he' say precious little.
fellis'11 want ter know what he was do -
in, In this quarter the night of the tall.
He'll 'old his tongue, you bet,"
"Serve 'Irn right for wearing Glebe
and fer stealtte her. I alwuys sed 'e was
a 'eartiess sort." murmured Hefty,
smoothing the child's hair boringly.
(To be continued).
The man was unconscients, breathing
heavily, and his halt -closed eyes had a
gaissy stare.
"Yes," eald the physicianwho had
been hastily called in, 'tie must have
blown out the gas."
The man on the coma' opened his
eyes, and looked with stern reproach
at the (tooter.
"No." he said feebly, "I wish It to be
clearly underetood that I dld not blow
oet the gal. I blew out the flame. The
gas blew out ,me."
Iacb-."How did you make your fote
leetic-"On horee-raelng."
lacrob-"Whati 1 never know you
istiace-"I didn't. I started a pawn-
t1ustisppostto the entritne to the
rcrecoursefor the Oebanlitted Hell 'of
woe who wanted la get bottle when
14e racts 'Were tree."
t Se the ealetesse* betlefilat
AI *Wien r Nit.petealt 4aked
Stied. *1-04.1 *Vs ft up. I as*
taerv thou, Iket * Mirror *Rays V*
Itratiite UM* tWeller
• Ati. sti* a1y Inalt 14 14QX:de le04 aot
to bet ettaght noPPInt. 003 by fgalf4.
We. "rah um ana riteurted
*tautly. "what got stiltorvhco Is bettet**1
*mirror and yuuruU. OtrgiViett 440,
r se, ;AIM tbens that*mirrori Pt*
tolisel. Ltd that yon art not."
Why sood puns,4"ace hatie reCtirtle4
in .cOripection with medicel men. A. ofet.
tido. Dc, Thompson, a coldittaneterle ei
Wei* evell eitieliretere hie fitlY flar
05 two ve;,v strongly marked peculiarities
*t-eloveplisnove aikt to **lute detesta,
Ltionot mutline. Ott One '100efa5)n: Otte
eteetee, ISO Garrick' were ra1low,SOt4ta
.0 the inenlirot tah)tuot,,* toiettiArtand:
at tom. whim 44 largo then': of mathos
'Mad* itt aPneacence.' 'APi:‘..r`ThOttiPtiOtt
lost not Mt: instant: ift gtVtag band alt.
•Piessiort lo ,Idit ettooyatt* -*Take At
away Instantth".*s- bawled It -the OW
'Vent T.NNti, M),". put ,lwOarriek. ffillet/T,
.404 Aitkeds'enVelklidletk "We shaU
,•-ele4. the ,'mtlffiliel rather .14%, ibm raw
• -
Sozne of
Abe pot 'puset.ini)yeireti:bavi
101. Lettsorn, .a
:19.4.i.r.:0714....Lt9:0:0 :x0rIky 4P4 .1
And the 'fitteteeet,'00,4600tio Leti-
$0,14,0 _
• ,
saau,swator*ot Ratteatvaa,to me apply,
pht 1.:041,,,prabtieet settle. would surely
eriteeteeteMet • _
.itedmit 1 egiedite a OW,: still Many, cull. •
"1. Letteozn.
• •EY_011 Dr. lenner,.,Aba. promoter ot vac-
cluatiOn 4,114 not dietleen a' pen at times.
The fellerseffig:Utteee•pentted by hiraseir,
acoatoperited O present <it a outdo of
4-clralte aent-bo IliStrethee ',Of a young
140 Patera: Who. bad recovered front a
severe illness
41spatehed. my dear madam, this
, scrap of, a letter'
Tie say Mise.Mary is eery much better;
A rustler' doctor no iongtr *he leaks,
And. therefore, rye.sent' her 4 eoliple of
One ofethe mest eminent London sur-
geons ktt,' the beginning of lest century
was a Mr: Beaviskle. His industry was
pherionianal, and so'aften were his ser-
vices ,iseqUititielted.lbet the report of a
case et the 'Courts df Tustice hardly
coMpletialiniess liiq nadie was heard in
conneatian 'witheit. "Egad 1" said a dls-
tingulehed: legal heiiiriary of the day,
"we never have a 'Iterntekle. nor a see
cide, nor any, other aide now without a
When Alt Nations Rave Airships, Fight-
ing Will be Difficult.
On the question of aerial frontiers,
Major Beden-Powell says: "Supposing
that all nations have 'airships. Are they
to be alloseed to go over one another's
cotintries photographing strategical
pcsitions in times of peace? If you say
I don't,see how_you can prevent
"It is impossible 10 fire at them, for
te, fteld guns are made at present they
have not got the elevation. You may
say that new guns wtll be invented for
firing upward, and I dare say 'they will
be. But then, if a vessel in the air of
another ceuntry is flred on, what of the
airship that has drifted there by acci-
dent, or what of the private machlnes ?
"You see the discussion leads one into
all sorts of complicattons. The whole
thing is so dretim-like, and yet one day
the dream will be realized. I think pro-
bably it will be an 'unwritten law' that
ne air warship will be allowed in 'ter-
ritorial air.'
"Another possibility is 1001 11 airships
become common, wars would be no
more. I.and armies would be useless,
for what would be the good ot men
marching over the country with the
enemy's airships hovering over them,
seeing every, move on the other side?
And, supposing, for argument's sake,
Germany sent to fleet of airships over
hereqwe could simply retaliate by send-
ing our air fleet to Gertnany. The whole
practice of warfare wsiuld have to be
It is a great question," he Concluded;
"one which Frunce has fully realized
and Germany is realizing. I an looking
le the time when the first ship of tele
English air fleet sails over the land. We
must rule the atmospheric waves as
much as the waves of the sea."
Woman Dies on the Etruria, Where She
Had Lived for Years.
Mrs. Elizabeth Rolutack, of Evanston,
111., who attempted to prevent her mo-
ther, Mrs, James Carson, kern spending
her fortune in conStant ravelling across
ID' ocean and return as a "permanent
passenger" on one of the big lines, fell
dead on the same ship upon which her
tnother had tired for almost twenty
years, after she herself hue, made the
steamer her home for severe. years.
/sirs. flohrbacic Was stricken with
apoplexy on the Etruria of the Cunard
line as she was strolling the promenade
deck with her son Harry, 15 years old.
While in Illinois she lived at the Hotel
Menette, Evanston. She had, however,
of late years passed most of her time on
the Etruria, occupying the same apart-
ments which were used by her mother.
"1 knew beet Mrs. flohrbtiek and her
!nether, Mrs. Carson," said F. G. Whit -
Ing, manager of the weSteen department
01 the Cunard tlfle. "Mr*. Carson had
practically made her home on the
Etruria for twenty. yearand would
leave the steamer only to visit her
deughtee, Mre, Hohrback, or to attend to
her properly IntereSts In Ireland.
"Mr & Robrbeck, after tier mother's
death upon the ship, atm eeeMed 10ao.
mere a longing for the sea, and sho, too,
became it betinithent passenger Making
reund tripe; Both Mother and daughter
were known 10 every member of the
crew of the sterner end they were
given especial eare, They seemed to
think that they lived heart' on sea than
en land. Ort the hist .visit of Mrs. Car.
See to Chicago she beettme 111 and 40 -
Meted that she would never improve
until she wee back on the ocean.
"Some of her relative at one time
scught to have her reatralned trent re.
turning to the shtp. • Their efforts failed,
however, and she remalried a patron of
the line until she died tit eett suddenly."
Meet ile011tartbled
coittrol 4ist tattWiliiradra0441116"I'ancl other from.
pedant Manama antsenrios. is MUM*
of the 'mama report nt V5 Imponal
T14sCrepe Agadiendraliaa neutsinsonie
taweeaIig it
vas a% is eilailleeer!! organized .14
Origi splear nt taking*
wsalthy Clitanosn*hets anI waft
ugh; or 43itte rent av tlis. estitral goy,
itreonent. took Oar control ot thit
)441t3!e latertejlitt
lairt Iliske *bee*, Itletettling the aelitt*I
40d'ettettred' a *IttetePOI.le Vet 144 t,,tlignatta
thriatilthent ther ta*Pite. 'tinder gavertki
Meet' t tb aystemmi welle7
jelNetellte4a Vleterlatfe degree ad Seettre
Seam. and naltainest, #4 We yens,
ideal 41 hat hem 10.4
ihcidend* aniOnating to AO per eent.'ha
tflek and thlit, 400* ..,the thee: ot other
14rTgtheitlitil."4"t receiP9tatoil",thetsirettl'n'
Slier Vier* i1i5IS1W*144 tit* ekpeta*It
*1143:10,04'. tit; the tillAt' Wift' lb*, WOas-.
tretnet*,10441%.1b.;Itaa*"3"M, fift'..WAStilrld0416Sti eiritiet,141.4
RitagArKte )04 after reef*
Mat .
t Peatt4te. 1.4190/07.44 adia*
it#1$9t$,wilotMill akz* 10 psy Usa prIvite.
.004000 lt 0101#4d. ol ten,per
1111 01-Antilch goat 110, atiOW that' the Or
)0,110fte RIM tit, eltilWeree; hae.eetne 10.4
reurdad by•iiie„;COraorro, as a Pnbl,te:
ntee4tiltri '
ST.110` teglietbelitt.' *Me While ettli le an.
undevele statit;la deatined to WO'
on ire At part. In Ihe dttvebupnienl
10419:abee"144*CiaeebeeteC416lerses:14; Wbbe"ftr°thveteChtlittfeet:t
his zni1s it' 14114 Placa -tor !Welt
4 's,e,....,..oreelfeeseaetee
, Met? NT.,11 ,,Oir AGONY.
A seve.re. ta,s0 al nbeematlsra cured
by Hr, Williams* Pink Pine.
"For Marty weary 4nontlis 4 suffered
untold ngony. r could hot walk:
efeed iteeecely lettere myself to a sitting
ticfSturfli LI \yea ttileler medical oisre,
but in vain. Finauly 1 tried Dr. Wile
lieMs'''Ptee Pills and they have 1*.
stored me to my former healthy cosedle
Thls strong stitement was made tet
h reporter recently by Mr, Charles S;
lieddey, formerly eaf Kingston, N. $.;
but now living at Pert Maitlend-
Keddey is a cerpenter by trade, a a'
now able to Work every doeHe
odds: 1 cannot speak too *lily ot
Dr. Williams' Pe* Pills, as they cured
mc after other Medicine failed. Willie
1 was living at Kingston, N. s., I was
seized with rheumatism in its moai.
vtclent forna. ; was compelled to take
to my bed and for menthe Wae an 441,"
valtd. I was so weak that it woe dtt.
hault for ane to raise myself to a Ale
ting posture. It Ls impossible to tell
how much 1 suffered day and eigItt,
week in and week out. The pahle were
like piercing swords. I had medieui
attendance, but it failed. Then 1 tilled
inedlcines advertised to cure rheuma-
tism, but with the same reselt-ntortey
wasted. One day when hope had al.
most gone a friend advised me to id
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I told him
my experiences with other medigines,
led he assured me that these pills
would cure rheumatism, so i sent for
a supply. Atter esing a few baits I
was able to leave my bed, and from
that on my restoration to health was
rapid. I am now us well as ever I
was, and have not had the slightest
teuch of rheumatism since. The change
they have wrought in my case ts sirup -
:yr miraculous, and I can strongly re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pille to
any one suffering from any form (1
Rheumatism is rooted In the blood.
Rubbing the aching limbs with lint
reents and outward remedies cannot
possibly cure it. You must get the
rheumatic acid out of the blood and
Dr. Williams'• Pink Pills is the one
sure medicine te do this, because they
actually make new blood. That is
why these pills cure antemia, headaches
and backaches, neuralgia. indigestion
and the ,seeret allinents that make mi
cable the lives of ee many women and
growing girls. Sold by all inedicine
dealers or by mail at 50 cents a bo%
yr six boxes for 82.50, from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville.
The Sat Attlee* *OHO ever born In
Epinal* teak his neat ales'(141.11 ifcettli
eftert4)6 Tive curt** across the.
.C4 hf&I rUF4er:41044.6 at thc,
Urystat „Imaten Was 14VA 1.
16004Nau innliffig through it gradual y
ehliaar041,1be forlorn Mit Zealous elneb.
lie istruggied viiittittly, arras's' Die Auer
and bask' againw ydion tra auhtided in
-Maar V%TrLa(hI olt the tired, la
iteeettlesiee rtunddes Yettni
lord zunte,neorty than say 'OW anima!,
144 already Ilse patchy, brawn leitibero
/ergitelo titke dialinotor Anis.
Matly.peoplit la England, 4110114(0g the
411.41114014"4 0.1 lila "Age havei striven ter
yettra to ,rosr ltd ostrieir by help of lite
ineubittOt.,:flut the mailart- of thit 04;
tri0h. WM, transferred als 1be beginning
9r111 Ain QV la ,yttoribiam.;
Is tha "Orst 44.Infreced., and'Ill3re tifair
SOCeral of the nine tgg$
reMiltning. ill the Iffetthater Inay bre*
through,: 'Ine -heal; and Otte leg ef-
Vaidlee.410_1-pitnect '0911101Ineht lo Mr,
t,lroto,1 Palate manoger-ap.
14404 'tram. the OPattnee intor tulty on
th#' Wir.githellit'fiteVe 'rlieteepen the
Mettligee tillett 1110 iffibletitell end and
out leppleft.4„%totia‘
:Tee 'removal', to the, tovtakotitio:
ogtetaArtuk utui and very dalldately a
Meal Of l*tleroct egg and bread cruniffs
WqMserted Into his dock -like beak, 'the
mai thoplilteu, his activity and growth,
tta Is already nearly twic0 as big as hit
wasA,birtri. In live 0141101s, If he can
iSPA tile Inter, he should-40mi grown
tram slx chits to titres) or Nur feet.
Tom Smith was walking down the
street accompanied by his dog, whose
tali he had rerently "bobbed," when
he met Will Scudd. The latter, seeing
the stunted tail. pointed to it, and
laughingly said:- "Why. Torn, 1 never
saw that before." "Of course not," re-
plied Tom; "dogs' tails are always be-
A Sure Cure for Headache.--Billoits
headache, to which women are mere
subject than men, becomes so acute in
some subjects Dad they are utterly pros.
tested. The stentach refuses food, and
there is a constant and distressing ef-
kat to free the stomach from bileawhich
has become unduly secreted there. Pee
melee's Vegetable Pills are a speedy
altrativeand in neutrelizing the effects
of the inteuding bile relieves the prea-
sure on the nerves which cause the head.
ache. Try them.
Clitettemer-"Look here! All the but-
tcns came off this coat the first time
1 were it," Aaroehelmer !the taller/ -
nes? Su many beople admire dat coat
dat you shwell mit pride and burst
dose buttons off."
Gallia Opened to View Body Disclosed
, Only Shavings.
extraordinary ,story comes,. from
7feteglial, County Cork.
,dung inan named O'Donnell, who
had eon en inmate in a charitebte In-
stindloe there, died a few days ago,
and' arrangements were made for his
inteement at Feerypoint, County Water -
Wel, set 4offln wes ordered and for -
welded, to toe institution.
Next morning the relatives removed
it ei the young man's former residence,
carrying it all the way on their shout-
derse Renlerks were frequent from the
pall-bearees tibout the lightness of the
man, but, as the young man's Illness
was 'protracted, It was concluded, thut he
hati wested away.
Some hours after the coffin had been
,depcielted at his house a relative, who
had' not seen him for severut years, ex-
picesed a desire to SCO his face. The de -
he was opposed, but, in face of a per-
eistent request, the ltd of (lie coffin was
allowed to be unscrewed.
All attending the "wake had gathered
relifld itsto tlike a last view of the body,
but, te their astonishment, to quantity of
shteengs was all that was to be seen.
As soon as the partlee recovered from
their shtick the empty coMn was taken
back to.Ydughal, and in the institution
,froin which it had been taken the corpse
still lay.
The feneral party returned with the
body In the ettrly hours of the follow -
Ing Mooting and enfnuntered tin its
way revellers returning from Queens-
town regatta.
The spectacle gave !he superstitious
peasantry a shook, and they fled from
the road to the nearest farm house.
Weak id Sickly Nein. envy tbese in robust
health. No need to seal sick When by the use ot
tbe best tonic, "Forrovim,"loa °angst rtokblood
and renewed aireingtil wad yigoe
Richie -"Look at me! Twenty years
ago a poor boyworking like a dog,
and now -leek at me! See what 1 have
made myself." Smarle-"Yes, sir. Lkt
yq.u— Is this meant as 4 warning
'ar an example?" ,
You cannot be happy while yon have
corns. 'risen do nut delay in getting u
bottle of Holloway s Gum Cure. It re-
moves all kinds of eorns without palm
Fuilure with it Is unknown,
The Romance Began With Rescue From
an Accident.
A romantic story of the elopement of
an IS -year-old titiegarian counteso with
a peasant seven years her senior comes
from a village In Trentschin, Hungary.
The girl, who is the Ceutiteatt Henri-
etla K.ongraee. daughter of .CtilInt Ed-
ward Kongraez, Is now living with her
lover, Johann Andresen!, In If hut ud-
je.lnIng her futhere estate.
l'be couple loll the repreaerliatIve of
e Budapest newspaper that (hey first
met eix years ago, when AndraSsilt res-
cued the Cnuntese from teditch after, a
carriage accident.
The enuple met frequently, and /inane
fel; in love. Two years ago the es,
wee (easily dtscoveriel the natiehn
rind the girl was tient away insehool
a unto, while Andrassik' Went into
army. When he completed lee teem of
military service ond returned to the vie
lege the clandestine meetingbetween
Me lovers were renewee,
At last they decided to elope. Andras,
sik brought a leader to „the flourdess'
tesidenee ono night, Ansi plaeed it
ageing% her bedroom witideete She
managed to escape wifficitit alarming
the houeehold, and the coupto Werit to
Andrasellee home.
The Ootinter5e' family ftled tIJ'toren' her
return., tied even seht gender/nee to
Arideaseilk`e collage, but Sale U1'041 tb
wove her lover, nnd deelarol that she
would them hint When she Cane of
Ogee „
Der father Mtn %%into bear a fetter fee
Maily disowning her.
A man was deeply in love with a
"lady fair," Ile ntet her one evening
at a crowded ball, and, as he could
not get an opportunity of talking to
her, he contrived to slip into her hen!'
a piece of paperwith the twowords,
owili you 0 written upon 11. The
reply wus.equally brief, "Won't Ir' '
To Those of Sedentary Occupation --
Men who fellow sedentary of -tatted oes,
which deprive them of (resit tilt and
exercise, are more prone to disorders
of the' Jiver and kidneyst than those
whe lead .active. euldoor lives. 'rhe
former will lind In Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills a eestoralive wilheut ones.
lion the most efficacious on the 'nue
het They nee easify proeurable, easily
tehen, act expeditiously, and they are
surprisingly cheap considering their
excel lence.
"'You should never take anything Riot
doesn't agree Willi you," the pleoioun
tele Mr. Minks. "If I had alwilys 01
lowed that rule, Marla," he reniurked
to his %%de, "where would you be?"
You ere mem in regarding erysipelas a
dangerous disease. Annalist lb. swollen. Itching
sea with weaver's anew : Atte tnic• Wenriri
sysup intistnaDS.
SHICC.01.5 (WIC%
Fu ads Rrauvht At
' Atttv ley itratheal Animal,
01141‘ of Idle meal clover mriliodo n
'waggling QL and (Time Mtn lho
Kali 6tillea ffeia tirRi,g1 Velmeb44. Al
ime it boa been diseovertil by VOSIV.Ine
nil ra at Blaine. Wash', cia file Inlet -
nal Wil ignindary line. Trained clnita
Wet 11..sed in .eltro en the' Inniirleial ong
VA; eit.Slglos 0111c:era believe ills4, hun-
dreds iti Pounds vf 11111 outrahand drag
have teen bomb* into this roantrY in
that laninuvr. An tt re5l5(1 et the (In'
covOry by the oftleers, irberitas 'itiiln
is in CuolorlY sWaillog trial en A Oars*
et smuggling,
'he twat Midlug that dega Werof usg0
ki. amuirir1100 tome 4 kw 410A ago
when ,Onicer bane of the Dellinglianl $14*
tion allot a dog whleh ha $tiw running
thnaugh the thick Umber Met 1,,IteStei,
The eiMille. Wee loetbel down wrth 4
lgtIthet• Saddle in wittelt Were IOWA three.
rented* Of nturn and a package Of slik,
Where the deg came trein one where he
was going ore Inyo'Lettes wrath ina Pill -
Nolo, at onto begain kt fereet out.
The Officers took 4 coon dog tvith
thein t,...:the lanaularp line ,where, the
fir,ie clifluie was sem Por three days,
they *ailed hetore another 04r tato
alone With ti peek Kiddie On its took.
Talk flaw there were three dogs loa,ded
down with the dru • The Men let. then!
Reel, and then. wltli Ille aid of the teen
nalke they traced there to an old Shack
near Elaine. The onleers etterwartls
;wrested Smith on a charge of smug-
The leather saddles were fashioned
after those ttsed by the hospital dogs In
the Austrullan army. it is a mystery
how the emugglers obtained Ilio eaddles.
hut it is likely the confederates of the
mart In jail were well Velsed in the
training of dogs.
flitting -:IW.aQ.hines
Toodireliaisid like
%reit* .1aile slirk
Inilue, Adele WAY
elkiehbe Pe4e0a la Iwo
fittlaa gra+ Ise Ions%
sM morshildratio,
Dyeing 1 Cleaning 1
0411111M111$ 411111101111 OTERO IC*
tests tee'measete *see erns, sews/awe.
000040041.11natsto, Ottawa. (lesioei
Von CAR etelerftli YOUR SARAN
tram Deed te at es stir
Melo thltliere
Fre* Illustrated natalaguatti 4.1141f4.
YOU* 1310Vieltre FAMILY fitAtilittlea.
ederaie a
1,,, . •auortanToWti, oerr.
MARV hi asSpes
e -e4'
Mr. Hardup (entering the nursery) -
"Why. what Uri; nil yett children
in foil" Small Boy--"Pleuse. mat,
TeMmy's the bill collector, and he's
culled with an account, -
Nearly all infunte are more or less
subject to alarrhoei and such com•
plulnte while teething and as this .period
of their lives is the niost crbtktil m0.
tiers sheuld not be vothout
of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cur-
dioL Th's medicine is a specie,: ler
such complaints and is hglsly spoken
of by those who have used it .• Ths
pre,prietorq claim it eel cure any case
er cholera or summer complaint.
eibe--"I can't see ahy, because a
women marries u man, she sheuld take.
Is name," HP- "islet sth Ttie poor
it !low ought to be alhitted 10 keep
something he could call his own!'
act!, Mange, Prairie scratohes and
every form of contagrious lot In human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel-
terd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Sold by all druggists.
"How is it that a strong man like
yet eutinet get empleamentr a fed,
asked a tramp. The mendicant remiss
"Att. iliumyet we, people wank, ref.
reeneee from my last eintilfe)tr. Lei
Itres been (iced about twetity years!"
A 000d Niedieine reepereq little ad-
vertising. Dr. Itiontaq• releeir, fi
gained tho tr, .1,1 name it now enjo% 4.
dirmigh eleborate al' tensing het
fte great meta not a rdlnialy f411. 1,104l.
ily painv and tillnienlv of the re.pira-
t• is ergane. It ha, fame
o Oh It tt herever it hos gone, and tl ma
Pi I gi'd ot ihe antwedes an well as at
him -ie. Dose smati. effeel sure.
The Guest /after dinserY nom- wife
lc sueh a ia A tit 'lid e,itthati 11 a n won.
(let soil re net Jealous sif her —the
10,0- "Olt. 1 oni neter !mil.. any
ams here that ony sane 00171110 %fluid
lido a fancy M.-
e.-Zse"-"" a a
K I E; E
" IKii0,5 fir
II I \ " '11"5
tit nNP.
Fftiv 15,es 5ft,C
t.STes Bitiej00"
ISSUE NO. 1.4-47.
Blood poison might have proved sele-
ct!. In the euse of Me, Thos. Foster of
Kingston, had it not been for Zam-Buk.
tr. Foster says; --
"Lust kit I had a nasty sore on my
foot caused by the Irritation from a pro-
tecting eyelet in my, shoe, Before I
was aware of it Mie colored sock I wore
had poisoned the Hest end I suffered
much in consequenee. I tried a good
many salves anti ointments yet there
was no improvement until I began with
Zama:tuts This ointment drew out all
the inflummution and pulsonoue mul-
let and healed the sore in severe duys
after applying."
All skin dIseasee guiekly yleki to
Zum-Buk, sold by all stores and medi-
cine vendors at We. it hosor post free
from Znni-Buk Co., Toronto, 3 boxes
Crabbe-"To-day for the first time, 1
was really, delighted to hear Illy neigle
bus's piano going." FrIend--"Sones
thing worth listening to, I suppose?"
Crabbe-"I should say so. I heard the
hire-purchase men taking it away."
300 lights, first-class culler, Will be cold
cheap and Inut be gotten out ofJhe way
owing to Ci0O-light Inaclitne taking BSI
place, 5 Irsini Wilson, 73 Adelaide
Street \h'est, Toronto.
Owing to the constantly Increasing
severity of 1150 ignition problem, tit,'
vi land, Ohio, deemed it edvisuble to de -
stet a buttery especiallp for this dais
of woo:. 'rho Columbia ignitor "Bed
Top" Dry Celt which ls (tie result sr
their experiments is without question
the highest type of Ignition buttery on
1110 inorket to -slay, These cells ',Elsie a
Ito+ snappy epark. romperute rap 11
and havelong life. They tire made In
throe Nixes, The; company to 11ae
;erased to send their booklet "Ninke•
wIdell treats 015 all ilas engine hole
Ides, free to oeners ef autemobioes
Launches, Gus Engines, etc,
A writer says that whipping a boy
may make him stupid. It way behill
it is More Itisely to nuthe 111111
Help your children to grow strnng
and robust by counteracting anyttitilg
COU,i`s One great euliso
of disease ill Child roll Is 50)110, it'
move them with Mother ;NI ye,. q,e.oi,„,
EN lerttillItlIor. 11 never 1 Is.
Buffalo make, number four, 9 -inch ver.
lical discharge, 24 hetes Well; perftett
condition. Superintendent, 1 ru th Buttd-
Mg, 73 Adelaide St. West, Teionto,
RiY81 and Gullif St. Lamm
Bummer ()raises in Cool Latitudes
Irvin Scrim Iron SS. "Campaus," with olectrio
oleetria belle and all Modern comforts.
14A51..4 PltOkt kiONTBISA Is ON kitiNlaa Y &I ass
I nom, gent &September, 750 and :Sot °tardier,
ed fortnightly thereafter tor trIctous re 0 call-
us at Quebec tlaspc, Nal Buy. Peres, thane
laser, tlummeraide, 5.E.1., and Charlott °town,
newest Baintraiont, els, by the new p,ele
Merge 140, "Bermudian," 11,tee' teas. mailing
liStit September, 045,,ath , lant tetti sict Aso,. mit
Ieth and 37th Noventlia, r01,1,0,',4141.4 eoaled
by sea hies te s -seldom rise* 'ah ivo 6 I Anion..
The ntinet trips al (So 0.34.4ta tar health and
1llT11115 Secrei.ary. Quebec.
A. E. OUTEFIBRIDGE a SU„ .agents.
10 I5ruatlway, New 1..A%.
Ve Olde Firm
of Heintzman tt Co„ Limited.
Isezrztionizza !Rh
Established so Years.
Wonderful Bar ains
Acton the Motto, "Do It Now"
Tho statement is plain and bold, because ahsolut,ely correct, that here we
offea bargains in line well -made, good condition upright dianos that cannot bv
matched anywhere else.
MASON • BISON -Upright Piano, vial) 7 octavos, hand.
carved panels in top door with nicely turned trueree, a
very nice piano In fit -et -class condition, havinf been
thoroughly overhauled in our factory, fully guaranieed.
Regular price *375.00, special at .. 0226.851
KILOOUfl - Cabinet Urand. 3 panels in top door, swing
MUM° rack, full scale, rosewood mite. This piano in in
A t condition and le an instrument that will give every
possible satietaction, and is particularly good value at
....... . . , . . .
STANDARD - Toronto, full oleo Cabinet Oran& In wal•
nut case. Boston fall, beautifully decorated top door, 71-)
waves 3 pedals, practically ne ROOd as new and ther-
°tights, guaranteed.. Thto te an elegant inotrumeni. and
One ther will give every possible natisfaction. Regular
prier& e'75.00, special ist 5231.00
PRINCE - Beeutiftal whieut none, with full•lenst It
mastic racknicely decoraecil ton door, with 7 1.3 octaves',
Booton fall. 3 nedata. Marin frItTio 0 ye I. -hauled and le
Oret-eleee enndltinn, telly ratirenteed, enectal at 1231.88
MENDELSSONN. Toronto- Beautiful upright walnut rase.
vrith full-length MUM., inek. nicely deimrated tou
hnndsome trusses and pito/item 3 nedala, ['levant ntano
and while advso-tIsed utt perottd.hond
being only slightly ahonworn. Fully guaranteed.
*159,07, ortecitt ,,I, 3133.12
MENDELOSONN. TO,Ont0.-rleatalful ilyoright mahogany
ease, with to.11.1ength tangle rack, nicely decorated top
door, handeome trusnes and plInttlertt. 3 e'e
gant piano, and while tulvert10,11 40 ne. ond ltd
raelleally now, beinOnly edwro
ishtly ..hop ..
eg ear pele0 6376 03, ma:tidal at 8243.00
OXOPIOOE upriatit Cabinet Grand, beanwful mah,ac-
any cane, With Bonton fell, hand/tempt y cot. ed rr Coale
rack, three panel's. 7 1.3 octave., 3 pedals tire Is
beat instruments, in tiret:cln,es thorousld Y
overhauled and fully guaranteed. Nanelui t.1 3245.00
OfFIFILAY Upright Cabinet ()rand, writ 7 S1.“V.J.
Bouton fall. nicely decorated lop door. timi.d :in rut no
year. in ennditton, sind aperiel at 0783.00
WORMWITH J, CO. entity,' Ornittl. 7 IA ',saves. s
dale, inelusites oreheolt rrti t aebtreel ihte to
banjo, inandol. a tied horn etreet.J, F. 4..el1- de.
dOor, 1t1 05.4101 1,r11et 1, Illy 5,3 new five
year e11ir:1115te Npf.•• 01 5267.00
rtawcomas a 00. -Parlor Itrrtott tedant
Winn and u piano that wtlI el OW 124 7 1
nettoreit, vetv wilt:031r t Or 11. 7,1,1.fie I `1 ..teve et hall
ThOrtnindlly 15 55 rantecd Re-D.4111r erten 91100 00, 0,0.10 1
. 5410.00
STPINWAY & SON, New York rinsed with heau•
Ilul Norwood nage, lot nektonttly itt, I Int:, and lyre
overetrung ete The she or
"if 1,, utlimtett.... this t the it el 10., 4. .1 1 11 boon
thoroughly overtin.tiled, and lr, t e. .on, (elle
guaranteed (Lei:ruler prho 61.'611opts at at S500.00
Pianos under 8260 00-410.00 east)) and 9600 per month. ()rand mann... 820 GO east) and 5110)) tor ntlt choir
testy Or half -yearly payments 'an be arranged if dellred IT utteetal ar, ',gained ,ie” , tint, at
our expenseand the piano will be hold until arrangementn eon he made by litter .1 haat,.itt;,•
pantos esteh Instrument. Esoisiht prepaid to any point lo Ontarto, aud not...101110.de arran0entnut4 ttother poInta
Heintzman & Co., Limited,
115-117 King et. West, Toronto, Canada.
"OSHAWA3 Stanite d
Put them on with no tools but a
hammer and tinner's aheara, --can't
go wrong. They lock on all four
aides, are self -draining and water -
shedding on any roof With three or
more inches pitch to the foot. Make
buildings fire -proof, weatherproof
and proof against lightning. Cost
least in the long run. Made of 28 -
gauge toughened sheet steel- only
One quality used and that the beat -
bent cold and double -galvanized.
Last longer with no painting than
any other metal shingles heavily -
Address oar StOWEKIAL
nearest Warehouse t sti-e Oros et. w.11
Is Easy
painted. Guaranteed in every way
until 19i2. Ought to last a rentery.
Cheap as wood shine;es jr fis t
coat; far cheaper in the lere; ren.
"Oshawa " Galvanized lltsee elen-
gles cost only $4,e,0 1 seuar e,
10 ft. x 10 ft. T(•11 11n t h e
area of' any rcof and h. :kr vir
tempting offer for co• !'!,g it
with the eh oapost roof you
can really afford to buy. 1, e t
us send you I. 1 11.; E 'WI,.
about this rtxifing tittion t, 'la
some things you may nue Laow.
Os h a w et Galvanized Steel
Shingles are GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
osebeene st.
tali Anson et. SS Dtiutlas 019.
vma • VEL.
t -ani R., El tffi,
an% Posttley Elt